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Shamanism and psychedelics: A biogenetic structuralist paradigm of ecopsychology



Shamanism and psychedelics are central to understanding the evolutionary roots of ecopsychology and its basic principles. The ancient ritual roots of shamanism constituted the context within which psychedelic experiences contributed selective influences to the evolution of human neuropsychology. Both shamanic psychology and ecopsychology involve a neuroepistemology that reflects the neurotransmitter effects of psychedelics on cognition. Shamanism contributed to the development of our ecopsychology through influences on psychological, social and cognitive evolution. Shamanism embodies the concept of animism, the notion of the spiritual essence of all nature which is recognized as the core of the oldest of humanity's religious beliefs. Shamanism provided the context within which this animistic attitude and the sense of the sentience of the many entities of the world were developed, especially in the relationship to animals. Animal species and their variant qualities provided a natural metaphoric system to structure psychological development and the evolution of social organization. Within the context of shamanism, the worlds of animal species and spirits intertwined in the creation of symbolic potentials for the differentiation of self – embodied in animal spirit powers – and the collective identity of society – embodied in totemic animals. This incorporation of the elements of nature into personal powers and social identity made shamanic ecopsychology a basic feature of human nature and culture.
European Journal of Ecopsychology 4: 90-115 (2013)
Shamanism and psychedelics: A biogenetic
structuralist paradigm of ecopsychology
Arizona State University, USA
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Shamanic universals and their evolutionary origins
 
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
*!  .(:8!  .(()!  .((+-          4
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$   ! 
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Shamans and shamanistic healers
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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The ritual antecedents of shamanism
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Psychedelics and shamanic ecopsychology: drugs and human evolution
A      
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
    
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Psychedelics and shamanic phenomenology
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Psychointegrators as a neurophenomenological paradigm
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
    *0  ! +)):5 D!
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Serotonin as a modulator
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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 !5
Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
      1        
!            4
Psychointegration as the general dynamic of alterations of consciousness
                
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Homo %      !  6" 7 
biophilia 67
                   
Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
 4! *!
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Nature and animal relations in shamanism: The origins of ecopsychology
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Imitation of animals in shamanism: Hunting and human evolution
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Animism as ecopsychological identication
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Nature as self: Animal powers and guardian spirits
 F*.((:-
Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
 ! 4
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Totemism: Nature relations and group identity
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
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The Humanistic Psychologist!+8!8)4.))
F!Q*+))8-Map of ecopsychology practices$D+).<
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H!*.(:9-Hallucinogens: Cross-cultural perspectives$%%!D3?D
Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
F!*.((.-Origins of the modern mind. A!$3>?0
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Behavioral Pharmacology!,G!.,&<<
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>*-!From shaman to scientist: Essays on humanity’s search for spirits*G(4(8-
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Winkelman Shamanism and psychedelics
Time & Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture!<!.G(4.:+
performance, agency, and experience*<<.4<9(-3>"P
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multidisciplinary perspectives, volume 1: History, culture and the humanities*+<499-
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Email: ;W
... The interaction of psilocybin effects and ancient ritual capacities led to the evolution of shamanism and the formation of evolved aspects of optimal psychedelic set and setting (Winkelman, 2010a(Winkelman, , 2013a(Winkelman, , 2021c. Their renowned ability to induce entheogenic experiences, a sense of a spiritual other, shows these psilocybin effects involving activation of innate cognitive operators provide a natural neuro-epistemology, innate ways of knowing that reflect functions of neurotransmitter and brain systems (Winkelman, 2004(Winkelman, , 2017a(Winkelman, , 2017b(Winkelman, , 2018b. ...
... Their relevance to shamanism includes provoking core shamanic experiences such as the soul flight, death and rebirth, and transformation into an animal. Parallels between core features of shamanism and effects of psychedelics (summarized from Winkelman, 2010aWinkelman, , 2013a include integration of the group and enhancement of social cohesion, information in visions that produce an experience of access to a spiritual realm, sensations of healing energies, and an experience of the separation of one's soul or spirit from the body and its travel to the spiritual world. Psychedelics also reliably produce a range of mystical experiences, including the universal cores of mystical experiences (Griffiths et al., 2006(Griffiths et al., , 2011Richards, 2016). ...
... The evolution of shamanism from the collective ritual dynamic manifested in other hominids was most certainly shaped by the effects of psychedelics (Arce & Winkelman, 2021;Winkelman, 2010aWinkelman, , 2013aWinkelman, , 2021c. Psilocybin was a significant environmental factor across human evolution and a significant source of serotonin analogues that would have augmented the natural effects of these significant neuromodulatory neurotransmitters. ...
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Shamanism is a transcultural concept for understanding roles of ritual and psychedelics in the prehistoric origins of religiosity. The origins of religiosity are revealed by parallels of shamanic and chimpanzee collective ritualizations involving group chorusing and drumming with dramatic bipedal displays. This hominid baseline was expanded with mimetic evolution of song, dance and enactment. Psychedelic substances stimulate innate cognitive dispositions manifested in shamanism such as the human-like qualities of spirits, animal identities and other spiritual and mystical experiences. These structural features of consciousness are stimulated by mimetic performances with song, dancing, and drumming; painful and exhausting austerities; and psychedelic substances. These produce altered experiences of the self which are conceptualized within indigenous psychologies as spirits and one’s soul, spiritual allies, and animal powers that can be incorporated into personal powers (i.e., animal transformation). Cross-cultural manifestation of shamanic features reveal that they are based in biology rather than merely cultural traditions.
... Foragers mainly utilize psychedelics in shamanic rituals (Harner, 1973;Dobkin de Ríos, 1984;Winkelman, 2010Winkelman, , 2013a indicating a key aspect of psychedelic instrumentalization was incorporation into prosocial contexts involving synchronic activities (e.g., ritual, drumming, dancing, and singing) that were the precursors to shamanism (Winkelman, 2011a(Winkelman, ,b, 2019b(Winkelman, , 2021c. The prosocial and interpersonal effects of psychedelics (see Table 2) likely supported the "collective effervescence" (sensu Durkheim, 1995) and the sense of "communitas" (sensu Turner, 1969) during our ancestors' rituals, religious ceremonies, and secular celebrations, thus aiding activities that allowed individuals to reaffirm their common identity and their connectedness within the social order. ...
... In an attempt to endure, make sense of, and communicate such intense, self-defining experiences humans often deploy rhythmic, hermeneutical, and rhetorical activity (Doyle, 2011, also see Munn, 1973and Sterelny, 2018. Consequently, it is likely that repeated exposures to psilocybin mushrooms in ancestral human populations constituted an important influence on the origins and development of ancient religiosity, which comprised animism, belief in an afterlife, and shamanistic concepts (see Peoples et al., 2016 for a reconstruction of ancestral character states of religion; also Winkelman, 2010Winkelman, , 2013aWinkelman, , 2021b. ...
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Our hominin ancestors inevitably encountered and likely ingested psychedelic mushrooms throughout their evolutionary history. This assertion is supported by current understanding of: early hominins’ paleodiet and paleoecology; primate phylogeny of mycophagical and self-medicative behaviors; and the biogeography of psilocybin-containing fungi. These lines of evidence indicate mushrooms (including bioactive species) have been a relevant resource since the Pliocene, when hominins intensified exploitation of forest floor foods. Psilocybin and similar psychedelics that primarily target the serotonin 2A receptor subtype stimulate an active coping strategy response that may provide an enhanced capacity for adaptive changes through a flexible and associative mode of cognition. Such psychedelics also alter emotional processing, self-regulation, and social behavior, often having enduring effects on individual and group well-being and sociality. A homeostatic and drug instrumentalization perspective suggests that incidental inclusion of psychedelics in the diet of hominins, and their eventual addition to rituals and institutions of early humans could have conferred selective advantages. Hominin evolution occurred in an ever-changing, and at times quickly changing, environmental landscape and entailed advancement into a socio-cognitive niche, i.e., the development of a socially interdependent lifeway based on reasoning, cooperative communication, and social learning. In this context, psychedelics’ effects in enhancing sociality, imagination, eloquence, and suggestibility may have increased adaptability and fitness. We present interdisciplinary evidence for a model of psychedelic instrumentalization focused on four interrelated instrumentalization goals: management of psychological distress and treatment of health problems; enhanced social interaction and interpersonal relations; facilitation of collective ritual and religious activities; and enhanced group decision-making. The socio-cognitive niche was simultaneously a selection pressure and an adaptive response, and was partially constructed by hominins through their activities and their choices. Therefore, the evolutionary scenario put forward suggests that integration of psilocybin into ancient diet, communal practice, and proto-religious activity may have enhanced hominin response to the socio-cognitive niche, while also aiding in its creation. In particular, the interpersonal and prosocial effects of psilocybin may have mediated the expansion of social bonding mechanisms such as laughter, music, storytelling, and religion, imposing a systematic bias on the selective environment that favored selection for prosociality in our lineage.
... Additionally, Pollan's (2018) journalistic research has inspired many modern Westerners to perceive psychedelics differently, demonstrating how they can be used to help individuals facing a variety of life challenges. The benefits of using psychedelics not only pertain to an array of human mental health issues; they also have an ecopsychological component because they can induce transcendent experiences and feelings of connection with nature (Luke, 2013;Winkelman, 2013). With proper preparation and intention setting, 5-MeO-DMT has the potential for immense physical and mental healing R� ev� esz et al., 2021;The Conclave, 2019;Uthaug et al., 2019). ...
... The fact that they operate at the cortical level, said to be the basis of higherlevel operations, is coherent with the fundamental changes in consciousness reported by psychedelic users. Interestingly, the shamanic state of consciousness is said to induce behavioral and conscious aspects similar to those seen under the influence of psychedelics, such as mystical experiences and feelings of disembodiment (Krippner, 2000;Winkelman, 2013;Sweeney et al., 2022). ...
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The healthy conscious brain is thought to operate near a critical state, reflecting optimal information processing and high susceptibility to external stimuli. Conversely, deviations from the critical state are hypothesized to give rise to altered states of consciousness (ASC). Measures of criticality could therefore be an effective way of establishing the conscious state of an individual. Furthermore, characterizing the direction of a deviation from criticality may enable the development of treatment strategies for pathological ASC. The aim of this scoping review is to assess the current evidence supporting the criticality hypothesis, and the use of criticality as a conceptual framework for ASC. Using the PRISMA guidelines, Web of Science and PubMed were searched from inception to February 7th 2022 to find articles relating to measures of criticality across ASC. N = 427 independent papers were initially found on the subject. N = 378 were excluded because they were either: not related to criticality; not related to consciousness; not presenting results from a primary study; presenting model data. N = 49 independent papers were included in the present research, separated in 7 sub-categories of ASC: disorders of consciousness (DOC) (n = 5); sleep (n = 13); anesthesia (n = 18); epilepsy (n = 12); psychedelics and shamanic state of consciousness (n = 4); delirium (n = 1); meditative state (n = 2). Each category included articles suggesting a deviation of the critical state. While most studies were only able to identify a deviation from criticality without being certain of its direction, the preliminary consensus arising from the literature is that non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep reflects a subcritical state, epileptic seizures reflect a supercritical state, and psychedelics are closer to the critical state than normal consciousness. This scoping review suggests that, though the literature is limited and methodologically inhomogeneous, ASC are characterized by a deviation from criticality, though its direction is not clearly reported in a majority of studies. Criticality could become, with more extensive research, an effective and objective way to characterize ASC, and help identify therapeutic avenues to improve criticality in pathological brain states. Furthermore, we suggest how anesthesia and psychedelics could potentially be used as neuromodulation techniques to restore criticality in DOC.
... In some contexts, psychedelics acutely increase relational feelings of connectedness with nature, other humans, or with spirituality (Forstmann and Sagioglou, 2017;Watts et al., 2017;Yaden et al., 2019;Kettner et al., 2021). Psychedelics can produce an animistic mindset, where the natural world is humanized, personalized and socialized with human traits (sentience, relationality, intentionality, cooperation, intelligence) (Winkelman, 2013). In this Research ...
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The heralded psychedelic renaissance is currently at a new level where psychedelics are being normalized. Medicalization and the ongoing introduction of market forces are imposing a trend in which psychedelic treatments are reduced to focus into strictly pharmacological and psychological effects on the self, rather than interactions with broader social context. Such narrowing of how psychedelic treatments are being conceived, used, and researched is a source of concern for those who understand that psychedelics’ therapeutic effects as also derived from socially and culturally meaningful elements. Alienation – the sense of isolation from others – and the mental health problems associated with it are on the rise. Consequently, there is not only a need for new therapies but also for a renewed social adhesion and a commitment to a more just and equal society. Psychedelics have a long history of bringing people together, facilitating intense shared experiences, and revitalizing cultures. This social dimension of use of psychedelics—psychedelic sociality—should be considered in the current mainstreaming, as therein lies their potential to support change in individual therapy and beyond. This multidisciplinary research topic of psychedelic sociality invited scholars to discuss these issues through empirical research, reviews, perspectives, and theoretical papers. Overall, 21 papers were accepted to this research topic, covering different sections of Frontiers (Neuropharmacology, Psychopharmacology, Ethnopharmacology, Personality and Social Psychology, and Consciousness Research). We are especially proud of the broad scope of this issue and the diversity of disciplines represented in it. We believe that a beneficial mainstreaming of psychedelics requires going beyond the boundaries of disciplinary orientation. Interdisciplinary integration is necessary for the paradigmatic shift in mental health that many are yearning for: a shift from a narrow biomedical model to an expanded biopsychosocial model that emphasizes the interplay between biological, psychological, sociopolitical and environmental factors in mental health. The centrality of the experience and set & setting in psychedelic research is an invitation to transcend some of the boundaries between the natural sciences and the humanities (see Langlitz et al. (2021). The biopsychosocial model is especially relevant to psychedelic research because to answer questions regarding how psychedelics function, we must incorporate different levels of inquiry – from receptors to persons to culture.
... Here too Winkelman is an important exception. His curated database of shamans and other "magico-religious" healers across cultures (in space and time) has been utilized to explore evidence for hypotheses related to the possible function of psychedelic use in the origin, nature, and transformation of shamanist ideologies and healing practices in human evolution (Winkelman, 2013(Winkelman, , 2019b as well as other hypotheses related to CESR more broadly (Boyer, 2020). In a recent article, Winkelman summarized this evidence as supporting the conclusion that "it is likely that repeated exposures to psilocybin mushrooms in ancestral human populations constituted an important influence on the origins and development of ancient religiosity, which comprised animism, belief in an afterlife, and shamanic concepts" (Rodríguez Arce & Winkelman, 2021). ...
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This article calls for a more robust mutual engagement between the science of psychedelic experiences (SPE) and the cognitive evolutionary science of religion (CESR). Greater collaboration between researchers in these disciplines could open up opportunities for producing new knowledge not only about the human brain and the therapeutic effects of psychedelics, but also about the evolution of our species and our prospects for creatively enjoying our minds and peacefully living in pluralistic groups in a rapidly changing global environment. However, there are at least three major challenges facing the recently renewed field of SPE: 1) articulating adequate theoretical grounding for its research in a way that can be communicated to neighbor disciplines, 2) developing experimental designs that provide adequate warrant for its cross-cultural and more historically oriented claims, and 3) avoiding psychological, political, and philosophical minefields that could lead to an (over)reaction to the use of psychedelics in research of the sort that almost destroyed the field in the 1970s. While expressing a hope for reciprocal interaction, this article focuses primarily on some lessons learned by scholars in CESR – in relation to material theoretical developments, methodological testing strategies, and minefield navigation experiences – that might provide inspiration for scholars in SPE as they work to keep the renaissance in their field from going “off the rails.”
... 'mother earth' AND 'connection'; 'nature connection' AND 'empathy'; 'deep ecology' AND 'ecological self'; 'connectedness to nature'; 'relationship to nature'; 'emotional affinity' AND 'nature'; 'structure of environ*' AND 'environ* attitudes' AND 'environmental concern'; 'alienation' AND 'nature'; 'environmental concern' AND 'anthropomorphism' Intimacy with nature coincides with Wesley Schultz's (2001) self-expansion theory, ecological self (Bragg, 1996) and Shamanic ideology which recognises that there is an inclusion of nature in the self-concept and social identity (Winkelman, 2013) that shows commitment to nature. The category of intimacy emerged under the condition that nature was sacred and with spiritual value (Kamitsis & Francis, 2013;Martin, 2004;Trigwell et al., 2014) as can been seen in some Indigenous cultures (Salmón, 2000). ...
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The field of ecopsychology focuses on the affective relationship between individuals and nature that is based on the premise that what individuals love and care for, they will protect. There is however a methodological gap within the field of ecopsychology that relates to the qualitative exploration of the human-nature nexus. Elicitation techniques are a popular method used for exploring subconscious processes or to engage participants in a subject that might seem abstract such as affect towards nature. Currently, there exists no methodological guideline on how to develop a picture elicitation technique to explore the human-nature nexus and there is no technique to assist with this exploration. This article describes the methodology used to develop the Nature Nexus Elicitation Technique to enable the tacit exploration of the affective relationship that individuals have with nature. Six phases of the elicitation technique development are explained. The phases included a Systematic Literature Review, parallel study conducted online ( N = 43), emergent category validation, technique visual development, feasibility testing ( N = 5), and technique use ( N = 44). The results show the technique development processes as well as the output which is a range of cards that cover human-nature expressions that include intimacy, empathy, engagement, ambivalence, apathy, and alienation.
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Psychedelic substances have the potential to induce profound alterations in cognition, emotionality, and sensory perception. The quality and intensity of these subjective effects exhibit high intra- and inter-individual variability, which can potentially be accounted for by the variability in contexts in which psychedelics are used. Therefore, the aim of the present cross-sectional study was to investigate how contextual factors - both internal and external - are related to the subjective intensity of psychedelic experiences. Participants filled an online survey and reported their motivations for past use of a given substance, frequency of use in different environments and social contexts. Additionally participants filled the Ego Dissolution Inventory to evaluate the intensity of past ego-dissolution experiences. Robust linear regression analysis was performed on data from 862 psychedelic users (701 used LSD and 553 used psilocybin mushrooms) and revealed that participants consuming psychedelics for spiritual or self-healing purposes reported more intense ego-dissolution experiences, while those reporting curiosity as a motivation reported less intense ego-dissolution effects. However, the social context and physical environment did not exhibit robust associations with the reported ego-dissolution, suggesting that setting might not account for ego-dissolution in naturalistic users, or that its impact is more complex or nuanced. Therefore, our study improves understanding of how contextual factors are related to the acute psychedelic experiences in naturalistic context, and thus could contribute to improving harm reduction strategies and optimizing psychedelic-assisted therapies.
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Through a close study of T. Yunkaporta's 2019’s Sand Talk, this article explores fractal thinking and the pattern of creation in Indigenous cosmology; the role of custodianship in respectful interaction between living systems; alternative Indigenous understandings of nonlinearity, time, and transience; the process-panpsychism and animism present in Indigenous perceptions of cosmos as living Country, illustrated in the Dreaming and Turnaround creation event; the role of embodied cognition and haptic and situated knowledge in Indigenous science; Indigenous holistic reasoning and the mind-body connection; the process-relational metaphysic embedded in ritual and yarning practice; the knowledge encoded in place-based totemic mythology, lore, and ritual; and Indigenous understandings of complex systems as adaptive, self-organizing, and patterned. This article does not offer a process reading of Indigenous thought but rather demonstrates the significant contribution to process metaphysics that may be provided by an Aboriginal Australian perspective. Yunkaporta's text carves out a language of resistance to the McDonaldization of Indigenous research. While historic scholarly engagement with Aboriginal culture has overemphasized content, Yunkaporta demonstrates how this has occurred to the exclusion of the processes of Indigenous knowledge transmission and creation. Yet a process view requires engagement with the how, not only with the what. Such knowledge transmission is discerned in daily lived relationships among land, spirit, and people—binding epistemology to participation in a specific landscape embedded within a living culture. Place-making for Indigenous knowledges requires exploring how Indigenous ways of valuing, knowing, and being, shaped by cultural activities on Country, offer new understandings for Western metaphysics.
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Examines features of religion from biological and evolutionary perspectives
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Although the term "shamanic" is used to refer to a diverse range of phenomena, it nonetheless reflects something empirical. Cross-cultural research illustrates that the concept of the shaman reflects the existence of similar spiritual healing practices found in pre-modern foraging and simple horticultural and pastoral societies around the world (Winkelman, 1992; 2000). This cross-cultural concept of the shaman was initially proposed by the renowned scholar of comparative religion, Mircea Eliade (1964). However, his various characterizations of shamans were in part responsible for subsequent confusion regarding their exact nature and function. While offering very general characterizations of the shaman as someone who entered a state of "ecstasy" to interact with "spirits" on behalf of the community, Eliade also cited many additional specific concepts of the shaman which some subsequent researchers neglected in their applications of this term. This paper presents the findings of cross-cultural and crossspecies research that provides a basis for describing shamanism, its relationships to human nature, and its deep evolutionary origins. Shamanism has its bases in innate aspects of human cognition, engaging the use of altered states of consciousness to integrate information across several levels of the brain to produce visual symbolism exemplified in visionary experiences. The deeper evolutionary roots of shamanism are found in the capacities for ritual, which provide the most important communication and integrative processes in lower animal species. The evolution of shamanism can be deduced from these bases and the similarities of shamanic practices to the rituals of chimpanzees. Drumming, group vocalization, and other displays were the foundations from which the uniquely human mimetic capacity evolved and provided a basis for shamanism.
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This book examines shamanism from evolutionary and biological perspectives to identify the origins of shamanic healing in rituals that enhance individual and group function. What does the brain do during "soul journeys"? How do shamans alter consciousness and why is this important for healing? Are shamans different from other kinds of healers? Is there a connection between the rituals performed by chimpanzees and traditional shamanistic practices? All of these questions and many more are answered in Shamanism, Second Edition: A Biopsychosocial Paradigm of Consciousness and Healing. This text contains crosscultural examinations of the nature of shamanism, biological perspectives on alterations of consciousness, mechanisms of shamanistic healing, as well as the evolutionary origins of shamanism. It presents the shamanic paradigm within a biopsychosocial framework for explaining successful human evolution through group rituals. In the final chapter,"the author compares shamanistic rituals with chimpanzee displays to identify homologies that point to the ritual dynamics of our ancient hominid ancestors.
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Ritual alterations of consciousness are a virtual universal of human cultures, reflecting a basic human drive generally considered of central importance to religion and spiritual practices. Cross-cultural perspectives show both similarities in the experiences of altered consciousness (AC) that implicate biological factors as the basis for similarities across cultures, time, and space, as well as cultural differences in the manifestations of these potentials that implicate social factors. Individual and group experiences of altered consciousness may vary in many ways, but it is commonal-ities and recurrent patterns, rather than unique differences, that are crucial to understanding AC. This introduction reviews evidence for the universal manifestation of altered consciousness. This universal manifestation is not well explained in the classic paradigms of altered states of consciousness that emphasize their individual nature. In contrast, a biological approach to consciousness helps to situate altered consciousness within human nature. This perspective provides a foundation for an approach that characterizes AC in terms of an integrative mode of consciousness that reflects systemic features of brain functioning. This integrative mode of consciousness is typified in theta wave patterns that synchronize the frontal cortex with discharges from lower brain structures. This integration of ancient brain functions into the frontal cortex explains many of the key features of AC.
Since the time of atomists like Democritus, forerunner of Plato and Aristotle, two modes of scientific explanation have been used to fill the conceptual space between mind and brain, a dualism more grudgingly resistant to resolution than that of energy and matter. One method assumes a world of hidden realities, impenetrable, to be understood by conjecture and test, observations evaluated for their consistency with hypothetical constructs. The other requires an intuitive grasp of the essence, insightful awareness of the thing itself. The first approach defines a unification of mind and brain out of the possible; the second assumes it. Feelings about these orientations still run strong. In a recent book, the philosopher of science Sir Karl Popper expressed irritation with Plato for intermixing these two thought styles without acknowledging the intermixture, concluding that only the conjectural-test approach is valid; the other kind of knowing Popper dismissed as a “will-o-the-wisp” (Popper & Eccles, 1977).
What does it mean to be human? There are many theories of the evolution of human behavior which seek to explain how our brains evolved to support our unique abilities and personalities. Most of these have focused on the role of brain size or specific genetic adaptations of the brain. In contrast, Fred Previc presents a provocative theory that high levels of dopamine, the most widely studied neurotransmitter, account for all major aspects of modern human behavior. He further emphasizes the role of epigenetic rather than genetic factors in the rise of dopamine. Previc contrasts the great achievements of the dopaminergic mind with the harmful effects of rising dopamine levels in modern societies and concludes with a critical examination of whether the dopaminergic mind that has evolved in humans is still adaptive to the health of humans and to the planet in general.
That the cerebral hemispheres are requisite for the spontaneous, directed activities of terrestrial vertebrates has been well known since the last century. As Ferrier (1876) noted, if a decerebrated animal “be left to itself, undisturbed by any form of external stimulus, it remains fixed and immovable on the same spot, and unless artificially fed, dies of starvation....” As has since been repeatedly confirmed, the neuraxis below the level of the hemispheres contains the neural apparatus required for posture and locomotion and the integrated performance of bodily actions involved in self-preservation and procreation. Since the cerebral hemispheres are essential for psychological functions, they may appropriately be referred to as the psychencephalon.
This chapter presents a neurophenomenological model of psychedelic-induced transpersonal experiences, therapeutic processes that they induce, and their implications for transpersonal theory. The pharmacological effects of psychedelics also enable them to address a range of psychological and emotional maladies. In addition to indigenous and shamanic approaches, there are four main types of psychedelic sessions: psycholytic and psychedelic—which developed from Grof's work—entactogenic, and pharmacological. While it is safe to say that transpersonal psychology could exist without psychedelics, it may be just as safe to say that transpersonal psychology would not exist without psychedelics. The chapter concludes with a brief overview of the multidisciplinary implications of psychedelics for the sciences and society.