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Epidemiological studies of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in ruminants in Jakiri, Bui Division, North West Region of Cameroon


Abstract and Figures

This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence, intensity of infection and management systems associated with gastrointestinal (GIT) parasites in grazing ruminants (cattle, sheep and goats). Faecal samples were collected from 277 cattle, 104 sheep and 94 goats, from different areas in Jakiri. Samples were analysed using the Formol-ether concentration technique. 318 samples were found positive with one or more parasites giving an overall prevalence of 66.9%. Goats recorded the highest (90.4%) prevalence of GIT parasites, followed by sheep (73.1%), and the least prevalence was observed in cattle (56.7%). Concerning the various management techniques, prevalence of GIT parasites were higher in tethered animals (88.1%) followed by free range grazing animals (60.9%). Animals confined in paddocks had the least prevalence (45.5%). Eimeria species recorded the highest prevalence (20.9%) among the various species of parasites encountered during the study in cattle, Trichostrongylus species and Eimeria spp. in sheep (28.8%) while the highest prevalence in goats was Trichostrongylus spp. (55.8). Mixed infections of Trichostrongylus spp., Eimeria spp. and Haemonhus species were most prevalent in all the animal species. The prevalences of Fasciola species and Moneiza species were significantly low in all the three animal groups in the study area. Adults were more infected compared to young stock animals (lambs and kids). This work provides an important step to minimize economic losses in ruminants by providing information that will help farmers practice the right traditional management techniques.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Vol. 5(12), pp. 344-352, December, 2013
DOI: 10.5897/JVMAH2013.0209
© 2013 Academic Journals
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal
Full Length Research Paper
Epidemiological studies of gastrointestinal parasitic
infections in ruminants in Jakiri, Bui Division, North
West Region of Cameroon
Ntonifor H. N.1, Shei S. J. 1*, Ndaleh N. W.2 and Mbunkur G. N.3
1Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon.
2Department of Zoology and Animal Physiology, Faculty of Science, University of Buea, P. O. Box 63, Buea, South West
Region, Cameroon.
3Ministry of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Yaounde, Cameroon.
Accepted 1 August, 2013
This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence, intensity of infection and management
systems associated with gastrointestinal (GIT) parasites in grazing ruminants (cattle, sheep and goats).
Faecal samples were collected from 277 cattle, 104 sheep and 94 goats, from different areas in Jakiri.
Samples were analysed using the Formol-ether concentration technique. 318 samples were found
positive with one or more parasites giving an overall prevalence of 66.9%. Goats recorded the highest
(90.4%) prevalence of GIT parasites, followed by sheep (73.1%), and the least prevalence was observed
in cattle (56.7%). Concerning the various management techniques, prevalence of GIT parasites were
higher in tethered animals (88.1%) followed by free range grazing animals (60.9%). Animals confined in
paddocks had the least prevalence (45.5%). Eimeria species recorded the highest prevalence (20.9%)
among the various species of parasites encountered during the study in cattle, Trichostrongylus
species and Eimeria spp. in sheep (28.8%) while the highest prevalence in goats was Trichostrongylus
spp. (55.8). Mixed infections of Trichostrongylus spp., Eimeria spp. and Haemonhus species were most
prevalent in all the animal species. The prevalences of Fasciola species and Moneiza species were
significantly low in all the three animal groups in the study area. Adults were more infected compared
to young stock animals (lambs and kids). This work provides an important step to minimize economic
losses in ruminants by providing information that will help farmers practice the right traditional
management techniques.
Key words: Gastrointestinal parasites, ruminants, prevalence, management systems, Jakiri, Cameroon.
Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) parasites are known to be
widespread in Cameroon (Ndamukong, 1985) and limit
livestock production in many areas and countries of the
world (Vlassoff and Leathwick, 2001; Ng’ang’a et al.,
2004). Studies have shown that helminth parasites are by
far the most serious causes of production losses in farmed
ruminants and the nematodes are indisputably the cause
of serious production losses to ruminants in sub-Saharan
Africa, and indeed worldwide (Ng’ang’a et al., 2004; Odoi,
2007; Kanyari et al., 2009).
Despite the relative importance of nematode parasites
in ruminants worldwide, other gastrointestinal parasites like
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: +237 75213156/75211978.
like the trematodes, cestodes and coccidians have also
shown higher prevalence rates in most countries of the
world. The trematodes of traditional veterinary and medical
significance are almost all digenetic flukes that require a
mollusc or snail as the first intermediate host. Prevalence
studies reveal that Fasciola species are by far the most
economically important trematodes of ruminants in the
tropics (Maingi et al., 1997). According to Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organisation
(WHO) (1999), intense fasciolasis has been reported in
the following African countries; Northern Nigeria, Kenya,
Lake Chad, Zaire, Zambia, Ivory coast, Zimbabwe and
Cameroon. The occurrence of flooding, water pans and
swamps are important habitats for propagation of the snail
intermediate hosts of these flukes. Some of the regions in
Cameroon have their borders to the west of the Atlantic
Ocean which makes them marshy and swampy, thus
suitable for survival of snail intermediate hosts.
Ruminants, the most widespread livestock in Cameroon,
are reared in traditional systems. Cattle, goats and sheep
rearing systems are: nomadic or pastoral, mixed farming
and the peri-urban systems. Production and management
systems vary from free range in less populated areas, to
year-round confinement and cut-and-carry feeding in
densely populated areas. Ruminants under extensive
systems rely on natural grazing. Because of shortage of
water and forage, malnutrition is often the major limiting
factor for profitable production of ruminants particularly
during the dry season. Grazers of the Fulani tribe in the
North West region of Cameroon seek refuge during dry
periods in Wasi-ber, Bangolan of Babesi and Bambalan
of Ndop. Animals suffer from stressful and disease
effects especially during these transhumance periods.
In most semi arid and arid regions of sub-Saharan
Africa, ruminants play a vital role in rural economies
through the provision of meat, milk, household income,
manure and skin (Mulugete et al., 2011). In most cases,
the animals are run in large flocks or herds, concentrated
in confined areas or tethered on pegs where they are
likely to pick up infective larva or oocyst from contaminated
pastures (Kanyari et al., 2009). These poor management
systems have contributed massively to economic losses
of ruminant production in sub-Saharan countries (Mulugete
et al., 2011). As a result, most of the rural farmers and
livestock farmers pay keen attention to parasites that may
likely cause the death of their animals.
The study area
The study was c onducted in Jakiri, Bui Division (Figure 2). This
rural village is situated at Latitude. 6.1°N and Longitude 10.65°S
about 89 km from the capital city Bamenda of the North W est region
of Cameroon (Jocelyn, 1982). The climate in the area is
Ntonifor et al. 345
characterized by a long rainy s eason from April t o October, with
annual average rainfall ranging from 1,500 to 2,000 mm and an
altitude of about 1,100 m above sea level (Jocelyn, 1982). The dry
season stretches from November to March, with monthly average
temperatures in June reaching a maximum of about 21°C. Jakiri is
a typical mountainous area covered with grass on the hills and
valleys which constitute the major natural resource that the
ruminant population of livestock depends on.
Mixed crop/livestock production system is the main form of
agriculture. Most families are also involved in livestock farming,
especially goats and sheep. Flock sizes under the tethering system
in J akiri are in the order of 1 to 10 goats or sheep per household.
Cattle herds of large sizes are mostly owned by the Fulani tribes
and they form s eparate communities in the upland grazing quarters
of Jakiri.
Selection of study sites and farms
The study sites (Figure 1) were s elected on the basis of having a
higher concentration of livestock. The sites included small locations
(quarters) in J akiri village: Tan, Sodepa, Vekovi, Nkar, Kiform,
Weinamah and Shiy.
Study subjects
A total of 475 ruminants consisting of 131 males and 344 females
were examined for intestinal parasites, out of which 277 were cattle,
104 sheep and 94 goats. Also 335 of thes e animals were adult
ruminants, 57 heifers and 83 kids/lambs. For animals to be qualified
as subjects, the sheep, goats and cattle must have been living in
Jakiri and its environs for at least three months. Samples were
collected from ruminants of both sexes. The ages of the animals
were determined from interviews with the farmers. Animals with
ages ranging from one month to a year were classified as young
stock (lambs for sheep, kids for goats) while those from one year
and above were categorized as adults. The criteria for cattle were
different. Cattle with ages r anging from one month t o a year were
classified as calves while those from one to three years were
classified as heifers and those above three years were c ategorized
as adults.
Study design
A preliminary survey was carried out prior to sample c ollection to
sensitize interested farmers on the objectives of the study.
Questionnaires were administered to all the farmers whose animals
were to be examined. It included information on the age/sex/breed
of the animal, farm management practices and health conditions of
the animals. Oral interviews were also conducted to obtain other
relevant information about the ruminants and the study site.
Sampling and faecal analysis
Faecal samples were collected directly from the rectum using plastic
gloves and put into clean, dry, leak-proof, transparent plastic
bottles. The samples were labelled and transported to the
laboratory of the National Veterinary Training school f or Livestock
and Animal Husbandry in Jakiri where t hey were examined
immediately for parasite eggs and oocysts. Stool samples not
observed on the same day were treated and stored in the
346 J. Vet. Med. Anim. Health
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Study sites.
Figure 2. Map showing rate and distribution of cattle, sheep and goats in Jakiri sub-division.
refrigerator for subsequent examination the next day. The formol-
ether concentration technique as described by Christensen et al.
(1984) was used to detect the presence of helminth eggs and
coccidian oocysts. The overall proportion of infective larvae from
faecal cultures among management systems was equally
determined. Strongyle species were identified based on standard
criteria. The eggs per gram (EPG) of feces were quantitatively
analyzed to determine the intensity of infection using the modified
McMaster technique and the coccidian oocysts quantified (MAFF,
Statistical analysis
Data was entered into Ms Excel® 2003 (Microsoft corporation, USA)
and analysis were conducted using the statistical package st atistical
package for social sciences (SPSS) version 12. Prevalence was
calculated as a percentage of d/n where d is the number of animals
infected and n = Total number of animals examined. The
association between independent factors (age, and area of origin)
and continuous dependent variables (EPG, oocyst numbers per
gram (OPG) and intensity of infection) was calculated using one
way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The association between the
independent factors and the prevalence of the various parasites
were evaluated using the Chi-square test (χ2). In all the analysis,
confidence level was held at 95%, and P 0.05 set for significance.
Out of the 475 ruminants examined, 318 were found positive
with one or more parasites, giving an overall prevalence
of 66.9%. Goats recorded the highest prevalence of 90.4%,
followed by sheep, 73.1% and the least prevalence was
observed in cattle, 56.7%. The study revealed a significant
difference (p < 0.05) in the prevalence of the
gastrointestinal parasites among the ruminants in the
study area (Table 1).
Gastrointestinal parasites identified from faecal samples
in the study along with their prevalences are shown on
Tables 2 and 3. Strongyle nematodes and Eimeria spp.
were the most prevalent parasites recorded in all the
three groups of animals. From the results obtained, goats
recorded the highest prevalence rates in Trichostrongylus
spp. 55.8%, followed by sheep 28.8%, and the least
prevalence was recorded in cattle 9.7%. Equally, goats
recorded the highest prevalence of Haemonchus spp.
Concerning the intensity of infection of the nematode
species, the study revealed that, mean egg per gram was
notably high for almost all the Strongyle nematodes
observed in small ruminants (sheep and goats). However,
faecal egg counts revealed overall low egg per gram in all
of the recovered worm egg types in cattle (Table 2). Most
of the animals had mix infections, with most of the
combinations being Trichostrongylus spp./Strongyloides
spp. (Table 4).
Village based prevalence revealed that, in cattle;
gastrointestinal parasites had the highest prevalence in
Wainamah (80.6%). Infection rates in goats were highest
in Vekovi (97.8%) and in sheep; Shiy recorded the
highest prevalence (87.5%). It was found that in all the
three groups of animals, statistically significant difference
(P 0.05) was not observed in the prevalence with
respect to the various villages (Tables 5, 6 and 7).
A total of 335 adult ruminants, 57 heifers and 83
kids/lambs were examined during the study. Out of these
lots, adult goats recorded the highest prevalence of gastro-
intestinal parasites (93.3%), followed by the young goats
(kids) (78.9%), and the least prevalence was observed in
adult cattle (53.1%). However, the overall prevalence of
gastrointestinal parasites among the different age groups
showed that generally, the youngest animals (calves,
lambs and kids) had the highest prevalence (71.2%)
Ntonifor et al. 347
(Figure 3). Chi square value however revealed no
significant differences among the different age groups (P
The present study also revealed details on the prevalence
of gastro intestinal tract (GIT) parasites in animals kept
under different traditional management systems. It was
found that, animals confined in paddocks recorded lower
prevalence rates compared to free range grazers and
tethered animals. For both sheep and goats, tethered
animals had highest infection rates of 85.4 and 90.4%,
respectively. Cattle and sheep that grazed in confined
paddocks had prevalence rates of 37.7 and 56.8%,
respectively. Free range grazers had prevalence rates of
61.2 and 73.3% for cattle and sheep, respectively. A
significant difference in prevalence was observed in both
cattle and sheep practising the different grazing systems
(Tables 8, 9 and 10).
The present study revealed an overall prevalence of GIT
parasites in the ruminants to be 67.45%, with 56.7, 73.1
and 90.4% in cattle, sheep and goats, respectively.
These results are in line with the findings of Fikru et al.
(2006) and Biu et al. (2009). The high prevalence of GIT
parasites in small ruminants as a whole agrees with most
reports (Odoi et al., 2007; Fufa et al., 2009; Kanyari,
2009; Mulugete et al., 2011). The higher prevalence rate
in goats and sheep in the study area might be due to
poor management systems. In Jakiri, mixed crop
livestock production predominates where few numbers of
small ruminants are kept together. Majority of the sheep
and goats are tethered on farm lands. As a result of this,
most of the animals are re-infected due to pasture
contamination as they graze within a confined region for
several months. Ticks also posed a major health problem
to ruminants in Jakiri. Seven out of 15 farmers from
whom we collected faecal samples complained of their
animals passing out blood tinged urine which is a sign of
babesiosis; a tick-borne infection. Under such conditions,
gastrointestinal parasites thrive best due to reduced
immunity in the ruminants. This led to increased mortality
rates in ruminants prior to the research. The higher
prevalence of GIT parasites in goats compared to sheep
is in agreement with the report of Ndamukong (1985) in
Momo division, North West Region of Cameroon. This
result however, contradicts the findings of Kanyari (2009)
whose assertions explained that the grazing habits of
sheep (grazing closer to the earth soil) warrants these
animal species to be more infected than goats. However;
in the present survey, the difference in philosophy with
the previous findings may be because the majority of the
goats are kept under poor veterinary infrastructure and
medication. More importantly, this may be due to low or
348 J. Vet. Med. Anim. Health
cattle sheep Goats Total
young stock
Figure 3. Age related prevalence of GIT parasites in ruminants in Jakiri.
Table 1. Overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of ruminants in the study
Ruminant No.
no. Prevalence (%) χ2 (P value)
Cattle 277 157 56.7
38.4 (0.001)
Sheep 104 76 73.1
Goats 94 85 90.4
Total 475 318 66.9
Table 2. Pr evalence and intensity of gastrointestinal nematodes in cattle, sheep and goats in study area (N = total number of
animals examined).
Parasite species
Cattle (N=277) Sheep (N=104) Goats (N=94)
Infected no.
(%) Intensity Infected no.
(%) Intensity Infected no.
(%) Intensity
Trichostrongylus spp 27 (9.7) 5.19±23.81 30 (28.8) 179.4±1007.2 53 (55.8) 693.4±1903.3
Haemonchus spp 16 (5.7) 2.6±12.47 24 (23.1) 75.4±413.6 47 (49.5) 344.2±1261.7
Oesophagostomum spp 18 (6.5) 11.7±50.7 3 (2.9) 4.4±30.3 5 (5.3) 11.7±50.6
Ostertagia spp 8 (2.9) 1.2±9.0 12 (11.5) 13.8±73.9 30 (31.5) 41.2±97.0
Strongyloides spp 25 (9.0) 4.2±21.0 26 (25.0) 86.7±409.8 46 (48.9) 324.9±831.
Trichuris spp 51 (18.4) 6.8±18.3 8 (7.7) 7.7±27.0 13 (13.9) 14.8±48.9
Other nematodes 17 (6.1) - 9 (8.7) - 3 (3.2) -
N = number of animals examined.
slow development of immunity in goats to GIT parasites
as compared to sheep and cattle.
The prevalence of GIT parasites in cattle in the study
area was generally low compared to small ruminants,
with a majority of the cattle having light infections. These
results are in line with the findings of Adrien et al. (2001),
Waruiru et al. (2005) and Kenyu et al. (2006). The reason
might be due to frequent drenching habits of the farmers.
Ntonifor et al. 349
Table 3. Prevalence of Trematodes, Cestodes and Eimeria species in cattle, sheep and goats in
the study area.
Parasite specie Cattle (N=277) Sheep (N=104) Goats (N=94)
Infected No. (%) Infected No. (%) Infected No. (%)
Fasciola spp 17 (6.1) 3 (2.9) 0 (0)
Entamoeba spp 5 (1.8) 1 (1.0) 13 (13.7)
Moniezia spp 10 (3.6) 8 (7.7) 4 (4.3)
Eimeria spp 58 (20.9) 30 (28.8) 45 (47.9)
Table 4. Prevalence of mixed infections in ruminants in the study area.
Mixed infections Cattle (N=277) Sheep (N=104) Goats (N=94)
Infected No. (%) Infected No. (%) Infected No. (%)
Trichostrongylus spp./Strongyloidse spp./Eimeria spp.
3 (1.08) 26 (13.06) 36 (38)
Trichostrongylus spp./Haemonchus spp. 5 (1.80) 45 (22.61) 12 (12.7)
Strongyloides spp./Eimeria spp. 6 (2.1) 36 (18.09) 4 (4.2)
Strongyloides spp./Trichostrongylus spp. 8 (2.88) 56 (28.14) 7 (7.4)
Haemonchus/Eimeria 2 (0.7) 1 (0.5) 3 (3.2)
Trichostrongylus spp./Eimeria spp. 5 (1.80) 25 (12.56) 11 (11.7)
N=number of animals examined.
Table 5. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in cattle in the various villages
surveyed in the study area.
District No. examined No. infected Prevalence (%) χ2 (P- value)
Kiform 68 41 60.3
4.573 (0.47)
Nkar 24 15 62.5
Sodepa 53 20 37.7
Vekovi 36 18 50.0
Shiy - - -
Wainamah 31 25 80.6
Tan 65 38 58.5
Total 277 157 56.7
Also during the dry seasons, larva may develop success-
fully to infective stages in faeces but might not emerge
until moisture levels are optimal. Infected faeces continue
to be passed out by the cattle until moisture is available
when pasture contamination can then rise rapidly.
The most prevalent GIT parasites were the Strongyles,
Strongyloides and Eimeria oocyst. This result corroborates
many findings in Africa (Ndamukong, 1985; Ndamukong
and Sewell, 1992; Odoi, et al., 2007; Fufa et al., 2009;
Kanyari, 2009; Mulugete et al., 2011). Strongyle nematodes
were of the genera Trichostronglus, Haemonchus,
Oesophagostomum, Ostertagia, Cooperia, Charbatia and
Nematodirus. The climatic conditions of Jakiri (warm
moist) are highly suitable for survival of strongyles and
transmission of the parasites. Another contributing factor
towards the high prevalence of strongyle nematodes may
be due to poor farm management techniques including
constructions, feeding,watering systems and generally
poor hygienic conditions of the farms.
The prevalence of Fasciola spp. in the study area for all
the three animal groups was extremely low. This may be
due to the vegetation cover of Jakiri. The typical
mountainous area covered with grass on the hills does
not favour propagation of the snail intermediate hosts. It
is probable that, the few ruminants infected with Fasciola
gigantica might have gotten their infection during trans-
humance in Wasi-ber, Bangolan of Babesi and Bambalan
of Ndop, a period during which there is scarcity of pasture
350 J. Vet. Med. Anim. Health
Table 6. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in goats in the
various villages surveyed in the study area
District No. examined Infected No. (%) χ2 (P- value)
Kiform - -
Nkar 27 24 (88.8)
Sodepa - -
Vekovi 45 44 (97.8)
Shiy 22 17 (77.3)
Wainamah - -
Tan - -
Total 94 85 (90.4)
Table 7. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep in the
various villages surveyed in the study area.
District No. examined Infected No. (%) χ2 (P- value)
Kiform - -
1.343 (0.511)
Nkar 43 34 (79.1)
Sodepa 37 21 (56.8)
Vekovi - -
Shiy 24 21 (87.5)
Wainamah - -
Tan - -
Total 104 76 (73.1)
Table 8. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in
ruminants confined in paddocks.
Ruminant No. examined Infected No. (%)
Cattle 53 20 (37.7)
Sheep 37 21 (56.8)
Total 90 41 (45.5)
Table 9. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in
tethered ruminants.
Ruminant No. examined Infected No. (%)
Goat 94 84 (89.3)
Sheep 48 41 (85.4)
Total 142 125 (88)
and water in Jakiri. The distribution of the snail inter-
mediate host (Lymnea spp.) in this area of transhumance
is not well understood. The only cestode observed in the
study area was Moniezia spp with sheep having the
highest prevalence of all the three animal groups. These
results are in line with the findings of Sissay et al. (2008)
and Kanyari (2009). The pathogenic significance of this
parasite is not well understood. However, occurrence of
this parasite in the tropics is associated with the ingestion
of oribatid mites infected with cysts of Moniezia spp.
Locations in Jakiri where farmers practiced the traditional
management systems showed higher prevalence rates and
Ntonifor et al. 351
Table 10. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in free
range grazing ruminants.
Ruminant No. examined Infected No. (%)
Cattle 224 134 (59.8)
Sheep 19 14 (73.7)
Total 243 148 (60.9)
intensities of infection compared to areas managed by
the government parastatal called” Societe de Developments
des Petite Ruminant” (SODEPA) under the semi-
intensive management system. The low prevalence rate
in SODEPA could be explained by the fact that the
parastatal has a curved out vast grazing land reserved
only for ruminants of the parastatal. Animals kept by
SODEPA are well catered for, frequently drenched, well
fed with supplemental feed and constantly monitored for
any irregularities that might lead to death of the animal.
Upland grazing areas in Jakiri recorded the highest
prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in cattle as
compared to lowland grazing areas which had higher
prevalence of GIT parasites in small ruminants. The
upland grazing areas are occupied mostly by the Fulani
Tribes while the vast lowland grazing areas are occupied
mainly by the indigenes of Jakiri for crop farming. The
Fulani tribes form the minority group and often are faced
with a problem of limited grazing land. They often pitch
their tents and small huts closer to their cattle herds on
mountainous grazing areas for proper supervision of their
animals. Most of them rear cattle and few sheep inherited
from their parents. They do not keep goats since they
attach more religious significance to sheep during
Ramadan festivities. This therefore implied that the low
prevalence of GIT parasites in small ruminants in the
upland grazing community was not due to absence of
parasites on contaminated pastures but rather might
have been due to a relatively small sample size of small
ruminants kept by the Fulani community.
Though infection rates were higher in traditionally
managed animals (tethered goats and sheep), a study
carried out in Mankon in the North West Region of
Cameroon (Ndamukong, 1985) showed that mortality
rates were relatively low for all animals reared under the
traditional management systems. The reason behind this
could be that, local breeds of small ruminants and cattle
in the North West region of Cameroon (Cameroon Dwarf
goats, Red Sokoto, red Fulani cows, and Dwarf Forest
sheep) have acquired strong immunity to infection of GIT
parasites due to recurrent infections.
Generally, young stock animals had a slightly higher
prevalence rate of GIT parasites compared to the adults.
This result is in line with the findings of Ndamukong
(1985), Githigia (2001), Almalaik et al. (2008) and
Kanyari (2009). Calves, lambs and kids are more
susceptible to infection than adults due to low levels of
immunity. Higher prevalence in young stock may also be
due to failure in separating young stock from the adults at
pre weaning age, overgrazing of infested pastures coupled
with inappro-priate and inadequate use of anthelmintics
(Ndamukong, 1985).
The study clearly indicates that control measures should
make use of the variations in helminth prevalence and
intensity among management systems and age groups to
achieve rational use of anthelmintics. Also, tethered
animals should not be allowed to graze on a particular
spot continuously for several weeks. Grazing spots
should be rotated to reduce the chances of ruminants
being re-infected from contaminated pastures. Field
veterinarians should assist farmers in strategic
deworming with broad spectrum anthelmintics used at the
beginning and after the end of the rainy season. Finally,
farmers should be educated on the importance of using
dry season feed reserves as means to ensure safe feed
for zero-grazed ruminants.
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... Our results regarding Eimeria sp. (32%) are close to those recorded in Togo (31%) (Bastiaensen et al., 2003), in Laghouat (30%) (Dib and Ben Aissa, 2015), and in Cameroon (28.8%) (Ntonifor et al., 2013). Controversially, the prevalence recorded by Cavalcante et al. (2012) in Brazil is higher (91.2%). ...
... It is higher than that found in Pakistan (4.42%) (Razzaq et al., 2014), in Tiaret (5%) (Boulkaboul and Moulaye, 2006), and in Iran (6%) (Garedaghi et Bahavarnia, 2013). On the other hand, it is lower than the rates reported in Cameroon (25%) (Ntonifor et al., 2013) and in Tunisia (58.35%) (Akkari et al., 2012), and significantly lower than the prevalences recorded in Bangladesh (Hassan et al., 2011) and southern Benin (Salifou et al., 2004) with values of 51.74% and 30.47%, respectively. ...
... Regarding Trichostrongylus sp., the prevalence recorded in our study is low compared to those reported in Tiaret (15%) (Boulkaboul and Moulaye, 2006), in Iran (16%) (Naem and Gorgani, 2011), in Pakistan (18%) (AL-Shaibani et al., 2008), in Cameroon (28.8%) (Ntonifor et al., 2013), ...
This study aimed to investigate some fecal elimination parasites and the effect of certain risk factors on parasitism rate in sheep from the Laghouat region in Southern Algeria. Coproscopy using various qualitative methods (direct examination, flotation and sedimentation, Zeihel Nelson staining) and quantitative methods (Mac Master) were conducted over a period of 4 months, on a total of 170 sheep. The results revealed an overall infestation rate of 82.9%. This study identified the presence of the following parasites: Cryptosporidium sp. (57.1%), Eimeria sp. (52.9%); Nematodirus sp. (24.7%), Strongyloides sp. (17%), Cooperia sp. (1.2%); and finally, Teladorsagia sp., Trichostrongylus sp., Fasciola hepatica, Dircocoelium lanceolatum, and Paramphistomum sp. at 0.6%. Statistical analysis revealed no significant influence of the factors studied on the parasitic infestation rate of the examined sheep. Regarding the Mac Master, the highest parasite load was observed for Eimeria sp. with a rate of 1153 OPG (Egg per gram of fecal matter).
... The incidence and the severity of strongylid infection risk vary depending on local climatic conditions and farm management [11]. In Cameroon there are several studies on ovine gastrointestinal strongylosis [12,13,14,15] but, there are no data about strongyle nematodes of sheep in the Bafou area. Therefore, this study was aimed to describe the epidemiology of sheep gastrointestinal strongylid infection in Nziih, West Region of Cameroon as a necessary step to prevent the disease (strongylosis). ...
... The overall prevalence of 60.9% found of gastrointestinal strongylid infection in sheep from Nziih locality is similar to the prevalence of 66.3% of sheep strongylid reported by Ntonifor et al. [14] in Jakiri, North West Region of Cameroon. Nevertheless, this result is far-off the prevalences of 31.06% and 41.7% revealed by Pousga et al. [21] in Yatenga (Burkina-Faso) and Ardo and Bitrus [4] in Nigeria. ...
... The higher prevalence and egg excretion in the young compared to adults are in agreement with reports of Ngambia et al. [13]; Ntonifor et al. [14] in Cameroon and Ardo and Bitrus [4] in Nigeria. This reflects the immaturity of the immune system of the young chiefly, their first grazing season [9]. ...
... A plethora of literatures documented on the prevalence of Oesophagostomum spp. globally including in Central Mexico (4.5 % in sheep), Ethiopia (58.7 % in sheep and 50.8 % in goats), India (82.9 % in goats and 55.4 % in sheep), Cameron (90 % in both species), China (82.2 % in sheep) and Myanmar (Acevedo-Rami rez et al., 2019;Choubisa and Jaroli, 2013;Hou et al., 2022;Negasi et al., 2012;Ntonifor et al., 2013;Win et al., 2020). In Bangladesh, the reported prevalence of GI nematode infection ranged from 63 to 89.8 % and 63-92 % in sheep and goats, respectively (Chakrabortty et al., 2023;Mazid et al., 2006;Mohanta et al., 2007). ...
... Oesophagostomum, a nodular worm inhabiting in small and large intestine of cattle, sheep, pig and primates as a serious pathogen and causing severe interference in absorption of nutrients, movement of bowel and digestion (Soulsby, 1982). This parasite is prevalent worldwide but more commonly in tropical and subtropical areas (Nath et al., 2014;Ntonifor et al., 2013;Win et al., 2020). ...
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Oesophagostomum spp. (Family: Chabertiidae) is keeping a low profile in terms of severity in Bangladesh while maintaining economic loss through disguise within sheep and goats. The study was performed to identify prevalence, confirmation of species through morphology and morphometry followed by phylogeny using ITS2 and COX1 genes. In total 384 slaughterhouse-sourced small and large intestines were pooled from Mymensingh, Kishoreganj, Netrokona, Sherpur and Tangail districts of Mymensingh division. Followed by isolation, O. columbianum and O. asperum were identified following their key morphological features. Notably, O. asperum was first time detected in Bangladesh. The overall prevalence of Oesophagostomum spp. was found 60.93%. The prevalence of O. columbianum (64.95%) was almost double than that of O. asperum (35.04%). Among several characters, only the distance between anus to tail tip showed a significant morphological disparity in female. The Neighbor-joining (NJ) phylogenic trees based on ITS2 and COX1 genes confirmed the study species. The first time identified O. asperum along with morphometry and phylogeny will add value to the fact that nematodes are invisibly present with high prevalence in this country. This study will help to draw specific attention to command a practical control strategy for intervening in economic loss.
... This difference may be justified by the difference in ecological zones as well as due to the origin of animals slaughtered in each abattoir. However, this prevalence is relatively higher than whatNtonifor et al. (2013) recorded in Jakiri and Atanga et al. (2019) in Bamenda in the same ecological zone. This high prevalence may be due to low sanitary control. ...
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Background Bovine fascioliasis is a parasitic disease that affects cattle. It leads to direct and indirect great economic loss due to animal mortalities, growth retardation and expenditure on anthelmintics, reduction livestock productivity and essentially condemnation of infected liver by inspection service. The study was carried out to determine the seasonal prevalence and estimated financial losses of fascioliasis in cattle in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Methodology A total of 2167 cattle were selected. Later, the cattle, have being the carcasses, were dissected, and the livers were dissected and carefully examined for adult liver flukes. Faeces were collected immediately after the cattle were killed and examined using the formol‐ether concentration technique. Condemned livers were weighted to estimate the financial losses using the average price of a kilogram of liver. Results A total 428 of cattle were found with infected livers or egg in the faeces giving a total prevalence of 19.75%. Among the infected carcass, 18.64% had both the Fasciola eggs in the faeces and flukes in the liver while 1.10% had only flukes in the liver. Results revealed that prevalence of Fasciola spp. was significantly higher during the rainy season (23.48%) than 16% in the dry season (p = 0.00). A significantly (p = 0.000) higher prevalence was also observed in females (33.9%) than in males (13.1%). Age range showed significant (p = 0.000) influence with the animals of 8–10 years old recorded the highest prevalence of 39.3%. Furthermore, 433.1 kg of liver was condemned giving a direct financial loss of 1221,550 FCFA (2049.64 USD) and an annual financial loss due to liver condemnation estimated to 1814,775 (3045.01 USD). Conclusion Findings of this study indicated that bovine fascioliasis is prevalent in cattle in the Western Highlands of Cameroon, and it leads to an important financial loss particularly in the rainy season.
... High prevalence of Trichostrongylus and Haemonchus were also recorded by Nwosu et al (2007) in North-eastern Nigeria. The result of this study differ from previous studies in Cameroun and South Africa that reported Haemonchus as the most important nematode (Tsotetsi and Mbati 2003;Bakunzi et al 2013;Ntonifor et al 2013). Its higher prevalence could be attributed to the capability of adult females to produce thousands of eggs per day, which can lead to rapid contamination of pasture by larvae and consequent outbreaks of haemonchosis (Roeber et al 2013). ...
... Parasitism is a challenge to the animal health worldwide resulting in economic losses [6]. High prevalences of nematodes, trematodes, cestodes, and protozoan infection have occurred among ruminants in most countries [7,8] Helminthiasis, particularly parasites, causes gastroenteritis, is a serious health threat that affect the productivity of small ruminants due to the associated morbidity, mortality, cost of treatment and control measures [9]. Nematode parasites affect the animal productivity showing stunted growth, decrease weight gain and poor feed utilization [10]. ...
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Background Helminth and coccidian infections are among potential parasitic infections in the livestock production. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal helminths as well as Eimeia species in domestic goats. Results The overall prevalence of parasitic infections was 50.24% (206/410). Twenty two species of helminth eggs/ Eimeria spp. oocysts were revealed. The prevalence of helminths was 21.95% (90/410) and that of Eimeria spp. was 39.27% (161/410). Mixed infection was reported in 10.98% (45/410). The highest prevalence was found in young animals (75.0%; 60/80) followed by yearlings (58.46%; 76/130) and the lowest one was in adults (35.0%; 70/200). The infection rate was higher in females (59.02%; 180/305) than males (24.76%; 26/105). The prevalence was mostly highest in summer (63.85%; 83/130) followed by winter (57.78%; 52/90), autumn (40.0%; 28/70) and the lowest one was in spring (35.83%; 43/120). Age, sex and seasonal variations revealed significant ( P ≤ 0.05) differences among examined goats. The infection with both nematodes and Eimeria spp. were detected in 7.32% (30/410). The co-infection with Eimeria spp. and tapeworms were found in 2.93% (12/410). Both trematodes and Eimeria spp. were seen in 0.73% (3/410) of examined specimens. Nine Eimeria species were recorded; Eimeria ninakohlyakim-ovae , E. hirci , E . caprinova , E. caprina , E. christenseni , E. jolchijevi , E. arloingi, E. apsheronica and E. alijevi . The most predominant Eimeria species was E. arloingi (23.17%; 95/410) and the least abundant one was E. apsheronica (0.73%; 3/410). The revealed trematodes were Fasciola spp. (0.49%) and Paramphistomum spp. (0.24%). Among cestodes, tapeworms belonged to Anoplocephalids included Moniezia spp. (7.31%) and Avitellina sp. (0.49%) were detected. Meanwhile, coproculture revealed that the prevalence of nematodes infection was 13.41% (55/410) including nine species; Chabertia ovina , Ostertagia ostertagi , Haemonchus contortus , Trichostrongylus axei , T. colubriformis , Bunostomum sp., Cooperia oncophora , Cooperia curticei and Strongyloides spp. Conclusion In the present study, the prevalence of helminths was 21.95% and that of Eimeria spp. was 39.27%, which is considered a high infection rate. Accordingly Strict hygienic measures as well as regular deworming are highly recommended to avoid wide spread of both helminth and coccidial infections.
... (23%). Furthermore, Haemonchus sp. is also the most dangerous nematode, according to earlier epidemiological studies of gastrointestinal helminths (Tsotetsi and Mbati, 2003;Bakunzi et al., 2013;Ntonifor et al., 2013). According to Roeber et al., (2013), mature females can generate thousands of eggs per day, which can quickly contaminate pastures with larvae and create outbreaks of Hemonchosis, accounting for the high incidence of Haemonchus sp.. e parasite's high biotic potential and pathogenicity, which make it more problematic in the wet tropics and subtropics, also play a part in the climate (Waller and Chandrawathani, 2005). ...
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Background: Gastrointestinal parasitic diseases remain an obstacle to goat farmers in Somalia and worldwide. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of gastrointestinal parasites in goats in the Afgooye district, Lower Shabelle region, Somalia. Methods: To fulfill this study, an examination of 384 fecal samples of goats kept by smallholders was conducted. The results were achieved during the period from August 2020 to January 2022. Results: The examination of fecal samples revealed that the overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections among goats was 71.61%. The data analysis conducted during the study indicated that there is no significant association (P > 0.05) between goat districts and gastrointestinal (GI) parasite infection. The corresponding percentage of gastrointestinal parasites in males and females was 70% and 72%, respectively. However, these variables were not significantly associated (p-value = 0.399). After categorization, age was not significantly associated with the parasitic infection status of the animal. The common parasitic infections prevalent were Nematode, Trematode, Cestode, and Protozoa types were found in different numbers. According to the flotation and sedimentation techniques, Eimeria sp. (29%) was found with higher prevalence followed by Haemonchus sp. (23%), Trichostrongylus sp. (11%), Moniezia sp. (10%), Trichuris sp. (9%), Strongyloides sp. (7%), Dictyocaulus sp. (5.2%), Nematodirus (4%), and least was Fasciola sp. (1.0%). Conclusion: This study provides comprehensive documentation on multiple GI parasites among goats in the Afgooye district, Lower Shabelle region of South-western State, Somalia, and the findings are crucial for effective farm management, especially for formulating the effective GI parasitic control vis-a-vis novel elimination strategies.
... A similar prevalence (55.59%) was reported by (Rafiullah et al. (2011). Moreover, this result is in accordance with the finding of Ntonifor et al. (2013), who reported a prevalence of 56.7% GIT parasites of cattle in western Cameroon. In contrast to this finding, a lower prevalence was reported by Bacha and Haftu (2014) and Diriba and Tulu (2018) for West Arsi zone and East Shewa zone, and a higher prevalence of GIT parasites of 82.8% in Holeta was reported by Etsehiwot (2004). ...
... A similar prevalence (55.59%) was reported by (Rafiullah et al. (2011). Moreover, this result is in accordance with the finding of Ntonifor et al. (2013), who reported a prevalence of 56.7% GIT parasites of cattle in western Cameroon. In contrast to this finding, a lower prevalence was reported by Bacha and Haftu (2014) and Diriba and Tulu (2018) for West Arsi zone and East Shewa zone, and a higher prevalence of GIT parasites of 82.8% in Holeta was reported by Etsehiwot (2004). ...
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The present study was conducted in three districts (Arero, Moyale and Yabello) of Borana zone, from October 2016 to June 2018, with the aim to determine the prevalence, identify the species and detect the risk factors of GIT parasites. For this cross-sectional study, a total of 383 faecal samples were collected directly from the rectum of the animal and examined using flotation and sedimentation techniques according to standard parasitological procedures. The study revealed that the overall prevalence of GIT parasites was 56.92% (95% CI= 51.8 to 62%). The prevalence was higher in Moyale (71.65%; 95% CI=62.98 to 79.29%), followed by Yabello (52.76%; 95% CI= 43.70 to 61.67%) and Arero (46.51%; 95% CI= 37.69 to 55.50%). The occurrence of GIT parasites among districts was found significant (P<0.05). Among the identified parasites, the highest prevalence was determined for Strongyles type species (29.6%), followed by Eimeria (23.28%), while trematodes and cestodes were found at lower prevalence. The prevalence of GIT parasites was also found to be significantly associated to the age, body condition and history of anthelmintic use of the sampled animals (P<0.05). Sex was insignificantly (P>0.05) associated with the occurrence of GIT parasites. The study revealed that GIT parasites were one of the major problems that could affect health and productivity of cattle in the study area. Therefore, creation of awareness on the effects of GIT parasites for the pastoralists in the study area and designing strategic control approaches have a paramount importance to improve the health and productivity of cattle production in the area.
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The keeping of small ruminants is a common practice in most urban and peri-urban areas in Africa, despite its illegality. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of endoparasites in sheep and goats kept by farmers in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya. Faecal samples were collected from 66 sheep and 60 goats, from different areas in the municipality. The helminth and coccidia species were identified and the level of infection compared between age, sex, body condition and area of origin. The prevalence of various types of parasites in sheep and goats were respectively: strongyles 80%, 90%; Strongyloides spp 5%, 13%; Trichuris spp 0%, 2%; Fasciola spp 37%, 36%; Paramphistomum spp 30%, 12%; Moniezia spp 21%, 16%; Coccidia 35%, 48%; Entamoeba spp 87%, 77%; Balantidium coli 2%, 3%; and Giardia spp 10%, 10%. Majority of animals excreted either 2 or 3 parasite types, while only a few sheep had 4 different parasite types. A relatively higher number of animals had heavy infections with strongyles (mean EPGs of 1253 and 1108 in sheep and goats, respectively), while for other helminths and coccidia most animals had light infections. Although the adults had higher levels of infections with trematodes, young animals had higher infections of the other types of parasites. Apart from trematodes and coccidia, male animals had higher prevalence and intensity of the other parasites. Sheep with poor body condition were significantly associated with higher mean EPGs of strongyles while in goats it was Moniezia spp. The association between the prevalence and intensity of the parasites and the independent factors are discussed. The occurrence of parasites with zoonotic significance (Fasciola spp, Entamoeba spp, Balantidium coli, and Giardia spp) is also discussed in the light of livestock farming in urban areas.
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The gastrointestinal tracts of 79 sheep and 161 goats were obtained from abattoir of Tulus locality in South Darfur State in western Sudan from March 2006 to February, 2007 and examined for the presence of gastrointestinal parasite. Seven nematode species (99.8%) and Monieza expansa (0.2%) in sheep beside, eight nematode species (99.9%) and Monieza expansa (0.1%) in goats were identified. In sheep the nematodes were, in order of prevalence: Haemonchus contortus (53.4%), Strongyloides papillosus (26.2%), Trichostrongylus colubriformis (14.7%), Cooperiapectinata (3.1%), Oesophagostomum columbianum (2.2%), Skrjabinema ovis (0.3%) and Trichuris globulosa (0.1%) while, in goats were: Strongyloides papillosus (26.5%), Haemonchus contortus (26%), Trichostrongylus colubriformis (24.4%), Skrjabinema ovis (11.6%), Oesophagostomum columbianum (9.9%), Gaigeriapachyscelis (1 %), Trichuris globulosa (0.6%) and Cooperia pectinata (0.1%). The intensity of the parasite infections was light to moderate. The mean worm burden was 497.3 and 472.4 for sheep and goats, respectively. The total worm burden was least during the dry season and increased gradually during the rainy season. Total worm burden was shown to have association with season and sex in goats but not in sheep while no association was observed between total worm burden and age of the animals in both sheep and goats. The effect of climatic factors on worm burden revealed a significant positive correlation with rainfall and relative humidity but not with temperature.
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A survey of the parasites of abomasa, small, and large intestines of 94 bovines conveyed to the main slaughterhouse of Ouagadougou from the central and northern part of Burkina Faso allowed the identification of nine different worm species: Cooperia punctata, Cooperia pectinata, Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Bunostomum phlebotomum, Moniezia expensa, Avitellina sp., Oesophagostomum radiatum, and Trichuris sp. By far, Cooperia sp. was the most prevalent (89.4/), followed by H. contortus (66/), and O. radiatum (42.6/). The other worm species were much less prevalent. While only one cattle was free of parasites, it was noticed that polyparasitism was very common. There was a wide range of worm burden (0 to 42290) with however in most animals high worm numbers specially of Cooperia sp. This study confirmed that the rainy season constitutes a period of worm explosion. During the hot and dry season, H. contortus seemed primarily able to undergo arrested development in the L4 stage and secondarily to remain in the adult stage. Statistical analyses of levels of infestation did not show any significant difference according to age, sex, and weight of cattle.
INFECTION DES MOUTONS ET DES CHEVRES PAR DES PARASITES GASTROINTESTINAUX DANS UNE ZONE SEMI-ARIDE DU DISTRICT DE MACHAKOS AU KENYA Résumé Une enquête sur les infections des petits ruminants par des parasites gastro-intestinaux et des douves du foie a été menée pendant 18 mois dans deux fermes de la Division de Kathiani dans le District de Machakos au Kenya. Les effets de l\'hôte, de la saison et de l\'âge sur la prévalence et l\'intensité des infections par les helminthes et les coccidies ont été déterminés. Les nombres d\'oeufs de parasite dans les fèces et les nombres d\'ovocystes ont montré que les prévalences globales étaient comme suit : les strongyles (51,6%), les douves du foie (Fasciola) (31,5%), les coccidies (28%) et les ténias de Moniezia spp. (2,5%). Chez les deux hôtes (moutons et chèvres), Haemonchus (58%) était le nématode le plus prévalent suivi de Trichostrongylus (29%) et Oesophagostomum (13%). Chez les moutons, au total huit espèces d\'Eimeria ont été identifiées, les plus prévalentes étant E. ovina (47,4%) et E. ovinoidalis (32,3%). Chez les chèvres, sept espèces ont été identifiées, la plus répandue étant E. ninakohlyakimovae (45,9%) suivi de E. arloingi (26,1%). La prévalence des infections par les strongyles et les douves du foie, et les nombres d\'ovocystes chez les moutons étaient beaucoup plus élevés (p<0,05) comparé aux chèvres. La prévalence des infections par les strongyles et les coccidies était plus forte (p<0,05) pendant la saison des pluies que durant la saison sèche, tandis que la prévalence des infections par les douves du foie était beaucoup plus forte (p<0,05) pendant la saison sèche que durant la saison des pluies. La prévalence et l\'intensité des infections par les coccidies étaient beaucoup plus fortes (p<0,05) chez les jeunes animaux que chez les adultes. Summary A survey of gastrointestinal parasite and liver fluke infections of small ruminants was conducted for 18 months on two farms in Kathiani Division of Machakos District, Kenya. The effects of host species, season and age on the prevalence and intensity of helminth and coccidia infections were determined. Faecal parasite egg and oocyst counts revealed that the overall prevalences were : strongyles (51.6%), liver flukes (Fasciola) (31.5%), coccidia (28.0%) and tapeworms of Moniezia spp. (2.5%). In both host species, Haemonchus (58.0%) was the most prevalent nematode followed by Trichostrongylus (29.0%) and Oesophagostomum (13.0%). In sheep, a total of eight species of Eimeria were identified, the most prevalent being E. ovina (47.4%) and E. ovinoidalis (32.3%). In goat samples, seven species were identified, the commonest being E. ninakohlyakimovae (45.9%) followed by E. arloingi (26.1%). The prevalence of strongyle and liver fluke infections, and oocyst counts in sheep were significantly (p<0.05) higher than in goats. Rainy season prevalence of strongyle and coccidia infections were significantly (p<0.05) higher than for the dry season, while the dry season prevalence of liver fluke infection was significantly (p<0.05) higher than for the wet season. The prevalence and intensity of cocidia infection were significantly (p< 0.05) higher in young than in adult animals. Bull Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. (2004) 53, 25-34
The impact of gastrointestinal nematodes on health and production of goat was investigated in a low potential area (Ecozone 3) of Kenya. The study involved 44 Small East African goat kids aged 4–5 months divided into two replicate groups (treated and control) and set stocked on pasture for 7 months through a dry season and a short rainy season from May to December 1998.The treated group received fortnightly albendazole treatment while the control group were untreated. Live weight, packed cell volume (PCV), faecal egg counts and pasture larval counts were measured every 2 weeks. Half of the animals from each group were randomly selected for slaughter, total worm counts and identification at the end of December.The faecal egg counts for the treated group remained low while those of the control group rose gradually through the study period. The counts were higher during the short rainy season. The control group lost weight during the dry season and underwent compensatory growth during the short rainy season. The treated group maintained their weight during the dry season and also showed compensatory growth during the short rainy season. Comparing the weight at the start and end of the study, the treated group gained an average of 3.1±0.3kg while the control group gained 1.1±0.2kg. Two goats in the control group died at the end of the dry season after showing clinical signs of parasitic gastroenteritis. Two others in the same group were given salvage treatments during the same period. The PCV (%) values were reduced during the dry season in both groups. The values were higher in the treated group. At slaughter the mean group worm counts for the control group was 1133±387 while that for the treated group was 123±56. In all the animals Haemonchus contortus was the main nematode recovered. Hypobiotic larvae were recovered in the abomasum.The pasture larval counts were significantly lower in the paddocks grazed by the treated group in both the dry and short rainy season compared to that grazed by the control group.It was concluded that gastrointestinal helminths cause production losses, weight loss and mortalities in goats. H. contortus was the main nematode infecting the goats in this area. The albendazole treatment prevented parasitic gastroenteritis, weight loss and mortalities.
Following the routine use of tiabendazole at monthly intervals for several years, the trichostrongyle parasites of sheep and goats on a government research station in North-West Cameroon had become resistant to benzimidazole anthelmintics.
This study aimed to determine the prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal nematode infections in indigenous Zebu cattle in the lower plain (lowland zone) of the southern highlands of Tanzania. Gastrointestinal tracts were randomly purchased at the Iringa regional abattoir and at Kihesa and Ipogolo slaughter slabs in different seasons of the year. The contents of the abomasum, small intestine and large intestine were processed separately to recover the worms. The results indicated that 140 out of 144 (97.2%) of the examined animals were infected. The mean (±SE) total worm burden was 1284±183 (range 10–12 600) worms per animal and most infected animals contained more than one nematode species. The nematode species present, their prevalence and mean burden were as follows: Haemonchus placei, 84.7%, 316; H. similis, 5.6%, 1; Oesophagostomum radiatum, 79.2%, 66; Cooperia pectinata, 55.6%, 713; C. punctata, 44.4%, 157; Bunostomum phlebotomum, 5.6%, 5; Trichuris globulosa, 5.6%, 2; and Trichostrongylus colubriformis, 1.4%, 24. The burdens were mainly composed of Cooperia pectinata (55.5%), Haemonchus placei (24.6%), Cooperia punctata (12.3%) and Oesophagostomum radiatum (5.1%). The highest burdens occurred at the end of the rainy/early dry season, while the lowest burdens were found at the end of the dry/early rainy season. There was no difference in the burdens between male and female animals. Immature cattle (pr = 0.456, p