
History of radar: The need for further analysis and disclosure

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Within the frame of the Eurad-2014 Special Session «110 years of radar developments in Europe after Hülsmeyer's Telemobiloskop» this introductory paper contains (i) a retrospective analysis of the present literature and of its missing elements and (ii) a kind of presentation of this Special Session and its rationale.

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... Hence special thanks are due to them. Hungary generated its radar technology during the war [2]. ...
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A Radar detect objects by the transmission and interception of the reflected radio wave from a target. The reflected signal gets distorted due to noise and it becomes difficult to detect a target. False alarms are seen due to the addition of multiple noise sources with the radar receiver signal which minimizes the target detection amplitude resulting in misdetections. In order to resolve this issue, filters are generally utilized. The goal of this research, is to initially incorporate basic information of radar parameters for example Radar Cross Section (RCS), Radar Range Equation and Radar Waveforms and filter the aforementioned distortions of radar receiver signal. Single and Double Exponential Smoothing Techniques and Gaussian Filters, as well as two traditional filters, Butterworth and Median filters, are used to reduce radar receiver noise. The raw data has been acquired with the help of a Didactic Primary Radar (DPR -886) and has been processed using the mentioned approaches and the performance of these techniques have been analyzed. The Exponential Smoothing Technique yields promising results. On the other hand, Gaussian filters though suppress radar receiver noise it shows some major drawbacks. For this reason, it is not appreciable for radar application. The results can be observed simultaneously in a typical simulator created with the help of MATLAB and associated applications. No previous work has been done regarding the aforementioned approaches in this particular field. This research work will aid to come up with an alternative way for radar noise suppression instead of complex and costly techniques.
... Haziran 1904 yılında saha testinin yapıldığı ve 30 Nisan 1904'te DE 165546 kodu ile patentlendiği bilinmektedir (Galati & Genderen, 2014). Fakat Radarların bilinirliği erken uyarı sağlama amaçlı askeri harp sistemleri olarak İkinci Dünya savaşı ile yaygınlaşması ve kullanımı ile artmıştır. ...
Nowadays, radars are used as one of the most important critical sensor systems for both of military and civilian applications. In the future, effective usage of radars will be more important because of the further improvements of autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, and robotic technologies. Therefore, classification of targets come to the forefront as a competitive and innovative feature for developing new radar algorithms. Correct detection performance for radars is very critical feature according to general usage procedures of radars. Working performance of classification specification of radar with minimum amount of error is very important. Accordingly, improved classification algorithms with optimization methods are suggested to the radar classification literature. In this thesis target classification was done for identification of Active targets and Passive targets. Active targets are moving which can pose a danger. Passive Targets can be seen by radars, but they are stable targets. For this purpose, optimization of radar targets data sets, classification of targets and evaluation of classification performance has been evaluated. Beside classification of Active and Passive targets, Active target types classified according to running human and walking human targets. Classification methods which are used in the thesis are machine learning based methods. These algorithms are support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, k nearest neighbor (KNN) and, decision tree (DT) algorithms. At the end of the thesis, improvement of succeeded classification methods for high resolution range profile (HRRP) data sets are suggested and these suggested methods can be applied both of conventional radar target data and new radar target data.
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Radars and lidars are two primary sensor modalities complementing optical cameras in active safety and autonomous driving applications. Radars and lidars operate at dramatically different frequency bands, experience different propagation effects, and are implemented using completely different technologies. Therefore, they also differ in operation, processing, and implementation challenges. Moreover, the lidar and radar communities have expertise in very disparate technologies and, therefore, are typically segregated and do not communicate. This work provides a fair comparison between lidars and radars, investigates similarities and differences between them, emphasizes their advantages, and summarizes their shortcomings. Lidar systems’ advantages are their high angular resolution and spatiotemporal consistency. Radar systems’ advantages are robustness to adverse weather and poor lighting conditions, long detection range, low cost, and the possibility for on-vehicle integration behind an optically nontransparent fascia. It is expected that 1) intensive research and development will enable future low-cost and long-range lidar technology, and 2) digital radars with a large number of transmit and receive channels will achieve lidar-like angular resolution and resolve mutual interferences while preserving other radar advantages.
Conference Paper
The Italian contribution to radar is little knows due to scarce and sometimes imprecise literature. This paper aims to cover naval and coastal radar developments in Italy from the beginning (1935) to the halt due to the Armistice of September 8th, 1943, mostly due to Ugo Tiberio and Nello Carrara.
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It is a common belief by many people that the resonant-cavity magnetron was invented in February 1940 by Randall and Boot from Birmingham University. In reality, this is not the full story. Rather, it is a point of view mostly advocated by the winners of the Second World War, who gained a great benefit from this microwave power tube (thanks to a two-orders-of-magnitude increase of power) in the Battle of the Atlantic, in night bombing until the final collapse of the German Reich, and in many other operations. This paper discusses the contributions by other nations, mainly France, but also Germany, Japan, The Netherlands, the Czech Republic, the USSR, and even more, to the cavity magnetron and to its roots
Le RADAR, véritable « sixième sens » de l’homme moderne, compte parmi les trois ou quatre inventions qui ont le plus marqué l’Histoire des Techniques au XXème siècle. Son impact, évident sur le déroulement des grands conflits et sur l’évolution de la stratégie militaire, s’exerce aussi sur de nombreux secteurs civils, tels que les transports maritimes ou aériens, la conquête spatiale, et plus simplement sur notre vie et notre sécurité quotidiennes. L’auteur s’est efforcé de dépasser la barrière technique, en se concentrant sur les ruptures technologiques essentielles, et en situant les facteurs déclencheurs de ces innovations dans le contexte de l’histoire générale. En soulignant le rôle des inventeurs, en relation avec l’apparition des nouveaux besoins opérationnels et les progrès de la technologie, il réussit ainsi à mettre à la portée du plus grand nombre une histoire réputée jusqu’ici complexe. La lecture est éclairée par de nombreuses anecdotes, souvent inédites : elles illustrent la place prépondérante que cette invention a tenu dans notre histoire contemporaine. Pour une utilisation pratique par les étudiants ou les chercheurs, l’ouvrage est complété par divers outils tels qu’un index de près de 500 noms et 250 références de matériels, et un tableau chronologique très complet qui situe clairement les contributions de chacun dans le processus de l’innovation.
Conference Paper
The year 2014 is for all radar engineers and for the international radar society of much importance due to the first radar patent which has been applied 110 years ago on April 30th, 1904 in Berlin at the "Kaiserliche Patentamt", the former German patent office. The inventor, Christian Huelsmeyer, was interested in collision avoidance systems for ship traffic which was an important economical factor at that time. The TITANIC disaster could have been avoided if the Telemobiliscop technique had been applied to this ship. Starting the development with analogue technique and continuing with digital and semiconductor technology changed the radar system design and the resulting performance totally. The challenge today is to design radars on a single chip.
The Bruneval Raid (Operation BITING), which took place on the night of 27/28 February 1942, was a British WW2 operation by the newly formed Parachute Regiment against a German radar station on the north coast of France. The story has been told in many places: for example in R.V. Jones's book Most Secret War [1] as well as in several other books and websites [2]??[7].
Radar Development in the Netherlands
  • Piet Van Genderen
100 years of Radar-Contributions from various countries describing the individual Radar development processes
  • Rohling Hermann
Cent'anni di radar-Ricerca, Sviluppi, Persone, Eventi
  • gaspare
The Klein Heidelberg
  • Hugh Griffiths
The Wúrzburg radar equipment from the Bruneval raid
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Deckname Würzburg-Ein Betrag zu Erhellung der Geschichte des geheimnisunwitterten deutscher Radargeräts 1937-1945
  • Arthur O Bauer