
Multi-tenant SaaS cloud

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Multi-tenant applications are usually cloud based software services which can serve different users at the same time. This is done using single instance of applications by sharing hardware, infrastructure, data storage and virtualization. To achieve multi tenancy different approaches are there at every layer (Application, Data, hardware). Software-as-as-Service (SaaS) is a new approach for developing software, and it is characterized by its multi-tenancy architecture and its ability to provide flexible customization to individual tenant. SaaS (Software as a Service) is a modern approach to deliver large scalable enterprise software as a service on Internet. Cloud computing platform provides the scalability, availability and utility computing for services on Internet. There are many technical challenges involved in SaaS development. One of them is multi-tenancy, which allows single instance of software to serve multiple organizations by accommodating their unique requirements through configuration at the same time. The target SaaS platform is composed of the key components that supports SaaS Application execution environment that serves multiple tenant using a single service instance. An example scenario of SaaS software lifecycle is also described to explain how the target platform would be operated from development and deployment of SaaS application to configuration by tenants.

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... There are three modes of cloud computing, namely IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, among which SaaS model provides high level of self-customization or user-defined functions under the multi-tenancy architecture. In SaaS, users can customize fields, menus, reports, views, workflows, etc. according to their own business requirements, so that they can be tailored to SaaS software even though they do not have much programming skill [20], [21]. When WebGIS is concerned, applying SaaS on the system enables customization of the interface, business logic, data structure, as well as service level w.r.t. ...
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Nowadays there is a wide range of applications for WebGIS which can add great value to modern economic, and building WebGIS system for specific scenarios is the common requirement of the industry. While currently separate WebGIS systems are deployed at different sites and operated by different owners, each of which has the whole set of functionalities of WebGIS, and thus introduce high cost of development and maintenance, which is a waste of resources as most of the functionalities are the same or similar. An edge computing based WebGIS architecture is proposed in the paper to meet the need of customization by applying the idea of SaaS. In this distributed architecture, the resource load is reasonably balanced between the server and the browser, which improves the overall performance of the system. Also it utilizes edge computing to reduce the pressure on the server by sharing map tiles among WebGIS clients. The proposed WebGIS system can not only be well customized and personalized as it is edge computing base, but also be well usable for large number of visits due to its distributed feature. The experiments show 5 concurrent requests per second, as well as response speed increases by more than 38.6% against traditional deployment.
... Un sistema de aplicación SaaS bien diseñado tiene tres propiedades principales: orientada al cliente, elasticidad y eficiencia multiusuario [24], y se fundamenta en ciertas características generales, como el acceso vía web, el soporte y la gestión de actualizaciones por parte del proveedor, el precio de suscripción y los requisitos particulares limi tados [25]. De esta manera, transforma la tecnología convencional y logra ser un método exitoso para el desarrollo de los procesos dentro de las empresas gracias a las ventajas que ofrece, mencionadas a continuación [2,26,28]: ...
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p>Resumen. Introducción: este artículo es producto de la investigación “Importancia de la simplicidad Software CRM desde la perspectiva del usuario”, dirigida por el Grupo de Investigación en Interoperabilidad de Redes Académicas (GIIRA) de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas realizada durante el 2015. Metodología: se implementó el método Kanban en la plataforma basada en Open Source Vtiger y se hizo seguimiento a 20 empresas usuarias, a través de recolección de datos sobre estadísticas de uso para compararlas con la información previa obtenida durante el primer semestre del 2015, periodo en el cual la plataforma presentaba una interfaz similar a la de Vtiger. Resultados: el 85 % de las empresas aumentó significativamente el uso de la plataforma hasta en un 310 %; el 10 % no tuvo variaciones significativas y el 5 % restante registró un menor uso. Conclusiones: la implementación del método Kanban en el software Customer Relationship Management (CRM) permite tener acceso a la información de gestión comercial de manera organizada, resaltando en primer plano datos de interés fácilmente concluyentes, al igual que redireccionar la información complementaria si es necesario.</p
Multi-tenancy is one of key characteristics of the service oriented computing especially for Software as a Service (SaaS) to leverage economy of scale to drive down total cost of ownership for both service consumer and provider. This paper aims to study the technologies to build a cost-effective, secure and scalable multi-tenant infrastructure, especially in data tier. We first explore all the key implementation patterns of data tier multi-tenancy on aspects of isolation, security, customization & scalability etc. Furthermore, we mainly evaluate the performance of these design patterns on aspects of isolation and security via a series of experiments and simulations. This paper also identifies the potential performance bottlenecks, summarizes corresponding optimization approaches and best implementation practices for different multi-tenant business usage models.
Conference Paper
Software as a service (SaaS) providers exploit economies of scale by offering the same instance of an application to multiple customers typically in a single-instance multi-tenant architecture model. Therefore the applications must be scalable, multi-tenant aware and configurable. In this paper we show how the services in a service-oriented SaaS application can be deployed using different multi-tenancy patterns. We describe how the chosen patterns influence the customizability,multi-tenant awareness and scalability of the application. Using the patterns we describe how individual services in a multi-tenant aware application can be not multi-tenant aware while maintaining the overall multi-tenant awareness of the application.We show based on a real-world example how the pattern scan be used in practice and show how existing applications already use these patterns.
More and more companies are offering their software by following the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. The promise of the SaaS model is to exploit economies of scale on the provider side by hosting multiple customers (or tenants) on the same hardware and software infrastructure. However, to attract a significant number of tenants, SaaS applications have to be customizable to fulfill the varying functional and quality requirements of individual tenants. In this paper, we describe how variability modeling techniques from software product line engineering can support SaaS providers in managing the variability of SaaS applications and their requirements. Specifically, we propose using explicit variability models to systematically derive customization and deployment information for individual SaaS tenants. We also demonstrate how variability models could be used to systematically consider information about already deployed SaaS applications for efficiently deploying SaaS applications for new tenants. We illustrate our approach by a running example for a meeting planning application.
Multitenancy can have a 16:1 cost advantage over single-tenant. http://smoothspan.wordpress.commultitenancy-can-have- a-161-cost -advantage-oversingle-tenant
  • Bob Warfield