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Abstract and Figures

Several studies have documented fish populations changing in response to long-term warming. Over the past decade, sea surface temperatures in the Gulf of Maine increased faster than 99% of the global ocean. The warming, which was related to a northward shift in the Gulf Stream and to changes in the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation, led to reduced recruitment and increased mortality in the region’s Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stock. Failure to recognize the impact of warming on cod contributed to overfishing. Recovery of this fishery depends on sound management, but the size of the stock depends on future temperature conditions. The experience in the Gulf of Maine highlights the need to incorporate environmental factors into resource management.
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/ / 29 October 2015 / Page 1 / 10.1126/science.aac9819
Climate change is reshaping ecosystems in ways that impact
resources and ecosystem services (1). Fisheries, with their
tight coupling between ecosystem state and economic
productivity, are a prime example of interacting social-
ecological systems. The social and ecological value of a
fishery depends first and foremost on the biomass of fish,
and fishing has often been the dominant driver of the status
of the resource and the economics of the fishing community.
Modern fisheries management is designed to reduce
harvesting levels in response to low stock biomass (and vice
versa), creating a negative feedback that, in theory, will
maintain steady long-term productivity (2).
A failure to detect changes in the environment or to act
appropriately when changes are detected can jeopardize
social-ecological systems (3). As climate change brings
conditions that are increasingly outside the envelope of past
experiences, the risks increase. The Gulf of Maine has
warmed steadily, and the record
warm conditions in 2012
impacted the fishery for
American lobster (4). Here, we
consider how ocean warming
factored into the rapid decline of
the Gulf of Maine cod stock (5).
We used sea surface
temperature data to characterize
temperature trends in the Gulf
of Maine since 1982 and over the
last decade (2004-2013). We
compared the changes in this
region with trends around the
globe and related temperature
variability to an index of Gulf
Stream position and the Pacific
Decadal Oscillation and the
Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.
We then examined the impact of
temperature conditions in the
Gulf of Maine on the
recruitment and survival of
Atlantic cod. The resulting
temperature-dependent population
dynamics model was used to
project the rebuilding potential
of this stock under future
temperature scenarios.
From 1982-2013, daily
satellite-derived sea surface
temperature in the Gulf of
Maine rose at a rate of 0.03°C
yr−1 (R2 = 0.12, p < 0.01, n =
11,688; Fig. 1A). This rate is
higher than the global mean rate
of 0.01°C yr−1 and led to gradual
shifts in the distribution and
abundance of fish populations (68). Beginning in 2004, the
warming rate in the Gulf of Maine increased more than
seven-fold to 0.23°C yr−1 (R2 = 0.42, p < 0.01, n = 3,653). This
period began with relatively cold conditions in 2004 and
concluded with the two warmest years in the time series.
The peak temperature in 2012 was part of a large “ocean
heat wave” in the northwest Atlantic that persisted for
nearly 18 months (4).
The recent 10 year warming trend is remarkable, even for
a highly-variable part of the ocean like the northwest
Atlantic. Over this period, substantial warming also
occurred off of western Australia, in the western Pacific, and
in the Barents Sea; and cooling was observed in the eastern
Pacific and Bering Sea (Fig. 1B). The global ocean has a total
area of 3.6 x 108 km2, yet only 3.1 x 105 km2 of the global
ocean had warming rates greater than that in the Gulf of
Maine over this time period. Thus, the Gulf of Maine has
Slow adaptation in the face of rapid
warming leads to collapse of the Gulf of
Maine cod fishery
Andrew J. Pershing,1* Michael A. Alexander,2 Christina M.
Hernandez,1† Lisa A. Kerr,1 Arnault Le Bris,1 Katherine E. Mills,1
Janet A. Nye,3 Nicholas R. Record,4 Hillary A. Scannell,1,5‡ James
D. Scott,2,6 Graham D. Sherwood,1 Andrew C. Thomas5
1Gulf of Maine Research Institute, 350 Commercial Street, Portland, ME 04101, USA. 2NOAA Earth System Research
Laboratory, Boulder, CO 80305, USA. 3School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook,
NY 11794, USA. 4Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, 60 Bigelow Drive, East Boothbay, ME 04544, USA. 5School of
Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469, USA. 6Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
†Present address: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA.
‡Present address: University of Washington School of Oceanography, Seattle, WA 98105, USA.
Several studies have documented fish populations changing in response to
long-term warming. Over the last decade, sea surface temperatures in the
Gulf of Maine increased faster than 99% of the global ocean. The warming,
which was related to a northward shift in the Gulf Stream and to changes in
the Atlantic Multidecadal and Pacific Decadal Oscillations, led to reduced
recruitment and increased mortality in the region’s Atlantic cod (
) stock. Failure to recognize the impact of warming on cod
contributed to overfishing. Recovery of this fishery depends on sound
management, but the size of the stock depends on future temperature
conditions. The experience in the Gulf of Maine highlights the need to
incorporate environmental factors into resource management.
on November 5, 2015www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from on November 5, 2015www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from on November 5, 2015www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from on November 5, 2015www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from on November 5, 2015www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from on November 5, 2015www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from on November 5, 2015www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from on November 5, 2015www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from
/ / 29 October 2015 / Page 2 / 10.1126/science.aac9819
warmed faster than 99.9% of the global ocean between 2004
and 2013 (Fig. 1C). Using sea surface temperatures from
1900-2013, the likelihood of any 2° by 2° segment of the
ocean exceeding this 10-year warming rate is less than 0.3%.
Based on this analysis, the Gulf of Maine experienced
decadal warming that few marine ecosystems have
As a first step toward diagnosing the potential drivers of
the recent warming trend, we correlated the quarterly
temperatures in the Gulf of Maine with large-scale climate
indicators (table S1). An index of Gulf Stream position (9)
has the strongest and most consistent relationship with Gulf
of Maine temperatures. The correlations with the Gulf
Stream Index (GSI) are positive and significant in all
quarters, with the strongest correlation occurring in
summer (r = 0.63, p < 0.01, n = 31). The Pacific Decadal
Oscillation (PDO) (10) is negatively correlated with the Gulf
of Maine temperatures during spring (r = 0.50) and
summer (r = 0.67). Summer temperatures are also
positively correlated with the Atlantic Multidecadal
Oscillation (AMO) (11) (r = 0.48, p < 0.01, n = 31).
Building on the strong correlations with summer
temperatures, we developed multiple regression models for
summer Gulf of Maine temperatures using combinations of
the three indices (Table 1). Based on AIC score, the best
model used all three indices, and this model explained 70%
of the variance in Gulf of Maine summer temperature (R2 =
0.70, p < 0.01, AIC = 46.0, n = 31). This model was slightly
better than one using GSI and the AMO (R2 = 0.66, p < 0.01,
AIC = 48.2, n = 31). We refit each model using data from
1982-2003, and then applied the model to the 2004-2012
period. The three-index and the GSI-AMO models had
nearly identical out-of-sample performance, explaining 65%
and 64% of the variance, respectively.
A long-term poleward shift in the Gulf Stream occurred
over the 20th century and has been linked to increasing
greenhouse gasses (12). Previous studies have reported an
association between Gulf Stream position and temperatures
in the northwest Atlantic (7, 13), and an extreme northward
shift in the Gulf Stream was documented during the record
warm year of 2012 (14). Although the Gulf Stream does not
directly enter the Gulf of Maine, northward shifts in the
Gulf Stream are associated with reduced transport of cold
waters southward on the continental shelf (15, 16). The
association between Gulf of Maine temperature and the
PDO suggests an atmospheric component to the recent
trend. A detailed heat-budget calculation for the 2012 event
(17) found that the warming was due to increased heat flux
associated with anomalously warm weather in 2011-2012.
These results suggest that atmospheric teleconnections from
the Pacific, changes in the circulation in the Atlantic Ocean,
and background warming have contributed to the rapid
warming in the Gulf of Maine.
The Gulf of Maine cod stock has been chronically
overfished, prompting progressively stronger management,
including the implementation of a quota-based
management system in 2010. Despite these efforts,
including a 73% cut in quotas in 2013, spawning stock
biomass (SSB) continued to decline (Fig. 2A). The most
recent assessment found that SSB in this stock is now less
than 3,000 mt, only 4% of the spawning stock biomass that
gives the maximum sustainable yield (SSBmsy) (5). This has
prompted severe restrictions on the commercial cod fishery
and the closure of the recreational fishery.
The Gulf of Maine is near the southern limit of cod, and
previous studies have suggested that warming will lead to
lower recruitment, suboptimal growth conditions, and
reduced fishery productivity in the future (1820). Using
population estimates from the recent Gulf of Maine cod
stock assessment (5), we fit a series of stock-recruit models
with and without a temperature effect (table S2). The best
models exhibited negative relationships between age-1
recruitment and summer temperatures (table S3). Gulf of
Maine cod spawn in the winter and spring, so the link with
summer temperatures suggests a decrease in the survival of
late-stage larvae and settling juveniles. Although the
relationship with temperature is statistically robust, the
exact mechanism for this is uncertain but may include
changes in prey availability and/or predator risk. For
example, the abundance of some zooplankton taxa that are
prey for larval cod has declined in the Gulf of Maine cod
habitat (21). Warmer temperatures could cause juvenile cod
to move away from their preferred shallow habitat into
deeper water where risks of predation are higher (22).
We also looked for other signatures of temperature
within the population dynamics of cod. We found a strong
association between the mortality of age-4 fish and fall
temperatures from the current year and the second year of
life (Fig. 2B, R2 = 0.57, p < 0.01, n = 21). Age 4 represents an
energetic bottleneck for cod due to the onset of
reproduction and reduced feeding efficiency as fish
transition from benthic to pelagic prey (23). Elevated
temperatures increase metabolic costs in cod (24),
exacerbating the energetic challenges at this age. The
average weight-at-age of cod in the Gulf of Maine region has
been below the long-term mean since 2002 (25), and these
poorly conditioned fish will have a lower probability of
survival (26).
The age-4 mortality relationship improves significantly
with the addition of temperatures from the second year of
life (table S6). This suggests that a portion of the estimated
age-4 mortality reflects mortality over the juvenile period
that is not explicitly captured in the assessment.
Temperature may directly influence mortality in younger
fish through metabolic processes described above; however,
we hypothesize that predation mortality may also be higher
during warm years. Many important cod predators migrate
into the Gulf of Maine or have feeding behaviors that are
strongly seasonal. During a warm year, spring-like
conditions occur earlier in the year, and fall-like conditions
/ / 29 October 2015 / Page 3 / 10.1126/science.aac9819
occur later. During the 2012 heat wave, the spring warming
occurred 21 days ahead of schedule, and fall cooling was
delayed by a comparable amount (4). This change in
phenology could result in an increase in natural mortality of
44% on its own, without any increase in predator biomass
(see supplementary text).
If fishing pressure had been effectively reduced, the
population should have rebuilt more during the cool years
and then declined less rapidly during the warming period.
Instead, fishing mortality rates consistently exceeded target
levels, even though fishermen did not exceed their quotas.
The quota-setting process that is at the heart of fisheries
management is highly sensitive to the number of fish aging
into the fishery in each year. For Gulf of Maine cod, age
classes 4 and 5 dominate the biomass of the stock and the
catch (5). The temperature-mortality relationship in Fig. 2B
means that during warm years, fewer fish are available for
the fishery. Not accounting for this effect leads to quotas
that are too high. The resulting fishing mortality rate was
thus above the intended levels, contributing to overfishing
even though catches were within prescribed limits.
Socioeconomic pressures further compounded the
overfishing. In order to minimize the impact of the quota
cuts on fishing communities, the New England Fishery
Management Council elected to defer most of the cuts
indicated for 2012 and 2013 until the second half of 2013.
The socioeconomic adjustment coupled with the two
warmest years in the record led to fishing mortality rates
that were far above the levels needed to rebuild this stock.
The impact of temperature on Gulf of Maine cod
recruitment was known at the start of the warming period
(20), and stock-recruitment model fit to data up to 2003 and
incorporating temperature produces recruitment estimates
(Fig. 2A, yellow diamonds) that are similar to the
assessment time series. Ignoring the influence of
temperature produces recruitment estimates that are on
average 100% and up to 360% higher than if temperature is
included (Fig. 2A, gray squares). Based on a simple
population dynamics model that incorporates temperature,
the spawning stock biomass that produces the maximum
sustainable yield (SSBmsy) has been declining steadily since
2002 (Fig. 3) rather than remaining constant as currently
assumed. The failure to consider temperature impacts on
Gulf of Maine cod recruitment created unrealistic
expectations for how large this stock can be and how
quickly it can rebuild.
We estimated the potential for rebuilding the Gulf of
Maine cod stock under three different temperature
scenarios: a “cool” scenario that warms at a rate of 0.02°
yr−1, a “warm” scenario that warms at 0.03° yr−1, the mean
rate from climate model projections, and a “hot” scenario
that follows the 0.07°C yr−1 trend present in the summer
temperature time series. If fishing mortality is completely
eliminated, populations in the cool and warm scenarios
could rebuild to the temperature-dependent SSBmsy in 2025,
slightly longer than the 10 year rebuilding timeline
established by US law, and the hot scenario would reach its
target one year later (Fig. 3). Allowing a small amount of
fishing (F = 0.1) would delay rebuilding by three years in the
cool and warm scenarios and 8 years in the hot. Note that
estimating SSBmsy without temperature produces a
management target that may soon be unachievable. By
2030, a rebuilt fishery could produce more than 5,000 tons
yr−1 under the warm scenario, a catch rate close to the
average for the fishery for the previous decade. Under the
hot scenario, the fishery would be 1,800 tons yr−1small, but
potentially valuable. Thus, how quickly this fishery rebuilds
now depends arguably as much on temperature as it does
on fishing. Future management of Gulf of Maine cod would
benefit from a reevaluation of harvest control rules and
thorough management strategy evaluation of the
application of temperature-dependent reference points and
projections such as these.
As climate change pushes species poleward and reduces
the productivity of some stocks, resource managers will be
increasingly faced with trade-offs between the persistence of
a species or population and the economic value of a fishery.
Navigating decisions in this context requires both accurate
projections of ecosystem state and stronger guidance from
society in the form of new policies. Social-ecological systems
that depend on steady state or are slow to recognize and
adapt to environmental change are unlikely to meet their
ecological and economic goals in a rapidly changing world.
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This work was supported by the NSF’s Coastal SEES Program (OCE-1325484; AP,
MA, CH, AL, KM, JN, HS, JS, and AT), the Lenfest Ocean Program (AP, AL, KM, and
GS), and institutional funds from the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (LK) and the
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences (NR). The lead author’s knowledge of fishery
management was greatly enhanced by discussions with Patrick Sullivan, Steve Ca-
drin, Jake Kritzer, and other members of the NEFMC Scientific and Statistical Com-
mittee. Michael Palmer provided helpful comments on earlier drafts of the
manuscript and facilitated access to the recent stock assessment. The manuscript
also benefitted from helpful feedback from Jon Hare and two anonymous reviewers.
The data reported in this paper are tabulated in the supplementary materials and are
available from the referenced technical reports and from the National Climate Data
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S6
Tables S1 to S5
References (2735)
9 July 2015; accepted 23 September 2015
Published online 29 October 2015
/ / 29 October 2015 / Page 5 / 10.1126/science.aac9819
Index, PDO = Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index, AMO = Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Index. The final model
uses all three indices. The first set of statistics refer to the models fit to the entire 1982-2013 record. The models
were also fit to the 1982-2003 period then projected on to the 2004-2013 period. The last two columns
summarize the out of sample performance of the models.
Time series 1 Time series 2
2004-2013 Out of Sample
PDO 0.58 0.00 54.41 0.54 0.00
AMO 0.50 0.00 59.78 0.32 0.01
All 0.70 0.00 45.99 0.65 0.00
/ / 29 October 2015 / Page 6 / 10.1126/science.aac9819
Fig. 1.
Sea surface temperature trends from the Gulf of Maine and the global ocean.
) Daily (blue, 15d smoothed)
and annual (black dots) SST anomalies from 1982-2013 with the long-term trend (black dashed line) and trend over the
last decade (2004-2013) (red solid line). (
) Global SST trends (° yr−1) over the period 2004-2013. The Gulf of Maine is
outlined in black. (
) Histogram of global 2004-2013 SST trends with the trend from the Gulf of Maine indicated at the
right extreme of distribution.
/ / 29 October 2015 / Page 7 / 10.1126/science.aac9819
Fig. 2. Relationships between Gulf of Maine cod and temperature. (A) Time series of Gulf of Maine cod spawning
stock biomass (blue), and age-1 recruitment (green) from the 2014 assessment. Cod age-1 recruitment modeled
using adult biomass and summer temperatures (dashed line). The gray squares are recruitment estimated using a
model without a temperature effect fit to data prior to 2004. The yellow diamonds are a temperature-dependent
model fit to this earlier period. (
) Mortality of age-4 cod as a function of temperature (R2 = 0.57, p < 0.01, n = 21). The
temperature is composed of the fall values from the current year and three years prior, weighted using the
coefficients from the linear model.
/ / 29 October 2015 / Page 8 / 10.1126/science.aac9819
Fig. 3. Temperature-dependent rebuilding potential of Gulf of Maine cod. We simulated a population
growing from the 2013 biomass (black curves) without fishing under three temperature scenarios: a cool
scenario (solid line) represented by the 10% lower bound of the CMIP-5 ensemble, a warm scenario (heavy
line) represented by the climate model ensemble mean, and a hot scenario (“+”s) with warming at the 0.07°
yr−1 rate observed in the summer in the Gulf of Maine since 1982. This population is contrasted against an
estimate of the temperature-dependent SSBmsy (blue lines and shading), an estimate of SSBmsy without
accounting for temperature (grey dashed line), and the carrying capacity of the population (green lines and
shading). The yellow circles mark where the rebuilding population reaches the temperature-dependent
SSBmsy, squares denote when a population fished at F = 0.1 would be rebuilt.
... The Northeast Continental Shelf, a highly productive ecosystem that supports many lucrative fisheries and coastal operations, has undergone significant warming in recent decades, and is projected to continue warming throughout the remainder of the century (US 2021; Pershing et al. 2015;Saba et al. 2016). reported recent average decadal warming rates of approximately 0.95 °C on the Northeast Continental Shelf and 1.1-2.4 ...
... The Cold Pool permits the range of boreal species to extend south along the MAB continental shelf into regions where temperatures would otherwise be too warm for many economically valuable boreal species to survive, such as yellowtail flounder (Pleuronectes ferruginea), the sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus), and the ocean quahog (Arctica islandica) (Friedland et al. , 2022Horwitz et al. 2022;Kleisner et al. 2017;Miles et al. 2021;Miller, Hare, and Alade 2016;. Poleward and offshore distributional shifts in mobile commercially exploited species within the southern New England and MAB regions are well documented (Kleisner et al. 2017;Mills et al. 2013;Nye et al. 2009;Pershing et al. 2015;Pinsky and Fogarty 2012). In recent years, growing concerns also have been directed towards sedentary species within the Mid-Atlantic, such as commercially valuable bivalve species, including the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) and the ocean quahog (A. ...
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The Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima , and ocean quahog, Arctica islandica , are biomass dominant bivalve species on the eastern North American continental shelf, both supporting lucrative commercial fisheries in the Mid‐Atlantic with a combined value of about $53.6 million in ex‐vessel revenue per year. The thermal tolerance of Atlantic surfclam is generally below 20 °C, whereas the boreal ocean quahog resides in colder waters maintained by the Mid‐Atlantic Bight Cold Pool. Climate‐induced warming of bottom water temperatures is thought to be linked to the observed distributional shift of the Atlantic surfclam population into waters historically dominated by ocean quahogs. As climate change is expected to continue, this study investigated the future distributions of the two species from years 2016 to 2095 using projected bottom water temperatures and a temperature‐dependent population dynamics model. Simulations show the progressive colonization of Atlantic surfclams offshore into the region earlier occupied by the Cold Pool throughout the 79‐year projection, beginning between the mid‐2040s and mid‐2050s, effectively compressing ocean quahog habitat on all sides. Ocean quahogs are shown to be vulnerable to climate‐induced warming on both the southern, inshore, and offshore portions of the continental shelf, ultimately restricting their habitat by the end of the 21st century to the remaining core of the Cold Pool off Long Island. Atlantic surfclams, however, are likely to be less vulnerable to climate‐induced warming, ultimately increasing their geographic footprint across the MAB. Model projections indicate a large‐scale reorganization event of the continental shelf benthic community structure throughout the remainder of the 21st century.
... As part of the Gulf of Maine, which is warmingas one of the fastest rates compared to global oceans (Pershing et al. 2015;Pershing et al. 2021), GBE is vulnerable to increased expansion of IAS. Along with warmer waters, an increase comes in the expansion of IAS into new areas (Rahel and Olden 2008). ...
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Great Bay Estuary (GBE) is a complex estuarine system at the convergence of seven rivers, ocean and land. The GBE ecosystem supports typical estuarine species but, like many estuaries, has been a target of both invasive and range‐expanding species. The goal of this study was to compare abundance, sex and size distribution of green crabs between oyster farm sites and non‐farmed sites within GBE in 2021 and 2022. Overall catch was higher in 2021 compared to 2022. The highest population of green crabs was estimated to be in the farm area around Cedar Point, and natural/restoration area near Moody Point had the smallest European green crab population. In both years, the majority of green crabs captured (98%) were adult males, and few were juveniles captured. At the last sampling date of 2021 and 2022, most crabs were large (68 ± 0.5 mm and 63 ± 2 mm carapace width, respectively). Shellfish growers, restoration and management teams could use these data in mitigation strategies to sustain industries and enhance GBE health. This information is important for oyster restoration initiatives and oyster growers as they may want to: consider putting traps around their restoration reefs and farms to help reduce green crab infestation/predation in their growing areas; make decisions regarding best management practices and optimal growing locations when applying for permits; and work with management teams with gear improvement, such as floating gear, to reduce green crab intrusion into cages. High‐priority locations for trapping should be areas such as oyster farms, oyster reefs and restoration sites.
... In particular, the ACM showed the greatest biomass gains. These results contrast with findings in the Gulf of Maine, where biomass decrease was noted with ocean warming [60,61], but are in agreement with forecasted thermal habitat for cod on the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelf [62]. The difference can be attributed to the distinct thermal environments of these regions. ...
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Species Distribution Models (SDMs) are tools for understanding climate-induced habitat changes, yet their outcomes depend heavily on climate model selection. This study compares biomass projections for three key species on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland that are known to be sensitive to warming—snow crab, yellowtail flounder, and Atlantic cod. We use Earth system models (GFDL-ESM4, IPSL-CM6A-LR) and a regional ocean model system (Atlantic Climate Model (ACM)) under varying climate change emissions scenarios to assess long-term biomass trends and distributional shifts driven by future ocean warming on the Grand Banks. Projections indicate declining biomass for snow crab and yellowtail flounder with rising temperatures, whereas Atlantic cod is anticipated to exhibit biomass gains, particularly in the southern Grand Banks. Variations in biomass projections among climate models were noticeable, with IPSL forecasting the most drastic decline. ACM and GFDL biomass projections were more similar to each other than GFDL and IPSL projections, likely because ACM was downscaled from GFDL. Differences between GFDL and ACM likely arise from the coarse spatial resolution of ESMs, leading to insufficient resolution of the bathymetry and incorrect current patterns, in turn affecting the bottom temperature field. These findings underscore the important role of climate model selection in SDM-derived biomass projections. We partitioned uncertainty by source and found that the relative contribution of variability by component changes by species. As temperatures continue to rise, the urgency of implementing adaptive management strategies to minimize impacts on Newfoundland and Labrador fisheries becomes increasingly evident. SDM outputs can aid in strategic decision making, providing valuable insights for medium and long-term planning in fisheries management.
... The Gulf of Maine, a rich and diverse marine ecosystem, is facing several challenges such as overfishing, climate change, and habitat degradation (Steneck et al. 2011, Pershing et al. 2015. The Gulf is home to the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale ( Eubalena glacialis ), which faces threats from the commercial American lobster ( Homarus americanus ) fishery, one of the most economically valuable fisheries in the USA, due to entanglement in fishing gear, as well as noise perturbations and vessel strikes from the shipping industry (Bisack and Magnusson 2021 ). ...
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Effective management of ocean resources is crucial for achieving desired ecological, economic, and social outcomes. Marine ecosystem-based management (EBM) offers a comprehensive approach to achieve these goals, yet its implementation has been challenging and its effectiveness has been unclear. Therefore, we need performance measures to assess the effectiveness of EBM strategies. We developed a semi-quantitative assessment framework using existing indicators and performance measures from the business and project management world (e.g. Key Performance Indicators; KPIs), national and regional economic and social wellbeing performance measures (e.g. GDP, food security), and ecosystem status assessments (e.g. overfishing, biodiversity) to evaluate the success and performance of EBM outcomes. The framework consists of four main categories: (1) sector performance; (2) marine ecosystem status; (3) management and tradeoffs; and (4) human dimensions, each flexible enough to accommodate suitable indicators and reference points. We show how the framework responds to real case studies from Southern New England, the Gulf of Maine, and the Hawaiian Islands, USA; the Baltic Sea; and the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. The main observation from these performance measures is that higher scores in the management and tradeoffs consideration correlate with higher scores in the marine ecosystem status. Additionally, higher human dimensions scores tend to lead to higher sectoral performance scores. Although it is not certain that one leads to the other, this suggests that EBM is functioning as intended. The framework results show that there are many possible indicators, performance targets, and associated desired directionalities that can be combined to form possible performance measures across combined ocean-use sectors to inform EBM. The challenge lies in using these different operational indicators to assess the strengths and weaknesses of EBM approaches.
... Both ATPU and RAZO are cold-water-adapted seabirds with the GoM representing the southern edge of their breeding range (Lowther et al. 2020;Lavers, Hipfner, and Chapdelaine 2020). This area is warming faster than most of the global ocean (Pershing et al. 2015;Seidov, Mishonov, and Parsons 2021), with cascading effects on the marine ecosystem. Prolonged periods of abnormally high ocean temperatures (i.e., marine heatwaves) occurred in 2013 and 2016 in which sea surface temperatures were 1°C-3°C warmer than the 1982-2011 average (Mills et al. 2013). ...
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Rapidly warming global temperatures are having a widespread influence on wildlife communities across taxa, with southern‐edge populations often experiencing the greatest negative impacts. However, sympatric species may exhibit divergent demographic responses due to differences in life history strategies and niche separation. We used integrated population models to estimate abundance, survival, and productivity for Atlantic Puffins and Razorbills nesting at the southern edge of their breeding range in the rapidly warming Gulf of Maine. We then conducted transient life table response experiments to understand the relative importance of demographic parameters in driving population dynamics. We found that the Atlantic Puffin population remained relatively stable over the 22‐year study period, whereas the Razorbill population increased substantially. Estimates of mean survival and productivity were similar between the study species but were at the lower range of values reported in the literature across their range. Despite similar estimates of mean productivity, interannual variation in this demographic rate was much higher in Puffins than Razorbills. Overall, adult survival was found to be the primary driver of population dynamics for both species yet shows evidence of long‐term decline in Puffins. For Razorbills, we found similar evidence of long‐term decline in first‐year survival. Overall, our findings suggest that these sympatric species may be responding differently to shared environmental conditions. Given the observed long‐term decrease in Puffin adult survival, future monitoring and conservation efforts for this species should be focused outside the breeding season in critical overwintering areas and migratory locations where adult mortality is typically concentrated. Similarly, given the observed long‐term decline in Razorbill first‐year survival, additional monitoring and tracking of chicks is warranted for this species to understand where immature individuals are going after they fledge from the colony.
... Despite mounting concern surrounding population declines, federal protection under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) in Canada and the Endangered Species Act in the United States have not yet occurred for these species due to data deficiencies (Table 2) Climate change is also a growing concern for Alosids in the north- (Barton et al., 2016;Beaugrand et al., 2015;Beaugrand & Ibanez, 2004;Poloczanska et al., 2013;Richardson & Schoeman, 2004). Specifically, areas along the primary migratory routes of gaspereau are rapidly warming (Hinson et al., 2022;Pershing et al., 2015) and changes in ocean currents (IPCC, 2021) that can affect gaspereau energy budgets (Cobb, 2020;Hare et al., 2016), and likely driving shifts in predator-prey relationships at sea (Coutant, 1990;Nack et al., 2019;Portner & Peck, 2010). (Dadswell, 1990). ...
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Migratory animals play a crucial role in connecting distinct habitats by transferring matter and energy across ecosystem boundaries. In the North Atlantic, anadromous species exemplify this through their movement between freshwater and marine environments. Alosids, including species such as alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis), and American shad (Alosa sapidissima), exhibit this migratory behavior to maximize growth and fecundity and are, therefore, vital components of Atlantic coastal ecosystems. Despite their ecological importance, these species have experienced considerable population declines. Due to a research focus on dams and the freshwater phase of their ecology, the marine ecology of Alosids remains much less understood, potentially hindering effective management. This paper synthesizes current knowledge on the marine ecology of anadromous alewife, blueback herring, and American shad in the northwest Atlantic, focusing on life‐history aspects, migratory patterns, and foraging behavior at sea. The paper also outlines current fisheries management and the anthropogenic threats these species face during their marine phase. We identified knowledge gaps regarding marine distribution, migration routes, impacts of climate change on movement and behavior, population dynamics, and the identification of gaspereau. By identifying gaps in the literature, we highlight research needs, emphasizing the role of telemetry studies in tracking marine movements and the impact of climate change on habitat use. Addressing these gaps through targeted research on marine ecology and movement patterns is essential for developing informed management strategies aimed at increasing Alosid populations.
... Vegetated habitats including eelgrass and macroalgae beds have greater fish abundance and play an important role as nurseries for juvenile fishes compared to bare sand and mud habitats (Heck et al. 1989;Lazzari and Stone 2006). Ecosystems in the coastal waters of GOM are undergoing environmental challenges, as they respond to rapid climate change (Pershing et al. 2015;Pederson, and Wells 2012). Compared to historical distributions, GOM eelgrass habitats face heavy loss in their coverage caused by disease, physical disturbance, and coastal property development (Short et al. 1993;Short and Burdick 1996). ...
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Ecosystems in coastal waters of Gulf of Maine (GOM) are undergoing environmental challenges in response to climate change and anthropogenic stressors. eDNA metabarcoding, a powerful tool for assessing the fish community structure, was used to identify fish communities in three types of GOM aquatic environments (sand, macroalgae, and eelgrass) in Maine and New Hampshire, USA. The available 12S rRNA fish universal primer analysis system (MiFish and 12S‐V5) was modified using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to improve targeting of fish products and reduce non‐target products. The nested PCR strategy allowed successful amplification of 12S rRNA genes in fishes without production of non‐target products and identified 28 fish groups at the genus level. Presence/Absence data and Relative Abundance showed significant differences among locales but not among habitats. Myoxocephalus sp. were found at all sampling sites. Relative Abundance data revealed that Menidia menidia and Brevoortia sp. were statistical indicator species in Goosefare, Maine, and New castle, New Hampshire, respectively. Although beta diversity indicated that fish communities were not different across habitats, statistical analysis found that Pholis sp. and Ammodytes sp. were dominant species in macroalgae and sand, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first metabarcoding study to assess fish communities in the Western Atlantic region using the MiFish primer set, and the study suggests that metabarcoding is useful for mapping geographic and temporal marine fish diversity.
The Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima supports a lucrative commercial fishery in the Mid‐Atlantic Bight (MAB) worth roughly $30 million in revenue per year. Rapid climate change is expected to modify the geographic range of the Atlantic surfclam, with consequences for the surfclam fishery. This study evaluated fishery‐based indicators projected from 2020 through 2095 based on anticipated changes in the geographic range and biomass of the Atlantic surfclam, using a Spatially Explicit, agent‐based Fisheries and Economics Simulator (SEFES). Simulations generally showed a positive trend in Atlantic surfclam biomass throughout the next three‐quarters of the 21 st century as the clam's range continues to shift offshore and northward along the continental shelf. A general decrease in fishing mortality rate is projected given the present fleet capacity, with a simultaneous increase in catch and landings per unit effort (LPUE), signaling future potential growth in the surfclam fishery. Regionally, forecasts show biomass expanding into deeper waters particularly off New Jersey, Long Island, and southern New England starting in the early 2050s, whereas populations on Georges Bank and off Delmarva gradually decline. Trends in time spent fishing, catch, and LPUE parallel those of biomass in each region. These results can inform managers and business interests that rely on this fishery, as well as other users of the continental shelf, to provide a basis for the development of anticipatory management for the socio‐ecological and economic impacts that may result from future changes in the Atlantic surfclam range and carrying capacity consequent of climate change.
The Gulf of Maine (GOM) northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis , once supported a significant winter fishery, but a moratorium has been placed on the fishery since 2014 because of a population collapse and recruitment failures that have been attributed to unfavorably warm water temperatures. The GOM is at the southernmost end of the northern shrimp's range, suggesting its population dynamics and distribution may be vulnerable to warming water temperatures. In this study, we used survey data to estimate spatial indicators for GOM northern shrimp at four life history stages to identify possible temporal trends and examine relationships between the indicators and northern shrimp abundance and bottom temperature. We observed patchier distributions over time, which were related to declining population abundance, and a distributional shift northward that was associated with warming bottom water temperatures. Northern shrimp habitat distribution was strongly associated with bottom temperature. Shrimp of all life stages were found in bottom waters cooler than the station's average bottom temperature.
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Climate change became real for many Americans in 2012 when a record heat wave affected much of the United States, and Superstorm Sandy pounded the Northeast. At the same time, a less visible heat wave was occurring over a large portion of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Like the heat wave on land, the ocean heat wave affected coastal ecosystems and economies. Marine species responded to warmer temperatures by shifting their geographic distribution and seasonal cycles. Warm-water species moved northward, and some species undertook local migrations earlier in the season, both of which affected fisheries targeting those species. Extreme events are expected to become more common as climate change progresses (Tebaldi et al., 2006; Hansen et al., 2012). The 2012 Northwest Atlantic heat wave provides valuable insights into ways scientific information streams and fishery management frameworks may need to adapt to be effective as ocean temperatures warm and become more variable.
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A mismatch between the scale of fishery management units and biological population structure can potentially result in a misperception of the productivity and sustainable yield of fish stocks. We used simulation modelling as a tool to compare the perception of productivity, stability, and sustain-ability of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off New England from an operating model based on the current US management units to a model that more closely reflects the biological complexity of the resource. Two age-structured models were compared: (i) the management unit model, wherein cod were grouped based on the current spatially defined US management areas (Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank), and (ii) the biological unit model, consisting of three genetically defined population components (northern spring spawning, southern winter/spring spawning, and eastern Georges Bank spring-spawning groups). Overall, the regional productivity and maximum sustainable yield of the biological unit model was lower compared with the management unit model. The biological unit model also provided insights on the distribution of productivity in the region, with southern and northern spawning groups being the dominant contributors to the regional spawning-stock biomass and yield and the eastern Georges Bank spawning group being the minority contributor at low to intermediate levels of fishing mortality. The comparison of models revealed that the perception of Atlantic cod derived from the management unit model was of a resource that is more resilient to fishing mortality and not as susceptible to "collapse" as indicated by the biological unit model. For Atlantic cod, one of the main risks of ignoring population structure appears the potential for overexploitation of segments of the population. Consideration of population structure of cod changed our perception of the magnitude and distribution of productivity in the region, suggesting that expectations of sustainable yield of cod in US waters should be reconsidered.
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The temperature in the coastal ocean off the northeastern U.S. during the first half of 2012 was anomalously warm, and this resulted in major impacts on the marine ecosystem and commercial fisheries. Understanding the spatio-temporal characteristics of the warming and its underlying dynamical processes is important for improving ecosystem management. Here we show that the warming in the first half of 2012 was systematic from the Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras. Moreover, the warm anomalies extended through the water column, and the local temperature change of shelf water in the Middle Atlantic Bight was largely balanced by the atmospheric heat flux. The anomalous atmospheric jet stream position induced smaller heat loss from the ocean and caused a much slower cooling rate in late autumn and early winter of 2011-2012. Strong jet stream intraseasonal oscillations in the first half of 2012 systematically increased the warm anomalies over the continental shelf. Despite the importance of advection in prior Northeast U.S. continental shelf inter-annual temperature anomalies, our analyses show that much of the 2012 warming event was attributed to local warming from the atmosphere.
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Organisms are expected to adapt or move in response to climate change, but observed distribution shifts span a wide range of directions and rates. Explanations often emphasize biological distinctions among species, but general mechanisms have been elusive. We tested an alternative hypothesis: that differences in climate velocity—the rate and direction that climate shifts across the landscape—can explain observed species shifts. We compiled a database of coastal surveys around North America from 1968 to 2011, sampling 128 million individuals across 360 marine taxa. Climate velocity explained the magnitude and direction of shifts in latitude and depth much more effectively than did species characteristics. Our results demonstrate that marine species shift at different rates and directions because they closely track the complex mosaic of local climate velocities.
Autocorrelation in fish recruitment and environmental data can complicate statistical inference in correlation analyses. To address this problem, researchers often either adjust hypothesis testing procedures (e.g., adjust degrees of freedom) to account for autocorrelation or remove the autocorrelation using prewhitening or first-differencing before analysis. However, the effectiveness of methods that adjust hypothesis testing procedures has not yet been fully explored quantitatively. We therefore compared several adjustment methods via Monte Carlo simulation and found that a modified version of these methods kept Type I error rates near a. In contrast, methods that remove autocorrelation control Type I error rates well but may in some circumstances increase Type II error rates (probability of failing to detect some environmental effect) and hence reduce statistical power, in comparison with adjusting the test procedure. Specifically our Monte Carlo simulations show that prewhitening and especially first-differencing decrease power in the common situations where low-frequency (slowly changing) processes are important sources of covariation in fish recruitment or in environmental variables. Conversely, removing autocorrelation can increase power when low-frequency processes account for only some of the covariation. We therefore recommend that researchers carefully consider the importance of different time scales of variability when analyzing autocorrelated data.
Conference Paper
Future CO(2)-induced climate change scenarios from Global Circulation Models (GCMs) indicate increasing air temperatures, with the greatest warming in the Arctic and Subarctic, Changes to the wind fields and precipitation patterns are also suggested. These will lead to changes in the hydrographic properties of the ocean, as well as the vertical stratification and circulation patterns. Of particular note is the expected increase in ocean temperature. Based upon the observed responses of cod to temperature variability, the expected responses of cod stocks throughout the North Atlantic to the future temperature scenarios are reviewed and discussed here. Stocks in the Celtic and Irish Seas are expected to disappear under predicted temperature changes by the year 2100, while those in the southern North Sea and Georges Bank will decline. Cod will likely spread northwards along the coasts of Greenland and Labrador, occupy larger areas of the Barents Sea, and may even extend onto some of the continental shelves of the Arctic Ocean. In addition, spawning sites will be established further north than currently. It is likely that spring migrations will occur earlier, and fall returns will be later. There is the distinct possibility that, where seasonal sea ice disappears altogether, cod will cease their migration. Individual growth rates for many of the cod stocks will increase, leading to in overall increase in the total production of Atlantic cod in the North Atlantic. These responses of cod to future climate changes are highly uncertain, however, as they will also depend on the changes to climate and oceanographic variables besides temperature, such as plankton production, the prey and predator fields, and industrial fishing. (c) 2005 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Warming of the oceans and consequent loss of dissolved oxygen (O2) will alter marine ecosystems, but a mechanistic framework to predict the impact of multiple stressors on viable habitat is lacking. Here, we integrate physiological, climatic, and biogeographic data to calibrate and then map a key metabolic index-the ratio of O2 supply to resting metabolic O2 demand-across geographic ranges of several marine ectotherms. These species differ in thermal and hypoxic tolerances, but their contemporary distributions are all bounded at the equatorward edge by a minimum metabolic index of ~2 to 5, indicative of a critical energetic requirement for organismal activity. The combined effects of warming and O2 loss this century are projected to reduce the upper ocean's metabolic index by ~20% globally and by ~50% in northern high-latitude regions, forcing poleward and vertical contraction of metabolically viable habitats and species ranges. Copyright © 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Climate change alters the functions of ecological systems. As a result, the provision of ecosystem services and the well-being of people that rely on these services are being modified. Climate models portend continued warming and more frequent extreme weather events across the US. Such weather-related disturbances will place a premium on the ecosystem services that people rely on. We discuss some of the observed and anticipated impacts of climate change on ecosystem service provision and livelihoods in the US. We also highlight promising adaptive measures. The challenge will be choosing which adaptive strategies to implement, given limited resources and time. We suggest using dynamic balance sheets or accounts of natural capital and natural assets to prioritize and evaluate national and regional adaptation strategies that involve ecosystem services.