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Abstract and Figures

The oldest direct evidence of stone tool manufacture comes from Gona (Ethiopia) and dates to between 2.6 and 2.5 million years (Myr) ago 1 . At the nearby Bouri site several cut-marked bones also show stone tool use approximately 2.5 Myr ago 2 . Here we report stone-tool-inflicted marks on bones found during recent survey work in Dikika, Ethiopia, a research area close to Gona and Bouri. On the basis of low-power microscopic and environmental scanning electron microscope observations, these bones show unambiguous stone-tool cut marks for flesh removal and percussion marks for marrow access. The bones derive from the Sidi Hakoma Member of the Hadar Formation. Established 40 Ar– 39 Ar dates on the tuffs that bracket this member constrain the finds to between 3.42 and 3.24 Myrago, and stratigraphic scaling between these units and other geological evidence indicate that they are older than 3.39 Myr ago. Our discovery extends by approximately 800,000 years the antiquity of stone tools and of stone-tool-assisted consumption of ungulates by hominins; furthermore, this behaviour can now be attributed to Australopithecus afarensis.
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Evidence for stone-tool-assisted consumption of
animal tissues before 3.39 million years ago at Dikika,
Shannon P. McPherron
, Zeresenay Alemseged
, Curtis W. Marean
, Jonathan G. Wynn
, Denne
Denis Geraads
, Rene
& Hamdallah A. Be
The oldest direct evidence of stone tool manufacture comes from
Gona (Ethiopia) and dates to between 2.6 and 2.5 million years
(Myr) ago
. At the nearby Bouri site several cut-marked bones also
show stone tool use approximately 2.5 Myr ago
.Here we report
stone-tool-inflicted marks on bones found during recent survey
work in Dikika, Ethiopia, a research area close to Gona and
Bouri. On the basis of low-power microscopic and environmental
scanning electron microscope observations, these bones show un-
ambiguous stone-tool cut marks for flesh removal and percussion
marks for marrow access. The bones derive from the Sidi Hakoma
Member of the Hadar Formation. Established
Ar dates on
the tuffs that bracket this member constrain the finds to between
3.42 and 3.24 Myr ago, and stratigraphicscaling between these units
and other geological evidence indicate that they are older than
3.39 Myr ago. Our discovery extends by approximately 800,000
years the antiquity of stone tools and of stone-tool-assisted con-
sumption of ungulates by hominins; furthermore, this behaviour
can now be attributed to Australopithecus afarensis.
The Dikika Research Project area is located in the Lower Awash
Valley (Ethiopia) and is bordered on the north by Gona and Hadar
and on the south by the Middle Awash research areas (Fig. 1). Work
there (led by Z.A.) began in 1999 and has focused on survey in Hadar
(.3.8 to 2.9 Myr ago) and Busidima Formation (2.7 to ,0.6 Myr ago)
deposits, both of which are exposed in their entirety within the project
. This work has resulted in the discovery of a diverse and well
preserved fauna, the discovery of several hominin fossils including a
nearly complete juvenile Australopithecus afarensis (DIK-1-1) and a
complete definition of the hominin-bearing Hadar Formation
In January 2009, the Dikika Research Project systematically col-
lected fossils from localities just opposite the DIK-1 locality in the
Andedo drainage, which predominantly exposes the Sidi Hakoma
(SH) Member of the Hadar Formation (3.42–3.24 Myr ago; Fig. 1).
Archaeological survey was conducted simultaneously in these same
localities. In the course of this work, four fossils were identified with
surface modifications which, based on field observations, resembled
stone-tool cut marks
. These fossils were subsequently studied with
optical and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM)
(see Methods and Supplementary Information). Secondary electron
imaging (SEI) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometry data
show that the marks on two of these fossils (DIK-55-2 and DIK-55-3)
formed before fossilization. Optical and ESEM observations show
that the marks lack the morphology indicative of trampling and
biochemical marks, and that these two specimens have modifications
clearly indicative of stone tool use, including cutting and percussion.
Both bones were found on the surface at the same locality: DIK-55.
Stratigraphically this locality, an area of approximately 25 m 350 m,
can be placed into the section described previously for the nearby
DIK-1 locality. It is below a low ridge that exposes only the lowermost
sediments of the SH Member and below the level of a limestone
marker (SH-lm) with a stratigraphically scaled age of 3.39 Myr ago,
providing a minimum age for the site (Fig. 1 and Supplementary
Information). Nowhere in the entire Andedo drainage are sediments
above the lacustrine Triple Tuff 4 (TT-4) marker (3.24 Myr ago)
exposed, providing a minimum age for the entire section. Specimen
DIK-55-2 was found on the slope below the SH-lm marker and
DIK-55-3 was found on the flats just in front of this slope. Fossils from
this locality lack adhering matrix, indicating that they derive from a
,1.5-m-thick sand bed that outcrops here. This sand is unique com-
pared to many of the fossil-bearing sands of the SH Member (such as
at DIK-1) in that it is not strongly cemented and thus its fossils lack
adhering matrix.
DIK-55-2 (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Information) is a right rib
fragment of a large ungulate, probably size 4 (cow-sized) or larger.
Marks A1 and A2 are perpendicular to the cortical surface, V-shaped
in cross-section with internal microstriations and diagnosed as high-
confidence stone-tool cut marks. Mark B is a more obliquely oriented
mark that shaves off the bone surface within which are microstria-
tions, all consistent with a high-confidence stone-tool-inflicted mark
from cutting, scraping and/or percussion. An indentation (mark C)
with microstriations and crushing of the bone surface is a high-con-
fidence hammerstone percussion mark described in Supplementary
DIK-55-3 (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Information) is a femur shaft
fragment of a size 2 (goat-sized) young bovid. The surface is densely
marked (Fig. 3a). Mark A is perpendicular to the cortical surface and
has clear microstriations running out one end (Fig. 3b, c), diagnosed
as a high-confidence cut mark. Mark D (Fig. 3d–f) is a dense cluster.
One prominent mark within D (Fig. 3d) has crushing of the bone
surface with microstriations and is diagnosed as a high-confidence
percussion mark. Mark E (Fig. 3g, h) is obliquely oriented, shaves off
surface bone, has microstriations and a shouldered edge highly con-
sistent with a stone-tool cut mark. Marks H1 and H2 overlap. H1 has
clear microstriations, is associated with the broken edge of the bone
and swirls in a way typical of a percussion mark. H2 shaves off bone
Department of Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, DeutscherPlatz 6, Leipzig 04103, Germany.
Department of Anthropology, California Academy
of Sciences, 55 Concourse Drive, San Francisco, California 94118, USA.
Institute of Human Origins, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, PO Box 872402, Arizona State
University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-2402, USA.
Department of Geology, University of South Florida, 4202 E Fowler Ave, SCA 528, Tampa, Florida 33620, USA.
University of Texas at
Austin, Department of Anthropology, 1 University Station C3200, Austin, Texas 78712, USA.
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UPR 2147, 44 Rue de l’Amiral Mouchez,
Paris 75014, France.
Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA.
School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy, Ira A. Fulton Schools
of Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-6106, USA.
Vol 466
12 August 2010
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surface and has clear microstriations, consistent with stone-tool cut
marks and a scraping motion. DIK-55-3 has other high-confidence
stone-tool-inflicted marks, and there is at least one mark (mark I) of
uncertain agency (Supplementary Information). This specimen does
not have any notches of the type that are sometimes associated with
hammerstone percussion on long bones
, but this may be owing to
post-depositional breakage of the edges that removed such notches.
The cut marks demonstrate hominin use of sharp-edged stone to
remove flesh from the femur and rib. The location and density of the
marks on the femur indicate that flesh was rather widely spread on
the surface, although it is possible that there could have been isolated
patches of flesh. The percussion marks on the femur demonstrate
hominin use of a blunt stone to strike the bone, probably to gain
access to the marrow. The external surfaces of ribs have thin sheaths
of flesh, so the scraping marks on the fossil rib suggest stripping off of
these sheaths.
The presence of stone-tool-modified bones and by implication the
use of stone tools at Dikika by 3.39 Myr ago greatly increases the
known antiquity of this behaviour. The earliest demonstration of
stone tool production known thus far is after 2.6 Myr ago at several
localities in Ethiopia and Kenya
. It is not possible to demon-
strate from the modified bones whether the stone tools were knapped
for this purpose or whether naturally occurring sharp-edged stones
were collected and used. No stone artefacts or sharp-edged stones
were found in association with the bones at DIK-55. However, stone
tool production and consequently archaeological accumulations are
not expected at this locality given the sedimentary environment
characterized by the palaeo-Awash River emptying into a nearby
. In this relatively low-energy depositional environment, clasts
suitable for stone tool production are not present (few particles larger
than fine gravel, 8 mm diameter). Within the exposed SH Member, the
distance from DIK-55 to cobble-sized raw materials (.64 mm) is
,6 km (at Gorgore; Fig. 1). Thus, in this instance the absence of
evidence for stone tool production in the immediate vicinity of the
cut-marked bones may reflect landscape-level rawmaterial constraints.
The bones presented here are the earliest evidence for meat and
marrow consumption in the hominin lineage, pre-dating the known
evidence by over 800 kyr
. Pending new discoveries, the only hominin
species present in the Lower Awash Valley at 3.39 Myr ago to which
we can associate this tool use is A.afarensis
. Whether A. afarensis
Gango Akidora
Simbledere Graben
0 0.5 10.25 km
Hadar Ledi-Geraru
02.551.25 km
~ Mam_b: 3.32 Myr ago
~ KMB: 3.30 Myr ago
SH-lm: 3.39 Myr ago
TT-4: 3.24 ± 0.01 Myr ago
SHT: 3.42 ± 0.03 Myr ago
B-g: 3.42 Myr ago
10 m
SH-o: 3.24 Myr ago
SH-g: 3.30 Myr ago
DIK-55: 3.41 Myr ago
Fossil localities
Geological sections
Geological markers
Sidi Hakoma Tuff
Triple Tuff 4
Fault (mapped)
Fault (inferred)
Permanent rivers
Seasonal streams
Figure 1
Geographic and stratigraphic location of DIK-55. a, Map of a
portion of the Dikika Research Project area showing DIK-55 (modified bone
locality), DIK-1 and DIK-2 (hominin localities), and relevant faults and
sections. b, Detailed map showing the position of the DIK-55 and
surrounding palaeontological localities. c, A composite stratigraphic column
of the Andedo drainage and surrounding Simbledere region showing the
position of the modified bones at DIK-55. Stratigraphic scaling of marker
units (SH-o, SH-g, SH-lm and B-g) are based on
Ar ages of the Sidi
Hakoma Tuff (SHT) and TT-4 recalibrated to reflect an updated age of the
Fish Canyon Sanidine standard
. Stratigraphic scaling between these two
radiometrically dated tuffs provides a sedimentation rate of 427.8 m Myr
which is applied to the ages of the Basal gastropodite (B-g), Sidi Hakoma
limestone (SH-lm), DIK-1 excavation, Sidi Hakoma gastropodite (SH-g)
and Sidi Hakoma ostracodite (SH-o). These stratigraphically scaled ages are
consistent with a correlation to the position of the Kada Damoumou Basalt
,3.3 Myr ago and the lowermost boundary of the Mammoth
palaeomagnetic subchron within the Gauss chron (Mam_b.; chron 2An.2r at
3.319 Myr ago
; both are recorded elsewhere in the Hadar Formation
Vol 466
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also produced stone tools remains to be demonstrated, but the
DIK-55 finds may fit with the view that stone tool production pre-
dates the earliest known archaeological sites and was initially of low
intensity (one-to-a-few flakes removed per nodule) and distributed
in extremely low density scatters across the landscape such that its
archaeological visibility is quite low
. The evidence presented here
offers a first insight into an early phase of stone tool use in hominin
evolution that will improve our understanding of how this type of
behaviour originated and developed into later, well recognized, stone
tool production technologies.
Bone surfaces were examined under 38–80 magnifications with adjustable
incident light from a bifurcated light source. ESEM was used to further docu-
ment marks and to collect SEI/EDX data (see below) but was not needed for
diagnosis and identification. Here (and in Supplementary Information) the
nested terminology of Gifford-Gonzalez
is used to draw inferential distinctions
between the actors responsible for producing the marks, the effectors used to
make the marks and causal action. A mark is considered high confidence in its
diagnosis to effector if it has all the criteria defined in the literature for that mark.
A distinction is made in mark diagnoses between general (stone tool, tooth, or
unidentifiable) and specific (cut mark versus percussion mark), with the caveat
that specific identifications are more tenuous given the overlap between per-
cussive and cutting damage indicated by these specimens.
2 cm
Ma rk A
Mark G1
Ma rk D
Mark H1
Mark H2
Ma rk E
Mark A Mark D
Mark G1
Mark H Mark E
1 mm
1 mm
1 mm
1 mm
1 mm
Figure 3
Stone-tool-inflicted marks on DIK-55-3, a femur shaft of a size 2
young bovid. a, The exterior surface of DIK-55-3. The bone is oriented such
that the proximal end is to the right. Dashed rule, 4 cm. The location of
each of the surface marks is shown in close-up in bi.b, Mark A (high-
confidence stone-tool-inflicted mark) under low-power optical
magnification shows clear microstriations indicative of cutting with a stone
tool; the yellow rectangle shows the position of c.c, ESEM image further
documenting microstriations. d, Mark G1 leading into the large area of
clustered damage designated mark D; D shows both stone-tool percussion
damage (shown in yellow rectangle that demarcates f) and recurrent cutting
by a stone tool. e, Continuation of mark D showing high-confidence stone-
tool-inflicted marks. f, ESEM image showing microstriations indicative of
stone tool action. g, ESEM image of the area indicated by the rectangle in hof
mark E showing microstriations indicative of stone tool action. c,f,g, Scale
bars, 100 mm. h, Mark E (high-confidence stone-tool-inflicted mark) under
low-power optical magnification possibly produced by a slicing motion from
the distal end. i, Marks H1 and H2 under low-power magnification, both
high-confidence stone-tool-inflicted marks; H1 is probably a percussion
mark and H2 is probably a cut mark. bi, The direction of the femur head is
indicated by the black arrows on the scale, which is 5 mm. See
Supplementary Information for marks B, C, F and I, not shown here.
Mark A1 and A2
Mark A1
Mark B
Mark A2
Mark B
1 mm
Mark C
2 cm
1 mm
Figure 2
Stone-tool-inflicted marks on DIK55-2, a rib of a probably size 4
or larger ungulate. a, The exterior surface of DIK-55-2, and the location of
each of the surface marks. The rib is oriented such that the rib head (broken
off) would be to the left. Dashed rule, 4 cm. b, Marks A1 and A2 (high-
confidence stone-tool cut marks) under low-power optical magnification;
the yellow rectangle demarcates c. Scale bar, 5 mm. c, ESEM image showing
microstriations indicative of cutting with a stone tool. Scale bar, 100 mm.
d, Mark B (high-confidence stone-tool-inflicted mark) under low-power
optical magnification, indicative of a cutting and scraping action or
percussion; the yellow rectangle demarcates e. Scale bar, 5 mm. e, ESEM
image showing microstriations indicative of stone tool action. Scale bar,
500 mm. be, The direction of the rib head is indicated by the black arrows.
See Supplementary Information for the details of mark C.
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Modern collection damage was assessed visually and chemically. The patina
inside the surface marks resembles the surface patina and not the lighter colour
of the interior fossil bone made visible by some modern damage on the ends. The
elemental composition, measured with EDX spectrometry, of the marks and
adjacent surfaces indicates that fossilization occurred after mark formation
(Supplementary Information). EDX spectrometry was also applied to a rock
fragment, probably of igneous origin, embedded in one mark (Supplementary
Information). The marks were assessed for criteria described as indicative of
biochemical damage
and of trampling
and found to lack key criteria
(Supplementary Information). Finally, we used well known and described mor-
phological criteria
to distinguish between cut marks, percussion marks
and tooth marks. Further comparisons were made to experimentally generated
stone cut-marked, percussion-marked and carnivore-tooth-marked com-
parative specimens. Identifications were blind tested for correspondence
between three experienced taphonomists and zooarchaeologists who examined
the specimens under the same light-microscope conditions. The results showed a
high correspondence and agreement that most marks were stone-tool inflicted
(Supplementary Information).
Received 9 April; accepted 1 June 2010.
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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at
Acknowledgements We thank the Authority for Research and Conservation of
Cultural Heritage, the National Museum of Ethiopia, the Ministry of Tourism and
Culture and the Afar regional government for permits and support; C. Mesfin,
Z. Bedaso, T. Gebreselassie, Mesfin Mekonnen, H. Defar, A. Zerihun, G. Senbeto,
Mogues Mekonnen, W. Aberra, T. Yifru and the people of the Dikika area for field
assistance. We also thank the administration of Adaytu town and members of the
Ethiopian armed forces. Funds for the 2009 field season were provided by the
California Academy of Sciences. Travel expenses for D.G., S.P.M., D.R. and J.G.W.
were covered by their respective institutions. C.W.M. and H.A.B. acknowledge the
assistance of the research professionals in the John M. Cowley Center for High
Resolution Electron Microscopy, LE-CSSS, ASU in conducting the ESEM imaging,
and J. Thompson and S. Lansing for participating in the blind test. Z.A. thanks
P. Mollard and K. Berge for assistance during fieldwork preparations.
Author Contributions S.P.M. is the project archaeologist. Z.A. is the head of the
project and palaeoanthropologist. C.W.M. described and analysed the fossil bone
specimens and surface modifications. J.G.W. is the project geologist. Fauna were
analysed by Z.A., D.R. (micromammals and GIS), D.G. (biostratigraphy), R.B.
(palaeoenvironments). H.A.B. conducted the ESEM/SEI/EDX study. All authors
contributed to the writing of this paper.
Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at Correspondence and requests for materials should be
addressed to S.P.M. (
Vol 466
12 August 2010
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... For image processing, these mechanisms often manifest as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), i.e. complex algorithms that extract hierarchical features from images by moving (convolving) across the image, and using different filters to extract these features. Through their adeptness at unravelling structured data, DL has proven to be a protagonist in the revolutionising of tasks such as the classification and recognition of different elements in images (LeCun et al., 1998;Deng et al., 2009;2010;Krizhevsky & Hinton, 2009;Krizhevsky, 2010;Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton, 2012;Szegedy et al., 2016;Redmon et al., 2016). ...
... From 2009 to 2012, significant strides in AI were made using two expansive datasets: one containing 60,000 coloured 32 × 32-pixel images (the CIFAR-10 dataset) and another featuring 15 million coloured 469 × 387-pixel images (the ImageNet dataset). Despite the challenges faced by authors in reaching an 80% accuracy mark in image classification in many instances (Deng et al., 2009;2010;Krizhevsky & Hinton, 2009;Krizhevsky, 2010;Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton, 2012), these studies remain among the most pivotal advancements in DL-based CV history. Notably, Szegedy et al. (2015) introduced innovations in CNN architectures that achieved 90% classification accuracy using 1.35 million images from the ImageNet dataset. ...
... Equifinality is clearly a problem in taphonomy, and research into the use of DL is highly valuable to clear up doubts that could arise about a number of sites. Notable applications would include questions regarding sites such as Dikika (McPherron et al., 2010) and Quranwala (Malassé et al., 2016). Nevertheless, considering the nature of the taphonomic record and the fragility of CNNs when exposed to virtually imperceptible noisy inputs, it is likely that algorithms will easily misclassify actual palaeontological and archaeological specimens if overlying taphonomic processes influence BSM appearance. ...
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The concept of equifinality is a central issue in taphonomy, conditioning an analyst's ability to interpret the formation and functionality of palaeontological and archaeological sites. This issue lies primarily in the methods available to identify and characterise microscopic bone surface modifications (BSMs) in archaeological sites. Recent years have seen a notable increase in the number of studies proposing the use of deep learning (DL)-based computer vision (CV) algorithms on stereomicroscope images to overcome these issues. Few studies, however, have considered the possible limitations of these techniques. The present research performs a detailed evaluation of the quality of three previously published image datasets of BSMs, replicating the use of DL for the classification of these images. Algorithms are then subjected to rigorous testing. Despite what previous research suggests, DL algorithms are shown to not perform as well when exposed to new data. We additionally conclude that the quality of each of the three datasets is far from ideal for any type of analysis. This raises considerable concerns on the optimistic presentation of DL as a means of overcoming taphonomic equifinality. In light of this, extreme caution is advised until good quality, larger, balanced, datasets, that are more analogous with the fossil record, are available.
... The study of human evolution has long associated the emergence of our genus (Homo) with the origins of tool use (Leakey, 1975). However, recent discoveries of fossilized bones bearing butchery marks dated to around 3.4 million years ago (McPherron et al., 2010;Dominguez-Rodrigo et al., 2010) and 3.3-million-yearold Lomekwian tools (Harmand et al., 2015;Archer et al., 2020) add to a growing body of evidence that places the origins of tool use much further back in time than the earliest recognized fossils of the genus Homo (Panger et al., 2002;Key et al., 2021;Plummer et al., 2023). At present, the origin of tool use in our lineage is subject of debate (Toth and Schick, 2018;Archer et al., 2020), yet it is clear that evidence for tool use in the past will provide insights into uniquely human features associated with our technological dependence (Hill et al., 2009;Laland and O'Brien, 2010;Tennie et al., 2017). ...
... The field of primate archaeology has expanded upon this by linking the material record to the complex dynamics of behavior and biology that cannot be observed in the archaeological record (Haslam et al., 2017;Carvalho and Beardmore-Herd, 2019;Proffitt et al., 2023). Understanding the parallels between hominin and nonhuman primate tool use is critical as the archaeological record continues to extend further back in time (McPherron et al., 2010;Benito-Calvo et al., 2015;Harmand et al., 2015;Harmand and Arroyo, 2023;Plummer et al., 2023). ...
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The appearance of the first stone artifacts in the archaeological record marked a significant behavioral shift in hominin evolution. Historically, early tools were attributed exclusively to toolmakers belonging to the genus Homo. However, subsequent discoveries have pushed back the origin of stone tools to precede the appearance of early Homo in the fossil record. The chronology and distribution of early archaeological sites suggest that cumulative lithic culture was not a behavior practiced by a single hominin species but instead emerged across multiple taxa over time. The precise taxonomic identities of early tool users remain uncertain. It is possible that members of the hominin genera Homo, Paranthropus, and perhaps Australopithecus all engaged in tool-assisted foraging. These genera coincide with the time frame and regions where Early Stone Age tools are found. Fossils attributed to Homo and Paranthropus often co-occur at the same Oldowan localities. However, fossils of the genus Paranthropus are more commonly associated with stone tools south of the Omo-Turkana basin, and artifacts are exclusively associated with genus Homo north of the Omo-Turkana basin. Homo erectus is linked to several important technological milestones, including the oldest Acheulean toolkits and the earliest dispersals out of Africa. While much attention has been paid to the implications of tool manufacture for genus Homo, an integrated technological perspective should also be considered when evaluating the potential diet and behavior of australopiths.
Incorporation of animal-based foods into early hominin diets has been hypothesized to be a major catalyst of many important evolutionary events, including brain expansion. However, direct evidence of the onset and evolution of animal resource consumption in hominins remains elusive. The nitrogen-15 to nitrogen-14 ratio of collagen provides trophic information about individuals in modern and geologically recent ecosystems (<200,000 years ago), but diagenetic loss of this organic matter precludes studies of greater age. By contrast, nitrogen in tooth enamel is preserved for millions of years. We report enamel-bound organic nitrogen and carbonate carbon isotope measurements of Sterkfontein Member 4 mammalian fauna, including seven Australopithecus specimens. Our results suggest a variable but plant-based diet (largely C 3 ) for these hominins. Therefore, we argue that Australopithecus at Sterkfontein did not engage in regular mammalian meat consumption.
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Stone artifacts (lithics) preserve for extended periods; thus they are key evidence for probing the evolution of human technological behaviors. Africa boasts the oldest record of stone artifacts, spanning 3.3 Ma, rare instances of ethnographic stone tool‐making, and stone tool archives from diverse ecological settings, making it an anchor for research on the long‐term temporal and spatial trends in human evolution. This paper reviews the application of scientific methods for studying African stone artifacts and highlights several popular research themes on the continent, including the origins of flaked stone technology, hunter‐gatherer mobility and landscape use, technological variability, function, biocultural evolution, and ancient human cognition. We conclude by outlining some key challenges to future lithic research in Africa.
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The evolution of bipedal gait is a key adaptive feature in hominids, but the running abilities of early hominins have not been extensively studied. Here, we present physics simulations of Australopithecus afarensis that demonstrate this genus was mechanically capable of bipedal running but with absolute and relative (size-normalized) maximum speeds considerably inferior to modern humans. Simulations predicted running energetics for Australopithecus that are generally consistent with values for mammals and birds of similar body size, therefore suggesting relatively low cost of transport across a limited speed range. Through model parameterization, we demonstrate the key role of ankle extensor muscle architecture (e.g., the Achilles tendon) in the evolution of hominin running energetics and indeed in an increase in speed range, which may have been intrinsically coupled with enhanced endurance running capacity. We show that skeletal strength was unlikely to have been a limiting factor in the evolution of enhanced running ability, which instead resulted from changes to muscle anatomy and particularly overall body proportions. These findings support the hypothesis that key features in the human body plan evolved specifically for improved running performance and not merely as a byproduct of selection for enhanced walking capabilities.
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The comparative method in palaeoanthropology has been predominant over the hypothesis-testing scientific method. Multiple interpretations over the same phenomena commonly co-exist given the relaxation of demarcation criteria. The contingent nature of non-reproducible phenomena in palaeoanthropology and the epistemological limits of the comparative method for addressing structural and more systematic palaeobiological processes have made it difficult to discern the extent to which palaeoanthropology is guided by scientific protocols. The imprint of corporative and neo-liberal policies in academia has found in essentially non-experimental disciplines a good field in which academic dynamics are ruled by patronizing networks of academic elites that produce and maintain trends, paradigms that do not need to be subjected to heuristics, research agendas frequently with specific political content, and control of the discourse of the past. Foucault argued that such a power-implanted structure is not intentional but emergent at the institutional level. This translates into a palaeoanthropological praxis that thrives on fact-collecting, and which produces interpretations that cannot be checked against any demarcation boundary to test their heuristics. This is reflected in the fact that paradigms may emerge and disappear in palaeoanthropology without need to confront them with their empirical content. Some examples are presented that justify this assertion
Why and how we age are probably two of science's oldest questions, echoing personal beliefs and concerns about our own finitude. From the earliest musings of ancient philosophers to recent pharmacological trials aimed at slowing ageing and prolonging longevity, these questions have fascinated scientists across time and fields of research. Taking advantage of the natural diversity of ageing trajectories, within and across species, this interdisciplinary volume provides a comprehensive view of the recent advances in ageing and longevity through a biodemographic approach. It includes the key facts, theories, ongoing fields of investigation, big questions, and new avenues for research in ageing and longevity, as well as considerations on how extending longevity integrates into the social and environmental challenges that our society faces. This is a useful resource for students and researchers curious to unravel the mysteries of longevity and ageing, from their origins to their consequences, across species, space and time.
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Technological innovation has been crucial in the evolution of our lineage, with tool use and production linked to complex cognitive processes. While previous research has examined the cognitive demands of early stone toolmaking, the neurocognitive aspects of early hominin tool use remain largely underexplored. This study relies on electroencephalography to investigate brain activation patterns associated with two distinct early hominin tool-using behaviors: forceful hammerstone percussion, practiced by both humans and non-human primates and linked to the earliest proposed stone tool industries, and precise flake cutting, an exclusive hominin behavior typically associated with the Oldowan. Our results show increased engagement of the frontoparietal regions during both tasks. Furthermore, we observed significantly increased beta power in the frontal and centroparietal areas when manipulating a cutting flake compared to a hammerstone, and increased beta activity over contralateral frontal areas during the aiming (planning) stage of the tool-using process. This original empirical evidence suggests that certain fundamental brain changes during early hominin evolution may be linked to precise stone tool use. These results offer new insights into the complex interplay between technology and human brain evolution and encourage further research on the neurocognitive underpinnings of hominin tool use. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41598-024-77452-0.
In this chapter, I trace the African origins of the earliest hominins from 3.7 mya to about 1.6 mya. A driving force throughout the period was a trend toward a cooler and more variable climate. I present a framework for analyzing the co-evolution of factors of production over prehistory, including key factors such as the natural environment, human capital, social capital, physical capital, and technological knowledge. Based on that framework, I review discussions concerning the emergence of bipedalism and the origins of physical capital (stone tools). The morphology of Homo ergaster/erectus (around 2 mya), featuring a small gut and long limbs, was potentially made possible by the use of fire and cooking. These major innovations presumably paved the way for the first wave of hominin migration out of Africa.
The book is the most in-depth account of the fossil skull anatomy and evolutionary significance of the 3.6-3.0 million year old early human species Australopithecus afarensis. Knowledge of this species is pivotal to understanding early human evolution, because 1) the sample of fossil remains of A. afarensis is among the most extensive for any early human species, and the majority of remains are of taxonomically inormative skulls and teeth; 2) the wealth of material makes A. afarensis an indispensable point of reference for the interpretation of other fossil discoveries; 3) the species occupies a time period that is the focus of current research to determine when, where, and why the human lineage first diversified into separate contemporaneous lines of descent. Upon publication of this book, this species will be among the most thoroughly documented extinct ancestors of humankind. The main focus of the book - its organizing principle - is the first complete skull of A. afarensis (specimen number A.L. 444-2) at the Hadar site, Ethiopia, the home of the remarkably complete 3.18 million year old skeleton known as "Lucy," found at Hadar by third author D. Johanson in 1974. Lucy and other fossils from Hadar, together with those from the site of Laetoli in Tanzania, were controversially attributed to the then brand new species A. afarensis by Johanson, T. White and Y. Coppens in 1978. However, a complete skull, which would have quickly resolved much of the early debate over the species, proved elusive until second author Y. Rak's discovery of the 444 skull in 1992. The book details the comparative anatomy of the new skull (and the cast of its brain, analyzed by R. Holloway and M. Huan) , as well as of other skull and dental finds recovered during the latest, ongoing field work at Hadar, and analyzes the evolutionary significance of A. afarensis in the context of other critically important discoveries of earliest humans made in recent years. In essence, it summarizes the state of knowledge about one of the central subjects of current paleoanthropological investigation.
[1] We present a 5.3- Myr stack ( the " LR04'' stack) of benthic delta(18)O records from 57 globally distributed sites aligned by an automated graphic correlation algorithm. This is the first benthic delta(18)O stack composed of more than three records to extend beyond 850 ka, and we use its improved signal quality to identify 24 new marine isotope stages in the early Pliocene. We also present a new LR04 age model for the Pliocene- Pleistocene derived from tuning the delta(18)O stack to a simple ice model based on 21 June insolation at 65degreesN. Stacked sedimentation rates provide additional age model constraints to prevent overtuning. Despite a conservative tuning strategy, the LR04 benthic stack exhibits significant coherency with insolation in the obliquity band throughout the entire 5.3 Myr and in the precession band for more than half of the record. The LR04 stack contains significantly more variance in benthic delta(18) O than previously published stacks of the late Pleistocene as the result of higher-resolution records, a better alignment technique, and a greater percentage of records from the Atlantic. Finally, the relative phases of the stack's 41- and 23- kyr components suggest that the precession component of delta(18)O from 2.7 - 1.6 Ma is primarily a deep- water temperature signal and that the phase of delta(18)O precession response changed suddenly at 1.6 Ma.
The Hata Member of the Bouri Formation is defined for Pliocene sedimentary outcrops in the Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia. The Hata Member is dated to 2.5 million years ago and has produced a new species of Australopithecus and hominid postcranial remains not currently assigned to species. Spatially associated zooarchaeological remains show that hominids acquired meat and marrow by 2.5 million years ago and that they are the near contemporary of Oldowan artifacts at nearby Gona. The combined evidence suggests that behavioral changes associated with lithic technology and enhanced carnivory may have been coincident with the emergence of the Homo clade fromAustralopithecus afarensis in eastern Africa.
The frequency and morphology of notches produced on bovid long bones by carnivore gnawing (tooth notches) and hammerstone-on-anvil breakage (percussion notches) are quantified. Notches are semicircular- to arcuate-shaped indentations on fracture edges with corresponding negative flake scars on medullary surfaces. We restrict our analysis to notches produced under controlled conditions by either carnivores or hammerstones when diaphyses are breached to extract marrow. Percussion notches are characteristically more frequent, and, in cortical view, broader and shallower than tooth notches. The flakes removed from percussion notches are typically broader, and have a more obtuse release angle, than those removed from tooth notches. These morphological differences are statistically significant for notches on Bovid Size 1 and 2 long bones but not on Bovid Size 3 long bones. Notches should be more durable than marks produced by carcass consumers on bone surfaces because they penetrate the entire thickness of the bone. As a result, notches are not easily obscured by weathering, chemical corrosion, or adhering matrix. Given this durability, and the initial success we have had in distinguishing the actor responsible for notch production on modern bones, notches can be used, with some limitations, to identify bone consumers archaeologically.