
Elementary in-service teacher's use of computers in the elementary classroom

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... Higher education institutions in Jordan have formally adopted elearning, and students and staff members are already using a range of technology. However, developing countries higher education institutions continue to embrace e-learning systems at a lower rate than international institutions [16]. Developing nations typically lack the resources, money, administrative and technical support, and staff development needed to effectively use new technologies and incorporate them into their educational institutions [11,16]. ...
... However, developing countries higher education institutions continue to embrace e-learning systems at a lower rate than international institutions [16]. Developing nations typically lack the resources, money, administrative and technical support, and staff development needed to effectively use new technologies and incorporate them into their educational institutions [11,16]. Therefore, several issues relevant to higher education must be addressed to boost the use of e-learning. ...
... systems factors, cost and poor internet infrastructures [14], students' resistance to using e-learning systems, poor motivation of system users, and poor capability and reliability of ICT infrastructure [15] are considerable factors that affect the use of the e-learning system in higher institutions of education. Additionally, specific training for students on how to use ICT is not given, and budget training is insufficient in developing countries [11,16]. Developing countries have limited resources, poor administrative and technical support, and limited staff development, which prevents them from applying e-learning systems [17,18]. ...
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Background: The use of information and communication technologies has changed how teachers and students receive and process information. There are numerous ways that these technologies have been used to support learning. Electronic learning, or e-learning, is the process of teaching and learning remotely using electronic media. University students are avid information seekers who are eager to acquire new concepts, ideas, technologies, and methods of gathering knowledge. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the behavioral intention of students to use an e-learning system and its associated factors at Mettu University, southwest Ethiopia. Methods: An institutional-based cross-sectional study was conducted from October to November 2022 at Mettu University, southwest Ethiopia. A total of 637 health science students participated in the study. The study participants were selected using a stratified sampling technique. The data were gathered using a self-administered questionnaire. Using the AMOS version 26 software, measurement and structural equation modeling analyses were used to evaluate reliability, the validity of model fit, and test the hypothesis, respectively. Results: The behavioral intention of students to use e-learning was significantly influenced by effort expectancy (β = 0.420; P 0.05). The facilitating condition had a direct significant effect on health science students' use of e-learning (β = 0.634; P
... Pero esa es la situación en la que se encuentran un gran número de instituciones de enseñanza (escuelas y universidades) públicas y privadas y de países más y menos ricos. No obstante, incluso cuando las escuelas de enseñanza primaria y secundaria cuentan con un buen número de ordenadores y acceso a Internet, no todos los profesores los utilizan (BECKER, 2001;CONLON;SIMPSON, 2003;PELGRUM, 2001;PLOMB et al., 2003;SIGALÉS;MOMINÓ;MENESES, 2007;WILSON;NOTAR;YUNKER, 2003). ...
... Pero esa es la situación en la que se encuentran un gran número de instituciones de enseñanza (escuelas y universidades) públicas y privadas y de países más y menos ricos. No obstante, incluso cuando las escuelas de enseñanza primaria y secundaria cuentan con un buen número de ordenadores y acceso a Internet, no todos los profesores los utilizan (BECKER, 2001;CONLON;SIMPSON, 2003;PELGRUM, 2001;PLOMB et al., 2003;SIGALÉS;MOMINÓ;MENESES, 2007;WILSON;NOTAR;YUNKER, 2003). ...
... Pero esa es la situación en la que se encuentran un gran número de instituciones de enseñanza (escuelas y universidades) públicas y privadas y de países más y menos ricos. No obstante, incluso cuando las escuelas de enseñanza primaria y secundaria cuentan con un buen número de ordenadores y acceso a Internet, no todos los profesores los utilizan (BECKER, 2001;CONLON;SIMPSON, 2003;PELGRUM, 2001;PLOMB et al., 2003;SIGALÉS;MOMINÓ;MENESES, 2007;WILSON;NOTAR;YUNKER, 2003). ...
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En los últimos años, el uso de las computadoras y los distintos desarrollos vinculados a las tecnologías digitales de la información y la comunicación han sido presentados no sólo como las herramientas por excelencia para la mejora de la educación, sino como factor de modernización de los sistemas educativos. Sin embargo, el seguimiento de los distintos proyectos llevados a cabo y de las inversiones realizadas, a menudo a costa de deuda externa, no han podido evidenciar que su uso en la escuela signifique una mejora inmediata de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y de los resultados de los estudiantes. A partir de esta constatación. La primera parte de esta ponencia analizo y problematizo el discurso que inviste a estas tecnologías de poderes especiales para la mejora de la educación, a la vez que configuro los cambios que la ubicuidad de estas tecnologías en la vida cotidiana de niños, niñas y adolescentes están representando en su forma de aprender, de enfrentarse a la información y de valorar el conocimiento. En la segunda, a partir de evidencias aportadas por la investigación, dimensiono los factores asociados al cambio que los sistemas educativos y las escuelas tendrían que promover para convertir las TIC en Tecnologías de la Educación
... In addition to training, teachers need follow up support in order to become proficient technology integrators. Wilson et al. (2003) reviewed research on inhibitors to teacher use of technology. Need for more hands on training with technology skills and strategies for technology integration, alignment of computer purchases with curriculum, reduced class loads and demands on teacher time, support systems, and administrative support were all noted as inhibitors in their review of research. ...
... They encompass more than basic computer skills and advocate for quality leadership to make informed decisions about technology integration, using the standards to guide practice. Despite the implementation of technology standards in education, there is little difference between how students were taught in the 1990s to how they are taught currently (Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003). The CEO Forum on Education (2001) reports a rise in teacher use of computers between 1998 and 2000, but only 33% of teaches felt they were either well or very well prepared to use technology within their classrooms. ...
... The body of research on mentoring and peer coaching as elements of staff development will be discussed further in the next section. Wilson et al. (2003) interviewed 50 full time elementary teachers who had received university training in technology integration to see how they were utilizing computers in their classroom. Nearly half of these teachers utilized the internet for less than one hour a week or not at all, and over a quarter of these teachers utilized a computer for classroom purposes less than one hour a week or not at all and had students use a computer for less than one hour a week or not at all. ...
... Como muestra repetidamente la investigación (Becker, 2001;Pelgum, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003, entre otros), uno de los principales obstáculos para desarrollar el potencial educativo de las TIC son la organización y la cultura tradicionales de la escuela. La mayoría de los centros de enseñanza de los países tecnológicamente desarrollados tienen acceso a ordenadores e Internet, pero sólo son utilizados por un reducido número de docentes (Becker, 2001;Pelgum, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003). ...
... Como muestra repetidamente la investigación (Becker, 2001;Pelgum, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003, entre otros), uno de los principales obstáculos para desarrollar el potencial educativo de las TIC son la organización y la cultura tradicionales de la escuela. La mayoría de los centros de enseñanza de los países tecnológicamente desarrollados tienen acceso a ordenadores e Internet, pero sólo son utilizados por un reducido número de docentes (Becker, 2001;Pelgum, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003). Además, los docentes que utilizan ordenadores tienen dificultad en modificar sus prácticas docentes y sus expectativas sobre el alumnado. ...
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This paper has the purpose of contributing evidence about the complexity to which the schools and the teaching staff have to afford when they have to deal with the changes of Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) and their educational use.
... Como muestra repetidamente la investigación (Becker, 2001;Pelgum, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003, entre otros), uno de los principales obstáculos para desarrollar el potencial educativo de las TIC son la organización y la cultura tradicionales de la escuela. La mayoría de los centros de enseñan-za de los países tecnológicamente desarrollados tienen acceso a ordenadores e Internet, pero sólo son utilizados por un reducido número de docentes (Becker, 2001;Pelgum, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003). ...
... Como muestra repetidamente la investigación (Becker, 2001;Pelgum, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003, entre otros), uno de los principales obstáculos para desarrollar el potencial educativo de las TIC son la organización y la cultura tradicionales de la escuela. La mayoría de los centros de enseñan-za de los países tecnológicamente desarrollados tienen acceso a ordenadores e Internet, pero sólo son utilizados por un reducido número de docentes (Becker, 2001;Pelgum, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003). Además, los docentes que utilizan ordenadores tienen dificultad en modificar sus prácticas docentes y sus expectativas sobre el alumnado. ...
Este artículo tiene como finalidad aportar evidencias sobre la complejidad a la que se afrontan las escuelas y el profesorado a la hora de relacionarse con los cambios propiciados por las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y con el uso educativo de las mismas. Comenzamos este artículo presentando la investigación de la que se deriva este texto y argumentando que las historias profesionales de vida constituyen evidencias valiosas para entender lo que sucede en las escuelas. A continuación nos centramos en la situación de las TIC en la educación. Todos los docentes que participaron en la investigación, menos uno, señalaron a las TIC como fuente de transformaciones y problemáticas importantes para la educación, y como objeto de cuestionamiento y reflexión personal y profesional, sean o no utilizadas en las aulas. Por ello abordamos esta temática desde tres ángulos. En primer lugar nos referimos brevemente a cómo las TIC están transformando la manera en la que los individuos se relacionan con la información y se sitúan frente al aprendizaje; para abordar la dificultad de los sistemas educativos para impulsar un uso de las TIC orientado a la mejora de la escuela y del aprendizaje de alumnos y profesores. Finalmente, y antes de pasar a las conclusiones, recogemos extractos de las vidas profesionales de once docentes que nos ofrecen su experiencia corporeizada en relación a las TIC.
... With the rise of computer technologies and multimedia tools, vast amounts of money have been invested in integrating technology in schools and educational contexts. Wilson, Notar & Yunker, 2003;Chin & Hortin, 1993). The importance of teacher training on technology was stated as follows: ...
... The respondents indicated that they utilize computers particularly for "informative" purposes such as using PowerPoint presentations in order not to lose time while writing on the board as Wilson, Notar and Yunker (2003) and Wozney et al. (2006) have also reported. For instance, one of the interviewees states that it was easy and handy for him to find exercises on the Internet and using the questions in the PowerPoint format to show to the entire classroom. ...
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This study aimed at investigating the attitudes of English language teachers in Turkey toward computer technology and the extent to which they use technology in language instruction. The data were collected from a sample of English teachers working at public schools all throughout Turkey. In order to ensure triangulation and complementarity, mixed methods research was used combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods. A questionnaire and semi-structured, face-to-face interview were used in order to collect the data. Both descriptive and inferential statistics as well as content analysis were conducted so as to analyze the data. The results of the data analysis yielded positive findings regarding English teachers‟ attitude toward technology; their use of technology in instruction, however, do not correlate with their positive attitudes. The findings of the study revealed that a great majority of teachers attribute positive remarks for integrating technology in language teaching. However, they get difficulty in integrating technology into their instruction effectively. The interviews also showed consistent findings with the questionnaire data by pointing out that the teachers do not use computer technologies as instructional tools. The findings showed that the respondents did not have professional training on integrating technology into education. Thus, in order to have teachers who can efficiently use computer technologies in language instruction, pre-service ELT teacher education programs should provide technology related courses for their students. It is also suggested that teachers be provided with in-service training on technology integration in order to realize effective use of technology in education.
... Particularly, one of the main handicaps to develop the educational potential of ICT comes from the traditional culture of schools (Pelgrum 2001;Wilson, Notar, and Yunker 2003;Williams 2005). Previous practice in using computers and positive attitudes towards technology are variables that favour success in teachers' integration of ICT (Drent and Meelissen 2008;Mueller et al. 2008). ...
... Previous studies show that the success of innovative practices of technology use in schools is strongly related to the particular characteristics of each school. Infrastructure, equipment, a favourable school culture and the support from staff make the development of innovative practices with ICT easier (Pelgrum 2001;Williams 2005;Wilson, Notar, and Yunker 2003). ...
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The purpose of this study is to analyse what is happening at schools regarding the integration and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and to examine teachers' perceptions about what teaching and learning processes can be improved through the use of ICT. A multiple-case-study research methodology was applied. From a previous exploratory research, four different types of schools were determined. Data show there is a widespread view that ICT in teaching favours several teaching and learning processes. In particular, it shows that the contribution of ICT to the improvement of teaching and learning processes is higher in the schools that have integrated ICT as an innovation factor. To attain this highest level implies that a school not only has to modernise the technological tools, but also has to change the teaching models: the teacher's role, issues regarding classroom organisational, the teaching and learning processes, and the interaction mechanisms.
... Como muestra repetidamente la investigación (Pelgum, 2001;Conlon y Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar y Yunker, 2003, Sancho, 2006, entre otros) uno de los principales obstáculos para desarrollar el potencial educativo de las TIC son la organización y la cultura tradicionales de la escuela. Es decir, el mayor obstáculo para que las TIC se conviertan en una fuente de innovación educativa se encuentra en la dificultad de romper o transformar las enraizadas normas de la «gramática escolar» (Tyack y Tobin, 1994). ...
... Es decir, el mayor obstáculo para que las TIC se conviertan en una fuente de innovación educativa se encuentra en la dificultad de romper o transformar las enraizadas normas de la «gramática escolar» (Tyack y Tobin, 1994). La mayoría de los centros de enseñanza de los países tecnológicamente desarrollados tienen acceso a ordenadores e Internet, pero sólo los utiliza un reducido número de docentes (Pelgum, 2001;Conlon y Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar y Yunker, 2003;Segalés y otros, 2007;Law y otros, 2008). Además, el profesorado que usa ordenadores tiene dificultades para modificar sus prácticas docentes y sus expectativas sobre el alumnado (McClintock, 2000). ...
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This paper presents some of the processes and results of a research project1aimed at describing, analysing, interpreting and assessing the technological and educational vision underpinning policies related to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), their degree of integration in the primary and secondary school curriculum, their synergy with other policies and their capacity to foster change and improvement in compulsory education. This research has been undertaken from a constructionist perspective. This epistemological and methodological umbrella approach takes the form of the use of specific methods and a set of intellectual tools as well as collecting, analysing and interpreting techniques specified in: (a) the critical analyses of educational policy in relation to the use of ICT in the educational system implemented in Catalonia in the last 20 years, including 12 in-depth interviews with key figures in the development and execution of this policy; (b) the carrying out of 4 case studies (in 2 primary and 2 secondary schools) in order to detect ways of appropriation of the official discourse at school level, or the development of alternative responses and their corresponding discourses. Our research clearly reveals that the fragmented culture of schools is aggravated by the fragmented way of carrying out educational policy. A deep restructuring of the current educational policy, so as to enable the educational system to be considered as a whole, is required for ICT to be able to offer multiple resources for teaching and learning practices and to become a factor for motivation, dynamisation, innovation and improvement of teaching and learning processes, in other words, to become learning and knowledge technologies (as the Department of Education of Catalonia aims to do at present). This process implies, above all, an integrated and coordinated method to encourage it, and to put it into practice.
... Particularly, one of the main handicaps to develop the educational potential of ICT comes from the traditional culture of schools (Pelgrum 2001;Wilson, Notar, and Yunker 2003;Williams 2005). Previous practice in using computers and positive attitudes towards technology are variables that favour success in teachers' integration of ICT (Drent and Meelissen 2008;Mueller et al. 2008). ...
... Previous studies show that the success of innovative practices of technology use in schools is strongly related to the particular characteristics of each school. Infrastructure, equipment, a favourable school culture and the support from staff make the development of innovative practices with ICT easier (Pelgrum 2001;Williams 2005;Wilson, Notar, and Yunker 2003). ...
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The purpose of this study is to analyze what is happening at schools regarding the integration and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and to examine teachers' perceptions about what teaching and learning processes can be improved through the use of ICT. A multiple-case-study research methodology was applied. From previous exploratory research, four different types of schools were determined. Data show there is a widespread view that ICT in teaching favors several teaching and learning processes. In particular, it shows that the contribution of ICT to the improvement of teaching and learning processes is higher in the schools that have integrated ICT as an innovation factor. To attain this highest level implies that a school not only has to modernize the technological tools, but also has to change the teaching models: the teacher's role, issues regarding classroom organization, the teaching and learning processes, and the interaction mechanisms.
... Como muestra repetidamente la investigación (Pelgum, 2001;Conlon y Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar y Yunker, 2003, Sancho, 2006, entre otros) uno de los principales obstáculos para desarrollar el potencial educativo de las TIC son la organización y la cultura tradicionales de la escuela. Es decir, el mayor obstáculo para que las TIC se conviertan en una fuente de innovación educativa se encuentra en la dificultad de romper o transformar las enraizadas normas de la «gramática escolar» (Tyack y Tobin, 1994). ...
... Es decir, el mayor obstáculo para que las TIC se conviertan en una fuente de innovación educativa se encuentra en la dificultad de romper o transformar las enraizadas normas de la «gramática escolar» (Tyack y Tobin, 1994). La mayoría de los centros de enseñanza de los países tecnológicamente desarrollados tienen acceso a ordenadores e Internet, pero sólo los utiliza un reducido número de docentes (Pelgum, 2001;Conlon y Simpson, 2003;Wilson, Notar y Yunker, 2003;Segalés y otros, 2007;Law y otros, 2008). Además, el profesorado que usa ordenadores tiene dificultades para modificar sus prácticas docentes y sus expectativas sobre el alumnado (McClintock, 2000). ...
... Actualmente, el uso de las TIC en las aulas es irregular y no todos los docentes hacen uso de ellas en su práctica diaria (Becker, 2001;Pelgrumn, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Wilson, et al., 2003). Además, cuando lo hacen, suelen encontrar dificultades para modificar sus rutinas docentes y sus expectativas sobre la predisposición del alumnado para aprender (McClintock, 2000). ...
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Arteta Elguezua, J.; Villardón-Gallego, L.; Bezanilla Albisua, M.-J.: Adaptación de la herramienta COMDID-C al euskera Rev. int. estud. vascos. 68, 1, 2023 1 Debido a la necesidad de disponer de herramientas para la evaluación de la Competencia Digital Docente (CDD) en la lengua vehicular del sistema educativo, el objetivo de este estudio es disponer de un cuestionario en euskera, la lengua de instrucción del País Vasco (Spain). Con este fin se ha llevado a cabo la adaptación a la lengua vasca de la herramienta COMDID-C Palabras clave: Evaluación. Euskera. Tecnología de la educación. Formación de profesores. Fiabilidad. Hezkuntzan digitalizazioa ezartzeko, beharrezkoa da irakasleen gaitasun digitala ebaluatu eta garatzea, hasierako prestakuntzatik hasita. Azterketa honen lehen helburua euskarazko tresna bat izatea da. Horretarako, COMDID-C tresna euskarara itzuli da. Bigarren helburua, berriz, hasierako prestakuntzan irakasleen gaitasun digitalaren bilakaera aztertzea da. Giltza-Hitzak: Gaitasunen ebaluazioa. Euskara. Hezkuntzaren teknologia. Irakasleen prestakuntza. Irakasleen Gaitasun Digitala. L'éducation et le numérique rendent nécessaire une évaluation et le développement des compétences numériques chez les enseignants et ce, dès leur formation initiale. Le premier objectif de cette étude est de pouvoir compter sur un instrument en euskera. À ces fins, l'adaptation à l'euskera de l'outil COMDID-C a été réalisée. Le deuxième objectif vise à analyser l'évolution de la compétence numérique dans la formation initiale du personnel enseignant. Mots-Clés : Évaluation des compétences. Euskera. Technologie de l'éducation. Formation des enseignants. Compétence en enseignement numérique.
... Context tends to influence how teachers and learners use technology; however, ICT integration research tends to disregard the context in which teaching occurs (Wilson et al., 2017). This then would relate to ICT integration in multigrade schools which are predominantly located in rural areas where the socio-economic levels of community members are low, and the majority of the community members lack access to basic amenities such as sanitation and roads. ...
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Technology offers pedagogical affordances that can transform teaching and learning in multigrade classrooms to assist in the process of teaching and learning. However, it is challenging for teachers to effectively integrate technology into their classrooms, given the complex and dynamic multigrade context. The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) model was a lens through which to explore teachers’ experiences in ICT integration in their multigrade classrooms in selected primary schools in South Africa. A case study design guided this qualitative study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve teachers thematic analysis was used to analyse data. The findings revealed that access to ICT equipment for teachers and students is crucial. This study has found that generally, it is difficult for teachers to incorporate technology into their teaching because of the caveats, such as the multigrade context and the rural location which presents issues such as lack of basic technology infrastructure, limited training on integrating technology in teaching, time, the teaching context, and support from principals. This study recommends that teachers be trained on ICT usage and given the support needed to function effectively in their multigrade context. For teachers to be digitally connected and ensure ICT integration in the teaching and learning process, they need to be equipped with relevant knowledge and skills to use technology to transform their teaching and create new opportunities for learning.
... Integration of ICT with pedagogy is a complex process and several internal and external factors play important role in successful integration of ICT with pedagogy (Davis et al., 2009;Ertmer, 2005;Law et al., 2005;Nachmias et al., 2004;Tearle, 2003). One of the major hurdles to successfully implement ICT comes from the traditional culture of schools (Pelgrum, 2001;Wilson, Notar & Yunker 2003;Williams, 2005). Some studies point out educational innovations attempted through ICT may lead to development and advancement in student's learning (Wong & Li, 2008). ...
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This study examines the importance of integration of pedagogy and technology in secondary science classroom of India in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers in this study focused on four types schools. Twenty-two teachers and eighty students have taken part in this research. Looking to the COVID-19 situation data is generated through telephonic contacts, e-mails and Google meets. Researchers used a mixed method and followed qualitative as well as quantitative data analysis. According to teachers from all four kinds of schools, technology is a necessary instrument for advancing education in the COVID-19 period. According to the study, factors influencing effective pedagogy and technology integration include necessary infrastructure, technical support, teacher training, supportive school management, skilled and motivated teachers etc. Integration of ICT with pedagogy makes learning engaging and entertaining. It encourages inquiry-based learning, cooperative learning, creative and critical thinking among students. It provides opportunity for students to receive materials in multiple formats like videos audio recordings, text materials etc. Though it facilitates individualized student paced learning, satisfying needs of diverse learners, but still not every sort of school uses the same technology. Poor attendance, face to face interaction, poor interconnectivity, health problems for teachers and students, are some of the obstacles encountered during online classes. In the light of 4 th generation industrial revolution education system is going to be changed to adapt technological interventions in education. So, the educators and teachers need to be fully prepared to accept, learn and adapt the upcoming technological advancements.
... The second issue is that ICT integration research typically ignores the context, despite the fact that it has a significant role in shaping teachers' attitudes and beliefs [17,24]. For instance, at the current stage of study on teachers' attitude toward ICT integration in classroom instruction, the usage concepts and data collection instruments established in and for a different educational setting have been criticized [25]. ...
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This study looked at qualitative papers that focused on teacher perceptions of how technology is integrated in the classroom. It synthesized 22 qualitative research studies using the meta-ethnography method to trace, assess, and synthesize the findings in order to gain a better understanding of the diversity of teacher perceptions concerning ICT integration in the classroom. The outcomes were determined by the positive and negative attitudes teachers had toward ICT integration in the classroom. The synthesis revealed that local settings and global educational trends both influence teacher perceptions. It is stated how crucial teacher professional development programs are, and contextual elements influencing teacher perceptions about ICT integration into classroom are highlighted. Recommendations for further study are explored by integrating the review’s findings.
... By deconstructing the informational teaching classroom, this study clarifies the principles and evaluation objectives of informational classroom evaluation [5], theoretically determines the framework of the teaching evaluation system based on mobile terminals, and constructs an evaluation index system, which not only enriches the research content of English classroom teaching evaluation in colleges and universities, but also provides a new perspective for the development of informational teaching and is of great theoretical precedence. ...
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The 21st century is the era of information technology, and the rapid development of information technology has had a huge impact on educational technology. With the popularity of mobile terminals in recent years, the development of mobile learning will promote changes in the way teaching, learning, and assessment are conducted. Traditional teaching evaluation methods focus on summative evaluation, although process evaluation is also involved, although it is limited by time and assessment recording means and does not achieve the purpose of evaluation well. In this study, we conduct a research on the evaluation system of secondary school chemistry classroom teaching based on mobile terminals and construct an evaluation index system of English teaching in colleges and universities based on mobile terminals, hoping to have some practical significance to the reform of teaching evaluation nowadays. The system uses the WeChat applet framework, the WeChat Web developer tool to output and display the front-end interface, and the Model-View-Controller framework development model to complete the invocation of the backend data. The results show that both students and teachers can access the assessment system through the WeChat applet and complete the teaching assessment and view the assessment results.
... Also, students will communicate effectively with other classmates and lecturers, in addition, surf through the websites and view course material at their convenient time and location. Therefore, it was observed in this study that the majority of these ICTs are in one way or the other available although according to Pelgrum (2001); Williams (2005); Wilson, Notar and Yunker (2003), they identified some factors like infrastructure, school culture and staff support as a boast to effectiveness of the use of ICTs, where this study established that the provision of those infrastructures was available in most South African high schools. ...
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The effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in teaching and learning is germane to the recent educational innovations in South Africa. The study examined the level of availability and utilisation of ICT facilities by teachers and students in high schools in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa as well as the factors influencing and challenging its effectiveness. A random sampling technique was adopted to select a sample of 600 (450 students and 150 teachers) for the study. Four research questions were answered with the aid of self-developed instruments tagged Teachers’ Questionnaire on Effectiveness of ICTs in Teaching and Learning (TQEICTTL) and Students’ Questionnaire on Effectiveness of ICTs in Teaching and Learning (SQEICTTL). Frequency and a simple percentage were used to analyse the data obtained. It was revealed that the highest available ICT facilities in all selected schools were mobile phones being used by students to download relevant information on their various courses and exchange ideas and knowledge among other students. It was, therefore, recommended that government play an active role in the effectiveness of the use of ICTs by funding ICTs in schools through training and re-training of teachers and exposure of stakeholders to the relevance of the pedagogy relating to the use of ICTs for teaching and learning. © 2018, South African Journal Of Education. All rights reserved.
... There are multiple issues and challenges confronting the implementation of ICT education in schools and educational institutions in these countries and the problems are much more magnified in case of schools located in remote villages and rural areas. One of the main handicaps to develop the educational potential of ICT comes from the traditional culture of schools21,22,23 . For rural schools in specific, the introduction of ICT faces hindrances in the form of internal and external barriers. ...
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In a developing country like India, lack of technology, internet access, and qualified trainers act as the biggest challenge in providing ICT-based educational services to the masses, especially to the rural masses. Three-quarters of India’s total population reside in the rural areas and 30 percent are below the age of 15 years in their peak formative years of schooling. Nearly a third of rural India is still illiterate. In this situation, ICT enabled education in rural areas can be an innovative option to fill this literacy gap and to upgrade the teaching-learning process in the rural schools for tapping the huge reserves of human resources. This study explores barriers to utilizing information and communication technologies (ICT) for teaching and learning process in the country of India as indicated by participating stakeholders: students, teachers, and administrators and also suggests some suitable solutions enabling smooth implementation of ICTs in rural education sphere with utmost impact.
... As studies have shown (Area, 2011;Becker, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Holcomb, 2009;Pelgrum, 2001;Sancho & Alonso, 2012;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003), the main obstacles to developing the educational potential of ICT have been schools' organization and the teaching cultures. The difficulty of transforming the rules of school grammar (Tyack & Tobin, 1994) are found, above all, in the specifications and levels of achievement of the current curriculum; the space and time organization; the disciplinary and fragmented conception of knowledge; and the lack of autonomy of the teaching staff and pupils (Area, 2011;Sancho, 2006;Sancho & Alonso, 2012). ...
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This paper reviews policies and practices related to the educational use of information and communication technology (ICT) and its role in improving education in Catalonia. Specifically, it analyzes the ICT educational practices developed at four schools in Catalonia, as well as the educational policies on the integration of these technologies promoted by the Administration over the last 25 years These analyses indicated that the resulting practices, mostly centred on teachers’ explanation or on teaching software, were in line with policies that have systematically focused on the provision of equipment and the uncritical use of ICT, regardless of actions for improving such practices.
... Sometimes, the visual parts attract students' attention, and it implies that if the student will use the new technology in their learning process, they can present their work on screens as well for a better impact. Extended integration of technology into professional education courses, beyond the required opening technology classes or as a replacement for stand alone classes, may encourage teachers to design learning experiences that incorporate a variety of technological components (Wilson and Notar, 2003). Handhelds have the potential to have a positive impact on student learning, and teachers will continue to use handheld devices in the future. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to undermine the role of cellular technology, government and the funding agency to deliver reliable and cost-effective health services for the people living in the bottom of pyramid and remote areas of the country where quality healthcare facilities are not available. The people living in rural Bihar (India) have a limited education and are reluctant to visit the female healthcare centers. The Ananya Bihar project has employed volunteers from the same community and aid from the foundation and government to improve the maternity and neo-natal healthcare initially in eight districts of the state. Design/methodology/approach The study reviewed various m-health projects and m-education projects with a detailing of the Anaya Bihar Project initiated by Melinda Gates foundation and Government of Bihar, India. The study uncovers technical, operational aspects and methodology followed by Ananya. It has detailed the best practices followed by the project. The study also features the capability of mobile as a tool to reach the masses in most cost effective way. Findings The use of mobile application with the association from the social worker has been tremendously successful in maternity and child healthcare in the state of Bihar, India. The application includes educating the user’s about the healthcare, training for midwives, alerts related to vaccination and thereby reducing the mortality rate and improving the maternal healthcare for the people from the bottom of pyramid. The project has created awareness among the rural families and has improved the maternity healthcare in the eight districts of Bihar, India. They were also planning to expand the project in other states of India. Research limitations/implications The study is exploratory in nature and has not involved primary data collection and statistical analysis. The study has compiled the data and information available. Practical implications The present study may be used as a reference to the organization working on mobile healthcare projects to understand the best practices of m-health project. The study also explains the role of various stakeholders (as Ananya-Bihar was a collaborative effort of Social trust, Technical experts, Network service provider, Community, State Government and the People) in the success of the project. Social implications The study explains the role of technology for the benefit of people. In the present case mobile healthcare initiated by the foundation has been very effective in dealing with maternity healthcare in rural Bihar, where people cannot afford expensive healthcare facility. The only silver lining is increasing tele-density at the most affordable rate in the globe, with funding from NGOs and full support from government. Such types of m-healthcare projects will support the government in delivering quality healthcare to the people who are living below poverty line and deprived of basic healthcare facilities. Originality/value The study details the methodology and technical details of Ananya Mobile health care platform.
... This study aimed at investigating the degree of satisfaction with the program among graduates and the difficulties and obstacles that faced them in implementing the (ICTE) skills in their actual teaching. To achieve this goal, the two researchers prepared the tool of the study, which is a questionnaire based on analyzing the program's content, on the researchers personal experience and on related previous studies and theoretical research, as well as on some questionnaires used in the following studies (Shammout, 2008; Al-Metairy, 2007; Al-Ashkhari, 2006; Al-Tarawneh, 2006; Al-Ajlouni, 2004; Al-Muezzin, 2004; Madden, et al., 2005; Duvel and Pate, 2004; Beggs and Murphy, 2003; Wilson, et al., 2003). The study tool consisted of four parts starting with a covering letter, as follows: ...
... This study aimed at investigating the degree of satisfaction with the program among graduates and the difficulties and obstacles that faced them in implementing the (ICTE) skills in their actual teaching. To achieve this goal, the two researchers prepared the tool of the study, which is a questionnaire based on analyzing the program's content, on the researchers personal experience and on related previous studies and theoretical research, as well as on some questionnaires used in the following studies (Shammout, 2008; Al-Metairy, 2007; Al-Ashkhari, 2006; Al-Tarawneh, 2006; Al-Ajlouni, 2004; Al-Muezzin, 2004; Madden, et al., 2005; Duvel and Pate, 2004; Beggs and Murphy, 2003; Wilson, et al., 2003). The study tool consisted of four parts starting with a covering letter, as follows: ...
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This study aimed at investigating the degree of satisfaction among the higher diploma graduate students of Information and Communication Technology in Education (ICTE) program at the University of Jordan, the difficulties that face them in handling the program's skills and their suggestions to upgrade it. The population of the study consisted of all students (596 graduates in five batches) of the program, from the summer semester 2007/2008 through the fall semester 2009/2010. The sample of the study consisted of 308 male and female teachers. After analyzing the programs items and reviewing previous studies and theoretical literature, the researchers compiled a questionnaire of their own to gather data. Psychometric parameters such as reliability and validity were calculated. The results revealed that the program's graduates were moderately or even almost very close to highly satisfied with their program. The program’s efficiency and its objectives got a high degree of students' satisfaction. However, the issues of educational environment, facilitation, teaching staff, program's content as well as evaluation got a moderate degree of students' satisfaction. Results, also, showed that graduates faced, to a moderate degree, many obstacles in using information and communication technology skills in their educational practices; the most important of which within the areas mentioned above are: scarcity of time available for teachers to use information and communication technology ICT aids in instruction, scarcity of financial and morale incentives given for these teachers, too many students per class, scarcity or even absence of good educational software programs at school, scarcity of computers in school's labs, scarcity of computers connected with the internet, and slow internet connection. Most graduates presented a set of suggestions that aimed at upgrading the program, of which the following are the most important: teaching in detail the Flash educational software instead of the old-fashioned Visual Basic and Authorware techniques, canceling the MS-project- related part of the course project 1 in the preparation stage and providing quality anti-virus programs, as well.
... This study aimed at investigating the degree of satisfaction with the program among graduates and the difficulties and obstacles that faced them in implementing the (ICTE) skills in their actual teaching. To achieve this goal, the two researchers prepared the tool of the study, which is a questionnaire based on analyzing the program's content, on the researchers personal experience and on related previous studies and theoretical research, as well as on some questionnaires used in the following studies (Shammout, 2008; Al-Metairy, 2007; Al-Ashkhari, 2006; Al-Tarawneh, 2006; Al-Ajlouni, 2004; Al-Muezzin, 2004; Madden, et al., 2005; Duvel and Pate, 2004; Beggs and Murphy, 2003; Wilson, et al., 2003). The study tool consisted of four parts starting with a covering letter, as follows: ...
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درجة رضا خريجي برنامج الدبلوم العالي في تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في التربية (ICTE) في الجامعة الأردنية عنه والصعوبات التي تواجههم في استخدام مهاراته التكنولوجية في ممارساتهم التعليمية ومقترحاتهم لتطويره الملخص هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تعرّف درجة رضا خريجي برنامج الدبلوم العام في تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في التربية (ICTE) في الجامعة الأردنية عنه والصعوبات التي تواجههم في استخدام مهاراته التكنولوجية في ممارساتهم التعليمية ومقترحاتهم لتطويره. تكون مجتمع الدراسة من جميع خريجي البرنامج اعتباراً من الفصل الدراسي الصيفي 2006/2007 ولغاية الفصل الدراسي الأول 2008/2009، والبالغ عددهم (596) خريجاً وخريجة موزعين على خمس دفعات. تكونت عينة الدراسة من (308) معلماً ومعلمة، ولجمع المعلومات استخدم الباحثان استبانة من تطويرهما. بعد تحليل مواد البرنامج والرجوع إلى الأدب النظري والدراسات السابقة، وتم حساب الخصائص السيكومترية من صدق وثبات. أظهرت النتائج أن الخريجين من البرنامج راضون عنه بدرجة متوسطة قريبة جداً من درجة مرتفعة، ونال مجالا فاعلية البرنامج، وأهدافه على درجة رضا مرتفعة، بينما حصلت مجالات التسهيلات والبيئة التدريسية في البرنامج ، وأعضاء هيئته التدريسية، ومحتواه، والتقويم فيه على درجة رضا متوسطة. كما توصلت النتائج إلى أن الخريجين تواجههم صعوبات في استخدام المهارات الخاصة بتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في التربية في ممارساتهم التعليمية بدرجة متوسطة وأن أكبرها ضمن المجالات: قلة الوقت المتاح للمعلمين لاستخدام أدوات (ICT) في التدريس، وقلة الحوافز المادية والمعنوية المقدمة للمعلمين، وكثرة أعداد الطلبة في الصف الواحد، وقلة البرمجيات التعليمية المتوفرة في المدرسة، وعدم توفر برمجيات تعليمية ذات نوعية جيدة، وقلة عدد أجهزة الحاسوب في مختبرات المدرسة، وقلة أجهزة الحاسوب المربوطة بشبكة الإنترنت، وبطء الاتصال بشبكة الإنترنت. كذلك قدم غالبية الخريجين مجموعة من المقترحات لتطوير البرنامج كان من أهمها: التعمق في شرح برمجية Flash بدلاً من تدريس برمجيتي الفيجوال بيسك والأوثروير، وإلغاء الجزء الخاص ببرمجية MS-Project في مادة مشروع (1) في مرحلة التحضير، وتوفير برامج الحماية الجيدة من الفيروسات. الكلمات المفتاحية: درجة رضا الخريجين، برنامج الدبلوم العالي، تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في التربية، الجامعة الأردنية، صعوبات استخدام المهارات التكنولوجية في الممارسات التعليمية، مقترحات لتطوير برنامج (ICTE).
... There is a large of body of research in the literature that supports the same position that teachers should receive effective, timely and continuous training to promote technology in their teaching. (Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003;Yildirim, 2000;Yildirim & Kiraz, 1999;Lemke, 1999;Northrup & Little, 1997). ...
... Despite the explosive growth in the availability of technology in the mathematics classroom, the outcomes of employing such tools have so far been disappointing. While technology are purported to enhance students' mathematical understanding, higher order thinking and motivation (Deaney, Ruthven, & Hennessy, 2003;NCTM, 2000), the teaching of mathematics remains rather the same and the re-sults continue to be non-satisfactory (Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003). Since the teacher is the key person for the successful integration of technology in the classroom (Kendal & Stacey, 2002;Drijvers, Doorman, Boon, van Gisbergen, & Reed, 2009), it goes without saying that educators should develop in-service courses that will facilitate the successful implementation of technological tools in the classroom. ...
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A relatively short time ago, we could hardly imagine the depths of the changes which today's information society is experiencing now. These changes are influencing various areas of our lives and they are also very significantly influencing the educational system. For the institutions which are engaged in education, these changes brought, amongst other things, the necessity to define teacher standards and graduate profiles. Future teachers must, during their university education, get new competences, which would reflect the requirements of society which are oriented to the use of information technologies. One of these competences is the skill of creating modern education environments for both elementary school pupils and secondary school students. In this chapter, we will try to describe how we create this skill having long experience with the education of future teachers. We will present some environments which were created and developed by our students, who are future teachers of mathematics.
... El acceso universal a estas caras tecnologías está muy lejos de ser realidad en la mayoría de los sistemas educativos del planeta. Pero además, incluso cuando se dispone de computadoras no todos los docentes las utilizan (Becker, 2001;Pelgrum, 2001;Conlon and Simpson, 2003;Wilson;Notar y Yunker, 2003;Plomb et al., 2003); y cuando lo hacen suelen encontrar dificultades para modificar sus rutinas docentes y sus expectativas sobre la predisposición del alumnado para aprender (MacClintock, 2000). De ahí que de los estudios realizados hasta el momento se desprenda que la utilización de las TIC en la educación no han aportado pruebas definitivas ni sobre la mejora de la motivación y el aprendizaje del alumnado, ni sobre la pretendida transformación y mejora de la práctica educativa (Cuban, Kirkpatrick y Peck, 2001;Cuban, 2001;Schofield y Davidson, 2002;Ringstaff y Kelley, 2002;Kozman, 2003;OECD, 2004;Balanskat y otros, 2006;Law y otros, 2008). ...
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In recent years, the huge development of digital information and the communication technologies, which have been presented as the panacea of education, has grasped a great dose of attention. In this article, after expressing our position in front of technology, we briefly characterize an optimistic discourse around the digital technologies that not only has failed to fill the expectations raised but, by focussing in their immense possibilities, has constantly neglected the rest of the components of the educational system. Subsequently we address the initial and in-service professional development of teachers that configures itself as a fundamental factor to transform and improve the educational practice, this time with the aid of the ICT. The analysis of the policy and the practice of promotion of the use of ICT carried out in Catalonia, in the last 25 years, allows us to glimpse the inadequacy of the initial and in-service professional development of teachers, not only to respond to the educational needs of the current society, but for achieving the own objectives of the Computers in Education Program.
... However, faculty felt that they used email more often for instruction rather than for the students demonstrating a difference in the perceptions of the use of email (Savery, 2002). Wilson, Notar, and Yunker (2003) found that on the average, teachers used the computers 1.9 hr per week mainly to enter grades in elementary schools. Students spent even less time on the computers-only 1.5 hr per week. ...
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Although many schools are equipped with the latest instructional technologies, multiple studies have indicated that more than half of the teachers equipped with computers only use them for administrative functions, and only half of their students report using technology more than once a week. Many faculty members lack the technological proficiency needed to take advantage of these new technologies, making them unable to bring these technologies into the classroom and leading to many standing unused in the classroom. This study analyzes teachers’ perceptions of technology use in the classroom by surveying those who participated in the TeachUp! technology empowerment program created and developed by Digital Opportunity Trust USA, Inc. (DOT USA). The results show that teachers who were part of DOT USA’s TeachUp! program perceived a significant increase in the areas of student engagement, student excitement, student acceleration of learning, and student proficiency with computer technology. The analysis has indicated that faculty members need not only to learn how to use technology at a basic level but also to learn how to integrate that technology into their curricula. In addition, newer teachers from digital native generations must be taught how their acquired skills can be used to integrate technology into the classroom curriculum to provide complex cognitive engagement for their students. It is essential that the role of the teacher as a professional in the classroom not be discounted when evaluating classroom curriculum development and strategy, including those that would integrate various technologies.
... International research paints a similar picture of computer integration. Work conducted in the United Kingdom, Thailand, Greece, Australia and The Netherlands suggests that computers are still under-used in terms of quantity and quality of use (Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Demetriadis et al., 2003;Hayes, 2007;Pelgrum, 2001;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003;Wooley, 1998). The impetus for researchers then is to understand why computers are not being used to their full potential in the classroom. ...
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Given the prevalence of computers in education today, it is critical to understand teachers' perspectives regarding com-puter integration in their classrooms. The current study surveyed a random sample of a heterogeneous group of 185 ele-mentary and 204 secondary teachers in order to provide a comprehensive summary of teacher characteristics and variables that best discriminate between teachers who integrate computers and those who do not. Discriminant Function Analysis indicated seven variables for elementary teachers and six for secondary teachers (accounting for 74% and 68% of the var-iance, respectively) that discriminated between high and low integrators. Variables included positive teaching experiences with computers; teacher's comfort with computers; beliefs supporting the use of computers as an instructional tool; train-ing; motivation; support; and teaching efficacy. Implications for support of computer integration in the classroom are discussed.
... This result revealed that just one goal for achieving the goal of effective teaching via using technology is not enough which is also mentioned in the literature by many researchers (Willis & Montes, 2002;Doering, Hughes & Huffman, 2003). Hence, teachers have to build a knowledge base on how to routinely integrate technology into their classroom (Scheffler & Logan, 1999) and given more opportunities to apply instructional technology prior to their real-life experiences (Wilson, Notar & Yunker, 2003). ...
This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of CAI vs. classroom lecture for computer science at ICS level. The objectives were to compare the learning effects of two groups with class room lecture and computer assisted instruction studying the same curriculum and the effects of CAI and CRL in terms of cognitive development. Hypothesis of this research were based on six levels of blooms taxonomy as there was one major hypothesis: There is no significant difference exist for CAI student in gaining a high cognitive achievement than students of same level having Traditional CRL. The study was delimited to three colleges of Faisalabad city. The research was true- experimental in nature. The research design followed by researcher is The Pre-test - Post test Equivalent groups Deign. The software used for CAI group was basically the combination of Discovery environment and simulation soft wares, however, the time for drilling and practice was given to student. It a designed to cover the all levels of cognitive domain described by B. S. Blooms (1956). A question paper containing 30 items multiple choice test was compiled from the curriculum, with a representative number of questions from each of the cognitive levels. Findings of this research indicate that total gain in cognitive domain by CAI was significantly superior to the total gain in cognitive domain by CRL teaching method. This study concluded that the skills of knowledge, analysis and synthesis assured significant increase. The CAI proved to be very much effective in increasing the evaluation and application skills of students to experimental group. Comprehension skill, however, not much affected by the CAI. According to the results of this study it was suggested that CAI as an effective teaching method should be applied to improve teaching quality and by using
... The second realization we recognize is that, although the potential of technology to augment the educational process has improved substantially over the last ten years, the integration of technology in both the regular and in the special education classroom curriculum has not happened. For the most part, technology is not employed as a central element in the education of students in today's classroom (Fishman, 2006;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003). ...
... Integration was a key to successful utilization of educational technologies. "Studies consistently report that in order for teachers to integrate technology into the classroom, adequate professional development must be provided" (Johnson, 2006, p. 1; see also Bauer, 2002;Colley, 2002). ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of school size, as defined by student enrollment and by total school budget, on the utilization of educational technologies. The focus group for this investigation was Christian schools that were further delineated by three criteria: (a) membership, (b) scope of program, and (c) geographic location. Membership was schools that were members of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Scope of program was schools with comprehensive programs. Geographic location was schools in two ACSI regions. The survey instrument covered 23 categorical questions, several of which contained sub-questions. Survey data including the categorical questions and sub-questions provided a total of 36 data fields. Five data fields provided demographic information, and 31 data fields provided utilization of educational technologies information. Data from a total of 154 schools were considered in the final analysis. The study did not support the null hypotheses for this research since the analysis of the data found a significant correlation between school size (total enrollment and total school budget) and a school's utilization of educational technologies within a number of the data fields.
... Technology based field experiences in particular provide prospective teachers with the opportunity to observe and practice the integration of technology (Hunt, 1995;Mullen, 2001;Wilson, Notar, & Yunker, 2003). Following the recommendations of researchers, numerous teacher education programs have explored models of field experiences focused on the integration of technology (Anderson & Petch-Hogan, 2001;Balli, Wright, & Foster, 1997;Brush, et al., 2003;Bucci, 2003;Niess, 2001;Grove, Strudler, & Odell, 2004;Rademacher, Tyler-Wood, Doclar, & Pemberton, 2001;Snider, 2003;Thompson, Schmidt, & Davis, 2003;Walsch, Hagler, Fowler, 2003;Wetzel, Zambo, & Buss, 1996). ...
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Supervision as a field, in the main, remains susceptible and thus vulnerable to various forces, ideological and otherwise, that constrain its ability to play a significant role in instructional improvement and thus in educational leadership. Adherence to inspectional and faultfinding supervision under the guise of standards‐based and other practices has serious consequences for the improvement of teaching and student achievement. Unless those of us who are committed to the study of supervision in higher education, as well as school administrators and other practitioners who supervise teachers, are ready, willing and able to assert responsibilities for best practice in supervision through transformational leadership the educational landscape will remain in its transitory and vulnerable state, inconsequential at best, destructive at worst. Relying on the social and educational critiques of Robert Goldhammer and Jules Henry, this article seeks to raise the consciousness of those committed to instructional excellence by offering insights into ways supervision can serve to enhance teachers’ dignity, impact student learning and transform our work, and even schools themselves, so that vulnerability turns into possibilities and stagnation into transformation.
... (2001) found that only 4 of 13 teachers had modified their classroom teaching in major ways in schools designated as having high access to computer technology. Likewise, internationally, research studies paint a similar picture, including work conducted in the United Kingdom, Thailand, Greece and the Netherlands (Wooley, 1998;Pelgrum, 2001;Conlon & Simpson, 2003;Demetriadis et al ., 2003;Wilson et al ., 2003). Since teachers play a pivotal role in determining just how much advantage can be drawn from technology in the classroom (Mercer & Fischer, 1992;Schofield, 1997;Brosnan, 1998), it is clear that we need more than descriptive summaries to understand how computer technology is being integrated. ...
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Fifty‐four elementary and secondary school teachers participated in focus‐group discussions and completed a survey to examine barriers and supports to computer integration. Although teachers used computers at home and school, they were not wholly comfortable with the technology. Familiarity with computers predicted greater comfort with technology and greater comfort was related to greater integration in the classroom. Thematic analysis of the focus groups yielded six major themes, including issues related to: support, teachers, context and access, students, computer hardware and software problems, and external or other priorities. The discussion of computer integration also inspired substantial emotional responses on the part of teachers. Together, the survey and focus‐group findings yielded a framework for identifying individual and environmental issues which impact on computer integration.
... El acceso universal a estas caras tecnologías está muy lejos de ser realidad en la mayoría de los sistemas educativos del planeta. Pero además, incluso cuando se dispone de computadoras no todos los docentes las utilizan (Becker, 2001;Pelgrum, 2001;Conlon and Simpson, 2003;Wilson;Notar y Yunker, 2003;Plomb et al., 2003); y cuando lo hacen suelen encontrar dificultades para modificar sus rutinas docentes y sus expectativas sobre la predisposición del alumnado para aprender (MacClintock, 2000). De ahí que de los estudios realizados hasta el momento se desprenda que la utilización de las TIC en la educación no han aportado pruebas definitivas ni sobre la mejora de la motivación y el aprendizaje del alumnado, ni sobre la pretendida transformación y mejora de la práctica educativa (Cuban, Kirkpatrick y Peck, 2001;Schofield y Davidson, 2002;Ringstaff y Kelley, 2002;Kozman, 2003;OECD, 2004; Balanskat y otros, 2006; Law y otros, 2008). ...
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Resumen En los últimos años, el ingente desarro-llo de las tecnologías digitales de la infor-mación y la comunicación, que han sido presentadas como la panacea de la educa-ción, ha captado una gran dosis de aten-ción. En este artículo, tras situar nuestro posicionamiento frente a la tecnología, caracterizamos de forma breve un discur-so optimista en torno a las tecnologías di-gitales que, no sólo no han logrado col-mar las expectativas levantadas, sino que al centrarse en sus inmensas posibilidades, ha descuidado de forma constante el resto de los componentes del sistema educati-vo. A continuación nos centramos en la formación inicial y permanente del pro-fesorado que se configura como un factor fundamental a la hora de transformar la práctica educativa, esta vez con la ayu-da de las TIC. El análisis de la política y la práctica de promoción del uso de las TIC llevada a cabo en Cataluña (España) en los últimos 20 años nos permite vis-lumbrar la inadecuación de la formación inicial y permanente del profesorado, no sólo para responder a las necesidades edu-cativas de la sociedad actual, sino para conseguir los propios objetivos del Pro-grama de Informática Educativa. Palabras clave: Innovación docente, com-petencia digital, mejora educativa, planes de formación.
... This result revealed that just one goal for achieving the goal of effective teaching via using technology is not enough which is also mentioned in the literature by many researchers (Willis & Montes, 2002;Doering, Hughes & Huffman, 2003). Hence, teachers have to build a knowledge base on how to routinely integrate technology into their classroom (Scheffler & Logan, 1999) and given more opportunities to apply instructional technology prior to their real-life experiences (Wilson, Notar & Yunker, 2003). ...
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Rapid developments in invented technologies lead educational institutions to effectively integrate these technologies into the teaching-learning processes. However, both institutions and individuals face different obstacles because of these integration processes. By taking various precautions maybe overcome. Thus, this study was designed to explore to what extend the course Instructional Technology & Material Development, from a non-thesis graduate teacher's preparation program, contributed to pre-service teachers' perceived computer competencies, attitudes toward computers and technology vision. The participants were 114 pre-service teachers with a degree from the faculty of arts and science. Both quantitative and qualitative measures were used to collect data in order to validate the findings. Participants were asked to fill out a computer attitude scale and a computer competency scale both at the beginning and end of the course, as well as an open-ended questionnaire at the end of the course. Besides, the researcher had observed all the participants during their weekly assignments. The results showed that pre-service teachers developed a positive attitude towards using computers in their future classrooms and enhanced their computer competencies. Furthermore, they became desirous and curious about technology and more willing to use technology in their future careers. Although one can find numerous similar articles in the literature that produced similar results, in Turkish context, this article has valuable information for those teaching in non-theses teaching programs.
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Background Electronic learning, also known as e-learning, is the process of remotely teaching and learning through the use of electronic media. University students are voracious information seekers who are eager to learn new concepts, ideas, technologies, and methods of knowledge acquisition. Students can access their learning materials at any time and from any location through e-learning, which takes place on the Internet. In a world where having up-to-date information and expertise is critical for benefiting from the current knowledge-based economy, e-learning is critical. Methods An institutional-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March 15 to April 20, 2023 in Amhara region first generation universities, Ethiopia. A total of 659 students participated in the study. simple random sampling technique was used. A self-administered questionnaire in Amharic language was used to collect data. data was manually coded and clean then entered into Epi data version 4.6 and SPSS version 25 was used for further analysis. A median score was used to assess the proportion of acceptance. A SEM analysis was employed to test, the proposed model and the relationships among factors using AMOS version 26. Result The proportion of postgraduate students’ acceptance to use e-learning was 60.7%, 95%CI (56.9–64.4). The SEM analysis had shown that accessibility (β = 0.216, P < 0.001), computer self-efficacy(β = 0.156, P < 0.01) and facilitating condition (β = 0.381, P < 0.001), had a positive direct relationship with perceived ease of use and facilitating condition (β = 0.274, P < 0.001), computer self-efficacy(β = 0.426, P < 0.001) and Perceived ease of use (β = 0.201, P < 0.001) had a positive direct relationship with perceived usefulness and also Perceived ease of use (β = 0.156, P < 0.001) and perceived usefulness (β = 0.606, P < 0.001) had a positive direct relationship with attitude. Perceived ease of use (β = 0.183, P < 0.001), attitude (β = 0.353, P < 0.001) and perceived usefulness (β = 0.307, P < 0.001) had a positive direct relationship with acceptance of e-learning. Conclusion and recommendation: Overall, proportion of postgraduate students’ acceptance of e-learning is promising. facilitating condition, self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude had a positive direct and indirect effect on acceptance of e-learning, and attitude played a major role in determining students’ acceptance of e-learning. Thus, the implementers need to give priority to enhancing, the provision of devices, students’ skills, and knowledge of e-learning by giving continuous support to improve students’ acceptance to use e-learning.
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In the digital age, teachers must have a more favourable attitude toward information and communication technology (ICT). In the current study, the researcher used a qualitative interview to learn more about early childhood teachers (ECTs) perspectives on the use of ICT in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The researcher in Palestine interviewed 63 female early childhood educators to collect data. "Thematic coding techniques" were used to analyze the interview data. Within five main themes, "ICT advantages" (8 sub-subjects), "the significance of ICT competencies" (2 sub-subjects), "promotion of the ICT training" (5 sub-themes), "the uses of ICT" (6 sub-subjects), and "challenges to using ICT", the research gathered specific information on how teachers perceived digital disruption during the Covid-19 pandemic (5 sub-subjects). The findings showed that increased promotion of ICT training that encourages ICT use among ECTs is necessary. This study adds to the body of knowledge regarding the application of ICT in the early childhood teaching process. Additionally, this study expands on empirical research findings that help report on the use of online learning in Early Childhood Education (ECE), particularly in times of crisis.
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هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف الى مدى امتلاك خريجي برنامج الدبلوم العالي في تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في التربية ( ICTE ) في الجامعة الأردنية للمهارات التكنولوجية الخاصة به ومدى استخدامهم لها في تدريسهم. تكون مجتمع الدراسة من جميع خريجي البرنامج اعتبارا من الفصل الدراسي الصيفي 2006 / 2007 ولغاية الفصل الدراسي الأول 2009 / 2010 ، والبالغ عددهم ( 596 ) خريجا وخريجة موزعين على خمس دفعات. تكونت عينة الدراسة من ( 308 ) معلما ومعلمة، ولجمع المعلومات طور الباحثان استبانة انبثقت مهاراتها ضمن المجالات المتعلقة بها من نتائج تحليل محتوى مواد البرنامج، والإفادة من الأدب النظري ومنهجيات الدراسات السابقة في بنائها، وتم حساب الخصائص السيكومترية لها من صدق وثبات. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن الخريجين يمتلكون المهارات الخاصة باستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في التربية بشكل عام بدرجة مرتفعة، وكان أكثرها امتلاكا في مجال برامج أوفيس، تلاها مهارات مجال الإنترنت وبرمجية تصميم المواقع الإلكترونية دريم ويفر، تلاها مهارات التصميم الجرافيكي وبدرجة مرتفعة لهذه المجالات، تلاها مهارات مجال الوسائط المتعدد ، تلاها مهارات تصميم وإنتاج وتقييم البرمجيات التعليمة، وأقلها امتلاكا كانت في مهارات مجال البرمجة بلغة الفييوال بيسك وبدرجة متوسطة لهذه المجالات. كما توصلت النتائج إلى أن الخريجين يستخدمون المهارات الخاصة بتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في التربية في تدريسهم
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This study aimed at investigating the degree of satisfaction among the higher diploma graduate students of Information and Communication Technology in Education (ICTE) program at the University of Jordan, the difficulties that face them in handling the program's skills and their suggestions to upgrade it. The population of the study consisted of all students (596 graduates in five batches) of the program, from the summer semester 2007/2008 through the fall semester 2009/2010. The sample of the study consisted of 308 male and female teachers. After analyzing the programs items and reviewing previous studies and theoretical literature, the researchers compiled a questionnaire of their own to gather data. Psychometric parameters such as reliability and validity were calculated. The results revealed that the program's graduates were moderately or even almost very close to highly satisfied with their program. The program’s efficiency and its objectives got a high degree of students' satisfaction. However, the issues of educational environment, facilitation, teaching staff, program's content as well as evaluation got a moderate degree of students' satisfaction. Results, also, showed that graduates faced, to a moderate degree, many obstacles in using information and communication technology skills in their educational practices; the most important of which within the areas mentioned above are: scarcity of time available for teachers to use information and communication technology ICT aids in instruction, scarcity of financial and morale incentives given for these teachers, too many students per class, scarcity or even absence of good educational software programs at school, scarcity of computers in school's labs, scarcity of computers connected with the internet, and slow internet connection. Most graduates presented a set of suggestions that aimed at upgrading the program, of which the following are the most important: teaching in detail the Flash educational software instead of the old-fashioned Visual Basic and Authorware techniques, canceling the MS-project- related part of the course project 1 in the preparation stage and providing quality anti-virus programs, as well. Keywords: Satisfaction, Implementing, Difficulties, ICTE.
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Este livro nasceu do desejo mais sincero de compreender mais sobre esses jovens que estão dentro das escolas da Educação Básica. Embora de forma introdutória, buscamos entender quem são esses alunos, quais suas características, quais as tecnologias mais usadas por eles. Paralelamente, buscamos uma compreensão mais apurada de como utilizar essas ferramentas digitais de forma pedagógica e de como redimensionar o papel do professor neste contexto.
This article offers part of the results obtained from a project titled "Study of the impact of the ICT project from the teachers' and students' point of view, in the early years of its implementation in public centres in Andalusia", the main purpose of which was to analyse the impact of ICT incorporation plans in education centres, from the experiences of the main actors in that environment. The results shown here are those obtained with regard to the advantages and drawbacks that such education policies brought about in education centres. The results show that the advantages and drawbacks found by teaching staffand students are different, as what each collective expects does not always coincide with the day to day reality in the centres that have implemented these plans.
Conference Paper
Η εργασία αυτή είχε σκοπό να αναλύσει την επίδραση ενός προγράμματος επιμόρφωσης για τη χρήση των Νέων Τεχνολογιών στα μαθηματικά, στη διδασκαλία των εκπαιδευτικών και στη μάθηση των μαθητών τους. Συγκεκριμένα, εξετάστηκε: α) ο τρόπος με τον οποίο οι εκπαιδευτικοί, που συμμετείχαν στο πρόγραμμα επιμόρφωσης, εφάρμοσαν αυτά που διδάχτηκαν σε μάθημα μαθηματικών στις τάξεις τους και β)ποιες ήταν οι μαθησιακές πρακτικές των μαθητών τους στο μάθημα αυτό. Παρατηρήθηκε ότι οι επιδιώξεις των εκπαιδευτικών στο μάθημα αυτό ήταν κυρίως η εξοικείωση των μαθητών τους με το λογισμικό και η μαθηματική τους κατανόηση. Όσον αφορά τις μαθησιακές πρακτικές των μαθητών τους, σε αυτό το μάθημα, παρουσίαζαν ενεργητική συμμετοχή, χρησιμοποιούσαν μαθηματική ορολογία και έκαναν γενικεύσεις.
Our study focused on the relative impact of faculty members' personal characteristics, computer self-efficacy, and attitudes toward the Internet on integration of electronic communication in teaching. By using survey methodology, data collected from 133 faculty members, who are from four different faculties at Istanbul Technical University. This study shows that computer self-efficacy in using the WWW is the only predictor of integration of electronic communication in teaching courses. Furthermore, we found out that computer self-efficacy in using the WWW was related to computer self-efficacy in using computer, computer self-efficacy in using e-mail, and faculty they belong to. The results suggest that these variables need to be considered when planning training programs or differential staffing for reconciling faculty and their integration of electronic communication in teaching courses.
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Given the prevalence of computers in education today, it is critical to understand teachers’ perspectives regarding computer integration in their classrooms. Research identifying stages of implementation, and literature identifying barriers and supports, fall short of explaining what variables impact an educator’s ultimate decision to integrate technology in their instruction. The current research surveyed a heterogeneous sample of 185 elementary and 204 secondary teachers in order to provide a comprehensive summary of teacher characteristics and variables that discriminate teachers who integrate technology from those who do not. Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) identified the following variables as making unique contributions to discriminating high and low integrators: positive experiences with computers; teacher’s comfort with computers; specific beliefs about computer technology as an instructional tool; training; challenge; support; and, teaching efficacy. Qualitative analysis of open-ended survey questions and univariate analysis of differences between “nominated experts” and randomly selected teachers, triangulated the findings to build a model of successful integration that includes integration of content, pedagogical and technological knowledge; personal characteristics of teachers (learning style and willingness to accept challenge); and, support (both technical and human resources). Identification of discriminating individual characteristics has implications for professional development and policies regarding support and integration.
Children's Learning in a Digital World presents exciting and challenging new ideas from international scholars on the impact of computers, the Internet, and video games on children's learning. • Features exciting new research which reassesses the threats posed by technology to the social, emotional, and physical development of children • Examines the impact of technology in both formal and informal learning contexts, covering a range of technologies relevant to students and researchers, as well as professional educators • Presents key information on the social and cultural issues that affect technology use, in addition to the impact on children's learning • Includes research from an international range of contributors.
Interviews with bush Alaskan educators offer a close-up perspective of the challenges surrounding the adoption of information, communication, and educational technologies in rural areas.
Among all the forces that can bring about positive and deliberate educational change, one of the most strongly and persistently advocated is new technology. Technology has been hailed as the savior of educational change many times in the past. Television, video, language laboratories, audio-recorded reading programs, and pocket calculators have all been proposed as ways to move learning from the teacher to the learner – and all have fallen short of initial expectations.
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This paper presents some of the processes and results of a research project1aimed at describing, analysing, interpreting and assessing the technological and educational vision underpinning policies related to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), their degree of integration in the primary and secondary school curriculum, their synergy with other policies and their capacity to foster change and improvement in compulsory education. This research has been undertaken from a constructionist perspective. This epistemological and methodological umbrella approach takes the form of the use of specific methods and a set of intellectual tools as well as collecting, analysing and interpreting techniques specified in: (a) the critical analyses of educational policy in relation to the use of ICT in the educational system implemented in Catalonia in the last 20 years, including 12 in-depth interviews with key figures in the development and execution of this policy; (b) the carrying out of 4 case studies (in 2 primary and 2 secondary schools) in order to detect ways of appropriation of the official discourse at school level, or the development of alternative responses and their corresponding discourses. Our research clearly reveals that the fragmented culture of schools is aggravated by the fragmented way of carrying out educational policy. A deep restructuring of the current educational policy, so as to enable the educational system to be considered as a whole, is required for ICT to be able to offer multiple resources for teaching and learning practices and to become a factor for motivation, dynamisation, innovation and improvement of teaching and learning processes, in other words, to become learning and knowledge technologies (as the Department of Education of Catalonia aims to do at present). This process implies, above all, an integrated and coordinated method to encourage it, and to put it into practice.
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