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Overview of NOAA Coral Reef Watch Program’s Near-Real-
Time Satellite Global Coral Bleaching Monitoring Activities
Gang LIU
, Alan E. STRONG
, William SKIRVING
, and L. Felipe ARZAYUS
STG, Inc., NOAA, E/RA31, SSMC1, Room 5310, 1335 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA;
NOAA/NESDIS/ORA, E/RA3, WWB, Room 601, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA;
CIRA, Colorado State University, NOAA, E/RA31, SSMC1, Room 5306, 1335 East-West Highway, Silver Spring,
MD 20910, USA;
I. M. Systems Group, Inc., NOAA, E/RA31, SSMC1, Room 5308, 1335 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD
20910, USA;
Abstract Coral bleaching has been considered as one of
the major contributors to the increased worldwide
deterioration of coral reef ecosystems being reported
over the past few decades. Understandably the need for
improved understanding, monitoring, and prediction of
coral bleaching becomes imperative. Satellite remote
sensing has become a key tool for coral reef managers
and scientists, providing the capability of synoptic views
of the global oceans in near-real-time and the ability to
monitor remote reef areas. As early as 1997, NOAA’s
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information
Service (NESDIS) began producing near-real-time, web-
accessible, satellite-derived sea surface temperature
(SST) products to monitor conditions conducive to coral
bleaching from thermal stress around the globe. In 2000,
this activity enabled the genesis of NOAA’s Coral Reef
Watch (CRW) Program. Over the past couple of years,
most of its key products, including SST anomalies,
bleaching HotSpots, Degree Heating Weeks (DHW), and
Tropical Ocean Coral Bleaching Indices webpage
became “operational” products after successfully
providing early warnings of coral bleaching to the U.S.
and global coral reef communities as “experimental”
products for several years. Currently, several new near-
real-time products, including Short-Term Trends of
Thermal Stress, Duration of Thermal Stress, Number of
Stress Days, and an automated e-mail alerting system,
are in the final stages of development and should become
available soon. As we attempt to improve the accuracy of
the monitoring products and develop prediction
capabilities, CRW is seeking to develop these products at
higher spatial resolutions, monitor other related
environmental parameters (such as surface wind, solar
radiation, and wave field), incorporate numerical model
simulations, and develop new and more accurate
algorithms. CRW’s mission is to provide the domestic
and international coral reef communities with timely and
accurate information for understanding, monitoring, and
preserving these “rainforests of the sea.”
Keywords coral, bleaching, satellite remote sensing, sea
surface temperature, HotSpot, Degree Heating Week,
Coral reefs are the most diverse and complex marine
ecosystem and comprise the largest biological structure
on the earth. Well-developed coral reefs reflect
thousands of years of history. Recently, however, coral
reefs have been facing increasing hazards and threats and
many coral habitats worldwide have been declining
rapidly (e.g., Glynn, 1996).
Most reef-forming corals contain symbiotic
microscopic algae within their gastrodermal cells (Yonge
and Nicholls, 1931). Healthy corals come in a variety of
colors, depending on the photosynthetic pigments of their
symbiotic algae. However, under certain environmental
stresses, the algae can be expelled by the host corals.
Lacking their symbiotic algae, the corals reveal their
white underlying calcium carbonate skeleton through the
translucent coral tissue and the affected coral colony
becomes stark white or pale in color. This phenomenon
is commonly known as “coral bleaching” (Berkelmans
and Willis, 1999; Reaser et al., 2000).
Coral bleaching is often caused by ambient water
temperatures that exceed the coral’s tolerance level (e.g.,
Glynn and D’Croz, 1990; Lesser et al., 1990). This may
be as little as 1 to 2
C above the mean monthly summer
values (Coles and Jokiel, 1977; Jokiel and Coles, 1990).
High temperature not only contributes to bleaching but
also reduces coral’s normal growth and reproductive
capacity (Szmant and Gassman, 1990; Ward et al., 1998;
Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999). Bleaching may also weaken
coral’s ability to fight disease (Cervino et al., 1998;
Richardson et al., 1998). Prolonged thermal stress over
bleached corals often leads to the death of the corals
(e.g., Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999; Wilkinson et al., 1999).
Severe bleaching events have dramatic long-term
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Proceedings of 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1783-1793 (2006)
ecological impacts, including loss of reef-building corals,
changes in benthic habitat, and, in some cases, changes
in fish population (Munro, 1996; Berkelmans and Oliver,
1999; Done, 1999). Even under favorable conditions, it
can take many years for severely bleached reefs to
recover (Hughes, 1994; Connell et al., 1997; Done,
Bleaching may occur at local scales or at geographic
scales. A mass bleaching event is a bleaching event
occurring at geographic scales that may involve entire
reef systems and geographic realms (Hoegh-Guldberg,
1999). Mass bleaching events occur much less frequently
than local scale bleaching events which are often caused
by local environmental factors.
Climate change is considered to be one of the
greatest threats to the world’s coral reefs over the next
few decades and may be somewhat responsible for large-
scale deterioration over the past few decades (Hughes et
al., 2003). Anomalously high sea surface temperatures
(SSTs) driven by natural climate events (e.g., 1997-1998
El Niño) occurring in association with rising sea
temperatures have caused large-scale mass coral
bleaching over the past few decades (i.e., Montgomery
and Strong, 1994; Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999; Goreau et al.,
2000; Wellington et al., 2001; Strong et al., 2002; Liu et
al., 2003). These changes have resulted in the loss of
reef-building corals on an unprecedented scale across
large areas of the world’s tropical oceans (Glynn, 1996;
Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999; Wilkinson, 1999).
Coral reef areas are being monitored more
extensively now than ever for environmental conditions
associated with bleaching. As early as 1997, the U.S.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA)’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and
Information Service (NESDIS) began to provide near-
real-time satellite remotely-sensed SSTs and extended
information, derived from SSTs, to the U.S. and global
coral reef communities as a means of detecting and
monitoring thermal stress conducive to bleaching. The
NESDIS satellite monitoring activity is now a core
component of NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch (CRW)
Program. An overview of the current near-real-time
global satellite coral bleaching monitoring activities at
NOAA’s CRW is given in this paper.
Development of the CRW near-real-time satellite
coral bleaching monitoring activities
Following several years of research projects in
collaboration with midshipmen from the U.S. Naval
Academy (e.g., Montgomery and Strong, 1994; Gleeson
and Strong, 1995), the world’s first near-real-time
satellite global bleaching monitoring system was
developed in 1996 at NOAA/NESDIS (Strong et al.,
1997). The near-real-time monitoring system was
inaugurated in 1997, providing web-accessible products
to both the U.S. and global coral reef communities. In
1997, the system included only one monitoring tool,
bleaching HotSpots (see the next section for the
description). By 2000, a suite of satellite global coral
bleaching monitoring tools had been developed at
NESDIS, including bleaching Degree Heating Weeks
(DHW, see the next section for the description). This
satellite bleaching monitoring system has been and still is
the only system of its kind available in the world and
possibly represents the only global suite of operational
satellite products currently being used for the
management of any marine ecosystem (Skirving et al.,
was established in 2000 with NESDIS’ satellite
bleaching monitoring system serving as a core
component. NOAA’s CRW, established to provide early
warnings and long-term monitoring for both U.S. and
global coral reef ecosystems, is mainly a monitoring
program that includes both satellite and in-situ
monitoring components. Most of the in-situ monitoring
in CRW is conducted by NOAA's Office of Oceanic and
Atmospheric Research (OAR), National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), and National Ocean Service (NOS). In
early 2004, the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrated
Observing System (CREIOS) was established to
integrate NOAA's monitoring, mapping, and observing
of coral reef ecosystems by NESDIS, NMFS, OAR, and
Suite of CRW near-real-time satellite global coral
bleaching monitoring tools
Currently, the primary CRW near-real-time satellite
global coral bleaching monitoring tools include the
operational near-real-time satellite global 50-km
nighttime SSTs, coral bleaching HotSpots, coral
bleaching DHWs, Tropical Ocean Coral Bleaching
Indices webpage, and SST time series for selected reef
sites (Fig. 1). Most of these primary products are
presented in graphic format and posted online for easy
global access. Animations of SST, HotSpot, and DHW
charts over the most recent 2, 4, and 6 months are also
produced and posted on the web. These products were
developed based on earlier work by Montgomery and
Strong (1994), Gleeson and Strong (1995), Strong et al.
(1997), and Goreau et al. (2000).
The coral bleaching HotSpot (Fig. 1a) is a type of
SST anomaly giving the difference between a nighttime
SST value (Fig. 1b) at a given time at a given location
and the corresponding climatology value for the same
location (Strong et al., 1997; Liu et al., 2003; Skirving et
al., 2005). The climatology currently used for deriving
the bleaching HotSpot is the climatological mean
temperature of the climatologically warmest month at the
location. It is often referred to as the maximum of the
monthly mean SST climatology, otherwise known as
MMM climatology. This climatology, derived from the
Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite
(POES) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR) nighttime SSTs for the period 1985-1993, is
static in time for any given location, but varies
geographically. This satellite coral bleaching HotSpot
product was developed at NOAA/NESDIS in 1996 based
on the “ocean hot spots” concept introduced by Goreau
and Hayes (1994). From 1997, HotSpot was produced
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routinely as an experimental product to measure the
occurrence and intensity of anomalously high SSTs
(Strong et al., 1997) and became the first operational
product in September 2002. Pinpointing the location of
thermal stress conducive to coral bleaching in the global
tropical oceans, HotSpot charts display only positive
values of this specialized anomaly.
Fig. 1a. CRW’s operational twice-weekly near-real-time
satellite 50-km coral bleaching HotSpot charts of January
31, 2004 for the Eastern Hemisphere (upper chart) and
Western Hemisphere (lower chart).
Fig. 1b. CRW’s operational twice-weekly near-real-time
satellite global 50-km nighttime SST chart of January 31,
To measure the cumulative extent of thermal stress
experienced by coral reefs, a thermal stress index, called
a DHW (Fig. 1c), was also developed at NOAA/NESDIS
(Strong et al., 1997). It became available experimentally
for near-real-time monitoring at the beginning of 2000
and became an operational product in September 2003.
DHW for a given location represents the accumulation of
HotSpots at that location over a rolling 12-week time
period (Liu et al., 2003; Skirving et al., 2005).
Preliminary indications show that typically a HotSpot
value of less than one degree Celsius is insufficient to
cause visible stress on corals. Consequently, only
HotSpot values 1°C are accumulated (i.e., if there are
consecutive weekly HotSpot values of 1.0, 2.0, 0.8, and
1.2°C, the DHW value will be 4.2 because 0.8 is less
than one and, therefore, does not get accumulated). One
DHW is equivalent to one week of HotSpot levels
staying at 1°C or half a week of HotSpot levels at 2°C,
and so forth.
Fig. 1c. CRW’s operational twice-weekly near-real-time
satellite 50-km coral bleaching DHW charts of January
31, 2004 for the Eastern Hemisphere (upper chart) and
Western Hemisphere (lower chart).
Field observations (most of which are subjective
measurements presented as informal reports) with
coincident satellite data are only available for a limited
number of years, but do include the 1998 worldwide
mass bleaching events. Collectively, these observations
indicate that there is a correlation between bleached
corals and DHW values of four or greater (Liu et al.,
2003; Skirving et al., 2005). When DHW values reach
eight, widespread bleaching is likely and some mortality
can be expected. CRW has applied these DHW levels
when generating satellite bleaching warnings and alerts
(Wellington et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2003). These products
have been successful in monitoring major coral
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bleaching episodes around the globe since 1997 (e.g.,
Wilkinson et al., 1999; Goreau et al., 2000; Wellington et
al., 2001).
Fig. 1d. CRW’s operational twice-weekly near-real-time
satellite Tropical Ocean Coral Bleaching Indices
webpage of January 31, 2004, for 24 selected reef sites
around the globe.
CRW’s satellite Tropical Ocean Bleaching Indices
webpage (Fig. 1d) provides actual numerical values of
near-real-time SST and DHW, along with the MMM
climatology values, currently for 24 selected reef sites
around the globe. Numerical values typically offer more
accurate information than the information extracted from
graphic displays using color scales; whereas, the chart
overview provides extent and often shows connectivity
with adjacent reef systems. A small red triangular
warning sign (Fig. 1d) appears next to a reef name when
the SST at a representative satellite pixel closest to the
reef exceeds the MMM climatology value at the pixel;
whereas, a large red triangular warning sign appears next
to the reef name and the name is colored red when a
DHW value has accumulated during the past twice-
weekly time period. Among the 24 sites, six are in the
Atlantic Ocean (Bermuda, Sombrero Reef, Lee Stocking
Island, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and Glover’s
Reef Atoll); twelve in the Pacific Ocean (Midway Atoll,
Oahu-Maui, Palmyra Island, Galapagos, American
Samoa, Tahiti-Moorea, Guam, Enewetok, Palau, Davies
Reef, Heron Island, and Fiji-Beqa); and six in the Indian
Ocean (Oman-Muscat, Maldives-Male, Seychelles-
Mahe, Cobourg Park, Scott Reef, and Ningaloo Reef).
The page also provides numerous links to the
corresponding regional reef maps and satellite near-real-
time wind fields.
CRW’s satellite temperature time series webpage is
the entry point to the time series charts (Fig. 1e) of these
24 selected reef sites. These time series go back to 1985.
Animations of SST, HotSpot, and DHW charts over the
most recent 2-, 4-, and 6-month time periods (not shown)
are produced and posted online for easy monitoring of
the temporal development and spatial evolution of
thermal stress.
All of these near-real-time CRW products are
presently being updated twice-a-week in near-real-time
using the updated NOAA/NESDIS operational twice-
weekly composite satellite nighttime AVHRR SST field.
On Tuesdays, the twice-weekly satellite composite SST
data, derived from daily SST retrievals obtained from the
previous Saturday through Monday, are used for
updating bleaching products and, similarly, on Saturdays,
data from the previous Tuesday through Friday are used.
These near-real-time products, along with the
descriptions of methodologies, are web-accessible at All the static
twice-weekly data and charts are archived and also web-
accessible at the above website. The animations are not
Fig. 1e. CRW’s operational twice-weekly near-real-time
satellite SST time series chart as of July 27, 2004, for a
representative pixel closest to Sombrero Reef, Florida.
The static MMM climatology value (black dashed line)
and MMM+1ºC (red line) at the pixel are also plotted.
Application of the CRW satellite coral bleaching
monitoring tools: a demonstration
In this section, a mass coral bleaching event is used
as a sample to demonstrate how the CRW near-real-time
monitoring tools are applied for detecting the occurrence
and monitoring the development of thermal stress
responsible for a bleaching event.
During the summer of 2002, a mass coral bleaching
was observed in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
(NWHI). This bleaching event was reported as the first
mass bleaching event ever observed in this remote and
relatively pristine large-scale coral reef ecosystem (Aeby
et al., 2003). A series of CRW near-real-time, twice-
weekly, HotSpot charts (Fig. 2) shows the development
of the thermal stress in the North Pacific Ocean at several
stages during the summer of 2002. These HotSpot charts
were modified from the original near-real-time global
HotSpot charts to show only the North Pacific Ocean.
The original near-real-time, twice-weekly, HotSpot
charts are archived and web-accessible at
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2.html. Near-real-time animations of HotSpots charts
were also used at the time for monitoring the evolving
development of the thermal stress across the region. The
little cross on the charts in Fig. 2 marks the location of
Midway Atoll of the NWHI, which is near the northwest
end of the NWHI. In the NWHI region, the thermal
stress, shown by positive HotSpots, first appeared in late
July, reached its maximum strength in early August,
achieved its maximum spatial coverage in the NWHI in
late August, and disappeared from the region by late
September. The accumulation of DHW in the NWHI
lasted over 10 weeks. The thermal stress first developed
in the region west-northwest of the NWHI and then
expanded east-southeastward into the NWHI. The
intensity of the HotSpot decreased as the thermal stress
evolved towards the southeast.
Fig. 2. CRW’s near-real-time HotSpot charts of July
23, August 12, 30, and September 24, 2002, showing the
development of thermal stress in the North Pacific
Ocean. The little cross on the charts marks the location
of Midway Atoll of the NWHI, which is near the
northwest end of the NWHI. The islands shown to the far
southeast of the Midway Atoll are the Main Hawaiian
Islands, which are off the southeast end of the NWHI.
A series of CRW near-real-time, twice-weekly,
DHW charts (Fig. 3) shows the development of the
extent of thermal stress accumulation in the North Pacific
Ocean during the same time period. The original near-
real-time charts are archived and web-accessible at
02.html. The accumulation of DHW in the NWHI region
started in late July and continued into early September.
Maximum DHW accumulations decreased towards the
southeast in the NWHI.
Fig. 3. CRW’s near-real-time DHW charts of July 26
and September 9, 2002, showing the accumulation of
thermal stress in the North Pacific Ocean during the 2002
mass coral bleaching event in the NWHI. See Fig. 2 for
the location of the NWHI.
Satellite SST time series (Fig. 4) show that, among
the reef areas in the NWHI region, the three
northwestern-most atolls, Kure, Midway, and Pearl and
Hermes, bore the worst of the thermal stress. The 50-km
satellite pixels closest to these three atolls are centered at
(28.5N, 178.0W), (28.5N, 177.5W), and (28.0N,
176.0W), respectively. At these three satellite pixels, the
maximum DHW values during the summer of 2002 were
6.0, 7.6, and 6.4 DHWs, respectively, with the maximum
HotSpot values of 1.9, 1.9, and 1.6°C.
Midway Atoll is one of the 24 selected reef sites on
our Tropical Ocean Coral Bleaching Indices webpage
(Fig. 1d). In early August of 2002, when the satellite SST
quickly exceeded the MMM climatology value and
DHW started to accumulate in a large area that included
Midway Atoll (Fig. 5), an early warning for potential
bleaching was issued by CRW via emails (NOAA’s
“coral-list”) to coral reef scientists and managers in the
region. Several follow-up bleaching warnings were
issued when a large area in the NWHI experienced more
than 4 DHWs. The elevated water temperatures were also
detected by the automated in-situ Coral Reef Early
Warning System (CREWS) buoys, operated in the area
by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) (Hoeke et al.,
In September 2002, a field survey by CRED along
135 kilometers of prime reef habitat in the NWHI
verified this mass bleaching event (Aeby et al., 2003;
Hoeke et al., 2004; Kenyon et al., 2004). The cruise was
scheduled before the occurrence of the bleaching event,
but updated information from CRW helped CRED alter
their original cruise plan to focus more attention on
conducting surveys on mass coral bleaching that
previously was not considered a significant threat in this
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Fig. 4. CRW’s near-real-time satellite SST time series
charts of 2002 showing the temperature evolution at the
three northwestern-most atolls of the NWHI: Kure,
Midway, and Pearl and Hermes. The static MMM
climatology value (black dashed lines) and MMM+1ºC
(red lines) at these pixels are also plotted.
Substantial and unprecedented bleaching (greater
than 20% and up to 100% of the corals) was observed on
reefs at the three northwestern-most atolls, Kure,
Midway, and Pearl and Hermes, with diminished
bleaching in other NWHI reefs towards the southeast
(Aeby et al., 2003; Kenyon et al., 2004). Bleaching was
initially reported in August 2002 by the CRED-led
NWHI marine debris removal team and mass bleaching
was first reported in September 2002 (Aeby et al., 2003).
CRW’s satellite monitoring of this mass bleaching event
matched very well with the in-situ observations in both
pattern and timing of the bleaching.
Some recent noteworthy mass bleaching events
detected by CRW
Since the inauguration of the CRW satellite
monitoring in 1997, many mass coral bleaching events
have taken place around the globe. In this section, as
noteworthy events, some of these bleaching events are
mentioned together with their CRW near-real-time
HotSpots and DHW charts, which identified the location,
spatial coverage, and intensity of the thermal stresses
responsible. The 2002 mass bleaching event in the
NWHI has already been discussed in the previous section
and is not described in this section.
2003: A mass coral bleaching event was observed in
Bermuda during the summer of 2003 (Cook CB, Smith
SR, Brylewska H, de Putron S, Webster G, Strong M,
pers. comm.). Of all the coral colonies recorded during a
survey at the end of August and beginning of September,
21% were bleached at the rim reef sites and 19% were
bleached at the lagoonal sites. Of the most affected coral
species, 94% of the colonies were bleached on the rim
reefs and 77% on the lagoonal reefs. Fig. 6 shows the
HotSpot at its peak intensity in mid-August in the
northwest Atlantic Ocean and the maximum
accumulation of DHW in late-August. The maximum
HotSpot and DHW values at Bermuda were 1.8°C and
9.8 DHWs, respectively.
Fig. 5. CRW’s Tropical Ocean Bleaching Indices
webpages showing thermal stress information and related
bleaching warning levels for Midway Atoll on July 22
(upper panel), August 2 (middle panel), and September
6, 2002 (lower panel).
2002: In early 2002, during the austral summer, an
unprecedented mass coral bleaching event was recorded
in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia (Wilkinson,
2002b; Liu et al., 2003). This bleaching event was much
worse than the 1998 mass bleaching event in the GBR in
terms of both intensity and spatial coverage. Almost 60%
of the total GBR reef area was affected with few reefs
escaping the bleaching. Up to 90% of corals were dead at
the worst affected sites (Wilkinson, 2002b). Fig. 7 shows
the distribution of HotSpot at its peak intensity and the
maximum DHW in the GBR during early 2002. The
thermal stress peaked around February 11, 2002 when
widespread HotSpots over the GBR reached maximum
levels between 2°C and 3°C. The maximum DHW
accumulation for the region occurred just east of the
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GBR (up to 16 DHWs); while throughout the region, the
maximum accumulations exceeded 10 DHWs (Liu et al.,
Fig. 6. CRW’s HotSpot chart (upper chart) showing the
thermal stress during its peak stage in mid-August 2003
in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and DHW chart (lower
chart) showing the maximum accumulation of DHW in
late-August 2003.
2001: Fig. 8 shows the peak HotSpots and the
maximum DHW accumulation in the Northwest Pacific
Ocean during the 2001 summer, when a mass coral
bleaching event occurred in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
(Strong et al., 2002). In the Ryukyu Islands, the
persistent HotSpot reached its maximum intensity
(around 3°C, immediately east of Okinawa) in mid-
August; the accumulation of DHW started in late June
and reached its maximum (more than 10 DHWs
immediately east of Okinawa) in mid-September. Field
observation showed that the most severe coral mortality
reached 46-69% in the southern islands of Ryukyus (Dai
et al., 2002).
2000: Fig. 9 shows the HotSpots at its peak
intensity and the maximum DHW accumulation in early
2000 around and near Easter Island in the South Pacific
Ocean. A mass coral bleaching event was observed at
Easter Island during the same time period (Wellington et
al., 2001). In this region, a HotSpot first appeared in
early February and by March 21, a DHW value of 9 had
accumulated at Easter Island. Survey at five widely
distributed sites around the island revealed that an
average of 85-90% of the coral colonies was affected
down to a depth of 10 m (Wellington et al., 2001).
1998: A strong ENSO event occurred during 1998,
coinciding with the observation of mass coral bleaching
events around the globe (e.g., Wilkinson et al., 1999;
Goreau et al., 2000; Wilkinson, 2002a). This world's
largest coral bleaching and mortality event temporarily
destroyed about 16% of the world's reefs. Large parts of
the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia and the far western
Pacific were most dramatically affected, with mortality
levels greater than 90% on some reefs (Wilkinson,
2002a). Fig. 10 presents a composite maximum DHW
chart for 1998, showing the maximum accumulation of
DHW in the global oceans during the year. The
accumulation of thermal stress in the Eastern Equatorial
Pacific Ocean is obviously due to the 1997-1998 El Niño
event. Although the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean is
not a coral rich region, unprecedented global distribution
of intensive thermal stress conducive to bleaching is
considered to be associated with the 1997-1998 El Niño
Fig. 7. CRW’s HotSpot chart (upper chart) showing the
thermal stress during its peak stage and DHW chart
(lower chart) showing the maximum accumulation of
DHW in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia and adjacent
waters in early 2002.
Since 1997, CRW has issued many bleaching
warnings via the internet (“e-warnings”). Verification,
using the bleaching status reports sent directly to us from
users in the field and obtained from the ReefBase Project
of the World Fish Center, has proven most of our
warnings informing users that bleaching was occurring to
be correct. These warnings were issued when the values
of DHW, i.e., the accumulation of thermal stress,
exceeded a level of four with significant spatial coverage
at the locations of interest. Detailed statistical analyses of
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the accuracy of our satellite HotSpot/DHW monitoring
products are in progress, with results in a future
Fig. 8. CRW’s HotSpot chart (left chart) showing the
thermal stress during its peak stage and DHW chart
(right chart) showing the maximum accumulation of
DHW in the Northwest Pacific Ocean during the summer
of 2001.
Fig. 9. CRW’s HotSpot chart (upper chart) showing the
thermal stress during its peak stage and DHW chart
(lower chart) showing the maximum accumulation of
DHW in the South Pacific Ocean in early 2000.
Growing user group of CRW satellite near-real-time
coral bleaching monitoring tools
Over these past 8 years, CRW near-real-time
satellite global bleaching monitoring has gained
international recognition, credibility, and visibility. An
early pay-off was derived from successful CRW satellite
monitoring of mass coral bleaching events in the Great
Barrier Reef, Australia, and accompanying in-situ
monitoring conducted within the Great Barrier Reef in
2001. A notable science and technology arrangement was
established in June 2001 between the Australian Institute
of Marine Science and the Great Barrier Reef Marine
Park Authority, both of The Commonwealth of Australia,
and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration of the United States of America
regarding scientific and technical cooperation in the area
of coral reefs. This achievement represents the first
science and technology arrangement between the two
governments. The purpose of this arrangement is to
jointly pursue scientific and technical cooperation in the
area of coral reef research, monitoring, and protection
that further the mutual interests of the parties involved.
Australia’s rich experience and knowledge on the Great
Barrier Reef has already played a major role in the
development and improvement of both CRW satellite
and in-situ coral bleaching monitoring.
Since 2003, CRW’s near-real-time DHW data have
been provided on a monthly basis to the ReefBase
Project of the WorldFish Center. These DHW data are
loaded into ReefBase’s online GIS system as an
important GIS map layer ( In
this online GIS system, locations of reported bleaching
events collected by ReefBase can be superimposed on
CRW’s DHW maps to correlate the locations of observed
bleaching events and the values of DHW.
CRW’s HotSpot and DHW charts have been used by
various users in various bleaching related publications
(e.g., Ministry of the Environment and Japanese Coral
Reef Society, 2004; Richmond, 2002). They have also
appeared in various bleaching status reports and various
management, research, and educational newsletters and
websites (e.g.,
Fig. 10. CRW’s composite maximum DHW chart for
Ongoing developments and future plans
CRW has been working on developing new
algorithms and products to provide more accurate
monitoring tools for detecting and assessing thermal
stress conducive to coral bleaching and to provide more
timely information to the U.S. and global coral reef
At the time of writing this paper, CRW’s automated
Satellite Bleaching Alert (SBA) system has been
developed by CRW’s satellite monitoring efforts and is
in the final stage of operational implementation. The
SBA system is an automated coral bleaching e-mail alert
system to inform users, as soon as new satellite SST data
Return to title
are collected and processed, of the most up-to-date status
of thermal stress at the reefs of their interests. It will
become the second near-real-time alert system reported
in CRW’s near-real-time monitoring effort, after OAR’s
automated Near-Real-Time Data and Expert System of
CRW’s in-situ Coral Reef Early Warning System
(CREWS) Network. Once implemented, the e-mail alerts
will first be available for a number of selected reef sites
around the world. The system will automatically examine
the updated values of near-real-time satellite SST,
bleaching HotSpot, and DHW at the selected reef sites.
An automated e-mail will be sent to a subscriber for a
reef site only when the status level of thermal stress
changes at the site. No automated e-mail will be
generated if the status level remains the same, regardless
of the current status level. The status level of thermal
stress at selected reef sites will be updated twice per
week. For each reef location, five status levels have been
defined as follows: No Stress (HotSpot 0ºC), Bleaching
Watch (0ºC < HotSpot < 1ºC), Bleaching Warning
(HotSpot 1ºC and 0 < DHW < 4), Bleaching Alert
Level 1 (HotSpot 1ºC and 4 DHW < 8), and
Bleaching Alert Level 2 (HotSpot 1ºC and DHW 8).
Updated stress level, SST value, HotSpot value, DHW
value, and previous changes in stress level will be
included in each e-mail message, along with the web
addresses (URLs) leading subscribers to additional near-
real-time satellite monitoring data and charts. The details
of how to use the SBA e-mail alerts will be published by
CRW upon system implementation. Although a free
service, users will be requested to subscribe in order to
receive the automated e-mail alerts. Recipients will be
encouraged to provide reports on bleaching status and
feedback to the SBA system. It is anticipated that
additional reef sites will be added based on requests from
Chart-based near-real-time short-term satellite SST
trends are also under development along with some other
new products. These trend products give the direction
and magnitude of the most recent SST changes during
the past one and two weeks ending at the most recent
update. Currently at 50-km resolution, CRW’s satellite
bleaching monitoring is capable of monitoring coral
bleaching only in association with large-scale thermal
stress having spatial coverage over both inshore and
offshore waters. Over the next few years, higher-
resolution products are planned to incorporate higher-
resolution SSTs to extend the monitoring capability from
basin- and regional-scale bleaching events to local- and
reef-scale bleaching events. Finally, building forecasting
capabilities is in CRW’s future plans. Plans for this goal
include incorporating numerical model simulations and
monitoring other environmental parameters together with
Since 1997, NOAA CRW’s near-real-time satellite
global coral bleaching monitoring system has become a
nationally and internationally respected tool for
monitoring coral bleaching. Satellite remote sensing
provides global coverage, reaching remote coral reef
ecosystems and providing synoptic views of the global
oceans. CRW operates the only satellite global bleaching
monitoring system in the world designed specifically to
help coral reef managers and scientists both map and
monitor anomalous SSTs and, hence, better understand
and predict mass coral bleaching. New and improved
products are anticipated by CRW for providing better
service to both the U.S. and global coral reef
The CREIOS’s goal is to provide both near-real-time
and long-term ecological and environmental observations
and information products over a broad range of spatial
and temporal scales, to understand the condition and
health of, and processes influencing, coral reef
ecosystems, and to assist stakeholders in making
improved and timely ecosystem-based management
decisions to conserve coral reefs.
Authors would like to take this chance to thank all the
other members who are presently involved in developing
and maintaining Coral Reef Watch’s near-real-time
satellite coral bleaching monitoring system: E. Bayler, J.
Sapper, L. Zhao, J. Wemmer, L. Evan, and S. Heron. The
views, opinions, and findings contained in this paper are
those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an
official National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration or U.S. Government position, policy, or
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... Using MEOW as a standardised reference for location enables a systematic approach for recording locational data in marine conservation planning and research. The most widely applied methods of recording extreme temperature events on coral reefs include degree heating weeks (DHW) [33][34][35] and marine heatwaves (MHW) [36]. Degree heating weeks (DHWs) is a measure of estimated accumulated thermal stress experienced by corals calculated by adding days where temperatures exceed the summertime maximum by at least 1 degree Celsius over a 12-week period [33][34][35]. ...
... The most widely applied methods of recording extreme temperature events on coral reefs include degree heating weeks (DHW) [33][34][35] and marine heatwaves (MHW) [36]. Degree heating weeks (DHWs) is a measure of estimated accumulated thermal stress experienced by corals calculated by adding days where temperatures exceed the summertime maximum by at least 1 degree Celsius over a 12-week period [33][34][35]. A MHW is defined as a thermal event where SST exceeds the 90th percentile of the local climatological temperature for at least 5 consecutive days [36]. ...
... Are there studies using MHW (Marine heatwaves) [36] and/or DHW (degree heating weeks) [33][34][35] as preferred metrics when evaluating climate events? ...
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Background Subtropical coral reefs are comparatively understudied compared to tropical coral reef ecosystems, yet also host a diverse and abundant array of marine life and provide substantial socio-economic benefits to communities. Research into the impacts of ocean warming on subtropical coral reefs has increased over the past two decades due to increase frequency and intensity of bleaching and degradation of these ecosystems. Understanding the extent of research effort and type of evidence assessing the response of subtropical corals and reefs to ocean warming provides valuable insight into global patterns in research efforts allowing critical knowledge gaps to be identified. A comprehensive understanding the impact of ocean warming on these systems will underpin our ability to predict and respond to future changes on subtropical coral reefs. Here, a systematic-map approach is used to identify recent research effort, from 2010 to 2023, and highlight patterns in the type, scale, and location of research conducted and as well as identify the availability of data and evidence reported. Methods Primary literature was identified by searching Scopus and Science Citation Index Expanded through Web of Science Core Collection databases. The methodologies provided in a previously published systematic map protocol were applied, and 90 primary research publications were subsequently identified. Data extraction from the identified literature included bibliometric data, discipline and type of research, type of data reported and how it was recorded, and data availability. Findings The identified literature consisted primarily of experimental (49%) and observational (39%) studies. The majority of the primary literature investigated corals in the ecoregions of Southern China (13%), Western Mediterranean (10%) and across a total of seven ecoregions grouped within Oceania (29%). Stressors reported in the literature as drivers of ocean warming reflect the standardisation of methods applied in reporting of events within the literature. Standardised metrics related to degree heating weeks (DHW) and marine heatwaves (MHW) have been reported when assessing the occurrence and severity of drivers, and are increasing in recent years, particularly in Australia. Finally, the need for increased research effort across much of the subtropics is evident, particularly for understudied regions such as the Western Indian Ocean where there are far fewer studies than other similar subtropical coral reef ecosystems. Conclusions Climatic change, increasing ocean temperatures, and the impacts to subtropical and temperate coral reefs are of increasing concern to policy makers and researchers alike. This systematic map provides a broad overview of research topics and effort around the globe since 2010 and identifies areas where more research effort is urgently needed. Our study has identified major research clusters in Asia, Australia, the Mediterranean, and North America and gaps of research in regions such as the East Indian Oceans. Of the research conducted to date approximately one third reports on evidence related to marine protected areas and the vast majority of evidence is from close/territorial sea locations, providing important knowledge base for management of these areas. Of the 17 studies reporting on specific extreme events (rather than experimental studies which is the majority of evidence identified here) 13 have been published since 2019, with the majority reporting on events occurring in 2019/20 indicating a trend of increasing evidence in recent years (a total of 7 studies from 2010 to 2013, compared to over 10 studies published annually since 2019 up to mid-2023). Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13750-024-00349-y.
... Although this regional, open-water SST anomaly was not enough to raise a 'Bleaching Alert', unusually weak winds caused weak water circulation locally, leading to water temperatures exceeding 6˚C (measured by nearby temperature loggers) above normal summertime levels and an unprecedented mass bleaching event on Dongsha Atoll, killing 40% of the resident coral community [52]. The CRW Coral Bleaching HotSpots is an anomaly product based on the climatological mean SST of the warmest month [53]. A HotSpot is defined as an area where daily SST exceeds the temperature of the warmest month of the year (Maximum Monthly Mean, MMM) for the region, by 1˚C or more. ...
... NOAA CoralTemp v3.1. CRW has developed coral-specific satellite-based tools to monitor thermal stress causing bleaching events in coral reefs around the world [53]. CRW used the daily global 5 km SST analysis and reprocessed Pathfinder Version 5.2 AVHRR SST dataset from the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service to develop a high-resolution coral bleaching monitoring product released in June 2012. ...
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Since the early 1980s measurements of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) derived from satellite-borne instruments have provided a wide range of global gridded products documenting changes in SST. However, there are many sources of uncertainty in these records and significant differences exist among them. One use of these products is identification of coral bleaching events, and the predictions of the impact of future warming on coral reefs. This relies on an understanding of how temperatures near reefs as recorded by SST products differ from the in-situ SST experienced by the corals. This difference is a combination of real spatio-temporal variations, inadequate in product resolution and errors in the products. This paper investigates the relationship between the local temperature measured in-situ by loggers at coral sites in the western tropical Atlantic and two high resolution satellite SST products. Using differences among ESA SST CCI v2.1 (CCI analysis SST), NOAA CoralTemp SST products and in-situ logger data from coral reefs, an assessment of the satellite products with focus on coral reef monitoring is carried out. Discrepancies between the two products can be large, especially in coastal areas and for the warmest and coldest months when there is a particular risk of bleaching. By comparison to the stable CCI analysis SST product, CoralTemp was found to overestimate the rise in SST by as much as 0.20°C per decade. In almost all cases SSTs from CCI analysis SST were more consistent with temperatures measured near the corals than those from CoralTemp.
... From March to May 2020, a marine heatwave occurred that accumulated to a temperature anomaly of 10 degree heating weeks in mid-April (S9 Fig) as measured by the NOAA Coral Reef Watch [40]. Bleaching occurred in all four species with a peak in April (Fig 2). ...
... The dashed yellow line shows the long-term yearly mean maximum monthly temperature (MMM) plus 1 degree: this is used by NOAA as heat stress threshold. The dashed red line shows the accumulated heat stress as Degree Heating Weeks (DHW), following NOAA's Coral Reef Watch (Liu et al., 2006). (DOCX) S10 Fig. Representative photographs showing the differences in growth of the hydrozoan Millepora tenera on the Mineral Accretion Technique (MAT) and Control tables. ...
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Restoration and artificial reefs can assist the recovery of degraded reefs but are limited in scalability and climate resilience. The Mineral Accretion Technique (MAT) subjects metal artificial reefs to a low-voltage electrical current, thereby creating a calcium-carbonate coating. It has been suggested that corals on MAT structures experience enhanced health and growth. However, prior studies report conflicting results potentially due to different conditions, species and approaches used. We investigated how MAT influences the bleaching resilience, condition and growth of four coral species and natural coral recruitment in Kenya. Coral fragments were outplanted on charged iron tables using commonly-applied settings (6 V; 0.84 A m⁻²). After one month, when all tables had acquired a calcium-carbonate coating, half of the tables were taken off electricity to serve as controls. Both treatments (MAT and Control) were monitored on coral brightness, condition (live tissue cover), growth and natural recruitment for one year, during which a marine heatwave occurred. Coral bleaching was significantly more severe on MAT for all studied species. For three species, coral condition dropped sharply during the heatwave and this decline was faster and more severe on MAT. Coral growth was reduced during the heatwave for all corals and remained low for one species on MAT. After one year, the Control harboured 34 coral recruits, whereas none were found on MAT. Thus, while MAT can be useful to prevent corrosion of metal artificial reefs, we do not recommend MAT as reported here to improve coral growth, condition, heat resilience or recruitment.
... Bleaching incidence is a complex phenomenon involving many factors, it is unclear for this event in Vanuatu if anomalously warm waters contributed to widespread bleaching and coral coverage reduction. NOAA coral bleaching products available over Vanuatu indicate that coral bleaching thresholds were surpassed for early 2008 and 2009, which may indicate the time lagged bleaching impacts of this event (NOAA Coral Reef Watch, 5 km Regional Bleaching Heat Stress Maps and Gauges, Vanuatu 2008-2009, dataset reference: Liu et al 2006). ...
... However, in 2016 the lack of cooler surface waters in the region may have offered little relief to stressed ecosystems and local species. Similar to the 2008 event, and unlike the 2010 event, NOAA coral bleaching products indicate that coral bleaching thresholds were surpassed for early 2016 and 2017, which may indicate the time lagged coral bleaching impacts of this event (NOAA Coral Reef Watch, 5 km Regional Bleaching Heat Stress Maps and Gauges, Vanuatu 2016-2017, dataset reference: Liu et al 2006). ...
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Marine Heatwaves (MHWs) have disastrous impacts on ecosystems and communities in the south-west Pacific but there is limited research investigating their onset and evolution in this region. In collaboration with local fisheries and marine sectors, this study applied a MHW framework to define and categorize MHW events in the waters around Vanuatu. A range of events amongst the most intense and longest were investigated, as well as an anecdotally notable event from February 2016. This event was neither in the top five longest, nor the most intense of events, highlighting how impacts in marine ecosystems are non-linear and have cascading interactions with a region’s exposure and vulnerability. In analysing these events, we also explore how sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) prediction can be used to forecast MHW events. Hindcasts from the Bureau of Meteorology’s operational coupled ocean-atmosphere model were used to create weekly and monthly forecasts for each MHW event in the period from 1980 to 2018. We found that chance above 90th percentile hindcasts had promising accuracy with average hit rates highest for lead 0 weekly and monthly hindcast but conclude that hindcast accuracy is not always indicative of real time forecast accuracy as real time forecasts use a larger set of model ensembles. We also investigated an event outside the hindcast study period (May 2022) due to its notably ‘off the charts’ impacts. This event was the longest and most intense event on record, surpassing the previously longest and most intense event by 144 days and 0.56 °C. As climate change intensifies, such extreme events will become more frequent and will likely compound with other extremes, making the use and uptake of monitoring and prediction services critical to the long-term resilience of marine-reliant communities and sectors.
... Towards the end of the experiment (April 2022), water temperatures shortly peaked above the bleaching threshold of 30°C, resulting in a maximum temperature anomaly of 3° heating weeks [39]. While all coral species paled throughout this period (see also figure 1), no instances of full bleaching were encountered. ...
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Artificial reefs for coral reef restoration are often concrete-based. After concrete is poured, it initially has a high surface pH (approx. 13), which neutralizes within several weeks. During this curing, colonization by marine microalgae is delayed and also macrobenthos such as corals may be impacted. In this study, we evaluated how concrete curing time applied prior to the deployment of artificial reefs affected coral performance. Fragments of five coral species were outplanted onto ordinary Portland concrete discs (n = 10) that had been cured on land. Seven different curing periods were applied, ranging from one day up to four months. The discs with corals were deployed at a Kenyan reef and photographed at the start and end of the experiment. After 1 year, coral cover had increased for four coral species and declined for one, but this was unrelated to concrete curing time. Also, no effect of curing time was seen on the development of other common benthic organisms such as macroalgae or soft corals. We conclude that curing of concrete is unlikely to have any long-term negative impacts on coral performance and therefore, extended curing of artificial reefs prior to coral attachment is unlikely to benefit reef restoration efforts.
... In 1995, Gleeson et al. proposed the Degree Heating Weeks (DHW) indicator, which represents the cumulative bleaching heat pressure corals face by accumulating heat exceeding a certain temperature over several weeks, i.e. an accumulation of the magnitude of HS values (DHW,°C-weeks). In 2000, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Coral Reef Watch (CRW) program began using HS and DHW as key indicators to measure and monitor coral bleaching thermal stress (Liu et al., 2005). HS and DHW products are the short-term thermal anomaly in 1 day and the heat stress accumulation over 12 weeks, respectively (Liu et al., 2003). ...
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Coral bleaching events have become more frequent in recent years due to the impact of widespread marine heatwaves. The Coral Reef Watch (CRW) program, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), assesses bleaching risk by considering measures of daily coral heat stress (Hotspot, HS) and accumulated heat stress (Degree Heating Week, DHW). However, there is a mismatch between coral bleaching alerts through satellite monitoring and records of coral bleaching in the South China Sea (SCS) and its surrounding seas in the historical database. Through comparison with field records of bleaching events in the SCS, this study examined the optimization of the DHW under a fixed or variable HS threshold, evaluating the accuracy of coral bleaching monitoring through a range of evaluation indices, including the Peirce Skill Score (PSS) and the Area Under the Curve (AUC). Our results show that when the DHW index was calculated based on the current operational HS threshold (1°C), reducing the DHW threshold from 4°C to 1.86°C-weeks significantly improved PSS from 0.17 to 0.66, and AUC from 0.58 to 0.83. Further, by optimizing both HS and DHW, evaluation statistics were further improved, with the PSS increasing to 0.71 and the AUC increasing to 0.85. While both methods could significantly optimize the operational bleaching alert level for the SCS, the results suggest that optimization of both the HS and DHW thresholds is better than optimizing DHW alone. As marine heatwaves become more frequent, accurately predicting when and where coral bleaching is likely to occur will be critical to improving the estimation of regional coral stress due to climate change and for understanding coral reefs’ response to recurrent bleaching events.
... Meanwhile, previous work has suggested a general pattern that juvenile corals (often estimated simply as small colonies in wild populations) are less susceptible to heat-related bleaching. For example, Brandt [17] found large colonies of Colpophyllia natans were more susceptible to thermal bleaching, succumbing at an accumulated heat stress level of 3-4 Degree Heating Weeks (DHW, units˚C-weeks; [18]) whereas small colonies did not bleach until 9-10˚C-weeks. It has been hypothesized that juvenile corals may be more resistant to heat stress due to a number of mechanisms such as living in shaded environments, different mass transfer rates, or more flexible symbiont associations. ...
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Assisted sexual coral propagation, resulting in greater genet diversity via genetic recombination, has been hypothesized to lead to more adaptable and, hence, resilient restored populations compared to more common clonal techniques. Coral restoration efforts have resulted in substantial populations of ‘Assisted sexual Recruits’ (i.e., juvenile corals derived from assisted sexual reproduction; AR) of multiple species outplanted to reefs or held in in situ nurseries across many locations in the Caribbean. These AR populations provided context to evaluate their relative resilience compared to co-occurring coral populations during the 2023 marine heat wave of unprecedented duration and intensity that affected the entire Caribbean. Populations of six species of AR, most ranging in age from 1–4 years, were surveyed across five regions during the mass bleaching season in 2023 (Aug-Dec), alongside co-occurring groups of corals to compare prevalence of bleaching and related mortality. Comparison groups included conspecific adult colonies as available, but also the extant co-occurring coral assemblages in which conspecifics were rare or lacking, as well as small, propagated coral fragments. Assisted sexual recruits had significantly lower prevalence of bleaching impacts (overall pooled ~ 10%) than conspecific coral populations typically comprised of larger colonies (~ 60–100% depending on species). In addition, small corals derived from fragmentation (rather than sexual propagation) in two regions showed bleaching susceptibility intermediate between AR and wild adults. Overall, AR exhibited high bleaching resistance under heat stress exposure up to and exceeding Degree Heating Weeks of 20°C-weeks. As coral reefs throughout the globe are subject to increasingly frequent and intense marine heatwaves, restoration activities that include sexual reproduction and seeding can make an important contribution to sustain coral populations.
... To assess cumulative heat stress (Liu et al. 2005), degree heating weeks (DHW) were calculated from the temperature logger data according to the methodology of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as an estimate of thermal stress that corals have experienced in the 12 weeks prior to a certain date, and which serves as a strong predictor of coral bleaching. The maximum monthly mean (MMM) temperature of the NOAA Coral Reef Watch Nicaragua Virtual Station was used to calculate DHW for Providencia while the MMM value of the Colombia Atlantic Virtual Station was used for both Rosario and S. Marta. ...
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Coral calcification is critical for reef growth and highly dependent on environmental conditions. Yet, little is known about how corals calcify under sub-optimal conditions (e.g., turbid waters, high nutrients, sedimentation) or coral growth in understudied regions such as the Colombian Caribbean. We therefore assessed the calcification and linear extension rates of five coral species across an inshore-to-offshore gradient in the Colombian Caribbean. A suite of environmental variables (temperature, light intensity, visibility, pH, nutrients) measured during the rainy season (May – November 2022) demonstrated more sub-optimal conditions inshore compared to offshore. Across all species, calcification rates were 59% and 37% lower inshore compared to the offshore and midshore sites, respectively. Across all sites, massive corals calcified up to 92% more than branching species but were more susceptible to heat stress and sub-optimal inshore conditions. However, branching species had reduced survival due to extreme climatic events (i.e., bleaching, hurricanes). A comparison with published rates for the wider Caribbean revealed that massive species in the Colombian Caribbean grow up to 11 times more than those in the wider Caribbean while branching species generally have similar growth rates, but this finding may have been influenced by fragment size and/or heat stress. Our findings indicate that present-day environmental conditions, coupled with more frequent extreme climatic events, will favor massive over branching species in midshore areas of the Colombian Caribbean. This suggests a possible shift towards faster calcifying massive species in future coral communities, possibly exacerbating the ongoing regional decline in branching species over the last decades.
... Artwork by Vrijlansier. however, water temperatures peaked above 30˚C in April 2019 and again in April 2020, culminating in a temperature stress of respectively 6 and 10 degree heating weeks in those two years (Liu et al., 2006). ...
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Monitoring of reef restoration efforts and artificial reefs (ARs) has typically been limited to coral fragment survival, hampering evaluation of broader objectives such as ecosystem recovery. This study aimed to determine to what extent AR design influences the ecological recovery of restored reefs by monitoring outplanted coral fragments, benthic cover, coral recruitment and fish and invertebrate communities for two years. Four AR designs (16 m²), unrestored controls and natural reef patches as reference (n = 10) were established in Mkwiro, Kenya. ARs consisted either of concrete disks with bottles, layered concrete disks, metal cages or a combination thereof. A mixture of 18 branching coral species (mainly Acropora spp.) was outplanted on ARs at a density of 7 corals m⁻². After two years, 60% of all outplanted fragments had survived, already resulting in coral cover on most ARs comparable (though Acropora-dominated) to reference patches. Coral survival differed between ARs, with highest survival on cages due to the absence of crown-of-thorns sea star predation on this design. In total, 32 coral genera recruited on ARs and recruit densities were highest on reference patches, moderate on concrete ARs and low on cages. ARs and reference patches featured nearly twice the fish species richness and around an order of magnitude higher fish abundance and biomass compared to control patches. Fish abundance and biomass strongly correlated with coral cover on ARs. AR, reference and control patches all had distinct fish species compositions, but AR and reference patches were similar in terms of trophic structure of their fish communities. Motile invertebrates including gastropods, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and sea stars were present at ARs, but generally more abundant and diverse at natural reference patches. Taken together, all studied ecological parameters progressed towards reef ecosystem recovery, with varying influences of AR design and material. We recommend a combination of metal cages and layered concrete ARs to promote high fragment survival as well as natural coral recruitment. Ultimately, a longer period of monitoring is needed to fully determine the effectiveness reef restoration as conservation tool to support coral reef ecosystem recovery.
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Identifying upper-thermal thresholds in corals is paramount to uncovering species and reefs with high thermal resistance and resilience. Recognition of the need to improve ex situ experiments (e.g., standardization of heat-stress experiment methodology) and a shift toward more robust and repeatable in situ monitoring (e.g., large-area imaging) can serve to improve thermal tolerance assessments. Yet rarely are the results derived from lab- and field-based approaches compared, leaving the congruence of findings unclear. Here, we selected three reefs in southern Taiwan with different thermal histories and compared the performance of the common scleractinian coral Pocillopora acuta using 1) an acute heat-stress assay experiment and 2) large-area imaging before and after a marine heatwave. Chlorophyll a, algal symbiont density, and protein concentration in the acute heat-stress assay declined sharply in high temperature treatments, with only subtle differences among sites observed. Dose-response curves of photochemical efficiency (ED50) in the acute heat-stress assay revealed differences among corals across reef sites that generally matched with the bleaching trends observed in situ. Site-specific coral–Symbiodiniaceae associations mirrored lab-based ED50 patterns as well as field-based bleaching observations (i.e., higher thermal tolerance when hosting Durusdinium spp. than Cladocopium spp.). However, site-specific bleaching trends observed in the lab experiment were opposite of that observed in the field, perhaps as a result of differential nubbin vs. colony response strategies, or as a consequence of reef conditions (e.g., community composition, structural complexity). A collective effort to compare lab- and field-based thermal responses can help build confidence in thermal tolerance categorization in corals.
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The year 1998, was the warmest year since the start of temperature recordings some 150 years ago. Similarly, the 1990s have been the warmest decade recorded. In addition, 1998 saw the strongest El Nino ever recorded. As a consequence of this, very high water temperatures were observed in many parts of the oceans, particularly in the tropical Indian Ocean, often with temperatures of 3°to 5°C above normal. Many corals in this region bleached and subsequently died, probably due to the high water temperatures in combination with meteorological and climatic factors. Massive mortality occurred on the reefs of Sri Lanka, Maldives, India, Kenya, Tanzania, and Seychelles with mortalities of up to 90% in many shallow areas. Reefs in other parts of the Indian Ocean, or in waters below 20 m, coral mortality was typically 50%. Hence, coral death during 1998 was unprecedented in severity. The secondary socioeconomic effects of coral bleaching for coastal communities of the Indian Ocean are likely to be long lasting and severe. In addition to potential decreases in fish stocks and negative effects on tourism, erosion may become an acute problem, particularly in the Maldives and Seychelles. If the observed global trends in temperature rises continue, there will be an increased probability of a recurrence of the phenomenon observed in 1998 on the coral reefs of the Indian Ocean, as well as in other parts of the tropical oceans in coming years. Coral reefs of the Indian Ocean may prove to be an important signal of the potential effects of global climate change, and we should heed that warning.
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Beginning in late July 2002, NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch program identified elevated sea surface temperature (SST), observed by both satellite and in-situ observations at Midway in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Based on these alerts, the focus of an ongoing coral reef ecosystem assessment and monitoring expedition was modified to better document the predicted bleaching. Extensive data from these cruises confirmed widespread massive coral bleaching, particularly at Kure, Midway, and Pearl and Hermes Atolls at the northern end of the Hawaiian Archipelago. While details of the coral bleaching and biological impacts are presented in Kenyon et al. 2004, this work uses remote sensing observations, hindcast model products, and in-situ observations to describe the evolution of the meteorological and oceanographic conditions that are believed to have caused this event. Observed regional SST around these northern atolls not only reached warmer temperatures than any observed in the last 20 years, but also the duration of anomalously high SST lasted much longer than any previously observed events. This event was primarily related to exceptionally quiescent wind and wave energy across a large portion of the subtropical central Pacific. In-situ observations indicate that local SSTs within lagoonal and backreef areas of the atolls were further elevated over the already anomalous regional SST. The quiescent conditions, atoll morphology, and inferred circulation patterns all help explain possible reasons for elevating local SST, thereby increasing the severity of bleaching described at the northern atolls.
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The first mass coral bleaching ever recorded in the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI), a chain of small islands, atolls, and banks that span ~1800 kilometers over more than five degrees of latitude in the northern part of the Hawaiian Archipelago, was documented in late summer 2002. Between 9 September and 5 October 2002, towed-diver surveys covering more than 195 km of benthic habitat and belt-transect surveys at 118 sites were conducted at 10 banks and atolls in the NWHI and included assessment of coral bleaching across latitude, depth, zone, and taxon. Incidence of bleaching was quantified as percent cover of coral that was bleached from analysis of towed-diver survey videotapes, and as the percentage of colonies with bleached tissue from colonies counted within belt transects. Both methods indicated that the incidence of bleaching was greatest at the three highest-latitude atolls in the Hawaiian Archipelago (Pearl and Hermes, Midway, and Kure), with lesser incidences of bleaching on reefs at Lisianski and farther south in the NWHI. At the three northern atolls, bleaching was most severe on the backreef, moderate in the lagoon, and low on the deeper forereef. The average incidence of coral bleaching experienced in different geomorphic systems and zones closely corresponds to the composition of the dominant coral fauna couple with its susceptibility to bleaching. Sea Surface temperature (SST) data suggest that prolonged, elevated SST is a likely explanation for the bleaching response.
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Global sea-surface temperature maps show that mass coral-reef bleaching episodes between 1983 and 1991 followed positive anomalies more than 1 °C above long-term monthly averages ("hot spots") during the preceding warm season. Irregularformation, movement, and disappearance of hot spots make their detailed long-term prediction impossible, but they can be tracked in real time from satellite data. Monitoring of ocean hot spots and of coral bleaching is needed if the Framework Convention of Climate Change is to meet its goal of protecting the most temperature- sensitive ecosystems.
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Factors causing global degradation of coral reefs are examined briefly as a basis for predicting the likely consequences of increases in these factors. The earlier consensus was that widespread but localized damage from natural factors such as storms, and direct anthropogenic effects such as increased sedimentation, pollution and exploitation, posed the largest immediate threat to coral reefs. Now truly global factors associated with accelerating Global Climate Change are either damaging coral reefs or have the potential to inflict greater damage in the immediate future: e.g. increases in coral bleaching and mortality, and reductions in coral calcification due to changes in sea-water chemistry with increasing carbon dioxide concentrations. Rises in sea level will probably disrupt human communities and their cultures by making coral cays uninhabitable, whereas coral reefs will sustain minimal damage from the rise in sea level. The short-term (decades) prognosis is indeed grim, with major reductions almost certain in the extent and biodiversity of coral reefs, and severe disruptions to cultures and economies dependent on reef resources. The long-term (centuries to millennia) prognosis is more encouraging because coral reefs have remarkable resilience to severe disruption and will probably show this resilience in the future when climate changes either stabilize or reverse.
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Projected global increases In temperature, sea level, storminess and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are likely to cause changes in reef coral communities which the present human generation will view as deleterious. It is likely coral community trajectories will be influenced as much by the reduction in intervals between extreme events as the projected increases in means of environmental parameters such as temperature, atmospheric CO2, and sea-level, Depressed calcification rates in corals caused by reduced aragonite saturation state of water may increase vulnerability of corals to storms. Moreover, reduction in intervals between storms and other extreme events causing mass mortality in corals (coral predators, diseases, bleaching) are likely to more frequently "set back" reef coral communities to early successional stages or alternate states characterized by non-calcifying benthos (plants, soft corals, sponges). The greater the area and the longer the duration of dominance of putative '"coral/coralline algae" zones of coral reefs by non-calcifying stages, the less will be the reef's capacity to accrete limestone bulk locked up in the big skeletal units of late successional stages (i.e., very large old corals). Averaged over decades to centuries, the effects of such changes on the coral community's carrying capacity for other biota such as fish are unpredictable. A "shifting steady-state mosaic" null model may provide a useful conceptual tool for defining a baseline and tracking changes from that baseline through time.
Coral reef bleaching, the temporary or permanent loss of photosynthetic microalgae (zooxanthellae) and/or their pigments by a variety of reef taxa, is a stress response usually associated with anthropogenic and natural disturbances. Degrees of bleaching, within and among coral colonies and across reef communities, are highly variable and difficult to quantify, thus complicating comparisons of different bleaching events. Small-scale bleaching events can often be correlated with specific disturbances (e.g. extreme low/high temperatures, low/high solar irradiance, subaerial exposure, sedimentation, freshwater dilution, contaminants, and diseases), whereas large scale (mass) bleaching occurs over 100s to 1000s of km2, which is more difficult to explain. Debilitating effects of bleaching include reduced/no skeletal growth and reproductive activity, and a lowered capacity to shed sediments, resist invasion of competing species and diseases. Severe and prolonged bleaching can cause partial to total colony death, resulting in diminished reef growth, the transformation of reef-building communities to alternate, non-reef building community types, bioerosion and ultimately the disappearance of reef structures. Present evidence suggests that the leading factors responsible for large-scale coral reef bleaching are elevated sea temperatures and high solar irradiance (especially ultraviolet wavelenths), which may frequently act jointly.
Early in 2002, satellites of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) detected anomalously high sea surface temperatures (SST) developing in the western Coral Sea, midway along Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR). This was the beginning of what was to become the most significant GBR coral bleaching event on record [Wilkinson, 2002]. During this time, NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) provided satellite data as part of ongoing collaborative work on coral reef health with the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA). These data proved invaluable to AIMS and GBRMPA as they monitored and assessed the development and evolution of SSTs throughout the austral summer, enabling them to keep stakeholders, government, and the general public informed and up to date.