
Research on the extended metadata model of methodological digital resources

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The paper deals with digital resources in education and mainly focuses on the approbation of the extended metadata model of digital learning resources. The extended metadata model has been developed by covering methodological resources and learning objects in order to increase their accessibility and usage in teaching process. The key purpose of methodological resources is to render conditions for teachers in order to share the professional experience and growth, to spread methodological novelties, to help pupils and their parents to use the training and learning process more effectively. Different ways of choosing and combining learning objects oblige teachers first of all to know and estimate them, in line with the requirements posed to the contemporary school. Effective learning resource search and browsing possibilities can be realized only if standardized metadata are used. The metadata are the essential part of information infrastructure which is necessary while establishing order in internet chaos by using descriptions, classifications and structures which are helpful in creating more power and useful information repositories. At the moment the extended metadata model is implemented in the Lithuanian learning object metadata repository prototype. The paper focuses mainly on the results of an experimental approbation of the metadata model.

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The 21st century shifted the world communities to an “electronic” stage of evolution. Drastic changes can be visualized in literature, linguistics and other humanitarian sciences. The greatest attention is paid to the promotion of linguistic researches, which are oriented towards electronic documenting of the language as well as on the intensive usage of digital methodologies and modern technologies. The reliance on these “technics” enables contemporary Georgian scientists to achieve principally new results and verify different models or hypotheses. Despite these circumstances, a lot must be done in the sphere of Kartvelology. The paper presents the university projects, which are oriented towards: • involvement of students in researching activities dealing with the corpus-building; • promotion of the development of digital Kartvelology; • facilitation of creation of Georgian and foreign scholars’ digital library and text-corpus; • development of Georgian scientific meta-language, etc. Therefore, promotion of digitalization, development of scientific meta-language, facilitation of the preservation of well-known scholars’ works, creation of digital libraries and establishment of modern methods crucial for the promotion of up-to-date teaching processes – these are the main issues of our paper and integral problems of today’s educational world. The methodology of research includes observation, analysis and evaluation of ongoing projects and their already-achieved/future outcomes. Certain prospects are visualised.
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The 21st century shifted the world communities to an “electronic” stage of evolution. Drastic changes can be visualized in literature, linguistics and other humanitarian sciences. The greatest attention is paid to the promotion of linguistic researches, which are oriented towards electronic documenting of the language as well as on the intensive usage of digital methodologies and modern technologies. The reliance on these “technics” enables contemporary Georgian scientists to achieve principally new results and verify different models or hypotheses. Despite these circumstances, a lot must be done in the sphere of Kartvelology. The paper presents the university projects, which are oriented towards: involvement of students in researching activities dealing with the corpus-building;promotion of the development of digital Kartvelology; facilitation of creation of Georgian and foreign scholars’ digital library and text-corpus;development of Georgian scientific meta-language, etc. Therefore, promotion of digitalization, development of scientific meta-language, facilitation of the preservation of well-known scholars’ works, creation of digital libraries and establishment of modern methods crucial for the promotion of up-to-date teaching processes – these are the main issues of our paper and integral problems of today’s educational world. The methodology of research includes observation, analysis and evaluation of ongoing projects and their already-achieved/future outcomes. Certain prospects are visualised.
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A lesson plan is an important methodological component of the learning process. The key purpose of the article is to analyse the current situation and suggest how the information technologies can assist in the development of lesson plans, their accumulation and retrieval, thus ensuring their effective application. The authors disclose the problems of lesson plan creation and their description as well as make comparative analysis of information and lesson plan templates provided at learning objects storages. The authors identified the main components of lesson plans and their description, based on application of learning objects metadata standard model and the principles for improving the model elements as well as on the results of the analysis made, and proposed the templates for creating the technology-based lesson plans and their description. The development of lesson plans and descriptions will allow educators reuse didactic resources (lesson plans) as an effective learning tool. The storage of didactic resources will allow teachers to use the best practices, and the same learning objects in different learning scenarios.
The lessons learnt to implement metadata standard for learning objects from iLumina digital library are discussed. The iLumina digital library funded by the National Science Foundation, contains undergraduate teaching materials in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. To assist with the placement or resources within iLumina, three levels of taxonomies, discipline, subject, and topic are created. Decision regarding implementation of the metadata elements and associated vocabularies are influenced by the fact that responsibility for cataloging would eventually shift from trained catalogers to less-experienced submitters of resources.