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Lifetime Distributions from Tracking Individual BC3H1 Cells Subjected to Yessotoxin

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology

Abstract and Figures

This work shows examples of lifetime distributions for individual BC3H1 cells after start of exposure to the marine toxin yessotoxin (YTX) in an experimental dish. The present tracking of many single cells from time-lapse microscopy data demonstrates the complexity in individual cell fate and which can be masked in aggregate properties. This contribution also demonstrates the general practicality of cell tracking. It can serve as a conceptually simple and non-intrusive method for high throughput early analysis of cytotoxic effects to assess early and late time points relevant for further analyzes or to assess for variability and sub-populations of interest. The present examples of lifetime distributions seem partly to reflect different cell death modalities. Differences between cell lifetime distributions derived from populations in different experimental dishes can potentially provide measures of inter-cellular influence. Such outcomes may help to understand tumor-cell resistance to drug therapy and to predict the probability of metastasis.
This content is subject to copyright.
published: 21 October 2015
doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2015.00166
Edited by:
Tim Wilhelm Nattkemper,
Bielefeld University, Germany
Reviewed by:
John Pinney,
Imperial College London, UK
Mikhail P. Ponomarenko,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Mónica Suárez Korsnes
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology, a section of the
journal Frontiers in Bioengineering and
Received: 13 August 2015
Accepted: 02 October 2015
Published: 21 October 2015
Korsnes MS and Korsnes R (2015)
Lifetime distributions from
tracking individual BC3H1 cells
subjected to yessotoxin.
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 3:166.
doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2015.00166
Lifetime distributions from
tracking individual BC3H1 cells
subjected to yessotoxin
Mónica Suárez Korsnes1*and Reinert Korsnes 2,3
1Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway,
2Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Ås, Norway, 3Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, Kjeller, Norway
This work shows examples of lifetime distributions for individual BC3H1 cells after
start of exposure to the marine toxin yessotoxin (YTX) in an experimental dish. The
present tracking of many single cells from time-lapse microscopy data demonstrates
the complexity in individual cell fate and which can be masked in aggregate properties.
This contribution also demonstrates the general practicality of cell tracking. It can serve
as a conceptually simple and non-intrusive method for high throughput early analysis
of cytotoxic effects to assess early and late time points relevant for further analyzes
or to assess for variability and sub-populations of interest. The present examples of
lifetime distributions seem partly to reflect different cell death modalities. Differences
between cell lifetime distributions derived from populations in different experimental
dishes can potentially provide measures of inter-cellular influence. Such outcomes may
help to understand tumor-cell resistance to drug therapy and to predict the probability of
Keywords: cell tracking, lifetime statistics, yessotoxin, cell death, inter-cellular influence
This work calls for attention to describe variability of individual cell responses in clonal cell
populations subject to toxic exposure. The present work evaluates individual BC3H1 cell responses
after toxic exposure to the marine toxin yessotoxin (YTX). YTX is a small molecule compound,
which can trigger a broad spectrum of cellular responses for possible medical applications (Korsnes
et al., 2006a,b, 2014;López et al., 2008, 2011a,b;Korsnes, 2012;Alonso et al., 2013). Time-lapse
observations of BC3H1 cells exposed to YTX provide a description of the diversity of individual
cell responses to toxic exposure. A small fraction of cells withstand the exposure much more than
others, whereas some cells die long before the majority. The presence of such minorities may have
interest for assessments of long term effects of a toxin. Parameters in simulation models of cellular
responses to toxic insults may be tuned to reproduce the complexity and features of observed lifetime
distributions. Tracking of individual cells can in this way contribute to reverse engineering of cellular
Typical cell viability analyzes are based on measurements of cell metabolism at a limited set of
time points. Some of these measurements are intrusive (i.e., affecting the target of measurement).
Subsets of dead cells may tend to dissolve in the growth media and in this way being excluded from
temporally sparse measurements. Flow cytometry is used due to its massive throughput combined
with fluorescent labeling (Nolan and Sklar, 1998). However, it also samples only at specific time
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Korsnes and Korsnes Lifetime distributions from cell tracking
points and do not follow single cells over time. Wei et al. (2008)
demonstrated non-invasive detection of cell viability based on
wavelet decomposition of dark field microscopy images of cells.
However, no current cell viability analysis directly provides mea-
surements of single cell lifetime distributions. The inherent uncer-
tainties of common measurements of cell viability may partly
explain the lack of attention to the stochastic aspects of single cell
Lifetime distributions of cells after toxic exposure may affect
the understanding of results from bulk cell analyzes. Such tech-
niques do not provide the correct distribution of a response,
which is important to develop mathematical descriptions of cel-
lular behavior (Teruel and Meyer, 2002). Cell viability assays, for
example, typically provide estimates of aggregate properties of
many cells subject to a common treatment. An example of such
an aggregate property is the widely used half maximal inhibitory
concentration (IC50). This measure normally results from expos-
ing cell populations to a compound at different concentrations
for estimating which concentration is needed to inhibit given
biological processes by half. It is tempting to attribute variations
of results form such assays to procedural errors or unavoidable
noise (Xia et al., 2014). The next step in following this intu-
ition is to reduce uncertainty by repeating experiments and to
calculate the average of the results. This value is assumed to
converge to a biologically meaningful quantity with increased
number of experiments. However, the parameter IC50 may not
reflect biological properties of any individual cell. The present
lifetime distributions also indicate that IC50 can be sensitive to
time points for the cell viability measurements which it often relies
on. Hence, one may expect it to be reproducible only if it is defined
in terms of experimental conditions in addition to its original
An experiment can, from a practical point of view, be consid-
ered deterministic only if the variation of outcomes decreases with
decreased perturbations in experimental conditions (at least when
they are small enough). The opposite of deterministic is normally
phrased as stochastic or chaotic. Throwing dice can, therefore in
practice, only be described probabilistic. Note that the outcome
from dice throwing has no direct physical meaningful expectation
value (3.5). There is similarly no guarantee that the mean value
of results from cell assays has a direct biological interpretation
since the result may be considered stochastic and multi-modal
with unlikely outcomes “between different modes. The average
of values from measurements of single cells in a cell assay may
also not reflect the average over several experiments.
Several authors address variability among individual cells in
clonal populations. Sources of the variability are the proximity
to an inductive signal from a neighboring cell, their lineage,
oncogenic lesions, natural differences in protein levels, cell-cycle
state and epigenetic differences (Rubin, 1990;Elowitz et al., 2002;
Rieder and Maiato, 2004;Weaver and Cleveland, 2005;Losick and
Desplan, 2008;Huang, 2009;Spencer and Sorger, 2011;Fromion
et al., 2013). Although, interline and intraline variation is expected
in cancer cell populations, cell fate decisions do not appear to
be genetically predetermined, because sister cells can undergo
different cell fates (Gascoigne and Taylor, 2008). Variability may
also result from noise in gene expression (Elowitz et al., 2002;
Losick and Desplan, 2008;Raychaudhuri et al., 2008;Spencer
et al., 2009).
Stochasticity requires both a means to generate noise but at the
same time mechanisms to stabilize decisions reached in response
to it. Noise alone is insufficient to create binary switches between
alternative cell fates and therefore mechanisms to amplify fluctu-
ations are necessary to stabilize one choice or another (Losick and
Desplan, 2008). Stochastic choices can make cells autonomous and
cell fate decisions may be independent of other nearby cells.
If cells affect each other during an experiment, the assay may
not be ergodic” due to collective effects. Ergodicity is a central
term in mathematical statistics and it is often implicitly assumed
in many experimental settings. The assumption can mean that
the average over individuals in a cell population due to a bulk
treatment reflects the average over many cell assays. Interactions
between cells may make this assumption unrealistic and can in
principle make averages of measures from different assays not
directly meaningful. It is well known that simple ways of interac-
tions between individuals can lead to complex collective behavior
in higher organisms (for example flocking). There should be no
reason to assume simpler” statistics for cells.
A major challenge is to identify what aspects of cellular vari-
ability bear significant biological meaning (Li and You, 2013).
A variety of sources can induce diversity, which may presum-
ably not be critical for its biological role. Variability may stem
from redundant perturbations and a source of randomization can
create variation in different mechanisms. It is unclear, however,
to what extent and under what situations cellular mechanisms
are used to exploit gene expression variability that can affect cell
phenotype (Blake et al., 2006). Research on the yeast S. cerevisiae
reveals that increased variability in gene expression can provide
an evolutionary advantage. Blake et al. (2003) and Becskei et al.
(2005) suggested that variation in the rates of transition between
different states of promoter activity in the TATA box may play a
role in determining the level of stochasticity in gene expression.
The sequence of the TATA box can, therefore, enable cell–cell vari-
ability in gene expression being beneficial after an acute change in
environmental conditions (Blake et al., 2006).
This work demonstrates that cell tracking can provide infor-
mation on cellular variability. Tracking many objects in changing
environments has in general many applications and work on it
has a long history over 50years and now entering also biomed-
ical research (Mallick et al., 2013). Cell tracking is an emerging
technology based on treatment of cells (labeling and contrast
enhancements), various imaging techniques (microscopy) and
also algorithms for automatic feature extraction. The initiative
Open Bio Image Alliance1reflects this development organizing
competitions on cell tracking (so-called challenges”) to promote
development of open-source software for cell tracking. Sacan
et al. (2008) represents an early contribution in this develop-
ment. Note that cell feature extraction from images can help to
resolve ambiguities during multi-target tracking. The capacity
to distinguish between individual cells is, therefore, relevant to
relax requirements on data collection or to increase reliability.
Holmquist et al. (1978) represents an early attempt to formalize
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Korsnes and Korsnes Lifetime distributions from cell tracking
automatic feature extraction. There are numerous similar later
attempts, which may be relevant for joint tracking and classifying
of many cells (Mattie et al., 2000;Wei et al., 2008;Basu et al., 2014;
Jusman et al., 2014), and which can serve to apply theory of joint
multi-target classification and tracking (Mahler, 1994;Goodman
et al., 2013).
The present work illustrates possible information gain from
computer-assisted tracking of individual BC3H1 cells after expo-
sure to YTX. The actual tracking was based on visual control
via computer terminal to produce reliable lifetime data. A real-
istic way to develop systems for quick and low cost estimation
of individual cell lifetimes is first to develop a usable “hybrid”
approach where automatic algorithms gradually replace visually
based control. This strategy allows early to produce lifetime statis-
tics without bias due to automatic algorithms tending to lose
tracks of, for example, specially long living or motile cells.
Following many cells over time can promote awareness of
sub-populations and other types of diversity not otherwise easily
detected. It can potentially complement measurements of the
proteomic dynamics and gene sequencing in individual cells and
contribute to clinical assessments. Results from such tracking
may also help to reverse engineer cellular processes to develop
simulation models for better prediction of how toxins may affect
Yessotoxin (YTX) is a small molecule marine polyether com-
pound produced by dinoflagellates and which can accumulate
in filter-feeding bivalves (Murata et al., 1987;Ogino et al., 1997;
Satake et al., 1997;Draisci et al., 1999;Paz et al., 2004). It has
numerous analogs (Miles et al., 2005). The understanding of its
mechanisms of action in cells is developing (Malaguti et al., 2002;
Alfonso et al., 2003;Malagoli et al., 2006;Korsnes et al., 2007,
2013;Martín-López et al., 2012;Fernández-Araujo et al., 2014,
2015;Rubiolo et al., 2014). It can at low concentrations induce
various cytotoxic effects and programed cell death mechanisms
in different types of cells (Leira et al., 2002;Ronzitti and Rossini,
2008;Young et al., 2009;Korsnes and Espenes, 2011;Korsnes
et al., 2011). The diversity of toxic responses raises attention for
potential medical and therapeutic applications of YTX (López
et al., 2008, 2011b;Korsnes, 2012;Alonso et al., 2013;Alonso and
Rubiolo, 2015;Fernández-Araujo et al., 2015).
The specific molecular target of YTX is generally unclear. How-
ever, phosphodiesterases, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleopro-
teins (hnRPps), heat shock, and Ras proteins have been reported
as YTX targets in human lymphocytes, HepG2 cells, and blood cell
membranes (Alfonso et al., 2003;Young et al., 2009;Ujihara et al.,
2010). The specific organelle targets appear to be the mitochon-
dria and the ribosome (Bianchi et al., 2004;Korsnes et al., 2006a,
3.1. Toxin
YTX was provided by Christopher. O. Miles at the National
Veterinary Institute of Norway. YTX was dissolved in methanol
as a 50-µM stock solution. The stock solution was diluted in
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM, Sigma) achiev-
ing a final concentration of 100nM YTX and 200 nM in 0.2%
methanol. Control cells were incubated with 0.2% methanol as
vehicle. Control cells and treated cells were exposed up to 48 h.
3.2. Cell Culture
BC3H1 cell lines were isolated from primary cultures derived
from mouse (ATCC Number CRL-1443). BC3H1 cells closely
resemble cells in an arrested state of skeletal muscle differentiation
than smooth muscle cells (Schubert et al., 1974;Taubman et al.,
1989). Both cell lines were purchased from the American Type
Culture Collection (Manassas, VA, USA) at a seeding density of
2×106cells per cm2. Cells were maintained undifferentiated at
37°C in a humidified 5% CO2atmosphere.
3.3. Time-Lapse Video Microscopy
BC3H1 cells were plated in 35 mm ×10 mm glass bottom dishes
(Willco, USA) for time-lapse imaging. Cells were cultured in
medium (DMEM with phenol red, containing 50 nM Hepes,
7.2pH, and 20% fetal bovine serum). The temperature in the
box was maintained at 37°C using a heat controller. Cells were
observed in a Zeiss LSM 700 microscope and analyzed using
the phase contrast optics. All images were taken using a Plan
Apochromat 20×/0.8 ph2M27 objective. The time-lapse images
were generated using a ZEN 2010 imaging software. Cells were
continuously imaged each 2.5 min for up to 48 h by time-lapse
microscopy using phase contrast optics. Tracking of randomly
selected cells through these sub-sequential images provided direct
samples of lifetimes of cells.
3.4. Cell Tracking
The time-lapse video microscope provided images in jpeg format
for each 2.5 min. The co-author (Reinert Korsnes) developed a
computer program to support cell tracking through these images.
It was written in Ada 2012 using for graphics the GLOBE_3D
system developed by Gautier de Montmollin.2The Ada compiler
was GNAT Ada from AdaCore.3A common type laptop computer
running Linux was used for processing.
The present cell tracking is computer-aided and not fully auto-
matic. The computer program, which we developed, kept track of
a user controlled cursor pointing on a cell in a video on a desktop
screen (this design makes it ready to include automation support).
This video did consist of displaying images originally in jpeg
format from the microscope. No special image treatments were
applied. The user could affect the display of the image sequence
(enlargement, speed, and direction in time). Figures 1 and 2
illustrate the imagery data. The computer program did for each
track generate a random position more than 100 µm from the
image border. The nearest cell inside this inner zone of the image
at start of recording, then, was chosen for tracking. The reason
to choose (by random) cells away from the image border was
to avoid that they moved outside the image scene before dying.
150 cells were tracked in each experimental well. Few of these
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Korsnes and Korsnes Lifetime distributions from cell tracking
FIGURE 1 |Phase contrast image of BC3H1 cells short after YTX
cells (less than ten) did divide during tracking. A track followed
by random one of the daughter cells, when it encountered a cell
division. No tracks were lost.
The lifetime of a cell was defined as the duration from start of
toxin exposure to when it died. Cells in the image scene normally
moved and changed shape at least each 10–20 min. A significant
part of the cells did undergo a necrosis-like death rounding up to a
steady shape. When finding a cell reached this steady state, the cell
track was followed back in time to detect the time of start of this
steady state. This time was defined as time of death. The present
estimate of this time was within a precision of less than 30 min.
Tracked cells undergoing apoptosis-like death in the way that they
fractionated during few minutes, were given time of death at the
moment of this event. The above procedure is relatively simple to
implement as a computer algorithm.
3.5. Kernel Density Estimation
Let the stochastic variable Trepresent lifetime of a randomly
selected cell after being exposed to a toxin. The kernel density
estimation (KDE) provides a non-parametric way to reconstruct
the probability density of Tfrom random samples (Rosenblatt,
1956;Parzen, 1962). Let t1,t2,...,tnrepresent such samples
(measurements) of lifetimes for nrandomly selected cells. Assume
a distribution m(probability measure) equally concentrated on
the points t1,t2,...,tnof the real line such that
m({t}) = 1
nif t {t1,t2, . . . , tn}
0 otherwise (1)
Given the Gaussian kernel:
K(t) = 1
which for h>0 gives a family of kernels Kh(t) = 1
ing its integral Kh(x)dx =1. The parameter there repre-
sents time and his termed bandwidth. The convolution between
the discrete (singular) measure mand a kernel Khgives a smooth
version phof the distribution m:
ph(t)=(Khm)(t) = R
This smooth (“diffused”) version of the singular measure m
is considered as an estimate of the distribution of the original
stochastic variable Tabove. The present work applies kernel
density estimation on the above simple level justified by the
principle of Occams razor. Note, however the similarities of the
above convolution [Eq. (3)] and diffusion (for example physical
heat conduction) provide inspiration for more precise estimation
(Botev et al., 2010;Berry and Harlim, in press).
3.6. Weibull Analysis
The Weibull distribution is known as “Type 3” of three possible
types of approximate distributions of the extreme (maximum or
minimum) of a set of random variables (Fisher and Tippett, 1928;
Leadbetter et al., 1983). It covers the case where the extreme
value has a light tail with finite upper bound. It is a versatile
and widely used model for lifetimes of successful functioning of
systems in general. Its applicability is so wide that lifetime (or
failure) analysis has been termed “Weibull analysis. A convex
combination of two Weibull distributions can express the distri-
bution of life length of systems of two possible (but unknown)
A single population two parameter Weibull probability density
distribution has the following form:
f(t;λ, k) = k
if t0
0 otherwise (4)
where kis a shape parameter and λhere defines time scale. The
corresponding cumulative distribution is
F(t;λ, k) = 1e(x
Assume the convex combination of two Weibull distributions:
f(t) = ω1f(t;λ1,k1) + ω2f(t;λ2,k2)(6)
where ω1+ω2=1 and ωi0. f(t) is also a probability density
function (non-negative and with integral equal to 1). The corre-
sponding cumulative distribution is
F(t) = ω1F(t;λ1,k1) + ω2F(t;λ2,k2)(7)
Subsequent phase contrast microscopy images in this work pro-
vide lifetime distributions for BC3H1 cells after YTX exposure.
Figure 1 shows an example of such an image at start of exposure,
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Korsnes and Korsnes Lifetime distributions from cell tracking
FIGURE 2 |Example of subsequent images of BC3H1 cells exposed to 100 nM YTX. Images taken at 2.5min interval. The time of image 1 is 30h treatment
after exposure to YTX. The white arrow illustrates tracking of a cell, which dies during the time of image 6–9.
whereas Figure 2 shows subsequent similar images after 30 h of
exposure. The cells obviously do not behave uniformly. Some
of them exhibit apoptotic-like cell death morphologies, whereas
others appear to die necrotic-like (Figure 3). Figure 4 shows
kernel density estimates [cf Eq. (3)] of distributions for observed
lifetimes of BC3H1 cells after the start of exposure to YTX at
concentrations of 100 and 200 nM. The bandwidth his, here,
according to Silvermans rule of thumb (Silverman, 1986;Bowman
and Azzalini, 1997). The distribution for 100nM has a significant
upper tail indicating a mixture of mechanisms in action when the
cells die. A single peak seems to dominate the distribution for
200 nM.
Successful parametric ways to reconstruct probability distri-
butions from measurements typically require fewer samples as
compared to non-parametric ways, or it can provide more pre-
cise results given the same data. This is intuitively reasonable
since the approach exploits restrictions on the set of possible
outcomes from experiments and in this simple way represents
sparse sampling or compressive sensing. Optimal use of data
is here of interest in possible applications of cell tracking since
tracking may cost and early information on lifetime distributions
(over many days) may have direct interest in clinical situations
(for example to monitor and control development of cancer).
Parametric reconstruction can also support understanding of
underlying processes. Figure 5 shows an attempt to fit a mixed
(bimodal) Weibull model [Eq. (7)] to the same lifetime data,
as in Figure 4. It shows the result from fitting this model to
the empirical distribution function (varying the parameters: k1,
λ1,k2,λ2,ωicondition on ω1+ω2=1, ωi0). Figure 5 also
illustrates the probability density function for these parameters
[cf Eqs (4) and (6)].
Cells may affect each other in experimental wells via, for
example, cytoskeletal contacts and in ways affecting survival after
toxic exposure. Hence, the lifetimes of cells in the same exper-
imental well may not be independent giving somehow different
lifetime distributions for cells in distinct wells. Figure 6 illustrates
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Korsnes and Korsnes Lifetime distributions from cell tracking
FIGURE 3 |Two sequences of four images respectively showing typical apoptotic- and necrotic-like death events among BC3H1 cells exposed to
yessotoxin. The necrotic-like cell death process is much slower than the apoptotic-like cell death.
FIGURE 4 |Kernel density estimates of distributions of lifetimes of
BC3H1 cells after YTX exposure at concentrations 100 and 200 nM.
Vertical bars indicate individual observations (samples).
this possible effect showing lifetime distributions of BC3H1 cells
exposed to 100 nM YTX in four different populations (experi-
ments). The distributions significantly vary despite carefulness to
repeat the experiments the same way.
The present experiments show examples on how cells in the same
cell line can display individual variation in their response to a toxic
exposure. Korsnes (2012) showed still photos illustrating diversity
in cell death response after YTX exposure. Sub-sequential images
provide more reliable interpretations since it gives information
from before and after given time points. Tracking from time lapse
of living cells may therefore, when the appropriate instrumenta-
tion and software tools become more available, be a valuable tool
to estimate how cells react to stress. Clarification of the biological
significance of the present observed variations, however, needs
further investigations. For example, Figure 5 indicates two dom-
inating mechanisms of cell death, but lifetime data from similar
experiments do not exhibit the same structure.
Differences in cell fate decisions in isogenic populations have
been explained by oncogenic lesions, which are genetically pre-
determined, cell-cycle state or as a result of their lineage or their
proximity to an inductive signal from other cells (Rieder and
Maiato, 2004;Weaver and Cleveland, 2005). However, stochastic
distributions of cell fates can also take place independent of cell
cycle or history (Losick and Desplan, 2008;Spencer et al., 2009).
Different mechanisms for cellular variability may be biologi-
cally significant and therefore evolutionary conserved. Examples
of such mechanisms in multi-cellular organisms driving specific
cell fates where stochastic activation is coupled in some cases
with a positive feedback loop or in other cases with a negative
feedback regulation, have been described (Heitzler and Simpson,
1991;Serizawa et al., 2003;Lomvardas et al., 2006).
Mechanisms that have evolved to exploit stochastic variation
at the level of single cells or whole tissues during development
may also operate at much higher levels of biological organiza-
tion, such as insect colonial organisms (Hölldobler and Wilson,
2008). Stochastic establishment of gamer-gates may be favored
by natural selection to ensure the emergence of reproductive
individuals upon the demise of the queen. When the queen or
other gamer-gates die, the colony must maximize its potential for
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Korsnes and Korsnes Lifetime distributions from cell tracking
FIGURE 5 |Results from mixed Weibull analysis giving estimates of distributions of lifetimes of BC3H1 cells after YTX exposure at concentrations 100
and 200 nM. The parameters for the mixed Weibull distribution (kand λ) result from model fit to the empirical cumulative distribution (right). Red vertical bars indicate
individual observations (samples). The smoothed histograms K1.0 ×mand K0.5 ×m[cf Eq. (3)] are here for visual control and illustration.
FIGURE 6 |Kernel density estimates of distributions of lifetimes in four
separate populations of BC3H1 cells after exposed to 100 nM YTX
(i.e., each of the four populations were in separate experimental
wells). Influence between cells in the same well may explain the difference
between the distributions. These variations between distributions can,
therefore, potentially provide measures of such inter-cellular influence.
replacing these reproductively dominant individuals, which may
otherwise be limited by deterministic rules (Kilfoil et al., 2009).
It may be reasonable to speculate that randomization in cell
populations can have a function in contexts of optimization. It
is a common experience in computer science, soft programing
and practice in artificial learning systems that randomization
can offer the simplest distributed search for optimal solutions or
states. Concepts from theory on communication networks may
also support understanding of cellular variability. Randomization
often plays a role in decentralized control and signaling in net-
works with local autonomy. Distribution of roles between enti-
ties generally requires communication (signaling). Analogies to
collaborative behavior among higher organisms may also help to
understand potential significance of variability among cells. Indi-
viduals of higher organisms typically have to prioritize between
mutually exclusive activities. Randomization can be part of a
system for decentralized distribution of roles to achieve synergies.
Variability may also play a role in the innate immune system to
obstacle intrusion.
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Korsnes and Korsnes Lifetime distributions from cell tracking
Exchange of information can facilitate specialization where
minorities in cell populations can function as sensitive sensors
reporting to the others. Sensitivity, control and signaling have
typically a cost in terms of energy and risk. It is, for example,
a generic fact that sensitive sensors are vulnerable. The decision
to take the role as special (sensitive and expendable”) sensor on
behalf of the majority should, therefore, presumably be taken by
random with appropriate low probability.
The present recordings of BC3H1 cells after YTX exposure
allow following single cellular events as seen in Figures 2 and 3.
Individual cell variation in a clonal cell population is greater than
previously recognized. Cells exhibit complex fates over time and
they behave differently. Their cytoskeletons undergo extensive
remodeling until they reach loss of motility before they die. Cells
interact between each other and it is conceivable to believe that
they might receive inductive signaling from neighboring cells.
This can make correlations of lifetimes of cells in the same exper-
imental dish and hence give different distributions derived from
distinct dishes.
Precise estimates of lifetime distributions may provide infor-
mation of interest in a variety of cellular studies and toxicology.
The effect of a toxin may, for example, partly depend on cell
cycle. Lifetime distributions may, therefore, be sensitive to phases
in a synchronized cell population. However, caution must be
exercised applying artificial cell synchronization. Eventual loss of
cell synchrony can occur because not all the cells progress through
the cell cycle at the same rate (Engelberg, 1964;Murphy et al.,
1978). In fact, variability of cell-cycle kinetics is inherent from
cell to cell and occurs to some extent using any synchronization
method (Davis et al., 2001).
Different sets of samples of a stochastic variable (such as life-
time of a cell) will exhibit the same distribution if they were
independent. However, samples of lifetimes of individual cells in
separate experimental dishes tend to have different distributions.
Hence, cells in the same dish do not seem to live independently.
Figure 6 shows four distributions of lifetimes of BC3H1 cells
after exposure to 100 nM yessotoxin. The distributions are here
respectively from separate experiments where the cells are in the
same Willco dish facilitating potential inter-cellular influence. The
variability of the distributions may not be due to experimental
errors but rather result from stochastic choices and cell–cell inter-
actions. A statistical challenge is to test if a given observed dis-
tribution belongs to a family of distributions resulting from such
an experiment. Traditional statistical assessments for equality of
distributions like the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test will not apply in
this situation. The treatment of these types of data may provide
information on inter-cellular influence in cancer cells and help to
predict their probability of metastasis. It may also help to detect
change in cell populations during treatments and provide early
warning for more detailed clinical investigations.
MK conceived the study and conducted the laboratory experi-
ments, RK made the computer programming; both authors ana-
lyzed the results and wrote the manuscript.
This study was supported by Olav Raagholt og Gerd Meidel
Raagholts legacy, Astri og Birger Torsteds legacy, and Giske og
Peter Jacob Sørensen research foundation. The work was also
supported by internal funding at the Norwegian University of Life
Sciences (NMBU).
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Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | October 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 16610
... Activation of stress responses and cross-talk among cellular signaling pathways have been reported in cells under YTX treatment (Korsnes, 2012;Tobío et al., 2012;Korsnes et al., 2014Korsnes et al., , 2016Rubiolo et al., 2014). Korsnes and Korsnes (2015) demonstrate variability in lifetime distributions of single cells exposed to YTX. They showed that a small fraction of cells withstand the exposure much more than others, whereas some cells die long before the majority. ...
... Simple image recordings of cells during few days, show that YTX halts cell proliferation (Figure 1). This work also demonstrates the potential to gain information from tracking single cells from image recordings and which seems to be a valuable tool to observe cell fate (Korsnes and Korsnes, 2015;Skylaki et al., 2016) including detection of mitotic catastrophe (Rello-Varona et al., 2010). Figure 2 shows that YTX suppresses a second round of cell division after exposure supporting the idea that significant DNA damage takes place during the first cell division. ...
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The marine toxin yessotoxin (YTX) can cause various cytotoxic effects depending on cell type and cell line. It is well known to trigger distinct mechanisms for programmed cell death which may overlap or cross-talk. The present contribution provides the first evidence that YTX can cause genotoxicity and induce mitotic catastrophe which can lead to different types of cell death. This work also demonstrates potential information gain from non-intrusive computer-based tracking of many individual cells during long time. Treatment of BC3H1 cells at their exponential growth phase causes atypical nuclear alterations and formation of giant cells with multiple nuclei. These are the most prominent morphological features of mitotic catastrophe. Giant cells undergo slow cell death in a necrosis-like manner. However, apoptotic-like cell death is also observed in these cells. Electron microscopy of treated BC3H1 cells reveal uncondensed chromatin and cells with double nuclei. Activation of p-p53, p-H2AX, p-Chk1, p-ATM, and p-ATR and down-regulation of p-Chk2 indicate DNA damage response and cell cycle deregulation. Micronuclei formation further support this evidence. Data from tracking single cells reveal that YTX treatment suppresses a second round of cell division in BC3H1 cells. These findings suggest that YTX can induce genomic alterations or imperfections in chromosomal segregation leading to permanent mitotic failure. This understanding extends the list of effects from YTX and which are of interest to control cancer and tumor progression.
... Upregulation of Beclin has been observed during autophagic cell death (Tsujimoto and Shimizu, 2005). However, cell death appears to be at least partly independent of autophagy, since YTX can induce different cell death pathways in BC3H1 cells (Korsnes, 2012;Korsnes and Korsnes, 2015). Beclin is assumed to be the only Atg-protein specific for autophagy, since embryonic lethality is observed in mice deficient for Beclin-1 (Qu et al., 2003;Yue et al., 2003). ...
... The variability in individual cell fate can therefore be masked in aggregate properties. Single cell analyses over time may promote awareness of this diversity (Korsnes and Korsnes, 2015). Bafilomycin A1 treatment was partially able to inhibit LC3-II turnover during the first 24 h of YTX exposure (Fig. 9). ...
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The marine toxin yessotoxin (YTX) can induce programmed cell death through both caspase-dependent and -independent pathways in various cellular systems. It appears to stimulate different forms of cellular stress causing instability among cell death mechanisms and making them overlap and cross-talk. Autophagy is one of the key pathways that can be stimulated by multiple forms of cellular stress which may determine cell survival or death. The present work evaluates a plausible link between ribotoxic stress and autophagic activity in BC3H1 cells treated with YTX. Such treatment produces massive cytoplasmic compartments as well as double-membrane vesicles termed autophagosomes which are typically observed in cells undergoing autophagy. The observed autophagosomes contain a large amount of ribosomes associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Western blotting analysis of Atg proteins and detection of the autophagic markers LC3-II and SQSTM1/p62 by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence verified autophagic activity during YTX-treatment. The present work supports the idea that autophagic activity upon YTX exposure may represent a response to ribotoxic stress.
... Another viable option is Btrack Ulicna et al. [2021]. The in-house system allows users to define a rectangular region in the center of the video, sized to contain a specified minimum number of cells of each type at the start of recording [Korsnes and Korsnes, 2015, Quinsgaard et al., 2024. In the co-culture experiment, a frame was set to include 40 PC3 cells at the start, which automatically included 80 PC12 cells. ...
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Cancer cell clustering is a critical factor in metastasis, with cells often believed to migrate in groups as they establish themselves in new environments. This study presents preliminary findings from an in vitro experiment, suggesting that co-culturing cells provides an effective method for observing this phenomenon, even though the cells are grown as monolayers. We introduce a novel single-cell tracking approach based on graph theory to identify clusters in PC3 cells cultivated in both monoculture and co-culture with PC12 cells, using 66-hour time-lapse recordings. The initial step consists of defining linked pairs of PC3 cells, laying the foundation for the application of graph theory. We propose two alternative definitions for cell pairings. The first method, Method 1, defines cells as linked at a given time t if they are close together within a defined time period before and after t. A second potential alternative method, Method 2, pairs cells if there is an overlap between the convex hulls of their respective tracks during this time period. Pairing cells enables the application of graph theory for subsequent analysis. This framework represents a cell as a vertex (node) and a relation between two cells as an edge. An interconnected set of high-degree nodes (nodes with many connections or edges) forms a subgraph, or backbone, that defines a patch (cluster) of cells. All nodes connected to this backbone are part of the subgraph. The backbone of high-degree nodes functions as a partition (or cut) of the initial graph. Two consecutive clusters in the video are considered to share the same identity if the following cluster contains at least p = 75% of the cells from the preceding cluster, and the mean positions of their cells are within delta r = 75 um. PC3 cells grown in co-culture appear to form persistent clusters exceeding 10 cells after 40 to 50 hour incubation following seeding. In contrast, PC3 cells cultured alone (mono-culture) did not exhibit this behaviour. This approach is experimental and requires further validation with a broader dataset.
... Refs. [19,24,25] showed statistics from systematic single-cell tracking during several days, elucidating heterogeneous cell response and induction of cell death mechanisms. This tracking also allowed detection of inheritable traits, such as vacuolar transfer from mother to daughter cells. ...
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Background Video recording of cells offers a straightforward way to gain valuable information from their response to treatments. An indispensable step in obtaining such information involves tracking individual cells from the recorded data. A subsequent step is reducing such data to represent essential biological information. This can help to compare various single‐cell tracking data yielding a novel source of information. The vast array of potential data sources highlights the significance of methodologies prioritizing simplicity, robustness, transparency, affordability, sensor independence, and freedom from reliance on specific software or online services. Methods The provided data presents single‐cell tracking of clonal (A549) cells as they grow in two‐dimensional (2D) monolayers over 94 hours, spanning several cell cycles. The cells are exposed to three different concentrations of yessotoxin (YTX). The data treatments showcase the parametrization of population growth curves, as well as other statistical descriptions. These include the temporal development of cell speed in family trees with and without cell death, correlations between sister cells, single‐cell average displacements, and the study of clustering tendencies. Results Various statistics obtained from single‐cell tracking reveal patterns suitable for data compression and parametrization. These statistics encompass essential aspects such as cell division, movements, and mutual information between sister cells. Conclusion This work presents practical examples that highlight the abundant potential information within large sets of single‐cell tracking data. Data reduction is crucial in the process of acquiring such information which can be relevant for phenotypic drug discovery and therapeutics, extending beyond standardized procedures. Conducting meaningful big data analysis typically necessitates a substantial amount of data, which can stem from standalone case studies as an initial foundation.
... The potential therapeutic use of yessotoxin and its derivatives has been postulated for Alzheimer's disease using in vitro models [301] and for treating and/or preventing metabolic diseases [302], a controversial fact due to the neurotoxicity of this substance, as well as being an antiallergic compound [238,301]. Moreover, the effect of yessotoxin inducing apoptosis of tumoral cells in certain types of tumors has been reported in several studies, suggesting that this toxin could be a compound with great potential to develop future antitumor therapies [235,236,238,[302][303][304]. ...
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Marine phycotoxins are a multiplicity of bioactive compounds which are produced by microalgae and bioaccumulate in the marine food web. Phycotoxins affect the ecosystem, pose a threat to human health, and have important economic effects on aquaculture and tourism worldwide. However, human health and food safety have been the primary concerns when considering the impacts of phycotoxins. Phycotoxins toxicity information, often used to set regulatory limits for these toxins in shellfish, lacks traceability of toxicity values highlighting the need for predefined toxicological criteria. Toxicity data together with adequate detection methods for monitoring procedures are crucial to protect human health. However, despite technological advances, there are still methodological uncertainties and high demand for universal phycotoxin detectors. This review focuses on these topics, including uncertainties of climate change, providing an overview of the current information as well as future perspectives.
... These YTX effects were related to PDE4A in both cellular lines. Therefore, the dual effect of YTX over tumor and non-tumor cells point to this compound as a powerful antitumoral drug or at least as a good drug lead [75,76]. In this sense, AKAP 149 protein is essential for mitosis [77][78][79], hence those factors that prevent the activity of this protein cause cell death, as in the case of YTX in K-526 cells. ...
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Yessotoxin (YTX) is a polyether compound produced by dinoflagellates and accumulated in filter feeding shellfish. No records about human intoxications induced by this compound have been published, however it is considered a toxin. Modifications in second messenger levels, protein levels, immune cells, cytoskeleton or activation of different cellular death types have been published as consequence of YTX exposure. This review summarizes the main intracellular pathways modulated by YTX and their pharmacological and therapeutic implications.
Yessotoxin and its derivatives (about 90) are isolated from algae belonging to the species Protoceratium reticulatum, Gonyaulax cf. Spinifera, Lingulodinium polyedrum and from invertebrate organisms that feed on these algae. Previously yessotoxin have been associated with the group of diarrheal toxins. Later studies of the possible impact of yessotoxin on the activity of alkaline phosphatase allowed to exclude them from this group. Yessotoxin causes a violation of calcium entry in the cells, which, in turn, effects the calcium-calmodulin system and thus influences into homeostasis of the organism as a whole. It was shown that yessotoxin induces a biphasic change in the concentration of adenosine monophosphate, an initial increase with a subsequent relative decrease, within some minutes after adding the toxin to the lymphocytes cell culture. Yessotoxin has effects on immune system; which is manifested in an increase of cytokines level, by inducing the expression of the genes encoding them. Yessotoxin have impact into processes of cell adhesion via E-cadherin and, thus, could be an important factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease. It has been established that yessotoxin caused the development of apoptosis. In those cases all three mechanisms of cell death took place - apoptosis, paraptosis and autophagy. Yessotoxin's acute toxicity doses according to different data are from 100 to 500-750 μg per 1kg of body weight. Yessotoxin's acute reference dose (ARfD) - 25 μg/kg of body weight per day. The results of the analysis of yessotoxin level in shellfish meat showed that none of the studied samples contained more than 3.75 mg yessotoxin equivalents/kg shellfish meat. This level has been adopted by the European Union as the maximum acceptable level of yessotoxin in shellfish meat (EU Regulation N 786/2013). Presented data on the mechanism of action, toxicity and prevalence of yessotoxins make it necessary to establish regulations of their content in seafood, placed on the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union.
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Marine toxins which their ingestion is poisonous have a big threat to human health. Toxins such as tetrodotoxin, palytoxin, yessotoxin, pfiesteria toxins, anatoxins, microcystins, nodularin, and domoic acid may be produced in large amounts by marine microorganisms including phytoplankton (dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria, and diatoms) and bacteria. Algal and bacterial toxins are ingested by various creatures such as filter-feeding shellfish, zooplankton, and herbivorous fishes. They are accumulated in those organisms and transferred to higher trophic levels along food chains. Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation (abdominal cramps, vomiting and gastro-intestinal disorders) and a history of eating seafood in the preceding 24 h. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a powerful neurotoxin found in pufferfish and other marine and terrestrial animals. TTX binds to voltage gated sodium channels which blocks the flow of sodium ions through the channels producing respiratory and heart failure followed by death. In addition, consumption of seafood contaminated by toxins results in different seafood poisoning syndromes including paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP), amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP), ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) and azaspiracid shellfish poisoning (ASP). These toxins are tasteless, odorless, heat and acid stable. Thus, if the fish or shellfish is contaminated, intoxications cannot be removed using different processing techniques such as canning, marinating, irradiation and salting. To prevent these disease, some measures have to be taken including extensive monitoring of toxins content in seafood and prohibition of the harvesting when toxic algal growth exceed a certain level in marine ecosystem.
Toxic algal blooms are a raising concern all over the world due to their expansion during the last 10. years. Two main issues on phycotoxins are faced to prevent human intoxications: setting up sensitive methods for their detection and providing key information on their toxicity. If analytical chemistry has been largely developed to deal with phycotoxins quantification in seafood, cell-based assays are actually popping up again for targeted and nontargeted toxin detection and will benefit of high-throughput methods for cell culturing and cell response analysis. Simultaneously, ethical concern and new paradigm in toxicology emphasize in vitro toxicity testing for delivering knowledge on key events and pathways involved in cellular response. Hazard assessment also requires information on the behaviour of the toxin within the organism and in vitro assays can provide crucial kinetics data for potential modelling. As cell culture facilities are also evolving with increasing 3D models for mimicking the cell environment in vivo, it is likely that the study of phycotoxins will take advantage of the tremendous progress in cell biology.
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Understanding the mechanism of action of the yessotoxin (YTX) is crucial since this drug has potential pharmacological effects in allergic processes, tumor proliferation and neurodegenerative diseases. It has been described that YTX activates apoptosis after 24 h of treatment, while after 48 h of incubation with the toxin a decrease in cell viability corresponding to cellular differentiation or non-apoptotic cell death was observed. In this paper, these processes were extensively studied by using the erythroleukemia K-562 cell line. On one hand, events of K-562 cell differentiation into erythrocytes after YTX treatment were studied using hemin as positive control of cell differentiation. Cell differentiation was studied through the cyclic nucleotide response element binding (phospho-CREB) and the transferrin receptor (TfR) expression. On the other hand, using rapamycin as positive control, autophagic hallmarks, as non-apoptotic cell death, were studied after toxin exposure. In this case, the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) and light chain 3B (LC3B) levels were measured to check autophagy activation. The results showed that cell differentiation was not occurring after 48 h of toxin incubation while at this time the autophagy was triggered. Furthermore after 24 h of toxin treatment none of these processes were activated. In addition, the role of the type 4A phosphodiesterase (PDE4A), the intracellular target of YTX, was checked. PDE4A-silencing experiments showed different regulation steps of PDE4A in the autophagic processes triggered either by traditional compounds or YTX. In summary, after 48 h YTX treatment PDE4A-dependent autophagy, as non-apoptotic programmed cell death, is activated.
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One of the most common observations in cell death assays is that not all cells die at the same time, or at the same treatment dose. Here, using the perspective of the systems biology of apoptosis and the context of cancer treatment, we discuss possible sources of this cell-to-cell variability as well as its implications for quantitative measurements and computational models of cell death. Many different factors, both within and outside of the apoptosis signaling networks, have been correlated with the variable responses to various death-inducing treatments. Systems biology models offer us the opportunity to take a more synoptic view of the cell death process to identify multifactorial determinants of the cell death decision. Finally, with an eye toward 'systems pharmacology', we discuss how leveraging this new understanding should help us develop combination treatment strategies to compel cancer cells toward apoptosis by manipulating either the biochemical state of cancer cells or the dynamics of signal transduction.
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This work tests the hypothesis that the marine algal toxin yessotoxin (YTX) can trigger ribotoxic stress response in L6 and BC3H1 myoblast cells. YTX exposure at a concentration of 100 nM displays the characteristics of a ribotoxic stress response in such cells. The exposure leads to activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, the stress-activated protein kinase c-jun, and the double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR). YTX treatment also causes ribosomal RNA cleavage and inhibits protein synthesis. These observations support the idea that YTX can act as a ribotoxin.
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Advent of medical image digitalization leads to image processing and computer-aided diagnosis systems in numerous clinical applications. These technologies could be used to automatically diagnose patient or serve as second opinion to pathologists. This paper briefly reviews cervical screening techniques, advantages, and disadvantages. The digital data of the screening techniques are used as data for the computer screening system as replaced in the expert analysis. Four stages of the computer system are enhancement, features extraction, feature selection, and classification reviewed in detail. The computer system based on cytology data and electromagnetic spectra data achieved better accuracy than other data.
Scientific knowledge gathered during the past decades allowed a deeper understanding of the pathology of several diseases and enabled the design and synthesis of drug molecules for specific targets, shifting the attention from the ‘natural pharmacy’ to purely synthetic drugs. Also, innovations in several fields, such as sampling techniques, nanomole structure determination, as well as genome sequencing and mining, have increased the efficiency of exploring marine samples for novel therapeutics. This chapter presents a review of marine compounds isolated since 1998 with anti-tumour, antibacterial, antidiabetic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, antituberculosis or antiviral properties, or affecting the immune system or the nervous system. The information presented here highlights the new interest on marine compounds as leads for drug development. This is further boosted by continuous improvements in the sampling, structure determination, target identification, production, gene sequencing and genome mining methods.
The BC3H1 cell line has been used widely as a model for studying regulation of muscle-related proteins, such as the acetylcholine receptor, myokinase, creatine kinase, and actin. These cells, derived from a nitrosourea-induced mouse brain neoplasm, have some of the morphological characteristics of smooth muscle and have been shown to express the vascular smooth muscle isoform of alpha-actin. To provide further information about the contractile protein phenotype of BC3H1 and to gain additional insights into the possible tissue of origin of these cells, we have examined the expression of a battery of contractile protein genes. During rapid growth, subconfluent BC3H1 cells express the nonmuscle isoform of alpha-tropomyosin (alpha-Tm) and the nonsarcomeric isoforms of myosin heavy and light chains (MHCs and MLCs, respectively), but do not express troponin T(TnT). However, when BC3H1 cells differentiate in response to incubation in serum-deprived medium or upon approaching confluence, they express TnT as well as sarcomeric muscle isoforms of MHC, MLC 2 and 3, alpha-Tm, and alpha-actin. These results suggest that BC3H1 is a skeletal muscle cell line of ectodermal origin that is defective for commitment to terminal differentiation.
Practical applications of kernel methods often use variable bandwidth kernels, also known as self-tuning kernels, however much of the current theory of kernel based techniques is only applicable to fixed bandwidth kernels. In this paper, we derive the asymptotic expansion of these variable bandwidth kernels for arbitrary bandwidth functions; generalizing the theory of Diffusion Maps and Laplacian Eigenmaps. We also derive pointwise error estimates for the corresponding discrete operators which are based on finite data sets; generalizing a result of Singer which was restricted to fixed bandwidth kernels. Our analysis reveals how areas of small sampling density lead to large errors, particularly for fixed bandwidth kernels. We explain the limitation of the existing theory to data sampled from compact manifolds by showing that when the sampling density is not bounded away from zero (which implies that the data lies on an open set) the error estimates for fixed bandwidth kernels will be unbounded. We show that this limitation can be overcome by choosing a bandwidth function inversely proportional to the sampling density (which can be estimated from data) which allows us to control the error estimates uniformly over a non-compact manifold. We numerically verify these results on non-compact manifolds by constructing the generator of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process on a real line and a two-dimensional plane using data sampled independently from the respective invariant measures. We also verify our results on compact manifolds by constructing the Laplacian on the unit circle and the unit sphere and we show that the variable bandwidth kernels exhibit reduced sensitivity to bandwidth selection and give better results for an automatic bandwidth selection algorithm.