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Content uploaded by Xesca Amengual
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All content in this area was uploaded by Xesca Amengual on Nov 02, 2015
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Content uploaded by Xesca Amengual
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Xesca Amengual on Nov 02, 2015
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Review of Methods to Predict Social Image
Interestingness and Memorability
Xesca Amengual, Anna Bosch, and Josep Llu´ıs de la Rosa
DEEEA, Centre Easy, Agents Research LAB
Universitat de Giroan, Girona, Spain
Abstract. An entire industry has developed around keyword optimiza-
tion for ad buyers. However, social media landscape has shift to a photo
driven behavior and there is a need to overcome the challenge to analyze
all this large amount of visual data that users post in internet. We will
address this analysis by providing a review on how to measure image and
video interestingness and memorability from content that is tacked spon-
taneously in social networks. We will investigate current state-of-the-art
of methods analyzing social media images and provide further research
directions that could be beneficial for both, users and companies.
Keywords: interestingness, memorability, image, video, review
1 Introduction
The total number of internet users around the world was stated up to three
billion in 2014
whereas the number of social network users worldwide from
2010 to 2014 has grown from 0.97 billion users to 1.79. In 2016, it is estimated
that there will be around 2.13 billion social network users around the globe, up
from 1.4 billion in 2012
. The amount of users generated data is huge and there
is a need to provide tools to automatically process it.
To date, internet data and specifically social networks generated data have
been monetized primarily by text-based applications. In fact, an entire indus-
try has developed around keyword optimization for ad buyers, text analysis for
opinion [1] and sentiment discovery [2], brand positioning [3], user behavior [4]
and so on. Words drive economy of the web. However, it appears that Social
Networks are now more show than tell. The shift to a personal newspaper-style
format with larger and more prominent photo displays is a response to photo
driven behavior that has rapidly changed the social media landscape. Machines
that monetize the internet need to keep up with the times to analyze the large
amount of uploaded photographs and video to internet.
The motivation of this work is twofold. First, it is well known that some
images/videos get much more views than others so there is a need to understand
2 Xesca Amengual et al.
Fig. 1: Images ranked by their interestingness (top row) and memorability (bo0ttom
row). Images are sortd form high (left) to low (right) score. [5, 6]
what makes an image or a video more interesting/popular/memorable
others from a computer vision perspective (Fig. 1). Some works have recently
started to address this theme with different techniques and methodologies, so
a review to state best methodologies and further directions is needed. Second,
text is no longer enough to provide monetization tools over the current internet
behavior, there is a need to include knowledge from images in this process. We
will provide here some clues on how this information could be considered. The
rest of the paper is organized as follows. Since interestingness and memorability
have different objectives, we provide, in Section 2 and 3, an overview of the most
relevant research works respectively. The used datasets are detailed in Section
4. Finally, in Section 5 we give the conclusions and future work.
2 Interestingness
Interestingness is said to be the power of attracting or holding ones attention.
This property has been object of study with several goals, such as knowledge
discovery [7], association patterns [8] or Wikipedia data [9]. In this survey we
focus on image and video interestingness. For years, psychological researchers
have proposed several variables that affect interestingness measures. Berlyne [10]
considered novelty, uncertainty, conflict and complexity, whereas Chen et al. [11]
identified novelty, challenge, instant enjoyment and demand for attention as the
most relevant cues. According to [12] high pleasantness was the major aspect of
interestingness and [13] supported the presence of polygons and painting.
Although interestingness is clearly a subjective property and depends on
personal preferences and experiences, there exists a significant agreement among
users about which images are considered more interesting than others, and this
has encouraged researches from psychology and now from computer vision to
learn more about this topic. In addition, video interestingness research has also
been addressed by the computer vision field for different applications such as
video retrieval or video summarization by selecting the most interesting scenes.
In this paper we consider interesting and popular as synonyms
A Review on Image Interestingness and Memorability 3
2.1 State-of-the-art
To the best of our knowledge, the study of image interestingness is a novel re-
search line and there are only a few papers addressing this topic from a computer
vision perspective. Some studies compare their predictions with crowdsourcing
results [14–16] whereas others prefer to compare them with the actual interest-
ingness or popularity raised by images in social networks [5, 17–19]. In addition
to image features, the usefulness of social cues is studied for the latter choice.
Grabner et al. [14] investigate how different features perform to determine
which events are considered of interest in image sequences recorded by a static
video camera. They highlight emotion (depending on brightness an saturation),
complexity (bytes of encoded image) and novelty (outlier detection) of images,
as well as, an interestingness score learned directly from gist features using a
ν -SVR. Performance of individual features states that novelty is the best cue
for this task, however best results are obtained when combining all of them by
training a simple linear model with a ν -SVR. Even though the proposed cues
are of interest, the context of image sequences plays an important role on the
performed experiments and one may think that this method cannot be extended
to other less contextualized image datasets.
In [15] authors study the correlation of interestingness with aesthetics and
memorability. They find that interestingness is really correlated with aesthetics
but, contrary to the popular belief, the correlation with memorability is very low.
They train a ν -SVR to build a predictor using several cues, some of them taken
from previous work [14] and other novel features for the purpose of interesting-
ness prediction (see Table 1 for the specific features used). These attributes are
selected to emphasize aspects such as unusualness, aesthetics and other general
preferences. The method is applied over three datasets (the Webcam dataset
(WD) used in [14] of strong context, the Scene Categories dataset (SCD) [20]
of weak context and the Memorability dataset (MD) [6] of arbitrary photos)
and predictions are compared with the ground truth obtained by crowdsourcing
tools. Results show that unusualness is the most useful cue to predict inter-
estingness for strong context, whereas general preferences are more relevant for
weaker contexts. These experiments highlight the importance of the image type,
layout and context when estimating its interestingness.
Recently, crowdsourcing tools are employed to obtain less subjective and
more reliable annotations of the datasets. However, it brings new problems such
as sparse and outliers annotations. While above approaches [14, 15] prune the an-
notation outliers by majority voting, a new approach to globally detect outliers
is proposed in [16]. They propose a Unified Robust Learning to Rank (URLR)
framework to identify annotation outliers and, simultaneously, to build an in-
terestingness ranking. This method is applied in WD [14, 15] and in a YouTube
dataset [21] for image and video interestingness respectively (details of video re-
sults in Section 2.2). The experiments of image ranking prediction outperforms
[15], proving the efficiency of the novel outlier detection model.
In contrast with [14–16], Dhar et al. [5] use the actual interestingness in social
networks (number of views, popularity of user, etc.) to obtain the ground truth
4 Xesca Amengual et al.
in order to avoid the crowdsourcing drawbacks and compare predictions with real
behavior since, usually, the users concept of interestingness is not consistent with
their behavior on social networks when selecting images to share or like. They
study how aesthetic cues may be useful to predict image interestingness over
Flickr photos, becoming a benchmark for most of the subsequent works on this
research branch. The studied cues, referred as high level describable attributes,
are: compositional attributes (layout of images), content attributes (presence of
specific objects, categories of objects) and Sky-illumination attributes (natural
outdoor illumination). They train a SVM to predict both image aesthetic and
interestingness. Precision-Recall curves show good performance using high level
attributes and better results when combining with low level features.
Some other approaches are focused on the prediction of image interestingness
using social platforms information such as the number of views, likes or shares
an image receives as a complement of visual cues. In [17], authors distinguish
between Visual Interestingness (VI) and Social Interestingness (SI) since an im-
age could be considered interesting due to its visual content or its social context.
The VI score of each image is related to the crowdsourcing results whereas the SI
score is provided by the photo sharing services Flickr and Pinterest and depends
on statistics such as the number of likes, comments or number of users sharing
the image. Hsieh et al. [17] investigate the correlation between VI, SI, and image
aesthetics. Results show, more formally than [5, 15], a high correlation between
VI and image aesthetics. It is also exposed the small or null correlation between
VI and SI indicating that beautiful images are not the more likely to be shared
by users in social networks. They also build a predictor using low level features
such as color, edge, texture and saliency. Results show that texture and color are
the best features to estimate VI and SI respectively, although the experiments
only use low level features which does not allow the comparison with [5] that, in
contrast with this work, obtains the best results with high level features.
In [18], they explore more in depth the social cues (amount of followers, num-
ber and content of tags, uploaded time, etc.) related to SI, referred as popularity,
over Instagram. They also consider semantic concepts of images that refer to the
objects depicted on the images and image categories. Experiments show: (i) the
most correlated cue with popularity is the number of followers. This is not a
surprising result since the more followers a user has the more people will view
and share its images; (ii) low correlation between the image semantic concept
and its popularity in the social network. They compare popularity on Instagram
with crowdsourcing scores and results show that images depicting people, stadi-
ums, baseball or amusement parks are the most popular on Instagram whereas
the least popular contain buildings, fountains or cityscapes. In contrast, the user
study selects images containing cityscapes, animals, restaurants or fountains as
the most popular and people and buildings images as the least popular.
These conflicting results evidence the importance to consider SI to predict
if an image will be interesting or popular in social networks. With this aim
[19] investigates how image content and social context affect image popularity.
They use features based on image content such as simple image features (hue,
A Review on Image Interestingness and Memorability 5
saturation and value), low level features (gist, texture, color patches, gradient
and a learned interestingness score) and high level features (objects), whereas the
features to highlight social cues are the number of views, total images uploaded
by the user, number of contacts, etc. Used images are extracted from Flickr,
which provides all the required social information. A SVR is trained to predict
image interestingness using the aforementioned features. Results show social cues
are better to estimate the number of views of an image and these are improved
when social context features are complemented with image content features.
They also build popularity maps of images to visualize which image regions are
more influential and better understand image interestingness. Similar approaches
investigate which parts of images humans look at [22] or which words are the
most dominant to describe an image [23–25]. These methods can be used to
generate textual descriptions of images or sort retrieved results, on image search,
depending on the dominance of the attributes provided in the query.
In Table 1 we compare the best results of the studied method. We also detail
their contribution and the attributes, training methods and datasets used.
2.2 What about video?
In addition to image, the issue of how to measure video interestingness on inter-
net is addressed from the computer vision community. Due to the subjectivity
of interestingness, many papers use social cues for video popularity prediction
[29–32]. However, video content is also relevant and image and audio features
can be used. Thus, from the computer vision perspective, some papers have been
published [16, 21, 33] since the first approach in 2009 [34].
The method proposed in [34] leverages Flickr images to obtain the inter-
estingness of each frame for YouTube videos with the key point that frames
similar to interesting images should also be interesting. The similarity between
images depends on the scene content (SIFT features) and composition (similar
content in similar location). Although preliminary results are encouraging, the
experiment is restricted to travel videos that contain well-known places and only
the frames similar to these famous scenes are considered interesting. With these
constraints, results may not be extendable to other less bounded experiments.
Another drawback of this method is that the selected images from Flick need to
be manually clustered depending on the depicted scene.
Actually, Liu et al. [34] only take into account the similarity between the
video frames and interesting images, what is, in fact, the same as image inter-
estingness prediction. On the other hand, Jiang et al. [21] proposes an entire
video-level prediction using visual (SIFT, HOG, SSIM and GIST), audio (Mel-
Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), Spectrogram SIFT and six basic audio
descriptors) and high level semantic features (object, scenes and photographic
style). Authors propose a model to rank the videos instead of predicting an inter-
estingness score. To evaluate this model they construct two benchmark datasets
of Flickr and YouTube videos whose ground-truth is collected by crowdsourcing.
Individual results show that videos are better ranked with visual and audio fea-
6 Xesca Amengual et al.
tures, and their combination provides the best results. Otherwise, in contrast to
[5] for image, high level attributes give the worst performance.
The approach for global outliers detection of the crowdsourcing annotations
detailed in the previous section [18] also provides results for video interestingness
prediction. Fu et al. apply their method (URLR) to rank videos from the dataset
Table 1: Comparison of image interestingness methods in 5 top rows of the table.
Comparison of image memorability methods in 4 top rows of the table.
Authors Contribution Attributes Training Dataset
Dhar et al.
2011 [5]
- High level describable
- Predictor of aesthetics
- Predictor of interesting-
Compositional (salient objects, rule of
thirds, depth of field and opposing col-
ors), content (presence of people or ani-
mals, portrait, indoor-outdoor and scene
type) and sky-Illumination (clear, cloudy
or sunset).
SVM FD Prec-
Grabner et
al. [14]
- Predictor of interesting-
ness in image sequences
Emotion (depending on brightness an sat-
uration), complexity (bytes of encoded
image), novelty (outlier detection) and
learned interestingness score.
ν-SVR WD 0.36
Gygli et al.
2013 [15]
- Predictor of interest-
ingness in different image
Unusualness (global outliers and composi-
tion of parts), aesthetics (color, arousal,
complexity, contrast and edge distribu-
tion) and general preferences.
Hsieh et al.
2014 [17]
- Comparison of visual
and social interesting-
ness and aesthetics.
- Predictor of VI and SI
- Color
- Texture
- Saliency
- Edge
Adaboost PD 0.73
Khosla et
al. 2014
- Importance of image
content and social cues
for popularity.
- Predictor of image pop-
- Visualization of popu-
larity of image regions.
- Image content: simple image features
(hue, saturation, value and intensity), low-
level features (gist, texture, color patches,
gradient and a learned score) and high-
level features (objects).
- Social cues: mean views, photo count,
contacts, groups, group members, member
duration, is pro, tags, title length and de-
scription length.
Isola et al.
2011 [6]
- Analysis of relevant fea-
tures for image memora-
- Predictor of image
- Memorability map.
Simple image features (hue, saturation,
value and intensity), non-semantic object
statistics (object counts and areas), se-
mantic object statistics (labeled object
counts and areas), scene category and
global features (GIST, SIFT, HOG2x2
and SSIM).
SVR MD 0.54
Isola et al.
2011 [26]
- More understandable
features for image mem-
- Predictor of image
- General attributes: spatial layout (en-
closed /open, empty/cluttered ), aesthet-
ics (dull/ attractive, pleasant), emotions
(Funny?, frightening?), actions, location
and people.
- People attributes: visibility, gender, age,
hair length and color, clothing, activities,
accessories, subject and scenario.
- Global features and Object and Scene
annotation from [6]
SVR MD 0.55
Khosla et
al. 2012
- Memorability maps
- Predictor of image
- Gradient - Saliency
- Color - Shape
- Texture - Semantic
MD 0.50
Kim et al.
2013 [28]
- Two spatial features:
Weighted Object Area
(WOA) and Relative
Area Rank (RAR)
WOA, RAR, global features and Scene an-
notations from [6] and attribute annota-
tion from [26]
-SVR MD 0.58
Databases are datailed in Section 4
Best results uses only the attributes in bold
Average precision value
Classification rate
Spearman’s rank correlation (ρ)
A Review on Image Interestingness and Memorability 7
built by Jiang et al. [21](YTD). Comparing both methods, URLD is superior and
extends its good results, not only for image, but also for video prediction.
In [33] a different approach to measure video interestingness is proposed re-
lating interestingness to how appealing or curious is a scene. With this insight,
several features to highlight affectivity, aesthetics and semantic content are ex-
tracted to find appealing scenes in a video. They train two frameworks: a binary
(positive/negative labels) and a graded (multiple degrees of annotations) rele-
vance systems, the latter yields the best results when combining all the features.
In contrast with the above reviewed work, other approaches consider video
interestingness as a subjective property and tackle the prediction issue using so-
cial information such as users patterns and current tendencies on video sharing
services. A benchmark work is [29] that analyze the popularity distribution and
evolution of videos from YouTube and Daum Videos (popular Korean platform).
Moreover, duplicated and illegal content is posed as potential problems for ac-
curate video popularity ranking. The growth patterns of video popularity are
studied in [30] over three video datasets: (i) the top lists videos, (ii) removed
videos due to copyright violation and (iii) random queries videos. In addition,
the mechanisms to attract users towards a video are specified finding that the
internal web systems are the most relevant. Later, Figueiredo [31] present a
methodology to predict trends and hits in user generated videos and Pinto et al.
[32] propose to predict video popularity using early view patterns.
2.3 Conclusions
Studied papers from state-of-the-art aim to better understand which visual fea-
tures make an image interesting and build predictors to estimate if an image will
be shared or liked in social platforms. Studied features evidence that high level
features are more useful than low level features and the high importance of social
cues to predict image interestingness, and especially, when results are compared
with the users behavior on social networks. They also find a low correlation be-
tween social interestingness in the net and visual interestingness and aesthetics.
Combining social accounts information with low and high level features gives
the best predictions of the user’s behavior in photo sharing platforms.
Research on video encourage the study of visual and audio features for video
retrieval that appears to be, contrary to image, more useful than high level
features. As for image, aesthetic features are related with video interestingness.
3 Memorability
Image memorability has been studied by psychologists since the 70s. L. Standing
[35, 36] was one of the first to study the capacity of people memorizing images.
Results evidenced the large memory of human being and posed the need to
continue investigating. In the past 10 years, psychological researches of visual
short- and long-term memory (VSTM and VLTM) have presented important
results. The role of VSTM and VLTM in natural scenes perception and visual
search is studiend in [37]. Other studies have focused on the amount and precision
8 Xesca Amengual et al.
of details humans can remember in VLTM [38–40]. Contrary to the assumption
that large amount of images can be remembered but with few details, results
from [38] indicate that VLTM can store a large amount of image details.
Over the past few years, not only in the psychological domain, but also
computer vision researchers have shown interest for the study of visual memory
[6, 26, 28, 27, 41, 42]. Image memorability is considered an intrinsic property of
images that do not depend on the observer and can be explained in terms of
image features. Several recent works [8, 42, 43] aim to explain why some pictures
are more memorable than others finding out the most relevant features to predict
image memorability. Most authors analyze the whole image, whereas few of them
are focused on analyzing which image regions are more memorable [27, 41].
3.1 State-of-the-art
To the best of our knowledge, the earliest paper is from 2011 [6] and is a bench-
mark for the subsequent works [26, 28, 27, 41]. Isola et al. [6] introduce the insight
of memorability as an intrinsic property of images highly independent of the
user context. This statement is supported by a user study to build a benchmark
dataset (MD) that shows a high agreement between participants when memoriz-
ing images. To study which features are more significant, several are considered
and they conclude that best results are obtained with object and scene semantics
features, achieving the best results when combining both of them. For memora-
bility prediction they train a SVR to map from features to memorability scores
and the best prediction is performed when combining all global features (GIST
[20], SIFT [43], HOG2x2 [44–46] and SSIM [47]) with object and scene seman-
tics features. As expected, results support the use of high level features, like [5]
for interestingness, since they contribute with more image information and are
closer to the attributes used by human when evaluating an image.
As an extension of [6], a deeper study of relevant features is found in [26].
They complement the dataset MD from [6] with more attribute annotations
referred to spatial, content and aesthetic image properties. An information-
theoretic approach is used to select a set of non-redundant features and cali-
brate them by maximizing mutual information with memorability. Experiments
with the extended annotations outperform [6] that uses only object and scene
annotations. Furthermore, the information-theoretic approach provides the rel-
evance of each feature showing that images of enclosed spaces containing people
with visible faces are memorable while landscapes and peaceful images are not.
Moreover, contrary to popular belief, unusualness and aesthetic attributes are
not related to high image memorability. Finally, they also propose an automatic
prediction using learned annotations that outperforms previous work in [6].
Kim et al. [28] consider that, although unusualness is not related to memora-
bility [26], unusualness of the expected object size or location could be relevant
and introduce two novel spatial features. One takes into account the size and
location of objects supporting the hypothesis that central objects are more likely
to be remembered. The second captures the unusualness of each object size de-
pending on the object class coverage size. They obtain similar results to [6, 26],
A Review on Image Interestingness and Memorability 9
but the main advantage is that these two features together perform better than
object statistics from [6] and they do not required a high level human annotation.
In contrast to previous approaches, the image memorability research can
be addressed by estimating which image regions may be forgotten [27] modeling
automatic memorability maps and combining both local and global features with
no required human annotations. Results with gradient, color, texture, saliency,
shape and semantic meaning outperform state-of-the-art results [6].
As a complete novel point of view, [41] introduces the idea of visual inception
that refers to the possibility of modifying the memorability of images. Experi-
ments describe how different images with similar structure can be identified as
the same image. They also pose the issue of how an image can be changed while
still making people believe they have seen it. However, the experiments are not
enough detailed to show consistent results. A similar approach for face photos
is [42] that manipulates traits of faces to make more memorable images.
In Table 1 we compare the best predictions of the studied method. We also
detail their contribution and the attributes, training methods and datasets used.
3.2 Conclusions
The publications reviewed aim to understand and predict automatically image
memorability. As for interestingness, features analysis reveal the relevance of high
level features due to their high contribution of image information, and find im-
ages of enclosed spaces containing people with visible faces are memorable while
landscapes and peaceful images are not. Moreover, contrary to popular belief,
unusual and beautiful images are not necessarily memorable, unlike for interest-
ingness where these attributes are influential. These assumptions are supported
by memorability maps generated to visualize the memorable and forgettable re-
gions. Good prediction results support the idea that memorability is a property
independent of the user context and can be predicted in terms of image features.
4 Image and Video Datasets
We detail below the different datasets used for the experiments described above:
– Flickr dataset (FD): 40,000 images from Flickr. It is used in [5] for image
interestingness prediction.
– Webcam dataset (WD): 20 sequences of 159 images each, from different
public webcams. It is used in [14–16] for image interestingness prediction.
– Scene categories dataset (SCD) [23]: 2,688 images from 8 scene cate-
gories. It is used in [15] for image interestingness prediction.
– Memorability dataset (MD): 2,222 images. It is used in [6, 26, 28, 27] for
memorability prediction and in [15] for image interestingness prediction.
– Pinterest dataset (PD): 989 images from Pinterest. It is used in [17] for
image interestingness prediction.
– Visual Sentiment Ontology dataset (VSOD): 930k images collected
from 400k users of Flickr. In [19], it is referred as one-per-user dataset and
used to predict image interestingness.
10 Xesca Amengual et al.
– User-mix dataset (UMD): 1.4M images of a subset of user from VSOD.
It is created by selecting 100 users from VSOD that have between 10k and
20k shared images. It is used in [19] to predict image interestingness.
– User-specific dataset (USD): independent datasets with the images of
each user from UMD. It is used in [19] for image interestingness prediction.
– YouTube Travel dataset (YTTD): 3 videos for each of the 10 queries
from YouTube travel category. It is used for video interestingness in [34].
– Flickr Video dataset (FVD): 400 videos for each search (15 queries). It
is used in [21] for video interestingness prediction.
– YouTube dataset (YTD): 30 videos for each query (14 queries). It is used
in [16, 21] for video interestingness prediction.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
A review of image interestingness and memorability research has been presented.
Although these properties have been studied from psychologists since the 70s,
they are new on the computer vision area, the first paper is from 2011. For im-
age interestingness, experiments show a need to differentiate between visual and
social interestingness since the interesting images collected by crowdsourcing are
not the same than the interesting images in social platforms. They conclude that:
(i) high level features are the most useful to predict visual interestingness; (ii)
image aesthetics are highly correlated with it; (iii) for social interestingness, the
social features are the most relevant and their combination with image features
gives the best results. Similar conclusions can be found for memorability where
high level features perform the best results. However, in contrast to interesting-
ness, memorability has a low correlation with aesthetics and unusualness.
Some of these findings can be extended to video such as the correlation
between interestingness and aesthetics and the effectiveness of social context
based methods. In contrast with image, low level image and audio features work
better than high level features. Future work on video analysis should address the
interestingness prediction combining image and audio features with social cues.
Memorability is an objective property and image features provide good re-
sults, while interestingness is more subjective and depends largely on social con-
text. Most works consider all users have the same context assuming the interest-
ingness objetivity. Future research should be addressed to find common image
features of most interesting images from a single user. Image features from the
whole social network should also be studied to find similarities between images.
Further research on how to monetize the large amount of visual data uploaded
in internet should be addressed. Interestingness and memorability scores will be
used to appraise images, thus, companies will be provided with the most socially
interesting and memorable images. Images owners that allow their use are re-
warded with profitable assets. Also, the presence of brands could be considered
to compute different image appraisal depending on each company.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported in part by VISUAL AD, RTC-
2014-2566-7 and GEPID, RTC-2014-2576-7, as well as the consolidated research
A Review on Image Interestingness and Memorability 11
group CSI ref.2014 SGR 1469, and the grant of industrial PhD with expedient
number 2014 DI 007.
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