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The Importance of Carotenoid Dose in Supplementation Studies with Songbirds


Abstract and Figures

Carotenoid coloration is the one of the most frequently studied ornamental traits in animals. Many studies of carotenoid coloration test the associations between carotenoid coloration and measures of performance, such as immunocompetence and oxidative state, proceeding from the premise that carotenoids are limited resources. Such studies commonly involve supplementing the diets of captive birds with carotenoids. In many cases, however, the amount of carotenoid administered is poorly justified, and even supposedly carotenoid-limited diets may saturate birds' systems. To quantify the relationships among the amount of carotenoids administered in experiments, levels of circulating carotenoids, and quantities of carotenoids deposited into colored ornaments, we performed a meta-analysis of 15 published studies that supplemented carotenoids to one of seven songbird species. We used allometric scaling equations to estimate the per-gram carotenoid consumption of each study's subjects, and we used meta-regression to evaluate the effects of this carotenoid dose on differences in coloration and plasma carotenoid levels between supplemented and control groups of birds. After accounting for supplementation duration and species, we observed a significant positive correlation between carotenoid intake and response of plasma carotenoid level to supplementation. The presence of supplemental carotenoids also tended to increase the expression of ornamental coloration, but the magnitude of the carotenoid dose did not significantly affect how strongly coloration changed with supplementation. Further, coloration effect sizes had no significant relationship with plasma carotenoid effect sizes. We also found significant heterogeneity in responses among studies and species, and the parameters used to measure color significantly affected response to supplementation. Our results emphasize the importance of performing dosage trials to determine what supplementation levels provide limited versus surplus carotenoids and of measuring the natural level of carotenoid intake by the study species to validate the appropriateness of supplementation levels for a particular study species and experimental design.
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The Importance of Carotenoid Dose in Supplementation
Studies with Songbirds
Rebecca E. Koch
Alan E. Wilson
Geoffrey E. Hill
Department of Biological Sciences, 331 Funchess Hall,
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849;
School of
Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences, Auburn
University, Auburn, Alabama 36849
Accepted 10/9/2015; Electronically Published 11/16/2015
Carotenoid coloration is the one of the most frequently studied
ornamental traits in animals. Many studies of carotenoid col-
oration test the associations between carotenoid coloration and
measures of performance, such as immunocompetence and
oxidative state, proceeding from the premise that carotenoids
are limited resources. Such studies commonly involve supple-
menting the diets of captive birds with carotenoids. In many
cases, however, the amount of carotenoid administered is poorly
justied, and even supposedly carotenoid-limited diets may sat-
urate birdssystems. To quantify the relationships among the
amount of carotenoids administered in experiments, levels of
circulating carotenoids, and quantities of carotenoids deposited
into colored ornaments, we performed a meta-analysis of 15
published studies that supplemented carotenoids to one of seven
songbird species. We used allometric scaling equations to esti-
mate the per-gram carotenoid consumption of each studys sub-
jects, and we used meta-regression to evaluate the effects of this
carotenoid dose on differences in coloration and plasma carot-
enoid levels between supplemented and control groups of birds.
After accounting for supplementation duration and species, we
observed a signicant positive correlation between carotenoid
intake and response of plasma carotenoid level to supplementa-
tion. The presence of supplemental carotenoids also tended to
increase the expression of ornamental coloration, but the mag-
nitude of the carotenoid dose did not signicantly affect how
strongly coloration changed with supplementation. Further, col-
oration effect sizes had no signicant relationship with plasma
carotenoid effect sizes. We also found signicant heterogeneity
in responses among studies and species, and the parameters used
to measure color signicantly affected response to supplementa-
tion. Our results emphasize the importance of performing dos-
age trials to determine what supplementation levels provide
limited versus surplus carotenoids and of measuring the natural
level of carotenoid intake by the study species to validate the
appropriateness of supplementation levels for a particular study
species and experimental design.
Keywords: carotenoid supplement, ornamental coloration,
plasma carotenoids, plumage coloration, bill coloration.
Carotenoid-based ornaments in birds have drawn substantial
attention as indicator traits because numerous studies have
reported correlations between the expression of carotenoid
coloration and aspects of male quality, including fat reserves,
basal metabolic rate, effectiveness of immune response (im-
munocompetence), and oxidative state (reviewed in Hill 2002,
2006; Svensson and Wong 2011). Carotenoid pigments are re-
sponsible for most of the vibrant red, orange, and yellow color-
ation of the feathers and soft parts of birds (McGraw 2006),
and they may also play important physiological roles as vita-
min A precursors, boosters of the immune system, and antioxi-
dants (Mougeot et al. 2010; Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2010; Hill and
Johnson 2012). Because these pigments cannot be synthesized
in the bodies of animals and must be acquired from the diet
(Goodwin 1984), carotenoids are often considered limited re-
sources such that only birds in the best condition can afford to
allocate carotenoid pigments toward colored ornaments rather
than retain them for potential internal benet; thus, carotenoid
resource trade-offs have been hypothesized to maintain signal
honesty in these traits (Møller et al. 2000; Alonso-Alvarez et al.
Numerous studies of carotenoid ornamentation aim to es-
tablish and clarify whether this hypothesized carotenoid re-
source trade-off may explain the condition dependence of ca-
rotenoid coloration in birds by validating that (1) higher levels of
circulating carotenoids improve immune function and/or oxi-
dative stress maintenance, (2) restricted dietary intake limits the
quantity of circulating carotenoids, and (3) generation of a high-
quality ornament sequesters circulating carotenoids such that
colored traits impose a cost on other processes that utilize ca-
rotenoids (von Schantz et al. 1999; Møller et al. 2000; Alonso-
Alvarez et al. 2008). Fundamental to testing these predictions of
the trade-off hypothesis are experiments that manipulate carot-
enoid availability and measure the effect of carotenoid dose on
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89(1):000000. 2016. q2015 by The
University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 1522-2152/2016/8901-5081$15.00.
DOI: 10.1086/684485
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both ornamentation and physiology. In laboratory settings, re-
searchers commonly supplement or restrict dietary carotenoid
levels and evaluate the resulting effects on various measures of
ornamentation and internal condition (Hill 2006). However,
the results of these studies are often inconclusive, and the im-
portance of allocation trade-offs to carotenoid-based signal hon-
esty as well as the physiological functions of carotenoid them-
selves remain debated (Hill 1994, 1999, 2011, 2014; Hudon 1994;
Hartley and Kennedy 2004; Hadeld and Owens 2006; Costan-
tini and Møller 2008).
One critical but often overlooked complication of carotenoid
manipulation studies is the biological relevance of the quan-
tities of carotenoids that are administered to test animals. Com-
monly, supplemental carotenoids are provided ad lib. in food
or water without an assessment of the amounts of pigments that
are actually ingested and without proper consideration for how
levels of supplemental carotenoids compare with quantities in-
gested by birds under natural conditions. Moreover, the quan-
titative relationship between the amount of carotenoids ingested
and quantities of circulating carotenoids is usually not measured
in either lab or eld systems, so it is difcult to judge the results
of carotenoid supplementation. For example, the quantity of in-
gested carotenoids may greatly exceed that which is present in
the plasma if birds rapidly transport consumed carotenoids to
storage in fat, ornamentation, or other tissues; therefore, birds
with vastly different carotenoid access may have the same levels
of plasma carotenoids if the bird with greater consumption al-
locates his excess carotenoids outside of circulation. For this rea-
son, comparing plasma carotenoid levels of captive birds to wild
conspecics is insufcient to justify that the captive supple-
mentation dose mimics the levels of carotenoids available to
wild birds. Because the differential allocation of limited carot-
enoids is key to the resource trade-off hypothesis, it is essential
to better track carotenoid usage through quantifying the re-
lationships among amounts ingested, circulated, and deposited
in ornaments.
Several studies have addressed this issue by using dosage
trials to compare supplementation levels to levels of circulating
carotenoids in order to identify doses that do not saturate their
subjectssystems (e.g., Alonso-Alvarez et al. 2004; Aguilera and
Amat 2007). Too often, however, the carotenoid supplemen-
tation regimens used in avian studies are based on methods
developed for other species or from studies of different dietary
carotenoids (e.g., Navara and Hill 2003; Baeta et al. 2008);
carotenoid consumption and absorption varies markedly across
species with different masses and life histories (Tella et al. 2004;
McGraw 2005), so extrapolating carotenoid doses among spe-
cies with no validation could lead to experiments that provide
carotenoid doses that are too high or too low to yield meaningful
Because the focus of most studies utilizing carotenoid sup-
plementation is testing for trade-offs in the use of limited ca-
rotenoid resources for ornamentation versus body maintenance,
poorly controlled dosing undermines the goals of the research.
For a study of resource limitation or trade-off to be meaningful,
then the resource must be provided at a level below saturation.
If the lowest supplementation level provides sufcient carot-
enoids for both body maintenance and ornament production,
then studying the effects of dose becomes meaningless. As fun-
damental as these ideas appear to be, many studies proceed on
the unstated assumption that supplementation levels are below
To better quantify the effects of supplementation on circu-
lating carotenoid availability and carotenoid-based ornamen-
tation, we performed a meta-analysis of 15 published studies
that include groups of both carotenoid supplemented and
unsupplemented birds and that report the resulting plasma
carotenoid levels and/or ornamental color of each group. A
previous meta-analysis investigated correlations among these
variables, but it grouped studies as either supplemented or
unsupplemented without including supplementation dose as
a cofactor (Simons et al. 2012), missing a critical source of var-
iation among studies. In our analysis, we built on the existing
literature by rst using published levels of carotenoid supple-
mentation and allometric scaling equations to estimate indi-
vidual consumption of carotenoids. We then modeled how
variation in intake between supplemented and control groups
affected the relationships between circulating carotenoids and
allocation to ornamentation in songbirds. By quantifying the
physiological responses to varying levels of carotenoid inges-
tion in different studies and seven different songbird species,
we provide a foundational model for predicting the biological
relevance of particular carotenoid supplementation regimens
and can assess the variables that modulate response to carot-
enoid intake.
Literature Search
We surveyed the existing carotenoid literature using the Web of
Science database on March 23, 2014, using the keywords ca-
rotenoid*AND supp*AND birdOR avian.We included
only studies (1) reporting the level of carotenoid supplemen-
tation as well as the food source provided; (2) including data on
both carotenoid-supplemented and control groups of indi-
viduals; (3) reporting the values of plasma carotenoid levels
and/or coloration; (4) not repeating measures on the same
group of birds that were reported in a study already incorpo-
rated into the meta-analysis (a potential source of pseudorep-
lication); (5) testing adult male birds rather than nestlings (in
which both carotenoid physiology and ornamental function
differ greatly from sexually reproducing adult birds, and the
quantity of carotenoids acquired from egg yolk or parental
provisioning is often unknown; Hill and McGraw 2006); and
(6) supplementing with only the carotenoids lutein and/or zea-
xanthin, the most prevalent carotenoid pigments in the avian
diet (McGraw 2006). With the exception of one study sup-
plementing with only lutein (Stirnemann et al. 2009), all stud-
ies included in our meta-analysis supplemented primarily with
lutein and trace amounts of zeaxanthin (e.g., 201 ratio of lu-
teinzeaxanthin; Blount et al. 2003; Hõrak et al. 2007; Karu et al.
2007; Baeta et al. 2008; Sild et al. 2011; Sepp et al. 2011).
000 R.E.Koch,A.E.Wilson,andG.E.Hill
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This latter point is important because most terrestrial birds
consume diets containing primarily these two yellow and
structurally similar carotenoid pigments, which many species
must then metabolize into red pigments (in species with red
coloration) or ornamental yellow pigments (e.g., canary xan-
thophylls). Critically, chemical properties and therefore po-
tential physiological functions vary across these dietary and
ornamental pigments, and the costs of converting dietary to
ornamental pigments may play a key role in the honesty of
carotenoid-based coloration (Hill 1996; Hill and Johnson 2012;
Johnson and Hill 2013). Studies supplementing with other
pigments, particularly the red carotenoids at the end points of
these carotenoid conversion pathways (such as canthaxanthin;
mechanisms relating coloration to physiology that may be
important to carotenoid signal honesty, so such studies are not
appropriate for this analysis.
Despite the extensive literature on carotenoid ornamenta-
tion (more than 300 results to our initial keyword search), only
19 studies met our criteria of providing measurable caroten-
oid supplementation quantities to adult birds. Because 16 of
19 studies investigated songbird species (order Passeriformes),
we excluded one study of red junglefowl (Gallus gallus;McGraw
and Klasing 2006), one study of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos;
Butler and McGraw 2013), and one study of kestrels (Falco
tinnunculus; Costantini et al. 2007) to capture the majority
of available data while avoiding comparing data from phy-
logenetically distant taxa with different physiologies. We
also excluded one study on society nches (Lonchura striata
domestica; McGraw et al. 2006) because this species lacks
carotenoid-based ornamentation and so is not subject to the
potential costs of allocating carotenoids as colorants. We per-
formed our analysis on the remaining 15 studies of seven
songbird species with carotenoid-based ornaments: the Ameri-
can goldnch (Carduelis tristis) with yellow plumage and
pink-red bill ornamentation, the house nch (Haemorrhous
mexicanus) with red plumage ornamentation, the zebra nch
(Taeniopygia guttata) with red bill ornamentation, the diamond
retail (Stagonopleura guttata) with red bill ornamentation, the
great tit (Parus major) with yellow plumage ornamentation, the
Eurasian blackbird (Turdus merula) with red-orange bill orna-
mentation, and the European greennch (Carduelis chloris) with
yellow plumage ornamentation.
Carotenoid Supplementation Calculations
Most experiments supplemented carotenoids to the main food
carotenoids added per unit food or water. One study by Peters
et al. (2011) quantied daily carotenoid intake of individuals
during the experiment, so these values were used in our anal-
ysis. For all other studies, we estimated the quantity of ca-
rotenoids consumed by each bird by rst calculating the av-
erage daily food or water intake of an individual of the focal
species, using allometric scaling equations to account for the
nonlinear relationship between species size and consumption.
When carotenoids were supplemented in the water supply,
we estimated daily water intake using the mass of the study
species and the scaling equation for passerines reported by
Calder and Braun (1983). When a study supplemented ca-
rotenoids in the food supply, we estimated the daily food in-
take of the studys focal species by using the energy content of
the food provided (often, millet or sunower seeds; Caraco et al.
1980; Hõrak et al. 2003) and a scaling equation for passerines
that predicts the consumption needed to meet daily energetic
requirements (Nagy et al. 1999). When the exact mass of in-
dividuals included in the study was not reported, we estimated
the average mass of the species from the Handbook of the Birds
of the World (del Hoyo 2010). From our estimates of daily food
or water intake, we then used each studyspublisheddetailson
the concentration of carotenoids supplemented to calculate
the quantity of carotenoids ingested along with food or water.
We also calculated the carotenoid content of the basic diet
provided to both control and supplemented birds, using re-
ported carotenoid content values or published measurements
of the content of the seeds supplied (McGraw et al. 2001; Peters
et al. 2008) to account for dietary carotenoids acquired inde-
pendently of supplementation (app. A, available online).
To standardize levels of supplemental carotenoids ingested
in species of varying body sizes, we divided daily carotenoid
consumption amount by species mass in grams. We then
calculated the difference in carotenoid intake between sup-
plemented and control groups for each study (carotenoid intake
difference). Most often, this measure of intake difference was
nearly identical to the actual intake of the supplemented group,
since most control groups acquired negligible levels of carot-
Effect Size Calculations
We calculated the natural log response ratio and its variance
from reported means and standard deviations of control and
supplemented groups according to the formulas outlined by
Koricheva et al. (2013); the response ratio allows for the stan-
dardization of measurements across studies by converting each
measured effect into a unitless ratio of the mean response of
the supplemented group to the mean response of the control
group. When other experimental manipulations were present
in a study, we used data from the otherwise unaltered control
groups that varied only in carotenoid supplementation. We cal-
culated two types of effect sizes per study, when possible, to
measure the effects of supplementation on plasma carotenoid
levels and ornamental coloration. When necessary, we ex-
tracted means and errors from gures using either ImageJ
(Rasband 19972014) or WebPlotDigitizer v. 2.6 (Rohatgi
2013). When mean values were not published in text or g-
ures, we contacted authors to retrieve the raw data and calculate
mean values. Along with effect size, we recorded each studys
focal species and the number of days that supplementation was
provided. If a study reported multiple response values over time,
we recorded only values from before supplementation and at
the end of supplementation for consistency among studies.
Importance of Carotenoid Dose in Songbird Supplementation 000
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We included multiple effect sizes for one study only if each
differed in a key variable, such as a different carotenoid sup-
plementation dose or ornament measured. In addition, because
the color of feathers is determined only during molt when
carotenoids are actively deposited in growing feathers (Hill 2002),
we extracted plumage color effect sizes only from studies of
molting individuals; we calculated effect sizes from nonmolting
birds with plumage ornaments only for the relationship between
carotenoid intake and plasma carotenoid concentration. The
color of a soft part, such as the bill, can change rapidly during
any season (Rosenthal et al. 2012), so we could extract both col-
oration and plasma carotenoid level effect sizes from studies of
these ornaments, regardless of molt status.
The means of assessing ornamental coloration is important
to consider in our analysis because color is generally quantied
along one or more of three main axes: hue, or the shade of the
color (e.g., red, orange, yellow); chroma, or the intensity of the
color (also called saturation); and brightness, or the lightness/
darkness of the color. In addition, principle component analy-
sis can be used to create a composite metric directly from the
reectance spectrum of a color (Montgomerie 2006). Each of
these axes of color tends to relate to different properties of the
colored ornament itself. For example, chroma may be a good
generalization of pigment density, while hue may be more
representative of the proportion of red to yellow pigments in a
carotenoid-colored ornament (Inouye et al. 2001; Hill and
McGraw 2006). The choice of color parameter used in a par-
ticular study is therefore important to include in our analysis
because it may affect study conclusions by representing dif-
ferent properties of the ornament measured.
Statistical Analyses
We performed all analyses using the metafor package (ver. 1.9
7; Viechtbauer 2010) in R (ver. 3.2.1; R Core Team 2015). We
ran two separate overall meta-analyses, one for plasma carot-
enoid levels and a second for ornamental coloration. Both
analyses used meta-regression to estimate the dose-dependent
effect of carotenoid intake difference (between supplemented
and unsupplemented groups) on response, also including spe-
cies, supplementation duration, and measure type (for color
measurements) as moderators and including a random effect
of study (to control for multiple effect sizes from one experi-
ment). Each model took within-study variationor the error
around each effect sizeinto account when estimating overall
After initial investigation, we discovered that one study in
our plasma carotenoid content analysis (Peters et al. 2011) had
a modest effect size but an order of magnitude larger daily
carotenoid consumption per individual than any other study,
so we ran a separate meta-regression omitting this outlying
data point to better model the patterns in the remaining stud-
ies. We also performed two subgroup analyses for studies of
the plasma content of greennches and zebra nches, which
had the greatest number of individual effect sizes (nine and
seven, respectively) and allowed an opportunity to specically
assess the relationships among parameters in these species.
We also performed a separate analysis of zebra nches for the
relationship of supplementation to coloration. We ran several
ticular model variables when signicant sources of hetero-
geneity were held constant (e.g., on data with only hue or only
chroma color parameters). Last, toexamine whether the effects of
supplementation on coloration depend on plasma carotenoid
content, we performed an additional meta-regression to inves-
tigate the effects of species, carotenoid intake difference, color
parameter measured, duration of supplementation, and plasma
effect size on coloration effect size; this analysis was performed
on the subset of studies that measured both plasma carotenoid
content and the color of ornaments.
We investigated the extent of publication bias in the main
plasma carotenoid content and coloration data sets using funnel
plots of effect size versus standard error, a measure of study
precision, according to the guidelines of Koricheva et al. (2013).
Along with a visual examination of plots, we statistically tested
for funnel plot asymmetry using a regression test (Viechtbauer
2010). To estimate the impact of study heterogeneity on meta-
regression results, we calculated Qvalues, which test whether
there was signicant residual heterogeneity in effect sizes that
could not be attributed to variation in carotenoid consumption
level and other moderators (Viechtbauer 2010; Koricheva et al.
Overall, we calculated 40 effect sizes from 15 studies of the
seven focal species. Among the studies we assessed, carotenoid
intake between supplemented and control groups of birds dif-
fered by an average of 19.9 515.1 mg/d/g body mass and ranged
from 0.01 (Stirnemann et al. 2009) to 432.2 mg/d/g body mass
(Peters et al. 2011). Duration of supplementation was similarly
variable, with an average of 39.0 54.70 d and a range from 7
(Karu et al. 2007) to 84 d (Navara and Hill 2003; gs. B1, B2;
app. A; gs. B1B3 and app. B available online).
Effect of Carotenoid Supplementation on
Plasma Carotenoid Levels
We calculated 21 effect sizes for plasma carotenoid content
from 13 studies of six species (all focal species except the
American goldnch; gs.1,B1,app.A).Whenweincluded
all data, no variable signicantly predicted the effect of sup-
plementation on plasma carotenoid response (all P10.12;
table 1); however, when we omitted one effect size from a study
on great tits that featured an exceptionally large daily carotenoid
intake (Peters et al. 2011), we found that carotenoid intake
difference between supplemented and unsupplemented groups
had a signicant effect on plasma carotenoid content response
ratio (table 1). Subgroup models where only greennchesorzebra
nches were included also revealed either a trend (greennch) or a
000 R.E.Koch,A.E.Wilson,andG.E.Hill
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signicant effect (zebra nch) of carotenoid intake on the re-
sponse of plasma carotenoid levels to supplementation, though
the slope of this relationship differed between the two species:
greennches exhibited a larger increase in coloration with in-
creasing carotenoid intake, on average, than zebra nches (ta-
ble 1; g. 2).
In addition, we found that duration of supplementation had
a signicant negative effect on response in the greennch sub-
group, indicating that increasing the number of days of supple-
mentation tended to decrease the effect of supplementation on
the response of plasma carotenoid levels in this species (table 1).
This relationship appeared driven by a single study with a 60-d
duration (Peters et al. 2008) and a comparatively low effect size
relative to carotenoid intake difference, so we ran an additional
meta-regression on a data set excluding this data point and
found that the negative effect of supplementation duration was
no longer signicant, while the difference in daily carotenoid
intake continued to trend toward signicance (Pp0.054; ta-
ble 1). Interestingly, the study of Peters et al. (2008) was ex-
ceptional not only in its long duration but also in that it was the
single study of greennch plasma carotenoid levels performed
while the birds were undergoing molt (app. A); if the process of
depositing carotenoids in the growing feathers signicantly
altered plasma carotenoid levels, then molt (rather than sup-
plement duration) could be responsible for the lower effect size
relative to carotenoid intake observed in this study.
Signicant residual heterogeneity remained in the full data set
model, the full model excluding the Peters et al. (2011) outlier
(described above), and the model including only the zebra nch
data but not in the models containing only greennch data (both
with and without Peters et al. 2008; table 1).
Effect of Carotenoid Supplementation on Coloration
We extracted 19 coloration effect sizes from eight studies of ve
species: the American goldnch, diamond retail, European
greennch, Eurasian blackbird, and zebra nch (gs.3,B2;
app. A). Meta-regression indicated that only the type of mea-
surement used to quantify coloration (i.e., hue, chroma, prin-
ciple component analysis) was signicant in predicting the mag-
nitude of the effect of supplementation on coloration. While
the presence of supplementation increased coloration in most
studies (g. 3), neither increasing the difference in carotenoid
intake between supplemented and unsupplemented birds nor
increasing the duration of supplementation affected the dif-
ference in color between experimental and control groups of
birds (table 1). Carotenoid intake continued to have no sig-
nicant relationship with effect size, even in subgroup mod-
els isolating studies measuring only the parameters of hue or
chroma (P10.4), indicating that variation in color measure-
ment was not obscuring effects of variation in carotenoid in-
take in the overall model (table 1).
The separate analysis of zebra nch data also revealed a
signicant effect of only measurement type on the response of
coloration to supplementation (table 1). Performing an addi-
tional analysis of the zebra nch data set comprising only effect
sizes measured with hue (excluding one effect size of principle
component analysis; McGraw and Ardia 2003) did not alter the
signicance of other model variables; neither days of supple-
mentation nor the magnitude of carotenoid intake had a sig-
nicant effect on the color difference between experimental and
control groups of zebra nches (table 1).
When we examined the relationship between the responses of
coloration and plasma carotenoid content, we found no sig-
nicant effect of any model parameter. Incorporating the
plasma carotenoid content effect size in the coloration model
did reduce the effects of residual heterogeneity from highly
signicant in the overall model to nonsignicant (table 1), in-
dicatin g that variation in plasma carotenoid content likely caused
some of the variation in effect sizes present in the overall color-
ation data set. Visual inspection of the plotted relationship
between plasma content and coloration effect sizes revealed
that most points fell below the 11line(g. 4), so the effect of
effect of the same supplementation regimen on plasma carot-
enoid content.
Signicant residual heterogeneity remained in the overall
model and the models of only hue or chroma but not in the
zebra nch or plasma carotenoid content models (table 1).
Figure 1. Plasma carotenoid content response ratio (5SE) relative to
supplemented groups. Points with no visible error bars represent errors
less than the diameter of the point. The dashed line represents an effect
size of zero, or no difference in plasma carotenoid content between
supplemented and control groups. Species codes are as follows: DIFI,
diamond retail (Stagonopleura guttata); EUBL, Eurasian blackbird
(Turdus merula); EUGR, European greennch (Carduelis chloris); HOFI,
house nch (Haemorhous mexicanus); ZEFI, zebra nch (Taeniopygia
guttata). Not pictured is the effect size from Peters et al. (2011), an out-
lier excluded from main analyses.
Importance of Carotenoid Dose in Songbird Supplementation 000
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Table 1: Meta-regression model and test of residual heterogeneity results: model effect estimates 5SE
Model and subgroup
No. effect
sizes Intercept
Carotenoid intake
duration Species
effect size
Plasma carotenoid content:
Overall 21 2.47 5.65*** .0001 5.002 2.0065 5.17 2.28 5.18 NA NA 112.3**
Overall, without outlier 20 2.59 5.58*** .014 5.005*** 2.015 5.016 2.24 5.16 NA NA 117.1***
ZEFI 7 1.01 52.27 .014 5.005*** 2.004 5.05 NA NA NA 46.0***
EUGR 9 1.61 5.18*** .29 5.16* 2.047 5.018*** NA NA NA 4.36
EUGR, without outlier 8 .90 5.55 .44 5.23* 2.03 5.02 NA NA NA 3.33
Overall 19 .12 5.45 .0050 5.011 2.0004 5.0057 .11 5.09 2.14 5.050*** NA 197.0***
ZEFI 7 22.22 51.14* .011 5.012 .001 5.008 NA 1.15 5.39*** NA .9
ZEFI, hue only 6 .098 5.52 .011 5.012 .0013 5.0089 NA NA NA .9
Hue 10 2.038 5.084 .0081 5.010 2.0002 5.0008 .046 5.038 NA NA 149.9***
Chroma 8 .33 5.44 .036 5.081 2.0013 5.0044 2.097 5.19 NA NA 11.3**
Color vs. plasma 11 22.80 51.81 .0016 5.011 .0036 5.011 .55 5.44 .005 5.48 .50 5.47 9.35
Note. NA, not applicable (moderators that were not included in the given model).
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Publication Bias
Visual inspection of funnel plots indicates little bias in the
studies examined in our analyses (g. B3), though many effect
sizes were positive; this is not unexpected, given the predicted
physiological relationships between carotenoid intake, plasma
carotenoid content, and coloration. Regression analyses of fun-
nel plot asymmetry indicated no signicant bias in either of
the two sets of data (plasma: zp20.83, Pp0.40; color: zp1.03,
For studies to meaningfully test differential allocation of a limited
pool of carotenoid resources acquired from the diet, they must
provide experimental subjects with biologically relevant caroten-
oid doses. Saturating the diets of birds with carotenoids will
obscure physiological trade-offs that may occur between carot-
enoid absorption, circulation, and use for ornamentation. How-
ever, little justication is generally given for the dosage and ex-
perimental design used in studies that aim to test for carotenoid
trade-offs. To assess the effect that carotenoid dose has on the
physiological responses of birds, we performed meta-regressions
on data extracted from 15 published studies of seven songbird
species. Not surprisingly, and as demonstrated in a previous meta-
analysis (Simons et al. 2012), the presence of carotenoid supple-
mentation tended to increase plasma carotenoid levels and the
expression of carotenoid-based coloration. However, we found
that supplementing an experimental group of birds for a longer
period of time or with a larger dose of carotenoids did not increase
the difference in color between control and supplemented birds.
Because all carotenoids in the system of an adult bird are
derived from the diet, both plasma carotenoid levels and the
expression of carotenoid-based coloration are often assumed
to directly reect carotenoid intake (Hill et al. 2002; McGraw
2005). The results of our meta-regression of plasma carot-
enoid levels indicate that this assumption is correct across the
range of supplementation doses provided in studies of captive
birds, although the number of days of supplementation did
not affect the response. A dose- but not time-dependent effect
of supplementation on plasma carotenoid response suggests
that the presence of supplementary carotenoids causes an
increase in plasma carotenoid levels to a stable level that varies
according to the dose offered but that does not continue to in-
crease over the duration of the experiment; supplementation ap-
pears to cause the same pattern of increase followed by stabili-
zation in the expression of ornamental coloration, though this
effect is not dose dependent. While it is always important to
validate whether these trends hold true in a particular study
system before applying them to other experimental designs, our
results indicate that future studies need not supplement birds
for long periods of time in order to collect meaningful data on
either plasma carotenoid levels or coloration.
Interestingly, we found a more strongly positive relationship
between increasing supplementation dose and increasing plasma
carotenoid content in greennches than in zebra nches. A fun-
damental difference between these two species is that green-
nches have yellow feathers that are colored only during the
annual molt, while z ebra nches have red bills that can be ra pidly
colored or recolored at any time of the year (Hill and McGraw
2006; Rosenthal et al. 2012). The different patterns of carotenoid
absorption and circulation in these two species may reect the
different physiological requirements for pigmenting feathers
versus bare parts. Specically, most greennches were not un-
dergoing molt at the time of plasma carotenoid content mea-
surement in the studies we examined, so it is possible that they
retained higher levels of ingested carotenoids than zebra nches,
which may have been actively depositing carotenoids in their
bill ornaments at the time of measureme nt. The single data point
Figure 2. Model-tted plasma carotenoid response ratios relative to the difference in carotenoid intake between supplemented and
unsupplemented groups for two subgroup models comprising data from only zebra nches (ZEFI; circles) or greennches (EUGR; triangles).
Lines indicate the model-predicted slope of the response of zebra nches (dashed line) or greennches (solid line) to increasing carotenoid
intake, assuming a constant supplementation duration of 25 d. The greennch point with the highest value for carotenoid intake difference
represents the effect size from Peters et al. (2011), the only plasma carotenoidcontent measurement for this species that was taken during molt.
Importance of Carotenoid Dose in Songbird Supplementation 000
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from molting greennches (Peters et a l. 2008) showed the lowest
plasma content e ffect size for its given suppl ementation regimen,
which may have been a consequence of the active deposition of
carotenoids into feathers. Unfortunately, the range of studies
available in the literature for our analysis did not have the
breadth required for separate investigations of whether carot-
enoid metabolism t o produce ornamental pigments fro m dietary
pigments (e.g., t o produce red vs. yellow coloratio n) also affected
the relationship between carotenoid intake and plasma content
(Hill and Johnson 2012).
One study of great tits (Peters et al. 2011) had a supple-
mentation dose that was orders of magnitude larger than that
of the other studies included in this analysis; however, the
plasma carotenoid levels measured in this experiment were
within the range of those of other studies. One explanation for
this ndingisthatthegreattitsinthisstudymayhavebeenat
the point of maximal carotenoid absorption from their diet
such that even their exceptionally large consumption did not
cause a corresponding increase in circulating carotenoids (the
point of physiological carotenoid saturation). It is also pos-
sible that the insect-rich diet of great tits, as opposed to the
seed-based diet of many of the nch species in our analysis, neces-
sitates corresponding differences in both carotenoid access and
metabolism; however, both the supplemental carotenoid dose
and the plasma effect size of another insect-eating species, the
Eurasian blackbird, was more similar to the nch species in
our study than to these measurements of the great tit. Further
examination of the dose-dependent responses of adult great tits
to carotenoid supplementation as well as measurement of the
quantity of these carotenoids that are allocated to ornamenta-
tion will be essential to extricating how this species makes use
of dietary carotenoids and how it may differ from the cardue-
line nches commonly studied in analyses of carotenoid-based
In contrast to the strong positive relationship between levels
of carotenoid supplementation and levels of circulating ca-
rotenoids, we found that, while the presence of supplementa-
tion tended to enhance ornamental coloration, increasing the
dose used in supplementation did not cause a corresponding
increase in the response of ornamental coloration. Moreover,
the only signicant predictor of how strongly color responded
to supplementation was the parameter used to quantify col-
oration. These results call into question the general and perhaps
overly simplistic assumption that greater carotenoid intake
should inexorably lead to showier coloration. The complexity of
physiological systems involved in carotenoid coloration (Hill
and Johnson 2012) and the links between carotenoid coloration
and metabolism (Johnson and Hill 2013; Hill 2014) make
simple associations between intake and coloration unlikely,
since the expression of coloration is dependent on a variety of
physiological variables beyond carotenoid availability alone. In
fact, our observation that the response of plasma carotenoid
content to supplementation tended to exceed that of coloration
indicates that the levels of carotenoids present in circulation
Figure 4. Ornamental coloration response ratio (5SE) relative to plasma
carotenoid content response ratio (5SE). Symbols with no visible error
bars represent errors less than the diameter of the point. The dashed line
represents a 11 relationshipbetween the two effect sizes. The size of each
symbol represents the magnitude of the carotenoid intake difference
between supplementedand unsupplemented birdsfor the given effect size.
Species codes are as follows: DIFI, diamond retail; EUBL, Eurasian
blackbird; EUGR, European greennch; ZEFI, zebra nch.
Figure 3. Ornamental coloration response ratio (5SE) relative to
carotenoid intake. Symbols with no visible error bars represent errors
less than the diameter of the point. Shading indicates the aspect of
color that was measured. The dashed line represents an effect size of
zero, or no difference in coloration between supplemented and con-
trol groups. Species codes are as follows: AMGO, American goldnch;
DIFI, diamond retail; EUBL, Eurasian blackbird; EUGR, European
greennch; ZEFI, zebra nch.
000 R.E.Koch,A.E.Wilson,andG.E.Hill
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were more than adequate for expressing colorful ornaments in
the species examined, so factors other than carotenoid limi-
tation appear responsible for the variation in coloration re-
sponses observed.
Even after accounting for the effects of moderators, many of
our models contained signicant residual heterogeneity that
could not always be eliminated in subgroup analyses by species
or by measurement. The persistent variation in effect sizes
within each model emphasizes the unpredictability of response
to supplementation among studies, even within one species and
controlling for variation in carotenoid dose, supplementation
duration, and measurement type. Our results substantiate the
importance of validating that a particular supplementation
regimen is appropriate for a particular experimental design,
perhaps through dosage trials, which are currently used in only
a minority of studies (Alonso-Alvarez et al. 2004; Aguilera and
Amat 2007).
An additional source of variation in our meta-analysis may be
our estimates of carotenoid intake, which are calculated from
predicted food or water intake based on the diet and mass of
each focal passerine species. In fact, while our analyses were
limited to an average measure of consumption for a particular
species, an important consideration for future supplementa-
tion experiments is how food or water intake may vary among
individuals or among treatment groups. The possibility that
birds may use behavioral changes to alter physiological ca-
rotenoid access remains largely unexplored (but see Hill 1995;
McGraw et al. 2003; Peters et al. 2011) and poses a challenge to
detecting internal resource trade-offs. Incorporating measures
of water or food intake with analyses of circulating carotenoids
and ornamental coloration is a simple but highly valuable step
to understand the true magnitudeand, consequently, bio-
logical relevanceof supplementation.
Despite the large number of studies that have tested the phys-
iological effects of carotenoids on ornamentation, only a small
sample of studies performed controlled supplementation of adult
birds with carotenoid-based coloration. Although this small sam-
ple size necessarily limits the breadth of the inferences that can
be drawn from our study, we found some intriguing patterns that
are not necessarily intuitive. Our ultimate goal is to emphasize
important methodological and theoretical considerations for fu-
ture studies using carotenoid supplementation to assess the con-
dition dependence of carotenoid-based ornaments. Improving the
clarity of the relationships between carotenoid intake, circulation,
and deposition in ornamentation in a variety of species will be an
important step to better understanding the size and function of the
pool of dietary carotenoids available to songbirds and may reduce
ambiguity in the results of studies searching for carotenoid allo-
cation trade-offs.
The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow-
ship Program provided nancial support for R.E.K. during
data collection and manuscript preparation. We would also like
to thank Carlos Alonso-Alvarez, Wendy Hood, and Kevin
McGraw for sharing unpublished experimental data for anal-
ysis and three anonymous reviewers for feedback on the man-
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Importance of Carotenoid Dose in Songbird Supplementation 000
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... Moreover, it is possible that resource trade-offs underlie signal honesty in the Yongshang golden turtle, although the data at hand do not suggest that this is the case. For a trade-off to underlie a condition-dependent trait, there must be a critical limiting resource (carotenoids in this case), and there is no biochemical evidence that dietary carotenoids are limiting for most wild animals (Hudon, 1994;Moller et al., 2000;Hadfield & Owens, 2006;Koch, Wilson & Hill, 2016b). As we outline herein, evidence supports explanations other than resource trade-offs underlying condition-dependent colour display in Chinese softshell turtles or other animals with carotenoid coloration. ...
Even as numerous studies have documented that the red and yellow coloration resulting from the deposition of carotenoids serves as an honest signal of condition, the evolution of condition dependency is contentious. The resource trade-off hypothesis proposes that condition-dependent honest signalling relies on a trade-off of resources between ornamental display and body maintenance. By this model, condition dependency can evolve through selection for a re-allocation of resources to promote ornament expression. By contrast, the index hypothesis proposes that selection focuses mate choice on carotenoid coloration that is inherently condition dependent because production of such coloration is inexorably tied to vital cellular processes. These hypotheses for the origins of condition dependency make strongly contrasting and testable predictions about ornamental traits. To assess these two models, we review the mechanisms of production of carotenoids, patterns of condition dependency involving different classes of carotenoids, and patterns of behavioural responses to carotenoid coloration. We review evidence that traits can be condition dependent without the influence of sexual selection and that novel traits can show condition-dependent expression as soon as they appear in a population, without the possibility of sexual selection. We conclude by highlighting new opportunities for studying condition-dependent signalling made possible by genetic manipulation and expression of ornamental traits in synthetic biological systems.
... With a few notable exceptions [1], animals lack the biochemical pathway necessary to synthesize carotenoids and therefore must obtain carotenoids from their diet to support key functions within their bodies and to produce colorful external displays [2]. Once ingested and absorbed, carotenoids may then be metabolized into new forms that perform distinct functions such as vitamin-A synthesis, pro-oxidant defense, and others [3][4][5][6][7][8]. Some animal taxa have co-opted carotenoids for their capacity to reflect yellow to red wavelengths of light and use them in colorful external displays [2]. ...
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The marine copepod, Tigriopus californicus, produces the red carotenoid pigment astaxanthin from yellow dietary precursors. This ‘bioconversion’ of yellow carotenoids to red is hypothesized to be linked to individual condition, possibly through shared metabolic pathways with mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Experimental inter-population crosses of lab-reared T. californicus typically produces low-fitness hybrids is due in large part to the disruption of coadapted sets nuclear and mitochondrial genes within the parental populations. These hybrid incompatibilities can increase variability in life history traits and energy production among hybrid lines. Here, we tested if production of astaxanthin was compromised in hybrid copepods and if it was linked to mitochondrial metabolism and offspring development. We observed no clear mitonuclear dysfunction in hybrids fed a limited, carotenoid-deficient diet of nutritional yeast. However, when yellow carotenoids were restored to their diet, hybrid lines produced less astaxanthin than parental lines. We observed that lines fed a yeast diet produced less ATP and had slower offspring development compared to lines fed a more complete diet of algae, suggesting the yeast-only diet may have obscured effects of mitonuclear dysfunction. Astaxanthin production was not significantly associated with development among lines fed a yeast diet but was negatively related to development in early generation hybrids fed an algal diet. In lines fed yeast, astaxanthin was negatively related to ATP synthesis, but in lines fed algae, the relationship was reversed. Although the effects of the yeast diet may have obscured evidence of hybrid dysfunction, these results suggest that astaxanthin bioconversion may still be related to mitochondrial performance and reproductive success.
... Identifying the concentrations at which individual carotenoids begin to influence colouration is thus crucial for understanding their effects on signalling. Despite the influence that carotenoids may exert on colour development, few studies have examined the role of individual carotenoid compounds (Ho et al., 2013;Prado-Cabrero et al., 2020;Toomey and McGraw, 2011;Weaver et al., 2018Weaver et al., , 2020Yasir and Qin, 2010;Yi et al., 2014) or tested effects across a range of dosages (Koch et al., 2016). ...
Ontogenetic colour change occurs in a diversity of vertebrate taxa, and may be closely linked to dietary changes throughout development. In various species, red, orange, and yellow colouration can be enhanced by the consumption of carotenoids. However, a paucity of long-term dietary manipulation studies means that little is known of the role of individual carotenoid compounds in ontogenetic colour change. We know even less about the influence of individual compounds at different doses (dose effects). The present study aimed to use a large dietary manipulation experiment to investigate the effect of dietary β-carotene supplementation on colouration in southern corroboree frogs (Pseudophryne corroboree) during early post-metamorphic development. Frogs were reared on four dietary treatments with four β-carotene concentrations (0, 1, 2 and 3 mg g−1), with frog colour measured every 8 weeks for 32 weeks. β-carotene was not found to influence colouration at any dose. However, colouration was found to become more conspicuous over time, including in the control treatment. Moreover, all frogs expressed colour maximally at a similar point in development. These results imply that for our study species: (i) β-carotene may contribute little or nothing to colouration, (ii) frogs can manufacture their own colour, (iii) colour development is a continual process, and (iv) there may have been selection for synchronised development of colour expression. We discuss the potential adaptive benefit of ontogenetic colour change in P. corroboree. More broadly, we draw attention to the potential for adaptive developmental synchrony in the expression of colouration in aposematic species.
... 3,16,37,38 ) and other bare parts (e.g. [39][40][41] ) as well as in plumage (e.g. 14,32,[42][43][44] ). ...
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Sex differences in ornamentation are common and, in species with conventional sex roles, are generally thought of as stable, due to stronger sexual selection on males. Yet, especially in gregarious species, ornaments can also have non-sexual social functions, raising the possibility that observed sex differences in ornamentation are plastic. For example, females may invest in costly ornamentation more plastically, to protect body and reproductive ability in more adverse ecological conditions. We tested this hypothesis with experimental work on the mutually-ornamented common waxbill (Estrilda astrild), supplementing their diets either with pigmentary (lutein, a carotenoid) or non-pigmentary (vitamin E) antioxidants, or alleviating winter cold temperature. We found that both lutein and vitamin E supplementation increased red bill colour saturation in females, reaching the same mean saturation as males, which supports the hypothesis that female bill colour is more sensitive to environmental or physiological conditions. The effect of vitamin E, a non-pigment antioxidant, suggests that carotenoids were released from their antioxidant functions. Alleviating winter cold did not increase bill colour saturation in either sex, but increased the stability of female bill colour over time, suggesting that female investment in bill colour is sensitive to cold-mediated stress. Together, results show that waxbill bill sexual dichromatism is not stable. Instead, sexual dichromatism can be modulated, and even disappear completely, due to ecology-mediated plastic adjustments in female bill colour.
... Empirical observations interpreted in favor of these hypotheses often simply describe a loss in carotenoid-based coloration upon exposure to an external or internal stressor, which may indicate that carotenoids are somehow being shunted away from coloration such that only the fittest individuals can afford to maintain bright coloration. However, some have challenged these observations and the idea of a carotenoid resource trade-off, pointing out biases in carotenoid supplementation to captive animals (Koch et al. 2016), describing inconsistencies in the usefulness of carotenoids as immunestimulants or pro-oxidants Koch et al. , 2019, and questioning whether carotenoids are truly limited in the wild (Hudon 1994;Moller et al. 2000;Hadfield and Owens 2006). Moreover, hypotheses concerning a carotenoid resource tradeoff may downplay the importance of a particular step in the production of carotenoidbased coloration: the metabolism of dietary carotenoids into new forms. ...
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Synopsis For decades, scientists have noted connections between individual condition and carotenoid-based coloration in terrestrial and aquatic animals. Organisms that produce more vibrant carotenoid-based coloration tend to have better physiological performance and behavioral displays compared with less colorful members of the same species. Traditional explanations for this association between ornamental coloration and performance invoked the need for color displays to be costly, but evidence for such hypothesized costs is equivocal. An alternative explanation for the condition-dependence of carotenoid-based coloration, the Shared-Pathway Hypothesis (SPH), was developed in response. This hypothesis proposes that red ketocarotenoid-based coloration is tied to core cellular processes involving a shared pathway with mitochondrial energy metabolism, making the concentration of carotenoids an index of mitochondrial function. Since the presentation of this hypothesis, empirical tests of the mechanisms proposed therein have been conducted in several species. In this manuscript, we review the SPH and the growing number of studies that have investigated a connection between carotenoid-based coloration and mitochondrial function. We also discuss future strategies for assessing the SPH to more effectively disentangle evidence that may simultaneously support evidence of carotenoid-resource tradeoffs.
... It is also possible that individual's digestive efficiency and lipid absorption capabilities could have an impact on signal quality, as L intake (g) L intake (g) C intake (g) L intake (g) L intake (g) C intake (g) P intake ( higher levels of lipid absorption would allow for more efficient absorption and transport of carotenoids (Madonia et al., 2017). Although it is important to note that plasma carotenoid levels do not always predict coloration (Koch et al., 2016), ingestion, absorption and transport of carotenoids are still indispensable to color production. This could explain the significant differences observed in eye patch coloration between the MN/CA and CO groups and the similarities in coloration between CA and CO groups. ...
Producing colored signals often requires consuming dietary carotenoid pigments. Evidence that food deprivation can reduce coloration, however, raises the question of whether other dietary nutrients contribute to signal coloration, and furthermore, whether individuals can voluntarily select food combinations to achieve optimal coloration. We created a 2-way factorial design to manipulate macronutrient and carotenoid access in common mynas ( Acridotheres tristis ) and measured eye patch coloration as a function of the food combinations individuals selected. Mynas had access to either water or carotenoid-supplemented water and could eat either a standard captive diet or choose freely between three nutritionally defined pellets (protein, lipid, carbohydrate). Mynas supplemented with both carotenoids and macronutrient pellets had higher color scores than control birds. Male coloration tended to respond more to nutritional manipulation than females, with color scores improving in macronutrient- and carotenoid-supplemented individuals compared to controls. All mynas consuming carotenoids had higher levels of plasma carotenoids, but only males showed a significant increase by the end of the experiment. Dietary carotenoids and macronutrient intake consumed in combination tended to increase plasma carotenoid concentrations the most. These results demonstrate for the first time that consuming specific combinations of macronutrients along with carotenoids contribute to optimizing a colorful signal and point to sex-specific nutritional strategies. Our findings improve our knowledge of how diet choices affect signal expression and, by extension, how nutritionally impoverished diets, such as those consumed by birds in cities, might affect sexual selection processes and ultimately population dynamics.
... brown booby (Sula leucogaster brewsteri), carotenoid-based coloration seems related to foraging skills (Garcia-Navas et al., 2012;Michael et al., 2018;Senar and Escobar, 2002). In addition, experimental provisioning of carotenoids consistently produces changes in coloration (Hill, 2006a;Koch et al., 2016;Simons et al., 2012), indicating that dietary carotenoid availability can limit color expression. Nonetheless, a few studies showed also that interindividual variations in carotenoid-based coloration persist under uniform diet (Karu et al., 2007;, suggesting that dietary factors may not be the only determinants maintaining the honesty of carotenoid-based coloration. ...
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Parents are expected to adjust their reproductive decisions depending on the future advantages they will gain. These advantages include increased offspring fitness through acquisition of genetic benefits from mates. However, constraints may force individuals to mate with suboptimal partners. The costs of suboptimal pairing should have created selective pressures inducing the evolution of counter strategies. In this thesis, I investigated whether individuals adjust some reproductive post-pairing decisions depending on the prospective genetic characteristics of their offspring, along with the fitness consequences of these genetic characteristics, using a monogamous seabird species, the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla). First, I found that chick functional diversity at major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) genes, which play a pivotal role in vertebrate immunity, was positively associated with fitness-related traits in females, but not in males. Accordingly, parents with functionally similar MHC-II, that were more likely to produce chicks with low MHC-II-diversity, overproduced sons, in line with sex allocation theory expectations. Second, I report experimental evidence that genome-wide genetic similarity between mates decreased egg hatchability when the fertilizing sperm was old. In line with our expectations, genetically-similar pairs performed behaviors allowing avoidance of fertilization by old sperm. Overall, this thesis provides evidence that parents flexibly adapt some reproductive decisions in response to within-pair genetic similarity at key functional genes and over the whole genome, thereby partly compensating the detrimental consequences of suboptimal pairing.
... Researchers employing these methods have myriad choices of pro-and antioxidants and must be cognizant of the possibility of overdosing animals. Thus, pilot studies are necessary to determine doses and potential side effects that may confuse interpretations (reviewed in [2,70,[110][111][112][113][114][115]). Our limited knowledge about OS-induced damage and its fitness consequences during postcopulatory sexual selection still makes correlative studies worthwhile for uncovering natural variation in oxidative status that covaries with phenotypic traits. ...
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Two decades ago, von Schantz et al . (von Schantz T, Bensch S, Grahn M, Hasselquist D, Wittzell H. 1999 Good genes, oxidative stress and condition-dependent sexual signals. Proc. R. Soc. B 266, 1–12. ( doi:10.1098/rspb.1999.0597 )) united oxidative stress (OS) biology with sexual selection and life-history theory. This set the scene for analysis of how evolutionary trade-offs may be mediated by the increase in reactive molecules resulting from metabolic processes at reproduction. Despite 30 years of research on OS effects on infertility in humans, one research area that has been left behind in this integration of evolution and OS biology is postcopulatory sexual selection—this integration is long overdue. We review the basic mechanisms in OS biology, why mitochondria are the primary source of ROS and ATP production during oxidative metabolism, and why sperm, and its performance, is uniquely susceptible to OS. We also review how postcopulatory processes select for antioxidation in seminal fluids to counter OS and the implications of the net outcome of these processes on sperm damage, sperm storage, and female and oocyte manipulation of sperm metabolism and repair of DNA to enhance offspring fitness. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Fifty years of sperm competition’.
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Sexual selection has been a popular subject within evolutionary biology because of its central role in explaining odd and counterintuitive traits observed in nature. Consequently, the literature associated with this field of study became vast. Meta‐analytical studies attempting to draw inferences from this literature have now accumulated, varying in scope and quality, thus calling for a synthesis of these syntheses. We conducted a systematic literature search to create a systematic map with a report appraisal of meta‐analyses on topics associated with sexual selection, aiming to identify the conceptual and methodological gaps in this secondary literature. We also conducted bibliometric analyses to explore whether these gaps are associated with the gender and origin of the authors of these meta‐analyses. We included 152 meta‐analytical studies in our systematic map. We found that most meta‐analyses focused on males and on certain animal groups (e.g. birds), indicating severe sex and taxonomic biases. The topics in these studies varied greatly, from proximate (e.g. relationship of ornaments with other traits) to ultimate questions (e.g. formal estimates of sexual selection strength), although the former were more common. We also observed several common methodological issues in these studies, such as lack of detailed information regarding searches, screening, and analyses, which ultimately impairs the reliability of many of these meta‐analyses. In addition, most of the meta‐analyses' authors were men affiliated to institutions from developed countries, pointing to both gender and geographical authorship biases. Most importantly, we found that certain authorship aspects were associated with conceptual and methodological issues in meta‐analytical studies. Many of our findings might simply reflect patterns in the current state of the primary literature and academia, suggesting that our study can serve as an indicator of issues within the field of sexual selection at large. Based on our findings, we provide both conceptual and analytical recommendations to improve future studies in the field of sexual selection.
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Sex differences in ornamentation are common and, in species with conventional sex roles, are generally thought of as fixed, due to stronger sexual selection on males. Yet, especially in gregarious species, ornaments can also have non-sexual social functions, raising the possibility that observed sex differences in ornamentation are not fixed. For example, females may invest in costly ornamentation more plastically, to protect body and reproductive ability in more adverse ecological conditions. We tested this hypothesis with experimental work on the mutually-ornamented common waxbill ( Estrilda astrild ), supplementing their diets either with pigment (lutein, a carotenoid) or non-pigment (vitamin E) antioxidants, or alleviating winter cold temperature. We found that both lutein and vitamin E supplementation increased red bill colour saturation in females, reaching the same mean saturation as males, which supports the hypothesis that female bill colour is more sensitive to environmental or physiological conditions. The effect of vitamin E, a non-pigment antioxidant, suggests that carotenoids were released from their antioxidant functions. Alleviating winter cold did not increase bill color saturation in either sex, but increased the stability of female bill color over time, suggesting that female investment in bill color is sensitive to cold-mediated stress. Together, results show that waxbill bill sexual dichromatism is not fixed. Instead, sexual dichromatism can be modulated, and even disappear completely, due to ecology-mediated plastic adjustments in female bill color.
Like males of many bird species, male House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) have patches of feathers with ornamental coloration that are due to carotenoid pigments. Within populations, male House Finches vary in expression of ornamental coloration from pale yellow to bright red, which previous research suggested was the result of variation in types and amounts of carotenoid pigments deposited in feathers. Here we used improved analytical techniques to describe types and amounts of carotenoid pigments present in that plumage. We then used those data to make comparisons of carotenoid composition of feathers of male House Finches at three levels: among individual males with different plumage hue and saturation, between age groups of males from the same population, and between males from two subspecies that differ in extent of ventral carotenoid pigmentation (patch size): large-patched C. m. frontalis from coastal California and small-patched C. m. griscomi from Guerrero, Mexico. In all age groups and populations, the ornamental plumage coloration of male House Finches resulted from the same 13 carotenoid pigments, with 3-hydroxy echinenone and lutein being the most abundant carotenoid pigments. The composition of carotenoids in feathers suggested that House Finches are capable of metabolic transformation of dietary forms of carotenoids. The hue of male plumage depended on component carotenoids, their relative concentrations, and total concentration of all carotenoids. Most 4-keto (red) carotenoids were positively correlated with plumage redness, and most yellow carotenoid pigments were negatively associated with plumage redness, although the strength of the relationship for specific carotenoid pigments varied among age groups and subspecies. Using age and subspecies as factors and concentration of each component carotenoid as dependent variables in a MANOVA, we found a distinctive pigment profile for each age group within each subspecies. Among frontalis males, hatch-year birds did not differ from adults in mean plumage hue, but they had a significantly lower proportion of red pigments in their plumage, and significantly lower levels of the red piments adonirubin and astaxanthin, but significantly higher levels of the yellow pigment zeaxanthin, than adult males. Among griscomi males, hatch-year birds differed from adults in plumage hue but not significantly in pigment composition, though in general their feathers had lower concentrations of red pigments and higher concentrations of yellow pigments than adult males. Both adult and hatch-year frontalis males differed from griscomi males in having significantly higher levels of most yellow carotenoid pigments and significantly lower levels of most red carotenoid pigments. Variation in pigment profiles of subspecies and age classes may reflect differences among the groups in carotenoid metabolism, in dietary access to carotenoids, or in exposure to environmental factors, such as parasites, that may affect pigmentation.
There is widespread interest in the roles that carotenoids play as yolk and shank pigments, antioxidants, and immune-system regulators in chickens, but nothing is known of such functions in the wild ancestors of chickens—the Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus). We manipulated carotenoid access in the diet of captive male and female Red Junglefowl to investigate its effects on the coloration of the red comb and buff-brown legs and beak as well as on several indices of immunocompetence. Comb, leg, and beak did not differ in coloration between control and carotenoid-supplemented groups; in fact, biochemical analyses showed that, unlike in chickens, leg and beak tissue contained no carotenoids. Carotenoids showed variable effects on immunological performance, boosting the potency of whole blood in males to kill bacterial colonies, while inhibiting the ability of macrophages to phagocytize bacterial cells and having no significant effect on the accumulation of haptoglobin—an acute-phase protein whose production was induced by a simulated infectious challenge with lipopolysaccharide. These results bring into question interpretations of the evolutionary significance of carotenoid-based and sexually dichromatic shank coloration in domestic chickens, which was apparently derived through artificial selection, and suggest that carotenoids can exert different, mechanism-specific actions on the many lines of immune defense in birds. Carotenoides, Inmunidad y Coloración Integumentaria en Gallus gallus