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Normalization of aberrant resting state functional connectivity in fibromyalgia patients following a three month physical exercise therapy

  • University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology

Abstract and Figures

Physical exercise is one of the most efficient interventions to mitigate chronic pain symptoms in fibromyalgia (FM). However, little is known about the neurophysiological mechanisms mediating these effects. In this study we investigated resting-state connectivity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) before and after a 15 week standardized exercise program supervised by physical therapists. Our aim was to gain an understanding of how physical exercise influences previously shown aberrant patterns of intrinsic brain activity in FM. Fourteen FM patients and eleven healthy controls successfully completed the physical exercise treatment. We investigated post- versus pre-treatment changes of brain connectivity, as well as changes in clinical symptoms in the patient group. FM patients reported improvements in symptom severity. Although several brain regions showed a treatment-related change in connectivity, only the connectivity between the right anterior insula and the left primary sensorimotor area was significantly more affected by the physical exercise among the fibromyalgia patients compared to healthy controls. Our results suggest that previously observed aberrant intrinsic brain connectivity patterns in FM are partly normalized by the physical exercise therapy. However, none of the observed normalizations in intrinsic brain connectivity were significantly correlated with symptom changes. Further studies conducted in larger cohorts are warranted to investigate the precise relationship between improvements in fibromyalgia symptoms and changes in intrinsic brain activity.
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Normalization of aberrant resting state functional connectivity in
bromyalgia patients following a three month physical exercise therapy
P. Flodin
, M. Löfgren
, I. Bileviciute-Ljungar
, P. Fransson
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Rheumatology and Inammation Research, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 1 June 2015
Received in revised form 29 July 2015
Accepted 6 August 2015
Available online 18 August 2015
Physical exercise
Resting state fMRI
Functional connectivity
Physical exercise is one of the most efcient interventions to mitigate chronic pain symptoms in bromyalgia
(FM). However, little is known about the neurophysiological mechanisms mediating these effects. In this study
we investigated resting-state connectivity using functional magne tic resonance imaging (fMRI) before and
after a 15 week standardized exercise program supervised by physical therapists. Our aim was to gain an under-
standing of how physical exercise inuences previously shown aberrant patterns of intrinsic brain activity in FM.
Fourteen FM patients and eleven healthy controls successfully completed the physical exercise treatment. We
investigated post- versus pre-treatment changes of brain connectivity, as well as changes in clinical symptoms
in the patient group. FM patients reported improvements in symptom severity. Although several brain regions
showed a treatment-related change in connectivity, only the connectivity between the right anterior insula
and the left primary sensorimotor area was signicantly more affected by the physical exercise among the bro-
myalgia patients compared to healthy controls. Our results suggest that previously observed aberrant intrinsic
brain connectivity patterns in FM are partly normalized by the physical exercise therapy. However, none of the
observed normalizations in intrinsic brain connectivity were signicantly correlated with symptom changes. Fur-
ther studies conducted in larger cohorts are warranted to investigate the precise relationship between improve-
ments in bromyalgia symptoms and changes in intrinsic brain activity.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
1. Introduction
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condi tion characterized by widespread
chronic pain and is often accompanied by cognitive dysfunction and fa-
tigue. The pathogenesis is still largely unknown, but there is evidence of
both peripheral and central pathophysiology (for a review, see Clauw,
2014). The diagnosis is currently based on self-reported pain, and as of
yet, no laboratory test can directly test for FM. Intriguingly however,
several brain imaging studies of FM patients indicate an altered func-
tional brain structure which is related to aberrant pain evoked brain
activation , particularly in the anterior cingulate cortex and thalamus
(Jensen et al., 2013). Resting state brain connectivity constitutes
a promising complement to the traditional task-based fMRI studies
employing subtraction designs that disregard the brain activity reecting
sustained pain states. Resting state fMRI studies have reported altered
intrinsic brain activity in FM patients including: decreased connectivity
between insula and prefrontal areas (Ichesco et al., 2014) and the
periaqueductal grey (PAG) (Pujol et al., 2014), increased connectivity
between insula and medial regions of the default mode network (DMN)
(Napad ow et al., 2010), and decreased connectivity between somatosen-
sory regions and visual and auditory cortices (Pujol et al., 2014). Using a
comprehensive set of analytical approaches to characterize intrinsic
brain activity in FM, we recently showed a decreased connectivity
between pain-related and sensorimotor brain areas during rest (Flodin
et al., 2014).
Physical exercise is a potent treatment for FM, on par with the ef-
ciency of cognitive behavioural therapy, education in coping strategies
and phar macological in terve ntions (Clauw, 2014). In th is study, we
aimed to investigate if physical exercise could normalize the previously
described aberrant patterns of intrinsic brain connectivity in FM and if
this was related to symptom improvement. To our knowledge, this is
the rst study to investigate the longitudinal effects of physical exercise
NeuroImage: Clinical 9 (2015) 134139
Abbreviations: FM, bromyalgia; PAG, periaqueductal grey; FIQ, Fibromyalgia Impact
Questionnaire; SF36BP, bodily pain subscale of the Short Form Health Survey.
* Corresponding author at: Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet,
Nobels väg 9, Stockholm SE-171 77, Sweden. Tel.: +46 709 243172.
E-mail address: (P. Flodin).
2213-1582/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
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on intrinsic brain activity in FM. Our hypothesis was that the physical
training program would inuence the previously detected deviant con-
nectivity patterns in six pairs of brain ROI-to-ROI (Region-of-Interest)
connectivity in FM patients (Flodin et al., 2014). We further aimed to in-
vestigate the extent to which longitudinal changes in connectivity cor-
related with changes in symptoms.
2. Methods
2.1. Subjects
Subject recruitment and inclusion criteria were identical to our base-
line study (Flodin et al., 2014). All FM patients satised the American
College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1990 disease criteria for FM. Of the 16
female subjects included in the baseline study, two subjects failed to
comply with the longitudinal study protocol. The mean age of the re-
maining fourteen subjects was 48.4 (range 2564) years (all female).
The mean symptom gravity (assessed with the Fibromyalgia Impact
Questionnaire (FIQ), see Bennett, 2005 for reference) was 60.8 (SD =
11.8), and the mean FM duration was 7.3 years ( SD = 4.0). Among
the 22 female subjects originally inc luded a s healthy controls in the
baseline study, nine subjects were only scanned once, fMRI data from
one subject was discarded due to excessi ve head-motion, and fMRI
data from one sub ject was rejected due to technical failures in the
image acquisition process. Thus, fMRI res ting-state data from eleven
healthy controls were included (mean age 41.8 years, range 2063).
2.2. Training intervention
A 15-week exercise program with two sessions each week was carried
out under supervis ion from a physio therapi st (PT). Before the part icipants
started the intervention, they had individual meetings with a PT who test-
ed their one repetition maximum (1 RM) and tolerance before deciding
the initial load of each exercise. At the same time the participants received
individual instructions for each exercise. Each session lasted for about 1 h
and included 10 min of warming up by ergometer cycling, isometric exer-
cises for the deep muscles in the back and stomach, and concentric and
non-concentric exercises for the legs, back, stomach, arms and hands.
The program ended with stretching exercises.
The participants3 individual 1 RM for the different exercises were
tested before starting and at three time points during the program. For
the legs and arms the initial loads were set at approximately 40% of
one 1 RM and the participants were instructed to repeat each exercise
1520 times in one to three sets within symptom tolerance. In between
each set, the participants rested for at least 45 s. After 5 weeks the load
was raised up to about 50% of 1 RM with 2 sets of 1215 repetitions,
after 8 weeks up to about 60% of 1 RM with 2 sets of 1012 repetitions
and after 12 weeks up to about 70% of 1 RM with 2 sets of 810 repeti-
tions. Leg exercises for explosive strength were also included at weeks
ve and eight.
The participants reported pain and other adverse effects of the exer-
cise program to the PT during every session. In the case that the level of
pain increased without returning back to normal within a few days, the
participants were instructed to lower the load, but continue to do the
exercise. The same instructions were given if the participants had a
bad day or an increase of symptoms. If any special exercise was causing
problems the participants were instructed to refrain from doing it. The
PT followed up on program compliance; if participants did not partici-
pate in a session they were instructed to give notice with the reason
of absence, on which the physiotherapist made a follow-up phone call.
The overall compliance rate was high, with an average of 29.12 (SD =
3.2) training sessions taken for the 25 participants (for FM: M = 29.4,
SD =1.6;HC:M = 28.7, SD = 4.5). There was no signicant group dif-
ference with regard to compliance (t(23) = 0.52, p
3. Behavioural measures
We used two behavioural measures to estimate pain and bromyalgia
symptomatology. We used the bodily pain subscale of the Short Form
Health Survey (SF36BP) for pain assessment, since this assesses pain dur-
ing a 4 week period and thus reects long-term changes, disregarding
temporary uctuations in pain intensity (Contopoulos-Ionannidis et al.,
2009). In addition, we used the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire
(FIQ), which is a general questionnaire regarding the impact of bromy-
algia on everyday life (Bennett, 2005).
2.4. MRI data acquisition
Anatomical and functional MR imaging were performed on a 3 T
General Electric 750 MR scanner. For each subject we performed one
resting state scan consisting of 200 volumes, using an echo-planar imag-
ing sequence with TR/TE = 2500/30 ms, ip = 90°, 49 slices, 96 × 96
matrix size, FOV = 288×288 mm, slice thickness = 3 mm using inter-
leaved slice acquisition. In the resting state condition, subjects were
instructed to lie still and rest, and keep their eyes closed and try not to
fall asleep. Prior to the resting state fMRI data acquisition, subjects
underwent two fMRI sessions of a task-evoked pain fMRI paradigm
(approx. 7 min each), and two sessions of an fMRI adopted version of
the Stroop task (approx. 7 min each). Data from the task-evoked fMRI
sessions will be reported elsewhere.
2.5. Resting state fMRI data analysis
In this study we investigated longitudinal changes (post- versus pre-
physical exercise treatment) of functional connectivity of six seed re-
gions located in pain regions as dema rked by a metaanalysis on 314
pain studies carried out in the framework of neurosynth (Yarkoni
et al., 2011), that we previously found to be affected by FM in our base-
line study (FM: n = 16, HC: n = 22, see Flodin et al., 2014). Specically,
the spherical Region-of-Interest (ROI, with a radius of 4 mm) were lo-
cated in the insula, sensorimotor cortex and thalamus. A detailed list
of the anatomical location of the ve seed ROIs and the corresponding
six target clusters is given in Table 1. Supplementary Fig. S1 illustrates
the whole brain connectivity maps pertaining to eac h of the seed
regions shown at baseline for both the FM and the HC cohort.
Image preprocessing, seed-based correlation analysis (SCA) and
group-level analyses were carried out in Matlab (Mathworks Inc., Na-
tick, MA, USA). Prior to SCA, imaging data were preprocessed using
the Matlab toolbox SPM12 (Wellcome Trust Centre of Neuroimaging,
University College London, UK). Image preprocessing included slice
time correction to the middle slice, realignment to the mean im age
using the 4th degree of B-spline interpolation, co-registration of func-
tional and structural images, tissue segmentation of structural images,
normalization of structural and functional scans to the MNI template
using the deformation eld obtained from the segmentation (4th de-
gree B-spline function, resampling to 2 mm isotropic voxels). Finally,
functional volumes were spatially smoothed using an 8 mm FWHM
Gaussian kernel. Subject level SCA analyses were carried out using
the Conn toolbox (
http :// rojects/conn)(Whitel d-
Gabrieli & Nieto-Castanon, 2012). Functional volumes were band pass
ltered at 0.0080.09 Hz (default values). Subject specicnuisancere-
gressors included 6 movement and their time derivatives, and 5 regres-
sors pertaining to white matter and CSF signals respe ctively, using a
component based noise correction (CompCor) approach (Behzadi
et al., 2007). Additionally, images that were regarded as movement out-
liers were regressed out. Outliers were detected using the ART toolbox
( tifact_detect/) and dened as volumes
with frame wise displacement (FD) larger than 0.5 mm or signal inten-
sity changes greater than 3 standard deviations (default thresholds). For
both pre- and post-treatment fMRI data, estimates for the strength of
135P. Flodin et al. / NeuroImage: Clinical 9 (2015) 134139
resting-state functional connectivity were obtained from each subject
and for each of the six ROI-to-ROI connectivity pairs.
The computed estimate of the strength of connectivity (β values) be-
tween the seed ROIs and target clusters was subsequently used at a sec-
ond level group model of differences in intrinsic connectivity (Δβ
) (after controlling for age and inter-individual differences in mean
frame-wise displacement, see Flodin et al., 2014). Additionally, we test-
ed for the relationship between changes in functional connectivity and
changes in behaviour (post-minus pre-physical exercise treatment),
using the Pearson correlation coefcient. Since we were interested in
connectivity change s that were specic to the FM condition (rather
than general training effects independent of group), we compared the
post- versus pre-change in intrinsic brain connectivity in the FM pa-
tients versus the HC cohort (Δβ specicity = |Δβ
|). Due to
relatively unequal group sizes (14 FM and 11 HC), we conducted per-
mutation tests that are less sensitive to unbalanced designs compared
to parametric t-tests. Thus, for each of the six seed-target connectivity
pairs, we estimated the likelihood of the observed group difference,
given the null hypothesis that there would be no difference in longitudi-
nal change in connectivity, by randomly shufin g the group membershi p
of the subjects (1000 permutations, p-value threshold b0.05, Bonferroni
3. Results
3.1. Behaviour
Pre-treatment, the mean SF36BP score for the FM cohort was
37.00 ± 9.70, (highest subjective health, i.e. no pain = 100) whereas
the post-treatment score was 37.07 ± 11.40 (t(14) = 0.026, p =
0.98). Furthe r, in the FM cohort, the pre-treatment mean FIQ was
60.8 ± 11.8 (maximally severe FM impact = 100), and for post-
training 53.3 ± 29.5 (t(13) = 2.282, p = 0.040, effect size r = 0.53).
The FIQ and SF36BP were negatively correlated both pre- (r = 0.78,
p = 0.00080) and post-treatment (r = 0.79, p = 0.00089) (Fig. 1).
3.2. Intrinsic brain connectivity
Out of the six seed connectivity pairs tested, four showed a signi-
cant normalization among the FM patients (see Table 1). The observed
changes included an increased connectivity between the right anterior
insula and left primary sensory motor areas, the right supramarginal
gyrus and primary sensorimotor areas, and the right supramarginal
gyrus and left inferior prefrontal cortex. The aberrantly high baseline
connectivity in FM between supramarginal gyrus and cerebellum was
normalized. Noteworthy, also healthy controls showed signicant lon-
gitudinal connectivity changes. Hence, in order to investigate the extent
to which the change in intrinsic connectivity was selective to the FM
group, we performed permutation tests by which the absolute differ-
ence in magnitude of the connectivity change between the two groups
was compared. In the permutation test, only the change in connectivity
between the insula and primary sensorimotor regions showed a selec-
tive normalization in the FM group (see Table 1 an d Fig. 2). None of
the treatment-related changes in intrinsic connectivity correla ted
signicantly with the FIQ or SF36BP scores (Table 1).
4. Discussion and conclusion
In this study we have shown that the previously reported abnormal
patterns of resting state connectivity in FM patients are partly normal-
ized after a 3 month schedule of regular physical exercise. Although
several intrinsic brain connectivity patterns underwent longitudinal
change, only the c onnectivity between the right insula and primary
sensorimotor cortex displayed a selectively greater change for FM com-
pared to HC. It should be noted that all the seed regions used in the cur-
rent study belongs to a set of brain areas that commonly are activated in
Table 1
Functional connectivity
(seed) (target)
t (p)
t (p)
Δβ specicity
| t (p)
N β
baseline t (p)
Correlation of Δβ
and FIQ
r (p)
Insula (40, 24, 8) S1/M1 (30, 22, 68) 3.95
Supr. gyr. (60, 36, 28) S1/M1 (10, 24, 80) 3.12
Supr. gyr. (50, 26, 28) inferior PFC (32, 30, 8) 3.34
Mid cing (0, 36, 28) occipital (42, 72, 12) 1.94
Thalamus (10, 16, 8) premotor (0, 6, 56) 1.44
Supr. gyr. (60, 36, 28) cerebellum (42, 74, 34) 3.60
mmary of changes in intrinsic brain connectivity related to physical exercise training and correlations between intrinsic connectivity and the only pain-related parameter that displayed
signicant longitudinal changes (FIQ) among FM patients.
Out of the six pairs of brain regions tested, four displayed a signicant longitudinal renormalization in the bromyalgia cohort. The degree of connectivity was signicantly changed for the
healthy control between the supramarginal gyrus and cerebellum. Of note, only the change of connectivity between the insula and S1/M1 was relatively signicantly larger for FM than
that for HC (no change in connectivity was signicantly larger for the healthy compared to bromyalgia). The level of statistical signicance (p = 0.05) was corrected for multiple com-
parisons with regard to the six tested seed regions using Bonferroni correction (p b 0.0083). Statistical signicant changes are marked with *. Abbreviations: Supr. gyr. = supramarginal
gyrus; S1/M1 = primary sensorimotor areas; ΔB = changes in connectivity; t = t-value; p = p-value; r = Pearson correlation coefcient. All coordinates (x, y, z) are in MNI space.
Fig. 1. Average FIQ and SF36BP ratings in 14 FM patients before (solid bars) and following
(striped bars) the exercise intervention. The reduction in FIQ ratings indicates reduced FM
symptoms. No cha nge was observed in pain ratings (SF36BP). The asterisk sign (*)
signies a signicant difference at p b 0.01 between post- versus pre-treatment condi-
tions. Error bars denote standard deviations. FIQ = Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire,
SF36BP = short form bodily pain subscale.
136 P. Flodin et al. / NeuroImage: Clinical 9 (2015) 134139
pain studies, as delineated by an automated meta-analysis (described in
Flodin et al., 2014). The insula plays a pivotal role in pain processin g
(Duerden et al., 2013) and activity in its anterior part has been associat-
ed with interoceptive accuracy and subjective feeling (Critchley et al.,
2004). Interestingly, a re cent study in FM patients reported a hypo-
connectivity between the bilateral anterior insula and PAG (peri-
aqueductal grey nucleus), that correlated with symptom severity (Pujol
et al., 2014). Speculatively, the shift towards increased insula connectivity
following physical exercise therapy observed here could reect an in-
creased interaction between brain regions responsible for interoceptive
valiance and bodily representations. The restoration of functional con-
nectivity between the right SMG and primary sensorimotor areas, as
well as between the right SMG and inferior prefrontal cortex, consisted
in reduction of anticorrelations for FM patients.
Whereas functional connectivit y is commonly interpre ted as (at least
partly) reecting a history of co-activation of brain regions interacting in
order to accomplish a specic (cognitive or housekeeping) function at
a given time, the functional signicance of anticorrelation is less well
understood. It has previously been shown that anticorrelations can be
articially induced during preprocessing of the data, such as by global
mean regression of the fMRI signal intensity time-series (Murphy et al.,
2009). However, using electrophysiological techniques, a neurobiological
origin of anticorrelations has been conrmed (Keller et al., 2013). Further-
more, preprocessing strategies that omit global signal regression, in-
cluding the CompCor strategy that is employed here, commonly render
anticorrel atio ns (Chai et al., 2012). The general functional signicance of
anticorrelations, especially outside the well studied relationship between
the default mode network and task positive networks (Fox et al., 2005;
Fransson, 2005), remains tentative. One interpretation of the normaliza-
tion (i.e. decreases in anticorrelation) observed here, is that pain- and so-
matosensory regions interact in a more coherent fashion, implying a
reduced mismatch between sensorimotor signals and activity in brain
regions involved for pain processing. Our nding complement results
from previous FM intervention studies that primarily reported decreased
insular connectivity following FM interventions. For instance, Schmidt-
Wilcke et al. (2014) found that improvements in clinical pain correlated
with decreased functional connectivity between the anterior insula and
ACC following a 6 week long milnacipran treatment. Likewise, the same
research group observed a decreased connectivity between insula
and the default mode network following an acupuncture treatment
(Napadow et al., 2012). These results were interpreted as a restoration
of FM-associated hyperconnectivity between the brain regions involved
in pain perception (anterior insula) and self-referential thought (DMN).
Thus, an emerging picture is that improvements in symptom severity in
FM could be associated either with reduced interaction between regions
sub-serving pain processing and self-related cognition, or by a decreased
asynchr ony betw een the pain and senso rimo tor regio ns. Sinc e the current
study investigated the effects of physical exercise, it is plausible that the
mechanism mediating these symptom improvements to a larger degree
involves the sensorimotor brain areas.
Few studies have directly investigated longitudinal changes of in-
trinsic brain conn ectivity following physical exercise interventions.
Becerra et al. (2014) investigated the effects of a three week physical
and psychological training program in a group of children and adoles-
cents with paediatric complex regional pain syndrome. They reported
treatment effects in several networks (e.g. DMN, salience networks
and cer ebellum). However, signicance levels were not adjusted for
testing of multiple networks, and their relatively small cohort (12 pa-
tients and an equal number of controls), prevents any strong conclu-
sions on the effect of the intervention. There are severa l studies on
effects of motoric skill training, such as sequential motor training para-
digms with durations of a couple of weeks. A general ndi
ng among
these studies is that an initially increased task evoked responses in
both the primary sensory and primary motor cortices (Floyer-Lea &
Matthews, 2005; Hlustík et al., 2004). Interestingly, also resting state re-
gional cerebral blood ow (rCBF, measured with positron emission to-
mography) in the primary motor cortex is increased following motor
training (Xiong et al., 2009). Focusing on resting state connectivity,
Krafft et al. (2014) studied the effects of an 8 month exercise interven-
tion in a cohort of overweight children. They report increased network
synchronicity within the motor network, and decreased synchronicity
within th e DMN and cogn itive cont rol n etworks in the intervention
group relative to controls. Another study reports on the acute effect of
a 20 minute aerobic exercise intervention on restin g state activity
(Rajab et al., 2014). Their primary nding was an increased co-
activation within the primary and sensorimotor areas.
Although the current study is the rst to investigate the resting state
changes follow ing an exercise intervention among bromyalgia pa-
tients, there are several studies coherent with our nding that physical
exercise primarily inuences functional connectivity within cardinal
sensorimotor regions.
The benecial health effects of physical exercise are well acknowl-
edged. Following the intervention, FM patients rated lower on the FIQ
scale, reecting increased healthiness and a decrease of symptom sever-
ity, physical disability and overall impact of bromyalgia. However, the
body pain levels (SF36BP) did not change. These ndings indicate that
the therapeutic effects of the 3 month exercise intervention rendered
improvements of symptom s that only indirectly pertained to pain.
Thus, the observed normalizations of functional connectivity involving
sensory areas could possibly reect subclinical therapeutic processes,
likely induced by increased levels of motor activity.
However, since neither SF36BP nor FIQ could be linearly correlated
with change in brain activity in the current study, the behavioural im-
plications of the obse rved normalization in intrinsic connectivity
warrants further investigation. A possible explanation for the absent
brainbehavioural coupling could be that treatment-induced chang-
es in brain connectivity follow an inverted u-shape temporal prole
as proposed by the expan sionpartial n orma liz ation hypoth esis of
Fig. 2. Physical exercise induced normalization of resting state connectivity between the
right insula and the left sensorimotor region in the FM cohort. (A) Intrinsic connectivity
between a spherical seed region (radius = 4 mm) located in the right anterior insula
and a cluster extending 1490 voxels i n the left sensorimotor cortex. (B) Post- versus
pre- treatment insular-sensorimotor connectivity (arbitrary units) for bromyalgia
(blue) and controls (red). Error bars denote standard deviations.
137P. Flodin et al. / NeuroImage: Clinical 9 (2015) 134139
neuroplastici ty (Brehmer et al., 2014). However, plotting change in
behavioural scores against change in connectivity did not indicate
any such relationship. Another possible scenario is t hat the behav-
ioural parameters monitored in the present investigation were
subserved by different neuronal processes other than the ones in-
vestigated here.
We note several limitations in the current study. First, the resting
state scans were acquired approximately 30 mi n after two task fMRI
sessions were admin istered in the MR scanner (Stroop and evoked
pain, data will be reported elsewhere). Thus, we cannot rule out the
possibility that putative spill-over effects from task-based fMRI para-
digms occur, which cou ld have had a differential inuence on the
group brain activity patterns. Second, since our study did not include a
placebo or no-treatment FM control group, the observed longitudinal
changes in brain connectivity might in part be driven by spontaneous
improvements in pain severity and accompanying changes in brain
connectivity that is not attributable to the physical intervention per se
(i.e. regression towards the mean, Stigler, 1997). Third, changes in in-
trinsic brain connectivity might be unrelated to the measured improve-
ments in pain (at least in relation to the pain measures used here).
Theoretically, the observed connectivity changes could be accompanied
by changes in other commonly reported FM symptoms such as mood
changes, insomnia, fatigue or impairments in cognitive function, al-
though the fact that the seed regions were placed in pain-related
brain areas supports the interpretation that there is a link between the
physical intervention and pain relevant brain processes. Finally, we sug-
gest that our ndings should be treated to some extent as preliminary in
nature, given the relatively small number of participants that completed
the post-therapy imaging session. Future studies using larger study
samples would likely enable a more detailed investigation of the rela-
tionship between changes at the neurophysiological versus the behav-
ioural level. Addition ally, it might be desirable for fut ure studies to
record brain connectivity and behaviour at multiple time-points and
thereby achieve a temporally more ne-gr ained characterization of
the longitudinal neurophysiological and behavioural changes related
to exercise therapy in FM patients.
In conclusion, we have shown that a therapeutic physical exercise-
training program increases the perceived degree of healthiness in patients
diagnosed with bromyalgia. Interestingly, we observed a restoration of
functional connectivity between several pain and sensorimotor regions.
In this context, it is important to note that longitudinal change of intrinsic
connectivity between the sensorimotor system and the insula was
observed exclusively in the FM cohort. This nding suggests that the
insula connectivity may play a key role for the observed physical
therapy-induced effects on FM symptomatology.
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
Conicts of interest
None declared.
This study was supported b y grants f rom the Swedish Rheuma-
tism Association, Stockholm County Council - 2010, Swedish Foun-
dation for Strategic Research (2012-0179), Swedish Research
Council K2013-5 2X-22199-01-3, and Karolinska Institut e Founda-
tion (2012FoBi34779). The funders had no role in the study design,
data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of
the manuscript.
The authors would like to thank all the participants in this study.
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... 1511 studies remained after duplicates were removed (n = 368), and 29 articles were retained for full-text screening. No additional articles were identified via back searching, leaving ten articles to be included in the present review ( Fig. 1) (Flodin et al., 2015;Kong et al., 2021;Martinsen et al., 2018;Micalos et al., 2014;Shen et al., 2021;Ozturk et al., 2021;Lofgren et al., 2023;de Winckel et al., 2022). ...
... "No" and "not reported" were the most frequent answers for two studies (Flodin et al., 2015;Micalos et al., 2014), suggesting poor or low quality; the remaining studies were of relatively higher quality Martinsen et al., 2018;Shen et al., 2021;Ozturk et al., 2021;Lofgren et al., 2023;de Winckel et al., 2022) ...
... . Broadly, studies with a control group poorly reported or did not report the blinding of participants and providers, adherence to intervention protocols, and if the sample size was large enough to detect differences between groups (Flodin et al., 2015;Kong et al., 2021;Martinsen et al., 2018;Micalos et al., 2014). Conversely, they implemented valid and reliable outcome measurements across study participants (Flodin et al., 2015;Kong et al., 2021;Martinsen et al., 2018;Micalos et al., 2014). ...
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Introduction: Chronic pain (CP) is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Pain may be measured using subjective questionnaires, but understanding the underlying physiology, such as brain function, could improve prognosis. Further, there has been a shift towards cost-effective lifestyle modification for the management of CP. Methods: We conducted a systematic review (Registration: #CRD42022331870) using articles retrieved from four databases (Pubmed, EMBASE, AMED, and CINAHL) to assess the effect of exercise on brain function and pain perception/quality of life in adults with CP. Results: Our search yielded 1879 articles; after exclusion, ten were included in the final review. Study participants were diagnosed with either osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia. However, two studies included "fibromyalgia and low back pain" or "fibromyalgia, back, and complex regional pain." Exercise interventions that were 12 weeks or longer (n = 8/10) altered brain function and improved pain and/or quality of life outcomes. The cortico-limbic pathway, default-mode network, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex were key regions that experienced alterations post-intervention. All studies that reported an improvement in brain function also demonstrated an improvement in pain perception and/or quality of life. Discussion: Our review suggests that alterations in brain function, notably the cortico-limbic, default-mode and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, may be responsible for the downstream improvements in the subjective experience of CP. Through appropriate programming (i.e., length of intervention), exercise may represent a viable option to manage CP via its positive influence on brain health.
... Example 'how to' resource Link to resource (Ellingson et al., 2012;Flodin et al., 2015;McLoughlin et al., 2011). All health professionals should assure individuals living with chronic pain, many of whom may have previously experienced and/or feared PA would increase their pain further, that PA is safe. ...
Background There is clear evidence demonstrating the benefits of physical activity (PA) on pain and overall health, however, PA is challenging for many individuals living with chronic pain. Even non‐exercise specialists can (cost) effectively promote PA, but many health professionals report a number of barriers in providing guidance on PA, suggesting that it is not consistently promoted. This expert position paper summarizes the evidence and provides five recommendations for health professionals to assess, advise and support individuals living with any chronic pain condition with a long life expectancy in adopting and sustaining physically active lifestyles. Methods This position paper was prepared by the ‘On The Move’ Task Force of the European Pain Federation EFIC. Final recommendations were endorsed by the European Pain Forum, Pain Alliance Europe and the Executive Board of EFIC. Results We recommend that all health professionals (1) Take a history of the persons' PA levels, and put PA on the agenda, (2) Advise that PA is important and safe for individuals living with chronic pain, (3) Deliver a brief PA intervention and support individuals living with chronic pain in becoming physically active, (4) Discuss acceptable levels of PA‐related soreness and pain and (5) Provide ongoing support in staying physically active. Significance Physical activity is safe and offers several advantages, including general health benefits, low risk of side effects, low cost and not requiring access to healthcare. Adoption of these recommendations can improve the quality of care and life of individuals living with chronic pain and reduce their overall health risks.
... using transcranial magnetic stimulation mapping, a previous study demonstrated that McE reversed the Nclbp patients' reorganization of integrating the primary motor cortex (M1), which was not observed in the unskilled walking exercise group. 5 Exercises can modify the restingstate functional connectivity (rsfc) between the M1 and anterior insula 6 and between the supplementary motor area (sMa) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlpfc), which is significantly associated with pain intensity in patients with chronic pain disorders. 7 furthermore, the analgesic effects of some treatments on clbp and other chronic pain conditions have been associated with altered neural activity and rsfc in pain-related and sensorimotor regions, posterior cingulate, and cerebellum. ...
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Background: Motor control exercise (MCE) is effective in alleviating non-specific chronic low back pain (NCLBP). Neuro-imaging research is warranted to explore the underlying neural mechanisms of MCE. Aim: We used resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) to explore the central mechanism underpinning the effects of MCE in patients with NCLBP. Design: A randomized, single-blinded, controlled trial. Setting: The setting was out-patient and community. Population: Fifty-eight patients with NCLBP. Methods: Patients were randomized into the MCE or manual therapy (MT) group. All the participants completed pain-related clinical assessments and rs-fMRI scans before and after intervention. We performed exploratory whole-brain analyses in regional homogeneity (ReHo) and resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) with significant post-pre differences in ReHo before and after intervention, and investigated associations between imaging and pain-related clinical assessments. Results: Compared with the MT group, a greater alleviation in pain intensity and disability was observed in the MCE group after intervention, and was sustained at the 6-month follow-up (P<0.001). Only the MCE group showed increased ReHo values in the right pre-central gyrus and decreased ReHo values in the bilateral posterior cerebellum (voxel level P<0.001, cluster-level FWE corrected P<0.05). Decreased rsFC of the right posterior cerebellum-left superior parietal gyrus and left insula were significantly positively associated with pain-related disability (voxel level P<0.001, cluster-level FWE corrected P<0.05). Conclusions: These findings demonstrated that MCE had superior effects in relieving pain and pain-related disability, which might be associated with its modulation of rsFC between the cerebellum and areas involved in sensory-discriminative processing of noxious and somato-sensory stimuli, affection, and cognition. Clinical rehabilitation impact: This study provided preliminary evidence that MCE might alleviate NCLBP through its modulation of the function of brain areas related to chronic pain and postural control. Those results support MCE's clinical application and help physiotherapists to provide better multidisciplinary interventions with the combination of MCE and other first-line treatments.
... Nonetheless, the sample size is larger than the 4 available imaging studies investigating central neurobiological effects of exercise in individuals with chronic pain. [59][60][61][62] Post hoc analysis of power indicated that it was likely that there was sufficient power ( > 80%) for all ROI analyses that were undertaken. ...
Objectives: Physical exercise therapy is effective for some people with chronic nonspecific neck pain but not for others. Differences in exercise-induced pain-modulatory responses are likely driven by brain changes. We investigated structural brain differences at baseline and changes after an exercise intervention. The primary aim was to investigate changes in structural brain characteristics after physical exercise therapy for people with chronic nonspecific neck pain. The secondary aims were to investigate (1) baseline differences in structural brain characteristics between responders and nonresponders to exercise therapy, and (2) differential brain changes after exercise therapy between responders and nonresponders. Materials and methods: This was a prospective longitudinal cohort study. Twenty-four participants (18 females, mean age 39.7 y) with chronic nonspecific neck pain were included. Responders were selected as those with ≥20% improvement in Neck Disability Index. Structural magnetic resonance imaging was obtained before and after an 8-week physical exercise intervention delivered by a physiotherapist. Freesurfer cluster-wise analyses were performed and supplemented with an analysis of pain-specific brain regions of interest. Results: Various changes in grey matter volume and thickness were found after the intervention, for example, frontal cortex volume decreased (cluster-weighted P value = 0.0002, 95% CI: 0.0000-0.0004). We found numerous differences between responders and nonresponders, most notably, after the exercise intervention bilateral insular volume decreased in responders, but increased in nonresponders (cluster-weighted P value ≤ 0.0002). Discussion: The brain changes found in this study may underpin clinically observed differential effects between responders and nonresponders to exercise therapy for people with chronic neck pain. Identification of these changes is an important step toward personalized treatment approaches.
... This, in turn, leads to plastic changes in the CNS, which are shown as increased sensitivity to pain and other stimuli, depression and fatigue. [1][2][3] Fatigue is a common report across CP conditions, not least in widespread pain, [4][5][6][7][8][9] and it is often reported to be one of the most burdensome symptoms. 10 Fatigue, however, is difficult to investigate because it is subjective in nature and the definition of the concept is indistinct. ...
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Introduction Chronic pain (CP) is one of the most frequently presenting conditions in health care and many patients with CP report mental fatigue and a decline in cognitive functioning. However, the underlying mechanisms are still unknown. Methods and analysis This study protocol describes a cross-sectional study aimed at investigating the presence of self-rated mental fatigue, objectively measured cognitive fatigability and executive functions and their relation to other cognitive functions, inflammatory biomarkers and brain connectivity in patients with CP. We will control for pain-related factors such as pain intensity and secondary factors such as sleep disturbances and psychological well-being. Two hundred patients 18–50 years with CP will be recruited for a neuropsychological investigation at two outpatient study centres in Sweden. The patients are compared with 36 healthy controls. Of these, 36 patients and 36 controls will undergo blood sampling for inflammatory markers, and of these, 24 female patients and 22 female controls, between 18 and 45 years, will undergo an functional MRI investigation. Primary outcomes are cognitive fatigability, executive inhibition, imaging and inflammatory markers. Secondary outcomes include self-rated fatigue, verbal fluency and working memory. The study provides an approach to study fatigue and cognitive functions in CP with objective measurements and may demonstrate new models of fatigue and cognition in CP. Ethics and dissemination The study has been approved by the Swedish Ethics Review Board (Dnr 2018/424-31; 2018/1235–32; 2018/2395–32; 2019–66148; 2022-02838-02). All patients gave written informed consent to participate in the study. The study findings will be disseminated through publications in journals within the fields of pain, neuropsychology and rehabilitation. Results will be spread at relevant national and international conferences, meetings and expert forums. The results will be shared with user organisations and their members as well as relevant policymakers.
Bullying, physical violence, sexual abuse, loss of loved ones, accidents, disasters or other potentially traumatic events or situations in childhood are associated with a range of health problems and related functional impairment. New research findings suggest that such childhood trauma can lead to young people developing chronic pain with frequent use of painkillers already in childhood and adolescence. The high risk of adverse trajectories may indicate that young people who develop pain after childhood trauma lack access to early effective interventions. Trauma-exposed children and young people with long-term pain and other accompanying post-traumatic reactions may benefit little from established pain management. Knowledge of risk, resiliency and key pain mechanisms following childhood trauma can strengthen clinical management. This review article explores theoretical and empirical perspectives on how childhood trauma and related biological, psychological and social factors and reactions can contribute to the development of chronic pain and the use of painkillers among children and adolescents. Keywords: Childhood trauma, posttraumatic stress, chronic pain, PTSD, analgesics
Altered functional connectivity has been demonstrated in key brain regions involved in pain processing in painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. However, the impact of neuropathic pain treatment on functional connectivity does not appear to have been investigated. Sixteen participants underwent resting state functional MRI when optimally treated for neuropathic pain during their involvement in the Optimal Pathway for Treating Neuropathic Pain in Diabetes Mellitus trial and 1 week following withdrawal of treatment. On discontinuation of pain treatment, there was an increase in functional connectivity between the left thalamus and primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and the left thalamus and insular cortex, key brain regions that are involved in cerebral processing of pain. The changes in functional connectivity between scans also correlated with measures of pain (baseline pain severity and Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory). Moreover, when participants were stratified into higher- and lower-than-average baseline pain subgroups, the change in thalamic-S1 cortical functional connectivity between scans was significantly greater in those with high baseline pain compared with the lower-baseline-pain group. This study shows that thalamo-cortical functional connectivity has the potential to act as an objective biomarker for neuropathic pain in diabetes for use in clinical pain trials. Article Highlights
Fibromyalgia is a common disorder. Patients present with a variety of symptoms and complaints, particularly generalized pain. The cause of fibromyalgia remains unclear but clinically, a variety of functional findings are present in the patients. Therefore, it is plausible to see fibromyalgia as a functional disorder and treat it accordingly.
Background: Exercise for people with whiplash associated disorder (WAD) induces hypoalgesic effects in some, but hyperalgesic effects in others. We investigated the exercise-induced neurobiological effects of aerobic and strengthening exercise in individuals with chronic WAD. Methods: Sixteen participants (8 WAD, 8 pain-free [CON]) were randomised to either aerobic or strengthening exercise. MRI for brain morphometry, functional MRI for brain connectivity, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy for brain biochemistry, were used at baseline and after the 8-week intervention. Results: There were no differences in brain changes between exercise groups in either the WAD or CON group, therefore aerobic and strengthening data were combined to optimise sample size. After the exercise intervention, the CON group demonstrated increased cortical thickness (left parahippocampus: mean difference = 0.04, 95% CI = 0.07-0.00, p = 0.032; and left lateral orbital frontal cortex: mean difference = 0.03, 95% CI = 0.00-0.06, p = 0.048). The WAD group demonstrated an increase in prefrontal cortex (right medial orbital frontal) volume (mean difference = 95.57, 95% CI = 2.30-192.84, p = 0.046). Functional changes from baseline to follow-up between the default mode network and the insula, cingulate cortex, temporal lobe, and somatosensory and motor cortices, were found in the CON group, but not in the WAD group. There were no changes post-exercise in brain biochemistry. Conclusion: Aerobic and strengthening exercises did not exert differential effects on brain characteristics, however differences in structural and functional changes were found between WAD and CON groups. This suggests that an altered central pain modulatory response may be responsible for differential effects of exercise in individuals with chronic WAD.
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Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and memory and mood disturbances. Despite advances in our understanding of the underlying pathophysiology, treatment is often challenging. New research indicates that changes in functional connectivity between brain regions, as can be measured by magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) of the resting state, may underlie the pathogenesis of this and other chronic pain states. As such, this parameter may be able to be used to monitor changes in brain function associated with pharmacological treatment, and might also be able to predict treatment response. We performed a resting state fcMRI trial using a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over design to investigate mechanisms of action of milnacipran (MLN), a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), in fibromyalgia patients. Our aim was to identify functional connectivity patterns at baseline that would differentially predict treatment response to MLN as compared to placebo. Since preclinical studies of MLN suggest that this medication works by augmenting antinociceptive processes, we specifically investigated brain regions known to be involved in pain inhibition. 15 fibromyalgia patients completed the study, consisting of 6 weeks of drug and placebo intake (order counterbalanced) with an interspersed 2 week wash out period. As a main finding we report that reductions in clinical pain scores during MLN were associated with decreased functional connectivity between pro-nociceptive regions and antinociceptive pain regions at baseline, specifically between the rostral part of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the insular cortex (IC), as well as between the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and the IC: patients with lower preexisting functional connectivity had the greatest reduction in clinical pain. This pattern was not observed for the placebo period. However a more robust placebo response was associated with lower baseline functional connectivity between the ACC and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This study indicates that ACC–IC connectivity might play a role in the mechanism of action of MLN, and perhaps more importantly fcMRI might be a useful tool to predict pharmacological treatment response.
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Habitual long term physical activity is known to have beneficial cognitive, structural, and neuro-protective brain effects, but to date there is limited knowledge on whether a single session of exercise can alter the brain’s functional connectivity, as assessed by resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). The primary objective of this study was to characterize potential session effects in resting-state networks (RSNs). We examined the acute effects of exercise on the functional connectivity of young healthy adults (N = 15) by collecting rs-fMRI before and after 20 min of moderate intensity aerobic exercise and compared this with a no-exercise control group (N = 15). Data were analyzed using independent component analysis, denoising and dual regression procedures. Regions of interest-based group session effect statistics were calculated in RSNs of interest using voxel-wise permutation testing and Cohen’s D effect size. Group analysis in the exercising group data set revealed a session effect in sub-regions of three sensorimotor related areas: the pre and/or postcentral gyri, secondary somatosensory area and thalamus, characterized by increased co-activation after exercise (corrected p < 0.05). Cohen’s D analysis also showed a significant effect of session in these three RSNs (p< 0.05), corroborating the voxel-wise findings. Analyses of the no-exercise dataset produced no significant results, thereby providing support for the exercise findings and establishing the inherent test–retest reliability of the analysis pipeline on the RSNs of interest. This study establishes the feasibility of rs-fMRI to localize brain regions that are associated with acute exercise, as well as an analysis consideration to improve sensitivity to a session effect.
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Pediatric Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (P-CRPS) offers a unique model of chronic neuropathic pain as it either resolves spontaneously or through therapeutic interventions in most patients. Here we evaluated brain changes in well-characterized children and adolescents with P-CRPS by measuring resting state networks before and following a brief (median=3 week) but intensive physical and psychological treatment program, and compared them to matched healthy controls. Differences in intrinsic brain networks were observed in P-CRPS compared to controls before treatment (disease state) with the most prominent differences in the fronto-parietal, salience, default mode, central executive, and sensorimotor networks. Following treatment, behavioral measures demonstrated a reduction of symptoms and improvement of physical state (pain levels and motor functioning). Correlation of network connectivities with spontaneous pain measures pre- and post-treatment indicated concomitant reductions in connectivity in salience, central executive, default mode and sensorimotor networks (treatment effects). These results suggest a rapid alteration in global brain networks with treatment and provide a venue to assess brain changes in CRPS pre- and post-treatment, and to evaluate therapeutic effects.
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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome characterized by chronic pain without known peripheral causes. Previously we have reported dysfunctional pain inhibitory mechanisms for FM patients during pain administration. In the current study we employed a seed correlation analysis (SCA), independent component analysis (ICA), and an analysis of fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (fALFF) to study differences between a cohort of female fibromyalgia patients and an age- and sex matched healthy control group during a resting state condition. FM patients showed decreased connectivity between thalamus and premotor areas, between the right insula and primary sensorimotor areas, as well as between supramarginal and prefrontal areas. Individual sensitivity to painful pressure was associated with increased connectivity between pain related regions (e.g. insula and thalamus) and midline regions of the default mode network (including posterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex) among patients and controls. However, neither ICA nor fALFF revealed any group differences. Our findings suggest that abnormal connectivity patterns between pain related regions and the remaining brain during rest reflect an impaired central mechanism of pain modulation in FM. Weaker coupling between pain regions and prefrontal- and sensorimotor areas might indicate a less efficient system level control of pain circuits. Moreover, our results show that multiple, complementary analytical approaches are valuable for obtaining a more comprehensive characterization of deviant resting state activity. In conclusion, our findings show that FM primarily is associated with decreased connectivity, e.g. between several pain related areas and sensorimotor regions, which could reflect a deficiency in pain regulation.
Aging is typically related to changes in brain and cognition, but the aging process is heterogeneous and differs between individuals. Recent research has started investigating the influence of cognitive and physical training on cognitive performance, functional brain activity, and brain structure in old age. The functional relevance of neural changes and the interactions among these changes following interventions is still a matter of debate. Here we selectively review research on structural and functional brain correlates of training-induced performance changes in healthy older adults and present exemplary longitudinal intervention studies sorted by the type of training applied (i.e., strategy-based training, process-specific training, and physical exercise). Although many training studies have been conducted recently, within each task domain, the number of studies that used comparable methods and techniques to assess behavioral and neural changes is limited. We suggest that future studies should include a multimodal approach to enhance the understanding of the relation between different levels of brain changes in aging and those changes that result from training. Investigating inter-individual differences in intervention-induced behavioral and neuronal changes would provide more information about who would benefit from a specific intervention and why. In addition, a more systematic examination of the time course of training-related structural and functional changes would improve the current level of knowledge about how learning is implemented in the brain and facilitate our understanding of contradictory results.
The insular (IC) and cingulate cortices (CC) are critically involved in pain perception. Previously we demonstrated that fibromyalgia (FM) patients have greater connectivity between the insula and Default Mode Network at rest, and that changes in the degree of this connectivity were associated with changes in the intensity of ongoing clinical pain. Here we more thoroughly evaluate the degree of resting state connectivity to multiple regions of the IC in individuals with FM and healthy controls (HC). We also investigated the relationship between connectivity, experimental pain and current clinical chronic pain. Functional connectivity was assessed using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging in 18 FM patients and 18 age- and sex-matched HC using pre-defined seed regions in the anterior, middle and posterior IC. FM patients exhibited greater connectivity between: (1) right mid IC and right mid/posterior CC and right mid IC; (2) right posterior IC and the left CC; and (3) right anterior IC and left superior temporal gyrus. HCs displayed greater connectivity between: left anterior IC and the bilateral medial frontal gyrus/ACC; and left posterior IC and the right superior frontal gyrus. Within the FM group, greater connectivity between the IC and CC was associated with decreased pressure-pain thresholds. These data provide further support for altered resting-state connectivity between the IC and other brain regions known to participate in pain perception/modulation playing a pathogenic role in conditions such as FM. We speculate that altered IC connectivity is associated with the experience of chronic pain in individuals with fibromyalgia.
The insular (IC) and cingulate cortices (CC) are critically involved in pain perception. Previously we demonstrated that fibromyalgia (FM) patients have greater connectivity between the insula and Default Mode Network at rest, and that changes in the degree of this connectivity were associated with changes in the intensity of ongoing clinical pain. Here we more thoroughly evaluate the degree of resting state connectivity to multiple regions of the IC in individuals with FM and healthy controls (HC). We also investigated the relationship between connectivity, experimental pain and current clinical chronic pain. Functional connectivity was assessed using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging in 18 FM patients and 18 age- and sex-matched HC using pre-defined seed regions in the anterior, middle and posterior IC. FM patients exhibited greater connectivity between: (1) right mid IC and right mid/posterior CC and right mid IC; (2) right posterior IC and the left CC; and (3) right anterior IC and left superior temporal gyrus. HCs displayed greater connectivity between: left anterior IC and the bilateral medial frontal gyrus/ACC; and left posterior IC and the right superior frontal gyrus. Within the FM group, greater connectivity between the IC and CC was associated with decreased pressure-pain thresholds. Perspective These data provide further support for altered resting-state connectivity between the IC and other brain regions known to participate in pain perception/modulation playing a pathogenic role in conditions such as FM. We speculate that altered IC connectivity is associated with the experience of chronic pain in individuals with fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia typically presents with spontaneous body pain with no apparent cause and is considered pathophysiologically to be a functional disorder of somatosensory processing. We have investigated potential associations between the degree of self-reported clinical pain and resting-state brain functional connectivity at different levels of putative somatosensory integration. Resting-state functional MRI was obtained in 40 women with fibromyalgia and 36 control subjects. A combination of functional connectivity-based measurements were used to assess (i) the basic pain signal modulation system at the level of the periaqueductal gray (PAG), (ii) the sensory cortex with an emphasis on the parietal operculum/secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) and (iii) the connectivity of these regions with the self-referential "default mode" network. Compared with control subjects, a reduction of functional connectivity was identified across the three levels of neural processing, each showing a significant and complementary correlation with the degree of clinical pain. Specifically, self-reported pain in fibromyalgia patients correlated with (i) reduced connectivity between PAG and anterior insula, (ii) reduced connectivity between SII and primary somatosensory, visual and auditory cortices, and (iii) increased connectivity between SII and the default mode network. The results confirm previous research demonstrating abnormal functional connectivity in fibromyalgia and show that alterations at different levels of sensory processing may contribute to account for clinical pain. Importantly, reduced functional connectivity extended beyond the somatosensory domain and implicated visual and auditory sensory modalities. Overall this study suggests that a general weakening of sensory integration underlies clinical pain in fibromyalgia.
Importance Fibromyalgia is present in as much as 2% to 8% of the population, is characterized by widespread pain, and is often accompanied by fatigue, memory problems, and sleep disturbances.Objective To review the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of fibromyalgia.Evidence Review The medical literature on fibromyalgia was reviewed from 1955 to March 2014 via MEDLINE and the Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, with an emphasis on meta-analyses and contemporary evidence-based treatment guidelines. Treatment recommendations are based on the most recent evidence-based guidelines from the Canadian Pain Society and graded from 1 to 5 based on the level of available evidence.Findings Numerous treatments are available for managing fibromyalgia that are supported by high-quality evidence. These include nonpharmacological therapies (education, exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy) and pharmacological therapies (tricyclics, serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and gabapentinoids).Conclusions and Relevance Fibromyalgia and other “centralized” pain states are much better understood now than ever before. Fibromyalgia may be considered as a discrete diagnosis or as a constellation of symptoms characterized by central nervous system pain amplification with concomitant fatigue, memory problems, and sleep and mood disturbances. Effective treatment for fibromyalgia is now possible.
Children with low aerobic fitness have altered brain function compared to higher-fit children. This study examined the effect of an 8-month exercise intervention on resting state synchrony. Twenty-two sedentary, overweight (body mass index ⩾ 85th percentile) children 8-11 years old were randomly assigned to one of two after-school programs: aerobic exercise (n=13) or sedentary attention control (n=9). Before and after the 8-month programs, all subjects participated in resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans. Independent components analysis identified several networks, with four chosen for between-group analysis: salience, default mode, cognitive control, and motor networks. The default mode, cognitive control, and motor networks showed more spatial refinement over time in the exercise group compared to controls. The motor network showed increased synchrony in the exercise group with the right medial frontal gyrus compared to controls. Exercise behavior may enhance brain development in children.