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Estimation of height of an individual from foot length: a study on the population of Odisha


Abstract and Figures

Height is a fundamental unit to assess growth and nutrition, for calculating body surface area and predicting pulmonary function in a person. But measurement of height may be hindered by muscle weakness, joint or spinal deformity. So some alternative method should be there to measure height of an individual in such cases. Also when dismembered human fragments are encountered in certain scenes of mass disaster, the height of a person is to be calculated as per identification point of view. Also estimation of stature from skeletal fragments is of great interest in forensic science. The aim of current study is to find out a regression equation that could calculate the height of an individual precisely and reproducibly from his foot length. 300 students (M = 206, F= 94) aged 18-25 years without any disability were studied at SCB Medical College, Cuttack. Height and foot lengths were measured. Prediction equations for height were derived using linear equation method.
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Mohanty BB et al., Int. J. Rev. Life. Sci., 2(2), 2012, 69-74
©JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation | International Journal of Review in Life Sciences 69
Estimation of height of an individual from foot length: A study on the
population of Odisha
Mohanty BB*1, Agrawal D1, Mishra K2, Samantsinghar P2, Chinara PK1
1Department of Anatomy, SOA University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
2Department of FMT, SOA University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Height is a fundamental unit to assess growth and nutrition, for calculating body surface area and predicting pul-
monary function in a person. But measurement of height may be hindered by muscle weakness, joint or spinal
deformity. So some alternative method should be there to measure height of an individ ual in such cases. Also
when dismembered human fragments are encountered in certain scenes of mass disaster, the height of a person
is to be calculated as per identification point of view. Also estimation of stature from skeletal fragments is of great
interest in forensic science. The aim of current study is to find out a regression equation that could calculate the
height of an individual precisely and reproducibly from his foot length. 300 students (M = 206, F= 94) aged 18-25
years without any disability were studied at SCB Medical College, Cuttack. Height and foot lengths were measured.
Prediction equations for height were derived using linear equation method.
Keywords: Height; pulmonary; regression; spinal; stature.
Anthropometry is a series of systemized measuring
techniques that express quantitavely the dimensions of
human body and skeleton. Anthropometry is often
viewed as a traditional and perhaps the basic tool of
biological anthropology. It is finding increased use in
medical sciences especially in the discipline of forensic
medicine. Relationship that exists between different
parts of body and height has been of great interest to
anthropologists, for many years. This is because of the
increase in the number of catastrophic events causing
mass deaths which requires the identification of vic-
tims from dismembered human remains. Footprints
are of immense value in establishing personal identity
of the criminals in forensic examinations. Examination
of barefoot impressions is important especially in de-
veloping countries like India where majority of the ru-
ral population like to walk barefooted because of so-
cio-economic and climatic reasons (S.R. Qamra et al.,
1980; B.R. Sharma, 1990). Analysis of footprints helps
in estimation of an individual’s stature because of exis-
tence of strong positive correlation between one’s sta-
ture and foot size; the footprints are also considered as
indicators of skeletal and body structure of a person.
Gayer (1904) was probably the first person to conduct
a detailed study of footprints while working in the
United Province of India and published his results in
the form of a book. In the past, various other studies
have been conducted on individualization (L.M. Rob-
bins, 1978; Winkelmann W, 1987; Laskowski GE, Kyle
VL 1988; R.B. Kennedy et al., 2003; R.B. Kennedy 2005;
Naples VL 2004; K. Krishan 2007) and estimation of
stature from foot and footprints (L.M. Robbins, 1984;
L.M. Robbins, 1985; L.M. Robbins, 1986; E. Giles, P.H.
Vallandigham 1991; O.P. Jasuja et al., 1991; C.C. Gor-
den et al., 1992; O.P. Jasuja et al., 1993; S.L. Barker et
al.,1998; Krishan K et al., 2002; K. Krishan et al., 2002;
Krishan K et al., 2007). All these studies suggest differ-
ent ways of utilization of footprints in forensic exami-
nations. Earlier studies by Robbins (1984 & 1986),
Barker and Scheuer (1998), Topinard (1876), Martin
(1914), Martin and Saller (1959), Pales (1976), Jasuja
(1987), provide a number of foot length/stature per-
centages for various populations. However, these me-
thods result in very high estimation error. Later on,
various authors (O.P. Jasuja, 1987; V.K. Sharma et al.,
1978; T.A. Philip, 1990; H. Ozden et al., 2005) made use
of regression equations in estimating stature from
foot/footprint dimensions.
In the present study an attempt has been made to es-
timate the height from foot length in the people of
This research follows the methodology for estimating
stature based on measurements of upper extremity as
outlined by Ozaslan et al., (2006).
* Corresponding Author
Contact: +91-9776003975
Received on: 07.05.2012
Revised on: 18.05.2012
Accepted on: 05.06.2012
ISSN: 2231-2935
Research Article
Mohanty BB et al., Int. J. Rev. Life. Sci., 2(2), 2012, 69-74
©JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation | International Journal of Review in Life Sciences 70
The current research was conducted using students of
S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha, India. The par-
ticipants were students of M.B.B.S. It included 300 stu-
dents. The individuals are of middle socio-economical
status without any skeletal or pathological changes.
The subjects were asked to remove all their clothing to
expose their feet. They were placed on the standard
anatomical position with the head on the Frankfurt
horizontal plane. All of the measurements were taken
from the left side, according to the procedure de-
scribed by the International Biological Programme. The
dimensions were taken with standard anthropometric
instruments such as anthropometer and wooden base
osteometric board.
To ensure accurate results, all the measurements were
done by one person while sitting on a low chair to
avoid errors that could be caused by discomfort. All
subjects who did not know their age and those who
had recognized skeletal deformities were exempted
from the study. The measurements were repeated to
avoid errors. The measurements were taken at a fixed
time, between 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm, to eliminate diur-
nal variation. All measurements were taken by one
person to avoid personal errors.
1. STATURE: Maximum distance from vertex to floor,
maintaining the anatomical position and Frankfort
2. FOOT LENGTH: Maximum distance between acro-
podion( the most forwardly projecting point on the
head of the 1st or 2nd toe whichever is longer when
the subject is standing erect on a flat hard surface)
to the pternion (the most backward projecting
point on the heel when the subject is standing
upright with equal pressure on both the feet)
Table 1: Height Vs Number of samples
Figure 2: Height Vs Number of samples
Table 2: Height of the individual (Male) in relation to
foot length
The table 2 shows average foot length of male persons
having height ranging from 150-180 cm which are
again subdivided into six sub groups each having a
range of 5 cm. The standard deviation and standard
error were calculated. Regression equation from the
above table was calculated to be
Y = -27.77 + 7.695x
Where Y = Height of the individual
-27.77 = Intercept
7.695 = Slope
X = Foot length of the individual
Table 3: Height of the individual (Female) in relation
to foot length
The table 3 shows average foot length of female per-
sons having height ranging from 150-180 cm which are
again subdivided into six sub groups each having a
range of 5 cm. The standard deviation and standard
error were calculated. Regression equation from the
above table was calculated to be
Y = 77.85 + 3.58x
Where Y = Height of the individual
77.85 = Intercept
3.58 = Slope
X = Foot length of the individual
From Table 4, we see that, as the height increases, the
foot length of both male and female also increases.
The difference was found to be increased up to sub-
group 160-165cms then decreases in subsequent
groups. In 170-175 cm group the hand length higher
than male. There were no female found in 175-180cms
height group.
150-155 155-160 160-165 165-170 170-175 175-180
Height (cm)
Mohanty BB et al., Int. J. Rev. Life. Sci., 2(2), 2012, 69-74
©JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation | International Journal of Review in Life Sciences 71
Table 4: Male Vs Female variation of foot length
Figure 2: Male Vs Female variation of foot length
Ever since Pearson had estimated height from limb
bones, many regression equations of stature estima-
tion have been developed. However, the measuring
methods and bones used to obtain the regression equ-
ations were different. In this study the average age of
subjects ranges from 18-25 years. This may be attri-
buted to the fact that the average adult length of foot
is attained by the age of 16 years in males (M. Ander-
son et al., 1956; M.M. Blais et al., 1956). According to
Roche (1986), generally stature at 18 years is accepted
as adult, although there are small increments in stature
after this. The median age for attaining height in males
is 21.2 years with growth continuing in 10% of males
until 23.5 years (A.F. Roche and G.H. Davila, 1972).
Although, loss of stature seen with increasing age. A
study by Friedlaender et al., (1977) suggests that a de-
cline in stature does not commence until the fifth dec-
ade of life.
According to the study done by Byoung Young Choi and
others, there were the racial differences in adult mean
heights and limb bone lengths between populations.
For example the mean height of Korean adult males
was greater than that of Mexicans (Romero, 1952).
Each limb bone length was smaller than that of Ameri-
can whites (Trotter and Glesser, 1952a) and the corre-
lation coefficients of all the limb bone lengths were
less than those of American whites. Therefore, to com-
pare the regression equations, the equations induced
from the same population as the subject should be
The estimation of height from various long bones, head
length and hand length has been attempted by many
workers. However, foot dimensions have not frequent-
ly been used for this. The present study also deals with
the observations on correlation of total standing height
with foot length.
Macdonnel (1901) studied 3000 English criminals and
derived regression formulae for estimation of stature
from foot length, 166.457 + 4.031 (foot-25.688) +/- 2.9
cms. However, sex and side was not been given due
consideration in this study.
Qamra et al., (1980) computed linear regression equa-
tions for estimating stature from either foot length or
foot breadth of 1015 subjects between the ages of 17-
32 years. After testing validity of equations, foot length
was found to be more suitable.
Ibinado et al., (2009) did a study on 477 subjects and
found that mean value for the right foot length of
males = 26.92 ± 1.02 where as that for female = 25.00 ±
1.33. Mean value for the left foot length of male =
26.92 ± 0.13 cm and that for female = 24.75 ± 0.17 cm.
In our study, we found that average foot length of
males = 26.47 ± 0.12 cm and that for females = 23.21 ±
0.21 cm.
Patel et al., (1964) did a study on the students of Guju-
rat region to find out correlation between foot length
and height. The regression equation for
Males = 75.45 + 3.64 x Foot length
Females = 75.41 + 3.43 x Foot length
The correlation coefficient between height and foot
length was 0.65 in male and 0.80 in female which was
most significant. The difference we found between this
study and our study may be due to racial variation
among the subjects which includes Gujuratis in the
study done by Patel et al and Odiyas in this study.
Giles et al., (1991) also suggested that foot length dis-
plays a biological correlation with height and the latter
can be estimated from foot length.
Gordon et al., (1992) estimated stature from foot di-
mensions and models containing both foot length and
foot breadth were found to be significantly better than
those containing only foot length. In this study, strong
relationship was established between foot/boot
Singh and Phookan (1993) examined Thai male popula-
tion of Assam and suggested foot length to be a better
indicator of stature than foot breadth.
Ozden et al., (2005) found in the study done on Turkish
population that there is a definite correlation between
stature and foot dimensions of all individuals. Accor-
dingly they took the measurements and calculated the
SD and SE. The regression equation was found to be:
For right side, Stature = 47.93 + 1.083 (Maximum foot
length) + 0.788 (Shoe length x 1.083(Shoe number)
For left side: Stature = 47.33 + 1.139 (Maximum foot
length) + 0.593 (Shoe length) x 1.924(Shoe number)
Foot length (cm)
150-155 155-160 160-165 165-170 170-175 175-180
Height (cm)
Mohanty BB et al., Int. J. Rev. Life. Sci., 2(2), 2012, 69-74
©JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation | International Journal of Review in Life Sciences 72
In the study, they have taken the shoe length and shoe
number into consideration, but in our study only foot
dimensions are taken. But the problem in the equation
of Ozden et al., (2005) is that, if some dismembered
organ was found at some accident site e.g. bomb blast
or natural calamity, then shoe number and the shoe
length of the person can’t be guessed. So the formula
becomes invalid in that case. This formula is different
due to the fact that shoe length and shoe size were not
taken into account.
Nath et al., (1999) formulated multiplication factors for
reconstruction of stature from foot length of Rajputs
and Brahmins of Srinagar, Garhwal (U.P.) with reason-
able accuracy. These were 6.87 for Rajput males, 6.64
for Brahmin males and 6.73 and 6.68 for Rajput and
Brahmin females respectively.
Ozaslan et al., (2003) analyzed relationships between
lower limb dimensions and stature on a sample of 203
male and 108 female adult Turks residing in Istanbul.
They measured stature, trochanteric height, thigh
length, lower leg length, leg length, and foot height,
breadth, and length. They concluded that stature can
be deduced using dimensions of the lower limb.
Sanli et al., (2005) established the relationship be-
tween hand length, foot length and stature using mul-
tiple linear regression analyses. Their study sample
included 155 adult (80 male, 75 female) Turks residing
in Adana. They found multiple linear regression model
for both genders together to be the best model with
the highest values for the coefficients of determination
R2 = 0.861 and R2 adjusted = 0.859, and multiple corre-
lation coefficient R = 0.928.
Agnihotri et al., (2007) developed a relationship be-
tween foot length and stature using linear and curvili-
near regression analyses on a study group comprising
of 250 medical students (125 males and 125 females)
aged 18-30 years. It was concluded that general mul-
tiple linear regression model was highly significant
(P<0.001) and validated with highest values for the
coefficients of determination R (2) = 0.769 and multiple
correlation coefficient r = 0.877.
Krishan and Sharma (2007) examined the relationship
between stature and dimensions of hands and feet
among Rajputs of Himachal Pradesh on a group of 246
subjects (123 males and 123 females) 17 to 20 years
old. In their study also the highest correlation coeffi-
cient existed between stature and foot length. The
lowest standard error of estimate indicated that the
foot length provides highest reliability and accuracy in
estimating stature.
Grivas et al., (2008) evaluated the relationship be-
tween foot length and stature in a large sample of
5093 juveniles in Greece, average age being 11.47+/-
2.71 years.
It was suggested that foot length can estimate the sta-
ture and weight of a juvenile, especially after adjusting
for age and sex.
Kanchan et al., (2008) examined the relationship be-
tween stature and foot dimensions among 200 (100
males and 100 females) Gujjars (North Indian commu-
nity). They devised linear and multiple regression equa-
tions for estimating stature using foot dimensions.
Krishnan (2008) examined the relationship of stature to
foot size of 1040 adult male Gujjars of North India
(age18 to 30 years). The highest correlation coeffi-
cients were shown by the toe length measurements
Zeybek et al., (2008) developed formulae for estima-
tion of the stature and gender through foot measure-
ments. They derived multiple regression formulae for
stature estimation and logistic regression analysis for
gender estimation using foot measurements.
Sen and Ghosh (2008) established the relationship be-
tween stature and feet dimensions among Rajbanshi
male and females of North Bengal on a sample of 350
adult Rajbanshi and 100 adult Meche individuals of 18-
50 years residing in different villages located in the
Darjeeling district of West Bengal. Stature, foot length
and foot breadth are positively and significantly corre-
lated with each other. The foot breadth was found to
be more accurate in estimating stature.
According to the study done by Bhavna et al., (2005) on
male Shia Muslims in Delhi, the regression equation
was found to be,
Height= 119.74 + 1.92 x Foot length ± 4.77
Also they found the multiplication factor to calculate
stature from foot length to be 6.76.
Han TS et al., (1996) did a study on the subjects having
age ranging from 17 -70 years. They found that lower
leg length gave a good prediction of height (men: r2 =
79%, SEE = 3.2 cm; women: r2 = 73%, SEE = 3.4 cm).
Wt/lower leg length ratio was highly predictive of BMI
(men: r2 = 95 %, SEE = 1.1 kg/ m2; women: r2 = 94 %,
SEE = 1.1 kg/ m2). Applying these equations based on
lower leg length and weight / lower leg length ratio to
a separate sample of men and women showed 95% of
the errors of height estimate were within 6.5 cm. They
concluded that lower leg length is useful for estimating
body composition when height measurement is not
Stature clearly constitutes an essential element in the
description of a human population, or an individual, for
physical, anthropological and biomechanical research.
The lengths of some long limb bones were found to be
highly correlated with stature [Bach, 1965; Breitinger,
1937; Rosing, 1983; Telkka, 1950]. Thus, several re-
gression equations have been proposed by which sta-
Mohanty BB et al., Int. J. Rev. Life. Sci., 2(2), 2012, 69-74
©JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation | International Journal of Review in Life Sciences 73
ture could be estimated by means of long bone length.
In the present study both left and right foot measure-
ments have been given due consideration and in both
males as well as females. Linear regression equations
were derived for estimation of stature reliably and ac-
curately that would be of immense value in the field of
crime detection. Stature, foot length and foot breadth
are positively and significantly correlated with each
While calculating the regression equation, it’s found
that there exists a linear relationship between the
height and the foot length which is corroborating with
the previous workers. But there is some difference in
the slope and the intercept of the equation which may
be due to racial variation of the subjects. The study
was conducted on a population group with individuals
belonging to diverse population group residing/ study-
ing in Cuttack. The regression equation derived in the
study can be used accurately and reliably for estima-
tion of stature in a diverse population group. Hence, it
is possible to determine the height of a person by using
the data and the formulae derived from the present
work fairly accurately within a standard error of the
estimate which is acceptable from biological considera-
tion in determining the height of known cross section
of population.
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... Mohnaty et al. [15] created a regression equation based on their study of the Odish people. In their study, 300 students were included. ...
... 20 A study on humans and developed a regression equation capable of calculating the height of an individual from his foot length and revealed that as the height increased, foot length of both male and female also increased. 24 Cameras et al. reported the correlation between foot breadth and foot length with 0.42 and 0.70 in males and 0.69 and 0.70 for females. 25 The previous study on the population of Turkey proved that the mean height in male was 172.4 cms and in female was 162.0 cms. ...
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Background: Stature is one of the most important elements in the identification of an individual. Assessing hand and foot dimensions for height estimation has always been of immense interest to the anatomist, scientist and forensic experts. The present study was carried out to determine the height from the foot length in the population of Saudi Arabia. Method: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted among male and female students aged 18-25 years studying at College of Medicine, Majmaah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, having no foot deformity, spinal or bony injuries or surgeries. The obtained data were statistically analyzed. Results: The mean Stature(cm) of the male was 173.19±5.29, Left Foot length (cm) was 26.0±1.40)and Right Foot length (cm) was (26.0±1.52). While the mean stature (cm) of female was 158.56±5.55, Left Foot length (cm) was 23.19±1.14 and Right Foot length (cm) was23.19±1.16. Males having significantly higher values than females. Correlation by comparing the Pearson correlation coefficient and foot length (FL) showed the relationship in males (r = 0.602, p<0.01) and females ( r=0.629, p<0.01). Conclusion: It can be concluded from the study that males have a greater mean value of stature when compared to females. It was observed that there is the existence of a direct relationship between the foot length with the stature in both the sexes. Key Words: Stature, Foot length, Height, Gender
... Mohanty&Agrawal et al 19 breadth among population of North Bengal. The higher correlation coefficient found between stature and footlength over that of stature and foot breadth, suggested that footlength is more accurate in estimating staturerather than foot breadth. ...
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Introduction: Stature is the height of the person in upright posture. It is an important physical identity. Assessing the height of an individual, from measurements of different parts, has always been of immense interest to the anatomists, anthropologists and forensic medicine experts. Material and Methods: This cross sectional analytic study was carried out on 196 medical student of first year MBBS of two medical colleges of Uttar Pradesh,of age group of 18-23years having no foot deformity, spinal or bony injuries or surgeries. Following parameters were recorded: age, residence, gender, weight, height, foot length and foot breadth. The obtained data was statistically analyzed; Correlation coefficient has been calculated and Regression equations for estimation of height from foot length and foot breadth were derived. Results: The mean age (year) was 19.76+1.95, Stature (cm) mean of male and female was 164.90+14.50, weight (kg) was 65.13+12.80, Left Foot Breadth (cm) was 10.1+0.72, Right Foot Breadth (cm) was 10.30+0.72, Left Foot length (cm) was 25.68+1.66 and Right Foot length (cm) was 25.62+1.58. Males having significantly higher values than females. Correlation by comparing the Pearson correlation coefficient, foot length(FL) showed the highest relationship in males (FLR:r = 0.188, FLL: r=0.194) and females (FLR: r = 0.698, FLL: r=0.703). Regression for women, prediction accuracy was the highest when the regression equation involved foot length. Conclusion: It is concluded that males have greater mean value of stature as compared to that of females. It was also observed that there is direct relationship between foot length and foot breadth with the stature in both sexes.
... They have opined that stature can be more accurately calculated by foot breadth than by long bones. Mansur et al (10), Mohanty et al [11] , Nivedita Pandey et al [12], M.C. Meena et al (7) and Suman Babu et al [8] have established a definite correlation between stature and foot-length and also derived the regression equations. ...
... In the present study we have observed the correlation of Height (in anatomical position) with foot length in population studied. 4 Mohanty & Agrawal studied on population of Odisha has developed a regression equation that could calculate the height of an individual from his foot length. Three hundred students (M=206, F=94) aged 18-25 years were included in their study. ...
Introduction: Estimation of stature plays an important role in forensic anthropometry as it helps in estimating the identity of an individual. Many studies for estimating the stature from measuring long bones, with derivation of formulas are there. The present study is an attempt to evaluate a possible correlation between stature of an individual and foot length in adults. Material and Methods: A sample of 100 medical students; 50 males and 50 females studying in Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences was considered and measurements were taken for height and foot length. Result: It was found that both the parameters showed a correlation with each other. Mathematical formulae for estimating stature were developed through basic linear regression. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the present study has provided regression equations for stature and foot length of an individual that can be used for stature estimation.
... Researchers have been conducting stature estimation studies by analyzing feet [8][9][10][11] and footprints [12][13][14][15] because of the existence of a strong correlation between stature and foot size [16]. Many of these studies were conducted using feet and footprints from mixed populations. ...
... Mohnaty et al. [15], studied on population of Odish has developed a regression equation ,in 300 student were include in their study .As stature increases foot length of both male and female also increases. ...
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Height and weight are parameters to identify a person, especially for a forensic. To identify height and weight is usually done manually. In addition to manually using height measuring devices and scales, you can also use information related to the foot length. There is a relationship between height and foot length can be expressed in the correlation coefficient (r) as same as for weight. Therefore, in this study, a system for measuring human height and weight based on images of the footprint is implemented on Android. The methods used in this study are Gabor Wavelet and k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN). The simulation results generate the best accuracy of 75%. The system can also used to categorize the ideal body level according to the Body Mass Index (BMI). The system is able to process images with an average computation time of 8.92 seconds.
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Background and aims : Stature is the height of a person in the upright posture. There are lot of variations in estimating stature from limb measurements among people of different region and race. Hence there is a need to carryout more studies on population of different regions so that method of stature estimation becomes more reliable. The aim of study was to fmd out the correlation between foot length and height of an individual and to derive regression formulae to estimate the height from the foot length in the study population. Materials and methods : This study was conducted among 308 healthy students aged between 18-20 years. Foot length and height was measured. The measurements were made by using standard anthropometric instruments to the nearest millimeter. The data obtained was analysed statistically and attempt was made to findout correlation and to derive a regression formula between foot length and height of an individual. Results: The values of all the parameters in case of male were higher than females. The sex differences in these parameters showed statistical significance. A strong positive correlation between height and foot length of individuals was found Conclusion: Foot length is a useful parameter in stature estimation. Our findings suggest that the relationship between stature and foot length is of practical use for anatomical, medico legal, anthropological, archaeological and other related studies.
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Introduction: Stature is one of the most important anatomical parameters for personal identification. Estimation of stature by measuring different parts of the body is valuable in medico legal investigations as well as in anthropology. Objectives: The objective of this study was to find correlation between stature and foot length and developing a regression equation for stature estimation from foot length among medical students of Birat Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Morang, Nepal. Methodology: This is cross sectional study conducted at Department of Anatomy of Birat Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Morang, Nepal from 15 March 2019 to 15 June 2019. Two hundred (100 male and 100 female) medical students were enrolled in the study. Stature and foot length were measured using standard instruments. The collected data was entered into Microsoft excel and analyzed by using SPSS. Results: The mean stature in male was 165.4 cm with SD of 8.46 cm, in female the mean stature was 156.5 cm and with SD 6.56 cm. The mean foot length in male was 25.84 cm with SD of 1.73 cm, in female mean foot length was 23.35 cm with SD 1.30 cm. This gender wise difference in mean stature and foot length between males and females was statistically significant (p<0.001). There was significant positive correlation between stature and foot length (r = 0.534, P < 0.001) for male and (r=0.675, P < 0.001) for female. Regression equations were derived for estimation of stature from measurement of foot length in both sexes. Conclusion: This research found significant positive correlation between stature and foot length in both sexes. Regression equation was also derived which help to predict the stature by knowing the foot length in medico legal cases.
Previous work from the United States has shown close correlation between an individual's size and weight and predetermined measurements taken from his or her footprints. This study investigated the situation in a group of United Kingdom subjects, for which there is at present little data. Walking and standing footprints, fleshed foot measurements and stature were obtained from 105 adult volunteers from the staff and students of the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals, London. The footprints were measured using predetermined landmarks and the results analysed to investigate the significance of the parameters in a forensic context. Inter-observer and intra-observer errors were within acceptable limits. Regression equations were calculated for foot length from various parameters measured on a footprint. Topinard's finding that foot length represents between 14.9%–18.1% of stature in a given individual was confirmed. Footprint length showed a normal distribution in both sexes but male footprint length was greater than female footprint length for any given height. This study provides a quantitative method that could be used both with partial footprints and in the absence of dermatoglyphics to assist in the identification of an individual in a forensic context.
Growth is commonly defined as an increase in size, but more specificity is needed. An increase in size of the whole body or of an organ such as a bone may be caused by one or a combination of three processes: (1) Hyperplasia, or an increase in cell number, which involves duplication of DNA and cellular division; (2) Hypertrophy, or an increase in cell size, with true hypertrophy implying an increase in the size of the active functional elements of a cell, such as occurs in skeletal muscle with exercise; and (3) Storage of organic or nonorganic materials within or among cells. Each of these three processes occurs during bone growth, but the extent to which any one of them dominates depends on age or maturity and the part of the bone considered. Furthermore, these processes are often reversed in localized areas. While the overall change is an increase in size, some parts of a bone may become smaller or may be removed completely. In such areas, there is a reduction in cell number or cell size or in the amounts of organic or nonorganic material that are stored. Commonly, all these processes are combined.
It would be hard to imagine any significant criminal investigation today to which some aspect of forensic science did not contribute. But does this mean forensic science is used effectively in the broader justice system? Media headlines abound with criticisms of forensic work delaying the justice process. DNA is often held up as the gold standard to which other aspects of forensic science should aspire. The recently released US National Academies Report, Strengthening forensic science in the US: a path forward 11. National Academy of Sciences . 2009 . “ Strengthening forensic science in the united states: a path forward ” . Washington : National Academy of Sciences . View all references, raised significant concerns about the knowledge baseand practice of forensic science, at least as it is conducted in the US. So where does the truth lie? Is forensic science robust and reliable? Is forensic science effective and/or efficient in support of criminal investigation? This article explores these issues and offers some thoughts for the forensic profession but also challenges the justice system community to develop a more collegiate approach to the use of forensic science to improve its efficiency in supporting the criminal justice system.
Analysis of footwear characteristics, impressions, and track ways can provide important evidence in a crime scene investigation. In this article, we present examples of how students can be involved in hands-on laboratory-based activities as a means of introducing the forensic sciences. The teaching methodology employs active learning strategies that allow students to discover scientific principles for themselves, develop techniques of critical thinking and problem solving, and gain appreciation for how knowledge arises. By including forensic sciences in the science curriculum, students develop an appreciation for the interrelatedness of all the sciences. From this series of activities, i.e., examining analyses of footprint and footwear impressions, students working as teams will gather information, analyze data, and draw conclusions. Moreover, students will be able to assess the significance of the quality and variability in the data collection process as well as learn the value of controls and experimental design through comparison of results with other groups.
Determination of stature is a major concern in forensic medicine and forensic anthropology. When highly decomposed and mutilated dead bodies with fragmentary remains are brought for postmortem examination, it becomes difficult to identify the deceased. In such a situation, even a small clue is useful for forensic pathologist. Determination of stature is an important parameter of personal identification along with others like age, sex, race, etc. The present investigation is an attempt to examine the relationship of stature to foot size of 1040 adult male Gujjars of North India in the age range from 18 to 30 years. In all, 7 anthropometric measurements were taken separately on both left and right feet of each subject. The results show that statistically significant (P < 0.01) bilateral asymmetry exists in T-1, T-2, and T-5 lengths. All the 7 foot measurements selected for the study were found to be strongly and positively correlated (P < 0.001) with stature. The highest correlation coefficients were shown by the toe length measurements (0.79-0.86). Regression analysis (Mean error = 2.03-3.61 cm) gives better reliability of stature estimate than the division factor method (Mean error = 3.27-4.32). The regression formulae were checked for their accuracy and reliability not only in the population group which was originally tested for their formulation (genetically homogeneous population, n = 1040) but also in a sample of mixed population of North India (heterogeneous population, n = 100).