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Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on the Electrical Behavior of Polymer-Derived SiOCN Ceramic

Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 2015, 3, 9-16
Published Online October 2015 in SciRes.
How to cite this paper: Li, Y., Yu, Y.X., San, H.S., Han, Q.K. and An, L.N. (2015) Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on the Elec-
trical Behavior of Polymer-Derived SiOCN Ceramic. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 3, 9-16.
Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on the
Electrical Behavior of Polymer-Derived
SiOCN Ceramic
Yan Li1, Yuxi Yu1*, Haisheng San1, Qingkai Han2, Linan An3
1Fujian Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of
Materials, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
2School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Advanced Materials Processing and Analysis Center,
University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA
Email: *
Received 23 August 2015; accepted 26 October 2015; published 29 October 2015
Copyright © 2015 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
The conductivity of polymer-derived SiOCN ceramics exhibited an Arrhenius dependence on py-
rolysis temperature, with the activation energy of ~3.95 eV. The formation and structure change of
the free carbon phase were detected by means of electron spin resonance spectroscopy and X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy. It reveals that the number of dangling bonds on the free carbon is in-
creased as pyrolysis temperature increases, with the activation energy of ~3.87 eV. So it is demon-
strated that the pyrolysis-temperature induced increase in the conductivity is mainly attributed to
the increase of dangling on the graphite-like carbon.
Polymer Derived SiOCN Ceremic, Free Carbon, Activation Energy
1. Introduction
Polymer-derived SiOCN ceramics (PDC-SiOCN), synthesized by thermal decomposition of polymeric precur-
sors, exhibited a set of superb physical and chemical properties, such as excellent high-temperature stability
[1]-[3], oxidation/corrosion resistance [4] [5], creep resistance [6] [7], high-temperature semiconducting beha-
vior [8] and high piezoresistivity [9]-[12]. Due to crying for the high-temperature stable sensor and component,
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Y. Li et al.
electronic behavior of PDC has attracted tremendous interest in the past decades. Previous studies revealed that
the structure of PDC-SiOCN is consisted of an amorphous matrix made of SiCxNyO4xy (x, y are integers from
0 to 4) tetrahedra and nanosized carbon clusters (named free carbon), and the conduction mechanism of PDC-
SiOCN is attributed to the concentration and/or morphology of the free-carbon phase, which has higher conduc-
tivity than the amorphous SiOCN phase [13] [14]. When the carbon cluster concentration is higher than a critical
value, the conduction of the materials is controlled by a tunneling-percolation mechanism, resulting in high pie-
zoresistivity [9]-[12]. On the other hand, when the carbon cluster concentration is lower than the threshold value,
the conduction of the materials is controlled by the matrix phase, leading to amorphous semiconducting beha-
vior. Such amorphous semiconducting behavior has been widely reported by many researchers when the pyroly-
sis temperature is in the range of 1000˚C to 1400˚C.
Despite of the extensive efforts, one phenomenon about the conduction of PDC-SiOCN ceramics has not been
well understood. Although the matrix phase kept almost same in constitution and chemical bonding environment
for the PDC-SiOCN ceramics with low free carbon concentrations, the conductivity of PDC-SiOCN ceramics
can increase by 3 - 4 orders of magnitude with increasing pyrolysis temperatures [15] [16].
In this paper, we report the effect of pyrolysis temperature on the electrical behavior of PDC-SiOCN ceramics
by measuring the conductivity properties, which is revealed that the room-temperature conductivity of the ma-
terial exhibits an Arrhenius dependence on pyrolysis temperature. The activation energy of the Arrhenius de-
pendence is similar to that for the increment of dangling bond concentration within free carbon. As a result, we
deduce that the increase in the conductivity of the PDC-SiOCN ceramics is due to the increase in the conductiv-
ity of dangling bond concentration within free carbon.
2. Experimental
The PDC-SiOCN ceramics studied here are synthesized by thermal decomposition of a lab-made liquid phase po-
lyvinylsilazane (PVSZ), which can be converted to SiOCN ceramics with ~70 wt% yield [17]. The liquid PVSZ
was solidified by using 0.5 wt% of dicumyl peroxide as thermal initiator and subsequent thermal treatment at
140˚C for 5 h in nitrogen. The obtained solid was crushed into fine powder of ~1 μm using high-energy ball milling,
and then compressed into discs of 13 mm diameter and 1.5 mm thickness with the uniaxial pressing at 16 MPa at
room temperature. The discs are then pyrolyzed in a tube furnace under flowing of ultrahigh purity nitrogen
(99.999%) to convert them into fully dense SiOCN ceramics. Five kinds of samples are prepared by using different
pyrolysis temperatures of 1000˚C, 1050˚C, 1100˚C, 1150˚C, 1200˚C for 4 h. The resultant samples are first identi-
fied by X-ray diffraction, which exhibits that all samples are amorphous without any diffraction peaks.
All the samples for electric experiment were polished firstly. Silver paste was then painted on the surfaces of
the samples and annealed in air at 200˚C for 1h to form the electrodes. After that, the conductivities were meas-
ured at room temperature by measuring their current-voltage (I-V) curves (Keithley 4200, Keithley Instruments,
Inc., Cleveland, OH). To characterize the radical concentration, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra
of the samples are obtained using an X Band Bruker EMX spectrometer operating at 9.6 GHz at room tempera-
ture. The EPR spectra are processed with Bruker WIN-EPR software. All the mass for EPR is 7 mg.
3. Results and Discussion
The conductivities of the PDC-SiOCN samples pyrolyzed at different temperatures were shown in Table 1, it
ranges from 1010 to 108 S/cm, and increases by 2 orders of magnitude. The relationship of the conductivities of
PDC-SiOCN ceramics and their pyrolysis temperature was plotted as the natural logarithm of conductivity (Ln
(σ)) against the reciprocal of temperature (1/T) (Figure 1). It is interesting to see that the conductivity exhibits
Arrhenius dependence with respect to the pyrolysis temperature, similar as SiC(O) reported previously [18]. The
apparent activation energy calculated from the curve in Figure 1 is 3.95 eV, which is higher than that reported
previously for SiC(O) ceramics [18], which is arise from the sp3-sp2 transition in amorphous carbon with the
value of the activation energy, ranging from 3.3 to 3.6 eV [19] [20], so there should be another impact factor
account for the change of the conductivity.
To understand the phenomenon above, the dangling bonds within the materials were studied using EPR. Fig-
ure 2 shows the room-temperature EPR spectrum of the PDC-SiOCN ceramics obtained at 1000˚C to 1200˚C.
All observed species occur in a range of g-values of 2.0012 ± 0.0002. The small values deviation of the g values
from the free-electron-spin g value suggest that the observed spins originate from carbon-inherited spin species
Y. Li et al.
Figure 1. Conductivity of PDC-SiOCN as a function of pyroly-
sis temperature in an Arrhenius plot.
Figure 2. Room temperature EPR spectra of PDC-SiOCN sam-
ples pyrolyzed at different temperatures.
Table 1. Conductivity of the PDC-SiOCN ceramics pyrolyzed at different temperatures.
Pyrolysis Temperature (˚C) 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200
Conductivity (S/cm) 7.02 × 1010 2.46 × 109 6.96 × 109 2.65 × 108 9.93 × 108
in the graphite nanoparticles, in accordance with the results previously obtained for similar materials [21]-[24].
In order to abstract the structural information, the EPR spectra in Figure 2 were further studied. Intensity (I)
and linewidth (ΔHpp) were estimated by relative peak to peak height in the derivative resonance curves. The
number of spins (N) was roughly calculated by [25]:
( )
= ∆
Figure 3 plots the ΔHpp and N of the graphite like carbon as a function of pyrolysis temperature. In Figure
3(a), the line width is different according with the annealing temperature. It means that different hybridization
states are distinguished. The sp2-hybridization is characterized by line widths larger than 10 Gauss and sp3-hy-
bridization by values below 10 Gauss, due to the different extents of spin delocalization within the in-plane
Y. Li et al.
Figure 3. ΔHpp (a) and N (b) for PDC-SiOCN samples as a function of pyrolysis temperature.
dangling bonds. All samples contain sp3-type carbon dangling bonds. But it is interesting that a critical tempera-
ture range between 1150˚C and 1200˚C is observed: below this, the peak to peak linewidths decrease with in-
creasing pyrolysis temperature, while above it, the peak to peak linewidths increase with increasing pyrolysis
temperature. The similar phenomenon but inverse tendency was emerged in the exploration of the number of
spins. The number of spins increases up to 1150˚C, then remains constant as shown in Figure 3(b).
According to Ferrari and co-workers, [18] the activation energy of the graphitization of amorphous carbon
can be calculated using following equation:
( )
E KT v
where K is Boltzmann constant, ν is the phonon frequency of carbon which is ~ 5 × 1013, τ is a constant about ~1
s, and Tc is a characteristic temperature where the structure of the amorphous carbon exhibits a sudden change.
According to the result from EPR, we select 1150˚C as the characteristic temperature for the current material.
The activation energy for the increasing of C-spins concentration in the PDC-SiOCN ceramics was thereby cal-
culated to be ~3.87 eV. This value is very close to that measured for the conduction change, suggesting that the
increase in the conductivity of the PDC-SiOCN ceramics with pyrolysis temperature is likely due to the increase
in carbon conductivity caused by the C-dangling bond creation.
In order to identify the chemical bonds of C, the XPS spectral about C1s were obtained. The typical C1s ener-
gies spectra were shown in Figure 4, the numerical fitting was carried out and the peaks attributed were de-
composed into four deposition conditions which are listed in Table 2. The 283.5, 284.7, 285.3, and 287.0 eV
can be assigned to C-Si, Csp2, Csp3, and C=O, respectively. It can seen that the composition of free carbon is
decreased slightly with the increasing annealing temperature. Although the composition of C=O is decreasing
with the increasing annealing temperature, it is higher than the similar SiCN(O) ceramic in particular [26],
which may be the reason for the higher activation energy.
The absorption spectra (Figure 5) were used to obtain the information about the electronic structures of the
PDC-SiOCN ceramics. All samples have a strong absorption in ultraviolet and visible regions.
The transition from localized defect energy to the delocalized states can be obtained from the optical absorp-
tion spectra at a lower excitation by using the equation [27] [28]:
where α is the absorbance of amorphous materials, B is a constant, the n is an index which can assume values of
1, 2, 3, 1/2 and 3/2 depending on the nature of the interband electronic transitions, Ec is the edge of the extended
conduction band and Ed is a deep defect level with a density of state. It can be seen that the spectra (Figure 6(a))
with in range of 0.55 - 1.3 eV are well fitted by Equation (3) and the values of the n, Ec - Ed were listed in Table
3. The optical gap (Eg) for a direct transition in some amorphous semiconductors can be gotten using the equa-
tion at a higher energy range (3.5 - 5.5 eV) [29]:
Y. Li et al.
Figure 4. XPS spectra for C 1 s of PDC-SiOCN ceramics prepared at different temperature.
Figure 5. Dependence of room temperature absorption coefficient α on the photon energy for PDC-SiOCN pyrolyzed at dif-
ferent temperatures.
Figure 6. Plots of αhν (a) and (αhν)2 as a function of the photon energy for the PDC-SiOCN ceramics prepared at different
temperature. The solid lines are experiment data; the dot lines are curve fits using Equation (3) (a) and Equation (4) (b).
Y. Li et al.
Table 2. Binding energy positions and relative fractions (%) of the binding types attributing to XPS C 1 s spectra of PDC-
SiOCN ceramics pyrolyzed at different temperatures.
Temperature (˚C) C-Si
283.5 (eV) C sp2
284.7 (eV) C sp3
285.3 (eV) C=O
287.0 (eV) C sp2 & C sp3
Table 3. Curve Fit Parameters for PDC-SiOCN ceramics pyrolyzed at different temperatures.
Temperature (˚C) n Ec - Ed (eV) Eg (eV)
( )
( )
h hE
αν ν
The band gap is defined as the energy at which the straight line extrapolated from the straight part of the plot
intersects the horizontal (energy) axis. The band gaps obtained for the samples were listed in the Table 3, too.
The band gap is decreasing with the increasing pyrolysis temperature.
Now, we would like to correlate the change in the conductivity of the point defects affecting the overall con-
ductivity of a PDC with a low free-carbon concentration where no percolation (or tunneling-percolation) is formed.
At temperature above 1000˚C, amorphous SiOCN ceramics is obtained as the conductive phase of carbon and
the semiconductive phase
SiOCN matrix. The precipitations of carbon occurs resulting in regions with C-C bonds, along with the re-
lease of ammonia and hydrogen, so many dandling on free carbon sp3 hybridization were leaved in the SiOCN
material. The C-dangling bonds works as donor defects to give electrons and to form defect states within the
band gap. The number of the dandling is increased with the increasing annealing temperature, which could lead
to an increase in the density of the defect states, resulting in the Fermi level moving toward the conduction band
and band tail, so the gap between the edge of the extended conduction band and a deep defect level with a den-
sity of state (Ec - Ed) decreases with increasing pyrolysis temperature as shown in Figure 7, correspondingly, the
conductivity of the PDC-SiOCN is increasing with the elevated temperature [28].
4. Summary
In this paper, PDC-SiOCN ceramics were produced via thermal decomposition of a liquid-phased PVSZ. The
effect of pyrolysis temperature on the conductivity of a low free carbon amorphous PDC-SiOCN ceramics was
first studied. It was found that the conductivity of the material increased by 2 orders of magnitude when pyroly-
sis temperature increased from 1000˚C to 1200˚C, and the conductivity exhibited Arrhenius dependence on the
pyrolysis temperature. The “apparent” activation energy was calculated from the Arrhenius plot to be 3.95 eV.
The microstructure of the materials was then characterized by using EPR and XPS. We find that the spin con-
centration on carbon cluster increases at elevated temperature, along with the slight decreasing of carbon cluster.
The activation energy is similar with the result calculated from the Arrhenius. Thereafter, the electronic structure
was obtained by using the optical absorption spectra. It is found that the gap between the deep defect states and
the mobility edge is decreased with the increasing pyrolysis temperature, which is due to the increasing of the
dangling on the carbon, and then make the gap between the Fermi level and the conduction band decreases with
increasing pyrolysis temperature. We, thereby, believe that the increase in the conductivity of the material is due
to the increase in the conductivity of C-dandling in the PDC-SiOCN materials.
Y. Li et al.
Figure 7. Schematic showing the electronic structures of the
PDC-SiOCN as a function of the pyrolysis temperature.
Financial support from the Natural Science Foundation of China (51175444, 61274120), the Fundamental Re-
search Funds for the Central Universities (Xiamen University, 2011121002), the Aviation Science Foundation
of China (2013ZD68009), New Century Excellent Talents in Fujian Province University (2013), the Natural
Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (2014J01206), Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Science and
Technology (3502Z20143009), and Shenzhen City Science and Technology Innovation Committee (JCYJ-
20120618155425009) is acknowledged.
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Graphite nanoparticles were prepared by the heat treatment of diamond nanoparticles in the range 900-1600 °C. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Raman scattering studies indicate that the onset temperature of the diamond-graphite transition is around 1200 °C and the complete conversion of diamond to graphite occurs at 1600 °C. Based on the structural characteristics the samples are categorized into sp3-dominated (as-prepared and 900 °C), sp2:sp3 mixed-phase (1200 and 1400 °C), and sp2-dominated systems (1600 °C). The larger c-axis repeat distances and the high-resolution TEM images for the sp2:sp3 mixed-phase systems denote the presence of the remnant buckling feature of the diamond (111) planes in the graphene sheets. Magnetic susceptibility and ESR studies suggest the development of itinerant-pi-electron system from the 1200 °C and higher-temperature heat-treated samples. The completely graphitized sample reveals the important role of edge-inherited nonbonding pi-electron states in the electronic structure. The Raman G-peak position and the orbital diamagnetism show considerable deviation from the bulk-graphite values, which is explained on the basis of charge transfer from the graphite pi band to the localized edge states and the resulting shifting of the Fermi level. The enhanced spin-lattice relaxation rates in the case of more graphitized samples heat-treated at 1400 and 1600 °C are expected to arise from the involvement of the localized edge-state electrons. In the less-graphitized 1200 °C heat-treated sample, however, the corrugated nature of the graphene planes is likely to hinder such fast-relaxation processes.
CERAMICS based on silicon nitride and carbide are strong and stable at high temperatures, and are therefore under investigation for the fabrication of motor and turbine parts1-3. But silicon nitride decomposes at about 1,400 °C in vacuum and 1,775 °C in 0.1 MPa nitrogen4,5, limiting the high-temperature range of its technological uses. Here we describe a boron-containing silicon nitride/carbide ceramic that does not degrade at temperatures up to 2,000 °C even in nitrogen-free environments. We synthesize the material in a polymer-to-ceramic transformation6 from a single polymeric polyborosilazane precursor. On heating at 1,000 °C in argon we obtain a ceramic with the composition Si3.0B1.0C4.3N2.0. The ceramic begins to convert to a polycrystalline composite of silicon nitride and carbide (with some non-crystalline boron nitride) at 1,700 °C, a process that is completed (without substantial change in elemental composition) at 2,000 °C.
We model the ‘free carbon’ phase in silicon oxycarbide glasses using a low-density structure of a-SiCO, into which a part of the graphite structure is embedded. The complete structure comprises 158 atoms, Si48C16O64+30C, corresponding to the composition SiC0.33O1.33+0.62C, and is first fully optimized using density functional methods. Subsequently, the evolution of the composite model is investigated by ab initio (Car-Parrinello) molecular dynamic simulations at elevated temperatures. A treatment at 800°C shows the reaction of the ‘free carbon’ phase with the surrounding a-SiCO host by multiple bond formation, resulting in a decrease of the total energy. Further annealing at 1600°C decreases the energy further, but the more radical conditions also create a particular interface structure between segregation and host. The electronic structure of the final model is composed of the wide-band gap host material of SiCO and the semi-metallic graphitic segregation. We observe several gap states delocalized within the graphitic segregation as well as unpaired electrons, which are caused by strain at the interface between the graphitic segregation and the oxycarbide host. We also present vibrational spectra calculated for the oxycarbide phase with and without the embedded carbon structure. The composite not only exhibits a pronounced peak at 1400–1500cm−1, resulting from the graphitic segregation, but also shows a depletion of density of vibrational states in the spectral range below 500cm−1, indicating a stiffening of the glassy phase.
The piezoresistivity of a silicon oxycarbonitride polymer-derived ceramic (PDC) material is investigated at high temperatures. The resistance was measured as a function of uniaxial loading under constant current conditions. The piezoresistive gage factor was found to be in the range of 600–1700 at an applied stress of 1MPa. The gage factor depends on both the stress and temperature. The piezoresistivity was measured up to 1000°C, demonstrating the viability of PDCs as piezoresistive materials at high temperatures. The Arrhenius dependence of the gage factor, ψ, gives the following expression for its temperature dependence at 1MPa: ψ=44exp(28,000/8.31T), where T is in Kelvin. The extrapolated values of the gage factor yield a value of 322 at 1400°C, and 287 at 1500°C (at an applied stress of 1MPa). A combination of stability at high temperatures, chemical durability, and large gage factor are entirely unique to PDCs making them ideal candidates for sensor materials in extreme environments.