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Abstract and Figures

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system and is associated with demyelination, neurodegeneration, and sensitivity to oxidative stress. In this work, we administered a nanodroplet formulation of pomegranate seed oil (PSO), denominated Nano-PSO, to mice induced for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an established model of MS. PSO comprises high levels of punicic acid, a unique polyunsaturated fatty acid considered as one of the strongest natural antioxidants. We show here that while EAE-induced mice treated with natural PSO presented some reduction in disease burden, this beneficial effect increased significantly when EAE mice were treated with Nano-PSO of specific size nanodroplets at much lower concentrations of the oil. Pathological examinations revealed that Nano-PSO administration dramatically reduced demyelination and oxidation of lipids in the brains of the affected animals, which are hallmarks of this severe neurological disease. We propose that novel formulations of natural antioxidants such as Nano-PSO may be considered for the treatment of patients suffering from demyelinating diseases. On the mechanistic side, our results demonstrate that lipid oxidation may be a seminal feature in both demyelination and neurodegeneration.
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International Journal of Nanomedicine 2015:10 7165–7174
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Treatment of a multiple sclerosis animal model
by a novel nanodrop formulation of a natural
Orli Binyamin1,*
Liraz Larush2,*
Kati Frid1
Guy Keller1
Yael Friedman-Levi1
Haim Ovadia1
Oded Abramsky1
Shlomo Magdassi2
Ruth Gabizon1
1Department of Neurology, The
Agnes Ginges Center of Human
Neurogenetics, Hadassah University
Hospital, 2Casali Institute of
Chemistry, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
*These authors contributed equally
to this work
Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous
system and is associated with demyelination, neurodegeneration, and sensitivity to oxidative
stress. In this work, we administered a nanodroplet formulation of pomegranate seed oil (PSO),
denominated Nano-PSO, to mice induced for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
(EAE), an established model of MS. PSO comprises high levels of punicic acid, a unique poly-
unsaturated fatty acid considered as one of the strongest natural antioxidants. We show here that
while EAE-induced mice treated with natural PSO presented some reduction in disease burden,
this beneficial effect increased significantly when EAE mice were treated with Nano-PSO of
specific size nanodroplets at much lower concentrations of the oil. Pathological examinations
revealed that Nano-PSO administration dramatically reduced demyelination and oxidation of
lipids in the brains of the affected animals, which are hallmarks of this severe neurological
disease. We propose that novel formulations of natural antioxidants such as Nano-PSO may
be considered for the treatment of patients suffering from demyelinating diseases. On the
mechanistic side, our results demonstrate that lipid oxidation may be a seminal feature in both
demyelination and neurodegeneration.
Keywords: nanodrops, PSO, EAE, oxidative stress, neurodegeneration
Sensitivity to oxidative stress is a common pathological feature in all neurodegenerative
diseases.1 In fact, most of the key disease proteins forming aggregates in such condi-
tions are oxidized,2,3 and in prion diseases, oxidation of Met residues in PrP Helix3
precedes its acquisition of protease resistance.4 Also brain lipids are oxidized in these
and other brain diseases,5,6 suggesting that lipid oxidation may play an important role
in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases.7–9 Oxidized phospholipids gener-
ate compounds, such as 4-oxo-2-nonenal and acrolein, which are predominantly toxic
to brain cells.10 Recent evidence suggests that, in addition to autoimmune pathways,
the neurological damage in demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS)11
may also be of neurodegenerative nature.12–14 Indeed, oxidation of brain proteins
was shown to occur both in MS and in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
(EAE),15 a well-studied animal model of MS. Most importantly, lipids in MS plaques
are oxidized, as demonstrated by immunostaining with an antibody against oxidized
We have recently shown that administration of a nanodroplet formulation of
pomegranate seed oil (PSO), denominated Nano-PSO, can significantly reduce the
oxidation of lipids in a transgenic mouse model of genetic prion disease.17 In the
Correspondence: Ruth Gabizon
Department of Neurology, The Agnes
Ginges Center for Human Neurogenetics,
Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem
91120, Israel
Tel +972 2 677 3744
Fax +972 2 642 9441
Journal name: International Journal of Nanomedicine
Article Designation: Original Research
Year: 2015
Volume: 10
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Running head recto: Treatment of a multiple sclerosis animal model
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Binyamin et al
TgMHu2ME199K mice, reduction in lipid oxidation, as well
as reduced neuronal death, occurred concomitantly with a
significant delay in disease onset, constituting a proof of
concept that an advanced formulation of a natural antioxidant
may fight neurodegeneration. No apparent side effects were
observed in the time frame (6–8 months) and doses of Nano-
PSO administered to the mice in these experiments.
PSO comprises a unique component named punicic acid
(PA), a polyunsaturated fatty acid also considered as one of
the strongest natural antioxidants.18 The oil-in-water (O/W)
nanoemulsion of PSO denominated as Nano-PSO19 may
increase the bioability and activity of PSO. This approach,
as is the case for delivery systems, such as phospholipid
micelles or nanodroplets,20–22 may allow the distribution of
the oil components to organs other than the liver, thereby
enabling a longer circulation that may increase the levels of
PA available to pass the blood–brain barrier (BBB). Indeed,
similar unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, were
shown to readily cross the BBB.23–25 PA is present only in
PSO (60%–80%) and Trichosanthes kirilowii (40%)26 and
was effective in protecting tissue lipid profiles in inflam-
matory disease models.27 PSO’s lack of toxicity and partial
bioavailability was already established in humans.26 An addi-
tional antioxidant, β-sitosterol, which was demonstrated to
accumulate in the plasma membrane of brain cells,28 is pres-
ent in PSO at significantly higher concentrations as compared
to oils from other plants,29 indicating PSO may constitute a
natural compound with stronger antioxidant activities than
its individual components.
In this work, we describe the clinical and pathological
effects of Nano-PSO in the treatment of EAE-induced mice.
We show that while administration of large doses of PSO in
food can reduce disease burden in the EAE mice, Nano-PSO
exerts a wider effect at a much lower dose. We also estab-
lished an optimal size for the activity of PSO lipid droplets
in this clinical model. Concomitant with decreased disease
burden, pathological examination of brain sections from
Nano-PSO-treated mice also revealed reduced demyelination
and almost eradication of brain lipid oxidation. Our results
therefore reinforce the notion that lipid oxidation is an impor-
tant factor in demyelinating diseases and show that advanced
formulations of natural antioxidants may be both safe and
efficient in the long-term treatment of diseases such as MS.
Materials and methods
Animal experiments
All animal experiments were conducted under the guidelines
and supervision of the Hebrew University Ethical Committee,
which approved the methods employed in this project (Permit
Number: MD-13-13772-5).
Induction of EAE
Induction of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)
EAE was done as previously described.30,31 Shortly, 6- to
8-week-old female C57BL/6 mice were immunized with an
emulsion containing 200 μg of MOG35–55 (70% purified; syn-
thesized at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel) in saline and
an equal volume of complete Freund’s adjuvant containing
5 mg/mL H37RA (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI, USA). The
inoculum (0.2 mL) was injected subcutaneously into right and
left flanks. One hundred nanograms of pertussis toxin (List
Biological Labs, Campbell, CA, USA) in 0.1 mL saline was
also injected intraperitoneally on day 0 and 48 hours later.
EAE scoring system
Mice were observed daily for the appearance of neurological
symptoms, which were scored as follows: 0, asymptomatic;
1, partial loss of tail tonicity; 1.5, limp tail; 2, hind limb
weakness (right reflex); 3, ataxia; 4, early paralysis; 5, full
paralysis; and 6, moribund or dead.
Preparation of PSO-enriched food
One kilogram of mouse-pelleted food (Harlan, Teklad) was
dissolved in water and subsequently supplemented with 25 or
75 mL of PSO (Flavex, Rehlingen, Germany). The mixture
was next reassembled and dehydrated as pellets.
Preparation of O/W pomegranate oil
nanoemulsion by sonication
A nanoemulsion with 10.8% oil fraction was prepared as
follows: 1.56 g of pomegranate oil, 0.65 g of Tween 80, and
0.39 g of glyceryl monooleate were mixed by a magnetic
stirrer for 20 minutes. Approximately 2.5 g of the aforemen-
tioned mixture was mixed with 0.277 g of glycerol using a
magnetic stirrer for 15 minutes. Then, 2 g of the glycerol
mixture was added drop wise to 8 g of deionized water. A
crude white emulsion was obtained. At the second stage, this
crude emulsion was sonicated using a horn sonicator (model
Vibra-Cell; Sonics & Materials, Inc., USA) for 10 minutes at
750 W. The samples were cooled in an ice water bath during
the sonication process. A bluish emulsion was obtained.
Preparation of 30 nm self-emulsifying
A mixture comprising 26.3% PSO, 31.57% Tween 80, and
42.13% Cremophor RH 40 was mixed using a magnetic stirrer
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2015:10 submit your manuscript |
Treatment of a multiple sclerosis animal model
for 20 minutes. Then, 10 μL of the mixture was added to 3 mL
of deionized water. After vortexing for 30–60 seconds, an
emulsion with nanosized droplets was obtained. The size of
the O/W nanoemulsion droplets was 101 nm; Z average, peak
1: 30 nm, 92.5%; peak 2: 334 nm, 7.1%; peak 3: 4,796 nm,
0.4%; and polydispersity index (Pdi): 0.403.
Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
Lipid peroxidation was evaluated by measuring levels of
malonaldehyde (MDA). A total of 0.15 g of brain tissue was
homogenized in 1.35 mL lysis buffer containing 1% deion-
ized Triton X-100 in 25 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl,
and 5 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and centrifuged
at 3,000 rpm for 15 minutes at 4°C. Then, 100 μL of the
supernatant was added to 50 μL of 8.1% sodium dodecyl
sulfate, 20 μL of 20% acetic acid pH 3.5, 10 μL of 1.33%
thiobarbituric acid, and 120 μL deionized distilled water
and incubated for an hour at 95°C. After cooling, 300 μL of
n-butanol:pyridine (15:1) was added, and the mixture was
centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 5 minutes at room temperature.
Absorbance of the organic phase was measured using spectro-
photometer at λ=532 nm. The amount of thiobarbituric acid
reactive substances (TBARS) was determined according to
a standard calibration curve generated from MDA.
The nanodroplets were imaged using a transmission electron
microscope Tecnai G2Spirit Twin T-12. The microscope
was equipped with an FEI 4k Eagle CCD camera. Sample
preparation was done using Vitrobot Mark IV (FEI).
Dynamic light scattering
Size measurements of the droplets were performed with
a Zetasizer Nano S (Malvern Instruments, Malvern, UK)
in triplicates after dilution of the emulsion in water. The
size of the coarse white emulsion droplets was in the range
of few microns. The average size of the droplets of the
O/W nanoemulsion used in these experiments was 30 and
180 nm.
Pathological examinations
Histological evaluations were performed on paraffin-
embedded sections of brain samples. Sections were stained
with Luxol fast blue/periodic acid Schiff (EMD Millipore,
Billerica, MA, USA) to assess demyelination. Paraffin-
embedded sections of brains were used for immunohis-
tochemistry with EO6 an antibody against oxidized lipids.
Consecutive section was stained with hematoxylin and eosin
to recognize infiltrates.
Most chemicals were from Sigma-Aldrich Co. (St Louis,
MO, USA). PSO was from Flavex, and EO6 was from Avanti
Polar Lipids, Alabaster, AL, USA.
Statistical studies
Analyses of EAE score graphs were performed with the
Microsoft Excel software (2010). Graphs represent the mean
and respective standard error of clinical scores of groups of
mice. The differences between experimental groups were
assessed by one-way analysis of variance followed by the
paired two-tailed Student’s t-test. Also the statistical analysis
of TBARS experiments was done in the same way.
Quantification of pathology immunostaining was per-
formed by measuring the stain-positive area in different fields
at a magnification ×40. Stained pixels were measured using
image pro analyzer 3D software, Media Cybernetics.
Low levels of Nano-PSO signicantly
reduced disease burden in EAE-induced
Nano-PSO droplets were prepared as described in the
“Materials and methods” section and characterized by
dynamic light scattering measurement of droplet size as
well as by Cryo-TEM imaging (Figure 1A and B). Unless
stipulated otherwise, mice suffering from EAE were treated
with Nano-PSO droplets with an average size of 180 nm.
To induce EAE, groups of C57Bl naïve female mice
were immunized with an emulsion comprising MOG35–55
peptide and complete Freund’s adjuvant, resulting in an
acute neurological paralytic disease followed by partial
remission.32,33 Following the induction, mice were scored
daily for disease signs as described in the “Materials and
methods” section. Figure 2A shows results from an experi-
ment in which EAE-induced mice were fed from the day
of induction either with normal chow (untreated) or with
chow to which increasing concentrations of PSO (see levels
of oil in graph legend) were added per 3 g of chow, which
is the average daily consumption of food by each mouse.
The figure shows that daily doses of 100–300 μL of PSO
were effective in reducing disease burden in the EAE
mice (60% of the highest score in the EAE untreated mice
for the 100 μL PSO dose and 36% for the 300 μL dose;
P,0.05 for PSO-treated groups versus untreated groups).
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2015:10
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Binyamin et al
Lower levels of PSO were not effective against the disease.
While this constitutes a proof of principle that high levels
of PSO can have an anti-EAE effect, such levels of oil, in
particular when converted to human doses (4–12 mL of oil/d),
are difficult to consume on a daily basis.
To overcome this limitation, we next tested the α-EAE
activity of Nano-PSO at different concentrations. As opposed
to the continuous consumption of PSO in food, Nano-PSO
was administered once a day by gavage (diluted into 150 μL
of water). Figure 2B shows that a 10% dose of the lowest
active concentration of PSO in food mostly abolished dis-
ease presentation when administered as Nano-PSO (dashed
line) (P,0.05). Moreover, even lower levels of Nano-PSO
(0.8 μL/d) were effective against EAE. This indicates that
Nano-PSO is a much more effective formulation than the
natural oil in the treatment of EAE, as was the case for
the delay of disease onset of genetic CJD in a transgenic
Figure 2 Nano-PSO as an α-EAE agent.
Notes: Mice were induced for EAE and treated from day 1 of the induction either with PSO or with Nano-PSO. (A) Designated EAE-induced groups were fed either with
normal mouse chow (untreated group; n=10) or with chow enriched with PSO at the concentration in which 3 g (daily intake) comprises the levels designated in the gure
insert: 100 (n=10) or 300 μL (n=8) PSO. P,0.05 for all PSO-treated groups versus the untreated group. (B) Designated EAE-induced groups were either left untreated or
treated (by gavage) with 150 μL solution comprising 0.2, 0.8 (n=6), or 10 μL (n=7) PSO in the form of Nano-PSO. P,0.05 for 0.8 and 10 μL PSO-treated group versus the
untreated group.
Abbreviations: PSO, pomegranate seed oil; EAE, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
  
Figure 1 Droplet size analysis.
Notes: (A) DLS results for Nano-PSO and (B) cryo-TEM image of Nano-PSO.
Abbreviations: DLS, dynamic light scattering; PSO, pomegranate seed oil; cryo-TEM, cryogenic transmission electron microscope.
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Treatment of a multiple sclerosis animal model
Figure 3 Individual α-EAE activity of Nano-PSO ingredients.
Notes: Mice were induced for EAE and treated from day 1 of induction (by gavage)
with the reagents described in the insert of the gure (n=7 for each of the groups).
Nano-PSO was administrated at a dose of 2 μL PSO per 150 μL solution. Mice were
scored daily for EAE signs for 2 additional weeks. P,0.05 for the results in the Nano-
PSO group versus all others.
Abbreviations: PSO, pomegranate seed oil; EAE, experimental autoimmune
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Anti-EAE activity of Nano-PSO
As stated in the “Introduction” section, the main compo-
nent of PSO is PA, a 18:3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. This
is also the main or only compound that differentiates PSO
from other vegetable oils,29 in particular soybean oil. To test
whether PA is indeed the Nano-PSO component that exerts
most of the α-EAE effect, EAE-induced mice were treated
from the day of the induction with a comparable Nano-Soya
formulation, as well as with a mixture of the emulsifying
agents. Figure 3 shows that only Nano-PSO (2 μL PSO/d)
exerted a beneficial clinical effect on the EAE-induced mice
(P,0.05), while groups treated with Nano-Soya or the sur-
factants alone behave similarly in disease pattern and score
to the untreated EAE mice.
Treatment as compared to prevention in
EAE-induced mice
Next, we tested whether Nano-PSO can reduce neurological
damage already inflicted by EAE induction, as opposed to
prevent/delay EAE onset. To this effect, we compared the
clinical effect of Nano-PSO administration from the day of
induction (10 μL PSO/d) to that of the same dose adminis-
tered from day 7 postinduction (graph results from day 10
postinduction). It is well established that at this time point of
EAE induction, activated immune cells are already formed
and infiltrated into the central nervous system (CNS).34
Figure 4 shows that Nano-PSO administration exerts a benefi-
cial effect at both time points (P,0.05); however, while the
early treatment shows both delay in disease onset and reduced
disease burden, the latter treatment only shows reduced
scores but a similar kinetics of disease presentation as the
untreated mice. This is a very encouraging result, indicating
Nano-PSO could be beneficial to humans already suffering
from early signs of demyelinating diseases such as MS.
Effect of size of Nano-PSO droplet on its
α-EAE activity
Since the rational for using PSO nanodroplets in these experi-
ments lies in the possibility that such entities, as opposed to
the large drops of natural PSO, may escape the liver trap on
their first passage, we next asked whether the size of such
droplets is important. All batches of Nano-PSO in the previ-
ous experiments comprised droplets of 180 nm (Figure 1)
since this size of nanoparticles was shown to be successful
for other brain conditions.35,36 We now compared the α-EAE
activity of the 180 nm nanodrops with that of a Nano-PSO
formulation in which the average diameter of the droplets
is close to 30 nm, a size used for the targeting of RNA and
drugs containing lipid droplets to peripheral organs, such as
liver37 or lungs.38 To prepare these 30 nm droplets formula-
tion, a self-emulsifying system was developed according
Figure 4 Nano-PSO in the prevention and treatment of EAE.
Notes: Mice induced for EAE were administered Nano-PSO in two different start
points. As shown in the insert, while one group of induced mice was left untreated
(n=8), a second group was treated with Nano-PSO from day 1 of the induction (n=6)
and a third group from day 7 of the induction (n=7). Mice were scored daily for EAE
signs for 2 additional weeks. P,0.05 for both Nano-PSO treatments.
Abbreviations: PSO, pomegranate seed oil; EAE, experimental autoimmune
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2015:10
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Binyamin et al
to the procedure described in the “Materials and methods”
section and in patent No. 14/523,408.39 PSO nanodroplets
of both sizes were administered to EAE-induced mice from
day 1 of the induction at a dose of 10 μL of PSO per day.
Figure 5 shows that the formulation comprising the lower
size droplets had no beneficial effect in EAE-induced mice,
as opposed to the strong response of the sick mice to the
180 nm formulation (P,0.05). The 30 nm formulation was
even less active than the 10 μL dose of PSO in its natural
form (Figure 1). It is possible that lower size nanodroplets
may be absorbed by peripheral organs soon after ingestion
and have no opportunity to pass the BBB from the blood
and generate a beneficial effect in the CNS. Also, smaller
droplets may be more prone to oxidation than the larger ones.
Whether small Nano-PSO droplets can or cannot generate
a beneficial effect in other clinical settings outside the brain
remains to be established.
Treatment of EAE-induced mice with
Nano-PSO inhibits demyelination and
oxidation of brain lipids
To test if the lower clinical scores resulting from Nano-PSO
treatment of EAE-induced mice are consistent with reduced
appearance of EAE pathological markers, we looked in the
brains of treated and untreated mice for several parameters,
such as infiltration of immune cells, demyelination, and
lipid oxidation. Figure 6 shows that while immune infil-
trates can be detected in both treated and untreated EAE
brains (sections E and G), Nano-PSO administration sig-
nificantly reduced lipid oxidation levels (sections A and B
and enlarged in D and F), as detected by the EO6 antibody
staining in both treated and untreated brains. As opposed to
EAE mice, no EO6 immunostaining (section C) or immune
infiltrates (not shown) could be observed in naïve mice.
Nano-PSO administration also reduced demyelination lev-
els, as can be seen by comparing Luxol fast blue staining
for myelin in both brains and spinal cords of untreated, EAE
and naïve mice (section H–J). Interestingly, while the EO6
antibody recognized in the untreated mice both a diffuse
and a light staining as well as focal points stained intensely
(section D), the latter one reminiscent of the plaques in the
patients with MS,6 in the Nano-PSO-treated EAE brains,
only the light and diffuse pattern of immunostaining was
apparent (section F). Quantification of the levels of EO6
stain was performed by measuring the positive area in six
different fields at a magnification ×40. Stained pixels were
measured using image pro analyzer 3D software, Media
Cybernetics (“Materials and methods” section). The quan-
tification results show that while for EAE-treated sections
the percentage of positive area was 1.11±0.08, for the
nontreated samples, it was 5.17±1.13 and for the wild-type
brains 0.07±0.03.
Interestingly, there was no colocalization between infil-
trates and the oxidated plaques in the untreated EAE brains
(compare sections D and E), indicating that while infiltration
of activated immune cells may induce demyelination via oxi-
dation of focal points, inhibition of such oxidation even in the
presence of infiltrates may ameliorate disease signs (compare
F and G). As we have shown previously,17 EO6 does not
recognize any forms in naïve mice suggesting that oxidized
phospholipids are a feature of brain disease (section C).
Administration of Nano-PSO reduced
MDA levels in EAE-induced mice brains
MDA is a product of lipid peroxidation, and its levels can
be empirically measured by the TBARS.40 It was recently
shown to be increased in blood and saliva of MS patients.41
To establish whether MDA levels are elevated in the brains
of EAE-induced mice and whether such elevation can be
alleviated by Nano-PSO treatment, we subjected brain
samples from six wild type, five EAE, and three treated
EAE mice to the TBARS test (“Materials and methods”
section). Figure 7 shows that while MDA levels are elevated
significantly in the brains of EAE-induced mice (P,0.001
between naïve and untreated EAE brains), these are reduced
almost to the levels of naïve brains following Nano-PSO
Figure 5 Small Nano-PSO particles are inactive against EAE.
Notes: Mice induced for EAE were treated with Nano-PSO in different droplet
sizes. As shown in the insert, while one group of induced mice was left untreated
(n=8), a second group was treated with 180 nm droplets of Nano-PSO (n=7), and a
third group with 30 nm Nano-PSO droplets (n=7). P,0.05 for the untreated group
versus the group treated with 180 nm droplets of Nano-PSO.
Abbreviations: PSO, pomegranate seed oil; EAE, experimental autoimmune
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International Journal of Nanomedicine 2015:10 submit your manuscript |
Treatment of a multiple sclerosis animal model
treatment (P,0.663 between naïve and EAE-treated brains).
These results, together with the results from Figure 6 also
demonstrating reduced levels of oxidized phospholipids in
Nano-PSO-treated EAE mice, strongly suggest that Nano-
PSO may reduce lipid oxidation.
We have shown here that, as is the case for some dietary
unsaturated lipids,42 administration of PSO comprising high
levels of PA, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, can be clinically
beneficial to mice induced for EAE, a model of MS. How-
ever, while the oil in its natural form could only reduce
disease burden significantly when given at very high doses,
a superior clinical effect was achieved when 1% of these
PSO levels were administrated to the EAE-induced mice
in the form of emulsified nanodroplets, denominated Nano-
PSO. Nano-PSO was also beneficial to the EAE mice when
treatment commenced close to disease manifestation (day 7)
and not only when administered concomitant with disease
induction. This suggests that our reagent may be effective not
Figure 6 Pathological markers of EAE in Nano-PSO treated and untreated mice.
Notes: Nano-PSO treated and untreated mice were sacriced 3 weeks after induction of EAE, and their formalin-xed, parafn-embedded brain sections as well as those
of age-matched naïve mice (C and J) were stained by mAb EO6 (AD and F), H&E (E and G), and LFB/PAS (brains and spinal cords) (HJ). (D) and (F) represent an
enlargement of the squares in (A) and (B); (E) and (G) are serial sections of (D) and (F), respectively. Arrows in (DG) indicate immune inltrates. Arrows in (H) represent
demyelinated areas.
Abbreviations: EAE, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; PSO, pomegranate seed oil; mAb, monoclonal antibody; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; LFB, Luxol fast
blue; PAS, periodic acid Schiff.
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International Journal of Nanomedicine 2015:10
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Binyamin et al
only for disease prevention but also for abrogation of disease
progression. We have also demonstrated that the size of the
nanodroplets is important for their therapeutic effect since
30 nm droplets of PSO were inactive in this clinical setting
as opposed to those approximately 200 nm size. Indeed, the
small droplets may succumb to disruption by biosurfactants
such as bile salts at a different rate than larger droplets,43,44
which may remain intact for longer periods of time, and
subsequently cross the BBB.
On the mechanistic side, we have shown here that Nano-
PSO can inhibit both demyelination and lipid oxidation in
EAE brains even in the presence of immune infiltrates in the
CNS. These results indicate that while oxidized lipids may
not feature in the initial activation of immune cells, they
may well play a central role in the subsequent demyelina-
tion, as previously suggested.45 Since oxidized lipoproteins
are neurotoxic and have proinflammatory properties, lipid
peroxidation products could be involved in demyelination
and axonal injury in MS.46,47 In addition, the activity of
Nano-PSO, at least at the particle size shown to be benefi-
cial for EAE, may be mostly confined to the CNS, thereby
interfering with brain oxidation features and demyelination
and less with inhibition of infiltration. Owing to the lack of
toxicity of these reagents, Nano-PSO may be a good choice
for individuals at initial stages of demyelinating diseases
such as MS. At later stages, Nano-PSO may be used in com-
bination with advanced MS treatments such as Natalizumab
(Tysabri), which reduces the migration of lymphocytes to
the CNS by binding to the α4 integrin very late antigen,48 or
in combination of other antioxidant formulations.49 In addi-
tion to demyelinating diseases, oxidative stress is also an
important feature of most neurodegenerative conditions.6,14
Indeed, the EO6 antibody shown here to stain plaques in
the untreated EAE brains as it was shown to mark human
MS plaques6 also reacts extensively with brain slices from
TgMHu2ME199K mice, a mouse model of genetic prion
disease,17 suggesting that lipid oxidation may be a general
feature of neurodegeneration. Most importantly, Nano-PSO
was also beneficial in the prevention and treatment of genetic
prion disease in the TgMHu2ME199K model, indicating that
reagents that can prevent lipid oxidation may be beneficial for
an array of neurodegenerative diseases. A significant number
of natural antioxidants are ubiquitously present in a healthy
human diet. Many of them, such as sulforaphane from broc-
coli, curcumin, and epigallocatechin gallate from green tea,
were recognized for their neuroprotective properties in cells
and tested in appropriate animal models.50–52 However, their
in vivo activity was limited by the subpharmacological doses
presented in food, their poor bioavailability to humans, rapid
chemical degradation, and reduced distribution to different
organs in the body, in particular, the CNS. In this work, and
after PSO by itself was found to be clinically active in its
natural form, we made an effort to overcome such limitations
by tailoring a more active formulation in the form of Nano-
PSO. The results presented in this work indeed indicate that
natural compounds can be formulated into active drugs.
This work was funded by a grant from the Agnes Ginges
Center for Human Neurogenetics and from a gift from
the Darmoni family. We thank Dr Y Levi-Kalisman from
the Nanocenter of the Hebrew University for her help in the
cryo-TEM studies.
Based on the results described in this manuscript, we are in
the process of developing a commercial venture to test Nano-
PSO in patients. The authors report no conflicts of interest
in this work.
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Binyamin et al
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... In 2015, Binyamin et al. studied the effects of punicic acid, a strong natural antioxidant and a major constituent of pomegranate seed oil (PSO), on MS treatment [122]. For this, they compared the effects of administering free PSO and nanoformulated PSO, in an EAE mouse model [122]. ...
... In 2015, Binyamin et al. studied the effects of punicic acid, a strong natural antioxidant and a major constituent of pomegranate seed oil (PSO), on MS treatment [122]. For this, they compared the effects of administering free PSO and nanoformulated PSO, in an EAE mouse model [122]. They observed that nano-PSO was able to exhibit a more desirable effect at lesser concentrations, as compared to free PSO [122]. ...
... For this, they compared the effects of administering free PSO and nanoformulated PSO, in an EAE mouse model [122]. They observed that nano-PSO was able to exhibit a more desirable effect at lesser concentrations, as compared to free PSO [122]. The action mechanism was suggested to be a marked decrease in demyelination and lipid oxidation in the brain of EAE mouse models [122]. ...
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Central nervous system (CNS) disorders effect more than 1 billion people (~50% of these are children) globally and account for nearly 9 million deaths annually. Therefore, CNS disorders have received due attention in the past few decades, with a lot of research focused on formulating novel strategies to treat them. However, overcoming the blood–brain barrier (BBB) challenge has posed a major challenge in drug and therapeutic development efforts. Usage of nanoparticles to deliver drugs specifically to target cells across the BBB presents a way forward. In this chapter, we focus on various studies conducted in the last decade to address the BBB penetration conundrum by utilizing nanoplatforms, including solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs), nanoemulsions, liposomes, nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs), and transfersomal nanoparticles, against brain tumor, epilepsy, meningitis, and multiple sclerosis. We hope that this chapter will encourage the scientific community to formulate novel nanoplatforms, as well as validate the current nanoparticle-based therapeutic systems, for treatment of various CNS diseases.
... However, there was a relative decrease in neuronal loss and lipid oxidation, suggesting a neuroprotective function of pomegranate seed oil. Additionally, in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS), the nanodroplet formulation of pomegranate seed oil exhibited a greater reduction in the disease burden compared to free pomegranate seed oil [109,110]. In rats subjected to a high-fat cholesterol diet, the administration of a nanoemulsion containing a rich fraction of thymoquinone (TQRF) and thymoquinone (TQ) not only ameliorated memory deficits but also elevated the overall antioxidant status. ...
Researchers are increasingly investigating marketing assertions related to natural products and supplements. In the modern era, the study of bioavailability has gained prominence as a burgeoning scientific discipline. This comprehensive review explores the bioavailability of natural products in pharmaceutical applications, shedding light on their intrinsic challenges and innovative strategies for improvement. The assessment encompasses the limitations including poor aqueous solubility, low permeability, and instability, which collectively impede the effective absorption of natural products in the human body hinder the effective utilization of these compounds, and underscores the critical need for enhanced bioavailability to unlock their full therapeutic potential. Such challenges have spurred research into innovative approaches to overcome these limitations and optimize bioavailability. In response to these challenges, this review highlights cutting-edge strategies, including nanoparticle formulations, lipid-based delivery systems, and prodrug design, as effective means to enhance bioavailability. These approaches aim to improve solubility, stability, and overall absorption, thereby maximizing the therapeutic efficacy of natural products in pharmaceutical formulations. Moreover, the review emphasizes the importance of understanding the interplay between formulation techniques and the physicochemical properties of natural products. By integrating these innovative approaches, researchers can tailor solutions to specific compounds, providing a roadmap for overcoming bioavailability limitations and advancing the integration of natural products into mainstream pharmaceutical practice.
Epilepsy, a condition characterized by unprovoked, recurrent seizures, currently has no cure, with treatments ranging from medications to treatment modalities such as antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and vagus nerve stimulation, as well as ketogenic diet and surgical procedures. Recent advancements in nanotechnology have introduced groundbreaking approaches to epilepsy treatment, including targeted drug delivery, diagnostics, and therapeutic interventions. Nanocarrier systems—such as nanoparticles, micelles, and liposomes—enhance drug specificity for brain delivery, improving the therapeutic efficacy and reducing off-target toxicity. New developments in nanocarrier systems for AEDs, including phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and valproate, demonstrate increased brain penetration, solubility, and controlled drug release, offering promising benefits in epilepsy management. Nanotechnology also advances diagnostic capabilities with nano-sensitive devices such as enhanced electroencephalography and biomarker technologies, enabling more personalized monitoring and treatment. Prospects include nanodroplet drug delivery, neural repair with nanomaterials, and highly individualized epilepsy therapies. These innovations could significantly improve traditional treatments, patient outcomes, and quality of life, underscoring the importance of collaboration among healthcare providers, scientists, and technologists to maximize their potential. Efforts have been made to present epilepsy and its management graphically.
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Stroke is the third cause of death worldwide and a health problem, and current therapy continues to be very poor. It promotes an alteration associated with excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammatory processes, exacerbating the damage in the brain. Although cortical areas are the most affected by stroke, the hippocampus can be impacted in the long term through the pathways it connects with these areas, which are associated further with motor alterations; this encourages the search for new therapeutic approaches. Omega-5, being an antioxidant, participates in regulating oxidative stress. A recently designed nanoemulsified compound coupled with pomegranate seed oil (NanoPSO) maintains bioavailability in the body for longer. Omega-5 NanoPSO is more effective in different models of neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic disorders. Therefore, it is important to analyze the effect of omega-5 NanoPSO on ischemic damage through changes in the hippocampus, oxidative mechanisms, and behavioral outcomes. Male Wistar rats were used in five groups; three groups were subjected to an ischemic event through bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries. An ischemia group received omega-5 NanoPSO after injury, and another group received omega-5 NanoPSO performed two weeks before the ischemic event and three weeks after the surgical process. The control and sham groups did not show changes in the hippocampus and behavior. In the ischemia group, neuronal loss, oxidative stress, and a higher expression of astrocytes were maintained in the hippocampal region, and behavior was modified. In the post and pre-treatment group with omega-5 NanoPSO, we observed reduced damage, glial proliferation, and oxidative stress. It increased neuron survival in the hippocampal region and improved the locomotion. These results highlight its promise for use in clinical settings to treat patients suffering from ischemic brain injury.
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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuroimmunological disorder which causes axonal damage, demyelination and paralysis. Although numerous therapeutics have been developed for the effective treatment of MS and a few have been approved in recent decades, complete remission and treatment of MS remain a matter of concern. Nanotechnology is a potential approach for manipulating the properties of materials at the molecular level to attain desired properties. This approach is effective in the treatment of several CNS disorders by enhancing drug delivery, bioavailability and efficacy. We have briefly discussed the neuroimmunological disorders with a particular emphasis on MS. We also explored nanoengineered drug delivery systems, describing several nano-formulations for the treatment of MS, challenges and future of nanotechnology.
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Several studies have proposed a potential role for oxidative stress in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS). For this reason, it seems tentative to think that treatment with antioxidant substances could be useful in the treatment of this disease. In this narrative review, we provide a summary of the current findings on antioxidant treatments, both in experimental models of MS, especially in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and in the cuprizone-induced demyelination model, and clinical trials in patients diagnosed with MS. Practically all the antioxidants tested in experimental models of MS have shown improvement in clinical parameters, in delaying the evolution of the disease, and in improving histological and biochemical parameters, including decreased levels of markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in the central nervous system and other tissues. Only a few clinical trials have been carried out to investigate the potential efficacy of antioxidant substances in patients with MS, most of them in the short term and involving a short series of patients, so the results of these should be considered inconclusive. In this regard, it would be desirable to design long-term, randomized, multicenter clinical trials with a long series of patients, assessing several antioxidants that have demonstrated efficacy in experimental models of MS.
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Backround: Oxidative stress plays a role in multiple sclerosis. Saliva can be potentially used to study the disease progression or treatment, because of its non-invasiveness and easy collection. But studies on saliva and multiple sclerosis are missing. The aim of this study was to compare the concentrations of salivary oxidative stress markers in patients and healthy controls. Objective: Whole saliva and blood samples were collected from 29 patients and 29 healthy controls. Samples were collected during relapse, after corticosteroid therapy, and after three months. Markers of oxidative, carbonyl stress and antioxidant status were measured. Results: In plasma, thiobarbituric acid reacting substances, advanced oxidation protein products and fructosamine were significantly higher in patients compared to controls (by 271%, 46% and 24%, respectively; p<0.01). Total antioxidant capacity in plasma was lower by 20% (p<0.01) in patients versus controls. In saliva, higher levels of thiobarbituric acid reacting substances and advanced glycation end-products were observed in patients when compared to controls (by 51% and 49% respectively; p<0.01). Ferric reducing ability was reduced by 38% (p<0.05) in patients with multiple sclerosis. Conclusion: According to our knowledge, this is the first report showing higher markers of oxidative stress and lower antioxidant status in patients with multiple sclerosis in saliva.
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Lipidots are original nanoparticulate lipid delivery vectors for drugs and contrast agents made from materials generally regarded as safe. Here, we characterized the in vivo stability, biodistribution, and pharmacokinetics of lipidots. Lipidots 55 nm in diameter and coated with a phospholipid/poly(ethyleneglycol) surfactant shell were triply labeled with (3)H-cholesteryl-hexadecyl-ether, cholesteryl-(14)C-oleate, and the 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindotricarbocyanine infrared fluorescent dye and injected intravenously into immunocompetent Friend virus B-type mice. The pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of lipidots were analyzed quantitatively in serial samples of blood and tissue and with in vivo optical imaging and were refined by microscopic examination of selected target tissues. The plasmatic half-life of lipidots was approximately 30 min. Radioactive and fluorescent tracers displayed a similar nanoparticle-driven biodistribution, indicative of the lipidots' integrity during the first hours after injection. Lipidots distributed in the liver and, surprisingly, in the steroid-rich organs adrenals and ovaries, but not in the spleen. This tropism was confirmed at the microscopic level by histologic detection of 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindotricarbocyanine. Nanoparticle loading with cholesterol derivatives increased accumulation in ovaries in a dose-dependent manner. This previously unreported distribution pattern is specific to lipidots and attributed to their nanometric size and composition, conferring on them a lipoproteinlike behavior. The affinity of lipidots for steroid hormone-rich areas is of interest to address drugs and contrast agents to lipoprotein-receptor-overexpressing cancer cells found in hormone-dependent tumors.
A growing number of diseases seem to be associated with inappropriate deposition of protein aggregates. Some of these diseases--such as Alzheimer's disease and systemic amyloidoses--have been recognized for a long time. However, it is now clear that ordered aggregation of pathogenic proteins does not only occur in the extracellular space, but in the cytoplasm and nucleus as well, indicating that many other diseases may also qualify as amyloidoses. The common structural and pathogenic features of these diverse protein aggregation diseases is only now being fully understood, and may provide novel opportunities for overarching therapeutic approaches such as depleting the monomeric precursor protein, inhibiting aggregation, enhancing aggregate clearance or blocking common aggregation-induced cellular toxicity pathways.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated disease where T cells are thought to initiate an inflammatory reaction in the brain and spinal cord, resulting in demyelination and axonal pathology. Interfering with the activation and recruitment of immune cells reduces disease activity in MS. We review the mechanism of action and treatment effects of natalizumab and fingolimod, which interfere with the recruitment of pathogenic immune cells in MS. Fingolimod blocks the egress of activated lymphocytes from lymph nodes by binding to the sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor 1, but may also have effects on S1P receptor-expressing cells within the central nervous system (CNS). Natalizumab reduces the migration of lymphocytes to the CNS by binding to the α4 integrin very late antigen 4. Fingolimod and natalizumab also have other effects, but these are less well understood. Both treatments are efficacious in reducing relapses, accumulation of persisting disability and magnetic resonance imaging disease activity. Both treatments are safe and well tolerated in the majority of patients, but due to a potential for serious side effects they are licensed as second line therapies or for treatment of highly active MS in most European countries. We conclude that fingolimod and natalizumab have well known effects on the migration of immune cells in MS and have substantial effects on disease activity in relapsing−remitting MS. Additional effects on disease progression, potential effects within the CNS and other effects on immune cells are still being clarified.
Despite a large amount of research which aims at defining the pathophysiology of human demyelination (i.e., multiple sclerosis), etiological bases of disease have been unknown so far. The point of intersection of all assumed etiological factors, which are mainly based upon immunological cascades, is neuroinflammation. The precise definition of the place and role of all pathogenetic factors in the occurrence and development of the disease is of crucial importance for understanding the clinical nature and for finding more effective therapeutic options. There are few studies whose results give more precise data about the role and the importance of other factors in neuroinflammation, besides immunological ones, with regard to clinical and paraclinical correlates of the disease. The review integrates results found in previously performed studies which have evaluated oxidative stress participation in early and late neuroinflammation. The largest number of studies indicates that the use of antioxidants affects the change of neuroinflammation course under experimental conditions, which is reflected in the reduction of the severity and the total reversibility in clinical presentation of the disease, the faster achieving of remission, and the delayed and slow course of neuroinflammation. Therapies based on the knowledge of redox biology targeting free radical generation hold great promise in modulation of the neuroinflammation and its clinical presentations.
Recently developed lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulations of siRNA have proven to be effective agents for hepatocyte gene silencing following intravenous administration with at least three LNP-siRNA formulations in clinical trials. The aim of this work was to develop LNP-siRNA systems for hepatocyte gene silencing that can be administered subcutaneously (s.c.). Three parameters were investigated, namely LNP size, residence time of the polyethylene glycol (PEG)-lipid coating and the influence of hepatocyte-specific targeting ligands. LNP sizes were varied over the range of 30 to 115nm in diameter and PEG-lipid that dissociates rapidly (PEG-DMG) and slowly (PEG-DSG) were employed. In mice, results show that large (~80nm) LNP exhibited limited accumulation in the liver and poor Factor VII (FVII) gene silencing at 1mg siRNA/kg body weight. Conversely, small (~30nm) LNP systems showed maximal liver accumulation yet still had minimal activity. Interestingly, intermediate size (~45nm) LNP containing PEG-DSG exhibited nearly equivalent liver accumulation as the smaller systems following s.c. administration but reduced FVII levels by 80% at 1mg siRNA/kg body weight. Smaller systems (~35nm diameter) containing either PEG-DMG or PEG-DSG were less active, however addition of 0.5mol% of a GalNAc-PEG lipid to these smaller systems improved activity to levels similar to that observed for the ~45nm diameter systems. In summary, this work shows that appropriately designed LNP-siRNA systems can result in effective hepatocyte gene silencing following s.c administration.
Resveratrol is a potent anticancer. However, because of its low half-life (<0.25hours) the molecule is difficult to achieve the therapeutic concentration at the site of action. The aim of this work was to check the brain targeting ability of glyceryl behenate-based solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) for resveratrol. SLN were prepared by solvent evaporation technique employing high speed homogenization followed by ultrasonication. SLN were designed at varying drug-lipid ratios (1:5, 1:9, 1:10, 1:11, 1:12 and 1:15) using Tween 80 or a combination of Tween 80 and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as surfactants. The mean particle size and zeta potential of the optimized formulation (drug-lipid ratio of 1:10) were 248.30±3.80nm and -25.49±0.49mV, respectively. The particle size and the encapsulation efficiency (EE) increased when varying the drug-lipid ratio from 1:5 to 1:15. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis showed that SLN were spherical in shape and had a smooth surface. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses revealed that the matrix of drug-loaded SLN was in disordered crystalline phase. The in vitro release study in phosphate buffer pH 7.4 followed a sustained release pattern. The drug release data was found to fit best into Higuchi kinetic model suggesting the diffusion controlled mechanism of drug release. The cytotoxicity assay (MTT) showed that SLN were equally effective (P <0.5) as free resveratrol, as an anti-tumour agent. The in vivo biodistribution study using Wistar rats demonstrated that SLN could significantly (P <0.001) increase the brain concentration of resveratrol (17.28±0.6344μg/g) as compared to free resveratrol (3.45±0.3961μg/g). The results showed that our resveratrol-loaded SLN serve as promising therapeutic systems to treat neoplastic diseases located in the brain tissue.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) and one of the leading causes of neurological deficits and disability in young adults in western countries. Current medical treatment mainly influences disease progression via immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive actions. Indeed, MS research has been foremost focused on inflammation in the CNS, but more recent evidence suggests that chronic disability in MS is caused by neurodegeneration. Imaging studies show an early involvement of neurodegeneration as brain atrophy and gray matter lesions can be observed at disease onset. Thus, neuroprotective treatment strategies and the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in MS have attracted the attention of the scientific community. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE; the most commonly used animal model for MS), novel in-vivo imaging techniques such as two-photon microscopy and recently discovered molecular changes have offered new insights into the pathogenesis of neuroinflammation as well as neurodegeneration in MS. This review focuses on the interaction between components of the immune system and the neuronal compartment, as well as describing the most important molecular mechanisms that lead to axonal and neuronal degeneration in MS and EAE.
Curcumin was determined to have anticancer potency on several kinds of carcinoma. However, its medical application was limited because of its poor bioavailability, unsatisfying dispersity and rapid metabolism in vivo. In this study, curcumin was delivered by solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) for lung cancer treatment. The physiochemical characters of SLN-curcumin were detected by HPLC, TEM, Zeta potential analysis and FTIR, and the anticancer efficiency on lung cancer was determined both in vitro and in vivo. SLN-curcumin was synthesized by sol-gel method with the size ranged from 20 to 80nm. After being loaded in SLN, the IC50 of SLN-curcumin on A549 cells was 4μM, only 1/20 of plain drug. The plasmid concentration of curcumin was highly increased in mice via i.p. after loaded with SLN. Furthermore, SLN-curcumin enhanced the targeting of curcumin to lung and tumor, which finally increased the inhibition efficiency of curcumin from 19.5% to 69.3%. The Flow Cytometry (FCM) analysis and immuno staining confirmed that the inhibition effect mostly came from apoptosis, but not necrosis. The tumor targeting and profound tumor inhibition effect of SLN-curcumin indicated its medical application on lung cancer treatment, and also provided a novel method for new anticancer agents' development.