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Vernacular settlements in Peneda and Laboreiro, Portugal. Spatial Or-ganisation

  • Escola Superior Gallaecia

Abstract and Figures

This research addresses the spatial and structural organisation of vernacular settlements of Serra da Peneda and Laboreiro developed in the scope of European Project VerSus_ Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture. The settlement model is analysed, emphasizing the relationships between spatial organisation of the territory and socio-economical structure. Furthermore it aims to reveal the articulation of the different clusters. Two case studies were selected, one from Serra da Peneda (Gavieira) and one from Castro Laboreiro (Adofreire). On the first case the settlement is articulated between the main settlement and seasonal settlements, called brandas. While in Castro Laboreiro the model is based on two different types of seasonal settlements (brandas and inverneiras). Distribution, implantation and morphological analysis of the different vernacular settlements are studied, using a comparative scope. Relating this analysis with the socio-economic profile several sustainable principles are pointed out, working as indicators that can be applied in contemporary architecture.
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Sousa, G.; Gomes, F. (2014). Vernacular settlements in Peneda and Laboreiro, Portugal. Spatial Or-ganisation. In International Conference on
Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
This article addresses the spatial and structural or-
ganisation of vernacular settlements in Serra da
Peneda and Laboreiro. The agro-pastoral communi-
ties in the Peneda-Gerês complex exhibit very pecu-
liar socio-economic features, closely related to the
way they adapt to, and draw their livelihood from,
the scarce resources the land offers. The need and/or
ability to interact with a very particular ecosystem
have led them to develop an interesting settlement
model that relies on mobility between different sea-
sonal clusters, with a differentiated occupation of the
territory. However, in the last decades of the twenti-
eth century, the emigration, the difficulties experi-
enced by younger generations to combine this mobil-
ity with the pursuit of their studies and the aging
population, began to threaten the traditional settle-
ment system in change for a more stable occupation
of the territory.
This research tries to bring out the interaction be-
tween this model of territorial occupation and the
needs and the possibilities of the socio-economic
system of these communities. Thus for, distribution,
implantation and morphological analysis of the dif-
ferent vernacular settlements were compared be-
tween them and then related to the socio-economic
profile of both communities. These first steps en-
abled also to contextualise the selected cases - the
main settlement of Gavieira with its two brandas
(Benzgalinhas and S. Bento do Cando) in Serra da
Peneda and the Adofreire branda with two of the in-
verneiras to where its population moves on the win-
ter period (Dorna and Assureira) in Castro La-
boreiro. The structural and spatial organisations of
both settlements were analysed, focusing mainly on
understanding their complementary nature.
The correlation between the socio-economic and
the spatial organisation systems enabled the identifi-
cation of sustainable principles that cannot be ne-
1.1 Methodology
The socio-economic characterisation of both com-
munities was assembled through a bibliographic re-
search of geographic, ethnographic and historical
studies that enabled to characterise the cultural and
social organisation forms of these communities, thus
highlighting the functional structure that binds the
livelihood of these groups and the way these ver-
nacular settlements were inhabited. As to the spatial
and structural analysis there were employed different
spatial analysis tools (GIS).
Vernacular settlements in Peneda and Laboreiro, Portugal: Spatial Or-
G. Sousa & F. Gomes
CI-ESG Escola Superior Gallaecia, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal
ABSTRACT: This research addresses the spatial and structural organisation of vernacular settlements of
Serra da Peneda and Laboreiro developed in the scope of European Project VerSus_ Lessons from Vernacu-
lar Heritage for Sustainable Architecture. The settlement model is analysed, emphasizing the relationships be-
tween spatial organisation of the territory and socio-economical structure. Furthermore it aims to reveal the ar-
ticulation of the different clusters. Two case studies were selected, one from Serra da Peneda (Gavieira) and
one from Castro Laboreiro (Adofreire). On the first case the settlement is articulated between the main set-
tlement and seasonal settlements, called brandas. While in Castro Laboreiro the model is based on two dif-
ferent types of seasonal settlements (brandas and inverneiras). Distribution, implantation and morphological
analysis of the different vernacular settlements are studied, using a comparative scope. Relating this analysis
with the socio-economic profile several sustainable principles are pointed out, working as indicators that can
be applied in contemporary architecture.
Sousa, G.; Gomes, F. (2014). Vernacular settlements in Peneda and Laboreiro, Portugal. Spatial Or-ganisation. In International Conference on
Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Serra da Peneda and Gavieira are a part of the
Peneda-Gerês National Park (PNPG). Geographi-
cally it is a territory characterised by its outstanding
abrupt mountains, and its upland areas that feature
distinct dimensions and altitudes. The variation of
slopes is very abrupt, especially in the valleys, were
the slopes are more pronounced, because the rivers
have been thoroughly carving the mountains. The
main rivers are Minho, Lima, Vez and Laboreiro
(Peixoto 2008).
The process of implementation and organisation
of vernacular settlements in Serra da Peneda-Gerês
is based on the necessity to adapt to these geographi-
cal and topographical features and to gather the
scarce resources it offers. This mountain territory
and its stratification in different biotypes induced the
population to choose the places with appropriate
soils for agriculture and nearby water lines to estab-
lish their settlements.
The traditional agro-pastoral communities of the
Peneda-Gerês Mountain combined the incipient ag-
riculture and a more prominent cattle-breeding activ-
ity, with the exploration of forestall resources. Herds
of sheep and/or caws were an important source of
income, granting food, milk for nourishment and
cheese production and also wool and leather for
clothing and footwear. Moreover cattle breeding
took full advantage of the extensive uncultivated ar-
eas that characterize this region. There for, one of
the main features of this economic system is that the
herds graze loose, unattended (ao feirio) or guarded
according to a communal practice locally called
vezeira. This practice of grazing based on commu-
nity work interferes decisively in the model of terri-
torial occupation and its spatial organisation, based
on the transhumance, meaning the displacement of
the population and their herd, to particular areas with
better pastures.
On Serra da Peneda this transhumance implies
the displacement from the main settlement to a sea-
sonal summer seasonal settlement (branda), while
on Castro Laboreiro the displacement is made
between winter seasonal settlements (inverneiras)
and summer seasonal settlements (brandas).
3.1 The settlements
In Peneda, due to the environmental features of the
territory, the main settlements, to which several au-
thors also call inverneira (Carvalho, 2003), did not
have the ideal qualities to maintain its occupation
throughout the whole year. Therefore, in order to
face the implied needs for pasture and agriculture,
the population, searched for other territories more
appropriated for a summer occupation. As a result,
brandas and inverneiras represent distinct and com-
plementary spaces in terms of implantation and the
way they are understood by their inhabitants.
On the other hand, Castro Laboreiro is divided in 42
settlements, only 8 of which have a permanent occu-
pation, the remaining are summer or winter seasonal
settlements. On the contrary to what can be per-
ceived in Peneda, in this case branda and inverneira
are two separated clusters, with the same impor-
3.1.1 Brandas
Their stratigraphic position is relatively high, placed
in small depressions or hills nearby highlands, where
winter temperatures are extremely low and where
snowfalls and strong winds, make the occupation
practically unworkable during this season. However,
during the summer, these areas have more favour-
able conditions than the valley.
In Castro Laboreiro, it is here, in these summer
seasonal settlements, that the population has the
most important economic exploitation areas. Barbei-
tos (cultivated fields) and pastures are therefore
more extensive in the plateau, given that the brandas
are occupied during the main part of the year, from
early spring until the arrival of winter.
3.1.2 Inverneiras
The inverneiras, occupying the valleys, have a cli-
mate described by locals as more sheltered from the
prevailing wind, therefore, protected from the strict-
ness of winter. In Peneda the population occupies
mainly these settlements, throughout October until
May. In the inverneira they have the main economic
exploration areas, where they grow corn, beans and
have vineyards, while in the branda they grow pota-
toes, wheat and hay, as a complement of the valley
agricultural production.
3.2 The house
The first feature that relates to the spatial organisa-
tion and building process of the house is the use of
the same typology and the use of similar constructive
techniques and materials.
The traditional housing, both on Peneda and Cas-
tro Laboreiro, is not only intended as a refuge but
also includes several other functions, such as storage
of agricultural products and livestock shelter. Hous-
ing becomes crucial for agro-pastoral production,
making the house an important element of both the
economic and the social system.
The construction materials were those existing in
the area. In this specific case, granite and wood.
Sousa, G.; Gomes, F. (2014). Vernacular settlements in Peneda and Laboreiro, Portugal. Spatial Or-ganisation. In International Conference on
Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Granite was used for the elevation of walls, formed
of blocks slightly levelled, disposed dry and without
any plaster. Wherever possible, the housing leans in
any existing outcrop thus saving the need for a wall.
Close to the ground lay the larger blocks and upward
are used medium or small size blocks.
The floor was made of wooden planks, mostly
oak. The same elements were also used for doors,
wooden shutters and roof structure, which was sub-
sequently covered with a thin layer of heather, used
due to its resistance and durability, although in some
cases they also used broom, though less durable.
The materials used in the construction of housing
helped to protect its inside from climatic conditions.
During the summer the thatch helped keep the inte-
rior cool and in winter the low height of the houses
combined with the successive layers of vegetable
matter used in the roof (latiça) favoured retention of
heat, from the fireplace and the presence of animals
stabled downstairs. Thus the structure of the house
shows a perfect compliance with the environment
and the needs of this particular socio-economic or-
ganisation (Oliveira & Galhano, 1998).
Figure 1. Interpretative scheme of the housing unit (Credits:
Filipa Gomes, 2013).
4.1 The case study: Gavieira in Serra da Peneda
The traditional settlement system of these communi-
ties is based on the complementary occupation of a
main settlement (inverneiras) and secondary settle-
ments (brandas). For the present article Gavieira
and its two summer seasonal settlements (Ben-
zgalinhas and S. Bento do Cando) were chosen as a
first case study aiming to understand their articula-
tion and how it reflects on structural and spatial or-
ganisation of both types of clusters.
Figure 3. Morphological analyse of the settlement: Gavieira,
Serra da Peneda (Credits: Filipa Gomes, 2014).
Gavieira is located at about an altitude of 600m,
near a water stream, forming a compact cluster, de-
limited by the cultivation area; its two summer sea-
sonal settlements are located at the top of the moun-
tain (1000-1100m in the case of Benzgalinhas and
950-1000m in that of S. Bento do Cando). These
have smaller clusters, normally along small water
The built cluster is characterised by the housing
concentration; the public space emerges from the
open spaces between the houses. The living cluster
interfaces with the cultivated area, which extends it-
self to the east, where water streams can be found.
On Gavieira the buildings occupy the area where
the slope is steeper and less suitable for agriculture,
successfully adapting to the topography of the land
and taking advantage of the rocky outcrops for the
construction of the foundations of the house.
Being the main settlement, Gavieira has the most
important common public spaces and therefore the
main equipments, such as watermills, corn granaries,
threshing-floors and the chapel of Santo Antonio.
Figure 2. Localisation of the settlement: Gavieira,
Serra da Peneda (Credits: Authors, 2014).
Sousa, G.; Gomes, F. (2014). Vernacular settlements in Peneda and Laboreiro, Portugal. Spatial Or-ganisation. In International Conference on
Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
On the brandas of Benzgalinhas and S. Bento do
Cando the housing cluster faces east, very well con-
solidated, as well as the cultivated area. The cultiva-
tion takes advantage of the land along the water-
courses, structured in terraces that follow the slope
of the land, similar to what happens in the in-
The displacement between the main settlement
and the brandas takes over 40 minutes, covering a
distance of 3km.
4.2 The case study: Adofreire in Castro Laboreiro
Figure 4. Location of the settlement: Adofreire, Castro La-
boreiro (Credits: Authors, 2014).
Among the seasonal settlements of Castro La-
boreiro, Adofreire, a summer seasonal settlement,
was chosen as the second case study. Opposite what
happens in Gaviera, here the population of a branda
scatters between several inverneiras where they re-
group with families coming from other brandas.
There for, two of the winters seasonal settlements
(Dorna and Assureira) to which the population of
Adofreire retreats during this harsh season were se-
lected as case studies.
Adofreire seats on the border of an immense pla-
teau, at an altitude of 1082m while the two winter
seasonal settlements occupy a lower terrain, at 825m
of altitude in the case of Dorna and 774m in that of
Assureira. The displacement takes more than a one-
hour journey, covering between 6 to 8km.
In Adofreire the cultivated area takes advantage of
the planer land, although it also spreads toward the
slopes, surrounding the housing cluster. The cluster
is compact but leaves between the buildings enough
empty space in which to socialise.
Figure 5. Morphological analyse of the settlement: Adof-
reire, Castro Laboreiro (Credits: Filipa Gomes 2014).
The inverneiras have an even more compact mor-
phology, with the farming land spreading toward the
south and east in the case of Assureira and to the
east and southwest in that of Dorna. Assureira has
two separated clusters, the bigger one on a north and
south axis along a street and the smaller forming an
edge north of the cultivated area.
The agricultural areas are in comparison with
those of the previous cases smaller, being the cattle
breeding the main source of livelihood for these
communities the more import productive areas
would be the pasture lands. Although the population
stays most of the year in the brandas, it is on the val-
ley settlements that they have the main public
equipments. On these cases, watermills, communi-
tarian ovens and religious buildings.
4.3 Comparative analysis of case studies: Gavieira
e Adofereire
The main difference between the two settlement
models, as described earlier is the inexistence, in the
Castro Laboreiro case, of a permanent settlement.
Although several facts point to the brandas, giving
its characteristics, as the most important settlement.
Here they have the bigger housing cluster and the
Sousa, G.; Gomes, F. (2014). Vernacular settlements in Peneda and Laboreiro, Portugal. Spatial Or-ganisation. In International Conference on
Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
most important productive area both in what agricul-
tural and in cattle breeding concerns. On the other
hand it’s on the inverneira that the most important
common public spaces are placed.
The main reasons for the above represented dif-
ferences (Fig. 3) may reside on the geographic char-
acteristics of both placements or on a different catch
as to what livelihood concerns. Being that in Castro
Laboreiro these communities would find in the high
altitudes, where the branda is settled, better soils for
agriculture and pasture, while in Peneda those con-
ditions were met in the valley, where they had the
inverneira. The extent of the plateaux of Castro La-
boreiro would probably explain these differences.
Figure 6. Interpretive scheme of the different case studies.
(Credits: Authors, 2014)
The organisational and structuring principles of
these settlements refer to some sustainable princi-
ples, through the way they seize and explore the
space, always taking into account the existing re-
sources of the site.
Making use of the operative approach of the Ver-
Sus project, which aims to address vernacular set-
tlements sustainable construction, as an
(in)dependent formal unit and to identify strategies
developed through the analysis of their representa-
tive main morphological elements, relationships and
organisational characteristics, it was able to conclude
in the cases addressed in this article the following
strategies and sustainable principles relating to the
structural and spatial organisation of these settle-
Appropriate implementation on the territory
(assuring appropriate choice of the sites) - the
vernacular settlements of Peneda and Castro La-
boreiro, choose the implantation of the building
area near the soils with presence of granitic out-
crops and nearby watercourses, liberating the
soils appropriate to agricultural exploitation. In
this specific case, they built two different types
of settlements to meet the needs implied by their
means of subsistence. Combining in a sustain-
able strategy its livelihood necessities and the
scarce resources available.
To optimize the resources in the building
process, using accessible materials and simpli-
fied construction processes, deriving from the
population empirical knowledge.
Contribute to the acknowledgement of the
cultural landscape and its dynamics. This ac-
knowledgement is well implied on this settle-
ment model where the transhumance has a big
importance. These communities establish their
household on a territory where the harsh climate
conditions would not allow a permanent settle-
ment they adjust their economic and social struc-
tures to fit a way of living that always implies
some mobility. Therefore they developed the
above-explained model based on the existence of
complementary settlements occupied according
to the needs of the group. Furthermore this
model is sufficiently adaptable to the cultural and
social characteristics of local communities and to
the territory features as the, above pointed, dif-
ferences between the organization of the Ga-
vieira and Adofreire model of territorial occupa-
To build and consolidate the identity. Al-
though this strategy can be identified on both
communities, it is perceived in different ways in
Peneda and Castro Laboreiro. On the first case,
this identity can be built and consolidated both in
terms of a sentiment of belonging to a place or to
a group with a very specific culture and values.
One of the main features of this group being the
importance of communal work, in the building
process, the maintenance of infrastructures, agri-
cultural and pasture activities and management
of communal lands and irrigation system.
Meanwhile in Laboreiro given that the group as-
sembled for the main part of the year on one
branda would disperse to several inverneiras the
identity of the community depends mostly on the
social and cultural features. Therefore the senti-
ment would include all the other families that
partake on this very specific way of life as op-
posed to those who have a sedentary way of life.
To reduce implementation, construction and
operational efforts. In these specific cases the
economical activity of these communities was
Sousa, G.; Gomes, F. (2014). Vernacular settlements in Peneda and Laboreiro, Portugal. Spatial Or-ganisation. In International Conference on
Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
one of the main bases for the stipulation on crite-
ria for the choice of an appropriate site or sites
for the settlement. The construction of equip-
ment’s and houses is based on local materials
(granite and wood) and endogenous workman-
ship, taken advantage of the communitarian
work. The usage of local materials assures
minimal transportation efforts and enhances the
building life cycles. Concerning the spatial or-
ganisation of the house unit, its functional pro-
gramme and built morphology, optimizes human
comfort conditions.
To enhance local economy. Finally the intricate
relations between this settlement system and the
social-economic structure of these communities
was such that the adoption of a more sedentary
way of life led to the abandonment of some of
these settlements in the last decades. But this
also implies that a rehabilitation of that same
model would probably enhance local economy.
The organisation of the territory is fundamental in
the construction of a sustainable society. An organ-
ized management of the territory, as shown above,
cooperates efficiently to soil use, determining their
occupation according its best aptitude, thus manag-
ing the appropriate areas for building, green areas or
cultivation. The vernacular settlement develops in
close accordance to climate, landform, geology and
available resources, materialized trough formal solu-
tions adapted to particular socio-economic and
socio-cultural perceptions.
This capacity to work with the resources available
locally is well evident in the case of the traditional
communities of Serra da Peneda and Castro La-
boreiro, both in the way the organise and structure
their settlements to the particular traits of their terri-
tory and socio-economical structure. But it is also
inherent to the characteristics shared by their house
units both in terms of spatial organisation and con-
structive process.
In fact, these structures, as well as the use of local
materials are extremely effective as to thermal com-
fort, providing a cool interior in the summer and
warm one in the winter, thus it should not be surpris-
ing its application both areas and in all the different
types of settlements.
Finally, it is evident that all these elements that
characterize this settlement model should be an im-
portant part of any strategy to promote the safeguard
or the increase in value of the cultural heritage of ru-
ral communities of the Peneda-Gerês region.
The present paper was developed in the scope of the
European Research Project ‘VerSus: Lessons from
Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture
(20122792/001–001 CU7 COOP7)’, officially sup-
ported by the Cultura 2000 Programme.
VerSus is developed by ESG/ Escola Superior
Gallaecia, Portugal, as Project Leader. CI-ESG, Re-
search Centre at ESG developed the candidacy under
the research field of Architecture and Heritage. The
project combines two fields of study of the research
line: Vernacular Heritage and Sustain- able Architec-
ture (CI-ESG 2012).
The projects main aim is to gain knowledge from
the fundamental lessons and principles of the ver-
nacular architecture, and to explore new ways to in-
tegrate those principles into modern Sustainable Ar-
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Sousa, G.; Gomes, F. (2014). Vernacular settlements in Peneda and Laboreiro, Portugal. Spatial Or-ganisation. In International Conference on
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Full-text available
A core argument of several studies that focus on Greek vernacular settlements is that climate and landscape had a significant impact on their spatial distribution and growth. For the majority of these studies, this argument is primarily underpinned by qualitative observations at the geographical scale or by detailed microscale analyses of specific case studies. A nationwide analysis of the relation of vernacular settlement locations with key environmental factors has not yet been conducted in Greece. The present study seeks to cover this research gap by adopting a geospatial analysis approach. It utilises Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to relate the location of Greek vernacular settlements with the sea, the sun, the wind and the local geomorphology. The results of the study provide valuable insight on these relations and ultimately support the argument of the environmental responsiveness of vernacular settlements with quantitative data.
Entre Soajo. Migrações e Memória. Estudos sobre uma sociedade agro-pastoril de identidade renovada
  • C Callier-Boisvert
Callier-Boisvert, C. 2004. Entre Soajo. Migrações e Memória. Estudos sobre uma sociedade agro-pastoril de identidade renovada. Arcos de Valdevez: Câmara Municipal de Arcos de Valdevez.
Castro Laboreiro e Soajo: habitação, vestuário e trabalho da mulher
  • A Geraldes
Geraldes, A. 1979. Castro Laboreiro e Soajo: habitação, vestuário e trabalho da mulher. Coleção Parques Naturais, 4. Lisboa: Serviço Nacional de Parques, Reservas e Património Paisagístico.
Summer seasonal settlements e Winter seasonal settlements. Particularidades do sistema agropastoril castrejo. Cadernos Juríz Xurés -Instituto da Co servação da natureza e Parque Nacional da Peneda Gerês
  • A D Geraldes
Geraldes, A. D. 1996. Summer seasonal settlements e Winter seasonal settlements. Particularidades do sistema agropastoril castrejo. Cadernos Juríz Xurés -Instituto da Co servação da natureza e Parque Nacional da Peneda Gerês.
Vernacular settlements in Serra da Peneda, Portugal: The case of Rouças and Gavieira
  • A F Gomes
Gomes, A.F. 2014. Vernacular settlements in Serra da Peneda, Portugal: The case of Rouças and Gavieira. In: Vernacular heritage and earthen architecture. Contributions for sustainable development, pp.477-482, London: Tay-lo&Francis.
Sistemas de povoamento e ocupação do espaço em Castro Laboreiro—serra da Peneda
  • A Lima
Lima, A. 1993. Sistemas de povoamento e ocupação do espaço em Castro Laboreiro—serra da Peneda, Tese de Mestrado apresentada à FLUP. Porto: Universidade do Porto.
Castro Laboreiro. Povoamento e organização de um território serrano
  • A Lima
Lima, A. 1996. Castro Laboreiro. Povoamento e organização de um território serrano, Cadernos Jurís, Xurés, 1. Braga: Instituto de Conservação da Natureza.
Castro Laboreiro: a terra
  • A Oliveira
Oliveira, A. 1968. Castro Laboreiro: a terra, o homem e a tradição, Separata da Revista Comunidades Portuguesas, 10. Lisboa: Tipografia Silvas.
O Património Geomorfológico-Glaciário do Parque nacional Peneda Gerês: Proposta Estratégica de Geoconservação
  • L Peixoto
Peixoto, L. 2008. O Património Geomorfológico-Glaciário do Parque nacional Peneda Gerês: Proposta Estratégica de Geoconservação. (Dissertação de Mestrado não publicada), universidade do Minho.
Comunidades Camponesas no Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês
  • L Polanah
Polanah, L. 1981. Comunidades Camponesas no Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês. Lisboa: Serviço nacional de Parques, Reservas e Património Paisagístico.