
Observations on entanglement, non-locality and ultra-high dilutions

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Introduction Fundamental research into the scientific basis of the manufacture of ultra-high dilutions and their working in applications has evolved over the past twenty years since our last critical analysis of the field was published in 1994 [1]. New contenders from the realm of physics (entanglement, non-locality) have entered the scene. The vast majority within the community of the application of ultra-high dilutions are not physicists. This paper attempts to elucidate the concepts of entanglement, non-locality and their application in ultra-high dilution research (UHD). Method A selected study on the activity of fundamental research into UHD is performed to gain insight into trends of development activity of fundamental research in this area. In an attempt to nurture further development of theoretical models in fundamental research in UHD, an attempt is made to made recent theoretical concepts more accessible to the larger community including practitioners, policy makers and beneficiaries of UHD. Results Fundamental research in UHD had a period of prolific activity and recognition at the turn of the millennium until about ten years ago. Since then, research output as well as its recognition receded sharply suggesting that a period of reflection and consolidation may be in progress. Conclusion The study and the knowledge gained from more recent theoretical models in UHD and entanglement suggest that there may be some benefit in stocktaking of what we really know about the fundamental workings of UHD as well as identifying or developing models that include measurable predictors that go beyond metaphorical descriptors.

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Introduction: The different mechanisms: A. of the interaction between the molecular mother substance and the solvent water or ethanol B. of the storage of molecule-specific information in the solvent. C. the physiological basis of the sensitivity of the living organism towards an ultra high dilution (UHD). D. the mechanism of the interaction of the test dilution with the organism are largely unknown. Several ideas have been postulated, and experiments to test them carried out in physics and in biology. Method: The authors revisited a 1994 contribution on 'preliminary elements of a theory on UHDs' and updated it with regard to more recent literature and research findings. Results: Although the experimental basis can still be questioned in most cases, remarkable fundamental observations have been made to explain the effects of UHDs. For some topics in question, it appears that information specific properties of the diluted substance to be transferred is stored by means electromagnetic fields. The interaction between the UHD and the organism seems to be electromagnetic in nature. The transmission of information from (bio-)molecules to the UHD is of special interest. Again, electromagnetic actions and vector potential fields appear to be implicated. Conclusion: The mechanisms of information storage and transfer in UHDs are far from fully understood, but progress has been made at experimental and theoretical levels.
Background: The "Ultra High Dilution 1994" project was an endeavour to take stock of the findings and theories on homeopathic extreme dilutions that were under research at the time in areas of biology, biophysics, physics and medicine. The project finally materialized into an anthology assembling contributions of leading scientists in the field. Over the following two decades, it became widely quoted within the homeopathic community and also known in other research communities. The aim of the present project was to re-visit and review the 1994 studies from the perspective of 2015. Method: The original authors from 1994 or close laboratory colleagues were asked to contribute papers covering their research efforts and learnings in the period from 1994 up to 2015. These contributions were edited and cross-referenced, and a selection of further contributions was added. Results: About a dozen contributions reported on follow-up experiments and studies, including further developments in theory. Only few of the models that had seemed promising in 1994 had not been followed up later. Most models presented in the original publication had meanwhile been submitted to intra-laboratory, multicentre or independent scrutiny. The results of the follow-up research seemed to have rewarded the efforts. Furthermore, contributions were provided on new models that had been inspired by the original ones or that may be candidates for further in-depth ultra high dilution (UHD) research. Conclusion: The project "Ultra High Dilution 1994 revisited 2015" is the latest output of what might be considered the "buena vista social club" of homeopathy research. However, it presents new developments and results of the older, established experimental models as well as a general survey of the state of UHD research.
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In previous articles, we proposed to describe the results of Benveniste’s experiments using a theoretical framework based on quantum logic. This formalism described all characteristics of these controversial experiments and no paradox persisted. This interpretation supposed to abandon an explanation based on a classical local causality such as the “memory of water hypothesis. In the present article, we describe with the same formalism the cognitive states of different experimenters who interact together. In this quantum-like model, the correlations observed in Benveniste’s experiments appear to be the consequence of the intersubjective agreement of the experimenters.
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Non-classical states of light are of fundamental importance for emerging quantum technologies. All optics experiments producing multi-qubit entangled states have until now relied on outcome post-selection, a procedure where only the measurement results corresponding to the desired state are considered. This method severely limits the usefulness of the resulting entangled states. Here, we show the direct production of polarization-entangled photon triplets by cascading two entangled downconversion processes. Detecting the triplets with high efficiency superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors allows us to fully characterize them through quantum state tomography. We use our three-photon entangled state to demonstrate the ability to herald Bell states, a task which was not possible with previous three-photon states, and test local realism by violating the Mermin and Svetlichny inequalities. These results represent a significant breakthrough for entangled multi-photon state production by eliminating the constraints of outcome post-selection, providing a novel resource for optical quantum information processing.
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The “memory of water” was a major international controversy that remains unresolved. Taken seriously or not, this hypothesis leads to logical contradictions in both cases. Indeed, if this hypothesis is held as wrong, then we have to explain how a physiological signal emerged from the background and we have to elucidate a bulk of coherent results. If this hypothesis is held as true, we must explain why these experiments were difficult to reproduce by other teams and why some blind experiments were so disturbing for the expected outcomes. In this article, a third way is proposed by modeling these experiments in a quantum-like probabilistic model. It is interesting to note that this model does not need the hypothesis of the “memory of water” and, nevertheless, all the features of Benveniste’s experiments are taken into account (emergence of a signal from the background, difficulties faced by other teams in terms of reproducibility, disturbances during blind experiments, and apparent “jumps of activity” between samples). In conclusion, it is proposed that the cognitive states of the experimenter exhibited quantum-like properties during Benveniste’s experiments.
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Quantum entanglement in the motion of macroscopic solid bodies has implications both for quantum technologies and foundational studies of the boundary between the quantum and classical worlds. Entanglement is usually fragile in room-temperature solids, owing to strong interactions both internally and with the noisy environment. We generated motional entanglement between vibrational states of two spatially separated, millimeter-sized diamonds at room temperature. By measuring strong nonclassical correlations between Raman-scattered photons, we showed that the quantum state of the diamonds has positive concurrence with 98% probability. Our results show that entanglement can persist in the classical context of moving macroscopic solids in ambient conditions.
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We demonstrate the distribution of quantum entanglement via optical free-space links to independent receivers separated by 600 m, with no line of sight between each other. A Bell inequality between those receivers is violated by more than four standard deviations, confirming the quality of the entanglement. This outdoor experiment represents a step toward satellite-based distributed quantum entanglement.
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Homeopathy is scientifically banned, both for lack of consistent empirical findings, but more so for lack of a sound theoretical model to explain its purported effects. This paper makes an attempt to introduce an explanatory idea based on a generalized version of quantum mechanics (QM), the weak quantum theory (WQT). WQT uses the algebraic formalism of QM proper, but drops some restrictions and definitions typical for QM. This results in a general axiomatic framework similar to QM, but more generalized and applicable to all possible systems. Most notably, WQT predicts entanglement, which in QM is known as Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlatedness within quantum systems. According to WQT, this entanglement is not only tied to quantum systems, but is to be expected whenever a global and a local variable describing a system are complementary. This idea is used here to reconstruct homeopathy as an exemplification of generalized entanglement as predicted by WQT. It transpires that homeopathy uses two instances of generalized entanglement: one between the remedy and the original substance (potentiation principle) and one between the individual symptoms of a patient and the general symptoms of a remedy picture (similarity principle). By bringing these two elements together, double entanglement ensues, which is reminiscent of cryptographic and teleportation applications of entanglement in QM proper. Homeopathy could be a macroscopic analogue to quantum teleportation. This model is exemplified and some predictions are derived, which make it possible to test the model.
The assertion that ‘local’ theories of homeopathy are traditional appears to be contradicted by Hahnemann's description of the action of homeopathic medicines as ‘spirit-like’. Entanglement theory prohibits the use of entangled states to convey information. Experimental proof of entanglement can only come indirectly. The implications for clinical research include that positive results will probably be found only in large series and that studies should avoid imposing a causal framework.
The healing potential and description of homeopathic remedies, as determined in homeopathic pathogenic trials (HPTs) and verified by medical experience, are often found to be meaningfully connected with the symbolic content attributed to the original materials (tinctures, metals etc) through tradition or modern semantics. Such a connection is incompatible with a biomolecular mechanistic explanation of the healing action of remedies. The physiological effects of crude substances are often similar to the symptoms of illnesses cured by the corresponding homeopathic remedy. This is considered a manifestation of the similia principle. Evidence is brought here that in several cases the inverse situation occurs, with the healing properties of the crude substance and those of its homeopathic preparation partially coinciding, the remedy usually having broader healing properties. The existence of these two possibilities in the relationship of medicinal actions of remedy and the crude substance, offers evidence in favor of a direct involvement of the level of significances in the mechanism underlying the homeopathic phenomenon. Finally, an experimental methodology is proposed, which may bring the result of double-blind randomized studies for homeopathic remedies closer to the reported performance of homeopathy in real life medical practice. If successful, this method would be a further indication of a non-local, significance-related interpretation of homeopathy.
The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the 'gold standard' of modern clinical pharmacology. However, for many practitioners of homeopathy, blind RCTs are an inadequate research tool for testing complex therapies such as homeopathy. Classical probabilities used in biological sciences and in medicine are only a special case of the generalized theory of probability used in quantum physics. I describe homeopathy trials using a quantum-like statistical model, a model inspired by quantum physics and taking into consideration superposition of states, non-commuting observables, probability interferences, contextuality, etc. The negative effect of blinding on success of homeopathy trials and the 'smearing effect' ('specific' effects of homeopathy medicine occurring in the placebo group) are described by quantum-like probabilities without supplementary ad hoc hypotheses. The difference of positive outcome rates between placebo and homeopathy groups frequently vanish in centralized blind trials. The model proposed here suggests a way to circumvent such problems in masked homeopathy trials by incorporating in situ randomization/unblinding. In this quantum-like model of homeopathy clinical trials, success in open-label setting and failure with centralized blind RCTs emerge logically from the formalism. This model suggests that significant differences between placebo and homeopathy in blind RCTs would be found more frequently if in situ randomization/unblinding was used.
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxation times T1, T2, T1/T2 are sensitive to motion and organization of water molecules. Especially, increase in T1/T2 reflects a higher degree of structuring. My purpose was to look at physical changes in water in ultrahigh aqueous dilutions. Samples were prepared by iterative centesimal (c) dilution with vigorous agitation, ranging between 3c and 24c (Avogadro limit 12c). Solutes were silica-lactose, histamine, manganese-lactose. Solvents were water, NaCl 0.15 M or LiCl 0.15 M. Solvents underwent strictly similar, simultaneous dilution/agitation, for each level of dilution, as controls. NMR relaxation was studied within 0.02-20 MHz. No changes were observed in controls. Increasing T1 and T1/T2 were found in dilutions, which persisted beyond 9c (manganese-lactose), 10c (histamine) and 12c (silica-lactose). For silica-lactose in LiCl, continuous decrease in T2 with increase in T1/T2 within the 12c-24c range indicated growing structuring of water despite absence of the initial solute. All changes vanished after heating/cooling. These findings were interpreted in terms of nanosized (>4-nm) supramolecular structures involving water, nanobubbles and ions, if any. Additional study of low dilutions of silica-lactose revealed increased T2 and decreased T1/T2 compared to solvent, within the 10(-3)-10(-6) range, reflecting transient solvent destructuring. This could explain findings at high dilution. Proton NMR relaxation demonstrated modifications of the solvent throughout the low to ultramolecular range of dilution. The findings suggested the existence of superstructures that originate stereospecifically around the solute after an initial destructuring of the solvent, developing more upon dilution and persisting beyond 12c.
Numerical solutions of the stochastic Schrödinger equation given by quantum state diffusion approach to open quantum systems is used to study dynamics of nearest neighbor qubit pairs in systems of small number of qubits on rings with Heisenberg and transverse Ising interaction and under the influence of the thermal environment. In particular, the dependence of the pair entanglement dynamics on the temperature, number of qubits, the type of coupling, and the type of entanglement in the initial state was analyzed for systems of up to N=10 qubits. Periodic recurrence of relatively large values of the pair entanglement with dumping due to decoherence by the thermal noise is observed. It is concluded that the pair entanglement in rings with transverse Ising coupling and prepared in a separable initial state is the most resistant on the decoherence effects of the thermal noise, compared to the Heisenberg coupling or initial states with different types of entanglement.
The possibility that well-documented types of reaction to the prescribed homeopathic medicine may be outcomes of PPR entanglement is discussed within the context of a previously described model for homeopathy that incorporates GHZ three-particle entanglement and Weak Quantum Theory.
The assertion that 'local' theories of homeopathy are traditional appears to be contradicted by Hahnemann's description of the action of homeopathic medicines as 'spirit-like'. Entanglement theory prohibits the use of entangled states to convey information. Experimental proof of entanglement can only come indirectly. The implications for clinical research include that positive results will probably be found only in large series and that studies should avoid imposing a causal framework. Homeopathy (2005) 94, 96–99.
In order to fully comprehend its therapeutic mode of action, homeopathy might require both 'local' bio-molecular mechanisms, such as memory of water and 'non-local' macro-entanglement, such as patient-practitioner-remedy (PPR) descriptions.