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The measurement of Artificial Intelligence -- An IQ for machines?



Once talking about the possibilities of creating `thinking machines', Turing properly said that this task should start by defining of what is understood as `machines' and of what is `think'. Regarding the pursuit of modeling intelligence, two large avenues were opened by researchers in almost the same epoch: Symbolic Artificial Intelligence -- SAI -- and Connectionist Artificial Intelligence -- CAI -- based respectively on symbols and rules and in artificial neurons. It seems that the time is come to start thinking (and acting) to establish a standard of comparison, that could objectively tell how far we have gone along the road of constructing ever better AI systems. Devising an Intelligence Quotient IQ -- for machines or any intelligent system would be, perhaps, an advancement but unfortunately, the history of the development of techniques to measure human IQ, the first source checked to find applications to AI, points to a very fuzzy zone. Admitting that possibility, we present some conjectures. For example, introducing some metric to evaluate the redundancy of the rules of an Expert System, or the efficiency of a given topology in a Neural Net could bring new insights on ranking AI paradigms and indicate which are the most promising ones.
The measurement of Artificial Intelligence – An IQ for machines?
Departamento de Informática e Estatística, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina,
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil,,,
Once talking about the possibilities of creating
‘thinking machines’, Turing properly said that this task
should start by defining of what is understood as
‘machines’ and of what is ‘think’. Regarding the pursuit
of modeling intelligence, two large avenues were opened
by researchers in almost the same epoch: Symbolic
Artificial Intelligence – SAI – and Connectionist Artificial
Intelligence – CAI – based respectively on symbols and
rules and in artificial neurons. It seems that the time is
come to start thinking (and acting) to establish a standard
of comparison, that could objectively tell how far we have
gone along the road of constructing ever better AI
systems. Devising an Intelligence Quotient IQ – for
machines or any intelligent system would be, perhaps, an
advancement but unfortunately, the history of the
development of techniques to measure human IQ, the first
source checked to find applications to AI, points to a very
fuzzy zone. Admitting that possibility, we present some
conjectures. For example, introducing some metric to
evaluate the redundancy of the rules of an Expert System,
or the efficiency of a given topology in a Neural Net
could bring new insights on ranking AI paradigms and
indicate which are the most promising ones.
Modeling, machine intelligence, symbolic
AI, connectionist AI.
1. Introduction
Since man got consciousness he has been seeking the
power to control life and death. He wants to imitate God
and struggles hard to create beings similar to himself. But
many philosophical and practical difficulties have
appeared. The great obstacles concerning the problems of
reconstructing the human body are now apparently being
progressively worked out by important advances in
biological and chemical sciences, aided by modern
technologies. This view is easily corroborated by the daily
news in the popular media, which routinely announces
new achievements, e.g. the increasing progress in the
description of human genome, the ability of cloning
animals and artificially generating fragments of natural
tissues, among many other similar feats.
Another field where modern scientific research has
allocated a large amount of resources is the construction
of intelligent machines. Should this deed be accomplished
along with the correlated problem of creating a human
body, two ancient problems would be elegantly solved
and it could be said that these newly created beings
would have AI – Artificial Intelligence. Until now, we
cannot even precise what “natural intelligence” is, which
means that we are still uncertain if the attribute of
intelligence occurs only in humans or, according to some
authors, also in animals [1]. But one straightforward
objective of AI, the “study and pursuit of mental faculties
to be implemented with the use of computers” [2] seems
clear to anyone involved in this broad area of Computer
Science. Then, in a first stage, we endeavor to find models
that may be abble to mirror what we expect by
‘intelligence’ and as a second step we try to use these
models in computers systems to solve problems.
Turing[3], in his considerations about the possibilities
of building thinking machines properly said that this task
should start by the definitions of what could be accepted
as ‘machines’ and of what is ‘think’. In connection with
the first concept, Turing himself supplies an answer:
“This special property of digital computers, that they can
mimic any discrete state machine, is described by saying
that they are universal machines”. In this way they are
able to execute any computable process, including the
simulation of analog computers. But, even if the strong
Turing assumption is true, the other side, that is, the
concept of “thinking” appears far more complicated.
Accordingly, Turing, in an scheme largely known as
having the inspiration of a genius, proposed an escape
solution. It is his famous test that, in all, admits as
intelligent a machine that could act “as intelligently as” a
human being facing the same circumstances. In fact, we
are confronting here with consequences of the mind-body
problem, and “a number of philosophers consider it as the
most difficult of all human problems, that is, the relation
between our minds and the universe ... and its modern
version generally has the form of the question: how does
our mind relate to our brain?” [4].
A set of different strategies are adopted to shed some
light on this issue, and Psychology has knowledge areas
like Psychometrics that, by supposing that the
mental abilities are measurable (a matter not universally
settled), works with tests to quantify them. From those
studies come some insights regarding possible measures
of AI, which will be discussed in the sequence. Cognitive
Psychology represents another approach and deals with
the processes by mean of which the mind hypothetically
functions. From this approach also derives another,
concerned with the inter-influences of the environment on
the intelligence. Still another conception looks the
problem of studying intelligence by means of the
biological aspects supposedly involved. This direction is
mainly composed of three areas: one interested in specific
regions of the brain responsible for individualized
characteristics of intelligence – for example, language
ability is mainly situated in the region of the temporal
lobe of the brain [5]. The two others refer to the
electromagnetic waves originated from the brain activities
and to the blood flow involved.
In all we can only state that intelligence is little known
and the whole field remains a large area of speculations.
A lengthy debate has also been taking place on the
conjecture of the existence of multiple types of
intelligence, and H. Gardner [6] is frequently cited by the
specialized texts suggesting at least seven types, among
them linguistics, music, mathematics, spacial ability.
2. IQ and others Q’s
The intelligence quotient – IQ – was proposed in 1905
by the French Psychologists Alfred Binet and his assistant
Theodore Simon, with the objective of measuring the
“beautiful pure intelligence”, that is, without intervention
of external factors [7]. Their proposition was a
consequence of a government commission assigned to
study forms of ensuring adequate education to mentally
handicapped children. Binet observed that these children
worked out problems in a similar manner used by younger
“normal” children. Therefore, he tested the possibility that
the intelligence level might be directly related to age. The
two scientists experimentally designed lists of questions
for each age and abandoned those that had been wrongly
answered by more than 25% of the “normal children”.
With this method they managed to build a set of questions
well adapted to each age, every one expected to mirror the
average knowledge dominated by the specific age stages.
The supposition is that if one child properly answers the
questions belonging to the eight year old set and fails with
the nine year old set, then that child has a mental age of
eight years. The quotient of the age thus obtained and the
chronological age gives the decimal IQ of that child. In a
percent form:
IQ = 100 x (Mental age / Chronological age)
The experience has demonstrated a statistical
distribution of the measured IQ near the normal curve and
also that two-thirds of the people – known as “normal
persons” – have this index between the extremes of IQ =
85 and IQ = 115. Unfortunately, persons soon were
labeled as “normal”, “geniuses”, “idiots” and so on,
having as basis only the weak evidence provided by their
IQ scores. This index was initially enthusiastically
adopted by different psychology streams, but soon reticent
or totally discordant voices were heard, mainly pointing
out the strong dependency on the kind of education of the
individuals being measured, their social and familiar
status, etc. Then, the IQ index could, at most, indicate the
minute performance, similar to a static snapshot, but
would not stand for a good indication referring to a long
period of life or to the future capacity of the individual,
consequently entailing its limited use. Also, being
obtained under artificial conditions, this index could point
out both the “beautiful pure intelligence” and the
knowledge acquired in specific situations experimented
by the individual in his interaction with the environment
to which he casually belonged. The Russian Psychologist
L. S. Vygotsky [8] separates two very distinct sets: one
called “really developed functions” and the other
“potentially developed functions”, corresponding to
abilities already dominated and others in a dormant stage,
respectively. Clearly the IQ as defined by Binet gives only
a socially and culturally biased measure of Vygotsky’s
“developed abilities” and a small hint, if any, to the
“potential abilities”.
3. IA Paradigms
Knowing the controversies about the difficulties with
“natural” IQ, one should be quite cautious in proposing a
similar measure to machines and systems. Additionally, as
very superficially reviewed, the history of development of
techniques to measure human IQ, certainly the first source
to be examined to check the real possibilities of finding
applications to AI, points to a very fuzzy zone. But we
can admit the possibility of that challenge and offer some
In their efforts to create intelligence, or at least to
model it, two large avenues were opened by researches
and they took place at almost the same epoch. One, now
known as Symbolic Artificial Intelligence – SAI – tried to
explain and simultaneously model intelligence with basis
on the Physical Symbol System hypothesis [9]. Those
who adopt this statement as a corner stone work with the
theoretic assumption that to wit the emergence of
intelligence nothing more is needed than two sets of
objects: one with suitable symbols and another formed
with rules dictating how these symbols must be
manipulated. There is also a group that advocates a more
extreme position: symbols and rules are necessary and
also sufficient, that is, they must be present as the basis of
any intelligent system, and nothing else is necessary to
convey intelligence.
On the other side of the AI land – some would call it a
quagmire – stand those who support the thesis that
intelligence emerges from the neurons. They set up their
belief on the following hypothesis: “If a sufficiently
accurate model of the brain is built, then this model will
show intelligent behavior. If only one a small part of the
brain is fabricated, then the brain function exerted by that
part will appear in the model” [10]. Accordingly, an
extensive field of study has been developed – Artificial
Neural Nets and the whole area is denominated
Connectionist Artificial Intelligence – CAI.
A broad research area, globally called Evolutionary
Computation (EC) [11], also deals with development of
methods to solve difficult problems, thus having a strong
relation with the process of simulating intelligence.
Observing the different manners that Nature has
employed to create, sustain and develop life an
amazing task the field of Evolutionary Computation
uses the inspiration in those natural processes to design
algorithms to be executed in a computer that may be able
solve complex problems, where neither analytic nor
heuristic methods exist or are efficient, and where no data
is available. Being aware that the theory of evolution of
species enunciated by Charles Darwin in 1859 [12] is not
“proven” in the mathematical sense, the known
evolutionary factors: recombination, selection and
mutation are used, guided by random laws, to emulate
Nature’s evolutionary process.
Although the method cannot ensure that a global
optimum solution to the problem under experimentation
will eventually be found, at least near-optimum answers
can be provided. EC is suitable to be applied to complex
problems, where the term ‘complex’ does not refer to the
difficulty in understanding it, but to the the vast solution
space to be searched with little or no clues that can be
used to direct the search. This characteristic makes the
brute force of the most powerful computer useless to
screen the whole space. Satisfability problems are an
example where this kind of complexity arises.
Moreover, EC relies on a very large amount of
calculations, thereby being a technique that owes its
feasability to the existence of computers. No human, no
matter how ‘intelligent’ he or she is, would be capable of
either solving such complex problems or performing, in a
lifetime, the operations required by EC methods. How
come, then, that a “dumb machine” a computer can
perform so nicely towards the attainment of an objective,
thereby defying human abilities to do the same? If we
scape from the definition of intelligence as a pure and
abstract concept and concentrate in seeing it as the power
to solve problems, then we must take into account another
factor: the “working capacity”.
We suggest that intelligence, to be effective in
reaching the goals that demand its application, must be
put “in motion”. In other words, we believe that it is of
little use to count on a ‘dormant’ or ‘lazy’ great
intelligence to solve our problems. Maybe we would be
better off with a not-so-brilliant but very industrious
intelligence. When we see a computer performing
complicated calculations, though knowing it, we are
hardly aware that the elementary atomic operations
underneath that job are quite simple, each of them
requiring little intelligence to be understood. What is at
play here is the incredible speed with which such
elementary operations are being carried out, which,
altogether, may provide, in a relatively short time, a fine
solution to a problem, often unreachable by even the most
intelligent human.
The figure below illustrates this point. Although System 1
is less intelligent than System 2 (I
< I
), it has a greater
“working capacity” (W
> W
), thereby yielding the same
final product as System 2 (P
= P
4. A methodology for IA measurement: Some
The availability of a simple and reliable instrument to
measure AI would be of great value since it would furnish
an important comparative instrument to evaluate
intelligent software and hardware systems, or in a more
general expression, intelligent machines. The
development of an index that yields the intelligence
degree of such a system would permit, for instance, to
make decisions about which are more adequate, efficient,
or cheaper among a number of machines under appraisal.
Investigation on how to determine this index might
bring new ideas and new directions to the development of
applications in the AI area and others. But the examples
regarding the Psychology field offer no reason to
optimism, even showing it is not a simple task. With the
difficulties already pointed out for the “human IQ”,
speaking about an IQ for machines should be thought in a
loose sense, having in mind that attributing intelligence to
machines is still a high controversial issue. Is that
measurement possible? Denying it beforehand is
System 2
System 1
embarrassing, on account of the small amount of
knowledge currently available on the theme. Moreover, a
formal, classic inductive demonstration that a method of
measurement is appropriate is not easy, if even possible.
Perhaps one possibility would be to develop not just one,
but several instruments, combining them accordingly in
regard to the different AI paradigms.
5. Algebraic considerations
It seems difficult in the present incipient stage of
research in intelligence to define and rank the set of IQ
measures of machine intelligence. Hence, this would only
be possible if all the machines were working with the
same problem and the same AI methodology and the
measures would necessarily reflect that methodology. We
could have, maybe, a complete ranking for a particular
methodology, but not for all sets of IQ measures of
diverse intelligent machines operating under other
methodologies. In fact, the materialization of intelligence
employing a certain paradigm may be rather different
when using another, even if both materializations are
aimed to the solution of the same problem. The set of
those IQ measures would have scientific and practical
interest only if their elements could be quantitatively
compared to each other. These conditions seem too
simple; yet one should be aware that extant systems
admitted as intelligent and solving the same problem, are
not easily compared [13] [14]. It appears that the same
flaws that affect the measurement of “human IQ” are also
present when we deal with the “machine IQ”. In other
words, as we do not know exactly what is to be measured,
other practical predicaments arise, as for example, how to
measure, with what, where, when, etc.
A problem can be modeled as the interaction of three
sets: I, T and O, where I indicates the input elements, O
the output elements and T a transformation that describes
how O can be obtained from I. In the case of measuring
the intelligence of machines, the definitions of the
variables constitute the set I. The yielded measures form
the set O and T would be the measurement methodology
function the mapping IO. As mentioned before, we
generally stumble in big problems when defining what is
an intelligent machine and still bigger in regard to the
determination of an adequate IQ. Consequently, finding T
is not a simple task. We are looking for a function that
generates IQ measures having as input the set of
intelligent machines and as output one element of the O
set with the order relation property. It would be very nice
if the set of measures O had the complete order property
that is defined below [15].
Given the arbitrary sets E and F, a subset of the
Cartesian product E×F is defined as a relation R. In the
particular case where E = F, it is said that R is a relation
in E”. In the case of the existence of a set M of intelligent
machines and assuming that the IQ of each machine of
this set has been obtained, then we have the set O of all
intelligence measures for those machines. O is said to
have complete order if its elements obey the axioms:
i. Reflexive property:
O, i R i
ii. Antisymmetric property:
i, j
O, if i R j and j R i,
then i = j
iii. Transitive property:
O, if i R j and j R k,
then i R k
iv. Comparability property:
i, j
O, i R j or j R i
A special case is when R is the regular common order,
generally denoted by the sign. In this case the relation R
is said to be of “total order”, or alternatively, the set O is
of “total order”. If only the first three axioms are verified
it is said that R has “partial order” because not all
elements of O can be compared using the relation R.
6. An IQ for “symbolic intelligent machines”
One of the best-known approaches of the SAI
paradigm is the construction of Expert Systems based on
Post’s production rules [16]. Suppose that one of such a
system is made with n rules, but x of these are not
necessary, because of redundancy: it could be said,
without mathematical rigor, that only (n-x) rules would be
“linearly independent”. We could also admit that among
the x rules some do not convey real “intelligence” to the
system. With basis on these assumptions, the quotient
IQs = 100 (n-x)/n could be a measure of the amount of
intelligence pertaining to the system. An actual case of the
proposed IQ measurement would be an Expert System to
deal with, say, the genealogical tree of a person (or to
construct family relationships of a person). Suppose that
we have built the set of Post’s rules in PROLOG code,
including the five lines shown below:
(i) father (joseph, jacob);
(ii) grandfather (joseph, isaac);
(iii) father ( jacob, isaac);
(iv) grandfather (jacob, abraham);
(v) father (isaac, abraham);
It can be clearly seen that the rules (ii) and (iv), for
instance, convey no additional information to the system,
since the statements “jacob is father of joseph” and
“isaac is father of jacob” logically leads to the
consequence that “isaac is grandfather of joseph”.
Consequently, the rules (ii) and (iv) could be eliminated
from the set; they add no more “intelligence” to the set,
they are “linearly dependent” of others already
embodying the system. In the CAI case one could admit
that a neural net with n neurons solves a problem. But
with the utilization of another topology, another type of
neurons, such as dynamic ones, it would be enough if only
n-x neurons were adopted.
7. Conclusion
This paper presents some ideas of how the actual
frontiers of the ever-evolving area of research known by
the generic name of Intelligent Computation could be
enhanced by finding ways to measure and therefore
compare the efficiency of its techniques an IQ for
machines. The area of AI is growing both in the effort
dedicated to research and in operational products already
commercialized. Perhaps some kind of objective measures
of how far we have walked in the roads that presumably
lead to intelligence could help. As recalled in the
beginning, Turing’s ideas about intelligent machines must
be seriously taken. The concepts of intelligence, machine,
working capacity, as well as many others in Computer
Science, are neither completely nor adequately defined.
Until they are, admitting the real possibility of this
achievement, the set formed by the union of measures of
the IQs of machines, could not be accepted as having
complete order, because we have not yet established a
way to compare the basic elements of the paradigms
involved. Nevertheless, we believe that the concept of
intelligence, taken alone, is too abstract to be objectively
measured. To make sense, it must be associated with
some task. Nowadays, there is a noticeable trend in the
popular literature that tries to show that there is more than
one type of intelligence, and the different kinds regard
specific and distinct abilities of understanding something.
If we compare a computer running a program with a
human being, maybe we could say that that the hardwired
part of that machine would correspond to the genetic code
of the human, while the software would stand for the
acquired knowledge (training, education) the memetic
component. So, like humans, perhaps computers also have
different intelligences.
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... Each potentially important and available factor was tried sequentially for fit into a single working model. Such models must consider causal and confounding issues (Dawid, 2002;Greenland and Brumback, 2002;Hernan et al., 2002) and key measurement issues involved in the quantification of an abstract idea (Falqueto et al., 2004), and then tie these pieces into a consistent, measurable whole (Slade, 1997). The conceptual model for developing an oral index for HIV/AIDS disease progression seems to be reasonable, and the available factors that could be tested in the conceptual model yielded encouraging results. ...
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orkshop participants discussed: the role of HIV subtypes in disease; the treatment of oral candidiasis; the relationship between and among viral load, CD4+ counts, oral candidiasis and oral hairy leukoplakia, pigmentation; and the development of a reliable oral index to predict disease progression. Regarding HIV, the literature revealed that Type I (HIV-I), in particular group M, is involved in the majority (90%) of documented infections, and groups N and O to a lesser extent. Viral envelope diversity led to the subclassification of the virus into nine subtypes, or clades—A-D, F-H, J, and K—each dominating in different geographical areas. HIV-2, currently occurring mostly in West Africa, appears to be less virulent. No evidence could be produced of any direct impact of type, subtype, or clade on oral lesions, and participants believed that further research is not feasible. Oral candidiasis in patients from resource-poor countries should be prevented. When the condition does occur, it should be treated until all clinical symptoms disappear. Oral rinsing with an antimicrobial agent was suggested to prevent recurrence of the condition, to reduce cost, and to prevent the development of antifungal resistance. Lawsone methyl ether, isolated from a plant (Rhinacanthus nasutus leaves) in Thailand, is a cost-effective mouthrinse with potent antifungal activity. Evidence from a carefully designed prospective longitudinal study on a Mexican cohort of HIV/AIDS patients, not receiving anti-retroviral treatment, revealed that the onset of oral candidiasis and oral hairy leukoplakia was heralded by a sustained reduction of CD4+, with an associated sharp increase in viral load. Analysis of the data obtained from a large cohort of HIV/AIDS patients in India could not establish a systemic or local cause of oral melanin pigmentation. A possible explanation was a dysfunctional immune system that increased melanin production. However, longitudinal studies may contribute to a better understanding of this phenomenon. Finally, a development plan was presented that could provide a reliable prediction of disease progression. To be useful in developing countries, the index should be independent of costly blood counts and viral load.
... For the above types of missions, a test such as a Turing test would not be applicable. IQ quotients have also been suggested for measuring intelligence of machines (Falqueto et al, 2001). The intelligence of each of the spacecraft may be limited and should only provide enough intelligence that is needed to perform the mission. ...
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Machine intelligence is a phenomenal event with distinctive aspects that can be discriminatorily measured with specialized instruments. A good measurement instrument should incorporate technical, humanity, and institutional scales to capture features in diverse but correlated domains that shape machine intelligence. This is only possible through a holistic method such as the multiple perspectives inquiring system (TOP). This paper demonstrates that such distinctive measures correlatively advance machine intelligence quotient (MIQ) by bringing to bear clear scales to measure and interpret machine intelligence.
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An ongoing research shows that machine intelligence quotient (MIQ) is an integrated complex numeral from three standard measures and transformable within the plane and other coordinates. With distinctive scales, technical, personal, and legislative, the multiple perspectives inquiring system (TOP) is used in calibrating, measuring, and interpreting the quotient. Given the homogeny of the linguistic Choquet fuzzy integral and linguistic complex fuzzy set theorems, on which the considered machine intelligence measurement is based, a new MIQ calculus is presented for consideration. The tenets are expected to withstand technological advancement and human interpretation.
Workshop participants discussed: the role of HIV subtypes in disease; the treatment of oral candidiasis; the relationship between and among viral load, CD4+ counts, oral candidiasis and oral hairy leukoplakia, pigmentation; and the development of a reliable oral index to predict disease progression. Regarding HIV, the literature revealed that Type I (HIV-I), in particular group M, is involved in the majority (90%) of documented infections, and groups N and O to a lesser extent. Viral envelope diversity led to the subclassification of the virus into nine subtypes, or clades-A-D, F-H, J, and K-each dominating in different geographical areas. HIV-2, currently occurring mostly in West Africa, appears to be less virulent. No evidence could be produced of any direct impact of type, subtype, or clade on oral lesions, and participants believed that further research is not feasible. Oral candidiasis in patients from resource-poor countries should be prevented. When the condition does occur, it should be treated until all clinical symptoms disappear. Oral rinsing with an antimicrobial agent was suggested to prevent recurrence of the condition, to reduce cost, and to prevent the development of antifungal resistance. Lawsone methyl ether, isolated from a plant (Rhinacanthus nasutus leaves) in Thailand, is a cost-effective mouthrinse with potent antifungal activity. Evidence from a carefully designed prospective longitudinal study on a Mexican cohort of HIV/AIDS patients, not receiving anti-retroviral treatment, revealed that the onset of oral candidiasis and oral hairy leukoplakia was heralded by a sustained reduction of CD4+, with an associated sharp increase in viral load. Analysis of the data obtained from a large cohort of HIV/AIDS patients in India could not establish a systemic or local cause of oral melanin pigmentation. A possible explanation was a dysfunctional immune system that increased melanin production. However, longitudinal studies may contribute to a better understanding of this phenomenon. Finally, a development plan was presented that could provide a reliable prediction of disease progression. To be useful in developing countries, the index should be independent of costly blood counts and viral load.
Conference Paper
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Initially, different areas of research in computer science based on models inspired by nature are approached. The area entitled “evolutionary computation” is discussed in a general view. After this, emphasis is placed on the human tendency to copy and to find answers to new problems by adopting similar solutions from other equivalent issues that have already been resolved by nature. Finally, we demonstrate that, in the case of evolutionary computation, even if success is achieved in many cases, most of what nature has attained was either severely simplified or truncated in the simulation process. Also, in several cases, a more detailed and more faithful copy could have yielded better results for already-existing systems or for new ones
I propose to consider the question, “Can machines think?”♣ This should begin with definitions of the meaning of the terms “machine” and “think”. The definitions might be framed so as to reflect so far as possible the normal use of the words, but this attitude is dangerous. If the meaning of the words “machine” and “think” are to be found by examining how they are commonly used it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the meaning and the answer to the question, “Can machines think?” is to be sought in a statistical survey such as a Gallup poll.
On the occasion of a first conference on Cognitive Science, it seems appropriate to review the basis of common understanding between the various disciplines. In my estimate, the most fundamental contribution so far of artificial intelligence and computer science to the joint enterprise of cognitive science has been the notion of a physical symbol system, i.e., the concept of a broad class of systems capable of having and manipulating symbols, yet realizable in the physical universe. The notion of symbol so defined is internal to this concept, so it becomes a hypothesis that this notion of symbols includes the symbols that we humans use every day of our lives. In this paper we attempt systematically, but plainly, to lay out the nature of physical symbol systems. Such a review is in ways familiar, but not thereby useless. Restatement of fundamentals is an important exercise.The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or the U.S. Government.Herb Simon would be a co-author of this paper, except that he is giving his own paper at this conference. The key ideas are entirely joint, as the references indicate.
Initially, different areas of research in computer science based on models inspired by Nature will be approached. The area entitled Evolutionary Computation is discussed in a general view. After, the emphasis is put on the human tendency to copy and to find answers to new problems by adopting similar solutions of other equivalent issues already resolved by Nature. Finally, there is an attempt to demonstrate that in the case of Evolutionary Computation, even if success is achieved in many cases, most of what Nature has attained was either severely simplified or truncated in the simulation process. Also, in several cases a more detailed and more faithful copy could have yielded better results to already existing systems or to new ones.
Iniciação às Estruturas Algébricas (São Paulo: Liv
  • L H Jacy
L. H. Jacy Monteiro: Iniciação às Estruturas Algébricas (São Paulo: Liv. Nobel S.A ., 1971).