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International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Vol. 1, No. 3, 2015, pp. 105-120
* Corresponding author
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Creation of Tourist Routes and Guidelines of
Action in the Communities Subject to
Resettlement, Hydroelectric the Diquis Project, as
a Proposal of Implementation, Southern, Costa
Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
Vice Presidency of research and internationalization, University Corporation of Meta, Villavicencio, Colombia
The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) implements the project hydroelectric El Diquís (PHED) which will take place
between the cantons of Buenos Aires, Osa, and Pérez Zeledón, located in the southern zone of Costa Rica, with the objective of
ensuring availability of electrical energy, renewable and clean to meet electricity demand in the country. The elaboration of the
guidelines of action focused on defining the area's present and potential attractions tourist level as a development alternative to
resettlement. The objective of the guidelines was to prioritize tourist scenarios and use of resources according to previously
identified human capabilities that allowed for a temporary projection step on how could be the development of the activities.
Finally, they arose in the socialization of findings and a panel of experts where the objective was to evaluate it and enrich it. Thus,
once completed the diagnosis, and considering the integration of several appreciations for a major approach to the understanding
of reality and possible access to different dimensions of the same, allowed address and finally define the potential adoption of
tourism based on the identified scenarios of the communities under study subject to the process of resettlement.
Tourism, Tourist Scenes, Communities, Guidelines, Hydroelectric Project
Received: July 2, 2015 / Accepted: July 20, 2015 / Published online: August 6, 2015
@ 2015 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY-NC license.
1. Introduction
"Costa Rica, due to its geographical location has a humid
tropical climate and precipitation between the 1300 and 7500
mm a year, which positions the country as one of the largest
supply of fresh water in the world" (Executive, 2005).
Situation which is intended to take advantage of to meet the
electricity demand of the country each year is on the rise, so
the Costarican Institute of electricity (ICE) develops the
project hydroelectric El Diquís (PHED) which will take place
between the cantons of Buenos Aires and Osa, Perez Zeledon,
located in the southern zone of Costa Rica, with the objective
of ensuring the availability of electric power renewable and
clean to meet electricity demand in the country.
Within the activities developed by the PHED, is disclosure of
information to the communities linked to the project both
directly and indirectly. One of the benefits of the project is
the contribution to the development of the southern part of
Costa Rica, one of the poorest in the country and which has
been characterized by the low profitability of productive
activities, weak organizational capacity and land tenure
problems, as it is the case of agriculture and livestock with a
11.5% displays as it is the lowest percentage of participation
of persons with respect to trade and repair with a 20%;
indicating the decrease in relative importance and absolute
values with respect to the 2008 (around 6600 and 10700
106 Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma: Creation of Tourist Routes and Guidelines of Action in the Communities Subject to
Resettlement, Hydroelectric the Diquis Project, as a Proposal of Implementation, Southern, Costa Rica
people less respectively) (ICE 2009).
In addition, that these communities are located in one of the
areas with the highest poverty rates in the country, given the
facts found by the National Institute of Statistics and
Censuses - INEC to Costa Rica where there is a total of
1,103.522 poor people, of which 792,491 are not in extreme
poverty and 311.031 if they are not at the country level. In
the case of the Brunca Region which belongs to the 176.096
study area are "non-poor", however 71.933 are "not extreme
poverty" and in "extreme poverty" 43.831 (INEC 2010).
Thus, it is important to discuss the options of current and
potential tourist scenarios related to the strengthening of
tourism, which makes it necessary to assess the probability of
adoption of this productive activity as an alternative to the
long term (considering that it should give priority to the
resettlement of families in the new places where it will be
resettled, whereas food sustainability in the first instance) ,
through the participatory analysis on the different scenarios
of sustainable management at the level of landscape, culture,
cosmovision, gastronomy, tradition, history and agricultural
activities, as an alternative to improve the conditions of the
Therefore the possibility of tourism which is for communities
as a possible long-term development option makes it
necessary to consider in the process of identification, the real
possibility of adopting this alternative through the analysis of
the area, carrying out a participatory diagnosis, including the
identification of key actors, institutions and their contribution
to the different situations encountered.
2. Materials and Methods
Location of the study
The study was conducted in the southern zone of Costa Rica
between the canton of Buenos Aires, Osa and Pérez Zeledón
place where ICE is taking the environmental impact study to
develop the PHED, which will flood approximately a total of
6.815 hectares. For this reason, the research was conducted in
the area of reservoir taking into account the communities
affected by this. For reasons of location is taken as reference
the Canton of Buenos Aires, belonging to Puntarenas site of
further development of the project activities, geographically
located between the coordinates 09° 05'20 ' North latitude
and 83 ° 16'07 "West longitude; given that there are
movements to the communities involved due to the future
reservoir (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Study area.
Source: PHED-relocation-GIS unit 2011.
The study was carried out in 3 stages, divided in the
following way: 1) compilation of secondary data 2)
collecting primary information (field work), 3) triangulation
and analysis of information.
In order to obtain better knowledge of the territory and start
an approximation of the scope of the investigation, proceeded
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 1, No. 3, 2015, pp. 105-120 107
to carry out a review of literature, which is to gather
information from books, thesis, scientific journals, seminars,
conferences, projects, gray and other literature available
literature pertaining to economic, social and environmental
aspects of the timely development of the PHED area
community as the study of livelihood-related tourist activities,
actual or potential and their interrelationships, their life
strategies, institutional environment, potential and limitations
of the community regarding the implementation of the rural
tourism as alternative development activity.
In the same way were carried out visits to the place of
research, with the aim of observing the conditions and have a
better perspective of the situation of the communities and
current status of the development of the project; In addition
to the consultation of data important by key informants as the
PHED resettlement unit and members of the communities.
Thus, having knowledge of the actors influencing the
decision-making process, was to achieve the involvement of
these, skewed towards the potential for change of traditional
productive activity to the adoption of the tourism as an
alternative to income and development.
Drafting action guidelines: completed the diagnosis, and
considering the integration of several appreciations for a
major approach to the understanding of reality and possible
access to different dimensions of the same, were designed
lines of action for the sector, based on the major fronts of
action (access to the tourist market, linked to the sector,
advocacy, strategic alliances (among others); It allowed
address and finally define the potential adoption of tourism
based on the identified scenarios.
The elaboration of the guidelines of action focused on
defining the present and potential attractions of the area. The
objective of the guidelines was to prioritize tourist scenarios
and use of resources according to previously identified
human capabilities that allowed for a temporary projection
step on how communities present in the area of
implementation of the hydroelectric project could be the
development of the activities. Finally, they arose in the
socialization of findings and a panel of experts where the
objective was to evaluate it and enrich it.
The elaboration of the guidelines of action focused on
defining the present and potential attractions of the PHED.
The objective of the guidelines was to prioritize tourist
scenarios and use of resources according to previously
identified human capabilities that allowed for a temporary
projection step on how could be the development of the
activities. Finally, they arose in the socialization of findings
and a panel of experts where the objective was to evaluate it
and enrich it.
Socialization of finds: contributed to the participation of the
communities, the PHED and CATIE experts table, as well as
capacity building with the aim of providing solutions to
problems or common situations; in the case of the PHED,
action guidelines be socialized so as to achieve local
development based on the importance of the actors and the
interactions of these charge to articulate collective proposals
for adaptation, one of them being the case of the tourism as
an alternative in the future.
For the realization of the socialization of findings was the
active participation of local stakeholders such as
communities and the PHED. This meant to include actors
affected and concerning their different points of view, so that
the exchange of views was achieved through open, flexible
and effective forums for communication, emphasizing the
relationship between communities and executor of the project.
In this way, managed to obtain the views of stakeholders and
went out in search of connections with organizations,
associations, companies, etc. having practices on the issue, as
it was convenient (GTZ, 2007).
3. Results and Discussion
The research was conducted in the specific area of the project,
in which are located the 10 communities that should be
resettled for the future construction of the reservoir and who
becomes a brief description from the secondary information
in the various studies conducted by the PHED, such as
ethnographies, rapid social studies , Socio-political mapping,
workshops of Local development, work plans of liaison
committees, processes of Local development on resettlement
(diagnostic phase); Biophysical characterization and
economic analysis of orchards home (whirlpool and plots)
and forms used in the Census 2010 - 2011.
Action guidelines
Based on the information gathered through visits and
consultations to the communities located in the hydroelectric
project area, which served to learn more about each
community with regard to interests and holdings in tourism
issues; and its subsequent analysis that facilitated the
identification of the determining variables, which helped
define the possible scenarios of tourism according to the
conditions of each community; so are defined in more detail
who are interested residents to develop tourism activities;
allowing preparing guidelines for action.
Thus, once completed the diagnosis, and considering the
integration of several appreciations for a major approach to
the understanding of reality and possible access to different
dimensions of the same, allowed address and finally define
the potential adoption of tourism based on the identified
108 Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma: Creation of Tourist Routes and Guidelines of Action in the Communities Subject to
Resettlement, Hydroelectric the Diquis Project, as a Proposal of Implementation, Southern, Costa Rica
scenarios of the communities under study subject to the
process of resettlement.
The elaboration of the guidelines of action focused on
defining the present and potential attractions of the area, the
aim of these was to prioritize tourist scenarios and use of
resources according to previously identified human
capabilities that allowed for a temporary projection step on
how could be the development of the activities. Finally, arose
in the socialization of findings and a panel of experts where
the objective was to evaluate it and enrich it.
The guidelines then faced and its consolidation depend on
communities and the PHED to take into account the strategy
that arises in the National Plan for sustainable tourism of
Costa Rica 2010-2016, which seeks to be cheaper, different
and more specialized; development-level consolidate current
demand and supply, attract new resources with the same
tourists, create new offer for new tourists, expand supply and
demand; and at the level of growth, grow more and better
(ICT 2010).
For the specific case of the communities in the study area,
aims to achieve the vision in the following manner:
The development of tourism in the communities subject to
resettlement for the construction of the PHED will have a
component of tourist potential of the area-based development,
offering variety and quality of services enabling tourists to
enjoy a pleasant travel experience, always bearing in mind
best practices, respect for the environment and welfare of the
To meet the goal, it is necessary to develop processes such as:
Develop capacities at the local,
Orderly growth as a community focused on the creation of
tourist places,
Diversification of the tourism offer profits maximizing the
use of the variety of natural and cultural tourist attractions,
Implement the creation of links between public and
private companies, and
Development of at least one route or thematic circuit that
combines the different resources in the area.
To achieve the objectives referred to above, it is key to
build two components which are key areas of intervention.
COMPONENT 1. Development of the structure: where taken
into account the current conditions of the site and the
potential of this tourist space. Therefore, the studied
communities must be integrated as part of its strategy the
following components, where according to the national
tourism Plan, some of those listed below are the basis of the
image of tourist destination of Costa Rica in which it will
continue building the future (ICT 2010):
Nature: Protection of ecosystems and their natural resources,
promote environmental education at all levels, especially in
the child population, continuing with scientific research.
Water: Use of the conditions of the construction of the
Central America's largest dam and the mirror of water
generated by the reservoir, according to studies by use of the
Landscape: Panoramic views with the construction of the
dam and the new location of the communities, which invite
you to contemplation, rest and enjoyment.
Authenticity: Local communities identified and rooted in
some aspects related to farming practices.
History: Indigenous ethnic and archaeological wealth in the
area that retains some of its traditions, in addition to
experience daily and related to all that implies for the
communities the resettlement process.
Crafts: Taking advantage of the development of handicraft
and non-indigenous population.
According to the above, Buenos Aires would be the center of
tourism development that serves as support and distribution
for the use of the attractions of the surrounding communities
to the canton. Therefore, the structure proposed is made from
two elements:
A differentiation of image: strategic local development must
be based on the use and exploitation of the conditions and
potentials of the place, so that promote new products and
thus achieve a differentiation tourist strategically using
resources such as the rich natural, historical, cultural, among
In the Table 1 is a summary of the main elements of tourist
differentiation in the area.
Table 1. Elements of tourist communities differentiation.
La Gloria
Typical meals
Sugar cane, religious
heritage, fertile land,
integrated farms, visits to the
lagoon, viewpoints
Attractive low
priority and
Lack of training, lack of tourist sites, difficult
road access, ignorance of tour operators on the
community, lack of community participation,
low quality of education, lack of infrastructure
La Tinta Medicinal plants
Scenic beauty
Patrimonial inheritance in the
use of medicinal plants,
Attractive low
priority and
Lack of training, custom to carry out current
work, low educational level, little
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 1, No. 3, 2015, pp. 105-120 109
Fauna and flora
Streams and waterfalls
Ranches, organic
typical ranches, abundant
biodiversity, viewpoints,
water wealth building dock
unknown organizational experience, ignorance of tour
operators on the community, lack of
Fertile land
Archaeology, abundant flora,
agrotourism, viewpoints,
implementation of
conservation programs
Attractive low
priority and
Lack of training, lack of resources, lack of
community participation, presence of conflict
within the community, ignorance of tour
operators on the community, low management
capacity, little interference by public
institutions, lack of infrastructure
La Dibujada
Visits to the petroglyph,
viewpoints, summer fair,
construction of Pier
Attractive low
priority and
Little organizational experience, ignorance of
tour operators on the community, lack of links
with institutions, lack of training, difficult
access, lack of infrastructure
Proximity to the Inter-
American road
Proximity to the Park la
Amistad, uses of palms,
skills in management of
nursery, trails, viewpoints,
proximity to the bridge of
"entrance to the South"
Attractive low
priority and
Lack of training, there are no tourist guides,
ignorance of tour operators on the community,
lack of infrastructure
River Ceibo
Processing of chile
Typical food
Proximity to the bridge of
"entrance to the South",
viewpoints, take recycling to
develop crafts, excellent
Attractive low
priority and
Lack of training, low educational level,
Loss of social relations,
Little gender equity, missing information, lack
of infrastructure communal spaces
Typical meals
Tourism attraction to the
Rodeo ring and the cattle fair,
viewpoints, agro-tourism,
community tourism
Attractive low
priority and
Lack of training, lack of infrastructure,
alteration of the current productive activity.
According to the table above communities have rural tourism
potential, but its attractions are considered low-priority for
tourists, this is due to the ignorance and lack of publicity of
the appeal, which means that they are considered less
competitive condition, despite the potential that exists.
Therefore, the development strategy of tourism must be
based according to the deadlines in which to develop any of
the above activities as attractive tourist potential. These
deadlines are defined according to the current state of local
capacities for those interested in carry out both the attractions,
and in addition a segmentation according to the priority
depending on the market and facilities by villagers in
implementing them, is thus establishing an order as the
starting point of the attractions in each community.
Therefore efforts to be carried out, both the communities and
the PHED for the development of tourism, in particular to the
intervention measures (training, projects, incentives, works,
workshops, programs, etc.) operators and chambers of
tourism, private institutions must be made through
agreements with specialists in education and training linked
to tourism, as well as the tour and/or State to serve as
accompaniment, control and improvement of the initiative. It
is as well as in Figure 2 the attractions are presented in
general according to deadlines that could be developed.
Figure 2. Timelines implementation of tourist activities from phase
execution PHED.
The time limits referred to above for each of the types of
tourism are defined taking into account all the data collected
during the research process (Community requirements,
interests, inhabitants features, among others) and State of the
110 Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma: Creation of Tourist Routes and Guidelines of Action in the Communities Subject to
Resettlement, Hydroelectric the Diquis Project, as a Proposal of Implementation, Southern, Costa Rica
PHED which depends on the moment of the completion of
the study of environmental impact (EsIA).
Development of complementarity: taking advantage of
differentiation of image and the potential use of space
tourism is promoting the creation of routes of tourism among
the communities.
In addition to the above mentioned characteristics, and after
thorough analysis through field work carried out by the
interior of the communities under study, subject to the
process of resettlement for the construction of the PHED,
proceeded to design, consistent with the theme chosen, the
layout of the tourist routes as a differentiation of services
option In addition to serve as a comprehensive system
strengthening tourism, allowing empower communities
within the area of influence.
4. Tourism Routes Were
Established in the Following
In addition to the above mentioned characteristics, and after
thorough analysis through field work carried out by the
interior of the communities under study, subject to the
process of resettlement for the construction of the PHED,
proceeded to design, consistent with the theme chosen, the
layout of the tourist routes as a differentiation of services
option In addition to serve as a comprehensive system
strengthening tourism, allowing empower communities
within the area of influence.
4.1. Agricultural and Livestock Route
Speaking of the agricultural and cattle route for the
inhabitants of the communities it is synonymous with
tradition and history, these being its main productive
The route would begin in Buenos Aires until the entrance to
Térraba a distance of 19 kilometers with a time of 10 minutes,
where visitors can take advantage of the trip to visit the
Térraba indigenous reservation (point # 1) and know a little
more of their customs as parties, handicrafts and artistic
expressions, myths, beliefs and legends, being this
characteristic by its diversity of communities reserve making
it a territory of great diversity.
Figure 3. Agricultural and livestock tour.
Source: Modified from
Developed by: Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
Subsequently, it would be way to communities that have
greatest potential both agricultural and livestock, such as
batteries and hills via a secondary road of ballast, which is
predominantly characterized by mountainous terrain.
According to this, the route from Térraba to batteries which
along the way other communities are located, has a duration
of one hour via the current, however should be aware that
with the construction of the PHED will continue with the
improvement of the way which would decrease the time of
arrival in the communities. In the community of batteries as
point # 2 of visit, where the inhabitants would teach how the
agricultural process of the different crops (rice, corn, tobacco,
among others), both at the level of planting, harvest, use,
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 1, No. 3, 2015, pp. 105-120 111
preparation of products for commercialization, as well as the
marketing of them.
Added to this, batteries account with other potential tourist
level that could benefit with the visit of tourists, for example,
being located in their new resettlement site which features
viewpoints towards the dam generated peace and taking
advantage of the scenic beauty. In addition, archaeological
wealth that have is adequate to generate another tourist route,
which makes it thanks to the mixture of attractive point
potential of tourism development.
Subsequently, continues with the tourist route to point # 3
hills by the same type of road, at a distance of 1 hour 10
minutes approximately the current route, being one of the
communities with more development within the study group,
in which you could enjoy livestock potential with which they
have, carrying out activities such as horseback riding by the
community in its upper parts serving as lookouts toward the
In addition, take the ring of bulls in which there are livestock
activities which assist people from different parts of the area
once a year and consume the typical foods that offer locals,
enjoying the rural atmosphere, sharing experiences and
learning from the customs with the locals.
Communities can be seen in Figure 3 to visit each one of the
three points of the tourist route.
4.2. Archaeological Route and Scenic
This route starts from Buenos Aires, passing through Térraba,
continuing to batteries, being the same route of the route of
agricultural and livestock. Subsequently arriving at point # 1
of visit the archaeological richness with the account the place,
can leverage what represents an approach by visitors to the
cultural history of the area. Specifically the community of
batteries has a variety of spheres which are an essential part
of the Costa Rican archaeology and are considered unique in
the world due to its size, perfection and unrelated to natural
models (Fonseca 1992) abstraction. In addition to the above,
currently the inhabitants of batteries has the idea in the long
run, with the support of the PHED when they are located on
the new resettlement site, to create a museum that allows you
to display some of the spheres and other objects of
archaeological value present in the community.
Figure 4. Scenic beauty and archaeological tourist route.
Source: Modified from
Developed by: Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
Continuing with the tour heading to point # 2 of visit, which
makes part of the archaeological route and scenic beauty, it
consists in starting from battery to the community of the
comic, which is 45 minutes approximately by the current
route with a distance of 8 km. In the community of the drawn
you can visit the "petroglyph La drawn" which preserved by
being a stone engraved with drawings and figures made by
indigenous ancestors, which with the support of the PHED
was organized so that this had a structure preservation and
exhibition. Other activities to be carried out in the
community are walks towards the points of viewpoints
towards the reservoir since it is one of the sites with the best
112 Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma: Creation of Tourist Routes and Guidelines of Action in the Communities Subject to
Resettlement, Hydroelectric the Diquis Project, as a Proposal of Implementation, Southern, Costa Rica
options to appreciate the scenic beauty of the area. And
depending on the time of year that you visit, you can be part
of the annual fair held the community that dances and typical
food tasting are held.
4.3. Adventure and Nature Path
Buenos Aires as point of support and the city with further
development regarding the communities subject to the
process of resettlement for the construction of the PHED, it is
the center of starting each of the routes, which means that to
get to enjoy adventure and tourism route follow the same
road mentioned in the previous routes i.e., starting from
Buenos Aires to the junction of Térraba (point # 1),
subsequently will continue along the current path during
approximately for 1 hour to the community of La ink (point #
2), since this is one of the places with the largest presence of
natural attractions both fauna and flora.
Therefore, the activities that could be developed would walks
to the interior of the forest for observation of biodiversity,
use of rivers and waterfalls to implement extreme tourism.
Similarly, the ink has rich culture that allows the tourist to get
to know a little more about the different uses of the local
Palm for the construction of housing typical ranches; In
addition to the use of medicinal plants as one of the aspects
of the rich heritage that characterize it. Finally, as most of the
other communities you can use viewpoints towards the dam
and general environment to appreciate the natural richness of
the place.
At figure 5 displayed below you will appreciate the location
of tourist spots and route in general.
Figure 5. Tour of adventure and nature.
Source: Modified from
Developed by: Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
4.4. Religious and Cultural Route
Following the same initial tour of the former routes, passing
through Térraba (point # 1) you can reach the Hills
Community (point # 2) e start the tour; but it is also possible
to visit her coming along the waterfront by entering through a
secondary before reaching North Palmar traveling
In the community of hills you can visit the Catholic Church,
from which you can meet and participate on the religious
beliefs of the inhabitants.
Continuing the journey to the # 3 point of the route, it starts
from hills to La Gloria, community that has various
attractions within which is the strong religious belief of its
inhabitants and that despite not having a church of similar
hills infrastructure enables to learn and participate on their
customs to visitors; as it is the devotion to the Virgin of the
Angels. Being in the community of La Gloria is possible to
also see the process of local sugar cane developed at the
family level by one of the best-known families as founding
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 1, No. 3, 2015, pp. 105-120 113
and knowledgeable of the historical community background,
in addition to practicing fishing activities, visits to the nearby
pond to new resettlement site, taste the typical local meals
and of course take advantage of the wonderful viewpoints
towards the reservoir and the environment options.
As you can see in Figure 6, these would be the tourist routes.
Figure 6. Religious and cultural tour.
Source: Modified from
Developed by: Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
4.5. Ruta Interamericana Road
Create this route as a proposal like the previous ones, taking
advantage of the geographical proximity of two of this
communities in comparison with the other main. Within this
group is Ceibo and plots, communities that have some
potential for tourism and to which it can be accessed from
different points, whether from Buenos Aires along 20
minutes during approximately five kilometers towards in
Perez Zeledon to reach the community of Ceibo and 11 km to
reach plots in your new website located at nearby Rancho
Coco resettlement; either travelling from Perez Zeledon at a
distance of 45 km approximately with a close a 39-minute
In this way, Ceibo community (point # 1) is can carry out
actions as the knowledge of the activity of the processing of
spicy Chile as educational proposal which would allow
tourists understand and appreciate the operation; buy crafts
from recyclable material made by locals, tasting typical food,
besides the opportunity to have good points of vantage points
to the reservoir and the new "bridge of the entrance to South",
which will be built by the PHED and of which the inhabitants
of Ceibo intend to do I use to promote tourism by creating
adventure activities as well as the marketing of the activities
Continuing the route from Ceibo to plots, with an
approximate distance of eight kilometres and seven minutes
away, the inhabitants of plots (point # 2) possess skills for the
management of nursery, and have different customs such as
the use of Palm to develop ranches. Within the new
characteristics of plots is the proximity to a man-made
Lagoon which was previously used as a tourist attraction,
using boats and fishing within it, reason why is shown as an
attractive potential for tourism.
Plots would be one of the communities that would not count
with viewpoints towards the dam due to its new location, also
has few tourist attractions in comparison with other
communities, it is important to create links with the
community of Ceibo, among whom over the years have had
social and productive living neighborly relations joined the
closeness between these; that allows them to take advantage
of the new bridge applications altogether.
It is important to consider that many villagers Ceibo both
plots have worked in enterprises of PINDECO cooperative
agricultural and the General R.L (COOPEAGRI), which that
have managed and technically experienced pineapple and
sugar cane crops respectively; allowing tourist level create
educational about the process of these crops tours for tourists
to appreciate and understand its operation, e.g. "pineapple
tour" or "cane tour", where residents can make use of their
114 Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma: Creation of Tourist Routes and Guidelines of Action in the Communities Subject to
Resettlement, Hydroelectric the Diquis Project, as a Proposal of Implementation, Southern, Costa Rica
knowledge and links to generate tourism and development.
In Figure 7, which is shown below is achieved via inter-
American tourism route to observe.
Figure 7. Tourist route Interamerican road.
Source: Modified from
Developed by: Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
It is important to mention that on each of the routes, tourists
have a choice of all activities that has a community, i.e., for
example on hills not only religious beliefs but also livestock
and agricultural traditions. Mentioned this, because it would
provide to the tourist information that is relevant so that they
have the option to choose according to their interests.
In addition, the tourist receives in each of the communities
additional information by the villagers about the entire
process of resettlement that were involved, explaining about
the location of their former home sites depending on the case,
social experiences among inhabitants and with the PHED,
change or not of customs and other activities that were
generated around this interesting process being this
fundamental support link of different committees (CdE) and
the participation of the members which are the connection
and communication with the PHED as community
Taking into account the characteristics of the routes, it is
important that it strengthen capabilities in such a way that
offered better service delivery, thus according to the
specialization of each tour is the following program of
training (table 2).
Table 2. Needs of training according to tourist routes.
Tourist route Type of Training
TERM/according to process
resettlement, features
communities human skills
Farming and livestock
Farming and agricultural technical production, improvement of knowledge in
agriculture and livestock focused community rural tourism through developing
Rural of the MAG customer service program, training guides of tourism, business
management, English language, hospitality, information technology and
communication, management of accounting
2018 (medium-term)
Archeological and scenic beauty
History, archaeology of the area, ecosystems of the area, customer service, training
guides of tourism, business management, hospitality, English language, information
technology and communication, management of accounting
2018 (medium-term)
Adventure and nature
Ecosystems of the area, ornithology, natural medicine, development of trails, tree
species, help desk, training guides of tourism, business management, English
language, hospitality, information technology and communication, management of
2020 (long plazo )
Religiosa y cultural
Gastronomía, Manipulación de alimentos, Atención al cliente, Formación guías de
turismo, Idioma Inglés, Gestión empresarial, Hotelería, Tecnologías de la
información y Comunicación, Manejo de contabilidad
2016 (short term)
Interamericana Road
Gastronomy, marketing products, attention to the customer, hospitality, training
guides of tourism, business management, English language, information technology
and communication, management of accounting
2018 (medium-term)
The elaboration and implementation of these potential "Tourism routes" depends in great part of the strengthening
of local capacities and the creation of technical capacity, both
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 1, No. 3, 2015, pp. 105-120 115
at the community level, organization and people interested in
tourism; that will allow to design and operate the different
uses of products and potential tourist, as well as the effective
of these marketing, which finally generates value from the
use of the theme in different areas and therefore concepts
higher levels of productivity, resulting in the initial
distribution of potential products as shown in table 3 which
give way to the development of "Proposal of tourist paths in
communities subject to the process of resettlement".
Table 3. Initial distribution of potential products in communities.
Product Activity Visitor Community
Rural Community
Artisan process (trapiche, tabacalera, ranches, chile
and crafts processing) Foreign and national visitors La Gloria, Pilas, La Tinta,
Customs (pilgrimage of the Virgin, medicinal plants,
fairs) Families La Gloria, La Tinta, Colinas,
La Dibujada
Typical foods and agricultural practices Foreign and national visitors All communities
Rural estates (livestock) Foreign and national visitors and families
Archaeology (spheres, petroglyph) Foreign and national visitors and families Pilas, La Dibujada
Observation of flora and fauna, hiking (trails,
Observadores de aves, fotógrafos,
investigadores, estudiantes, familias
La Tinta, La Dibujada,
Ceibo, Parcelas
Viewpoints, photography General All communities
Scientist Researches and students
Adventure tourism
Horseback riding Foreign and national visitors All communities
Canopy, waterfalls) La Tinta, Ceibo
Some raised activities are ideal and optional for them in "All
communities" according to the characteristics studied each of
them, and current families; therefore are potential activities
proposed and exposed to the people according to their
interests and prioritization which they granted, the which is
important to mention could change in the future or
maintained. In the same way, with the creation of the
"tourism routes" emphasis according to the greatest potential
of each one of the communities.
To complement the tourist activities in what refers to
potentially usable theme concepts of tourism by each
community subject to the process of resettlement with the
construction of the PHED, which were raised in each of the
tourist routes, are presented in table 4 by subject, community
and their respective potential.
Table 4. Tourism in communities potentially usable theme concepts.
Community Topic Potential
La Gloria
Religious heritage
Costa Rican rurality
Development of thematic activities
Religious tourism
Rural community tourism
La Tinta
Medicinal plants
Abundant biodiversity
Construction of ranches
Water wealth (Quebradas-Cataratas)
Costa Rican rurality
Development of thematic activities
Rural community tourism
Abundant waterfalls for adventure tourism activities
Agriculture of subsistence skills
Abundant biodiversity
Best environmental practices
Costa Rican rurality
Tourist use of archaeology
Rural community tourism
Development of thematic activities
Rural community tourism
La Dibujada
Summer fair
Costa Rican rurality
Development of thematic activities
Rural community tourism
Best environmental practices (nurseries)
Costa Rican rurality
Development of thematic activities
Different usages of the plant
Rural community tourism
Processing of spicy Chile
Costa Rican rurality
Development of thematic activities
Rural community tourism
Take advantage of the recycling to make crafts
Habilidades agricultura de autoconsumo
Ruralidad Costarricense
Agriculture of subsistence skills
Rurality Costa Rica
1 Circular structure archeological
116 Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma: Creation of Tourist Routes and Guidelines of Action in the Communities Subject to
Resettlement, Hydroelectric the Diquis Project, as a Proposal of Implementation, Southern, Costa Rica
According to Sharpley, quoted by Trejos (2006) if the interest
of tourism is to play an effective role in rural development,
the long-term financial and technical support is required
(Trejos et al 2006). The future development of these products
and their activities, which are potentially viable according to
the characteristics of each community requires: building local
capacity and access to the market through agreements with
tour operators specialized in relevant subjects, in addition to
the support of public and private organizations.
The aforementioned local capacity building refers to the
definition of tourism in the area action guidelines, so as to
achieve benefit from the differentiating characteristics of
each community or as a whole, as the case may be (ICT
2009). Where the ultimate goal is route towards the design
and future operation of products of quality and appropriate to
the visiting population.
Therefore, it is necessary to work and create agreements with
companies specializing in the subject (tour operators) to
ensure a shared vision in the future and thus facilitate the
access to the market and marketing of the same channels that
allow you to capture the tourist demand. All this management
must be accompanied with the support of the public sector
and thus, forming alliances with the private entity and of
course the inhabitants of the communities, laying down a
center of tourist services in such a way.
It is the case of COOPRENA, according to Trejos et to the.
(2006), has carried out various training programs in the
communities interested in developing rural tourism practices
looking for appropriate methodologies according to its terms,
for the inhabitants of the rural area, the combination of their
daily activities to economic activities of service the customer
requires a specialization (Trejos et to the. 2006).
COMPONENT 2. The impetus to a system of integrated
management of the destination: this diversity of actors
mentioned above are potentially part of the tourist
development of the area. This development must be based on
the definition of the local strengthening and a management
In regards to the management model, it is key to create a
working group between the municipal administration, the
ministries of environment and Ministry of agriculture and
livestock, the Costa Rican Institute of tourism, PHED,
development associations and commissions of link allowing
joining capabilities and efforts in the development of the
"tourism management model".
This joint effort should focus its work in the resolution of
community needs based on specific objectives, which are
presented in table 5
Table 5. Needs and objectives of the communities of tourism management system.
Needs Objectives Community
Training and strengthening capacities for the incorporation of local tourism
development (guides, attention to the customer, handling of food, etc.) as well as
visits to tourism projects already established as an example for communities
All communities
Strengthening of potential tourism sites Technical guidance and information to guide the creation and development of tourist
Management of financial resources Consolidate the support of private organizations
Capacity services Create and offer lodging, transportation, food services, good quality communication
Investment promotion Identification and dissemination of opportunities of tourism through tour operators,
chambers of tourism and other organizations
Rural Ordering Organize the tourist attractions that will ensure a sustainable and rural development
Creación de Valores de Sitios opciones 1
al enfoque turístico Creation of values of sites the tourist approach options 1
Tourist image of the area Strengthening and dissemination of factors of differentiation of the communities
4.6. General Guidelines to be Followed by
the PHED
According to mentioned throughout the diagnosis and
identification of tourist potential, then arise as proposed a set
of guidelines that if possible the PHED in conjunction with
the communities could be developed with the objective of
strengthening the tourism in the area.
In concordance with the OMT, quoted by Gallego and Bueno
(s.f.) should work in certain aspects, which are essential for
good management in the process of strengthening the tourism
(Gallego et al. s.f.), also considering some guidelines for
communities subject to resettlement process, since they
deserve considerations from the point of view of the impact
the development, tourism being an option always and when
you operate according to the context of the phenomenon
according to Cernea (2004), IDB (1990), and discussions
with staff of the UR, some of them related to the research
consist of:
Education is considered from the point of view of the
tourism training relating to the social role of tourism and
better coordination among the inhabitants of the
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 1, No. 3, 2015, pp. 105-120 117
communities, the PHED and educational institutions.
Tourism must be seen as integrated option within the
development strategies and generate sources of
employment in order to mitigate the risk of
Promote improvements and technological acquisitions
within communities, in order to reduce the marginalization
of the population to resettle.
Ongoing research and promote the motivation to develop
proposals that will contribute to the revival of the
Promote the union and creation of groups among
communities identified in the tourism routes as joint
Offers of attractions, supporting actions of restoration of
economic, social and cultural networks through tourism;
i.e. generate systemic competitiveness.
In the long term, the growth of tourism competition
considered a potential development, providing support in
the supply of products and tourist destinations to the
communities on the market.
Assess the importance of the tourism resources for
destinations, as well as its diversity in each of the
Evaluate the importance, both from the private sector and
of public action in the tourism sector generating strategic
alliances that allow the potential and sustainable
development of the activities.
Planning the tourism sector in the short, medium and long
term, as part of one of the potential activities related to the
development according to the vision of each community.
Use the creation of infrastructures that will run through the
constructive process of resettlement and seek support in
relation to public and private services.
Manage support from public spending, the Government
provides capital needed for various tourism projects, in the
case of the PHED benefit from inter-agency relationships
through the Diquís Commission (Commission formed by
people with decision-making power of some of the major
ministries of the Government of Costa Rica in order to
facilitate negotiations and partnerships around the PHED
given its Decree of national interest).
The process of relocation can help predict and diagnose
risk of displacement and also lead to the resolution of
problems; important information to keep in mind about the
steps to be followed in the implementation of tourism as a
development alternative.
The process of monitoring the resettlement can be used as
tools for the analysis of new projects, such as for example
tourism, so that you can make a proper planning and
decrease the risks of failure.
Within communities that decide to implement tourism as a
development option, it is important to develop previously
before implementing any activity in relation to this, an
analysis of cost-benefit of the tourism project.
It is important for the development of alternatives related
to tourism, involving young people in the communities
where they are taking the role of promoters of the activity
and made contributions such as local guides through the
formation of youth groups, which also allows them to be
rapporteurs of the historical process of the transformation
of the communities.
Perform the preventive management of potential
environmental impacts of tourism, following the structure
described below in Figure 8, where you want to propose
tourism and the attractions evaluation underway, related
Figure 8. Methodological structure of the process of environmental impact for tourism.
Source: Own elaboration with information of (Pech et al. 2006)
118 Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma: Creation of Tourist Routes and Guidelines of Action in the Communities Subject to
Resettlement, Hydroelectric the Diquis Project, as a Proposal of Implementation, Southern, Costa Rica
Table 6. General actions of the PHED and communities to strengthen tourism.
Planning PHED Analysis/Approval Creation of the Tourism
Development Plan Control
Design, preparing the strategy and
guidelines for tourism
Knowledge, evaluation and approval
of the proposal
Negotiation of agreements of
cooperation between communities,
the PHED, public-private sector and
experts in tourism (tour operators,
tourism Chambers)
Formation of group responsible
for the monitoring and control by
the PHED and communities
To complement the already mentioned aspects, it is ideal for
the PHED, in accompaniment of communities can perform
required management as in table 6 to lead what would
become the start of the process of implementation of the
various programmes focused on tourism.
Finally, according to the projections of Costa Rica is
important the PHED, communities and other actors who are
involved in the process of 'Tourism development' in the
object of study of the research communities, considered as a
guide and ideally as steps and standards posed by the ICT for
the development of future products, as well as the proposal of
tourism for 2016 (ICT 2010). This does not mean that
communities need to develop exactly these products, just that
within the ICT plans, are some of them that have
communities, which can be performed.
These standards are divided into four large groups, where it is
explained for the development of tourism products they must
be followed with the inclusion of topics such as:
The continuation of the momentum in the diversification
of products and new activities.
Take the authenticity as a key factor in the offer of
Sustainability as a factor of differentiation, which is
consistent with the country's tourist image.
Improve and promote products constantly (ICT 2010).
Figure 9. Mixture of tourist products to 2016.
Source: (Instituto Costarricense de Turismo 2010)
According to the previous graph, it is clear that communities
do not have all posed by ICT products, however, the
development of other tourism products to communities that
decide to implement tourism activities could offer include
within their specifications, currently the potential includes,
adventure tourism and ecotourism, both potential identified in
the communities. Posed by the ICT potential products, include
Rural tourism, this being the most similar according to the
conditions encountered in the study site; In addition to the date
Tracking Tracking
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 1, No. 3, 2015, pp. 105-120 119
of the potential products (2016) agrees with the closeness of
the beginning of the process of resettlement (2015) and the
process of completion of the work of the PHED (2018),
periods in which communities can prepare for this possibility
of development already strengthened in the new places.
The important thing is that the communities have included
potential within the development plans of the ICT, factor that
would allow future make arrangements and facilitate the
development of tourism in the area, according to the policies
of the ICT at the national level.
5. Conclusions
In direct relation to the suitability of the tourist routes,
stakeholders interviewed consider that Yes, based so that they
are suitable provided part of its associate members or the
community may interest in implementing sustainable tourism
through the creation of a range of services to the incipient
moment. This, associated with the creation of the offer
considering the needs of demand within a planning process
of sustainable tourism development with territorial approach.
I.e., the routes feature attractive natural and cultural;
However, so far there is with tourist products developed to
the level required by the demand.
If it is true that tourism at present is the main economic
activity in Costa Rica, compared to other traditional
productive activities generating activity; It also means an
increase in the cost of living, since it has an effect of growth
in the economy, resulting in an increase in the price of goods
and services, which are not accessible for some sectors of the
population according to the behavior of the market.
The ecotourism potential of the zone could promote the
conservation of natural resources, and various benefits, both
direct and indirect resources are generated by having these
attractions, also promotes the establishment of different
forms of protection of the ecosystems.
The sustainable approach would affect different aspects of
the dynamic rural citizen which together will contribute to
improve the quality of life of families and communities in
time. Proposal should contemplate the provision of
comprehensive support services to individual or organized
small producers so that they have real opportunities for
participation within the tourism business. Hence, the
importance of the creation of partnerships and constant
innovation by communities with external agents so as to
achieve a systemic approach.
There are different opportunities to develop tourism based on
the creation of the partnership through a systemic approach
with different organizations or institutions in Costa Rica
which offer services of training and capacity-building as in
the supply of resources of financing for the implementation
of ideas in tourism.
Currently there is little certainty about the social reaction of
populations to resettle, i.e., there is uncertainty of attitudes to
take from the people involved in the process of resettlement
in the future, since the process will involve various decision
making at the family level, which could change the current
interests; resulting in the lack of actors present in the area for
the future development of the tourism.
The best way to analyze and assess the possibilities of a
territory in terms of the true potential of tourism development,
is through an exhaustive and detailed evaluation with active
participation of the actors involved, taking into account the
supply, demand, the attractiveness of the territory,
competition and market trends.
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