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The June 6, 2000, Orta (Cankiri, Turkey) earthquake: Sourced from a new antithetic sinistral strike-slip structure of the North Anatolian Fault system, the Dodurga Fault Zone

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
(Turkish J. Earth Sci.), Vol. 10,2001, pp. 69-82.
Copyright ©TÜB‹TAK
The June 6, 2000, Orta (Çank›r›, Turkey) Earthquake:
Sourced from a New Antithetic Sinistral Strike-slip
Structure of the North Anatolian Fault System, the
Dodurga Fault Zone
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering,
Tectonic Research Unit, TR-06531, Ankara - TURKEY
Abstract: The ‹smetpafla-Karg› section of the North Anatolian Fault System (NAFS) consists of six subfault zones,
namely the Eskipazar, the Ulusu, the Tosya, the Çerkefl-Kurflunlu, the Devrez and the newly detected Dodurga fault
zone (DFZ). Together these fault zones form a well-developed dextral strike-slip-faulting pattern, in which the DFZ
is an antithetic secondary strike-slip component, indicated by focal-mechanism solutions of moderate and large
earthquakes that have occurred in the ‹smetpafla-Karg› section of the NAFS.
The DFZ is a 36-km-long, N-S-trending strike-slip structure located in the area between Saçak village in the
north and Kösrelik village in the south. Pre-Upper Pliocene rocks are cut and tectonically offset for a distance of
about 6 km. Upstream tributaries of the Devrez River are deviated in the shape of an “S” and are offset sinistrally
up to 2.5 km. These values explain a 2.3 mm/yr rate of slip on the DFZ. In addition, several Plio-Quaternary pull-
apart basins occur within the DFZ.
An intermediate-magnitude (Mw= 6.0), shallow-focus earthquake, the Orta earthquake, struck on Tuesday,
June 6, 2000, at 5:42 (local time) in the Orta area, and resulted in two deaths and severe damage to a total of
4842 structures, almost all of rural-style construction. Most of severe damage was confined to a narrow area along
the Dodurga fault; that is, the master strand of the DFZ. Isoseismal lines display an ellipsoidal pattern with a long
axis that parallels the Dodurga fault. Both fore- and after-shocks of the June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake form a
highly concentrated, N-S-trending distribution pattern that parallels the DFZ. Focal-mechanism solutions of the
main shock carried out by various seismographic stations, except for DER-DDR station, indicate sinistral strike-slip
faulting with a normal-slip component. Consequently, taken together these field observations and seismological
data indicate that the Dodurga fault is an antithetic sinistral strike-slip structure included in the NAFS, and that the
June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake resulted from its activation.
Key Words: North Anatolian Fault System, Antithetic Fault, Sinistral Strike-slip Fault, Orta Earthquake
Kuzey Anadolu Fay Sisteminde Tan›mlanan Sol Yanal At›ml› Bir Fay Kufla¤›:
Dodurga Fay Kufla¤› ve 6 Hairan 2000 Tarihli Orta (Çankar›-Türkiye) Depremi
Özet: Kuzey Anadolu Fay Sisteminin (KAFS) ‹smetpafla-Karg› bölümü Eskipazar, Ulusu, Tosya, Çerkefl-Kurflunlu,
Devrez ve yeni tan›mlanan Dodurga fay kufla¤› (DKF) olmak üzere alt› adet alt-fay kuflaklar›ndan oluflur. Bu fay
kuflaklar›n›n tamam› iyi geliflmifl sa¤ yanal-at›ml› fay deseni oluflturur ve bu sistem içerisinde DFK yanal at›m
bileflenli ikincil antitetik yap›y› temsil eder.
Yaklafl›k 36 km uzunlu¤unda ve kuzey-güney uzan›ml› bir yanal-at›ml› fay olan DFK, kuzey de Saçak ve
güneyde Kösrelik köyleri aras›nda yeral›r. Üst Pliyosen öncesi kaya topluklar›n› kesen ve öteleyen fay kufla¤›
boyunca belilenen hareket 6 km kadard›r. Devrez ›rma¤›n›n memba dereleri “S” flekilli dönmüfl ve sol yanal olarak
2.5 km’ ye kadar at›lm›flt›r. Bu de¤erler, DFZ üzerinde 2.3 mm/yr kayma miktar› verir. Bunlara ilaveten DFZ
üzerinde birçok Pliyo-Kuvaterner çek-ay›r havzalar geliflmifltir.
Orta ölçekli (Mw = 6.0) ve s›¤ odakl›, Orta depremi, 6 Haziran 2000 sal› sabah› saat 5.42 (yerel zaman ile)
Orta bölgesini vurdu. Deprem, iki ölüme ve ço¤u a¤›r olmak üzere k›rsal tarzda infla edilmifl toplam 4852 yap›n›n
hasar görmesine neden oldu. Ço¤unlukla hasar DFZ’nin ana kolu olan Dodurga fay› üzerinde dar bir kuflakta olufltu.
Eflde¤ersismik e¤rilerinin uzun ekseni Dodurga fay›na parallel uzanan elipsoidal bir desen oluflturur. 6 Haziran
2000 Orta Depremin öncül ve ardç›l depremlerinin da¤›l›m› kuzey-güney yönünde bir yo¤unlaflma gösterip,
Dodurga fay kufla¤›na paralellik sunarlar. DER-DDR d›fl›nda çeflitli sismograf istasyonlar›nda yap›lan odak
mekanizmas› çözümlemeleri normal bileflenli sol yanal-at›ml› faylanma göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, arazi jeolojisi
gözlemleri ve sismik veriler birlikte Dodurga fay›n›n KAFS’i içinde antitetik sol yanal-at›ml› fay oldu¤unu ve 6
Haziran 2000 Orta depreminin bu fay›n hareketlenmesi ile olufltu¤unu ortaya koymaktad›r.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Kuzey Anadolu Fay Sistemi, Antitetik Fay, Sol Yanal-at›ml› Fay, Orta Depremi.
An intermediate-magnitude (Mw= 6.0), shallow-focus (8-
33 km) earthquake struck on Tuesday, June 6, 2000, at
5:42 (local time). This seismic event was felt over a wide
region including many cities, counties and villages, such as
Çank›r›, Kastamonu, Zonguldak, Karabük, Bolu, Ankara,
Kayseri, Çerkefl, Kurflunlu, Atkaracalar, Orta, Çubuk and
fiabanözü, and caused severe damage to adobe structures
in rural areas. Early morning on same day, the field
epicenter of this seismic event was announced as Çerkefl
county by a national seismographic station, Kandilli
Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, ‹stanbul-
Turkey. Later, several national and international
seismographic stations that recorded this event calculated
its various seismic parameters (Table 1). Thus, based on
instrumental data obtained from seismographic stations
(Table 1), the field epicenter of this event was found to
be somewhere in or near Orta county, 15-25 km SE of
Çerkefl county. However, until the occurrence of this
seismic event, there was no information about a fault
mapped or reported from this area. Therefore, the
source of this earthquake remained an unsolved
geological problem for a short time. For this reason, we
went to the Orta (Çank›r›) area, visited all of the severely
damaged settlements, and detected the structure that
produced this seismic event, and mapped it in detail on a
1/25,000 scale topographic map. This structure, an
approximately N-S-trending, left lateral strike-slip fault
zone located 5 km west of the Orta county (the largest
settlement nearest to the field epicenter of the seismic
event), we named the Dodurga fault zone. Accordingly,
the seismic event is herein first named the June 6, 2000
Orta earthquake.
This paper aims: (1) to introduce a new structure, the
Dodurga fault zone; (2) to explain its geometric-
kinematic characteristics and relationships with the NAFS;
and (3) to explain and document the origin of the June 6,
2000 Orta earthquake and the severe damage it caused
to structures in the Orta area.
Regional Tectonic Setting
Turkey is located in the Mediterranean-Himalaya seismic
zone, and approximately 90% of the country is under
seismic hazard. The main structures that are responsible
for high seismicity in Turkey and adjacent areas are the
North Anatolian, East Anatolian and Dead Sea fault
systems, and the Hellenic-west Cyprus arc (Figure 1). The
Hellenic-west Cyprus arc is an active subduction zone
along which the African plate has been subducting at a
slip rate of 35 mm/yr northwards beneath the Turkish
platelet (McKenzie 1972; Le Pichon & Angelier 1979;
et al.
1988; Kahle
et al.
1998). The Dead
Sea Fault System is a sinistral transform fault separating
Table 1. Various seismic parameters of the 2000 June 6 Orta (Çank›r›) earthquake.
Origin Location Focal Seismic Fault Plane
Date Time Lat°.N-Long°.E depth Magnitude Moment Duration Mechanism Geographical References*
(yyyy/mm/dd) (GMT) (km) (Mo) (second) Solution Region
2000/06/06 02:41:53.2 40.65 – 32.92 8 Mw= 6.0 1.25 x 1018 Nm ~ 6 1. 02°/46°/-29° Orta (Çank›r›) TT
2. 111°/70°/-132°
2000/06/06 02:41:53.16 40.621 – 32.967 33 Ms= 6.1 - - 1. 340°/26°/-53° Orta (Çank›r›) USGS-NEIC
2. 122°/69°/-106°
2000/06/06 02:41:51.46 40.63 – 33.03 10.5 Md= 5.9 - ~ 10 1. 262°/88°/-139° Orta (Çank›r›) DER-DDR
2. 170°/49°/-03°
2000/06/06 - 40.67 – 32.97 10 Md= 5.9 - - - Çerkefl (Çank›r›) KOERI
2000/06/06 02:41:52.0 40.75 – 32.70 15 Mw= 6.0 1.11 x 1018 Nm ~ 5.4 1. 356°/39°/-47° Orta (Çerkefl) HARVARD
2. 126°/62°/-119°
2000/06/06 - 40.60 – 33.00 33 Ms= 6.1 - - 1. 359.6°/47.6°/-46.8° Orta (Çank›r›) ERI
2. 125°/58°/-126°
* TT: Tuncay Taymaz - ‹stanbul Technical University, Department of Geophysical Engineering, USGS-NEIC: The United States of Geological Survey – National Earthquake Information Center,
DER-DDR: Department of Earthquake Research, General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, KOERI: Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, HARVARD: Harvard University Seismology
Group, ERI: Tokyo University Earthquake Research Institute.
A. KOÇY‹⁄‹T,
1. Ulusu-Gerede-Abant Subfault Zone
2. Tosya Subfault Zone
3. Çerkefl-Kurflunlu Subfault Zone
4. Karadere-Kaynafll› Subfault Zone
5. Dodurga Fault Zone
6. Hendek-Y›¤›lca Subfault zone
7. Northern Marmara Fault
8. Ganos Fault
9. Yenice-Gönen Subfault Zone
Van Lake
‹znik Geyve Beldibi
Figure 2
Salt Lake
Kahraman Marafl
Bolu - Çerkefl
M= 7.6
0 200
Fault-plane solution
Suture zone
Active subduction zone
Strike-slip fault
Relative motion sense of plates
‹smetpafla railway station
B: Bolu, G: Gerede, D: Düzce,
H: Hendek, O: Orta, S: Sakarya
Figure 1. Simplified map showing the study area and major neotectonic structures of Turkey and adjacent areas (Focal-mechanism solutions were taken from Can›tez &
Büyükafl›ko¤lu 1984).
the Arabian Plate in the east from the African Plate in the
west. The African Plate is moving NNW at an average slip
rate of 18 mm/yr (De Mets
et al.
1994; Reilinger
et al.
1997; Kahle
et al.
1998). The dextral North Anatolian
and sinistral East Anatolian fault systems are
intracontinental transform faults, along which the wedge-
shaped Anatolian platelet has been escaping west-
southwestward since Late Pliocene (2.6 Ma) (McKenzie
1972; Tokay 1973; Hempton 1987; fiaro¤lu 1988;
Koçyi¤it & Beyhan 1998). Average rates of slip along the
NAFS and the EAFS are estimated at 10 mm/yr and 6
mm/yr, respectively, based on field observations (Tokay
1973; Tatar 1978; Barka & Hancock 1984; Barka &
Gülen 1988; fiaro¤lu 1988; Koçyi¤it 1988, 1989, 1990)
while they appear to be 26 mm/yr and 15 mm/yr,
respectively, based on Global Positioning System (GPS)
and seismological data (McKenzie 1972; Can›tez 1973;
North 1974; Kasapo¤lu & Toksöz 1983; Taymaz
et al.
1991; De Mets
et al.
1994; Reilinger
et al.
1997; Stein
et al.
1997; Kahle
et al.
1998, 2000; McClusky
et al.
Tectonic Setting of the Study Area
The NAFS is an approximately 1500-km-long and 10-
100-km-wide dextral shear zone trending first NW, and
then E–W, and finally SW between Karl›ova in the east
and the northern Aegean Sea in the west (Figure 1). The
NAFS displays two common distribution patterns or
geometries along its length: (1) splay-type geometry, and
(2) anastomasing-type geometry. The splay type is well-
developed in both the Erzincan-Çerkefl and the Marmara
sections of the NAFS. In the area between Erzincan in the
east and Çerkefl in the west, a number of fault zones,
fault sets and isolated faults of varying sizes branch as
splay structures from the master strand of the NAFS.
These structures first trend E-W for some distance (up to
40 km), and then bend southward and trend ~NE-NNE,
traversing the Anatolian platelet for several hundreds
kilometers, cutting across and deforming it. Well-defined
examples of splay structures are the Ovac›k-Malatya,
Central Anatolian, Almus, Ya¤murlu-Ezinepazar› (or
“Sungurlu”), Merzifon-Laçin, Taflova-Çorum and the
K›z›l›rmak fault zones or splay fault zones (Koçyi¤it
1989, 1990, 1991a, 1991b, 1996; fiengör & Barka
1992; Özçelik 1994; Kaymakç› & Koçyi¤it 1995; Bozkurt
& Koçyi¤it 1995, 1996; Koçyi¤it & Beyhan 1998, 1999;
Kaymakç› 2000; Westaway 2001).
In the second pattern or geometry of the NAFS, the
master strand (Y-shear) first bifurcates into several
subfault zones, fault sets and isolated faults of varying
sizes, and then they rejoin and rebifurcate several times,
leaving behind a series of lensoidal highlands (pressure
ridges) such as Armutlu Peninsula, Almac›k Mountain,
Bolu Mountains, Arkotda¤, Ilgaz Mountains and Karada¤,
and lowlands (basins) whose long axes parallel the
general trend of the master strand of the NAFS. This
pattern is the most diagnostic characteristic of the Karg›-
East Marmara section of the NAFS. Examples of subfault
zones, fault sets and isolated faults having anastomosing
geometry along the NAFS in its Karg›-East Marmara
section are, from E to W, the Ulusu-Gerede-Abant, Tosya,
Çerkefl-Kurflunlu, Karadere-Kaynafll›-Mengen-Eskipazar
and the Hendek-Y›¤›lca subfault zones (Figures 1 & 2).
These zones have been mapped previously and introduced
into the geological literature (Öztürk 1968; Tokay
et al.
1973; Tokay 1973; Öztürk
et al.
1984; fiaro¤lu
et al.
1987; Barka & Kadinsky-Cade 1988; Andrieux
et al.
1995; Koçyi¤it
et al.
1999). Thus, usage of the term
“North Anatolian fault system” is preferred to the term
“North Anatolian fault zone” due to its aforementioned
complicated geometry.
One of newly detected splay faults of the NAFS is the
Dodurga fault zone, (DFZ) located south of the
‹smetpafla-Karg› section of the NAFS (Figure 2). It
branches from the E-W–trending Çerkefl-Kurflunlu
subfault zone and then runs South for a distance of ~36
km. The master strand of the Dodurga fault zone became
active and produced the June 6, 2000 Orta (Çank›r›,
Turkey) earthquake of Mw= 6.0. The present paper deals
with the various characteristics, including the geometry,
kinematics, size, age, and displacement of the Dodurga
fault zone, the Mw= 6.0 earthquake, and its damage to
various structures.
Dodurga Fault Zone (DFZ)
The Orta area was first studied by Türkecan
et al.
(1991), who identified various rocks of dissimilar facies
and age, and mapped them separately at a 1/25,000
scale. These rocks are from, oldest to youngest: an Upper
Cretaceous marine sedimentary sequence, Miocene
volcanic rocks, a Miocene continental sedimentary
sequence, Pliocene basalts and a Plio-Quaternary
continental sedimentary sequence. Türkecan
et al.
A. KOÇY‹⁄‹T,
Foreshocks Aftershocks
(1999/09/08 - 2000/06/06) (2000/06/06 - 2001/01/31)
(Seismic data were taken from Department of Earthquake
Research, General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, DER-DDR)
Epicenters of Korgun, Kurflunlu,
Çerkefl-Kurflunlu and
Mehmetler-Gökçeyaz› earthquakes
Epicenter of Orta Earthquake (epicentral
location was taken from DER-DDR)
Strike-slip fault with normal component
Strike-slip fault
Thermal water spring
1653 m
Bay›nd›r Pull-Apart
Çerkefl Pull-Apart
Çerkefl Atkaracalar
1504 m
1653 m
Güldürcek Dam
‹smetpafla railway
Kurflunlu Earthquake
M = 6.5
Çerkefl-Kurflunlu Earthquake
M = 6.2
Ms = 5.8
Çerkefl- Kurflunlu Subfault Zone
Ulusu Sub-Fault Zone
Eskipazar Sub-Fault Zone
Devrez Subfault Zone
Focal Mechanism of
Mainshock (ERI).
NP 1, NP 2 are nodal planes
Y: Y-shear (Master fault)
P: P-shear (Synthetic secondary strike-slip fault)
R-Riedel shear (Synthetic secondary strike-slip fault)
R’-Riedel shear (Antithetic secondary strike-slip fault)
T: Tensional structures (Normal faults)
Orientation of the principal
stress axis
(Figure 3)
0 5
NP 1
NP 2
Oblique-slip normal fault
Dodurga Fault Zone
Figure 2. (a) Seismotectonic map of the area around Çerkefl, Orta, Kurflunlu, Korgun and Bayramören counties (focal-mechanism solutions were taken from Can›tez & Üçer 1967;
Jackson & McKenzie 1984) (see Figure 1 for location). (b) Pattern of dextral strike-slip faulting. (c) Focal-mechanism solution of the June 6, 2000 Orta (Çank›r›)
earthquake. NP1 fits well with the Dodurga fault.
have also observed and mapped a few short (0.5 to 3-
km-long), N-S- to NNW-trending isolated faults.
However, a continuous fault or fault set longer than 5 km
is not shown on their map. On June 6, 2000, a short time
after the occurrence of the Orta earthquake, we visited
the Orta area; there we detected a large fault zone and
prepared a detailed neotectonic map (Figure 3) via
geological field mapping carried out in the same area.
This neotectonic structure is here first named the
Dodurga fault zone (DFZ).
The DFZ is an 4 to 7-km-wide, 36-km-long and
approximately N-S trending sinistral strike-slip fault zone.
This zone is located in the area between Saçak village in
the north, Kösrelik village in the south (outside the study
area) and Orta County in the east (Figures 2a & 3). The
DFZ consists of a number of parallel to sub-parallel, 1 to
36 km long, N-S–, NNW– and NNE-trending, closely-
spaced sinistral strike-slip faults with considerable
normal-slip components as indicated by several Plio-
Quaternary pull-apart basins bounded by these faults
(Figure 3). Some of the larger faults comprising the DFZ
are, from E to W, the Kay›lar fault, the Buhya fault set,
the Hasanhac› fault set, the Sö¤ütözü fault, the Bü¤ren
fault, the Dodurga fault and the Yalaközü fault set (Figure
The Kay›lar fault is about 7-km-long, NNW-trending
sinistral strike-slip fault. It occurs in three segments and
controls the eastern side of the Karal›k stream valley
(Figure 3). The Buhya fault set is located around Buhya
village in the southern part of the study area, and consists
of seven 1- to 5-km-long, closely-spaced, N-S– to
NNE–trending sinistral strike-slip fault segments. These
faults control the Buhya pull-apart basin (Figure 3). The
Hasanhac› fault set is located between Gökçeören village
in the south and Salur village in the north, and consists of
seven 1- to 3.5-km-long, NNE–trending sinistral strike-
slip faults with considerable normal-slip components.
Two longer segments of the Hasanhac› fault set control
the western margin of the Orta pull-apart basin and
sinistrally displace the Uludere stream course up to 0.5
km, north of Hasanhac› village (Figure 3). The Sö¤ütözü
fault, located 3 km east of Dodurga village, is an
approximately 15-km-long, N-S–trending sinistral strike-
slip fault. This fault controls both the Sö¤ütözü and ‹çin
streams and offsets them sinistrally up to 1 km (Figure
3). The Bü¤ren fault splays off the Sö¤ütözü fault near
the Gökçeviran plateau in the south, and then runs NW up
to the east of Derebay›nd›r village, where it bends
northward and continues for 10 km in the same
direction. Finally, this fault meets the Dodurga fault
De•irmen Str.
Kise Str.
Elden Str.
Için Str.
Sö¤ütözü Str.
K›saç Str.
Yalaközü pull-apart
Alluvial Fans
Elevation point
Strike-slip fault
Strike-slip fault
with normal
Normal fault
Hasanhac• fault set
Pre-Upper Pliocene
volcanics and
Hasanh. Ba¤tak
Uludere Str.
Yaylabo•az• Str.
Aydos Str.
Karal›k Str.
Devrez R.
Yaz• R.
Offset contacts
Figure 3. Neotectonic map of the Dodurga fault zone (see Figure 2 for
(Figure 3). The Bü¤ren fault has a length of 16 km and
displays a concave-eastward outcrop pattern. In addition,
the Bü¤ren fault is a transfer structure between the
Sö¤ütözü and the Dodurga faults and has a considerable
normal-slip component as indicated by the Plio-
Quaternary depressions located in its eastern block
(Figures 3). The Yalaközü fault set is located in the north
of the study area, and consists of a few relatively long (9
km) and several short (1-3 km), closely spaced, N-S–,
NNW– and NNE–trending, linear to curvilinear fault
segments (Figure 3). These faults control both the Elden
and Kise streams and the Yalaközü Plio-Quaternary pull-
apart basin, which resulted from the subsidence of a
block bounded by two major faults of the Yalaközü fault
set, also a sinistral strike-slip structure with a
considerable normal-slip component as indicated by the
Yalaközü pull-apart basin.
The Dodurga fault is the master structure comprising
the DFZ. This fault is located in the area between Saçak
village in the north and Kösrelik village (outside of the
study area) in the south. The Dodurga fault is an
approximately 36-km-long, N-S–trending sinistral strike-
slip fault with a well-developed curvilinear and
anastomosing outcrop pattern (Figure 3). In the area
around Yalakçukurören village, the Dodurga fault divides
into several sub-branches, resulting in a very young (Plio-
Quaternary) pull-apart basin due to the subsidence of a
wedge-like block bounded by the sinistral strike-slip
faults (Figure 3). Farther north around Saçak village,
each of the basin-bounding faults bends eastward and
meets the E-W–trending Çerkefl-Kurflunlu dextral strike-
slip subfault zone. However, farther south (outside of the
study area), the Dodurga fault continues for about 6 km
on the same trend, as indicated by both the
morphotectonic features and the linear distribution of
aftershocks of the June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake.
Age and Total Displacement
Within the Dodurga fault zone, steeply dipping and folded
rocks of dissimilar age and facies are cut across and
tectonically juxtaposed. In the area between Bü¤ren
village in the south and Yalakçukurören village in the
north, Miocene volcanic rocks, a Miocene continental
sedimentary sequence and Pliocene basalts are cut and
displaced sinistrally by the Dodurga fault, up to 6 km
and 4 km, respectively (A-A’ and B-B’ in Figure 3). In
addition, a number of streams, that comprise the
upstream part of the E-W–flowing Devrez River, are bent
into a concave-northward pattern, and then offset up to
2.5 km as they approach and pass across the Dodurga
and Bü¤ren faults around Bü¤ren, Tutmaçbay›nd›r and
Ortabay›nd›r villages. Three well-developed examples of
such a drainage system are the Yaz› River, ‹çin stream
and K›saç stream (Figure 3). In the area between Bü¤ren
village in the north and Derebay›nd›r village in the south,
both the Dodurga and Bü¤ren faults display a concave-
eastward outcrop pattern, in which their eastern blocks
have been downthrown (up to 180 m), and produce two
small Plio-Quaternary pull-apart basins with long axes
that parallel the general trend of the DFZ (Figure 3).
Briefly, the existence and activity of the DFZ is
indicated by a series of well-developed and very young
(most probably Late Pliocene-Quaternary)
morphotectonic features such as sudden breaks in slope,
anastomosing outcrop patterns, fault-parallel pressure
ridges, pull-apart basins, ruins of ancient settlements,
fault-parallel aligned alluvial fans, active landslides, S-
shaped bent and offset drainage systems (Figure 3). This
was substantiated also by the June 6, 2000 Orta
earthquake and its fore- and after-shocks aligned parallel
to the DFZ (Figure 2a). Sedimentary infill of the pull-
apart basins which developed under the influence of the
DFZ is loose to poorly lithified, undeformed and rests
along an angular unconformity on the erosional surface of
the pre-Upper Pliocene deformed (folded) rocks. The
Dodurga (Orta) area is located near the Çank›r› and
Ankara regions, experiencing the same tectonic regime
(strike-slip neotectonic regime), as indicated by minor but
frequent seismic activity (Figure 1). In both the Ankara
and Çank›r› regions, a number of isolated, 1- to 20-km-
long, N-S– and NNE–trending faults, fault sets and strike-
slip basins have also been previously detected and
reported by Koçyi¤it (1991a), Koçyi¤it
et al.
Kaymakç› (2000), Kaymakç›
et al.
(2000). According to
those authors, these structures are sinistral strike-slip
faults with a considerable normal-slip components. These
structures are younger than Late Pliocene-Early
Quaternary since they cut across and displace the Lower
Miocene-lowermost Pliocene rocks, fold axes and thrust
faults developed in them, and their undeformed (nearly
flatlying) cover rocks of Late Pliocene-Early Quaternary
age. Therefore, the age of the pull-apart basins and their
margin-bounding faults is estimated as Late Pliocene or
Early Quaternary.
A. KOÇY‹⁄‹T,
Offset formation boundaries and drainage systems
reveal that the total sinistral displacement accumulated on
faults of the DFZ ranges between 0.5 km and 6 km since
Late Pliocene (2.6 Ma). From these values, it can be
concluded that the maximum rate of slip on the DFZ has
been 2.3 mm/yr since the Late Pliocene. In the same way,
almost all faults of the DFZ have a considerable normal-
slip component. The one that has a greater normal-slip
component (180 m) than others is the master strand of
the DFZ, namely the Dodurga fault. The ratio of the
normal-slip component to the sinistral strike-slip
component (180 m / 6000 m) is 1/33 at the ground
surface, consistent with that observed on the NAFS.
Mechanism of the Dodurga Fault Zone
As has been explained in foregoing sections, the
‹smetpafla-Karg› section of the NAFS displays a well-
developed pattern of a dextral strike-slip faulting (cf.
et al.
1973; Sylvester 1988). In this pattern,
originally the E-W–trending elements are dextral Y-shears
or master faults, the WNW– and WSW–trending elements
are synthetic secondary dextral strike-slip faults (Y, R and
P in Figure 2b), the NW–trending elements are
extensional structures such as dikes and oblique-slip
normal faults (T in Figure 2b), and the NNW–trending
elements (R’ in Figure 2b) are the antithetic secondary
sinistral strike-slip faults. In this context, the DFZ, as a
whole, is an antithetic secondary sinistral strike-slip
structure rotated clockwise up to 15° (Figure 2a) (Gürsoy
et al.
1997) due to the simple shear character of the
NAFS since the Late Pliocene. The antithetic sinistral
strike-slip character and considerable normal-slip
component of the master fault, namely the Dodurga fault
of the DFZ are also proved by both the aforementioned
morphotectonic structures (sinistrally offset drainage
systems, formation boundaries and pull-apart basins) and
focal-mechanism solutions of the mainshock of the June
6, 2000 Orta earthquake carried out by various stations
(Table 1, Figure 2c). Based on both the geologic data
(Koçyi¤it 1991a; Andrieux
et al.
1995) and various focal-
mechanism solutions of five intermediate- and high-
magnitude earthquakes (M= 5.8-7.6) that have occurred
in this region, the operation direction of the principal
stress that caused faulting and the June 6, 2000 Orta
earthquake was approximately NW-SE (McKenzie 1969,
1972; Nowroozi 1972; Jackson & McKenzie 1984;
Can›tez & Büyükafl›ko¤lu 1984; McClusky
et al.
(Figures 1 & 2).
Seismicity of the ‹smetpafla-Karg› Section of the
One of the more geologically complicated parts of the
NAFS is the ‹smetpafla-Karg› section (Figure 1). Most of
the ‹smetpafla-Karg› section was first examined and
mapped at a 1/25,000 scale by Tokay
et al.
According to those authors, the ‹smetpafla-Karg› section
of the NAFS consists of six subfault zones, namely the
Eskipazar, the Ulusu, the Tosya, the Çerkefl-Kurflunlu, the
Devrez and the Dodurga fault zones (Figures 1 & 2). The
Ulusu fault zone is the master strand of the NAFS while
the Dodurga and the Devrez fault zones are its splays
(Figure 2). In general, these fault zones range from 1 to
7 km in width and from 40 to 160 km in length. In
addition, except for the Dodurga fault zone, all of the rest
are right lateral strike-slip faults.
Seismicity of the ‹smetpafla-Karg› section has been
very high in both historical periods and recent times. In
the period 109 A.D. to 1900, four historical earthquakes
with intensities varying from V to IX took place in the
‹smetpafla-Karg› section (including Çerkefl, Orta,
Kurflunlu, Karg›n, Ilgaz and Tosya counties) of the NAFS
et al.
1981; Ambraseys & Finkel 1995;
Ambraseys & Jackson 1998); namely, the 109,
1668.08.17, 1845 and 1881.09.28 earthquakes. These
seismic events could not be recorded and well-
documented owing to lack of well-educated people and
technology in those days. However, it has been reported
that loss of life and heavy damage to various structures
was very high (Ambraseys & Finkel 1995). In addition to
these, recent paleoseismic studies, carried out in the
‹smetpafla-Karg› section of the NAFS, have identified five
paleoearthquakes, namely the 830, 399, and 92 B.C.
events, and the 1035 and 1668 A.D. events (Özaksoy
1998; Özaksoy 2000).
In the 19th century, six destructive earthquakes
occurred in the ‹smetpafla-Karg› section of the NAFS.
These seismic events are the 1902.03.09 Korgun (Io=
IX), the 1943.11.26 Tosya-Ladik (M= 7.6), the
1944.02.01 Bolu-Çerkefl (M= 7.6), the 1951.08.13
Kurflunlu (M= 6.5), the 1953.09.07 Çerkefl-Kurflunlu
(M= 6.4), and the 1977.10.05 Mehmetler-Gökçeyaz›
(Ilgaz) (Ms= 5.8) earthquakes (Ergin
et al.
Ambraseys 1970; Alsan
et al.
1975; Ambraseys & Finkel
The epicenters of the1902, 1943, 1944, 1951, 1953
and 1977 events were located within the ‹smetpafla-Karg›
section of the NAFS (Figures 1 & 2). These events
ruptured most parts of the Ulusu, Çerkefl-Kurflunlu and
Tosya fault zones and led to development of ground
ruptures. These were examined in the field and mapped
at a 1/25,000 scale in places (Taflman 1944; Blumental
1945; P›nar 1953; Öztürk 1968; Ketin 1969; Tokay
1973). Lengths of ground ruptures resulting from
1943, 1944 and 1951 earthquakes have been reported
as 265 km, 190 km and 40 km, respectively (Blumental
1945; Ambraseys 1970). The 1902 event could not be
recorded well, but focal-mechanism solutions for the
other five events have clearly shown that these
earthquakes have been sourced from dextral strike-slip
faulting with minor normal and thrust components
(Can›tez & Üçer 1967; Can›tez & Büyükafl›ko¤lu 1984;
Jackson & McKenzie 1984). Other than the major
subfault zones described briefly in foregoing sentences,
there may be some other ill-defined or undefined faults in
the ‹smetpafla-Karg› section of the NAFS, and as such may
still retain their high seismicity. In this context, the
Dodurga fault zone has been a very recent example.
The June 6, 2000 Orta Earthquake
In at least the 19th century, the Dodurga fault zone may
have remained as a seismic gap - even if it had not been
detected - because its previous unknown situation does
not change the reality of a possible seismic gap. Starting
September 8, 1999, minor seismic events with
magnitudes ranging between 2.4 and 4 began to occur
(Figure 4) with an approximately N-S distribution pattern
(Figure 2a). The N-S–trending linear distribution of
foreshocks that occurred in the period 1990-1999 were
ascribed to the activation of a reverse fault, namely the
“Atkaracalar reverse fault”, that was detected in a trench
located farther north outside of the Dodurga fault zone
(Özaksoy 2000). Until the time (June 6, 2000) of the
main shock, 27 earthquakes were reported (Department
of Earthquake Research, General Directorate of Disaster
Affairs). The main shock, with a magnitude of 5.9 to 6.1,
struck on Tuesday, June 6, 2000 at 5:42 (local time),
and moved the Dodurga fault zone of the NAFS (Figures
2a & 4). The June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake was felt in
the cities of Ankara, Bolu, Zonguldak, Kastamonu,
Çank›r› and Kayseri, 80-300 km away from Orta county
(Figure 1). The destructive effects of this earthquake
were confined mainly to villages (Dodurga, Bü¤ren,
Elden, Derebay›nd›r, Ortabay›nd›r, Tu¤maçbay›nd›r,
K›saç, Yuva, Salur, Bü¤düz, Kanl›ca) located in a narrow
and approximately N-S–trending zone delimited by the
Dodurga fault zone in the western part of Dodurga
county (Figure 3). The June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake
resulted in two deaths, moderate to severe damage to a
total of 4842 structures of mostly rural-style
construction (unreinforced, poor-quality, single- to two-
story stone and/or adobe-masonry structures with mud
mortar). Some moderate damage to isolated concrete and
adobe structures has also been reported from settlements
such as Büyükyakal›, fiabanözü and Çubuk, far from Orta
county (Figures 2 & 5).
Based on the type and amount of damage and the
modified Mercalli’s Scale, an isoseismal map was prepared
for the June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake (Figure 5).
Isoseismal lines are labeled with roman numerals. The
maximum intensity value determined for this earthquake
was VII, and that was confined to a narrow, lazy
ellipsoidal area including the aforementioned and severely
damaged villages (Figures 3 & 5). In general, isoseismal
lines display an ellipsoidal distribution pattern with a
NNE-SSW–trending long axis paralleling the master fault
of the Dodurga fault zone, implying that this fault was
the source of the June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake.
From Table 1, it is seen that there are clear
differences in both focal depths (8-33 km) and
instrumental locations (coordinates) of the epicenter of
the June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake. However, the values
of focal-mechanism solutions found by various
seismographic stations, except for the DER-DDR station,
are very similar. When locations of field epicenters and
focal mechanisms are evaluated in the light of field
observations (field mapping of faults, their distributions,
trends, geometries, etc.), high concentration and the
distribution pattern of both fore- and after-shocks
(Figure 2a), and location and shape of the greatest
intensity line (Figure 5), the field epicentral location of
the DER-DDR station and the focal mechanism of ERI
(Table 1, Figure 2c) are more favourable than those of
remaining stations.
The number of aftershocks (M= 2.1-5) in the first
20-day period was 67, and aftershocks continue to occur
at present (Figures 2a & 4). Ground rupture did not
develop during the Orta earthquake. However, some
open cracks with uneven distribution patterns occurred
within mostly soft, infilling ground material and
unconsolidated slope screes as a result of ground shaking.
A. KOÇY‹⁄‹T,
In addition, several large-scale, ancient landslides in the
southern half of the Dodurga fault zone were activated
and became threats to nearby settlements, such as
Derebay›nd›r and Tutmaçbay›nd›r villages (Figure 3).
Source of the June 6, 2000 Orta Earthquake
The attitudes of first nodal planes and the characters of
faulting obtained from focal-mechanism solutions of the
various seismographic stations, except for the DER-DDR
station, fit well with those of the DFZ (Table 1, Figure 2).
In addition, in the Orta area, the longest (36 km) active
fault is the Dodurga fault, the master strand of the DFZ.
Most of sinistral strike-slip (6 km), activated landslides
and severe damage to structures were also concentrated
along the Dodurga fault. All of these data reveal that the
June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake originated from activation
of the Dodurga fault (Figures 2a & 3). This conclusion has
been corroborated by the field studies of Emre
et al.
Discussion and Conclusions
Some small seismic events began to occur in and adjacent
to the Orta area in 1990, and continued until the
mainshock, namely the June 6, 2000, Mw= 6.0 Orta
earthquake. The N-S–trending linear distribution of these
foreshocks was previously ascribed to the activation of a
N-S–trending high-angle thrust fault, the “Atkaracalar
reverse fault”, observed in a trench located farther north
and outside of the study area (Özaksoy 1990). That
interpretation is incorrect because: (1) there is no a N-
S–trending reverse fault running from Atkaracalar in the
north to the west of Orta county in the south; (2) focal-
mechanism solutions of the mainshock yield sinistral
strike-slip faulting with a normal-slip component for the
source of the June 6, 2000 Orta earthquake; and (3)
there has been no damage to structures in Atkaracalar
area. In the same way, Demirtafl
et al.
(2000) interpreted
the source of the Orta earthquake as a dextral strike-slip
fault, the “Orta Fault” that strikes ENE and dips NNW.
This interpretation is also incorrect because it is in conflict
with the N-S–trending linear distribution of both fore-
and after-shocks and results obtained from focal-
mechanism solutions of the mainshock carried out by five
national and international seismographic stations (Table
1, Figures 2a & 2c).
In contrast to the aforementioned interpretations, we
detected – via detailed field geological mapping in the
Magnitude (Md)
Main Shock
(On Tuesday, June 6, 2000, at 5:42 local time)
Figure 4. Histogram showing foreshocks, mainshock (Orta earthquake) and aftershocks in the period 1999.09.08 and 2001.01.31. (Seismic data
were taken from Department of Earthquake Research, General Directorate of Disaster Affairs: DER-DDR)
A. KOÇY‹⁄‹T,
GeredeGeredeGerede ÇerkeflÇerkeflÇerkefl KurflunluKurflunluKurflunlu
Çaml›dereÇaml›dereÇaml›dere K›z›lcahamamK›z›lcahamamK›z›lcahamam
32°32°32° 33°33°33° 34°34°34°
KF: Korgun FaultKF: Korgun FaultKF: Korgun Fault
NAFS: North Anatolian Fault SystemNAFS: North Anatolian Fault SystemNAFS: North Anatolian Fault System
TSFZ: Tosya Subfault ZoneTSFZ: Tosya Subfault ZoneTSFZ: Tosya Subfault Zone
ÇLSFZ: Çeltikçi Subfault ZoneÇLSFZ: Çeltikçi Subfault ZoneÇLSFZ: Çeltikçi Subfault Zone
ÇSFZ: Çerkefl-KurflunluÇSFZ: Çerkefl-KurflunluÇSFZ: Çerkefl-Kurflunlu
Subfault Zone Subfault Zone Subfault Zone
DSFZ: Dodurga Subfault ZoneDSFZ: Dodurga Subfault ZoneDSFZ: Dodurga Subfault Zone
DVSFZ: Devrez Subfault ZoneDVSFZ: Devrez Subfault ZoneDVSFZ: Devrez Subfault Zone
Figure 5. Isoseismal map for the June 6, 2000 Orta (Çank›r›) earthquake.
Orta area – an approximately 36-km-long, 4- to 7-km-
wide and N-S–trending sinistral strike-slip fault zone with
a considerable normal-slip component . This structure is
here first named the Dodurga fault zone (DFZ). It consists
of numerous 1- to 36-km-long, closely-spaced, N-S–,
NNE–, and NNW–trending isolated faults. Sinistrally
offset (up to 6 km) formation boundaries, “S”-shaped
deviated and sinistrally offset (up to 2.5 km) drainage
systems, fault-parallel-aligned active landslides and Plio-
Quaternary pull-apart basins reveal that the DFZ is an
active sinistral strike-slip structure along which the rate
of slip is 2.3 mm/yr. This is also proved by focal-
mechanism solutions of various seismographic stations
(Table 1, Figures 2a & 2c), the N-S–trending linear
distribution of both fore- and after-shocks, and the high
concentration of severe damage to structures within the
Consequently, all of these geological field observations
and seismological data indicate that the June 6, 2000
Orta earthquake occurred because of the Dodurga fault,
the master strand of the DFZ.
The authors are grateful to two anonymous reviewers
whose comments have greatly improved the earlier
version of the text. Steven Mittwede helped with the
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Received 17 July 2000; revised typescript accepted 13 July 2001
... Although different evaluations exist about the geology of the Ankara-Ayaş-Orta-Çankırı area (i.e. Adıyaman et al., 2001;Kaymakçı et al., 2001;Koçyiğit et al., 2001;Rojay and Karaca, 2008;Seyitoğlu et al., 2004b), it can be said by combining the InSAR evaluations of Çakır and Akoğlu (2008) and the focal mechanism solutions that the 2000.06.06 (Mw=6.0) Orta earthquake and subsequent seismic events are related to the NW-SE trending, SW dipping normal fault surface corresponding to the western margin of the EPCW (Esat et al., 2021;Seyitoğlu et al., 2009). ...
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This paper aims to present a new neotectonic perspective concordant with the seismic activities in Turkey and surrounding regions. The neotectonic structures have been re-evaluated mainly by using focal mechanism solutions and high-resolution satellite (Google Earth) images. Southeast Anatolian Wedge explains thrust/blind thrust and asymmetrical folding relationship in SE Turkey, Syria, and Northern Iraq. The neotectonic structures of Turkish-Iranian Plateau are enlightened by the rhomboidal cell model which creates a base to determine multiple intersection points between the region-wide left- and right-lateral shear zones. The releasing stepover between the North Anatolian Fault Zone and Southeast Anatolian-Zagros Fault Zone plus their connections with the Northeast Anatolian Fault Zone and East Anatolian Fault Zone are described in a more meaningful way with the Anatolian Diagonal concept. It also clarifies the role of left-lateral shear zone in the west-southwest movement of Anatolian plate and its relationship with the Aegean and Cyprus arcs. A neotectonic region under the influence of NW-SE contraction is determined between the North Anatolian, Eskişehir, and Kırıkkale-Erbaa fault zones in which Elmadağ-Eldivan and Abdüsselam pinched crustal wedges and Beypazarı Blind Thrust Zone are developed. A new route for the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone is determined between Bolu and Değirmenlik (Milos) Island in the Aegean Sea via Mudurnu, Bursa, Balıkesir, and İzmir. All main neotectonic structures mentioned in this paper are evaluated by the elastic dislocation modelling and new neotectonic provinces are suggested.
... The westward escape of the Anatolian plate has been accompanied by a counter-clockwise rotation as well as a lateral translation deduced from GPS and paleomagnetic data (Tatar et al. 1996;Reilinger et al. 1997;Büyüksaraç 2007). Therefore, the timing of the collision-induced by the westward extrusion of the Anatolian plate has been widely accepted as the commencement of the Neotectonic history of Turkey (Şengör and Yılmaz 1981;Koçyiğit et al. 2001). As shown in Fig. 1, these two main fault systems consisting of the NAF and the EAF are conjugated in the Karlıova area. ...
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Frequency-magnitude distribution was investigated in Elazig city and the surrounding area (coordinates ranging from 38.1° N to 39° N for latitudes and 39° E to 40° E for longitude) to reveal the present-day crustal stress within the region. For this study, a complete set of 5603 earthquakes of Md ≥ 1 from 1 January 2000 to 31 August 2020 were localized from the Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Regional Earthquake-Tsunami Monitoring Center (KOERI) catalogue. For the whole study region, spatial mapping of the frequency-magnitude distribution was thus produced. The frequency-magnitude distribution (b-value) for seismicity within the study area was not homogeneous. Outstanding variations in the b-value were detected with b ranging from b ≈ slightly more than 0.3–2. In this region, low b-values are mostly dominant in the region except for a few local areas. This study also shows that accumulated stresses are high particularly at the Pütürge segment in contrast to the fault drawn in the south, which represents the main thrust belt that runs through Hani-Lice and stretches to Çüngüş. As expected, stress accumulation in reverse faults is fairly higher. However, the sharing of the tension formed in the compression zone of the Arabian Plate and the Anatolian plate (i.e. stress partitioning in a sense), results in a low share in the reverse fault belt.
Çalışmanın amacı, 1900 – 2020 yılları arasında meydana gelmiş Mw ≥ 4.0 olan deprem verilerinden yararlanarak ve Gumbel Uç Değerler Yöntemi’ni kullanarak Türkiye’nin başkenti olan Ankara ilini depremsellik ve deprem tehlikesi açısından incelemek ve deprem tehlike parametrelerini belirlemektir. Ankara ilinin deprem tehlike analizi 380 – 420 K enlem ve 300 – 350 D boylam koordinatları ile sınırlandırılmış alan içinde yer alan sekiz kaynak bölge içine düşen depremlerden yararlanarak yapılmıştır. Her kaynak bölgede hasara neden olabilecek büyüklükteki depremlerin yinelenme aralıkları, olası maksimum deprem büyüklükleri ve farklı büyüklükteki depremlerin oluşma olasılıkları saptanmıştır. Ankara ili ve yakın civarı içinde gelecek 100 yıl içinde Mw ≥ 7.0 büyüklüğündeki bir depremin meydana gelme ihtimalinin Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonu kaynak bölgesinde (Bölge 1) en yüksek olduğu (%90) ve bunun dönüş periyodunun 43 yıl olduğu bulunmuştur.
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A comparison of published incremental fault slip rates from four major strike‐slip faults with the proximity and number of other active faults in the surrounding plate boundary systems shows that the behavior of the primary fault is correlated with the structural complexity of its tectonic setting. To do this, we characterize the relative structural complexity of the fault network surrounding a fault location of interest by defining the coefficient of complexity, which quantifies the density and displacement rates of the faults in the plate‐boundary network at specified radii around the site of interest. We show that the relative constancy of incremental slip rates measured along primary faults of the Alpine, San Andreas, North Anatolian, and Dead Sea fault systems reflects the proximity, number, and activity of their close neighbors. Specifically, faults that extend through more structurally complex plate boundary fault systems exhibit more irregular slip behavior than faults that pass through simpler settings. We suggest that these behaviors are likely a response to more complex stress interactions within more structurally complicated regional fault systems, as well as possible temporal changes in fault strength and/or kinematic interactions amongst mechanically complementary faults within a system that collectively accommodates overall relative plate motion. Our results provide a potential means for better evaluating the future behavior of large plate‐boundary faults in the absence of well‐documented incremental slip‐rate behavior, and may help improve the use of geological slip‐rate data in probabilistic seismic hazard assessments.
Turkey is a part of the Tethyan orogenic belt, which is one of the most tectonically active regions on Earth where the African, Eurasian, and Arabian plates interact with each other. The Anatolian plate is bounded by the right-lateral North Anatolian Fault Zone to the north, the left-lateral East Anatolian Fault Zone to the east and southeast, and the Aegean-Cyprus subduction zone to the south and southwest. In addition to these boundary fault zones, the Anatolian plate is affected by many intracontinental fault zones including the right-lateral Eskişehir and Kırıkkale-Erbaa strike-slip fault zones in northwest central Anatolia. In this study, a triangle-shaped area between the North Anatolian, Eskişehir, and Kırıkkale-Erbaa fault zones has been defined as the ‘Northwest Central Anatolian Contractional Area’. This area includes the contractional Beypazarı Blind Thrust Zone, Abdüsselam Pinched Crustal Wedge, and Eldivan-Elmadağ Pinched Crustal Wedge from west to east, respectively. Our geological and geophysical observations, focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes, and the National Geodetic Network (TUTGA)-based GPS strain analysis demonstrate that the whole triangle-shaped area between the major strike-slip fault zones is under the effect of the active northwest-southeast contractional tectonic regime. This conclusion is different than the previous studies which suggest an active extensional regime for the region. The reason of the contraction of the area between the major strike-slip fault zones could be a complex interaction between the nearly north-south contraction in eastern Anatolia and north-south extension in western Anatolia, and the westward movement and counterclockwise rotation of the Anatolian plate.
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On Friday, January 24, 2020 at 20.55:11 local time (17:55 UTC), an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw = 6.8 has occurred in Sivrice district of Elazığ (Eastern Turkey). Focal mechanism solution is consistent with pure left-lateral strike-slip faulting; the location of the epicenter and fault mechanism suggest deformation along the Pütürge segment of the East Anatolian Fault Zone. A 10-day fieldwork was carried out along the Pütürge segment to study surface deformation; the geometry of the surface rupture and other seismic geomorphological structures were mapped and studied in detail. The field data are also correlated with satellite images. This paper, therefore, presents classification of seismic geomorphological structures and discuss intimate relationship between fault geometry and stress field in the region. Seismic geomorphological deformation and related features of the Sivrice (Elazığ) earthquake are observed in the area between Gezin (Elazığ) and Ormaniçi (Pütürge) villages; they are classified into two as seismotectonic and seismo-gravitational features. Field observations confirm that seismo-gravitational structures develop along both Gezin-Sivrice–Doğanbağı and Doğanbağı–Çevrimtaş–Ilıncak–Koldere–Ormaniçi sections of the Pütürge segment, while surface rupture is mapped as seismotectonic structure only along the Doğanbağı–Çevrimtaş–Ilıncak–Koldere–Ormaniçi section. Small-scale landslides, rock falls, feather cracks along asphaltic roads, and laterally discontinues ground failure-related features are common seismo-gravitational structures that developed along the fault zone. In addition, small-scale lateral spreading and liquefaction structures are common especially in areas where fault-perpendicular streams meet the Karakaya Dam reservoir. The surface rupture is mapped as stepping and overlapping en échelon fractures along elongated pressure ridges between Çevrimtaş and Doğanbağ villages, to northwest of Ilıncak village, along 1.5-km-long pressure ridge between Topaluşağı and Doğanyol, across the elongated hill that developed on an alluvial fan to the northwest of Doğanyol and in the area between Koldere and Ormaniçi villages. Surface fractures deforming the pressure ridges are all aligned parallel to the long axes of the ridges and display reverse components that give rise to small-scale pop-up structures. Interferometric SAR (DInSAR) studies indicate a 10-cm uplift in the northwestern block of the fault and a 6-cm subsidence in the southeast block. The difference in vertical movements between two blocks of the fault is interpreted to suggest that at least 30-km-long section of the Pütürge segment in the area between southwest of Sivrice and Pütürge is broken during the main shock. Although the focal mechanism solution of the main shock gives pure left-lateral strike-slip faulting, there is no significant left-lateral displacement observed during the fieldwork. This can be explained by the following: (1) left-lateral strike-slip displacement was not able to reach the surface; (2) left-lateral torque movement of the fault around a vertical axis during the earthquake, (3) restraining bend nature of the Pütürge segment, or (4) the presence of Pütürge metamorphics along the fault strike. It is also important to note that along most part of the Pütürge segment where surface rupture is observed, talus, colluvial or alluvial fan sediments are exposed; unconsolidated and/or poorly consolidated nature of these sediments may also be counted as one of the main reason for not observing horizontal displacement on the surface. When we compare these surface deformations with the surface ruptures that occurred in the last 100 years in Turkey, we suggest that the formation of the surface deformations is variable depending on: (1) the fault type and the state of regional stress, (2) the magnitude of the earthquake, (3) the duration time of the earthquake and (4) the geomorphologic feature of landscape in relation to the lithologic and structural features of the rock units along the active fault zone.
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The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is a 1200-km-long dextral strike-slip fault zone that formed by progressive strain localization in a generally westerly widen- ing right-lateral keirogen in northern Turkey mostly along an interface juxtaposing subduction-accretion material to its south and older and stiffer continental basements to its north. The NAF formed approximately 13 to 11 Ma ago in the east and propagated westward. It reached the Sea of Marmara no earlier than 200 ka ago, although shear- related deformation in a broad zone there had already commenced in the late Miocene.
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Bu çalışmada, Eskipazar-Karabük bölgesindeki Akkaya jeotermal sahasına ait sırt tipi ve damar travertenlerin mineralojik, petrografik, jeokimyasal (NTE+Y) ve izotopik (230Th/238U, 18O/16O, 13C/12C ve 87Sr/86Sr) özellikleri ayrıca sırt tipi travertene ait sıcak su havuzlarından alınan gaz örneklerinin izotopik (3He/4He, 38Ar/36Ar ve 40Ar/36Ar) bileşimleri incelenmiştir. XRD analizleri traverten örneklerinin kalsitten oluştuğunu ortaya koymuştur. Sırt tipi ve damar travertenlerin nadir toprak element+itriyum (NTE+Y) bileşimlerinin PAAS’a göre sırasıyla 104-105 ve 103-104 kat tüketilmiş oldukları görülmüştür. Sırt tipi ve damar travertenlerin uranyum serisi yöntemiyle elde edilen yaşları sırasıyla 0.85 ile 29.9 bin yıl ve 1.7 ile 92.8 bin yıl arasında değişmektedir. 87Sr/86Sr değerleri ise sırt tipi traverten için 0.707358 ile 0.707406, damar travertenler için 0.707336 ile 0.707410 arasındadır. Duraylı izotop çalışmalarına göre, sırt tipi ve damar travertenler için 13C (‰VPDB) değerleri sırasıyla +4.66 ile +8.68 ve +4.8 ile +7.97 arasında, 18O (‰VPDB) değerleri ise sırasıyla -15.86 ile -7.67 ve -13.79 ile -10.89 arasında değişmektedir. Akkaya jeotermal sahasına ait gaz örneklerinin 3He/4He değerleri 0.42 ile 0.99 RA, 38Ar/36Ar değerleri 0.1864 ile 0.1876 ve 40Ar/36Ar değerleri ise 290.2 ile 292.3 arasındadır. Elde edilen bulgular travertenleri çökelten suların meteorik kökenli ve akışkandaki karbondioksitin ise termojenik tipte olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. NTE+Y bileşimlerine göre, akışkanın artan CO2/H2O oranı ile birlikte su-kayaç etkileşiminin kalitesinin düştüğü görülmüş, ayrıca NTE+Y, 87Sr/86Sr ve 13C verilerinde travertenleri oluşturan akışkanın temelde bulunan Arkot Dağ kireçtaşlarının izini taşıdığı ortaya konmuştur. In this study, the mineralogical, petrographic, geochemical (REE+Y) and isotopic (230Th/238U, 18O/16O, 13C/12C and 87Sr/86Sr) characteristics of the fissure-ridge and vein travertines in the Akkaya geothermal field in the Eskipazar-Karabük region and also the isotopic (3He/4He, 38Ar/36Ar and 40Ar/36Ar) characteristics of the gas samples taken from the hot water pools on the fissure-ridge travertine have been investigated. According to XRD analyses, travertine samples consist of calcite minerals. It has been observed that the rare earth element + yttrium (REE+Y) composition of the fissure-ridge and vein travertines are about 104 to 105-fold and 103 to 104-fold lower than PAAS. U-Th ages of the fissure-ridge and vein travertines range from 0.85 to 29.9 ka and 1.7 to 92.8 ka, respectively. The 87Sr/86Sr values are between 0.707358 and 0.707406 for fissure-ridge travertine, and between 0.707336 and 0.707410 for vein travertines. According to stable isotope studies; 13C (‰VPDB) values of the fissure-ridge and vein travertines range from +4.66 to +8.68 and from +4.8 to +7.97, respectively, 18O (‰VPDB) values of the fissure-ridge and vein travertines range from -15.86 to -7.67 and from -13.79 to -10.89, respectively. The 3He/4He values of the gas samples collected from Akkaya geothermal field fall in the range between 0.42 and 0.99 RA, 38Ar/36Ar values vary from 0.186 to 0.1876, 40Ar/36Ar values are between 290.2 and 292.3. These findings indicate that, the fluid forming the travertines is meteoric of origin and carbon dioxide has a thermogenic origin. According to REE+Y compositions, the quality of the water-rock interaction decreased with the increased CO2/H2O ratio of the fluid. Together with REE+Y compositions, 13C and the 87Sr/86Sr values, it is concluded that the travertine-forming fluid was found to interact with the underlying Arkot Dağ limestones.
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The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) forms the northern boundary of the Anatolian Plate and is characterized by a right-lateral strike slip motion. The fault extends between 26° and 40° E longitudes and forms a broad arc roughly parallel to the coast of the Black Sea following a former suture zone (Şengör et al., 2005). The only visible perturbations to the smooth geometry of the NAF are, at around 34-37°E longitude, two main splay faults named Ezinepazar-Sungurlu Fault and Suluova Fault with several minor fault segments that bifurcate from the main fault line, possibly due to the convexity of the NAF. These secondary faults show remarkable morphological expressions accompanied with elongated basin formations and significant microseismicity. The NAF, together with these splay faults, form a broad wedge-shaped shear zone called Amasya Shear Zone (ASZ), where major developing cities of the Central Anatolia such as Amasya, Çorum and Tokat are located. The ASZ has developed on the geological formations which belongs to the Tokat Massif of the eastern Sakarya Zone (Şengör and Yılmaz, 1981; Yılmaz et al., 1997b, Okay and Tüysüz; 1999). The pre-Neogene rocks of the Massif consist of 4 different groups, which are separated from each other by regional unconformities (Tüysüz et al., 1998). These are; (1) the metamorphic basement-Karakaya complex of Triassic age, (2) Liassic to Lower Cretaceous clastics, volcanics and carbonate rocks, (3) Upper Cretaceous blocky limestones, ophiolites and volcanics, (4) Eocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks. These basement rocks are covered by sedimentary fills of the Neogene basins which are main subjects of this study. The fault pattern of ASZ shows a typical “half fish-bone” or “horse-tail” geometry (Şengör and Barka, 1992). The components of this geometry are the central convex bend of the NAF main strand and its E-W trending synthetic splays (Barka and Kadinsky-Cade, 1988; Kim and Sanderson, 2006) EzSFS and SuFS. To the west, NE-SW trending antithetic transfer faults accompany this geometry. Activity of these faults controlled the evolution of narrow uplifts climbing up to 2000 meters (such as Sakarat, Akdağ and Tavşan Mt.’s) and wide basins (Suluova and Amasya basins). Microseismic activity of the region shows clustering concentrated on the active faults, especially at the eastern and central part. On the other hand, this activity seems to decrease and scatter to the west, where the width of the shear zone exceeds 100 km’s. Geological and geomorphological off-set markers measured along the splay faults indicate that the long-term slip of the faults decrease towards the west. The Neogene depressions formed within the ASZ are (1) Suluova Basin (Suluova, Merzifon, Gümüşhacıköy and Alıcık plains) developed under control of SuFS, (2) Amasya Basin (Aydınca, Geldingen and Mecitözü plains) formed under control of EzSFS and NAFZ basins such as (3) Havza-Ladik, (4) Taşova-Erbaa and (5) Niksar basins. Within the content of this thesis, sedimentary fill of the Suluova and the Amasya basins are mapped in detail and classified according to their depositional environments and stratigraphic position. These formations are dated with mammal paleontology and OSL methods. Properties of the NAFZ basins are extracted from available literature and then correlated with ASZ basins to understand the evolution of the overall shear zone. Sedimentary fill of the Suluova Basin is classified into 5 formations by using lithology, depositional environment, sediment source region, fossil content and finally the fault segment which controlled the sedimentation. These formations form the Suluova group, which deposited during Middle Pliocene to Late Pleistocene.Characteristics of the basin fill shows that the Suluova Basin started to open as a closed half-graben under control of NW-SE trending, SW dipping Bayırlı Fault Zone (BFZ), which is a normal fault with slight dextral component. By the time, BFZ gradually evolved towards the NE and accompanied with Eraslan Fault Zone (EFZ) to the south, controlling the extension of the basin. During the Late Pliocene to Early-Middle Pleistocene, Suluova Basin became a wide lacustrine environment. The Middle Pleistocene is marked with the termination of the activity on the basin boundary faults and the formation of E-W trending dextral Suluova Fault (SuF) at the center of the basin. This change in the tectonic environment lead to the formation of a new pull-apart basin and capture of the former Suluova Lake by Yeşilırmak River. Since the Middle-Late Pleistocene, SuF advanced to the west and caused forming of new depressions, where today the recent fluvial sedimentation takes act. To understand the kinematic evolution of the basin, a dataset collected from synand post-sedimentary micro faults within the Suluova group is used. Analysis of this dataset points out stress regime changes during the evolution of the Suluova Basin. The first phase (Middle Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene) started with pure extension directed NNE-SSW, which gradually rotated clockwise (~35°) to ENE-WSW with increasing dextral component. This change caused the gradual migration of basin bounding faults to NE (~16°). The second phase is characterized with NE-SW extension and NW-SE compression indicated with pure dextral motion of Suluova Fault, which transects and deflects the faults and basin fill of previous phase. The Amasya Basin is composed of 3 adjacent depressions (Aydınca, Geldingen and Mecitözü plains), which are today connected to each other via major rivers of Yeşilırmak Drainage System. There are two phases of deposition within the Amasya Basin. The first phase took part during the Latest Miocene to Early Pliocene (MN 13- 14). During this period, Geldingen formation (Tg) is deposited in meandering to braided river environment. Second phase of the deposition started synchronous to the development of EzSFS at Middle-Late Pleistocene. This new phase of tectonic activity rejuvenated older faults and lead to the formation of young basins over the Geldingen formation. At the easternmost part of the Amasya Basin, E-trending Aydınca plain is formed as a fault wedge basin controlled by Deliçay Fault. Sedimentary fill of the basin is composed of 2 different facies, (1) coarse alluvial fan deposits outcropping at the slopes, which are intercalated with (2) massive red clays possibly indicating a calm environment to the center of the basin. This package is observed in two stratigraphic positions indicating continuous subsidence accompanied with climatic changes during the evolution of the Aydınca Basin. To the west, Geldingen basin which is formed as a pull-apart basin due to a right handed step-over between Deliçay and Geldingen faults is located. This young basin is the junction of 5 major rivers of the Yeşilırmak Drainage System. The basin fill is not observed except river terraces on the gorges of main rivers (Yeşilırmak and Çekerek rivers) located south of the basin. This 2 level terrace system has a total thickness of ~40 meters. Correlation and OSL dating of these terraces help to reveal the Latest Pleistocene (~ MIS-5e, Late Glacial Period, ~120 ka) climatic history of the area. The first terrace was formed with the fluvial deposition during the Last Glacial period (120-35 ka) which is followed by intense incision took place prior to MIS2. (~35 ka). The second terrace is deposited during the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM; 22-18 ka) and incised after the humid conditions of the Holocene. Continuous tectonic activity (subsidence at the Geldingen Basin) possibly triggered terrace formation and calculated as 0.16-0.4 mm/year according to the elevation differences between today’s flood plain and the base of the first terrace. Latest Miocene-Early Pliocene is regarded as the first phase in the formation of the Amasya Basin which is controlled mainly by the Mecitözü and the Sungurlu faults. During this period, the Geldingen formation is deposited. These faults reactivated as active segments of the EzSF system since the Middle-Late Pleistocene, also causing the rejuvenation of the Amasya Basin with the Deliçay and the Geldingen faults. Kinematic data collected from the sedimentary fill of the Amasya Basin indicates counter clockwise rotation of stress tensor from easternmost part of the fault (ENE extension and SSW compression) to the west (N-S extension and E-W compression), which is compatible with the geometry of the fault system forming a smooth convex arc. Correlation of the Neogene basins within ASZ reveals 2 different stages of deformation in the morphotectonic evolution of the study area. The first phase, which started at Latest Miocene (MN13) and Early Pliocene (MN15), continued until Early- Middle Pleistocene. During this period, wide extensional basins such as Suluova, Amasya, Havza and Taşova-Erbaa are formed. This phase is regarded as Early Neotectonic Period. The morphotectonic elements, such as extensional basins, formed in this period rejuvenated during the Early-Middle Pleistocene by strike slip faulting. During this phase, Niksar and Ladik on the NAFZ and Suluova and Geldingen pull-apart basins on the ASZ are formed. This phase is regarded as Late Neotectonic Period, which is currently active. Amasya, Çorum and Tokat provinces located on the ASZ -which today has a total a population close to 500.000 with developing industrial infrastructure- were subject to destructive earthquakes during both historical (such as 1579, 1794 and 1668) and instrumental (such as 1939, 1942a, 1942b, 1943 and 1996) seismic period. Recent paleoseismological studies revealed the rupture history of NAF in a time span of 2000 years (for a review see Hartleb et al., 2006). However, the historical earthquake database of the study area contains unlocated destructive earthquakes (such as 1579 and 1794 events), which are proposed to be nucleated on the splay faults of the ASZ. This statement reveals that there is an unevaluated seismic hazard potential of the region. Historical documents related to earthquake activity within the study area permits us to study a time-span of 500 years in detail. During this period, 2 major earthquake swarms occurred on the NAF. The first was the single 1668 event (M: 7.9), while the second, 1939 (Mw: 7.8), 1942 (Mw: 7.2) and 1943 (M: 7.4) earthquake serie, ruptured overall NAF in the study area. On the other hand, faults within the ASZ ruptured in 1579, 1794 and partly in 1939 events accompanied with several moderate sized earthquakes. The annual slip rate resolved on NAF is 20 mm/year and on the overall ASZ faults is 5 mm/year (Yavaşoğlu et al., 2009). The relation between these earthquakes and the slip rates show that there is not enough accumulated elastic strain yet to produce a destructive earthquake both on NAF and its splays deforming the ASZ. Despite this conclusion, there always is a possibility for a moderate to major sized earthquake(s) due to the chaotic behavior of crustal deformation, which yet cannot be measured and modeled. For this reason, as a final step of this study, earthquake scenarios based on attenuation relations (Tüysüz, 2003) are prepared to model the geographic intensity distribution for possible events,which may occur on faults within the ASZ.
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Analysis of the geologic and geophysical data from the western and northern margin of the Arabian plate combined with data from the Red Sea/ Gulf of Aden leads to an interpretation of Arabian plate motion that supports an episodic extensional history in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Phase 1 extension began in medial to late Eocene and was caused by the NW propagation of the reoriented Central Indian Ridge spreading center. It stretched and thinned continental crust along numerous wrench and normal faults that reactivated preexisting structures. First-phase extension stopped when the Arabian plate terminally sutured to Eurasia in the medial Miocene and halted northward movement of Arabia relative to Africa. The combined African/Arabian plates moved north more slowly, constricting and thickening continental crust in the Bitlis/Zagros sutures while the Red Sea remained tectonically quiescent and accumulated salt. By the early Pliocene, continued northward movement was accommodated by lateral extrusion of large continental wedges north of the Bitlis/Zagros sutures. This allowed Arabia to move northward faster than Africa and reopen the Red Sea where phase 2 extension was expressed by seafloor spreading. Extension within the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden rift system has been controlled by the interactions and effects of two factors: (1) convergent processes between the north margin of the Arabian plate and the Eurasian plate to
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Tectonic features of North Anatolian Fault System btw Erzincan and Refahiye
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The importance of strike-slip faulting was recognized near the turn of the century, chiefly from investigations of surficial offsets associated with major earthquakes in New Zealand, Japan, and California. Extrapolation from observed horizontal displacements during single earthquakes to more abstract concepts of long-term, slow accumulation of hundreds of kilometers of horizontal translation over geologic time, however, came almost simultaneously from several parts of the world, but only after much regional geologic mapping and synthesis.Strike-slip faults are classified either as transform faults which cut the lithosphere as plate boundaries, or as transcurrent faults which are confined to the crust. Each class of faults may be subdivided further according to their plate or intraplate tectonic function. A mechanical understanding of strike-slip faults has grown out of laboratory model studies which give a theoretical basis to relate faulting to concepts of pure shear or simple shear. Conjugate sets of strike-slip faults form in pure shear, typically across the strike of a convergent orogenic belt. Fault lengths are generally less than 100 km, and displacements along them are measurable in a few to tens of kilometers. Major strike-slip faults form in regional belts of simple shear, typically parallel to orogenic belts; indeed, recognition of the role strike-slip faults play in ancient orogenic belts is becoming increasingly commonplace as regional mapping becomes more detailed and complete. The lengths and displacements of the great strike-slip faults range in the hundreds of kilometers.The position and orientation of associated folds, local domains of extension and shortening, and related fractures and faults depend on the bending or stepping geometry of the strike-slip fault or fault zone, and thus the degree of convergent or divergent strike-slip. Elongate basins, ranging from sag ponds to rhombochasms, form as result of extension in domains of divergent strike slip such as releasing bends; pull-apart basins evolve between overstepping strike-slip faults. The arrangement of strike-slip faults which bound basins is tulip-shaped in profiles normal to strike. Elongate uplifts, ranging from pressure ridges to long, low hills or small mountain ranges, form as a result of crustal shortening in zones of convergent strike slip; they are bounded by an arrangement of strike-slip faults having the profile of a palm tree.Paleoseismic investigations imply that earthquakes occur more frequently on strike-slip faults than on intraplate normal and reverse faults. Active strike-slip faults also differ from other types of faults in that they evince fault creep, which is largely a surficial phenomenon driven by elastic loading of the crust at seismogenic depths. Creep may be steady state or episodic, pre-seismic, co-seismic, or post-seismic, depending on the constitutive properties of the fault zone and the nature of the static strain field, among a number of other factors which are incompletely understood. Recent studies have identified relations between strike-slip faults and crustal delamination at or near the seismogenic zone, giving a mechanism for regional rotation and translation of crustal slabs and flakes, but how general and widespread are these phenomena, and how the mechanisms operate that drive these detachment tectonics are questions that require additional observations, data, and modeling.Several fundamental problems remain poorly understood, including the nature of formation of en echelon folds and their relation to strike-slip faulting; the effect of mechanical stratigraphy on strike-slip-fault structural styles; the thermal and stress states along transform plate boundaries; and the discrepancy between recent geological and historical fault-slip rates relative to more rapid rates of slip determined from analyses of sea-floor magnetic anomalies. Many of the concepts and problems concerning strike-slip faults are derived from nearly a century of study of the San Andreas fault and have added much information, but solut ons to several remaining and new fundamental problems will come when more attention is focused on other, less well studied strike-slip faults.
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The kinematic and structural evolution of the major structures affecting the Cankiri Basin, central Turkey, has been deduced from a palaeostress inversion study. Four palaeostress tensor configurations indicative of four-phase structural evolution have been constructed from the fault slip data collected from the Cankiri Basin. The first two phases indicate the dominant role of thrusting and folding, and are attributed to the collision between the Pontides and the Taurides, the proposed interface of which is straddled by the Cankiri Basin. Phase 1 occurred in the pre-Late Palaeocene and Phase 2 in the Late Palaeocene-pre Burdigalian. The third phase is dominated by extensional deformation in the Middle Miocene. The latest phase has been active since then and is characterized by regional transcurrent tectonics.
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Recent revisions to the geomagnetic time scale indicate that global plate motion model NUVEL-1 should be modified for comparison with other rates of motion including those estimated from space geodetic measurements. The optimal recalibration, which is a compromise among slightly different calibrations appropriate for slow, medium, and fast rates of seafloor spreading, is to multiply NUVEL-1 angular velocities by a constant, α, of 0.9562. We refer to this simply recalibrated plate motion model as NUVEL-1A, and give correspondingly revised tables of angular velocities and uncertainties. Published work indicates that space geodetic rates are slower on average than those calculated from NUVEL-1 by 6±1%. This average discrepancy is reduced to less than 2% when space geodetic rates are instead compared with NUVEL-1A.
Stresses involved in shallow earthquakes and their occurrence along fault planes suggest that they occur by failure on weak planes, rather than by brittle fracture of a homogeneous material. Possible orientations of the stress tensor are examined to determine what limits fault plane solutions can place on the orientation of the greatest principal stress. For the general case of a triaxial stress, the only restriction is that this stress direction must lie in the quadrant containing P, but may be at right angles to the P direction must lie in the quadrant containing P, but may be at right angles to the P direction. Thus shallow earthquakes impose a few limitations on the orientation of the stress tensor.
We use the GPS velocity field (1988-1998) for eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor to determine the crustal deformation strain rate field in an area bounded by 35°N and 43°N, and 20°E and 48°E. We calculate the normal and shear strain rate components associated with the major faults and compare these qualitatively with seismological data. Uncertainties in the calculation of the strain rates each 50 nstrain yr-1 in sparsely observed parts of Anatolia, whereas we estimate errors