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Influence of Winter Season Climate Variability on Snow–Precipitation Ratio in the Western United States

International Journal of Climatology

Abstract and Figures

In the western United States, climate warming poses a unique threat to water and snow hydrology because much of the snowpack accumulates at temperatures near 0°C. As the climate continues to warm, much of the region's precipitation is expected to switch from snow to rain, causing flashier hydrographs, earlier inflow to reservoirs, and reduced spring and summer snowpack. This study investigates historical variability in snow to precipitation proportion (Sf) and maps areas in the western United States that have demonstrated higher Sf sensitivity to warming in the past. Projected changes in Sf under 1.1, 1.8, and 3.0°C future warming scenarios are presented in relation to historical variability and sensitivity. Our findings suggest that Sf in this region has primarily varied based on winter temperature rather than precipitation. The difference in Sf between cold and warm winters at low- and mid-elevations during 1916-2003 ranged from 31% in the Pacific Northwest to 40% in the California Sierra Nevada. In contrast, the difference in Sf between wet and dry winters was statistically not significant. Overall, in the northern Sierra, Klamath, and western slopes of the Cascade Mountains Ranges, Sf was most sensitive to temperature where winter temperature ranged between -5 to 5°C. Results from our trend analysis show a regional shift in both Sf and signal-to-noise ratios during 1960-2003 as compared with 1916-2003. Our findings indicate that natural variability in Sf over 1916-2003 across all regions except for the Great Basin most closely resembles the projected 2040-warming scenario (+1.8°C).
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Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/joc.4545
Inuence of winter season climate variability on
snowprecipitation ratio in the western United States
Mohammad Safeeq,a,b*Shraddhanand Shukla,cIvan Arismendi,dGordon E. Grant,e
Sarah L. Lewisfand Anne Nolinf
aSierra Nevada Research Institute, University of California, Merced, CA, USA
bUSDA Forest Service, PSW Research Station, Fresno, CA, USA
cDepartment of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
dDepartment of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
eUSDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station, Corvallis, OR, USA
fCollege of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
ABSTRACT: In the western United States, climate warming poses a unique threat to water and snow hydrology because much
of the snowpack accumulates at temperatures near 0 C. As the climate continues to warm, much of the region’s precipitation
is expected to switch from snow to rain, causing ashier hydrographs, earlier inow to reservoirs, and reduced spring and
summer snowpack. This study investigates historical variability in snow to precipitation proportion (Sf) and maps areas in the
western United States that have demonstrated higher Sfsensitivity to warming in the past. Projected changes in Sfunder 1.1,
1.8, and 3.0 C future warming scenarios are presented in relation to historical variability and sensitivity. Our ndings suggest
that Sfin this region has primarily varied based on winter temperature rather than precipitation. The difference in Sfbetween
cold and warm winters at low- and mid-elevations during 1916 –2003 ranged from 31% in the Pacic Northwest to 40% in the
California Sierra Nevada. In contrast, the difference in Sfbetween wet and dry winters was statistically not signicant. Overall,
in the northern Sierra, Klamath, and western slopes of the Cascade Mountains Ranges, Sfwas most sensitive to temperature
where winter temperature ranged between 5to5
C. Results from our trend analysis show a regional shift in both Sfand
signal-to-noise ratios during 1960–2003 as compared with 1916–2003. Our ndings indicate that natural variability in Sf
over 1916– 2003 across all regions except for the Great Basin most closely resembles the projected 2040-warming scenario
(+1.8 C).
KEY WORDS snow fraction; climate warming; signal-to-noise ratio; trend analysis; western United States
Received 16 March 2015; Revised 28 September 2015; Accepted 29 September 2015
1. Introduction
Mountain snowpacks in the western United States serve
as the primary source of spring and summer runoff, which
supports ecosystems as well as agriculture, industry, and
urban uses. Declines in streamow magnitude (Lins and
Slack, 1999; Luce and Holden, 2009), earlier streamow
timing (Stewart et al., 2005), and altered ood risk (Ham-
let and Lettenmaier, 2007) have been reported for this
region, all of which are primarily attributed to changes
in snowpack. Signicant reductions in snowpack accumu-
lation and earlier snowmelt have been attributed at least
in part to anthropogenic climate warming (Barnett et al.,
2008; Hidalgo et al., 2009). Continuing warming trends
in mid-latitude areas (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), 2007a, 2007b; Adam et al., 2009) would
only intensify changes in snow accumulation and melt rate
across the western United States (Gleick, 1987; Letten-
maier and Gan, 1990; Dettinger et al., 2004; Knowles and
Cayan, 2004; Stewart et al., 2004).
* Correspondence to: M. Safeeq, Sierra Nevada Research Institute, Uni-
versity of California, 5200 N Lake Road, Merced, CA 95343, USA.
As temperatures continue to warm, much of this region
is expected to experience a shift from solid to liquid phase
precipitation (Knowles et al., 2006). More precipitation
falling as rain instead of snow, and consequently a lower
total snowfall to precipitation ratio (hereinafter referred
to as snow fraction, Sf), would affect total snow accu-
mulation and the timing of snowmelt and runoff regimes,
potentially leading to higher winter oods and lower ow
in late spring and summer (Safeeq et al., 2013, 2015). In
any given region, however, changes in Sfwould depend
on overall climatic regime as well as the correspond-
ing changes in temperature and precipitation. Specically,
areas where snow accumulates at temperatures near 0 C,
also known as the transient snow zone, are more vulnerable
to warming than areas with snow accumulating at colder
temperatures (Hamlet et al., 2005; Nolin and Daly, 2006;
Sproles et al., 2013).
The transient snow zone is of particular hydrologic
interest, not only from the perspective of climate change
but also for its role in generating large oods through
rain-on-snow events (Harr, 1981; Christner and Harr,
1982; Marks et al., 1998; O’Connor and Costa, 2003;
Sureet and Tullos, 2012). To date, identication of the
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society
M. SAFEEQ et al.
Figure 1. (a) Drainage boundary and topographic characteristics of the four study regions: Sierra Nevada (SN), Colorado River basin (CRB),
Great basin (GB), Columbia River, and Pacic Northwest coastal basins (PNW); (b) coefcient of determination (R2) and (c) percent bias
(negative PBIAS =underestimation, positive PBIAS =overestimation) between observed snow water equivalent and those empirically derived from
temperature and precipitation using Equation (1).
transient snow zone has always been based on elevation
(Christner and Harr, 1982; Harr, 1986; Sureet and Tul-
los, 2012) and/or temperature thresholds (Hamlet and Let-
tenmaier, 2007; Jefferson, 2011). This is mainly due to
the limited spatiotemporal coverage and record length of
directly relevant climatological [i.e. snow water equiv-
alent (SWE), precipitation, wind speed, and tempera-
ture] measurements (Hamlet et al., 2005). Availability of
high-quality spatially distributed gridded meteorological
data has improved our ability to analyze changes in snow-
pack and controls in a more spatially explicit fashion
(Hamlet et al., 2005; Nolin and Daly, 2006; Das et al.,
2009), as opposed to only a point-based analysis (Karl
et al., 1993; Frei et al., 1999; Mote et al., 2005; Knowles
et al., 2006; Feng and Hu, 2007).
Previous work has shown decreasing trends in snow-
pack in the western United States (Frei et al., 1999; Mote
et al., 2005; Brown and Mote, 2009; Abatzoglou, 2011;
Harpold et al., 2012; Rupp et al., 2013). The relative con-
tributions of changing temperature and precipitation on the
snow fraction (Hamlet et al., 2005; Knowles et al., 2006;
Feng and Hu, 2007) and on hydrologic drought have also
been documented (Mao et al., 2015; Shukla et al., 2015).
To our knowledge, there have been no studies showing
the historical spatiotemporal variability in Sfand how this
relates to past and potential future trends. Studies show-
ing monotonic trends in Sfprovide only a partial view of
future snowpacks, and cannot clarify whether, on average,
future snowpacks would be smaller than extreme years
in the past, or stay within the range of historic variabil-
ity. The answer to this question has direct implications for
water use, especially for reservoir operations in the west-
ern United States. Insight into signal (monotonic trends)
to noise (historical variability) ratios would be useful for
effectively managing water resources and aquatic ecosys-
tems. Our objectives here are to: (1) quantify the historical
variability in Sfduring extreme years and examine how
this relates to future climate warming in a spatially explicit
fashion; (2) quantify the sensitivity of Sfto temperature
as evidenced in the historical record; and (3) determine
the spatiotemporal variability in Sftrends over the western
United States.
2. Datasets and analyses
2.1. Precipitation and temperature dataset
We used gridded, 1/8th degree spatial resolution, daily
precipitation, and temperature datasets for 1916–2003
to compute Sfafter dividing the study domain into four
regions: (a) the California Sierra Nevada (SN); (b) the
Colorado River Basin (CRB); (c) the Great Basin (GB);
and (d) the Columbia River Basin and coastal Oregon and
Washington (PNW) (Figure 1(a)). These gridded datasets
were developed using precipitation and temperature obser-
vations from the National Climatic Data Service’s Coop-
erative Observer (Coop) network (Hamlet and Letten-
maier, 2005). Using gridded temperature and precipitation
datasets for estimating Sfas opposed to using direct tem-
perature and precipitation observations from weather sta-
tions has both advantages and disadvantages. The advan-
tage of using gridded meteorological datasets is that they
provide spatially and temporally consistent meteorological
conditions at places where direct observations are sparse
(Hamlet et al., 2005). The main disadvantage is that grid-
ded datasets are derived through interpolation of available
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
station data and subjected to a number of potential inaccu-
racies and errors that can propagate to the estimates of Sf
or any other derived spatial data. These errors can be intro-
duced by an irregularly spaced underlying station network,
inaccurate and missing observations, and the interpolation
method used. In many mountainous regions, such as the
western United States, the network of meteorological sta-
tions at middle and high altitudes is sparse. In addition,
changes in number of functioning weather stations and
their location, instrumentation, and land use may cause
inhomogeneity in observed temperature and precipitation
that can propagate into gridded datasets.
Nevertheless, the gridded datasets used in this study were
specically developed to overcome some of the aforemen-
tioned issues and facilitate long-term trend analyses of
simulated hydrologic variables (Hamlet and Lettenmaier,
2005). The raw temperature and precipitation data from
Coop stations were rst screened for inaccuracies and then
gridded using 4 and 15 nearest neighbors for temperature
and precipitation, respectively. A higher number of nearest
neighbors were used for precipitation to prevent sharp dis-
continuities in the gridded data as a result of the relatively
low station density. After the gridding process, both tem-
perature and precipitation were subjected to temporal and
altitudinal adjustments to account for changes in number
and locations of Coop stations over time as well as to deal
with any biases associated with the sparse station network
at middle and higher elevations. Detailed description of the
data and gridding algorithms can be found in Hamlet and
Lettenmaier (2005).
2.2. Snow fraction
Daily precipitation (P) and average temperature values
(calculated as the arithmetic mean of daily maximum and
minimum temperatures) were used to calculate the annual
winter season (November-March) Sfand average wet day
(daily precipitation >0) temperature (Tw_avg ). Our deni-
tion of winter season is consistent with Knowles et al.
(2006), who reported 80% of snowfall occurring during
this season. Annual Sffor each grid cell was determined
after partitioning Pinto rain and snow using the lin-
ear empirical relationship developed by the United States
Army Corps of Engineers (1956). Sproles et al. (2013)
evaluated additional computationally complex rain and
snow partitioning algorithms, but the results were identi-
cal. The snowfall equivalent (SFE) (mm), dened as the
amount of Preaching the ground as snow, was calculated
as follows:
P,Tw_avg TS
0,Tw_avg TR
TR TS ×(TRTw_avg)×PTS <Tw_avg <TR
where, Tw_avg is the average daily air temperature (C), TR
is the temperature above which all precipitation fell as rain,
TS is the temperature below which all precipitation fell as
snow, and Pis the total daily precipitation (mm day1).
The annual winter season Sfwas calculated as:
×100 (2)
where nwas the last day of the winter season. The value
of Sfranged between 0 (all rain) and 100% (all snow).
We acknowledge the limitation of an empirically derived
SFE based on a temperature threshold alone, due pri-
marily to the spatiotemporal variation and sensitivity of
the temperature (i.e. TR and TS) for rain to snow tran-
sition. For example, based on the United States Army
Corps of Engineers (1956) study, Sproles et al. (2013)
approximated the precipitation phase transition between
TS =−2andTR=+2C in the McKenzie River Basin
of Oregon Cascades. Klos et al. (2014) used TS =−2
and TR =+4C, based on the ndings of Dai (2008),
for partitioning total precipitation into snow and rain
across the western United States. For the purpose of
this study, we performed a sensitivity analysis on Sfby
varying the TS between 2.0 and 0 C and TR between
1.0 and 4.0 Cin0.5
C increments. The values of Sf
were calculated for all possible pairs (n=49) of TS and
TR with condition of TS <TR. Among the four regions,
Sfsensitivity (expressed in terms of standard deviation)
to TS and TR varied spatially within a specic region
with highest sensitivity centered (with the exception of
GB) around 50% Sf(Figure 2). In GB, the distribution
of Sfsensitivity was slightly skewed toward higher val-
ues of Sf. This suggested that choice of TS and TR
is particularly critical for characterizing the Sfvariabil-
ity in this region. To identify the representative TS and
TR value for our study domain, we correlated the win-
ter season positive changes (i.e. snow accumulation) in
SWE and empirically calculated SFE using Equation (1)
at 733 Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) sites (available via: The average length
of the concurrent SWE, precipitation, and temperature
record during 1980–2012 was 25 years. Note that in
this case not all positive changes in SWE were related
to snowfall. In the transitional snow zone, rain-on-snow
could also result in positive SWE. Using TS =−2Cand
TR =+2C, we found strong agreement between observed
SWE (mm) and calculated SFE (mm), with 78% of the
total SNOTEL sites had an R2>0.5 and 40% of the sites
had an R2>0.8 (Figure 1(b)). In terms of percent bias
(PBIAS), 25% of the total SNOTEL sites had a PBIAS
within 10% of observed SWE and 77% had a PBIAS
within 25% of the observed SWE (Figure 1(c)). The abso-
lute biases of 69% of the sites were less than 5 cm and
89% of the sites were less than 10 cm. Also, the PBIAS
between observed SWE and calculated SFE was con-
sistent among wet (average PBIAS =−13.7%) and dry
(average PBIAS =−14.9%) winters. On average the agree-
ment between observed SWE and calculated SFE was
slightly better during cold (average PBIAS =−3.9%) than
those during warm (average PBIAS =−22.4%) winters.
Irrespective of climate extremes (i.e. wet, dry, cold, and
warm), at the majority of the sites PBIAS was nega-
tive, indicating that TS =−2CandTR=+2C resulted
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
M. SAFEEQ et al.
Figure 2. Spatial variability in (a) mean and (b) standard deviation of snow fraction (Sf) estimated using varying temperature thresholds (i.e. TR and
TS) for rain to snow transition.
in lower SWE values than those observed at the SNO-
TEL sites. However, most of the sites with large negative
PBIAS were located at lower elevations where using pos-
itive changes in SWE to validate SFE would have been
problematic. At these lower elevation sites, as mentioned
above, rain-on-snow events may result in an increase in
SWE. In addition, because of warmer temperatures at these
lower elevation sites, snowfall and melt may occur simul-
taneously with no net increase in daily SWE. By increas-
ing TR, this negative PBIAS was reduced, but resulted in
more sites with positive PBIAS. This suggested that the
value of TS and TR are site specic, but the lack of spa-
tially distributed SWE measurements limited our ability to
derive such parameters across the study domain. However,
we plan to investigate the variability in TS and TR at the
SNOTEL sites in the subsequent work. For the purpose of
this study, we approximated the precipitation phase transi-
tion as between TS =−2andTR=+2C. We considered
the choice of TS and TR values as a potential source of
uncertainty in the estimated Sfand discuss the implications
2.3. Retrospective snow fraction sensitivity and trend
Spatially averaged November– March total Pwas used
to dene the 10 wettest and driest winters during
1916–2003 for each of the four regions by ranking
the November– March total Ptime series. Similarly, 10
coldest and warmest winters were dened after ranking
the spatially average Tw_avg for each of the four regions.
To capture the natural variability of climatic extremes
during the study period we used 10 as opposed to 5 years
of data to dene the extremes (e.g. Mishra and Cherkauer,
2011). We used a Mann Whitney Wilcoxon rank sum
test (p=0.05) to test differences in Sfbetween cold and
warm, and between wet and dry winters, across all the four
regions. Mean Sffor the 10 coldest (cold) and warmest
(warm) winters and corresponding Tw_avg were used to
dene the temperature sensitivity of Sfas:
Tw_avg (cold)Tw_avg (warm)(3)
Similarly, precipitation sensitivity of Sfcan be calculated
The Theil–Sen approach (Sen, 1968) and
non-parametric Kendall’s tau tests (Kendall, 1938)
were used to identify trends in the annual Sftime series.
Monotonic trends were classied as ‘detectable’ when
their signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) were >1. The SNR was
dened as the absolute change in Sfcalculated from the
monotonic trend divided by the standard deviation over
a given period of interest (Déry et al., 2011). To evaluate
spatial and temporal consistency in the Sfchanges, both
trend and SNR analysis were performed for long-term
(1916–2003) and most recent (1960 2003) time periods.
Observed trends in hydro-climatological data can be
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
100 Legend
5 101520
Elevation (×100 m)
Sf (%)
Sf (%)
Sf (cold)
pmean vs cold = 0.028
pmean vs warm = 0.035
pcold vs warm < 0.001
pmean vs wet = 0.732
pmean vs dry = 0.581
pwet vs dry = 0.419
pmean vs cold = 0.094
pmean vs warm = 0.118
pcold vs warm = 0.003
pmean vs wet = 0.528
pmean vs dry = 0.697
pwet vs dry = 0.416
pmean vs cold = 0.016
pmean vs warm = 0.041
pcold vs warm < 0.001
pmean vs wet = 0.617
pmean vs dry = 0.642
pwet vs dry = 0.399
pmean vs cold = 0.037
pmean vs warm = 0.071
pcold vs warm < 0.001
pmean vs wet = 0.867
pmean vs dry = 0.451
pwet vs dry = 0.428
Sf (mean)
Sf (warm)
[] (cold-warm)
25 30 35
100 Legend
Elevation (×100 m)
Sf (cold)
Sf (mean)
Sf (warm)
[] (cold-warm)
25 30 35
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Elevation dependence of average snow fraction across the four study regions during 1916– 2003 climatological mean (mean) and (a) the
10 coldest winters (cold), 10 warmest winters (warm), and the difference between them (grayscale bars), (b) the 10 wettest winters (wet), 10 driest
winters (dry), and the difference between them (grayscale bars). Error bars associated with line plot show the standard error of mean Sffor each
100-m elevation bin.
highly sensitive to the time period over which trends are
evaluated; especially when length of record is short and
start/end years fall during episodes of strong large-scale
climate variability (i.e. the Pacic Decadal Oscillation and
El Niño Southern Oscillation). For this reason we choose
1960, an El Niño Southern Oscillation neutral year, as a
starting point for our short-term trend evaluation.
2.4. Snow fraction under projected climate
Potential effects of a warmer climate on Sfwere simu-
lated using the average changes in the PNW temperature
from 20 climate models and two greenhouse gas emis-
sions scenarios (B1 and A1B) for the 2020s, 2040s, and
2080s (Mote and Salathé, 2009). The projected changes
in temperature under the A1B scenario for CRB, GB, and
SN were kept the same as those predicted for the PNW.
These warming scenarios were generated after modify-
ing the daily air temperature using the delta method (Hay
et al., 2000) and keeping daily precipitation constant. The
daily temperature values were increased uniformly by 1.1,
1.8, and 3.0 C for 2020, 2040, and 2080 warming scenar-
ios, respectively. In this study, effects of future changes
in precipitation on Sfwere not considered, since both
magnitude and direction of future precipitation, as pre-
dicted by global circulation models, are highly uncertain
for this region. Although recent trend analysis in historical
precipitation showed an increase in spring precipitation
and decrease in summer and autumn precipitation (Abat-
zoglou et al., 2014), there is no agreement in future precip-
itation projections from global circulation models. Mote
and Salathé (2009) reported a small increase (1–2%) in
the annual precipitation of the Pacic Northwest region
of the study domain under B1 and A1B emission scenar-
ios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). In contrast,
Ficklin et al. (2014) reported an average increase of 14.4%
in annual precipitation of the Columbia River Basin under
radiative forcing of 8.5 w/m2(RCP 8.5) of the Coupled
Model Inter-comparison Project – phase 5 (CMIP5). This
higher increase in precipitation could have been an artifact
of the differences in the emission scenarios between AR4
and CMIP5 and positive CMIP5 model bias (Mehran et al.,
3. Results
3.1. Snow fraction variability
To investigate the variability in Sfunder different climate
extremes, we examined Sfas a function of elevation dur-
ing the coldest and warmest (Figure 3(a)) and wettest and
driest winters (Figure 3(b)). For mean and extreme (dry,
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
M. SAFEEQ et al.
Climatological mean
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e)
(g) (h)
Cold winter
Wet winter Dry winter Warming-2020
Warming-2040 Warming-2080
Warm winter
Sf (%)
Figure 4. Average snow fraction (Sf%) during (a) climatological mean 1916 –2003, (b) 10 coldest winters, (c) 10 warmest winters, (d) 10 wettest
winters, (e) 10 driest winters, (f) 2020 warming scenario, (g) 2040 warming scenario, and (h) 2080 warming scenario.
wet, cold or warm) winters, Sfshowed a logistic relation-
ship with elevation across all four regions. As expected,
there were contrasting differences in Sfat similar eleva-
tions between the four regions. PNW showed signicantly
higher Sfat lower elevations when compared with SN,
CRB, and GB, which can be attributed to latitudinal dif-
ferences. Sfreached 100% at elevations just above 2000 m
in PNW as compared with nearly 2500 m in SN, CRB, and
GB (Figure 3). The highest Sfregions were along the Cas-
cade and Rocky Mountains in PNW, the southern part of
SN, and the Wasatch Range in CRB and GB during clima-
tological mean (Figure 4(a)), cold (Figure 4(b)) and warm
(Figure 4(c)), as well as during wet (Figure 4(d)) and dry
winters (Figure 4(e)). The Sfin northern Cascades, north-
ern Rockies, southern SN, and Wasatch Range remains
elevated during all climate extremes.
A two sample non-parametric Mann–Whitney
Wilcoxon rank sum test showed statistically signi-
cant differences (p<0.05) between cold and warm winter
Sfacross all four regions. In PNW, the difference in
Sfbetween the historical mean and those during warm
winters was not statistically signicant (p>0.05). This
indicated that in PNW the Sfdistribution was skewed
toward warm winters. In CRB, there were no statisti-
cally signicant differences in mean Sfand those during
extreme cold and warm winters. However, the difference
in Sfduring warm and cold winters was statistically sig-
nicant (p<0.05). The difference in Sfbetween cold and
warm winters was large at mid-elevations (Figure 3(a)).
Geographically, there were large differences in cold
(Figure 4(b)) and warm (Figure 4(c)) winter Sfin the
northern part of SN, central part of CRB, both eastern and
western edges of GB, and the Columbia Plateau, Snake
River Plain and much of the eastern Oregon in PNW.
The greatest change in Sfbetween cold and warm winters
across elevation (shown as the bar chart in Figure 3)
occurred in SN (40%) followed by GB (39%), CRB
(34%), and PNW (31%). These ndings were inconsistent
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
Table 1. Variability of winter season (November –March) precipitation (P) and average wet day temperature (Tw_avg) and their
inuence on snowfall to precipitation ratio (Sf) for the 10 coldest and 10 warmest years, selected based on domain-averaged Pand
Tw_avg for the period 1916– 2003 in the Sierra Nevada (SN), Colorado River Basin (CRB), Great Basin (GB), and Pacic Northwest
Year P
Year P
Year P
Year P
1917 390 2.7 28.9 1917 128 2.5 63.3 1917 140 4.1 78.9 1916 644 4.4 70.4
1922 452 4.0 25.2 1930 116 0.6 49.8 1923 138 2.7 73.0 1917 476 5.3 76.4
1923 336 3.8 26.8 1932 176 0.7 50.4 1930 118 2.9 59.9 1922 502 4.6 68.8
1932 402 3.2 27.9 1933 106 3.0 59.7 1932 152 3.9 71.5 1923 472 4.4 70.6
1933 349 2.2 33.7 1937 177 0.9 49.8 1933 118 5.7 77.2 1929 375 4.2 65.8
1937 442 3.0 30.2 1949 162 1.8 54.4 1937 172 4.6 71.4 1937 435 5.5 72.8
1949 391 2.5 31.5 1952 197 0.3 48.6 1944 145 2.5 63.8 1949 532 5.1 68.7
1950 433 4.1 23.6 1955 117 0.5 49.5 1949 165 5.3 72.3 1952 520 4.2 70.0
1952 611 3.4 25.7 1974 129 0.3 48.3 1952 215 3.0 67.6 1969 574 4.5 68.2
1969 644 4.1 23.6 1979 265 0.4 43.1 1955 148 3.1 57.8 1979 444 4.5 65.8
Mean 445 3.3 27.7 157 1.1 51.7 151 3.8 69.3 497 4.7 69.8
War m
1934 316 6.5 12.8 1934 96 3.1 30.9 1934 113 1.4 35.1 1934 573 0.1 45.2
1940 548 6.9 10.8 1938 168 2.5 32.7 1961 132 0.8 38.7 1940 540 0.7 47.3
1963 364 7.0 11.0 1961 113 2.5 38.9 1963 127 0.4 36.7 1958 527 1.0 53.6
1970 518 6.8 11.4 1978 218 2.4 34.0 1970 158 0.6 36.6 1961 592 0.7 50.4
1978 591 6.6 14.4 1981 134 3.2 31.4 1978 188 0.9 37.5 1963 479 1.1 48.4
1980 536 6.6 13.4 1986 161 2.4 35.4 1981 158 1.2 35.2 1981 517 0.1 44.0
1981 400 6.5 13.4 1995 206 2.8 32.8 1986 195 0.4 41.6 1983 631 0.6 50.6
1992 350 6.6 15.3 1996 128 2.5 31.9 1992 132 1.3 38.3 1992 436 0.2 46.9
2000 450 6.4 15.1 2000 115 2.6 36.9 2000 150 0.4 43.9 2000 578 1.2 56.0
2003 489 7.4 8.9 2003 148 2.7 31.0 2003 126 1.1 28.5 2003 563 0.4 42.9
Mean 456 6.7 12.7 – 149 2.7 33.6 – 148 0.9 37.2 – 544 0.5 48.5
Cold–Warm 11 3.4 15.0 83.8 18.1 34.7 32.1 47 4.2 21.3
Gray shading indicates wettest and driest year for each region.
Table 2. Variability of winter season (November –March) precipitation (P) and average wet day temperature (Tw_avg) and their
inuence on snowfall to precipitation ratio (Sf) for the 10 wettest and 10 driest years, selected based on domain-averaged Pand
Tw_avg for the period 1916– 2003 in the Sierra Nevada (SN), Colorado River Basin (CRB), Great Basin (GB) and Pacic Northwest
Year P
Year P
Year P
Year P
1938 649 5.6 16.5 1916 219 0.8 45.1 1916 194 2.4 61.4 1916 644 4.4 70.4
1952 611 3.4 25.7 1920 203 1.2 44.7 1952 215 3.0 67.6 1938 638 1.9 57.6
1956 603 4.6 19.0 1941 210 1.9 38.3 1969 197 1.9 60.3 1956 696 4.0 66.6
1969 644 4.1 23.6 1952 197 0.3 48.6 1980 204 0.4 38.6 1971 660 2.7 58.6
1978 591 6.6 14.4 1978 218 2.4 34.0 1982 213 0.4 50.8 1972 684 3.0 61.4
1982 611 5.8 16.6 1979 265 0.4 43.1 1983 216 0.3 42.7 1974 775 1.7 53.7
1983 744 5.7 15.6 1980 233 2.2 36.3 1984 216 1.2 57.2 1982 677 2.3 55.1
1986 586 6.2 13.8 1983 218 2.0 36.1 1986 195 0.4 41.6 1996 690 1.5 53.6
1995 681 5.5 16.5 1993 256 1.0 37.1 1995 200 0.1 43.6 1997 760 2.4 61.0
1998 670 5.8 16.8 1995 206 2.8 32.8 1997 192 0.5 46.3 1999 746 1.4 56.7
Mean 639 5.3 17.9 223 1.4 39.6 204 0.8 51.0 697 2.5 59.5
1920 302 4.6 23.5 1933 106 3.0 59.7 1924 116 2.0 58.4 1924 418 2.6 61.1
1924 242 4.9 20.0 1934 96 3.1 30.9 1926 126 0.6 46.1 1926 408 1.4 57.5
1929 304 4.3 22.6 1946 106 0.4 44.7 1930 118 2.9 59.9 1929 375 4.2 65.8
1931 276 6.2 17.0 1959 102 1.4 42.8 1931 100 1.6 60.2 1930 426 3.6 62.9
1934 316 6.5 12.8 1964 108 0.5 47.7 1933 118 5.7 77.2 1931 396 2.1 58.9
1948 314 4.6 20.6 1972 93 0.0 44.7 1934 113 1.4 35.1 1941 389 1.2 55.3
1976 249 4.6 21.7 1977 96 0.3 45.5 1977 93 1.5 53.2 1944 331 2.4 60.3
1977 210 4.8 20.7 1990 104 1.1 43.7 1987 123 0.2 46.3 1977 291 2.0 60.4
1990 256 4.3 22.0 1999 101 2.2 35.8 1990 107 1.4 52.5 1994 404 1.8 60.7
2001 322 4.9 21.5 2002 74 1.4 43.3 1991 119 1.1 47.7 2001 297 2.8 65.1
Mean 279 5.0 20.2 99 0.7 43.9 113 1.6 53.7 374 2.4 60.8
Wet– Dry 360 0.3 2.3 124 0.7 4.3 91 0.8 2.7 324 0.1 1.3
Gray shading indicates wettest and driest year for each region.
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
M. SAFEEQ et al.
Figure 5. (a) Spatial distribution of temperature sensitivity of snow fraction (𝜀T), (b) elevation dependence of 𝜀T, and (c) elevation dependence of
Tw_avg.The𝜀Tand Tw_avg values were binned in 100-m elevation intervals and are shown as the mean (solid lines) and standard error (shading) for
each bin.
Figure 6. Temperature dependence (Tw_avg) of (a) temperature sensitivity of snow fraction (𝜀T), (b) trends in snow fraction (Sf) and (c) signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) across regions. The 𝜀T,Sf, and SNR values were binned in 1 CTw_avg intervals and are shown as the mean (solid lines) and standard
error (shading) for each bin.
with the corresponding change in Tw_avg between cold
and warm winters (Table 1). Although the average change
in temperature across all elevation grids between cold
and warm winters was smallest (3.4 C) in SN and
largest (4.7 C) in GB, both showed a similar change
in Sf. This was attributed to overall warmer temperatures
in SN, where a small change in temperature led to a
larger change in Sf. In contrast, the change in Sfin PNW
between cold and warm winters was the smallest despite a
larger (4.2 C) change in temperature, because of overall
colder temperatures during both cold and warm winters
(Table 1). Winter season precipitation during cold and
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
Figure 7. Comparison of long-term (1916 –2003) and recent (1960 –2003) trends with 1 : 1 line (solid black) in (a) average winter wet day temperature
(Tw_avg), (b) snow fraction (Sf), and (c) corresponding signal-to noise ratios (SNR) in Sf. Spatial trends (d and e) and spatial shifts (f) are reported as
the difference between values for recent and long-term periods.
warm years was similar across the four regions (Table 1).
During warm winters, precipitation was higher by as much
compared with precipitation during cold winters. Across
all four regions the majority of cold winters occurred prior
to 1950 and the majority of warm winters occurred after
1970 (Table 1).
A nearly twofold increase in precipitation during
extreme wet years (Table 2) showed no inuence on Sf
across all the four regions (Figure 4(d) and (e)). In fact,
Sfduring dry winters was marginally higher (Figure 3(b))
compared with wet winters, particularly in SN and CRB,
which can be attributed to relatively cold temperatures in
those regions (Table 2), although this was not statistically
signicant (p>0.05). Similar to cold and warm winters,
the majority of the 10 driest and wettest winters dur-
ing the period 1916–2003 were prior to and post 1950,
respectively, except in CRB where both extremes occurred
predominantly after 1950s (Table 2). Year 1977, one of
the driest on record, ranked higher in terms of Sfbecause
of colder temperatures. In general, Sfwas lower when
a dry or wet year was associated with warm tempera-
tures (e.g. 1934 in SN, CRB, GB, and 1941 in PNW),
suggesting that temperature trumped precipitation in
determining Sf.
3.2. Retrospective snow fraction sensitivity and trends
The temperature sensitivity of Sf(𝜀T) varied signicantly
among regions (Figure 5). The Sfalong the Cascade and
Olympic mountain ranges in PNW, Klamath and north-
ern Sierra in SN, and part of the lower CRB was most
sensitive to temperature (Figure 5(a)). An increase in tem-
perature by 1 C could result in a decrease of 10 –15% Sfin
these regions. In terms of elevation, the medium and high
sensitivity (𝜀T<5) regions were between 1000– 2200 m
in SN, 1500–2000 m in CRB, 1200 2200 m in GB, and
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
M. SAFEEQ et al.
–20 Warm winter
Warm winter vs
2020: p = 0.010
2040: p = 0.576
2080: p < 0.001
Warm winter vs
2020: p = 0.175
2040: p = 0.215
2080: p < 0.001
Warm winter vs
2020: p < 0.001
2040: p = 0.528
2080: p < 0.001
Warm winter vs
2020: p < 0.001
2040: p = 0.142
2080: p < 0.001
5–10 10–15 15–20 20–25
Elevation (×100 m)
25–30 30–35 35–40 >40
ΔSf (%)
Figure 8. Decline in Sfwith respect to climatological mean under historical warm winter, 2020, 2040, and 2080 scenarios. The line inside the box
represents the median value, the box itself represents the interquartile range (IQR) (25th– 75th percentile range) and the whiskers are the lowest and
highest values within 1.5 ×IQR of the 25th and 75th percentiles.
300–1500 m in PNW (Figure 5(b)). These highly sensi-
tive Sfregions were very similar to ‘at-risk’ snow mapping
developed by Nolin and Daly (2006) for the Pacic North-
west. The pattern in elevation𝜀relationship (Figure 5(b))
can be characterized by the elevation-Tw_avg prole or
lapse rate among the four regions (Figure 5(c)).
Most of the medium and high 𝜀Tregions had Tw_avg
between 5and5
C (Figure 6(a)) and followed mono-
tonic trends (Figure 6(b)) and SNR (Figure 5(c)) in Sfvery
closely. However, despite higher Sfsensitivity between 5
and 5 C temperature range in SN, the monotonic trend and
SNR in SN were comparable with those in PNW and GB.
In contrast, 𝜀Tbetween 5and5C temperature range in
CRB was similar to those in PNW and GB, but showed
much higher monotonic trend than SNR. These contrast-
ing patterns indicated that in CRB the monotonic trend in
Sfsupersedes the historic variability in Sf, whereas, in SN
historical variability in Sfsupersedes the monotonic trend.
Because there was no statistically signicant difference in
Sfbetween wet and dry years, precipitation sensitivity of
Sf,𝜀P, was excluded from further analysis.
Comparative analyses of long-term (1916– 2003) and
recent (1960–2003) monotonic trends indicated an
increase in warming indicated by Tw_avg during the most
recent time period (Figure 7(a)). Since 1960, Tw_avg
has increased on average by 1.4 (SN), 2.5 (CRB), 1.3
(GB), and 1.3 (PNW) times faster as compared with
the long-term trend. In terms of absolute magnitude, the
recent rate of warming in Tw_avg has been higher by as
much as 1.0 C decade1(Figure 7(d)). The effect of this
recent rapid warming in Tw_avg was clearly reected in
Sftrends. An overall downward trend in Sfwas observed
during both long-term and recent periods (Figure 7(b)).
The long-term (1916–2003) downward trend in Sfwas
statistically signicant for 37, 45, 76, and 63% of the grid
cells in SN, CRB, GB, and PNW, respectively. Regionally,
the average signicant decreasing trend ranged from 1.3%
decade1in SN to 1.9% decade1in GB. The spatial
extent of the statistically signicant trend during the
recent period (1960–2003) was reduced to 12, 42, 19,
and 23% of the grid cells in SN, CRB, GB, and PNW,
respectively. However, the regional average signicant
decreasing trend ranged from 1.6% decade1in PNW
to 3.9% decade1in GB, showing a more rapid decline
during the recent period. This large decline in Sfduring
1960–2003 as compared to 1916 2003 was 2.1 and 2.3
times higher in CRB and GB, respectively (Figure 7(e)).
Similar to the trend analyses, the SNR analyses showed
a greater reduction in Sfduring the period 1960–2003
as compared with the period 1916–2003 (Figure 7(c)).
Trends in 16, 27, 54, and 31% of the grid cells in SN, CRB,
GB, and PNW, respectively were detectable (|SNR| >1)
during the period 1916–2003. During the more recent
period 1960–2003, the spatial extent of detectable trend
decreased to 7, 21, and 16% of the grid cells in SN, GB, and
PNW, respectively, but increased to 40% of the grid cells in
CRB. This indicates that not only did a greater percentage
of CRB grid cells show a decreasing trend in Sfduring
the recent period but also that the magnitude of the trend
was exceeded by the natural annual variability. Also, in the
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
Table 3. Watershed average snow fraction (Sf) under historical climate (climatological mean), 10 warmest winters (warm winter),
and three future warming scenarios (i.e. 2020, 2040, and 2080).
HUC4 watershed Watershed average Sf(%)
Climatological mean Warm winter 2020 2040 2080
Bear 79 (5) 69 (7) 72 (6) 67 (6) 59 (7)
Black Rock Desert-Humboldt 56 (8) 38 (8) 46 (7) 41 (7) 32 (6)
Central Lahontan 50 (7) 33 (7) 41 (7) 36 (6) 28 (6)
Central Nevada Desert Basins 52 (7) 35 (8) 43 (7) 38 (6) 30 (6)
Colorado Headwaters 87 (3) 83 (4) 82 (4) 79 (4) 72 (5)
Escalante Desert-Sevier Lake 61 (7) 47 (8) 52 (7) 47 (7) 38 (6)
Great Divide-Upper Green 87 (4) 83 (5) 81 (5) 77 (5) 70 (6)
Great Salt Lake 54 (7) 39 (8) 46 (7) 40 (6) 32 (6)
Gunnison 88 (3) 83 (4) 83 (4) 80 (4) 74 (5)
Klamath-Northern California Coastal 30 (7) 19 (6) 23 (6) 19 (5) 13 (4)
Kootenai-Pend Oreille-Spokane 79 (6) 72 (6) 72 (6) 66 (7) 57 (7)
Little Colorado 42 (7) 30 (7) 33 (7) 28 (6) 21 (5)
Lower Colorado-Lake Mead 31 (6) 19 (6) 24 (5) 20 (5) 14 (4)
Lower Columbia 27 (6) 18 (5) 20 (5) 16 (5) 11 (3)
Lower Green 73 (5) 65 (6) 67 (5) 62 (5) 55 (6)
Lower Snake 70 (5) 62 (6) 63 (6) 58 (6) 49 (6)
Middle Columbia 44 (7) 32 (7) 35 (7) 30 (6) 23 (5)
Middle Snake 63 (7) 48 (8) 54 (7) 48 (7) 39 (7)
North Lahontan 51 (9) 31 (9) 40 (8) 34 (8) 25 (6)
Northern Mojave-Mono Lake 23 (4) 15 (3) 19 (3) 16 (3) 13 (2)
Oregon Closed Basins 58 (8) 40 (9) 48 (8) 42 (8) 32 (7)
Oregon-Washington Coastal 14 (4) 8 (3) 10 (3) 8 (2) 5 (2)
Puget Sound 32 (5) 26 (5) 26 (5) 23 (4) 17 (4)
Sacramento 27 (6) 18 (5) 21 (5) 17 (4) 12 (4)
Salt 24 (6) 15 (5) 18 (5) 15 (4) 10 (3)
San Joaquin 25 (2) 22 (2) 23 (2) 21 (2) 18 (2)
San Juan 54 (7) 43 (8) 45 (7) 40 (7) 31 (6)
Tulare-Buena Vista Lakes 22 (2) 18 (2) 19 (2) 18 (2) 15 (2)
Upper Colorado-Dirty Devil 55 (7) 44 (7) 47 (6) 42 (6) 34 (6)
Upper Colorado-Dolores 64 (6) 54 (7) 56 (6) 52 (6) 43 (6)
Upper Columbia 72 (5) 64 (6) 65 (6) 60 (6) 52 (6)
Upper Gila 20 (5) 15 (4) 15 (4) 12 (3) 8 (3)
Upper Snake 74 (5) 63 (7) 67 (6) 63 (6) 55 (6)
White-Yampa 80 (5) 74 (6) 73 (5) 69 (6) 61 (6)
Willamette 23 (5) 15 (5) 17 (5) 14 (4) 9 (3)
Yakima 59 (7) 48 (8) 49 (8) 44 (8) 34 (7)
Parenthetical values are one standard deviation and express variability in the estimates due to the plausible range of TR (1to+4C) and TS (2
to 0 C) threshold values (n=49).
majority of the grid cells the detectable decreasing trends
(SNR <1) during 1916–2003 and 1960 2003 did not
overlap, indicating a geographical shift towards a decline
in Sfduring recent time (Figure 7(f)).
3.3. Effects of climate warming on snow fraction
The projected Sffor 2020 (Figure 4(f)), 2040 (Figure 4(g)),
and 2080 (Figure 4(h)) warming scenarios showed a
signicant decline, particularly along the Cascade and
Olympic mountains in the PNW region. However, higher
elevations in southern SN, northern Rockies, and Wasatch
Range (Figure 1(a)) would continue to be dominated by
higher Sf. Much of the southern Cascade and Olympic
Mountains in PNW and GB would experience more rain
than snow under the 2080 warming scenario. On average,
the decrease in Sfunder warm winters and future warm-
ing scenarios in the SN, CRB, GB, and PNW regions
ranged from 7 to 16%, 4 to 9%, 6 to 14%, and 10 to
22%, respectively. The declines in Sfunder warm winters
place results from future warming scenarios in the con-
text of historical climate variability. GB and SN showed
the largest and smallest changes, respectively, under all
four scenarios. However, at mid-elevations, PNW and SN
showed the greatest decrease in Sf, followed by GB and
CRB (Figure 8). The difference in Sfbetween the histor-
ical average and warmest winters most closely resembles
the 2040 warming scenario in all the four regions except
GB. In GB, the difference in Sfunder warm winters is
higher at lower elevations and lower at higher elevations
compared with the 2040 warming scenario. An increase
of temperature by 3 C under the 2080 warming scenario
resulted in Sfeven lower than current extreme warm win-
ters across all the four regions. As expected, the warming
showed greater impact on Sfat mid-elevations. However,
the zone of inuenced elevation expands with increasing
The comparison of average Sfat the USGS Hydrologic
Unit Code sub-regional scale (HUC4) under historical
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
M. SAFEEQ et al.
Sf > 25% Sf > 50%
Warm winter
(a) (b)
Warm winter
Percentage area, [100 × (historic mean – scenario) / historic mean]
Percentage area, [100 × (historic mean – scenario) / historic mean]
Figure 9. Average decline in snowfall dominated (a) Sf>25% and (b) Sf>50% area under warm winter conditions (showing historical range) and
under three warming (2020, 2040, and 2080) scenarios. The error bars show ±one standard deviation across the plausible range of TR (1to+4C)
and TS (2to0C) threshold values (n=49).
climate, warm winter, and three future warming scenar-
ios showed signicant declines across all the watersheds
(Table 3). The uncertainty in Sfestimates (expressed in
terms of standard deviation) associated with the choice of
TR and TS was far smaller than projected changes in Sf.By
2020, 8% of the watersheds showed Sflower than the aver-
age Sfduring the 10 warmest winters, which increased to
58% by 2040 and 100% by 2080. This further conrms that
by 2080 Sfmay probably surpass the historical variability
associated with climatological extremes (i.e. 10 warmest
In terms of decline in areal extent of current Sfregions
under each warming scenario, GB and SN were most
sensitive (Figure 9(a)). For example, spatial extent in
GB and SN where Sfis currently greater than 25% may
decline under the 2080 warming scenario by 53 ±9and
37 ±11% of the historical mean, respectively. When
this threshold of Sfwas increased to 50%, the reduc-
tion in spatial extent with respect to the historical mean
is even larger (Figure 9(b)). Analysis of areal extent
reduction at the regional watershed scale showed very
similar patterns (Table 4). By 2080, 35 and 64% of the
watersheds where Sfis currently greater than 25 and
50%, respectively, would probably experience a 50–95%
reduction in proportional area. As expected, reduction
in proportional areal extent is inversely correlated with
the watershed average Sf. As noted by Klos et al. (2014),
loss of currently snow-dominated areas occurred mainly
in watersheds with moderate relief and elevation. These
types of watersheds are typically warmer and received
most precipitation in the form of rain (i.e. lower Sf). In 33
of our 36 study watersheds, reduction in proportional area
with Sf>50% under the warm winter scenario was higher
than those under the 2020 warming scenario. However,
was reduced to only ve watersheds by 2040, which
further conrms warming of 1.8 C and higher would
surpass the historical variability Sf.
As the climate warms, one of the immediate implica-
tions from decreasing Sfis a potential increase in winter
ooding as the type of precipitation changes from snow
to rain. We illustrated this based on historical records that
showed ashier streamow during low as compared with
high Sfyears (Figure 10). The Richard–Baker ashiness
index (Baker et al., 2004) measures oscillations in daily
streamow relative to total streamow over a time period.
Based on 93 USGS stream gage stations (Figure 1(a)), the
ashiness index was higher by, on average, 17% during
low as compared with high Sfyears. These differences
are only from the recent period (1950–2003) and may not
necessarily reect the range of stream ashiness over the
period of record (1916–2003) for which variability in Sfis
presented. Nonetheless, this highlights the strong coupling
between the stream hydrograph and type of precipitation
(rain or snow) occurring in the entire study region.
4. Discussion and conclusions
This study provides new information on Sfvariability
and trends across the western United States in a spatially
explicit fashion using gridded meteorological data. Our
ndings reveal underlying geographic patterns in Sf,and
provide a foundation for anticipating changes in Sfunder
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
Table 4. Current snow extent (% area with Sf>25% and Sf>50%) and reduction under historical 10 warmest winters (warm winter)
and three future warming scenarios (i.e. 2020, 2040, and 2080).
HUC4 watershed Current
area (%)
Reduction in
proportional area (%)
area (%)
Reduction in
proportional area (%)
War m
2020 2040 2080 Warm
2020 2040 2080
Sf>25% Sf>50%
Bear 100 (0) 8 (4) 1 (2) 3 (3) 8 (4) 91 (0) 12 (4) 6 (2) 11 (3) 25 (4)
Black Rock
96 (7) 30 (12) 10 (6) 19 (8) 38 (13) 61 (7) 57 (12) 34 (6) 55 (8) 80 (13)
Central Lahontan 89 (14) 48 (10) 21 (11) 36 (12) 57 (9) 42 (14) 46 (10) 32 (11) 48 (12) 69 (9)
Central Nevada Desert
86 (5) 29 (11) 9 (5) 17 (8) 35 (11) 56 (5) 52 (11) 30 (5) 49 (8) 76 (11)
Colorado Headwaters 100 (0) 2 (2) 0 (1) 1 (2) 5 (4) 94 (0) 7 (2) 5 (1) 9 (2) 16 (4)
Escalante Desert-Sevier
99 (2) 23 (16) 5 (8) 13 (14) 33 (17) 63 (2) 37 (16) 27 (8) 40 (14) 60 (17)
Great Divide-Upper Green 100 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 100 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0) 6 (0)
Great Salt Lake 95 (8) 34 (12) 12 (10) 24 (12) 43 (10) 52 (8) 44 (12) 28 (10) 45 (12) 69 (10)
Gunnison 100 (0) 3 (3) 1 (2) 2 (3) 6 (4) 93 (0) 6 (3) 4 (2) 7 (3) 12 (4)
California Coastal
53 (8) 41 (18) 22 (11) 38 (16) 66 (15) 26 (8) 62 (18) 50 (11) 70 (16) 89 (15)
99 (1) 3 (3) 2 (3) 5 (4) 12 (4) 90 (1) 9 (3) 10 (3) 18 (4) 33 (4)
Little Colorado 75 (13) 33 (8) 21 (5) 34 (8) 58 (11) 35 (13) 59 (8) 50 (5) 72 (8) 92 (11)
Lower Colorado-Lake Mead 52 (10) 48 (12) 25 (7) 41 (9) 63 (7) 22 (10) 51 (12) 39 (7) 56 (9) 78 (7)
Lower Columbia 38 (9) 31 (6) 27 (5) 41 (5) 64 (8) 21 (9) 43 (6) 36 (5) 55 (5) 82 (8)
Lower Green 100 (1) 6 (5) 2 (3) 5 (4) 11 (5) 83 (1) 23 (5) 13 (3) 23 (4) 37 (5)
Lower Snake 90 (5) 11 (3) 7 (3) 13 (4) 23 (4) 73 (5) 13 (3) 12 (3) 18 (4) 31 (4)
Middle Columbia 77 (12) 30 (11) 20 (6) 34 (9) 58 (12) 37 (12) 56 (11) 43 (6) 64 (9) 85 (12)
Middle Snake 96 (5) 16 (7) 6 (3) 11 (4) 24 (10) 73 (5) 39 (7) 24 (3) 41 (4) 65 (10)
North Lahontan 91 (10) 41 (15) 15 (8) 29 (12) 55 (17) 51 (10) 67 (15) 47 (8) 70 (12) 91 (17)
Northern Mojave-Mono
31 (5) 36 (2) 19 (2) 30 (2) 45 (2) 18 (5) 28 (2) 20 (2) 30 (2) 46 (2)
Oregon Closed Basins 100 (1) 20 (19) 3 (6) 10 (13) 31 (24) 70 (1) 68 (19) 44 (6) 66 (13) 89 (24)
Oregon-Washington Coastal 17 (6) 40 (5) 32 (4) 45 (5) 63 (3) 8 (6) 37 (5) 31 (4) 48 (5) 73 (3)
Puget Sound 40 (5) 17 (3) 16 (3) 26 (4) 42 (4) 29 (5) 20 (3) 20 (3) 32 (4) 50 (4)
Sacramento 46 (6) 39 (16) 19 (10) 34 (14) 61 (15) 25 (6) 57 (16) 46 (10) 66 (14) 86 (15)
Salt 39 (12) 50 (3) 33 (5) 50 (4) 69 (3) 15 (12) 50 (3) 39 (5) 58 (4) 83 (3)
San Joaquin 29 (2) 12 (3) 7 (2) 12 (3) 21 (2) 25 (2) 12 (3) 10 (2) 15 (3) 25 (2)
San Juan 95 (7) 20 (14) 13 (10) 25 (15) 50 (17) 49 (7) 39 (14) 38 (10) 53 (15) 69 (17)
Tulare-Buena Vista Lakes 27 (3) 19 (2) 11 (2) 18 (2) 28 (2) 21 (3) 15 (2) 11 (2) 17 (2) 28 (2)
Upper Colorado-Dirty Devil 89 (7) 25 (12) 12 (6) 22 (10) 42 (11) 52 (7) 36 (12) 28 (6) 40 (10) 55 (11)
Upper Colorado-Dolores 97 (5) 16 (7) 7 (5) 13 (6) 26 (9) 69 (5) 26 (7) 20 (5) 32 (6) 50 (9)
Upper Columbia 97 (2) 9 (6) 5 (4) 9 (6) 20 (7) 77 (2) 15 (6) 13 (4) 21 (6) 35 (7)
Upper Gila 30 (6) 29 (7) 22 (2) 35 (5) 59 (13) 14 (6) 57 (7) 54 (2) 76 (5) 95 (13)
Upper Snake 98 (2) 9 (4) 3 (2) 6 (2) 13 (3) 85 (2) 24 (4) 12 (2) 21 (2) 37 (3)
White-Yampa 100 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (1) 98 (0) 9 (0) 6 (0) 12 (0) 29 (1)
Willamette 33 (7) 33 (9) 25 (7) 40 (11) 66 (11) 18 (7) 53 (9) 44 (7) 65 (11) 86 (11)
Yakima 96 (6) 17 (11) 9 (7) 18 (10) 38 (14) 60 (6) 31 (11) 28 (7) 45 (10) 71 (14)
Parenthetical values are one standard deviation and express variability in the estimates due to the plausible range of TR (1to+4C) and TS (2
to 0 C) threshold values (n=49).
climate warming at a daily resolution. Consistent with pre-
vious analyses (i.e. Knowles et al., 2006; Das et al., 2009;
Serquet et al., 2011), we show that winter temperature, as
opposed to precipitation variability, is the primary con-
trol on Sf. The difference in Sfbetween cold and warm
winters during 1916–2003 at low- and mid-elevations has
ranged between 31% in the PNW to as much as 40% in
the SN. In contrast, the difference in Sfbetween wet and
dry winters during 1916–2003 at all elevation ranges is not
signicantly different across all four regions. Interestingly,
the majority of the 10 wettest (at least 7 of 10) and warmest
(at least 8 of 10) winters during the period 1916–2003
occur post 1950s.
We illustrate a high sensitivity of Sfunder average wet
daily temperature values (November– March) between 5
and 5C. In the Northern Sierra, Klamath Mountains,
and western slopes of the Cascade Mountain Range, a 1 C
increase in winter temperature would result in a decrease
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
M. SAFEEQ et al.
Figure 10. Comparisons of January– March Richard– Baker ashiness index (Baker et al., 2004) between low (10th percentile) and high (90th
percentile) Sfyears at 93 USGS gages during 1950– 2003, with linear t (solid line) and 1: 1 line (dashed line).
of 10–15% in Sf. Although our results further conrm a
signicant decline in Sfacross the entire region we show
that this reduction is more pronounced during the recent
decades (1960–2003) as compared with the longer his-
torical period (1916–2003). There has also been a recent
(1960–2003) regional shift in Sftrends and SNR. The
warming scenario analysis indicates that natural variabil-
ity in Sfover 1916– 2003 most closely resembles the
2040 warming scenario, except for the GB region. This
suggests that under the future scenarios examined here,
the long-term trend in Sf(with inter-annual variability
removed) would begin to exceed the historical range of Sf
variability around 2040, corresponding here to a warming
of 1.8 C relative to historical temperature. In addition, we
demonstrated a differential decline in Sfacross the four
geographic units SN, CRB, GB, and PNW indicating a
non-homogenous effect of the recent (1960–2003) warm-
ing climate across the region.
Our trend analysis approach yields Sfsensitivities that
are in agreement with those reported by Nolin and Daly
(2006), and expands this sensitivity mapping to include
geographies with lower Sfsensitivity. However, the high Sf
sensitivity regions show a strong SNR indicating that the
trend in Sfhas already exceeded the historical variability.
Given that many of the high Sfsensitivity regions fall
in the mid-elevation range, a continued warming climate
(Mote and Salathé, 2010) would push future Sfeven fur-
ther outside its historical variability. Our warming sce-
narios also show signicant shifts in Sfacross the four
regions, some more than others. The actual magnitude
and changes in Sfpresented in this study are subjected to
uncertainties; especially at lower elevations where agree-
ment between empirically derived Sfand those measured
at SNOTEL sites were poor. Uncertainties associated with
temperature threshold-based Sfportioning, however, are
far smaller than the projected change in Sfand correspond-
ing snow extent areal reduction; giving condence in the
results. Also, uniform increases of 1.1, 1.8, and 3.0 C may
not accurately represent the uncertainties associated with
future warming that could vary in both space and time.
Nonetheless, this simplistic approach provides a relative
comparison of future Sfin terms of sensitivity to tempera-
ture across the region. Our ndings also imply that uncer-
tainties associated with future changes in precipitation,
which show mixed trends across the domain (Dominguez
et al., 2012; Reclamation, 2013) and strong disagree-
ment between new-generation CMIP5 and old-generation
CMIP3 models (Reclamation, 2013), should not affect
temperature-driven Sfsensitivity.
Runoff from mountain snowmelt is the primary source
of water in much of the western United States. A decline
in Sfwould increase winter runoff, reduce snowpack, and
subsequently reduce summer runoff, with widespread
implications for water management, including reservoir
operations (Barnett and Pierce, 2009; Brekke et al.,
2009; Danner, 2013) and irrigation regimes (Benson
and Williams, 2013; McDonald and Girvetz, 2013). In
addition to a seasonal shift in the timing and magnitude
of streamow (Barnett et al., 2005; Regonda et al., 2005;
Stewart et al., 2005; Luce and Holden, 2009), decline in
Sfis likely to reduce total annual streamow. A recent
study by Berghuijs et al. (2014) reports a signicant
linear increase in precipitation-normalized streamow of
0.37/U1increase in Sf. We show that a warming of only
1.8 C under the 2040 scenario would result in a Sflower
than the warm winters during the period 1916–2003,
and may require changing the way water infrastructure is
currently managed (Danner, 2013).
© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
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© 2015 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. (2015)
... Even small errors in rain-snow elevation forecasts have substantial impacts on flood prediction and water resources management (Sumargo et al., 2020). Such distinctions become more important when considering the potential for climate change to markedly decrease the amount of precipitation falling as snow Nolin & Daly, 2006;Safeeq et al., 2015). This shift from snow to rain exerts a first-order control on the reduced snow accumulation that results from warming air temperatures (Jennings & Molotch, 2020). ...
... This area also falls squarely within the rain-snow transition zone of the western United States (Klos et al., 2014). As such, these mountains and similar parts of the Sierra Nevada are exposed to the effect of climate warming on rain-snow proportions (Safeeq et al., 2015) and the difficulties in monitoring precipitation phase at air temperatures near freezing. ...
Full-text available
Abstract To increase the number of direct observations of rain and snow, we started a citizen science project that crowdsources precipitation phase reports from volunteers using a smartphone app. We focused on the Lake Tahoe region of California and Nevada, USA which forms part of the rain‐snow transition zone, an area where both solid and liquid precipitation occur in winter months. In two study years, we received 2,495 reports, of which 2,248 (90.1%) passed our quality control checks. Snow was the most frequent phase (64.0%), followed by rain (21.0%) and mixed precipitation (15.0%). We compared these values to estimates from 14 common precipitation phase partitioning methods that use near‐surface meteorology as well as to two remote sensing products from the Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM). We found the meteorology‐based methods tended to underestimate snowfall on average (60.9%) with a sizable standard deviation of 18%. The Integrated Multi‐satellitE Retrievals for GPM level 3 probabilityLiquidPrecipitation product also underestimated snowfall (57.5%) relative to the crowdsourced data, while the Dual‐frequency Precipitation Radar level 2A phaseNearSurface product had little spatiotemporal overlap with the observations. We also found slight differences in the rain‐snow line elevations measured by a freezing‐level radar versus those estimated from the crowdsourced data, with the former being 165 m lower than the latter on average. These findings underscore the importance of collecting ground‐truth observations of precipitation phase in the rain‐snow transition zone. We hope future studies will consider the use of crowdsourced data for improved insights into and better representation of hydrometeorological processes.
... PCEW is within the rain-snow transition zone. As global temperatures have increased, more precipitation has been observed as rainfall instead of snow in the Great Basin, with a decline in the snow fraction of 1.9% per decade during the period 1916-2003 (Safeeq et al. 2016). An NRCS soil survey determined that the soils in the canyon are derived from the weathering of tuff and other volcanics with regolith present at 50-80 cm. ...
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It has been postulated that stemflow, precipitation that flows from plant crowns down along branches and stems to soils, benefits plants that generate it because it increases plant-available soil water near the base of the plant; however, little direct evidence supports this postulation. Were plants’ crowns to preferentially route water to their roots, woody plants with large canopies could benefit. For example, piñon and juniper tree encroachment into sagebrush-steppe ecosystems could be facilitated by intercepted precipitation routed to tree roots as stemflow, hypothetically reducing water available for shrubs and grasses. We tested whether Great Basin piñon and juniper trees use and benefit from stemflow. In a drier-than-average and wetter-than-average water year, isotopically labeled water was applied to tree stems to simulate stemflow. Both species took up stemflow, with label signals peaking and receding over 2 to 4 days. Despite this uptake, no alleviation of water stress was detected in the drier year. The stemflow uptake resulted in some water stress alleviation in the wetter year, specifically for piñons, which took up water from deeper in the soil profile than did junipers. Mixing model analyses suggested that stemflow was a small fraction of the water in stems (approximately 0–2%), but an order-of-magnitude larger fraction of the stemflow was transpired in those few days after addition. These findings represent a novel demonstration of the rapid uptake and use of stemflow that infiltrates the rhizosphere, but they also prompt questions about the remaining stemflow’s fate and why alleviation of water stress was so minor.
... It has been well established that the hydrologic cycle is intensifying in response to global warming (Huntington, 2010). Seasonal snowpack is perhaps the most sensitive hydrologic state (Safeeq et al., 2015), with warming producing earlier melt and streamflow (e.g., Barnett et al., 2005;Krogh et al., 2022;Rauscher et al., 2008). However, how climate change will impact total annual streamflow volume is more uncertain . ...
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An increase in winter air temperature can amplify snowmelt and sublimation in mountain regions with implications to water resources and ecological systems. Winter Warm Spells (WWS) are defined as a winter period (December to February, DJF) of at least 3 consecutive days with daily maximum temperature anomaly above the 90th percentile (using a moving‐average of 15 days between 2001 and 2013). We calculate WWS for every 4‐km grid cell within an atmospheric model over western North America to characterize WWS and analyze snow ablation and their changes in a warmer climate. We find that days with ablation during WWS represent a small fraction of winter days (0.6 days), however, 49% of total winter ablation (33.4 mm/DJF) occurs during WWS. Greater extreme ablation rates (99th percentile) occur 18% more frequently during WWS than during non‐WWS days. Ablation rates during WWS in humid regions are larger (9 mm d⁻¹) than in dry regions (7 mm d⁻¹) in a warmer climate, which can be explained by differences in the energy balance and the snowpack's cold content. We find that warmer (0.8°C), longer (1.8 days) and more frequent (3.7 more events) WWS increase total winter ablation (on average 109% or 18 mm/DJF) in a warmer climate. Winter melt during WWS in warm and humid places is expected to increase about 3 times more than in the cold and dry region. This study provides a comprehensive description of WWS and their impact on snowpack dynamics, which is relevant to reservoir operations and water security.
... The slope of the best-fit snowfall-temperature regression therefore provides the sensitivity of snow water to the air temperature and further information on how temperature causes variability in snowfall. Another approach to calculating thermal snow sensitivity uses the ratio of the domain-averaged difference between the mean snow fraction in cold and warm winters to the corresponding difference in mean temperature [38]. As such, it is considered to represent retrospective snow fraction sensitivity. ...
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This study focuses on temperature and snowfall conditions in Poland, both of which were analyzed from 1981 to 2020. A 40-year record of daily snow fraction time series values was reconstructed using a unique and global multi-source weighted-ensemble precipitation (MSWEP) product, which provided a spatially and temporally consistent reference for the assessment of meteorological conditions. The average states and trends in snow fraction and temperature were analyzed across several years, focusing on the 6-month cold season (November-April). The impact of temperature on the snow fraction pattern was assessed by introducing a snow fraction sensitivity index. To predict short-term changes in snow conditions, a proxy model was established; it incorporated historical trends in the snow fraction as well as its mean state. This study provides clear evidence that the snow fraction is principally controlled by increases in temperature. A warming climate will thus cause a decline in the snow fraction, as we observed in vast lowland areas. Given the ongoing global warming, by the 2050s, snow-dominated areas may go from covering 86% to only 30% of the country's surface; they will be converted into transient rain-snow areas. Our results demonstrate that a decline in snow water resources has already occurred, and these resources are expected to diminish further in the near future. New insights into the sensitivity of the snow fraction to climate warming will expand our collective knowledge of the magnitude and spatial extent of snow degradation. Such widespread changes have implications for the timing and availability of soil and groundwater resources as well as the timing and likelihood of floods and droughts. Thus, these findings will provide valuable information that can inform environmental managers of the importance of changing snowfall conditions, guiding them to include this aspect in future climate adaptation strategies.
... This could lead to a slower water release into rivers, as there's less energy available for the melt process (Musselman et al., 2017;Yan et al., 2019). Conversely, other research suggests that winter flood potential may increase as more precipitation falls as rain, making it immediately available for runoff, along with anticipated more intense rainfalls in a warming climate (Cao et al., 2019;Kunkel et al., 2010;Safeeq et al., 2016). The implications of heavy storms on flooding under future climate conditions is also undefined. ...
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Historical records in the Delaware River Basin reveal complex and spatially diverse flood generating mechanisms influenced by the region's mountains‐to‐plains gradients. This study focuses on predicting future flood hazards and understanding the underlying drivers of changes across the region. Using a process‐based hydrological model, we analyzed the hydrometeorological condition of each historical and future flood event. For each event, at the subbasin scale, we identified the dominant flood generating mechanism, including snowmelt, rain‐on‐snow, short‐duration rain, and long‐duration rain. The rain‐induced floods are further categorized based on the soil's Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) before the event, whether dry, normal, or wet. Our historical analysis suggests that rain‐on‐snow is the primary flood mechanism of the Upper Basin. Although most frequent, the magnitude of rain‐on‐snow floods is often less severe than short rain floods. In contrast, historical floods in the Lower Basin are primarily caused by short rain under normal AMC. Given the uncertainties in climate projections, we used an ensemble of future climate scenarios for flood projections. Despite variations in regional climate projections, coherent perspectives emerge: the region will shift toward a warmer, wetter climate, with a projected intensification of extreme floods. The Upper Basin is projected to experience a marked decrease in rain‐on‐snow floods, but a substantial increase in short rain floods with wet AMC. The largest increase in flood magnitude will be driven by short rains with wet AMC in the Upper Basin and by short rains with normal AMC in the Lower Basin.
... They showed how Europe at the latitude of the Alpine chain is one of the world's regions where the relative importance of temperature versus precipitation in controlling snow presence is strongly determined by the elevation. The general picture is therefore that at low elevations and mid-latitudes there are decreasing trends in snowfall and particularly in the snowfall/precipitation ratio (Safeeq et al., 2016), while at high elevations or in cold/polar regions the decreasing trends are less evident. On the contrary, even some increasing trends are detected during the core of the winter season, when an increase in precipitation is found (Wang and He, 2013;Bjorkman et al., 2015;Colucci et al., 2021). ...
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Snowfall and snow accumulation play a crucial role in shaping ecosystems and human activities in the Alpine region. This resource is under threat as a consequence of the visible effects of global warming, and, therefore, it appears urgent to understand how snowfall trends have changed in time and space. In this context, we recovered data from over a hundred snowfall (HN) time series covering the period 1980–2020 over the mountain region of Trentino‐South Tyrol in the northeastern Italian Alps and analysed them to understand snowfall climatology in the region, recent trends and their dependence on elevation and timing of the season. Negative, although not always statistically significant, trends were found in the lowest elevation range (0–1,000 m a.s.l.) over the whole winter season, while some positive and even significant trends were found from January to March above 2,000 m a.s.l. The intermediate elevation range (1,000–2,000 m a.s.l.) exhibits a strong variability with no clear trend. Negative and statistically significant trends were found in April for all elevations. An attribution analysis was performed using precipitation (P), mean air temperature (TMEAN), and large‐scale synoptic descriptors, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Arctic Oscillation (AO) indices. The analysis shows that, overall, P is the driver that best explains the snowfall trends, but, for low elevations, especially during mid‐winter, TMEAN is more relevant. Low elevations are facing a clear decrease in HN due to a significant increase in mean temperatures, while high elevations during mid‐winter display a slight increase in HN, associated with a general increase in precipitation. NAO and AO indices exhibit no significant correlations with HN, except at the lowest elevations and at the beginning of the season.
... The average spatial extent of snow above 3000 feet in elevation on April 1 st declined from 60% to 50% between 1951-1980 and 1981-2010 for California's North Coast, with the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains exhibiting the greatest losses (Micheli et al. 2018). Across California, precipitation falling as snow has declined and was more variable over the timeframe between 1916 and 2003, and even more markedly so when examining only the more recent years after 1960 (Safeeq et al. 2016). Underlying these general trends, the range of hydrologic responses to climate change is influenced by geography and elevation. ...
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The climate of California is in a stage of rapid flux. This document highlights past, current, and projected climate change on the Six Rivers National Forest. It is divided into discussion of historical and current conditions and projected future trends by general resource area. This trend summary is produced by the US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region (R5) Ecology Program to help forest managers plan for, and where possible, mitigate climate change-related ecosystem vulnerabilities. Climate change trend summaries are currently available for all the National Forests of California and are updated on approximately 5-year intervals as new climate science becomes available.
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Long‐term and year‐to‐year changes in climate can cause anomalously warm and/or dry conditions, leading to periods with snowfall deficits known as snow droughts. How the occurrence of distinct types of snow drought has evolved at different spatial and temporal scales is not well understood. Here, we investigate how snow droughts and associated seasonal snow conditions vary subseasonally in the US Pacific Northwest. We specifically consider differences with spatial unit (point vs. river basin), data set and intra‐annual timing of snow drought. Data sets included in the research come from in situ observations, gridded model outputs and optical remote sensing. We found that overall, snow drought occurrences have increased 10%–15% over the last 30 years based on decadal counts, but the change was non‐uniform across snow drought types and winter periods. Our research showed a decrease in dry snow droughts but an increase in warm/dry snow droughts according to in situ observations and only a modest increase in the model record. We also found that dry snow droughts were more prevalent in the eastern portion of our study region while warm/dry snow droughts were generally more common in the western part of the study area. With optical remote sensing data, it was possible to identify warm/dry snow drought conditions in the mid to late winter (January–May), but not possible to distinguish other types of snow drought in the early winter. This research points to the importance of data set choice, spatial resolution and spatial/temporal aggregation when selecting parameters for snow drought research.
Pollution caused by the discharge of wastewater into the Lepenc river basin is diverse and directly affects the quality of life of the inhabitants of this area. This paper aims to investigate the physicochemical characteristics of pollution from wastewater discharges, build the water balance of the entire basin, and identify the risk to human life due to lack of drinking water. From the hydrological point of view, the Lepenc river basin is divided into sub-basins, and the results obtained by experimental measurements show that wastewater pollution varies from one sub-basin to another and depends on the amount and origin of wastewater. Combined analysis of the available amount of water and the need for clean water, which is based on parameters that are out of the water balance below the water stress limit, the need for wastewater treatment is a necessity and that continuous water discharge of contaminants in the water basin is unacceptable or in other words very dangerous. The results showed that some analyzed parameters are outside the acceptable limits for drinking water such as TSS with values above 75 mg/L, BOD5 with values up to 9.42 mg/L, NH+4 up to 9.48 mg/L, and PO3-4 up to 1.76 mg/L. On the other hand, the waters of the Lepenci river basin had low heavy metal pollution during the observed period. Therefore, routine monitoring of wastewater in the Lepenc Basin is recommended to prevent the risk of pollution of the basin.
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This study investigates the effect of projected temperature increases on maritime mountain snowpack in the McKenzie River Basin (MRB; 3041 km2) in the Cascades Mountains of Oregon, USA. We simulated the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) in the MRB for the period of 1989–2009 with SnowModel, a spatially-distributed, process-based model (Liston and Elder, 2006b). Simulations were evaluated using point-based measurements of SWE, precipitation, and temperature that showed Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency coefficients of 0.83, 0.97, and 0.80, respectively. Spatial accuracy was shown to be 82% using snow cover extent from the Landsat Thematic Mapper. The validated model then evaluated the inter- and intra-year sensitivity of basin wide snowpack to projected temperature increases (2 °C) and variability in precipitation (±10%). Results show that a 2 °C increase in temperature would shift the average date of peak snowpack 12 days earlier and decrease basin-wide volumetric snow water storage by 56%. Snowpack between the elevations of 1000 and 2000 m is the most sensitive to increases in temperature. Upper elevations were also affected, but to a lesser degree. Temperature increases are the primary driver of diminished snowpack accumulation, however variability in precipitation produce discernible changes in the timing and volumetric storage of snowpack. The results of this study are regionally relevant as melt water from the MRB's snowpack provides critical water supply for agriculture, ecosystems, and municipalities throughout the region especially in summer when water demand is high. While this research focused on one watershed, it serves as a case study examining the effects of climate change on maritime snow, which comprises 10% of the Earth's seasonal snow cover.
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Monthly mean maximum and minimum temperatures for over 50% (10%) of the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere landmass, accounting for 37% of the global landmass, indicate that the rise of the minimum temperature has occurred at a rate three times that of the maximum temperature during the period 1951-90 (0.84°C versus 0.28°C). The decrease of the diumal temperature range is approximately equal to the increase of mean temperature. The asymmetry is detectable in all seasons and in most of the regions studied.
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Significant declines in spring Northern Hemisphere (NH) snow cover extent (SCE) have been observed over the last five decades. As one step toward understanding the causes of this decline, an optimal fingerprinting technique is used to look for consistency in the temporal pattern of spring NH SCE between observations and simulations from 15 global climate models (GCMs) that form part of phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. The authors examined simulations from 15 GCMs that included both natural and anthropogenic forcing and simulations from 7 GCMs that included only natural forcing. The decline in observed NH SCE could be largely explained by the combined natural and anthropogenic forcing but not by natural forcing alone. However, the 15 GCMs, taken as a whole, underpredicted the combined forcing response by a factor of 2. How much of this underprediction was due to underrepresentation of the sensitivity to external forcing of the GCMs or to their underrepresentation of internal variability has yet to be determined.
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Floods are the most frequent natural disaster, causing more loss of life and property than any other in the United States. Floods also strongly influence the structure and function of watersheds, stream channels, and aquatic ecosystems. The Pacific Northwest is particularly vulnerable to climatically-driven changes in flood frequency and magnitude, because snowpacks that strongly influence flood generation are near the freezing point and thus sensitive to small changes in temperature. To improve predictions of future flooding potential and inform strategies to adapt to these changes, we mapped the sensitivity of landscapes to changes in peak flows due to climate warming across Oregon and Washington. We first developed principal component based models for predicting peak flows across a range of recurrence intervals (2-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-years) based on historical instantaneous peak flow data from 1000 gaged watersheds in Oregon and Washington. Key predictors of peak flows included drainage area and principal component scores for climate, land cover, soil, and topographic metrics. We then used these regression models to predict future peak flows by perturbing the climate variables based on future climate projections (2020s, 2040s, and 2080s) for the A1B emission scenario. For each recurrence interval, peak flow sensitivities were computed as the ratio of future to current peak flow magnitudes. Our analysis suggests that temperature induced changes in snowpack dynamics will result in large (>30-40%) increases in peak flow magnitude in some areas, principally the Cascades, Olympics, and Blue Mountains and parts of the western edge of the Rocky Mountains. Flood generation processes in lower elevation areas are less likely to be affected, but some of these areas may be impacted by floodwaters from upstream. These results can assist land, water, and infrastructure managers in identifying watersheds and resources that are particularly vulnerable to increased peak flows and developing plans to increase their resilience. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Floods are the most frequent natural disaster, causing more loss of life and property than any other in the United States. Floods also strongly influence the structure and function of watersheds, stream channels, and aquatic ecosystems. The Pacific Northwest is particularly vulnerable to climatically-driven changes in flood frequency and magnitude, because snowpacks that strongly influence flood generation are near the freezing point and thus sensitive to small changes in temperature. To improve predictions of future flooding potential and inform strategies to adapt to these changes, we mapped the sensitivity of landscapes to changes in peak flows due to climate warming across Oregon and Washington. We first developed principal component based models for predicting peak flows across a range of recurrence intervals (2-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-years) based on historical instantaneous peak flow data from 1000 gaged watersheds in Oregon and Washington. Key predictors of peak flows included drainage area and principal component scores for climate, land cover, soil, and topographic metrics. We then used these regression models to predict future peak flows by perturbing the climate variables based on future climate projections (2020s, 2040s, and 2080s) for the A1B emission scenario. For each recurrence interval, peak flow sensitivities were computed as the ratio of future to current peak flow magnitudes. Our analysis suggests that temperature induced changes in snowpack dynamics will result in large (>30-40%) increases in peak flow magnitude in some areas, principally the Cascades, Olympics, and Blue Mountains and parts of the western edge of the Rocky Mountains. Flood generation processes in lower elevation areas are less likely to be affected, but some of these areas may be impacted by floodwaters from upstream. These results can assist land, water, and infrastructure managers in identifying watersheds and resources that are particularly vulnerable to increased peak flows and developing plans to increase their resilience.
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Water temperature is a primary physical factor regulating the persistence and distribution of aquatic taxa. Considering projected increases in air temperature and changes in precipitation in the coming century, accurate assessment of suitable thermal habitats in freshwater systems is critical for predicting aquatic species' responses to changes in climate and for guiding adaptation strategies. We use a hydrologic model coupled with a stream temperature model and downscaled general circulation model outputs to explore the spatially and temporally varying changes in stream temperature for the late 21st century at the subbasin and ecological province scale for the Columbia River basin (CRB). On average, stream temperatures are projected to increase 3.5 °C for the spring, 5.2 °C for the summer, 2.7 °C for the fall, and 1.6 °C for the winter. While results indicate changes in stream temperature are correlated with changes in air temperature, our results also capture the important, and often ignored, influence of hydrological processes on changes in stream temperature. Decreases in future snowcover will result in increased thermal sensitivity within regions that were previously buffered by the cooling effect of flow originating as snowmelt. Other hydrological components, such as precipitation, surface runoff, lateral soil water flow, and groundwater inflow, are negatively correlated to increases in stream temperature depending on the ecological province and season. At the ecological province scale, the largest increase in annual stream temperature was within the Mountain Snake ecological province, which is characterized by migratory coldwater fish species. Stream temperature changes varied seasonally with the largest projected stream temperature increases occurring during the spring and summer for all ecological provinces. Our results indicate that stream temperatures are driven by local processes and ultimately require a physically explicit modeling approach to accurately characterize the habitat regulating the distribution and diversity of aquatic taxa.
California is experiencing one of the worst droughts on record. Here we use a hydrological model and risk assessment framework to understand the influence of temperature on the water year (WY) 2014 drought in California and examine the probability that this drought would have been less severe if temperatures resembled the historical climatology. Our results indicate that temperature played an important role in exacerbating the WY 2014 drought severity. We found that if WY 2014 temperatures resembled the 1916–2012 climatology, there would have been at least an 86% chance that winter snow water equivalent and spring-summer soil moisture and runoff deficits would have been less severe than the observed conditions. We also report that the temperature forecast skill in California for the important seasons of winter and spring is negligible, beyond a lead-time of one month, which we postulate might hinder skillful drought prediction in California.
California has experienced severe drought in 2012–2014 (which appears to be continuing into 2015), with especially low winter precipitation and mountain snowpack in winter 2013–2014. However, the extent to which climate change is implicated in the drought, if at all, is not clear. By applying modeling and statistical approaches, we construct a historical record of California snowpack, runoff, and other hydrological variables of almost 100 years in length, and use the reconstructed records to analyze climate trends in the Sierra Nevada and their impact on extreme drought events in the historic record. We confirm a general warming trend and associated decreasing trends in spring snowpack and runoff. We find that the warming may have slightly exacerbated some extreme events (including the 2013–2014 drought and the 1976–1977 drought of record), but the effect is modest; instead, these drought events are mainly the result of variability in precipitation.