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/Psicologia Reexão e Crítica, 28(S), 99-111. – DOI:
ISSN 1678-7153
A Summary Evaluation of the Top-Five Brazilian Psychology
Journals by Native English-Language Scholars1
Uma Avaliação do Sumário das Top-Cinco Revistas Brasileiras de Psicologia por
Professores de Língua Nativa Inglesa
Chris Fradkin*
Centro Universitário La Salle, Canoas, RS, Brazil
In the current century, English is the language for the research and dissemination of scientic ndings.
But for many scholars, English is a foreign language. This is especially true among the emerging
and developing nations (EDNs), such as the BRICS nations, encompassing Brazil, Russia, India,
China, and South Africa. The present study conducted a survey examining the translational integrity
and overall impression of translated summary materials (abstracts and titles) from the ve highest
ranking (SCImago Journal Rank) Brazilian journals in the eld of psychology. Analysis proceeded
with two models. In the rst model, translated summary materials from 12 randomly-selected articles
from four of the ve journals were evaluated by a panel of three native English-language scholars.
Findings indicated an inverse relationship between the overall impression of the materials and their:
abstract errors, r(34) = -0.61, p < .001; and total errors, r(34) = -0.62, p < .001; suggesting a direct
relationship between the translational integrity of these EDN materials and the overall impression
they leave with native English-language scholars. A second model added 3 additional articles from
the fth journal (English-language only) to the materials described. The ndings from this second
model suggested that for EDN journals, an investment in language resources may substantially
improve the impression they leave with native English-language scholars, and thus promote wider
dissemination of their ndings.
Keywords: English, translation, Brazil, lost science, lingua franca
No século atual, o inglês tem sido a língua usada preferencialmente para pesquisa e a divulgação
cientíca. Mas para muitos pesquisadores, o inglês é uma língua estrangeira. Essa constatação é
muito verdadeira, especialmente, para nações emergentes e em desenvolvimento, (EDNs – Emerging
and Developing Nations) tais como as nações do BRICS, abrangendo Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China,
e África do Sul. O presente estudo é um levantamento da integridade translacional e a compreensão
geral de sumários (resumos e títulos) das revistas brasileiras que ocupam os cinco primeiros lugares
da classicação do SCImago Journal Rank, no campo da psicologia. A análise foi organizada em dois
modelos. No primeiro, três professores de língua nativa inglesa avaliaram a tradução dos sumários
de 12 artigos escolhidos aleatoriamente de quatro das cinco revistas. Os achados indicaram uma
relação inversa entre a impressão geral e seus respectivos: erros no resumo r(34) = -0.61, p < .001;
e erros totais r(34) = -0.62, p < .001; sugerindo uma relação direta entre a integridade translacional
e a impressão geral que os artigos deixaram em professores de língua nativa inglesa. Um segundo
modelo acrescentou 3 artigos de uma quinta revista, toda ela escrita em língua inglesa, aos materiais
descritos. Os achados deste segundo modelo sugeriram que para as revistas EDNs, um investimento
em recursos de linguagem poderão aumentar, substancialmente, a impressão que elas estão deixando
em professores de língua nativa inglesa, e incrementar a divulgação dos seus achados.
Palavras-chave: inglês, tradução, Brasil, ciência perdida, língua franca
* Corresponding author: Chris Fradkin, Programa de Estudos em Educação,
Centro Universitário La Salle, UNILASALLE, Av. Victor Barreto, 2288,
Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, 92010-000, Brasil. Email:
Acknowledgements: Funded by a pós-doc through Coordenação de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), Ministério da
Educação, Brasil.
1 Consulting editors for this article: Claudio Hutz & Gustavo Gauer (UFR-
GS), J. Landeira-Fernandez & Daniel Mograbi (PUC-Rio)
/Psicologia Reexão e Crítica, 28(S), 99-111.
The enterprise of scholarship consists largely of writing
manuscripts. It is a process of construction, in which
oor-by-oor, level-by-level, an argument is presented
(the hypothesis), the argument is tested, and the ndings
are interpreted and posited for value in the future. This
level-by-level process involves a literature search, in which
foundational material is gathered. In the 21st century, this
search is conducted primarily on computers, with the
scholar typing key words into worldwide databases (e.g.,
PubMed, PsycINFO, JSTOR, Google Scholar), which
return published articles related to the search. From these
published articles, the scholar gleans background and
theory that will serve as the foundation—for the manuscript
that he or she will write.
With worldwide databases, the scholar now has access
to published science from all corners of the globe. While
the diversity of information is a boon for hungry scholars,
this abundance also presents challenges. Foremost of
these challenges is language. For the English-language
scholar, this challenge may entail deciphering non-English-
language texts from non-English-language foreign research
journals. However, with English as the lingua franca of
the world, as the universal language of science (de Swaan,
2001; Meneghini & Packer, 2007), there is increasingly
inclusion of summary materials in English, within the
covers of these journals.
For example, when native-English scholars browse
through non-English-language journals, they typically
encounter full texts in native language with abstracts and
titles—the summary materials—in both native language
and in English. While foreign-language journals on
occasion issue special English-language issues, for the
most part this format is the norm. What this offers to the
English-language scholar is the opportunity to grab the
“gist” of an article—its purpose, methodology, results and
implications. But does this hybrid format serve the reader
or the author? Is information or confusion conveyed?
There has been considerable writing about the so-called
“lost science” (e.g., Hanes, 2014; Meneghini & Packer,
2007; Montgomery, 2013; Packer & Meneghini, 2007).
Coined by Gibbs (1995), this term refers to the unaccessed
scientic output of the “emerging” or “developing” nations
(EDNs). A frequently grouped constellation of EDNs is
the BRICS nations, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India,
China, and South Africa (Wilson & Purushothaman, 2003)
and constituting 43% of the world’s population (Thussu
& Nordenstreng, 2015). Unfortunately, even in the digital
age, with open-access format, science from the BRICS
nations remains inaccessible or “lost” to many scholars in
the English-speaking world. Why? Because the publishing
is not in lingua franca (English) (Gibbs, 1995). In response
to this conundrum, the dual-language abstract and title—at
best a compromise—attempts to bridge the current gap. But
does it work? Do these hybrid summary materials engage
the English-language scholar? Or do they crumble in the
process of translation? In our search for answers to these
questions, we will sample several journals from Brazil.
For our survey, we will focus on psychology.
Psychology is a eld in which Brazil has grown quite
amply in recent years (Gamba, Packer, & Meneghini, 2015),
with some authorities describing Brazil’s recent boon as
a golden age, similar to what took place in the US in the
1940s and the 1950s (Hutz, McCarthy, & Gomes, 2004).
This increase is substantiated by the SCImago database
2014 edition, which reveals that between 2004 and 2013,
“the number of Brazilian psychology publications leaped
from 136 to 1,032 articles per year, which corresponds
respectively to a 0.41% and 1.59% share of worldwide
publications” (Gamba, Packer, & Meneghini, 2015, p.
67). Additionally, among the nations of Latin America
and the Caribbean, SCImago notes that Brazil contributes
more than 54% of published output in the eld, and on the
worldwide stage, ranks 15th (SCImago, 2015).
In spite of Brazil’s impressive EDN statistics, on the
international stage there are problems. In fact, the top
Brazilian psychology journals perform below the mean,
when ranked within the global perspective (SCImago,
2015). As to reasons for this contrast, most authorities
attribute it to language (Collazo-Reyes, Luna-Morales,
Russell, & Pérez-Angón, 2008; Meneghini & Packer,
2007; Packer, 2014). The editorial from this special
issue cites language as the major challenge for Brazilian
scientists (Gomes & Fradkin, 2015). Gamba, Packer, and
Meneghini (2015) attribute the struggling performance of
Brazilian journals on the international stage to the scarcity
of English language articles. A recent examination of
several top-ranked Brazilian journals found “prociency
problems” in the English-language texts in terms of:
awkward collocation, nominal group error, punctuation
and capitalization, and preposition use error (Hanes,
2014, p. 127). In this study, grammatical error rates
among the journals were quite variable, ranging from
2.41 errors/1000 words to 113.59 errors/1000 words
(Hanes, 2014). Based on the wide variability in error
rates, one might assume that higher error rates would
correlate with poorer rst impression of the journal,
especially for the native English-language scholar. But
is that necessarily so?
While the Hanes (2014) study highlights the grammatical
shortcomings of translation in Brazilian journals, there is
no work to this date that has evaluated the translational
integrity of summary materials (i.e., the abstract and title)
from Brazilian or other EDN journals. Yet, authorities
believe these summary materials are critical. For one,
the American Psychological Association (APA) stresses
the importance of conciseness and coherence in a title
(American Psychological Association [APA], 2010, p.
23) and also stresses that a “well-prepared abstract can be
the most important single paragraph in an article” (APA,
2010, p. 26). After all, the abstract is the “rst contact” the
reader has with the article when browsing in a literature
search (APA, 2010, p. 26).
Fradkin, C. (2015). A Summary Evaluation of the Top-Five Brazilian Psychology Journals by Native English-Language Scholars
We should note that while the translational integrity of
summary materials does depend on grammatical integrity,
it also depends on structured formats. For example,
researchers browsing through an empirical study would,
at minimum, expect the abstract to inform them of: (1)
the research problem; (2) the participants; (3) features
of the study methodology; (4) the findings (including
effect sizes, confidence intervals, indications of statistical
significance); and (5) the conclusions and the implications
of the study (APA, 2010, p. 26). Thus, these English-
language summary materials provide opportunity for both
non-native English-language scholars and the journals that
disseminate their work. At their best, they are a bridge that
serves to span the mighty distance between the lingua-
franca and non-lingua-franca worlds.
The aim of this study, therefore, was to empirically
examine the translational integrity and overall impression
that translated EDN summary materials leave with native
English-language scholars. We focused on materials from
Brazilian psychology journals. Based on the weight of
findings from past research, we hypothesized that: (a)
there would be mixed levels of translational integrity in
the summary materials; (b) the summary materials would
leave a mixed impression with native English-language
scholars; and (c) there would be a positive correlation
between translational integrity and the overall impression
the summary materials left with native English-language
A random sampling of abstracts and titles from the
five highest-ranked Brazilian psychology journals was
presented to a discriminating group of English-language
scholars. The scholars, in turn, evaluated the materials for
translational integrity and overall impression.
Participants included English-language scholars
recruited from the University of California. Inclusion
criteria were: (1) native English-language speaker; (2)
psychologist; (3) tenured faculty member; and (4) strong
publication history. Candidates were restricted to associate
or full professors; with a minimum of 2,000 citations
in their publication history. First-wave invitations were
disseminated to a set of three candidates who satisfied the
criteria. The candidates were informed that the study was
examining the accessibility of foreign-language scientific
articles that have been translated into English; and that
half an hour of their time was requested to evaluate
materials. All three first-wave candidates accepted; this
resulted in a sample distribution consisting of 67% male,
100% Caucasian, 67% full (vs. associate) professor, age
M = 57 years, and M citation count = 2,582. The sample
represented the sub-areas of developmental (33%), health
(33%), and quantitative (33%) psychology. Citation
counts were ascertained through Google Scholar. Native
English-language speaker status was ascertained through
educational history (CV) and in person. Compensation
was not offered to participants.
Of the 1,042 worldwide psychology journals listed in
the 2013 SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR), 16 (1.5%) are
from Brazil. Three original research articles from the most-
recent issues of the five highest-ranked Brazilian journals
in this field (SCImago, 2015) were randomly selected
for analysis. All journals were peer-reviewed. Articles
in review, editorial, and commentary were excluded.
Abstracts and titles were gathered from the final articles (N
= 15) and assembled on evaluation sheets, one article per
sheet, with instructions for the evaluating scholars. With
three evaluators for each article, this resulted in 45 sheets
total (3 evaluators x 15 articles). Journal titles and names
of authors were excluded from the sheets. Because one
journal of the five did not include Portuguese-and-English
summary materials, we considered data from that journal
in a secondary model, hereafter referred to as Model 2.
Descriptive details on the journals appear in Table 1. For
a sample evaluation sheet, see Appendix A.
Error counts. Error counts served as proxy for
translational integrity (i.e., low error count: high
translational integrity). Title errors were phrases, words
or sections in the title that “bumped” or inhibited the flow
of information intake (e.g., grammatical errors, sentence
structure errors, structural anomalies). Title errors were
noted by the evaluating scholars by their underlining or
circling the offending phrases, words or sections on each
evaluation sheet. Abstract errors were phrases, words,
sentences or sections in the abstract that “bumped” or
inhibited the flow of information intake (e.g., grammatical
errors, sentence structure errors, structural anomalies).
As with title errors, abstract errors were noted by the
evaluating scholars by their underlining or circling the
offending phrases, words, sentences or sections on each
evaluation sheet. Importantly, it should be noted that
for its usage in this study, the term abstract errors refers
specifically to errors in the abstract of the paper, vs. vague
or non-specific errors. Total errors were calculated by
summing title errors with abstract errors.
Overall impression. Overall impression was indexed
on a 5-point Likert scale, with evaluators rating their
impression of the publication, based on their review of
the materials: “Based on your review of the abstract and
title of this article, rate the likelihood of your revisiting
this publication in the future: 0, non-existent; 1, unlikely;
2, possible; 3, likely; 4, very likely.” Post evaluation,
these responses were recoded into a tri-category scale
(0-1, Negative; 2, Neutral; 3-4, Positive), as is presented
in Table 2.
/Psicologia Reexão e Crítica, 28(S), 99-111.
Evaluators and facilitator signed consent forms.
Evaluators were then handed the 15 sheets/articles for
evaluation, and instructed to approach the task as if they
were browsing for articles relevant to their research.
The instructions were reviewed for: (1) notating errors
or “bumps” in the material; and (2) registering overall
impression (see Appendix A). Evaluators were also
reminded to focus on errors or structural anomalies that
distracted them from the information-intake experience.
They were reminded not to nitpick. They were also
reminded that one phrase could qualify for more than
one error. Evaluations were completed between May 14
and June 12, 2015, with each of the evaluators returning
a full set (15) of completed sheets to facilitator. The
three sets of completed sheets (N = 45) comprised the
data set.
Model 1 was the primary model for our study and consisted
of the four journals with Portuguese-and-English summary
materials: Teoria e Pesquisa (B ra sil ia ), Psicologia e Sociedade,
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), and Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica.
Model 2 was the secondary model for our study and consisted
of the four previously mentioned journals plus Psychology &
Neuroscience, the journal published exclusively in English,
in partnership with the APA. As Model 1 addresses the main
questions of our study; accordingly, our ndings will focus on
that model. Having said that, when Model 2 offers contrasts
or pertinent perspectives, the ndings from that model will
come forward. Whenever possible, however, data from and
ndings for each model appear jointly in tables and in gures.
And nally, for the sake of economy, the journals Teoria e
Pesquisa (B ra sil ia ) an d Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) will hereafter
be referred to without their identifying cities in parentheses.
Rank Rank Quintile Journal Worldwide (N) SJR Impact SciELO Qualis Other
Brazil World World Rating Factor Inclusion Rating
1666 4th Psicologia: Teoria e
Pesquisa (Brasilia) 0.31 0.21 Yes A1 --
2 685 4th Psicologia e Sociedade 0.29 0.15 Yes A2 --
3689 4th Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) 0.29 0.18 Yes A1 --
†4720 4th Psychology &
Neuroscience 0.26 0.62 NoaA2 APA
5725 4th Psicologia: Reexão e
Crítica 0.26 0.27 Yes A1 --
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of the Top Brazilian Psychology Journals
Note. Rankings per SCImago; SJR Rating, SCImago Journal Rank indicator; Impact Factor, 2013 citations of articles published
2010-12; SciELO, Scientic Electronic Library Online database; APA, journal published by American Psychological Association
as of 2015.
aIndexed in SciELO 2008-2014; withdrawn from SciELO upon partnership with APA in 2015.
†Included only in Model 2 analyses.
Overall Impression ------ Negative ------ Neutral ------ Positive ------
Likert Scale 0 1 23 4
Table 2
Overall Rating Scale
Based on your review of the abstract and title of this article, rate the likelihood of your revisiting this journal in the future.
_____ 0, non-existent;
_____ 1, unlikely;
_____ 2, possible;
_____ 3, likely;
_____ 4, very likely.
Fradkin, C. (2015). A Summary Evaluation of the Top-Five Brazilian Psychology Journals by Native English-Language Scholars
Errors Overall
Journal / Article… Evaluator Title Abstract Total Rating
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa (Brasilia): vol.31, no.1
Art. 1 1 0 0 0 2
20 3 3 2
3 0 1 1 3
Art. 2 1 1 6 7 2
216 7 1
3 1 7 8 2
Art. 3 1 0 2 2 2
206 6 1
3 0 2 2 2
Psicologia e Sociedade: vol.27, no.1
Art. 1 1 0 4 4 1
2189 0
3210 12 1
Art. 2 1 0 5 5 1
206 6 1
3 1 3 4 2
Art. 3 1 0 10 10 1
208 8 1
3 1 9 10 2
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto): vol.25, no.60
Art. 1 1 0 1 1 2
20 1 1 3
3 0 1 1 3
Art. 2 1 0 5 5 2
20 3 3 3
3 0 3 3 3
Art. 3 1 0 7 7 2
20 5 5 2
3 0 4 4 2
†Psychology & Neuroscience: vol.8, no.1
Art. 1 1 0 1 1 2
202 2 4
3 0 4 4 3
Art. 2 1 0 1 1 2
206 6 3
3 0 3 3 3
Art. 3 1 0 0 0 2
202 2 4
3 0 1 1 3
Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica: vol.28, no.1
Art. 1 1 0 5 5 2
20 9 9 2
3 0 4 4 3
Art. 2 1 0 1 1 2
20 1 1 4
3 0 2 2 3
Art. 3 1 0 1 1 2
2 2 3 5 2
3 1 3 4 2
Table 3
Summary Material Ratings by Native English-Language Scholars: Raw Scores
Note. Errors, # of errors cited; Overall Rating, “Based on your review of the abstract and title of this article, rate the likelihood
of your revisiting this journal in the future. (0, nonexistent; 1, unlikely; 2, possible; 3, likely; 4 very likely).” Art. 1/Art. 2/Art. 3,
randomly selected articles.
†Included only in Model 2 analyses.
/Psicologia Reexão e Crítica, 28(S), 99-111.
Analyses were performed using SPSS version 16.0. First,
title errors, abstract errors, and overall rating were manually
transcribed from the 45 evaluation sheets. Although not
included in the analyses, evaluator comments were transcribed
as well. The variable total errors was then calculated,
summing title and abstract errors. These raw scores are
displayed in Table 3. Inter-rater reliability (IRR) was then
addressed separately for both models using two-way mixed,
absolute agreement, average-measures intraclass correlations
(ICCs) (McGraw & Wong, 1996) to assess the degree that the
three evaluators provided consistency in their ratings of the
articles. ICCs were calculated separately for each of the four
variables (title errors, abstract errors, total errors, and overall
rating) to estimate consistency of agreement across evaluators.
A robust ICC would suggest that a minimal amount of
measurement error was introduced by the independent
evaluators, and that their ratings would be suitable for use in
the hypothesis tests of the present study.
Variability in error count (i.e., translational integrity)
was addressed separately for both models through GLM
Univariate Analysis. To test Hypothesis 1, signicant main
effects for the three error variables were separately examined
with Wald F tests set at p < .05. In the event of a signicant
main effect, post hoc pairwise comparison tests, set at p <
.05 using Bonferonni correction for multiple comparisons,
were used to evaluate differences between journals. To test
Hypothesis 2, a signicant main effect for overall rating
was examined with a Wald F test set at p < .05. In the event
of a signicant main effect, post hoc pairwise comparison
tests, set at p < .05 using Bonferonni correction for multiple
comparisons, were used to evaluate differences between
journals. Although not a primary aim of the study, signicant
main effects for the three error variables and overall rating
were separately examined with Wald F tests set at p < .05
across evaluators. As with the previous analyses, in the event
of a signicant main effect, post hoc pairwise comparison
tests, set at p < .05 using Bonferonni correction, were used
to evaluate differences across evaluators.
To test Hypothesis 3, Pearson correlation coefcients
were calculated separately for both models between
overall rating and (1) title errors, (2) abstract errors, and
(3) total errors. Four sets of correlations were calculated:
one for each of three evaluators, plus a fourth for the
aggregated mean. Values for the 5-point Likert scale for
overall rating were then recoded into a tri-category scale
(negative, neutral, positive) for overall impression. Using
this scale, articles and journals were ranked accordingly
by the overall impression that they left with the evaluating
Descriptive Statistics
As shown in Table 1, all ve Brazilian journals in our
sample rank in the fourth quintile internationally, placing
them below the international average. On the domestic front,
all but one of the journals (Psychology & Neuroscience)
are currently indexed by the Scientic Electronic Library
Online (SciELO) database, attesting to their presence in
the Latin American and Caribbean markets. Additionally,
the CAPES (Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de Nível Superior) Qualis indicator, a rating
administered by Brazil’s Ministry of Education, assigns
three of the ve journals (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa;
Paidéia; Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica) their highest
rating of A1, and two (Psicologia e Sociedade; Psychology
& Neuroscience) their second-highest rating of A2.
Note. SJR, SCImago Journal Rank Indicator (2015); Ann Rev of Psych, Annual Review of Psychology;
Psych Bulletin, Psychological Bulletin; Pers & Soc Psych Rev, Personality and Social Psychology Re-
view; Ann Rev of Clin Psych, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology; Psi: Teoria e Pesquisa, Psicologia:
Teoria e Pesquisa (Brasilia); Psi e Sociedade, Psicologia e Sociedade; Paidéia, Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto);
Psych & Neurosci, Psychology and Neuroscience; Psi: Reexão e Crítica, Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica.
Figure 1. SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR) of highest-ranking international (left) and Brazilian
(right) psychology journals.
Fradkin, C. (2015). A Summary Evaluation of the Top-Five Brazilian Psychology Journals by Native English-Language Scholars
Of the five journals, the one included in the second
model only (Psychology & Neuroscience) is published in
partnership with the American Psychological Association
(APA), while the remaining four are self-contained inside
Brazil. As measured by the SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR)
indicator (SCImago, 2015), Figure 1 reveals an impact
differential of 29 to 1 between the top-ve international
psychology journals (M = 8.05) and the top-ve Brazilian
psychology journals in our sample (M = 0.28).
Interrater Reliability
IRR was addressed for both models. For Model 1, ICCs
were calculated separately for the four variables of interest
and yielded values, per Cicchetti (1994), in the good (title
errors) to excellent (abstract errors, total errors, overall
impression) range (title errors ICC = 0.630 [95% CI =
0.103, 0.880], abstract errors ICC = 0.863 [95% CI = 0.647,
0.957], total errors ICC = 0.849 [95% CI = 0.613, 0.952],
overall impression ICC = 0.768 [95% CI = 0.407, 0.926]).
These values indicated that coders had a reasonably strong
degree of agreement and suggested that ratings were
consistent across evaluators. Incorporating the fth journal
into the analyses, the ICCs for Model 2 were substantially
the same, with values in the good (title errors, overall
impression) to excellent (abstract errors, total errors) range
(title errors ICC = 0.655 [95% CI = 0.225, 0.871], abstract
errors ICC = 0.849 [95% CI = 0.647, 0.944], total errors
ICC = 0.844 [95% CI = 0.636, 0.943], overall impression
ICC = 0.737 [95% CI = 0.393, 0.903]). The moderately
high ICCs suggest that a minimal amount of measurement
error was introduced by the independent evaluators; and
that evaluator ratings were therefore deemed to be suitable
for use in the hypothesis tests of the study.
Error Counts (Hypothesis 1)
Model 1. As seen in Table 4, while mean title error
counts per article ranged from 0.00 (Paidéia) to 0.56
(Psicologia e Sociedade), the main effect, F(3, 32) = 1.48,
p = .239, was not signicant. Mean abstract error counts
ranged from 3.22 (Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica) to 7.00
(Psicologia e Sociedade), with a signicant main effect,
F(3, 32) = 4.76, p = .007. Post hoc analysis found the mean
abstract error count of Psicologia e Sociedade statistically
higher than the mean abstract error counts of the other three
journals. Congured from the sum of title and abstract error
counts, mean total error counts ranged from 3.33 (Paidéia)
to 7.56 (Psicologia e Sociedade), and likewise, univariate
analysis revealed a signicant main effect, F(3, 32) = 4.87,
p = . 007 . Po st ho c an alys is f oun d the mea n to tal e rro r co unt
of Psicologia e Sociedade statistically higher than the mean
total error counts of Paidéia and Psicologia: Reexão e
Crítica; however there was no statistical difference in the
mean total error count of Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
and the mean total error counts of the other three journals.
As with the other post hoc pairwise comparison tests,
these analyses were conducted at p < .05 with Bonferonni
multiple pairwise correction. Error counts were also
examined across evaluators, but consistent with the IRR
Errors Overall
Journal NTitle Abstract Total Rating
Model 1
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa (Brasilia) 9 0.33a (0.50) 3.67a (2.60) 4.00ab (3.00) 1.89ab (0.60)
Psicologia e Sociedade 9 0.56a (0.73) 7.00b (2.60) 7.56a (2.92) 1.11a (0.60)
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) 9 0.00a (0.00) 3.33a (2.12) 3.33b (2.12) 2.44b (0.53)
Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica 90.33a (0.71) 3.22a (2.59) 3.56b (2.65) 2.44b (0.73)
Aggregated 36 0.31 (0.58) 4.31 (2.86) 4.61 (3.11) 1.97 (0.81)
Model 2
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa (Brasilia) 9 0.33a (0.50) 3.67a (2.60) 4.00ab (3.00) 1.89ab (0.60)
Psicologia e Sociedade 9 0.56a (0.73) 7.00b (2.60) 7.56a (2.92) 1.11b (0.60)
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) 9 0.00a (0.00) 3.33a (2.12) 3.33b (2.12) 2.44ac (0.53)
†Psychology & Neuroscience 9 0.00a (0.00) 2.22a (1.86) 2.22b (1.86) 2.89cd (0.78)
Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica 90.33a (0.71) 3.22a (2.59) 3.56b (2.65) 2.44ad (0.73)
Aggregated 45 0.24 (0.53) 3.89 (2.80) 4.13 (3.04) 2.16 (0.88)
Table 4
Mean (and Standard Deviation) for Error and Overall Rating Variables: Across Journals
Note. a,b,c,dDifferent superscripts indicate values in the column that are signicantly different from one another by pairwise comparison
test at p < .05, with Bonferroni correction for multiple pairwise comparisons.
Model 1, four-journal model with summary materials in Portuguese and English.
Model 2, ve-journal model with Psychology & Neuroscience, which publishes exclusively in English.
†Included only in Model 2 analyses.
/Psicologia Reexão e Crítica, 28(S), 99-111.
analysis, no main effect was found: title errors, F(2, 33) =
1.65, p = .208; abstract errors, F(2, 33) = 0.41, p = .668;
total errors, F(2, 33) = 0.47, p = .629. With absence of a
main effect, post hoc analyses were not pursued. Means
and standard deviations are displayed in Table 5.
Model 2. As seen in Table 4, when incorporating
the fth journal (Psychology & Neuroscience) into the
analyses, the mean error counts were reduced for all three
variables while the mean overall rating was increased.
However, there were no substantial changes in effects: title
error counts, F(4, 40) = 2.04, p = .107; abstract error counts,
F(4, 40) = 5.30, p = .002; and total error counts, F(4, 40) =
5.66, p = .001. Post hoc analyses were also consistent with
Model 1. As in Model 1, error counts were also examined
across evaluators, but consistent with the IRR analysis, no
main effect was found: title errors, F(2, 42) = 1.55, p =
.225; abstract errors, F(2, 42) = 0.86, p = .432; total errors,
F(2, 42) = 0.96, p = .393. With absence of a main effect,
post hoc analyses were not pursued. Means and standard
deviations are displayed in Table 5.
Evaluator Comments
Evaluator comments were unsolicited and were offered
in response to materials from three journals. Psicologia:
Teoria e Pesquisa and Paidéia received one and two
comments, respectively, on inconsistent or inappropriate
verb tense. These comments were from Evaluator 2.
Psicologia e Sociedade received the harshest comments
(e.g., “very convoluted,” “generally poor,” “bad”). These
comments came from all three evaluators. However, the
presence or absence of evaluator comments did not factor
into the analyses.
Overall Rating (Hypothesis 2)
Model 1. As seen in Table 4, mean overall ratings
ranged from 1.11 (Psicologia e Sociedade) to 2.44 (Paidéia
and Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica), with a signicant
main effect, F(3, 32) = 9.38, p < .001. Post hoc analysis
found the mean overall rating of Psicologia e Sociedade
statistically lower than the mean overall ratings of Paidéia
and Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica; however there was
no statistical difference in the mean overall rating of
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa and the mean overall rating
of the other three journals. Post hoc pairwise comparison
tests were conducted at p < .05 with Bonferonni multiple
pairwise correction. Overall rating was also examined across
evaluators, but consistent with the IRR analysis, no main
effect was found, F(2, 33) = 1.92, p = .163. With absence
of a main effect, post hoc analyses were not pursued. Means
and standard deviations are displayed in Table 5.
Model 2. As seen in Table 4, when incorporating
the fth journal (Psychology & Neuroscience) into the
analyses, the mean overall ratings now range from 1.11
(Psicologia e Sociedade) to a higher 2.89 (Psychology
& Neuroscience). However, there was no substantial
change in effect size, F(4, 40) = 9.82, p < .001. Post hoc
analysis found the mean overall rating of Psychology &
Neuroscience statistically higher than the mean overall
ratings of Psicologia e Sociedade and Psicologia: Teoria
e Pesquisa; and the mean overall rating of Psicologia e
Sociedade statistically lower than the mean overall ratings
of Paidéia, Psychology & Neuroscience, and Psicologia:
Reexão e Crítica. Post hoc pairwise comparison tests were
conducted at p < .05 with Bonferonni multiple pairwise
correction. Overall rating was also examined across
Errors Overall
Evaluator NTitle Abstract Total Rating
Model 1
Evaluator 1 12 0.08a (0.29) 3.92a (3.00) 4.00a (3.08) 1.75a (0.45)
Evaluator 2 12 0.33a (0.65) 4.92a (2.71) 5.25a (2.80) 1.83a (1.12)
Evaluator 3 12 0.50a (0.67) 4.08a (3.00) 4.58a (3.55) 2.33a (0.65)
Aggregated 36 0.31 (0.58) 4.31 (2.86) 4.61 (3.11) 1.97 (0.81)
Model 2
Evaluator 1 15 0.07a (0.26) 3.27a (2.99) 3.33a (3.06) 1.80a (0.41)
Evaluator 2 15 0.27a (0.59) 4.60a (2.64) 4.87a (2.75) 2.20a (1.27)
Evaluator 3 15 0.40a (0.63) 3.80a (2.78) 4.20a (3.30) 2.47a (0.64)
Aggregated 45 0.24 (0.53) 3.89 (2.80) 4.13 (3.04) 2.16 (0.88)
Table 5
Mean (and Standard Deviation) for Error and Overall Rating Variables: Across Evaluators
Note. a,bDifferent superscripts indicate values in the column that are signicantly different from one another by pairwise comparison
test at p < .05, with Bonferroni correction for multiple pairwise comparisons.
Model 1, four-journal model with summary materials in Portuguese and English: Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa (Brasilia), Psicologia e
Sociedade, Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica. Model 2, ve-journal model: the above journals plus Psychology
& Neuroscience, which publishes exclusively in English.
Fradkin, C. (2015). A Summary Evaluation of the Top-Five Brazilian Psychology Journals by Native English-Language Scholars
evaluators, but consistent with the IRR analysis, no main
effect was found, F(2, 42) = 2.32, p = .110. With absence of
a main effect, post hoc analyses were not pursued. Means
and standard deviations are displayed in Table 5.
Associations Between Overall Rating and Error Counts
(Hypothesis 3)
Model 1. Table 6 reports the association between mean
overall rating and the three mean error counts: individually
for each evaluator and aggregated, for the panel, as a
whole. Considered as a whole, ndings indicated a strongly
negatively correlated relationship between mean overall
rating and mean abstract errors, r(34) = -0.61, p < .001; and
mean overall rating and mean total errors, r(34) = -0.62, p
< .001. There was no statistically signicant relationship
between mean overall rating and mean title errors, r(34) =
-0.29, p = .090. For evaluator 1, there were no statistically
signicant relationships between mean overall rating and
any of the mean error counts: title errors, r(10) = 0.17, p
= .588; abstract errors, r(10) = -0.49, p = .109; and total
errors, r(10) = -0.46, p = .135. For evaluator 2, ndings
indicated a strongly negatively correlated relationship
between mean overall rating and mean abstract errors,
r(10) = -0.79, p = .002; as well as mean overall rating
and mean total errors, r(10) = -0.83, p = .001; while
the relationship between mean overall rating and mean
title errors, r(10) = -0.29, p = .357, was not statistically
signicant. For evaluator 3, ndings indicated a strongly
negatively correlated relationship between mean overall
rating and all three mean error counts: title errors r(10) =
-0.83, p = .001; abstract errors r(10) = -0.71, p = .009; and
total errors r(10) = -0.76, p = .004.
Model 2. As seen in Table 6, incorporating the
fth journal (Psychology & Neuroscience) into the
analyses of the sample as a whole, elicited a moderately
ne gativel y corr ela ted re lat ions hip betwe en me an
overall rating and mean title errors, r(43) = -0.33, p
= .028; a strongly negatively correlated relationship
between mean overall rating and mean abstract errors,
r(43) = -0.55, p < 0.001; and a strongly negatively
correlated relationship between mean overall rating
and mean total errors, r(43) = -0.56, p < .001. For
evaluator 1, ndings now indicated a strongly negatively
correlated relationship between mean overall rating
and mean abstract errors, r(13) = -0.53, p = .042; while
relationships between mean overall rating and mean
title errors, r(13) = 0.14, p = .635; and mean overall
rating and mean total errors, r(13) = -0.51, p = .054,
remained not statistically signicant. For evaluator 2,
the associations were not substantially changed; as they
were not, also, for Evaluator 3.
Overall Impression (Hypotheses 1 & 2)
Table 7 presents an overall impression ranking of the
Brazilian journals in the sample, based on a tri-category
(negative, neutral, positive) scale (see Table 2 for
conversion). For Model 1, which includes the journals with
dual-language summary materials, Paidéia an d Psicologia:
Reexão e Crítica ranked highest, both with positive
overall impression ratings based on two positive (++) and
one neutral (±) article rating. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
ranked second lowest with a negative overall impression
rating based on one positive (+) and two negative (--)
article ratings. And Psicologia e Sociedade ranked lowest
of the journals, with a negative overall impression rating
based on three negative (---) article ratings. For Model 2,
the fth journal (Psychology & Neuroscience) ranked the
highest, with its positive overall impression rating based
on three positive (+++) article ratings. This, consequently,
moved the other journals down a spot.
Overall Rating:
Evaluator NTitle Abstract Total
Model 1
Evaluator 1 12 0.17 -0.49 -0.46
Evaluator 2 12 -0.29 -0.79** -0.83**
Evaluator 3 12 -0.83** -0.71** -0.76**
Aggregated 36 -0.29 -0.61*** -0.62***
Model 2
Evaluator 1 15 0.13 -0.53* -0.51
Evaluator 2 15 -0.36 -0.77** -0.81***
Evaluator 3 15 -0.85*** -0.71** -0.76**
Aggregated 45 -0.33* -0.55*** -0.56***
Table 6
Pearson Correlation Coefcients Between Overall Rating and Error Variables
Note. Title, title error count; Abstract, abstract error count; Total, total error count.
Model 1, four-journal model with summary materials in Portuguese and English: Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa (Brasilia), Psicologia e
Sociedade, Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica. Model 2, ve-journal model: the above journals plus Psychology
& Neuroscience, which publishes exclusively in English.
Correlation coefcients that reached signicance: *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.
/Psicologia Reexão e Crítica, 28(S), 99-111.
This study is the rst that we are aware of that establishes
a relationship between the translational integrity of EDN
translated summary materials and the impression they
leave with native English-language scholars. Consistent
with Hypothesis 1, as well as recent research (e.g., Hanes,
2014), is the nding of mixed levels of translational
integrity among the journals in our sample. Consistent
with Hypothesis 2 is the nding that the summary materials
left a mixed overall impression with our native English-
language scholars. And consistent with Hypothesis 3 is
the nding of a positive correlation between translational
integrity and the overall impression the summary materials
left with our native English-language scholars. This nal
nding provides answers to questions that we posed, as to
the efcacy of dual-language summary materials. As to the
potential that this hybrid format has in narrowing the gap
between the lingua franca and non-lingua franca worlds?
Our prognosis is conditionally positive. It is conditionally
positive because—as our ndings indicate—the overall
impression of the translated summary materials is related
to its translational integrity. This nding forecasts both
a narrowing of the gap and a widening of the gap that
separates the lingua franca and non-lingua franca worlds.
We forecast a narrowing of the gap, for those scientists
and authors who rate high in their translational integrity—
through access to resources or afnity for language; or
a hunger to share their science with the world—; and a
widening of the gap, for scientists who rate substantially
lower, regardless of their circumstance or reason.
Therefore, connection can be built or distance be made
wider, depending on the resource of translation (see Curry
& Lillis, 2014).
Regarding the specics of our ndings, there were
signicant differences in translational integrity and overall
impression ratings between two of the journals that we
surveyed: Psychology & Neuroscience and Psicologia
e Sociedade. A partial explanation may be resources.
As previously mentioned, of the five journals in the
sample, Psychology & Neuroscience is the only journal
in the group that is partnered with an English-language
entity; it is published by the APA. It is important to
remember, however, that while other Brazilian journals
have attempted to publish exclusively in English,
Psychology & Neuroscience was the first Brazilian
psychology journal that did so and succeeded. This
continued success, as well as partnership with the APA,
is at least partially attributable to the journal having native
English-language resources that predated the move to
APA. And also, due to its partnership with the APA—the
world’s largest association of psychologists—the quality
of submissions to Psychology & Neuroscience, in terms
of content and coherence, may be at a slightly higher
level than submissions offered to the other journals. As
to the consistently low ratings of Psicologia e Sociedade,
several observations bear discussion. The rst concerns its
presentation style. Of the ve journals that we surveyed,
Psicologia e Sociedade was the o nly one of a ll t he ve th at
styled its titles in an “all caps” format. While title styling
is at the discretion of the journal, most native English-
language scholars—psychologists especially—are used
to titles in an APA format: “uppercase and lowercase”
(APA, 2010, p. 23). Conceivably, therefore, an all caps
presentation may have negatively inuenced the ratings.
The second observation concerns evaluator comments.
Of the materials evaluated, the materials from Psicologia
e Sociedade were the only ones that garnered comments
such as “generally poor” or “really didn’t understand this
at all.” Although these comments were not included in
the analyses, they are consistent with our ratings of the
journal. An explanation for this phenomenon may be that
Psicologia e Sociedade represents a segment of psychology
very “Brazilian” in its thought; so Brazilian, in fact, that
it has difculty moving its native scientic concepts into
sister terminology in English.
There were particular challenges we encountered in
this study. The rst was our evaluation of translational
integrity. In contrast to the Hanes study (2014), in which
translated text was evaluated by a linguistic specialist for
specic grammar errors, the evaluation in our study was
more nuanced. In our study, the native English-language
scholars were not only evaluating grammar, they were
dealing with a larger whole. They were dealing with the
all-elusive abstract. The abstract that sums the essence of
the study: its point and purpose, its participants, its method,
what it showed us, where it leads us, what it tells us of the
future. In one paragraph: the essence of our work. By its
very nature, the scientic abstract is a complex beast to
quantify. For grading, there were no specic rubrics we
adhered to. The evaluators focused on disruptions in the
ow; and when encountering them: underlined or circled.
And because disruptions in the ow may vary person-to-
Journal Articles Overall
†Psychology & Neuroscience + + + +
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) + + ± +
Psicologia: Reexão e Crítica + + ± +
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
(Brasilia) + - - -
Psicologia e Sociedade - - - -
Table 7
Overall Impression of the Top-Five Brazilian Psychology
Journals by Native English-Language Scholars
Note. +, positive: mean overall rating > 2; -, negative: mean
overall rating < 2; ±, neutral: mean overall rating = 2.
See Table 2 for conguration of categories.
†Included only in Model 2 analyses.
Fradkin, C. (2015). A Summary Evaluation of the Top-Five Brazilian Psychology Journals by Native English-Language Scholars
person, the grading of an abstract is elusive. Nonetheless,
within our study, as reported earlier, there was consistency
across evaluators.
A se con d cha llenge wa s in ou r ove ral l rating
assessment. The instructional wording for this rating was:
“Based on your review of the abstract and title of this
article, rate the likelihood of your revisiting this journal
in the future.” We were reminded, however, that browsing
on-line scholars pay less attention to the journal than the
article itself. When encountering this issue, the facilitator
backed up and claried our intent and answered questions
the evaluator had. And again, as mentioned earlier, the IRR
found consistency across evaluators.
This study aimed to empirically examine the
translational integrity and overall impression that
translated EDN summary materials leave with native
English-language scholars. Previous studies by Theresa
Lillis and Mary Jane Curry have examined writing for
publication practices among non-native English-speaking
scholars (Curry & Lillis, 2014; Lillis & Curry, 2010;
Lillis, Hewings, Vladimirou, & Curry, 2010); as the
previously-mentioned Hanes (2014) study has examined
EDN grammatical integrity from a linguistic perspective.
However, ours is the rst study we are aware of that
empirically examined the association between translational
integrity and overall impression, from the perspective of a
panel of well-published native English-language scholars.
An obvious limitation in this research is that it focuses
on summary materials from one country in one discipline:
Brazil and psychology, respectively. Accordingly, it would
be helpful if we had data on summary materials from other
EDNs, across a spectrum of varied disciplines. Should this
opportunity create itself, it would be especially helpful if
the same instruments were used, which would facilitate
the merging and comparison of data. Comparisons
across disciplines would be interesting to have; as would
comparisons across culture and several other variables.
Expanded research of this nature would obviate another
limitation: in this study, we looked at Portuguese-to-
English translation only. Would ndings be consistent
across Chinese-to-English or Russian-to-English?
Accordingly, future research would address these and other
questions, as we struggle with the issues of lost science.
The present study established a direct relationship
between the translational integrity of EDN summary
materials and their overall impression with native English-
language scholars. In the case of our highest-rated journal
(Psychology & Neuroscience), we see the likely inuence
that language resources has on translational integrity and,
consequently, on the overall impression that the journal
leaves with the native English-speaking scholar. In the case
of our lowest-rated journal (Psicologia e Sociedade), we
see the converse inuence that language resources has on
translational integrity and, consequently, on the overall
impression the journal leaves with the native English-
speaking scholar, through summary materials that, to this
author’s eyes, were not proofread by a native English-
language speaker.
The mention of proofreading brings up our nal issue:
Are the EDN journal editors aware of the importance of
proofreading? Especially translated summary materials?
Through my experience at several EDN journals, in the role
of English-language editor, reviewer, and guest editor, the
answer is emphatically no. Through my experience, albeit
anecdotal, the English-language translation of titles and
abstracts is mostly viewed a nuisance or a necessary task. It
is rarely viewed an opportunity to spread the gospel of one’s
science to the global universe. Hopefully, upon reading this,
a few converts will be made. There is also the distinction
between a “rote translation” and a translation transparent
to the native English-language eye. Using the example of
Portuguese-to-English translation, a rote translation would
translate all the words, with a minimal regard for sentence-
structure stylings or the myriad of subtleties between the
languages. See Marlow (2014) for a top ten list of worst
offenders. A transparent translation, of the same material,
would read as if a native English-speaker were the writer.
And, in accordance with our ndings (Model 1 and Model
2), a transparent translation of coherent subject matter
would engender a positive impression on the native English-
language reader. And a positive impression on the journal.
And, in doing so, recover a scrap of the lost science—in
whatever modicum or tiny bit.
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Received: July 08, 2015
Reviewed: July12, 2015
Accepted: July 15, 2015
Fradkin, C. (2015). A Summary Evaluation of the Top-Five Brazilian Psychology Journals by Native English-Language Scholars
Appendix A
Phasellus nec nisi interdum aliquam nulla vitae: luctus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Fusce pellentesque diam ac leo ultricies lobortis. Nunc
hendrerit in ipsum nec eleifend. Vestibulum sit amet
magna vitae ipsum eleifend pulvinar. Donec semper
tincidunt metus, non euismod tortor. Proin aliquet
condimentum augue, eu pharetra lacus porta nec. Donec
risus lorem, pellentesque quis tellus in, ornare ultrices
diam. Etiam nec magna nec augue feugiat scelerisque.
Curabitur faucibus laoreet neque sit amet imperdiet.
Donec molestie ligula non tincidunt porta. Vestibulum
sed tellus eu ex dictum sollicitudin. Maecenas in elit
dapibus, convallis massa vitae, cursus tortor. Aliquam
consectetur vel dui quis varius. Praesent dapibus
vestibulum ipsum, non sollicitudin urna convallis a.
Donec odio erat, porta ac laoreet quis, maximus id
Keywords: dignissim semper, nisl, odio bibendum
ipsum, et quis
INFORMATION INTAKE (e.g., grammar errors,
sentence structure errors, structural anomalies).
JUST DID (0 = non-existent through 4 = very likely).
Based on your review of the abstract and title of this
article, rate the likelihood of your revisiting this journal
in the future.
_____ 0, non-existent;
_____ 1, unlikely;
_____ 2, possible;
_____ 3, likely;
_____ 4, very likely.