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Rediscovery of Dichoropetalum aureum (Umbelliferae) in South Anatolia (Turkey)

  • National Botanical Garden of Türkiye


Dichoropetalum aureum (BOISS. & BALANSA) PIMENOV & KLJUYROV was collected from Turkey for the first time in 1856 and described in 1859. Although the species was collected from Lebanon and Israel, it has not been recorded from Turkey since 1856. This study comprises the recollection of Dichoropetalum aureum from the type locality and neighbouring areas after 150 years and also an expanded morphological description. Ecological parameters such as soil and climatic features are given in addition to information about the anatomical characters of the mericarps (confirmation of the absence of commissural vittae) and the vegetative organs. As an IUCN red list category for D. aureum CR (critically endangered) is recommended.
Phyton (Horn, Austria)
Vol. 50
Fasc. 2 221-230 7. 2. 2011
Rediscovery of Dichoropetalum aureum ( Umbelliferae)
in South Anatolia (Turkey)
N ezaket Adigüzel*), B aris Bani*) an d Ôzlem Mavi**)
With 4 Figures
Received July 6, 2009
K ey w ord s: Dichoropetalum aureum, Johrenia aurea, Apiaceae, Umbelliferae.
- Anatomy, IUCN categories, rediscovery. - Flora of Turkey.
A d ig ü z e l N., B a n i B. & M avi O. 2011. Rediscovery of Dichoropetalum aureum
(Umbelliferae) in South Anatolia (Turkey). - Phyton (Horn, Austria) 50(2): 221-230,
with 4 figures.
Dichoropetalum aureum (B o iss . & B a l a n s a ) P im en ov & K l ju y k o v was collected
from Turkey for the first time in 1856 and described in 1859. Although the species
was collected from Lebanon and Israel, it has not been recorded from Turkey since
1856. This study comprises the recollection of Dichoropetalum aureum from the type
locality and neighbouring areas after 150 years and also an expanded morphological
description. Ecological parameters such as soil and climatic features are given in
addition to information about the anatom ical characters of the mericarps (con
firmation of the absence of commissural vittae) and the vegetative organs. As an
IUCN red list category for D. aureum CR (critically endangered) is recommended.
Z usa m m e n f as s u n g
A d ig ü ze l N., B a n i B. & M avi Ô. 2011. Rediscovery of Dichoropetalum aureum
(Umbelliferae) in South Anatolia (Turkey). [Wiederfund von Dichoropetalum aureum
(Umbelliferae) in Siid-Anatolien (Ttirkei)]. - Phyton (Horn, Austria) 50(2): 221-230,
mit 4 Abbildungen.
*) Prof. Dr. N. A d ig ü z e l , Dr. B. B a n i. Gazi University, Arts and Sciences Faculty,
Biology Department, 06500, Teknikokullar-Ankara, Turkey; e-mail: barisbani@,
**) Dr. Ô. M avi. Middle East Technical University, Department of Biological
Sciences, 06531, Ankara, Turkey; e-mail:
Dichoropetalum aureum (Boiss. & B a l a n s a ) Pimenov & K ljuykov wurde in der
Tüi'kei erstmals 1856 gesammelt und 1859 beschrieben. Wàhrend die Ait im Libanon
und Syrien mehrmals gesammelt wurde, 1st sie für die Türkei seit 1856 nicht mehi'
angegeben worden. Diese Studie berichtet über den Wiederfund an der Typuslokali-
tàt und an einigen benachbaii;en Stellen nach 150 Jahren und bringt eine etwas er-
weiterte morphologische Beschreibung. Neben einigen Informationen über die ana-
tomischen Merkmale der Merikarpien (Bestâtigung des Fehlens der kommissuralen
Ôlstriemen) und vegetativer Organe werden auch einige okologische Parameter
(Boden, Klima) erwàhnt. Als IUCN Rote Liste Kategorie wil'd CR (vom Aussterben
bedroht) vorgeschlagen.
1. In tr o d u c tio n
The generic nam e of Johrenia w as published by Candolle 1829 (see
P imenov & al. 2007). Dichoropetalum Fenz l, based on Dichoropetalum al-
pinum Fen zl, w as described in 1842, an d synonym ised u n d er the genus
Johrenia by Fenzl in 1843 (Pimenov & al. 2007). How ever, th e genus D i
choropetalum w as reassessed together w ith some species of Peucedanum
L. and Johrenia, bu t also the m em bers of th e genera Johreniopsis P imenov
and Holandrea Reduron, Charpin & P imenov (Pimenov & al. 2007). The
genus now contains 26 species in six sections. In th is m ost recent study
(Pimenov & al. 2007), the Turkish species of Johrenia tran sferred to Di
choropetalum sect. Dichoropetalum include Johrenia aurea Boiss. & Ba
lansa in Boiss. and J. alpina (Fen zl) Fenzl as w ell as J. berytea B oiss. as a
synonym for D. depauperatum (Boiss.) P imenov & Kljuykov and J. porteri
Boiss. as a synonym for D. junceum (Boiss.) P imenov & K ljuykov. Dichor
opetalum aureum (Boiss. & Balansa) Pimenov & K ljuykov, form erly
know n as J. aurea in the Flora of Turkey, w as firstly collected by Balansa
in 1856 from the province of K ayseri (Turkey) and published as a new
species by B oiss. & Balansa in Boissier 1859 (see Chamberlain 1972).
According to P imenov & al. 2007, D. aureum is distinguished from the
other three species of this section by morphological characters such as the
shape of terminal leaf lobes (linear), the habit of the stems (low, up to 20
cm) and the sessile basal primary leaf segments. The absence of commis
sural vittae is a further distinguishing character (Chamberlain 1972,
Pimenov & al. 2007). Despite comprehensive studies on the vegetative
anatomy of the family Umbelliferae (Chakrabarty & Muki-ierjee 1986a, b),
classification is mostly band on anatomical characters of fruits (Drude
1897-1898; P imenow & L eonov 1993; Downie & al. 2001; Shneyer & al.
2003; P imenov & al. 2003; Liu 2004; Liu & al. 2006).
This manuscript describes the rediscovery of D. aureum, which has not
been collected from Turkey for 150 years together with a morphological
description of the anatomical characters of fruits and vegetative organs.
2. M a te r ia l an d M eth o d s
Ekim & al. 2000 reported the IUCN redlist category for D. aureum as DD (Data
Deficient). A floristic study was conducted by the authors in Tahtali mountains be
tween 2005 and 2009. During these field studies more than 4000 plant specimens
belonging to different families were collected. The authors gave special interest to
collect the DD categorised plants, such as D. aureum, only known from the research
The Flora of Turkey and recent publications were used for the identification of
the species (C h a m b e r l a in 1972; D avis & al. 1988; G ü n er & al. 2000; P im en o v & al.
2007). To confirm the identification of Dichoropetalum aureum, a photo of the iso
type specimen kept in the Herbarium at Gottingen (GOET) was examined. Autho
rities for all cited names were given according to B ru m m it t & P o w e l l 1992. The
herbarium vouchers are kept in GAZI.
For anatomical observations, all the samples were fixed in formalin-acetic-ethyl
alcohol (F.A.A.) solution for 48 hours. After removing of the fixative, the specimens
were dehydrated by increasing strenght of alcohol to prevent distortion due to
shrinkage. These dehydrated specimens were embedded into paraffin and sliced by
applying the J o h a n s e n s paraffin sectioning method (J o h a n s en 1944). After hydra
tion, safranine was used to stain these hydrated sections, which were then mounted
in Entellan. The anatomical observations were made using a Leica DM1000 micro
scope and photographed using a Leica DFC280 type camera.
The threat category assessment of D. aureum was made according to IUCN cri
teria and categories (IUCN 2001).
3. R e s u lts
Dichoropetalum aureum (Boiss. & Balansa) P imenov & Kljuykov in
P imenov & al. 2007 (Fig. 1)
Syn: Johrenia aurea Boiss. & Balansa
D e s c r ip tio n (expanded, based on recent collections): Decumbent
glaucous perennial, stems 11-36 cm with basal fibrous collar. Basal leaves
c. 3-6-8 cm long, 1-pinnate with 3-4 cm petiole, leaflets to 8 mm long,
ovate in outline, 2-pinnatipartite, segments to 8 mm lomg, linear-elliptic,
acute to mucronulate at apex. Cauline leaves c. 13 mm long, trisect with
sheathed petiole. Umbels 3-6-rayed; rays unequal, up to 45 mm. Bracts
absent. Bracteoles 1-6 mm, linear-triangular. Umbellules 7-9 flowered.
Pedicels 1-3 mm, corolla yellow. Fruits c. 6 x 4 mm, oblong-elliptic to
obovate, central area green and differentiated from the spongy margin.
Mericarps with 3 oil ducts in the distal part of the ribs and 4 oil ducts in
the furrows, without commissural oil ducts.
Type: Turkey B6 Kayseri: Aslantas Antitauri in Cappadocia, 06 Au
gust 1856, Balansa 1007 [holotype G (not seen), isotype GOET photo !].
E x a m in e d sp e cim en s (compare Fig. 2): Turkey, B6 Adana: Tu-
fanbeyli, above Tozlu village, Beydag hill, around of Beçikkaya district,
rocky slopes, 07.07.2006, B. Bani 4504. - Kayseri: Tomarza, above Kesir
Fig. 1. Dichoropetalum aureum, drawing of a herbarium specimen. - A habit. - B rays
and umbellules. - C leaflet. - D fruit.
village, Beydag hill, rocky slopes, 2800-3000 m, 24.08.2006, B. Bani 4693. -
ibid., 03.07.2008, B. Bani 6516. - ibid., above Aslanta§ village, Kurubel
yayla, steppe, 2300 m, 05.08.2009, B. Bani 6733. - Pmarbaçi, Mezgitli-De-
girmentaç villages, Soganli mountain, above Aslanbeyli yayla, Kurubel-
Kmnsivri hills, rocky slopes, 2300-2600 m, 31.07.2008, B. Bani 6630.
P h en olo gy : flowering from July to early August, fruiting in late
M ericarp an atom y: Anatomical characters of fruits such as the
position and number of oil ducts are essential in Umbelliferae for the
classification even at a suprageneric level. According to the most recent
study (Pimenov & al. 2007) the most important and distinctive fruit char
acter of D. aureum in relation to the other three members of sect. Dichor
opetalum is the absence of commissural vittae (commissural oil ducts;
Fig. 3 A-B). Otherwise, the mericarps show 3 oil ducts in the distal part of
the ribs and 4 oil ducts in the furrows.
V e g e ta tiv e anatom y: The secretory canals were also observed in
transections of the vegetative organs. The cross sections of stems were ta
ken from the middle part of the tissue and demonstrate that the epidermis
is composed of a single layer of irregularly shaped cells, which are gen
erally covered with a thin cuticle (Fig. 4 A-B). The stems, containing 9-14
vascular bundles and 7 or 8 secretory canals, are almost ribbed. Two or
Fig. 3. Dichoropetalum aureum. General view of the transverse sections of the mer-
icarp. - A overview. - B detail from A.
three layers of irregularly shaped collenchymatic cells are located below
the epidermis. The cortex tissue also consists of parenchymatous cells to
wards the phloem of vascular bundles. The vascular bundles are arranged
in a ring and connected to each other by sclerenchymatic cells. There are
4-5 layers of sclerenchymatic cells through the ground tissue. The xylem of
the vascular bundles is embedded in ground tissue. The centre of pith is
composed of parenchymatous cells.
The cross section of the midrib of the leaf is shown in Fig. 4 C. Both
epidermal surfaces are covered with a thin cuticle. The epidermal cells of
abaxial and adaxial sides are large and irregularly shaped. Homogenous
mesophyll with large intercellular cavities includes the vascular bundles
and the secretory canals. The canals are surrounded by 1 or 2 layers of
regularly arranged parenchymatous cells.
The root sections in Fig. 4 D-E show a multilayered periderm on the
outermost layer as a protective tissue. The cortex is composed of thin
walled parenchyma cells and more or less broken into convoluted radiating
strands and contains numerous secretory canals. The secretory canals are
variable in size within the cortex. The endodermis and pericycle are not
readily distinguishable. The central part of the root contains metaxylem
and primary phloem elements.
H a b i t a t a n d ec o lo g y : D. aureum grows on rocky and stony slopes
in the alpine region. Its altitu din a l range varies betw een 2300 an d 3000 m.
O ther species sharing the h ab itat w ith D. aureum are Androsace arme-
niaca DuBYvar. macrantha (Boiss. & H uet) Martelli, Anthyllis vulneraria
L. subsp. pulchella (Vis.) Bornm., Astragalus dumanii E kici & Aytaç, A sy-
neuma ekimianum Kit Tan & Yildiz subsp. beritense Kit Tan & Yild iz,
Cirsium leuconeurum Boiss. & H eldr., H edysarum laxum Boiss., Jacobaea
cilicia (Boiss.) B. N ord., Jacobaea inops (Boiss. & Balansa) B. N ord.,
Omphalodes luciliae Bo iss. subsp. cilicica (Brand) Bornm., Oxyria digyna
Hill, Oxytropis engizekensis H. D uman & Vural, Stachys citrina Boiss. &
Heldr. subsp. chamaesideritis (Boiss. & Balansa) R. Bhattacharjee, Ne-
peta trichocalyx Greuter & Burdet and Vavilovia formosa (Steven) F ed.
D. aureum grows on loamy soils; water-saturation 75 %, sand 49.3 %,
silt 40.4 %, clay 10.3%, total salinity 0.03%, pH 7.7, lime (CaCO:i) 5.6%,
phosphorus (P2O5) 2.8 kg/da, potassium (K20) 52.6 kg/da, organic matter
7.0%, total nitrogen - N, 0.4%, organic carbon 4.1 %. D. aureum prefers
soils which are slightly alkaline, medium limy, very low in phosphorus,
with medium levels of potassium and high content of organic matter.
The characterisation of climate in the distribution area was evaluated
by using the data from 5 meteorological stations (Develi, Pmarbasi, Sariz,
Tomarza, Tufanbeyli; DMI 2007), located in the surroundings of the Tahtali
mountains. In this region, the annual mean precipitation varies from 440 to
Fig. 4. Dichoropetalum aureum. Transverse sections of the vegetative organs. - A-B
stem. - C leaf. - D-E root. C: Collechyma, Ct: Cuticle, E: Epidermis, M: Mesophyll,
P: Parenchyma, Pi: Pith, Pr: Periderm, S: Sclerenchyma, SC: Secretory Canal,
Xy: Xylem, VB: Vascular Bundle.
623 mm, the annual mean temperature from -2.5 to 1.5 C, maximum mean
temperature is between 17.5-21° C and minimum mean temperature is be
tween -16 and -19.5 C (time span of observations 1976-2007).
4. IU C N R ed L ist A s se ss m e n t
D. aureum, was collected from Lebanon and Israel as well. In Turkey it
is only known from its type locality where Balansa collected it from the
northwest slope of Kizilgôl mountain in Kayseri province (Chamberlain
1972). In this study, specimens of D. aureum were collected from different
places in the same range. The extent of occurrence is determined as 84 km-.
As mentioned in criterion CR B l, the extent of occurrence is less than
100 km2 in the Tahtali range only (criterion CR Bla). Almost the whole
Tahtali range is over-grazed by the great number of goats, sheep and cattle,
especially during summer. This results in a change in natural habits of the
plants and seriously habitat degradation [criterion CRBlb(iii)]. According
to the IUCN criteria [CR Bla+b(iii)], the revised threat category of the
species should be CR (Critically Endangered).
5. A c k n o w le d g e m e n ts
The authoi's are grateful to the Scientific Research Projects Adm inistration of
Gazi University for its financial support (project no: 05/2006-17), and to Dr. Yavuz
B ag ci from Selçuk University for his kind help and the photo of the isotype in GOET.
6. R e fe re n c e s
B o is si e r E. & B a l a n s a B . 1859. Johrenia aurea Boiss. et B a la n s a . - In: B o is s ie r E.,
Diagnoses plantarum novarum praesertim orientalium ..., Ser. 2(6): 81. - Lip-
siae, Parisiis.
B ru mm ttt R. K. & P o w el l C. E. 1992. Authors of plant names. - Royal Botanic Gar
dens, Kew.
Ca n d o l l e A. P. de 1829. Collection de mémoires 5. Mémoire sur la famille d Ombel-
lifères. - Paris & Strasbourg. (Citation after P im en o v & al. 2007).
Ch a k r ab a r ty C. & M u k h e r je e P. K . 1986a. Studies on Bupleurum in India. I. Secre
tory structures in the leaves. - Feddes Repert. 97(7-8): 479-487.
Ch a kra b a r ty C. & M u k h e r je e P. K. 1986b. Studies on Bupleurum L. (Urnbelliferae)
in India II. SEM observation of leaf surface. - Feddes Repert. 97(7-8): 489-496.
Ch am b e r l a in D . F. 1972. Johrenia D C . - In: D avis P. H. (ed.) Flora of Turkey and the
East Aegean Islands. 4: 434-437. - Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
D avis P. H., M il l R. R. & Ta n K. (eds.) 1988. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean
Islands, 10. - Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
D o w n ie S . R ., P l u n k e t t G. M., W a tso n M. F., S pa lik K ., K a t z d o w n ie D . S ., Va l ie jo -
R o m a n C. M.. T e r en tie v a E. I., T ro it s k y A. V., L e e , B. Y., L a h ha m J. & E l -
O q l ah A. 2001. Tribes and clacles within Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae: the
contribution of molecular data. - Edinburgh J. Bot. 58: 301-330.
D r u de O. 1897-98. Urnbelliferae. - In: E n g l er A. & P r a n t l K. (eds.) Die natürlichen
Pflanzenfamilien, 8 (3): 63-250. - Engelmann, Leipzig.
E kim T., K oy u n cu M., V u r al M., D u m a n H., Ay taç Z. & A d ig ü z e l N. 2000. Türkiye
Bitkileri Kirmizi Kitabi (Red Data Book of Turkish Plants). Türkiye Tabiatini
Koruma Demegi. - Ankara.
G ü n e r A., Ô zhatay N., E k im T. & B aç er K. H. C. (eds.) 2000. Flora of Turkey and the
East Aegean Islands, 11. - Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
IUCN 2001. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. - IUCN Species
Survival Commission, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge.
J o h a n se n D. A. 1944. Plant microtechnique. - McGraw-Hill, New York.
Liu M. 2004. A taxonomic evaluation of fruit structure in the family Apiaceae. -
Ph.D. dissertation, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa.
L iu M. (R.), P l u n k et t G. M., L ow ry P. P. II, W yk B.-E. van & T il n e y P. M. 2006. The
taxonomic value of fruit wing types in the order Apiciles. - Am. J. Bot. 93(9):
P im en o v M. G. & L eo no v M. V. 1993. The genera of the Umbelliferae: a nomenclator. -
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
P im en o v M. G., K l ju y ko v E. V. & O str o u m o v a T. A. 2003. A revision of Conioselinum
H o ff m . (Umbelliferae) in the Old World. - Willdenowia 33: 353-376.
P im en o v M. G., K l ju y ko v E. V. & O st r o u m o v a T. A. 2007. Critical taxonomic analysis
of Dichoropetalum, Johrenia, Zeravschania and related genera of Umbelli-
ferae-Apioideae-Peucedaneae. - Willdenowia 37(2): 465-502.
S iin e y e r V. S., K u ty av in al N. G., & P im en o v M. G. 2003. Systematic relationships
within and between Peucedanum and Angelica (Umbelliferae-Peucedaneae)
inferred from immunological studies of seed proteins. - Plant Syst. Evol. 236:
... During field investigations within 2010 and 2012, we collected unknown samples of Dichoropetalum in Yenişarbademli, Dedegöl Mountains (Isparta, south-western Turkey), which did not match any previously described species. After thorough investigation of relevant literature (Korovin 1951, Zohary 1966, Chamberlain 1972, Rechinger 1987, Pimenov 1987, Davis et al. 1988, Pimenov & Leonov 1993, Güner et al. 2000, Parolly & Nordt 2004-2005, Adıgüzel et al. 2011, Pimenov & Kljuykov 2011, Akpulat & Akalın 2010 and comparisons with specimens from the herbaria GAZI, ANK and HUB (acronyms according to Thiers 2016), we conclude that samples from Yenişarbademli belong to an undescribed species which is named below D. vuralii. ...
Full-text available
Dichoropetalum vuralii, a new species of Dichoropetalum sect. Dichoropetalum, is described and illustrated from the alpine stage of Dedegöl Mountains in southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. It is morphologically similar to D. depauperatum and D. bu-pleuroides from which it differs mainly in the stem length, basal leaves and segments, number and shape of bracts and brac-teoles, and mericarp features. The diagnostic morphological and carpo-anatomical characters of D. vuralii are discussed with regard to other close relatives. Additionally, notes are presented regarding its ecology and conservation status. Furthermore, pollen and mericarp surface characteristics are investigated using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The geographical distribution of this new species, as well as related species, is mapped.
... The Asian countries with the greatest Apiaceae diversity include China, Turkey, Iran, Russia, and Kazakhstan. Turkey shows the highest diversity in Asia and probably in the world, with about 160 endemic species in 44 genera (Davis, 1988;Güner, 2000;Pimenov, 2004Pimenov, , 2005Pimenov, , 2011Duran, 2005Duran, , 2011Özhatay, 2006;Kandemir, 2007;Sağıroğlu, 2007Sağıroğlu, , 2010Adıgüzel, 2011;Genç, 2012;Uzunhisarcıklı, 2013;Güner, 2013). The genus Dichoropetalum was recently resurrected by Pimenov, who assigned six sections within the genus: Strida, Scoparia, Johreniopsis, Parajohrenia, Holandrea, and Dichoropetalum. ...
Full-text available
Dichoropetalum alanyensis Bilgili, Sağıroğlu & H.Duman, a new species from South Anatolia in Turkey (Antalya-Alanya), is described and illustrated. It is closely related to D. chryseum (Boiss. & Heldr. ex Boiss.) Pimenov & Kljuykov, from which it differs mainly by its habit, basal leaves and lobes, and mericarp features. Diagnostic morphological characters are discussed. Notes are also given on its ecology and conservation status, together with scanning electron micrographs of mericarp surface sculpturing pattern. ITS sequences were used for DNA fingerprinting. The data were analyzed with the SEAVIEW package. Standardized data were used to generate a dendrogram that revealed the phylogenetic relationships of taxa in tribes Selineae (Dichoropetalum-Johrenia), Tordylieae (Cymbocarpum), and Bupleureae (Diplotaenia) from different localities.
Full-text available
Pimenov, M. G., Kljuykov, E. V. & Ostroumova, T. A.: Critical taxonomic analysis of Dichoropeta-lum, Johrenia, Zeravschania and related genera of Umbelliferae-Apioideae-Peucedaneae. – Will-denowia 37: 465-502. – ISSN 0511-9618; © 2007 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem. doi:10.3372/wi.37.37208 (available via During critical investigation of the Umbelliferae in the Near East, N Africa and Europe some addi-tional species were found to be putative relatives of Johrenia and the Peucedanum segregate Johreniopsis. A comparative multivariate analysis of 41 species, based on 32 morphological diag-nostic characters, revealed a revised taxonomic grouping of the species. The forgotten generic name Dichoropetalum, typified by D. alpinum, is restored to accommodate a group of 26 SW Asian and Mediterranean species, including species of the former genera Johreniopsis and Holandrea (now regarded as sections), as well as some Peucedanum and Johrenia species. We recognize six sections in Dichoropetalum, of which three are described as new. Two species of Johreniopsis, poorly known before, are transferred to Zeravschania. Johrenia, on the contrary, is regarded as a genus with five species only. Johrenia westii, which requires further investigation, belongs most probably to the genus Ferulago. 28 new nomenclatural combinations are validated and lectotypes are designated for several names.
Full-text available
This study shows that structural data, when carefully examined, can provide valuable characters for delimiting monophyletic groups and can complement DNA with observable features to recognize and circumscribe taxa. In the angiosperm order Apiales, traditional classification has relied heavily (often exclusively) on fruit characters. Recent molecular systematic studies, however, provided a radically different picture of relationships, calling into question the utility of fruit characters. We have studied fruit anatomy from 18 genera (Annesorhiza, Asteriscium, Astrotricha, Choritaenia, Dasispermum, Elaeoselinum, Heptaptera, Hermas, Heteromorpha, Laretia, Molopospermum, Myodocarpus, Pachypleurum, Peucedanum, Polemanniopsis, Polylophium, Rouya, and Tordylium) that represent all major taxonomic groups of Apiales characterized by winged fruits and the full range of wing types. Fruit anatomy closely corresponded with the phylogenetic position of these genera, as suggested by molecular studies. Fruit features of taxonomic importance include developmental origin of the wings, carpel shape, presence of vittae, woodiness of the endocarp, position of crystals, and type of carpophores. Despite the long history of recognizing umbellifers as a "natural group," few studies have been able to provide structural characters to help circumscribe the clades identified by molecular data. The interpretations presented are an important step toward erecting a stable system of classification for this difficult family.
 Immunochemical investigation of the seed storage proteins of some large genera in the tribe Peucedaneae (Umbelliferae) has clearly demonstrated the heterogeneity of Angelica and Peucedanum and the comparative homogeneity of Ferula. Among the taxa included in Angelica, Ostericum appears to be the most distant from the type species A. sylvestris, and should be treated as an independent genus. On the contrary, Archangelica is serologically similar to Angelica s. str. A rather complicated picture has been revealed within Peucedanum s. l. Serotaxonomical studies show a relationship pattern largely corresponding to the infrageneric classification of Thellung (1926). The splitting of satellite genera from Peucedanum s. l. is only partially supported.
Thesis (Ph. D. in botany)--Rand Afrikaans University, (2003?). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 243-247).
The genera of the Umbelliferae: a nomenclator
P im en o v M. G. & L eo n o v M. V. 1993. The genera of the Umbelliferae: a nomenclator. -Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands
  • D F Cham B Er La In
Cham b er la in D. F. 1972. Johrenia D C. -In: D avis P. H. (ed.) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. 4: 434-437. -Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Tribes and clacles within Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae: the contribution of molecular data
  • S R D O W N Ie
  • G M P L U N K E T T
  • K K A T Z D O W N Ie
  • D S Va L Ie Jo -R Om An
D o w n ie S. R., P l u n k e t t G. M., W atso n M. F., S p a l ik K., K a t z d o w n ie D. S., Va l ie jo -R om an C. M.. T er en tiev a E. I., T ro itsk y A. V., L e e, B. Y., L a h h a m J. & E l -O q l a h A. 2001. Tribes and clacles within Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae: the contribution of molecular data. -Edinburgh J. Bot. 58: 301-330.
was collected from Lebanon and Israel as well. In Turkey it is only known from its type locality where Balansa collected it from the northwest slope of Kizilgôl mountain in Kayseri province In this study, specimens of D. aureum were collected from different places in the same range
  • L Iu C N R Ed
  • A Sse Ssm E N T
IU C N R ed L ist A sse ssm e n t D. aureum, was collected from Lebanon and Israel as well. In Turkey it is only known from its type locality where Balansa collected it from the northwest slope of Kizilgôl mountain in Kayseri province (Chamberlain 1972). In this study, specimens of D. aureum were collected from different places in the same range. The extent of occurrence is determined as 84 km-.
1897-98. Urnbelliferae
  • D R U D E
D r u d e O. 1897-98. Urnbelliferae. -In: E n g l e r A. & P r a n t l K. (eds.) Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 8 (3): 63-250. -Engelmann, Leipzig.