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Ethiopia is the primary centre of origin and genetic diversity of Arabica coffee plant. Factors that affect the development of plants including coffee are climate, soil type, mulching, shade farming method used, pruning, etc. Amongst the various factors for having a good yield of coffee is growing of shade trees with the coffee plant which has a great contribution on both the life span of the coffee trees and its yield. Many small coffee farms usually grow different species of trees as an integral part of the production system (e.g. fruit and nut trees). This in turn have manifold ecological benefits by serving as windbreaks and shelterbelts, for aesthetic value in residential areas, and more importantly to protect the coffee plants from excessive sun and high temperatures. Dealing with the pruning waste and managing shade trees to maintain at its optimal shade levels (around 40-50%) could however look a lot of work. Traditionally, all coffee plants were shade grown and most varieties are naturally intolerant of direct sunlight, and desire a canopy of sun-filtering shade trees. This paper is aimed at exploring the benefits of tree shade on coffee life span and yield.
Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 8, No. 9; 2015
ISSN 1913-9063 E-ISSN 1913-9071
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Effect of Tree Shade on Coffee Crop Production
Molla Mekonnen Alemu1
1 United Nations Development Programme, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Correspondence: Molla Mekonnen Alemu, Wilkinson 55, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Tel: 232-7906-1001. E-mail:
Received: August 6, 2015 Accepted: October 19, 2015 Online Published: October 29, 2015
doi:10.5539/jsd.v8n9p66 URL:
Ethiopia is the primary centre of origin and genetic diversity of Arabica coffee plant. Factors that affect the
development of plants including coffee are climate, soil type, mulching, shade farming method used, pruning, etc.
Amongst the various factors for having a good yield of coffee is growing of shade trees with the coffee plant
which has a great contribution on both the life span of the coffee trees and its yield. Many small coffee farms
usually grow different species of trees as an integral part of the production system (e.g. fruit and nut trees). This
in turn have manifold ecological benefits by serving as windbreaks and shelterbelts, for aesthetic value in
residential areas, and more importantly to protect the coffee plants from excessive sun and high temperatures.
Dealing with the pruning waste and managing shade trees to maintain at its optimal shade levels (around 40-50%)
could however look a lot of work. Traditionally, all coffee plants were shade grown and most varieties are
naturally intolerant of direct sunlight, and desire a canopy of sun-filtering shade trees. This paper is aimed at
exploring the benefits of tree shade on coffee life span and yield.
Keywords: Ethiopia, coffee, tree, shade
1. Introduction
The word "coffee" comes from the name of a region in Ethiopia where coffee was first discovered – ‘Kaffa’. The
name ‘Kaffa’ is inherited from the hieroglyphic nouns ‘KA’ and ‘AfA’. ‘KA’ is the name of God, ‘AFA’ is the
name of earth and all plants that grow on earth. So the meaning of Koffee (Coffee) from its birth-place bells on
as the land or plant of God. In addition to this, as a result of the genetic diversity of Ethiopian coffee, botanists
and scientists agree that Ethiopia is the centre for the origin, diversification and dissemination of coffee plant
(Bayetta, 2001). According to Anon (1999), there are four types of coffee production systems in Ethiopia: forest
coffee (10%), semi forest coffee (35%), garden coffee (50%) and plantation coffee (5%).
Climatic factors, type of soil, mulching, farm management method, crop production methods, etc. are among the
prominent factors that affect the growth and development of plants including coffee. Amongst the various factors
for having a good yield of coffee is growing of shade trees with the coffee plant which has a great contribution
on both the life span of the coffee trees and its yield.
In many parts of the world, small scale coffee growers’ uses multi-purpose trees (e.g. forage trees, fruit, nut trees,
etc.) as shade, shelterbelt and windbreaks, for beautifying residential areas, and serve as shelter for coffee plants
from excessive sun and high temperatures. However, the management of maintaining optimal shade levels
(around 40-50%) and dealing with the pruning waste of the plants can also become a lot of work, (Travis and
Adel, 2010).
Traditionally, all coffee plants were shade grown and most varieties are naturally intolerant of direct sunlight,
and prefer a canopy of sun-filtering shade trees. The trees not only protect coffee from direct sun light, they also
mulch the soil with their fallen leaves which helps to protect the soil from excessive temperature and retain soil
moisture thereof reducing evaporation. Coffee plantations managed in this traditional manner, as they mimic
forests, will also provide a lively habitat which is able to harbor wildlife and different bird species. The birds in
turn help to facilitate pollination and serve as a biological insect control for their unceasing foraging. It is
therefore from this integrated farming system that the best quality coffee beans are produced. However, as a
result of the increased demand for coffee, a higher way of productivity, that is growing coffee plant in the open
sun, was developed for coffee farming. This approach is followed by the continual application of chemical
fertilizers and pesticides to keep up with the plants' faster growth rate and to make up for the loss of nutrients Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 8, No. 9; 2015
(because of severe soil erosion and removal of nitrogen-fixing trees from the surface).
The increased shift from shade grown to open sun coffee crop production systems has affected the quality of
coffee available to most consumers. Apart from that, the drastic shift in the mode of coffee production
manifested a severe decline in the density as well as species diversity of migratory birds. For example, a research
made in Mexico have found out that, 94-97% fewer bird species in sun grown coffee than in shade grown coffee
farms (Kent et al., 2006). Amidst of the ecological benefits of forest trees for the sustainable and organic
production of coffee as well as the benefits in conserving and use of coffee genetic resources, the forest
resources are being cleared rapidly from the earth’s surface at an alarming rate as a result of deforestation, land
use and land cover change. In Ethiopia, deforestation is estimated at 10,000 ha/year in the southwestern coffee
growing regions (Mekuria, et. al., 2004). As a result of this the fauna and flora genetic resources of the country
are being threatened posing a problem to the sustained development of the country.
2. Objectives
The objectives of this article are i) to explore the effect of tree shade on the yield and life span of coffee and ii)
highlight multiple impacts of natural resources conservation like forest, land, etc. due the combined effect of
coffee production under tree shade.
3. Methodology
For the compilation of this articles a set of summaries were drawn in the form of a critical analysis and
discussion, by considering a range of awareness of differing arguments, theories and approaches. Guided by the
research objective a synthesis and analysis of the related different information and findings which are linked to
the theme and rationale of the article were identified and analyzed from various sources.
The paper attempted to justify the scope of the relationship among tree shade and coffee life span and yield by
interpreting a number of facts. The review also compared and contrasted the different views and issues of the
effect of shade on coffee life span and yield by highlighting exemplary research studies. The analysis also
highlighted the research gaps to be addressed in other further research.
4. Results
Growing coffee under tree shade is among the prominent agronomic practices in traditional organic coffee
growing systems. Growing coffee under a tree shade provides ideal microclimate for growth and production of
coffee bushes by damping the diurnal ambient air temperature oscillations. The system is also an ideal way of
organic farming as the leaf and other falls of the tree shade will add to the organic matter content of the soil by
contributing organic biomass to the litter. As a biological soil and water conservation mechanism, shade trees
also minimize soil and water erosion by reducing the intensity of rain reaching the ground. Apart from this, the
deep root system of most trees helps facilitating the filtration of rain water into the inner layers of the soil strata
and thereof reducing surface run-off of rainwater and at the same time contributes in recharging the ground water.
Shade trees likewise reduce evaporation from the land surface and evapotranspiration from plants. Further to
creating hostile settings for pests (eg. white stem borer), shade trees are likewise are stated to harbor a range of
predatory birds and natural enemies of pests consequently contributing towards their natural and biological
control and hence contributing to the organic production of coffee. Shaded coffee plantations compare quite
favorably to natural forest as refuges for migratory birds and also have high potential as refugees for the
conservation of biodiversity (Perfecto et al., 1996). Furthermore, shade trees can also serve as pathways or
stopovers for the migration of animal species between micro-organisms. Under shade trees, there are two
ecological functions (energy flow and bio-geo-chemical cycling), both taking place via complex interactions
among organisms as well as between organisms and their surrounding physical environment, which in turn will
help to stabilize the ecosystem. Therefore, such an agroforestry system of growing coffee under tree shades will
enable the natural ecosystem to regulate itself by increasing the fact that coffee crop production in Ethiopia is
said to be a natural way of growing coffee and hence organic. Naturally, coffee plants do not tolerate excessive
light intensity. Excessive light intensity as indicated by (Kitao et al. 2000), affects plant growth by promoting
photo oxidation of chloroplast components which provoke a reduction of productivity of the plant as a result of
photo inhibition. However, shade trees were found to reduce the percentage of light intensity reaching coffee
bushes. Apart from that, growing coffee under tree shade supports not only for the longer term maintenance of
yields from the coffee plant but also reduces periodic over-bearing and subsequent die back of coffee plants. In
addition to this, shade is also believed to delay the maturation period of coffee berries, which in turn results in a
better bean filling and larger bean size. Indeed, research findings revealed that beans produced from shade grown
coffee do have a better quality than those produced from open environments and as a result have higher market
value than those grown in an open sun. Among other ecological benefits shade trees are believed to provide Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 8, No. 9; 2015
substantial economic benefit to coffee growers in the form of woody, firewood, edible fruits, etc. This is
therefore, a worthy compromise among an acceptable decline in coffee plant productivity and a diversification of
revenues from sales of timber products and fruit (for example banana).
In terms creating an ambient microclimate, shade trees have an effect on reducing the maximum and raise the
minimum temperatures. In Indonesia, the temperature recorded in shaded fields’ average 7oc lower during the
day and 3oc higher during the night, in comparison with open fields precautions were taken to protect against the
direct effect of the sun, as a result of shade the yield of coffee is increased by 5% (Cramer, 1957).
Thomas (1997) claimed that shade is especially valuable when coffee is growing on poor soil or when it is
subjected to hot dry spells, he also report that trees specially provide nutrients by digging out to the coffee by
their deep root systems.
The rate of photosynthesis is slower under conditions of high light intensity, but it was emphasized that this was
only valid for the shrubs outer leaves than those on the inside being shaded by neighboring leaves (self-shading)
and therefore under more favorable conditions for carbon assimilation (Rene, 1992).
Shade also has a moderating effect on floral conduction and fruiting by reducing excessive heat from the sun.
Shade also reduces evapotranspiration and enables the coffee tree to withstand prolonged periods of moisture
stress. In addition to this, the thermo protection for shrubs also continues through the night and contributes to the
avoidance of an excessive drop in temperature. In high altitude regions, the difference in temperature between
the shaded and the outside environment can be 4 to 5oc, in the top soil layers, a lower temperature prevents the
organic matter from decomposing too rapidly.
Soil under tree shade is also protected from excessive heat, and is therefore less prone to drying out. This will
enable the rootlets to continue their nutritive activities in the system. Soils under tree shade are also less sensitive
to erosion caused by rain and wind. Since it reduces the availability of sunlight in the ground, tree shade is also
believed to suppress the prevalence of weeds. Tree shade also protects the coffee plant from the morning low
temperatures in high altitude areas. Tree shades also play a pivotal role in terms of moisture conservation in the
given microclimate.
Gordon (1988) also demonstrates die back caused by pseudomonas syringe, which occurs at high altitudes on
mount Elgon in Kenya and Uganda, and hot and cold with which it is always associated is worse with low night
temperatures and is reduced by growing the coffee under a shade.
5. Discussion
Growing coffee under shade is a fundamental principle in coffee growing system as follows:
5.1 Impact to Micro-Climate
Shade trees have a pivotal role on creating ambient micro-climate for coffee plantations in particular and for the
integral ecological system of the coffee tracts in general. Tree shades basically help to reduce the amount of heat
reaching the coffee plant during the day time and protects the coffee plants from the evening and night low
temperatures as the trees will serve as a cover and protection, hence contribute for the creation of ambient
micro-climate which suits well for the growth and development of coffee bushes. Tree shades also protect coffee
plants from destruction by hailstorms and winds by acting as a physical barrier. These benefits are attainable
only under mixed shade canopy environments.
5.2 Contribute to Soil Fertility
Various researches revealed that, trees contribute biomass (leaf litter, small twigs, etc.), which is among the
essential elements of maintaining the organic matter content in the soil. Organic matter rich soils can also can
also create conducive environment for many beneficial microorganisms like nitrogen fixers, etc. Nitrogen fixing
bacteria help in fixation of atmospheric nitrogen into the soil thereby enriching soil with nitrogen. Besides,
organic matter rich soils are also known for enhanced retention of nutrients through its binding effect, which
otherwise would have lost by leaching during heavy rains. Various nutrients in the deep strata of soil will also be
absorbed by the deep root system of trees and will be availed to the upper layers of the soil in the form of
biomass, thus recycling of nutrients from deeper layers is facilitated by the shade trees.
5.3 Soil and Moisture Conservation
The top surface layer of soil is always exposed to different sources of erosion. Therefore, conserving the top
fertile soil from degradation is an important crop management practice for sustained growth and development of
coffee plants. Shade trees help to minimize the erosive power of rainfall by acting as a physical barrier in
reducing the intensity of the rain reaching the ground. Shade trees also help in the deep infiltration of rain water Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 8, No. 9; 2015
as a result of their deep rooting system; this in turn will contribute for the recharging of ground water.
Shaded plantations are also well protected against drought effects. The cool temperature above the coffee bushes
due to shade, ensure that the loss of soil moisture through evaporation and transpiration is minimized. Besides,
the shaded plantations being rich in soil organic matter retain moisture for longer periods during dry months
when compared to open conditions.
5.4 Shade as a Tool for Pest/ Disease Management
Shade provides efficient biological management tool for the control of major pests and diseases like coffee white
stem borer and leaf rust in Arabica coffee. It is well documented that White Stem Borer is active in open patches
and these open patches provide ideal conditions for spread of the pest to the neighboring plants. The activity of
borer beetles is stifled at cooler temperatures. Thus providing uniform shade is one of the major mechanisms for
the effective management of the white stem borer. Besides providing unfavorable conditions for white stem borer,
the shade trees are also reported to harbor a variety of predatory birds and natural enemies of white stem borer
thus contributing towards natural and biological control of the pest.
5.5 Reducing the Biennial Bearing in Coffee
Shade is reported to help not only in the long term maintenance of coffee yields but also to even out erratic
yields caused by periodic over bearing and subsequent die back. This is attributed as a result of the fact that
shade decreases the amount of light reaching the coffee plants which reduces the potential yields.
5.6 Shade Trees as Source of Income
Under careful management system, shade trees provide substantial revenue to the coffee growers in the form of
timber, firewood, edible fruits, etc. However, excess opening of shade beyond the recommended level or felling
of trees for timber purpose for short term benefits can become counterproductive in the long run. Shade grown
coffee has also a strong contribution towards preservation of ecosystem in coffee areas and also conservation of
certain bird species.
5.7 Desirable Trees to Serve as Shade for Coffee
An ideal shade tree should belong to leguminous family (as they can fix atmospheric nitrogen into soil) and have
a tall spreading growth habit, small leaves and should be resistant to wind damage. Considering the above
parameters, the trees identified as suitable for coffee plantations are Albizia sp., Ficus sp., Acacia albida, Cordial
africana, Leucena leucocephale, Citrus sinensis, Sesbania sesban, Grevilia robusta, Plerocarpus marsupium,
Cedrella toona, Artocarpus integrifolia, Artocarpus hirsute, Bischofia javanica, Erythirna lithosperma,
Terminalia bellarica, etc. It is desirable to have a mixture of all these trees in a given plantation for providing top
canopy shade.
5.8 Research Gaps
The intensity of shade in a plantation shall vary depending on climate, growth stage, etc thus; further studies
should be done in order to investigate the appropriate shade percentage and the compatibility of shade giving
plants and coffee. In addition to these, investigating the severity of competition between shade and coffee plants
for both nutrient and water is another line of work to be addressed.
6. Conclusion and Recommendations
Shade reduces and stabilizes soil and air temperature; increases and preserves surface soil humidity and also
reduces the direct light intensity reaching the coffee plant which has a principal role towards amplified
production of coffee. Growing coffee under shade trees is essential not for the sustenance of coffee plantations
but also for protecting the environment in the ecologically delicate regions. Coffee growers should maintain and
proceed with their traditional coffee growing husbandry in order to optimize their coffee production system and
manage their natural resource before the ecosystem will be either completely wiped out or irreversibly ruined
due to the current production system, growing coffee in an open sun.
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... However, organic fertilizer alone is said to be insufcient and sluggish in releasing P to crops [26,27]. Terefore, partial substitution of an inorganic fertilizer with organic substances such as manure in tropical soils could be very efective in improving the efciency of applied P by changing its adsorption and desorption processes due to their synergistic efects [16,28]. ...
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... Furthermore, frequent farming to the intensified land and changing of practices might result for SOM decline by reducing soil aggregate stability used to hold soil moisture content (Li et al., 2008). Such as in latest years, the complex coffee agroforestry system has been observed to mimics a dense multi-story canopy forest with a nicely functions as a watershed (Alemu, 2015). But in a decades ago, the thick coffee agroforestry systems have declined due to land use changes which affects most of the coffee producing areas (Eakin et al., 2006). ...
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... The purpose of shade growing is not simply to keep the heat off the coffee plants but to create a localised micro-climate where soil temperature and humidity are controlled and a generally more biodiverse and sustainable local environment created. Pests are reduced through their predators, such as birds, thriving (Alemu, 2015). Crop yields and coffee cherry sizes increase (Muschler, 2001). ...
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The problem statement for this study was how to improve the sustainability of the Arabica coffee bean growing industry in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand. The focus from that was how to improve the quality of the beans to optimise sale price whilst also maximising yield to optimise income. Another issue arises, particularly in the era of global warming and increased environmental concern, which is embracing commercial imperatives whilst also being environmentally friendly. To that extent a general toolkit of actions can be proposed for the production process but concurrently seeking not simply to sustain the Arabica industry but the whole local environment, its flora and fauna and farming and other families. The final question then becomes how relevant general concepts are in specific local areas of particular terroir (simplifying, soil, climate and topography, particularly altitude) and how adaptive they need to be not only in terms of the geophysical environment but also the human environment and its traditions. Detailed testimony was received from local farmers.
... The purpose of shade growing is not simply to keep the heat off the coffee plants but to create a localised micro-climate where soil temperature and humidity are controlled and a generally more biodiverse and sustainable local environment created. Pests are reduced through their predators, such as birds, thriving (Alemu, 2015). Crop yields and coffee cherry sizes increase (Muschler, 2001). ...
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The problem statement for this study was how to improve the sustainability of the Arabica coffee bean growing industry in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand. The focus from that was how to improve the quality of the beans to optimise sale price whilst also maximising yield to optimise income. Another issue arises, particularly in the era of global warming and increased environmental concern, which is embracing commercial imperatives whilst also being environmentally friendly. To that extent a general toolkit of actions can be proposed for the production process but concurrently seeking not simply to sustain the Arabica industry but the whole local environment, its flora and fauna and farming and other families. The final question then becomes how relevant general concepts are in specific local areas of particular terroir (simplifying, soil, climate and topography, particularly altitude) and how adaptive they need to be not only in terms of the geophysical environment but also the human environment and its traditions. Detailed testimony was received from local farmers. | KEYWORDS Arabica, Chiang Rai, coffee, Northern Thailand, sustainability, agroforestry, regenerative agriculture, carbon capture, carbon offset.
... The low yields may be attributed to soil nutrient deficiencies, high disease incidences and temperature extremes associated with exposure of coffee to direct sunshine (Ayalew, 2018). Shade trees also alleviate nutrient deficiencies in soils under coffee through decomposition of leaf litter (Alemu, 2015) and control incidences and severity of Coffee Leaf Rust disease in arabica coffee (Beer et al., 1998;UCDA, 2018). Furthermore, shade trees buffer high and low temperature extremes by as much as 5 0 C (Beer et al., 1998;Wang et al., 2015). ...
Agroforestry tree management is essential for minimizing negative tree shading effects in intensive smallholder farming systems. In this study, we hypothesized that tree canopy pruning would positively influence the relative growth performance and productivity of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) and common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) growing under Cordia africana and Albizia coriaria trees. The trees were subjected to a 50% pruning regime at a 6-month interval over a period of 20 months (July 2018 - February 2020), and common beans were introduced following local planting seasons. Yields of parchment coffee were highest under pruned Albizia (949 kg/ha), followed by coffee under unpruned Albizia (792kg/ha). Unshaded coffee produced the least yield at 402 kg/ha and 422 kg/ha in the Albizia and Cordia sites respectively. The highest common beans yields (708 and 688 Kg/ha) were obtained from common beans planted in open field sites, followed by those grown under unshaded coffee sites. Beans that were planted under unpruned Cordia gave the least yield of 420 kg/ha. Unlike coffee, there was a significant variation in yield of common beans across the different management options (P<0.05). The low yields from coffee and common beans under unpruned trees may have resulted from below and above ground competition consistently outweighing the benefits of shade. Assessment of the different coffee and common beans yield components, and their interactions provided practical information on management interventions that can potentially improve coffee and common beans yields. The results of this study show that agroforestry tree canopy pruning is an important on-farm management decision for controlling competition in coffee-bean agroforestry systems and subsequently increasing crop yields, while prolonging the period of intercropping in such intensive farming systems.
... Additionally, because they can synthesize and store more nutrients, these plants can maintain relatively good growth even in nutrient-poor environments [9]; plant height affects the interaction between plants and their surrounding environment. Tall plants can better shield against wind and rain, providing shelter for shorter plants, and their root systems can also absorb water and nutrients from the soil more deeply, contributing to soil stability [10]. In ecosystems, plants of different heights form a rich hierarchical structure, which is beneficial for maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance [11]; the specific leaf area (SLA) is positively correlated with a plant's light-capturing efficiency and comparative growth rate [12]. ...
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The crown closure of Platycladus orientalis forests has a wide-ranging impact on vegetation and soil, thereby affecting the overall functioning of the ecosystem. There is limited research on the effects of the Platycladus orientalis forest crown closure on changes in community plant functional traits, and their interactions are not yet clear. Therefore, we investigated 50 plots of different types of Platycladus orientalis crown closure, and we measured the functional traits of nine shrub species and 68 herb species in 50 plots under five different densities of Platycladus orientalis forests in the Loess Plateau. The consequence of Pearson’s correlation analysis showed significant positive correlations between LC and LTD, LN and LP, LN and LNP, LN and LV, LN and H, LP and LV, LP and H, and SLA and LV (p < 0.05). LC was significantly negatively correlated with LP, LC with SLA, LC with LV, LN with LTD, LP with LNP, LP with LTD, and LTD with H (p < 0.05). Only the soil phosphorus content (SP) and soil water content (SWC) showed a significant positive correlation with multiple plant functional traits. The crown closure of Platycladus orientalis forests increased significantly, as did the plant functional features. Changes in the Platycladus orientalis forest crown closure significantly increased the LC, LV, LN, LP, and SLA in plant functional traits. An increase in Platycladus orientalis forest crown closure significantly increased the soil organic carbon (SC), soil phosphorus content (SP), soil nitrogen content (SN), soil water content (SWC), field capacity (FC), and soil porosity (PO). Based on a structural equation model, we found that, while changes in the Platycladus orientalis forest crown closure did not directly affect plant functional traits, they could indirectly influence these traits through soil factors, primarily the soil water content (SWC) and soil phosphorus content (SP) (p < 0.05). Additionally, the mechanisms of the Platycladus orientalis forest crown closure’s impact on different functional traits vary. The research results provide scientific elements for the ecological restoration of Platycladus orientalis forests on the Loess Plateau.
... Organic fertilizers such as farmyard manure, chicken litter, cattle or sheep dung, compost, and bio-fertilizers can be used efficiently as an alternative to chemical fertilizers in various production systems of crops (Ghorbani et al., 2008;Hammad et al., 2011). The mixed application of organic manures and mineral fertilizers adds more nutrient value to the soil without much damaging its physical and chemical properties and is economically more viable for resource-poor farmers in terms of cost reduction due to the extremely high prices of the bags of mineral fertilizer (Alemu, 2015). It is a cost-effective approach and can produce maximum yield per unit area with minimum available inputs and thereby ensuring more income for farmers. ...
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Purpose: The small-holding farmers tend to follow traditional farming systems over sustainable systems of productivity. A strategy was devised to introduce an agricultural system that ensures sustainable yield production and restores diversity in the agroecosystem. The research trial was performed to evaluate the net productivity and economic viability of the sorghum and mungbean intercropping system using an integrated nutrient management strategy. Research Method: The study comprised both split and combined doses of nationally recommended organic and mineral sources of fertilizers using mungbean and sorghum as sole and intercrops in the following sequence of treatments; T 0 = unfertilized, T 1 = 100% compost, T 2 = 100% farmyard manure, T 3 = 50% N & 50% P 2 O 5 , T 4 = 50% compost + 25% N & 25% P 2 O 5 , T 5 = 50% farmyard manure + 25% N & 25% P 2 O 5. Findings: The results revealed that the sole cropping system was dominant over intercrop with a maximum grain or seed yield of 2229.1 kg ha-1 , a biological yield of 7230.3 kg ha-1 , and a harvest index of 30.34% of mungbean was obtained in sole standing of the crop. Similarly, the sole culture of sorghum gave a maximum grain or seed yield of 2779.8 kg ha-1 , a biological or biomass yield of 10473 kg ha-1 , and a harvest index of 25.63% compared to the mixed culture of sorghum and mungbean. The treatments with integrated nutrient supply gave significant results (P≤0.05) of all yield parameters in mungbean and sorghum compared to those where these fertilizers were applied in split doses. The economic analysis showed that mungbean-sorghum intercrop gave maximum net income benefits of PKR 225628 ha-1 and PKR 218635 ha-1 and the highest benefit-cost ratio of 1.91 and 1.90 in NP + compost and NP + farmyard manure, respectively. Research Limitations: A particular cereal might not be compatible with a legume, so further studies at the farmer field level in different locations are needed to ensure the compatibility of the crops and the suitability of the cropping system. Originality/Value: The short-duration growth pattern of cereal and legume grown in proximity affirms maximum yield and income benefits per unit area of land and thereby has great significance for farming communities to get more returns with limited available resources.
... There is a consensus that attributes these adaptive changes in shade to a much longer physiological process (Alemu, 2015;Cannell, 1985;Chaves et al., 2008;DaMatta, 2004;Smith and Whitelam, 1997). The starting point to explain the seasonal lag in production lies in the phenology of the plant and in the role of water stress and thermal regime on the distribution of carbon in the different organs of the coffee tree. ...
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The experiment was developed under production conditions on a farm in the Santa Ana city, south-central region of the province of Manabí, Ecuador, in a mountainous area of approximately 300 meters above sea level. Coffee (Coffea arabica, sp.) production is carried out in a context of peasant family agriculture, with an agroforestry system with coffee trees of the Sarchimor variety planted at 1.5 x 1.5 m, interspersed with tree species typical of the dry forest. The system involves manual weed control, without fertilization, irrigation, phytosanitary control, or shade regulation. In this scenario, and during an experimental period of 90 days (03/08/2022 - 26/10/2022), phenological variables of coffee trees maintained in a study area of 50 x 50 m at a high (S1: 51-70%) and low (S3: 1-30%) shade level was compared with those obtained at an intermediate shade level considered as standard (S2: 31-50%). The phenological variables related to vegetative development (Total Branches) of coffee plants showed higher values in S2 compared to S1 and S3. These results are related to the higher photosynthetic activity associated with the higher intensity of incident solar radiation, although the relationship is not linear. In our results, flowering and fruiting were not affected by the level of shade, nor were their precursors, such as nodes per productive branch and productive nodes per productive branch. On the other hand, coffee plants at full sun exposure in S1, without shade, decreased chlorophyll measured in SPAD units, as a possible compensation for the increase in photosynthetically active uptake in that condition.
The shade plants regulate the microclimate of the coffee plants when integrated with or under pine, alnus, mango, and chayote. Significant reduction was noted on the minimum and maximum air temperature, soil temperature, wind velocity, and light intensity, while no differences found in the relative humidity. The microclimate changes are favorable for the growth and development of the coffee trees. Likewise, the socioeconomic capacity and the agroforestry-based coffee growing practiced by farmers in Atok, Benguet, Philippines to adapt to the effect of the climatic hazards make them moderately adaptive to climate change. The coffee growers in the municipality of Tublay, Benguet, Philippines, are moderately vulnerable due to higher exposures to the climate hazards and few adaptation technologies practiced. Despite low wealth level that constrain them to readily spend for cost of technological adaptations, the coffee growers are planting cash crops to augment their income and increase their resilience. Further, agroforestry-based coffee planting also promotes favorable microclimate condition, biodiversity conservation, and soil protection.
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Shade trees reduce the stress of coffee (Coffea spp.) and cacao (Theobroma cacao) by ameliorating adverse climatic conditions and nutritional imbalances, but they may also compete for growth resources. For example, shade trees buffer high and low temperature extremes by as much as 5 °C and can produce up to 14 Mg ha−1 yr−1 of litterfall and pruning residues, containing up to 340 kg N ha−1 yr−1. However, N2 fixation by leguminous shade trees grown at a density of 100 to 300 trees ha−1 may not exceed 60 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Shade tree selection and management are potentially important tools for integrated pest management because increased shade may increase the incidence of some commercially important pests and diseases (such as Phythphora palmivora and Mycena citricolor) and decrease the incidence of others (such as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Cercospora coffeicola). In Central America, merchantable timber production from commercially important shade tree species, such as Cordia alliodora, is in the range of 4−6 m3 ha−1 yr−1. The relative importance and overall effect of the different interactions between shade trees and coffee/cacao are dependent upon site conditions (soil/climate), component selection (species/varieties/provenances), belowground and aboveground characteristics of the trees and crops, and management practices. On optimal sites, coffee can be grown without shade using high agrochemical inputs. However, economic evaluations, which include off-site impacts such as ground water contamination, are needed to judge the desirability of this approach. Moreover, standard silvicultural practices for closed plantations need to be adapted for open-grown trees within coffee/cacao plantations.
The susceptibility to photoinhibition of tree species from three different successional stages were examined using chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange techniques. The three deciduous broadleaf tree species were Betula platyphylla var. japonica, pioneer and early successional, Quercus mongolica, intermediate shade-tolerant and mid-successional, and Acer mono, shade-tolerant and late successional. Tree seedlings were raised under three light regimes: full sunlight (open), 10% full sun, and 5% full sun. Susceptibility to photoinhibition was assessed on the basis of the recovery kinetics of the ratio of vaviable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) of detached leaf discs exposed to about 2000 μmol m−1 s−1 photon flux density (PFD) for 2 h under controlled conditions (25 to 28 °C, fully hydrated). Differences in susceptibility to photodamage among species were not significant in the open and 10% full sun treatments. But in 5% full sun, B. platyphylla sustained a significantly greater photodamage than other species, probably associated with having the lowest photosynthetic capacity indicated by light-saturated photosynthetic rate (B. platyphylla, 9·87, 5·85 and 2·82; Q. mongolica, 8·05, 6·28 and 4·41; A. mono, 7·93, 6·11 and 5·08 μmol CO2 m−1 s−1for open, 10% and 5% full sun, respectively). To simulate a gap formation and assess its complex effects including high temperature and water stress in addition to strong light on the susceptibility to photoinhibition, we examined photoinhibition in the field by means of monitoring ΔF/F′m on the first day of transfer to natural daylight. Compared with ΔF/F′m in AM, the lower ΔF/F′m in PM responding to lower PFD following high PFD around noon indicated that photoinhibition occurred in plants grown in 10 and 5% full sun. The diurnal changes of ΔF/F′m showed that Q. mongolica grown in 5% full sun was less susceptible to photoinhibition than A. mono although they showed little differences both in photosynthetic capacity in intact leaves and susceptibility to photoinhibition based on leaf disc measurements. These results suggest that shade-grown Q. mongolica had a higher tolerance for additional stresses such as high temperature and water stress in the field, possibly due to their lower plasticity in leaf anatomy to low light environment.
A field experiment was conducted from 1984 to 1994 in the North of Paraná State, Brazil (23°45′ S, 52°30′ W), to evaluate the effect of Grevillea robusta (grevillea) on interplanted coffee. Grevillea was planted in five densities (26, 34, 48, 71, and 119 trees per ha). Compared with open grown coffee, there was no decline in the yield of coffee under grevillea at densities of 26, 34, and 48 trees per ha; however, total economic productivity (including the value of both coffee and grevillea) was higher for combinations of coffee and grevillea at 34, 48, and 71 trees per ha. The severe radiative frost of June 1994 that damaged most coffee plants did not damage coffee plants interplanted under grevillea trees at densities of 71 and 119 trees per hectare.
The Status of Coffee Production and Potential for Organic Conversion in Ethiopia
  • T Mekuria
  • D Neuhoff
  • U Köpke
Mekuria, T., Neuhoff, D., & Köpke, U. (2004). The Status of Coffee Production and Potential for Organic Conversion in Ethiopia. University of Bonn, Institute of Organic Agriculture. Bonn, Germany.
the cultivation and relation of Robusta coffee in Uganda
  • A Thomas
Thomas, A. (1947). the cultivation and relation of Robusta coffee in Uganda, 65-81.
Some Aspects of the Physiology of Arabica coffee: the central problem and the need for synthesis
  • P Huxley
Huxley, P. (1970). Some Aspects of the Physiology of Arabica coffee: the central problem and the need for synthesis. In L. C. Luckwill, & C. V. Cutting (Eds.), Physiology of Tree Crops (pp. 155-268). Academic Press, London, UK.