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Architecture for autism: Built environment performance in accordance to the autism ASPECTSS™ design index

  • Progressive Architects

Abstract and Figures

It is estimated that 1 in every 100 (Bancroft, K., Batten, A., Lambert, S., Madders, T. 2012) to 1 in every 68 individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014) fall within the spectrum of Autism Disorder in the United Kingdom and the United States respectively. This places autism among the most prevalent of special needs in school children, as compared with the visually impaired, physically impaired, hearing impaired (LeRoy, B., Evans, P., and Deluca, M. 2000) and those diagnosed with Down's Syndrome (Shin, M., Besser, L. M., Kucik, J. E., Lu, C., Siffel, C., Correa, A., et al. 2009). Despite these startling numbers, autism remains under-represented in built environment research and inclusion literature and minimally discussed in accessibility codes and design guidelines (Mostafa, M. 2008). The Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index was developed specifically to address this gap. The index is based on the Sensory Design Theory, which hypothesizes that by altering the sensory environment using specific design interventions, as manifested through input from the built environment, autistic behavior can be altered positively (Mostafa, M. 2008). The index summarizes the seven design criteria conclusively recommended to facilitate and improve the user-built environment relationship for autistic individuals. These criteria are acoustics, spatial sequencing, escape space, compartmentalization, transition spaces, sensory zoning and safety. The applications of the index include; assessment of built environments, identification of autism inclusion performance issues and consequent proposal of retrofit design solutions, as well as the development of new customized inclusive environments for autism. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the use of the index as an assessment tool for existing built environments, and to explore its correlation with design performance, as perceived by the designers, users and critics of the building. Using 5 purpose built autism schools as case studies, the alignment of perceived excellence in autism design and the respective Autism ASPECTSS™ Index score is assessed.
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Design Principles
and Practices
An International JournalAnnual Review
Architecture for Autism:
Built Environment Performance in Accordance to the
Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index
First published in 2015 in Champaign, Illinois, USA
by Common Ground Publishing
University of Illinois Research Park
2001 South First St, Suite 202
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
ISSN: 1833-1874
© 2015 (individual papers), the author(s)
© 2015 (selection and editorial matter) Common Ground
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Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal — Annual Review is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.
Architecture for Autism: Built Environment
Performance in Accordance to the Autism
ASPECTSS™ Design Index
Magda Mostafa, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: It is estimated that 1 in every 100 (Bancroft, K., Batten, A., Lambert, S., Madders, T. 2012) to 1 in every 68
individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014) fall within the spectrum of Autism Disorder in th e United
Kingdom and the United States respectively. This places autism among the most prevalent of special needs in school
children, as compared with the visually impaired, physically impaired, hearing impaired (LeRoy, B., Evans, P., and
Deluca, M. 2000) and those diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome (Shin, M., Besser, L. M., Kucik, J. E., Lu, C., Siffel, C.,
Correa, A., et al. 2009). Despite these startling numbers, autism remains under-represented in built environment
research and inclusion literature and minimally discussed in accessibility codes and design guidelines (Mostafa, M.
2008). The Autism ASPECTSS Design Index was developed specifically to address this gap. The index is based on the
Sensory Design Theory, which hypothesizes that by altering the sensory environment using specific design interventions,
as manifested through input from the built environment, autistic behavior can be altered positively (Mostafa, M. 2008).
The index summarizes the seven design criteria conclusively recommended to facilitate and improve the user-built
environment relationship for autistic individuals. These criteria are acoustics, spatial sequencing, escape space,
compartmentalization, transition spaces, sensory zoning and safety. The applications of the index include; assessment of
built environments, identification of autism inclusion performance issues and consequent proposal of retrofit design
solutions, as well as the development of new customized inclusive environments for autism. The objective of this paper is
to demonstrate the use of the index as an assessment tool for existing built environments, and to explore its correlation
with design performance, as perceived by the designers, users and critics of the building. Using 5 purpose built autism
schools as case studies, the alignment of perceived excellence in autism design and the respective Autism ASPECTSS
Index score is assessed.
Keywords: Design, Disabilities, Universal Design, School Design
utism is increasingly becoming one of the more prevalent challenges facing school-
children, with estimates that anywhere from 1 in every 100 (Bancroft, K., Batten, A.,
Lambert, S., Madders, T. 2012) to 1 in every 68 individuals (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention) fall within the spectrum of Autism Disorder in the United Kingdom and the
United States respectively. This places autism among the most prevalent of special needs in
school children, compared to an estimated 1 in every 2000 children in the US categorized as
visually impaired, 1 in every 769 as physically impaired, 1 in every 714 as hearing impaired
(LeRoy, B., Evans, P., and Deluca, M. 2000) and 1 in every 970 diagnosed with Down’s
Syndrome (Shin, M., Besser, L. M., Kucik, J. E., Lu, C., Siffel, C., Correa, A., et al. 2009). These
estimates place Autism Spectrum Disorder at three times as prevalent as hearing impairment,
visual impairment and physical impairment combined.
In 2002, when the underlying research for the Autism ASPECTSS Design Index began,
very little literature was available to guide the process of design ing for autism. In response to this
scholarly gap, a preliminary study was designed to generate guidelines, when no guidelines were
found, to help design the Advance Special Education Center in Maadi, Cairo.
At the time when the first Advance Center was being designed, and in response to a request
for autism design guidelines, the International Code Council stated that “(we) know of no
Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal Annual Review
Volume 8, 2015,, ISSN 1833-1874
© Common Groun d, Magda Mostafa, All Rights Reserved
building or accessibility code that incorporates requirements specifically to address children with
autism” (Mostafa, M. 2008).1
Since that time there has been some development in the area of built environment research
for autistic users. In 2006 Christopher Beaver presented a practice-driven view on the reiterative
process of developing autistic-friendly environments through communication with clients and
trial and error and feedback studies (Beaver, C. 2006). In this review he recommends the use of
durable finishes, natural materials, natural ventilation and an attention to acoustics. Further
practice-centered literature followed with the work of Simon Humphreys who presented his
vision for “calm, order and simplicity” with “minimal detail and materials” (Humphreys, S.
2008). Following more closely the available literature at the time Iain Scott presents an
interpretation of various guidelines as applied to specific projects (Scott, I. 2009). In this review
Scott discusses the development of guidelines for autism in the UK’s Architects and Building
Branch’s Building Bulletins- BB 77, 91 and 94 (Architects and Building Branch,1999, 2001,
2005) respectively. These Building Bulletins present guidelines for schools and designers to
better incorporate special needs requirements. Although providing general guidelines for
designing for autism- such as creating low-stimulus environments, clear layouts, well
proportioned space with minimum detailing and indirect lighting [as cited in Scott, I., 2009]-
little evidence is presented to support the effectiveness of these criteria.
Other researchers have strived to provide this underpinning of evidence with qualitative
research methods and user-centric approaches. Baumers and Heylighen take an intriguing view
into the built environment from an autistic users perspective through the interpretation of “auti-
biographies” or autistic autobiographies (Baumers, S., and Heylighen, A. 2010). They present the
relationship between the user with autism and the built environment, not as an issue of
malfunction, but one of “otherness”, focusing on the possible potential of seeing the world
through their eyes. This otherness may include an alternative mode of perception, a perception of
the world through its structure, a need for cognitive preparedness and a realization that the
difference is not the way sensory input is assimilated, but what is done with that assimilation.
Claire Vogel presents design strategies developed through a series of interviews with
parents, teachers, therapists and students with autism (Vogel, C.L. 2008). She summarizes these
findings by stating that built environments for autism should be: flexible and adoptable; non-
threatening; non-distracting; predictable; controllable; sensory-motor attuned; safe; and non-
Similarly Teresa Whitehurst uses user feedback to present a comparative look at students’
experiences with their built environment from their old and new premises. Written from a
research and development perspective this work strives to isolate lessons learnt from the new
environment and strategies to improve existing built environments (Whitehurst, T. 2006). She
concludes that the positive features of the purpose built environment were: autonomy in space,
choice and privacy; orientation through curved and guided circulation elements; clear views and
a general calmness in design.
Although most research focuses on learning environments, residential design has also been
the subject of previous research. Taking the Sensory Design Theory to housing design Mostafa
presents a case study of the Charis Workhome in the Netherlands, describing the development of
design criteria for a customized retrofit housing project for adults with autism spectrum disorder
in Rotterdam (Mostafa, M. 2010). These criteria translated the sensory design principles under
five key areas: spatial quality, spatial organization, spatial orientation, spatial integration and
safety. Expanding on this single case format, Ahrentzen & Steele present a comprehensive
review of housing features for autistic users in the United States, concluding a roster of design
goals followed most commonly throughout the examples reviewed. These design goals include
1 This information was obtained through correspondence with the International Codes Council by the researcher dated
4/3/2003 and published in Mostafa, M., 2008, An Architecture for Autism: Concepts of Design Intervention for the
Autistic User, The International Journal or Architectural Research, 2(1); (189-211)
the necessity to: ensure safety and security; maximize familiarity, stability and clarity; minimize
sensory overload; allow oppor tunities for controlling social interactions and privacy; provid e
adequate choice and independence; foster health and wellness; enhance one’s dignity; ensure
durability; achieve affordability; ensure accessibility and support in the surrounding
neighborhood (Ahrentzen, S., & Steele, K. 2010).
From the educational perspective, McAllister & Maguire present a studio exercise aimed at
creating a “tool-kit” for autism-friendly classroom design. Again using an iterative, user-centered
approach, this time with physical models, various strategies for appropriate classroom design
were developed, based on the work of Humphreys (Humphreys, S. 2008) and Vogel (Vogel, C.L.
2008), presenting an interesting model for professional practice (McAllister, K., and Maguire, B.
Taking a more diagnostic look at autism, Sanchez et al present the intersections between the
various manifestations of the disorder- limited capacity for imagination; communication
challenges; difficulties with social interaction and sensory challenges- and the built environment,
generating a dialogue of resultant criteria (Sanchez, P., Vázquez, F. S., and Serrano, L.A. 2010)
Although much of this literature focuses its attention on the sensory issues and challenges of
autism, and advocates sensory-centric approaches to design, others maintain that such an
approach may create isolated success within the customized environment, a success that will not
be generalized and maintained in a typical situation. Presented in the work of Marion, this so-
called Neuro-Typical approach calls for the adaptation of autistic users to typical sensory
environments, and calls on the school environment to present that opportunity (Marion, M.
2006). A comparative look at the Neuro-Typical approach vs. the Sensory Design approach
outlined in this research, and which forms the basis of the Autism ASPECTSS Design Index,
can be found in the work of Christopher Henry (Henry, C. 2011). Henry poses that, of the
challenges faced by individuals with autism, generalization of skill may be more pressing than
sensory difficulties, and consequently supports the possible advantage of a neuro-typical
Presenting the sensory driven approach in “An Architecture for Autism: Concepts of Design
Intervention for the Autistic User”, Mostafa outlines the Sensory Design Theory and its
consequent Sensory Design Matrix (Mostafa, 2008). Building on the hypothesis that by
constructively altering the built environment with autistic sensory needs in mind, one can alter
autistic children’s behavior positively, this research is one of the few evidence based
experimental research projects in the field of designing built environments for autism. It also
addresses the common critique of sensory speci fic design, proposing a graduated and flexible use
of its conclusive criteria to avoid any “green-house” effects, a phenomenon where behavior is
only improved within the customized environment. Even one of Mostafa’s Sensory Design critics
has called it “a paradigm shift in how architects have been studying autism design” and “leagues
above what most other architects have been doing” (Henry, C. 2012).
The Autism ASPECTSSTM Design Index
Providing the evidence underpinning the Autism ASPECTSS Design Index, the 2008 research
based its experimental testing on the most pressing built environment issues for autistic users.
These issues were determined through a survey of teachers, parents and primary caregivers of
children with autism. Working on the premise that it is sometimes at the problem definition stage
that exclusion occurs in inclusive design (Clarkson, Cardoso & Hosking, 2007 p. 182), the study
looked at what these stakeholders prioritized- acoustics, spatial sequencing and the sensory
qualities of classroom environments in a special needs school. This study used attention span,
response time and behavioural temperament- as represented by self-stimulatory behavior- as
indicators. It compared a control group and study group in two design intervention classrooms-
an acoustically altered speech therapy class, and compartmentalized general classroom space
(Mostafa, M. 2008).
In summary this study proposed that to design a built environment for autism one must calm
it down, break it down into manageable experiences in discrete spaces, organize those spaces in a
sensory and temporally logical flow and accommodate for sensory overload escape.
This approach can be summarized into three general design strategies that were found to
have a positive effect on autistic behaviour- the general reduction of sensory input through
manipulation of the built environment, the organization of space to allow for predictability, and
the provision of space to mitigate sensory overload. These strategies and their consequent design
index aim at one simple objective- to alleviate the autistic users sensory overload and provide
him or her means to manage it when it occurs, in order to open a window of opportunity for
learning, social interaction and general skill development. These strategies are represented in the
seven design criteria that compose the Autism ASPECTSS Design Index- acoustics, spatial
sequencing, escape space, compartmentalization, transition spaces, sensory zoning and safety as
Acoustics: The most highly prioritized design feature in the 2008 preliminary survey,
acoustics, and its management, is the first criterion in the index. This criterion calls for the
reduction of internal and external noise sources through various means such as cavity walls,
sound proofing and sound absorbent materials, spatial configuration to reduce echoes and
isolation of sound emitting building systems and avoidance of sound-emitting fixtures such as
fluorescent lighting. This criterion however, does not call for the complete soundproofing of
spaces. Rather, it suggests the provision of spaces with reduced noise, at various levels, to allow
students to accommodate themselves to different background noise levels, and to mitigate their
reliance on this accommodation. Consequently this would allow for the generalization of skill in
non -acoustically managed spaces in the real world.
Spatial Sequencing: This criterion calls for the alignment of the sequential organization of
space and the daily routine of the users. This should be in a series of smooth transitions from one
space to another, in a manner that follows the typical daily schedule of users, and allows for as
seamless and sensory n on-disruptive flow as possible.
Escape Space: This criterion calls for the provision of small, defined and discrete sensory
neutral environments throughout the building that are easily accessible to autistic users. These
spaces should be intimate in scale and can range from the completely physically and visually
enclosed to the subtly defined. Their objective is to provide a sensory haven for autistic users to
escape sensory overload resulting from the physical and social environment. Sensory kits can be
made available to help recalibrate the sensory balance of the user, similar to that advocated by
Anderson’s sensory diet (Anderson, J.M. 1998).
Compartmentalization: This criterion outlines the organization of spaces in a series of mono-
functional compartments, allowing for single activities and smaller numbers of users. An
architectural opposite of the universal open-plan space, this approach tries to reduce the sensory
and social input an autistic user has to deal with to the minimum required to carry out their
activity. These compartments can be defined and delineated from one another using various
means- from complete enclosure using walls and partitions, to moderate enclosure using
carefully placed furniture and variances in levels, to a minimalistic definition using perhaps
colour, pattern and finishing material to define each space.
Transition Spaces: Working hand in hand with Spatial Sequencing and Sensory Zoning, this
criterion allows for the sensory shift from one activity to another, or one sensory level to another,
and helps avoid abrupt changes in function and stimulation. It helps ensure the seamlessness
required when circulating from one zone to the next.
Sensory Zoning: Typically the built environment is organized according to functional
requirement, grouping activities and their consequent spaces of similar need and utility, together.
When designing for autism a slightly different approach is called for, requiring the organization
of spaces in accordance to their sensory levels and qualities. Sensory zoning calls for the
grouping of spaces with similar sensory stimulation levels together, into high, moderate and low
stimulation zones. Transition spaces should be used between these zones, and circulation should
be planned following the daily routine as called for by the spatial sequencing criterion.
Safety: Children with autism commonly have an altered sense of spatial orientation, depth
perception and general proprioception, making them prone to injury. The may also seek sensory
stimulation in ways that can be dangerous such as self-injury, harmful tactile stimulation,
swinging, rocking, water play and mass water consumption among many others. Safety
considerations must be taken with all building systems, material choices, surfaces, protective
barriers, furniture, fixtures etc. It is best that all spaces also be visually accessible to allow safe
monitoring of children at all times.
The methodology of this research began with the development of a survey. The survey was
comprised of 12 questions, 1 for each of the 7 criteria at the whole-school level, and 1 at the
classroom level where applicable, in addition to an overall summative scoring of the building’s
performance. It measured performance using a ranked score, with 5 points awarded for optimal
provision for the criteria, and 1 for absence of such provision. All criteria were weighted equally.
The survey also included basic demographic data of student body size, teacher to student ratio
and provided the opportunity for narrative description of design issues in the school.2
The survey was sent to 5 architectural practices specializing in autism design3, as well as to
the administrations of 6 of the schools they designed, all of which were purpose built for autism.
Selection of practices and schools was based on professional merit, as represented thr ough
recognition by the National Autistic Society in the UK4 as well as award entries for the World
Architecture Education Awards and the Council of Education Facility Planners International
(CEFPI)5. Responses were received for 5 schools, 4 of which were special schools, and one that
was an inclusive mainstream school. Of these schools, 3 were in operation while 2 were under
construction at the time of the research. Designer responses were received for 4 out of 5 of the
schools, and user feedback was received for 2 out of 5 of the schools.
These schools were: the Acland Burghley School’s Autism Resource Center in the UK by
Christopher Beaver, GA Architects; the Northern School for Autism in Australia by Hede
Architects; the Western School for Autism in Australia by Hede Architects; the Advance Center
for Special Needs in Cairo by Progressive Architects, which at the time of this research was in
the last stages of construction; and the Centre for Autism in Abu Dhabi by Simon Humphreys
Architects, which was under construction at the time of the research. These cases provided an
international balance with samples from Australia, the UK and the Middle East and presented an
opportunity to apply the index in different cultures, climates and contexts.
The first objective of this survey was to assess the alignment of the index with quality design
practice. Moderate alignment would be indicated by a score of 3 or above for each of the 12
criteria questions, which would be represented by a minimum total score of 36 out of a possible
2 The onli ne survey can be found a t -Environment-
Assessment accessed June 2013.
3 These architectural practices included Progressive Architects where the author is an associate.
4 See National Autistic Society’s page on designing physica l environments for individuals with autism -environments/architects.aspx accessed June 2013
5 World Architectu re Education Award entries, The Northe rn School for Autism, Australia
2013/?source=search&keyword=autism&selection=all the Advan ce Center for S pecial Needs ction= wanappln. projectview&upl oad_id=13547&q=autism and
the Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI) http://cefpi.or
category-1-new-construction/norther n-school -for-autism all accessed June 2013
total 60 points, while high alignment would be indicated by an average score of 4 in each
question, and a total score of 48 or more. An adjusted score was also calculated to factor in any
unanswered criteria questions.
In addition this alignment would be assessed by the relationship between the index score and
the preliminary assessment of the respondent- whether designer or user- as to the autism-
friendliness of the school, as indicated by question 6 of the survey. This was represented by a
perceived performance: actual index score ratio, with a maximum of 1 indicating complete
Narrative data provided in responses to the open-ended questions of the survey, was also
analyzed to give qualitative support and elaboration to these findings. This was done using
computer generated word clouding, a tool which creates an info-graphic representation of the
most statistically common design issues noted in the narrative section of the survey. This analysis
used multi-word strings of up to 3 words.
In the cases where both designer and user feedback were available, an additional objective
was added to assess the alignment of designer intent with user perception. This was indicated by
the point spread between designer survey scores and those of the user, in each of their overall
autism-friendliness scores, index scores, and individual criterion score.
Results and Discussion
The Acland Burghley School’s Autism Resource Center serves a school of 1265 mainstream
students in London, UK. 20 of these students are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and
are served by the resource base (fig. 1). The teacher to student ratio is 1:4. The conducive
characteristics of the center, as stated by designer, are the use of subdued colours, indirect
lighting, optimized acoustics, curved walls and natural materials (fig. 2-4).
The Northern School for Autism is located in Australia, and is one of two campuses. There
are a total of 144 students attending the school, all of who are diagnosed within the spectrum.
The teacher to student ratio is 1:3. The conducive characteristics, as presented by the designer,
are secure outdoor play areas, calming spaces, strong curved main circulation designed to be
non -interactive to reduce distractions, natural lighting, and controlled small learning spaces. The
user perspective reiterates these features as conducive and adds the ability of students to work in
like-ability groups, the availability of a discrete outdoor learning space for each classroom,
purpose built playground equipment, the use of subdued colours and generous storage (figs. 5-9).
The Western School for Autism is located in Laverton, Australia and is a special school with
a student body of 311 students. The teacher to student ratio is 1 to 3.5. The most conducive
features, as indicated by the administrator’s survey, were the arrangements of the school’s
learning spaces into clearly defined teaching pods, customized teaching spaces and the fact that
the designers worked closely with staff to develop the scheme. As noted in their 2013 entry to the
World Architecture Education Awards, Hede Architects add that “student learning is achieved in
small, calm and directly accessible areas of changing shape (that) assists (the students’) sense of
order which assists their learning” (World Architecture News, 2013) (fig. 10-12).
The Advance Centre for Special Needs is located in Qattameya Cairo, and as of the date of
this research, was nearing completion. The Advance Society, which has a campus in Maadi,
Cairo planned to relocate to these new premises in September 2013. The school is designed to
house 100 students, all of whom are within the autism spectrum. The planned teacher to student
ratio is 1:3. The conducive features, as indicated by the designer’s survey, are: clear circulation;
acoustical control through double-screen walls on main street facades; the use of a sensory
garden in the heart of the school to allow sensory transition while moving from one sensory zone
to the other as well as vocational gardening opportunities for the children; easy access to outdoor
learning spaces; circulation nodes as transitions in corridors; provision of small sensory neutral
spaces throughout the school; and integration of natural ventilation, lighting and materials (figs.
The Abu Dhabi Centre for Autism is located in the United Arab Emirates, and as of the date
of this research was under construction. It is a special school with a planned population of 120
students. The teacher to student ratio is variable. The conducive design features, as indicated by
the designer’s survey response are the use of restrained materials, non-reflective finishes, indirect
lighting and appropriate orientation for climatic purposes (figs. 15,16). 6
Figure 1: The Acland Burghley Autism Resource Centre Floor Plan
Source: GA Architects
Figure 2: Indirect Lighting and Seating Arrangements- Acland Burghley
Source: GA Architects
6 The school data outlined in thi s paper was as of May 2013.
Figure 3: Lighting Schemes in Day (above) and Night (below)
Source: GA Architects
Figure 4: Curved Circulation and Indirect Lighting
Source: GA Architects
Figure 5: Layout of the Northern School for Autism
Source: Hede Architects
Figure 6: Elevations o f the Northern S chool for Autism
Source: Hede Architects
Figure 7: An Aerial View of the Nort hern School for Autism
Source: Hede Architects
Figure 7: An Aerial View o f the Northern S chool for Autism
Source: Hede Architects
Figure 8: Showing the Intermediate Play area
Source: Hede Architects
Figure 9: The Early Play area with its curved wall
Source: Hede Architects
Figure 10: Showi ng an aerial view of the Western Sch ool for Auti sm
Source: Hede Architects
Figure 11: Showing the ground floor plan of the Western School for Auti sm
Source: Hede Architects
Figure 12: The col our-coded entrance of one of the individual learning pods
Source: Hede Architects
Figure 13: Showing the Entry Level Plan of the Advance Centre for Special Needs
Source: Progressive Architects
Figure 14: Showing the Central Sensory Garden with its Curved Wall and Double Screen Facades
Source: Progressive Architects
Figure 15: Showing an Exteri or View of the Abu Dhabi Autism C entre
Source: Simon Humphrey’s Architects
Figure 16: Showing Ground Floor Plan of Abu Dhabi Autism Centre
Source: Simon Humphrey’s Architects
An analysis of the survey responses presents the following results (Table 1).
Table 1: A Summary of the Survey Results and ASPECTSS Scores
The results of the survey show a high alignment between the Autism ASPECTSS Design
Index and quality design practice, with an average score of 52.32 in the samples surveyed
represented by a range from 46.4 to 57 points out of a possible total of 60. On a criterion-by-
criterion analysis, only 2% of the total responses scored any criteria below 3 and a remaining 8%
of responses awarded a score of 3. The remaining scores were above 3.
The relationship between the index score and perceived performance score was also
calculated. All respondents awarded the maximum overall perceived performance score of 5
points that is factored as 60/60. The average ratio between index score and perceived score was
found to be 0.87, with a range from 0.77 to 0.95, and an average point spread of 7.68 out of 60
With regards to the case where both designer and user feedback was available, in the
Northern School for Autism, designer intent and user perception were found to be fully aligned,
with both design team respondents and user awarding a maximum score of 5 for overall autism-
friendliness. Regarding the ASPECTSS Index score a spread of 2.64 points was observed,
representing a 4.4% difference, with the user awarding a higher index score than the average
score awarded by the responding design team. Finally, on a criterion-by-criterion basis, the
average point spread between user scoring and designer scoring was 0.34, with the user awarding
an equal or higher score in 10 out of the 12 criteria. Only acoustics was seen by the user to
perform lower than that intended by the designer.
In analyzing the narrative data provided through the open-ended survey questions, it was
found that a number of design issues were commonly attributed to successful design performance
of the school. These issues were concluded as a result of their statistical prevalence throughout
the text. Figure (17) illustrates these design issues, with statistical prevalence indicated by font
7 word cloud generated by J onatha n Feinberg’s Wor dle application
Figure 1 7: Word Cloud I ndicating Facilitative Design Issues for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder a s Indicated by
Prevalence Throughout Narrative Survey Question Text
Source: Author
As indicated by this narrative analysis, students are the most common concern, indicating
the importance of attention to student-centered design. The following most common design
issues noted by respondents to be facilitative in designing for users with autism were; the use of
transitions; the use of subdued colours; partitioning of space; the reduction of distractions; the
use of natural lighting, ventilation and materials; access to outdoor play spaces; controlled
acoustics; adjustability; organization; and independence.
The collective results of this analysis seems to indicate the appropriateness of the Autism
ASPECTSS Design Index as a tool for assessing built environments, given the relatively high
alignment of the index criteria with the design issues perceived important by both the designers
and users. In addition the narrative analysis confirmed the importance of the criteria presented by
the index. Furthermore it highlighted 4 issues of importance in addition to those assessed by the
index, namely: student-centered design; use of subdued colour; use of natural lighting,
ventilation and materials; and access to outdoor play space.
Recommendations and Future Visions
It is hoped that this study not only demonstrates the use of the index as a built environment
assessment tool, but that it takes the first step towards proposing the Autism ASPECTSS
Design Index as a standardized tool to assess and measure autism inclusion performance of built
environments. The diversity of locations of the schools assessed here, and their relatively similar
responses to the index, seems to indicate a possible versatility of the index to be applied
regardless of culture, context or climate. From this paper, and with the varying student numbers,
scales and types of schools assessed, the index seems to be applicable with some degree of
It is proposed that future iterations of the index may present versions where the criteria are
weighted. This can be based on a survey of parents, teachers, caregivers, therapists and
individuals with autism themselves to determine the relative importance of each of the criteria
with respect to the user with autism. Future iterations of the index may also provide an expanded
scope to include the additional criterion presented here. Additional research may be required as
proof of concept of the validity of these additional criterion however.
From narrative analysis presented here, it seems that issues of passive and sustainable
design- natural lighting, ventilation and materials- may be a venue for future research. This has
been proposed in previous literature (Wehe, S. 2009), and is supported here by the prevalence of
these criteria in the narrative of the survey responses.
The index was used in this research to assess existing or planned environments. It is also
proposed, however that it may be used as part of the planning process to develop and adjust
designs at any stage, from concept to design development to construction detailing. Further
investigation is needed to determine the applicability of this.
Although autism design code development is a relatively debatable goal, given the vast
scope and diversity of symptoms of individuals along the spectrum, the Autism ASPECTSS
Design Index may be a tool to provide some best practice guidance. The Sensory Design Matrix,
from which the index was developed, proposes matching needs of autistic users with
architectural design elements, generating possible design guidelines at each intersection
(Mostafa, M. 2008). This may be used as a form of catalyst to generate customized design
guidelines for individual users. Additionally, and more broadly, an autism archetype persona,
based on statistical prevalence of ethnographic profiling (Clarkson, J., Cardoso, C., Hosking, I.
2007) can act as an input to this matrix, to generate more widely applicable guidelines.
From this generation of guidelines, a sort of pattern language (Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S.,
& Silverstein, M. 1977) can be developed for designing built environments specifically for
autism. This is not the first time the pattern language theory has been proposed as an appropriate
premise for autism inclusive design (Baumers, 2012 pp. 66-7; Froyen, 2012). It is the first
proposal however, that ties it to a structured index of criteria to generate these patterns, in a
manner that they may form a vocabulary to speak an inclusive experience as opposed to impose a
predetermined code.
It is hoped that the cases demonstrated here, may provide a first step to the broader and more
widespread use of the index, and its criteria, to assess, develop and promote autism inclusive
The author would like to thank: Christopher Beaver of GA Architects in the UK; Paul and Maria
Hede of Hede Architects, Australia; Ashraf Tawfik of Progressive Architects, Cairo; Simon
Humphreys, of Simon Humphrey’s Architects, UK; Anna Rigoni, Principal of the Northern
School for Autism, Australia and the Western School for Autism for their valuable feedback. The
author would also like to thank the Advance Center for Development of Skills of Special Needs
Children in Cairo for their courage to embark on a new design strategy for their premises. Finally
special thanks goes to Zeina and Jenna Tawfik for their support.
Ahrentzen, S., & Steele, K. Advancing Full Spectrum Housing: Designing for Adults with
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Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S., & Silverstein, M. A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings,
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Corporation Texas, U.S.A., 1998.
Architects and Building Branch, Department of Education and Employment (DfEE). “Designing
for Pupils with Special Educational Needs- Special Schools” Building Bulletin 77, U.K,
Architects and Building Branch, Department of Education and Employment. “Access for
Disabled People to School Buildings,” Building Bulletin 91, UK, 1999.
Architects and Building Branch, Department of Education and Employment. “Inclusive School
Design- Accommodating Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in
Mainstream Schools”, Building Bulletin 94, UK, 2001.
Bancroft, K., Batten, A., Lambert, S., Madders, T. The Way We Are: Autism in 2012, The
National Autistic Society, London, UK, 2012.
Baumers, S. Beyond Known Worlds: A Fragmentary Exploration of Encounters between Autism
and Designing Space, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2012.
Baumers, S., and Heylighen, A. “Harnessing Different Dimensions of Space: The Built
Environment in Auti-biographies” In P. Langdon et. al. (Eds.). Designing Inclusive
Interactions: Inclusive Interactions Between People and Products in Their Contexts of
Use, (2010): 13-23.
Beaver , C. Designing Environments for Children and Adults with ASD, 2nd World Autism
Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 2006.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States,
2010. MMWR 2014; 63(No. 2): [1-21]
Clarkson, J., Cardoso, C., Hosking, I. Product Evaluation: Practical Approaches in Coleman, R.,
Clarkson, J., Dong, H. & Cassim, J. (Eds.) Design for Inclusivity: A Practical Guide to
Accessible, Innovative and User-Centered Design: 181-196. Hampshire, England,
Gower Publishing, 2007.
Froyen, H. Universal Design: a Methodological Approach, The Institute of Human Centred
Design, 2011.
Henry, C. “Designing for Autism, the Neuro-Typical Approach”, ArchDaily, November 3, 2011,
approach/#_edn3, 2011.
———. Architecture for Autism: Architects Moving in the Right Direction, Arch Daily, January
5th, 2012, last accessed on January 19th, 2012
architecture-for-autism-architects-moving-in-the-right-direction, 2012.
Humphreys, S. Architecture and Autism, UDDA, Hasselt, October 3, 2008.
Khare, R., & Mullick, A. “Incorporating the Behavioral Dimension in Designing Inclusive
Learning Environment for Autism.” International Journal of Architectural Research 3
no. 3 (2009): 45-64.
LeRoy, B., Evans, P., & Deluca, M. United States and European School-Aged Disability
Prevalence: An Investigative Study to Elaborate Differences. USA: Office of Special
Education Programs, Department of Education, 2000.
Marion, M. “Bringing the World to the Classroom.” The Exceptional Parent 36 no. 4(2006): 32-
McAllister, K., & Maguire, B. “Design Considerations for the Autism Spectrum Disorder
Friendly Key Stage 1 Classroom.Support for Learning 27 no. 3 (2012): 103-112.
Mostafa, M. Housing Adaptation for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Open House
International 35 no. 1 (2010): 37-48.
———. An Architecture for Autism: Concepts of Design Intervention for the Autistic User, The
International Journal or Architectural Research 2 no. 1 (2008): 189-211.
Sanchez, P., Vázquez, F. S., & Serrano, L.A. Autism and the Built Environment in Autism
Spectrum Disorders- From Genes to Environment, Williams, T. (Ed.), InTech
Publications, 2010.
Scott, I. Designing Learning Spaces for Children on the Autism Spectrum, Good Autism Practice
GAP 10 no. 1 (2009): 36-51.
Shin, M., Besser, L. M., Kucik, J. E., Lu, C., Siffel, C., Correa, A., et al. Prevalence of Down
Syndrome among Children and Adolescents in 10 Regions of the United States.
Pediatrics 124 no. 6 (2009): 1565-1571.
Vogel, C.L. Classroom Design for Living and Learning with Autism. Autism Asperger’s Digest,
May/June, 2008.
Wehe, S. “Why Green Buildings Work for Autism.” Environmental Design and Construction
(ED+C) retrieved from, 2009.
Whitehurst, T. The Impact of Building Design on Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
Good Autism Practice 7 no.1 (2006): 31-42.
World Architecture News, Education. Western School for Autism, http://backstage.
sector&selection=all, 2013.
Dr. Magda Mostafa: Associate Professor, Department of Construction and Architectural
Engineering, The American University in Cairo, Qattameya, New Cairo, Egypt
Design Principles and Practices: An International
Annual Review explores the meaning and
purpose of “design”, as well as speaking in grounded
ways about the task of design and the use of designed
artifacts. The resulting conversations weave between the
theoretical and the empirical, research and application,
market pragmatics and social idealism.
In professional and disciplinary terms, the
journal traverses a broad sweep to construct a
transdisciplinary dialogue which encompasses
the perspectives and practices of: anthropology,
architecture, art, artificial intelligence, business,
cognitive science, communication studies, computer
science, cultural studies, design studies, education,
e-learning, engineering, ergonomics, fashion, graphic
design, history, information systems, industrial
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interior design, interaction design, interface design,
journalism, landscape architecture, law, linguistics and
semiotics, management, media and entertainment,
psychology, sociology, software engineering, technical
communication, telecommunications, urban planning
and visual design.
Design Principles and Practices: An International
Annual Review, consists of articles
considered to be of wide interest across the field. Six
thematically focused journals also serve this
knowledge community
The International Journal of Design Education
The International Journal of Design in Society
The International Journal of Designed Objects
The International Journal of Visual Design
The International Journal of Design Management and
Professional Practice
The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial,
and Environmental Design
Design Principles and Practices: An International
Annual Review, is a peer-reviewed
scholarly journal.
IS SN 18 33 -1874
... 2) The framework examines the feasibility of creating a sense of virtual presence in the metaverse using cooperative VR and AR technologies and was applied in a case-based learning study to promote DLAs for individuals with ASD using three modules in a serious game format while accounting for the sensory issues associated with autism. 3) The learning environment was developed using the Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index as a design development tool to accommodate their heterogeneous needs (Mostafa, 2020;Mostafa et al., 2023;Zaniboni et al., 2021). 4) In order to present participant designs, discuss experiences and challenges, and gather feedback, ongoing feedback was used with other relevant stakeholders using mixed-methods research (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, observations, discussions, interviews, focus groups, testing prototypes, etc.). ...
... Learning environments (LEs) are essential to learners' engagement and achievement, according to (Cayubit, 2022). Prior research stated that, the educational environments have a profound effect on learning and performance among autistic children (Mostafa, 2020;Zaniboni, 2021). The comprehensive analysis of the relationship between the built environment's characteristics (e.g., acoustics, visual character, spatial quality, colour, texture, geometry, etc.), and human behaviour can result in the creation of more precise and considerate design guidelines. ...
... The comprehensive analysis of the relationship between the built environment's characteristics (e.g., acoustics, visual character, spatial quality, colour, texture, geometry, etc.), and human behaviour can result in the creation of more precise and considerate design guidelines. With these guidelines known as the Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index (Mostafa, 2020;Mostafa et al., 2023;Zaniboni et al., 2021), designs are better able to support human comfort, productivity, and efficiency. Using the Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index as a design development tool, the embedded learning environment in this study was designed with authenticity (i.e., it supports affordance, presence, and control) to meet their diverse requirements. ...
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Daily living activities (DLAs) are crucial for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Immersive learning technologies (ILTs), such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), serious games (SGs), and the metaverse, are emerging and expanding globally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the virtual world, metaverse technology is developing and becoming a new global trend. Because every child has different abilities and needs that change over time, it can be difficult for designers to include children with ASD in the technology design process. A literature review indicates that no research has specifically examined the use of ILTs in special-needs education to promote DLAs in learners with autism. This study is one of the few that examines this topic, taking into account autism's sensory issues. Through a series of participatory sessions and a design thinking process, a new participatory research framework is proposed that views education as a cooperative process with aims that go beyond knowledge creation to practical and future innovative visions of special-needs education applications. The framework was employed in case-based learning research to promote DLAs for people with autism through the use of three modules represented as serious games. These modules investigate the viability of establishing a virtual presence in the metaverse with cooperative VR and AR technologies. Future applications of the metaverse to help autistic people promote their DLAs were one of four research questions that were examined. The data was analyzed using mixed-methods research. A variety of usability metrics, including the technology acceptance model (TAM), were used to assess effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction aspects. Our results demonstrate that using ILTs undoubtedly creates a fun, effective, and promising learning environment that encourages lifelong learning for people with autism.
... • Offer both sensory-rich and sensory-minimal opportunities: Design spaces that allow individuals to modulate their sensory engagement while providing smooth transitions-an aspect outlined for ASD users as documented [43][44][45]. • Adopt minimalistic design to reduce sensory overload: As supported by Gaines [33], focused on autism. • Balance openness and enclosure: A design strategy that aligns with "Prospect Refuge Theory", which suggests that individuals universally prefer areas where they can look out from a safe vantage [46]. ...
... • Integration of sensory refuges: Incorporate sensory refuges adjacent to highly stimulating environments to offer opportunities for self-regulation during moments of sensory overload. The need for low-stimulation spaces has been documented by Gaines et al. [33] and Mostafa [45]. ...
... • Supportive social landscapes: Design social environments that promote sensory wellbeing, such as providing retreat spaces (alcoves, separate areas, or quiet sections with partitions) to allow individuals to manage overwhelming social situations. This approach encourages choice, comfort, and positive social interactions, supported by literature [1,7,31,37,43,45]. • Awareness and advocacy: Enhance awareness, education, and advocacy efforts to foster inclusivity and acceptance in social settings. ...
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This qualitative study explored the perceived relationships between outdoor built environments and sensory sensitivities, focusing on autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. Thirty-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants who had lived experience with these focal groups. Through thematic analysis of their narratives, the study uncovered patterns highlighting the perceived relationships between designed landscapes and sensory sensitivities in neurodivergent individuals, encompassing both heightened sensitivity (hypersensitivity) and reduced sensitivity (hyposensitivity). Emergent themes included individual and personal factors, sensory affordances, the benefits of outdoor environments, ambient environmental factors, materiality, spatial design, navigating environments, pedestrian-centric transportation, sensorimotor movement, safety, refuge, human settlement types, social environments, and accessibility plus inclusion. Subthematic patterns within these larger thematic categories were also identified. Study participants revealed significant sensory barriers and sensorially supportive elements of designed outdoor environments, along with promising design interventions. The findings unveil the advantages of designing multi-sensory landscapes tailored to atypical sensory needs, emphasizing the importance of fostering inclusion by designing landscapes that reflect the communities they serve. This concept is encapsulated in the development of the Sensory Responsive Environments Framework (SREF), the emergent theoretical framework of this study.
... 39 For instance, if a child shows interest in playing with blocks, a teacher or therapist might use this activity as an opportunity to teach color recognition or counting by asking the child to sort blocks by color or count them as they build. 40 NET is rooted in ABA, which is a well-established approach for working with individuals with ASD. 20 However, it differs from more traditional ABA methods by being less rigid and more responsive to the individual's spontaneous behaviors and interactions. ...
... This dynamic approach can help foster communication skills, social interactions, play skills, and other functional behaviors critical for daily living. [38][39][40][41][42] Another advantage of NET is its focus on promoting independence. 43 By teaching skills within contexts that are meaningful to the individual, learners are more likely to apply these skills independently across various settings. ...
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Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are complex neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Psychotherapeutic interventions must tailor to meet the specific needs of individuals with ASD, given their diverse presentation of symptoms and functioning levels. This narrative review explores the range of psychotherapies available for individuals with ASD, examining their methodologies, effectiveness, and suitability. By using targeted search terms such as “autism,” “autistic disorder,” “autism spectrum disorders,” “psychotherapy,” “psychological intervention,” and “psychosocial intervention,” an extensive review of publications in English from 2000 to 2024 was conducted. This review covered several databases, including Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. The review identified ten major psychological interventions for the treatment of individuals with ASD: behavioral therapies, developmental therapies, cognitive behavioral therapy, social skills training, speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, family therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, parent-mediated interventions, and dance movement psychotherapy. The main text elaborates on the effects of each intervention on various aspects of ASD. By providing this comprehensive overview, clinicians can select appropriate therapeutic strategies that cater to the individual profiles of those with ASD, ultimately enhancing therapeutic outcomes and quality of life for this population.
... They also noted that having a vista of green spaces through the window would induce a greater sense of relaxation. Previous studies have deliberated on the positioning of windows in educational settings to mitigate distraction and provide indirect lighting (Mostafa, 2020). While some recommend against the incorporation of multiple doors and windows within a single space (Tufvesson & Tufvesson, 2009), others advocate for situating windows at elevated heights . ...
... The study outcomes affirm gradual exposure as a pivotal strategy for managing sensitivities and mitigating distress among children diagnosed with ASD, who grapple with abrupt changes. Prior investigations have similarly underscored the potential efficacy of graduated exposure in ameliorating sensitivities and enhancing outcomes for these individuals (Kalkbrenner et al., 2015;Maskey et al., 2014;Mostafa, 2020). These findings underscore the significance of integrating gradual exposure strategies to facilitate smoother transitions and augment the overall learning experience in autism-friendly educational settings. ...
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Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) frequently encounter sensory sensitivities in school settings that diverge from those experienced by adult stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, and professionals. This research examines the disparities and commonalities in spatial preferences between children with mild ASD and adult stakeholders, aiming to utilize these insights to guide the design of autism-friendly educational environments. Employing a two-phase mixed-methods approach comprising interviews and questionnaires, this study engaged 210 participants: 80 children aged 9-18 with ASD (14 in Phase 1 and 64 in Phase 2) and 130 adult stakeholders (32 in Phase 1 and 98 in Phase 2). Thematic analysis conducted in Phase 1 and factor analysis in Phase 2 identified several critical spatial factors, including stability and constancy, a calm and subdued atmosphere, prominent classroom views, spacious learning environments, familiarity and predictability, large classroom windows, and gradual exposure. While there were some areas of overlap with adult perspectives, notable differences highlighted the necessity of incorporating children's viewpoints in school design. Based on this premise, the study introduces an integrated model for designing autism-friendly schools informed by these findings. This model aims to propose strategies for creating learning environments that support the well-being and educational needs of children with ASD.
... (Reichhart;Rachedi-Nasri, 2016). Magda Mostafa taking into account common sensory environment issues, such as acoustics, texture and lighting to create a set of design principles she calls aspects where the guidelines have been empirically evaluated in school environment She reported promising results of an existing school environment (Mostafa, 2014a) (Mostafa, 2020) she also study the efficacy of the SPECTSS Design Index's concepts as drivers of design intervention for educational environments for students on the autism spectrum. Based on the seven principles of acoustics, spatial sequencing, escape spaces, compartmentalization, transitions, sensory zoning and safety (Mostafa et al., 2024). ...
The sensory particularities of children with autism make their vision of the world different from that of non-autistic people. The architectural environment affects the well-being of autistic children in a direct way. Through this research, we intend to give suggestions and spatial design considerations of a psycho-pedagogical setting to guarantee that autistic children receive the best education possible. This objective is achieved by making sure that the autistic child is comfortable and well-cared in a psycho-pedagogical environment, as well as by assuring his effectiveness and integration into his surroundings. It is crucial to have enough architectural space and a suitable architectural setting in order to foster the child's difficult relationship with his environment, enhance spatial skills, and promote sensory well-being through light. This research based on qualitative approach highlights architectural solutions and recommendations implemented in future conception to offer a design adapted to autistic children. It also describes the conditions and guidelines that ensure an autistic youngster receives the surroundings he needs to be healthy.
... The behavioural patterns of children with autism may be influenced by a variety of environmental factors. Therefore, understanding the relationship between the environment of rehabilitation facilities and specific behaviours of children with autism is critical for developing effective intervention strategies [4]. ...
... A partir destes trabalhos, e da ausência encontrada quanto a diretrizes de acessibilidade para pessoas com Deficiência Intelectual, quinze critérios de acessibilidade arquitetônica para escolas de ensino fundamental foram elencados para se somarem às questões já normatizadas, além de suas possibilidades de aplicação. Os critérios escolhidos são baseados nas metodologias projetuais ASPECTSS™ (Mostafa, 2015) e DeafSpace (Bauman, 2010), além de preceitos do livro "Manual de Acessibilidade Espacial para Escolas: o direito à escola acessível", publicado pelo Ministério da Educação (Dischinger et al., 2009), que traz observações importantes acerca do público infantil e suas necessidades. ...
... Research carried out by Magda Mostafa proves that implemented design solutions improve the effectiveness of therapy for people with autism. [7]. Cooperating with therapists, the architect proved that the architectural features of space could extend the attention span and concentration [6]. ...
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The manuscript presents the case study of The Northern School for Autism in Melbourne (2013), designed by Hede Architects. The building achieved several rewards including first place in the Council of Educational Facility Planners (CEFPI) Regional Award and the CEFPI Educational Facilities Award. It appeared on the list of finalists of the World Architecture News Awards 2013. Specialist Magda Mostafa classified it as one of the most dedicated facilities for people with autism spectrum according to Autism design index ASPECTSS™ rating. Practical autism therapists have been interviewed to carry out the expert survey about the subject building. Responses have been based on photographic material and diagrams attached to the survey. Respondents have been based on so-called sensorisms, i.e. manifestations of discomfort in the receiving and processing of sensory stimuli. This symptom can be recognized in pupils’ behaviour, revealed in unfavourable conditions for people with ASD. The examined group has been also based on their own therapeutic experience during the usage of educational facilities. The survey determined the probable impact of the applied design solutions on the perception of a child on the spectrum. The special method of designing for people with autism is to follow sensory features of different spaces as the main superior design tool. As a consequence, sensor map determines building functional zones. The manuscript describes other specific architectural solutions used in the project to decrease the deleterious impact of external stimuli on the sensory integration of students. Presented survey method reveals, that designing architectural project with sensorial guidelines may have a positive effect on the concentration of attention of students on the autism spectrum. By providing appropriate educational and therapeutic conditions, students might have a chance to function better in the community and be revalidated.
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For individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), traveling via airplane can be an arduous process. Factors such as hostile architecture, unfamiliarity with surroundings, and the inability to properly accommodate or prepare individuals for air travel can play a role in causing or exacerbating the difficulties neurodivergent individuals face. By isolating the causes of certain issues that individuals with ASD encounter during the air travel process, a better understanding of how to best move forward with developing procedures, designs, and architecture to help accommodate individuals with ASD can be developed. The paper evaluates previously established methods for preparing and accommodating neurodivergent individuals for different parts of the air travel process. Published research papers were divided into groups based on whether they approached the problem from an architectural or procedural standpoint, and then methods within each category were evaluated to find the best overall solutions. Ultimately, using the ASPECTSS system proved to be a promising approach to mitigating the challenges from a design standpoint (especially as it pertained to acoustic design and sequencing of a space). From a procedural standpoint, the gamification approach proved to be extremely effective yet costly, while the POV-Video approach showed some promise in being superior to gamification from a resource-intensiveness standpoint. By combining these approaches, great strides could be made in improving the air travel experience for individuals with autism.
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We gradually notice a shift from the partially superseded micro approach to accessibility (or barrier free design) to the new macro approach in Design for All or Universal Design. This UD concept gradually acquires global significance in the social, in the academic, and in the political field. Strong motivating factors for the new design paradigm are the challenge of an ageing population in Europe and in other parts of the world, and the crucial role of physical accessibility in securing Human Rights. In an interview with Professor Hubert Froyen, this shift will be analyzed from his point of view and his built-up experience. Professor Froyen analyzes the opportunity for moving beyond the conceptual commitment to Universal Design and he shares a strategy for an overall methodological approach to training of designers and to user / expert engagement on a large scale.
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Autistic Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disorder estimated to inflict 1 in every 150 children, regardless of socio-cultural aspects, with a four to one prevalence in males over females, (ADDM, 2007). It involves a complex sensory perceptual model, variant from that of the typical individual. It manifests itself in the form of repetitive behaviour, lack of social skills and communication delays and challenges. Being a life-long infliction, individuals with autism require a comprehensive range of specialized support services, including residential, from childhood to adulthood. Housing services for special needs, in general, conventionally deal with issues of physical access. The provisions required for developmentally challenged individuals, such as those with autism are rarely considered. This paper aims to provide a precedent to help guide the adaptation process in the case of group residential accommodation for autistic adults in mass housing projects. After a brief examination of the available literature in the field, a case study will be presented, illustrating design criteria developed for adapting housing for autistic use.
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There is a growing consensus that an appropriate classroom environment will aid the performance of the pupil with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There are, however, very few design guidelines available when considering ASD and the school environment. Such guidelines that do exist tend only to be in general terms. Therefore, this article seeks to highlight design considerations specifically for the ASD‐friendly Key Stage 1 (age five to eight) classroom. It will first highlight some of the challenges for those with autism spectrum disorder in a school environment and the triad of challenges faced by architects and designers when considering ASD‐friendly classroom design. It will then go on to describe the findings and results of a two‐year study carried out in conjunction with the ASD teaching staff of Northern Ireland's Southern Education and Library Board. These consist of 16 specific design considerations for the Key Stage 1 ASD‐friendly classroom applicable to all classrooms for pupils between five and eight years of age.
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Iain Scott is an architect and in this paper he sets out the key criteria which need to be borne in mind when designing learning environments for children on the autism spectrum. He illustrates these points by looking in detail at four newly created units and schools. It is a very rich paper and will be a great asset to architects, designers, teaching staff and pupils involved in creating effective spaces where children feel comfortable and within which they enhance their learning potential.
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An understanding of diversity is a key principle in the development of theories, tools and techniques of design for inclusion. Aiming at more accurate insight into the diversity of interactions of people with the designed environment, we explore other people's perspectives, in particular, those of people with autism spectrum disorders. Noticing their unique way of making sense of the world, our research questions the relevance of the meaning attributed to the built environment in our society. In this paper, we investigate the way people with autism talk about space and the importance they attach to their physical environment, as reflected in stories and autobiographies of people with autism themselves--in short, auti-biographies. By analyzing their own descriptions, we try to gain more insight into an autistic way of thinking and acting in relation to the built environment. These insights make us question our own way of dealing with space in the challenge of inclusive design.
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In last two decades environment and behavior studies has profoundly influenced the practice of architecture and there is growing trend towards people-centered and evidence-based design. The field has tremendous application in designing for special needs; most of the researches on designing for special groups, accessibility codes and design guidelines are based on the functional needs of the users, necessity to explore potential of behavioral aspects to design for people with cognitive limitations is felt though. In the present research, the systematic study of behavioral features in autism has provided a wealth of understanding that is applied to the process of design. There are several stages to this research project, in initial stage, learning behaviors of children, their strength and weakness in educational spaces helped in defining ‘enabling environment’ for autism, which is tested in the subsequent stages to provide evidence based body of knowledge that is expected to help architects and designers to design autism friendly inclusive educational spaces. The purpose of this paper is to present the enabling aspects of educational environment for children with autism and measure their affects on functional performance.
We aimed to estimate the prevalence of Down syndrome (DS) among children and adolescents aged 0 to 19 years in 10 regions of the United States. This study was a cross-sectional analysis of live-born infants with DS during 1979-2003 from 10 population-based birth defects registries in the United States. We estimated the prevalence of DS at birth and among children aged 0 to 19 years in each region and in all regions pooled. The prevalence of DS among children and adolescents was calculated overall and according to age group, race/ethnicity, infant gender, and presence of a major heart defect. From 1979 through 2003, the prevalence of DS at birth increased by 31.1%, from 9.0 to 11.8 per 10000 live births in 10 US regions. In 2002, the prevalence among children and adolescents (0-19 years old) was 10.3 per 10000. The prevalence of DS among children in a given age group consistently increased over time but decreased with age within a given birth cohort. The pooled prevalence of DS among children and adolescents was lower among non-Hispanic black individuals and other racial/ethnic groups compared with non-Hispanic white individuals; it was also lower among females than males. This study provides prevalence estimates of DS among children and adolescents from 10 US regions. These estimates varied according to region, race/ethnicity, and gender, suggesting possible variation in prevalence at birth or in survival rates on the basis of these characteristics.