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Climate change, disease and the dynamics of a kelp-bed ecosystem in Nova Scotia


Abstract and Figures

Along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, cyclical alternations between kelp beds and sea urchin barrens are driven by sporadic introductions of a pathogenic amoeba Paramoeba invadens that causes mass mortality of green sea urchins Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, thereby enabling kelps to recolonize the rocky seabed. Sea urchins gradually repopulate disease-affected areas and destructively graze the emergent kelp beds, returning the system to the barrens state. Using a logistic regression model, we showed that the probability of mass mortality of sea urchins is related to the intensity and proximity of tropical storms and hurricanes, hypothesized to deliver the pathogenic agent, and post-storm ocean temperature above a threshold (12°C) for a disease outbreak. We also showed that the likelihood of deadly storms for sea urchins increased over a 30-year period (1980–2009), a trend expected to accelerate with future ocean warming and increased hurricane in- tensity. We currently are testing the validity of this model in a field experiment designed to compare predicted and observed disease outbreaks and extend our trend analysis over 5 more years. The experiment also provides insight into spatial and temporal patterns of disease outbreaks in relation to coastal warming and a changing hydrodynamic and biotic regime. If observed trends continue, the resilience of the kelp bed state will be enhanced, and the sea urchin fishery doomed, in areas potentially affected by disease.
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Jose María Fernández-Palacios, Lea de Nascimento, José Carlos Hernández,
Sabrina Clemente, Albano González & Juan P. Díaz-González (eds.)
Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de La Laguna – 2013
pp. 361-387
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Congresuales 33.indb 362 30/01/2014 9:00:02
Along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, cyclical alternations between kelp beds and sea
urchin barrens are driven by sporadic introductions of a pathogenic amoeba Paramoeba
invadens that causes mass mortality of green sea urchins Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis,
thereby enabling kelps to recolonize the rocky seabed. Sea urchins gradually repopulate
disease-affected areas and destructively graze the emergent kelp beds, returning the system
to the barrens state. Using a logistic regression model, we showed that the probability of
mass mortality of sea urchins is related to the intensity and proximity of tropical storms
and hurricanes, hypothesized to deliver the pathogenic agent, and post-storm ocean
temperature above a threshold (12°C) for a disease outbreak. We also showed that the
likelihood of deadly storms for sea urchins increased over a 30-year period (1980–2009),
a trend expected to accelerate with future ocean warming and increased hurricane in-
tensity. We currently are testing the validity of this model in a field experiment designed
to compare predicted and observed disease outbreaks and extend our trend analysis over
5 more years. The experiment also provides insight into spatial and temporal patterns
of disease outbreaks in relation to coastal warming and a changing hydrodynamic and
biotic regime. If observed trends continue, the resilience of the kelp bed state will be
enhanced, and the sea urchin fishery doomed, in areas potentially affected by disease.
KEYWORDS: kelp bed, sea urchin, disease, mass mortality, climate change, ecosystem dy-
namics, predictive modeling.
The notion that communities of interacting species can exist in alternative
organizational states, dominated by different groups of organisms at different
times, is well entrenched in ecology and currently is an area of active research and
synthesis (May, 1977; Beisner et al., 2003; Petraitis and Hoffman, 2010). Numer-
ous theoretical studies indicate the potential for alternative states in community
models, and alternative states have been documented in various terrestrial (for-
ests, grassland), freshwater (wetlands, lakes), and marine (rocky intertidal and
subtidal communities, soft-bottom assemblages, coral reefs) systems (Scheffer et
al., 2001; Folke et al., 2004; Knowlton, 2004). Understanding mechanisms that
determine the stability of a given community state or drive transitions (or phase
shifts) between states is crucial to assessing the consequences of anthropogenic
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stressors and climate change on the structure and dynamics of ecosystems, and
the services that they provide to people. Disease has been identified as an impor-
tant driver of shifts in community state in marine systems (Harvell et al., 1999).
The incidence of disease in various marine organisms has increased in recent
decades, a trend that has been linked to ocean warming (Harvell et al., 2002).
Widespread mass mortality due to disease has been observed in sea grasses, cor-
als, molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms and marine mammals (Lafferty et al.,
2004; Ward and Lafferty, 2004). Disease outbreaks that affect key producers or
consumers can lead to profound alterations in marine food webs and community
structure (Lessios, 1988; Muelhstein, 1989).
Along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada cyclical alternations
between kelp beds and sea urchin barrens are driven by recurrent outbreaks
of an amoebic disease (paramoebiasis) that causes mass mortality of the green
sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, the dominant herbivore (Scheibling,
1984a; Lauzon-Guay et al., 2009). This release from grazing pressure enables
kelps and other macroalgae to colonize the rocky seabed. Sea urchins gradually
repopulate disease-affected areas through larval recruitment or adult migration
from refuge populations in deeper waters. As sea urchins increase in density, they
form feeding aggregations (or fronts) that destructively graze the emergent kelp
beds, returning the system to the barrens state.
Here, we briefly review the literature on the etiology and epizoology of
paramoebiasis in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and the ecological consequences
of this disease for alternative-state dynamics of the rocky subtidal ecosystem off
Nova Scotia. We examine evidence that increases in ocean surface temperature
and storm frequency and intensity may influence the frequency and severity of
epizootics resulting in sea urchin mass mortality, and present results of ongo-
ing empirical studies to test a statistical model relating mortality events to these
oceanographic/meteorologic factors. We also consider potential effects of local
hydrodynamic features, sea urchin population density and distribution, and the
physiological ecology of the pathogenic agent, on the introduction, spread and
persistence of disease. Finally, we apply trend analysis and simulation models
to project the frequency of disease events along this coast over the next three
decades, and discuss the implications of these projections for alternative-state
dynamics of the shallow subtidal ecosystem.
Recurrent outbreaks of disease causing mass mortalities of shallow (<20 m
depth) populations of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis were first recorded along
the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia between 1980 and 1983 (Miller and Colodey,
1983; Scheibling, 1984a, 1986; Miller, 1985), and then sporadically over the next
3 decades (Scheibling and Hennigar, 1997; Miller and Nolan, 2000, 2008; Scheib-
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ling et al., 2010; Feehan et al., 2012a) (Fig. 1A). Anecdotal evidence suggests mass
mortalities have occurred in previous decades (Miller, 1985). Estimated annual
mortalities of sea urchins in the early 1980s ranged from 80 to 260 Kt fresh weight
in areas of complete die-off (Miller and Colodey, 1983; Miller, 1985b; Scheibling,
1986). Mortalities in the 1990s were of similar magnitude (Miller and Nolan,
2000), while those in the 2000s were more localized, as sea urchin populations
were depleted or eliminated along large tracts of coast (Scheibling et al., 2010;
Feehan et al., 2012a).
The disease in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis is characterized by progres-
sive deterioration of muscle tissue of the body wall and water-vascular system,
resulting in loss of function of the tube feet, spines and mouthparts (Jones et al.,
1985). In early stages of infection, sea urchins cease feeding and movement, and
are unable to attach to the substratum. Many succumb to predators or are washed
ashore (Miller and Colodey, 1983; Scheibling 1984b; Feehan et al., 2012a); mori-
bund sea urchins and tests accumulate on the seabed and on beaches (Fig. 2A,
B). Spine loss and epidermal necrosis occur as the disease progresses (Scheibling
Figure 1. A) Range of mass mortalities of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis during
widespread outbreaks of disease in the shallow subtidal zone along the Atlantic coast of
Nova Scotia, in the early 1980s (Source: Miller, 1985; Scheibllng, 1986) and the mid
to late 1990s (Source: Scheibling and Hennigar, 1997; Miller and Nolan, 2000):
black bars, near-complete mortality; grey bars, partial mortality. Also shown
are St. Margarets Bay (SMB) and other locations mentioned in the text.
B) Schematic of transitions between alternative community states (kelp beds and barrens)
following mass mortality of sea urchins and destructive grazing of kelp.
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and Stephenson, 1984; Roberts-Regan et al., 1988). At peak water temperatures
(see below), the disease terminates in death within weeks (Scheibling and Ste-
phenson, 1984).
A previously undescribed marine amoeba, Paramoeba invadens, isolated
from tissues of diseased sea urchins was identified as the causal agent of mass
mortality of S. droebachiensis (Jones, 1985; Jones and Scheibling, 1985; reviewed by
Scheibling, 1988) (Fig. 2C). Recent genetic analysis of amoebae similarly isolated
from infected sea urchins during an epizootic in 2011 confirm the identity of P.
invadens as a unique species, most closely related to Neoparamoeba branchiphila,
a parasite of other sea urchins and salmonid fish in aquaculture (Feehan et al.,
2013). Amoebae of the genera Paramoeba and Neoparamoeba are associated with
disease in sea urchins, decapod crustaceans, and fish worldwide. These infections
typically exhibit strong temperature-dependence with threshold dynamics. Para-
moeba invadens is waterborne and can be cultured on marine bacteria, indicating
a free-living existence and facultative parasitism (Jones and Scheibling, 1985).
The inability of P. invadens to survive in culture at temperatures (2 °C) above
the typical winter minimum (~ 0 °C) in coastal waters of Nova Scotia suggests
it is periodically introduced from warmer regions ( Jellett and Scheibling, 1988;
Scheibling and Hennigar, 1997). These epizootics are highly specific to S. droe-
bachiensis (Scheibling and Stephenson, 1984; Jellett et al., 1988) and sea urchin
density-dependent (Scheibling, 1984a, 1988).
Temperature is a key factor regulating the transmission and progression
of paramoebiasis in S. droebachiensis (Scheibling and Stephenson, 1984; Jellett
and Scheibling, 1988). Epizootics occur during the peak in sea temperature in
late summer or early fall, often in unusually warm years, and the rate and extent
of mortality is directly related to the magnitude and duration of peak tempera-
Figure 2. A) Moribund and dead Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis accumulating on the sea
bed, and B) a Jonah crab (Cancer borealis) scavenging a moribund sea urchin, during a disea-
se outbreak in St. Margarets Bay in 2009 (photographs by R. E. Scheibling). C) Paramoeba
invadens isolated from a moribund sea urchin (photograph by J. Johnson-MacKinnon).
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tures (Miller and Colodey, 1983; Scheibling and Stephenson, 1984; Miller, 1985;
Scheibling, 1986; Scheibling and Hennigar, 1997; Brady and Scheibling, 2005;
Feehan et al., 2012a). In the laboratory, the disease progresses exponentially
between 12 and 20°C and is arrested at 10 to 12°C (Scheibling and Stephenson,
1984) (Fig. 3). The time to morbidity and mortality of sea urchins infected at
different temperatures is consistent with the temperature-dependent growth rate
of Paramoeba invadens in monoexnic culture, which is zero at 5°C and greatest at
15–20°C (Jellett and Scheibling, 1988) (Fig. 3). Infected individuals recover within
30 days by lowering temperature to at least 8°C. In nature, disease outbreaks are
terminated by declining temperatures in the late fall and surviving sea urchins
recover over winter (Scheibling and Stephenson, 1984; Scheibling and Hennigar,
1997). Sea urchins in deeper, colder waters below the seasonal thermocline have
a refuge from disease (Brady and Scheibling, 2005; Scheibling et al., 2010; Feehan
et al., 2012a). Nutritional condition does not affect the rate of mortality from
paramoebiasis, and both juveniles and adults of S. droebachiensis are susceptible
(Scheibling and Stephenson, 1984). Extensive mortalities of S. droebachiensis, on
the scale of those recorded in Nova Scotia, have not been observed elsewhere in
the Northwest Atlantic, although there are reports of disease and localized die-offs
of sea urchins in Newfoundland (Hooper, 1980) and in the St. Lawrence Estuary
Figure 3. Median time to 50% morbidity and percent mortality of Strongylocentrotus
droebachiensis exposed to diseased conspecifics in water-borne transmission experiments
in the laboratory (from Scheibling, 1984a), and specific growth rate of
Paramoeba invadens in monoxenic culture (from Jellett and Scheibling, 1988).
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and Gulf of St. Lawrence (Himmelman et al., 1983; Dumont et al., 2004). These
mortalities were associated with colder waters, and not likely due to paramoebiasis.
In the Gulf of Maine however, sea urchin mortalities in fall 1999 coincided with
an outbreak of disease in lobsters that was caused by Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis
(Mullen et al., 2004; 2005) and Caraguel et al. (2007) isolated N. pemaquidensis
from moribund sea urchins in fall 2002.
Ocean currents and local hydrodynamic features presumably influence the
introduction and spread of the water-borne pathogenic agent along the coast of
Nova Scotia (Scheibling and Hennigar, 1997). Free-living Paramoeba, morpho-
logically indistinct from laboratory cultures of P. invadens, were detected in the
seawater and sediment samples near the outfall of Dalhousie University’s seawater
facility, which released untreated effluent from flow-through tanks containing
infected sea urchins at the time (Jellett et al., 1989). However, there has been no
attempt to sample amoebae in the water-column or sediments along the Atlantic
coast of Nova Scotia. Although the residual surface current flows southwestward,
outbreaks of disease and mass mortality of sea urchins appear to have spread
both southwest and northeast along this coast in the early 1980s (Scheibling and
Stephenson, 1984; Miller, 1985; Scheibling, 1986) and mid to late 1990s (Scheib-
ling and Hennigar, 1997; Brady and Scheibling, 2005) (Fig. 1A). Detailed records
of the temporal sequence of mortalities are lacking and it is possible that the
disease spread from various foci rather than from a single origin (Scheibling,
1988). River outflow may have limited the spread of disease in 1981, resulting in
a discrete boundary to the mass mortality along the southwestern coast of Nova
Scotia (Miller and Colodey, 1983; Scheibling and Stephenson, 1984).
The population density of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis affects the rate of
propagation and transmission of paramoebiasis and the range of epizootics along
the coast (Scheibling and Stephenson, 1984). In areas and years of partial die-offs
of sea urchins, morbidity and mortality were highest at shallow depths (< 5 m)
where sea urchins were most dense (Scheibling and Stephenson, 1984; Scheibling,
1988; Miller, 1985). Extreme densities of sea urchins, particularly along grazing
fronts, likely accelerate the propagation of the disease (Scheibling and Hennigar,
1997). Prior to the first documented outbreak of disease in Halifax Harbour in
1980 (Miller and Colodey, 1983), sea urchin barrens extended along the entire
Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Wharton and Mann, 1981), providing an extensive
host population for recurrent epizootics, which spread along ~ 600 km (linear
distance) of coast between 1981 and 1983 (Miller, 1985; Scheibling, 1986) (Fig. 1A).
The depth range of sea urchin mass mortality is limited by the thermal
threshold (10–12°C) for transmission and propagation of paramoebiasis (Scheib-
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ling and Stephenson, 1984). This threshold usually occurs at 20 to 25 m depth and
varies with changes in thermal structure of the water column due to wave-driven
vertical mixing (upwelling and downwelling) during summer and fall (Scheibling,
1984a; Brady and Scheibling, 2005). The depth range of mass mortality also is
limited by the extent of rocky habitat in areas where the substratum grades to
sand at depths above the thermal threshold, such as in large embayments (Filbee-
Dexter and Scheibling, 2012). Sea urchins surviving below the threshold depth
form the source population for recolonization of areas affected by disease. Where
sea urchins occur immediately below the zone of mortality, random foraging
movements extend the population to shallower depths, as kelps and other mac-
roalgae begin to recolonize the former barrens (Lauzon-Guay et al., 2008, 2009).
Coastal bathymetry and substratum type will determine the resilience of sea
urchin barrens after a mass mortality event, and hence the potential for the kelp-
bed state to establish and persist. On steeply sloping shores, where the offshore
(along-bottom) extent of urchin mortality (which defines the potential transition
zone for alternative community states) may be only 10s of meters, foraging sea
urchins can repopulate the barrens habitat within 1 to 2 years, preempting the
establishment of kelp beds and maintaining a barrens state (Brady and Scheibling,
2005). Where the seabed slopes more gradually to the threshold depth, the zone
of mass mortality may extend 100s of meters to more than a kilometer offshore
(Moore and Miller, 1983). A prolonged release from sea urchin grazing enables
kelps and other macroalgae to colonize these extensive barrens via propagules
dispersing from shallow fringe populations, in a wave-mediated refuge from sea
urchin grazing, leading to the establishment of luxuriant algal beds within 2 to
3 years (Miller, 1985; Scheibling, 1986; Johnson and Mann, 1988). Sea urchins
grazing along the offshore extent of these developing beds form aggregations
(or fronts) that gradually advance onshore to reestablish the barrens state. Deep-
dwelling sea urchins on rock or sedimentary bottoms also contribute to a larval
pool that provides recruits to the expanding barrens (Brady and Scheibling, 2005).
Recruitment to established kelp beds also may enable sea urchins to increase in
abundance within beds to the point at which they form destructive grazing ag-
gregations (Hart and Scheibling, 1988), although direct evidence for this is lack-
ing (Lauzon-Guay and Scheibling, 2010; Feehan et al., 2012b). In areas where sea
urchins are eliminated throughout the rocky subtidal zone (i.e., where the lower
boundary is above the threshold depth for the spread of paramoebiasis), kelp beds
reestablish and can persist for more than a decade before migrating sea urchins
in offshore sandy habitats encounter the beds and form grazing fronts along their
deep edge (Scheibling et al., 1999; Filbee-Dexter and Scheibling, 2012).
Disease drives the alternative-state system in the rocky subtidal zone off Nova
Scotia (Fig. 1B). Epizootics terminate the barrens phase in the transitional zone
and subsequent alternation between the kelp-bed and barrens state is depend-
ent upon the distance to physically-mediated spatial refuges for the dominant
species of each state: wave-swept shallows for kelp, colder deeper waters for sea
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urchins. As kelps colonize offshore areas after release from grazing pressure, sea
urchin fronts gradually migrate onshore to consume them. The introduction of
P. invadens to the shallow subtidal zone, and hence the potential for an epizootic
that causes a shift to the kelp-bed state, may be largely determined by stochastic
processes associated with broad-scale meteorological and hydrodynamic condi-
tions that are poorly understood (Scheibling and Hennigar, 1997). On the other
hand, the reverse shift to the barrens state occurs through a series of determinis-
tic processes (e.g., algal succession, sea urchin foraging behaviour, kelp and sea
urchin population dynamics) that are well documented (Johnson and Mann,
1988). Mathematical models that describe the alternation between states follow-
ing a disease event demonstrate a high degree of concordance between predicted
and observed dynamics (Lauzon-Guay et al., 2008, 2009).
The timing of introduction of P. invadens to the coast of Nova Scotia, in rela-
tion to the prevailing ocean temperature and state of the ecosystem, determines
the likelihood of an epizootic and the extent of sea urchin mass mortality. If the
pathogen were introduced when the system is in the kelp-bed state, sea urchin
density likely would be too low to trigger an epizootic (even when temperatures are
conducive to the spread of disease) and the kelp-bed state would be maintained.
On the other hand, when the pathogen is introduced in the barrens state and
ocean temperatures are around the seasonal maximum (16–20 °C), the disease
propagates rapidly leading to widespread mass mortality and a shift to the kelp-
bed state (Scheibling and Hennigar, 1997; Brady and Scheibling, 2005). However,
when the introduction occurs later in the year, as falling temperatures approach
the threshold level, the disease is arrested before extensive mortality can occur
and the barrens state is maintained (Scheibling and Stephenson, 1984). Recurrent
introductions of P. invadens, depending on the frequency, can result in reversals
in the transition between states. For example, an epizootic that eliminates sea
urchins and enables kelps to expand their offshore range can be followed by a
gradual return to the barren state as a sea urchin front forms along the deep
margin of the bed and advances shoreward; a subsequent epizootic can arrest this
transition and once again return the system to the kelp-bed state (Scheibling et
al., 1999). Thus, frequent introductions of P. invadens stabilize the kelp bed state,
whereas rare introductions enable the persistence of barrens.
Using a logistic regression model (see below), Scheibling and Lauzon-
Guay (2010) showed that the probability of mass mortality of sea urchins can be
predicted by the intensity and proximity of tropical storms and hurricanes, hy-
pothesized to deliver P. invadens to the coast, and post-storm ocean temperature
above a threshold (12°C) for a disease outbreak. They showed that the likelihood
of deadly storms for sea urchins increased over a 30-year period (1980–2009), a
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trend expected to accelerate in the near future with ocean warming and increased
hurricane intensity (Bender et al., 2010). These storm events could transport P.
invadens to coastal areas by horizontal advection from distant source populations
or vertically mix amoebae residing locally in deep basins (Scheibling and Hen-
nigar, 1997; Scheibling et al., 2010).
We currently are testing the validity of this model in a field experiment
designed to compare predicted and observed disease outbreaks over a 4- to 6-year
period. Beginning in 2010, we have transplanted S. droebachiensis in July or early
August (before the start of the hurricane season off Nova Scotia) from a head-
land (Splitnose Point) near Halifax, Nova Scotia, where sea urchin populations
have persisted in the shallow subtidal zone for at least a decade, into cages in kelp
beds at 8 m depth in and around St. Margarets Bay, where localized outbreaks
of disease were observed following hurricanes in recent years (Scheibling et al.,
2010; Feehan et al., 2012a). Throughout the hurricane season (August to Novem-
ber), we measured sea urchin morbidity and mortality in these cages at weekly to
biweekly intervals, while monitoring sea temperature and hurricane activity. For
site descriptions and details of the experimental design and sampling procedures
in 2010, see Feehan et al. (2012a). In 2011–2012, 3 of the 6 sites within the bay
in 2010 were retained and 2 new sites were added, one at the headland on each
side of the bay; the number of replicate cages at each site was 2 in 2010 and 4 in
2011 and 2012. At one site, we also placed sea urchins in cages at 18 m depth,
below the seasonal thermocline where temperatures generally were below the
threshold for paramoebiasis.
In September of 2010 and 2011, we observed morbidity of caged sea ur-
chins at 8 m depth following the passage of a hurricane with a high probability
of association with an urchin mass mortality (Pm), according to the model: Hur-
ricane Earl, Pm = 43%, and Hurricane Katia, Pm = 70% (Fig. 4). Moribund sea
urchins displayed overt signs of paramoebiasis and transmitted the disease via a
water-borne route to healthy conspecifics in the laboratory (Feehan et al., 2012a,
Feehan et al., 2013). Paramoeba invadens was isolated from tissues of field-collected
moribund sea urchins and cross-infected individuals in controlled laboratory
experiments, satisfying Koch’s postulates. In each year, the Pm of the hurricane
was not significantly different (t-test) from the mean Pm of “candidate storms”
in 1980–2009 (57 ± 28% SD, n = 12), based on the model (Hurricane Earl: p =
0.11; Hurricane Katia: p = 0.14). For each storm, we predicted the time to 50%
morbidity of sea urchins with paramoebiasis (t50, d) using a relationship based
on water-borne disease transmission experiments in the laboratory:
t50 = 23492T -2.7476
where T (°C) is water temperature during the period of infection (Scheibling et
al., 2010). We estimated t50 following a hurricane from temperature records at
8 m depth in St. Margarets Bay during the field experiment. In 2010 and 2011,
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the observed t50 of sea urchins in cages at 8 m, pooled across all sites, closely ap-
proximated the predicted t50 based on water temperature following the hurricane:
the difference between observed and predicted values ranged from 2 to 3 days.
Although a strong tropical cyclone did not pass close to the coast of Nova
Scotia during the 2012 hurricane season, a mass mortality of S. droebachiensis due
to paramoebiasis occurred in August/September. Following a report of large
numbers of dead and dying sea urchins washing onshore in Halifax Harbour on
12 August, we conducted diving and towed-video surveys in this area over the next
2 weeks. Paramoeba invadens was isolated from tissues of diseased sea urchins, and
we estimated that > 65% of the population on cobble and boulder barrens up to
700 m offshore, and across a depth range from 2 to 10 m, was moribund or dead
Figure 4. Significant wave height (SWH) at Halifax Harbour, and temperature and the
proportion of dead or moribund Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis in experimental cages
at 8-m depth at 3 (2011–2012) or 6 (2010) sites within St. Margarets Bay (red lines),
at 2 sites (2011–2012) at the headlands on either side of the bay (black lines), at 1 site
(Splitnose Point) where sea urchins were collected for all cages (procedural control;
green lines), and at 18-m depth at 1 site within the bay (blue lines), before and after a
hurricane or tropical storm that preceded an outbreak of paramoebiasis in sea urchins.
Dotted horizontal line is the lower temperature threshold (10°C) at which sea urchins
do not exhibit signs of morbidity due to paramoebiasis. Dashed horizontal line is the
time to 50 % morbidity (t50) of sea urchins. Arrows indicate the date at which each storm
passed closest to the study area. ND: No data.
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at this time. The mass mortality in Halifax Harbour was preceded by a sharp
peak in significant wave height (2.7 m) on 1 August, followed by a 4-week period
of unusually warm sea surface temperatures (mean ± SD: 20 ± 1 °C). The high
incidence of morbidity/mortality by mid-August is consistent with an introduction
of P. invadens around the time of the wave event, given a t50 of 11.5 days based on
an estimated mean bottom temperature of 16 °C during the intervening 2-week
period (estimate based on mean temperature at 2 – 10 m depth in Halifax Har-
bour). Interestingly, a similar peak in significant wave height (2.9 m) occurred on
27 June, followed by a 10-day period of similarly warm sea surface temperatures
(19 ± 1 °C), but there was no report of unusual mortality of sea urchins in July.
These wave events were due to local weather disturbances and not associated
with passing tropical storms. Such wave events during summer are infrequent
along the coast of Nova Scotia. For example, a significant wave height > 2.6 m in
August was only observed in 5 out of 34 years (1976–2009) in the Halifax region.
On 24 August 2012, 60 and 100 % of caged sea urchins were dead or dying
at our two sites on the headlands on either side of St. Margarets Bay, compared
to 20 % at one site on the eastern shore of the bay (Luke Island) and none at
the remaining two sites along the western shore (Fig. 4). Mortality due to dis-
ease gradually increased at Luke Island, exceeding 50 % by 26 September and
reaching 90 % by 19 October. No further mortality was observed over the next
18 days, while bottom temperatures remained around the 10 – 12 °C threshold
for paramoebiasis. Sea urchins at the other two sites remained asymptomatic
throughout the experimental period with minimal mortality by 6 November. At
Splitnose Point, the control site and source of experimental animals, morbidity
and mortality first was observed in cages (and on the surrounding seabed at 8
m) on 24 September (~ 40 days after the mass mortality in Halifax Harbour),
accounting for 55 % of the caged sea urchins (Fig. 4). At this time scattered
pockets of diseased and dying sea urchins and their tests also were evident at
shallower depths (3 – 4 m). Disease was not present at this site or at two nearby
sites (Duncan’s Cove and Bear Cove) 4 km N and 7 km NNW (linear distance)
from Splitnose Point, during towed-video surveys on 27 August. By 23 October,
mortality of caged urchins at Splitnose Point had reached 90 %.
In each year, rates of morbidity and mortality were much lower for sea urchins
in cages at 18 m at a site (The Lodge) on the western shore of St. Margarets Bay, in
accordance with lower water temperatures at this depth (rarely above 12 °C) compared
to 8 m (Fig. 4). However, when surviving asymptomatic sea urchins were collected at
the end of the experiment in 2010 and maintained at 16 °C in the laboratory, they
succumbed to paramoebiasis and transferred the disease to healthy conspecifics
through a waterborne route (Feehan et al., 2012a). This suggests that sea urchins
in deeper, colder waters can harbor the pathogen for some period after a disease
outbreak in shallower water. A similar effect of depth on the propagation of disease
was observed in Halifax Harbour in August 2012. The rate of morbidity and mortal-
ity decreased linearly with depth from 2 to 10 m, where temperature dropped from
Congresuales 33.indb 373 30/01/2014 9:00:04
20 to 13 °C respectively; moribund sea urchins or tests were not observed below 10
m, where temperature continued to decrease to 11 °C at 18 m depth, 1 km offshore.
Thus far, the results from our field experiment provide equivocal support for
the “killer storm” hypothesis and the efficacy of the statistical model of Scheibling
and Lauzon-Guay (2010) to predict disease outbreaks in sea urchins based on
hurricane or tropical storm activity and post-storm seawater temperature. The
occurrence of a mass mortality in 2012, without a prior storm that passed near to
the coast of Nova Scotia (only tropical storm Chris with Pm = 0.1 % on 19 June was
within the spatial range considered in the model prior to the disease outbreak),
indicates that other advective mechanisms may account for the introduction of
P. invadens to shallow coastal areas. This is not inconsistent with previous records
off Nova Scotia. A widespread mass mortality of S. droebachiensis occurred in 1983,
also a year without significant tropical storm or hurricane activity (Scheibling
and Hennigar, 1997). In fact, this was the only year (out of 13) in which a mass
mortality event was not preceded by a tropical cyclone in the 30-year record
used in the statistical model (Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay, 2010). Scheibling
and Lauzon-Guay (2010) suggest that experiments that incidentally or deliber-
ately released laboratory-cultured P. invadens along the coast may have caused
the mortality event in 1983. This is unlikely to have been the cause of the 2012
event because infected sea urchins were maintained in flow-through aquaria in
a quarantine facility at Dalhousie University, in which all effluent seawater was
treated with strong bleach before being released into the ocean.
Our experiment and observations of sea urchin mortality in surrounding
areas provide insight into spatial and temporal patterns of disease outbreaks along
the coast of Nova Scotia. In 2010, the time to morbidity or mortality of trans-
planted sea urchins varied widely among sites and 20 – 40 % survived at 3 of the
6 sites within the bay, once water temperatures fell below the 12 °C threshold in
November (Fig. 4). Importantly, there was no evidence of paramoebiasis prior to
Hurricane Earl, although temperatures at 8 m depth averaged 19 °C for a 15-day
period in August. The predicted t50 at this temperature is 7 days, indicating sea
urchins likely were not infected before the storm. We did not observe diseased
sea urchins or unusual mortality among our source population at Splitnose Point
or along headlands adjacent to Halifax Harbour (~ 40 km linear distance from
St. Margarets Bay) in 2010, suggesting the disease outbreak was a localized event.
Paramoeba invadens may have been locally introduced, perhaps by vertical mixing
within the bay, or more broadly distributed along the coast but disease may not
have propagated outside of the bay. Large semi-protected embayments such as St.
Margarets Bay may serve as “incubation” sites for P. invadens, with warmer surface
temperatures and longer water residence times (Heath, 1973), compared to the
outer coast. In 2011, variation among sites in the rate of morbidity was much
lower following Hurricane Katia and mortality was complete at all experimental
sites within the bay and at adjacent headlands (Fig. 4). There also was a partial
die-off of sea urchins at Splitnose Point in late October and sea urchin fishers
Congresuales 33.indb 374 30/01/2014 9:00:04
observed mass mortalities around this time at sites along the southwestern shore
(Lockport and Shelburne) and southern tip of Nova Scotia (Barrington Bay),
spanning 40 km (linear distance) of coast (C. Hopkins, sea urchin harvester,
Shelburne, Nova Scotia, personal communication).
In 2012, the initial observation of paramoebiasis in Halifax Harbour in
early August, followed by subsequent outbreaks of disease at our experimental
sites around the mouth of St. Margarets Bay, suggests a southwesterly spread of
disease, consistent with the residual current direction. Alternatively, there may have
been separate introductions in these two areas separated by several weeks. In the
absence of a major storm event, the introduction of P. invadens may have been as-
sociated with warm water intrusions from across the shelf. Satellite imagery shows
a broad band of warm (18 19 °C) surface water impinging on the central part
of the mainland coast near Halifax in late July and early August (Fig. 5), which
preceded the disease outbreak in Halifax Harbour around mid-August. A second
Figure 5. Sea surface temperature (SST) along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (see in-
set map to locate measurement grid) averaged over 8-day intervals from 1 June to 27 Au-
gust 2012. These images were generated from global Level-3 standard mapped images
(SMIs) of 4 x 4 km spatial resolution MODIS/Aqua 11 µm daytime SST. The SMIs were
obtained from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Ocean Color Web (Feldman and
McClain, 2012).
Congresuales 33.indb 375 30/01/2014 9:00:04
intrusion of even warmer water (20 – 21 °C) moved into this area and along shore
to the northeast in mid to late August, which may have contributed to a secondary
outbreak of disease at the mouth of St. Margarets Bay. Entrainment of large volumes
of slope and shelf water by mesoscale cyclonic eddies (warm-core rings), emanat-
ing from the Gulf Stream, results in mixing and advective transport of planktonic
organisms, such as fish larvae (Flierl and Wroeblewski, 1985; Myers and Drinkwater,
1989), across the shelf. Scheibling and Hennigar (1997) suggest that these warm
water intrusions also may contribute to the transport of P. invadens to coastal areas.
The widespread mass mortality of sea urchins in 1983 also was associated
with unusually warm sea surface temperatures along the coast in a year without
a major tropical cyclone (Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay, 2010). These sporadic
occurrences indicate that large storm events, such as hurricanes, do not neces-
sarily precede mass mortalities of sea urchins and therefore are not the only
mechanism of introduction of P. invadens to coastal areas. This does not preclude
the possibility of a synergistic interaction between severe storms and warm-water
intrusions that may accelerate advection and mixing of surface waters (Crad-
dock et al., 1992) and the transport of the planktonic pathogen. In 2012, we first
observed paramoebiasis at Splitnose Point 14 days after tropical storm Leslie
(Pm = 0.325) had passed close to the coast of Nova Scotia on 10 September. The
temperature at 8 m depth at this site over the 2-week period following Leslie was
~ 13 °C. This gives a t50 of 20 days, which exceeds the observed time to > 50 %
morbidity by almost a week. However, a peak in significant wave height, possibly
associated with Leslie, occurred on 5 September, 21 days before we observed >
50 % morbidity, which is consistent with the predicted t50 . Mixing due to this
relatively weak tropical storm may have locally introduced the pathogen to this
area after the outbreaks of disease in Halifax and St. Margarets Bay. It did not
appear sufficient, however, to spread P. invadens throughout St. Margarets Bay,
as evidenced by the survival of asymptomatic sea urchins at our two sites along
the western shore during the experimental period in 2012.
The occurrence of subtropical and tropical fish species in coastal waters
of Nova Scotia in late summer and fall is further evidence of cross-shelf advec-
tion that could transport a planktonic pathogen. In 1995, there were reports of
tropical fish and sea turtles in the shallow nearshore waters immediately preced-
ing a sea urchin epizootic (Scheibling and Hennigar, 1997). We observed grey
triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) actively swimming near the mouth of St. Margarets
Bay on 22 July and 22 August 2012, during the warm-water events that coincided
with outbreaks of paramoebiasis in the region. The local media also reported
triggerfish and other subtropical and tropical species, including flying fish and
seahorses, in the region around this time (
Canada/NS/ID/2270769998/). These observations of exotic species in coastal
waters provide circumstantial evidence for a mechanistic link between outbreaks
of sea urchin disease and meteorologic and oceanographic features (Scheibling
and Hennigar, 1997).
Congresuales 33.indb 376 30/01/2014 9:00:04
Interestingly, the disease outbreaks that we observed in transplanted sea
urchins between 2010 and 2012, and during another experiment in St. Margarets
Bay in 2009 (Feehan et al., 2012b), occurred among artificially generated aggrega-
tions of sea urchins in cages or experimental plots, at sites where naturally occur-
ring adults were rare. This may reflect previous situations when P. invadens was
introduced to coastal areas in a kelp-bed state, but the disease passed unnoticed
because of a low density of adult sea urchins in kelp beds.
Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay (2010) found that the strongest storms pass-
ing along the coast of Nova Scotia tended to increase in intensity and proximity
to the coast over a 30-year period (1980–2009). Sea temperatures during the
hurricane season also increased during this period. These trends were associ-
ated with an increase in the frequency of hurricanes and tropical storms with
the greatest potential for sea urchin mortality. If these trends continue due to a
changing ocean climate, this could limit the resilience of sea urchin populations
and maintain the ecosystem in the kelp-bed state.
To explore the possible effects of climate change, we used quantile regres-
sion to conduct a trend analysis of storm characteristics (wind speed, distance
from the coast) and ocean temperature that affect the probability of sea urchin
mass mortality (Pm), using procedures described by Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay
(2010). We first performed a separate regression for every 5th quant ile from the 5 th
to the 95th quantile for each of these factors over a 30-year period (1980–2009). To
predict the distribution of each factor over a 100-year period, we then extended
the regression equation for each quantile backwards to 1940 and forwards to
2040. For each year from 1940 to 2040, we randomly picked a number of storms
(n) from the empirical distribution of the number of storms observed annually
between 1980 and 2009. For each of the n storms in a given year, we obtained
a maximum sustained wind speed (W, km h-1) when the hurricane was closest
to the coast (within our study grid between 35°N and the coast of Nova Scotia,
and between 55°W and 70°W) by randomly selecting one of the 19 wind-speed
quantiles for that year, and followed the same procedure for distance of a storm
from the coast (D, 100s km) and water temperature (T), a dummy variable for the
temperature threshold based on the mean temperature (Tm) at 0–10 m depth in
the 2-week period following each storm (T = 1 if Tm > 12.2 °C, T = 0 if Tm < 12.2 °C).
Based on these environmental factors, we calculated Pm for ea ch o f the n storms in
a year using the logistic regression model of Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay (2010):
Pm = 1/(1 + e-z)
z = -14.352 + 0.082W - 0.069D2 + 4.966T
Congresuales 33.indb 377 30/01/2014 9:00:04
We then calculated the cumulative probability of having a mass mortality
(cPm) in that year based on the Pm for each storm:
cPm = 1- ((1- Pm1 ) • (1- Pm2 ) •...• (1- Pmn))
We repeated this procedure 1000 times and calculated the mean cPm and
95% CI of these iterations for each year. For comparison with predicted values
of cPm, we calculated the observed cPm for each year from 1980 to 2011 using Pm
values based on the actual storms occurring in those years.
Our simulations yield a sigmoidal trajectory of mean cPm over a 100-year
period from 1940 to 2040 (Fig. 6). The mean cumulative probability of a mass
mortality event was low (< 30%) prior to the 1980s, when the first outbreaks of
sea urchin disease were documented (Miller and Colodey, 1983), and steadily
Figure 6. Results of simulations to predict the cumulative probability of mass mortality (cP
of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis due to paramoebiasis associated with passing
hurricanes or tropical storms along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia from 1940 to 2040,
based on trends in storm characteristics (wind speed, distance from the coast) and post-
storm water temperature measured from 1980 to 2009. Data are mean cP
and 95% CI for
each year over the 100-year period. Circles are the predicted cP
each year from 1980 to
2011 based on actual storm and temperature data for these years (Scheibling and Lauzon-
Guay, 2010). Solid circles are years when mass mortalities of sea urchins were recorded in
the shallow subtidal zone to 25 m depth; open circles are years when mass
mortalities were not reported (Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay, 2010; this study).
Congresuales 33.indb 378 30/01/2014 9:00:04
increased over the next 3 decades to 90% by 2012. The projected cPm reaches
a plateau at ~ 98% by 2030. The observed cPm each year from 1980 to 2011 fell
within the 95% CI of the predicted mean cPm (Fig. 6). During this period, there is
a significant correlation (r = 0.46, P = 0.015, n = 31) between the predicted mean
cPm ea ch y ear b ased on ou r si mula tion s and the cPm predicted using the storm and
temperature data given in Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay (2010) (Fig. 6).
Using the quantile regression procedures described above to estimate
cPm, we predicted hurricane and tropical storm characteristics and post-storm
temperatures for 10 random storms per year between 1940 and 2040. Our trend
analysis over the 100-year period shows: 1) a clear decline in the upper limit of
the distance of a storm from the coast, 2) an increase in maximum sustained wind
speed when the storm was closest to the coast, and 3) an increase in post-storm
temperatures above the threshold for an epizootic (Fig. 7). The results of these
simulations are consistent with the increase in cPm over this period, based on an
independent simulation model.
Figure 7. Results of simulations based on trend analysis of hurricane or tropical storm
characteristics and post-storm water temperature measured from 1980 to 2011
(Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay, 2010; this study), showing: 1) a decline in the upper
limit of the distance of a storm from the coast, 2) an increase in maximum sustained
wind speed when the storm was closest to the coast (relative size of bubbles), and 3) an
increase in post-storm temperatures above the threshold (12°C) for an outbreak of para-
moebiasis in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (blue bubbles, below threshold; red bubbles,
above threshold), over the 100-year period from 1940 to 2040.
Congresuales 33.indb 379 30/01/2014 9:00:04
A changing ocean climate also may influence the spatial range of Para-
moeba invadens and the frequency of epizootics as the winter minimum in water
temperature begins to exceed 2 °C, the predicted lower tolerance limit of the
amoeba (Jellett and Scheibling, 1988). On the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, water
temperature typically drops below 2 °C in February and March, the two coldest
months. Regression analysis of a 33-year temperature record (0 – 10-m depth)
along the central region of this coast shows a significant warming trend in Febru-
ary/March (Fig. 8). During our experiment, winter temperature at 8-m depth in
St. Margarets Bay rarely dropped below the 2 °C tolerance limit for P. invadens
in 2011 (4 days) and 2012 (1 day), indicating that the pathogen may be capable
of overwintering in the shallow subtidal zone as temperature continues to rise.
Given the observed rate of warming over the past three decades (0.039 °C y-1),
the predicted average winter temperature will reach 2.0 °C by 2020 and 2.7 °C by
Figure 8. Average daily water temperature along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia during
the annual summer/fall peak (August, September and October; red circles) and the winter
trough (February and March; blue circles) over a 33-year period (1980 – 2012). Data for
1980–2009 are based on records at 0–10-m depth over 70 km (linear distance) of coast
(from Halifax to Lunenburg) and 5 km offshore (for data source, see Scheibling and
Lauzon-Guay, 2010). To extend these records to 2012, we used average daily temperature
based on our temperature records at 8-m depth along the western shore of St. Margarets Bay
for each period (August – October, February – March). Lines represent the linear regression
of average temperature in each year at the peak (T
) or trough (T
of the annual cycle against year (Y) based on the 33-year record
= 0.064Y - 114.4, r
= 0.175, p = 0.015); T
= 0.039Y - 77.2, r
= 0.170, p = 0.017)
Congresuales 33.indb 380 30/01/2014 9:00:04
2040. The rate of warming for the summer/fall peak in the annual temperature
cycle is even greater (0.064 °C y-1), with predicted average peak temperatures of
14.5 °C by 2020 and 15.8 °C by 2040.
An increase in the frequency of sea urchin epizootics associated with in-
creasing hurricane intensity and increasing ocean surface temperatures off Nova
Scotia is expected to shift the rocky subtidal ecosystem to a kelp-bed state that
would remain stable for the foreseeable future (Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay,
2010). This could benefit lobster and finfish fisheries that rely on kelp beds as
nursery habitat and a major source of primary production for benthic food webs
(Wharton and Mann, 1981; Steneck et al., 2002). On the other hand, recurrent
mass mortality of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis has caused the collapse of the
sea urchin fishery in Nova Scotia (Miller and Nolan, 2000, 2008), and there is
little prospect for recovery on a coastal scale. Changes in the shallow subtidal
ecosystem resulting from an increased frequency of sea urchin epizootics also
are likely to have profound effects on the structure and functioning of adjacent
communities that utilize kelp detritus and sea urchin feces as a food resource
(Sauchyn et al., 2011; Krumhansl and Scheibling, 2012a). This connectivity in
the flux of organic matter and energy between kelp beds and offshore benthic
assemblages across a depth gradient remains largely unexplored (Krumhansl
and Scheibling, 2012b).
The origin of infective populations of Paramoeba invadens and mechanisms of
dispersal, propagation and survival of amoebae in nature remain unresolved, de-
spite three decades of observation along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Scheib-
ling and Lauzon-Guay, 2010) and recently renewed research efforts (Feehan et al.,
2012a). Reports by sea urchin harvesters in the 1990s (Miller and Nolan, 2000)
and our recent field studies (Scheibling et al., 2010; Feehan et al., 2012a, b) suggest
that outbreaks of paramoebiasis can be patchy along this coast. More extensive
monitoring of disease outbreaks across a range of habitats and spatial scales is
needed to identify potential disease hotspots and increase our understanding
of the introduction and spread of paramoebiasis. For example, sampling tissues
of deep-living sea urchins for presence of P. invadens, could establish whether
amoebae are locally present in deep basins where bottom temperatures are at or
above the lower tolerance limit (2 °C) established in laboratory experiments. The
possibility of a resistant cyst stage also warrants further research in studies aimed
at better understanding the physiological response of P. invadens to environmental
variables such as temperature and salinity, particularly as winter temperatures in
shallow coastal areas rise above the lower tolerance limit. Genetic markers of P.
invadens, isolated from naturally infected sea urchins, could be used to effectively
monitor the amoeba in water and sediment samples before, during and after a
Congresuales 33.indb 381 30/01/2014 9:00:04
disease outbreak to gain insights into host-pathogen dynamics, factors affecting
the spread of disease (e.g., sea urchin density, temperature, salinity, currents),
and the fate of amoebae as temperatures drop. These genetic tools also would
enable us to search broadly for source populations and explore dispersal mecha-
nisms, such as advection and turbulent mixing by hurricanes, which potentially
introduce P. invadens to the shallow coastal waters. Finally, a multiyear record of
hurricane activity, surface temperature and occurrence of paramoebiasis in Nova
Scotia, based on longitudinal studies and controlled field experiments, such the
one presented here, is needed to critically test the Scheibling and Lauzon-Guay
(2010) model. Further exploration of the mechanistic links between hurricanes,
water temperature and spread of paramoebiasis will allow us to more accurately
predict the magnitude and extent of epizootics that can profoundly affect the
ecology of subtidal communities.
The authors thank the Ocean Biology Processing Group (Code 614.2) at the
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, for the production
and distribution of the MODIS/Aqua SST data, and Michael Brown for provid-
ing the processed imagery. This research has been continuously supported since
1982 by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
(NSERC) of Canada to RES.
Congresuales 33.indb 382 30/01/2014 9:00:04
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... In some circumstances, multiple phase shifts between macroalgae forests and urchin barrens can go back and forward, driven by various factors such as fisheries targeting urchins or their predators, storm events, temperature increases or urchin diseases (Filbee-Dexter and Scheibling, 2014 and references therein). In contrast, they have consistently required a major decrease in urchin populations to achieve a tipping point and reverse into an algae-dominated state (Scheibling et al., 2013). This non-linear nature of phase shifts can be particularly relevant in coastal marine habitats that are especially vulnerable or under pressure from other stressors such as coastal development, pollution and overfishing. ...
... In fact, temperate shallow benthic communities often present one of two ecological states: macroalgae forests with high densities of urchin predators, or; barrens where urchins overgraze algae and predators are typically scarce (reviewed in Lawrence, 1975;Steneck et al., 2002;Konar and Estes, 2003;Ling et al., 2015). In north Atlantic coasts, cyclical alternation between kelp beds and urchin barren seems to occur every 10-20 years, thanks to recurrent sea urchin mass mortality events (Scheibling et al., 2013). The role of macroalgae can be especially relevant in oceanic islands, where productivity can be low and shallow complex habitats scarce. ...
... Zirler et al. (2023) also reported that MMEs were observed in shallow (0-5 m) and deeper (15-20 m) areas. Sea urchin mass mortalities have had a significant impact on marine ecosystem structure, causing phase transitions from coral reefs and rocky barrens to communities dominated by macrophytes all over the world (Lessios 1988;Scheibling, Feehan, and Lauzon-Guay 2013;Feehan and Scheibling 2014;Karakuş 2022). There are several mass-mortality records reported from different locations and on different occasions. ...
The invasive Diadema setosum (Leske, 1778) long‐spined sea urchin has been in the Mediterranean Sea since 2006, and then, it has been known that its population density has reached high values on the southern Aegean coasts of Türkiye. This study aimed to report the mass mortality event of D. setosum with the determined agent on the Aegean coast of Türkiye. In addition, it was targeted to provide information on the current status of its density based on seasonal SCUBA diving observations for the period between January 2023 and November 2023. The results showed that the mass mortality of D. setosum was determined in Muğla, Aegean Sea, in August 2023. Spine loss, the mucoid layer at the bottom of the appendages, and the outer body surface were observed as the clinical symptoms of the diseased samples. Bacterial growth was detected on Vibrio‐selected TCBS agar plates, while no other parasitic agents were determined in the coelomic fluid of sea urchins. The results of the biochemical (API 20E) and molecular tests confirmed the isolated bacteria as Vibrio spp. The density of D. setosum showed statistically significant temporal changes, and the highest and lowest mean density values were recorded in autumn and spring, respectively. Environmental stressors, such as increasing sea temperature levels, affect the marine ecosystem and lead to opportunistic pathogens. Long‐term monitoring of disease outbreaks is necessary to understand the interactions between species and the ecosystem.
... Echinoderms are a case in point. Sea stars, for example, exert strong top-down control over marine communities as keystone and mesopredators (Burt et al. 2018), while urchin over-grazing transforms kelp forests into barrens (Steneck et al. 2013;Scheibling et al. 2013). However, echinoderms are notorious for undergoing dramatic population fluctuations (Uthicke et al. 2009), which can quickly shift their impact on ecosystems. ...
Pentameric symmetry characterizes echinoderms and is most readily observed in sea stars. However, some pentamerous sea star individuals deviate from the normal 5-arm pattern, most likely as a result of errors in regeneration, but the frequency of these deviations and their ecological consequences for the individuals are poorly understood. Here, we report the extent of deviations from pentamery in multiple populations of co-occurring sea star species and tested 3 potential advantages of supernumerary arms—increased oral surface area, increased feeding, and faster righting response—in 1 species, the bat star Patiria miniata . Using underwater surveys and behavioural experiments at 16 sites in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada, we found individuals with atypical arm numbers in 5 of 9 pentamerous sea star species. There were significant differences among sites and species, with site-specific mean percentages of atypical sea stars ranging from 0.8 to 14.6% and species-specific mean percentages ranging from 0 to 10%. Bat stars had the highest proportion of individuals with atypical numbers of arms, with site-specific frequencies ranging from 0 to 25%. The probability of feeding and righting speed were similar between bat stars with and without supernumerary arms, but bat stars with supernumerary arms had slightly larger oral surface areas for a given arm length, which could confer an advantage in adherence to the substrate. Although the advantages of supernumerary arms for bat stars appear to be negligible, the lack of any clear disadvantage suggests that selection against atypical variants might be weak, leading to limited selection on the accuracy of regeneration in this species.
... Despite only small changes in individual trophic groups (Supporting Information Figures S7-S9; Tables S10 and S11), our supplementary analysis indicates strongly reduced overall functional richness at barrens relative to kelp at the most tropical and polar edges of the temperate band (see Supporting Information supplementary analysis; Figure S5; Variation in the habitat-dependent tropicalization signal with the composition of the regional species pool has important conservation implications. Although other mechanisms can lead to kelp loss and habitat change in rocky reefs, including heatwaves (Scheibling et al., 2013), storm events (Edwards, 2004), overfishing and invasive species (Krumhansl et al., 2016), urchins play a pivotal role in maintaining persistent bare substrate and preventing kelp recovery. Regardless of the mechanism leading to kelp loss, habitat preservation and restoration might offer important opportunities for building climate resilience in seascapes. ...
Global declines in structurally complex habitats are reshaping both land and seascapes in directions that may change how biological communities respond to warming. Here, we test whether the widespread loss of kelp habitats through overgrazing by sea urchins changes fish community structure in directions that systematically alter warming sensitivity. We use simulations and comparisons of communities from 5996 sites across 19 ecoregions to test for thermal diversity shifts related to habitat. We find that the realized thermal affinities and ranges of fishes from kelp and urchin barrens differ, but only in regions with high initial response diversity. Fish communities in warm-temperate barrens host relatively more warm-affinity species than neighbouring kelp beds, highlighting that urchin herbivory can exacerbate tropicalization processes. By contrast, relatively cool-affinity species colonize cool-temperate barrens and explain apparent lags with ocean warming in these locations. Evidently, urchins are agents of ecological change with implications for climate resilience.
... Echinoderms are a case in point. Sea stars, for example, exert strong top-down control over marine communities as keystone and mesopredators (Burt et al. 2018), while urchin over-grazing transforms kelp forests into barrens (Steneck et al. 2013;Scheibling et al. 2013). However, echinoderms are notorious for undergoing dramatic population fluctuations (Uthicke et al. 2009), which can quickly shift their impact on ecosystems. ...
Mass-mortality events are seldom reported in sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuria), but here we document a localized mass die-off of giant California sea cucumbers (Apostichopus californicus) in Western Canada from August to October 2021. We recruited volunteer divers to count wasting and healthy sea cucumbers, resulting in observations spanning 500 km of coastline. Reports of dead and wasting sea cucumbers were restricted to Nanoose Bay, BC (Snaw-naw-as First Nation territory, 49°17'N, 124°08'W), with the exception of a single report from Hornby Island, some 55 km away. In Nanoose Bay in 2021, up to 94% of observed sea cucumbers were affected, with healthy sea cucumbers generally observed below 16 m. Following reports of wasting sea cucumbers, population abundance declined sharply. We returned in September 2022 to survey a subset of sites and observed similarly spatially isolated but less severe wasting symptoms. Although the mass-die off in 2021 occurred after an unprecedented summer heatwave, the cause of this event remains uncertain. This case study shows that mass illness events in echinoderms can be geographically isolated and negatively impact local populations.
... In marine environments, sea urchins (Phylum Echinodermata, Class Echinoidea) are widespread and abundant benthic herbivores, and the relationship between urchin and kelp populations is one of the most well-studied herbivore/plant interactions in marine habitats (Breen & Mann, 1976;Estes & Duggins, 1995;Kitching & Ebling, 1961;Scheibling et al., 2013), due to the destructive nature of urchin grazing, which can switch kelp forests into urchin-dominated barren grounds (Graham, 2004;Lawrence, 1975;Ling et al., 2010). Barren grounds are characterized by a lack of large fleshy macroalgae, generally high densities of urchins, and extreme resource limitation. ...
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Spatially concentrated resources result in patch‐based foraging, wherein the detection and choice of patches as well as the process of locating and exploiting resource patches involve moving through an explicit landscape composed of both resources and barriers to movement. An understanding of behavioral responses to resources and barriers is key to interpreting observed ecological patterns. We examined the process of resource discovery in the context of a heterogeneous seascape using sea urchins and drift kelp in urchin barrens as a model system. Under field conditions, we manipulated both the presence of a highly valuable resource (drift kelp) and a barrier to movement (sandy substratum) to test the interacting influence of these two factors on the process of resource discovery in barren grounds by urchins. We removed all foraging urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) from replicate areas and monitored urchin recolonization and kelp consumption. We tested two hypotheses: (1) unstable substratum is a barrier to urchin movement and (2) the movement behavior of sea urchins is modified by the presence of drift kelp. Very few urchins were found on sand, sand was a permeable barrier to urchin movement, and the permeability of this barrier varied between sites. In general, partial recolonization occurred strikingly rapidly, but sand slowed the consumption of drift kelp by limiting the number of urchins. Differences in the permeability of sand barriers between sites could be driven by differences in the size structure of urchin populations, indicating size‐specific environmental effects on foraging behavior. We demonstrate the influence of patchy seascapes in modulating grazing intensity in barren grounds through modifications of foraging behavior. Behavioral processes modified by environmental barriers play an important role in determining grazing pressure, the existence of refuges for new algal recruits, and ultimately the dynamics of urchin‐algal interactions in barren grounds. We examined the process of resource discovery in the context of a heterogeneous seascape using sea urchins and drift kelp as a model system and modifying the seascape through the addition of sand barriers. Very few urchins were found on the sand, sand was a permeable barrier to urchin movement, and the permeability of this barrier varied between sites. Behavioural processes modified by the environment play an important role in determining grazing pressure, the existence of refuges for new algal recruits, and ultimately the dynamics of urchin‐algal interactions.
... This temperature change has already been associated with a longer frost-free period throughout Nova Scotia (Garbary and Hill in press) and changes in flowering phenology in spring and fall (e.g., Garbary et al. 2012). These terrestrial phenomena contrast with the much more negative impacts in the coastal marine environment (e.g., Filbee-Dexter et al. 2016;Scheibling et al. 2013) for which the changing ecology of F. serratus may provide a suitable model for long-term experimentation. ...
The distribution and ecology of the invasive brown alga Fucus serratus along the 500 km Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, has been poorly explored. We observed significant intertidal penetration at four sites in the southwestern part of the province, and then examined numerous sites along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. Surveys of attached algae in intertidal and shallow subtidal zones and wrack show that F. serratus has become a dominant plant in the low to mid-intertidal zone and can be expected on headlands along the South Shore of Nova Scotia where it can occupy up to 40% of the intertidal zone with cover >75% and mean densities of up to 10 kg m ⁻¹ . In this zone, F. serratus has replaced Chondrus crispus as the major canopy species, although C. crispus and Corallina officinalis remain primary understory species. At slightly higher elevations, F. serratus was common as an understory beneath Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus . While geographic spread along the Atlantic coast might reflect the natural dispersal capacity of F. serratus , we hypothesize that the ecological extension into the intertidal zone may be facilitated by harvesting of A. nodosum and by climate change in an ocean-warming hotspot.
... Despite only small changes in individual trophic groups (Supporting Information Figures S7-S9; Tables S10 and S11), our supplementary analysis indicates strongly reduced overall functional richness at barrens relative to kelp at the most tropical and polar edges of the temperate band (see Supporting Information supplementary analysis; Figure S5; Variation in the habitat-dependent tropicalization signal with the composition of the regional species pool has important conservation implications. Although other mechanisms can lead to kelp loss and habitat change in rocky reefs, including heatwaves (Scheibling et al., 2013), storm events (Edwards, 2004), overfishing and invasive species (Krumhansl et al., 2016), urchins play a pivotal role in maintaining persistent bare substrate and preventing kelp recovery. Regardless of the mechanism leading to kelp loss, habitat preservation and restoration might offer important opportunities for building climate resilience in seascapes. ...
Global declines in structurally complex habitats are reshaping both land and seascapes in directions that affect biological communities’ responses to warming. Here, we test whether widespread loss of kelp habitats through sea urchin overgrazing systematically changes warming sensitivity of fish communities. Community thermal affinity shifts related to habitat were assessed by simulating and comparing fish communities from 2,271 surveys across 15 ecoregions. We find that fishes in kelp and urchin barrens differ in realized thermal affinities and range sizes, but only in regions where species pools have high variability in species’ thermal affinities. Barrens on warm-temperate reefs host relatively more warm-affinity fish species than neighbouring kelp beds, highlighting acceleration of tropicalization processes facilitated by urchin herbivory. By contrast, proportionally more cool-affinity fishes colonize barrens at high temperate latitudes, contributing to community lags with ocean warming in these regions. Our findings implicate urchins as drivers of ecological change, in part by affecting biological resilience to warming.
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Marine ecosystems such as kelp are gaining recognition for providing ecosystem services (ES) along the coastal regions worldwide. Here, we synthesize information from the last four decades of research on the structure, functioning and threats of kelp forests, and the ES they provide in the Humboldt Current System (HCS) where information is scarce. The SALSA (Search, Appraisal, Synthesis and Analysis) framework was used for the literature survey and review. From 86 selected articles, only 4 directly discussed kelp ES in Chile. Supporting services-related articles were the most prevalent (n = 59), followed by provisioning (n = 19), regulating (n = 3) and cultural services (n = 1). ES-related research was mostly conducted in Chile (n = 77). Studies in Peru (n = 5), and in Chile and Peru at same time (n = 4) were scarce. Our search also showed that Lessonia trabeculata presented the highest number of associated taxa (n = 213), followed closely by M. pyrifera (n = 210). However, the number of phyla reported was higher in M. pyrifera (n = 17) than in the Lessonia species (n = 7-13). Natural and anthropic impacts on the biodiversity of kelp forests using novel technologies would facilitate the quantitative study and economic valuations of the services provided by these ecosystems at the Humboldt Current System.
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The sea urchins Strongylocentotus pallidus and S. droebachiensis first invaded the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific following the opening of the Bering seaway in the late Miocene. While trans-Arctic dispersal during the Pleistocene is thought to have maintained species' integrity, a recent genomic analysis identified a reproductively isolated cryptic species within S. droebachiensis. Based on previous studies, the distribution of one of these lineages (S. droebachiensis W) includes the shallow water habitats of the northwest Atlantic and Pacific, while the other (S. droebachiensis E) is found throughout the shallow habitat in the northeast but is mostly restricted to deep habitats (>65 m) in the northwest Atlantic. However, since genetic variation within S. droebachiensis has been largely unstudied in the north Pacific and Arctic oceans, the biogeography of the cryptic species is not well known, and it is difficult to identify the mechanisms driving population subdivision and speciation. Here we use population genetic analyses to characterize the distribution of each species, and to test hypotheses about the role of vicariance in the evolution of systematic and genomic divergence within the genus. We collected individuals of all three Strongylocentrotus species (n = 365) from 10 previously unsampled locations in the northeast Pacific and north Atlantic (Labrador Sea and Norway), and generated mtDNA sequence data for a 418 bp fragment of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). To assess the biogeography of all three species, we combined our alignment with five previously published data sets (total n = 789) and used statistical parsimony and maximum likelihood to identify species and characterize their distribution within and among oceans. Patterns of haplotype sharing, pairwise F ST , and hierarchical analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) identified trans-Arctic dispersal in S. pallidus and S. droebachiensis W, but other than 5 previously reported singletons we failed to detect additional mtDNA haplotypes of S. droebachiensis E in the north Pacific. Within the Atlantic, patterns of habitat segregation suggests that temperature may play a role in limiting the distribution of S. droebachiensis E, particularly throughout the warmer coastal waters along the coast of Nova Scotia. Our results are consistent with the cycles of trans-Arctic dispersal and vicariance in S. pallidus and S. droebachiensis W, but we suggest that the evolution of Atlantic populations of S. droebachiensis E has been driven by persistent trans-Arctic vicariance that may date to the initial invasion in the late Pliocene.
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Mass mortalities due to disease outbreaks have recently affected major taxa in the oceans. For closely monitored groups like corals and marine mammals, reports of the frequency of epidemics and the number of new diseases have increased recently. A dramatic global increase in the severity of coral bleaching in 1997–98 is coincident with high El Niño temperatures. Such climate-mediated, physiological stresses may compromise host resistance and increase frequency of opportunistic diseases. Where documented, new diseases typically have emerged through host or range shifts of known pathogens. Both climate and human activities may have also accelerated global transport of species, bringing together pathogens and previously unexposed host populations.
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We measured the rate of advance of urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) feeding aggregations (fronts) as they destructively grazed kelp beds (Laminaria longicruris) at both a wave-exposed site and a sheltered site in Nova Scotia over 3.5 years. The grazing fronts were composed of high densities of large adults (up to 98 and 70 per 0.25 m(2) at the exposed and sheltered sites, respectively). Urchins in the recently formed barrens, or in adjacent kelp beds, occurred at much lower densities and consisted mainly of juveniles. The fronts moved onshore into shallower water at each site, but their rate of advance varied markedly between sites and over time at each site, ranging from 0 to 4 m.month(-1). The rate of advance of a front was related to the biomass of urchins; fronts did not advance below a threshold biomass of similar to 2 kg.m(-2). Infestations of kelp by an epiphytic bryozoan (Membranipora membranacea) caused marked reductions in kelp canopy cover and biomass during winter, but the canopy regenerated through recruitment of juvenile sporophytes in spring. A localized outbreak of disease decimated S. droebachiensis at the exposed site in 1993, which enabled kelp to recolonize the barrens. Surviving urchins gradually reaggregated and resumed destructive grazing after similar to 1.5 years. A recurrence of disease in 1995 eliminated urchins at both sites and terminated the transition from kelp beds to barrens on a coastal scale. Our findings have important implications for the management of the urchin fishery, which targets grazing fronts for harvesting.
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Invasive species have the potential to alter the dynamics of detrital subsidy from high to low productivity areas through changes in quantity and nutritional quality of detrital material. We examined the effect of the invasive alga Codium fragile ssp. fragile on the nature of detrital export from subtidal algal beds off Nova Scotia, Canada, by comparing changes in mass, nutritional quality (%C, %N, C/N ratio), concentration of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP, a secondary metabolite that deters grazers), and isotopic composition (delta C-13 and delta N-15) between C. fragile and the native kelp Saccharina latissima at 4 wk intervals over 16 wk of degradation in cages on a sand bottom at 19 m depth. C. fragile degraded more slowly, and had a consistently lower C/N and higher DMSP concentration, than S. latissima. Isotope signatures did not differ between algal species: delta N-15 became slightly enriched (similar to 1%) after 16 wk of degradation, with no change in delta C-13. We also compared macrofaunal communities associated with degrading thalli of each algal species and found significantly higher abundances of invertebrates (mainly capitellid polychaetes) on S. latissima after 8 wk of degradation, resulting in lower evenness (J') and diversity (H') on S. latissima compared to C. fragile. Macrofaunal community composition became similar between algal species at 12 and 16 wk in concordance with decreases in C/N ratio in S. latissima and DMSP concentration in C. fragile. Our results indicate that differences in biochemical composition and the rate of degradation between C. fragile and native kelps result in community-level effects in areas linked to shallow algal beds via the transfer of detritus.
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Grazing aggregations of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis drive the transition between alternative ecosystem states in Nova Scotia, from productive kelp beds to less productive barrens. This transition can be initiated by the formation of gaps within a kelp bed, containing dense aggregations of sea urchins. We examined the importance of local density of sea urchins and pre-existing gaps in a kelp canopy in mediating the formation of destructive grazing aggregations of sea urchins in a kelp bed. We transplanted 14 000 adult sea urchins from a barrens on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia into similar to 4.5 m(2) plots within a nearby kelp bed, at densities above and below a predicted threshold value for destructive grazing, and simulated disturbance to the kelp bed by removing the kelp canopy in half of the plots. Sea-urchin abundance and gap formation and expansion (as loss of kelp canopy cover) were monitored in and around plots weekly for 9 wk. Grazer-mediated gap formation began 3 wk after sea urchins were introduced, and increased for the remainder of the experiment. Our results indicate a direct linear relationship between sea-urchin abundance and increase in gap area within undisturbed treatments. Gaps expanded in the kelp bed at sea-urchin densities below the putative threshold for destructive grazing, indicating that the kelp bed was less resilient to grazing than predicted. Our findings provide insights into mechanisms controlling the stability of the kelp-bed ecosystem state and mediating shifts from kelp beds to barrens in Nova Scotia.
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An increase in the incidence of disease in various marine organisms over the past few decades has been linked to ocean climate change. In Nova Scotia, Canada, mass mortalities of sea urchins, due to an amoebic disease, are associated with tropical cyclones of relatively high intensity that pass close to the coast when water temperature is above a threshold for disease propagation. These conditions increase the likelihood of introduction and spread of a nonindigenous water-borne pathogen through turbulent mixing. Our analysis shows that the most deadly storms, in terms of the probability of a sea urchin mass mortality, have become more deadly over the past 30 years. We also found that storms have been tracking closer to the coast and that surface temperature has increased during the hurricane season. These trends are likely to continue with climate warming, resulting in a regional shift to a kelp bed ecosystem and the loss of the urchin fishery
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We used a spatial model of destructive grazing of kelp beds by dense aggregations (fronts) of sea urchins Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, together with measures of sea urchin absorption efficiency and fecal degradation rate, to predict rates of fecal production and accumulation during the transition from a kelp bed to a barrens state in a rocky subtidal ecosystem of Nova Scotia, Canada. The rate of fecal production as dry mass reached 9.17 g m-12 d-1 at 10 yr after the formation of a grazing front, with associated rates of carbon and nitrogen production of 2.12 g C m-2 d-1 and 0.21 g N m-2 d-1. Fecal production rate exceeded the rates of physical, chemical, and microbial degradation, such that up to 193.6 g of feces, 70.2 g of C, and 4.0 g of N accumulated per linear m of front after 10 yr. The extent of sea urchin grazing fronts along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia was estimated at 280 km in 2000, which translates to a total fecal production rate of 6423 kg of feces d-1 and an accumulation of 54200 kg of feces after 10 yr of front formation, based on our model. This temporally variable flux of organic matter likely has a profound effect on adjacent deeper-water macrobenthic communities utilizing the feces as a food source.
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Recurrent outbreaks of a disease (paramoebiasis, caused by a marine amoeba Paramoeba invaclens) result in mass mortalit~es of sea urchins Strongylocentrotus droebachjensis in the rocky sub-tidal zone of the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Canada). Recent epizootics in 1993 and 1995, l ~ k e those which occurred in the early 1980s, were associated with unusually warm sea surface temperatures (SST) in late summer/fall of each year Disease outbreaks were localized in 1993 and not completely eliminate sea urchin populations, whereas a w~despread epizootic caused near-complete mortality over -130 km of coast (straight-llne d~stance) In 1995. lnteranr~ual differences in the extent of mortality were related to d~fferences in the temperature regime [peak tenlpcrdtures prevailed longer in 1995), which is consistent wlth previously descnbeci patterns The absence of mortality in 1994 is attributed to the inability of P invadens to survlve low (<O°C) winter temperatures, suggesting it is an exotic pathogen Recent outbreaks of paramoebiasls were associated with ~ncreased proximity to the coast of warm water masses In the summer/fall, as indicated by satellite-derived and ground-truthed charts of SST Intrusions of Gulf Stream water as warm-core nngs, which entrain and mix with shelf water, may con-tribute to coastal warming, although the frequency of ring formation was fairly constant among years (from SST charts, 1991 to 1995) Disease outbreaks during the past 2 decades have also been associated with years of relatively high trop~cal storm and hurricane activity in the northwest Atlantic (from records of the National Hurricane Center USA, 1976 to 1995), which may influence advection and mix-ing off Nova Scotia. These observations suggest that large-scale oceanographic and meteorologic processes may play a role in triggering epizootics by transporting the infective agent (if P. invadens is a n exotic species) and/or creating environmental conditions conducive to the propagation of the dis-ease. Because of the stochastic nature of these external events, the dynamics of the rocky subtidal ecosystem appear to b e highly unpredictable. Severe disease outbreaks which eliminate sea urchins cause major changes in community structure as barren grounds, previously dominated by sea urchins. are colonized by kelps and other macroalgae. This has important implications for coastal fisheries, par-ticularly the rapidly expanding sea urchin fishery.
There are 2 alternate community states in the rocky subtidal of the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, an unproductive sea urchin/coralline alga community, and highly productive kelp beds dominated by Laminaria longicruris. Disease-induced mortality of sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis triggered a switch from the 1st state to the 2nd. When reproductive plants were nearby, a closed canopy developed within 18 mo of urchin mortality. When a reproductive population was several kilometres away, there was sparse recolonization for 3 yr, then a massive recruitment occurred with closure of the canopy in the 4th yr. The kelp limits the abundance of several understory species, but there was no evidence that the abundant annual seaweeds limited kelp recruitment. When sea urchins were rare, the density and growth rates of Laminaria were influenced mostly by intraspecific competition. -from Authors