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Low-cost data-driven 3D reconstruction and its applications


Abstract and Figures

This paper describes two approaches for estimating human 3D shapes (i.e. full bodies or feet) using a regular smartphone or just entering a set of parameters (e.g. age, gender and self-taken measurements). The proposed approaches are based on data-driven 3D reconstructions, using parameterised shape spaces created from large 3D body or feet databases. The reconstruction algorithm finds the combination of shape parameters that best matches either the silhouettes extracted from the images or the body measurements entered. Despite not being actual body scanners, these solutions are easy-to-use and can provide enough accuracy for applications such as virtual try-on, made-to-measure or size allocation of certain types of wearables. Moreover, they can be distributed to the final consumer or to the points of sale at a really reduced cost (or even for free), thus overcoming the main barriers to the massive spreading of body scanners’ use to e-commerce, retail shops, new production pipelines or new business models. In order to illustrate these technologies, some examples of application to different contexts are provided, namely virtual worlds, e-commerce and personalisation.
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Low-Cost Data-Driven 3D Reconstruction and its Applications
Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
DOI: 10.15221/15.184
This paper describes two approaches for estimating human 3D shapes (i.e. full bodies or feet) using a
regular smartphone or just entering a set of parameters (e.g. age, gender and self-taken
measurements). The proposed approaches are based on data-driven 3D reconstructions, using
parameterised shape spaces created from large 3D body or feet databases. The reconstruction
algorithm finds the combination of shape parameters that best matches either the silhouettes extracted
from the images or the body measurements entered. Despite not being actual body scanners, these
solutions are easy-to-use and can provide enough accuracy for applications such as virtual try-on,
made-to-measure or size allocation of certain types of wearables. Moreover, they can be distributed to
the final consumer or to the points of sale at a really reduced cost (or even for free), thus overcoming
the main barriers to the massive spreading of body scanners’ use to e-commerce, retail shops, new
production pipelines or new business models. In order to illustrate these technologies, some examples
of application to different contexts are provided, namely virtual worlds, e-commerce and
Keywords: 3D, foot, body, scanning, shape, measurement, data-driven, PCA, e-commerce,
personalization, size allocation, configuration, virtual try-on, retail, clothing, footwear, orthotics, insoles,
transports, ergonomics, low-cost, smartphone, app, booth
1. Introduction
The access to the 3D representation of people’s body shape has multiple applications to consumer
goods which performance is related to body dimensions or shape. This is the case of wearables such
as clothing, footwear, headgear, orthotics; or equipment/environments such as furniture, transports or
workstations. Some of the existing and potential applications of 3D human representations include
personalisation, virtual try-on or size allocation for wearables or product configuration/adjustment for
However, the cost of 3D scanners is high; the devices are too bulky for homes and retail stores; and its
proper use requires expertise to get the relevant parameters from the 3D object (e.g. body
measurements). These three barriers are currently hindering the massive spreading of 3D scanners as
consumer good or as typical in-store appliance.
This paper focuses on two approaches for estimating accurately full bodies and feet. The first
approach uses 2-3 calibrated images as input while the second one uses a small set of measurements
of the user as input. Both approaches are underpinned by data-driven 3D reconstructions, using
parameterised shape spaces created from large 3D human body or feet databases.
In particular, this paper presents four 3D data-driven reconstruction developments:
(a) 3D feet reconstruction obtained from three images per foot gathered using a mobile app [1]
(b) 3D feet reconstruction obtained from one image per foot gathered using a special booth
(c) 3D body reconstruction obtained from two images gathered using a mobile app
(d) 3D body reconstruction obtained from age, gender and 4 body measurements
*; +34 610 562 532;
6th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 27-28 October 2015
2. The parameterised shape spaces used
All methods followed in this paper are based on the “space of human body shapes” concept and on the
methods introduced by Allen et al. [2]. For our research work we created different shape spaces using
range scan data gathered by IBV in different projects and research works.
2.1. Foot shape space
To create the feet shape space we used a database of over 700 male and female feet scans gathered
using Infoot scanner from I-Ware. They were registered using Allen et al. [2] method with a template
made up of 5.000 vertices with five foot landmarks (i.e. 1st and 2nd toe tips; 1st and 5th metatarsal heads;
and pternion; fig. 1). This provided a homologous database with one-to-one correspondence across all
feet. Database parameterisation was achieved by conducting Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to
the homologous database, from which the first 40 components were retained. This provided a
data-driven way to generate a vast array of different feet based on 40 parameters.
Fig. 1. Foot landmarks used in the registration of the database and foot template topology
2.2. Full body shape space
To create the full body shape spaces, we used three databases containing more than 800 children,
1.800 male and 8.900 female scans gathered using Vitus XXL scanner from Human Solutions. These
scans were registered and harmonised using an adaptation of different template-based methods
[2,3,4,5]. In this case, we used a high resolution template body mesh of 150K vertices, 99K triangles, a
17-bone skeleton and a set of 35 landmarks as described by Ballester et al. [6], fig. 2. Database
parameterisation was also achieved by conducting Procrustes Alignment and Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) to the homologous data.
Fig. 2. Template, body
landmarks and skeleton
Fig. 3. Posture variability
Fig. 4. Homologous and harmonized sample of
Different shape spaces were created depending on two factors:
(i) Type of input to be used in the application (i.e. images or parameters). For the 3D recreation of
full bodies from measurements, the databases used were the posture-harmonised ones. In the
case of image-based recreation, posture deviations from the standard harmonised posture were
randomly included in the database for arms, elbows and legs (ranging from 0 to 30º) in order to
cope with posture deviations of the users being photographed.
(ii) Population segment addressed by the applications. This factor was relevant in order to reduce
the degrees of freedom of the shape space and improve the results. The population segments
and the number of components used in the body shape space are indicated in table 1.
6th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 27-28 October 2015
Table 1. Shape space configuration for different applications.
Application Population segment No. of comps.
Children 3D body reconstruction from images 800 children aged 3-12 100
Female 3D body reconstruction from images 6000 females aged 18-65 100
Female 3D body reconstruction from measurements 6000 females aged 18-65 20
3. Data-driven reconstructions of 3D bodies or body parts
Data-driven 3D reconstruction proposed consists of two steps: user data input (i.e. either images or
measurements); and 3D reconstruction. The reconstruction approaches presented are based on
iteratively resolving a minimisation problem that finds the combination of shape parameters (i.e.
principal component scores) that best matches either the silhouettes extracted from the images or the
body measurements entered.
3.1. Image-based 3D reconstruction of Feet
We have developed two different user data input systems for the feet reconstruction: a mobile app [7]
and a booth specifically designed for this purpose. The booth is equipped with a Raspberry Pi, one
camera on top, a green/blue matte bottom surface, and two mirrors placed in such an angle that can
obtain three views of the feet with a single photograph.
In the case of the mobile app (fig. 5), the input data consists of three images of the foot on top of a
DINA4 sheet. Each photograph should be taken from a different point of view; namely zenithal, medial
and lateral views. The app sends the images to a remote server where all the processing takes place.
Fig. 5. Screenshots of the Instructions of the foot scanning app showing the three views and resulting 3D feet
In the case of the booth (fig. 6), the input data consists of one photograph containing the three views
thanks to the mirrors. The booth is managed through a local application running on a Windows 8 tablet
that is connected via Bluetooth to the booth. The tablet application also sends the images to a remote
server where all the processing takes place.
Fig. 6. Booth setting, one-shot scanning process, single image and resulting feet
Regarding 3D reconstruction, in both cases, the images are processed to extract the foot silhouettes.
In the case of the app, the A4 sheet corners [8], are used to calibrate each view [9]. In the case of the
booth, the booth space and the camera are already calibrated. The 3D reconstruction departs from the
average foot model created from the PCA (zero at all scores) and consists of minimising the distance
from the silhouettes of the PCA model projected into the image planes to the silhouettes extracted from
the foot images. Minimization is approached by iteratively modifying the PCA scores. At each iteration,
6th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 27-28 October 2015
the vertices defining the projected silhouettes of the PCA model are computed, and then distances are
minimised using L-BFGS-B optimisation method based on explicit gradients [10 ]. After each
optimization, the new set of vertices defining the silhouettes is used in the next iteration. This process
is repeated until it converges, which usually takes less than ten iterations (fig.7).
Fig. 7. Iterative process for the fitting of the 3D foot into the silhouette
For validation purposes, four synthetic feet models representing the main foot shape variations (i.e.
high/low instep height and high/low foot width) were manufactured using a SLS printer (EOS Formiga
P100) and then scanned using a high precision 3D scanner (ATOS GOM, accuracy of 0.1mm). These
feet were reconstructed using our mobile app in a Samsung S3 and our special booth. For each of the
systems, each foot was scanned five times. A set of measurements was extracted from the feet
digitised with the high precision scanner, with our special booth, and with our mobile app. The
accuracy of the location of 12 anatomical landmarks was also estimated for our reconstruction
approaches. Moreover, the distance field error (average surface-to-surface distance per vertex) was
calculated between the digitised feet and each of our reconstructions. Prior to the calculation, feet were
aligned using Iterative Closest Point method (ICP).
The distance field error per vertex of the 3D reconstructions are presented respectively in table 2 (for
the app and the booth). Figure 8 shows the average distance field error per vertex for the booth. The
accuracy of the measurements extracted from the app and the booth reconstructions are presented in
table 3.
Fig. 7. Average distance field error per vertex of the Booth for the five
repetitions of the four synthetic feet (scale from 0 to 7mm)
Table 2. Overall distance field error
(average surface-to-surface distance
per vertex) for the four synthetic feet
in mm
App Booth
Mean 1.120 1.064
percentile 0.938 0.823
percentile 2.774 2.963
Table 3. Average error of the measurements extracted from image-based 3D reconstructions
App Booth
Measurement Mean
Foot Length 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2
Toes Girth 2.1 2.2 1.0 1.1 2.2 1.3 1.0 0.6
Toes Width 1.2 0.9 1.3 1.0 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3
Ball Girth 3.4 0.9 1.5 0.4 2.1 0.9 0.9 0.4
Ball Width 1.7 0.9 1.8 0.9 1.2 0.6 1.3 0.6
Instep Girth 3.1 1.3 1.3 0.5 2.7 1.8 1.2 0.8
Instep Height 2.7 0.9 4.3 1.5 2.3 1.4 3.8 2.3
3.2. Image-based 3D reconstruction of bodies
A mobile app was developed in order to gather user data input for the full body reconstruction (fig. 9).
In the full body case, the input consists of two images of the person wearing tight clothing or underwear
and three sociodemographic parameters: age, stature and body mass. The first image is a front
6th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 27-28 October 2015
photograph of the person standing with the arms and legs slightly separated from the body and the
second one is a lateral photograph with the arms stuck to the body. In the case of the body
reconstruction, the calibration element selected was the user stature, and thus results are sensible to
this parameter. The app requires that a second person takes the pictures and includes a silhouette for
each of the photographs to help to position the user. The silhouettes are automatically adapted to
match the average person corresponding to the age, stature and body mass entered.
3D reconstruction is conducted following a similar process as the one of the foot with the exception of
the image calibration process which in this case uses stature of the photographed person and
parameters from the telephone such as the camera, gyroscope and accelerometer. However, the
segmentation of the image is more challenging than in feet due to the variability of the backgrounds,
clothing colours, and user posture, so the adaptive silhouette is also used to support the segmentation
algorithms (fig. 10).
Fig. 9. Data gathering using the mobile app
Fig. 10. Screenshots from the app showing the adaptive guiding
silhouette and the image segmentation
Two tests were conducted using the image-reconstruction system. The preliminary test was conducted
as a proof of concept of the full body reconstruction using a shape space of females aged 13 to 75.
Three adult female volunteers were photographed in a controlled environment using the app installed
in a Motorola Moto G and they were also scanned with the Vitus XXL scanner. Then, body
measurements were extracted using the same algorithms for both 3D representations [6]. Results of
this preliminary testing are included in table 4. The comparison of the pictures, reconstructed shapes
and actual scans are presented in figure 11.
Fig. 11. Qualitative comparison between picture, actual scan and 3D reconstruction using the app
A second test was conducted for validation purposes using refined algorithms for segmentation and
reconstruction and using a shape space of children aged 3 to 12. 10 children and their parents
participated in the study. The results of the second test for the comparison of the measurements
extracted from body scans and 3D reconstructions are also included in table 4
6th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 27-28 October 2015
Table 4. Average absolute and relative error of 10 body measurements from image-based 3D reconstructions
dult Females (proof) Children (prototype)
AAE (mm) ARE (%) AAE (mm) ARE (%)
Body Height 16 1.0 22 1.6
Bust/chest girth 6 0.7 18 2.8
Underbust girth 21 2.7 - -
Waist girth 33 4.1 28 4.5
Hip girth 17 1.7 11 1.5
Thigh girth 30 4.7 10 2.3
Upper arm girth 9 3.8 9 4.1
Wrist girth 5 3.2 5 3.8
Outside leg length 18 1.7 12 1.4
Arm length 16 2.8 13 2.7
3.3. Measurement-based 3D reconstruction of bodies
This 3D reconstruction algorithm was based on Ballester et al. methodology [6], which consists of
estimating a combination of principal components by a Partial Least Square Regression model from a
set of parameters (e.g. measurements, age, body mass, etc.), and then iteratively measure and modify
the 3D shape within the principal components shape space until it converges (i.e. set of
measurements). A shape space of 20 components from adult women was used for this study. The
initial solution obtained by the PLS regression model used 6 parameters, namely age, height, body
mass, bust girth, waist girth and hip girth. The iterative optimisation was conducted for the height, bust
girth, waist girth and hip girth.
For validation purposes, more than 100 adult women volunteers participated in a self-image
recognition experiment where they were asked to choose between two 3D representations of her
selves, one created from an adaptation of a commercial parametric avatar (i.e. Victoria Character from
DAZ Studio), and the other one created from the proposed measurement-based reconstruction.
In order to make the he generic 3D body shapes created more realistic, they were enriched with skin
and underwear texture, and with generic details like hair, hands, shoes etc. that scaled along with the
shape space coordinates. The same texture mapping was applied to the adaptation of the parametric
DAZ model. The reconstruction algorithm was also implemented into a web service and a website was
created to support the data input and the visualisation of results. For the creation of the reconstruction
the participants entered their self-reported age, height, weight, bust, waist and hips.
Results showed that 84% of participants chose the data-driven representation as more representative
of themselves than the DAZ-based avatar. An example with two volunteers is presented in Figure 12.
The experiment showed that data-driven representations became the more representative as the user
shape was more different to the base DAZ model.
Fig. 12. Qualitative comparison between picture, DAZ-based avatar and Data-driven avatar
4. Real world applications of data-driven low-cost 3D reconstruction
The different technologies and solutions presented are being integrated into real world applications for
the orthotics, footwear and clothing sectors at different levels of maturity. Five of these cases are
briefly presented in the following paragraphs:
6th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 27-28 October 2015
SunFeet: personalised 3D printed comfort insoles ( The first
application of the foot reconstruction app and the booth was being used as input for comfort
insole personalisation. This service enables the user to create custom-made insoles in terms
of arch shape, colour combinations and mechanical properties, depending on the use they will
have (i.e. casual, sports or formal/heeled). Insoles are made up of a hard shell individually
manufactured using 3D printing and cushioning materials. This service was validated with
nearly 300 users, and its commercialisation in Europe started in 2015.
Feetz: personalised 3D printed shoes ( The second application of the
booth and app is to gather the user’ foot data input to create personalised shoes using
innovative 3D printing technology. The feetz shoes are expected to be launched in 2016.
ShopInstantShoe: footwear reshaping at the point of sale. This is a service developed under a
research project [11] conducted in cooperation with Calzamedi S.L., Nimesis SAS and MDB
Texinov. The service consists of the customization (reshaping) of the footwear forefoot at the
point of sale based on the clients’ foot shape. the Booth is used in order to gather the foot
shape of the client. The shoe vamps are equipped with shape memory materials that enable,
not only the permanent reshaping but also the possibility to go back to the original shape if the
user does not want to buy the shoes after trying them on.
KidSize: size allocation for childrenswear. The first application of the body reconstruction app
is a service that is being developed for the Spanish and French associations of manufacturers
and retailers of childrenswear (ASEPRI and NovaChild) and its European umbrella association
(Childrens Fashion Europe) under a research project [12]. KidSize uses the captured 3D body
shapes in order to make an accurate size allocation for childrenswear. The service consists of
a button next to the clothing size selection at the ecommerce and an iFrame showing the
recommended size and the predicted fitting by body areas. It is currently entering the
validation phase and it is expected to be included into Bóboli (Star Textil S.A.) and Sucre
d’Orge Kids (Groupe Salmon Arc-en-ciel) online shops in 2016.
VisuaLook: virtual try-on of fashion. The first application of the measurement-based 3D
reconstruction is a service that is being developed in cooperation with Tecnologías DIM S.A.
under a research project [13]. VisuaLook service will provide a scalable solution for the
visualisation of virtual looks at online shops. It is expected that the service includes the
image-based mobile app 3D reconstruction along with the measurement-based one.
4. Conclusions and future work
Despite not being actual body scanners, the presented solutions are easy-to-use and can provide
enough accuracy (i.e. 1mm average distance field error) for certain applications such as virtual try-on,
made-to-measure or size allocation of footwear, clothing or orthotics, among other wearables [14].
Moreover, they can be distributed to the final consumer or to the points-of-sale at a really reduced cost
(or even for free), thus overcoming the main barriers to the massive spreading of its use in
e-commerce, new retail experiences, new production pipelines or new business models.
The key advantages of the image-based solutions compared to the traditional body measurement
methods are: firstly, the ability to gather individual shape features derived from posture/skeletal, such
as the dorsal and lumbar curves or shoulders shape, or slight dissymmetries, which might be relevant
for a successful made-to-measure or bespoke product design; secondly, an app or booth does not
require the same level of expertise and time to get quality measurements as the measuring tape needs,
so this makes it a more robust tool.
Nevertheless, additional R&D work is required for each of the proposed 3D body reconstruction
solutions. For instance, it is important that these solutions are validated with non-Caucasian population
targets. The results of this validation could eventually conclude that the shape spaces should be
enriched in order to include the body or feet shape variability associated to other population groups. In
the case of the image-based full body reconstruction, new developments are expected to be
completed for adult males and females in 2016, as well as analogue developments for body parts like
hands or legs.
Regarding the 3D reconstruction of full bodies, firstly, a distance field error (surface-to-surface distance
per vertex) metric should be established and calculated, using for instance a set of rigid full body
mannequins as in the validation of the feet reconstruction. Improvements in the segmentation of
6th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 27-28 October 2015
images can also be achieved with the use of shape priors [15]. Moreover, in our present approach for
the whole body segmentation additional posture deviations have been included into the shape space
(to cope with the different postures of users in the photographs taken), an alternative approach could
be removing from the shape space all posture/skeletal information and incorporating it as a separate
parameter set within the optimisation process. This could be achieved, for instance, using adaptations
of alternative registration concepts such as the one introduced by Anguelov et at. [16].
The authors thank Feetz, Inc. and Tecnologías DIM, as well as all the European Commission and
Spanish Ministry of Science and all companies and organisations participating in KidSize [13],
Easy-IMP [17], DemoSIS, ShopInstantShoe [11] and TALLA-ME [18] projects, in particular, ASEPRI,
NovaChild, Star Textil S.A, Groupe Salmon Arc-en-ciel, ISRI, Ozongo and Calzamedi S.L. for their
contribution to the R&D work described in this paper.
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6th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 27-28 October 2015
... A 3D scanning device provides accurate models, but state-of-the-art scanning equipment is difficult to access for most athletes. Indirect methods to predict the 3D shape of a given human using select anthropometric data have been described in the literature [14][15][16][17]. If the 3D model of a cyclist is available, directly or indirectly, but not in a desirable pose configuration, it is possible to re-pose the model using animation techniques [18,19]. ...
... If the 3D model of a cyclist is available, directly or indirectly, but not in a desirable pose configuration, it is possible to re-pose the model using animation techniques [18,19]. In this study, we used 3D models obtained from an algorithm [16,17] and re-posed them to various pose configurations to investigate if the cyclist aerodynamic drag could be predicted by a combination of anthropometric data and CFD analyses. ...
... Using this method, given a set of measurements (in this study: age, gender, body height, body mass, chest circumference, hip circumference maximum, and arm length), we can obtain PCA components that can be used to predict a 3D shape of a human body. The database and body measurements are described in [16]. Each model is a combination of 100 (PCA) components with a corresponding weight (or 'score') attached to each component. ...
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Aerodynamic drag force and projected frontal area (A) are commonly used indicators of aerodynamic cycling efficiency. This study investigated the accuracy of estimating these quantities using easy-to-acquire anthropometric and pose measures. In the first part, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) drag force calculations and A (m2) values from photogrammetry methods were compared using predicted 3D cycling models for 10 male amateur cyclists. The shape of the 3D models was predicted using anthropometric measures. Subsequently, the models were reposed from a standing to a cycling pose using joint angle data from an optical motion capture (mocap) system. In the second part, a linear regression analysis was performed to predict A using 26 anthropometric measures combined with joint angle data from two sources (optical and inertial mocap, separately). Drag calculations were strongly correlated with benchmark projected frontal area (coefficient of determination R2 = 0.72). A can accurately be predicted using anthropometric data and joint angles from optical mocap (root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.037 m2) or inertial mocap (RMSE = 0.032 m2). This study showed that aerodynamic efficiency can be predicted using anthropometric and joint angle data from commercially available, inexpensive posture tracking methods. The practical relevance for cyclists is to quantify and train posture during cycling for improving aerodynamic efficiency and hence performance.
... Finally, lifestyle and medical parameters are not taken into account, thus preventing a finer interpretation of the input. A more promising approach, although not concentrating on weight gain/loss, has been presented as a prototype, attempting to fully exploit benefits of 3D scanning and large dataset availability [28,29]. The scope is considerably wider, relying on anthropometric data obtained from more than 10,000 individuals. ...
... (a) Body Weight Planner Result[16], (b) Suggested smartphone application prototype[28].G.Bardis, et al. Entertainment Computing 32 (2019) 100324 ...
Obesity represents one of the most important health risks for a steadily increasing part of the population. The effort to prevent it or fight it is often hindered by the fact that a considerable percentage of individuals perceive their body image as healthier than it actually is. It is, therefore, essential to enhance awareness on actual body figure and weight state. In the current work we attempt to achieve this goal through visual feedback on the actual individual's image, increasing the impact by animating the transition from the initial state to the future outcome. The proposed module commences from a current body figure image and, relying on lifestyle and dietary information, gradually warps it to reflect expected changes. The mechanism relies on pure WebGL/Javascript, animating the transition at a selectable pace and to the extent chosen by the user, based on triangulation of the body figure outline and warping of the resulting polygon and corresponding texture according to input parameters. The WebGL/Javascript platform in combination with the absence of usage of external libraries allows for a small footprint of the module while offering high portability due to its native support by most modern day browsers.
... Finally, lifestyle and medical parameters are not taken into account, thus preventing a finer interpretation of the input. A more promising approach, although not concentrating on weight gain/loss, has been presented as a prototype, attempting to fully exploit benefits of 3D scanning and large dataset availability [17], [18]. The scope is considerably wider, relying on anthropometric data obtained from more than 10000 individuals, expected to offer a smartphone application which will suggest the user a body figure outline to fit into, through the device's camera, adjust and approve for further use. ...
... As soon as the image file is specified, it is imported and presented to the user. The next step is to assign specific prerequisite features to image pixels, largely based on the homology concept [4], [17] and the list provided by EUROFIT reference body template and skeleton [22]. These features will aid the subsequent image alteration process. ...
... A smartphone application, Avatar3D, based on data-driven 3D construction technology, has shown more reliability than manual foot measurements did [58,59]. This data-driven approach used PCA to generate an arbitrary foot model, which was optimized after several iterations [60]. However, our method can construct a 3D foot model using the structure sensor or LiDAR while maintaining the individual characteristics of the foot. ...
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The foot is a vital organ, as it stabilizes the impact forces between the human skeletal system and the ground. Hence, precise foot dimensions are essential not only for custom footwear design, but also for the clinical treatment of foot health. Most existing research on measuring foot dimensions depends on a heavy setup environment, which is costly and ineffective for daily use. In addition, there are several smartphone applications online, but they are not suitable for measuring the exact foot shape for custom footwear, both in clinical practice and public use. In this study, we designed and implemented computer-vision-based smartphone application OptiFit that provides the functionality to automatically measure the four essential dimensions (length, width, arch height, and instep girth) of a human foot from images and 3D scans. We present an instep girth measurement algorithm, and we used a pixel per metric algorithm for measurement; these algorithms were accordingly integrated with the application. Afterwards, we evaluated our application using 19 medical-grade silicon foot models (12 males and 7 females) from different age groups. Our experimental evaluation shows that OptiFit could measure the length, width, arch height, and instep girth with an accuracy of 95.23%, 96.54%, 89.14%, and 99.52%, respectively. A two-tailed paired t-test was conducted, and only the instep girth dimension showed a significant discrepancy between the manual measurement (MM) and the application-based measurement (AM). We developed a linear regression model to adjust the error. Further, we performed comparative analysis demonstrating that there were no significant errors between MM and AM, and the application offers satisfactory performance as a foot-measuring application. Unlike other applications, the iOS application we developed, OptiFit, fulfils the requirements to automatically measure the exact foot dimensions for individually fitted footwear. Therefore, the application can facilitate proper foot measurement and enhance awareness to prevent foot-related problems caused by inappropriate footwear.
... At one of the stages of 3D shoe model reconstruction that our competitors [7], [8] use the process of defining the contour of the foot is performed. Our method, on the other hand, has its own peculiarities. ...
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Description for an easy and user-friendly computerized method for the online try-on of shoes that dynamically references a three-dimensional topological model of a foot with a three-dimensional topological model of the inner surface of footwear. A comfort level is then calculated based on the matching results. With the help of these calculations, a consumer can make a conclusion about the suitability of the footwear and make a purchase decision. The topological 3D model of a foot is reconstructed by analyzing a series of foot images taken with a mobile device (smartphone or digital camera). In addition to geometric information (such as shape and size), the topological model of the footwear's inner surface also contains information about pressure forces and tensile stiffness at different points. The present article gives a critical analysis of existing virtual shoe fitting methods.
... To date, it has been successfully used to reconstruct the 3D bodies of subjects from photographs (Ballester et al., 2016;Boisvert et al., 2013;Seo et al., 2006;Song et al., 2016;Zhu et al., 2013) as well as to reconstruct the 3D bodies of subjects scanned wearing clothing (Zhang et al., 2017;Saint et al., 2017). Ballester et al. (2015b) assessed the accuracy and the consistency of the measurements extracted from 3D avatars reconstructed from photographs gathered with a smartphone application concluding that, although slightly less precise than high-end body scanners, these solutions can provide realistic and visually accurate 3D avatars, making them an affordable alternative for fit, size and style recommendations. ...
Experiment Findings
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This paper describes the features and outcomes of a novel thermal 3D/4D scanner developed by IBV. The study is the continuation of the development of a relational model able to predict thermal comfort/discomfort from users’ attributes and environmental conditions. The model is based on the “thermotype” concept, which synthesizes the climatic preferences, body shape and thermal response of an individual. The Digital Human Model generated by mapping thermal information into a 3D body representation has been evaluated with real subjects in a thermal chamber with different garments in order to validate the initial version of the model based in other type of products and to apply these techniques to Clothing industries.
This paper proposes a relational model able to predict thermal comfort/discomfort from users’ attributes and environmental conditions. The model uses a new subject attribute: the “thermotype”, which synthesizes its climatic preferences, body shape and thermal response using Artificial Intelligence (AI). A thermal avatar was created by mapping thermal layers to a 3D body representation, derived from the same infrared images. The result is a Digital Human Model that permits associate the perception to the thermal comfort preferences, integrating both the thermotype and the thermal avatar. We have evaluated the model with real subjects in a thermal chamber simulating different environmental conditions that can be found in vehicles equipped with Heating and Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Our model can provide product design and evaluation strategies to companies, to personalize intelligent self-adjustable thermal systems to achieve thermal comfort predictions.
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Introduction The access to the 3D representation of people's feet has multiple applications in footwear industry, ranging from custom made shoes to virtual try-on or size allocation. However, there are several barriers that have hindered the massive spreading of 3D scanners as consumer good or as typical in-store appliance: the price is high and the device is too bulky for homes and retail stores; and it requires expertise to achieve a quality scan and to locate anatomical references to get measurements from the 3D object. This paper describes a novel approach for estimating the 3D shape of the foot using a smartphone application. The proposed 3D reconstruction is data-driven, since it uses a parametrised shape space created from a feet database. The algorithm finds the combination of shape parameters that best matches the foot silhouettes extracted from the images.
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Today, there is an increasing availability of human body 3D data and an increasing number of anthropometric owners. This is due to the fact of the progressive conduction of large national surveys using high resolution 3D scanners and due to the increasing number of low-cost technologies for acquiring body shape with electronic consumer devices like webcams, smartphones or Kinect. However, the commercial use and exploitation in industry of digital anthropometric data is still limited to the use of 1D measurements extracted from this vast 3D information. There is a lack of universal resources enabling: to conjointly use and analyse datasets regardless from the source or type of scanning technology used, the flexible measurement extraction beyond pre-defined sets, and the analysis of the information contained in human shapes. This paper presents four software tool solutions aimed at addressing different user profiles and needs regarding the use and exploitation of the increasing number of 3D anthropometric data
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Over the last decades, human body metrics have been used to improve human-product interaction. Along this period, the use of 1D-measurements in “classic” ergonomic applications has been extended to consumer goods industries such as the automotive, apparel, furniture or orthopedic products. New technologies for the gathering, storage and analysis of anthropometric data have boosted the availability of digital anthropometric resources. Since 1999, more than 16 large-scale national 3D body scanning surveys have been conducted around the world (six in Europe). The availability of these data pools has created the opportunity to exploit shape information beyond today’s 1D-measurement based use and methodologies. However, these data pools are dispersed and heterogeneous (e.g. different scanning technologies or different protocols) and, above all, the exploitation of 3D data at industry level requires knowledge, skills and resources beyond the means of companies, especially SMEs. These barriers have until now strongly limited the use of existing 3D shape data to scientific and academic research.
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We introduce the SCAPE method (Shape Completion and Animation for PEople)---a data-driven method for building a human shape model that spans variation in both subject shape and pose. The method is based on a representation that incorporates both articulated and non-rigid deformations. We learn a pose deformation model that derives the non-rigid surface deformation as a function of the pose of the articulated skeleton. We also learn a separate model of variation based on body shape. Our two models can be combined to produce 3D surface models with realistic muscle deformation for different people in different poses, when neither appear in the training set. We show how the model can be used for shape completion --- generating a complete surface mesh given a limited set of markers specifying the target shape. We present applications of shape completion to partial view completion and motion capture animation. In particular, our method is capable of constructing a high-quality animated surface model of a moving person, with realistic muscle deformation, using just a single static scan and a marker motion capture sequence of the person.
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This paper presents a general solution to the determina- tion of the pose of a perspective camera with unknown fo- cal length from images of four 3D reference points. Our problem is a generalization of the P3P and P4P problems previously developed for fully calibrated cameras. Given four 2D-to-3D correspondences, we estimate camera posi- tion, orientation and recover the camera focal length. We formulate the problem and provide a minimal solution from four points by solving a system of algebraic equations. We compare the Hidden variable resultant and Gr¨ obner basis techniques for solving the algebraic equations of our prob- lem. By evaluating them on synthetic and on real-data, we show that the Gr¨ obner basis technique provides stable re- sults. 1
Deformation transfer applies the deformation exhibited by a source triangle mesh onto a different target triangle mesh, Our approach is general and does not require the source and target to share the same number of vertices or triangles, or to have identical connectivity. The user builds a correspondence map between the triangles of the source and those of the target by specifying a small set of vertex markers. Deformation transfer computes the set of transformations induced by the deformation of the source mesh, maps the transformations through the correspondence from the source to the target, and solves an optimization problem to consistently apply the transformations to the target shape. The resulting system of linear equations can be factored once, after which transferring a new deformation to the target mesh requires only a backsubstitution step. Global properties such as foot placement can be achieved by constraining vertex positions. We demonstrate our method by retargeting full body key poses, applying scanned facial deformations onto a digital character, and remapping rigid and non-rigid animation sequences from one mesh onto another.
L-BFGS-B is a limited-memory algorithm for solving large nonlinear optimization problems subject to simple bounds on the variables. It is intended for problems in which information on the Hessian matrix is difficult to obtain, or for large dense problems. L-BFGS-B can also be used for unconstrained problems and in this case performs similarly to its predessor, algorithm L-BFGS (Harwell routine VA15). The algorithm is implemented in Fortran 77.
We develop a novel method for fitting high-resolution template meshes to detailed human body range scans with sparse 3D markers. We formulate an optimization problem in which the degrees of freedom are an affine transformation at each template vertex. The objective function is a weighted combination of three measures: proximity of transformed vertices to the range data, similarity between neighboring transformations, and proximity of sparse markers at corresponding locations on the template and target surface. We solve for the transformations with a non-linear optimizer, run at two resolutions to speed convergence. We demonstrate reconstruction and consistent parameterization of 250 human body models. With this parameterized set, we explore a variety of applications for human body modeling, including: morphing, texture transfer, statistical analysis of shape, model fitting from sparse markers, feature analysis to modify multiple correlated parameters (such as the weight and height of an individual), and transfer of surface detail and animation controls from a template to fitted models.
Deformation transfer applies the deformation exhibited by a source triangle mesh onto a different target triangle mesh. Our approach is general and does not require the source and target to share the same number of vertices or triangles, or to have identical connectivity. The user builds a correspondence map between the triangles of the source and those of the target by specifying a small set of vertex markers. Deformation transfer computes the set of transformations induced by the deformation of the source mesh, maps the transformations through the correspondence from the source to the target, and solves an optimization problem to consistently apply the transformations to the target shape. The resulting system of linear equations can be factored once, after which transferring a new deformation to the target mesh requires only a backsubstitution step. Global properties such as foot placement can be achieved by constraining vertex positions. We demonstrate our method by retargeting full body key poses, applying scanned facial deformations onto a digital character, and remapping rigid and non-rigid animation sequences from one mesh onto another.