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The Key to Classroom Management


Abstract and Figures

Today, we know more about teaching than we ever have before. Research has shown us that teachers' actions in their classrooms have twice the impact on student achievement as do school policies regarding curriculum, assessment, staff collegiality, and community involvement (Marzano, 2003a). We also know that one of the classroom teacher's most important jobs is managing the classroom effectively. A comprehensive literature review by Wang, Haertel, and Walberg (1993) amply demonstrates the importance of effective classroom management. These researchers analyzed 86 chapters from annual research reviews, 44 handbook chapters, 20 government and commissioned reports, and 11 journal articles to produce a list of 228 variables affecting student achievement. They combined the results of these analyses with the findings from 134 separate meta-analyses. Of all the variables, classroom management had the largest effect on student achievement. This makes intuitive sense— students cannot learn in a chaotic, poorly managed classroom. Research not only supports the importance of classroom management, but it also sheds light on the dynamics of classroom management. Stage and Quiroz's meta-analysis (1997) shows the importance of there being a balance between teacher actions that To save: Click "File" at the top left of the screen and scroll down to "Save As". Click on "Save As" and choose where to save the file. (You may want to save to "A" drive or to a file on your desktop.) To print: Look at the top left of your toolbar. Click on "File" and then scroll down to "Print". Print the page(s) for your notebook that you are compiling. To record: Remember to record the number of minutes or hours spent on this activity on your records sheet for CEU credit.
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Educational Leadership
September 2003 | Volume 61 | Number 1
Building Classroom Relationships Pages 6-13
The Key to Classroom Management
By using research-based strategies combining appropriate levels of dominance and
cooperation and an awareness of student needs, teachers can build positive classroom
Robert J. Marzano and Jana S. Marzano
Today, we know more about teaching than we ever have before. Research has shown us
that teachers' actions in their classrooms have twice the impact on student achievement as
do school policies regarding curriculum, assessment, staff collegiality, and community
involvement (Marzano, 2003a). We also know that one of the classroom teacher's most
important jobs is managing the classroom effectively.
A comprehensive literature review by Wang, Haertel, and Walberg (1993) amply
demonstrates the importance of effective classroom management. These researchers
analyzed 86 chapters from annual research reviews, 44 handbook chapters, 20
government and commissioned reports, and 11 journal articles to produce a list of 228
variables affecting student achievement. They combined the results of these analyses with
the findings from 134 separate meta-analyses. Of all the variables, classroom
management had the largest effect on student achievement. This makes intuitive sense
students cannot learn in a chaotic, poorly managed classroom.
Research not only supports the importance of classroom management, but it also sheds
light on the dynamics of classroom management. Stage and Quiroz's meta-analysis
(1997) shows the importance of there being a balance between teacher actions that
provide clear consequences for unacceptable behavior and teacher actions that recognize
and reward acceptable behavior. Other researchers (Emmer, Evertson, & Worsham, 2003;
Evertson, Emmer, & Worsham, 2003) have identified important components of
classroom management, including beginning the school year with a positive emphasis on
management; arranging the room in a way conducive to effective management; and
identifying and implementing rules and operating procedures.
In a recent meta-analysis of more than 100 studies (Marzano, 2003b), we found that the
quality of teacher-student relationships is the keystone for all other aspects of classroom
management. In fact, our meta-analysis indicates that on average, teachers who had high-
quality relationships with their students had 31 percent fewer discipline problems, rule
violations, and related problems over a year's time than did teachers who did not have
high-quality relationships with their students.
What are the characteristics of effective teacher-student relationships? Let's first consider
what they are not. Effective teacher-student relationships have nothing to do with the
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teacher's personality or even with whether the students view the teacher as a friend.
Rather, the most effective teacher-student relationships are characterized by specific
teacher behaviors: exhibiting appropriate levels of dominance; exhibiting appropriate
levels of cooperation; and being aware of high-needs students.
Appropriate Levels of Dominance
Wubbels and his colleagues (Wubbels, Brekelmans, van Tartwijk, & Admiral, 1999;
Wubbels & Levy, 1993) identify appropriate dominance as an important characteristic of
effective teacher-student relationships. In contrast to the more negative connotation of the
term dominance as forceful control or command over others, they define dominance as
the teacher's ability to provide clear purpose and strong guidance regarding both
academics and student behavior. Studies indicate that when asked about their preferences
for teacher behavior, students typically express a desire for this type of teacher-student
interaction. For example, in a study that involved interviews with more than 700 students
in grades 4–7, students articulated a clear preference for strong teacher guidance and
control rather than more permissive types of teacher behavior (Chiu & Tulley, 1997).
Teachers can exhibit appropriate dominance by establishing clear behavior expectations
and learning goals and by exhibiting assertive behavior.
Establish Clear Expectations and Consequences
Teachers can establish clear expectations for behavior in two ways: by establishing clear
rules and procedures, and by providing consequences for student behavior.
The seminal research of the 1980s (Emmer, 1984; Emmer, Sanford, Evertson, Clements,
& Martin, 1981; Evertson & Emmer, 1982) points to the importance of establishing rules
and procedures for general classroom behavior, group work, seat work, transitions and
interruptions, use of materials and equipment, and beginning and ending the period or the
day. Ideally, the class should establish these rules and procedures through discussion and
mutual consent by teacher and students (Glasser, 1969, 1990).
Along with well-designed and clearly communicated rules and procedures, the teacher
must acknowledge students' behavior, reinforcing acceptable behavior and providing
negative consequences for unacceptable behavior. Stage and Quiroz's research (1997) is
instructive. They found that teachers build effective relationships through such strategies
as the following:
Using a wide variety of verbal and physical reactions to students' misbehavior,
such as moving closer to offend-ing students and using a physical cue, such as a
finger to the lips, to point out inappropriate behavior.
Cuing the class about expected behaviors through prearranged signals, such as
raising a hand to indicate that all students should take their seats.
Providing tangible recognition of appropriate behavior—with tokens or chits, for
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Employing group contingency policies that hold the entire group responsible for
behavioral expectations.
Employing home contingency techniques that involve rewards and sanctions at
Establish Clear Learning Goals
Teachers can also exhibit appropriate levels of dominance by providing clarity about the
content and expectations of an upcoming instructional unit. Important teacher actions to
achieve this end include
Establishing and communicating learning goals at the beginning of a unit of
Providing feedback on those goals.
Continually and systematically re-visiting the goals.
Providing summative feedback regarding the goals.
The use of rubrics can help teachers establish clear goals. To illustrate, assume that a
teacher has identified the learning goal "understanding and using fractions" as important
for a given unit. That teacher might present students with the following rubric:
4 points. You understand the characteristics of fractions along with the different types.
You can accurately describe how fractions are related to decimals and percentages. You
can convert fractions to decimals and can explain how and why the process works. You
can use fractions to understand and solve different types of problems.
3 points. You understand the basic characteristics of fractions. You know how fractions
are related to decimals and percentages. You can convert fractions to decimals.
2 points. You have a basic understanding of the following, but have some small
misunderstandings about one or more: the characteristics of fractions; the relationships
among fractions, decimals, and percentages; how to convert fractions to decimals.
1 point. You have some major problems or misunderstandings with one or more of the
following: the characteristics of fractions; the relationships among fractions, decimals,
and percentages; how to convert fractions to decimals.
0 points. You may have heard of the following before, but you do not understand what
they mean: the characteristics of fractions; the relationships among fractions, decimals,
and percentages; how to convert fractions to decimals.
The clarity of purpose provided by this rubric communicates to students that their teacher
can provide proper guidance and direction in academic content.
Exhibit Assertive Behavior
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Teachers can also communicate appropriate levels of dominance by exhibiting assertive
behavior. According to Emmer and colleagues, assertive behavior is
the ability to stand up for one's legitimate rights in ways that make it less likely that
others will ignore or circumvent them. (2003, p. 146)
Assertive behavior differs significantly from both passive behavior and aggressive
behavior. These researchers explain that teachers display assertive behavior in the
classroom when they
Use assertive body language by maintaining an erect posture, facing the offending
student but keeping enough distance so as not to appear threatening and matching
the facial expression with the content of the message being presented to students.
Use an appropriate tone of voice, speaking clearly and deliberately in a pitch that
is slightly but not greatly elevated from normal classroom speech, avoiding any
display of emotions in the voice.
Persist until students respond with the appropriate behavior. Do not ignore an
inappropriate behavior; do not be diverted by a student denying, arguing, or
blaming, but listen to legitimate explanations.
Appropriate Levels of Cooperation
Cooperation is characterized by a concern for the needs and opinions of others. Although
not the antithesis of dominance, cooperation certainly occupies a different realm.
Whereas dominance focuses on the teacher as the driving force in the classroom,
cooperation focuses on the students and teacher functioning as a team. The interaction of
these two dynamics—dominance and cooperation—is a central force in effective teacher-
student relationships. Several strategies can foster appropriate levels of cooperation.
Provide Flexible Learning Goals
Just as teachers can communicate appropriate levels of dominance by providing clear
learning goals, they can also convey appropriate levels of cooperation by providing
flexible learning goals. Giving students the opportunity to set their own objectives at the
beginning of a unit or asking students what they would like to learn conveys a sense of
cooperation. Assume, for example, that a teacher has identified the topic of fractions as
the focus of a unit of instruction and has provided students with a rubric. The teacher
could then ask students to identify some aspect of fractions or a related topic that they
would particularly like to study. Giving students this kind of choice, in addition to
increasing their understanding of the topic, conveys the message that the teacher cares
about and tries to accommodate students' interests.
Take a Personal Interest in Students
Probably the most obvious way to communicate appropriate levels of cooperation is to
take a personal interest in each student in the class. As McCombs and Whisler (1997)
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note, all students appreciate personal attention from the teacher. Although busy
teachers—particularly those at the secondary level—do not have the time for extensive
interaction with all students, some teacher actions can communicate personal interest and
concern without taking up much time. Teachers can
Talk informally with students before, during, and after class about their interests.
Greet students outside of school—for instance, at extracurricular events or at the
Single out a few students each day in the lunchroom and talk with them.
Be aware of and comment on important events in students' lives, such as
participation in sports, drama, or other extracurricular activities.
Compliment students on important achievements in and outside of school.
Meet students at the door as they come into class; greet each one by name.
Use Equitable and Positive Classroom Behaviors
Programs like Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement emphasize the importance
of the subtle ways in which teachers can communicate their interest in students (Kerman,
Kimball, & Martin, 1980). This program recommends many practical strategies that
emphasize equitable and positive classroom interactions with all students. Teachers
should, for example,
Make eye contact with each student. Teachers can make eye contact by scanning
the entire room as they speak and by freely moving about all sections of the room.
Deliberately move toward and stand close to each student during the class period.
Make sure that the seating arrangement allows the teacher and students clear and
easy ways to move around the room.
Attribute the ownership of ideas to the students who initiated them. For instance,
in a discussion a teacher might say, "Cecilia just added to Aida's idea by saying
that . . . ."
Allow and encourage all students to participate in class discussions and
interactions. Make sure to call on students who do not commonly participate, not
just those who respond most frequently.
Provide appropriate wait time for all students to respond to questions, regardless
of their past performance or your perception of their abilities.
Awareness of High-Needs Students
Classroom teachers meet daily with a broad cross-section of students. In general, 12–22
percent of all students in school suffer from mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders,
and relatively few receive mental health services (Adelman & Taylor, 2002). The
Association of School Counselors notes that 18 per-cent of students have special needs
and require extraordinary interventions and treatments that go beyond the typical
resources available to the classroom (Dunn & Baker, 2002).
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Although the classroom teacher is certainly not in a position to directly address such
severe problems, teachers with effective classroom management skills are aware of high-
needs students and have a repertoire of specific techniques for meeting some of their
needs (Marzano, 2003b). Figure 1 (p. 10) summarizes five categories of high-needs
students and suggests classroom strategies for each category and subcategory.
Passive students fall into two subcategories: those who fear relationships and
those who fear failure. Teachers can build strong relationships with these students
by refraining from criticism, rewarding small successes, and creating a classroom
climate in which students feel safe from aggressive people.
The category of aggressive students comprises three subcategories: hostile,
oppositional, and covert. Hostile students often have poor anger control, low
capacity for empathy, and an inability to see the consequences of their actions.
Oppositional students exhibit milder forms of behavior problems, but they
consistently resist following rules, argue with adults, use harsh language, and tend
to annoy others. Students in the covert subcategory may be quite pleasant at
times, but they are often nearby when trouble starts and they never quite do what
authority figures ask of them. Strategies for helping aggressive students include
creating behavior contracts and providing immediate rewards and consequences.
Most of all, teachers must keep in mind that aggressive students, although they
may appear highly resistant to behavior change, are still children who are
experiencing a significant amount of fear and pain.
Students with attention problems fall into two categories: hyperactive and
inattentive. These students may respond well when teachers contract with them to
manage behaviors; teach them basic concentration, study, and thinking skills; help
them divide tasks into manageable parts; reward their successes; and assign them
a peer tutor.
Students in the perfectionist category are driven to succeed at unattainable levels.
They are self-critical, have low self-esteem, and feel inferior. Teachers can often
help these students by encouraging them to develop more realistic standards,
helping them to accept mistakes, and giving them opportunities to tutor other
Socially inept students have difficulty making and keeping friends. They may
stand too close and touch others in annoying ways, talk too much, and misread
others' comments. Teachers can help these students by counseling them about
social behaviors.
Figure 1. Categories of High-Needs Students
Category Definitions &
Characteristics Suggestions
Passive Behavior that
avoids the
Fear of
Provide safe
adult and peer
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domination of
others or the pain
of negative
experiences. The
child attempts to
protect self from
criticism, ridicule,
or rejection,
possibly reacting
to abuse and
neglect. Can have
a biochemical
basis, such as
connection with
others, is shy,
doesn't initiate
attempts to be
Fear of failure:
Gives up easily,
is convinced he
or she can't
succeed, is
easily frustrated,
uses negative
interactions and
protection from
people. Provide
and positive
training. Reward
small successes
Behavior that
dominates, harms,
or controls others
without regard for
their well-being.
The child has
often taken
aggressive people
as role models.
Has had minimal
or in-effective
limits set on
behavior. Is
possibly reacting
to abuse and
neglect. Condition
may have a
biochemical basis,
such as
Hostile: Rages,
threatens, or
others. Can be
verbally or
abusive to
people, animals,
or objects.
Does opposite of
what is asked.
Demands that
others agree or
give in. Resists
verbally or
Appears to agree
but then does the
opposite of what
is asked. Often
acts innocent
while setting up
problems for
Describe the
behavior clearly.
Contract with
the student to
reward corrected
behavior and set
up consequences
for uncorrected
behavior. Be
consistent and
rewards and
Encourage and
activities in and
out of school.
Give student
to help teacher
or other students
to foster
Attention Behavior that Hyperactive: Contract with
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problems demonstrates
either motor or
resulting from a
disorder. The
child's symptoms
may be
exacerbated by
family or social
stressors or
conditions, such
as anxiety,
depression, or
bipolar disorders.
Has difficulty
with motor
control, both
physically and
Fidgets, leaves
seat frequently,
interrupts, talks
Inattentive: Has
staying focused
and following
through on
projects. Has
difficulty with
and organizing.
the student to
Teach basic
study, and
thinking skills.
Separate student
in a quiet work
area. Help the
student list each
step of a task.
assign a peer
Behavior that is
geared toward
avoiding the
and assumed
shame of making
mistakes. The
child fears what
will happen if
errors are
discovered. Has
high expectations
of self. Has
possibly received
criticism or lack
of acceptance
while making
mistakes during
the process of
Tends to focus
too much on the
small details of
projects. Will
avoid projects if
unsure of
Focuses on
results and not
relationships. Is
Ask the student
to make
mistakes on
purpose, then
Have the student
tutor other
Behavior that is
based on the
of nonverbal
Attempts to
make friends but
is inept and
unsuccessful. Is
Teach the
student to keep
the appropriate
Marzano Keys CRM.doc Page 8 of 11
signals of others.
The child
facial expressions
and body
language. Hasn't
received adequate
training in these
areas and has poor
role modeling.
forced to be
alone. Is often
teased for
appearance, or
lack of social
distance from
others. Teach
the meaning of
such as anger
and hurt. Make
hygiene, dress,
mannerisms, and
Source: Marzano, R.J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating
research into action (pp. 104–105). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
School may be the only place where many students who face extreme challenges can get
their needs addressed. The reality of today's schools often demands that classroom
teachers address these severe issues, even though this task is not always considered a part
of their regular job.
In a study of classroom strategies (see Brophy, 1996; Brophy & McCaslin, 1992),
researchers examined how effective classroom teachers interacted with specific types of
students. The study found that the most effective classroom managers did not treat all
students the same; they tended to employ different strategies with different types of stu-
dents. In contrast, ineffective classroom managers did not appear sensitive to the diverse
needs of students. Although Brophy did not couch his findings in terms of teacher-student
relationships, the link is clear. An awareness of the five general categories of high-needs
students and appropriate actions for each can help teachers build strong relationships with
diverse students.
Don't Leave Relationships to Chance
Teacher-student relationships provide an essential foundation for effective classroom
management—and classroom management is a key to high student achievement.
Teacher-student relationships should not be left to chance or dictated by the personalities
of those involved. Instead, by using strategies supported by research, teachers can
influence the dynamics of their classrooms and build strong teacher-student relationships
that will support student learning.
Adelman, H. S., & Taylor, L. (2002). School counselors and school reform: New
directions. Professional School Counseling, 5(4), 235–248.
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Brophy, J. E. (1996). Teaching problem students. New York: Guilford.
Brophy, J. E., & McCaslin, N. (1992). Teachers' reports of how they perceive and cope
with problem students. Elementary School Journal, 93, 3–68.
Chiu, L. H., & Tulley, M. (1997). Student preferences of teacher discipline styles.
Journal of Instructional Psychology, 24(3), 168–175.
Dunn, N. A., & Baker, S. B. (2002). Readiness to serve students with disabilities: A
survey of elementary school counselors. Professional School Counselors, 5(4), 277–284.
Emmer, E. T. (1984). Classroom management: Research and implications. (R & D
Report No. 6178). Austin, TX: Research and Development Center for Teacher Education,
University of Texas. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED251448)
Emmer, E. T., Evertson, C. M., & Worsham, M. E. (2003). Classroom management for
secondary teachers (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Emmer, E. T., Sanford, J. P., Evertson, C. M., Clements, B. S., & Martin, J. (1981). The
classroom management improvement study: An experiment in elementary school
classrooms. (R & D Report No. 6050). Austin, TX: Research and Development Center
for Teacher Education, University of Texas. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.
Evertson, C. M., & Emmer, E. T. (1982). Preventive classroom management. In D. Duke
(Ed.), Helping teachers manage classrooms (pp. 2–31). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Evertson, C. M., Emmer, E. T., & Worsham, M. E. (2003). Classroom management for
elementary teachers (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Glasser, W. (1969). Schools without failure. New York: Harper and Row.
Glasser, W. (1990). The quality school: Managing students without coercion. New York:
Harper and Row.
Kerman, S., Kimball, T., & Martin, M. (1980). Teacher expectations and student
achievement. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappan.
Marzano, R. J. (2003a). What works in schools. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Marzano, R. J. (with Marzano, J. S., & Pickering, D. J.). (2003b). Classroom
management that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
McCombs, B. L., & Whisler, J. S. (1997). The learner-centered classroom and school.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Marzano Keys CRM.doc Page 10 of 11
Stage, S. A., & Quiroz, D. R. (1997). A meta-analysis of interventions to decrease
disruptive classroom behavior in public education settings. School Psychology Review,
26(3), 333–368.
Wang, M. C., Haertel, G. D., & Walberg, H. J. (1993). Toward a knowledge base for
school learning. Review of Educational Research, 63(3), 249–294.
Wubbels, T., Brekelmans, M., van Tartwijk, J., & Admiral, W. (1999). Interpersonal
relationships between teachers and students in the classroom. In H. C. Waxman & H. J.
Walberg (Eds.), New directions for teaching practice and research (pp. 151–170).
Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.
Wubbels, T., & Levy, J. (1993). Do you know what you look like? Interpersonal
relationships in education. London: Falmer Press.
Robert J. Marzano is a senior scholar at Mid-continent Research for Education and
Learning in Aurora, Colorado, and an associate professor at Cardinal Stritch University in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin; (303) 796-7683; His newest book
written with Jana S. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering is Classroom Management That
Works (ASCD, 2003). Jana S. Marzano is a licensed professional counselor in private
practice in Centennial, Colorado; (303) 220-1151;
Copyright © 2003 by Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
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... In teaching a foreign language, teachers are supposed to hold a variety of roles such as guide, director, trainer, and evaluator as well as their primary role, teacher (Gultom & Saun, 2016). In order for L2 teachers to efficiently carry out these roles, efficient ways of managing classroom become more prerequisite (Marzano & Marzano, 2003). In so doing, many L2 teacher have long reported to witness disruptive behaviours and teachers' attempts to take these behaviours under control may result in time loss at the expense of academic facilities. ...
... Year 2024 Volume 12 Issue 24 [738][739][740][741][742][743][744][745][746][747][748][749][750][751][752][753] The field of CM, despite limited, but increasing number of studies in L2 teaching and learning settings (e.g. Klattenberg, 2021;Yütük, 2018), is one of the significant domains deserving and witnessing investigation (Sakui, 2007) and is regarded as an indispensable tool in educational inventory of teachers (Marzano & Marzano, 2003). As well as fostering academic progress of students, as Doyle (1986) and Postholm (2013) have already suggested, CM can be an effective instrument for pupils' moral and social development. ...
... In so doing, teachers have a wide spectrum of inventories managing their classroom with for the sake of this ultimate aim. First, teachers can, at the very beginning, set clear and attainable expectations and expect students to tune their behaviours, accordingly (Marzano & Marzano, 2003;Reinke et al., 2013). Second, Malmgren et al., (2005) mention that they can take charge all procedures and manage the classroom by themselves. ...
Full-text available
Classroom Management (CM) possesses a key role in teaching in L2 classroom settings. So, it is fair to suggest that there is an increasing volume of research in addition to the research conducted in the mainstream CM studies. However, to our knowledge, the lack of research about cooperation among the insider and outsider stakeholders of L2 CM is still felt. Within this respect, the objective of this study is to explore how pre-service (PSTs) and in-service English language teachers (ISTs) view parent- and school administration-support in CM. Therefore, a semi-structured interview is utilised to delve into PSTs’ and ISTs’ stance towards cooperation with parents and school administration. Then, data yielded from the interview are analysed through content analysis. Thus, the outcomes have revealed some convergences and divergences between PSTs’ and ISTs’ views. Overall, some pedagogical implications are suggested to improve ISTs’ and PSTs’ classroom practices in tandem with L2 teaching pedagogy.
... Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya dalam aspek spiritual, keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan bagi dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara. (Masduki, 2015) Berbagai hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa salah satu faktor yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap prestasi siswa adalah pengelolaan kelas (Marzano & Marzano, 2003). Menurut Syaiful Bahri Djamarah & Aswan Zain (2002: 195) menyatakan bahwa suatu kondisi belajar yang optimal dapat dicapai dengan cara mengatur anak didik dan sarana pengajaran serta mengendalikannya dalam suasana yang menyenangkan guna mencapai tujuan pengajaran. ...
... Temuan ini didukung oleh studi yang dilakukan oleh Ainia (2020) (Marzano & Marzano, 2003;Sulistryorini, 2009). Dalam konteks ini, siswa tidak hanya menjadi lebih terlibat secara akademis tetapi juga berkembang secara sosial dan emosional, karena suasana kelas yang mendukung interaksi yang sehat dan kolaboratif. ...
... uhan spesifik siswa.Lebih lanjut, program "Merdeka Belajar" juga memberikan dampak positif pada pengelolaan kelas. Guru yang mengikuti program ini mampu menciptakan lingkungan kelas yang lebih kondusif untuk belajar. Lingkungan kelas yang positif dan mendukung terbukti merangsang siswa untuk lebih aktif dan berpartisipasi dalam proses pembelajaran.Marzano & Marzano (2003) sertaSulistryorini (2009) mengindikasikan bahwa lingkungan belajar yang kondusif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa secara keseluruhan.PembahasanDengan kebebasan yang lebih besar dalam menyusun rencana pembelajaran, guru dapat menyesuaikan materi pelajaran dengan konteks lokal dan kebutuhan spesifik siswa. Hal ini tidak hanya mening ...
Penelitian ini menganalisis implementasi program "Merdeka Belajar" dalam konteks transformasi pendidikan nasional di Indonesia. Program ini bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan melalui kebebasan berpikir dan otonomi dalam proses pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dengan mengumpulkan dan mengevaluasi berbagai sumber seperti jurnal ilmiah, buku, laporan penelitian, dan dokumen kebijakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa "Merdeka Belajar" memberikan kebebasan yang lebih besar kepada guru dalam merancang metode pembelajaran inovatif yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa. Kebebasan ini terbukti meningkatkan motivasi dan keterlibatan siswa, serta membentuk karakter siswa menjadi lebih mandiri, kritis, dan adaptif. Selain itu, program ini juga berkontribusi pada peningkatan profesionalisme guru dan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif. Meskipun menghadapi tantangan seperti penyesuaian kurikulum dan keterbatasan sumber daya, dukungan berkelanjutan dari pemerintah dan pemangku kepentingan sangat diperlukan. Kesimpulannya, program "Merdeka Belajar" memiliki potensi besar untuk mentransformasi pendidikan nasional dan mempersiapkan generasi muda menghadapi tantangan global di masa depan.
... Η ανατροφοδότηση και η αξιολόγηση δημιουργούν ένα κανάλι επικοινωνίας μεταξύ εκπαιδευτικών και φοιτητών. Οι εκπαιδευτικοί μπορούν να κατανοήσουν καλύτερα τις ανάγκες και τις προκλήσεις των φοιτητών τους, ενώ οι φοιτητές αισθάνονται ότι οι εκπαιδευτικοί ενδιαφέρονται για την πρόοδό τους, ενισχύοντας τη δέσμευσή τους στις σπουδές τους και τα κίνητρα για μάθηση και αριστεία (Marzano & Marzano, 2003). ...
... Εργαλεία όπως τα προσαρμοστικά συστήματα μάθησης και οι διαδικτυακές πλατφόρμες μπορούν να προσφέρουν εξατομικευμένη μάθηση που προσαρμόζεται στις ανάγκες κάθε φοιτητή, ενισχύοντας την αποτελεσματικότητα της διδασκαλίας (Cheon et al., 2019). (Marzano & Marzano, 2003). ...
... These findings align with concerns raised by the Alliance of Concerned Teachers regarding the lack of learning materials in various subjects (Mateo, 2019). To address these challenges, comprehensive interventions are needed, including professional development, resource provision, and pedagogical support, to enhance teacher performance and facilitate effective learning in Araling Panlipunan instruction (Guskey, 2002;Marzano and Marzano, 2003). The move away from traditional teaching methods, indicated by the least significant challenge, suggests a positive shift towards more contemporary educational practices. ...
... The first dimension, classroom management, refers to the teacher's ability to sustain an orderly and functioning classroom setting, which involves aspects such as classroom discipline, effective handling of disruptions and clarity of rules. Further key features of classroom management are smooth transitions between tasks and effective time-on-task learning (Decristan et al., 2016;Doyle, 2006;Kuger et al., 2017;Marzano & Marzano, 2003). The second basic dimension, cognitive activation, emphasizes the teacher's ability to engage students in higher-order thinking by encouraging them to actively process and reflect on the learning material, rather than passively receive information. ...
Thin slices ratings (i.e., ratings based on first impressions) have yielded intriguingly accurate results in various domains. Among other, researcher have applied the thin slices technique to assess instructional quality, showing that teacher-student interactions can be reliably inferred by just very short snippets of classroom instruction. The accuracy of thin slices ratings is often explained by dual process theories of social cognition, whereby System 1 refers to an intuitive and fast way of processing, while System 2 denotes a more reflective and analytical way of processing. System 1 is considered the cognitive foundation of thin slices ratings. The central aim of the present study was to understand the underlying cognitive processes shaping the impression formation of thin slices raters of teaching quality. Therefore, an unconventional and innovative research design was required to gain insights into the cognitive “black box” of thin slices raters by examining their verbal data. In an exploratory mixed method research design, we set up Cognitive Laboratories with two different rating situations. In a thin slices rating situation, participants rated instructional quality based on short classroom videos (30 seconds). Participants in a long-video rating situation rated instructional quality based on longer classroom videos (10 minutes). We collected, coded and statistically analyzed participants’ verbal reports regarding their rating processes. The findings suggest that thin slices ratings evolve primarily based on typical processes of System 1 and not on those of System 2. For instance, thin slices ratings are associative and tend to be rather negative than positive. Moreover, an initially formed impression tends to remain stable and is resistant to alteration. Ratings of instructional quality based on longer videos rely on both cognitive systems, with System 2 possibly modifying an initial judgment. Thus, our study does not only explain the cognitive processes under-lying the thin slices ratings, but additionally provides valuable insights into the processes occurring in conventional rating settings.
... Modelling Mason's study, this paper explores teachers' and students' perspectives on using physical punishment and alternative strategies by referring to Newton's (1980) comparison of school discipline models. An important point to note is, in this study, disciplinary strategies are referred to as encompassing approaches, actions, methods, practices or interactions used to ensure that students comply with school rules (Canter, 2010;Marzano & Marzano, 2003). ...
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Based on the interpretivist ontological assumption that teachers and students hold unique positions regarding school discipline, this study explores their perspectives on using physical punishment and alternative strategies to address challenging discipline problems. 20 teachers (with more than 5 years of teaching experience) and 20 students (aged 16-18 years old) from a secondary school in Indonesia who were identified through purposeful snowball sampling were engaged via semi-structured interviews and an open online survey to capture their perspectives. Data were thematically analysed following Newton’s (1980) comparison of school discipline models to reveal both parties to be in favour of alternative discipline strategies because physical punishment was deemed to have adverse effects and does not educate. The alternative disciplining strategies proposed by the teachers and students match with the characteristics of the following models: Individual fulfilment (approach students, dialogue and negotiation), scholarly discipline (strict adherence to school rules, consistency in rule enforcement, teacher as a role model); and educational technology (reminders of school rules, progressive disciplining process). The “fair disciplining” theme in the students’ data had no model fit. Meanwhile, no evidence suggests inclinations toward the social reconstruction model of school discipline. This study provides a glimpse into the diverse disciplining strategies which are the result of a bottom-up inquiry for addressing students’ challenging behaviours to cultivate a positive learning environment.
... Visual reminders, such as posting the rules in a visible location and referring to them often, can reinforce expectations effectively. Educators who exhibit effective classroom management skills are particularly attentive to the needs of high-needs students and employ specific techniques to address these needs (Marzano & Marzano, 2003)This proactive approach helps maintain order and ensures that all students receive the support they need to succeed academically and socially. Teachers perceived a lack of training as a moderate constraint in their profession. ...
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While some teachers enthusiastically embrace active learning as an effective means of engaging students in the classroom, many still prefer to stick to traditional teaching methods. Many teachers are reluctant to introduce active learning techniques, mainly because they are concerned about their practicality, especially when students have limited prior knowledge of the subject. They believe that active learning requires a high level of commitment from teachers and students and that implementing these modern teaching methods is hindered by institutional constraints. This scenario is particularly evident in Kosovo, where implementing the necessary changes is a major challenge, even though the current curriculum based on competencies favors this, making the required changes presents a major problem. This study aimed to understand how teachers perceive the benefits and barriers of using active learning methods with primary school students. Overall, respondents tended to rate the benefits of active learning more favorably than its constraints. However, there are differences between respondents in terms of effectiveness and feasibility, which emphasizes the nuanced nature of active learning, where benefits are recognized alongside the challenges.
The living room is often the heart of a house. In western architecture, it is sometimes connected “en suite” to the kitchen or designed as an open space where it is possible to transition from sensory experimentation and food preparation to areas for food consumption, relaxation and connections.
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Abstract : The researcher before embarking on the journey of research masters was a teacher in the Ghana Education Service (GES) for 8 years. She reflected serially on what appropriate cultures to implement to enhance teaching and learning. Through these reflections, she realized that having a welcoming classroom would make her a stronger facilitator. One of the most important facets of her reflective practice was to consider how to build the culture of her classroom and how to develop it throughout her teaching life. This necessitated the research in to classroom culture and its impact on academic performance of pupils. This qualitative research was conducted in Abbey Korpe in the Shai-Osudoku District of Ghana. After months of research, it was realized that teachers and pupils believed that sustainable education incorporates everything crucial to educating children and the major factor is classroom culture. The researcher then suggested that appropriate classroom cultures be enforced in Ghanaian schools to enhance teaching and learning.
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The full face-to-face is the shift of Education from blended approach of new normal. This study examined the experiences of Novice teachers on classroom management in the full implementation of the face-to-face class after the COVID-19 pandemic. Various researches were conducted about the classroom management. However, none of those studies highlighted the experiences of Novice Teachers about the classroom management. This study uncovered the lived experiences and personal encounters of the newly-hired teachers on how they handle their classroom in face-to-face instruction. This study used Heideggerian Phenomenology design to delved more on the participants' lived experiences. The gathered data was carefully analyzed as well as interpreted using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) popularized by Moustakas and modified by Van Kaam. This study has (4) participants reaching the data saturation. The data highlighted the lived experiences of Novice Teachers of Saint St Augustine Academy, Alcantara, Cebu. After gathering of the data, the researchers generate 5 themes: the strategy, the struggle, the silver lining, the addresser, the effect. Every theme aid to know the exploration of the Novice Teachers in Classroom Management during the full implementation of face-to-face in the new normal. This research recommends for further exposures among the newly-hired teachers on how to attain a good command of classroom management especially in handling students with disruptive behavior.
The purpose of this article is to identify and estimate the influence of educational, psychological, and social factors on learning. Using evidence accumulated from 61 research experts, 91 meta-analyses, and 179 handbook chapters and narrative reviews, the data for analysis represent over 11,000 relationships. Three methods—content analyses, expert ratings, and results from meta-analyses—are used to quantify the importance and consistency of variables that influence learning. Regardless of which method is employed, there is moderate to substantial agreement on the categories exerting the greatest influence on school learning as well as those that have less influence. The results suggest an emergent knowledge base for school learning. Generally, proximal variables (e.g., psychological, instructional, and home environment) exert more influence than distal variables (e.g., demographic, policy, and organizational). The robustness and consistency of the findings suggest they can be used to inform educational policies and practices.
This article describes the background, research design and procedures, and general findings of the Classroom Strategy Study, an investigation in which 98 experienced elementary (K-6) teachers nominated by their principals as either outstanding or average at dealing with problem students described their general strategies for coping with 12 types of problem students and told how they would handle incidents depicted in 2 vignettes portraying typical problem behavior associated with each type. We describe trends in the teachers' interview and vignette responses (e. g., the frequencies with which teachers mentioned different treatment strategies) as well as contrasts in patterns of responses to different types of student problem behavior. In addition, we describe contrasts between teachers who differed in role definition (emphasizing instruction vs. emphasizing socialization), school location (Small City vs. Big City), and grade level (K-3 vs. 4-6). Finally, we contrast the responses of teachers rated as high...
The purpose of this article is to identify and estimate the influence of educational, psychological, and social factors on learning. Using evidence accumulated from 61 research experts, 91 meta-analyses, and 179 handbook chapters and narrative reviews, the data for analysis represent over 11,000 relationships. Three methods—content analyses, expert ratings, and results from meta-analyses—are used to quantify the importance and consistency of variables that influence learning. Regardless of which method is employed, there is moderate to substantial agreement on the categories exerting the greatest influence on school learning as well as those that have less influence. The results suggest an emergent knowledge base for school learning. Generally, proximal variables (e.g., psychological, instructional, and home environment) exert more influence than distal variables (e.g., demographic, policy, and organizational). The robustness and consistency of the findings suggest they can be used to inform educational policies and practices.
This chapter of "Helping Teachers Manage Classrooms" presents strategies and processes that teachers can use to establish well-managed classrooms. These recommendations are based on the results of year-long descriptive studies of the management methods used by third grade teachers and by seventh and eighth grade English and mathematics teachers. Before the school year begins, management planning should include determining expected student behaviors, translating those expectations into procedures and rules, and identifying consistent and reasonable consequences for either failing or succeeding in following the rules. During the first part of the school year teachers should explain rules clearly, systematically, and at appropriate times; should involve children in easy tasks providing high success rates; should avoid small group formats or complex procedures until behavior patterns are established; and should expect to review procedures several times. The system can be maintained through a process of monitoring student behavior, managing inappropriate behavior in straightforward and simple ways, and developing student accountability through clear two-way communications. (Author/PGD)
Surveys the actual and perceived role elementary school counselors in North Carolina have in working with students with disabilities. Data reveals that many school counselors acquired some formal education about students with disabilities prior to entering the profession, yet many have found the demands for them to possess expertise in this domain have exceeded their perceived level of knowledge. (Contains 15 references.) (GCP)
This guide to classroom management, which incorporates the essential features of classroom organization, management, and discipline, provides information to help secondary school teachers establish effective classroom management systems. The text emphasizes prevention through planning and addresses decisions teachers must make in the typical classroom, e.g., arranging physical space, choosing rules and procedures, planning and conducting instruction, maintaining appropriate behavior, using good communication skills, dealing with problem behavior, and managing special groups. In addition, the volume provides checklists for organizing concepts and principles into usable, concise formats, makes use of case studies, includes activities dealing with and correcting classroom problems, and links the concepts of instructional management with behavior/classroom management. Nine chapters are organized as follows: (1) "Organizing Your Classroom and Materials"; (2) "Choosing Rules and Procedures"; (3) "Managing Student Work"; (4) "Getting Off to a Good Start"; (5) "Planning and Conducting Instruction"; (6) "Maintaining Appropriate Student Behavior"; (7) "Communication Skills for Teaching"; (8) "Managing Problem Behaviors"; and (9) "Managing Special Groups." Answer keys for chapter activities are appended. (Contains approximately 50 references.) (LL)
Discusses the Equal Opportunity in the Classroom Project of the Los Angeles County Schools in which recognized low achievers are given equal attention in the classroom. (IRT)
The Classroom Management Improvement Study (CMIS) tested the effectiveness of research-based classroom management principles and strategies in elementary school classrooms. Participating in the study were 41 teachers, divided into a treatment group that received a CMIS teacher's manual and participated in two workshops, and a control group. Half of the control group received the CMIS treatment in the middle of the school year to assess the effects of midyear intervention. Results indicated that teachers who received the CMIS treatment at the beginning of school implemented the recommended management strategies significantly more than did the control group teachers. Treatment in the middle of the school year had a limited impact on teachers' behavior. This report provides an overview of the CMIS: its background, treatment design, methodology and instrumentation, analyses of the major hypotheses and research questions, and discussion of the implications of the results for research on management and for teacher training. After the text, two-thirds of the document consists of 15 data tables and 14 appendices that include teacher workshop materials, a list of teacher manual contents, observer guidelines, all instruments, and teacher interview protocols. (MLF)