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The notion that the main objective of EFL teaching is to help students to communicate fluently in the target language cause many teachers still believe that an EFL class should focus on mastering linguistic elements only. However, recent trend in EFL teaching indicates the necessity of integrating literature because of its rich potential to provide an authentic model of language use. Among literary genres, short stories seem to be the most suitable choice for this due to its potential to help students enhance the four skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing—more effectively because of the motivational benefit embedded in the stories. The purpose of this article is to familiarize EFL instructors with the effectiveness of using short stories in EFL instruction. After presenting criteria for selecting a short story, discussion is focused on how to exploit a short story for enhancing students " language skills.
14 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 14-27
Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills
Parlindungan Pardede
Christian University of Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia
The notion that the main objective of EFL teaching is to help students to
communicate fluently in the target language cause many teachers still believe
that an EFL class should focus on mastering linguistic elements only. However,
recent trend in EFL teaching indicates the necessity of integrating literature
because of its rich potential to provide an authentic model of language use.
Among literary genres, short stories seem to be the most suitable choice for this
due to its potential to help students enhance the four skillslistening, speaking,
reading and writingmore effectively because of the motivational benefit
embedded in the stories. The purpose of this article is to familiarize EFL
instructors with the effectiveness of using short stories in EFL instruction. After
presenting criteria for selecting a short story, discussion is focused on how to
exploit a short story for enhancing students‟ language skills.
Keywords: literature, short story, language skills
Pardede, Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills 15
In the nineteenth century, the Grammar Translation Method (GTM)
predominated ESL/EFL teaching. During the era, translating literary texts from
the second/foreign language to the students‟ native language was one of the
main learning activities. Therefore, literary works were a notable source of
material in ESL/EFL teaching (Prodromou, 2000). But when GTM was
replaced by the Structuralism Approach in 1960s to the end of 1970s, literature
was no longer used. Structuralism was concerned with correctness of
grammatical form and not with content or interpretation of the written word or
style. In other words, teaching a foreign language was regarded as a matter of
linguistics. Then, when the Direct Method, the Audiolingualism, Community
Language Learning, Suggestopedia, the Silent Way, Total Physical Response,
and the Natural Approach successively dominated ESL/EFL teaching, literature
was not utilized. Later on and with the appearance of the Communicative
Approach in the late 70`s and very early 80`s, literature was also ignored. The
tendency in the EFL classrooms was to teach “usable, practical” contents. Thus,
literary works had no place in the curriculum. During this period most EFL
courses were mainly aimed to enable the students to communicate orally.
Consequently, dialogues dominated the curriculum.
However, since the 1980s the situation changed quite radically when
literature has found its way back into the teaching of EFL. But, different from
the way it was used with the GTM, the current use of literary works in
ESL/EFL classes is to improve communicative competence and providing “a
springboard for the development of critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation”
(Bretz, 1990: 335-338) and create students‟ awareness on the culture and
society of the relevant country. Since then, literature is undergoing an extensive
reconsideration within the language teaching profession. Literary works use in
ESL/EFL classes has attracted more interest among teachers, and more and
more studies on how to use literature in EFL/ESL classes are conducted. The
results of some studies, like those of Lazar (1993), Cook (1994), and Shanahan
(1997), for instances, strongly recommend the integration of literary texts into
the SL/FL curriculum. Many writings on this subject advocate a content-
focused curriculum that includes literature (Kramsch, 1993; Liddicoat & Crozet
2000). Theoretically, using of literature in language teaching is very
advantageous for it offers four benefits: authentic material, cultural enrichment,
language advancement, and personal growth (Collie & Slater, 1991). This is in
line with Erkaya (2005) who notes four benefits of using of short stories to
teach ESL/EFL, i.e. motivational, literary, cultural and higher-order thinking
First of all, literary texts can be more beneficial than informational
materials in stimulating the acquisition process as they provide authentic
16 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 14-27
contexts for processing new language. Literary texts expose learners to fresh
themes and unexpected language. In this sense, „a literary text is authentic text,
real language in context, to which we can respond directly” (Brumfit and
Carter, 1986, p. 15). This quality appears to make literature suitable and
valuable to language teaching in many contexts and cultures. In addition, since
literary texts contain language intended for native speakers, literature stands as
a model for language learners to become familiar with different forms and
conventions (Collie and Slater, 1991, p. 4; Ur, 1996, p. 201).
Second, containing real examples of grammatical structures and
vocabulary items, the literary texts raise learners' awareness of the range of the
target language and advance their competence in all language skills (Povey,
1967). Literary texts are not written for the specific purpose of teaching.
Instead, they deal with “things which mattered to the author when he wrote
them” (Maley, 1989, p. 12). So, compared to the language samples in the
textbooks, the language is far richer and more varied. Many genuine features of
the written language such as “the formation and function of sentences, the
variety of possible structures, and the different ways of connecting ideas” are
presented at many levels of difficulty (Collie and Slater, 1994, p. 5). By
assigning learners to explore the literary language, they have been at the same
time been encouraged to think about the norms of the language use
(Widdowson, 1975, cited in Lazar, 1993, p. 18). Learners are encouraged to
familiarize themselves with different language uses, forms or conventions. Such
exposure is essential for the learners especially for their language development.
Thus, they can appreciate the richness and variety of the language and become
more sensitive to the features of it.
Third, using literature in language teaching has the advantage of
providing cultural information about the target language. Literary texts increase
foreign language learners' insight into the country and the people whose
language is being learnt (Collie and Slater, 1991), which fosters learners' ability
to interpret discourse in different social and cultural target language contexts
(Savvidou, 2004). By reading literary works, learners learn to see a world
through another‟s eyes, observing human values and a different kind of living,
and discovering that others living in very different societies. They will
understand and become broadly aware of the social, political, historical, cultural
events happening in a certain society. Through literature, learners can deepen
their cultural understanding.
Finally, since literature enables students to understand and appreciate
other cultures, societies and ideologies different from their own, it encourages
personal growth and intellectual development (Carter and Long, 1991, pp. 2-4).
In accordance with these ideas, Littlewood (2000) emphasizes the importance
of the use of literature in EFL classes by arguing that:
Pardede, Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills 17
A major problem of language teaching in the classroom is the creation
of an authentic situation for language. All language classrooms,
especially those outside the community of native speakers, are isolated
from the context of events and situations which produce natural
language. Literature can overcome this problem because, in literary
works, language creates its own context. The actual situation of the
reader becomes immaterial as he or she looks on the events created by
language. These events create, in turn, a context of situation for the
language of the book and enable it to transcend the artificial classroom
situation (p. 179).
Based on these ideas, it is obvious that literary works undoubtedly
enable students to understand the language better by providing them with real
world experiences, relationships between society and people where the target
language is spoken, even if they are fictions.
Why Short Stories?
Despite its benefits for students, some objections are always raised against
the use of literature in public schools due to overcrowded classes, overloaded
syllabus and limited timesome problems commonly met in elementary to
high public schools in almost all developing countries. First, the deviated and
figurative language of poetry necessitates very long time to grasp. Second, the
length of novel will make it difficult for such classes to finish. Finally, drama
can be used in classes, but it will be difficult to act out a play in crowded
classes within limited course hours. Considering these objections, it is obvious
that among literary forms, short-story, which is defined by Poe (as cited in
Abrams, 1970, p. 158) “as a narrative that can be read at one sitting of from
one-half hour to two hours, and that is limited to „a certain unique or single
effect,‟ to which every detail is subordinate”, seems to be the most suitable one
to use in public schools. Since it is short, and aims at giving a „single effect‟,
there is usually one plot, a few characters; there is no detailed description of
setting. So, it is easy for the students to follow the story line of the work.
The idea that short stories are the most suitable literary genre to use in
English teaching due to its shortness is supported by Hirvela and Boyle‟s
(1988) study on adult Hong Kong Chinese students' attitudes towards four
genres of literary texts (short story, novel, poetry and drama) indicated short
stories as the genre that is less feared and the second most enjoyed (43%; the
novel is the most enjoyed with 44%), since short stories are easy to finish and
definite to understand. The idea is also in line with Collie and Slater (1991, p.
196) when they list four advantages of using short stories for language teachers.
First, short stories are practical as their length is long enough to cover entirely
in one or two class sessions. Second, short stories are not complicated for
18 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 14-27
students to work with on their own. Third, short stories have a variety of
choice for different interests and tastes. Finally, short stories can be used with
all levels (beginner to advance), all ages (young learners to adults) and all
classes (morning, afternoon, or evening classes).
The idea that short stories are very suitable to use in English teaching is
supported by Pardede‟s (2010) research findings on the interest, perceptions,
and the perceived needs of the students of the English teachers training of
Christian University of Indonesia towards the incorporation of short story in
language skills classes. The research revealed that a majority of the respondents
basically found short stories interesting to use both as materials for self-
enjoyment and of as components language skill classes. Most of them also
agreed or strongly agreed that the incorporation of short stories in language
skills classes will help learners achieve better mastery of language skills. They
even believed that English teacher candidates should master the skills of
employing short stories to teach language skills. In addition, the statistical
analysis revealed that the students‟ interest and perceptions were positively and
significantly correlated, and both variables significantly affected each other.
Choosing the Text
The use of short-story in English teaching should be aimed to encourage
the students to use what they have previously learnt. By doing this, the learning
process will be student-centered. However, the teacher plays a great role.
She/he must choose a suitable text to use in class, and should help her/his
students understand the story with various activities.
In using short stories to teach English, story selection is indeed one of the
most important roles of the teacher. Since the lengths of short-stories quite vary,
choose a story short enough to handle within course hours. The shortness of the
text is important for the students because they will see that they can read,
understand and finish something in English, and it will give the students a
feeling of achievement and self-confidence. Besides the length of the text, Hill
(1994, p. 15) points out three other basic criteria of choosing the text: (1) the
needs and abilities of the students; (2) the linguistic and stylistic level of the
text; (3) the amount of background information required for a true appreciation
of the material.
The importance of considering these criteria could be perceived by
realizing that the vocabulary and sentence structure of the short-story to be
studied must be suitable to the level of the students. The short-stories with
archaic, slang, foreign words, and allusions, having sentences imitating the
speech of a particular locality or ignorant people or foreigners should be
avoided if the text is intended for students below intermediate level. Similarly,
very long sentences are difficult for students to understand. As students will not
understand these sentences and words, they will get bored and not read the
Pardede, Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills 19
work. Therefore, before giving the short-story, the teacher should decide the
readability of the text.
In order to meet that readability criterion, using graded or simplified
stories is possibly the most practical way. According to Ur (1996), “… the use
of „authentic‟ text with less proficient learners is often frustrating and counter-
productive” (p. 150). Therefore, the use of simplified text with less proficient
readers is highly suggested for the sake of suiting the texts with the level of
In addition to the previous criteria, Spack (1985) suggests the aspect of
interest to be considered. According to him, it is important for the teacher to
choose stories that would interest students that he/she most likes to read and
teach, and that have been made into film to provide visual interpretation.
McKay (2001, p. 322) and Rivers (1968, p. 230) point out that students read
and enjoy a text if the subject-matter of the text is relevant to their life
experience and interests.
Short Stories and Language Skills Development
Short stories allow teachers to teach the four skills to all levels of
language proficiency. Murdoch (2002) indicates that “short stories can, if
selected and exploited appropriately, provide quality text content which will
greatly enhance ELT courses for learners at intermediate levels of proficiency”
(p. 9). According to him, short stories could be very beneficial materials in ELT
reinforcement by using them in learning activities such as, discussion, writing
and acting out dialogues.
In the following sections, while showing how to exploit a short story to
develop language skills, a series of activities is presented as a sample so that
teachers get concrete ideas about how to use short stories in their EFL
classrooms. A student-centered approach is presented in this sample. This
approach allows more exploration of the short story, offers the students more
opportunities to formulate their own ideas or feelings about the issue(s) as well
as to improve their basic skills in the language learning process. To cater
various learning styles, it is necessary to devise various kinds of tasks and
activities. All of them are carried out in English to immerse students in an
English-speaking environment.
A. Reading
Short stories are very useful in the trials to improve students' vocabulary
and reading. The results of Lao and Krashen‟s (2000) study which compared
the reading achievement between a group of students that read literary texts and
a second group that read non-literary texts at a university in Hong Kong
revealed that the group who read literary texts made better improvement in
vocabulary and reading. Using A Long Walk Home (see the appendix), three
20 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 14-27
activities can be conducted to help students to acquire more vocabulary. These
activities are related to form, meaning, and use respectively.
1. Complete the word form chart below. The first word has been done for you.
Remember that some words do not have all forms.
There can be as many words as the teacher thinks necessary. However
there should not too many words included in a short story so as not to make
students lose interest in the activity. This activity helps students to learn
more vocabulary, and it also teaches them how to use a dictionary.
2. Write the letter of the definition/synonym in column B that most closely
matches each word/phrase in column A.
a. to spare
1. appear; make an appearance;
b. immersed
2. lateness
c. to show up
3. free for other use
d. tardiness
4. engaged wholly or deeply; absorbed
5. …
In this activity, the words/phrases in column A come from the story
students are reading. The definitions and/or synonyms provided in column B
must match the meaning of the words/phrases in the context of the story to
help students to understand how a different word/phrase can be used in the
same context.
Pardede, Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills 21
3. Choose the word/phrase from column A in the previous activity that best fits
each of the following sentences. You may need to add -s to a plural word or
to a third person singular of a verb in the present tense, -ed to the past tense
of regular verbs, -ing for present participle, etc.
a) She finally ________ after we waited for her for two hours.
b) Johan was so ______ in his that he did not realize morning had broken.
c) After finishing this homework, I have quite much _______ time.
d) Mr. Moore looked angry when I entered the meeting room. But he finally
excused my _______ after I finished explaining why I was late.
In activity 3, students practice using the words they already understand
the meanings of. Since “Bill” does not include a list of unknown words/phrases
in bold and the words/phrases do not have explanation and/or synonyms on the
footnote, teachers should add both. To motivate students do such activity,
teacher may explain: “The list of words helps you go on reading without
troubling yourself stopping for too long to look them up in a dictionary or
High-intermediate and advanced students also profit from literary texts.
What they read gives them the opportunity to come up with their own insights
and helps them speak the language in a more imaginative way. They become
more creative since they are faced with their own point of view, that/those of
the main character(s) of the story and those of their peers. According to Oster
(1989), this process leads to critical thinking, by confirming, “Focusing on
point of view in literature enlarges students' vision and fosters critical thinking
by dramatizing the various ways a situation can be seen” (p. 85). This could
happen because when students read, they interact with the text. By interacting
with the text, they interpret what they read. By interpreting what they read, they
can work toward speaking English more creatively.
B. Writing
Short story can be a powerful and motivating source for writing in
ESL/EFL, both as a model and as subject matter. Short story as a model occurs
when students‟ writing becomes closely similar to the original work or clearly
imitates its content, theme, organization, and /or style. However, when student
writing exhibits original thinking like interpretation or analysis, or when it
emerges from, or is creatively stimulated by, the reading, literature serves as
subject matter. In accordance with this, Oster (1989, p. 85) affirms that
literature helps students to write more creatively.
22 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 14-27
Teachers can create a variety of writing activities to help students to
develop their writing skills. They can ask students to write dialogues or more
complex writing activities if students have reached a high level of language
proficiency. For example, if teachers bring to class A Long Walk Home, they
can assign the following writing activities:
1. Write a dialogue between Jackson and his father that morning (paragraph
2. Paraphrase the last two paragraphs of the short story.
3. Write a book report or summarize the story in five to seven sentences,
including the main character, setting, conflict, climax, and resolution.
4. Write one sentence on the theme of the story.
5. Write a paragraph to explain what you think Jackson has learned from that
6. Write a review on the story.
7. Write an essay on what you like or dislike in the story.
Activities 1 and 2 are suitable for middle intermediate levels; activities 3
and 4 for upper intermediate levels; and activities 5, 6 and 7 for advanced
C. Speaking and Listening
Short story can also be a powerful and motivating source for teaching
both speaking and listening. Oral reading, dramatization, improvisation, role-
playing, reenactment, and discussion are some effective learning activities
which center on a short story EFL classes can use for enhancing these two
skills. Asking students to read story aloud can develop their speaking as well as
listening skills. Moreover, it also leads to improving pronunciation.
The followings are some activities teachers can assign to develop students
speaking skills by using short stories.
1. The students read the story aloud as a chain activity. The first student reads
the first sentence. The second student takes the second sentence, the third
student, third sentence, and so forth. Such activity will enhance students‟
pronunciation and fluency in an interesting way. It is suitable for elementary
2. In an upper intermediate class, the students retell the story as a chain
activity in small groups. Each student will have a lot of opportunities to
practice the relevant connectors or other discourse markers in a meaningful
context. (They certainly should have been given a list of the connectors and
discourse markers beforehand.)
Pardede, Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills 23
3. In an advanced class, the students are grouped into two groups. Using A
Long Walk Home, the first group is assigned to prepare arguments that the
father‟s decision to punish himself is appropriate. Another group should
prepare arguments that the decision is not appropriate.
4. An extending activity useful to develop students‟ speaking skill and to make
students more involved in the story is role-play. This can be carried out by
asking students to play the role of several characters, i.e. by instructing
them the followings:
a. Imagine you are Jackson. Tell your partner (acting as his father) why
you were late coming from the garage. Make sure you are convincing.
b. Suppose you are the receptionist of the garage in which Jackson took the
car. Tell Jackson‟ father about the car.
To develop listening skill using a short story, teachers can do the
1. Read the story out loud so students have the opportunity to listen to a native
speaker of English (if at all possible); or
2. Play the story if a recording is available.
The activity can be carried out for fun or for students to find answers to
questions given and explained to them before the listening activity starts. For
students to understand the story when they listen to it for the first time, the
questions can be based on literary structures, such as:
1. Who is the main character of A Long Walk Home?
2. Where/when does the story take place?
3. What is the problem (conflict) in the story?
4. How is the conflict resolved?
Since the objective of EFL teaching is to help students to communicate
fluently in the target language, teachers should provide an authentic model of
language use. To do it, she/he should focus not only on linguistic but also on
literary and cultural elements. Since short stories offer these elements, they are
highly beneficial to use in ESL/EFL teaching programs. However, the selection
of short stories should be done in reference to the course objective, the learners‟
profile, and the story content in order to make the best of it. Since every
teaching situation is unique, the use of one single piece of literature varies from
classroom to classroom and from teacher to teacher. Like what the discussion in
24 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 14-27
this paper shows, short stories can be used to provide different activities for
reading, listening, writing and speaking classes. Short story creates a
meaningful context to teach different language focuses and to improve the
students' interpretative strategies. Last but not least, the same story may also
serve for some other language focuses or skills such as vocabulary
Abrams, M.H. (1970). A glossary of literary term. New York: Rinehart.
Bocarro, J. (1997). A long walk home. In Canfield, J. (Ed.). Chicken soup for
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Bretz, M. L. (1990). Reaction: Literature and communicative competence: A
springboard for the development of critical thinking and aesthetic
appreciation. Foreign Language Annals, 23(4), 335-338.
Brumfit, C.J. & Carter, R.A. (1986). Literature and language teaching. Oxford:
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Collie, J., & Slater, S. (1991). Literature in the language classroom. (5th ed.).
Glasgow: Cambridge University Press.
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Hill, Jeniffer. (1994). Using literature in language teaching. London:
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Cambridge University Press.
Lazar, Gillian. (1993). Literature and language teaching. Cambridge:
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cultures. Melbourne: Language Australia.
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Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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C.J. & Carter, R.A. (Eds.), Literature and the learner: Methodological
approaches (pp. 10-23). London: McMillan
McKay, S. L. (1986). Literature in the ESL classroom, London: Oxford
University Press.
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_______ (2001). Literature as content for ESL/EFL. Celce-Murcia (Ed.).
Teaching English as a second or foreign language (3rd Edition) (pp.
319-332) Boston: Heinle and Heinle.
Oster, J. (1989). Seeing with different eyes: Another view of literature in the
ESL Class. TESOL Quarterly, 23, 85-103
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interest and perception. The Proceeding of the 4th International Seminar
2010: Bringing Linguistics and Literature into EFL Classrooms (pp. 1-
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Povey, J.F. (1967). Literature in TESOL programs: The language and the
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Prodromou, L. (2000). Reason not the need: Shakespeare in ELT. IATEFL
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Rivers, W. M. (1981). Teaching foreign-language skills, (2nd ed.). Chicago and
London: The University of Chicago Press.
Savvidou, C. (2004). “An Integrated Approach to the Teaching of Literature in
the EFL Classroom.” The Internet TESL Journal, 10 (12) Retrieved
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Teaching and Research. The Modern Language Journal. 81, 2, 164-174.
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Ur, P. (1996). A Course in language teaching: Practice and theory. Cambridge:
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26 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 14-27
A Long Walk Home
(by: Jason Bocarro)
I grew up in the south of Spain in a little community called Estepona. I
was 16 when one morning my father told me I could drive him into a remote
village called Mijas, about 18 miles away, on the condition that I take the car in
to be serviced at a nearby garage. Having just learned to drive and hardly ever
having the opportunity to use the car, I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas
and promised to pick him up at 4 p.m., then drove to a nearby garage and
dropped off the car. Because I had a few hours to spare, I decided to catch a
couple of movies at a theatre near the garage. However, I became so immersed
in the films that I completely lost track of time. When the last movie had
finished, I looked down at my watch. It was six o'clock. I was two hours late.
I knew Dad would be angry if he found out I'd been watching movies.
He'd never let me drive again. I decided to tell him that the car needed some
repairs and that they had taken longer that had been expected. I drove up to the
place where we had planned to meet and saw Dad waiting patiently on the
corner. I apologized for being late and told him that I'd come as quickly as I
could, but the car had needed some major repairs. I'll never forget the look he
gave me.
"I'm disappointed that you feel you have to lie to me, Jackson."
"What do you mean? I'm telling the truth."
Dad looked at me again. "When you did not show up, I called the garage
to ask if there were any problems, and they told me that you had not yet picked
up the car. So you see, I know there were no problems with the car." A rush of
guilt ran through me as I feebly confessed to my trip to the movie theater and
the real reason for my tardiness. Dad listened intently as a sadness passed
through him.
"I am angry, not with you but with myself. You see, I realize that I have
failed as a father if after all these years you feel that you have to lie to me. I
have failed because I have brought up a son who cannot even tell the truth to his
Pardede, Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills 27
own father, I'm going to walk home now and contemplate where I have gone
wrong all these years".
"But Dad, its 18 miles to home. It's dark. You can't walk home."
My protests, my apologies and the rest of my utterances were useless. I
had let my father down, and I was about to learn one of the most painful lessons
of my life. Dad began walking along the dusty roads. I quickly jumped in the
car and followed behind, hoping he would relent. I pleaded all the way, telling
him how sorry I was, but he simply ignored me, continuing on silently,
thoughtfully and painfully. For 18 miles I drove behind him, averaging about
five miles per hour.
Seeing my father in so much physical and emotional pain was the most
distressing and painful experience that I have ever faced. However, it was also
the most successful lesson. I have never lied to him since.
... When incorporating short stories into the classroom, it is important to consider cultural characteristics since they may also be utilized to enhance comprehension of culture [27]. An advantage of utilizing short stories is their versatility in catering to different levels of language proficiency, age groups, and educational environments [28]. Drama is frequently employed as a pedagogical tool, alongside short stories, for educational purposes. ...
... Short stories cater to a diverse array of interests and inclinations. Moreover, short stories can be utilized with students of varying proficiency levels, ranging from novice to expert, across distinct age groups, from toddlers to adults, and in diverse classroom settings, including morning, afternoon, or evening classes [28]. ...
... This tendency to have a positive attitude towards using literary works in English learning is likely due to students' notion that academic materials are not enough to help them make the most of their learning [36]. Students showed positive attitude is comprehensible since literary works in different forms seem to cater to individuality, such as personal encounters [26] and self-expression [27], and can be used for students of different ages and language levels [28]. The next part of the attitude investigated is the student's attitude toward English literature instruction. ...
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Literary works have been used in language classrooms for many years. The idea stems from the tight relationship between literature and language, which makes educators believe that using literature benefits language learning. The current study investigates students’ attitudes toward the use of literary works in English classes and their perception of the benefits. This mixed-method study was conducted in an English Teacher Training Program in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Seventy-nine students were chosen by convenient sampling in the quantitative data collection and 6 for the qualitative data. Questionnaires were used to see the students’ attitudes, and interviews were used to understand students’ perceptions. Using a Likert scale of 1-5 to indicate a very strong agreement to a strong disagreement, the study found a mean score of 2.39, which means that the tendency is closer to scale 1. The number means that students favor using literary works in English classes. The study also found that the students perceived that literary works can make learning enjoyable, help improve language aspects, and hone student’s imagination. The students’ positive acceptance of the use of literary works implies that language educators should consider them as part of all language classrooms and figure out an effective way to make them into effective language learning tools.
... Literature has emerged as a powerful alternative material in teaching EFL. Pardede (2011) supports this integration because literature provides authentic models of language use. Within literary genres, drama holds particular promise as an educational tool. ...
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This article examines the effectiveness of drama-based instruction in developing language skills among English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Despite the recognized importance of English in global communication, EFL learners continue to face challenges in language acquisition, necessitating innovative teaching approaches. Through comprehensive library research analyzing scholarly works, this study investigates how dramatic activities contribute to the development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The findings reveal that drama enhances reading comprehension through script analysis and character interpretation, while collaborative scriptwriting improves writing skills by developing audience awareness and creativity. In speaking development, drama activities build confidence and improve pronunciation through role-play and performance-based tasks. Listening skills are strengthened through active engagement with authentic language input during rehearsals and performances. The research demonstrates that drama's effectiveness stems from its ability to provide contextualized, interactive learning experiences that engage students in authentic language use. Results indicate that drama-based instruction creates a supportive environment where students can practice language skills while developing confidence and motivation. The integration of dramatic activities in EFL contexts proves particularly valuable where opportunities for authentic language use are limited. This study contributes to the field by providing a comprehensive analysis of drama's role in language skill development and offers insights for educators implementing drama-based instruction in EFL classrooms.
... Short story is imagenary of event or something by written like fabel with the aim to entertain the reader with the small duration. Short stories, which improve reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, are the best genre to utilize in language training (Pardede, 2011). The participants in a study by Pourkalhor and Kohan (2013) receiving instruction through short stories. ...
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The inclusion of literature as one of the program's learning components English language, effective second-language usage, and effective use of English as a foreign language. Discuss the advantages of employing literature from different genres, such as poetry, theater, novels, or short stories, while teaching English in the decades past. The purpose of research is to identify short stories as a type of literature that may be utilized in English language learning or to improve language abilities. Because short stories have some advantages, like text that is interesting and can encourage students to learn the language Bitain, which is adapted to the level of understanding of the English language student, they have been chosen as a literary genre used as learning materials for the English language. The students’ perception in using short story of English language instruction can be seen from the perspectives of increased student vocabulary, text comprehension readings that allow students to translate the story into their own language, and students' ability to comprehend the historical context of the story.
... This analysis can provide insights into ideas that are still in embryonic form in "Robohnya Surau Kami," which may have been further developed in "Kemarau." Pardede (2011) Emphasizing current trends in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL), it shows the need to integrate literature because of its rich potential in providing authentic models of language use. This supports the idea that "Robohnya Surau Kami" could be used as an exercise in composing "Kemarau," highlighting the value of literary works in language teaching and writing exercises. ...
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The novel “Kemarau” by A.A. Navis is a literary work that reflects the social life of the Minangkabau community. The main focus of this novel is on the life struggles of its characters. The issue of marriage, particularly the marriages involving the children in the novel, becomes the central focus of this research, aiming to uncover the problems and reasons behind the forbidden marriages portrayed in the story. Forbidden marriages in “Kemarau” arise from the father's attempt to overcome loneliness and the mother's mistake of not introducing or telling the story about the child's biological father. The causes of these forbidden marriages involve divorce, parental factors, and the influence of migration.In its analysis, this novel will be elaborated using sociological literature theory. This approach allows us to delve into the social life of a community reflected in a literary work and connect it with the reality of society during the birth and after the existence of the work. The research findings indicate that “Kemarau” is not only a literary masterpiece but also provides profound insights into the social dynamics of Minangkabau society. By delving into its social reality, the novel becomes a source of learning that enriches readers' experiences with the dynamics of life and marriage in Minangkabau culture
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This research is aimed at studying the process of professional and pedagogical preparation of preservice foreign language teachers for the implementation of the 4C’s model of education in secondary school. The aim of the article is to present the results of the study of trends, directions and pedagogical conditions of effective organisation of the process of preparing students of the educational program 6В01730- “Foreign Language: two foreign languages” for the implementation of the 4C’s concept of education at school, to offer scientifically-based recommendations on the subject of professionallyoriented formation of flexible skills in future teachers. In order to study the problem, a control survey and questionnaire survey of students on the level of their knowledge and perceptions in the aspect of 4C’s concept, its implementation in school practice was conducted with the participation of 169 students of the educational program 6В01730 -“Foreign Language: two foreign languages”. The method of expert evaluation revealed the formation of pre-serviceteachers’ methodological and technological skills of teaching and training schoolchildren in 4C’s skills. Educational program, educational-methodical complexes of disciplines of the training direction “Foreign language teacher”, methodical recommendations on the organisation of the educational process in order to form 4C’s competences were used as research materials. In the course of analysing the university practice, information was obtained about the current trends, directions and gaps in the preparation of future foreign language teachers for teaching and training students in 4C’s skills. The key directions of pedagogical efforts and pedagogical conditions were identified, the integrated use of which increases the possibilities of effective design and organisation of the educational process in the university aimed at the formation of professionally- oriented 4C’s competences in students of educational program of pedagogical direction. The obtained results contribute to the development of modern models of training teachers of a new formation in higher education institutions of different countries. Also, the described approaches and models will allow university teachers, teachers’ retraining and professional development courses to design and implement innovative content and methods of developing 4C’s competences in students
Yeni nesil öğrencilerin yabancı dil öğreniminde karşılaştıkları zorluklar, özellikle küçük yaşta edinilmesi gereken temel dil ediminin verimli oluşturulamamasına sebep olmaktadır. Eskiden yürütülen eğitim öğretim sürecinin günümüzde ne kadar verimli olduğu ise üzerinde düşünülmesi gereken bir konudur. Genç öğrencilere yabancı dilin öğretiminde verimli bir süreç geçirmek için öncelikle onların ihtiyaçları, motivasyonları dikkate alınmalı, yani yeni bir dil öğretmek için yeni neslin dilinden anlanmalıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, hikâye anlatım yönteminin özellikle küçük yaş grubundaki öğrencilerin yabancı dil dersinde kelime öğrenimindeki başarı ve motivasyonları üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu doğrultuda, araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan bir dilbilgisi konusuna yönelik, özellikle ilkokul müfredatında en çok kullanılan elli fiil tercih edilerek oluşturulmuş hikâye, çalışmanın özgünlüğünü sergilemekle birlikte merkezinde bulunmaktadır. Çalışmada öntest-sontest kontrol gruplu araştırma modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırma, 2022-2023 eğitim öğretim yılı içerisinde, Samsun ilinde özel bir okulun ilkokul 3. sınıf kademesinde 23 kişilik deney ve 23 kişilik bir kontrol grubuyla toplamda 46 öğrenci ile sürdürülmüştür. Deney grubundaki öğrencilere hikâye anlatım yöntemi ile, kontrol grubundaki öğrencilere ise geleneksel yöntem ile geçmiş zamanda fiillerin çekimleri ve anlamları ele alınarak öğretim süreci için tasarlanan ders planları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma ile ilgili verileri toplamak için, “Başarı Testi ve Motivasyon Envanteri” uygulanmıştır. Veriler içerik analizi ve yinelenmiş ölçümler için varyans analizi (ANOVA) ile değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; deney grubunda yer alan Hikâye Anlatım Yöntemi ile eğitim alan öğrencilerin, öntest ve sontest puanları arasında anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Kontrol grubunda yer alan geleneksel yöntem ile eğitim alan öğrencilerin öntest ve sontest puanları arasında anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır. Deney grubunun motivasyon envanteri ile kontrol grubunun motivasyon envanteri arasında kontrol grubuna yönelik anlamlı bir fark elde edilmesi ile birlikte hikâye anlatım yöntemi ile işlenen derslerin etkililiği olumlu anlamda sonuçlanmıştır. Bunlara dayanarak, eğitimde yenilikçi yaklaşımların önemi vurgulanmış olup, yeni nesil öğrencilerin ihtiyaçlarına yönelik olarak geliştirilecek yöntemlerin eğitim alanında daha geniş çapta uygulanması gerektiği önerilmiştir.
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In English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, vocabulary acquisition is a fundamental pillar upon which proficiency and fluency are built. However, traditional methods of vocabulary instruction often fall short of engaging learners effectively and fostering lasting retention. Recognising the fundamental role of engagement and contextualisation in learning, educators have turned to innovative pedagogical approaches to enrich the vocabulary acquisition process. Among these approaches, storytelling emerges as a compelling and promising method, blending language acquisition with narrative engagement. This monograph investigates the dynamic relationship between storytelling and EFL vocabulary acquisition, it examines its theoretical background, practical applications, and pedagogical implications, through an interdisciplinary lens that synthesizes insights from linguistics, psychology, and education. Storytelling, an age-old form of communication deeply rooted in human culture, can captivate learners' imaginations and emotions. Learners are afforded opportunities for meaningful engagement and language use by embedding target vocabulary within narrative contexts. Furthermore, the cognitive processes involved in comprehending and internalizing stories stimulate multiple aspects of vocabulary acquisition, including recognition, retention, and application. Among the growing interest in incorporating storytelling into EFL curricula, this monograph intends to provide a comprehensive examination of its efficacy as a pedagogical tool. Drawing upon empirical research, best practices, and theoretical frameworks, it 7 offers insights into the numerous ways in which storytelling can enhance vocabulary acquisition across diverse learner populations and proficiency levels. The monograph is divided into two main parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical background offers the definitions of selected topics as young learners, storytelling, vocabulary, and vocabulary retention. Moreover, it also highlights the importance of knowing physical development, locomotor development, and cognitive development of our students as it also plays an important role in their learning process. The empirical part investigates the relationship between the usage of stories, either in storytelling or aloud reading and the retention of selected vocabulary. As educators seek to foster language proficiency that transcends habit memorization and passive learning, the integration of storytelling into EFL instruction represents a promising paradigm shift. Through this monograph, we embark on a journey to unravel the transformative potential of storytelling in empowering learners to not only expand their lexical range but also cultivate a deeper appreciation for the richness of the English language.
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This study aimed to investigate the impact of ChatGPT-generated and illustrated stories on enriching children's literature, specifically by generating fictional short stories tailored for young Omani learners. Additionally, it sought to explore the effect of these stories on enhancing the vocabulary repertoire offifth-grade Omani students. The study employed a one-group pre-test post-test quasi-experimentaldesign. The treatment was administered over a two-week summer course to a classroom of twelve students aged between 9 and 10 years. The findings revealed that these stories played a significant role in providing learners with engaging and rich literature that fostered joy and imagination. Furthermore, the stories substantially enhanced the students' vocabulary. The post-test vocabulary mean score (M = 10.83, SD = 3.21) was significantly higher than the pre-test mean score (M = 3.85, SD = 2.53). It was evident that the fifth graders learned a considerable number of words related to their daily lives, contributing to a meaningful and fruitful learning process. Regarding learners' attitudes toward these stories, they exhibited highly positive responses and demonstrated great interest in learning English through the stories and the accompanying illustrations. Based on these findings, it is recommended that this study be replicated with a different age group, particularly Cycle 2 students who are teenagers and show a strong interest in cutting-edgetechnology. The proposed study would explore the impact of ChatGPT-generated literature on student learning and examine how it might enhance their learning autonomy.
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This study aimed at investigating the impact of ChatGPT-generated and illustrated stories on enriching children literature in terms of generating fictional short stories tailored precisely to young Omani learners. Also, it aimed at exploring the impact of these stories on enhancing five graders’ Omani students’ vocabulary repertoire. It employed a one group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design; the pre-test and post-test were the same with 25 vocabulary items. A 2-weeks summer course classroom consisting of twelve students recieveed the treatment. Their age was between 9 and 10 years. It was found that those stories have played a remarkable role in providing learners with interesting, rich literature in terms of joy and and imagination as well as they have enhanced their vocabulary repertoire. The post-test vocabulary mean score (M=10.83, SD=3.21) was significantly higher than that of the pre-test (M=3.85, SD=2.53). It was clear than five-graders learnt a good number of words related to their daily life which has contributed to making the learning process meaningful and fruitful. Regarding learners’ attitudes towards those stories, they held highly positive attitudes, and they showed a great interest in learning English through these stories and the effective illustrating pictures. Consequently, it is recommended that this study be replicated with a different age group, particularly Cycle 2 students, who are teenagers and show a strong interest in cutting-edge technology, including the latest version of ChatGPT as a user-friendly private tutor. The recommended study would explore the impact of ChatGPT-generated literature on student learning and examine the extent to which it might boost their learning autonomy
PREFACE Education is always changing, and teaching English to young learners is one of the most exciting and important areas. As our world becomes more connected, speaking English becomes a key skill, offering opportunities for cultural exchange, education, and future jobs. This book, Teaching English to Young Learners, gathers a wide range of insights and methods to enhance the learning experiences of young English language students. The journey begins with Süleyman KASAP’s exploration of the linguistic potential of young learners. This foundational chapter delves into the unique capabilities and developmental stages of children, setting the stage for effective language instruction. Ercan Öpengin then addresses the nuances of teaching English as a second language to gifted students, offering strategies tailored to meet the advanced cognitive and linguistic needs of these exceptional learners. This is followed by Mehmet Veysi BABAYİĞİT's engaging examination of developing vocabulary and grammar through drama-based activities and games, highlighting the role of creativity and play in language acquisition. Fırat ÜNSAL contributes a comprehensive overview of the pedagogy of teaching language to young learners, providing a theoretical framework and practical approaches that educators can apply in their classrooms. The importance of addressing emotional well-being in language learning is underscored by Metin TAYTAŞ, who investigates the effect of positive psychology-based character strengths on foreign language anxiety in children. The power of music in language education is captured by Mehmet Veysi BABAYİĞİT’s chapter on using music and songs to develop listening and speaking skills. This is complemented by Barış GÖRÜNÜŞ’s insights into integrating game-based learning for effective EFL instruction, emphasizing the benefits of gamifying the learning process to maintain engagement and motivation. Nizamettin KOÇ explores the cultural context of teaching language to young learners, emphasizing the significance of cultural sensitivity and relevance in language instruction. Murat ÇELIK discusses nurturing reading and writing skills, providing strategies to develop these critical literacy skills from an early age. Content iv The potential of technology in modern education is captured in the chapters on Web 2.0 tools for young learners by Büşra DAĞDEMİR and H. Kübra ER, and on engaging young learners through technology and multimedia by Aytaç TÜRKBEN. These chapters explore innovative digital tools and resources that can enhance the learning experience and make language acquisition more interactive and fun. M. Sena ATAŞ and Haydar ÖZDEMİR discusses approaches to foreign language instruction for young learners in school settings, presenting effective methodologies for formal educational environments. The use of short stories as a tool for enhancing language learning is expertly covered by Serdar TAKVA, who demonstrates how narratives can captivate and educate simultaneously. Özgül GÜLTEKİN TALAYHAN's chapter on bridging the language gap through strategies for teaching English in multilingual classrooms addresses the unique challenges and opportunities of multilingual education, while Haydar ÖZDEMİR and M. Sena ATAŞ examines multilingualism and its teaching, focusing on the interplay between language learning and mother tongue maintenance. Bilal KARACA’s contribution on teaching English through authentic materials emphasizes the importance of real-world resources in creating meaningful learning experiences. Finally, Yücel YILDIZ and Gülcan YILDIZ present total physical response strategies, offering a kinesthetic approach to language learning that leverages physical movement to reinforce linguistic concepts. The book concludes with Turan PALABIYIK’s chapter on developing listening and speaking skills, rounding out the comprehensive toolkit of strategies and insights provided in this volume. Teaching English to Young Learners is an essential resource for educators, administrators, and researchers dedicated to the field of language education. Each chapter offers a unique perspective and practical guidance, contributing to a holistic understanding of how to effectively teach English to young learners. As we continue to innovate and adapt in our educational practices, this book serves as a valuable guide and inspiration for fostering linguistic and cultural competence in the next generation. EDITOR Süleyman KASAP
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For a long time, literature, which once played a prominent role in language study, has been excluded from both ESL programs and first language composition programs whose central aim is the achievement of linguistic proficiency. In recent years, however, many educators in both fields have again acknowledged the academic, intellectual, cultural, and linguistic benefits of the study of literature. An examination of research on the activities of reading, composing, and responding to literature reveals that these three areas of study, usually taught separately, can be viewed as similar processes. After discussing these findings, this article describes a literature and composition course which demonstrates how ESL students can profit from instruction which focuses on the interrelationship of reading and writing. The course also shows that ESL students have much to gain when literature is the reading content of their composition course and the subject matter for their compositions.
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This collection of papers examines what it means to teach culture as an integrated part of language from both the language learner's and the language teacher's perspectives. The 11 papers include the following: "Teaching Cultures as an Integrated Part of Language: Implications for the Aims, Approaches and Pedagogies of Language Teaching" (Chantal Crozet and Anthony J. Liddicoat); "Globalisation and the Impact of Teaching Languages in Australia" (Anne Pauwels); "Primary Socialization and Cultural Factors in Second Language Learning: Wending Our Way through Semi-Charted Territory" (Francis Mangubhai); "Everyday Speech as Culture: Implications for Language Teaching" (Anthony J. Liddicoat); "Teaching Conversation and Sociocultural Norms with Conversation Analysis" (Anne-Marie Barraja-Rohan); "Contrastive Rhetoric and the Teaching of Writing: Seven Principles" (Andy Kirkpatrick); "Teaching Literature across Cultures and across Artforms" (Louise Maurer, Piera Carroli, and Roger Hillman); "Cultural Transmission in Literacy Acquisition: A Case Study in Chinese" (Judy W.Y. Ho); "Is There a Class in This Room?" (Peter Cowley and Barbara E. Hanna); "Teaching Culture and Language for Specific Purposes: An Approach to the Development of Appropriate Teaching Material" (Gabriele Schmidt); and "Developing Pathways for Conceptualizing the Integration of Culture-and-Language" (Leo Papademetre). (Papers contain references.) (SM)
Most of the writing on the subject of literature as an aspect of EFL/ESL has concentrated on teachers' attitudes to the use of literature in language courses. By contrast, the following article describes an investigation and survey into how students feel about studying English literature. The article proposes a strategy for the teaching of literature which incorporates students' attitudes along with the more established factors of the teacher's choice of goals and selection of texts.
Focusing on point of view in literature enlarges students' vision and fosters critical thinking by dramatizing the various ways a situation can be seen. This is especially valuable in international classes, wherein students from traditional education systems are often unfamiliar with critical ways of reading, questioning, and analyzing texts. Short stories told from a single, limited point of view or through the eyes of one character make excellent vehicles for demonstrating the extent to which limited knowledge or an emotional stake in the events colors a character's vision. As students respond to stories and analyze their impressions, they see how their information was filtered through a point of view and limited by it; furthermore, they begin to see how their own experiences, cultures, or values affect their views. Once students see how point of view and sympathy can be manipulated in a story, they are assigned writing tasks requiring them to shift points of view in a given story or in a story of their own. They must speak with different voices, see with different eyes, which fosters more flexible reading, writing, and thinking. Moreover, contact with literature stimulates more imaginative student writing, and with it an increase of significant detail and appropriate figurative language.
This article explores the relationship of literature to foreign language teaching. Five levels or perspectives are defined for literary works and their place in language instruction is defined. The five levels also provide criteria for the selection of appropriate texts. (CLK)
Today, university teachers of foreign language (FL) in the U.S. face a pedagogical environment in which two camps have developed, one basing its emphasis on communicative competence, the other on the importance of exposure to culture and, especially, literature. The reliance of the former on data from empirical studies often conflicts with the feelings of the latter that nonquantitative, intuitional aspects of language learning are essential to language acquisition. However, much research into the role of culture and literature in language learning remains to be done so that these feelings may be articulated and applied systematically to the development of materials, syllabi, and curricula. Areas in which such articulation might take place include: (a) the extent to which language itself is laden with affect that may be catalyzed as an inducement to learning; (b) the extent to which the affective element is embedded in the nature of symbolic expression—and thus metaphor, myth, and literature; (c) the specific ways in which language and literature may encode culture and have an affective impact on learners in the classroom. Research already exists that lends itself to a close examination of these areas. By taking advantage of that research, FL teaching in the U.S. could establish the importance of literature and culture in the language classroom in ways that would solidify its role in an environment fraught with transformation and change.