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Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics Part B
:152001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Spinal Cord Monitoring in Neuromuscular Scoliosis
Stuart K. Tucker, F.R.C.S. Orth. , M. H. H. Noordeen, F.R.C.S. Orth. , and
Matthew C. Pitt, M.D., F.R.C.P.†
The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore; and The Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond
Street, London, UK
Summary: This article reviews the use of spinal cord
monitoring in neuromuscular scoliosis, a condition having
a higher incidence of true positive results than idiopathic
scoliosis. While somatosensory cortical evoked potentials
SCEP are unreliable, somatosensory spinal evoked po-
tentials SSEP are possible to obtain in most cases and a
method using an epidural electrode is described. The ‘50%
rule’ is satisfactory having good specificity and sensitivity
with it rare for post-operative paralysis to have occurred
undetected. The spinal cord in these cases appears to have
increased susceptibility particularly during the passage of
sublaminar wires with the incidence of complications re-
duced using modern instrumentation. Key Words: Spinal
cord monitoringScoliosisNeuromuscular Scoliosis.
Intraoperative monitoring of spinal cord function
is now a routine accompaniment to complex spinal
surgery, providing a continuous means to assess the
integrity of the spinal cord. The recovery of
postoperative neurologic deficits shows a directly
proportional relationship to the speed of removal of
instrumentation 11 . Theoretically, earlier detection
of spinal cord dysfunction allows immediate inter-
vention and the possible prevention of any neuro-
logic deficit.
In most spinal surgery units, spinal cord moni-
toring has replaced the Stagnara wake-up test. The
latter, however, is still of clinical importance should
there be a significant change in intraoperative moni-
toring. However, the wake-up test is not always
practical in patients with neuromuscular scoliosis,
owing to muscle weakness and mental retardation
18 . Ž.
Somatosensory cortical evoked potentials SCEP
have been found to be unreliable and nonspecific in
neuromuscular scoliosis. Somatosensory spinal
evoked potential SSEP monitoring, however, is
useful for the detection of neurologic injury. The
detection of true-positive results is higher in neuro-
muscular scoliosis, when compared with idiopathic
scoliosis. In neuromuscular patients, SSEP moni-
toring is less sensitive and specific, and there are
more false-negative results. An amplified loss, less
Address correspondence to M.H.H. Noordeen FRCS, 107
Harley Street, London, WIN 1DG.
than 50% of baseline, may still be associated with
significant neurologic deficit.
The recording technique currently in use at The
Hospital for Sick Children is described. Evoked po-
tential recordings are made, at the time of opera-
tion, using a commercial electromyography EMG
and evoked potential machine. Two disposable, ad-
hesive and pre-gelled electrodes are applied to each
popliteal fossa with the cathode proximal, and an
earth electrode placed on the posterior thigh. These
are connected to the stimulator outputs of the
The evoked potentials are recorded with a 4 F
bipolar electrode, inserted into the epidural space,
cephalad to the highest proposed level of fusion, by
either direct incision of the ligamentum flavum,
through a large bore intravenous cannula or via an
epidural needle placed by the anaesthetist before
skin incision.
The legs are stimulated alternately with the stimu-
lus intensity increased until a reproducible signal
could be identified. If no signal is obtained, technical
failure must be excluded before concluding that the
response is absent. The stimulation duration is 0.5
ms and the rate 20 Hz, with 100 stimuli per test. The
recording parameters are: low-frequency filter, 200
Hz; high frequency, 2 kHz; input sensitivity, 50
Vrcm; and average sensitivity, 0.5
FIG. 1. Typical visual display.
Cursors are applied manually and the maximum
amplitude difference of the polyphasic waveform
measured, usually of the second or third waveform.
The latency is measured to the start of the response.
Recordings are made repeatedly, with the stimulus
alternating between the two lower limbs Fig. 1 .
A failure of monitoring is represented by no
recordable responses after all known cases of techni-
cal error have been excluded. Achievement of re-
sponses from only one lower limb is not considered
a technical failure.
Approximately one-quarter of monitored patients
show a fall of 10% to 50% in sensory evoked poten-
tial SEP amplitude during surgery. A 60% fall in
peak-to-peak amplitude of the evoked potential wave
carried a 10-fold increase in the risk of neurologic
complication 10 . The latency of the evoked poten-
tial and the duration of the recorded waveform are
TABLE 1. Classification of sensory e¨oked potentials 15
Classification Definition
True-negative No change in trace
No neurologic sequelae
False-negative No change in trace
Neurologic sequelae
True-positive Change in trace that can be related to surgery;
does not necessarily mean neurologic sequelae
False-positve Change in trace cannot be related to surgical
or anaesthetic events
No neurologic sequelae
of no significance in the prediction of neurologic
outcome 8 .
The present rule is that an amplitude fall of 50%
from the initial baseline should be considered sig-
nificant 3,9,16 and carries a risk of spinal cord
injury Table 1 .
False-positive SSEPs are not infrequent during
intraoperative monitoring and are usually caused by
technical problems or environmental factors unre-
lated to surgical manipulation. These include equip-
ment failure, electrode movement, alterations in
blood pressure, depth of anaesthesia and tempera-
ture changes.
Hypotensive anaesthesia has significantly reduced
operative blood loss and blood-product requirement.
It does, however, have a deleterious effect, espe-
cially on SCEPs, but may affect SSEPs to a lesser
degree. Anaesthesia appears to have a significant
effect on the amplitude of SCEPs; especially those
recorded from patients undergoing surgery for neu-
romuscular scoliosis.
Decreased body temperature will typically in-
crease the latency of a response because of slowing
in conduction velocity. A gradual increase in latency
TABLE 2. Modes of neurologic injury
Sublaminar wirerhook passage
Distraction instrumentation
Derotation instrumentation
J Pediatr Orthop Part B, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2001
is common during an operative procedure owing to
cooling of the patient 7 . Latency increase without
significant loss of SEP amplitude is not associated
with neurologic complications Table 2 .
SSEPS are primarily an indication of dorsal
column integrity and do not provide information
about the more clinically relevant motor pathways.
However, motor evoked potential MEP monitoring
has not yet been refined sufficiently to facilitate its
use routinely. SSEP monitoring therefore relies on
intraoperative events affecting descending motor
pathways producing concurrent changes in dorsal
column activity.
Postoperative paralysis has been reported despite
normal SCEP monitoring perioperatively 2,6 . In
the majority of these cases, the operated deformity
was principally kyphosis, which accounts for 30% of
cases of major neurologic complication 11 . It is
likely that the cause of neurologic injury in such
cases is vascular, with infarction, initially of the
anterior portion of the cord, explaining the immedi-
ate postoperative finding of motor paralysis despite
normal SEPs during monitoring. Experimentally,
motor cordotomy has been performed without SEP
change 13 .
It is generally assumed that, in the absence of a
50% fall of epidural SEP amplitude, which is not
rapidly reversible, the risk of clinically significant
motor tract damage must be exceedingly low. How-
ever, the need for concurrent, reliable MEP and
SSEP monitoring is clear.
Ashkenaze et al. 1 found SCEP monitoring to be
unreliable and nonspecific in 101 patients under-
going neuromuscular scoliosis surgery, and con-
sidered it nonefficacious in preventing or detecting
spinal cord injury when used alone. Of note in their
study was the inability to obtain adequate baseline
tracings in 28% of their patients.
Owen et al. 14 found that, with the use of
multiple recording sites, a reliable cortical or sub-
cortical SEP could be obtained in 90% of neuromus-
cular patients. Furthermore, with the addition of
MEPs, a reliable response was present in 96% of
patients. It was possible to obtain reliable myogenic
or neurogenic MEPs in all patients with some motor
function demonstrable before surgery. Owen et al.
14 considered that the combined use of multiple
recording sites and multiple modalities improved
their capability to monitor spinal cord function suc-
cessfully in patients with neuromuscular scoliosis.
Williamson and Galasko 18 documented 60 neu-
romuscular patients 30 Duchenne muscular dystro-
phy DMD , 6 myelomeningocele, 6 spinal muscular
atrophy SMA , 7 cerebral palsy, 11 miscellaneous
conditions . They obtained satisfactory SSEP traces
in all but two patients one FA, one myelo-
meningocele . Using the classification of Szalay 15 ,
true negative responses occurred in 43 patients and
true-positive responses in 15 patients, invariably as-
sociated with the tightening of a sublaminar wire. In
11 of these patients, the SEP trace returned to its
control latency and amplitude after loosening of the
wire, which was later tightened uneventfully. In one
patient, the SEP trace did not recover until all the
sublaminar wires had been loosened. Instrumenta-
tion was therefore abandoned and an in situ fusion
performed, without consequence. Szalay 15 found
no false-positive and no false-negative results, and in
no case did the postoperative neurologic state differ
from the preoperative state.
The largest reported series is that of Forbes et al.
5 . They detailed 1168 consecutive cases with SSEP
monitoring in scoliosis surgery, of which 21% were
congenital or neuromuscular curves. No technically
adequate tracing could be obtained in 26 patients
2.2% .
In neuromuscular scoliosis and, particularly, the
cerebral palsy and CharcotMarieTooth groups,
altered neural pathways between the applied stimu-
lus and the sensory cortex may account for the high
rate of nonreproducible tracings. The higher success
rate of obtaining a reproducible waveform in DMD
and polio patients reflects the underlying integrity of
the sensory pathway being tested. Ž.
One hundred and nineteen 10.5% patients
showed a drop in amplitude of greater than 50% of
the initial SEP on one or both sides at some time
during the operation. In 35 of these patients, the
loss of trace resolved spontaneously or when the
recording electrode was repositioned. None of this
group suffered neurologic complications. The re-
maining 84 patients with persistent depression of
more than 50% included all but one of the 33
patients 2.7% who suffered neurologic complica-
tions. Of the group with persistent SSEP decre-
ments, 38% had neuromuscular scolioses.
The overall incidence of SSEP fall was 7.2% and
that of neurologic complication was 2.7%. These
incidences were significantly higher in patients with
neuromuscular scoliosis, most due to DMD or SMA,
than for patients with idiopathic and osteogenic
curves P-0.01 .
All patients who sustained neurologic complica-
tions at operation recovered to some degree. Most
of the serious episodes were related to distraction of
the spine or to wire placement and tightening. Of
the 84 patients with significant SEP decrements, 53
received instrumentation with an applied distraction
force. All the neuromuscular patients received Luque
This series has a highly significant false-negative
rate P-0.001 , suggesting that, in the absence of
J Pediatr Orthop Part B, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2001
technical failures, SSEP traces that remain above
50% of their initial value will not be associated with
clinically detectable neurologic complications.
An SSEP fall of 50% or greater in initial SSEP
amplitude should be considered significant. Greater
falls in SSEP amplitude are generally associated
with a higher incidence of neurologic complications.
Although recovery of amplitude is encouraging, it
does not guarantee that there will be no neurologic
complications. Ž.
Noordeen et al. 12 retrospectively reviewed 99
consecutive patients who underwent reconstructive
spinal surgery for neuromuscular scoliosis 55 DMD,
30 SMA, 14 miscellaneous conditions , with SSEP
intraoperative monitoring. Traces could not be ob-
tained in only two patients 2% , one with DMD and
the other with myelomeningocele and paraplegia.
They studied the significance of any diminution in
amplitude with three levels; namely, 25%, 50% and
75% of the initial baseline. In the DMD group, 25%
loss of amplitude showed a 90% sensitivity, with 295
specificity and 2 false-negative results; 50% loss of
amplitude had 87 sensitivity with 44% specificity and
3 false-negative results; and 75% loss of amplitude
had a 70% sensitivity with 52% specificity and 7
false-negative results. Results were comparable in
the SMA and miscellaneous groups.
Noordeen et al. concluded that a loss of amplitude
of greater or equal to 50% of the initial baseline
should be used to define abnormality in neuromus-
cular scoliosis, as with idiopathic scoliosis.
The incidence of neurologic injury in neuromuscu-
lar scoliosis is much higher than in idiopathic scolio-
sis. In the neuromuscular group, an amplitude re-
covery greater than 50% may still be associated with
significant, although temporary, neurologic sequelae.
Both these findings suggest an increased sensitivity
of the spinal cord to injury in the neuromuscular
An amplitude loss of greater than 50% in the
DMD group seen in 35 patients 69% was at-
tributable to sublaminar wiring in all cases 34
during wire tightening, 1 during wire passage . Neu-
rologic injury was detected in 22 cases but was
temporary in all.
Within the SMA group, 73% had a loss of ampli-
tude greater than 50%, attributable to sublaminar
wiring in 95% 81% wire tightening, 14% wire pas-
sage . Fifteen of 22 patients had some degree of
neurologic impairment.
In the authors’ experience with third-generation
instrumentation pedicle screwrhookrrod con-
structs , there has been no loss of amplitude in 20
consecutive patients operated on for Duchenne
muscular dystrophy. This is additional evidence to
the previous reporting of the sensitivity of neuro-
muscular patients to the passage of sublaminar wires
4,17 .
Spinal cord monitoring can reliably be obtained in
approximately 98% of patients with neuromuscular
scoliosis, using SSEPs with epidural placed elec-
trodes rather than SCEPs. A decline in amplitude of
50% of the initial baseline reading should be con-
sidered significant.
The occurrence of postoperative motor paralysis,
despite normal intraoperative SEPs, although re-
ported, is extremely low. However, this reinforces
the urgency for the development of reliable MEP
monitoring in accompanied of SSEP monitoring.
The spinal cord appears to have an increased
susceptibility to injury in neuromuscular patients,
especially during the passage and tightening of sub-
laminar wires. The rates of diminution in SSEP
amplitudes previously reported are much lower us-
ing modern pedicle screwrhookrrod constructs.
1. Ashkenaze D, Mudiyam R, Boachie-Adjei O, Gilbert C.
Efficacy of spinal cord monitoring in neuromuscular scolio-
sis. Spine 18:162733.
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3. Dolan EJ, Transfeldt EE, Tator CH, Simmons EH, Hughes
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5. Forbes HJ, Allen PW, Waller CS, Jones SJ, Edgar MA,
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J Pediatr Orthop Part B, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2001
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A survey conducted by the Scoliosis Research Society found eighty-seven patients with acute neurological complications resulting from the treatment of scoliosis. The incidence of these complications was determined to be 0.72 per cent. Seventy-four major complications involving the spinal cord were reported, half of them complete paraplegia and half partial paraplegia. Thirty-six per cent recovered completely, 32 per cent had partial recovery, and 32 per cent had no return of function. Thirteen minor complications involving cranial and peripheral nerves were reported. Major complications occurred in forty-two cases of posterior spine fusion with Harrington instrumentation and in twenty cases of posterior spine fusion without instrumentation. Six patients became paraplegic following skeletal traction alone.
This account describes a retrospective analysis of epidural spinal cord monitoring results in 410 patients undergoing posterior fusion and instrumentation for scoliosis. None developed serious neurological complications postoperatively but 9 (2.2%) showed mild defects. Out of 24 in whom the monitor indicated a transient or sustained conduction impairment (> 60% amplitude reduction) 6 had problems postoperatively, representing a minimal correct detection rate of 1.5% and a maximal false positive rate of 4.4%. Of the 3 remaining cases, no potentials could be recorded from the appropriate limb(s) at any time in 2 who experienced mild neurological exacerbation due to root or cord lesions, and one patient in whom monitoring was uneventful developed signs of a lumbo-sacral root lesion.
We report our experience of the monitoring of spinal somatosensory evoked potentials in 60 patients with neuromuscular scoliosis. In 15 cases a significant change occurred in the trace when a sublaminar wire was tightened. There were no postoperative neurological deficits attributable to the surgery.
Since 1981, during operations for spinal deformity, we have routinely used electrophysiological monitoring of the spinal cord by the epidural measurement of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in response to stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve. We present the results in 1168 consecutive cases. Decreases in SEP amplitude of more than 50% occurred in 119 patients, of whom 32 had clinically detectable neurological changes postoperatively. In 35 cases the SEP amplitude was rapidly restored, either spontaneously or by repositioning of the recording electrode; they had no postoperative neurological changes. One patient had delayed onset of postoperative symptoms referrable to nerve root lesions without evidence of spinal cord involvement, but there were no false negative cases of intra-operative spinal cord damage. In 52 patients persistent, significant, SEP changes were noted without clinically detectable neurological sequelae. None of the many cases which showed falls in SEP amplitude of less than 50% experienced neurological problems. Neuromuscular scoliosis, the use of sublaminar wires, the magnitude of SEP decrement, and a limited or absent intra-operative recovery of SEP amplitude were identified as factors which increased the risk of postoperative neurological deficit.
Somatosensory (SEPs) and neurogenic-motor evoked potentials (NMEPs) were elicited from 16 hogs and two humans before, during, and after spinal cordotomy, dorsal, or ventral root rhizotomy. Results indicated that SEPs appear to be insensitive to the effects of motor tract lesioning in hogs and humans. In every case of motor paraplegia, SEPs remained unchanged in the presence of abnormal ischiatic/sciatic NMEPs. These results suggest that SEPs are not adequately sensitive to the functional status of the motor system in hogs and humans. Ischiatic/sciatic NMEPs remained unchanged after sensory tract lesioning, suggesting that these NMEPs are insensitive to the functional status of the sensory system. These results suggest that SEPs and NMEPs should be used in combination when monitoring spinal cord function during surgeries that place that structure at risk.
Members of the British Scoliosis Society were circulated a questionnaire in order to establish the morbidity of surgery for spinal deformity in the years 1983 and 1984 in Great Britain. Surgeons were asked to report the complications relating to all types of surgery for spinal deformity in order to establish the relative morbidity of segmental spinal wiring. Of the 1,121 patients reported, 1.4% suffered neurologic complications. In straightforward surgery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, there were four serious neurologic complications: three with Harri-Luque and one with routine Harrington distraction instrumentation. A plea is made that morbidity studies of spinal deformity surgery should compare all types of instrumentation and should be sufficiently detailed to allow statistical comparison.
A case of an anterior spinal artery syndrome complicating an anterior spinal fusion is reported. Besides documenting a relatively rare complication of anterior spinal surgery, the level of the lesion (T6) and the association of spinal shock are relatively unusual. Intraoperative somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEP) deteriorated only transiently and failed to reflect adequately the neurologic injury either intraoperatively or postoperatively. The shortcomings of SEP monitoring are discussed, and the recommendation is made to use the combination of SEPs with the wake-up test when possible.
Intraoperative somatosensory evoked potentials in 50 patients were reviewed; each waveform was correlated with intraoperative surgical events and conditions. Twenty-two patients maintained reproducible waveforms and awoke without neurological deficit. Two patients had random waveform changes not correlated with a surgical event and awoke without deficit. Twelve patients showed waveform changes temporally related to circumstances that might endanger cord function; two of these awoke with transient neurological abnormality. Satisfactory waveforms were not obtained from 14 patients. Somatosensory evoked potential monitoring in scoliosis surgery appears to be sensitive, but may not be sufficiently specific; waveform changes do not necessarily indicate objective neurological damage.
This report describes the waveform and properties of somatosensory evoked potentials recorded from various levels of the human spinal cord, with electrodes inserted into the epidural space and the stimulus delivered to the posterior tibial nerve at the knee. The object was to provide a means of monitoring spinal cord function during surgery for the correction of spinal deformities. The responses could be resolved into at least three components with different activation thresholds and different conduction velocities within the spinal cord (45-80 m/s approximately). The findings are in accord with recent studies, suggesting that the fast activity may be conducted in the dorsal spinocerebellar tract and the slower waves in the posterior columns.