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lthough Earth has undergone many
periods of significant environmen-
tal change, the planet’s environment
has been unusually stable for the past 10,000
. This period of stability — known to
geologists as the Holocene — has seen human
civilizations arise, develop and thrive. Such
stability may now be under threat. Since the
Industrial Revolution, a new era has arisen,
the Anthropocene
, in which human actions
have become the main driver of global envi-
ronmental change5. This could see human
activities push the Earth system outside the
stable environmental state of the Holocene,
with consequences that are detrimental or
even catastrophic for large parts of the world.
During the Holocene, environmental
change occurred naturally and Earth’s regu-
latory capacity maintained the conditions
that enabled human development. Regular
temperatures, freshwater availability and
biogeochemical flows all stayed within a rela-
tively narrow range. Now, largely because of
a rapidly growing reliance on fossil fuels and
industrialized forms of agriculture, human
activities have reached a level that could dam-
age the systems that keep Earth in the desirable
Holocene state. The result could be irrevers-
ible and, in some cases, abrupt environmental
change, leading to a state less conducive to
human development
. Without pressure from
humans, the Holocene is expected to continue
for at least several thousands of years7.
Planetary boundaries
To meet the challenge of maintaining the
Holocene state, we propose a framework
based on ‘planetary boundaries’. These
A safe operating space for humanity
Identifying and quantifying planetary boundaries that must not be transgressed could help prevent human
activities from causing unacceptable environmental change, argue
Johan RockstrÖm
and colleagues.
Figure 1 | Beyond the boundary. The inner green shading represents the proposed safe operating
space for nine planetary systems. The red wedges represent an estimate of the current position for
each variable. The boundaries in three systems (rate of biodiversity loss, climate change and human
interference with the nitrogen cycle), have already been exceeded.
New approach proposed for defining preconditions for human
Crossing certain biophysical thresholds could have disastrous
consequences for humanity
Three of nine interlinked planetary boundaries have already been
boundaries define the safe operating space
for humanity with respect to the Earth system
and are associated with the planet’s bio-
physical subsystems or processes. Although
Earth’s complex systems sometimes respond
smoothly to changing pressures, it seems that
this will prove to be the exception rather than
the rule. Many subsystems of Earth react in
a nonlinear, often abrupt, way, and are par-
ticularly sensitive around threshold levels of
certain key variables. If these thresholds are
crossed, then important subsystems, such as a
monsoon system, could shift into a new state,
often with deleterious or potentially even
disastrous consequences for humans8,9.
Most of these thresholds can be defined by
a critical value for one or more control vari-
ables, such as carbon dioxide concentration.
Not all processes or subsystems on Earth have
well-defined thresholds, although human
actions that undermine the resilience of such
processes or subsystems — for example, land
and water degradation — can increase the risk
that thresholds will also be crossed in other
processes, such as the climate system.
We have tried to identify the Earth-system
processes and associated thresholds which, if
crossed, could generate unacceptable envi-
ronmental change. We have found nine such
processes for which we believe it is neces-
sary to define planetary boundaries: climate
change; rate of biodiversity loss (terrestrial
and marine); interference with the nitrogen
and phosphorus cycles; stratospheric ozone
depletion; ocean acidification; global fresh-
water use; change in land use; chemical pol-
lution; and atmospheric aerosol loading (see
Fig. 1 and Table).
In general, planetary boundaries are values
for control variables that are either at a ‘safe
distance from thresholds — for processes
with evidence of threshold behaviour — or
at dangerous levels — for processes without
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© 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
evidence of thresholds. Determining a safe
distance involves normative judgements of
how societies choose to deal with risk and
uncertainty. We have taken a conservative,
risk-averse approach to quantifying our plan-
etary boundaries, taking into account the large
uncertainties that surround the true position
of many thresholds. (A detailed description
of the boundaries — and the analyses behind
them — is given in ref. 10.)
Humanity may soon be approaching the
boundaries for global freshwater use, change
in land use, ocean acidification and interfer-
ence with the global phosphorous cycle (see
Fig. 1). Our analysis suggests that three of the
Earth-system processes — climate change, rate
of biodiversity loss and interference with the
nitrogen cycle — have already transgressed
their boundaries. For the latter two of these,
the control variables are the rate of species loss
and the rate at which N
is removed from the
atmosphere and converted to reactive nitrogen
for human use, respectively. These are rates of
change that cannot continue without signifi-
cantly eroding the resilience of major compo-
nents of Earth-system functioning. Here we
describe these three processes.
Climate change
Anthropogenic climate change is now beyond
dispute, and in the run-up to the climate
negotiations in Copenhagen this December,
the international discussions on targets for
climate mitigation have intensified. There is
a growing convergence towards a ‘2 °C guard-
rail’ approach, that is, containing the rise in
global mean temperature to no more than 2 °C
above the pre-industrial level.
Our proposed climate boundary is based
on two critical thresholds that separate quali-
tatively different climate-system states. It has
two parameters: atmospheric concentration
of carbon dioxide and radiative forcing (the
rate of energy change per unit area of the
globe as measured at the top of the atmos-
phere). We propose that human changes to
atmospheric CO
concentrations should not
exceed 350 parts per million by volume, and
that radiative forcing should not exceed 1 watt
per square metre above pre-industrial levels.
Transgressing these boundaries will increase
the risk of irreversible climate change, such as
the loss of major ice sheets, accelerated sea-
level rise and abrupt shifts in forest and agri-
cultural systems. Current CO
stands at 387 p.p.m.v. and the change in radia-
tive forcing is 1.5 W m−2 (ref. 11).
There are at least three reasons for our pro-
posed climate boundary. First, current cli-
mate models may significantly underestimate
the severity of long-term climate change for
a given concentration of greenhouse gases12.
Most models11 suggest that a doubling in
atmospheric CO
concentration will lead to a
global temperature rise of about 3 °C (with a
probable uncertainty range of 2–4.5 °C) once
the climate has regained equilibrium. But these
models do not include long-term reinforcing
feedback processes that further warm the cli-
mate, such as decreases in the surface area of
ice cover or changes in the distribution of veg-
etation. If these slow feedbacks are included,
doubling CO2 levels gives an eventual tempera-
ture increase of 6 °C (with a probable uncer-
tainty range of 4–8 °C). This would threaten
the ecological life-support systems that have
developed in the late Quaternary environment,
and would severely challenge the viability of
contemporary human societies.
The second consideration is the stability of
the large polar ice sheets. Palaeo climate data
from the past 100 million years show that
concentrations were a major factor in the
long-term cooling of the past 50 million years.
Moreover, the planet was largely ice-free until
CO2 concentrations fell below 450 p.p.m.v.
(±100 p.p.m.v.), suggesting that there is a crit-
ical threshold between 350 and 550 p.p.m.v.
(ref. 12). Our boundary of 350 p.p.m.v. aims
to ensure the continued existence of the large
polar ice sheets.
Third, we are beginning to see evidence that
some of Earth’s subsystems are already mov-
ing outside their stable Holocene state. This
includes the rapid retreat of the summer sea
ice in the Arctic ocean13, the retreat of moun-
tain glaciers around the world11, the loss of
mass from the Greenland and West Antarctic
ice sheets
and the accelerating rates of sea-
level rise during the past 10–15 years15.
Rate of biodiversity loss
Species extinction is a natural process, and
would occur without human actions. How-
ever, biodiversity loss in the Anthropocene has
accelerated massively. Species are becoming
extinct at a rate that has not been seen since
the last global mass-extinction event16.
The fossil record shows that the back-
ground extinction rate for marine life is 0.1–1
extinctions per million species per year; for
Earth-system process Parameters Proposed
boundary Current
status Pre-industrial
Climate change (i) Atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentration (parts per million
by volume)
350 387 280
(ii) Change in radiative forcing
(watts per metre squared) 1 1.5 0
Rate of biodiversity loss Extinction rate (number of species
per million species per year) 10 >100 0.1–1
Nitrogen cycle (part
of a boundary with the
phosphorus cycle)
Amount of N2 removed from
the atmosphere for human use
(millions of tonnes per year)
35 121 0
Phosphorus cycle (part
of a boundary with the
nitrogen cycle)
Quantity of P flowing into the
oceans (millions of tonnes per year) 11 8.5–9.5 ~1
Stratospheric ozone
depletion Concentration of ozone (Dobson
unit) 276 283 290
Ocean acidification Global mean saturation state of
aragonite in surface sea water 2.75 2.90 3.44
Global freshwater use Consumption of freshwater
by humans (km3 per year) 4,000 2,600 415
Change in land use Percentage of global land cover
converted to cropland 15 11.7 Low
Atmospheric aerosol
loading Overall particulate concentration in
the atmosphere, on a regional basis To be determined
Chemical pollution For example, amount emitted to,
or concentration of persistent
organic pollutants, plastics,
endocrine disrupters, heavy metals
and nuclear waste in, the global
environment, or the effects on
ecosystem and functioning of Earth
system thereof
To be determined
Boundaries for processes in red have been crossed. Data sources: ref. 10 and supplementary information
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© 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
mammals it is 0.2–0.5 extinctions per million
species per year
. Today, the rate of extinction
of species is estimated to be 100 to 1,000 times
more than what could be considered natural.
As with climate change, human activities are
the main cause of the acceleration. Changes
in land use exert the most significant effect.
These changes include the conversion of natu-
ral ecosystems into agriculture or into urban
areas; changes in frequency, duration or mag-
nitude of wildfires and similar disturbances;
and the introduction of new species into land
and freshwater environments17. The speed of
climate change will become a more important
driver of change in biodiversity this century,
leading to an accelerating rate of species loss
Up to 30% of all mammal, bird and amphib-
ian species will be threatened with extinction
this century19.
Biodiversity loss occurs at the local to
regional level, but it can have pervasive effects
on how the Earth system functions, and it inter-
acts with several other planetary boundaries.
For example, loss of biodiversity can increase
the vulnerability of terrestrial and aquatic eco-
systems to changes in climate and oce an acidity,
thus reducing the safe boundary levels of these
processes. There is growing understanding of
the importance of functional biodiversity in
preventing ecosystems from tipping into unde-
sired states when they are disturbed20. This
means t hat apparent re dundancy i s required t o
maintain an ecosystem’s resilience. Ecosystems
that depend on a few or single species for criti-
cal functions are vulnerable to disturbances,
such as disease, and at a greater risk of tipping
into undesired states8,21.
From an Earth-system perspective, set-
ting a boundary for biodiversity is difficult.
Although it is now accepted that a rich mix
of species underpins the resilience of ecosys-
, little is known quantitatively about
how much and what kinds of biodiversity
can be lost before this resilience is eroded22.
This is particularly true at the scale of Earth
as a whole, or for major subsystems such as
the Borneo rainforests or the Amazon Basin.
Ideally, a planetary boundary should capture
the role of biodiversity in regulating the resil-
ience of systems on Earth. Because science
cannot yet provide such information at an
aggregate level, we propose extinction rate
as an alternative (but weaker) indicator. As a
result, our suggested planetary boundary for
biodiversity of ten times the background rates
of extinction is only a very preliminary esti-
mate. More research is required to pin down
this boundary with greater certainty. However,
we can say with some confidence that Earth
cannot sustain the current rate of loss without
significant erosion of ecosystem resilience.
Nitrogen and phosphorus cycles
Modern agriculture is a major cause of envi-
ronmental pollution, including large-scale
nitrogen- and phosphorus-induced environ-
mental change23. At the planetary scale, the
additional amounts of nitrogen and phospho-
rus activated by humans are now so large that
they significantly perturb the global cycles of
these two important elements24,25.
Human processes — primarily the manu-
facture of fertilizer for food production and
the cultivation of leguminous crops — con-
vert around 120 million tonnes of N2 from
the atmosphere per year into reactive forms
— which is more than the combined effects
from all Earth’s terrestrial processes. Much of
this new reactive nitrogen ends up in the envi-
ronment, polluting water ways and the coastal
zone, accumulating in land systems and add-
ing a number of gases to the atmosphere.
It slowly erodes the resilience of important
Earth subsystems. Nitrous oxide, for exam-
ple, is one of the most important non-CO2
greenhouse gases and thus directly increases
radiative forcing.
Anthropogenic distortion of the nitro-
gen cycle and phosphorus flows has shifted
the state of lake systems from clear to turbid
. Marine ecosystems have been subject
to similar shifts, for example, during periods
of anoxia in the Baltic Sea caused by exces-
sive nutrients27. These and other nutrient-
generated impacts justify the formulation
of a planetary boundary for nitrogen and
phosphorus flows, which we propose should
be kept together as one boundary given their
close interactions with other Earth-system
Setting a planetary boundary for human
modification of the nitrogen cycle is not
straightforward. We have defined the bound-
ary by considering the human fixation of N
from the atmosphere as a giant ‘valve’ that con-
trols a massive flow of new reactive nitrogen
into Earth. As a first guess, we suggest that this
valve should contain the flow of new reactive
nitrogen to 25% of its current value, or about
35 million tonnes of nitrogen per year. Given
the implications of trying to reach this target,
much more research and synthesis of informa-
tion is required to determine a more informed
Unlike nitrogen, phosphorus is a fossil min-
eral that accumulates as a result of geological
processes. It is mined from rock and its uses
range from fertilizers to toothpaste. Some 20
million tonnes of phosphorus is mined every
year and around 8.5 million–9.5 million
tonnes of it finds its way into the oceans25,28.
This is estimated to be approximately eight
times the natural background rate of influx.
Records of Earth history show that large-
scale ocean anoxic events occur when critical
thresholds of phosphorus inflow to the oceans
are crossed. This potentially explains past mass
extinctions of marine life. Modelling sug-
gests that a sustained increase of phosphorus
flowing into the oceans exceeding 20% of the
natural background weathering was enough to
induce past ocean anoxic events29.
Our tentative modelling estimates suggest
that if there is a greater than tenfold increase
in phosphorus flowing into the oceans (com-
pared with pre-industrial levels), then anoxic
ocean events become more likely within 1,000
years. Despite the large uncertainties involved,
the state of current science and the present
observations of abrupt phosphorus-induced
regional anoxic events indicate that no more
than 11 million tonnes of phosphorus per year
should be allowed to flow into the oceans —
ten times the natural background rate. We
estimate that this boundary level will allow
hum anit y to s afely ste er away fr om the r isk o f
ocean anoxic events for more than 1,000 years,
acknowledging that current levels already
exceed critical thresholds for many estuaries
and freshwater systems.
Delicate balance
Although the planetary boundaries are
described in terms of individual quantities
and separate processes, the boundaries are
tightly coupled. We do not have the luxury of
concentrating our efforts on any one of them
in isolation from the others. If one boundary
is transgressed, then other boundaries are also
under serious risk. For instance, significant
land-use changes in the Amazon could influ-
ence water resources as far away as Tibet30.
The climate-change boundary depends on
staying on the safe side of the freshwater, land,
aerosol, nitrogen–phosphorus, ocean and
stratospheric boundaries. Transgressing the
nitrogen–phosphorus boundary can erode the
resilience of some marine ecosystems, poten-
tially reducing their capacity to absorb CO2
and thus affecting the climate boundary.
The boundaries we propose represent a new
approach to defining biophysical precondi-
tions for human development. For the first
time, we are trying to quantify the safe lim-
its outside of which the Earth system cannot
continue to function in a stable, Holocene-like
The approach rests on three branches of sci-
entific enquiry. The first addresses the scale
of human action in relation to the capacity
of Earth to sustain it. This is a significant
feature of the ecological economics research
, drawing on knowledge of the essen-
tial role of the life-support properties of the
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© 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
environment for human wellbeing32,33 and
the biophysical constraints for the growth of
the economy34,35. The second is the work on
understanding essential Earth processes
including human actions
, brought together
in the fie lds of g lob al c han ge r ese arch a nd s us-
tainability science
. The third field of enquiry
is research into resilience
and its links to
complex dynamics
and self-regulation of
living systems
, emphasizing thresholds and
shifts between states8.
Although we present evidence that three
boundaries have been overstepped, there
remain many gaps in our knowledge. We have
tentatively quantified seven boundaries, but
some of the figures are merely our first best
guesses. Furthermore, because many of the
boundaries are linked, exceeding one will have
implications for others in ways that we do not
as yet completely understand. There is also sig-
nificant uncertainty over how long it takes to
cause dangerous environmental change or to
trigger other feedbacks that drastically reduce
the ability of the Earth system, or important
subsystems, to return to safe levels.
The evidence so far suggests that, as long as
the thresholds are not crossed, humanity has
the freedom to pursue long-term social and
economic development.
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Editor’s note This Feature is an edited summary of
a longer paper available at the Stockholm Resilience
Centre (
planetary-boundaries). To facilitate debate and
discussion, we are simultaneously publishing a
number of linked Commentaries from independent
experts in some of the disciplines covered by the
planetary boundaries concept. Please note that this
Feature and the Commentaries are not peer-reviewed
research. This Feature, the full paper and the expert
Commentaries can all be accessed from http://tinyurl.
See Editorial, page 447. Join the debate. Visit to discuss this
article. For more on the climate, see www.nature.
Johan Rockström1,2, Will Steffen1,3, Kevin Noone1,4, Åsa Persson1,2, F. Stuart Chapin, III5, Eric F. Lambin6, Timothy M. Lenton7, Marten Scheffer8, Carl Folke1,9,
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber10,11, Björn Nykvist1,2, Cynthia A. de Wit4, Terry Hughes12, Sander van der Leeuw13, Henning Rodhe14, Sverker Sörlin1,15, Peter K.
Snyder16, Robert Costanza1,17, Uno Svedin1, Malin Falkenmark1,18, Louise Karlberg1,2, Robert W. Corell19, Victoria J. Fabry20, James Hansen21, Brian Walker1,22,
Diana Liverman23,24, Katherine Richardson25, Paul Crutzen26, Jonathan A. Foley27
1Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Kräftriket 2B, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden. 2Stockholm Environment Institute, Kräftriket 2B, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden.
3ANU Climate Change Institute, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia. 4Department of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm University,
10691 Stockholm, Sweden. 5Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775, USA. 6Depar tment of Geography, Université Catholique
de Louvain, 3 place Pasteur, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 7School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK. 8Aquatic Ecology and
Water Quality Management Group, Wageningen University, PO Box 9101, 6700 HB Wageningen, the Netherlands. 9The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences, PO Box 50005, 10405 Stockholm, Sweden. 10Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, PO Box 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany.
11Environmental Change Institute and Tyndall Centre, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK. 12ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University,
Queensland 4811, Australia. 13School of Human Evolution & Social Change, Arizona State University, PO Box 872402, Tempe, Arizona 85287-2402, USA. 14Department
of Meteorology, Stockholm University, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden. 15Division of History of Science and Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 76, 10044
Stockholm, Sweden. 16Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota, 439 Borlaug Hall, 1991 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108-6028, USA. 17Gund
Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA. 18Stockholm International Water Institute, Drottninggatan 33, 11151 Stockholm,
Sweden. 19The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, 900 17th Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20006, USA. 20Department
of Biological Sciences, California State University San Marcos, 333 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd, San Marcos, CA 92096-0001, USA. 21NASA Goddard Institute for Space
Studies, 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025, USA. 22Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization, Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.
23Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK. 24Institute of the Environment, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721, USA. 25The Faculty
for Natural Sciences, Tagensvej 16, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark. 26Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, PO Box 30 60, 55020 Mainz, Germany. 27Institute on the
Environment, University of Minnesota, 325 VoTech Building, 1954 Buford Avenue, St Paul, MN 55108, USA.
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... Biodiversity loss and the climate crisis weaken the resilience of ecosystems. Additionally, the merging of spatial boundaries between domestic animals, wildlife and humans, as well as microbial and vector adaptation, ultimately results in increasing environmental pollution and the distribution of (non-)zoonotic pathogens, particularly with (re-)emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) [1][2][3][4]. EIDs pose a threat to public health as, according to some publications, the majority of them bear a zoonotic potential (60.3%), and most of which derive from wildlife (71.8%) [1,3,4]. For this reason, it is crucial to address these pathogens and their hosts in the view of a One Health perspective [5,6]. ...
... Additionally, the merging of spatial boundaries between domestic animals, wildlife and humans, as well as microbial and vector adaptation, ultimately results in increasing environmental pollution and the distribution of (non-)zoonotic pathogens, particularly with (re-)emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) [1][2][3][4]. EIDs pose a threat to public health as, according to some publications, the majority of them bear a zoonotic potential (60.3%), and most of which derive from wildlife (71.8%) [1,3,4]. For this reason, it is crucial to address these pathogens and their hosts in the view of a One Health perspective [5,6]. ...
... Ecosystems and life on earth, in general, are severely threatened by human-induced alterations that have led to a global climate crisis and the beginning of the sixth mass extinction event [1,2]. The convergence of both events leads to mutually adverse effects for One Health, partly attributable to the escalating environmental pollution and distribution of (non-)zoonotic pathogens [3][4][5][6]. The environment, wildlife, humans, and their domesticated animals are intricately interconnected through their diverse roles in maintaining and transmitting parasitic infectious diseases [2,5,7]. ...
... In sum, the real meaning of an integrated approach is that environmental sustainability needs to be prioritized, but it needs to be implemented in a way that produces economic and social sustainability. This has always been the implication of many integrated approaches to sustainable development (Dixson-Decleve et al., 2022;Matsushita et al., 2023;Sachs, 2015;Steffen, 2000), as well as major concepts such as Earth system and planetary boundaries (Rockström et al., 2009;Rockström et al., 2023), and a nature-and-people-positive future (Obura et al., 2023). The "healthy planet, healthy people" theme of UNEP's Sixth Global Environment Outlook (UNEP, 2019) clearly indicated that a healthy planet is necessary for healthy people, but the report did not clearly recommend prioritization of the environment. ...
... The need to prioritize environmental sustainability is self-evident from the concepts of planetary and Earth system boundaries (Brown, 2015;Rockström et al., 2009;Rockström et al., 2023;Saunders, 2015), and similar concepts. These boundaries establish a "safe operating space" for human civilization on the Earth. ...
This paper explores a key implementation issue for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – whether to use integrated approaches or prioritize some goals. The scientific community generally recommends integrated approaches but has little clear guidance on concrete implementation. This paper reaches two main conclusions. First, environmental sustainability needs to be prioritized. This is the inescapable logic of Earth system boundaries and related concepts. Second, environmental sustainability measures need to be based on a just transition in order to secure political support for environmental prioritization; especially, they need to provide good jobs and decent work, and they need to appear concrete and feasible. These principles should inform SDG implementation and discussions on the post-2030 sustainable development agenda. Many existing proposals for environmental solutions stop short of recommending their prioritization; they also acknowledge the need for both social sustainability and a just transition, but these elements are usually not very concrete, especially regarding job creation. Thus, making environmental sustainability measures more economically and socially sustainable also should be prioritized.
... Simply put, this approach advocates for the preferential utilization of local biological resources or renewable resources to meet human needs (Wohlfahrt et al. 2019). In the twenty-first century, global attention has increasingly turned toward sustainable resource management and effective waste handling as key drivers for achieving developmental goals (Rockström et al. 2009;Wohlgemuth 2021). This shift is reflected in the adoption of bioeconomic principles by nearly 40 countries, which have aligned their policies with renewable and biological resource applications across various disciplines (El-Chichakli et al. 2016;Wohlfahrt et al. 2019). ...
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There is a need to establish sustainable development in the face of increasing population and resource demands, hence the importance of the bioeconomy. Countries such as USA, Japan, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Malaysia, and the European Union have realized the importance of bioeconomy in many aspects of the business including health, energy, and agriculture. This paper aims at critically analyzing the interventions of the bioeconomy and delving into the possible ways of making the bioeconomy environmentally efficient as well as a generator of employment particularly in the rural regions of the developing world. Particular emphasis is placed on the circular bioeconomy (CBE), which combines the principles of bioeconomy with those of circular economy, focusing on closed-loop systems that cultivate sustainable resource use and minimize waste. This paper presents a new conceptualization of the bioeconomic models discussion by discussing the utility of analyzing these modes when it comes to attaining the SDGs. In addition, the paper also advocated for the success of CBE approach that can be useful in attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since it solves all the acnes of whole global in terms of better financial risks, information, and biomass. The method of the study includes both the review of the literature concerning the topic in question in form of review, research papers, books, and government publications to ensure that a systematic and impartial approach is taken. Specific strengths are the extension of new idea of business models and management practices derived from the circular economy framework, the identification of existing research limitations, and the offering of specific insights for action. All sorts of people from local inhabitants to strategists involved in policymaking have essential functions in today’s bioeconomy. This paper aims to assess the state of the bioeconomy in terms of an economic growth of a country, as well as its role in the improvement of resource efficiency, waste management, industrial development, and environmental protection and sustainability. It is the CBE that has become an instrument for change, enabling efficiency in resource utilization to further economic growth and contributing to global environmental transition. It is for this reason that this paper is exceptional, not only in the way that it provides an aggregate of existing information and novel ways of understanding it but in that it also builds new topics of investigation, as well as practical strategies that can further theory and application in the field. This paper could be a milestone for the researchers, policymakers, researchers, and industry professionals who are interested to work on bioeconomy and its potential as a transformative force for sustainable development. Graphical abstract
... The theory suggesting that Earth has entered an era of global ecosystem collapse due to human activities (Sato & Lindenmayer, 2018), along with scientific findings identifying nine planetary boundaries that serve as the lifeline for our planet's existence (Rockstrom et al., 2009), are two of the most significant discoveries regarding the health of our planetary system. This fragile state of health is also threatened by the impact of zoonotic transmission of viruses, with exposure and circulation increased as human activities push into and change the habitats of other species (Alonso and South, 2024). ...
... Industrial development has come at an unprecedented cost to environmental quality, due to the increased resource consumption of extractive industries, biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution of environmental compartments. We have reached a tipping point as humanity and we are exceeding planetary boundaries (Rockström et al., 2009). A CE can help us to decelerate resource intensive practices that threaten planetary boundaries. 1 It is therefore imperative to adopt a paradigm shift from unsustainable production and consumption patterns toward preventive concepts such as a CE (Prieto-Sandoval et al., 2018). ...
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In order to achieve transition toward a Circular Economy (CE), multiple stakeholder partnerships are required. Although the CE shows proven potential and impact, the implementation is still very low in developing and transition countries. The role of networks in promoting the CE is assessed, including the impact which network participation has on the implementation of a CE at company level. Although firm level capabilities can be enhanced by network participation, a lot of knowledge gaps exist regarding the orientation and structure of networks; governance models for networks and the high impact activities that can be implemented. A systematic literature review was undertaken to characterize the role of sustainable business networks in green industrial transformation. The approach to literature review included keyword search, title analysis, search title analysis, abstract analysis and systematic review of contents for full review of 50 research articles from Web of Science, Scopus and literature. Barriers, cognitions and challenges in the operation of sustainable business networks were clearly analyzed, including knowledge gaps existing in literature. Database search and document review was undertaken to determine the role and impact of sustainable business networks in promoting a CE in comparison to idiosyncratic organizations without any affiliation. The review enabled determination of the policies which promote sustainable business networks, network structure, governance, and success factors. We conclude that sustainable business networks have an impact on the CE transformation in selected African countries. Implementation success could be explained by contextual factors within sustainable business network boundaries. This article is categorized under: Climate and Environment > Pollution Prevention Climate and Environment > Circular Economy Policy and Economics > Green Economics and Financing
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A social work is a profession in which works and tasks are performed by utilising available resources from social environment namely social networks and support system that enhances humans to thrive and excel their lives. However, in the current trends there are some drawbacks in the manner of work such as very limited engagement of social organisation that focuses on environmental aspects and sustainable ecology. As a consequence, social work has to develop theoretical framework to incorporate ecological environment because man and environment are crucial and mutual dependence components. In the existing ecological hardship, climate change is a matter of concern as it regulates the land fertility and biodiversity to achieve sustainable food productions, cycle of energy and water resources. The ill effects of climate change are unbearable by all, for instances people of Flanders in Belgium with enormous wealth had to face challenges in shrinking free land spaces, environment pollutions and many health issues. And as mentioned by the United Nations Development Programme these crises are mostly affected by the poor people which sets a wide gap between the rich and the poor in both the ecological and economic crises. All of these present major challenges to the social work despite of keeping social justice as central core of frame work.
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Using Gibson‐Graham's methodology for reading for difference, this article seeks to shed a new light on the circular economy (CE), a concept often promoted, but rarely implemented. By presenting the diversity of practices around the acquisition, repair and resale of second‐hand goods in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, this study provides insight on the circularity of urban environments. The collection and GIS mapping of around 60 interviews with small and medium enterprises involved in responsible consumption and production in Tashkent led to the development of a more accurate definition of the CE in an urban setting. Research results indeed reveal that responsible consumption and production are very dynamic concepts that rely mainly on accessibility, creativity and connectivity with one's surroundings, as well as social networks. In addition, GIS mapping of small businesses in the second‐hand industry showed that the provision of second‐hand‐related services is intricately connected with urban infrastructure.
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The article outlines the distributive demands of relational equality in the form of a dynamic corridor of legitimate distributive inequality. It does so by complementing the already widely accepted sufficientarian floor with a limitarian ceiling, leading, in a first step, to a "corridor" of limited distributive inequality as a necessary condition for relational equality. This corridor alone, however, only provides necessary distributive conditions for relational equality and still allows for degrees of distributive inequality that would risk undermining egalitarian relations. Thus, in a second step, intra-corridor distributive inequalities must be regulated by two further constraints: a (context- dependent) ratio between the best- and worst-off, and a demand for equality of opportunity so that inequalities result from people’s responsible choices. This set of demands spells out the distributive conditions that are not only necessary, but sufficient to provide a sound distributive basis for relational equality. After presenting this view, the article defends it against several objections.
The nexus of climate change and sustainable development is increasingly pervading debates in the Anthropocene, along with environment conflicts and climate wars. Past narratives on global warming show both activism and denialism; however, science is crystal clear that climate change and global warming result from the impacts of human activities on atmospheric conditions. While several inquiries on the present state of the planet underline how inaction on earlier warnings about the threats posed to the earth by carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions, few studies are dedicated to uncovering the potential of environmental peacebuilding to prevent further degradation of the structures that support life on earth. This chapter pinpoints two major frameworks for humanity’s prosperity and that of future generations: (1) planetary boundaries framework and (2) environmental peacebuilding theory. The latter consists of (i) understanding and addressing environmental conflicts and violence; (ii) defining, conceptualising and contextualising climate wars, (iii) exploring and implementing environmental peacemaking processes; (iv) utilising the tenets of environmental justice and social justice as means to respond to climate-induced conflicts; and (v) deepening the notion of care, protection and stewardship of the environment. Based on literary research design and methods, the chapter found that sustainable development and prosperity of future generations are underscored by humans’ ability to rise about selfish lucrative interests, denialism about scientific evidence of climate change’s root causes, developing conscientious stewards of the earth, and bridging environmental peacebuilding theory and sustainable development.
South Africa’s development strategy aligns with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) signed by leaders of 189 countries, which focuses on fighting poverty, promoting education, protecting the environment, and fighting hunger. The MDGs were superseded by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda. Unfortunately, the global call to transition from coal dependency to renewable energy, climate change-induced disasters and the outbreak of Covid-19 have increased uncertainties about achieving the SDGs domestically and internationally. This article investigates both South Africa’s challenges and its opportunities with regard to overcoming the developmental and economic setbacks ensuing from the global health crisis and the anthropogenic effects of climate change. Designed as a case study, relying on a literary research method and an interpretive paradigm, the findings indicate that South Africa has the potential to achieve sustainable development. However, the path to reach this requires: (1) reinvigorating the health infrastructure to withstand Covid-19’s global challenges, (2) setting forth robust strategies and policies that uplift its citizens’ wellbeing to prevent violent riots that destroy the economy, (3) revitalising its struggling economy and creating jobs, (4) transitioning from coal-dependent industry, economy and trade to an eco-friendly economy that grows from cleaner and renewable energy resources, (5) dealing with brain drain push factors, (6) pursuing the Policy Coherence for Development Framework that is supported by political buy-in so as to align the National Development Plan’s (NDP) priorities with the 2030 SDGs Agenda.
Paleoclimate data show that climate sensitivity is ~3 deg-C for doubled CO2, including only fast feedback processes. Equilibrium sensitivity, including slower surface albedo feedbacks, is ~6 deg-C for doubled CO2 for the range of climate states between glacial conditions and ice-free Antarctica. Decreasing CO2 was the main cause of a cooling trend that began 50 million years ago, large scale glaciation occurring when CO2 fell to 450 +/- 100 ppm, a level that will be exceeded within decades, barring prompt policy changes. If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted, paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest that CO2 will need to be reduced from its current 385 ppm to at most 350 ppm. The largest uncertainty in the target arises from possible changes of non-CO2 forcings. An initial 350 ppm CO2 target may be achievable by phasing out coal use except where CO2 is captured and adopting agricultural and forestry practices that sequester carbon. If the present overshoot of this target CO2 is not brief, there is a possibility of seeding irreversible catastrophic effects.
The resilience perspective is increasingly used as an approach for understanding the dynamics of social–ecological systems. This article presents the origin of the resilience perspective and provides an overview of its development to date. With roots in one branch of ecology and the discovery of multiple basins of attraction in ecosystems in the 1960–1970s, it inspired social and environmental scientists to challenge the dominant stable equilibrium view. The resilience approach emphasizes non-linear dynamics, thresholds, uncertainty and surprise, how periods of gradual change interplay with periods of rapid change and how such dynamics interact across temporal and spatial scales. The history was dominated by empirical observations of ecosystem dynamics interpreted in mathematical models, developing into the adaptive management approach for responding to ecosystem change. Serious attempts to integrate the social dimension is currently taking place in resilience work reflected in the large numbers of sciences involved in explorative studies and new discoveries of linked social–ecological systems. Recent advances include understanding of social processes like, social learning and social memory, mental models and knowledge–system integration, visioning and scenario building, leadership, agents and actor groups, social networks, institutional and organizational inertia and change, adaptive capacity, transformability and systems of adaptive governance that allow for management of essential ecosystem services.
Presents a conceptual framework that can help focus treatment of the contrasts between global and local behavior on the one hand and between continuous and discontinuous behavior on the other. Since that framework describes different perceptions of regulation and stability behavior, it provides the necessary background for a 2nd topic, which concerns the particular causative relations and processes within ecosystems, the influence of external variation on them and their dynamic behavior in time and space. A 3rd topic synthesizes present understanding of the structure and behavior of ecosystems in a way that has considerable generality and organizational power. A 4th connects that understanding to global phenomena on the one hand and local perception and action on the other. -from Author