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Evolution-in-materio: solving computational problems using carbon nanotube–polymer composites

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Abstract and Figures

Evolution-in-materio uses evolutionary algorithms to exploit properties of materials to solve computational problems without requiring a detailed understanding of such properties. We show that using a purpose-built hardware platform called Mecobo, it is possible to solve computational problems by evolving voltages and signals applied to an electrode array covered with a carbon nanotube–polymer composite. We demonstrate for the first time that this methodology can be applied to function optimization and also to the tone discriminator problem (TDP). For function optimization, we evaluate the approach on a suite of optimization benchmarks and obtain results that in some cases come very close to the global optimum or are comparable with those obtained using well-known software-based evolutionary approach. We also obtain good results in comparison with prior work on the tone discriminator problem. In the case of the TDP we also investigated the relative merits of different mixtures of materials and organizations of electrode array.
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Soft Comput (2016) 20:3007–3022
DOI 10.1007/s00500-015-1928-6
Evolution-in-materio: solving computational problems using
carbon nanotube–polymer composites
Maktuba Mohid1·Julian F. Miller1·Simon L. Harding1·Gunnar Tufte2·
Mark K. Massey3·Michael C. Petty3
Published online: 12 November 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract Evolution-in-materio uses evolutionary
algorithms to exploit properties of materials to solve compu-
tational problems without requiring a detailed understanding
of such properties. We show that using a purpose-built
hardware platform called Mecobo, it is possible to solve
computational problems by evolving voltages and signals
applied to an electrode array covered with a carbon nanotube–
polymer composite. We demonstrate for the first time that this
methodology can be applied to function optimization and
also to the tone discriminator problem (TDP). For function
optimization, we evaluate the approach on a suite of opti-
mization benchmarks and obtain results that in some cases
come very close to the global optimum or are comparable
with those obtained using well-known software-based evolu-
tionary approach. We also obtain good results in comparison
with prior work on the tone discriminator problem. In the
case of the TDP we also investigated the relative merits of
different mixtures of materials and organizations of electrode
Keywords Evolutionary algorithm ·Evolution-in-
materio ·Material computation ·Evolvable hardware ·
Function optimization ·Tone discriminator
Communicated by D. Neagu.
BMaktuba Mohid
1Department of Electronics, University of York, York, UK
2Department of Computer and Information Science,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491
Trondheim, Norway
3School of Engineering and Computing Sciences and Centre
for Molecular and Nanoscale Electronics, Durham University,
Durham, UK
1 Introduction
Natural evolution can be looked at as an effective algo-
rithm which exploits the physical properties of materials.
Evolution-in-materio (EIM) aims to mimic this by manipu-
lating physical systems using computer-controlled evolution
(CCE) (Harding and Miller 2009,2007;Harding et al. 2008;
Miller and Downing 2002). In this paper, we are using EIM
to solve computational problems. It is important to note, that
one of unique features of EIM is that it aims to exploit phys-
ical processes that a designer may either be unaware of, or
not know how to utilize. This is discussed in more detail in
a recent review of EIM (Miller et al. 2014).
EIM was inspired by the work of Adrian Thompson who
investigated whether it was possible for unconstrained evo-
lution to evolve working electronic circuits using a silicon
chip called a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). He
evolved a so-called tone discriminator, a digital circuit that
could discriminate between 1 or 10 kHz signal (Thompson
1998). When the evolved circuit was analysed, Thompson
discovered that artificial evolution had exploited physical
properties of the chip. Despite considerable analysis Thomp-
son and Layzell (1999) were unable to pinpoint what exactly
was going on in the evolved circuits.
In Miller and Downing (2002), it was argued that materials
with a rich physics might be more evolvable than those with
an impoverished physics, such as silicon chips.1This inspired
an attempt to see if computer-controlled evolution could uti-
lize the physical properties of liquid crystal (LCD) to help
solve a number of computational problems. The first demon-
stration showed that it was relatively easy to evolve a tone
discriminator in liquid crystal (Harding and Miller 2004).
1Digital chips are designed to emulate, as far as possible, a device that
operates using Boolean algebra.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Although many such hardware NN models [50] have been studied, RC is novel and has only recently attracted significant attention ( figure 16(b)) [51][52][53][54] owing to its straightforward framework for processing time-series data. The execution of RC learning for time-series prediction tasks has been applied to atomic switch networks (ASNs) [55][56][57], memristor networks [58], CNT/polymer composites [59,60], NP aggregation [57], polymer network systems [61], optoelectronic systems [62,63], soft bodies [64,65], spintronics [4,66], and water-tank systems [67]. The efficacy of each RC material is derived from the intrinsic reservoir property [53,54] of recurrent nonlinear high-dimensional dynamics analogous to the human brain [10]. ...
... The configuration voltages affect the electrical behavior of the CNT-polymer material, and the interaction induces certain voltages on the output electrode. The output was optimized with EA through a fitness score, where the highest score implies valid output class optimization for discriminating the input frequency tone [59]. Figure 17. ...
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The need for highly energy-efficient information processing has sparked a new age of material-based computational devices. Among these, random networks of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) complexed with other materials have been extensively investigated owing to their extraordinary characteristics. However, the heterogeneity of carbon nanotube (CNT) research has made it quite challenging to comprehend the necessary features of in-materio computing in a random network of CNTs. Herein, we systematically tackle the topic by reviewing the progress of CNT applications, from the discovery of individual CNT conduction to their recent uses in neuromorphic and unconventional (reservoir) computing. This review catalogues the extraordinary abilities of random CNT networks and their complexes used to conduct nonlinear in-materio computing tasks as well as classification tasks that may replace current energy-inefficient systems.
... Various physical reservoirs have been used in the reservoir layer, [11][12][13][14][15][16][17] and research into materials-based reservoir computing is currently accelerating. [18][19][20] For example, reservoir computing research exists using atomic switch technologies to control the growth and contraction of Ag filaments from Ag 2 S. 12,21,22) Ag 2 S reservoirs have also been used for benchmarking tasks such as STM, PC, and MNIST image recognition and optical pattern classification. ...
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In recent years, physical reservoir computing has attracted much attention because of its low computational cost and low power consumption. In terms of social implementation of artificial intelligence, physical reservoir has a potential to meet the request, such as the need for AI robots to process information related to tactile sensation. It has been reported that a Ag 2 S polycrystalline thin film retains short-term memory and non-linearity when used as a physical reservoir. In this study, we applied the technique to tactile sensation by combining with a pressure sensor attached to a robot arm. In the object grasping task, a Ag 2 S physical reservoir enabled the objective recognition with the accuracy of 81.3%, although the task failed with linear regression of the direct output from the pressure sensor. We also demonstrate the potential of the system to detect anomalies in object grabbing.
... While this remains an almost obliged solution [27,28], radically different approaches, grouped under the umbrella of 'unconventional computing' (UCOMP) have been proposed and are actively investigated [10][11][12][27][28][29][30][31]. UCOMP has the goal to go beyond solutions based on Turing paradigm [27] by using hardware and physical architectures relying on emergent complexity and collective phenomena originating from various classes of physical substrates [4,[9][10][11][12][32][33][34][35]. UCOMP appears particularly interesting for classification of complex features: nonlinear projection into a high-dimensional space can make data linearly separable, providing classification solutions that are computationally very expensive with digital computers [31,36]. ...
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Major efforts to reproduce the brain performances in terms of classification and pattern recognition have been focussed on the development of artificial neuromorphic systems based on top-down lithographic technologies typical of highly integrated components of digital computers. Unconventional computing has been proposed as an alternative exploiting the complexity and collective phenomena originating from various classes of physical substrates. Materials composed of a large number of non-linear nanoscale junctions are of particular interest: these systems, obtained by the self-assembling of nano-objects like nanoparticles and nanowires, results in non-linear conduction properties characterized by spatiotemporal correlation in their electrical activity. This appears particularly useful for classification of complex features: nonlinear projection into a high-dimensional space can make data linearly separable, providing classification solutions that are computationally very expensive with digital computers. Recently we reported that nanostructured Au films fabricated from the assembling of gold clusters by supersonic cluster beam deposition show a complex resistive switching behaviour. Their non-linear electric behaviour is remarkably stable and reproducible allowing the facile training of the devices on precise resistive states. Here we report about the fabrication and characterization of a device that allows the binary classification of Boolean functions by exploiting the properties of cluster-assembled Au films interconnecting a generic pattern of electrodes. This device, that constitutes a generalization of the perceptron, can receive inputs from different electrode configurations and generate a complete set of Boolean functions of n variables for classification tasks. We also show that the non-linear and non-local electrical conduction of cluster-assembled gold films, working at room temperature, allows the classification of non-linearly separable functions without previous training of the device.
... The simulated Mackey-Glass oscillator with a delay line (referred to as DR in this chapter) is a reservoir substrate known to perform remarkably well across different reservoir computing benchmarks (Appeltant et al. 2011;Paquot et al. 2012;). The physical substrate comprising a mixed carbon nanotubepolymer (poly-butyl-methacrylate) composite (CNT) is known to perform well on several simple computational tasks (Mohid et al. 2016;Dale et al. 2016bDale et al. , 2017, but struggles with some harder reservoir computing benchmarks (Dale et al. 2016a). ...
We overview Reservoir Computing (RC) with physical systems from an Unconventional Computing (UC) perspective. We discuss challenges present in both fields, including encoding and representation, or how to manipulate and read information; ways to search large and complex configuration spaces of physical systems; and what makes a “good” computing substrate.
... These include the evolution of circuit repair strategies, which require no specific information of the nature or location of faults, in a special very fine-grained FPGA architecture [122]. There have also been more general investigations of other evolvable (continuous) physical substrates, such as liquid crystal, chemical reaction-diffusion systems and carbon nanotubes, as unconventional mediums for computation and information processing (including for controlling simulated robots) [2,29,84,85]. For such systems, their success was again rooted in the exploitation of rich dynamics. ...
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This paper explores current developments in evolutionary and bio-inspired approaches to autonomous robotics, concentrating on research from our group at the University of Sussex. These developments are discussed in the context of advances in the wider fields of adaptive and evolutionary approaches to AI and robotics, focusing on the exploitation of embodied dynamics to create behaviour. Four case studies highlight various aspects of such exploitation. The first exploits the dynamical properties of a physical electronic substrate, demonstrating for the first time how component-level analog electronic circuits can be evolved directly in hardware to act as robot controllers. The second develops novel, effective and highly parsimonious navigation methods inspired by the way insects exploit the embodied dynamics of innate behaviours. Combining biological experiments with robotic modeling, it is shown how rapid route learning can be achieved with the aid of navigation-specific visual information that is provided and exploited by the innate behaviours. The third study focuses on the exploitation of neuromechanical chaos in the generation of robust motor behaviours. It is demonstrated how chaotic dynamics can be exploited to power a goal-driven search for desired motor behaviours in embodied systems using a particular control architecture based around neural oscillators. The dynamics are shown to be chaotic at all levels in the system, from the neural to the embodied mechanical. The final study explores the exploitation of the dynamics of brain-body-environment interactions for efficient, agile flapping winged flight. It is shown how a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm can be used to evolved dynamical neural controllers for a simulated flapping wing robot with feathered wings. Results demonstrate robust, stable, agile flight is achieved in the face of random wind gusts by exploiting complex asymmetric dynamics partly enabled by continually changing wing and tail morphologies.
... Recently there has been renewed interest in analog EHW in other application areas (Trefzer et al., 2017;Howard et al., 2014) and of the use of other evolvable (continuous) physical substrates (including in simulated robot control) (Mohid et al., 2016;Miller et al., 2014;Adamatzky, 2013), which also suggests that the time is ripe to re-examine analog EHW in autonomous robotics. ...
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For the first time, a field programmable transistor array (FPTA) was used to evolve robot control circuits directly in analog hardware. Controllers were successfully incrementally evolved for a physical robot engaged in a series of visually guided behaviours, including finding a target in a complex environment where the goal was hidden from most locations. Circuits for recognising spoken commands were also evolved and these were used in conjunction with the controllers to enable voice control of the robot, triggering behavioural switching. Poor quality visual sensors were deliberately used to test the ability of evolved analog circuits to deal with noisy uncertain data in realtime. Visual features were coevolved with the controllers to automatically achieve dimensionality reduction and feature extraction and selection in an integrated way. An efficient new method was developed for simulating the robot in its visual environment. This allowed controllers to be evaluated in a simulation connected to the FPTA. The controllers then transferred seamlessly to the real world. The circuit replication issue was also addressed in experiments where circuits were evolved to be able to function correctly in multiple areas of the FPTA. A methodology was developed to analyse the evolved circuits which provided insights into their operation. Comparative experiments demonstrated the superior evolvability of the transistor array medium.
... The material is a mixed CNT-polymer composite, forming random networks of semi-conducting nanotubes suspended in a insulating polymer. The material has been applied to, and performs well on, several computational problems including function approximation, the travelling salesman problem and robot control [36,37]. However, the material has so far produced only modest performances on challenging RC benchmark tasks [9]. ...
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The reservoir computing (RC) framework states that any nonlinear, input-driven dynamical system (the reservoir) exhibiting properties such as a fading memory and input separability can be trained to perform computational tasks. This broad inclusion of systems has led to many new physical substrates for RC. Properties essential for reservoirs to compute are tuned through reconfiguration of the substrate, such as change in virtual topology or physical morphology. As a result, each substrate possesses a unique 'quality'-obtained through reconfiguration-to realize different reservoirs for different tasks. Here we describe an experimental framework to characterize the quality of potentially any substrate for RC. Our framework reveals that a definition of quality is not only useful to compare substrates, but can help map the non-trivial relationship between properties and task performance. In the wider context, the framework offers a greater understanding as to what makes a dynamical system compute, helping improve the design of future substrates for RC.
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Hardware-based machine intelligence with the network architecture of reservoir computing (RC) is gaining interest because of its biological computational resemblance along with an easy and efficient neural network training approach. Herein, such a physical RC (in-materio RC) platform consisting of a recurrent network formed by the single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT)–porphyrin polyoxometalate (Por–POM) complex is demonstrated. The network architecture executes the fundamental reservoir properties of nonlinearity, higher harmonic generation, and 1/fγ power law information processing ability. Based on these functionalities, an RC benchmark task of waveform generation is performed where the device achieves maximum fitting accuracy of 99.4%. Furthermore, a supervised object classification task based on a one-hot vector target is also executed using Toyota Human Support Robot tactile inputs. The successful classification of objects of different hardness is enhanced when the device output response follows the 1/fγ power law of maximized information processing.
This article presents an evolutionary developmental method for the design of arbitrarily growing sorting networks. The developmental model is based on a parallel rewriting system (a grammar) that is specified by an alphabet, an initial string (an axiom) and a set of rewriting rules. The rewriting process iteratively expands the axiom in order to develop more complex strings during a series of development steps (i.e. derivations in the grammar). A mapping function is introduced that allows for converting the strings onto comparator structures – building blocks of sorting networks. The construction of the networks is performed in such a way that a given (initial) sorting network grows progressively by adding further building blocks within each development step. For a given (fixed) alphabet, the axiom together with the rewriting rules themselves are the subjects of the evolutionary search. It will be shown that suitable grammars can be evolved for the construction of arbitrarily large sorting networks that grow with various given sizes of development steps. Moreover, the resulting networks exhibit significantly better properties (the number of comparators and delay) in comparison with those obtained by means of similar existing methods.
Conference Paper
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In function optimization one tries to find a vector of real numbers that optimizes a complex multi-modal fitness function. Although evolutionary algorithms have been used extensively to solve such problems, genetic programming has not. In this paper, we show how Cartesian Genetic Programming can be readily applied to such problems. The technique can successfully find many optima in a standard suite of benchmark functions. The work opens up new avenues of research in the application of genetic programming and also offers an extensive set of highly developed benchmarks that could be used to compare the effectiveness of different GP methodologies.
Conference Paper
Evolution in Materio (EIM) exploits properties of physical systems for computation. “Designs” are evolved instead of a traditional top down design approach. Computation is a product of the state(s) of the material and input data. Evolution manipulates physical processes by stimulating materials assessed in situ. A hardware-software platform designed for EIM experimentation is presented. The platform, with features designed especially for EIM, is described together with demonstration experiments using carbon nanotubes in a thick film placed on micro-electrode arrays.
Conference Paper
Evolution-in-materio (EIM) is a method that uses artificial evolution to exploit the properties of physical matter to solve computational problems without requiring a detailed understanding of such properties. EIM has so far been applied to very few computational problems. We show that using a purpose-built hardware platform called Mecobo, it is possible to evolve voltages and signals applied to physical materials to solve machine learning classification problems. This is the first time that EIM has been applied to such problems. We evaluate the approach on two standard datasets: Lenses and Iris. Comparing our technique with a well-known software-based evolutionary method indicates that EIM performs reasonably well. We suggest that EIM offers a promising new direction for evolutionary computation.
Cartesian Genetic Programming is a form of Genetic Programming based on evolving graph structures. It has a fixed genotype length and a genotype–phenotype mapping that introduces neutrality into the representation. It has been used for many applications and was one of the first Genetic Programming techniques to be implemented on the GPU. In this chapter, we describe the representation in detail and discuss various GPU implementations of it. Later in the chapter, we discuss a recent implementation based on the framework.
Glossary Definition of the Subject Introduction Evolutionary Algorithms Evolution in Materio: Historical Background Evolution in Materio: Defining Suitable Materials Evolution in Materio Is Verified with Liquid Crystal Evolution in Materio Using Liquid Crystal: Implementational Details The Computational Power of Materials Future Directions Bibliography
Conference Paper
We report for the first time on finding shortest path solutions for the travelling salesman problem (TSP) using hybrid “in materio” computation: a technique that uses search algorithms to configure materials for computation. A single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) / polymer composite material deposited on a micro-electrode array is configured using static voltages so that voltage output readings determine the path order in which to visit cities in a TSP. Our initial results suggest that the hybrid computation with the SWCNT material is able to solve small instances of the TSP as efficiently as a comparable evolutionary search algorithm performing the same computation in software. Interestingly the results indicate that the hybrid system’s search performance on TSPs scales linearly rather than exponentially on these smaller instances. This exploratory work represents the first step towards building SWCNT-based electrode arrays in parallel so that they can solve much larger problems.
Evolvability is an organism's capacity to generate heritable phenotypic variation. Metazoan evolution is marked by great morphological and physiological diversification, although the core genetic, cell biological, and developmental processes are largely conserved. Metazoan diversification has entailed the evolution of various regulatory processes controlling the time, place, and conditions of use of the conserved core processes. These regulatory processes, and certain of the core processes, have special properties relevant to evolutionary change. The properties of versatile protein elements, weak linkage, compartmentation, redundancy, and exploratory behavior reduce the interdependence of components and confer robustness and flexibility on processes during embryonic development and in adult physiology, They also confer evolvability on the organism by reducing constraints on change and allowing the accumulation of nonlethal variation. Evolvability may have been generally selected in the course of selection for robust, flexible processes suitable for complex development and physiology and specifically selected in lineages undergoing repeated radiations.