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Antioxidant Activity of Fibres Originating from Traditional Varieties of Polish Flax Plants

  • Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants National Research Institute

Abstract and Figures

This paper describes the examination of raw flax fibres in terms of their antioxidant activity. Fibres originating from five varieties of flax plants cultivated in Poland: Artemida, Modran, Sara, Nike and Luna were extracted with the application of different methods: dew retting and water retting. The extraction method has an influence on the fibre chemical composition, resulting in different levels of fibre antioxidant properties. The antioxidant activity of flax fibres was evaluated with the application of ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). The results of the study indicated differences in the bioactivity of flax fibres linked with the method of their extraction applied as well as the lignin and phenolic acid content in the fibre chemical composition
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Zimniewska M. Antioxidant Activity of Fibres Originating from Traditional Varieties of Polish Flax Plants.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe
2015; 23, 6(114): 41-47.
Antioxidant Activity of Fibres Originating
from Traditional Varieties of Polish Flax Plants
Malgorzata Zimniewska
Institute of Natural Fibres & Medicinal Plants,
Poznan, Poland
This paper describes the examination of raw ax bres in terms of their antioxidant activity.
Fibres originating from ve varieties of ax plants cultivated in Poland: Artemida, Modran,
Sara, Nike and Luna were extracted with the application of different methods: dew retting
and water retting. The extraction method has an inuence on the bre chemical composi-
tion, resulting in different levels of bre antioxidant properties. The antioxidant activity
of ax bres was evaluated with the application of ferric ion reducing antioxidant power
(FRAP). The results of the study indicated differences in the bioactivity of ax bres linked
with the method of their extraction applied as well as the lignin and phenolic acid content
in the bre chemical composition.
Key words: ax bres, antioxidant activity, dew retting, water retting, lignin, ferulic acid,
coumaric acid.
n Materials and methods
Flax bres extracted from straw with the
application of two different methods e.g.
dew retting and water retting were used
as the material for the investigation. The
bres obtained from ve varieties: Arte-
mida, Modran, Sara, Nike and Luna by
dew retting and water retting were tested
in order to determine differences in their
chemical composition and biological ac-
tivity. All ax varieties mentioned were
developed by the Institute of Natural Fi-
bres and Medicinal Plants, differing in
their resistance against fungi and some
harmful climatic conditions.
Generally dew retting is applied after
the mechanical pulling of stalks and de-
seeding. Flax stems are spread evenly in
a eld and left for 3 - 7 weeks, depend-
ing on climatic conditions. In this time,
microorganisms, mainly fungi, secrete
enzymes that degrade the following sub-
stances: pectin, proteins, sugars, starch,
fats and waxes, tannins, and minerals
[13, 14]. Water retting is a traditional ret-
ting method where the ax stalks are held
below the water surface in dams, ditches
or slow running streams and rivers. Now
water retting is conducted in modern ret-
ting tanks. In water-retting, a variety of
ax bres and to nd an explanation of
this phenomenon by the assessment of
lignin as well as phenolic acid contents
in dew retted and water retted ax bres.
Phenolic acids are known as strong anti-
oxidants, [4 - 8], especially ferulic acid,
which is used, apart from other applica-
tions, as a cosmetic ingredient to protect
the skin against the unfavorable effect of
the environment and to act as an antiag-
ing agent [6]. Figure 1 presents oxidis-
ing phenolic compounds. Based on an
effectively scavenging chain reaction
and deleterious radicals and suppressing
radiation induced oxidative reactions,
phenolic acids serve for preserving the
physiological integrity of cells exposed
to both air and for impinging UV radia-
tion [9, 10].
The presence of phenolic substances in
ax bres has been studied by a few re-
searchers [11, 12], but there is no analy-
sis of bres antioxidant activity.
The aim of the current study was to in-
vestigate the antioxidant activity of bres
extracted from different ax plant varie-
ties in relationship to the bre extraction
method applied, which has an effect on
the bre chemical composition.
DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1167411
n Introduction
Flax bres are known as favorable in
contact with human skin. A study on
linen clothing’s inuence on the human
body conducted in steady conditions
proved their positive effect in ensuring
well-being, without causing the desyn-
chronisation of muscle motor units, and
thus without increasing of the tendency
to tiredness of users [1]. Another study
showed that wearing of natural bre py-
jamas with hydrophilic properties inu-
ences the activity of sebaceous glands
positively, which improves resistance
to skin diseases [2]. Researchers proved
that linen clothes characterised by hydro-
philic properties do not cause an increase
in reactive oxygen species and oxidative
stress as opposed to garments made of
synthetic bres characterised by hydro-
phobic properties [3]. Linen garments
are known as very breathable and provide
optimal comfort for users, especially in
hot climate conditions. It allows for the
exchange of air captured in the skin-
clothing area through the fabric with the
outer environment, giving the rapid es-
cape of moisture (sweat) from the skin
and thereby hindering bacteria growth.
This is related to the higher water reten-
tion of ax in comparison to other bres
and particularly ax ability for moisture
There is no information in research litera-
ture on the original antioxidant properties
of ax bres obtained from traditional
non-modied varieties in relationship to
the bre extraction method.
The current study was conducted to de-
termine the inherent bioactivity of raw Figure 1. Oxidizing phenolic compounds.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2015, Vol. 23, 6(114)
anaerobic bacteria is present and they are
considered as the primary agents respon-
sible for bre release [15]. Several spe-
cies of bacteria have been identied and
investigated during tank retting, of which
spore-forming Clostridium spp. have
been shown to contribute considerably to
pectin-degrading activity and, therefore,
to retting.
All bre types used for the study were
extracted from ax plants grown in the
same vegetation season. The parameters
of processes applied for bre extraction
are presented in Table 1.
Evaluation of ax chemical
Flax bres contain in their chemical
composition natural polymers like cel-
lulose, lignin, hemicelluloses, pectin
as well as waxes, fats, and others. The
chemical composition of all the types of
bres extracted was evaluated with the
use of relevant standards:
n Wax and fat content: Branch Standard
BN – 86/7501-10
n Pectin content: a method developed at
n Lignin content: Branch Standard BN –
n Cellulose content: PN – 92/P-50092
n Hemicelluloses content: Branch
Standard BN – 77/7529-02
n Phenolic acids, e.g. coumaric and fer-
ulic acid, in ax bres was assessed
by the high-performance liquid chro-
matography (HPLC) method.
Additionally lignin extracted from dew
retted bres coming from different varie-
ties of ax plants were tested to show the
presence of phenols. Lignin was extract-
ed from bres according to the method
described in Standard: BN – 86/7501-11.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectros-
copy was used to determine the absorp-
tion spectra for lignin. The trials were
performed with a spectrophotometer
- FT-IR NICOLET iS10, (Thermo Sci-
entic, USA) at infrared wavelengths of
350 – 4000 cm-1
Assessment of bre antioxidant
Antioxidants are a large group of natural
and synthetic compounds with the abil-
ity to reduce free radicals and prevent
some amount of oxidative damage that
destroys and depletes the skin function
and structure while also preventing some
of the degenerative effects in skin caused
by sun exposure. In this study, two meth-
ods were used for the testing of ax bre
antioxidant capacity:
n Ferric Ion Reducing Antioxidant Pa-
rameter (FRAP)
10 mmol/L of 2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-tria-
zine (TPTZ) in 40 mmol/L of HCL and
20 mmol/L of FeCl3·6H2O. The working
FRAP reagent was freshly prepared by
mixing 25 ml of acetate buffer, 2.5 ml of
TPTZ solution and 2.5 ml of FeCl3·6H2O.
The freshly prepared mixture was incu-
bated at 37 °C in a water bath for ve
minutes and then a blank reading was
taken spectrophotometrically at 593 nm.
After that, 30 µl of the extract or standard
and 90 µl of distilled water were added
to 900 µl of the working FRAP reagent.
Absorbance was measured at 0 min im-
mediately upon addition of the working
FRAP reagent after vortexing. Thereafter
an absorbance reading was taken after
four minutes [18, 19]. Three repetitions
of the antioxidant test were conducted for
each bre sample.
n Results
Chemical composition of ax bres
The results of tests of the chemical com-
position of the materials used in the cur-
rent study i.e. ax bres extracted from
different varieties of brous plants with
the use of dew and water retting are
shown in Table 2.
The results of evaluation of the chemi-
cal composition of ax bres indicates
diversity in the share of particular com-
ponents in different plant varieties, which
is strongly related to the bre extraction
All varieties of water retted ax bres
tested were characterised by a higher
content of cellulose and lower content
of lignin and hemicellulose in compari-
son with the relevant dew retted bres.
It means that the process of water retting
caused better removal of non-cellulosic
compounds (excluding waxes) from -
bres, giving them properties that were
more suitable for textile processing i.e.
better quality and spinability.
On the other hand, all the varieties of
dew retted ax bres showed a higher
share of lignin, the compound related to
the bioactivity of the bres. Analysis of
ax varieties indicated that water retted
Artemida showed the highest cellulose
content, but dew retted Modran and Sara
contained the largest amount of lignin.
The statistical analysis of results of ax
chemical composition was conducted to
verify if the differences are statistically
Table 1. Conditions of the processes applied for bre extraction
Fibre extraction method Time Temperature Equipment
Dew retting 43 days Ambient weather conditions Field
Water retting 74 h Water temp. 32 – 33 °C Lab-scale tank
Figure 2. DPPH radical.
n 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl Radi-
cal Scavenging Capacity Assay
(DPPH) [16]
The DPPH* (Figure 2) radical is one of
the few stable organic nitrogen radicals,
which bears a deep purple colour. This
assay is based on the measurement of
the reducing ability of antioxidants to-
ward DPPH*. The ability was evaluated
by measuring the decrease in its absorb-
ance. Antioxidant assays are based on
measurement of the loss of DPPH colour
at 515 nm after a reaction with test com-
pounds, with the reaction being moni-
tored by a spectrometer. The percentage
of remaining DPPH* (DPPH*REM) is
proportional to the antioxidant concen-
tration, and the concentration that causes
a decrease in the initial DPPH* con-
centration by 50% is dened as EC50.
The time needed to reach a steady state
with EC50 is dened as TEC50.
The Ferric Ion Reducing Antioxidant
Power (FRAP) assay takes advantage
of electron-transfer reactions, Figure 3.
The ferric reducing activity (FRAP) of
the bres extracts were estimated accord-
ing to the method developed by Benzie
and Strain [17]. The reaction mixture
contained 300 mmol/L of acetate buffer,
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2015, Vol. 23, 6(114)
similar levels of absorbance in that
band. The level of phenolic acid absorb-
ance shown by the FTIR test conrmed
the investigation of Holser, who evalu-
ated ferulic and p-coumaric acid spec-
tra in the 650 - 1500 cm−1 region [23].
The FTIR spectra of lignin extracted
from bres coming from different vari-
eties of ax plant conrmed the results
of lignin from other ax varieties in this
band were inconsiderable. C-O stretch-
ing vibration in band 1140 1230 cm-1
conrmed the presence of phenols. In
this case, the absorbance was the high-
est for lignin obtained from the Modran
variety of ax, while the lowest was
observed for lignin extracted from the
Luna variety. Other ax varieties showed
signicant. Analysis with the use of Sha-
piro–Wilk and U Mann–Whitney and T-
Student tests for a condence interval of
95% conrmed signicant differences in
the share of particular components of -
bres for p < 0.05.
The test for phenolic substance content in
ax bres proved that all varieties of dew
retted ax bres contained some amount
of ferulic acid (Figure 4) and coumaric
acid (Figure 5), which are known as
strong antioxidants. The phenolic acid
content in ax bres is shown in Table 3.
In that test, phenolic acids could be de-
tected only in dew retted bres, because
in the case of water retted bres traces of
the acids were extremely weak and their
detection by the HPLC method applied
was impossible.
Apart from the fact that all varieties of
dew retted ax bres contained a higher
amount of lignin and hemicellulose than
in comparison to water retted bres,
HPLC analysis of the bre proved that
the dew retted bres contained some
amount of phenolic acids, while higher
amounts of phenolic acid occurred in
Modran and Sara varieties. It is known
that ferulic acid is a component of a pri-
mary cell wall and is bonded with lignin
and hemicellulose in plants [7, 8]. Fig-
ure 6 (see page 44) shows the FTIR spec-
tra determined for lignin extracted from
dew retted bres coming from different
ax varieties. Characteristic absorption
bands in infrared shown in Table 4 al-
lowed to nd the phenols at the spectra
of extracted lignin.
Lignin extracted from all varieties of
ax showed a broad band at 3410 –
3460 cm−1, attributed to the hydroxyl
groups in phenolic structures. The high-
est absorbance in that band was observed
in the case of lignin extracted from Sara
ax. Differences between the absorbance
Table 2. Chemical composition of ax bres extracted from brous plants.
Fibre Fibrous plant
Lignin Cellulose Waxes and fats Hemicelluloses Pectin
content, % SD, % content, % SD, % content, % SD, % content, % SD, % content, % SD, %
Dew retted
ARTEMIDA 6.33 0.41 64.86 0.64 1.30 0.02 19.31 0.14 1.32 0.17
MODRAN 7.96 0.11 64.16 1.22 1.72 0.03 21.64 0.13 1.44 0.09
SARA 7.42 0.22 62.21 0.22 1.63 0.02 22.30 0.14 1.20 0.13
NIKE 6.40 0.41 64.31 0.87 1.19 0.03 20.91 0.02 1.72 0.16
LUNA 5.18 0.17 69.61 0.14 1.06 0.13 16.86 0.04 2.12 0.19
Water retted
ARTEMIDA 3.51 0.04 74.01 0.49 4.40 0.00 14.57 0.05 0.58 0.15
MODRAN 3.52 0.02 72.42 1.00 4.25 0.02 15.30 0.31 1.43 0.23
SARA 3.18 0.13 70.76 0.14 4.43 0.11 17.31 0.17 2.15 0.08
NIKE 3.05 0.13 71.31 0.91 4.41 0.12 15.55 0.19 1.35 0.07
LUNA 2.56 0.21 72.77 0.35 4.49 0.02 13.91 0.08 0.65 0.02
Figure 3. FRAP - electron-transfer reaction.
Figure 4. Ferulic acid.
Table 3. Phenolic acid content in ax bres (*the non-determined trace amounts of the
acids equal to detection limits are shown in unit mg/ml of the calibration curve according
to the test method).
Fibre Fibrous plant
Content of coumaric
acid, mg/100 g
SD coumaric
Content of ferulic
acid, mg/100 g
SD ferulic
ARTEMIDA 5.580 0.118 4.645 0.092
MODRAN 6.136 0.448 5.128 0.385
SARA 6.021 0.394 5.014 0.329
NIKE 5.688 0.293 4.739 0.241
LUNA 5.708 0.984 4.859 0.803
< 0.0022 mg/ml* - < 0.0019 mg/ml* -
Figure 5. p-coumaric acid.
[Fe(III)(TPTZ)2]3+ [Fe(II)(TPTZ)2]2+, lmax = 593 nm
+ antioxidant
- e
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2015, Vol. 23, 6(114)
of HPLC bre analysis that proved that
Modran and Sara ax bres contained
the highest level of phenolic acids.
The relationship between phenolic acid
and lignin content in the dew retted ax
bres tested was analysed and presented
in Figure 7. The relationship between
lignin and phenolic acid content was
high (Figure 7), as conrmed by corre-
lation analysis - the Pearson correlation
coefcient was 0.76. The analysis of cor-
relation was conducted regardless of the
low number of observations in order to
have preliminary information about the
relationship between the main bre com-
ponents and bioactivity. All varieties of
water retted ax bres were character-
ised by lower amounts of lignin, as well
as they had only trace amounts of phenol-
ic acid, unable to detect precisely by the
method used. The reason for this is clear
because ferulic acid is easily soluble in
water and can be readily removed from
bres by water during the retting process.
Coumaric acid is poorly soluble in water
and its removal could be partial.
Antioxidant activity of ax bres
FRAP tests were conducted for differ-
ent sample concentrations. It is known
that the value of FRAP increases with
increasing sample concentration.
The results of the test of the antioxi-
dant activity of ax bres assessed with
the use of the FRAP method shown in
Figure 8 proved that dew retted bres
Figure 6. FTIR spectra of lignin extracted from bres obtained from different varieties of ax plant: 1. – lignin extracted from Artemida
bre, 2. - lignin from Modran bre, 3. – lignin from Sara bre, 4. – lignin from Nike bre, 5. – lignin from Luna bre.
Table 4. Characteristic absorption bands in infrared [20 - 22].
Bonds Compound type Band range, cm-1
C-H stretching vibrations aromatic rings 2800 - 3000
C-H bending vibrations (in-plane) aromatic rings 1000 - 1100
C-H bending vibrations (off-plane) aromatic rings 675 - 870
C-H bending vibrations methyl group -CH3
methylene group -CH2-
1430 - 1470 and 1375
1430 - 1470
C-C stretching vibrations aromatic rings 1500 - 1600
C-C stretching vibrations quaiacyl ring 1270
C-C stretching vibrations syringyl ring 1330
C-O stretching vibrations phenols
carboxylic acids
1140 - 1230
C=O stretching vibrations aldehydes and ketones
carboxylic acids
1675 - 1725
1680 - 1725
O-H stretching vibrations phenols
carboxylic acids
3200 - 3600
2500 - 3000
O-H bending vibrations carboxylic acids 1400 and 920
4000 3000 2000 1000
Wavenumber, cm-1
1. Artemida
2. Modran
3. Sara
4. Nike
5. Luna
Figure 7. Relationship between lignin and phenolic acid content in dew retted ax bres.
y = 8,675 + 0,305x
A r te mi da
5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 7,5 8,0 8,5
Lignin content
Content of phenolic ac id [mg/100g]
A r te mi da
y = 8.675 + 0.305x
Content of phenolic acid, mg/100 g
Lignin content
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2015, Vol. 23, 6(114)
The coefcient of the Pearson linear cor-
relation reached the following values:
n FRAP and both phenolic acid contents
- 0.89
n FRAP and ferulic acid – 0.88
n FRAP and cumaric acid is 0.9
The correlation analysis conrmed very
strong relationship between phenolic
acid content and antioxidant activity of
dew retted ax bres.
The results of FRAP tests of ax bres
indicated an inherent antioxidant activity
of raw ax bres; however, it was not the
same for all ax plant varieties and was
strongly related to the ax variety and
method of bre extraction. The value of
the ferric reducing antioxidant power of
the dew retted Modran bres tested was
the highest in comparison to the activ-
ity of the other varieties of ax plants.
The dew retted Modran ax bres tested
tent in the bre extracts. From all samples
tested, dew retted bres extracted from
the Modran variety showed the highest
content of lignin as well as coumaric and
ferulic acid, which resulted in the highest
ferric reducing antioxidant power. The
second best was Sara variety.
The relationship between the phenolic
acid content and antioxidant activity of
the dew retted ax bres tested is pre-
sented in Figure 9 (see page 46). The line
of trend drawn in the diagram indicated
a strong relationship between the bre
ability to reduce free radicals and the
phenolic acid content in the bres.
Statistical analysis conducted for pre-
liminary evaluation of the relationship
between the antioxidant activity of ax
bres tested by the FRAP method and the
phenolic acid content indicated a strong
extracted from the following varieties:
Modran, Sara and Luna have higher abil-
ity for Fe ion reduction from Fe+3 to Fe+2
in comparison to relevant water retted -
bres. However, it must be noted that the
value of FRAP for dew retted ax from
the Modran variety was very high in
comparison to other bres. Dew retted -
bres extracted from the Sara variety also
showed a high FRAP value. The ability
of bres extracted from Luna, Nike and
Artemida to reduce the Fe ions was very
low and differences between dew and
water retted bres were similar (Fig-
ures 8.c - 8.e). The variations between
the antioxidant activity of dew and water
retted bres are the most visible for ax
varieties with high FRAP values, e.g. for
Modran and Sara varieties (Figures 8.a,
The antioxidant activity of ax bres was
strongly related to the phenolic acid con-
Sample concentration, mg/ml
FRAP, mmol/l
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Sample concentration, mg/ml
FRAP, mmol/l
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Sample concentration, mg/ml
FRAP, mmol/l
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Sample concentration, mg/ml
FRAP, mmol/l
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Sample concentration, mg/ml
FRAP, mmol/l
Figure 8. Antioxidant activity of ax bres extracted
from: a) Modran, b) Sara, c) Nike, d) Luna, e) Artemida
variety - FRAP method.
Dew retting
Water retting
Log. (Dew retting)
Log. (Water retting)
Log. (Dew retting)
Log. (Water retting)
a) b)
c) d)
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2015, Vol. 23, 6(114)
showed strong antioxidant properties and
can be used for textile manufacture and
serve as a barrier against free radicals
coming from air and UV radiation and
reaching human skin. Dew retted Sara
bres could also act for the neutralisation
of free radicals; but their activity was not
so strong as the Modran variety.
Results of the DPPH test were not so
signicant, reaching low values in the
range from 1.21 (for Nike) to 3.28 (for
Modran). Generally, in the FRAP meth-
od, the reaction runs very quickly due to
employing metal ions and covering the
largest number of components, whereas
in the case of the DPPH radical method,
the reaction is much slower and covers
only the most reactive substances. For
this reason, the values of the DPPH re-
sults are signicantly lower in compari-
son to the FRAP method [24].
n Conclusions
The current study conducted on ax -
bres extracted from ve varieties of -
brous plants: Artemida, Modran, Sara.
Nike and Luna with the use of dew and
water retting methods proved that un-
modied ax bres can show inherent
antioxidant properties. The biological
activity of the bres tested was strongly
related to the lignin content and related
with the phenolic acid content in their
chemical composition. The bre anti-
oxidant power was related to the method
of their extraction applied, especially in
case of the Modran and Sara varieties,
where the dew retted bres showed the
highest activity, whereas water retted -
bres show very weak biological activity
in the tests conducted. The results of the
study obtained allowed to draw the fol-
lowing conclusions:
1. The study proved that the antioxi-
dant activity of the ax bres tested
were strongly related to the method
of retting and to the ax plant variety,
which had an effect on the chemical
composition of the bres.
2. Dew retted ax bres obtained from
three varieties tested were character-
ised by better antioxidant properties
in comparison with respective water
retted bres. Two other ax varieties
showed low antioxidant power and
differences between dew and water
retted bres were slight.
3. Dew retted bres contained a higher
amount of lignin and, hence, phenolic
acids in comparison to water retted
bres. The study proved there is a
strong relationship between the con-
tent of lignin and phenolic acids bond-
ed with it as well as the bioactivity of
dew retted ax bres.
4. Water retted ax bres showed lower
biological activity because the most
active phenolic substances are water
soluble and were removed during ret-
ting. The water retting process allows
for removal of more non-cellulosic
compounds, excluding waxes to ob-
tain purer bres. Water retted ax -
bres extracted from all the ax plants
tested were characterised by the high-
est cellulose content, which allowed
to conclude that the quality of textile
made of the bres would be better
than of respective dew retted bres.
5. Flax bres extracted from the Modran
variety with the use of dew retting
showed the highest antioxidant activ-
ity. The second best was the Sara va-
riety, which is strongly related to the
highest content of lignin and phenolic
acids in their structure in comparison
to other ax varieties.
6. Fibres were obtained from Artemida
and Luna varieties with the highest
cellulose content, which predisposes
them as the best for textile processing,
were characterised by weak biological
activity due to low lignin and phenolic
acid content.
7. The biological activity of ax bres is
inversely proportional to their textile
quality, because the higher lignin con-
tent in ax bres negatively inuences
textile processing.
The work was supported by the Polish Mini-
stry of Science and Higher Education.
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... Flax fiber possesses high tensile strength, softness and fineness, and, thus, it is an excellent textile raw material [3]. Flax textiles are favored by consumers due to the characteristics related to their softness, high hygroscopicity, air permeability and anti-electrostatic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties [4,5]. High lignin content is an important factor affecting flax fiber yield and quality, while high raw flax lignin content is associated with increased degumming costs and generation of environmental pollutants [6]. ...
... Flax, an important bast fiber crop, is one of the most widely used fibrilia by the global textile industry. The chemical composition of flax fiber consists mainly of cellulose, which generally accounts for 62%-77% of flax fiber content, followed by hemicellulose and lignin [4,5]. Raw flax must be degummed before it can be used to make textiles, with lignin in ...
... Flax, an important bast fiber crop, is one of the most widely used fibrilia by the globa textile industry. The chemical composition of flax fiber consists mainly of cellulose, which generally accounts for 62%-77% of flax fiber content, followed by hemicellulose and lignin [4,5]. Raw flax must be degummed before it can be used to make textiles, with lignin in ...
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Ferulate 5-hydroxylase (F5H) is a cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase that plays a key role in the biosynthesis of syringyl (S) lignin. In this study, mining of flax (Linum usitatissimum) genomic data enabled the identification of nine LuF5H genes. Bioinformatics analysis revealed the physicochemical properties, gene structures, conserved motifs, phylogenetic evolutionary features and promoter cis-acting elements related to these genes and their encoded proteins. Based on the gene structural and phylogenetic features, the nine LuF5Hs were assigned to two subclasses. The expression levels of the nine LuF5Hs was analyzed by the RNA-seq technique, and the RNA-seq data were verified by qRT-PCR. The results of the RNA-seq analysis showed that LuF5H genes belonging to the same subclass exhibited similar expression patterns. Notably, the transcripts of the LuF5H3 and LuF5H7 subclass 1 genes accumulated at high levels in stem tissues, thus indicating that LuF5H3 and LuF5H7 are the main LuF5H genes involved in flax lignin biosynthesis. Furthermore, the expression levels of LuF5H1, LuF5H3, LuF5H4 and LuF5H7 were upregulated 1.2–1.9-fold under drought, NaCl stress and brassinosteroid treatment conditions. This first comprehensive study of the flax F5H gene family provides valuable data for use in gene function analysis toward improving flax fiber quality and reducing flax manufacturing costs and associated environmental pollution.
... The penetration of active molecules can occur through the epidermis, cells, intercellular spaces, vesicles, or through sweat glands and hair follicles (Dzialo et al. 2016). Zimniewska demonstrated a strong correlation between the content of phenolic acids in flax fibers and their antioxidant activity, suggesting their positive impact on human skin during use (Zimniewska 2015). ...
... Zimniewska demonstrated strong correlations between the lignin content in the fibers and the content of ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid. Fibers with the highest content of these components exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (Zimniewska 2015). ...
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The aim of the research was to identify differences in the content of phenolic acids in flax fibers and antioxidant activity of the fibers depending on the soil moisture level during plant growth and flax variety. The experiment involved cultivating flax under controlled conditions with constant levels of irrigation: 25%, 35%, and 45% of field water capacity (FWC). The experiment conducted in the vegetative hall of the Institute of Natural Fibers and Medicinal Plants, National Research Institute in Poland was repeated three times: in 2019, 2020, and 2021. The fibers were extracted from the straw with use of dew retting method. Flax fibers exhibit biological activity. In current study, the impact of drought during flax growth on the antioxidant activity of fibers was determined, as bioactive fibers of linen clothing touching the skin can contribute to neutralizing free radicals formed next to human body. The antioxidant activity of tested fibers was examined using DPPH and FRAP methods. The quantity of phenolic acids may affect the antioxidant capacity of the fibers. The research results showed that the cultivation of flax plants at a soil moisture level of 45% FWC favors the development of antioxidant activity in the fibers.
... Resistant to fungi and bacteria, it has been found to be an effective barrier to certain diseases and is useful in the treatment of many allergic diseases. Linen fibers are characterized by the antioxidant activity; apart from their main components as cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, fats, and waxes, they contain in their chemical composition phenolic acids, which are natural antioxidants (Mustata and Mustata 2013;Zimniewska 2015;Zimniewska and Romanowska 2022). The standard (OEKO-TEX) was developed by the International Association for Research and Testing in the Field of Textile and Leather Ecology to address the growing concerns about the presence of harmful chemicals in textile products (Karadag 2023;OEKO-TEX® 2023). ...
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Waterless or reduced water consumption dyeing methods based on supercritical technologies are of interest to fabric manufacturers. The study was aimed at developing a dyeing method for natural fibers, in particular linen and silk, by pressure supercritical impregnation using madder alizarin (R. tinctorum) coloring compound produced by supercritical extraction method as an ecological alternative to conventional dyeing methods. A comparative test of fabric dyeing using supercritical and conventional methods was also carried out. In these dyeing technologies, the pre-treatment process plays an important role in the color intensity. The tests were performed using fabrics without and with mordants, and the results were compared using the color analysis method. The colors of the dyed samples obtained in the supercritical technology are more in shades of carmine, and in the traditional method in duller reds. The proposed modern and ecological dyeing technology guarantees a good resistance to washing and light. Antibacterial activity tests were also performed using supercritical and ethanol extracts. Dyed fabrics play health-promoting and protective roles for their users. Linen fabrics showed antimicrobial activity and positive effects on the skin, which was more moisturized. Waterless technologies should be developed in conjunction with user and environmental impact studies.
... Because the flax and hemp fibers contain phenolic acids in their chemical composition, they show antioxidant activity, which is presented in Table 3. The fiber antioxidant activity depends on the type and variety of fibrous plant as well as on the method of fiber extraction [30]. The highest value of ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and value of 2,2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH radical) scavenging activity illustrating antioxidant activity of the fibers were found in all types of fibers after decortication because the fibers contain the largest amount of phenolic acids. ...
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Cannabis sativa L. and Linum usitatissimum L. belong to fibrous plant family delivering textile fibers located in their bast of stalk. This chapter covers discussion about flax and hemp fibers properties and processing based on authors’ finding and available literature. The authors will present research on flax and hemp fibers bioactivity in relationship with their chemical composition, which is strongly related to the selected method of fiber processing, including methods of fiber extraction in light of their effect on fibers antioxidant and antibacterial activity. Human-ecological features of linen/hemp textiles, including clothing effect on human physiology, are described. The case study of functional clothing preparation based on the bioactivity of bast fibers will be presented. This chapter delivers knowledge about complex factors of human-ecological performance of flax and hemp, which have a significant effect on the improvement of human life, including comfort, well-being, and health-supporting performance. The environmental approach of bast fibers in terms of contribution to green planet protection is shortly discussed. Collected literature and authors’ findings allowed to prove the positive effect of bast fibers textiles on the improvement of human life in terms of everyday wearing of clothing as well from the viewpoint of environmental impact, which is in line with the European Green Deal strategy.
... The method of retting has an effect on the chemical composition of the flax fibers. Dew-retted flax fibers have better antioxidant properties and biological activity, and contain a higher amount of lignin and phenolic acids in comparison with water-retted fibers, but water-retted flax fibers are characterized by the highest cellulose content and the quality of textile made of these fibers will be better (Zimniewska 2015). ...
Fibre flax is a waste-free crop because a wide range of products is produced from flax raw materials (flax fiber, seeds) and its waste (flax shive). During flax harvesting, it is important to preserve the flax yield without losing and deteriorating quality properties. Fibre flax harvesting technology depends on different factors, such as the method of flax retting, the method of flax straw primary processing, the requirements for flax raw materials, and the weather conditions. Fibre flax pulling and flax band forming are important processes of traditional flax harvesting technologies, which have a strong influence on subsequent technological processes. Morphological characteristics, physical and mechanical properties, and technological parameters of fiber flax, and soil and weather conditions during harvesting have significantly affected flax pulling and technological parameters of the flax band. Knowledge of flax characteristics, properties and parameters, and harvesting technologies allows us to obtain flax raw materials with high-quality properties and reduce flax yield losses.
Weaning is a critical phase in intensive piglet production marked by frequent occurrence of digestive disorders posing health and economic burden. To stave off such weaning-related problems, antibiotics and supplements containing high levels of ZnO are often used. In this study, we investigated whether natural fibers obtained from two plants known for their dietary fiber profile and antioxidant properties: flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), can serve as a health-promoting diet supplement. The study was conducted on a total of 191 Polish Large White piglets from 18 litters, from their birth to 56 days of age. Piglets were divided by litters into six groups: W1.5, F1.5, H1.5, W2.0, F2.0, and H2.0. Groups W1.5, F1.5, and H1.5 received feed supplemented with 1.5% fiber from wood cellulose (W), flax (F), and hemp (H), respectively, while groups W2.0, F2.0, and H2.0 received feed with a higher 2.0% content of the same fibers. Flax and hemp fibers were characterized by a complex composition, antioxidant properties due to the presence of phenolic acids, and low risk of mycotoxin contamination. Flax fiber resulted in best weight gains and feed conversion ratio (P ≤ 0.05) of piglets, while hemp fiber had higher positive effect on antioxidant status (P ≤ 0.05) compared to the other two fiber additives. Neither flax nor hemp fibers had any adverse effect on the hematological and biochemical blood parameters. Piglets receiving a diet with 1.5% added fiber showed better growth performance, while diet supplementation with 2% fiber had a beneficial effect on the content of butyric acid in the small intestinal chyme (P ≤ 0.05). The results suggested that both flax and hemp fiber can be an innovative feed additive for weaned piglets. However, further studies should be conducted in commercial farms, as the effects of dietary fiber could vary in more challenging environmental conditions.
The applications of sustainable and renewable materials have received considerable attention in geotechnical engineering. Soil reinforcement with plant-based fibers is a cost-efficient and eco-friendly process with high reproducibility and accessibility. The use of natural fibers as reinforcement elements is inherently distinct from synthetic materials, and the behavior of natural fiber soil is influenced by both physicomechanical and biological features. Reinforcing soil with plant-based or cellulosic fibers can be undertaken via two methods: oriented fiber distribution (OFD) and randomly distributed fiber (RDF). The latter process is the latest trend that has attracted increasing attention in soil reinforcement science. This study was undertaken to provide a deeper comprehension of the behavior of various plant-based or bio-based fibers and their properties, mechanisms, and functions as reinforcement materials for enhancing the mechanical strength of soil. The significance of the biochemical composition of natural fibers on their performance under reinforced soil circumstances is also determined. This paper also addresses key factors for extending the life of planetary fibers through various treatment methods, as well as reinforcement through bio-mediated technology, and finally discusses the future direction of fiber-soil reinforcement.
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Paper and plastic are the main materials used in food packaging. In the context of climate change, the importance of tree conservation and the mitigation of the negative environmental impacts caused by fossil consumption and deforestation is greater than ever before. This article reviews the potential of plant-origin feedstock from the Baltic Sea region for use in non-wood-fibre and bio-origin plastic food packaging production. It also presents a systematised literature review of the environmental impacts and applications of tree-free paper, plant-origin plastics, and natural-fibre-reinforced bio-composites in fully green food packaging. The results reveal that beneficial environmental impacts are achieved if waste or by-products are used as feedstock. While the production volumes of alternative materials in Europe are small (0.25% of paper is made of materials other than wood, and the share of bio-plastic is 0.9%), we found a large demand and potential for growth. The biggest volumes of natural fibre feedstock in Baltic Sea region countries are generated from wheat. Wheat straw, which is a by-product, has a production volume of 68.71 million tons and is potentially a significant non-wood-paper food packaging source. Agricultural waste generated from sugar beet, maize, potato, and wheat is an environmentally beneficial by-product that could be used for bio-plastic food packaging production.
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Introduction: Increasing interest in the studies of antioxidant activity (AA) of food creates a necessity of standardisation of analytical methods. The aim: Presentation the authors' experience and studies on the AA methods. Methods: FRAP, ABTS and DPPH. Results: The methods studied were optimised. It is proposed to take advantage of the use of a new method of estimation and expression of AA by extrapolation to zero sample concentration. Conclusions: Estimation of AA of investigated material by the ABTS and DPPH methods needs studies on the radical scavenging - sample concentration profile and proper expression of the result. All methods studied i.e. FRAP, ABTS and DPPH appeared to be complementary and may be useful to obtain consistent results. Keywords: antioxidant activity, food, new method, FRAP, ABTS, DPPH
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The components of flax ( Linum usitatissimum ) stems are described and illustrated, with reference to the anatomy and chemical makeup and to applications in processing and products. Bast fiber, which is a major economic product of flax along with linseed and linseed oil, is described with particular reference to its application in textiles, composites, and specialty papers. A short history of retting methods, which is the separation of bast fiber from nonfiber components, is presented with emphasis on water retting, field retting (dew retting), and experimental methods. Past research on enzyme retting, particularly by the use of pectinases as a potential replacement for the current commercial practice of field retting, is reviewed. The importance and mechanism of Ca 2+ chelators with pectinases in retting are described. Protocols are provided for retting of both fiber-type and linseed-type flax stems with different types of pectinases. Current and future applications are listed for use of a wide array of enzymes to improve processed fibers and blended yarns. Finally, potential lipid and aromatic coproducts derived from the dust and shive waste streams of fiber processing are indicated.
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Phenolic acids are common plant metabolites that exhibit bioactive properties and have applications in functional food and animal feed formulations. The ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) spectra of four closely related phenolic acid structures were evaluated by principal component analysis (PCA) to develop spectral models for their rapid detection. Results demonstrated that UV and IR spectra could discriminate between each of the phenolic acids in overall models. Calculation of model scores and loadings showed that derivative UV spectra accounted for 99% variation with 2 principal components (PC) while derivative IR spectra required 3 PCs. Individual PCA models were developed for ferulic acid and p -coumaric acid using derivative UV spectra for detection and classification by soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA). The application of this spectral technique as a classification model is expected to promote the use of agricultural residues as a source of these phenolic compounds.
Cell wall phenolic compounds were analysed in xylem and bast fibre-rich peels of flax stems by biochemical, histochemical and ultrastructural approaches. Localization of cell wall phenolics by the enzyme-gold method using laccase revealed several gold particle distribution patterns. One of the major types (an even distribution of single gold particles) was present mainly in xylem, while the other (compact branched groups of ten–40 gold particles) was found both in xylem and fibre cells. The lignin content of the stem parts was estimated by the Klason procedure and by the thioglycolic acid assay, and the phenolic products recovered after alkaline cupric oxide oxidation of cell walls were analysed by GC. By combining chemical analysis data and the frequency of various gold particle types within the tissues, different patterns of gold particle distribution could be ascribed to certain cell wall phenolics; lignin was stained as evenly distributed single gold particles, while branched clusters represented hydroxycinnamic acids. The Klason procedure did not remove all the non-lignin components from flax fibres, known for their highly crystalline cellulose, and considerably overestimated the lignin content. The thioglycolic acid assay results were consistent with GC and microscopic observations. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company
Present studies were undertaken to determine the influence of clothing made from natural and synthetic fibres and their blends, which transiently covered a human body, on the activity of motor units of forearm muscles determined by electromyographic method. The clothes made out of 100% linen, 100% polyester (PES) and their blends with a different percentage of both kinds of raw material were examined. The studies proved that there were considerable changes in the parameters of skin–clothes microclimate that depend on the share of polyester fibres in the blends with linen. These changes can be the reason of differences in electromyographic records of motor unit activity of the muscles covered by tested clothes, even if the volunteers taking part in this experiment had not been doing any physical exercises. The results of tests showed that clothing made from polyester fabric was a reason of changes in muscle electromyograph (EMG) records of the wearers, which indicated occurrence of desynchronization of motor units. The clothes made of fabrics composed of polyester and linen fibres higher than 25% did not cause desynchronization of motor units in healthy muscles while providing the wearer with optimal comfort of using.
The content of bound phenolic substances in flax fibres was determined by 13C CP-MAS solid-state NMR spectroscopy, a novel method that had not previously been applied to plant materials of very low lignin content. Van Soest (modified Klason) lignin and acetyl bromide lignin were also determined for comparison. The 13C NMR spectra were obtained at low field (25 MHz) under conditions that had been shown, by comparison with single-pulse excitation, to give quantitative responses from the aromatic carbon atoms of wood lignin. The Van Soest lignin content was 3.2% and the acetyl bromide lignin content was 2.4%. The solid-state 13C NMR spectra showed that these values were considerably overestimated and that the quantity of aromatic carbon present corresponded to a lignin content of 0.9%. However, the aromatic material present was not lignin but appeared to be predominantly an anthocyanin of the cyanidin type. These results illustrate the deficiencies of the accepted methods of determining lignin at low levels, and the potential of solid-state 13C NMR for this purpose.