
Impact of Usage of Social Networking Sites on Youth

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... Youth are inclined to share their experience with others and take part in different activities to make acquaintance with strangers by using social media ( Parvathy & Suchithra, 2015). The usage of social media was divided into four parts for High school students : posting picture, updating status, IM, and just browsing (Parvathy & Suchithra, 2015). ...
... Youth are inclined to share their experience with others and take part in different activities to make acquaintance with strangers by using social media ( Parvathy & Suchithra, 2015). The usage of social media was divided into four parts for High school students : posting picture, updating status, IM, and just browsing (Parvathy & Suchithra, 2015). The feedback and discussion my affect high school students who are still during the period of exploring and establish their own understanding to the world. ...
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As social media affects us more today, the way of communication has changed a lot. This paper found that internet provides people multiple ways of communication, thus we need more aspects to keep it in the correct way. The paper revealed that social media shall modify the style and organization of communication as well.
... Consumers having low trust in online sites prefer informativeness in order to lessen environmental uncertainty, while consumers with a high degree of confidence in online sites are more influenced by entertainment (Kim, Kim, & Park, 2010). Among social media users, informativeness has a strong influence on adopter behavior (Chiang, 2013). Due to the significance of network externality and perceived informativeness in information technology, this study considers externality and informativeness as main antecedents of project attribution (i.e. a second-order factor) in incentive crowdfunding environments. ...
... "Most people are funding on the crowdfunding project"). Three items to measure perceived informativeness were generated from literature (Chiang, 2013;Ducoffe, 1996;Kim et al., 2010) (e.g. "The crowdfunding project provides relevant information"). ...
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Crowdfunding in tourism and leisure projects appears to be growing. However, little is known about why individuals participate in incentive crowdfunding from a theoretical perspective. To address the research question, this study aims to compare a theoretically integrated model regarding linkages among antecedents, attribution, trust, and behavior. This study conducted an online survey to collect the data from South Korea and employed partial least squares structural equation modeling for the data analysis. Results reveal that platform attribution has the greatest impact on trust in platform. Willingness to crowdfund is more influenced by trust in platform than trust in fundraiser.
... Moreover, participation in chats and discussions on subjects of minimum relevance is killing the valuable creative time among youths. This situation has created a change of character, loss of concentration and a spike in psychological disorders (Parvathy & Suchithra, 2015). Confirming these results, Zainudin et al. (2013) study found that the Internet and social media addiction among Malaysian university students caused problems with academic performances, creates obnoxious personality and encourages the practice of unhealthy lifestyle. ...
... In this regard, three (3) focus group session [25 participants with (8) eight students in group 1 and 3, and nine (9) students in group 2] was undertaken at the institution's premise without the presence of their lecturers (see Table 1). The focus group questions were entirely developed by the researchers, however, other relevant studies (Al-Menayes, 2015;Asiedu, 2017;Błachnio et al., 2016;Choi & Lim, 2016;Dau, 2015;Oberst et al., 2017;Parvathy & Suchithra, 2015) formed the basis for the questions. Before the investigation, the questions were reviewed by four experts in the field of communication. ...
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This study explores social media usage and addiction among African students studying in a foreign country. A qualitative investigation using a focus group discussion was carried out among 25 African students studying at one public university in Northern Cyprus. Findings suggest that Facebook and WhatsApp are the most used and preferred social media among the students. Also, the students mentioned that they primarily use social networking technologies for chatting, commenting and posting, reading news feeds, dating, and only occasionally employed it for academic purposes. Hence, the students alleged that the excess use of social networking sites made them become addicted, as they affirmed using it for more than 8 hours a day. The students pointed out depression and anxiety as the factors that trigger their higher social networking sites involvement. Furthermore, higher levels of perceived support from online social networking friends also encouraged the students to stay more online, thereby resulting in excessive use. Conclusively, this study claims that social media usage affects students' health more than their academic goals. Hence, it is pertinent for students to reduce the time spent on social media to avoid an adverse effect on their wellbeing, which might result to sleep deprivation, fatigue, weakness, tiredness, decreased concentration and blurred vision.
... It was found that attitude and SN significantly predicting intentions to engage in high-level social networking services (SNSs), and intentions, in turn, significantly predicting behavior (Pelling and White, 2009) while negative attitude individual perceive from friends and family will lead to low activity or even abjuration in SNS use (Zhou, 2011). For instance, Chiang (2013) revealed that attitude toward SNSs had the strongest direct effect on continuous intention (Chiang, 2013). ...
... It was found that attitude and SN significantly predicting intentions to engage in high-level social networking services (SNSs), and intentions, in turn, significantly predicting behavior (Pelling and White, 2009) while negative attitude individual perceive from friends and family will lead to low activity or even abjuration in SNS use (Zhou, 2011). For instance, Chiang (2013) revealed that attitude toward SNSs had the strongest direct effect on continuous intention (Chiang, 2013). ...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the continued use behavior (CU) of link sharing tools based on uses and gratifications theory, the theory of planned behavior and expectation confirmation theory. It then builds a conceptual model that is empirically tested. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 343 students (undergraduates, masters, PhD students, and MBAs) from three Chinese universities via a two-phrase survey. The tools SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used to analyse the reliability, validity, model fits and SEM, respectively. Findings The results indicate that an individual’s CU of link sharing tools was determined by his or her continued use intention directly and subjective norm indirectly. Users’ satisfaction on link sharing tools was the main factor affecting the continuance intention. Individuals’ motivation needs such as cognitive needs, personal integrative needs, and social integrative needs were found to be the significant predictors of his or her satisfaction. Besides, people with high privacy concern tended to have less satisfaction with link sharing tools. Originality/value This study explores users’ CU of link sharing tools in social media for the first time. The theoretical model developed shows the predictors behind people’s CU.
... It was found that attitude and SN significantly predicting intentions to engage in high-level social networking services (SNSs), and intentions, in turn, significantly predicting behavior (Pelling and White, 2009) while negative attitude individual perceive from friends and family will lead to low activity or even abjuration in SNS use (Zhou, 2011). For instance, Chiang (2013) revealed that attitude toward SNSs had the strongest direct effect on continuous intention (Chiang, 2013). ...
... It was found that attitude and SN significantly predicting intentions to engage in high-level social networking services (SNSs), and intentions, in turn, significantly predicting behavior (Pelling and White, 2009) while negative attitude individual perceive from friends and family will lead to low activity or even abjuration in SNS use (Zhou, 2011). For instance, Chiang (2013) revealed that attitude toward SNSs had the strongest direct effect on continuous intention (Chiang, 2013). ...
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In a new social media based on online virtual community, while the users’ psychological and mental state, and the relationship between the users’ consumer behavior and satisfaction, has recently received considerable research interest, the research about how to extend the continuous usage of new social media and influencing mechanism are still in its infancy. In this study, we proposed an New-Media-Continued-Use-Model (NMCU-Model) based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and conducted an empirical analysis on new media users’ continued use behavior taking online virtual games community as an example. We collected 726 records of data three universities in China. The results showed that users’ continued use are affected by the game’s entertaining, challenging, positive experience from previous playing and the level of player’s confidence to this online game, the players’ self-realization, self-esteem and immerse demand, as well as other factors. The results of the work provide effective design guidance for the new media communities’ developer.
... Finally, the majority of respondents said that utilizing SNSs was a waste of time. Parvathy & Suchithra (2015) in their article social networking sites are a keyword in today's society due to their massive expansion, user base, and usage. The primary goal of this study is to provide insight into the influence of SNS usage on the minds of the youth population. ...
Abstract - This paper explains the changing role of academic libraries in the digital age. It sheds light on the development of academic libraries as a panacea for meeting the information needs of twenty first century library users who exhibit much dexterity in using new technologies. It further explores emerging trends in information provision which can be employed by librarian’s digital age to reposition the academic library for provision of effective information services. Lack of competency, lack of technology literacy and inadequate power supply were highlighted as some of the challenges that hinder effective information service delivery. The article submits that librarians should make efforts to acquire skills through personal training so as to be relevant and defend their profession since funds mapped for training are not always adequate.
... On average, people spend about 9-10 hours using social networks. Excessive use of social media sites may create serious health risks because of lack of physical activity (Parvathy, 2015). For example, the rate of physical activity decreased dramatically among adolescents and the level of screen time exposure increased significantly (Añez et al., 2016). ...
Conference Paper
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Social media users regularly log in via online platforms to communicate and interact with other network users. There are many different social media sites that are popular among teenagers, including Facebook and Twitter, and these platforms offer alternatives to email for communication. Purpose: This study examined the relationship between social media use and physical activity among junior high school-aged adolescents. Methods: This study was a further analysis using data from a previous study that explored the use of online electronic media and physical health, mental health, and school performance among junior high school students in East Jakarta, Indonesia. That cross-sectional study included 315 adolescents from junior high school. Data were collected with the Social Media Use Scale and the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents. Results: This analysis showed that students fell into four social networking use groups: low use (n=78, 24.8%), average use (n=143, 45.4%), high use (n=81, 25.7%), and very high use (n=13, 4.1%). In terms of physical activity, 54 students (17.1%) had low activity, 181 (57.5%) had moderate activity, and 80 (25.4%) had high activity. The relationship between social media use and physical activity had a low correlation (r=0.005), indicating a weak, non-significant (p=0.928) relationship. Conclusion: This study found no significant relationship between social media use and physical activity among adolescents at junior high schools in Indonesia.
... On average, people spend about 9-10 hours using social networks. Excessive use of social media sites may create serious health risks because of lack of physical activity (Parvathy, 2015). For example, the rate of physical activity decreased dramatically among adolescents and the level of screen time exposure increased significantly (Añez et al., 2016). ...
... The study proposes that online social networking profiles posted by adolescents contain intimate, candid, and observable self-disclosure and peer interaction that can be analyzed creating an overall picture of adolescent behavior, highlighting specific areas needing additional research, and addressing implications for parental monitoring and intervention. Parvathy (2015)revealed that youths are getting effected in their mental and knowledge concentration and youth being considered as future productivity citizens, are wasting time doing unnecessary chi-chats and commenting on non-productive things like posts and pictures. ...
Social media is a worldwide networking platform that serves as a medium for the people to connect and communicate with each other and for the youth to explore the world. The objective of this study was to examine the social media factors affecting on the youths of Kathmandu valley. The study is based on 408 respondents from Kathmandu valley. To achieve the purpose of study, structured questionnaire was prepared. Inferential statistics were used to make proper analysis. The result shows that types of social media used and availability of social media are positively correlated with impact on youth. The regression result shows that the beta coefficients for types of social media used and availability of social media are positive and significant with impact on youth. The result also shows that the beta coefficient for psychology of social media users is negative with impact on youth.
... It is indeed worth informing parent that they associate smartphone use with their personal conduct; a retrospective observation has shown that intense parental mobile phone usage has turned into a connection with a worse kind of contact with their children. [5], [23]. Youngsters and their parents may be inspired to restrict the use of cell phones and social media. ...
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Social media make a significant contribution on online that connects a group of community that interact and exchange knowledge. Some extensively used social platforms such as Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter, WhatsApp, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Reddit. These not just social networking platforms but also where people can share their details with the people and community. Company owners will also sell their goods via social media and earn crowdfunding. Data analytics gathers and analyses data from social networking platforms that allow companies and business to make a smart choice. Social media also has a paramount impact on students and youth to consider human nature and adversely becoming greedy and fanatical. Thus, social media is being utilized for the construction and as well degradation of people from all backgrounds of life.
... e theoretical paradigm, innovation diffusion theory (IDT), determines why people are adopting new ideas/technology [44]. To date, the IDT received a higher support in exploring consumers' acceptance in many disciplines, predominantly, in online/Eshopping [28], tourist behavior [29], technology adoption by seniors [45,46], and the acceptance of social network sites (SNS) [47]. Innovation is "an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or another unit of adoption" [25]. ...
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Consumer adoption of mobile-based tourism shopping is an emerging but overlooked area in tourism research. Given the paybacks and potential scope of this new channel, this study attempts to bridge the gap by proposing a multimediation model investigating mobile tourism shopping (MTS) in a developing country, Pakistan. In particular, we applied structural equation modeling through partial-least-squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) on 396 responses collected from mobile respondents who recently purchased tourism products using a mobile device(s). It was discovered that social presence, directly and indirectly, influences tourist intentions towards MTS. e results further show that the tourists' perception of compatibility and relative advantages of MTS have insignificant influence on their intention to accept a mobile device(s) for tourism shopping. e findings and implications of the study furnish new vistas to research discourse and managerial significance. Economically, this research contributes to knowledge that could increase income and create jobs in the host country.
... Social Networking Sites or Social Media Networks are interchangeable as it encompasses all the web-based communication tools, primarily used for exchanging ideas and nurturing human relationships. A plethora of literature has been published on social networking sites, concentrating on different aspectsand its growing importance by assessing the on-going demands on Academics (Hamade 2015;Singh & Gill 2015;Pontis et al. 2017;Chiang 2013;Mansour 2015;Al-daihani et al. 2018). It was found by surveying, 71 percent of academics who use social media for informal scholarly communication where its impact is seen to be substantial and more research is needed to realize its effect on scholars. ...
Conference Paper
Abstract: Purpose: The aim of the study is to examine the perception of Social Scientists on Social Media Networks (SMNs) and to determine its usage in scholarly communication of the Social Scientists of the Central Universities (CUs) of India. The study further explores their awareness level and its impact on teaching and research. Design/Methodology/Approach: By using Google Forms, a web-based questionnaire was prepared after reviewing related published literature by considering the nature of the sample. It consists of a total of 24 questions and categorized into three parts, i.e., Demographic Questions, Usage of SMNs and their perceptions regarding the SMNs in Scholarly Communication. Out of a total of 48 Central Universities, only 18 CUs are situated in the northern region of India. On the basis of National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2018, authors have randomly selected top-ranked 05 CUs of North India. After picking up five CUs, Social Scientists (here, faculty members) of seven departments i.e., Economics, Education, History, Mass Communication, Psychology, Political science, and Sociology were further selected in order to maintain the uniformity. Data has been imported to Microsoft Excel and then analyzed, interpreted with the help of SPSS Software (Version 20.0). A direct link to the web-based questionnaire was sent individually through their respective email ids. Findings: Mostly used SMNs by the Social Scientists are WhatsApp followed by YouTube, Research Gate, and Academia while the least used SMNs are Instagram followed by Twitter. There are multiple reasons behind the use of SMNs, both for personal as well as professional use, are to keep in touch with family and friends, the source of news and information, follows other researchers and different universities, to post the research articles to make it more connected to the broader audience. According to their perceptions, social media provides an effective means to convey about the proposed conferences and workshops, academic achievements and research outputs of the universities (with M=4.29). Most of the faculty members oppose with the fact (M=2.54) that it is killing their time, rather than a best and effective source of communication to convey about the important academic updates and spread the research achievements of their university. Research limitations/implications: The study is found to be limited only to a northern part of India, as all the top-ranked Central Universities are fallen in the Northern region of India. Moreover, the sample consists of only Social Scientists covering the subject areas of Social Sciences only. The study recommends further research to examine more technical aspects of using SMNs amongst academicians of other disciplines like Science & Technology and Management. Practical and Social Implications: Authors tries to evaluate the understanding of Social Scientists regarding their uses and perceptions towards social media. It may increase their prominence and develop their connections as well as their scholarly actions. Study findings initiate the practice of assimilating social media into their academic work system and also strengthens their research activities by its wide dissemination. It will help eliminate the doubts the academic community have towards integrating SMNs in their educational scenario. It will facilitate the more efficient research process, increase their presence and collaborate globally. Originality / Value of the Study:There has been a lot of literature published regarding the Use, Impact, Perceptions of Students (UG, PG level and Research Scholars) towards Social Networking Sites, but no study has been conducted to investigate the use of SMNs by Social Scientists (i.e., faculty members of social science discipline) and their perceptions, in the context of Indian Central Universities. Keyword: Perception, Use, Social Media Networks, Social Scientists, Central Universities, India.
... Brown pada [27] menemukan bahwa Informasi yang dikumpulkan melalui interaksi sosial dianggap sebagai lebih dapat diandalkan daripada informasi yang diberikan oleh produk dan layanan yang disediakan oleh perusahaan. Informasi yang diperoleh melalui interaksi social dalam mobile SNS cenderung sesuai karena informasi ini didapat dari kenalan pengguna atau hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan mereka [28]. Layanan aplikasi SNS memungkinkan peningkatan cognitive gratification karena memberikan informasi yang dipelajari melalui hubungan sosial [16]. ...
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Instagram merupakan Social Network Service (SNS) yang populer di kalangan pengguna smartphone. Fakta ini didukung oleh hasil survei dalam laporan yang berjudul “Digital In 2018 In Southeast Asia” yang dihimpun oleh We Are Social, perusahaan media asal Inggris yang bekerja sama dengan Hootsuite. Hasil survei tersebut menyebutkan bahwa Instagram menempati peringkat ketiga aplikasi yang paling banyak diunduh pada tahun 2018. Menyoroti respon pengguna smartphone yang begitu besar terhadap Instagram, maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan eksplorasi faktor penerimaan sikap pengguna terhadap Instagram di Indonesia dengan menggunakan Teori Uses And Gratification (UGT). Pemenuhan penerimaan Instagram dibagi menjadi Cognitive, Hedonic, Integrative, dan Social Integrative. Dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan tanggapan dari 400 pengguna Instagram di Indonesia. Data yang diperoleh diolah dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan Metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dan perangkat lunak WarpPLS 6.0. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh dua temuan. Pertama, sikap pemuasan pengguna terhadap Instagram dipengaruhi oleh Cognitive, Hedonic, dan Social Interactive. Kedua, Sosial Interactive Gratification merupakan faktor yang dapat meningkatkan Cognitive Gratification, Hedonic Gratification, dan Integrative Gratification.
... The authors also summarized how Artificial Intelligence can be used as a foundation framework to improve security and privacy. A recent paper [4] analyzed various activities in which youth is involved while using Social Media. Authors also address the issues of bullying with the positive and negative impact of Social Media on youth. ...
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At present Social Media is a part of life for most of the Indian youth. The usage of the Internet is now heavily shifted to Social Media Sites. Undoubtedly Social Media has its own merits, but excessive use of Social Media is affecting the lifestyle of youth moreover, statistics show that addiction to social media resulted in increased health problems and change in behavior.
... The authors also summarized how Artificial Intelligence can be used as a foundation framework to improve security and privacy. A recent paper [4] analyzed various activities in which youth is involved while using Social Media. Authors also address the issues of bullying with the positive and negative impact of Social Media on youth. ...
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At present Social Media is a part of life for most of the Indian youth. The usage of the Internet is now heavily shifted to Social Media Sites. Undoubtedly Social Media has its own merits, but excessive use of Social Media is affecting the lifestyle of youth moreover, statistics show that addiction to social media resulted in increased health problems and change in behavior.
... Social media replaces the direct communication thus, adolescents may lose their ability to real human communication i.e., face to face with others which may results in social anxiety (Pierce, 2009) (Siddiqui & Singh, 2016). Social networking site gives a danger among the young generation as cyber-crimes, bullying, defaming an individual and anti-social activities take place which might be harmful to youth as well as for society (Chowdhury & Saha, 2015), (Parvathy & Suchithra, 2015). Social networking sites also have a negative effect on the health of adolescents as they prefer to remain indoors and access these sites as a result vision problem, back pain problem, pain in the neck, loss in concentration takes place (Gupta, Arora & Gupta, 2013) and (Parvathy & Suchithra, 2015). ...
Experiment Findings
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The objective of the present paper is to focus on new suicidal trend which is prevalent among adolescents when they are involved in a game i.e., blue whale game challenge. The paper would highlight the role of stress in directing adolescents towards this fatal challenge. Further authors would discuss the role of teachers and parents in saving adolescents from this challenge. The internet is an uncontrolled and uncensored entity so it makes hard to control all activities that young adults may indulge in. It is like a new addiction as everyone seems so busy and lost in this virtual world. Developers of such dangerous games are well aware of the vulnerabilities of the adolescents and know that they succumb to peer pressure easily. They are also well aware of the fact that teenagers nowadays are finding themselves unhappy, directionless, confused and lacking goals. With the growing trend of dangerous “killfie” and “blue whale challenge” it becomes important to spread awareness of the inherent hazards associated with them and adolescents considered themselves as of no use so they show physical as well as mental readiness to risk their lives simply for the sake of recognition and to prove their guts on a virtual forum. Data was collected from adolescents through interview, newspapers and internet etc. Findings of the study are discussed and suggestions for students, teachers and parents are given.
... During the past decade, India has witnessed a remarkable advancement in the field of Information and technology (IT), which has led to the emergence of SNS. Social Networking Sites like facebook, Orkut, MySpace, etc are becoming more and more poplar and has becoming a part of daily life for an increasing number of people (Jain, 2013). SNS provide a virtual life to the Indian students. ...
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Internet has been a very facilitating medium and making lives easier for many of us. Internet is increasingly becoming a channel through which people, and especially adolescents, socialize and be in constant contact with their family, relatives and friends. More than a medium of acquiring knowledge, for adolescents, it has become a medium of expression of their implicit feelings and to know what is happening in their peer group. The current research aims to study the prevalence and nature of Internet use among adolescents. Population for the research included adolescents of Vadodara District in Gujarat. A total of 1657 adolescents were taken as the sample for the study. A survey research was conducted on 1657 adolescents using a self developed questionnaire along with Young's Internet Addiction test. Results indicate that 44.8% of the participants are Average Users of the Internet, while 14.6% of the participants belong to the category of above average users of the Internet. The present study also shows that participants use the Internet mainly for social communication and social networking sites are the most commonly used sites on the Internet.
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WhatsApp is one of the mediums of technology to be had together with I-smartphone, Android, home windows smartphones and WhatsApp web in the laptop which is famous for many teenagers to send and collect spoken and written and text messages, audio and video calls, video, image to friends, and family. It is a powerful medium related to the people for the go with the flow of statistics and ideas. It's miles a tremendously addictive medium and the person's happiness and disappointment are based upon how he gets responses from the opposite users. Whatsapp makes communication thru multimedia messaging. Any social network system's popularity depends upon how well it meets consumer's personal needs and preferences. It enables the users to discover their possibilities and reviews. NEW MEDIA LIKE WHATSAPP The maximum exciting software program for MIM is WhatsApp. A smart cellular phone is a tremendous tool for the WhatsApp platform. It allows the users to send and keep the facts, pictures, video, audio and textual content messages in actual time to people and groups for free of fee. International huge there are hundreds of social networks and applications available to satisfy the person's personal needs and desires. The social network systems designed a modern-day way of verbal exchange to make with pals, family and strangers to interact and discuss with them. Whatsapp is one of the maximum popular social media. It permits to preserve touch with anyone who has WhatsApp account on their smartphone. At a time, a textual content/voice massage or vice clips or image may additionally moreover ship to a fixed consist of 256 people. So, it can make the sector clean with this contemporary communique app.
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The deadly spread of coronavirus has reached up to 213 countries with the confirmed cases of 12,731,275and death toll 564,8920 till July 11, 2020. This graph is continuously increasing in an unprecedented manner. The spike of COVID 19 cases has created a threat not only to the public health but also an extraordinary pressure on the health infrastructure of each country med. The US, Brazil, India, Russia, Peru, Chile, Spain, UK, Mexico, Iran, and Italy are the maximum affected countries. In the middle of February, when the Corona Virus outbreak had started and gripped South Korea, Iran, and Italy, nobody knew that it is going to create havoc across the world. In the early days of COVID, it caused a lot of damage in Italy. Many people died in Italy due to COVID-19. To overbear this challenge, Italy placed its 60 million residents on lockdown. Later on, on March 11th, when WHO declared this outbreak a pandemic, countries were advised to impose lockdown with strict social distancing guidelines to break the chain of transmission. The period of lockdown had been kept 60 to 76 days according to the need of the countries. In India, the first Coronavirus case had been registered on 30 January 2020 in Kerala, when a university student was repatriated from Wuhan to Kerala. When cases surged to 500, PM Narendra Modi called for Janta Curfew on 22nd of March and two days later, a nationwide lockdown had been imposed from 24th March mid-night till 31st May, 2020. It was imposed in four phases. This lockdown had limited movement of all 1.3 billion population of India to their homes. All prior issued tourist visas had been canceled. National and International flights got a halt. To combat the Novel Corona outbreak in Oman, His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tariq formed a Supreme Committee (SC). This committee had taken many decisions to control the pandemic in the country such as banning tourist visas for all countries. Along with this, the committee had decided to ban the entry and docking of cruise ships, suspension of classes for all academic institutions, from 15 March to 15th April. All kinds of religious, social, cultural, academic, and sports activities and gatherings have been banned. Mosques had been closed for Friday prayers and people were urged to pray at home. Adding to the further restriction on 18th March, the committee had restricted other nationals’ entry to Oman except for Omani. Nationals’ departure to other countries had been banned as well. By 1st April, road entries and exit points were limited between the governorates. This had limited movement of all 5,108,835 populations. Dhofar municipality had also canceled Salalah Khareef Festival for 2020. The celebration of Eid Ul Fitr and congregation prayers had been banned. Later SC had decided to impose several fines on those, who would be found violating the guidelines issued by the committee such as refrain to wear the mask in public places (OMR 20), violating institutional or home quarantine (OMR 200), breaking or refraining to wear tracking bracelet (OMR 300), organizing any types of gathering or congregation prayer (OMR 1500), Refusal with the closure of the shop which is decided by the committee to remain close (OMR 3000) and attendees of forbidden gathering (OMR 100). At the government level, all the precautions and preparations had been done to ensure public health but due to long periods of lockdown and quarantine and very few economic activities, different types of challenges started to haunt the people.
In this rapidly changing advents of science and technology, Social Media has captured and ensnared young and old, rich and poor, male and female, east and west across the globe. Social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Skype, YouTube are gaining popularity with pace of time and due to their attractive features the youth of today is fascinated towards them. On the contrary, the seamy side of social media consistently inflicting its adverse effect, the youth tends to distract themselves from their study, profession, remain aloof from physical social interaction from parents, relatives, nears and dears, ignored significant social events in their lives and sometimes fell prey to mischievous activities also. Scholars have explored that with the advent of technology and augmented sphere of internet services of search engine such as Google or DuckDuckGo, the human interaction has acquired a new domain of virtual dimension of networking systems prevalent across the globe. The present generation ambivalently sharing the same snare of social net working conundrum which is completely immersed in limbo or touching the apex of desire of learning as trio Satya Nadella(CEO of Microsoft),Shiva Nadar or Sunder Pichai (CEO of Google &Alphabet) et al.
In this study, Alagappa University is used to analyze social media applications among many information technology students. One hundred sixty-three questionnaires were collected from computer science, computer application, library and information science, and computational logistics department students. ANOVA test, chi-square, and independent t-test were used to test hypotheses. ANOVA t-test analysis showed that the frequency of using social media relationship with the department at the rate of f= 5.192, statistical significant level P=0.002. This study reveals that students are using social media sites such as Whatsapp, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Information technology students often use social media for their educational activities.
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The development of electronic media, especially gadgets that are increasingly sophisticated in recent years such as the use of the internet, playing games online or offline is a popular activity in teenagers. Generally teenagers make several reasons to use the internet or play games as entertainment, reduce emotions, escape from reality, seek challenges and happiness. This study was to determine the relationship between internet gaming addiction and body mass index in adolescents aged 12-15 years of junior high school at kramat jati district, east jakarta,2018. This research is a further analysis of previous study conducted two weeks in July 2018. Sample were 315 adolescent aged 12-15 years old in KramatJati, East Jakarta were include in this study. Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS9-SF) were used to measure internet gaming addiction and measurement of Body Mass Index. From the result of research, adolescent with low internet gaming addiction 177 students (70.8%) and normal body mass index 126 students (50.4%), with the results of the correlation r = -0.036 and p = 0.566. The results of internet gaming addiction with body mass index in adolescent has a weak relationship, and inversely proportional.
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Users of social networking sites are consistently logged online to communicate and interact with other users. Social networking sites are one of the most popular forms of social media, especially among teenagers, and are an alternative email as a means of instant communication between friends. This study aims to examine the Correlation between social media use with physical activity on junior high school adolescent. The study a futher analysis of previous research data with the 315 sample of Junior High School adolescent, cross sectional metode use, and Data collected using instrumen Social Networking Use Scale and Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescent. The result: low user of SNS with 78 student (24.8%), average user of SNS 143 student (45.4%), high user of SNS 81 student (25.7%), extremely high user of SNS 13 student (4.1%), and physical activity low activity 54 student (17.1%), moderate activity 181 student (57.5%), vigorous activity 80 student (25.4%). the results show that corelation between social media use with physical activity corellation weak with r=0.005 stated is weak, statistically it is not significant p= 0.928 (p>0.05). In this study, we found that there is a weak correlation between social media use with physical activity, and statistically it is not significant
  • Pratyasha Jain
Pratyasha Jain. 2013 Impact of Social Networking Sites (SNS) on the Youth of India, Research Report.
Social Networking Sites -A Critical Analysis of Its Impact on Personal and Social Life
Social Networking Sites -A Critical Analysis of Its Impact on Personal and Social Life, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2011, Dr. Biswajit Das & Jyoti Shankar Sahoo KIIT University.
Impact of Social Networking Sites (SNS) on the Youth of India
  • Pratyasha Jain
Pratyasha Jain. 2013 Impact of Social Networking Sites (SNS) on the Youth of India, Research Report.
College of Information Studies & College of Education
  • College Maryland
  • Park
Maryland, College Park, College of Information Studies & College of Education, USA.