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A hybrid model for supplier selection: integration of AHP and multi expression programming (MEP)


Abstract and Figures

Supplier evaluation and selection is a complicated process which deals with conflicting attributes such as quality, cost. To mitigate the computational complexity, intelligent-based techniques have gained much popularity. But the main shortcoming of the existing models in this regard is to be a black box system. In this paper, we aim to combine analytical hierarchy process with multi-expression programming to both introduce a new evolutionary approach in the field of supplier evaluation and selection and cope with the earlier problem. To show the validity of the model, statistical test was carried out. The finding showed that the proposed model is accurate and acceptable for using in the evaluation process.
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A hybrid model for supplier selection: integration of AHP
and multi expression programming (MEP)
Alireza Fallahpour
Ezutah Udoncy Olugu
Siti Nurmaya Musa
Received: 11 May 2015 / Accepted: 11 October 2015
The Natural Computing Applications Forum 2015
Abstract Supplier evaluation and selection is a compli-
cated process which deals with conflicting attributes such
as quality, cost. To mitigate the computational complexity,
intelligent-based techniques have gained much popularity.
But the main shortcoming of the existing models in this
regard is to be a black box system. In this paper, we aim to
combine analytical hierarchy process with multi-expression
programming to both introduce a new evolutionary
approach in the field of supplier evaluation and selection
and cope with the earlier problem. To show the validity of
the model, statistical test was carried out. The finding
showed that the proposed model is accurate and accept-
able for using in the evaluation process.
Keywords Supplier selection Black box
Multi-expression programming AHP Supply chain
1 Introduction
Supplier evaluation and selection is a critical issue for
achieving success in any manufacturing industry. Multi-
criteria decision making (MCDM) as the main approach of
decision-making theory has been successfully used to solve
this problem [1,2]. Due to the presence of conflicting
factors such as quality, cost, assessing and selecting the
proper suppliers is a very complex problem. Therefore,
numerous solo and integrated models have been presented
in this area.
One of the most attractive techniques for suppliers’ per-
formance evaluation is artificial intelligence (AI)-based
techniques [3,4]. Increasingly, academics are exploring
neural-based techniques such as artificial neural network
(ANN) [5] and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system
(ANFIS) [6] asthe reliable approachesfor supplierevaluation
and selection. AI models as computer-aided techniques can
predict suppliers’ performance based on the historical data set.
One of the integrated neural-based methods which
recently received much attention is combination of ana-
lytical hierarchy process (AHP) and ANN for assessing
suppliers’ performance [5,7]. Although this model is
robust and accurate in performance evaluation, it has some
limitations. Although AHP is useful in decision making, it
cannot handle vagueness. In addition, ANN is a powerful
tool in pattern recognition, but it is unable to propose an
explicit mathematical model. In order to overcome the
aforementioned problems, this paper is aimed at integrating
fuzzy AHP and fuzzy preference programming (FPP) with
multi-expression programming (MEP).
The main contributions of this model are:
A new genetic-based model is introduced in the field of
supplier selection.
A genetic decision model on the basis of the relation-
ship of a set of input and output is developed in a
unique manner to forecast the performance.
A new pairwise comparison model for weight calculations
and performance values is performed for a MEP model.
Historical data set is used in assessment and modeling.
&Ezutah Udoncy Olugu
Alireza Fallahpour
Siti Nurmaya Musa
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Neural Comput & Applic
DOI 10.1007/s00521-015-2078-6
The rest of the model is presented as follows: Sect. 2
provides literature review related to supplier selection.
Section 3provides information about the techniques and
the proposed model. Case study is presented in Sect. 4.
Model performance evaluation is given in Sect. 5. Finally,
conclusion is presented in Sect. 6.
2 Literature
Since a proper supplier has crucial influence on the per-
formance of SCM, various models have been proposed in
this area. The literature reports that it can be categorized
into seven main parts such as multi-attribute decision
making (MADM) like TOPSIS, AHP, ANP, ; mathematical
modeling including linear programing, integer programing,
nonlinear modeling; data envelopment analysis (DEA);
fuzzy set theory (FST); artificial intelligence (AI) such as
ANFIS, ANN, SVM; statistical/probabilistic approaches;
hybrid techniques.
Each category possesses its own advantages and disad-
vantages. MADM is easy to use, but the results are almost
based on decision makers’ opinion. For example, different
weights could be given to the different criteria by the
experts. Mathematical programming technique is an accu-
rate model, but it is unable to take into account qualitative
criteria. In the mathematical models, finding the accurate
model for decision makers is so difficult. DEA method
does not use any assumption in efficiency evaluation, but it
is very sensitive to homogeneity. Most of the other cate-
gories do not consider the interactions among the various
factors and also cannot effectively consider risk and
uncertainty in estimating the supplier’s performance [3].
Among the aforementioned techniques, predictive AI
models have been received much attention from the aca-
demics and practitioners. One of the benefits of AI methods
in contrast with other approaches is that they do not need
assumption in the decision-making process. Moreover, AI
methods provide predictive models based on the historical
data set. This feature is very useful for decision making [5].
Generally, the literature reports that AI techniques can
handle better with complexity and imprecision than pre-
vious approaches [8].
With respect to the literature, there are three main pre-
dictive AI-based models for supplier evaluation and
selection including: pure AI-based model (such as ANN-
based models, ANFIS-based model, SVM-based models,
and FIS-based models); DEA–AI models (such as DEA–
ANFIS) models.
Kuo et al. [9] proposed an intelligent supplier decision
support system which is able to consider both the quanti-
tative and qualitative criteria. The model enables decision
makers to deal with quantitative data such as profit and
productivity. Guneri et al. [6] proposed a predictive
ANFIS-based model in supplier selection in a textile
industry. A 1–10 numeric scale was applied to rate the
criteria. After collecting the data set, three most effective
criteria on the performance were selected and a predictive
ANFIS-based model was proposed to estimate the suppli-
ers’ performance. Golmohammadi [7] proposed a neural-
based structure for decision making and selecting the best
suppliers. After defining the evaluative criteria, using AHP
pairwise comparison the data set was collected. Then, the
collected AHP-based data set was divided into two parts
for training the ANN model and testing its prediction
ability. In order to improve the model, mathematical
models were defined for measuring each criterion. After-
wards, the same operation was done with the new collected
data set. Ozkan and Inal [10] improved the model proposed
by Golmohammadi [5] and presented an ANFIS-based
model for supplier selection. They highlighted that their
model is more accurate than the proposed neural network
model. Fallahpour et al. [11] combined DEA with ANFIS
to evaluate suppliers’ performance. They concluded that
the proposed integrated model is more accurate model
compared to other models. This paper is aimed at extend-
ing Golmohammadi’s model by combining AHP with
3 Methodology
In this part, an overview about AHP and MEP is given.
Then, the proposed model is explained.
3.1 Analytical hierarchy process (AHP)
Saati proposed AHP as a useful and flexible decision-
making model which can be used for both qualitative and
quantitative attributes. As the attributes are determined and
the weights are computed by pairwise comparison matrix,
similar procedure can be applied to calculate the weight of
the alternatives. The pairwise comparison matrix of alter-
natives is structured based on attribute. The result is a new
reciprocal square matrix for each criterion, with its corre-
sponding eigenvector. The procedure is repeated for all
attributes, and the number of each alternative and criterion
is obtained. Afterwards, the score of each alternative is
multiplied by the weight of the corresponding attribute. At
the end, all the numbers for an alternative are summed up
to find the overall score, and the final calculation results
show the importance of each alternative [12,13]. The
alternatives are then ranked according to their calculated
values. Generally, problems associated with AHP are split
into three parts [14]:
Neural Comput & Applic
1. Structuring the problem; evaluation of local priorities;
determination of global priorities. The main feature of
AHP is pairwise comparisons which enable decision
makers to obtain the best decision. Practically, AHP
includes the following steps:
2. Forming the defined attributes hierarchically.
3. Generating judgment matrix using pairwise
4. Computing a priority vector to weight the components
of the matrix.
5. Determining global priorities by gathering all local
priorities with the application of a simple weighted
6. At the end, the eigenvalue is performed to evaluate the
strength of the consistency ratio of the comparative
matrix and identify whether to accept the information.
In order to measure the rate of the criteria and suppliers’
performance, 1–9 scale (Saaty scale) is used (see Table 1).
The mathematical process starts by normalizing and
obtaining the relative weights for each matrix. The relative
weights are given by the right eigenvector (W) corre-
sponding to the largest eigenvalue (k
), as:
3.2 Multi-expression programming (MEP)
Oltean and Dumitrescu [15] presented MEP as an extension
of genetic programming (GP). MEP performs linear chro-
mosomes for solution encoding [16]. MEP is able to
encode multiple computer programs of a problem in a
single chromosome [16]. After checking the fitness of the
programs, the best one is selected to propose the chromo-
some. MEP is not as complex as other GP such as gene
expression programming (GEP). MEP begins by generating
a random population of individuals. MEP applies the fol-
lowing stages to create the best solution:
1. Choosing two parents using a binary tournament
procedure and recombining them with a fixed cross-
over probability;
2. Gaining two offspring by the recombination of two
3. Mutating the offspring and replacing the worst indi-
vidual in the current population with the best of them.
Number of the MEP genes per chromosome is constant
and determines the length of the chromosome. A terminal
(an element in the terminal set T) or a function symbol (an
element in the function set F) is encoded by each gene. A
gene that encodes a formulation consists of pointers toward
the function arguments. Function parameters always have
indices of lower values than the position of that function
itself in the chromosome. The first symbol in a chromo-
some must be a terminal symbol as stated by the proposed
representation scheme [17].
3.3 Methodology
This paper is aimed at proposing hybrid AHP–MEP model
to cope with the earlier-mentioned problems associated
with the previous intelligent-based model. To this end, the
following steps should be carried out (see Fig. 1):
Step 1 Collecting the importance of each criterion for
suppliers (alternatives) by pairwise comparison
(using AHP),
Step 2 Collecting the suppliers’ performance (scores) by
pairwise comparison (using AHP),
Step 3 Dividing the gathered data set into twofold for
training (pattern recognition) and testing
(prediction evaluation),
Table 1 Range for attributes measuring
Very poor (VP) 1 BWB2
Poor (P) 2 BWB3
Poor medium (PM) 3 BWB4
Medium (M) 4 BWB6
Medium good (MG) 6 BWB7
Good (G) 7 BWB8
Very good (VG) 8 BWB9
Fig. 1 Methodology of the model
Neural Comput & Applic
Step 4 Assessing the model using statistical test and
other AI-based models.
In order to evaluate the accuracy of the model, mean
square error (MSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) are
used in training and testing stages.
MAE ¼1
where h
and O
are, respectively, the real and predicted
performance scores for the ith performance, hiand oiare,
respectively, the average of the real and predicted perfor-
mance scores, and nis the number of suppliers.
4 Case study
To show the feasibility and application of the proposed
model, a real-life supplier selection problem from a textile
company of Iran is considered (the company name is not
disclosed for privacy reasons) which produces open-end
(OE) yarn. Its staff strength is 500. It works with 33 sup-
pliers to fill its daily order. Therefore, there is a great need
to evaluate the suppliers’ performance.
4.1 Determining the supplier selection criteria
The first echelon in evaluating the suppliers’ performance
includes determining and defining the evaluation attributes.
In this study, based on the literature and experts’ opinion,
five criteria were selected and applied to the textile factory.
The five criteria are quality, delivery, technology, cost, and
flexibility. Table 2shows the definition of each criterion.
4.2 Rating each attribute and suppliers’
performance score
As said earlier, AHP-based pairwise comparison is used to
gather the data set. Three experts have been selected to rate
the determined criteria and the suppliers’ performance. The
experts have PhD degree in long-fiber spinning, weft
knitting, and non-woven knitting. Each of them has more
than 10 years of experience in the textile industry. For this
research, they were asked to rate the selected criteria and
the suppliers’ performance based on the 1–9 Saaty scale
(Table 1). Next, pairwise comparison is performed for
obtaining suppliers’ performance scores. Table 3illustrates
the collected data set.
4.3 Training MEP (mathematical model)
and testing
The gathered data set was divided into twofolds for training
and testing (50 % for training and 50 % for testing). In the
training, MEP was run to find a computer program that
connects the criteria to the performance. The best model
was chosen considering the lowest statistical errors (shown
in Sect. 5).
4.3.1 Parameters of the predictive MEP-based algorithm,
the mathematical equation of the suppliers’
performance evaluation and statistical measures
in both the training and testing process
Since there is no exact rule to find the optimum parameters
in MEP (AI-based) techniques [21], for finding the best
structure of MEP several runs were conducted. Table 4
provides the best parameters of MEP predictive algorithm.
To find the optimized MEP-based model, there are some
important parameters which should be structured very well.
Table 2 Selection criteria for
evaluating the suppliers’
Criteria Definition
Quality The excellence ability of supplied materials to meet or exceed purchasers’ expectations. In
order to evaluate this criterion, quality certification and standards are very important
[18]. This attribute has positive impact on the suppliers’ efficiency, and with increasing
QM, the suppliers’ efficiency increases
Delivery (D) This looks at the on-time delivery. As this criterion increases, supplier’s performance is
Technology This mainly focuses on the range of material supplied and modernity of the machinery.
This factor has a direct relationship with efficiency
Cost (C) This covers the final cost of the goods and transportation [19]. A supplier is termed as ‘‘the
more efficient supplier’’ whose total cost is lower than other competing suppliers
Flexibility (F) Rate of response to change [20]. With increasing this attribute, the supplier’s performance
Neural Comput & Applic
P¼sin xTþxQ18:5ðÞþcos cos Ln xPxQ
þsin sin cos e
The remaining 50 % of the data set is used for evalu-
ating the predictive ability of the model. In the training, the
MSE, MAE, and Rare 0.002, 0.013, and 0.963, respec-
tively. In the testing stage, MSE, MAE, and R are 0.007,
0.043, and 0.912, respectively. Figure 2shows the accu-
racy of the model for both training and testing.
5 Performance evaluation
To assess the performance of the model, Smith [22] defined
the following circumstances:
If a model gives |R|[0.8, a strong correlation exists
between the predicted and real values.
If a model gives 0.2 \|R|\0.8, a correlation exists
between the predicted and real values.
If a model gives |R|\0.2, a weak correlation exists
between the predicted and real values.
In all conditions, the error values (e.g., MSE) should be
at the minimum [23]. The derived results show that the
MEP models provide very precise predictions for both the
training and testing data sets.
6 Conclusion
Suppliers’ performance evaluation as a common MCDM
problem has received much attention from academics and
practitioners. In today’s competitive world, companies
have concentrated on customer satisfaction and decreasing
price with long-term contracts with reliable suppliers.
Consequently, a robust and applicable method is needed to
ease monitoring suppliers’ performance for managers.
Over the recent decade, combining AHP with ANN has
gaining popularity. Although ANN is very powerful in
model prediction, its major drawback is the black box
system. Therefore, in this paper, a new evolutionary tech-
nique, namely MEP, was introduced to solve the earlier-
mentioned problem.
Generally, it could be concluded that the proposed
model (AHP–MEP) is very powerful and precise in sup-
pliers’ performance evaluation. The main limitation of the
proposed model is that while increasing the number of
criteria and alternative (supplier) the burden of computa-
tional complexity is increased.
Table 3 First data set
Inputs Output
Q D T P F Performance
3 6 3.5 4 1.5 0.05
3.5 3.5 6 6 1.5 0.05*
7 6 4.5 6 3 0.10*
6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 5.5 0.11
5 4 5.5 4 5 0.11*
5 6 6 5.5 2.5 0.12
3.5 5 6 6.5 3.5 0.13*
5.5 4.5 6 4.5 7 0.15
5 6.5 3.5 3.5 8 0.16*
5.5 6.5 5.5 7 5.5 0.19
5 7 5.5 7 5.5 0.19*
2 6.5 2 8 4 0.22*
5.5 7.5 5.5 3.5 7.5 0.23
5 7 9 4.5 5 0.23*
4 4 7 6.5 6 0.25
6 6.5 8 4.5 5 0.27*
4 5.5 7 8 4 0.28
5 6.5 8 5 6 0.30*
7 8 7 4.5 2.5 0.34
6.5 7.5 6.0 6.5 3 0.36*
8.5 8 7.5 2.5 7.5 0.46
7 6.5 7 5 8 0.47*
7.5 6 7 5.5 8 0.49*
7.5 7.5 9 3 4.5 0.59
8.5 7 6.5 4 7 0.61
8 8 8.5 6 4 0.64
* These are the testing data set
Table 4 Optimal parameters of MEP
Parameters Setting
Population size 500–2000
Chromosome length 90 genes
Number of generations 500
Number of tournament 4
Crossover probability 0.5, 0.9
Crossover type Uniform
Mutation probability 0.01
Terminal set Problem input
Neural Comput & Applic
Acknowledgments This work is sponsored by Malaysian Ministry
of Higher Education High Impact Research (HIR-MOHE) Project
(UM.C/HIR/MOHE/ENG/01) and the University of Malaya Research
Grant Project (RP018C-13AET).
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Fig. 2 Actual versus predicted suppliers’ performance scores using the GEP model atraining data, btesting
Neural Comput & Applic
... Scholars worldwide have researched the assessment of the operational performance of electricity market participants. For power generation companies, several methods have been employed to assess market power and their size, leading to the development of performance evaluation index systems for conventional and auxiliary service transactions, particularly in the Guangdong and North China regional markets [2][3][4]. These systems have often been evaluated using a combination weighting method-matter-element model with a fixed proportional adjustment coefficient [5]. ...
... Given that system evaluation typically focuses on maximizing benefits or minimizing costs, the proportional adjustment coefficient derived from modeling the optimal conditions of the assessed object's idealized goals, based on existing sample data, is theoretically more robust. Considering the different idealized goals in the assessment of operational benefits and costs for integrated companies, this study proposes a dynamic proportional adjustment coefficient model (2) and (3). The model uses the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) for subjective weighting and the entropy weighting method (EWM) for objective weighting. ...
... Here, further explain the solution process of dynamic proportional adjustment coefficient models (2) and (3), as shown in Fig. 2. ...
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Currently, the operational performance assessment system in the power market primarily focuses on power generation and electricity retail companies, lacking a system tailored to the operational characteristics of power generation/selling integrated companies. Therefore, this article proposes an assessment index system for assessing the operational performance of a power generation/selling integrated company, encompassing three dimensions: basic capacity, development potential, and external environment. A dynamic proportional adjustment coefficient is designed, along with a subjective and objective weighting model for assessment indexes based on a combined weighting method. Subsequently, the operational performance of an integrated company is assessed using extension theory. The results in the case study demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed dynamic proportional adjustment coefficient.
... Significance of input parameters on the outcome MEP Taylor's diagram length, the number of functions, the frequency of crossover, and the number of subpopulation [72]. When there are as many people as there are packages, it becomes more tedious and time-consuming to evaluate the population. ...
... Grosan and Abraham came to the conclusion that the most successful technique based on neural networks was the combination of linear genomic programming and maximum likelihood estimation (MLP) [75]. The GEP's operational mode is marginally more advanced than the MEP's [72]. Although MEP has a lesser density than GEP, there are significant alterations between the two: (1) MEP allows for the processing of code again; (2) non-coding components, which are surrounded by chromosomes, do not need to be shown in a precise location; and (3) it explicitly represents references to function parameters. ...
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Activated alkali materials (AAMs) are progressively utilized as an alternative to Portland cement concrete owing to their widespread application and reduced environmental impact. This research employed multi-expression programming (MEP) and gene expression programming (GEP) to create predictive models for the compressive strength (CS) of AAMs based on a dataset of 381 entries with eight distinct variables. To further assess the significance of the factors influencing the CS of AAMs, sensitivity analysis was employed. In comparison to GEP, MEP was better at predicting AAM’s CS. The R ² score of the GEP model was 0.953, which is lower than the MEP model’s 0.970 level. This was further backed up by the results of the statistical study and Taylor’s diagram. The results of the sensitivity analysis showed that specific surface area, aggregate volumetric ratio, and silicate modulus were the three most important parameters influencing the models’ outcomes. In comparison to models built in Python, the produced models yield novel empirical equations for AAM strength characteristic prediction. Researchers and professionals in the field could use these equations to find the best proportions for mix designs, cutting down on the need for repeated laboratory tests.
... MEP has been used in different fields such as supplier selection (Fallahpour et al. 2017) and sustainable utilization of foundry waste (Iqbal et al. 2021). MEP is an evolutionary method that evolves multiple solutions in each chromosome, and the best solution is chosen. ...
... The MEP model outperforms ANN and RF in forecasting the annual MWG due to its inherent advantages. The MEP model is formulated in the form of mathematical expressions that can be interpreted to reveal the correlation between input (socioeconomic and environmental factors) and output variables (MWG) (Fallahpour et al. 2017 since they cannot reveal the interrelationships between variables (Debnath and Mourshed 2018). This, in turn, limits the ability of policymakers and other waste management stakeholders to effectively engage in a circular economy. ...
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The existing surge in municipal waste generation (MWG), characterized by swiftly changing and uncontrollable factors, poses a significant challenge to sustainable development. This prompted the need for improved predictive models to guide strategic waste management within the circular economy framework. This study aims to develop a predictive model using multi-expression programming (MEP) to assess MWG. The model was developed using historical data on socioeconomic and environmental factors and validated via comparative analyses with artificial neural network (ANN), random forest (RF), and multiple linear regression (MLR) using various evaluation metrics. The parametric and sensitivity analyses of the MEP model were also conducted. The MEP, ANN, RF, and MLR models have a coefficient of determination (R²) (for testing datasets) of 0.977, 0.974, 0.957, and 0.964, respectively. The MEP model is superior in terms of accuracy and performance for the prediction of MWG when compared to the other three models. The sensitivity analysis revealed the relative importance of each input variable in the established MEP model. The novelty of this research lies in the application of MEP to predict MWG and the formulation of a new mathematical model that links socioeconomic and environmental factors with MWG. The model can be used by waste management authorities to optimize waste collection, transportation, and disposal infrastructure for an effective circular economy and sustainable development. This model also aids in the development of effective waste management policies. Graphical abstract
... The MEP method, comparable to the GEP paradigm, permits the consideration of several features. The extent and amount of sub-populations, the code length, the crossover prospect, and function sets are among the numerous criteria that govern MEP [42]. Evaluating the population becomes more difficult when the extent of the population is the entire number of containers and the population size is taken into interpretation, which requires more time. ...
... In comparison with the neural network-based methods, Grosan and Abraham [44] discovered that combining linear genetic programming (LGP) with MEP produced the most favorable outcomes. The GEP's operational methodology is somewhat more complex than that of the MEP [42]. In contrast to GEP, MEP is less compact [45]; however, it differs in that (i) code might be re-used, (ii) non-coding segments do not need to be exhibited at a particular point within the chromosomes, and (iii) function dispute indications are explicitly encrypted in the MEP. ...
... This procedure is reiterated based on predetermined termination criteria until the optimal program is achieved. During this iterative process, offspring undergo mutations [39]. The MEP model offers similar flexibility to modify different parameters for optimal performance, akin to the GEP model. ...
... These parameters include the function set, crossover probability, subpopulation size, and code length. MEP's performance depends on several factors, including the number and size of subpopulations, algorithm/code length, crossover probability, and the array of functions [39]. When dealing with large population sizes and multiple programs, the quantity and size of subpopulations affect evaluation complexity and computation time. ...
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Bitumen exhibits viscoelastic properties, showcasing both viscous and elastic behaviors, which are characterized by the phase angle (Ø) and dynamic modulus (|E*|). Issues like early fatigue fractures, rutting, and permanent deformations in bituminous asphalt pavements arise due to moisture susceptibility, high-temperature deformation, low-temperature cracking, and overloading. These distresses result in potholes, alligator cracks, and specific deformations that lead to early pavement failure, increasing rehabilitation and maintenance costs. To address these issues, this study examines the dynamic response (|E*|) and phase angle (Ø) behavior of Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) modified and unmodified asphalt mixtures. SBS was incorporated in various proportions, ranging from 2–7% by the weight of bitumen. The asphalt mixture performance tester (AMPT) was utilized to measure the |E*| at temperatures of 4.4, 21.1, 37.8, and 54.4°C, and frequencies of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, and 25 Hz. The study found significant correlations between dynamic modulus, temperature, loading frequency, and SBS content. Additionally, Multi Expression Programming (MEPX) and regression modeling were employed to estimate the |E*| of SBS-modified HMA. Results indicated that increasing SBS content up to 7% decreased penetration and ductility values by up to 46% and 56%, respectively, while raising the softening point by 63% due to increased stiffness. The blend with 6% SBS by weight of bitumen exhibited superior performance compared to other mixtures. Phase angle initially increased with rising temperature, peaking at 37.8°C at lower frequencies, and continued to increase at higher frequencies. Isothermal and isochronal plots showed that the 0% SBS mix had a higher phase angle due to increased bitumen content. Overall, the HMA mix with 6% SBS provided the best outcomes.
... Similar to the GEP model, the MEP paradigm enables the combination of numerous components. Key considerations in MEP include algorithm or code length, number of subpopulations, number of functions, and the potential for crossover [53]. When there are as many bundles as there are people in a population, evaluation and management get quite complicated and time-consuming. ...
... Grosan and Abraham asserted that a fusion of linear genomic programming and maximal entropy programming (METP) represents the utmost active neural network-based method [56]. The mode of operation utilized by the GEP is slightly more complicated than that utilized by the MEP [53]. Despite MEP's lower density in comparison to GEP, several notable distinctions exist: (i) MEP explicitly encodes references to function arguments; ...
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This study explores the possibilities of a new binding material, i.e., marble cement (MC) made from recycled marble. It will assess how well it performs when mixed with ash from rice husks and fly ash. This research analyzes flexural strength of marble cement mortar (FR-MCM), a mortar that incorporates MC, fly ash, and rice husk ash. A set of machine learning models capable of predicting CS and FS (flexural and compressive strengths) were developed. Gene expression programming (GEP) and multi-expression programming (MEP) are crucial in creating these types of models. Statistics, Taylor’s diagrams, R ² values, and comparisons of experimental and theoretical results were used to evaluate the models. Stress testing also showed how different input features affected the model’s outputs. The accuracy of all GEP models was shown to fall within the acceptable range (R ² = 0.952 for CS and R ² = 0.920 for FS), and all MEP prediction models were determined to be exceptionally accurate (R ² = 0.970 for CS and R ² = 0.935 for FS). The statistical testing for error validation also verified that MEP models were more accurate than GEP models. According to sensitivity analysis, curing age and rice husk ash exerted the most significant influence on the prediction of CS and FS, followed by fly ash and MC.
... The MEP model allows the same flexibility to modify different parameters to obtain optimum performance as the GEP model. These factors include function set, crossover chance, subpopulation size, and subpopulations' size, as well as code length [113]. MEP's performance hinges on several factors, encompassing the extent of subpopulations, the count of subpopulations, algorithm/code length, the probability of crossover, and the array of functions [113]. ...
... These factors include function set, crossover chance, subpopulation size, and subpopulations' size, as well as code length [113]. MEP's performance hinges on several factors, encompassing the extent of subpopulations, the count of subpopulations, algorithm/code length, the probability of crossover, and the array of functions [113]. When dealing with large population sizes and multiple programs, the quantity and size of subpopulations influence evaluation complexity and calculation time. ...
... The essential parameters that govern MEP are the number of subpopulations, the size of each subpopulation, the length of the code, the probability of crossover, and the set of functions utilized. 66 The total number of programs is known as the population size. A larger number of subpopulations and their respective sizes lead to intricate calculations that take a lot of time. ...
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This study advances a comprehensive numerical analysis aimed at enhancing thermal transfer within square enclosures filled with water-based oxide nanoparticle suspensions subjected to central sinusoidal heating. Central to this research is the integration of Multi Expression Programming (MEP) for the predictive optimization of thermal efficiency, taking into account the intricate effects of sinusoidal heating geometry, nanoparticles concentration, and an inclined magnetic field. The analysis maintains the initial setup boundary conditions: no-slip at the enclosure walls, isothermal conditions at the left and right walls, and adiabatic conditions at the top and bottom walls, except where sinusoidal heating is applied. Using MEP, these conditions are explored to identify configurations that significantly enhance thermal performance. This method allows for a detailed examination of the impacts of heating element undulation, magnetic field orientation, and nanoparticle dispersion on flow dynamics and thermal transmission. The results emphasize the significant impact of heating element undulation on the heat transfer rate, with MEP predicting optimal undulations that boost thermal efficiency. Furthermore, the strategic application of magnetic fields, as optimized through MEP, facilitates controlled flow distribution and buoyancy effects, with an increased Rayleigh number leading to enhanced convection patterns. The study also delineates the specific boundary conditions under which the Nusselt number, indicative of thermal performance, increases. These MEP-driven insights are invaluable for designing optimized heat transfer systems and energy-efficient applications, establishing a new benchmark for thermal management strategies in practical engineering contexts, firmly rooted in the precision afforded by computational optimization and predictive modeling.
... These parameters include the function set, crossover probability, subpopulation size, and code length. MEP's performance depends on several factors, including the number and size of subpopulations, algorithm/code length, crossover probability, and the array of functions 41 . When dealing with large population sizes and multiple programs, the quantity and size of subpopulations affect evaluation complexity and computation time. ...
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Bitumen exhibits viscoelastic properties, showcasing both viscous and elastic behaviors, which are characterized by the phase angle and dynamic modulus. Issues like early fatigue fractures, rutting, and permanent deformations in bituminous asphalt pavements arise due to moisture susceptibility, high-temperature deformation, low-temperature cracking, and overloading. These distresses result in potholes, alligator cracks, and specific deformations that lead to early pavement failure, increasing rehabilitation and maintenance costs. To address these issues, this study examines the dynamic modulus and phase angle behavior of Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) modified and unmodified asphalt mixtures. SBS was incorporated in various proportions, ranging from 2 to 7% by the weight of bitumen. The asphalt mixture performance tester (AMPT) was utilized to measure the dynamic modulus at temperatures of 4.4, 21.1, 37.8, and 54.4 °C, and frequencies of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, and 25 Hz. The study found significant correlations between dynamic modulus, temperature, loading frequency, and SBS content. Additionally, Multi Expression Programming (MEPX) and regression modeling were employed to estimate the dynamic modulus of SBS-modified HMA. Results indicated that increasing SBS content up to 7% decreased penetration and ductility values by up to 46% and 56%, respectively, while raising the softening point by 63% due to increased stiffness. The blend with 6% SBS by weight of bitumen exhibited superior performance compared to other mixtures. Phase angle initially increased with rising temperature, peaking at 37.8 °C at lower frequencies, and continued to increase at higher frequencies. Isothermal and isochronal plots showed that the 0% SBS mix had a higher phase angle due to increased bitumen content. Overall, the HMA mix with 6% SBS provided the best outcomes.
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Supplier evaluation plays a critical role in a successful supply chain management. Hence, the evaluation and selection of the right suppliers have become a central decision of manufacturing business activities around the world. Consequently, numerous individual and integrated methods have been presented to evaluate and select suppliers. The current literature shows that hybrid artificial intelligence (AI)-based models have received much attention for supplier evaluation. Integrated data envelopment analysis–artificial neural network (DEA–ANN) is one of the combined methods that have recently garnered great attention from academics and practitioners. However, DEA–ANN model has some drawbacks, which make some limitation in the evaluation process. In this study, we aim at improving the previous DEA–AI models by integrating the Kourosh and Arash method as a robust model of DEA with a new AI approach namely genetic programming (GP) to overcome the shortcomings of previous DEA–AI models in supplier selection. Indeed, in this paper, GP provides a robust nonlinear mathematical equation for the suppliers’ efficiency using the determined criteria. To validate the model, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system as a powerful tool was used to compare the result with GP-based model. In addition, parametric analysis and unseen data set were used to validate the precision of the model.
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In today’s competitive world, supplier selection is contemporary issue to business success for the manufacturing industry. Robust techniques are required to evaluate and select the most qualified suppliers. Regarding to the literature, the hybrid data envelopment analysis-artificial intelligence (DEA-AI) models are the effective models to assess the suppliers’ performance. This paper proposes an integrated Kourosh and Arash Model (KAM) in DEA, and Adaptive Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as a powerful prediction tool to estimate the supplier efficiency scores. This hybrid model consists of two parts. First part applies KAM to determine the besttechnical efficiency score for each supplier, while the second part utilizes the suppliers’ performance score for training ANFIS to estimate the new suppliers’ performance. The proposed model is validated using data from a cosmetic manufacturing company.
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Optimum spinning machine parameters selection among available alternatives with different significances is a difficult task in textile industry. To overcome disadvantages associated with statistical methods that are used in such kind of problems, multi-criteria decision making approaches (MCDM) were employed by researchers. TOPSIS, AHP-TOPSIS and ELECTRE are three popular techniques in spinning problems. VIKOR, the Serbian name; Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje, means multi-criteria optimization and compromise solution is a novel approach that has priority over other MCDM methods in terms of precision in final ranking. In this study, selecting the appropriate doffing tube components and its adjustment for 30Ne rotor spun yarn that is intended to be used for weft-knitted fabric will be provided by this approach. Yarn samples were spun considering three variables namely, the distance between the nozzle and rotor, the extractive nozzle and the draw-off tube. Feasible alternatives were ranked on the basis of the yarn quality parameters by the VIKOR and the best alternative for increasing weft-knitting machine efficiency was introduced. According to the final ranking, the spinning condition in which the sample was spun using a spiral nozzle, a doffing tube without a torque stop and a closer setting had the highest performance.
This study proposes an innovative hybrid approach for the estimation of the long-term electricity demand. A new prediction equation was developed for the electricity demand using an integrated search method of genetic programming and simulated annealing, called GSA. The annual electricity demand was formulated in terms of population, gross domestic product (GDP), stock index, and total revenue from exporting industrial products of the same year. A comprehensive database containing total electricity demand in Thailand from 1986 to 2009 was used to develop the model. The generalization of the model was verified using a separate testing data. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to investigate the contribution of the parameters affecting the electricity demand. The GSA model provides accurate predictions of the electricity demand. Furthermore, the proposed model outperforms a regression and artificial neural network-based models.
Previous studies have proven that enterprises addressing green supply chain management problem may produce an apparent improvement to their stockholder interests. According to the report of Kearney (Carbon Disclosure Project: supply chain report 2010. CDP, London, 2010), more than 80 % of the carbon emissions are generated from the suppliers’ activities in a company’s performance. Many members of the project claimed that they will reassess their suppliers as soon as possible. Therefore, to combine the carbon management issue and supplier evaluating problem turns to be a very crucial work. Therefore, this study intends to develop a framework of the supplier evaluating process for carbon management by integrating fuzzy ANP and fuzzy TOPSIS approaches. Thirteen criteria of carbon management under four dimensions were identified by literature review and modified according to the opinion of seven experts in the environmental department. The model result in a case company shows that three of the most important criteria are “carbon governance,” “carbon policy” and “carbon reduction targets.” The proposed hybrid methodology has great ability to explain the vagueness of decision maker’s expression and better discrimination power to evaluate suppliers in carbon management.
Fuzzy set theory has been used as an approach to deal with uncertainty in the supplier selection decision process. However, most studies limit applications of fuzzy set theory to outranking potential suppliers, not including a qualification stage in the decision process, in which non-compensatory types of decision rules can be used to reduce the set of potential suppliers. This paper presents a supplier selection decision method based on fuzzy inference that integrates both types of approaches: a non-compensatory rule for sorting in qualification stages and a compensatory rule for ranking in the final selection. Fuzzy inference rules model human reasoning and are embedded in the system, which is an advantage when compared to approaches that combine fuzzy set theory with multicriteria decision making methods. Fuzzy inference combined with a fuzzy rule-based classification method is used to categorize suppliers in qualification stages. Classes of supplier performance can be represented by linguistic terms, which allow decision makers to deal with subjectivity and to express qualification requirements in linguistic formats. Implementation of the proposed method and techniques were analyzed and discussed using an illustrative case. Three defuzzification operators were used in the final selection, yielding the same ranking. Factorial design was applied to test consistency and sensitivity of the inference rules. The findings reinforce the argument that including stages of qualification based on fuzzy inference and categorization makes this method especially useful for selecting from a large set of potential suppliers and also for first time purchase.
In this study, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is used for multi-criteria decision making in supplier evaluation and selection problem. The contemporary supply-chain management is looking for both quantitative and qualitative measures other than just getting the lowest price. After evaluating a number of distinct suppliers, determining the reliable suppliers by ANFIS model with better approximation will support decision makers. To this end, ANFIS is evaluated for different data sets with the attributes of the suppliers and their scores that are gathered from a previous study conducted for the same problem under the name of Neural Network (NN) application for fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making model. In the proposed ANFIS model built for determining supplier score, linear regression analysis (R-value) and Mean Square Error (MSE) were 0.8467 and 0.0134, respectively, while they were 0.7733 and 0.0193 for NN for fuzzy. ANFIS gives better results according to MSEs. Hence, it is determined that ANFIS algorithm can be used in multi-criteria decision making problems for supplier evaluation and selection with more precise and reliable results.
Supplier selection is an important issue in supply chain management (SCM), and essentially is a multi-criteria decision-making problem. Supplier selection highly depends on experts' assessments. In the process of that, it inevitably involves various types of uncertainty such as imprecision, fuzziness and incompleteness due to the inability of human being's subjective judgment. However, the existing methods cannot adequately handle these types of uncertainties. In this paper, based on a new effective and feasible representation of uncertain information, called D numbers, a D-AHP method is proposed for the supplier selection problem, which extends the classical analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. Within the proposed method, D numbers extended fuzzy preference relation has been involved to represent the decision matrix of pairwise comparisons given by experts. An illustrative example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Content Management System (CMS) is an information system that allows publishing, editing, modifying content over internet through a central interface. By the evolution of Internet and related communication technologies, CMS has become a key information technology (IT) for organizations to communicate with its internal and exterior environment. Just like any other IT projects, the selection of CMS consists of various tangible and intangible criteria which contain uncertainty and incomplete information. In this paper the selection of CMS among available alternatives is regarded as a multi criteria decision making problem. A decision model which consists of seven criteria and four alternatives is built, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) integrated Grey-TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method is proposed, and applied in a Turkish foreign trade company. In the proposed model, the weights of the criteria are determined by AHP method and the alternatives are evaluated by Grey-TOPSIS. Due to the uncertainties, grey numbers are used for evaluations of the alternatives. One at a time sensitivity analysis is also provided in order to monitor the robustness of the method to the changes in the weights of evaluation criteria. Besides, the effects of using different distance functions, such as Manhattan, Euclidian and Minkowski distance functions on the results are examined.