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Lean construction: From theory to practice

  • Gransberg & Associates Inc.


In construction, the application of the lean production model stems from a discussion of Koskela’s work [3], which emphasized the importance of the production process flow, as well as aspects related to converting inputs into finished products as an important element to reduce wasted value in jobsites. Production should be seen as a flow that generates value through conversion processes, characterized by cost, time frame, and the degree of added value. In this context, considering the high uncertainty typical of the construction sector, it was essential to adopt management attitudes that are able to make the operating environment stable, reducing production process variability and significantly increasing the reliability of the production planning phases, including the jobsite’s internal logistics.In construction, the application of the lean production model stems from a discussion of Koskela’s work [3], which emphasized the importance of the production process flow, as well as aspects related to converting inputs into finished products as an important element to reduce wasted value in jobsites. Production should be seen as a flow that generates value through conversion processes, characterized by cost, time frame, and the degree of added value. In this context, considering the high uncertainty typical of the construction sector, it was essential to adopt management attitudes that are able to make the operating environment stable, reducing production process variability and significantly increasing the reliability of the production planning phases, including the jobsite’s internal logistics.
Final Accepted Draft – Published as:
Conte, A.S.I., and Gransberg, D.D., “Lean Construction: From Theory to Practice,” 2001 Transactions,
AACE, Int’l, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 2001, pp. CSC10.01-CSC10.05.
Lean Construction: From Theory to
Antonio Sergio Itri
Institute of Brazil
326 Vila
Sao Paulo 04012-060
Douglas D. Gransberg, PE CCE
Professor of
Construction Science
University of
Science Division
830 Van Vleet Oval, Room 162
Norman, OK 73019-6141 phone:
After World War II, Japan adopted the Toyota Production System (TPS). The system was
based on a scenario of fluctuating demand that required swift assembly line alterations due to
the large number of different parts to be produced. The model developed by Ohno [4] was
infinitely superior to Ford’s mass production system because it provided for the batch
production of small quantities of parts. It required smaller physical areas, fewer resources,
and a smaller inventory of raw material and work in process.
Ohno’s original ideas were based on the adoption of production strategies identified
according to the demand of the down- stream production chain, part of a production plan
that ensured the planned pace was maintained throughout the production process. In other
words, the idea was to achieve a continuous production flow by adopting monitoring
measures for each process phase, aiming to reduce inventories. If we add this rationale to an
attempt to reduce the waste associated to activities that add no value to the final product,
we will obtain a systematic and consistent model—the model that gave Toyota high
performance levels.
In construction, the application of the lean production model stems from a discussion of
Koskela’s work [3], which emphasized the importance of the production process flow, as well
as aspects related to converting inputs into finished products as an important element to reduce
wasted value in jobsites. Production should be seen as a flow that generates value through
conversion processes, characterized by cost, time frame, and the degree of added value. In this
context, considering the high uncertainty typical of the construction sector, it was essential to
adopt management attitudes that are able to make the operating environment stable, reducing
production process variability and significantly increasing the reliability of the production
planning phases, including the jobsite’s internal logistics.
Howell and Ballard’s studies [1] about the “last planner” technique showed that the use
of formal and flexible production planning procedures is the first step to make the production
environment stable, emphasizing, in this case, the use of daily production plans, constraint
analyses-look-ahead, and the percentage of planned and concluded items-PPC as tools for
immediate implementation on any jobsite. A well-executed project mirrors its production
planning precisely. Good production planning comprises planning elements that can
effectively be executed. We would like to add a third aspect: being flexible and able to
readapt your production plan taking into account eventual deviations observed during the
daily sequence of jobsite operations is just as important as planning a project.
The practical results of this technique, expressed by the rise of PPC levels to close to 100
percent, translate into a heightened confidence in short-term planning processes. They
usually can be felt after 2 or 3 months application, and encourage the commitment of the
production team (engineers, foremen, and subcontracted parties), who obtain simple and
efficient tools with which to perform their respective activities.
However, a PPC close to 100 percent does not guarantee that the project is being executed
in compliance with the foreseen conclusion date, cost, and quality. It is fairly common to see
projects with a high PPC that end up moving away from their fore- most targets because
there is no information able to monitor precisely how far the project is from its initial
objectives during every control period. Thus the production teams are unable to change and
adapt their activity plans and recover their grip on the situation originally planned. It also
contributes to make management focus on maintaining the project’s conclusion date, often at
the expense of cost and end result.
In the last 6 years we applied the model proposed by lean construction to more than 20
Brazilian construction companies, always bearing in mind Womack’s basic lean thinking
principles [5]. We sought to define our activities according to the following principles.
Production Planning and
All production planning must be based on maintaining the pace of the work instead of
seeking productivity peaks that improve the performance of a given activity but do not
always ensure the best combination for the project as a whole.
The line of balance (LOB) technique should be used to optimize the study of the pace of
the services to be executed. This technique provides for the immediate identification of
production bottlenecks and eventual buffer insertion points. The aim is to off- set the
differences in pace between the work packages identified for the project. The ideal situation is
when all work packages have the same pace, eliminating inventory that does not really
add value to the end product.
A process design should be devised for every work package planned in the LOB. This
process design will determine the scope of the work to be executed, the daily sequence of
partial targets, the size of the production team, the material, equipment, and tools required,
and the moment when they should be available at the service fronts, the expected quality and
operating performance standards and, last, the attention that must be given to job safety for the
production teams defined. Thus, the solutions adopted can be studied and discussed from
the standpoint of the executive process in a single document, as well as the respective
logistics related to the raw material, labor, equipment, and tools required for the execution of
the services within the specified time frame. The preparation of this document should involve
the engineer in charge, the foreman and all subcontracted parties involved in the scope of
each work package.
Based on the LOB and the process design developed, it is possible to use a new
performance indicator for the project, represented by the projection of a conclusion date
calculated every week. A project with a high PCC whose conclusion dates are under control
is probably in compliance with the expected result for the final execution date, and there isnt
much uncertainty in the project’s daily operations. This approach gives the production teams
more time to adapt to the next services to be executed and permits the adoption of more
advanced strategies for future negotiations with material and service suppliers, as well as the
study of new technical solutions. It is the key to applying pulled production to construction
and enhances cost and quality performance.
Weekly control of the work should follow the last planner technique. The constraint
analysis involved in the mid-term plans must be very detailed, and will allow the early
anticipation of eventual barriers to the project’s natural pace. There are usually two different
types of barriers, depending on the time when the work package is analyzed.
Type 1: Purchase and Contracting Constraints
Marked by aspects linked to product and/or service, design, technical specs, the purchase
and/or contracting of raw material, labor, equipment, tools, and service specs. These issues
are generally analyzed before the beginning of the work packages in point.
Type 2: Allocation and
Marked by no longer depending on purchasing or contracting but on optimizing internal
jobsite logistics with the aim of ensuring that each planned cycle can be executed
effectively. They should occur after the start of the respective services, and the constraints
linked to material, equipment, tools and especially labor —an important source of
redundancy and waste on Brazilian jobsites have been analyzed.
A weekly analysis of the PPC leads results in identifying the reasons for the disruption of the
pace observed in the work, and consequently, contributes to systematic learning on the jobsite,
generating a mindset effectively geared to improving competitive - ness.
The project must reassess its strategies every week, after analysis of each subcontracted
party. If necessary, the production logic of the downstream services should be altered. This
can occur in three different ways.
• By inserting or removing resources from the work packages.
By modifying the relations of precedence among the services to make the
superimposition of activities feasible and reduce the global execution time.
By reorganizing the different work package activities with the aim of making fewer
simultaneous production cycles feasible.
This significantly simplifies internal jobsite logistics, reducing the size of the work teams
and the possibility of constraints linked to raw material, labor, equipment and tool allocation
and availability.
We can state, based on our experience on Brazilian jobsites, that the third form of
interference in the pace of the work is the least obvious one. It is also the one that tends to
present optimized results for the project due, above all, to the following facts. It provides real
opportunities to reduce the global execution time, because the unification of a work package
fosters the reduction of the equivalent to the sum of the time frames and their respective cycles.
It reduces the opportunity for any interruption of the normal work pace due to internal
logistic problems, and provides real opportunities to reduce production costs. This is because
fewer simultaneous work packages make it easier to estimate the size of the production
support teams, now allocated directly to the foreman instead of only working with specific
tasks. This approach drastically reduces the number of nonspecialized workers at the jobsite,
which in turn, as well as reducing the direct cost of operations, also reduces any waste linked
to non-added value, typical of redundancy when this type of labor is used.
Fewer simultaneous work packages and smaller production teams allow the execution of
more simultaneous services within a single cycle, especially those that do not add value to
the end product but that cannot be eliminated from the original work packages. Fewer
simultaneous work packages drastically reduces the cost of the internal logistics dedicated to
production support; fewer simultaneous work packages reduces the cost of supervision and
quality control by engineers and foremen because fewer service fronts must be contracted at
the same time. The cost related to security requirements in the working environment also
drops, because few service fronts are active simultaneously, and the active ones have
smaller work teams. The cost associated to services, demand for material, and labor drop,
especially because the jobsite’s data-gathering tools become simpler and less vulnerable to
mistakes, as we will see later.
Control Of
Cost And
Material, Labor,
The control of production costs and the material and labor consumption for each task
executed will be based on the demand defined in the process design generated during the
phases of production planning has process designs that effectively mirror field operations.
Thus when a given cycle begins, the management team is able to perceive the daily
requirement of raw material, labor, equipment, and tools for each work front early, generating
a optimizing plan to transport these items and make them available. During this phase
we identify supply bottlenecks and planning mistakes, which should be used as learning
elements for the next occurrence of these work packages. Should there be any planning
mistakes, the process design is adjusted for more or for less, as appropriate. A closed cycle
implies a certain amount of raw material, labor, equipment and tools consumed to execute
a task volume identified in the process design. This explains the ease of gathering data in the
field and, consequently, controlling the production cost as a whole.
The project budget should be organized to provide for the effective comparison of the
real cost based on controlling the execution of the work packages and their cycles. These
reorganized cost budgets are known as production-driven budgets. This approach implies a
complete revision of the standards of each task executed because the productivity of a given
task loses its importance, being replaced by the production team’s capacity to execute the set
of activities defined in the work packages according to the standards determined by the
production plans. The importance of this model lies in the swiftness with which information
is processed, optimizing the project’s decision-making process at all hierarchical levels. The
jobsite will control vital information, speeding up the management pace and reducing the
losses caused by inertia or delays in identifying and resolving problems in the production
process. The transparency generated fosters team commitment and contributes to improve
team membersquality of life.
And The
BuildingA Practical Case
Construtora Hernandez is a 37-year-old family-owned company with main office in
Tatuapé, in the city of o Paulo, Brazil; the firm is dedicated mainly to the construction of
residential buildings. Until 2000, Construtora Hernandez had a built-up area of approximately
210000 m2, comprising approximately 1350 middle and high-class apartments.
The company’s market activity is defined by property acquisition, development, and the
construction of high-rise buildings. It has its own funding system, which makes its operations
feasible. Construtora Hernandez uses its own labor or subcontracts from parties who have
worked with the company for some time. At the start of 1998, Construtora Hernandez began
the construction of the Gerona Building, a high-rise, high-class, 18-story residential building
with four flats per floor and a total built-up area of 14230 m2. When the lean construction
production management model was deployed, approximately 40 percent of the concrete
structure had been executed and bricklaying was about to begin.
Phase 1: Stabilization of the Operating Environment
Initially, our major concern was to stabilize the production environment, defining
production cycles for structural activities and brickwork compatible with the project’s
strategic targets. The reduction of the variability of these tasks was achieved using the last
planner technique and the unconditional support of the company’s directors and production
teams, including the foreman and the main subcontracted parties.
Although during the first weeks there was a high PPC (it rose from 50 percent to
approximately 82 percent in 6 weeks), it was necessary to develop tools to support strategies
aimed at estimating the conclusion date of the project and other extremely important dates,
like the start of the work on the facade of the building and delivering the physical facilities for
the lifts. The idea was to control the progress of the work, ensuring that each control period (a
week, in this particular case) didn’t lose sight of its original target. Optimizing the size and
allocation of the production teams had the aim of reducing the number of workers/hours
required to execute the services.
For this end we devised an Excel spreadsheet using LOB concepts that made it very easy
to run simulations of the plans for each work package, allowing the pace of activities to be
adapted downstream of the production process. The spreadsheet also was meant to ensure
the allocation of work teams for every production cycle and identify idleness or
redundancy in the workers/hours allocated. This led to two management positions:
the use of surplus workers/hours for unscheduled activities, increasing the speed of
construction; and
• the systematic reduction of the size of the team.
The direct consequence of the use of this tool by the engineer in charge and the foreman
was to reduce the estimated time until conclusion of the project by 2 months (the initial
forecast was 24 months) and the size of the team by 30 percent. In Brazil this signifies an 11
percent reduction of the total project cost —due to the execution technology used in the
country the labor force employed in a vertical building historically represents
approximately 40 percent of the total cost.
From that point on there began weekly control of the conclusion date. We also measured
the interval between the conclusion date foreseen by engineering every week and the
conclusion date the customer expected. Keeping the values of this intervalknown as
“lung”—to values close to those defined by Construtora Hernandez at the beginning of
construction guaranteed a small likelihood of delay at the end of the construction, reducing its
global cost, since it would eliminate any activities conducted under pressure or with a
production pace different from the pace planned for each instance [2].
This result was attained 4 months after the start of construction and gave the program great
credibility. A new phase in the development of production management support tools for the
project began, optimizing the time to prepare and discuss daily production plans, especially
the look-ahead and constraint analysis.
There was a weekly 2-hour meeting with the engineer in responsible for supporting
the company’s lean construction pro- gram and divulging the knowledge acquired to other
ventures in progress.
The results were highly positive and the production teams adopted the model proposed. It
made short-term strategies flexible and precise without losing sight of the conclusion of each
phase of the work.
Phase 2: Development of Production Planning Tools and TechniquesAssembly and
Superimposition of
The company observed, however, that the natural pace of each of the work packages
planned was uneven. This led to idle - ness and redundancy in the production processes. The
company decided to adopt a new production planning technique consisting basically of
identifying and assembling all the sets of work pack- ages with cycles smaller than the natural
project cycle that could be executed simultaneously by the same work team. The
approach was expected to reduce the construction period and direct production costs.
Below is a practical example that perfectly illustrates this strategy. The idea is to plan the
construction of a vertical building that at present has reinforced concrete structure and
masonry brick- work tasks in progress. We know that during the production phase the
activities in progress and their respective production teams are as follows.
A. Reinforced concrete structure: one floor every 7 days/12 carpenters.
B. Floor finish: one floor every 3 days/2 masons/2 assistants.
C. Preparation for masonry: one floor every 4 days/2 masons/1 assistant.
D. Masonry: one floor every 7 days/4 masons/4 assistants.
It is very clear that the cycle of work packages B and C was systematically interrupted
because the prior services only delivered a new floor every 7 days. The strategy used here
was to assemble work packages B and C with the following results.
All work packages being executed within 7 days in a perfect pace for all production
• Reduction of the conclusion date of the work by 4 days.
Reduction of the production teams, as follows: initial situation, 4 masons plus 3
assistants/closing situation, 2 masons plus 2 assistants.
The gain obtained using this approach in all project production processes had other
benefits, such as the systematic reduction of costs linked to the support teams for production
and internal logisticswith fewer simultaneous work packages in progress there is less need
for labor and equipment to support the planned pace of production. There was more ease in
controlling the end result of the finished work, concentrating a bigger number of simultaneous
activities in a single site. A cost reduction with sanitary and safety procedures on the jobsite
The Gerona Building began with 43 planned work packages for the project as a whole.
We ended with 29 work packages, assembled using the above-mentioned technique or
techniques of superimposition of independent tasks.
Phase 3: Control of the
of Raw Material, Labor, Equipment,
and Tools and Production
Cost Control
With the production schedule under control, the third phase of Hernandez’s lean
construction program was to implement a management model providing the immediate
control of the demand for raw material, labor, equipment, tools, and production costs at the
jobsite. The idea was to provide more agility and quality in the decision-making process and
ensure the lowest possible production cost, as well as the shortest construction time and the
maximum end quality.
In Brazil, follow-up and control activities are traditionally conducted by a technical staff
installed at the jobsite specifically for that purpose. They represent a significant part of the
fixed over - head allocated to the work, which does not vary monthly according to the
production volume. Fixed direct costs correspond to 5 to 7 percent of the total project cost.
At the Gerona Building, we tried something different from the traditional model. Instead
of using professionals to collect data concerning the demand for raw material, labor,
equipment, tools, and their respective cost in the field, we used the process designs developed
that defined the expected demand for raw material, labor, equipment, and tools for each
work package, allowing a direct comparison with the original budget.
When a given cycle allocated to a specific work package began production, the
amount of raw material, labor, equipment, and tools required had already been defined,
as well as the moment when they should be available at the tasks fronts. Thus, at the end of
each cycle, the jobsite team simply had to confirm if the real demand had complied with the
standard defined. If the answer were yes, the production cost of that particular work pack- age
cycle was duly identified, ensuring the precision of information for the next cycles to be
generated. If the answer were no, it was necessary to change the original process design to
reflect the actual consumptions. This process made the consolidation of a jobsite learning
process feasible. The latter, in turn, ensures the company’s competitive advantage over time.
Phase 4: Current Situation and Subsequent Targets
The results attained have surpassed the company directors’ expectations. Now they intend
to adopt the same rationale for production phases without repetitive work cycles, like
foundations and underground work and roofing, that represent a significant part of the time
and total production cost.
The company’s procurement sector adapted very well to the pulled production strategy,
significantly reducing the inventory of material at the jobsite. In addition, the certainty that
the production cycles will be met makes it possible to contract a global amount of
material from suppliers, with better end prices and the freedom to schedule partial delivery
according to the expected progress of the work. The company’s design and technical specs
sector held meetings with its designers to develop production-driven designs, reducing the
time it takes for the production teams to understand the plans and reducing eventual mistakes
and rework during construction. The company’s engineering team worked with the project
designers, adding lean production concepts learned on job sites to new projects. After the
conclusion of the Gerona Building, within the fore- seen time frame and with the expected
cost reduction, the company adopted the same strategy for other ventures, attaining important
results like the reduction of 20 percent (in addition to the initial 30 percent) in direct labor
In 2001, Construtora Hernandez has begun an ISO 9000 total quality management
certification process that involves all quality-related issues according to lean construction
principles. This is a unique experience in Brazil so far and represents a major challenge for the
company’s technical teams. Within this scenario the idea is to emphasize sanitary and job
safety processes and strengthen a production environment driven by competitiveness, not
losing sight of the end customer and the production teams at the jobsite.
The deployment of
models based on lean production principles and
techniques is
ble and can be applied to any type of construction venture, regardless of
the execution technology
It must be clear that this philosophy intends to
process, above all. That does not
that it will
ignore technological developments underlying
improvement of the actual process.
Our personal experience has shown that we can attain
average reduction of the
expected construction time between 20 and 30 percent of the initial estimate, and a
reduction of the
duction cost between 5 and 12 percent of the total amount
different projects, like the construction of
stores or churches (a 40 percent
reduction of the foreseen global construction time, using the same production team), the
ion of horizontal residential condos (a 20 percent reduction of the production
time), commercial buildings, and shopping malls. We are certain that lean construction
in Brazil is feasible because of the recognition of the importance of planning
design functions by the companies in the sector. This has
idated new types of
sustained competitiveness in
marked by uncertainty and risk.
1. Ballard G., and G. Howell. Implementing Lean Construction: Stabilizing Work Flow.
International Group for Lean Construction Meeting Procedures. Chile, 1994.
2. Goldratt, E. Critical Chain. North River Press, 1997.
3. Koskela, L. Application of the New Production
to Construction.
Report #72. Center for Integrated Facility
Engineering, Department
Stanford University, 1992.
4. Ohno, T. Toyota Production
. Productivity Press, 1988.
5. Womack, J., and D. Jones. Lean Thinking—Banish Waste and Create Wealth in
Your Corporation. New
and Schuster, 1996.
... Capillarity controls water retention, moisture conduction, durability, plasticity, stickiness, and numerous ecological and technical functions and services of capillary porous systems [2-5, 8, 11, 15]. An accurate computation of the capillary rise is of the utmost importance to soil engineering (smart soil design) aimed at optimal plant water supply as well as prevention of secondary salinization, and pollution of the root systems by water-soluble substances [6,7,9,10]. Despite the importance of capillarity, its quantitative assessment for polydisperse porous systems is insufficiently developed. ...
... However, this is evidently too rude approximation for the real polydisperse porous media with variable porosity. The assessment of equilibrium capillarity according to the soil water retention curves (WRCs) with the absolute soil moisture tension values of over 1 atm, inherent in the modern software for modeling the moisture movement in distributed porous media [22,27,30], also has its flaws and contradicts the empirical data on the finite limit height of capillary rise determined for each particle size range [4,7]. The computer simulation gives in the limit an equilibrium distribution in the form of a soil WRC, that is, the rise of water to any height, although the height of capillary rise in nature is finite and does not exceed 4-6 m (the absolute limit capillary pressure does not exceed 60 kPa or 0.6 atm) even in the finest dispersed soils [2-4, 7, 15-17]. ...
... с H m n Russia); silt loamy and clay loamy chernozems (Lipetsk oblast and Krasnodar krai, Russia); and silty sand Arenosols (United Arab Emirates and Bahrain) with the groundwater table at the depth of 1.5 to 3.4 m. Along with our experimental data, we used the published sources [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][23][24][25][26] on laboratory and field studies of capillary rise in soils and sediments of different degree of dispersion and different geneses as well as in individual particle-size fractions. The Hydrus-1D software [22] was used for technological simulation in smart soil design of layered soil constructions with capillary barriers according to [7]. ...
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The capillary effect in polydisperse porous systems of soils and sediments is discussed. This effect is quantified using a new fundamental model of capillary rise depending on the parameters of dispersion of soil particles, soil bulk density, density of soil solid phase, wettability, and the amount of tightly bound water. In contrast to a well-known Jurin’s law, the model takes into account the particle-size distributions and the change in pore size associated with soil density. The model adequately predicts the capillary rise in both arti�ficial monodisperse porous systems and real soils with the particle size ranging from 0.006 to 1 mm. The effects of natural and synthetic hydrophobizers on the kinetics and maximum height of capillary rise are examined. The laboratory and field data on the efficiency of imperfect (with hydraulic connection) and per�fect (with its rupture) capillary barriers are compared to the Hydrus-1D predictive modeling data. The results are used to evaluate the capillarity in soils and to design soil constructions with capillary barriers
... Despite the lack of documentation in some cases, some researchers described the results of LC implementation as "revolutionary" [1]. These results include improvement in cost saving [2][3][4][5][6][7][8], profitability for projects parties [3,9], labor productivity [3,[10][11][12][13], project duration [3,[6][7][8][14][15][16], quality [3,4,17], safety and accidents rate [3,4,[7][8][9]11,16], sustainability [18][19][20], collaborative work environment and relationships between partners [4,7,[21][22][23], inventory management [6,8,24,25], site organization [16,22], scheduling and work predictability [3,6,7,16,21,23], job satisfaction [26], and client satisfaction [3,9,16,17,25]. ...
... Despite the lack of documentation in some cases, some researchers described the results of LC implementation as "revolutionary" [1]. These results include improvement in cost saving [2][3][4][5][6][7][8], profitability for projects parties [3,9], labor productivity [3,[10][11][12][13], project duration [3,[6][7][8][14][15][16], quality [3,4,17], safety and accidents rate [3,4,[7][8][9]11,16], sustainability [18][19][20], collaborative work environment and relationships between partners [4,7,[21][22][23], inventory management [6,8,24,25], site organization [16,22], scheduling and work predictability [3,6,7,16,21,23], job satisfaction [26], and client satisfaction [3,9,16,17,25]. ...
... Despite the lack of documentation in some cases, some researchers described the results of LC implementation as "revolutionary" [1]. These results include improvement in cost saving [2][3][4][5][6][7][8], profitability for projects parties [3,9], labor productivity [3,[10][11][12][13], project duration [3,[6][7][8][14][15][16], quality [3,4,17], safety and accidents rate [3,4,[7][8][9]11,16], sustainability [18][19][20], collaborative work environment and relationships between partners [4,7,[21][22][23], inventory management [6,8,24,25], site organization [16,22], scheduling and work predictability [3,6,7,16,21,23], job satisfaction [26], and client satisfaction [3,9,16,17,25]. ...
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During the last few decades, there has been a greater understanding of the role of lean construction (LC) in achieving better management of construction projects and enabling the application of the fourth industrial revolution in the construction industry (Construction 4.0), which in turn, has the potential to improve the practices and outcomes in the construction industry. This paper aims to identify the barriers to adopt LC practices by taking a case of the Kingdom of Jordan. A questionnaire that included 30 barriers that were resulted from a comprehensive literature review was distributed and filled by 326 respondents from the Jordanian construction industry. The findings showed that the absence of support from the top management, low awareness toward LC, lack of training, and the absence of transparency are amongst the most serious factors that hinder the adoption of LC. The findings in this paper might be helpful to improve the knowledge about LC and support the adoption of new techniques that might improve the performance in the construction industry. Keywords: lean; lean construction; lean implementation; lean adoption; construction 4.0; barriers; Jordan
... These efforts paved a way forward to the construction industry, but still LC implementation success is with a limited number of organizations using lean practices (Bashir et al., 2015;Mossman, 2009). Some organizations have witnessed cost and time improvements between 1% -20% (CLIP, 2005;Conte and Gransberg, 2001;Agbulous, 2006) while others also experienced more than 30% improvement (Mao, 2008;Locatelli, 2013). These variations are due to the non-standardized LC implementation process causing all the organizations to interpret the implementation process as per their own understandings. ...
Question: How to standardize Lean Construction (LC) implementation so that construction companies can implement lean practices to achieve rapid initial successes? Purpose: LC implementation process is not yet standardized; therefore, there is variation of construction project performance improvement within the range of less than 10% to even greater than 30%. Although some researchers have endeavored to develop LC implementation frameworks, these frameworks are difficult for the construction companies to follow because they either only explain the theoretical aspects of LC or were developed based on the inputs only from few lean experts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop an easy-to-follow LC implementation framework based on robust analysis of the contextual relationships among factors from successful lean projects. Research Method: The method of this study included several steps: (1) Confirming LC successful factors from literature review, (2) Establishing relationships between factors using a questionnaire-based survey and Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) technique, (3) Developing ISM based matrices and model, and (4) Developing LC implementation framework. Findings: This study has developed a robust LC implementation framework based on 12 critical success factors (CSFs). Sixty-six pairwise comparisons between CSFs revealed the influential impact of one factor onto the others. Using the ISM technique, the hierarchy of these CSFs was established within the framework. The developed implementation framework contains four driving factors that have the most driving power, three dependent factors as well as five linkage factors for facilitating LC implementation. The top four most important and prerequisite factors for efficient implementation of LC are: Acquiring requisite knowledge and training regarding LC tools and techniques; Ensuring adequate commitment from all the stakeholders including the workforce; Improving collaboration, communication, and visualization; and Long term partnership and trust worthy relations. Implications: The framework standardizes lean implementation processes and improves the lean culture within an organization. This is especially useful for the new LC companies moving towards lean, and also facilitates the successful implementation of LC for the entire construction industry. Keywords: Lean Construction, Success factors, statistically analyzed relationships, LC Implementation Framework, Interpretative Structural Modeling Paper Type: Full Paper
... This research uses secondary data with three projects in Indonesia, with building qualifications with a value of over 10 billion rupiah, the results show from previous research (Adamtey, 2021;Asmar et al., 2013;Chen et al., 2016;Katar, 2019;Lam et al., 2004;Molenaar et al., 2023;Sari, Irawan, Wibowo, Siregar, Praja, 2023;Tran et al., 2016;Xia et al., 2015) that the DBB project experienced delays due to several factors, especially design changes and material scarcity in projects (Abotaleb et al., 2019;Conte and Gransberg, 2001;Johansen and Walter, 2007;Sari et al., 2021;Rached et al., 2014;Abdelhamid et al., 2008;Sari, Irawan, Wibowo, Siregar, raja, 2023;Tommelein, 2015). Based on the secondary data, a focus group discussion (FGD) was carried out with the aim of uncovering the causes of project delays. ...
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COVID-19 pandemic has caused many design bid build projects to suffer losses. Design bid build or DBB has the disadvantage of depth partnering. The research purpose is to reveal the depth of partnering of DBB, the characteristics of existing partnering in DBB through detection in each project life cycle in DBB, then efforts to increase DBB partnering to partnering in integrated project delivery (IPD). The methodology used is secondary data from three project DBB, then validation using focused group discussions (FGD) with expert judgment, then the Delphi method to analyse and propose recommendations. This project recommends that DBB project can improve the project performance so stakeholder can increase partnering toward integrated project delivery (IPD) partnering. This research can be used for increasing partnering in DBB projects towards partnering in IPD. This research will produce strategic recommendations that can be utilized by stakeholders (owner, contractor, designer) in improving project performance to generate great value for the project, will result in long-term project sustainability, improve relationships, and learn valuable lessons for future projects. DBB projects usually experience many problems due to the competitive nature of partnering for owners, contractors, and designers, so it is necessary to develop an overall strategy as an option to improve partnering in DBB project contracts. This research will help create a sustainable project by the owner, contractor, and designer.
... This assessment should be universal, applicable to various urban landscaping facilities in different climatic conditions and take into account the totality of physical, chemical, and biological properties. Such universal indicators include the soil texture, the thickness of the humus layer, the bulk density of the topsoil (0-20 cm), the soil water content (in percent of the total water capacity), the temperature of the layer 0-20 cm, the electrical conductivity of the pore solution, pH, and respiration under standardized conditions [34,111,114]. ...
... Knowledge must be retained for the future subject, which tends to be forgotten or becomes obsolete [24] Materials stored on the construction site that are not required immediately [32] Defects Waste from a product or service fails to satisfy customer expectations Shallow learning and failing to understand the related subject matter [29] Defects in construction are incorrect work requiring rework or repair [33] Unused talent Waste owing to failing to utilize human talents, skills, and knowledge ...
Lean thinking has been proven effective in helping practitioners identify and eliminate wastes during engineering operations. However, systematic instructional mechanisms and training protocols based on individual trainee's performance are insufficient in existing training to define value-added activities for further productivity improvement in a training environment. This study aims to investigate how value stream mapping (VSM), as a lean tool, can be applied to help improve operation training performances through an immersive virtual reality (VR)-based personalized training program. A before–after experiment based on a virtual scaffolding erection scenario is established to simulate the training process. The training performance resulting from the VSM-based VR approach is compared with conventional VR training. Comparative results indicate that the waste time and errors reduce significantly. Compared with the conventional method, the overall productivity improvement of the erection process using VSM-based VR training is 12%. This demonstrates that integrating lean thinking into the operation training process can be a more effective approach for VR-based personalized operation training, provided that appropriate instructions are implemented.
... The outcomes of LC implementation have been described by some authors as "revolutionary," despite the lack of proper documentation in some cases (Jørgensen and Emmitt, 2008). The outcomes include cost saving, project duration reduction, higher safety awareness and fewer accidents rates, sustainability, errors and rework reduction, wastes reduction, better inventory management, higher predictability of work, higher labor productivity and increasing customer satisfaction (Ko, 2010;Farrar et al., 2004;Mossman, 2009;Simonsson and Emborg, 2007;Mohan and Iyer, 2005;Salem et al., 2006;Conte and Gransberg, 2001). Countries such as the USA, the UK, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Finland, Denmark, South Korea, Singapore and Australia were considered the leading countries in adopting LC practices (Ballard and Howell, 2003;Johansen and Walter, 2007;Jørgensen and Emmitt, 2008). ...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify and theoretically explain the general barriers to adopting lean construction practices in the construction industry regardless of the country or the company size or specialization, and to suggest future research studies in this field. Design/methodology/approach Systematic literature review was conducted to identify and explain the list of the barriers from scientific sources that were published before May 2018. Findings Twenty-nine barriers were identified and explained, and a proposed model to classify the sources of the barriers was chosen. Seventeen barriers were classified as internal environment-related barriers, five were labor-related, three were materials-related and four were exogenous barriers. In addition, some directions for the future research studies were suggested. Research limitations/implications The barriers that are related to the advanced levels of lean construction (LC) implementations, to a specific location or to a specific LC tool were excluded. Originality/value This review will help to increase the understanding of the new concept of LC and might help to encourage the adoption of LC practices. Also, it might be useful for identifying the strategies to achieve successful application of these practices.
Lean construction approach to project management incorporates the ideas of Lean thinking and lean principles to minimize waste and add value to the customers. Several firms have reported benefits through enhanced productivity by adopting Lean techniques on project sites worldwide. Some of the popular tools implemented include the last planner system and value stream mapping. While these are popular, there seems to be a dearth of studies that address the eight types of Lean wastes which include defects, overproduction, waiting, motion, unused talent, transportation, inventory, motion, and extra-processing. To this end, an experimental study was conducted across two universities wherein students from NICMAR Pune and Nottingham Trent University, UK, collaborated for a period of two months to identify different types of waste on project sites and explored strategies to minimize them. This experiment aimed to identify and mitigate Lean waste and suggests the path of moving towards zero waste in construction aligned with the United Nations goal for a sustainable development. This particular paper focuses on the ‘defects’ type of Lean waste. Using a fishbone diagram and 5-why analysis, the root cause for defects was analysed, and strategies to overcome defects were suggested. Recommendations included effective construction management including people, processes, advanced technology, and effective training and education in Lean methods and incentivizing good workmanship. The measures were tested on the project sites and validated. The findings of the study are expected to add as a stepping stone to standardize processes that can minimize waste in the construction processes.
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O Lean Construction se destaca por proporcionar vantagem competitiva as empresas na forma de redução de prazos, custos, desperdícios e aumento da qualidade. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o grau de adoção dos princípios do Lean Construction por meio de um estudo de casos múltiplos em dois canteiros de obras localizados no munícipio de Belém, mediante a verificação das práticas lean inerente aos onze princípios do LC criados por Koskela (1992), e responder o seguinte questionamento, qual o grau de adoção dos princípios nesses canteiros? Os resultados mostraram que é baixo o conhecimento sobre as práticas do LC e, sobretudo, dos princípios do LC, indicando a necessidade das construtoras de se atualizarem e implantarem essas práticas em seus canteiros. A sua principal contribuição científica reside no fato de ser realizado na região norte, e servir como subsídio para ampliar as discussões a respeito desse tema.
The author of the article attempts to comprehend the novelties of abuse of authority in the fulfillment of the state defense order (art. 2011 and art. 2854 of the Criminal code of Russian Federation). Attention is paid to such issues as the reasonability of differentiation of the grounds of responsibility for these types of abuse in the service, the main object of the crimes under consideration, acts and consequences as signs of the objective side of these crimes, types of specialized subjects of abuse of authority in the fulfillment of the state defense order, signs of the subjective side of such crimes. The conclusion about imperfection of legal regulation of the bases of criminal responsibility for the special types of abuses on service is drawn.
Partial translation of: Toyota Seisan Hooshiki Datsukibo no Keiʻei e Mezashile (romanized) With Japanese text. Thesis (M.A.)--Monterey Institute of International Studies, 1987.
International Group for Lean Construction Meeting Procedures
International Group for Lean Construction Meeting Procedures. Chile, 1994.