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Which downscaled rainfall data for climate change impact studies in urban areas? Review of current approaches and trends

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Abstract and Figures

Changes in extreme precipitation should be one of the primary impacts of climate change (CC) in urban areas. To assess these impacts, rainfall data from climate models are commonly used. The main goal of this paper is to report on the state of knowledge and recent works on the study of CC impacts with a focus on urban areas, in order to produce an integrated review of various approaches to which future studies can then be compared or constructed. Model output statistics (MOS) methods are increasingly used in the literature to study the impacts of CC in urban settings. A review of previous works highlights the non-stationarity nature of future climate data, underscoring the need to revise urban drainage system design criteria. A comparison of these studies is made difficult, however, by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from a plethora of assumptions, scenarios, and modeling options. All the methods used do, however, predict increased extreme precipitation in the future, suggesting potential risks of combined sewer overflow frequencies, flooding, and back-up in existing sewer systems in urban areas. Future studies must quantify more accurately the different sources of uncertainty by improving downscaling and correction methods. New research is necessary to improve the data validation process, an aspect that is seldom reported in the literature. Finally, the potential application of non-stationarity conditions into generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution should be assessed more closely, which will require close collaboration between engineers, hydrologists, statisticians, and climatologists, thus contributing to the ongoing reflection on this issue of social concern.
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Eustache Gooré Bi
&Philippe Gachon
&Mathieu Vrac
&Frédéric Monette
Received: 12 October 2014 /Accepted: 6 October 2015 /Published online: 27 October 2015
#Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
Abstract Changes in extreme precipitation should be one of
the primary impacts of climate change (CC) in urban areas. To
assess these impacts, rainfall data from climate models are
commonly used. The main goal of this paper is to report on
the state of knowledge and recent works on the study of CC
impacts with a focus on urban areas, in order to produce an
integrated review of various approaches to which future stud-
ies can then be compared or constructed. Model output statis-
tics (MOS) methods are increasingly used in the literature to
study the impacts of CC in urban settings. A review of previ-
ous works highlights the non-stationarity nature of future cli-
mate data, underscoring the need to revise urban drainage
system design criteria. A comparison of these studies is made
difficult, however, by the numerous sources of uncertainty
arising from a plethora of assumptions, scenarios, and model-
ing options. All the methods used do, however, predict in-
creased extreme precipitation in the future, suggesting poten-
tial risks of combined sewer overflow frequencies, flooding,
and back-up in existing sewer systems in urban areas. Future
studies must quantify more accurately the different sources of
uncertainty by improving downscaling and correction
methods. New research is necessary to improve the data val-
idation process, an aspect that is seldom reported in the liter-
ature. Finally, the potential application of non-stationarity con-
ditions into generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution
should be assessed more closely, which will require close
collaboration between engineers, hydrologists, statisticians,
and climatologists, thus contributing to the ongoing reflection
on this issue of social concern.
1 Introduction
It is now widely recognized, based on numerous studies, that
climate change (CC) will lead to higher likelihood and inten-
sity of weather phenomena that have the potential to cause
injury and loss of life to humans, property damage, social
and economic upheaval, and environmental degradation
(Berggren et al. 2011;GooréBi2015;Hayhoe2007;IPCC
2013; Langeveld et al. 2013; Semadeni-Davies et al. 2008;
Sunyer et al. 2014; Willems 2013). Optimal management of
rainwater in urban settings requires as clear as possible an
understanding of the response of existing drainage infrastruc-
tures to climate change. Since current urban drainage system
design is based on the fundamental assumption that historical
rain events are stationary, flooding in urban areas resulting
from future events that exceed the capacity of existing systems
could occur more frequently (Denault et al. 2006;GooréBi
et al. 2015b; Langeveld et al. 2013; Mailhot and Duchesne
*Eustache Gooré Bi;
Philippe Gachon
Mathieu Vrac
Frédéric Monette
Department of Construction Engineering, École de technologie
supérieure, Université du Québec, 1100 Notre-Dame Street West,
Montréal, Québec H3C 1K3, Canada
Department of Civil Engineering, City of Longueuil, 4250, chemin
de la Savane, Longueuil, Québec J3Y 9G4, Canada
Centre pour lÉtude et la Simulation du Climat à lÉchelle gionale
(ESCER), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM),
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de lEnvironnement-IPSL,
CNRS/CEA/UVSQ, Orme des Merisiers,
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Theor Appl Climatol (2017) 127:685699
DOI 10.1007/s00704-015-1656-y
Which downscaled rainfall data for climate change impact studies
in urban areas? Review of current approaches and trends
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... The constant scaling method or delta change method implements a constant factor to observed historical daily precipitation data to obtain simulated/downscaled precipitation (Anandhi et al., 2011;Fowler et al., 2007;Gooré Bi et al., 2017;Hansen et al., 2017;Mpelasoka and Chiew, 2009). The constant factor is estimated as the difference or ratio of baseline precipitation and evaluation precipitation. ...
... The daily scaling method (also called quantile-quantile mapping) Gooré Bi et al., 2017;Mpelasoka and Chiew, 2009;Willems and Vrac, 2011), similar to CS, employs the observed historical daily precipitation series to obtain a future daily precipitation series. The DS accounts for changes in the different precipitation percentiles in the daily precipitation series, unlike the CS method, which employs the same constant factor for all precipitation values occurs in a month. ...
Flood is one of the most prevalent natural disasters, and extreme precipitation events are the principal cause of most flooding. Understanding climate change impacts on extreme precipitation is vital for sustainable infrastructure development and water resources management. There are different methods to downscale precipitation to local scale from the Global Climate Models' simulations available at coarse resolution. The change factor (CF) method is one of those widely used methods for downscaling extreme precipitation. However, there are many variations in the CF method, and no study is available reporting the best CF method for downscaling extreme precipitation until today. Consequently, this study aims to evaluate different variants of four change factor methods, namely Additive Constant Scaling (ACS), Additive Daily Scaling (ADS), Multiplicative Constant Scaling (MCS) and Multiplicative Daily Scaling (MDS), for simulating extreme precipitation over India. Further, the optimum size of the baseline period for all four change factor methods and the optimum number of change factors for the daily scaling method are also evaluated. A total of 80 variants of four change factor methods, namely ACS, ADS, MCS and MDS, are formulated by varying the size of the baseline period and the number of change factors in the daily scaling method. Change factor methods are evaluated in terms of their capability in downscaling the Annual Maximum (AM) precipitation series and four extreme precipitation series extracted with Peaks Over Threshold (POT) method. The results indicate that the daily scaling methods (ADS and MDS) are the best change factor method for more than 75% (3713 out of 4948) of IMD grids for downscaling extreme precipitation. It is also observed that the variants of the daily scaling method having 100 change factors are alone the best change factor method for 35% (1708 out of 4948) of IMD grids for downscaling extreme precipitation. However, change factor methods having a smaller number of change factors (including constant scaling variants) are consistent compared to the variants of the daily scaling method having 100 change factors.
... CSOs are a major challenge that threaten the environment and put public health at risk . It is thought that these impacts are likely to be exacerbated as wastewater networks become increasingly vulnerable to the intensifying impacts of climate change (Gooré Bi et al., 2015, 2017Pachauri, 2014;Willems, 2013). ...
... Through these results, we can infer changes in flood-runoff characteristics due to the concentration of more precipitation as the rainfall distribution and intensity change over time in Seoul and predict an increase and acceleration in flood hazard. 4 | DISCUSSION 4.1 | Challenging issues of impact of CCS on urban flood assessment CCS predict an increase in both the intensity and frequency of extreme rainfall events in urban areas (Gooré Bi et al., 2017;Sridhar et al., 2019), which is consistent of our findings. However, current research has limitations that need to be addressed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue and devise appropriate solutions. ...
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Estimating potential changes in future flood patterns based on anticipated changes in hydrological characteristics within the basin is crucial for mitigating flood damage and managing flood risk. In this study, nonparametric probability models are used to estimate future rainfall patterns in Seoul under the GCM‐based climate change scenarios (CCS), and the estimated future daily rainfall data was temporally downscaled to hourly units using the KNNR‐GA technique. Changes in flood hazard and runoff characteristics of the target area based on the estimated future rainfall data are quantitatively assessed. The results highlight that under CCS, flood runoff may increase further into the future, resulting in more significant changes in flood patterns and accelerating the increase in flood hazard. The delta change factor of flood risk indicators increased relatively significantly in more severe CCS. This study also proposed a process to estimate future flood runoff and mitigation effects according to CCS by reflecting various flood mitigation measures in the urban drainage system model. These findings can offer valuable insights for setting the direction of current and future mitigation measures.
... P+0.8S when P ≥ 0.2S 0 when P < 0.2S (12) where: P net -effective rainfall depth (mm); P-total rainfall depth [mm]; S-maximum potential retention of the catchment (mm). The maximum potential retention of the catchment, S, is directly related to the CN parameter. ...
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This study aimed to evaluate how different methods of determining design rainfall levels and land usage affect flood hydrographs in an urban catchment; specifically, the catchment in southern Poland. The data included daily precipitation records from 1981 to 2020 and land cover information from Corine Land Cover and Urban Atlas databases for 2006 and 2018. The analysis involved examining precipitation data, determining design rainfall levels, analyzing land usage databases, exploring the influence of design rainfall levels on hydrograph characteristics, and investigating the database’s impact on these characteristics. No discernible trend in precipitation was found. The highest design rainfall values followed the GEV distribution, while the lowest followed the Gumbel distribution. Both land usage databases indicated an increasing human influence from 2006 to 2018. This study conclusively showed that the method used for estimating design rainfall and the choice of the land usage database significantly affected hydrograph characteristics. Multivariate analyses are recommended for design rainfall assessments, while the Urban Atlas database is preferred for urban catchment land usage determinations due to its detailed information.
... The increasing impact of climate change, along with rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, is emerging as a significant factor accelerating watershed water pollution [7,8]. Urban drainage systems in many cities globally are designed based on historical observations of precipitation amounts and patterns [9,10]. However, with the changing climate, precipitation patterns have also shifted. ...
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Effective management of water quality in watersheds is crucial because it is directly linked to the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. In conventional watershed management, best management practices (BMPs) have been instrumental in addressing deteriorating water quality issues caused by non-point source pollution. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have emerged as a global concern, necessitating immediate and diverse environmental actions to mitigate their impacts. This study aims to explore BMPs that maximize total phosphorus (TP) load removal efficiencies, while minimizing costs and GHG emissions within watersheds, using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm III (NSGA-III). The Yeongsan River Watershed between 2012 and 2021 was selected as the study area. Hydrological and BMP data were analyzed. Applying identical BMPs to the watershed showed that the BMPs with high TP removal efficiency may not be effective in terms of cost and GHG emissions. Therefore, the optimal combination of BMPs for the Yeongsan River Watershed was determined using NSGA-III considering TP removal efficiency, cost, and GHG emissions. This study is the first to consider GHG emissions at the watershed level when applying BMPs and is expected to contribute to the development of BMP implementation incorporating GHG emissions.
... This framework outlines treatment processes and objectives and methodically examines existing research [Vo et al. 2014]. Rainfall can trigger various effects on wastewater treatment processes that predominantly materialize through inflow and infiltration dynamics [Gooré et al. 2017]. The dynamics of rainfall-induced inflow and infiltration shape the efficiency needs of wastewater treatment facilities. ...
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The intricate hydrological processes elucidating the interplay between rainfall and flow manifest through rainwater's traversal along diverse routes, encompassing surface runoff and subsurface flow. While the foundational association between these entities is discernible, the convoluted intricacies characterizing this correlation defy straightforward comprehension. Examining the data between 2019 and 2022, the average daily sewage outflow was 12,518 m ³ /d, with occasional peaks of up to 50,440 m ³ /d. The wastewater treatment plant's capacity of 35,000 m ³ /d was usually not exceeded. Overall, average daily sewage outflows varied between 11,716 m ³ /d and 13,969 m ³ /d during the studied period. Comprehending this interrelationship holds pivotal significance for the optimization of water-resource-management strategies. A moderate correlation (r = 0.42) between daily rainfall levels and sewage discharge was found in the dataset covering 2018–2023. When categorizing daily rainfall into groups labelled “A” through “G” and comparing them to sewage flows, a pattern emerged: Rain-free days in group “A” had the lowest average sewage flow (10,996 m ³ /d), while heavy rain days in group “G”, had the highest average flow (22,112 m ³ /d). This observation underscores a significant correlation between intensified rainfall and increased volume of sewage discharge. Through a comprehensive analysis of factors such as sewage composition, meteorological dynamics and chronological sequences, we will gain an enhanced ability to prognosticate and govern sewage systems. The significance of this is heightened within the context of evolving climatic dynamics.
... For study area considering, the change factor method (also called delta change method) is used to downscale future rainfall of study area because change factor methods are commonly used to assess the impacts of climate change at hydrological scale. As daily scaling method describes changes in different levels of rainfall intensity, it is better than the constant scaling method [2,9]. Therefore, in this study, the daily scaling method is adopted to estimate future rainfall changes in the study area. ...
To examine the characteristics of future precipitation under climate change is of great significance to urban water security. In this paper, multiple machine learning techniques, i.e., statistical downscaling model (SDSM), support vector machine (SVM), and multilayer perceptron (MLP), were used to downscale large-scale climatic variables simulated by the General Circulation Models (GCMs) to precipitation on a local scale. It was demonstrated in Shenzhen city, China, through multisite downscaling schemes based on projections from the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM1.2-HR), Meteorological Research Institute Earth System Model Version 2.0 (MRI-ESM2.0), and Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model (BCC-CSM2-MR). The obtained results showed that the downscaled precipitation would provide good monthly simulations against observations at 10 discrete stations. Regardless of superior performance of SVM and MLP over SDSM, the daily precipitation simulations should be further improved, and downscaling of heavy daily precipitations would be promoted by quantile mapping corrections. Due to the relatively poor simulation performance of BCC-CSM2-MR, the other two climate models were considered under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5 scenarios) for ensemble precipitation projections for 2015-2100. Under the SSP1-2.6 scenario, the amounts of annual average precipitation for 10 stations were estimated to be higher relative to the historical period (2.7%-17%), and 9 out of 10 stations presented an increasing trend. However, downward trends also existed at three stations when it comes to scenarios SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5. Moreover, a significantly positive trend was found to dominate the trend changes of annual extreme daily precipitation during 2015-2050, but the detected trends at stations were greatly dependent on the downscaling techniques and climate models. Besides, the increase in daily extreme precipitations for various return periods as well as statistically different precipitation characteristics for discrete stations would further shed light on urgent demands on urban resilient strategies for climate change adaptation.
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The annual cycle of temperature and precipitation changes as projected by climate models is of fundamental interest in climate impact studies. Its estimation, however, is impaired by natural variability. Using a simple form of the delta change method, we show that on regional scales relevant for hydrological impact models, the projected changes in the annual cycle are prone to sampling artefacts. For precipitation at station locations, these artefacts may have amplitudes that are comparable to the climate change signal itself. Therefore, the annual cycle of the climate change signal should be filtered when generating climate change scenarios. We test a spectral smoothing method to remove the artificial fluctuations. Comparison against moving monthly averages shows that sampling artefacts in the climate change signal can successfully be removed by spectral smoothing. The method is tested at Swiss climate stations and applied to regional climate model output of the ENSEMBLES project. The spectral method performs well, except in cases with a strong annual cycle and large relative precipitation changes.
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Given the coarse spatial resolution of General Circulation Models, finer scale projections of variables affected by local-scale processes such as precipitation are often needed to drive impacts models, for example in hydrology or ecology among other fields. This need for high-resolution data leads to apply projection techniques called downscaling. Downscaling can be performed according to two approaches: dynamical and statistical models. The latter approach is constituted by various statistical families conceptually different. If several studies have made some intercomparisons of existing downscaling models, none of them included all those families and approaches in a manner that all the models are equally considered. To this end, the present study conducts an intercomparison exercise under the EURO- and MED-CORDEX initiative hindcast framework. Six Statistical Downscaling Models (SDMs) and five Regional Climate Models (RCMs) are compared in terms of precipitation outputs. The downscaled simulations are driven by the ERAinterim reanalyses over the 1989-2008 period over a common area at 0.44° of resolution. The 11 models are evaluated according to four aspects of the precipitation: occurrence, intensity, as well as spatial and temporal properties. For each aspect, one or several indicators are computed to discriminate the models. The results indicate that marginal properties of rain occurrence and intensity are better modelled by stochastic and resampling-based SDMs, while spatial and temporal variability are better modelled by RCMs and resampling-based SDM. These general conclusions have to be considered with caution because they rely on the chosen indicators and could change when considering other specific criteria. The indicators suit specific purpose and therefore the model evaluation results depend on the end-users point of view and how they intend to use with model outputs. Nevertheless, building on previous intercomparison exercises, this study provides a consistent intercomparison framework, including both SDMs and RCMs, which is designed to be flexible, i.e., other models and indicators can easily be added. More generally, this framework provides a tool to select the downscaling model to be used according to the statistical properties of the local-scale climate data to drive properly specific impact models.
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Precipitation is highly variable in space and time; hence, rain gauge time series generally exhibit additional random small-scale variability compared to area averages. Therefore, differences between daily precipitation statistics simulated by climate models and gauge observations are generally not only caused by model biases, but also by the corresponding scale gap. Classical bias correction methods, in general, cannot bridge this gap; they do not account for small-scale random variability and may produce artifacts. Here, stochastic model output statistics is proposed as a bias correction framework to explicitly account for random small-scale variability. Daily precipitation simulated by a regional climate model (RCM) is employed to predict the probability distribution of local precipitation. The pairwise correspondence between predictor and predictand required for calibration is ensured by driving the RCM with perfect boundary conditions. Wet day probabilities are described by a logistic regression, and precipitation intensities are described by a mixture model consisting of a gamma distribution for moderate precipitation and a generalized Pareto distribution for extremes. The dependence of the model parameters on simulated precipitation is modeled by a vector generalized linear model. The proposed model effectively corrects systematic biases and correctly represents local-scale random variability for most gauges. Additionally, a simplified model is considered that disregards the separate tail model. This computationally efficient model proves to be a feasible alternative for precipitation up to moderately extreme intensities. The approach sets a new framework for bias correction that combines the advantages of weather generators and RCMs.
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With the refinement of grid meshes in regional climate models permitted by the increase in computing power, the grid telescoping or cascade method, already used in numerical weather prediction, can be applied to achieve very high-resolution climate simulations. The purpose of this study is two-fold: (1) to illustrate the perspectives offered by climate simulations on kilometer-scale grid meshes using the wind characteristics in the St. Lawrence River Valley (SLRV) as the test-bench; and (2) to establish some constraints to be satisfied for the physical realism and the computational affordability of these simulations. The cascade method is illustrated using a suite of five one-way nested, time-slice simulations carried out with the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model, with grid meshes varying from roughly 81 km, successively to 27, 9, 3 and finally 1 km, over domains centered on the SLRV. The results show the added value afforded by very high-resolution meshes for a realistic simulation of the SLRV winds. Kinetic energy spectra are used to document the spin-up time and the effective resolution of the simulations as a function of their grid meshes. A pragmatic consideration is developed arguing that kilometer-scale simulations could be achieved at a reasonable computational cost with time-slice simulations of high impact climate events. This study lends confidence to the idea that climate simulations and projections at kilometer-scale could soon become operationally feasible, thus offering interesting perspectives for resolving features that are currently out of reach with coarser-mesh models.
Résumé La littérature scientifique de la dernière décennie contient un grand nombre de travaux qui détaillent le développement des méthodes de « désagrégation » (downscaling) de l’échelle globale à l’échelle hydrologique pour tenter d’estimer les impacts du changement global sur la disponibilité et la distribution des ressources en eau. Cet article présente une revue et une synthèse des méthodologies de « désagrégation climatique » présentées dans la littérature afin de simuler les réponses régionales au changement global du climat. L’accent est mis sur les avancées récentes et sur les problèmes reliés à l’application pratique des modèles dans les études d’impact. L’article présente également une discussion des avantages et limites des différentes approches, ainsi que quelques suggestions pour l’étude future des impacts du changement global sur les ressources en eau.
Projections from the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) for the southern part of the province of Québec, Canada, suggest an increase in extreme precipitation events for the 2050 horizon (2041–2070). The main goal of this study consisted in a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the impact of the 20 % increase in rainfall intensity that led, in the summer of 2013, to overflows in the “Rolland-Therrien” combined sewer system in the city of Longueuil, Canada. The PCSWMM 2013 model was used to assess the sensitivity of this overflow under current (2013) and future (2050) climate conditions. The simulated quantitative variables (peak flow, Q CSO, and volume discharged, VD) served as the basis for deriving ecotoxicological risk indices and event fluxes (EFs) transported to the St. Lawrence (SL) River. Results highlighted 15 to 500 % increases in VD and 13 to 148 % increases in Q CSO by 2050 (compared to 2013), based on eight rainfall events measured from May to October. These results show that (i) the relationships between precipitation and combined sewer overflow variables are not linear and (ii) the design criteria for current hydraulic infrastructure must be revised to account for the impact of climate change (CC) arising from changes in precipitation regimes. EFs discharged into the SL River will be 2.24 times larger in the future than they are now (2013) due to large VDs resulting from CC. This will, in turn, lead to excessive inputs of total suspended solids (TSSs) and tracers for numerous urban pollutants (organic matter and nutrients, metals) into the receiving water body. Ecotoxicological risk indices will increase by more than 100 % by 2050 compared to 2013. Given that substantial VDs are at play, and although CC scenarios have many sources of uncertainty, strategies to adapt this drainage network to the effects of CC will have to be developed.