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Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Short Papers), pages 408–413,
Beijing, China, July 26-31, 2015. c
2015 Association for Computational Linguistics
FrameNet+: Fast Paraphrastic Tripling of FrameNet
Ellie Pavlick1Travis Wolfe2 ,3 Pushpendre Rastogi2
Chris Callison-Burch1Mark Dredze2,3 Benjamin Van Durme2,3
1Computer and Information Science Department, University of Pennsylvania
2Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University
3Human Language Technology Center of Excellence, Johns Hopkins University
We increase the lexical coverage of
FrameNet through automatic paraphras-
ing. We use crowdsourcing to manually
filter out bad paraphrases in order to en-
sure a high-precision resource. Our ex-
panded FrameNet contains an additional
22K lexical units, a 3-fold increase over
the current FrameNet, and achieves 40%
better coverage when evaluated in a prac-
tical setting on New York Times data.
1 Introduction
Frame semantics describes a word in relation to
real-world events, entities, and activities. Frame
semantic analysis can improve natural language
understanding (Fillmore and Baker, 2001), and
has been applied to tasks like question answering
(Shen and Lapata, 2007) and recognizing textual
entailment (Burchardt and Frank, 2006; Aharon
et al., 2010). FrameNet (Fillmore, 1982; Baker
et al., 1998) is a widely-used lexical-semantic re-
source embodying frame semantics. It contains
close to 1,000 manually defined frames, i.e. rep-
resentations of concepts and their semantic prop-
erties, covering a wide array of concepts from Ex-
pensiveness to Obviousness.
Frames in FrameNet are characterized by a set
of semantic roles and a set of lexical units (LUs),
which are word/POS pairs that “evoke” the frame.
For example, the following sentence contains a
mention (i.e. target) of the Obviousness frame: In
late July, it was barely visible to the unaided eye.
This particular target instantiates several semantic
roles of the Obviousness frame, including a Phe-
nomenon (it) and a Perceiver (the unaided eye).
Here, the LU visible.a evokes the frame. In
total, the Obviousness frame has 13 LUs including
clarity.n,obvious.a, and show.v.
1well received a rating of 3.67 as a paraphrase of clearly
in the context the intention to do so is clearly present.
accurate,ambiguous,apparent,apparently, audible,
tainly,clarify, clarity, clear, clearly, confused,con-
definitely,demonstrably,discernible,distinct, evi-
dent, evidently,explicit,explicitly,flagrant,fuzzy,
glaring,imprecise,inaccurate,lucid, manifest, man-
obscure,observable, obvious, obviously, opaque,
prominent,self-evident, show, show up, significantly,
uncertain, unclear, undoubtedly,unequivocal,un-
visible, visibly,visual,vividly,well,1woolly
Table 1: 81 LUs invoking the Obviousness frame according
to the new FrameNet+. New LUs (bold) have been added us-
ing the method of paraphrasing and human-vetting described
in Section 4.
The semantic information in FrameNet (FN)
is broadly useful for problems such as entail-
ment (Ellsworth and Janin, 2007; Aharon et al.,
2010) and knowledge base population (Mohit and
Narayanan, 2003; Christensen et al., 2010; Gre-
gory et al., 2011), and is of general enough inter-
est to language understanding that substantial ef-
fort has focused on building parsers to map nat-
ural language onto FrameNet frames (Gildea and
Jurafsky, 2002; Das and Smith, 2012). In practice,
however, FrameNet’s usefulness is limited by its
size. FN was built entirely manually by linguistic
experts. As a result, despite many years of work,
most of the words that one confronts in naturally
occurring text do not appear at all in FN. For ex-
ample, the word blatant is likely to evoke the Ob-
viousness frame, but is not present in FN’s list of
LUs (Table 1). In fact, out of the targets we sample
in this work (described in Section 4), fewer than
50% could be mapped to a correct frame using the
LUs in FrameNet. This finding is consistent with
what has been reported by Palmer and Sporleder
(2010). Such low lexical coverage prevents FN
from applying to many real-world applications.
Frame Original Paraphrase Frame-annotated sentence
Quantity amount figure It is not clear if this figure includes the munitions. . .
Expertise expertise specialization . . . the technology, specialization, and infrastructure. . .
Labeling called dubbed . . . eliminate who he dubbed Sheiks of sodomite. . .
Importance significant noteworthy . . . assistance provided since the 1990s is noteworthy. . .
Mental property crazy berserk You know it’s berserk.
Table 2: Examples paraphrases from FrameNet’s annotated fulltext. The bolded words are automatically proposed rewrites
from PPDB.
In this work, we triple the lexical coverage of
FrameNet quickly and with high precision. We
do this in two stages: 1) we use rules from the
Paraphrase Database (Ganitkevitch et al., 2013) to
automatically paraphrase FN sentences and 2) we
apply crowdsourcing to manually verify that the
automatic paraphrases are of high quality. While
prior efforts have entertained the idea of expand-
ing FN’s coverage (Ferr´
andez et al., 2010; Das and
Smith, 2012; Fossati et al., 2013), none have re-
sulted in a publicly available resource that can be
easily used. As our main contribution, we release
FrameNet+, a huge, manually-vetted extension to
the current FrameNet. FrameNet+provides over
22,000 new frame/LU mappings in a format that
can be readily incorporated into existing systems.
We demonstrate that the expanded resource pro-
vides a 40% improvement in lexical coverage in a
practical setting.
2 Expanding FrameNet Automatically
The Paraphrase Database (PPDB) (Ganitkevitch
et al., 2013) is an enormous collection of lexical,
phrasal, and syntactic paraphrases. The database
is released in six sizes (S to XXXL) ranging from
highest precision/lowest recall to lowest average
precision/highest recall. We focus on lexical (sin-
gle word) paraphrases from the XL distribution, of
which there are over 370K.
Our aim is to increase the type-level coverage
of FN. We use the rules in PPDB along with
a 5-gram Kneser-Ney smoothed language model
(Heafield et al., 2013) to paraphrase FN’s full
frame-annotated sentences (called fulltext). We ig-
nore paraphrase rules which are redundant with
LUs already covered by FN. This method for auto-
matic paraphrasing has been discussed previously
by Rastogi and Van Durme (2014). However,
whereas their work only discussed the idea as a
hypothetical way of augmenting FN, we apply the
method, vet the results, and release it as a public
In total, we generate 188,061 paraphrased sen-
tences, covering 686 frames. Table 2 shows some
of the paraphrases produced.
3 Manual Refining with Crowdsourcing
Our automatic process produces a large number of
good paraphrases, but does not address issues like
word sense, and many of the paraphrased LUs al-
ter the sentence so that it no longer evokes the in-
tended frame. For example, PPDB proposes free
as a paraphrase of open. This is a good paraphrase
in the Secrecy status frame but does not hold for
the Openness frame (Table 3).
XSecrecy status
The facilities are open to public scrutiny
The facilities are free to public scrutiny
Museum (open Wednesday and Friday.)
Museum (free Wednesday and Friday.)
Table 3: Turkers approved free as a paraphrase of open for
the Secrecy status frame (rating of 4.3) but rejected it in the
Openness frame (rating of 1.6).
We therefore refine the automatic paraphrases
manually to remove paraphrased LUs which do
not evoke the same frame as the original LU. We
show each sentence to three unique workers on
Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) and ask each
to judge how well the paraphrase retains the mean-
ing of the original phrase. We use the 5-point grad-
ing scale for paraphrase proposed by Callison-
Burch (2008).
To ensure that annotators perform our task con-
scientiously, we embed gold-standard control sen-
tences taken from WordNet synsets. Overall,
workers were 76% accurate on our controls and
showed good levels of agreement– the average
correlation between two annotators’ ratings was ρ
= 0.49.
Figure 1 shows the distribution of Turkers’ rat-
ings for the 188K automatically paraphrased tar-
gets. In 44% of cases, the new LU was judged
to retain the meaning of the original LU given the
frame-specific context. These 85K sentences con-
tain 22K unique frame/LU mappings which we are
able to confidently add to FN, tripling the total
number in the resource. Figure 1 shows 69 new
LUs added to the Obviousness frame.
Figure 1: Distribution of MTurk ratings for paraphrased full-
text sentences. 44% received an average rating ≥3, indicat-
ing the paraphrased LU was a good fit for the frame-specific
4 Evaluation
We aim to measure the type-level coverage im-
provements provided by our expanded FrameNet
in a practical setting. Ideally, one would like
to identify frames evoked by arbitrary sentences
from natural text. To emulate this setting, we
consider potentially frame-evoking LUs sampled
from the New York Times. The question we ask
is: does the resource contain an entry associating
this LU with the frame that is actually evoked by
this target?
FrameNet+We refer to the expanded
FrameNet, which contains the current FN’s
LUs as well as the proposed paraphrased LUs,
as FrameNet+. The size and precision of
FrameNet+can be tuned by setting a threshold t
and only including LU/frame mappings for which
the average MTurk rating was at least t. Setting
t= 0 includes all paraphrases, even those which
human’s judged to be incorrect, while setting
t > 5includes no paraphrases, and is equal to the
current FN. Unless otherwise specified, we set
t= 3. This includes all paraphrases which were
judged minimally as “retaining the meaning of the
Sampling LUs We consider a word to be “po-
tentially frame-evoking” if FN+(t= 0) contains
some entry for the word, i.e. the word is either an
LU in the current FN or appears in PPDB-XL as
a paraphrase of some LU in the current FN. We
sample 300 potentially frame-evoking word types
from the New York Times: 100 each nouns, verbs,
and adjectives. We take a stratified sample: within
each POS, types are divided into buckets based
on their frequency, and we sample uniformly from
each bucket.
Annotation For each of the potentially frame-
evoking words in our sample, we have expert (non-
MTurk) annotators determine the frame evoked.
The annotator is given the candidate LU in the
context of the NYT sentence in which it occurred,
and is shown the list of frames which are poten-
tially evoked by this LU according to FrameNet+.
The annotator then chooses which of the proposed
frames fits the target, or determines that none do.
We measure agreement by having two experts la-
bel each target. On average, agreement was good
(κ=0.56). In cases where they disagreed, the an-
notators discussed and came to a final consensus.
Results We compute the coverage of a resource
as the percent of targets for which the resource
contained a correct LU/frame mapping. Figure
2 shows the coverage computed for the current
FN compared to FN+. By including the human-
vetted paraphrases, FN+is able to return a cor-
rect LU/frame mapping for 60% of the targets in
our sample, 40% more targets than were covered
by the current FN. Table 4 shows some sentences
covered by FN+that are missed by the current FN.
Figure 2: Number of LUs covered by the current FrameNet
vs. two versions of FrameNet+: one including manually-
approved paraphrases (t= 3), and one including all para-
phrases (t= 0).
Figure 3 compares FN+’s coverage and number
of LUs per frame using different paraphrase qual-
ity thresholds t. FN+provides an average of more
than 40 LUs per frame, compared to just over 10
LUs per frame in the current FN. Adding un-vetted
LU Frame NYT Sentence
outsider Indigenous origin . . . I get more than my fair share because I ’m the ultimate outsider. . .
mini Size . . . amini version of “The King and I ” . . .
prod Attempt suasion He gently prods his patient to step out of his private world. . .
precious Expensiveness Keeping precious artwork safe.
sudden Expectation . . . on the sudden passing of David .
Table 4: Example sentences from the New York Times. The frame-invoking LUs in these sentences are not currently covered
by FrameNet but are covered by the proposed FrameNet+.
LU paraphrases (setting t= 0) provides nearly 70
LUs per frame and offers 71% coverage.
Figure 3: Overall coverage and average number of LUs per
frame for varying values of t.
5 Data Release
The augmented FrameNet+is available to
download at http://www.seas.upenn.
edu/˜nlp/resources/ The re-
source contains over 22K new manually-verified
LU/frame pairs, making it three times larger than
the currently available FrameNet. Table 5 shows
the distribution of FN+’s full set of LUs by part of
Noun 12,786 Prep. 455 Conj. 14
Verb 10,862 Number 163 Wh-adv. 12
Adj. 6,195 Article 43 Particle 6
Adv. 749 Modal 22 Other 19
Table 5: Part of speech distribution for 31K LUs in
The release also contains 85K human-approved
paraphrases of FN’s fulltext. This is a huge in-
crease over the 4K fulltext sentences currently in
FN, and the new data can be easily used to retrain
existing frame semantic parsers, improving their
coverage at application time.
6 Related Work
Several efforts have worked on expanding FN cov-
erage. Most approaches align FrameNet’s LUs to
WordNet or other lexical resources (Shi and Mi-
halcea, 2005; Johansson and Nugues, 2007; Pen-
nacchiotti et al., 2008; Ferr´
andez et al., 2010).
Das and Smith (2011) and Das and Smith
(2012) used graph based semi-supervised meth-
ods to improve frame coverage and Hermann et al.
(2014) used word and frame embeddings to im-
prove generalization. All of these improvements
are restricted to their respective tool rather than
a general-use resource. In principle one of these
tools could be used to annotate a large corpus in
search of new LUs, but their precision on unseen
predicates/LUs (our focus here) is still below 50%,
considerably lower than this work.
Fossati et al. (2013) added new frames to FN by
collecting full frame annotations through crowd-
sourcing, a more complicated task that again did
not result in a useable resource. Buzek et al.
(2010) applied crowdsourced paraphrasing to ex-
pand training data for machine translation. Our
approach differs in that we expand the number of
LUs directly using automatic paraphrasing and use
crowdsourcing to verify that the new LUs are cor-
rect. We apply our method in full, resulting in a
large resource can be easily incorporated into ex-
isting systems.
7 Conclusion
We have applied automatic paraphrasing to
greatly increase the type-level lexical coverage of
FrameNet, a widely used resource embodying the
theory of frame semantics. We use crowdsourc-
ing to manually verify that the newly added lex-
ical units are correct, resulting in FrameNet+, a
high-precision resource that is three times as large
as the existing resource. We demonstrate that in a
practical setting, the expanded resource provides a
40% increase in the number of sentences for which
FN is able to identify the correct frame. The data
released will improve the applicability of FN to
end-use applications with diverse vocabularies.
Acknowledgements This research was sup-
ported by the Allen Institute for Artificial Intel-
ligence (AI2), the Human Language Technology
Center of Excellence (HLTCOE), and by gifts
from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Google, and
Facebook. This material is based in part on re-
search sponsored by the NSF under grant IIS-
1249516 and DARPA under agreement number
FA8750-13-2-0017 (the DEFT program). The
U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and
distribute reprints for Governmental purposes.
The views and conclusions contained in this pub-
lication are those of the authors and should not be
interpreted as representing official policies or en-
dorsements of DARPA or the U.S. Government.
The authors would like to thank Nathan Schnei-
der and the anonymous reviewers for their
thoughtful suggestions.
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