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The Effects Of Spirituality In Shaping The Human Behaviour (An Islamic Perspective)



This study focused to identify how the sources of Islamic spirituality influenced in shaping the human behaviour. It also meant to determine the role of Islamic spirituality in modelling the behaviour. The study is conceptual review, content analysis of the qualitative approach were used to accumulate information about the subject matter. From the report finding, The study revealed that the Islamic spiritually undoubtedly shapes the human behaviour in the sense that it touches and encompasses the whole aspects of the human life. In addition, the preferable sources of Islamic spirituality seem to be positively effective in providing as well as preserving the human behaviour. The study has implication for research on Islamic spirituality that is associated with Islamic ideas and institution, whereby Islamic ideas and system fundamentally base to develop human in all aspects of his life. This study will also help parents, leaders and entire members of the society to strive to inculcate it in their community. For this reason, the study will contribute immensely in the sense that it will determine the sources of Islamic spirituality that if been utilised adequately will help to combat immorality among the people.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
The Effects Of Spirituality In Shaping The Human
Behaviour (An Islamic Perspective)
Adamu Zakiyu Ubale
Faculty Of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu,
Terengganu Malaysia Email:
Abdul Hakim Abdullah
Research Institute For Islamic Products & Civilization/Faculty Of Islamic Contemporary Studies
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Malaysia
DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v5-i9/1793 URL:
This study focused to identify how the sources of Islamic spirituality influenced in shaping
the human behaviour. It also meant to determine the role of Islamic spirituality in
modelling the behaviour. The study is conceptual review, content analysis of the
qualitative approach were used to accumulate information about the subject matter. From
the report finding, The study revealed that the Islamic spiritually undoubtedly shapes the
human behaviour in the sense that it touches and encompasses the whole aspects of the
human life. In addition, the preferable sources of Islamic spirituality seem to be positively
effective in providing as well as preserving the human behaviour. The study has implication
for research on Islamic spirituality that is associated with Islamic ideas and institution,
whereby Islamic ideas and system fundamentally base to develop human in all aspects of
his life. This study will also help parents, leaders and entire members of the society to
strive to inculcate it in their community. For this reason, the study will contribute
immensely in the sense that it will determine the sources of Islamic spirituality that if been
utilised adequately will help to combat immorality among the people.
Keywords: spirituality; Islam; behaviour; heart; soul; shaping; human.
1. Introduction
Islam is a religion sent by Almighty Allah to his beloved Prophet may peace be upon him.
Religion in Arabic word means (‘din’) which literally refers to a ‘debt’ that binds one to God (for
having created us). It also means penalty and bonus as well as obedience (AL-Radh, 1986).
Islam is the religion that ‘attaches’ human beings to his creator and hence to salvation,
paradise, felicity and deliverance (Ghazi, 2012). A profound understanding of what human
beings all about in their in-depth nature, and what Islam as its nature is and aims to do, will
indicate incontrovertibly that Islam is an internally-perfect. It is, however, perfectly pure divine
‘roadmap’ to direct people the straightforward path to Paradise. The time people recognise
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
themselves; they understand what the religion of Islam is. However, if people comprehend
themselves, they comprehend why the religion of Islam is (Ghazi, 2012). The Almighty Allah
said in the holy book do they pursuit for a religion other than Islam(Qur’an, 4:83). Nowadays
many people and Muslim in particular abandoned the preferable teachings of Islam rather than
Islamic spirituality, this eventually give birth to the social disorder in society. As a result of this.
The present study focused to review what Islamic spirituality all about, as well as its role in
shaping the human behaviour. The study might facilitate to recover social discipline in the
However, why do we need Islamic spirituality, we need it because it is the best solution to
the present immorality in the society. It was established base on the fear of Allah and
obedience to his exalted messenger prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The effect of spirituality leads
to having good behaviour in the society in the general and Muslim ummah, in particular.
2. Concept of Spirituality In Islam
Spirituality etymologically refers to anything that associates with spirit or soul and not to
physical matter (Ali Sina, 2012). The human beings were discovered to have made up of four
constructed parts. The parts are; The body (jism), the mind (aql), the spirit (Ruh), and the self
(nafs) (Abdul Hakim Murad, 2011). However, according to Ghazi (2012) human being was made
up of three elements the body (jism), the soul (nafs) and the spirit (Ruh). Here Ghazi does not
mention mind (aql), perhaps just because it can be insert into soul (nafs). He further explains
that the whole terms (body, soul and spirit) are interrelated and can never be separate from
each other. Here is a brief elucidation of the difference between three concepts:
2.1 Body: this is the part of the human that breath, eats and moves as well as making body
become exist in the universe. It is made up of five senses that include eye-sight, hearing,
smell, touch and taste.
The word body appeared in the Qur’an in four places. They are; Allah said
"Verily, Allah has chosen him above you and has increased him
abundantly in knowledge and body (Jism). And Allah grants His
kingdom to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His
creatures' needs, All-Knower'' (Qur’an, 2:247).
“And when you look at them, their bodies (Jism) please you; and
when they speak, you listen to their words. They are as blocks of
wood propped up. They think that every cry is against them”
(Qur’an, 63:4).
“Then he took out for them a calf (body/jasad) which was mooing”
(Qur’an, 20:88).
“And the people of Musa made in his absence, out of their
ornaments, the image of a calf body/jasad(for worship). It had a
sound. Did they not see that it could neither speak to them nor
guide them to the way! They took it (for worship) and they were
wrongdoers” (Qur’an, 7:148).
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
The two words body (jism) and body (jasad) are very close in letters and meaning. Whoever
looks into holy book should find that the Qur’an context distinguishes between the two
concepts with precise distinction. Each has its distinct meaning; the body (jism) refers to the
body that has life (Hayat), soul (Ruh) and movement (Harkat). However, the body (Jasad) refers
to the rigid statue or idol and or human body after the death, his soul out.
2.2 Soul: the soul recognises as (nafs); it is what makes human different with a distinct identity
and consciousness. It was categorised into three categories. Ghazi vividly explains that the
soul is of three parts as was enshrined in the holy book. They are:
2.2.1 Al-nafs al-ammara bis sui, which is (the soul that incline unto evil). This is an evil part of
the soul that often knows as (ego) in modern English. The holy book has indicated this kind of
soul in different chapters. Allah has said:
“And I do not state myself free, most surely (man's) self is wont to
command (him to do) evil, except such as my Lord has had mercy on.
Surely my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful “(Qur’an, 12: 53).
In another verse ALLAH said;
“O, you who believe! You have charge of your souls. He who errs
cannot injure you if you are rightly guided. Unto God, you will all
return, and then He will notify you of what you used to do(Qur’an,
In a hadith, there was a time the prophet may peace be upon him told to his Sahaba
(companion) after they came back from the war. He said, we have come back from the smaller
war to the bigger one” when asked what is it? He responded saying it is nafs (Muslim: 2197).
Here the Prophet Muhammad showed his companion that the utmost necessary war is
controlling a one’s mind towards obedience of ALLAH.
2.2.2 Al-nafs al-lawwama (the soul that blame). It is the part of the soul that brands one to
blame. ALLAH said in the holy book
Nay! I swear by the Day of Resurrection. Moreover, nay! I swear by
An-Nafs Al-Lawwamah (Qur’an, 75:1-2).
Qatadah said, "This means, I swear by both of these things.''This has also been reported from
Ibn Abbas and Sa`id ibn Jubayr. Concerning the Day of Judgement, it is well known what it is. In
reference to al-Nafs al-Lawwamah, Qurrah bin Khalid reported from al-Hasan al-Basri that he
said about this verse, "Verily, to Allah, we think that every believer blames himself. He says
(questioning himself),`What did I intend by my statement What did I intend by my eating? What
did I mean in what I said to myself?' However, the sinner proceeds ahead, and he does not
blame himself. Ibn Jarir documented from Sa`id ibn Jubayr that he said concerning Allah's
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
statement,(And nay! I swear by An-Nafs Al-Lawwamah) "He criticises himself in good and bad.''
Similar has been reported from `Ikrimah. Ibn Abi Najih stated from Mujahid: "He is sorry for
what he missed (of good deeds), and he blames himself for it'' (kathir, 1998).
2.2.3 Alnafsul mutma’inna (the soul at peace). It is the faith soul that belong to paradise
dwellers, may ALLAH grant us this kind of soul. ALLAH said;
O soul that art at rest! Return to your Lord, well-pleased (with
him), well-pleasing (Him) (Qur’an, 89: 27-28).
Allah said O tranquil soul! Come back to your Lord. Meaning, to His Company, His reward and
what He has prepared for His servants in His Paradise. Ibn Abi Hatim recorded from Ibn `Abbas
concerning the previous verses, He said, "This verse was revealed while Abu Bakr was sitting
(with the Prophet). So he said, `O Messenger of Allah! There is nothing better than this!' The
Prophet then responded this will certainly be said to you (Kathir, 1998).
However, Ghazi provided the faculties of the soul that includes the sentiment, the will, the
intellect, speech, learning, feelings, imagination, memory, insight, intuition, and a sense.
2.3 Spirit: The spirit is the Ruh, which is very difficult to comprehend cognitively as Allah
enshrined in the holy book:
And they ask you about the spirit; say, the spirit is of the command
of my Lord. And you have been given of knowledge only a
little."(Qur’an, 17: 85).
The spirit has two meaning; 1) the life energy within the body (2) the inner evidence of the soul
and the body taken together.
Moreover, between the spirit and soul there are; (1) the breast (sadr), this is the seat of
unbelief and misgiving and also the seat of expansion. (2) The Heart (qalb), this can be blind and
filled with doubt and rancour and can also be filled with peace and faith. (3) The inner heart
(fuad), this is an empty, so it needs to be strengthening with faith. (4) Heart core (lubb), this is
free from envy and blindness; it does not need any strengthening. This is the reason that makes
some of the Islamic writers used the terms (spirit, soul and heart interchangeably, it shows the
overlap between the concepts.
Hamza (2014) revealed that the spirituality in Islam “is a constant reference to God and
ensuring that everything one does is in accordance with god’s pleasure”. The early Islamic
psychologist precisely indicates that the spirit is a non-material reality which penetrates every
nook and crony of the human body, but located in the Heart (qalb). It’s the representative of all
inner affairs of the human being that is not of this world, and which eventually connect him with
his Creator the Lord of the universe. However, if he is fortunate will lead him to be among the
dwellers of Paradise (Abdul Hakim, 2014). The purified soul qualified person to the success here
and hereafter as Allah said:
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
O serene soul return to your Lord joyful and pleasing in his sight.
Join my servant and enter paradise (Qur’an, 89: 27-30).
When we were born, our spirit (ruh) is wholly clean and pure. Allah said “I have created
my servants pure in religion (Huna fa) but the devils lure them away from their religion
(Qur’an, 2: 135). As we are committing sin, the rust (ran) of which the Quran speaks about will
start to cover it, this rust (ran) entails two things: distraction and sin. When there is self-
discipline, the rust (ran) will come to an end, and the heart will be morally sound. This control,
consequently makes a human to focus on worship and immediate presence of Almighty Allah
(Abdul Hakim, 2012). Islam spiritualizes everything in the sense that all actions must be done
accordingly with the provision of Islam. It is not permitted for any Muslim to do something
unless he knows the verdict of Allah on it. That is why we were commanded in Islam in various
verses of the Qur’an and voluminous Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) to purify our soul. Here are
the verses:
"He has succeeded who purifies the soul, and he has failed who
corrupts the soul." (Qur'an, 91:9-10)
"A day when there will be no benefit in wealth or children, but only
for he who comes to Allah with a pure heart." (Qur'an, 26: 88-89)
"Go to Pharaoh, for verily, he is a transgressor. Say to him: 'Will you
purify yourself'?" (Qur'an, 79:17-18)
"Verily, among his people was Abraham, when he came to his Lord
with a pure heart." (Qur'an, 37: 83-84)
"He has succeeded who purifies himself, who remembers the name
of his Lord and prays." (Qur'an, 87: 14-15)
In nutshell, the verses mentioned above revealed how essentially Islam heartens about
soul refinement. It showed that victory and success in the day of judgement (the day where
offspring and wealth do not benefit unless those came with a good heart) depend on how one
maintains his heart in this world. Therefore, it is obligation duty for every Muslim (male and
female) to purify his/her heart and abstain it from any evil act. However, the third verse
indicates the importance of soul purification, in the sense that it is the first command the
prophet Moses was sent with to Pharaoh. However, it is the one of the characteristic of the
prophet Abraham (may peace be upon him) as the fourth verse showed. The last one showed
the success on the day of resurrection for whoever purify his heart.
In a hadith the Prophet (may peace be upon him) said:
'Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather He
looks at your hearts and actions'." (Muslim :2564)
Both permissible and unpermissible things are evident but in between
them there are doubtful (suspicious) things, and most of the individuals
do not have knowledge about them. So whoever saves himself from
these suspicious things saves his religion and his honour. Moreover,
whoever indulges in these suspicious things is like a shepherd who
grazes (his animals) near the Hima (private pasture) of someone else and
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
at any moment he is liable to get in it. (O people!) Beware! Every king
has a Hima, and the Hima of Allah on the earth is His illegal (forbidden)
things. Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good
(reformed) the whole body becomes good. But if it gets spoilt the whole
body gets spoilt and that is the heart (Al-Bukhari: 52).
The above-cited traditions indicate that Allah does not consider our body or any
property we accumulated, but rather consider our deeds and heart. However, based on our
action we are to be judged on the day of resurrection. Conversely, the second hadith indicated
that in the body there is a piece of flesh if it purified the whole body is purified, and otherwise
the whole body will be bad. The prophet afterwards mentioned heart as its.
3. Concept of Human Behaviour
Human behaviour is the potentials, outcomes and expressed capacity for physical, mental and
social interaction activity during the phases of human life (Richard, 2014). This is throughout the
life span that involves capacity of all the activities including mental, emotional, physical and
social interaction activities. It should be through the five stages of human development
(prenatal, postnatal, childhood, adolescent and old age) that one may acquire from the society,
and eventually may lead him to be different from others, especially at adulthood stage
depending on the physical and mental requirement of the lifestyle. Moreover, whatever human
gradually acquire as experience he will add it to his toolbox of potential. One can fill his toolbox
with kind of senses like fear, joy, grief, trust, punctuality and so on, depending on the
assimilated experiences. Human behaviour is not innate its experienced responses rather. In a
nutshell, it is what people around us composed it to be. Construct of behaviour such as religion
and political experiences are all learned responses (Mark, 1997). J. B Watson (1924) extremely
asserted that in his famous declaration;
Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified
world to bring them up in and I will guarantee to take one at
random and train him to become any type of specialist I might
select… doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-
man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies,
abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors.
From here, we can understand that human behaviour entails how everyone behaves in a
different situation. Moreover, since the behaviour is learnt, therefore the society will be
responsible for any immoral act of its member. Consequently, the blame shall be put on the
community not the member of that society. For that reason, we can say that the public is alpha
and omega of the responsibility of human behaviour. Some Muslim scholars asserted that
personality or inner nature can be inherited through the heritable transmission and probably
influence the mental behaviour traits (Mustapha, 1998). This indicates that so many things are
influenced by a heritable transmission such as psychotic behaviour and intelligence. In Hadith
the prophet may peace be upon him said; "Choose the best for your sperm, and marry well-
suited women and recommend marriage with them" (Ibn Majah, 1968). In another Hadith, the
Prophet also said “A woman may be married for four reasons: for her property, her status, her
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
beauty and her religion. Thereore, try to get one who is religious, may your hand be besmeared
with dust (Muslim, 1466). The two cited Hadith illustrated how the hereditary transmission
related to mental character traits. However, the tradition of the Prophet (PBUH) also indicated a
strong relationship between environment and psychological personality trait. Ibn Shihab
narrated that;
The funeral prayer should be presented for every child even if he
were the son of a prostitute as he was born with a true faith of Islam
(i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone). If his parents are Muslims,
particularly the father, even if his mother were a non-Muslim, and if
he after the delivery cries (even once) before his death (i.e. born
alive) then the funeral prayer must be offered. And if the child does
not cry after his delivery (i.e. born dead) then his funeral prayer
should not be offered, and he will be considered as a miscarriage. Abu
Huraira, narrated that the Prophet () said, "Every child is born with a
true faith (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone) but his parents
convert him to Judaism or to Christianity or to Magainism, as an
animal delivers a perfect baby animal. Do you find it mutilated?" Then
Abu Huraira recited the holy verses: 'The pure Allah's Islamic nature
(true faith i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone), with which He has
created human being" (Al-Bukhari: 1358).
From the above, one will comprehend that a child is purely born with Islam but his parents
who are the part of his environment change and divert him away from Islam. This also
indicates that the environment is the most influential set that divert the innate nature of the
child. This asserted the statement of Mustapha Achoi where he said “the thrust of Islamic
concern is with learning and environment rather than heredity”. Imamu Ghazali also asserted
that human behaviour is not destined; he further explaining that if behaviour of animal can be
changed through orientation as well as conditioning, then it is obvious to consider that a
rational human behaviour can easily be changed. If it could not be changed, then the teaching
and instruction of Islam could not be achievable (al-Ghazali, 1982).
4. Sources of Islamic Spirituality and its Influence in Shaping the Human Behaviour
Consciousness to Almighty Allah is an essential element in the practice of Islamic spirituality.
One can strengthen his consciousness to Almighty Allah through the following activities as
enshrined by Hamza (2014). They are; giving charity, remembrance of God, prayer, fasting,
meditation, qur’anic memorization, reflecting on creation and preferable Islamic supplication.
Islamic Spirituality encompasses all the aspects of human life, so when a human being possess a
good heart, all his actions should be the base on what Islam indicated. A question that may
come to our minds is that what are the preferable sources that will help us to acquire and
preserve as well as restore the purification of our heart? The following are the sources that
connect one and also enable him to maintain the sincerity and purification of his heart;
4.1 Worship: ALLAH said in the Qur’an that “I have not created mankind and jinn’s except that
they should worship me” (Qur’an, 51: 56). Ibadat is the cardinal purpose of human life on earth.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
Through worship one can acquire and preserve soul purification, because through it one can get
sweetness of iman, and when there is sweetness of iman (faith) there should be purification of
soul, when the soul is purified the heart should be shaped. Regarding the worship, ALLAH said
in the Qur’an;
"O people! Worship your Guardian-Lord, Who created you and those
who came before you that you may become righteous. Who has
made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent
down rain from the heavens; and brought forth therewith fruits for
your sustenance; Then set not up rivals unto Allah when you know
(the truth)." (Quran, 2: 21, 22).
The best action of Ibadah is five daily prayers, which is the first thing to be asked on the day of
judgement ALLAH said:
Verily, the prayer (As-Salah) is enjoined on the believers at fixed
hours" (Qur’an, 4:103).
Performing the prayer regularly on its fixed time purifies soul and abstain it from committing
any evil act, as a result of his, it was called the remembrance of ALLAH. Prayer makes one to
always remember the creator that will consequently clean and shape his heart as the Almighty
ALLAH said in the holy Qur’an:
Verily, Salah keeps you away from indecency and evil”. (Qur’an, 29: 45).
4.2 Reading the holy book (Qur’an): Reciting the Qur’an make soul be purified and comfort. It
also draw one to be associated with the obedient and noble angels as reported by Aisha that
the prophet may peace be upon him said:
One who was devoted to the Qur'an will be told to recite, ascend and
recite carefully as he narrated cautiously when he was in the world, for
he will reach his abode when he comes to the last verse he recites. (Abi
Dawud: 1464).
4.3 Remembrance of Allah: remembrance of Allah abstain soul from all anxieties and worries
and consequently produce happiness and joyful in minds, as well as close one to Almighty Allah.
Allah said:
“Those who believed and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance
of Allah, Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest”
(Qur’an, 13:28).
In another verse the Almighty Allah said, warning us not to be like those who forgot him:
Do not be like those who forgot God, so that he caused them to
forget their souls” (Qur’an, 59: 19).
In a hadith the Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) said:
"There is a polish for everything that takes away rust, and the polish
for the heart is the remembrance of Allah" (Al-Bukhari: 1363).
4.4 Islamic preferable supplication: one can purify his heart through preferable Islamic
supplication as Prophet (may peace be upon him) use to recite in every morning and evening .
Hadith was reported by Anas ibn Malik that the Messenger of Allah told him:
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
O boy, if you can remove every morning and evening any rancour
from your heart toward anyone, then do so. Then the Prophet said
to me: O boy, which is my tradition and whoever revives my
tradition, has loved me, and whoever loves me will be with me in
Paradise" (Tirmithi: 2678).
4.5 Giving out charity: giving out charity purify one’s heart, this can be through zakat and
sadakat. ALLAH s said in the holy book:
"But the righteous one will avoid Hellfire, who gives from his
wealth to purify himself." (Qur'an, 92: 17-18).
"Take from their riches a charity by which you cleanse them and
purify them, and invoke blessings upon them." (Qur'an, 9: 103).
4.6 Good deeds: heart can also be purify through good deeds. By the time a human disobey
Allah, a stain will penetrate his heart, but by the moment he repented the stain will be
removed. The prophet may peace be upon him said:
'Verily, when the believer commits a sin, a black spot appears on his
heart. If he repents and abandons the sin and seeks forgiveness, his
heart will be polished, but if he increases in sin, the blackness
increases. That is the covering which Allah has mentioned in his
Book: 'Nay, but on their hearts is a covering because of what they
have earned,' (83:14)" (Ibn Majah: 4244).
4.7 Mosque: this is one of the basic constitutions in Islam; it is the only true believer with
purified heart that frequently visits mosque. Hadith was reported that the Messenger of ALLAH
(May the peace be upon him) says, If you see a man used to frequenting mosques, testify to
his belief" (Tirmithi, 2617). It is through the mosque and other Islamic institution one can
restore as well as maintain his heart’s purification; this is via the imam's preaching and listening
to the words of truth.
4.8 Fearing of Allah. The hearts that frequently fear the Almighty Allah are usually found to be
a comfort and free from any kind of envy, dishonest and greediness. Everyone should put in
mind that Almighty Allah is with him wherever he is and at any level of life. Allah said in the
holy book:
“And He is with you (by His Knowledge) where so ever you may he.
Moreover, Allah is the All-Seer of what you do(Qur’an, 57: 4).
“Who sees you O Muhammad when you stand up (alone at night for
Tahajjud prayers” (Qur’an, 26: 219).
“Truly, nothing is hidden from Allah, in the earth or the heavens.”
(Qur’an, 3: 5).
In a hadith, the prophet may peace, and blessing of Allah upon him said:
“Fear Allah wherever you are. Moreover, make a good deed follow a
bad deed so that it may eliminate it. Moreover, deal with people with
good manners” (Tirmithi, 1958).
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
The above mentioned verses and attached tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (may peace
be upon him)comprehensively obliged one to fear Allah in the sense that whatever he want do
must consider what Allah said about it, is it permitted or prohibited.
4.9 Voluntary prayer: Voluntary prayers sanctify soul and close one to Almighty Allah, the Lord
of the universe. It was narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of ALLAH
said: ALLAH the Almighty has said:
'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious
worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved thing with which My slave
comes nearer to Me is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave
keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (prayer or
doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him. When I love
him I become his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he
sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks;
and if he asks (something) from Me, I give him, and if he asks My
Protection (refuge), I protect him". (Al-Bukhari, 95).
All of the above mentioned sources of Islamic spirituality indicate the ways in which
heart can be purified. Conversely, whenever there is a good heart, it means that the behaviour
was shaped; when the behaviour is shaped heart will be free from any immoral acts.
5. The Role of Islamic Spirituality in Shaping the Human Behaviour
From the above, one will understand that since human behaviour entails good potentials and
expressed capacity of mental, physical and social activities, it will become obviously that Islamic
spirituality plays a vivacious role in shaping the behaviour, in the sense that Islamic spirituality
deals with inner purification of the heart and soul which if been successfully gained it will surely
develop a good conduct, as well as combat the immorality in the society. However, if there is
mental stability, there must be physical sound. Therefore, Islamic spirituality focused to cure
any immoral act of the hearts.
Moreover, to obtain and maintain the Islamic spirituality which is undoubtedly related
to shaping human behaviour, Islam provide some ways encompassing training of both body and
heart. For example through worship one can achieve sweetness of faith, through reading
Qur’an (holy book) heart can be purified and become comfortable, in the remembrance of Allah
hearts find rest, through Islamic preferable supplication one can remove rancour from heart
towards anybody, through giving out charity to the needy people one able to purify himself,
through good deeds one can remove rust (ran)from heart, through mosque one can be testified
to faith (iman) and will also help one to restore his heart’s purification via Islamic propagation,
through fearing of Allah (Taqwa) hearts found to be comfort and free from any kind of envy and
misbehaviours. Lastly, through voluntarily prayer one can become closer to Almighty Allah the
Lord of the universe, and you can never be closed to Allah unless when the behaviour is shaped.
It is undoubtedly that considering what human behaviour all about, if one characterise with
above mentioned source of Islamic spirituality his behaviour will become shaped absolutely.
Conversely, this point of view was supported by the tradition of the prophet and statements
from the Islamic scholars. Wahb ibn Manbah said: a man’s souls as a spirit of animals and faith
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
is a commander, and action is a driver. However, soul is not permanent; if its owner retains it
carefully it will remain in his hand but if he does not carefully maintain it, it will be lost on the
road. Fadhil bin Ayaz, says: “whoever sacrificed his soul in the course of Allah, Almighty Allah
will secure him from his abhorrence. Fadhalata bin Obaid said: he heard the Messenger of
Allah, peace be upon him, says: «the hero is the one who dedicated himself (laboured it) for the
sake of Almighty Allah». Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him during the Farewell Pilgrimage
said: «can i tell you a true believer? He is the one who secured himself away from people’s
money, and the Muslim is the one whose people escaped from his tongue? However, the hero
is the one who laboured himself in the obedience of Almighty ALLAH, and an immigrant is the
one who migrate from any evil acts (Al-Ajri, 2003). The spiritual donation is the actual position
of knowledge in the human being and is the ingredient of their real essences, without it one will
never be dissimilar from other animals. However, personality is the mutual integrations of
spiritual and bodily forces, a person possesses two integrate nature, that is physical and
spirituals. Moreover, the body is the home-based of the soul and soul is the much more better
than the body even through they often influences each other, the behaviour as well as
psychological process are all depend on Islamic spiritual level (al-Ghazali, 1982). Muslim
scholars highlighted the significance of the soul and its faculties to clarify the reasons of
psychospiritual well-being and the adaptation of behaviour (Abdullahi F, 2011). People’s
behaviour is depended on their qualitative effort at the sipiritual level that can be of the one of
the following three level namely; the soul that incline unto evil (al-Nafs al-ammara bis sui), the
soul that blame (Al-Nafs al-lawwamah), the soul at peace (al-nafs al-mutmainna) (Al-Attas).
Islam declared that there is well-adjusted interface between nature and nurture in modelling
the human behaviour as the term nature (fitra) is not only the organic features of conduct but
also the spiritual proportions. Education as well as faith play a vital role in taking about
transformation in human behaviour and social well-being. Therefore human-being is vitally
need a divine guidance and instruction so as to live willingly in a rightful way in order to cope
with his nature, thereby remain thankful to Almighty Allah as well untwisted obedient to him so
as to peacefully live here and hereafter (Abdullahi F, 2011). Therefore, shaping the human
behaviour is fundamentally based on Islamic spirituality that is established on the fear of Allah,
it is profoundly based on the guidance given by the Almighty Allah and the Messenger of Allah
(PBUH). It also clearly shows that it is the fundamental bedrock of shaping the behaviour.
6. Conclusion
By realising what Islam all about and its profound understanding of human beings, one can
understand that Islamic spirituality is the solution to the present behaviour disorder. Islamic
spirituality was fundamentally built on links one by his creator, the lord of the universe in a
situation whereby all his actions will be in accordance with the provision of Islam so as to save
himself here (the world) and hereafter (the day where the wealth he gathered and children
benefit nothing unless those came with good heart). Furthermore, several of verses as well
traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) that
encourage and also inculcate on Islamic spirituality and its value here and hereafter have been
stated. It indicated that victory and prosperity are whole behind the Islamic spirituality.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Sep 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
However, the sources of Islamic spirituality that also helps to preserve spirituality have been
highlighted where it found to be effective in shaping human behaviour which entails the
capacity of whole the human’s activities encompassing his mental, emotional, physical and
social interaction.
7. Implication for Practice and Further Study
The study has implication for research on Islamic spirituality that is associated with Islamic ideas
and institution. However, Islamic ideas and institution are fundamentally grounded to develop
human in all aspects of his life. This will help parents, leaders and entire members of the society
to strive to inculcate it into the members of their community. Thus, the study will contribute
extremely in the sense that it will determine the sources of Islamic spirituality that if been
utilised adequately will help to combat immorality among the people. For a further study,
spirituality in Islam can be a link to a concept like children education, teaching and learning
process and fraud prevention.
The research was sponsored by Kano state government under the leadership of His Excellency,
the visionary governor Dr. Rabiu Musa kwankwaso who is through his effort and tirelessly
commitment to transform education in Kano state the research become completed. I will also
commend the effort of Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Hakim Abdullah who was fatherly
supervised the work right from the beginning up to the end.
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... If someone wants to do a behavior that is contrary to his nature, the qalbu functions as a light in directing every action. The Sufis say, the qalbu is the place where God resides in man (Ubale and Abdullah 2015). There is no doubt that the voice of the heart is the voice of goodness that comes from God whispered into the recesses of the heart, only the whisper of God is able to penetrate the deepest recesses of the heart. ...
... If drawn into the language of interpretation, it means the totality of man, which as a whole includes the psychological side and the physical side. In other words, the integration between the psychological system and the physical system (nafsani) (Ubale and Abdullah 2015), where the soul creates various kinds of wills and desires that give birth to behavior. In connection with Al-nafs as the birthplace of behavior, the nafsani dimension must be considered and always maintained from everything that can direct it to despicable traits. ...
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This study aims to look at the various virtues of the soul that become the midpoint in behavior, these virtues are the virtues between the two vices of extreme excess and neglect. Because moderation is the midpoint between these two attitudes. Departing from the above statement, the attitude that contradicts the moderate attitude certainly cannot be used as a reference to create a conducive atmosphere, both in terms ofsociety and individual life. Moreover, doctrines that suggest a liberal way of thinking and individualism cannot be used as a reference and view to create harmony and balance in life. Ibn Miskawaih in the book Tahdhib Alakhlaq wa Tathir al-A'raq excessive and defi ciency is a bad thing while moderation is a virtue and even a virtue in the psychological system. Excessive extremes are characterized by behavioral recklessness, arbitrary and free to do according to their own wishes regardless of the prevailing norms. This is not a gentle attitude from religious teachings that always echo the values of al-rahmat al-alamin which should be the attitude of a Muslim. This research is a literature review, exploring relevant sources such as articles, journals, books, and other documents that describe theories and information both past and present organizing the literature into the topics and documents needed. By sourcing the works and teachings of Ibn Miskawaih, namely Tahdib al-Akhlaq wa Tathir al-A'raq The approach used in this research is a psychological approach. The findings of this study produce a statement that the attitude of moderation when implemented specifically for individuals will make a moderate person towardssociety, mental and spiritual values. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat berbagai macam kebajikan jiwa yang menjadi titik tengah dalam bersikap, kebajikan tersebut merupakan keutamaan antara dua keburukan yakni ekstrem berlebihan dan terlalu mengabaikan. Oleh sebab moderasi merupakan titik tengah diantara dua sikap tersebut. Berangkat dari pernyataan diatas, maka sikap yang bertolak belakang dengan sikap moderat tentunya tidak dapat dijadikan sebuah acuan untuk menciptakan suasana kondusif, baik ditilik dari segi kehidupan sosial maupun individual. Terlebih lagi doktrin yang mengemukakan cara berfikir yang liberal dan individualisme tidak dapat dijadikan sebuah acuan dan pandangan untuk menciptakan keselarasan dan keseimbangan dalam kehidupan. Ibn Miskawaih dalam kitab Tahdhib Alakhlaq wa Tathir al-A’raq berlebihan dan kekurangan merupakan suatu keburukan sedangkan sifat moderat (moderasi) adalah suatu kebajikan bahkan merupakan suatu keutamaan dalam sistem kejiwaan. Sikap ekstrem berlebihan ditandai dengan kegarangan perilaku, semena-mena, dan bebas berbuat sesuai dengan keinginan sendiri tanpa memandang norma yang berlaku. Hal tersebut bukanlah sikap lembut dari ajaran agama yang selalu menggabungkan nilai-nilai ke al-rahmat al-alamin yang seharusnya menjadi sikap sebagai seorang muslim. Penelitian ini bersifat kajian literatur, menggali sumber yang relevan seperti artikel, jurnal, buku, dan dokumen lain yang mendeskripsikan teori serta informasi baik masa lalu maupun saat ini mengorganisasikan pustaka ke dalam topik dan dokumen yang dibutuhkan. Dengan bersumber pada karya dan ajaran Ibnu Miskawaih yakni Tahdib al-Akhlaq wa Tathir al-A’raq Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan psikologis. Adapun temuan dari penelitian ini menghasilkan pernyataan, bahwa sikap moderasi apabila diimplementasikan secara khusus bagi individu akan menjadikan pribadi yang moderat terhadap nilai-nilai sosial, mental dan spiritual.
... Islam is actually a religion that provides security, comfort, tranquility and tranquility for all its creatures (Ubale & Abdullah, 2015). There is nothing in Islam that teaches its people to hate and harm others (Kirmani, 2015). ...
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Islam is actually a religion that provides security, comfort, tranquility and tranquility for all its creatures. There is nothing in Islam that teaches its people to hate and harm others. Islam as a perfect religion, namely a religion that brings mercy to the universe (rahmatan lil alamin) always prioritizes the mission of peace, tolerance, moderation and nonviolence. This adaptive and accommodating characteristic of Islam is what the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) championed. A religion that is easily accepted because its teachings are humane and universal. Historically, the entry of Islam in Indonesia was very peaceful and tolerant, as taught by the saints through local culture and could coexist with other religions at that time. But at this time violence or extreme attitudes are a phenomenon that we often hear and see, both in the mass media and the reality that surrounds our environment and society. The phenomenon of Islamic religious discourse in post-reform Indonesia is suspected to have experienced a lot of radicalism and even extremism. The explosion of terrorism in the name of Islam that occurred after the reform until now has made the face of Indonesian Islam in the spotlight in the world. In fact, Islam in Indonesia is Islam that prioritizes moderate principles (al-washathiyyah) in preaching, this characteristic of accommodating Islam is the bulwark of preventing radical religious understanding. Therefore, this study examines more focus and detail about how the concept of Al-Wasatiyyah in Islam according to Yusuf Al-Qaradawi and its implications for Indonesian society.
... However, amidst these positive developments, significant challenges arise. Regrettably, many young individuals, particularly within the Muslim community, are observed to lack adherence to noble conduct, lacking proper guidance in Islamic behavior (Hoque et al., 2013;Noble & McGrath, 2012;Ubale & Abdullah, 2015). Additionally, despite possessing intelligence, a number of Muslims display corrupt behavior, adversely affecting their attitudes and their interactions with others. ...
Facing the current advanced era, it is very nice to see the young generation studying, developing, and advancing their way of thinking and their outputs in their contribution to life and community. However, some of the challenges faced are, on the contrary, many young people today are detached from noble behaviour, especially the Muslim generation who live without the appropriate direction of Islamic behaviour. Furthermore, many Muslims are intelligent but corrupt in behaviour, negatively impacting their bad behaviour on their attitudes and the people who interact with them. This bad behaviour results in a far-from happiness slump and always feels lacking and greedy.
... However, some of the challenges faced are, on the contrary, many young people today are detached from noble behaviour, especially the Muslim generation who live without the appropriate direction of Islamic behaviour (Hoque et al., 2013;Noble & McGrath, 2012;Ubale & Abdullah, 2015). Furthermore, many Muslims are intelligent but corrupt in behaviour, negatively impacting their bad behaviour on their attitudes and the people who interact with them. ...
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The depravity of youth behaviour that is happening today is very disturbing to society, and whatever happens to our youth today will undoubtedly make our future which will always depend on them. The expected behaviour at this time is very far from expectations where slander will always come depending on the youth shielding themselves in goodness. Happiness, which is one of the goals of the Muslim community, is indeed a challenge in achieving it where one of its prominent roles in schools that help shape the personality of today's youth in making sustainable behaviour in Islamic perspectives to shield themselves from the slander of the world. Seeing the background that becomes a challenge for the development of sustainable Islamic behaviour, here we are moved to make research topics that can be researched from the development of SMA Islam Ibnu Umar Tangerang Selatan in creating their personality in achieving happiness a goal rather than their obedience to Allah and His Messenger. The methodology used is mixed quantitative and qualitative with an emphasis on two variables in obtaining the results from the research.
... Prayers also bring them closer to Allah (s.w.t) and encourage them to do good things. In addition, prayers can purify the heart and the soul and shape human behaviours (1). Allah (s.w.t) mentioned in chapter 35 of the Qurʼān verses 30 to 31: ...
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Islam is a religion that is based on five pillars which prayer is one of them. Prayer is compulsory for all Muslims, even during sickness. To ease the followers, Islam introduces rukhsah to give flexibility to sick people to perform prayer based on their ability. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding rukhsah in prayer. This study also examined the association between level of knowledge and attitude towards the practice of rukhsah in prayer among undergraduate students at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuantan. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 129 undergraduate students at IIUM, Kuantan. Stratified random sampling was used to select the respondents among undergraduate students to answers the questionnaire. The obtained data were then entered and coded into IBM SPSS version 24.0 for analysis. Result: The findings showed that most of the respondents had high scores for each construct; knowledge (98.4%, n = 127), attitude (99.2%, n = 128) and practice (89.9%, n = 116), regarding rukhsah in prayer. Also, a significant positive association between level of knowledge and attitude towards the practice of rukhsah in prayer was identified (p < 0.005). Conclusion: The course and program related to disseminating rukhsah's knowledge should be continued to ensure that the students are well versed with its theory and practices. As a potential frontline who will be assisting the patient in the future, knowledge regarding rukhsah is imperative to fulfil the patients' needs.
... Hence, consumers behave with this self-interest will consume commercial goods remains to seek pleasure. Ubale and Abdullah (2015) stated that al-nafs al-lawwamah is the part of the soul that brands one to blame. It starts to consider the devinity aspect, but it tends to satisfies its interest to material things. ...
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p> The expansion of e-commerce dramatically changes the spending patterns which are found a significant number of impulse buying. Practical method and easy way to buy specific goods from e-commerce might be an important factor why customers spent their money more impulsively. Researches on this phenomenon showed that psychological values emerged from religiusity condition and self-interest encouragement play as self-regulation for controlling impulsive buying behavior. Viewed from Islamic economic perspective, this study seeks to configurate self-interest ( al-nafs ) into three levels namely al-nafs al-ammarah , al-nafs al-lawwamah , and al-nafs al-muthmainnah when al-nafs involved in online impulse buying. The first two layers of al-nafs refer to the level of self-interest which are material oriented, whereas the last one represents the highest level of self-interest which is spiritual oriented. By employing 134 repondents from e-commerce customers in Jakarta, the research findings revealed that there was no relationship between religiusity and al-nafs al-ammarah and al-nafs al-lawwamah . However, al-nafs al-ammarah (sig.= 0.000) and al-nafs al-lawwamah (sig.=0.040) positively influenced impulse buying. Meanwhile, there was strong relationship between religiusity and al-nafs al-muthmainnah (sig.= 0.000) in which this highest level of self-interest did not have relationship with impulse buying. These research findings have important implications that in order to regulate impulsive buying behavior, customers should control their self-interest and make it to be al-nafs al-muthmainnah . </em
... The concept of learning An-Nafs based on philosophical foundation: human not merely as a being composed of the physical aspect only, but the essential essence of the human as a spiritual being who assumes the duties of God's servant. Nafs is the name for the spirit when the spirit has not been blown into the human body (Munsoor, 2015;Pathan, 2016;Rothman & Coyle, 2018;Ubale & Abdullah, 2015). The blowing of the spirit to the body occurs when the body is ready to receive it. ...
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This article aims to explore the theory, An-Nafs learning model and the response of religious teachers at elementary schools in Palupuh, Agam. This study involved all the religious teachers from 19 schools in Palupuh. Based on the questionnaire distributed and then processed by using Likert scale, obtained excellent response from them, both on the aspects of theoretical understanding, urgency, and the benefits of its application to the learning of Islam. The finding showed that all the learning theories today can not be separated from the philosophical view of the nature of man and God. This view will determine how a person treats humans, educates and learns them and also the purpose of the education and learning. The essence of learning in the theory and model of learning An Nafs is the occurrence of changes in the An-Nafs itself as the potential human-psychological (jasad-ruhani)
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Music in Islam is not only related to art and culture. It is also included in the discourse of religious worship and experience. Many jurists debate the legal status of music, both at the listening level and at the singing level. However, for Sufis, music is a medium of worship, a medium for expressing their experience of closeness to God. Jalaluddin Rumi, as a Sufi who often uses music and expresses his Sufi experiences through poetry and music. He has a different meaning about music, which seems to contain a spiritual (ruhani) element which is a form of his experiential existence. This issue will be explored in this article through the question: what spiritual values are contained in Sufi music? and how can music occur as a way of existence in Sufism? This research is qualitative in nature with descriptive analysis which results in the conclusion that Rumi's poetry and music show his more intimate and secret teachings in relation to the expression of his relationship with God. So the experience of ecstasy and the ma’rifat often arises through poetry or music.
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Abstract. This study deals with lexical -semantic problems and constrains encountered by the Quranic translators when in translating Qur’anic Arabic-Specific words '' Nafs " نفس into English. Also, the study purposes to explore uniquely three prominent translations of Qur’anic Arabic-Specific words '' nafs " نفس into English: (Abdel Haleem, 2004; Khan and AL-Hilali, 1996; Pickthall, 2001/1930) to elucidate lexical -semantic problems they encountered when rendering such Qur’anic Arabic-Specific words into the target language (English). Findings revealed that lexical -semantic problems and constrains faced in translating Qur’anic Arabic-Specific words '' Nafs " نفس into English arise from the linguistic divide resulting from the cultural differences between Arabic and English).It has also been found the inconsistencies in meaning and lexical and semantic loss would perplex and impede the Qur’an translators in translating the Noble Qur’an into English in general and Qur’anic Arabic-Specific words '' Nafs " نفس in particular. The study highlights the significance of understanding the embedded meaning in Qur’anic Arabic-specific expressions at word level when exerting exerted effort to render them into English and comprehend what the words can betoken in each specific context and then has to attempt and translate those of meaning. Keywords. Constrains, Lexical , Nafs, Noble Quran Problems, Semantic, translation
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The present study aims to identify, examine, and analyze the factors affecting spirituality in the architecture of religious-cultural places from the perspective of experts and finally explain them in a model. The results generally indicate that physical, sensory, socio-individual, and functional components play a significant role in the creation/enhancement of a sense of spirituality in the architecture of religious places.
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This paper seeks to advance an understanding of Human Nature through Islamic Sources. The paper also seeks to adopt a self-consciously comparative approach to psychology, comparing Islamic perspective with Western views. The author explores Islamic views on the three dimensions of psychology - the spiritual, the physiological and the behavioral. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for a theoretical basis to define the psychological vision of human nature and to identify the subject matter of psychology within Islamic framework. Psychology cannot be separated from religious, philosophical and moral issues, the paper insists, therefore it is important that they be integrated in the efforts to articulate Islamic psychology.
Western psychology tends to be divisive in dealing with human personality and has been responsible for the nature-versus nurture controversy. On the one hand, it contends that certain corrupt behavior is predetermined by psychological or biological factors from conception—while on the other, it explains behavior as a simplistic series of reinforcements from contingencies and conditioned responses to environmental stimuli. This secular humanistic outlook has produced an ethical relativism that is the current trend in today’s world. This stance is not condemned only by Islam, but also by most religions of the world. This shows that the human nature (fitrah) is still vibrant and dynamic. This article attempts to highlight the importance of the Islamic belief system—which is an integrated and comprehensive way in dealing with human behavior—especially by means of the interaction of nature, nurture, and the spiritual factor in the formation of human behavior.
Islamic Spirituality Online Sufism–Young British Muslims, their Internet 'Selves' and Virtual Reality
  • Abdul-Hakim
  • Murad
Abdul-hakim, Murad. ( 2012 ) Islamic Spirituality, in Cheruvallil-Contractor, S. (2013). Online Sufism–Young British Muslims, their Internet 'Selves' and Virtual Reality. Sufism in Britain, 161.
Child education in Islam
  • Nasih Abdullahi
  • Ulwan
Abdullahi, Nasih ulwan. (2000). Child education in Islam. Second edition. Qaherah: Dar al-Salam li al-Tibah wa al-Nashri wa al-tawzi. Egypt. (p295-305).
Spiritual Intelligence versus General Health in Handicaps
  • Ali Sinna
Ali Sinna. (2012). in Nematzadeh, A. (2013). Spiritual Intelligence versus General Health in Handicaps. Journal of American Science, 9(3s).
Muktar al-sihah. Maktabati Lebanon Akhlaq ahl al-Qur'an
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the nature of Man and the psychology of the human soul
  • Muhammad Al-Attas
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Al-Mufradat fi Ghareeb Al-Qu'ran. Dar Al-Ma'rifah
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What is Islam and why? English monograph. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan National Library series
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Ghazi bn Muhammad. (2012). What is Islam and why? English monograph. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan National Library series no 21 p9-56).