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Bhartiya et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci., 25 (4) 2015
LEGUME HORSEGRAM (Macrotyloma uniflorum): A REVIEW
A. Bhartiya, J. P. Aditya and L. Kant
Crop Improvement Division, ICAR-Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan,Almora-263601, Uttarakhand, India
Corresponding Author e-mail:
Underutilized legumes are important group of crops which has special significance in subsistence farming and nutritional
security of resource poor masses in developing countries. Among underutilized legumes, horsegram (Macrotyloma
uniflorum), family Fabaceae is one of the minor or lesser known neglected legume mainly cultivated in Asian and
African countries as a dual purpose crop. It is a climate resilient legume which is well known for its drought hardiness
and embraces favourable agronomic features suitable for cultivation on dry lands under poor fertility condition. It is
comparable to other commonly consumed pulses in its nutritional value and serves as a cheap source of nutrition for
unprivileged rural communities residing in inaccessible areas. Horsegram has excellent therapeutic properties and
traditionally used to cure kidney stones, asthma, bronchitis, leucoderma, urinary discharges, heart diseases, piles etc.
Besides, it also possess anti-diabetic, anti-ulcer activity and also helps in dietary management of obesity due to the
presence of beneficial bioactive compounds. In the present review nutritional composition, antinutritional factors,
medicinal properties and its possibilities to be exploited as functional/ medicinal food for health benefits are summarised.
Keywords: Antinutritional factors, Macrotyloma uniflorum, medicinal properties, nutraceutical and nutritional
Food legumes are second most important group
of crops after cereals which have been a vital ingredient
of balanced human diet since millennia (Bhadana et al.,
2013) and recognised as second most valuable plant
source for human and animal nutrition (Bhatt and Karim,
2009) . In the developing countries, primarily a handful
of conventional legumes dominating the production and
market chains and playing crucial role in eradicating
protein malnutrition still, some of the underutilized
indigenous legumes like, horsegram [Macrotyloma
uniflorum (L.) Verdc] has great significance in the
nutritional security of rural, tribal and underprivileged
masses (Tontisirin, 2014). Horsegram is one of the highly
nutritious vegetable pulse crop with ethno-medicinal
values in India, which is commonly known as Kulattha
(Sanskrit), Kurti-kalai (Bengali), Kollu (Tamil), Ullavallu
(Telgu), Muthira (Malyalam), Gahot (Kumaon and
Garhwal) and etymologically, Gahot means “which
destroys stone in initial stage” (Pati and Bhattacharjee,
2013; Pande, 1999). Underutilized legumes make a
significant contribution to the diet of the rural households
particularly, during drought, famine and dry season
(Magbagbeola et al., 2010) besides, in many cases these
are the life-savers for millions of resource poor people in
the regions where ensuring food and nutritional security
is one of the significant problems, particularly in
traditional subsistence farming systems (Haq, 2002).
Presently, attention towards underutilized legumes is
increasing for finding new alternate protein sources to
meet the ever increasing demand for vegetable protein
(Pugalenthi et al., 2005). This neglected and under-
valorised crop has great untapped potential to support
smallholder rural farming communities by providing
income, food and nutritional security as well as
sustaining the genetic resources needed to address present
and future environmental challenges (Kahane et al.,
2013). Horsegram belongs to family Fabaceae is a
potential grain legume having excellent nutritional and
remedial properties with better climate resilience to adapt
harsh environmental conditions (Kumar, 2006). It is one
of the most important unexploited food legume being
grown in almost all over the world including temperate
and sub-tropical regions encompassing the countries in
East and Northeast Africa, Asian countries particularly,
India, China, Philippines, Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
and Queensland in Australia (Durga, 2012; Krishna,
2010). Horsegram is cultivated as a low grade pulse crop
in southern Asia, mainly from India to Myanmar and also
grown as a forage and green manure in many tropical
countries especially, in Australia and South-East Asia
(Brink, 2006).
Horsegram is a short day, twining, succulent,
annual climbing herb which has trifoliate leaves, white
coloured flowers, long linear pubescent pods with curved
beak, flattened small seeds with light red, brown, grey,
black or mottled testa (Singh, 1991) with photo and
The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25(4): 2015, Page: 908-920
ISSN: 1018-7081
Review Paper
Bhartiya et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci., 25 (4) 2015
thermo sensitive nature (Kumar, 2006). It is mostly
grown as catch crop especially under late summer (Kharif) or with the rains after a prolonged drought
condition (Prakash et al., 2002).
Figure 1. a. Field view of crop b. Mature Plant, c. Pods, d. Different seed colours of horsegram
It matures in 4 to 6 months (Singh, 1991) and
yield varies based on genotype and management such as,
at 60 kg /ha phosphorus (P2O5) level, 25% improvement
in seed yield was recorded compared to control and a
positive impact on seed yield with the increase in plant
densities from 2.66 lakh/ ha to 4.44 lakh/ ha (Keshava et
al., 2007). Similarly, horsegram sown during first
fortnight of August and September yielded significantly
higher grain yield with less disease incidence compared
to sown during first fortnight of October (Ganesha,
2001). Seed yield of horsegram usually varies from 0.13 -
1.2 tonnes/ha in India to 1.1-2.2 tonnes/ha in Australia
whereas, green forage yield varies from 5-14 tonnes/ha in
India and 4.4 tonnes/ha in Australia (Haq, 2011). It is
also grown as a cover crop for soil and water
conservation in semi-arid regions as well as found useful
for improving soil fertility and integrated fertility
management in dry land agriculture (Reddy et al., 2008).
This underexploited grain legume has great significance
in sustainable agriculture (Anitha et al., 2006) as well as
dry land agriculture in tropics and subtropics (Kadam and
Salunkhe, 1985; Jinka et al., 2009). Horsegram
germinates reasonably well in drought-prone areas with
very poor soils (where other crops invariably fail to
grow) due to Dehydrins (MuDHN1, MuDHN2 and
MuDHN3) which appeared to be the principle stress-
responsive genes in various abiotic stresses (Ramya et al.,
2013) besides, it is relatively tolerant to low to moderate
salinity levels with pH up to 8 (Mehra and Upadhyaya,
2013) and heavy metal stresses compared to other pulse
crops grown in semi-arid regions (Reddy et al., 2008).
However, it is sensitive to water logging (Smartt, 1990)
and completely intolerant of frost (Jones, 1969). Drought
tolerance capacity of horsegram is attributed in parts to
various pathways like antioxidant and osmolyte
biosynthesis, making it sturdy enough to withstand long
periods of drought with minimum management
(Bhardwaj et al., 2013). It also exhibits amazing defence
against attack by pests/pathogens and the possible source
of the indomitable pest resistance may be due to a dual-
function protein that exhibits both lectin and
lipoxygenase like functions (Roopashree et al., 2006).
The crude extracts of horsegram plant possess
compounds with antimicrobial properties with a broad-
spectrum of activity against both gram-positive and
gram-negative bacteria and fungi (Kawsar et al., 2008).
Horsegram is an excellent crop for intercropping
with various cereals like sorghum, pearl millet, finger
millet, maize and little millet (Krishna, 2010).
Intercropping maize with improved varieties of
horsegram reduced labour cost since less weeding
required in the intercrop as the horsegram smothered
weeds and in most cases intercropping did not have a
yield-reducing impact on their maize crop or on the
availability of fodder (Witcombe et al., 2008). In many
parts of India, horsegram is traditionally grown as mixed
crop, in Karnataka, Panch Dhani is a common practice in
which seeds of horsegram, Indian bean, cow pea, niger
and castor are mixed and grown to combat drought
(Kumar, 2006). Similarly, it is a component crop in
traditional mixed cropping “Barah Anaaja” practiced
from centuries in Uttarakhand hills of India in which
seeds of twelve food grains are mixed and grown
(Zhardhari, 2001). Mixed cropping of finger millet with
horsegram found more profitable as compared to millet
mono crop (Prasad et al., 2010). Better growth and
development of lower crop canopy and pods in
horsegram + finger millet intercropping system due to
improved light penetration (1.3% in sole horsegram to
6.9% in horsegram + finger millet) as well as higher net
Bhartiya et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci., 25 (4) 2015
return and benefit: cost ratio reported under horsegram +
finger millet (1:1) followed by horsegram + maize (2:1)
under hilly agro-ecosystem of India (Kumar et al., 2010).
Besides, intercropping allows lower inputs through
reduced fertilizer and pesticide requirements, thus
minimizing environmental impacts of agriculture
(Lithourgidis et al., 2011). Horsegram is an ideal crop for
a number of double/sequence/rotation combinations in
different climatic and geographic zones with annuals,
perennials, grasses etc. therefore, proved vital component
in cropping system (Kumar, 2006).
Origin, habitat and climatic requirement: It is native
to the old world tropics (Nene, 2006) and indigenous to
India (Vavilov, 1951; Smartt, 1985). Archaeological
investigations have revealed the use of horsegram as food
especially in India as origin around 2000 BC (Mehra,
2000; Prakash et al., 2010). Horsegram belongs to the
genus Macrotyloma contains 25 species indigenous to
Africa and Asia (Lackey, 1981). Presence of wild or
naturalized horsegram is recorded in Africa (Central, East
and Southern Africa) and India (Verdcourt, 1982; Brink,
2006). The primary centre of origin and use of horsegram
as a cultivated plant is in the plains and hills of low
altitude extending southwards in the Western Ghats in
South West India (Arora and Chandel, 1972). During
Neolithic period through counter migration of human
beings its cultivation was diffused to northern and
western part of Indian subcontinent (Mehra, 2000; Fuller
et al., 2004). It is generally grown under sub-humid to
semi-arid climate with annual rainfall 300-600 mm
(Krishna, 2010) and with less than 30 cm rainfall as dry
land crop up to an elevation of 1800 m from mean sea
level (Haq, 2011).Optimum temperature range for its
growth is 250to 320C and can tolerate temperature up to
400C but the growth rate declining markedly below 200C
(Krishna, 2010; Mehra and Upadhyaya, 2013).
Nutritional composition: Grain legumes are an
important source of nutrients and renowned as poor
man’s meat especially in developing countries (Hayat et
al., 2014). Horsegram has been recognised as potential
source of protein and other nutrients (Sreerama et al.,
2012). It has high nutritional value (Table 1) equivalent
to other commonly grown pulse crops in all aspects and
also an excellent source of iron, molybdenum and
calcium (Prasad et al., 2010; Tuteja, 2008; Bhokre,
2012). Horsegram seed contains carbohydrate (57.2%),
protein (22%), dietary fibre (5.3%), fat (0.50%), calcium
(287mg), phosphorous (311mg), iron (6.77mg) and
calories (321 Kcal) (Gopalan et al., 1999) as well as
vitamins like thiamine (0.4mg), riboflavin (0.2mg) and
niacin (1.5mg) per 100g of dry matter (Bolbhat and
Dhumal, 2012). However, several factors like the
genotype, soil, fertilizer application, cultural practices,
weather and climatic factors, postharvest handling and
storage can directly or indirectly affect the nutritional
quality (Hornick, 1992). Horsegram seed is low in fat
and is excellent sources of protein, dietary fibre, a variety
of micronutrients and phytochemicals (Sreerama et al.,
2012) still it has remained an underutilized food legume,
consumed only by the farming communities of
inaccessible areas and low-income groups (Aiyer, 1990).
Carbohydrate: Carbohydrate content ranges from 50-
60% in commonly consumed pulses (Bains and Brar,
2005). Carbohydrate includes starch, monosaccharides,
oligosaccharides and other polysaccharides (Ekanayake
et al., 2000). In the legume seeds, starch is the major
source of available carbohydrate and most abundant (22–
45%) along with oligosaccharides (1.8-18%) and dietary
fibre (4.3-25%) (Hoover and Zhou, 2003; Ofuya and
Akhidue, 2005). In whole and dehulled horsegram seeds,
carbohydrate content ranged from 51.9-60.9% and 56.8-
66.4% respectively (Sudha et al., 1995). Carbohydrate of
raw horsegram seeds comprises 36±1.17g starch per 100g
dry matter in which approximately 85% digestible,
14.47% resistant and 3.38% resistant starch associated to
insoluble dietary fibres (Bravo et al., 1999). Horsegram
has high non-digestible carbohydrate content which cause
lower glucose release into the blood stream with potential
beneficial effects in the dietary management of diabetes
and this resistant starch is regarded as a prebiotic among
the new generation of dietary fibres (Samanta et al.,
2011). Horsegram seed contains 6.38% total soluble
sugars (Bravo et al., 1999) of which 55–65% constitute
flatulence-producing raffinose family oligosaccharides
(RFO), stachyose and verbascose (Machaiah and
Pednekar, 2002) and processing such as soaking, cooking
and sprouting may bring about changes in the levels of
Crude protein: Horsegram is one of the cheapest sources
of protein for both human beings and animals (Katiyar,
1984). On an average, horsegram seed contains 22–24%
protein, which is comparable to commonly consumed
pulses like chickpea, pigeonpea, greengram and
blackgram however, due to varietal difference large
variability observed in protein content ranging from
18.5–31.16% (Begum et al., 1977; Murthy, 1980). The
dehulled horsegram seeds exhibit higher protein content
(18.4–25.5%) than the whole (17.9–25.3%) (Sudha et al.,
1995). A wild species of horsegram (Macrotyloma sar-
garhwalensis) contains 38.37±1.03% crude protein. The
true seed protein (34.88%) content of this wild horsegram
reported about two times higher than the other commonly
grown horsegram lines (Yadav et al., 2004). Horsegram
protein comprises higher lysine content than pigeonpea
and chickpea making it a good complement to a cereal
based diet (Venkatesha, 1999; Prasad et al., 2010)
whereas methionine is the major limiting amino acid and
threonine and tryptophan are the other minor limiting
amino acids (Khader and Venkat Rao, 1986).
Bhartiya et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci., 25 (4) 2015
Table 1. Nutritional composition of horsegram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.]
S. No.
Nutritional composition
Gopalan et al.,1999
51.9%-60.9% (Whole) and 56.8%-66.4% (Dehulled)
Sudha et al., 1995
Sreerama et al., 2012
36+ 1.17g/100g [Digestible (85%), Resistant
(14.47%) and Resistant starch associated with
dietary fibres (3.38%)]
Bravo et al., 1999
Bravo et al., 1999
Oligosaccharides 26.8 mg/g [ Raffinose (7.1+ 0.0),
Stachyose (15.6+ 0.4) and Verbascose (4.1+ 0.0)]
Sreerama et al., 2012
16.3% [Insoluble (14.9+ 0.4%) ,Soluble
(1.4%+0.0%) and Resistant starch (2.2+0.2)%]
Sreerama et al., 2012
Gopalan et al.,1999
17.9%-25.3% (Whole) and 18.4%-25.5% (Dehulled)
Sudha et al., 1995
Venkatesha RT, 1999
22.5 +1.0%
Sreerama et al., 2012
Gopalan et al.,1999
0.70-2.06% (Whole) and 0.81-2.11% (Dehulled)
Sudha et al., 1995
Sreerama et al., 2010
1.4+ 0.0 %
Sreerama et al., 2012
Fatty Acids
27.5% [Palmitic (21.97%), Arachidic (2.85%),
Stearic (2.32%) and Myristic (0.36%)]
Mishra H and Pathan S,
Fatty Acids
72.49% [Linoleic (42.78%), Oleic (16.15%) and
Linolenic acid (13.56%)]
Mishra H and Pathan S,
Gopala et al .,1997
11.55% (Whole) and 9.73%(Dehulled)
Sudha et al., 1995
6.8 + 2.0%
Sreerama et al., 2012
3.0%–3.8% (Whole) and 2.7–3.4 %(Dehulled)
Sudha et al., 1995
4.50% (in leaves)
Mandle et al., 2012
2.7+ 0.0%
Sreerama et al., 2012
Macro minerals
Ca [238mg/100g (Whole) and 223 mg/100g
(Dehulled )]
Sudha et al., 1995
Ca (244–312 mg/100g)
Khatun et al., 2013
Ca (287mg/100g)
Gopalan et al.,1999
P ( 311mg/100g)
Gopalan et al.,1999
Fe (5.89–7.44 mg / 100 g)
Khatun et al., 2013
Fe (6.77mg/100g)
Gopalan et al.,1999
K(13.06 - 14.61 mg/g ) , Ca (1.20 - 3.13 mg/g),
P ( 3.83 - 4.43 mg/g), Mg ( 1.64 - 1.73 mg/g ) and
S(1.85 - 2.46 mg/g )
Morris et al., 2011
Micro minerals
Cu (10.28 - 13.16 µg/g ), Fe ( 68.25 - 92.95 µg/g ),
Mn ( 31.26 - 59.85 µg/g ), Ni (1.04 - 1.33 µg/g), Zn
(29.24 - 38.13 µg/g)
Morris et al., 2011
Thiamine (0.4mg/100g), Riboflavin (0.2mg/100g)
and Niacin (1.5mg/100g)
Bolbhat and Dhumal,
Dietary fibre: Adequate dietary fibre is essential for
proper functioning of the gut and has also been related to
risk reduction for a number of chronic diseases including
heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes. Fibre includes
pectin, gum, mucilage, cellulose, hemicelluloses and
lignin (Khogare, 2012). In most grain legumes consumed
as pulses by humans, the fibre content ranges from 8.0–
27·5%, with soluble fibre in the range 3·3–13·8 %
(Guillon and Champ, 2002). Horsegram seed contains
28.8% total dietary fibres, mainly insoluble dietary fibre
(IDF) 27.82% and soluble dietary fibre (SDF) 1.13% with
IDF:SDF 24.6 (Khatoon and Prakash, 2004) whereas,
Bhartiya et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci., 25 (4) 2015
horsegram flour contains 16.3% total dietary fibre (14.9%
insoluble and 1.4% soluble and 2.2% resistant starch)
(Sreerama et al., 2012). Horsegram seeds contains more
insoluble dietary fibre (Kawale et al., 2005) required for
normal lower intestinal function in humans (Anderson et
al., 1994). Crude fibre is only one-seventh to one-half of
total dietary fibre (Trowell,1976) and the high content of
dietary fibre in horsegram flours might be helpful in
terms of maintaining positive effects on intestine and
colon physiology, besides other homoeostatic and
therapeutic functions in human nutrition (Sreerama et al.,
2012). Pulse derived fibre have been shown to alter
energy expenditure, substrate trafficking and fat
oxidation as well as visceral adipose deposition (Ramen
et al., 2013).
Fat: The fat content of horsegram ranges from 0.6–2.6 %
(Sreerama et al., 2010). Dehulled horsegram seeds
exhibit higher crude fat content (0.81–2.11%) than the
whole (0.70–2.06%) seeds (Sudha et al., 1995).
Horsegram seeds are a good source of essential fatty
acids and contains 27.5% saturated fatty acids (21.97%
palmitic, 2.85% arachidic, 2.32% stearic acid and 0.36%
myristic), 72.49% unsaturated fatty acids (42.78%
linoleic, 16.15% oleic and 13.56% linolenic acid) and
among unsaturated fatty acids linoleic acid is useful for
the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
(Mishra and Pathan 2011). In an optimum balance, the
essential fatty acids linoleic acid with α-linolenic acid
may slow the onset of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
diseases and these fatty acids are important for healthy
cell membrane formation and functional development of
the brain and nervous system, therefore, increase intake
of legumes can be beneficial to human health (Morris et
al., 2013; Ryan et al., 2007). Further, horsegram lipids
have anti-ulcer activity due to presence of phytosterol
esters (Berger et al., 2004) which imparts protective and
healing effect on acute gastric ulceration produced by
alcohol (Jayraj et al., 2000).
Moisture and ash content: The moisture content in
horsegram seeds is about 11.39 per cent (Gopala Krishna
et al., 1997). However, moisture content in seeds depends
on the stage and time of harvesting of the crop as it is
generally on higher side (18-25%) at the time of
harvesting and 9-12% is the optimum range for safe
storage in pulses (Mohan et al., 2011). In whole and
dehulled horsegram seeds, moisture content is found
11.55% and 9.73%, whereas ash content ranges from
3.0%–3.8% and 2.7–3.4 %, respectively (Sudha et al.,
1995). Higher ash content is indicative of high mineral
content. Horsegram is also used as leafy vegetable and its
leaves contain relatively very high content (4.50%) of
minerals as compared to other common vegetables (1.5–
2.4%) (Mandle et al., 2012). In horsegram accessions,
mean concentrations of macro minerals (Ca, K, Mg, P,
and S) ranges from 1.3–14 mg and micro minerals (Cu,
Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn) ranges from 1.0–95.0 μg per gram
dry weight (Morris et al., 2013). It is a fairly rich source
of calcium which is 238mg in whole seed and 223 mg in
dehulled seed per 100g seed (Sudha et al., 1995). In raw
horsegram, the calcium and iron content ranges from
244–312 mg and 5.89–7.44 mg per 100 g of seed,
respectively with in-vitro bio-accessibility of 22.50–
38.50 mg of calcium and 0.26–0.85 mg of iron per 100 g
of seeds (Khatun et al., 2013). Germination, cooking and
roasting significantly increased the in-vitro bio-
accessibility of calcium and iron (Khatun et al., 2013).
Antinutritional factors: Pulses contain several
antinutritional factors that reduce the bioavailability of
nutrients (Jain et al., 2009). Horsegram flour contains
trypsin inhibitor activity (9246±18 TIU/g), phytic acid
(10.2±0.4mg/g), polyphenols (14.3±0.4mgGA/g) and
oligosaccharides (26.8mg/g) (Sreerama et al., 2012). The
utilization of horsegram as human food is restricted due
to presence of high level of enzyme inhibitors,
haemagglutinin activities, oligosaccharides, tannins,
polyphenols and phytic acid compared to the other
legumes which can be reduced below their mischief
potential through processing (Dhumal and Bolbhat, 2012;
Sharma, 2011). Conventional processing methods such as
dehusking, germination, cooking, and roasting have been
shown to produce beneficial effects by decreasing the
content of undesirable components which results in
enhanced acceptability and nutritional quality in addition
to optimal utilization of horsegram as human food
(Kadam and Salunkhe, 1985). As far as the presence of
antinutritional factors are concerned, some of the
commonly considered antinutritional compounds like
phytic acid, phenols, tannins are now being considered as
potential antioxidants having health promoting effects.
The phytic acid has now been shown to possess rich
antioxidant, anticarcinogenic and hypoglycaemic
activities, therefore, depending upon consumer
preferences retaining or elimination of these compounds
could be facilitated (Bhatt and Karim, 2009).
Protease inhibitors: Horsegram invariably contain
inhibitors of proteases that cause decreased digestibility
of dietary proteins by formation of irreversible trypsin
enzyme and trypsin inhibitor complex in the intestine.
The horsegram protease inhibitors resembles other
Bowman-Birk protease inhibitors and characterized by
low molecular weight, high disulfide content with low
content of aromatic amino acids which can bind and
inhibit trypsin and chymotrypsin either independently or
simultaneously (Singh and Rao, 2002; Ramasarma et al.,
1994). In horsegram flour, trypsin inhibitor activity is
significantly higher (9246 TIU/g) as compare to chickpea
(6452 TIU/g) and cowpea (6981 TIU/g) flour (Sreerama
et al., 2012). High level of trypsin inhibitor activity (950
x 103TIU/g seed) in ungerminated horsegram seeds
reduced by 16% in 72 h germinated seeds (Subbulakshmi
Bhartiya et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci., 25 (4) 2015
et al., 1976). Germination induces changes in the
Bowman-Birk type proteinase inhibitors of horsegram at
both qualitative and quantitative levels (Gowda and
Sreerama, 1998) and facilitates protein hydrolysis for
utilization in germination process. Trypsin inhibitor is
thermolabile and its inhibitory activity can be reduced
considerably by thermal treatment (Liener, 1994).
Total free phenolics and tannins: Phenolic compounds
and tannins are important phytochemicals, synthesized by
plants for protection against predators and also under
various stress conditions, plants accumulate phenolic
compounds in their metabolism (Thenmozhi et al., 2012).
These compounds are highly appreciated for their quality
to add flavour, taste and appearance to the product
(Pugalenthi et al., 2005) as well as impart health benefits
for humans (Alonso and Arellano, 2005). Phenolic
compounds are known to interact with proteins forming
complexes which in turn, decrease the solubility of
proteins and make protein complexes less susceptible to
proteolytic attack (Reddy et al., 1985). Tannins are
structurally more complex and wide spread phenolic
compounds that contribute astringency and bitterness to
plants as well as has the property to precipitate proteins
(Chirinos et al., 2008; Furlan et al., 2010). Horsegram
seeds are rich in tannins and polyphenols compared to the
other legumes (Kadam and Salunkhe, 1985) and contains
relatively high levels of total free phenolics
(1.670g/100g) (Sundaram et al., 2013) and tannins
(763.7-895.9mg/100g) (Sudha et al., 1995). Black seeds
contain relatively high levels of total phenolics and
tannins than the brown seeds (Siddhuraju and Manian,
2007). The extracts of horsegram plant examined as
potential sources of phenolic compounds and out of eight
phenolic acids, most abundant were p-coumaric acid
(8.95 mg) and p-hydroxy benzoic acid (7.81 mg) per 100
g of dry sample (Kawsar et al., 2008). Phenolics and
tannins are water soluble which are concentrated to seed
coat. Soaking and cooking process cause leaching of
tannins and beneficial impact on nutritional value and
marked reduction in tannin content (215.3–361.9
mg/100g) by dehulling as compared to whole seeds
(763.7–895.9mg/100g) of horsegram (Sudha et al., 1995).
Phenolics have attracted the attention of food and health
scientists in recent times due to antioxidant properties and
their uses in health care (Alonso and Arellano, 2005).
There is ample proof of health benefits as anti-
inflammatory, cicatrizant and anti-HIV functions of
tannins together with their role in protection against
environmental stresses (drought, UV-B radiation and
atmospheric pollution), microbial pathogens, harmful
insects and other herbivores in plants (Furlan et al.,
Haemagglutinins: Haemagglutinins are cell
agglutinating sugar specific proteins, widely distributed
in leguminous plants and sometimes referred as
phytoagglutinins or lectins (Srilakshmi, 2003; Kumar and
Gopalrao, 1986). Excess consumption of lectins can
cause severe intestinal damage, nutrient deficiencies and
they can bind to erythrocytes simultaneously with
immune factors, causing hemagglutination and anemia
(Laura, 1991). However, oral administration of low doses
can have many beneficial effects on digestive efficiency,
the immune system and the body’s endocrine system with
beneficial consequences for general metabolism (Zhang
et al., 2008). In horsegram, D. biflorus agglutinin (DBA)
is an important dietary lectin, identified as an allergen
(Siddanakoppalu et al., 2006) and retarded growth
observed in rats fed on this lectin (Manage et al., 1972).
Horsegram seeds are rich in lectins and DBA
differentially expresses in seeds, stems, leaves and roots
(Beran et al., 2007). Horsegram seed lectin has ‘A’ blood
group specificity which can distinguish between A1 and
A2 blood groups therefore, commonly used in blood
banks in blood group testing (Hamid and Masood, 2009;
Shah,2014). Preliminary soaking prior to autoclaving or
cooking is required for complete elimination of the
toxicity of lectins (Jain et al., 2009).
Phytic acid: Phytic acid (known as phytate when in salt
form) acts as the primary phosphorus reservoir
accounting for up to 85% of total phosphorus in cereals
and legumes and has the ability to bind minerals, proteins
and starch and forms complexes consequently lowers the
bioavailability of minerals (zinc, iron, calcium,
magnesium, manganese and copper) as well as inhibit
enzymatic digestion of both proteins and starch
(Pugalenthi et al., 2005). However, it exhibits beneficial
health effects as it has a positive role as an antioxidant
and in protection against a variety of cancer and coronary
heart disease, diabetes mellitus and renal stones (Kumar
et al., 2010). In horsegram seeds, phytate phosphorus
(184±6.0mg/100g) accounted for 57% of the total
phosphorus (320±8.5mg/100g) (Borade et al., 1984). The
phytic acid content in horsegram flour (10.2±0.4mg/g)
comparable to chickpea (12.1±0.5mg/g) and cowpea
(14.0±0.7mg/g), black gram (11mg/g), lentil (12.5mg/g),
red kidney bean (14.4mg/g) and white kidney bean
(12.3mg/g) but higher than the levels reported for pigeon
pea (2.2mg/g) (Sreerama et al., 2012). Simple processing
like germination, cooking, roasting, soaking and
fermentation cause significant reduction in phytic acid
content in legumes (Khamgaonkar et al., 2013).
Please give one space here
Remedial properties: Horsegram has long history as
traditional medicine to cure many diseases, still it is
neglected for its remedial potential. As per Charak
Samhita, the seed of horsegram are useful for the cure of
piles, hiccup, abdominal lump, bronchial asthma, in
causing and regulating perspiration and in the Sushruta
Samhita it is mentioned that the seed powder is useful in
Bhartiya et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci., 25 (4) 2015
stopping excessive perspiration (Pati and Bhattacharjee,
2013). Traditional texts describes its use as traditional
medicine for curing kidney stones, asthma, bronchitis,
leucoderma, urinary discharges, heart diseases and piles
(Ghani,1998; Yadava and Vyas, 1994). It also has
anthelmintic activity which can be used as dietary food
for infants to eradicate worms (Philip et al., 2009). It
supposed to have unique property of dissolving kidney
stones, therefore, in many parts of the country it is given
to prevent or cure urinary stones (Singla and Kumar,
1985). In seed extract of horsegram water soluble, heat
stable, polar, non-tannin and non-protein crystallization
inhibitors are reported and a marked decrease in
anticalcifying activity observed with the post-harvest
storage of seeds (Peshin and Singla, 1995). The extract of
horsegram exerts a hypolipidaemic and hypoglycaemic
actions (Senthil, 2009) and has also been found beneficial
in urinary troubles, acid peptic disorder (gastritis),
constipation, sun-burn, kidney stone, female diseases
(leucorrhoea, menstrual troubles, bleeding during
pregnancy, post partum excessive discharges), colic
caused by wind, piles, rheumatism, hemorrhagic disease,
intestinal worms etc.( Pati and Bhattacharjee, 2013). It is
prescribed for persons suffering from jaundice, water
retention, as part of a weight loss diet, iron deficiencies
and also helpful for maintaining body temperature in the
winter season (Ramesh et al., 2011). It is considered as
Garmi dal and preferred during the winter months by
rural communities (Khanal et al., 2009). Horsegram seed
are rich source of dietary antioxidants (Siddhuraju and
Manian, 2007) as well as has antidiabetic effect (Gupta et
al., 2011). Extracts from horsegram seeds reported to
have significant activity against B. subtilis,S. aureus,E.
coli, and P. aeruginosa (Gupta et al., 2005). Horsegram
used as medicine to treat hiccups, worms and in the
treatment of bacterial and fungal infections (Kawsar et
al., 2008; Chunekar and Pandey, 1998). It has functional
ingredients against hypercholesterolemia and obesity
(Kumar et al., 2013).
Potential of horsegram as functional food and feed:
Horsegram has great potential both as food and feed
suggested by experiences worldwide. Its nutritious
composition, medicinal properties and indomitable pest
resistance makes it a rich yet cheap source of food,
fodder, fuel supplement and green manure (Bhardwaj et
al., 2013). U.S. National Academy of Science has
identified this legume as a potential food source for the
future (NAS, 1979). The inception of nutraceutical
concept and health consciousness among masses has
increased the utilization of potential antioxidants from
legumes including horsegram as it reduces the risk of
intestinal diseases, diabetes, coronary heart disease,
prevention of dental caries etc. due to presence of
bioactive compounds (Prasad and Singh, 2014). The
seeds, sprouts or whole meal of horsegram is used by
large populations in rural areas (Kadam and Salunkhe,
1985). Raw horsegram seed is a rich source of
antioxidant activities which are concentrated more in the
seed coat of the seeds and consumption of food items
prepared with unprocessed raw horsegram seeds may
have more health benefits for hyperglycaemic individuals
(Tiwari et al., 2013). Horsegram seed proteins exhibit
free radical scavenging capacities which can be used as a
food supplement, natural antioxidant and useful as
therapeutics for health benefits of human (Petchiammal
and Hopper, 2014). The seeds and sprouts of horsegram
are excellent examples of ‘functional food’ as it has role
in lowering the risk of various diseases and exerting
health promoting effects in addition to its nutritive value
(Ramesh et al., 2011). However, the metabolic changes
during sprouting affect the bioavailability, palatability
and digestibility of essential nutrients (Masood et al.,
2014). In some parts of India, leaves of horsegram are
also used as vegetable (Mandle et al., 2012) and leaves
contain additional health enhancing traits such as
anthocyanins which are potent antioxidants by acting as
free radical scavengers and shown to be anti-
inflammatory (Morris, 2008). Non-toxic extracts from
aerial parts of horsegram justifying its ethnobotanical use
(Kawsar et al., 2008). Horsegram is low cost pulse with
high protein and acceptable cooking quality and has the
potential to formulate products (Hiramath et al., 2001). In
addition, horsegram flour has good functional properties
with swelling capacity (1.43±0.01 ml), water solubility
index (7.56±0.10 %), oil absorption capacity (80.76±0.03
%), water absorption capacity (142.14±0.10 g/100g) and
swelling index (0.46±0.15%), hence can be used as
functional foods for nutrition and food formulation
(Marimuthul and Krishnamoorthi, 2013). Horsegram
flour is rich in protein, calcium and dietary fibre, after
simple processing like soaking and drying or roasting
eliminates the antinutritional content hence suitably
processed horsegram flour could be used in the
preparation of various food products (Thirukkumar and
Sindumathi, 2014). Horsegram flour found to have
favourable functional properties like higher water
absorption capacity (148.1±3.4mg/100g), emulsion
activity (58.1±0.5%) and emulsion stability (52.0±1.6%)
as compared to chickpea flour which suggest its scope to
be exploited in the preparation and development of food
products such as bakery products, soups and snacks as
well as may be used to produce composite flours as
partial substitutes of chickpea flour in snacks,
confectionery and other traditional food products
(Sreerama et al., 2012).
The whole seeds of horsegram are generally
utilized as cattle feed and are usually given after boiling
(Reddy et al., 2008; Kadam and Salunkhe, 1985). Non
shattering pods has shown the potential of stand over dry
season livestock feed in Northern Australia while in India
as annual pulse and forage crop in areas receiving less
Bhartiya et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci., 25 (4) 2015
than 875mm average annual rainfall (Blumenthal and
Staplesz, 1993). Horsegram seed can also be utilized in
chick and grower ration without any deleterious effect as
better feed efficiency observed in the diets of egg-type
chicks and growers with 10% raw horsegram seeds
without mortality (Ravindran and Bino Sundar, 2009).
Sheep appeared to prosper best when fed hay containing
70% M. uniflorum than hay consisting of 70%
Stylosanthes hamata,Vigna unguiculata, and Crotalaria
juncea (Murthy and Prasad, 2005). Horsegram seed meal
is non-toxic in nature, safe for edible use and has a better
promise as a source of food supplement and likely to be
satisfactory in supporting growth and maintenance in
animal feeding (Sreelekshmi et al., 2011). It possess high
nutritional value and remedial properties. Moreover, it
has the potential for further utilization as nutraceutical,
food and forage for malnourished and drought-prone
areas of the world (Morris, 2008). There are great
possibilities exist for horsegram to be explored further for
various undiscovered phytochemicals, therapeutics usage
as well as development of low cost functional and
medicinal food.
Conclusion: Horsegram is an important food and feed
crop traditionally grown in arid regions of the developing
world and often considered as minor/ neglected/
underexploited/ poor man’s pulse. Its innate climate
resilience suggests its scope as a suitable alternative in
the present climate change era. It is a treasure house of
various therapeutic, bioactive compounds along with
excellent nutritional quality makes it a wholesome food
that should be added to diet on a regular basis. The health
benefits of horse gram are being recognized in the
western world recently, but have been known for its
ability to prevent and cure various diseases by Indian
“Ayurvedic” system since centuries. Furthermore, there
are still great possibilities exist for this legume to be
explored for its chemoprofile, pharmacology, biological
evaluation, toxicological consequences, innate health-
promoting aspects and many undiscovered
phytochemicals as well as there is need to promote and
support the initiatives that make the most use of this
indigenous underutilized legume to address food and
nutritional security issues.
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