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Calving rates at tidewater glaciers vary strongly with ocean temperature

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Nature Communications

Abstract and Figures

Rates of ice mass loss at the calving margins of tidewater glaciers (frontal ablation rates) are a key uncertainty in sea level rise projections. Measurements are difficult because mass lost is replaced by ice flow at variable rates, and frontal ablation incorporates sub-aerial calving, and submarine melt and calving. Here we derive frontal ablation rates for three dynamically contrasting glaciers in Svalbard from an unusually dense series of satellite images. We combine ocean data, ice-front position and terminus velocity to investigate controls on frontal ablation. We find that frontal ablation is not dependent on ice dynamics, nor reduced by glacier surface freeze-up, but varies strongly with sub-surface water temperature. We conclude that calving proceeds by melt undercutting and ice-front collapse, a process that may dominate frontal ablation where submarine melt can outpace ice flow. Our findings illustrate the potential for deriving simple models of tidewater glacier response to oceanographic forcing.
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Received 27 Jan 2015 |Accepted 4 Sep 2015 |Published 9 Oct 2015
Calving rates at tidewater glaciers vary strongly
with ocean temperature
Adrian Luckman1,2, Douglas I. Benn3,4, Finlo Cottier5,6, Suzanne Bevan1, Frank Nilsen2,7 & Mark Inall5
Rates of ice mass loss at the calving margins of tidewater glaciers (frontal ablation rates) are
a key uncertainty in sea level rise projections. Measurements are difficult because mass lost
is replaced by ice flow at variable rates, and frontal ablation incorporates sub-aerial calving,
and submarine melt and calving. Here we derive frontal ablation rates for three dynamically
contrasting glaciers in Svalbard from an unusually dense series of satellite images. We
combine ocean data, ice-front position and terminus velocity to investigate controls on frontal
ablation. We find that frontal ablation is not dependent on ice dynamics, nor reduced
by glacier surface freeze-up, but varies strongly with sub-surface water temperature. We
conclude that calving proceeds by melt undercutting and ice-front collapse, a process that
may dominate frontal ablation where submarine melt can outpace ice flow. Our findings
illustrate the potential for deriving simple models of tidewater glacier response to
oceanographic forcing.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9566 OPEN
1Department of Geography, College of Science, Swansea University, SA2 8PP, UK. 2Department of Arctic Geophysics, University Centre in Svalbard, Po Box
156, 9171 Longyearbyen, Norway. 3Department of Arctic Geology, University Centre in Svalbard, Po Box 156, 9171 Longyearbyen, Norway. 4Department of
Geography, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AJ, UK. 5Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban PA37 1QA, UK. 6Faculty of
Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Po Box 6050 Langnes 9037 Tromsø, Norway. 7The Geophysical Institute,
University of Postboks 7803 5020 Bergen, Norway. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.L.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8566 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9566 | 1
&2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
Loss of mass at the termini of tidewater glaciers, or frontal
ablation, occurs by a combination of calving and submarine
melting1,2. In addition to its direct contribution, submarine
melting can amplify calving by undercutting and destabilizing the
glacier front3. Several recent studies have concluded that
submarine melting can dominate mass loss at tidewater termini,
particularly where glaciers are impacted by incursions of warm
water from the continental shelf or beyond2,4,5. However, there
remains a distinct lack of direct measurements of either calving or
subaqueous melt rates. Almost all estimates of the latter are based
on calculations of the frontal heat budget using oceanographic
data, for example, refs 1,6,7, and because these estimates rely on
extrapolations from spatially and temporally limited CTD and
current measurements, they tend to be subject to large
uncertainties. Some attempt has been made to directly measure
frontal ablation rates at tidewater glaciers8,9 but temporal and
spatial resolution is often poor, and winter months are
inadequately sampled. This scarcity of direct measurements of
frontal ablation rates and their relationship to conditions both
above and below the waterline places severe limits on our ability
to predict the response of tidewater glaciers to oceanographic
We address this problem by combining high temporal and
spatial resolution satellite radar data with oceanographic and
meteorological time series to investigate controls on frontal
ablation rates. We derive time series of frontal velocities, terminus
positions and frontal ablation rates for three Svalbard tidewater
glaciers using 11-day repeat, 2 m resolution, TerraSAR-X images
spanning more than a year. Analysis of these data allows us to
quantify evolution of frontal ablation rates in unprecedented
detail through a complete seasonal cycle, and to identify the key
environmental controls on calving behaviour. We find that rates
of frontal ablation are not dependent on glacier dynamics, nor
reduced by the onset of glacier surface freeze-up, but closely
follow the temperature of the fjord waters at depth. Our findings
imply that submarine melt undercut and collapse is the dominant
calving mechanism at these glaciers, and that frontal ablation is
therefore controlled primarily by ocean temperatures.
Glaciers studied. We choose three glaciers for their contrasting
dynamic characteristics (Fig. 1): Kronebreen, a glacier with one of
the highest flux rates in Svalbard; Tunabreen, a quiescent-phase
surge-type glacier; and Aavatsmarkbreen, an active-phase surge-
type glacier that began a surge during our observation period. In
addition to their contrasting dynamical characteristics, these
glaciers also vary in their fjord settings (Fig. 1): Kronebreen
terminates in Kongsfjorden which has a deep, unrestricted
connection to the warm West-Spitsbergen Current (WSC), but
has a relatively shallow connection between the outer and inner
parts of the fjord at B60 m depth. Tunabreen terminates in
Tempelfjorden which is shallower and further removed from the
WSC than Kongsfjorden (Fig. 1). Aavatsmarkbreen terminates in
Forlandsundet, which is as close to the WSC as Kronebreen, but
lacks a direct, deep connection.
Calving rate measurement and potential controls. The rate of
ice loss from a tidewater glacier terminus is the sum of that due to
calving, and that due to submarine melting, and is commonly
referred to as the frontal ablation rate _
a(ref. 2). A change in
ice-front position over time must equal the rate at which ice is
delivered to the terminus minus _
a. Thus satellite data of sufficient
spatial resolution may be used to calculate this quantity through
regular measurements of ice-front position, from which dl/dtmay
be derived, and of terminus ice speed U
We use equation (1) to calculate the frontal ablation rate
between pairs of TerraSAR-X images from surface velocities
derived by feature tracking, and ice-front position change derived
by manual digitization and geographical information systems
(GIS) (Methods section). The images, in ‘Stripmap’ mode
(B2 m ground range pixel size), were acquired every orbital
cycle for 19 months during 2013 and early 2014, providing an
image pair every 11 days barring a few acquisition failures. In the
cases of Kronebreen and Aavatsmarkbreen, we incorporate
images from more than one satellite track, giving a greater
frequency of observations during some time periods.
To investigate the controls on measured frontal ablation rates
we explore a variety of environmental variables that have
previously been associated with calving behaviour. These include
local weather data (air temperature and precipitation), sea-surface
temperature (SST), fjord ice presence and water temperatures at
depth in the glacier fjords (henceforth ‘sub-surface temperatures’;
Methods section).
Glacier dynamic behaviour. Glacier terminus speeds (Fig. 2)
show significantly different behaviours between the three glaciers
during our observation period. Kronebreen has a winter speed of
1.5–2m per day, with summer peaks of 3–4 m per day associated
with positive air temperatures and periods of high rainfall. The
winter speed of Tunabreen is only 0.2 m per day, rising to a peak of
B1 m per day in October. Aavatsmarkbreen flowed at B1 m per
day before its surge but by November 2013 had attained B3 m per
day, a speed maintained without major fluctuations until May
2014 when a further summer speed-up occurred. These different
Ny Ålesund
–500 –400 –300 –200
Depth (m)
–100 0
Figure 1 | Svalbard location map. Arrows show positions of glaciers
(K ¼Kronebreen, T ¼Tunabreen, A ¼Aavatsmarkbreen), weather stations,
and moorings. Background bathymetry from IBCAO Version 3.0 (ref. 35)
illustrates the possible routes for warm water from the WSC via troughs
to fjords.
2NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8566 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9566 |
&2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
Mean ice front position
Mean retreat rate
Mean speed
Mean frontal ablation rate
Precipitation (mm)
Mean daily temp
Daily precipitation
Sea ice presence
or concentration (0–1)
2013 2014 2013 2014
Ocean surface temperature
20–60m ocean temperature
Sea ice concentration
Mean ice front position
Mean retreat rate
Mean speed
Mean frontal ablation rate
Mean daily temp
Daily precipitation
Ocean surface temperature
20–60 m ocean temperature
Sea ice concentration
Fast ice presence
Ice front position (m)
Retreat rate (m per day)
Mean ice front position
Mean retreat rate
Speed (m per day)
Mean speed
Mean frontal ablation rate
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
Mean daily temp
Daily precipitation
2013 2014
Ocean surface temperature
20–60 m ocean temperature
Sea ice concentration
Fast ice presence
Frontal ablation
rate (m per day)
Precipitation (mm)Sea ice presence or
concentration (0–1)
Ice front position (m)Speed (m per day)
Speed (m per day)
Temperature (°C)Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)Temperature (°C)
Retreat rate (m per day)
Ice front position (m)
Frontal ablation
rate (m per day)
Precipitation (mm)Sea ice presence
or concentration (0–1)
Retreat rate (m per day)Frontal ablation
rate (m per day)
Fast ice presence
Figure 2 | Glacier time series. Data derived from a series of 11-day repeat TerraSAR-X images from 2013 to 2014 for three contrasting Svalbard glaciers to
illustrate the frontal ablation rate and its two key components: the rate of change of ice-front position and the terminus speed. Also shown are: temperature
and precipitation from the nearest weather station (Ny Ålesund for (a) Kronebreen and (c) Aavatsmarkbreen; Longyearbyen for (b) Tunabreen);
OSTIA SST and sea ice concentration32 from close to the ice front; fast ice presence in each fjord immediately in front of the ice front; and mean weekly
water temperature between 20 and 60 m from the nearest ocean mooring. For (a,c) these data are from Kongsfjorden (Fig. 1); for (b) these data are from
Billefjorden. Dashed vertical lines indicate year transitions.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8566 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9566 | 3
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behaviours reflect contrasting controls on the terminus dynamics
of the three glaciers. The summer acceleration of
Kronebreen is consistent with enhanced basal lubrication from
surface melt water and precipitation11, and is in accord with
reports of seasonal dynamic variation at tidewater glaciers
elsewhere8,9,12,13. Detectable motion of the quiescent Tunabreen
is confined to the frontal zone, where high longitudinal stress
gradients induce outward stretching of the ice. Stretching rates are
proportional to ice cliff height, which exhibits systematic seasonal
variations in response to calving losses14. The sustained high
velocities of Aavatsmarkbreen between summer 2013 and the end
of our time series are characteristic of a surge, possibly modulated
by the influx of surface melt water during the summer months.
Mean ice-front positions at Kronebreen and Tunabreen reveal
comparable seasonal patterns, although of different magnitudes
(Fig. 2). Both glaciers advance modestly during winter and retreat
strongly during summer and autumn, a period associated with
greater seismic activity13, with net annual retreats of B350 and
B150 m, respectively. Similar patterns of seasonality in ice-front
position are seen in Alaska15 and Greenland16. Aavatsmarkbreen
followed the same pattern in spring 2013, but then advanced by
B500 m between the start of the surge in summer 2013 and May
2014, after which it began to retreat.
By combining ice-front positions with terminus velocities
(equation (1)) we quantify frontal ablation rates and their
seasonal variation at an unprecedented temporal resolution
(Fig. 2). Maximum frontal ablation rates for Kronebreen,
Tunabreen and Aavatsmarkbreen are B8, B3 and B5 m per
day, respectively. Despite their diverse dynamic behaviours and
fjord settings, the magnitudes of these frontal ablation rates are
notably comparable, and their seasonal patterns very similar.
Rates for all three glaciers peak in September and October and
continue at a high level well after air temperature has fallen
consistently below 0 °C. Frontal ablation lags air and SSTs by
1–2 months but is in synchrony with the peak in sub-surface
ocean temperature. We note that frontal ablation rates at a
sample of Alaskan Glaciers appear to peak earlier in the summer9,
but that a strongly similar seasonal pattern of calving rate to our
glaciers is seen at Columbia Glacier (also in Alaska)8. Of the three
glaciers studied, only Tunabreen experienced sea ice during our
study period. The loss of sea ice in spring heralds an increase in
calving, but frontal ablation drops to a minimum long before the
return of sea ice in January.
Controls on calving. To explore these interactions in more detail,
we further examine relationships between frontal ablation rate
and potential controls on calving at Kronebreen and Tunabreen,
the glaciers for which we have proximal oceanographic data.
Previous studies have investigated calving relationships with
water depth, ice thickness and ice speed8,17, or modelled calving
as a process driven by surface melt18. Since we need to explain the
seasonal variation in frontal ablation, we present relationships
with seasonally varying parameters: air temperature, ice speed
and sub-surface ocean temperature (Fig. 3). Simple linear
regressions between frontal ablation rate and each of the three
possible determinants are all statistically significant at the 99%
confidence level but demonstrate that sub-surface ocean
temperature is by far the strongest predictor of frontal ablation
rate at both Kronebreen (R2¼0.84) and Tunabreen (R2¼0.80).
Multiple linear regression reveals that including air temperature
as a second predictor accounts for only an additional 1.4%
of the variance for Kronebreen, and is not significant for
Tunabreen. Of the three variables, only sub-surface ocean
temperature can adequately explain the seasonal variation in
calving behaviour.
Calving events at Kronebreen, Tunabreen and Aavatsmarkbreen,
in common with valley-confined tidewater glaciers elsewhere in
Svalbard and beyond, typically involve relatively small sections of
ice (o50 m across) detaching from the terminus19,20. Calving
events at these glaciers are therefore unlike the massive block
rotation events seen in the largest Greenland glaciers, for
example, refs 21,22 or tabular events occurring at ice shelf
margins, for example, ref. 23. Nevertheless, these Svalbard glaciers
may be typical of medium-sized glaciers terminating in fjords that
experience a seasonal incursion of warm water. The submarine
melt and calving processes investigated here may therefore be
representative of many high-latitude glaciers.
The persistence of frontal ablation at all three glaciers well after
winter freeze-up of the glacier surface implies that melt water in
crevasses is not a primary control on calving, in contrast to some
model findings, for example, ref. 18, and this is further supported
by the lack of substantial correlation between local air
temperature and frontal ablation. Despite significant contrasts
in dynamical behaviour, our studied glaciers have very similar
seasonal frontal ablation cycles, implying that dynamic regime
also has little influence on the calving process. This is further
confirmed by the weak correlation between terminus speed and
frontal ablation rate. Surprisingly perhaps, even the initiation of a
surge at Aavatsmarkbreen did not seem to influence its frontal
ablation rate. These observations imply that frontal ablation rate
controls terminus position and is not sensitive to terminus speed
(Equation (1)). Whilst a basic consideration of mass balance
implies that mean annual calving rates would be expected to
correlate well with mean annual ice speed, the weakness of
association between ice speed and calving rate on seasonal
timescales seen in our data is significant. At Columbia Glacier the
seasonal relation between calving rate and ice speed is also much
weaker than the annual one8. On the other hand, where
Kronebreen terminus speeds exceed 2.5 m per day, there is
some evidence that frontal ablation rate also varies with glacier
speed (Fig. 3b).
The strong correlation between frontal ablation rate and ocean
temperature at Kronebreen and Tunabreen is indicative of
melt-driven convection at the ice–ocean interface, which is highly
sensitive to ambient ocean temperature24,25. The less strong
relationship for Tunabreen may be because our oceanographic
data have weaker spatial and temporal relevance. The water
temperatures around the depths of the calving fronts of these
glaciers are comparable to those elsewhere that give rise to
submarine melt on the order of metres per day1,5,7. With the
possible exception of the fastest phases of summer flow, this rate
of melt appears sufficient to seasonally outpace the delivery of ice
to the terminus of our glaciers. Our findings are consistent
with melt undercut and collapse being the dominant calving
mechanism at these glaciers.
The seasonal cycles of observed ocean temperature in
Kongsfjorden and Billefjorden are similar, but the proximity of
Kongsfjorden to the WSC and the deep channel that supports a
greater exchange of Atlantic-origin waters during summer and
autumn26 compared with Billefjorden27 explain the difference in
magnitude of sub-surface temperature between Kongsfjorden and
Billefjorden in late September (Fig. 2). The greater frontal
ablation rate at Kronebreen, compared with Tunabreen and
Aavatsmarkbreen, may therefore be due to the more direct and
open connection between this glacier terminus and the source of
warm water. In addition, Kronebreen has a much larger ablation
area than Tunabreen, and will therefore experience higher
summer melt-water discharges. These factors will encourage
more efficient subaqueous melting and may help to explain the
higher calving rates at Kronebreen25,28.
4NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8566 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9566 |
&2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
On shorter timescales, frontal ablation may be influenced by
other factors. For instance, spikes in frontal ablation rates at
Kronebreen occasionally coincide with terminus velocity peaks
(Fig. 2). It is possible that on these occasions delivery of ice to the
glacier terminus outstrips the melt undercut process allowing
other calving mechanisms to contribute, and causing the frontal
ablation rate to respond more strongly to ice dynamics (Fig. 3b).
Alternatively, surface melt-water pulses, as well as promoting
faster glacier flow by lubrication, may lead to higher summer
melt-water discharge, enhancing convective circulation and melt
at the ice front28.
Since the relationships between frontal ablation and sub-
surface ocean temperature are strong and linear, the data from
Kronebreen and Tunabreen (Fig. 3) are in keeping with a simple
linear calving law:
Where _
ais the frontal ablation rate (m per day), Tis the
temperature at a depth appropriate for each glacier (here
20–60 m) and the coefficient kcaptures the nature of the heat
transfer in this setting (1.015 for Kronebreen; 0.35 for
Tunabreen). General calving laws of this type, perhaps incorpor-
ating other variables such as melt-water discharge, might be
developed using data from further glaciers.
We propose that submarine melt is an integral part of a
mechanism that promotes calving by undercut and collapse,
rather than a process which renders calving potentially unim-
portant2. Where terminus ice velocity is matched or outpaced by
submarine melt and undercut calving, a glacier will be stable or
will retreat at a rate dependent on the availability of warm water
at depth and the circulation of that water through estuarine and
glacial discharge processes. Where the ice velocity is greater than
the rate at which ice can be removed by melting, the front may be
able to advance to a position where other calving processes come
Frontal ablation rate (m per day)
Mean ice-front speed (m per day) 20-60m ocean temperature (°C)
Frontal ablation rate (m per day)
Frontal ablation rate (m/day)
Frontal ablation rate (m per day)
R2 = 0.31 R2 = 0.36 R2 = 0.80
R2 = 0.84R2 = 0.30R2 = 0.43
Frontal ablation rate (m per day)
Frontal ablation rate (m per day)
Mean air temperature (°C)
20–60 m ocean temperature (°C)
Mean ice-front speed (m per day)
Mean air temperature (°C)
Figure 3 | Glacier scatterplots. Correlation data and coefficients of determination for Kronebreen and Tunabreen between frontal ablation rate and:
(a,d) mean air temperature (at Ny Ålesund for Kronebreen and at Longyearbyen for Tunabreen); (b,e) mean ice-front speed at the glacier terminus;
and (c,f) nearby sub-surface ocean temperature (Kongsfjorden for Kronebreen and Billefjorden for Tunabreen). Note that for Kronebreen in (b) frontal
ablation rate varies more strongly with ice-front speed when the ice is flowing faster than B2.5m per day.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Speed (m per day)
Figure 4 | Kronebreen velocity map. Example TerraSAR-X speed map of
Kronebreen from January 2013 illustrating glacier surface texture exploited
by feature tracking, typical quality of speed data acquired right up to the ice
front, and variation in ice-front position over the observation period (green
to magenta lines). The ice-front measurement flow-lines along which ice
velocity and retreat rate are measured are shown in white.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8566 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9566 | 5
&2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
into play29. This view is consistent with the theoretical framework
proposed by Benn et al.30, in which ‘‘first-order’’ calving processes
(determined by the large-scale velocity structure of the glacier)
provide the ultimate limit on glacier extent, while ‘‘second-order’’
processes (including melt undercutting) may cause more rapid
calving and glacier retreat. The present study, and work
elsewhere, for example, ref. 2, indicates that second-order
processes currently dominate in some regions. First-order
calving may be the rate-limiting process at only the fastest
outlet glaciers, for example, ref. 22 or in the coldest ocean
settings, for example, ref. 23, these representing only a part of the
global ice–ocean interface. Knowledge of submarine melt rates, or
much better availability of high-resolution satellite data such as
those used in this study, are therefore required to properly
understand tidewater calving mechanisms and rates in full.
We have investigated in unprecedented detail the seasonal
variation in calving rates at three dynamically contrasting glaciers
in Svalbard and their relationships to environmental controls. We
find that rates of frontal ablation are not dependent on glacier
dynamics, nor reduced by the onset of glacier surface freeze-up,
but closely follow the temperature of the fjord waters at depth.
Our findings imply that submarine melt undercut and collapse is
the dominant calving mechanism at these glaciers, and that
frontal ablation is therefore controlled primarily by ocean
temperatures. The calving process of melt undercut and collapse
may dominate frontal ablation at any glacier where it can match
or outpace the delivery of ice to the glacier terminus. This opens
up the possibility of being able to predict the response of many
tidewater glaciers to oceanographic forcing. We have identified a
growing need to assess sub-surface temperatures at tidewater
glacier margins and to evaluate the relative prevalence of melt
undercut versus other calving processes.
Satellite image data.Feature tracking was applied to TerraSAR-X image pairs in
slant range using correlation windows of 200 200 pixels spaced every 20 pixels,
for example, ref. 31, and subsequently ortho-rectified to a pixel size of 40 m using a
Digital Elevation Model. Ice fronts were manually digitized from dB-scaled images
ortho-rectified to a pixel size of 2 m using the same Digital Elevation Model.
Ice-front position change was derived by locating the intersections between each
ice front and a set of flow-lines equally spaced at 100 m intervals across the active
glacier terminus width (Fig. 4), and finding the distance between these intersections
for each image pair. Surface velocities were extracted at the locations of these
ice-front intersections, and the frontal ablation rate at each intersection was
calculated using equation (1). These ‘‘specific frontal ablation rates’’ were averaged
to produce a mean frontal ablation rate for the entire glacier width for each image
pair. This is the first report of frontal ablation calculated using surface velocity
measured at the evolving ice front.
Uncertainties in surface velocity U
are estimated to be o0.4 m per day, and
comprise co-registration error (±0.2 pixels) and error arising from unavoidable
smoothing of the velocity field over the feature-tracking window size
(400 400 m). Uncertainties in the rate of ice-front position change dl/dtare
estimated to be o2.0 m per day and are dominated by digitization error (±4 pixels
for each of 2 images over 11 days). The combined estimated specific frontal
ablation rate error of up to 2.4 m per day is too large to confidently assess the
variation in specific frontal ablation rate between individual measurements across
the terminus. The RMS frontal ablation rate error for B30 flow-line crossing
points of B0.4 m per day, however, is sufficiently small to allow mean frontal
ablation rates to be meaningfully compared between glaciers.
Weather and sea-surface data.We used daily mean air temperatures and
precipitation totals from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (,
measured at the closest available weather station. For Kronebreen and
Aavatsmarkbreen this was Ny Ålesund and for Tunabreen, Longyearbyen.
To characterize the fjord surface conditions, we used daily Operational
Sea-Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA) data supplied by the Met
Office (Crown Copyright 2014). OSTIA SSTs are produced at B5 km resolution
using an optimal interpolation method to incorporate in situ and satellite
observations, and sea ice fractional coverages are based on data from the
EUMETSAT Ocean & Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility32.
We also present data on the presence of fast ice (sea ice frozen to the shoreline)
from the Norwegian Ice Service ( Ice charts are derived by
manual classification of satellite images33.
Ocean sub-surface temperature data.Sub-surface fjord water temperatures
were measured using moored instrumentation as described by Cottier et al.26
Temperature sensors, with a precision of better than 0.1 °C after calibration, were
positioned from B20 m below the surface to within 15 m of the seabed. The
moorings typically include 10 sensors over the full 200 m depth with 4–5 sensors at
10 m intervals over the 20–60 m depth range used in this study. To characterize
sub-surface ocean temperatures at Kronebreen and Aavatsmarkbreen, we used
mooring data from Kongsfjorden (78°580N11°480E; Fig. 1) available for the
entire 2013–2014 study period with the exception of September 2013. For
Tunabreen in Tempelfjorden, we used the closest available data from neighbouring
Billefjorden (78°390N16°410E; Fig. 1). These data may be considered a reliable
indicator of near-surface oceanographic conditions at Tunabreen because the two
fjords are similar in shape and connect adjacently to the same Isfjorden system.
The Billefjorden data were available only until September 2013 so our best
oceanographic comparison is to the mean value over the period 2008 and 2013.
The mean temperature in the 20–60 m depth range for the two moorings was
calculated at weekly intervals to provide an appropriate comparison with the
calving time series derived every 11 days or better. The choice of a 60 m maximum
for Kongsfjorden was dictated by the depth at which water in the inner fjord is
connected to the outer fjord34, and for Billefjorden by the presence of a sill at
B50 m (ref. 22). In add ition, both Kronebreen and Tunabreen are grounded in
B70 m of water.
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6NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8566 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9566 |
&2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
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TerraSAR-X data were provided by DLR (project OCE1503), and funded by the Conoco
Phillips-Lundin Northern Area Program through the CRIOS project (Calving Rates and
Impact on Sea level). A.L. and S.B. are affiliated to the Climate Change Consortium of
Wales (C3W). Mooring work is supported by the UK Natural Environment Research
Council (Oceans 2025 and Northern Sea Program) and the Research Council of Norway
(projects Cleopatra: 178766, Cleopatra II: 216537, and Circa: 214271/F20). Contribution
by F.C. was undertaken through the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience Environment and
Society (SAGES).
Author contributions
A.L. designed the study, analysed the satellite data and led the writing of the manuscript.
D.I.B. led the project that funded the satellite data acquisition and contributed
significantly to the writing of the manuscript. S.B. analysed the sea-surface data and
performed the statistical analyses. F.C. and M.I. provided ocean temperature data and
F.N. provided information on fjord bathymetry. All authors contributed to the writing of
the manuscript.
Additional information
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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How to cite this article: Luckman, A. et al. Calving rates at tidewater glaciers vary
strongly with ocean temperature. Nat. Commun. 6:8566 doi: 10.1038/ncomms9566
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... There is a very limited understanding of the long-term and seasonal calving front changes of marine-terminating glaciers across Svalbard since the satellite era, due to a lack of a high spatiotemporal-resolution calving front dataset with a large spatial scale 32 . In addition, detailed air-iceocean interactions have only been documented for a few marineterminating glaciers in this region [33][34][35][36] . As a result, the climate drivers and the governing processes for calving front dynamics remain largely unknown. ...
... Widespread seasonal calving front changes With the dense calving front observations generated with deep learning, we identify widespread seasonal cycles in calving front changes for marine-terminating glaciers across entire Svalbard over the period of 2014-2023 (Fig. 1a), a phenomenon that was only documented for a handful of glaciers in this region [33][34][35][36][37][38][39] . 86 out of the 138 (62%) non-surging marine-terminating glaciers have seasonal cycles (annual periodicity autocorrelation ≥ 0.08, see Methods). ...
... We are not able to quantify ice discharge, and therefore frontal ablation, due to a lack of ice velocity dataset of sufficient spatial coverage and temporal resolution for the entire Svalbard over a long period that is required for this study. However, calving front retreat rate has proved to be a good indicator for the variability of frontal ablation in Svalbard 35,36 . In these studies where ice discharge has been taken into account, it is shown that frontal ablation in winter almost shuts down, allowing most of the ice discharge to go into the seasonal readvance of the calving fronts. ...
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A major uncertainty in predicting the behaviour of marine-terminating glaciers is ice dynamics driven by non-linear calving front retreat, which is poorly understood and modelled. Using 124919 calving front positions for 149 marine-terminating glaciers in Svalbard from 1985 to 2023, generated with deep learning, we identify pervasive calving front retreats for non-surging glaciers over the past 38 years. We observe widespread seasonal cycles in calving front position for over half of the glaciers. At the seasonal timescale, peak retreat rates exhibit a several-month phase lag, with changes on the west coast occurring before those on the east coast, coincident with regional ocean warming. This spatial variability in seasonal patterns is linked to different timings of warm ocean water inflow from the West Spitsbergen Current, demonstrating the dominant role of ice-ocean interaction in seasonal front changes. The interannual variability of calving front retreat shows a strong sensitivity to both atmospheric and oceanic warming, with immediate responses to large air and ocean temperature anomalies in 2016 and 2019, likely driven by atmospheric blocking that can influence extreme temperature variability. With more frequent blocking occurring and continued regional warming, future calving front retreats will likely intensify, leading to more significant glacier mass loss.
... The fjord is surrounded by land-and marine-terminating glaciers and opens toward the Greenland Sea in the west (Svendsen et al., 2002). The hydrography of Kongsfjorden is strongly influenced by terrestrial freshwater supply (Svendsen et al., 2002) as well as the inflow of warm and saline Atlantic waters (AW) of the West-Spitsbergen Current (WSC) (Luckman et al., 2015;Promińska et al., 2017). Bottom waters of the fjord are affected by the intrusion of AW from the WSC (De Rovere et al., 2022). ...
... In the time period , De Rovere et al. (2022 observed an Atlantification of Kongsfjorden due to enhanced AW advection. This becomes apparent with increasing heat and salt content of the water column, which potentially triggers amplified ablation rates of marineterminating glaciers draining into Kongsfjorden and thus increases freshwater content (De Rovere et al., 2022;Luckman et al., 2015). During the melt season (June-August), freshwater input from marine-and landterminating glaciers, snowmelt and summer precipitation affect the fjord surface water masses, creating a stable stratification that influences the physical, chemical and biological processes (David & Krishnan, 2017;Svendsen et al., 2002). ...
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This case study of Kongsfjorden, western coastal Svalbard, provides insights on how freshwater runoff from marine‐ and land‐terminating glaciers influences the biogeochemical cycles and distribution patterns of carbon, nutrients, and trace elements in an Arctic fjord system. We collected samples from the water column at stations along the fjord axis and proglacial river catchments, and analyzed concentrations of dissolved trace elements, together with dissolved nutrients, as well as alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon. Statistical tools were applied to identify and quantify biogeochemical processes within the fjord that govern the constituent distributions. Our results suggest that the glacier type affects nutrient availability and, therefore, primary production. Glacial discharge from both marine‐terminating glaciers and riverine discharge from land‐terminating glaciers are important sources of dissolved trace elements (dAl, dMn, dCo, dNi, dCu, and dPb) that are involved in biological and scavenging processes within marine systems. We identified benthic fluxes across the sediment‐water interface to supply fjord waters with silicate, dFe, dCu, and dZn. Our data show that intensive carbonate weathering in proglacial catchments supplies fjord waters with additional dissolved carbonates and, therefore, attenuates reduced buffering capacities caused by glacial runoff. Our study provides valuable insight into biogeochemical processes and carbon cycling within a climate‐sensitive, high‐latitude fjord region, which may help predict Arctic ecosystem changes in the future.
... Presence of warm water masses in the fjords accelerates the melting of tidewater glaciers (e.g., Błaszczyk et al., 2013;De Andrés et al., 2018Luckman et al., 2015;Pȩtlicki et al., 2015). Studies from Spitsbergen fjords show that the sub-surface ocean temperature plays a crucial role in controlling the calving and submarine melt of glaciers (Ciepły et al., 2023;Holmes et al., 2019;Luckman et al., 2015). ...
... Presence of warm water masses in the fjords accelerates the melting of tidewater glaciers (e.g., Błaszczyk et al., 2013;De Andrés et al., 2018Luckman et al., 2015;Pȩtlicki et al., 2015). Studies from Spitsbergen fjords show that the sub-surface ocean temperature plays a crucial role in controlling the calving and submarine melt of glaciers (Ciepły et al., 2023;Holmes et al., 2019;Luckman et al., 2015). At the glacier fronts, freshwater from submarine melting and subglacial discharge results in buoyancy-driven circulation (Motyka et al., 2003(Motyka et al., , 2013Rignot et al., 2010). ...
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Atlantic‐type hydrography is becoming more dominant in the Svalbard fjords. Advected warm waters affect sea‐ice formation and melting rates of tidewater glaciers. Therefore, it is important to study hydrographic variability in fjords. Here, we use hydrographic data from Hornsund fjord to investigate the presence of warm water masses close to tidewater glaciers. Data span from May to October of 2015–2023 and cover several inner basins: Brepollen, Samarinvågen, Burgerbukta West, and Burgerbukta East, in addition to the main fjord. Average temperatures above 2° {}^{\circ}C are observed during August–October in the surface–50 m layer of all the inner basins, and during September–October in the 50 m–bottom layer of all the inner basins except Burgerbukta East. The surface–50 m layer of both Burgerbukta basins is colder and fresher compared to Brepollen, despite Burgerbukta basins being closer to the fjord mouth. These spatial differences likely arise from counter‐clockwise currents that advect warm and saline shelf waters to Brepollen along the southern side of the fjord, and relatively cold and fresh mixed shelf‐fjord waters to Burgerbukta as they exit along the northern side of the fjord. Burgerbukta East is the coldest and freshest inner basin. The differences between the two Burgerbukta basins suggest a strong influence of underwater sills and site‐specific environmental processes such as glacier ablation and local circulation on the water properties. Observed differences in the water temperatures of these closely‐spaced inner basins match the spatial variability in the glacier retreat rates, and indicate the importance of ocean forcing for the ice mass loss.
... Calving is a complex phenomenon that varies in character in both space and time (e.g., Benn et al., 2007;Bassis and Jacobs, 2013) and is influenced by surface melting (Cook et al., 2012), wave action (Petlicki et al., 2015), tides (Holmes et al., 2023), submarine melting (Luckman et al., 2015) and buttressing by mélange and sea ice (Miles et al., 2017;Wehrlé et al., 2023). In 20 Greenland, most calving occurs at the front of grounded tidewater glaciers. ...
... But perhaps that is as it should be -this study has considered only horizontal forces, and so we could infer that calving at glaciers with smaller calving front ice thickness is not driven purely by horizontal forces. This is in agreement with studies of calving at smaller glaciers that suggest an important role for melt undercutting and serac failure (e.g., Luckman et al., 2015;Fried et al., 2018;How et al., 2019;Wagner et al., 2019;Goliber and Catania, 2024); processes in which rotational and vertical forces likely play an important role (Slater et al., et al., ...
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Calving is a key process for the future of our ice sheets and oceans, but representing it in models remains challenging. Among numerous possible calving parameterisations, the crevasse-depth law remains attractive for its clear physical interpretation and its performance in models. In its classic form, however, it requires ad-hoc and arguably unphysical modifications to produce crevasses that are deep enough to result in calving. Here, we adopt a recent analytical approach accounting for the feedback between crevassing and the stress field and varying the density of water in basal crevasses, and show that it removes the need for such ad-hoc modifications. After accounting for ice tensile strength and basal friction, we show that the revised formulation predicts that full-thickness calving should occur at flotation when the calving front ice thickness is greater than around 400 m. It also predicts no calving for ice thinner than around 400 m, suggesting that calving at such glacier fronts is not driven purely by horizontal forces. We find good observational support for this analysis. We advance the revised crevasse-depth formulation as a step towards understanding differing calving styles and a better representation of calving in numerical models.
... Our findings indicate that i) ocean forcing is the primary driver of frontal ablation at Austfonna, and ii) subglacial runoff has limited impact on frontal ablation when the thermal driving is very small. This study is thereby in line with studies showing the impact of the ocean on mass loss from the world's glaciers (see, e.g 37,47,48 ), including the response to seasonal ocean warming observed in western Spitsbergen 23,38,39 . ...
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Glaciers in the Arctic have lost considerable mass during the last two decades. About a third of the glaciers by area drains into the ocean, yet the mechanisms and drivers governing mass loss at glacier calving fronts are poorly constrained in part due to few long-term glacier-ocean observations. Here, we combine a detailed satellite-based record of calving front ablation for Austfonna, the largest ice cap on Svalbard, with in-situ ocean records from an offshore mooring and modelled freshwater runoff for the period 2018-2022. We show that submarine melting and calving occur almost exclusively in autumn for all types of outlet glaciers, even for the surging and fast-flowing glacier Storisstraumen. Ocean temperature controls the observed frontal ablation, whereas subglacial runoff of surface meltwater appears to have little direct impact on the total ablation. The seasonal warming of the offshore waters varies both in magnitude, depth and timing, suggesting a complex interplay between inflowing Atlantic-influenced water at depth and seasonally warmed surface water in the Barents Sea. The immediate response of frontal ablation to seasonal ocean warming suggests that marine-terminating glaciers in high Arctic regions exposed to Atlantification are prone to rapid changes that should be accounted for in future glacier projections.
... Ice shelves play a crucial supporting role for ice sheets with increased basal melting causing them to thin or retreat (Davison et al., 2023;Dupont & Alley, 2005), thereby reducing their supportive function (De Ryd et al., 2021). This can trigger glacier disintegration, retreat, and acceleration (Luckman et al., 2015), leading to significant mass loss from the ice sheet. The ice shelves in north Greenland support approximately 18% of Greenland's ice reservoirs (Morlighem et al., 2017) with ice shelf losses exceeding 35% of the total volume since 1978 (Millan et al., 2023), highlighting the critical importance of monitoring the basal melting of ice shelves. ...
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Basal melting of ice shelves has become one of the main causes of mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet. However, most studies have focused on individual ice shelves, making it difficult to gain a more comprehensive understanding of basal melting across Greenland ice shelves. To address this issue, we utilized timestamped ArcticDEM strip data coregistered with ICESat‐2 data to estimate the basal melt rates of the ice shelves in North Greenland at a resolution of 150 m from 2013 to 2022, employing a mass conservation approach within the Lagrangian framework. Additionally, to investigate the influence of temperature on basal melt rates, a basic analysis correlating the basal melt rates with temperatures was conducted. Overall, the mass loss caused by basal melting of the six ice shelves has amounted to 27.86 ± 35.63 Gt yr⁻¹, accounting for approximately 90% of the non‐calving mass loss, equivalent to a sea level rise of 0.08 ± 0.10 mm yr⁻¹, far exceeding surface mass loss and glacier calving. The two larger ice shelves, Petermann and 79° North (79N), have contributed to 85% of the basal melt mass loss. Regarding the spatiotemporal distribution, the basal melt rates have gradually decreased from near the grounding line to the ice shelf front. Apart from the Ryder ice shelves, the basal melting of the other ice shelves is in a state of accelerated ablation. Moreover, compared to the skin temperature of the ice shelf, the sea water potential temperature has a greater impact on the basal melt rate.
... The spatial resolution of Sentinel-1 is 5 × 20 m which, when projected onto ground coordinates is around 10 × 10 m. Feature tracking was accomplished using standard techniques implemented in Gamma software; details of the technique and robustness are given in ref. 47. Specifically, features were tracked between consecutive pairs of Sentinel-1 images using tracking windows of 416 × 128 pixels (~1 km in map coordinates) and sampled every 2 × 10 pixels yielding an approximate displacement map resolution of 100 m. ...
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The widespread retreat of Svalbard glaciers has been frequently interrupted by short-lived surge advances. In the case of marine-terminating glaciers this is often expressed in the remodelling of coastal zones. Here, we analyzed the coastal zone changes in front of the recently surging Recherchebreen. The glacier advanced ca 1200 m since 2018 and suddenly stopped in June 2020 followed by the rapid formation of a delta system in front of its subglacial meltwater outlet. The delta advanced by ca 450 m with probably the fastest progradation rate ever detected in the Arctic region (ca 7 m/day). The synchroneity of the final slow-down of the glacier with the delta building indicates that this event records the release of stored water and sediments from beneath the glacier and thus provides direct evidence of drainage reorganisation at the termination of a surge. Such behaviour is likely common among Svalbard surging glaciers, but it only rarely leaves any direct geomorphic evidence.
Accurately modeling the deformation of temperate glacier ice, which is at its pressure-melting temperature and contains liquid water at grain boundaries, is essential for predicting ice sheet discharge to the ocean and associated sea-level rise. Central to such modeling is Glen’s flow law, in which strain rate depends on stress raised to a power of n = 3 to 4. In sharp contrast to this nonlinearity, we found by conducting large-scale, shear-deformation experiments that temperate ice is linear-viscous ( n ≈ 1.0) over common ranges of liquid water content and stress expected near glacier beds and in ice-stream margins. This linearity is likely caused by diffusive pressure melting and refreezing at grain boundaries and could help to stabilize modeled responses of ice sheets to shrinkage-induced stress increases.
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Glaciers are sensitive to environmental climatic conditions and show their variability over time. This study investigates the environmental characteristics and variation in glacial cover of the Greenwich, Livingston, Robert and Snow islands, Antarctica, between 1956 and 2023. The glacier extension mapping was based on visual interpretation of the Landsat 4, 7 and 8 optical images and normalised difference indexes combination. The REMA 8 digital elevation model was applied to the islands’ geomorphometric analysis. Results were compared to climatic series and environmental characteristics. The glacial coverage decreased by 16.9% from 1956 to 2023, equivalent to 209.95 ± 0.113 km². Snow Island, with shallow bathymetry near glacial margins and landterminating ice-fronts, exhibited the smallest retreat rate values. The glacial coverage of Livingston Island decreased significantly (18%, equivalent to 153.2 ± 0.113 km²) from 1956-2021, representing the highest values in the study. The changes in glacial coverage of the Robert and Greenwich islands were more substantial in the 1989-2023 period than in 1956-1989. Sectors with marine-terminating glaciers, associated with high bathymetric amplitudes, exhibited more significant variations compared to other sectors, contributing to the evolution of fjord-type bays.
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While it has been shown repeatedly that ocean conditions exhibit an important control on the behaviour of grounded tidewater glaciers, modelling studies have focused largely on the effects of basal and surface melting. Here, a finite-element model of stresses near the front of a tidewater glacier is used to investigate the effects of frontal melting on calving, independently of the calving criterion used. Applications of the stress model to idealized scenarios reveal that undercutting of the ice front due to frontal melting can drive calving at up to ten times the mean melt rate. Factors which cause increased frontal melt-driven calving include a strong thermal gradient in the ice, and a concentration of frontal melt at the base of the glacier. These properties are typical of both Arctic and Antarctic tidewater glaciers. The finding that frontal melt near the base is a strong driver of calving leads to the conclusion that water temperatures near the bed of the glacier are critically important to the glacier front, and thus the flow of the glacier. These conclusions are robust against changes in the basal boundary condition and the choice of calving criterion, as well as variations in the glacier size or level of crevassing.
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Calving is an important mass-loss process for many glaciers worldwide, and has been assumed to respond to a variety of environmental influences. We present a grounded, flowline tidewater glacier model using a physically-based calving mechanism, applied to Helheim Glacier, eastern Greenland. By qualitatively examining both modelled size and frequency of calving events, and the subsequent dynamic response, the model is found to realistically reproduce key aspects of observed calving behaviour. Experiments explore four environmental variables which have been suggested to affect calving rates: water depth in crevasses, basal water pressure, undercutting of the calving face by submarine melt and backstress from ice mélange. Of the four variables, only crevasse water depth and basal water pressure were found to have a significant effect on terminus behaviour when applied at a realistic magnitude. These results are in contrast to previous modelling studies, which have suggested that ocean temperatures could strongly influence the calving front. The results raise the possibility that Greenland outlet glaciers could respond to the recent trend of increased surface melt observed in Greenland more strongly than previously thought, as surface ablation can strongly affect water depth in crevasses and water pressure at the glacier bed.
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We use a full-Stokes 2-D model (Elmer/Ice) to investigate the flow and calving dynamics of Store Glacier, a fast-flowing outlet glacier in West Greenland. Based on a new, subgrid-scale implementation of the crevasse depth calving criterion, we perform two sets of simulations: one to identify the primary forcing mechanisms and another to constrain future stability. We find that the mixture of icebergs and sea ice, known as ice mélange or sikussak, is principally responsible for the observed seasonal advance of the ice front. On the other hand, the effect of submarine melting on the calving rate of Store Glacier appears to be limited. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the glacier's calving dynamics are sensitive to seasonal perturbation, but are stable on interannual timescales due to the strong topographic control on the flow regime. Our results shed light on the dynamics of calving glaciers and may help explain why neighbouring glaciers do not necessarily respond synchronously to changes in atmospheric and oceanic forcing.
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Kronebreen and Kongsbreen are among the fastest flowing glaciers on Svalbard, and therefore important contributors to glacier mass loss from the archipelago through frontal ablation. Here, we present a time series of area-wide surface velocity fields from April 2012 to December 2013 based on offset tracking on repeat high-resolution Radarsat-2 Ultrafine data. Surface speeds reached up to 3.2 m d-1 near the calving front of Kronebreen in summer 2013 and 2.7 m d-1 at Kongsbreen in late autumn 2012. Additional velocity fields from Radarsat-1, Radarsat-2 and TerraSAR-X data since December 2007 together with continuous GPS measurements on Kronebreen since September 2008 revealed complex patterns in seasonal and interannual speed evolution. Part of the ice-flow variations seem closely linked to the amount and timing of surface melt water production and rainfall, both of which are known to have a strong influence on the basal water pressure and lubrication. In addition, terminus retreat and the associated reduction in backstress appear to have influenced the speed close to the calving front, especially at Kongsbreen in 2012 and 2013. Since 2007, Kongsbreen retreated up to 1800 m, corresponding to a total area loss of 2.5 km2. In 2011 the retreat of Kronebreen of up to 850 m, responsible for a total area loss of 2.8 km2, was triggered after a phase of stable terminus position since ~1990. The retreat is an important component of the mass balance of both glaciers, in which frontal ablation is the largest component. Total frontal ablation between April 2012 and December 2013 was estimated to 0.21-0.25 Gt a-1 for Kronebreen and 0.14-0.16 Gt a-1 for Kongsbreen.
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Over the next century, one of the largest contributions to sea level rise will come from ice sheets and glaciers calving ice into the ocean. Factors controlling the rapid and nonlinear variations in calving fluxes are poorly understood, and therefore difficult to include in prognostic climate-forced land-ice models. Here we analyse globally distributed calving data sets from Svalbard, Alaska (USA), Greenland and Antarctica in combination with simulations from a first-principles, particle-based numerical calving model to investigate the size and inter-event time of calving events. We find that calving events triggered by the brittle fracture of glacier ice are governed by the same power-law distributions as avalanches in the canonical Abelian sandpile model. This similarity suggests that calving termini behave as self-organized critical systems that readily flip between states of sub-critical advance and super-critical retreat in response to changes in climate and geometric conditions. Observations of sudden ice-shelf collapse and tidewater glacier retreat in response to gradual warming of their environment are consistent with a system fluctuating around its critical point in response to changing external forcing. We propose that self-organized criticality provides a yet unexplored framework for investigations into calving and projections of sea level rise.
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Predicting Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss due to ice dynamics requires a complete understanding of spatiotemporal velocity fluctuations and related control mechanisms. We present a 5 year record of seasonal velocity measurements for 55 marine-terminating glaciers distributed around the ice sheet margin, along with ice-front position and runoff data sets for each glacier. Among glaciers with substantial speed variations, we find three distinct seasonal velocity patterns. One pattern indicates relatively high glacier sensitivity to ice-front position. The other two patterns are more prevalent and appear to be meltwater controlled. These patterns reveal differences in which some subglacial systems likely transition seasonally from inefficient, distributed hydrologic networks to efficient, channelized drainage, while others do not. The difference may be determined by meltwater availability, which in some regions may be influenced by perennial firn aquifers. Our results highlight the need to understand subglacial meltwater availability on an ice sheet-wide scale to predict future dynamic changes. First multi-region seasonal velocity measurements show regional differencesSeasonal velocity fluctuations on most glaciers appear meltwater controlledSeasonal development of efficient subglacial drainage geographically divided.
This study focuses on the glacial landform record associated with recent surge events of Tunabreen - a calving tidewater glacier in Tempelfjorden, Spitsbergen. Submarine geomorphology and recent terminal fluctuations of Tunabreen's glacier front were studied using high-resolution multibeam-bathymetric data and a range of published and remote-sensing sources, including topographic maps, satellite images and aerial photographs. The retreat moraines in the inner part of Tempelfjorden have been correlated with glacier terminus positions during retreat from the 2004 surge maximum. Glacier surface velocity and ice-front positions derived from high-resolution TerraSAR-X satellite data show ice movements at the glacier front during minor advances of the front in winter when calving is suppressed. This suggests that the moraines have formed annually during quiescent phase winter advances. Tunabreen has experienced three surges since the Little Ice Age (LIA). This is in contrast with most Svalbard surging glaciers which have long quiescent phases and have typically only undergone one or two surges during this time. The landform record in Tempelfjorden is distinguished from previously studied glacier-surge landsystems by four, well-preserved sets of landform assemblages generated by the LIA advance and three subsequent surges, all of which partly modify earlier landform records. Based on the unique landform record in Tempelfjorden, a new conceptual landsystem model for frequently surging glaciers has been put forward improving our understanding of the dynamics of the surging glaciers and, most importantly, how they can be distinguished from the climatically-controlled glaciers in the geological record.
Our incomplete knowledge of the proportion of mass loss due to frontal ablation (the sum of ice loss through calving and submarine melt) from tidewater glaciers outside of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets has been cited as a major hindrance to accurate predictions of global sea level rise. We present a 28 year record (1985–2013) of frontal ablation for 27 Alaska tidewater glaciers (representing 96% of the total tidewater glacier area in the region), calculated from satellite-derived ice velocities and modeled estimates of glacier ice thickness. We account for cross-sectional ice thickness variation, long-term thickness changes, mass lost between an upstream flux gate and the terminus, and mass change due to changes in terminus position. The total mean rate of frontal ablation for these 27 glaciers over the period 1985–2013 is 15.11 ± 3.63 Gt a−1. Two glaciers, Hubbard and Columbia, account for approximately 50% of these losses. The regional total ablation has decreased at a rate of 0.14 Gt a−1 over this time period, likely due to the slowing and thinning of many of the glaciers in the study area. Frontal ablation constitutes only ~ 4% of the total annual regional ablation, but roughly 20% of net mass loss. Comparing several commonly-used approximations in the calculation of frontal ablation we find that neglecting cross-sectional thickness variations severely underestimates frontal ablation.
Iceberg calving accounts for a significant proportion of annual mass loss from marine-terminating glaciers(1,2) and may have been a factor in the rapid demise of ancient ice sheets(3). The largest contributions from the main outlet glaciers of the Greenland ice sheet to sea-level rise over the next two centuries have been projected to be dynamic in origin, that is, driven by glacier flow and calving(4). However, present physical models remain a coarse approximation of real calving mechanisms because models are poorly constrained by sparse glacier geometry observations(5). Here we present a record of daily digital elevation models from the calving margin of Greenland's Helheim Glacier at a high spatial resolution. Our digital elevation models are derived from stereo terrestrial photography taken over the summers of 2010 and 2011. We find that during these two summers dynamic mass loss at Helheim Glacier was dominated by calving events exceeding 1 km(3) that were the result of buoyant flexure and the propagation of basal crevasses. We suggest that this buoyancy-driven mechanism for calving may be common elsewhere in Greenland and could be a first-order control on the ice sheet's future contribution to sea-level rise.