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Abstract and Figures

Identity manipulation is considered a serious security issue that has been enlarged with the spread of automated systems that could be accessed either locally or remotely. Availability, integrity, and confidentiality represent the basic requirements that should be granted for successful authentication systems. Personality verification has taken multiple forms depending on different possession types. They are divided into knowledge based, token based, and biometric based authentication. The permanent ownership to the human being has increased the chances of deploying biometrics based authentication in highly secure systems. It includes capturing the biological traits, which are physiological or behavioral, extracting the important features and comparing them to the previously stored features that belong to the claimed user. Various kinds of attacks aim to take down the basic requirements at multiple points. This paper describes different types of authentication along with their vulnerable points and threatening attacks. Then it provides more details about the biometric system structure as well as examples of distinguishing biological characteristics, organized by their locations. It shows the performance results of various biometric systems along with the deployed algorithms for different components.
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Computer and Information Science; Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
ISSN 1913-8989 E-ISSN 1913-8997
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Authentication Systems: Principles and Threats
Sarah N. Abdulkader 1, Ayman Atia 1 & Mostafa-Sami M. Mostafa 1
1 HCI-LAB, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Information, Helwan University, Cairo,
Correspondence: Sarah N. Abdulkader, HCI-LAB, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and
Information, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. E-mail:
Received: April 23, 2015 Accepted: May 25, 2015 Online Published: July 25, 2015
doi:10.5539/cis.v8n3p155 URL:
Identity manipulation is considered a serious security issue that has been enlarged with the spread of automated
systems that could be accessed either locally or remotely. Availability, integrity, and confidentiality represent the
basic requirements that should be granted for successful authentication systems. Personality verification has
taken multiple forms depending on different possession types. They are divided into knowledge based, token
based, and biometric based authentication. The permanent ownership to the human being has increased the
chances of deploying biometrics based authentication in highly secure systems. It includes capturing the
biological traits, which are physiological or behavioral, extracting the important features and comparing them to
the previously stored features that belong to the claimed user. Various kinds of attacks aim to take down the basic
requirements at multiple points. This paper describes different types of authentication along with their vulnerable
points and threatening attacks. Then it provides more details about the biometric system structure as well as
examples of distinguishing biological characteristics, organized by their locations. It shows the performance
results of various biometric systems along with the deployed algorithms for different components.
Keywords: authentication features, authentication systems, biometric authentication structure, biometrics
validity, security threats
1. Introduction
Nowadays, Security of computer systems is facing a lot of threats and difficulties mainly with the technological
aspects and remote access. It has been found that ensuring confidential access to only authorized users and
protecting the privacy of their personal and transactional information might limit the influence of the confronted
Authentication systems are supposed to meet three basic requirements, called availability, integrity, and
confidentiality, against various attacks (Hausawi, Allen, & Bahr, 2014). The first requirement is concerned with
the availability of system resources to legitimate users. Compromising this requirement is the main target for
denial of service attacks. They aim at preventing genuine users from accessing their resources. On the other hand,
system’s integrity, which represents the second requirement, ensures linking the authorized users to their actions.
So it implies defeating the intrusion of an imposter and denying his request to deal with system resources as well
as overcoming the threat formed by insider users like insider repudiation attacks. This kind of attacks allows
corrupted users to claim the irresponsibility of a malicious action. The final requirement is to guarantee the
confidentiality and user’s privacy. Function creep threats are targeting this requirement, allowing the stealing of
user authenticating features to acquire control of another system or resource (Matyas & Riha, 2010).
The main contribution of this paper is to describe different types of authentication systems along with their
vulnerable points and threatening attacks. It gives more details about the biometric system structure, provides
examples of distinguishing biological characteristics, and evaluates them according to the common biometrics
validity factors and the market’s point of view. It also summarizes the performance results of various biometric
systems along with the deployed algorithms for different components.
Various types of authentication systems have been developed to protect user identity and system resources
against different types of attacks. The deployed authentication is determined by the needs, resources, priorities,
and environmental surroundings. There are three main approaches that outline the authentication systems nature.
They rely on the possession of knowledge, object, or biometrics as described in the following sections. Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
1.1 Knowledge Based Authentication
It is an authentication approach where the user is verified after proving the ownership of certain information. The
supplied knowledge can take the form of confidentially exchanged passwords or pieces of information, called
factoids. Factoids can be described as personal or non-personal, static or dynamic (He, Luo, & Choi, 2007). This
approach has gone under different types of attacks that depend on password guessing, user observation or
impersonation as informed by (Jesudoss & Subramaniam, 2014; Raza, Iqbal, Sharif, & Haider, 2012). Guessing
the password has been part of brute force, and dictionary attacks (Mathew & Thomas, 2013). In a brute force
attack, the intruder tries all combinations of characters that constitute the used language. Despite its certain
results, it is considered time consuming to search all the possibilities. Thus increasing the length of the utilized
password has been suggested as a solution to reduce the possibility of being attacked. This solution raises
memorability issues and causing some users to lower their guard and write down their password instead of
keeping it secretly in mind. Another way to conquer password via navigating different combinations has been
produced in the dictionary attack. It only goes through the most common words rather than trying all
Observing what the user writes or sends has been the base for several kinds of attacks like shoulder surfing
(Chakraborty & Mondal, 2014), video recording (Shi & Gu, 2012), and keyloggers (Patel et al., 2012). Shoulder
surfing and video recording aim at monitoring the user while he enters the password. The attack takes place
either locally as in shoulder surfing or remotely as in video recording. Keyloggers, also called key sniffers, are
often software programs responsible for sending user’s activities and keystrokes to the attacker helping him to
login as the corresponding victim.
Spying and intervention through an ongoing communication between two parties and impersonating one or both
of them to the other has been performed in Eavesdropping, Man-in-the-Middle, Replay, and Phishing Attacks.
Eavesdropping involves spying on the running conversation for later use. On the other hand, Man-in-the-Middle
attacker impersonates both parties to each other and takes all roles in the active transaction. Replay attack is a
form of eavesdropping that utilizes the overheard identity proof of the user in later transactions. Another way for
identity stealing happens in phishing attack where the attacker masquerade as a website that requests user’s
authentication information. (Sahu, Dalai, & Jena, 2014)
1.2 Token Based Authentication
It is another approach of authentication that verifies the identity based on the ownership of certain objects like a
bank credit card. It faces several issues regarding the need for special readers and the stealing of the verifying
tokens (Ma & Feng, 2011). As demonstrated in (Panjwani, Naldurg, & Bhaskar, 2010), mobile devices have been
registered as a valid token in banking transactions.
Securing or checking the identity in the world of “Internet Of Things” (IOT) (Friese, Heuer, & Kong, 2014;
Pokric, Krco, & Pokric, 2014) have acquired the deployment of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags as
verifying tokens (Bertoncini, Rudd, Nousain, & Hinders, 2012). They are devices attached to access cards,
badges, contactless credit cards, and e-passports. They are threatened by eavesdropping, unauthorized reading,
owner tracking, and cloning (Saxena, Uddin, Voris, & Asokan, 2011). RFID tags are combined with One Time
Password (OTP) in (C.-H. Huang & Huang, 2013) to overcome some security vulnerabilities like dictionary,
replay, eavesdropping and tags forgery attacks. Challenge-response technique is also used for authenticating
RFID tags, but it’s considered a time consuming process especially in a high-volume supply chain system. A
simple tag group authentication method has been proposed in (Leng, Hancke, Mayes, & Markantonakis, 2012)
verifying the completeness and pureness of existing tags. Small amount of personal RFID tags is authenticated
through the integration with the user owned mobile device as presented in (Saxena et al., 2011).
Another recent approach for token based authentication has invested the widespread and permanent use of
mobile phones. In (Nseir, Hirzallah, & Aqel, 2013), they are used for authenticating ongoing bank transactions
and provide mobile payment services (De, Dey, Mankar, & Mukherjea, 2013). Quick Response (QR) Code
described in (Mayrhofer, Fuß, & Ion, 2013), as 2D barcode information captured by the camera installed in a
mobile phone, combines both knowledge and object possession. It is used as electronic ticket as suggested in
(Finzgar & Trebar, 2011). It describes the role played by mobile based ticket in releasing the transport companies
from the need to smart cards and the related infrastructure. This security advance gives a great defense against
various types of attacks as brute force, man-in-the-middle, and keyboard hacking attacks (Y. G. Kim & Jun,
2011). The location services offered by mobile phones have also contributed in the authentication process (S.-H.
Kim, Choi, Jin, & Lee, 2013; Zhang, Kondoro, & Muftic, 2012). It could provide the continuous identification
and authentication and forces the remote threats to be connected to physical locations as claimed in (Choi & Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
Zage, 2012).
1.3 Biometrics Based Authentication
The need for verifying attributes that cannot be overtaken by information sharing or token stealing has lead to
the use of human physical traits or behavioral characteristics to prove the claimed identity (Kataria, Adhyaru,
Sharma, & Zaveri, 2013). Physical traits are the descriptors of the body shape. They are found in hand geometry,
palm print, face, fingerprint, iris, or retina. Behavioral characteristics, on the other hand, determine the person’s
behavioral attributes like typing rhythm, hand gestures, written signatures and voice (Ratha, Connell, & Bolle,
2001). Another advance in behavioral biometrics is the inclusion of voltage changes in biological system
associated with some ongoing activities. It is called Electrophysiology. It is the study of the electrical properties
of biological cells and tissues. There are several particular electrophysiological readings that show great
opportunity to be used as biometrics. They have specific names, referring to the origin of the bioelectrical signals
like Electrocardiography (ECG) for the heart, Electroencephalography (EEG) for the brain, Electrocorticography
(ECoG) for the cerebral cortex, Electromyography (EMG) for the muscles, and Electrooculography (EOG) for
the eyes.
2. Biometric System Structure
The involvement of human physiological or behavioral traits in the authentication process requires various
phases to be deployed after training the users to work with the system as shown in figure 1(Veldhuis, 2008).
Enrollment or calibration phase is responsible for storing the distinguishing information or template from each
person in a database. It records and collects the biometric data from specific biometric-related sensors in the
acquisition component. As these signals are subject to noise and attenuation, a preprocessing component is
required to increase the signal to noise ratio. The resultant signal usually contains a vast amount of details. The
system should decrease the details to be stored or checked, for efficient identity storage and matching decision.
Thus, it uses the feature extraction component to take out the most discriminating features of the supplied signals.
The features are then stored in the reference database which contains the data or the template to be used in the
verification phase.
After enrollment, legitimate users get access to their resources or roles after successfully passing the verification
phase. This phase takes as an input the claimed identity and the biometric sensor data of the subject to be
authenticated. The claimed identity is then used as an index to the previously constructed database. The
biometric data gathered, from the user requesting access, goes through the preprocessing and feature extraction
components as in the enrollment phase. Then, classification component matches the information of the claimed
identity and the features of the current subject in order to accept or deny this claim.
3. Biometric System Vulnerability Points
Ratha et al. (Ratha et al., 2001) have listed the vulnerability points attached to the biometric system according to
the previously described structure in figure 1. At the location A the input of the acquisition component can be
altered by the attacker who provides the sensors with formerly generated biometric data. The biometric raw data
could be changed with previously stored or intercepted values at the link connecting acquisition and
preprocessing components at the location B. Biometric features can be invaded by either fake extractor software
that falsely took the place of the original one, at location C, or replacing the resultant features at location D.
Locations E and F could witness template hacking either in their storing place or in their way for the checking
process. Matcher or classifier component could be subject for software modification or final decision substitution
at locations G and H respectively. These security breaches are categorized, according to (Jain, Ross, &
Nandakumar, 2011), into attacks related to the user interface, attacks on modules, on the interconnection between
modules and, on template database. Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
Figure 1. Biometric system overview
Vulnerability points A: at user interface, B: at the link connecting acquisition and preprocessing components, C:
at feature extraction module, D: at the link connecting feature extraction and classification modules, E: at the
storing database, F: at the template retrieving link, G: at the classification module, H:at the link delivering
decision to its final destination.
3.1 Attacks at the User Interface
They are impersonation, obfuscation, or spoofing. The impersonation refers to intruding the system and claiming
the identity of a legitimate user while obfuscation is a method for personality hiding and masquerading system's
integrity. Spoofing, on the other hand, is to fool the system with artificial traits and gain undeserved access.
Liveness detection could overcome the spoofing threat. It works by detecting other physiological or involuntary
behavioral signs of life generated from an individual like checking perspiration and blood pressure (Sébastien
Marcel, Nixon, & Li, 2014). Challenge-response technique, which depends on measuring either voluntary or
involuntary response to the presented stimulation, as well as multimodal authentication contribute in exposing
the user interface attacks as reported in (Galbally, Marcel, & Fierrez, 2014).
3.2 Attacks on the Template Database
Biometric data stored in template database could be exposed to modification or retrieval. Adversary attacks
could make changes in the database to acquire access or have control over protected resources. They could also
prevent authorized users from having their access rights. The illegitimate retrieval of biometric template is
known as security leakage. Leakage can cause serious troubles as it does not only provide access to unauthorized
people, but also violates the data confidentiality requirement of a biometric system. Once the biometric data is
stolen or spoofed, it cannot be recovered or substituted as with other authentication systems.
Various techniques have been suggested to secure the biometric template like cancelable biometrics (Ratha et al.,
2001) and fractional biometrics (Bayly, Castro, Arakala, Jeffers, & Horadam, 2010). Protection via cancelable
biometrics involves performing an intentional, repeatable distortion of the received biometric signal based on a
specific transform. On the other hand, fractional biometrics technique masks a fraction of biometric data before
3.3 Attacks on System Modules and the Interconnections Between Modules
Attacks on system modules involve modification of the internal components. They can take place at the
preprocessing, feature extraction, matching and decision modules. One of them is for the malicious software to
pretend to be one of the modules and send the output that belongs to the adversary to consequent modules like
Trojan horse attack.(Connell, Ratha, Gentile, & Bolle, 2013; Xi, Ahmad, Han, & Hu, 2011)
On the other hand, attacks on the interconnections between modules threat the privacy and data integrity of the
communication channel like man-in-the-middle and replay attacks (Jain & Nandakumar, 2012). The
hill-climbing attack presents a security breach that affects the paths from sensor to feature extractor and from
feature extractor to matcher. It aims at reaching the score needed to get an affirmative identity check while
subsequently modifying the existing biometric sample or feature set (Roberts, 2007). The transition from one
fake generated output to another is controlled by raising the matching score that expresses the relation strength
between the supplied and stored biometric data. In order to succeed, this threat should be able to provide the
system with raw biometric sample data or features directly. It also should obtain the associated score. It is Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
considered the most dangerous threat. The main problem with hill-climbing attack is the huge amount of damage
it can create. It does not only get passed through the system and affects is integrity, but it also compromises the
user identity in any authentication system that examine the same biometric trait.
The trusted biometric system as highlighted in (Breebaart, Yang, Buhan-Dulman, & Busch, 2009) presents a
solution for defeating those attacks. It holds the modules together in the same location or logically connected via
mutual authentication, secure code execution practices or specialized tamper-resistant hardware.
4. Biometric Authentication Features
Various biometric authentication techniques are related to different parts of the human body like hand, head, and
voice generating system as shown in figure 2. Human hand does not only contain unique geometrical features,
but also other attributes like fingerprints, palm print, and palm vein network. Besides, Hand activities like
gestures, keystrokes, mouse related movements, and written signatures are used to confirm the identity of human
being through the analyzing the associated behaviors. Head contains features of face and brain parts. Face as
well includes eyes with their unique iris and retina.
4.1 Hand Features
This authentication takes into consideration the shape and geometrical details of the whole hand (Amayeh, Bebis,
Erol, & Nicolescu, 2006). Length and width of the fingers, the diameter of the palm and the perimeter are
examples of these geometric features. The angle of the tip finger can be also a distinctive trait as demonstrated
by (W. Y. Chen, Kuo, & Chung, 2013). Despite the advantage of simplicity, ease of use, and inexpensiveness,
hand geometry measures are not identifying over a large population. The recording of features is also affected by
some diseases like arthritis or objects that change the shape of the hand like jewelry. Some systems rely only on
few fingers taking benefits of smaller acquisition devices. Identity confirmation can be done covertly via secret
imaging for hand specifications.
Figure 2. Biometric features
4.1.1 Fingerprint Features
It represents the most commonly used biometric in verifying user's identity. The distinction power provided by
fingerprints does not only appear between different human beings, even identical twins, but also between fingers
of the same person. The shape and details of ridges and valleys spread over fingertips constitute the acquired
fingerprint where the ridge ending and bifurcation provide prominent features (Kataria et al., 2013). Fingerprints
are collected as a 2D image that will be further processed by the authentication system. The fingerprint
acquisition process does not always imply the user cooperation or awareness. People leave about 25 clear prints
on average as claimed by (Matyas & Riha, 2010).
Fingerprint obfuscation and impersonation are examples of presentation threats that attack the fingerprint
authentication system at the sensor level. Changing the structure of ridges can fool the verification process and
increase its false rejection rate. It could take place with burning, cutting, abrading, or simply removing a portion
of the skin from the fingertip. Artificial fingerprints are serving both obfuscation and impersonation. The Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
spoofing, as implied in (Marasco & Ross, 2014), can use different techniques like direct mold and Latent
The involvement of different feature types is explored for defeating the acquisition attacks. They include static
and dynamic features. Static features involve the pore locations, individual pore spacing, and skin texture.
Perspiration and ridge distortion can be detected in the dynamic behavior over a certain period of time. (Topcu,
Kayaoglu, Yildirim, & Uludag, 2012) have used not only fingertips for authentication, but they also have
incorporated non-distal phalanges in their verification system. They have found that the upper phalanx gives
higher performance than the other phalanges. It achieves GAR of 98.9%, 91.4%, 75.0% at 0.1% FAR for distal
phalanx, middle and bottom authentication respectively. In (H. Ravi & Sivanath, 2013), a touchless fingerprint
authentication has been proposed with a webcam as an acquiring device. It eliminates the need for multiple
touching of a common device limiting touching-transfer diseases and provide distant authentication. It attains an
accuracy of 93.63%. While in (Alzahrani & Boult, 2014), Vaulted Fingerprint Verification protocol has been
used to verify individuals remotely and conserve their privacy at the same time. It performs Equal Error Rate
(EER) of about 7.5%. It attains comparable results to other discussed systems as shown in table 1.
Table 1. Fingerprint based verification systems
Feature Extraction Matching/Classification Results
(Alzahrani &
Boult, 2014)
Minutiae triangles
VFV Equal Error Rate (EER) ~7.5%.
(H. Ravi &
Sivanath, 2013)
Euclidean distance Accuracy= 93.63%
(Topcu et al.,
It uses NBIS
4.1.2 Palm Features
Palm contains three basic types of features for palm print authentication. They include principle lines, wrinkles,
and ridges (Ray, 2013, X. Wu, Zhang, & Wang, 2006). The geometric features that describe palm shape can also
cooperate as distinctive attributes for persons. The recording devices for palm print are more expensive than their
finger counterparts, but the scanning process could also lead to a covert authentication.
Palm authentication starts with the 2-D image of the region of interest collected by the appropriate device. In
(Kumar, Hanmandlu, Madasu, & Vasikarla, 2011), the authors have designed a low cost device for capturing the
palm print images. The device accepts user's hand at any orientation unconstrained by any pegs or other such
devices. It reaches an EER of 1.2%.
Another distinctive feature found in human palm is the physical structure of blood vessels network under the
skin. The palm vein pattern contains a huge number of vessels. Their positions are the same during an
individual’s life. The verification process is not affected by the temperature, humidity or the surface wounds of
the skin (Al-Juboori, Wu, & Zhao, 2013). Acquiring palm vein structure without the knowledge of an individual
involves more challenging efforts (Zhou & Kumar, 2011). It preserves a low error rate with the false rejection
rate (FRR) of 0.01%, and a false acceptance rate (FAR) of 0.00008% or lower (Watanabe, 2008), according to
Fujitsu research as revealed in (Watanabe, Endoh, Shiohara, & Sasaki, 2005). It is acquired using infrared
technology, thus the vessels containing the deoxidized hemoglobin are visible as a series of dark lines (Watanabe
et al., 2005). An example of a palm vein authentication system has been proposed in (Al-Juboori et al., 2013). It
employs Gaussian-Second-Derivative, Gabor Fisher Vein Feature (GFVF), and Cosine Distance method
algorithms for preprocessing, feature extraction, and feature matching respectively, achieving EER of 0.0333%.
The robustness of palm vein features as intrinsic, biometric claimed by (Yuan & Tang, 2011) , has been defeated
by the study in (Tome & Marcel, 2015). It has shown that the vulnerability of palm vein authentication to
spoofing attacks via printed vein structure images of genuine users has increased FAR of the corresponding
system to 65%.
In (Cai & Hu, 2010), the fusion of the images from multi-sensor imaging system has been investigated in order Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
to generate the distinguishing feature set from both palm print and palm vein. Jen-Chun Lee in (Lee, 2012) has
examined the encoding of palm vein features into bit string representation, during the template construction
needed for the identification task. The system has decreased the size required for palm vein features to 2520 bits.
It has accomplished a recognition rate with EER that equals to 0.4%. As shown in table 2, most systems have
achieved high recognition rate with EER <0.5%.
Table 2. Palm based verification systems
Feature Extraction Matching/Classification Results
(Lee, 2012) Gabor filter normalized hamming
distance based similarity
(Zhou &
For three
Neighborhood Matching
Hamming distance POLYU
Feature Extraction
(Kumar et
al., 2011)
Band Limited Phase Only
Correlation (BLPOC)
Maxima of Band Limited
Phase Only Correlation
Gabor filter hamming distance EER=3.1%
(Cai & Hu,
dual-tree complex
wavelet transform
Mutual Information
Between non-processed and
processed images
Visible=1.5006 Infrared=0.7675
discrete wavelet
transform (DWT)
Visible=1.4727 Infrared=0.7403
shift invariant discrete
wavelet transform
Visible=1.4958 Infrared=0.7482
et al., 2013)
Gabor Fisher Vein
Feature (GFVF)
Cosine Distance method EER = 0.0333%
(X. Wu et
al., 2006)
a set of directional line
Defined similarity measure EER =0.4%
Sobel filter EER =5%
2D Gabor filter EER =0.6%
4.1.3 Hand Behavioral Features
The involvement of the hand associated behavioral features has created various types of authentication schemes
like hand gestures, keystroke dynamics, mouse related events, and written signature. It’s highly preferable in
some environments where continuous authentication is required or wearing gloves is mandatory (Aslan, Uhl,
Meschtscherjakov, & Tscheligi, 2014).
1) Hand gestures
Hand gestures work to deliver non-verbal messages and certain emotions or thoughts. They are either performed
on purpose or involuntary. They are used in controlling activities for various applications and smart
environments as part of human computer interfaces. They can also be used for commanding touch-sensitive
devices. Hand gestures have been invoked in user authentication (Clark & Lindqvist, 2014; Jeon, Oh, & Toh,
2012; Koong, Yang, & Tseng, 2014). They have been preferred by the contributing subjects because of its ease,
pleasure, and excitement over typical text-based passwords. Clark & Lindqvist in (Clark & Lindqvist, 2014)
have reported that mimic user gestures or covertly recording his login activities are examples of attacks at user
interface facing hand gesture authentication systems.
Gesture authentication is categorized into two main classes touch screen or motion based. A touch screen
authentication system has been developed in (Sae-Bae, Ahmed, Isbister, & Memon, 2012). Sae-Bae et al. have Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
achieved an accuracy of about 90%, where gestures of five fingers have been used. The feature set includes
movement characteristics of the center of the palm and fingertips. They examined the use of single gesture
achieving an EER that equals to 10% but it decreases to 5% when combining two different gestures. Then they
extended their work in (Sae-Bae, Memon, Isbister, & Ahmed, 2014) to trace the performance over gaps of
several days. It has been found that the performance is degraded noticeably over multiple sessions. EER has
changed on an average basis from 10.68%, in case of a single session, to 21.87%, in case of multiple sessions.
They also have shown that user defined gestures present better results than the supplied ones. The same
conclusion has been confirmed in (Sherman et al., 2014) through the use of free-form gesture in the
authentication system. In (Koong et al., 2014), the authors investigate the effect of the number of contributing
fingers on the verification process. It has achieved True Acceptance Rate (TAR) of 85% for three fingers, 90%
for four fingers, and 88% for five fingers.
Motion based gesture verification has been described in (Aslan et al., 2014). It has been able to overcome the
finger oil issues related to the recording of the touch based authentication. The system accomplishes an EER that
equals to 11.71% using a leap motion 3D controller for the motion acquisition process. While (Fong, Zhuang, &
Fister, 2013) have utilized sign language, captured by an ordinary video camera, as hand gestures for biometric
authentication system. They found that the system is able to verify individuals with maximum accuracy of
93.75%, assessing the feasibility of using gestures for authentication as well as for message communication.
(Jeon et al., 2012) have used Kinect sensor in the verification system where fusing features that describe position,
velocity, and acceleration has been deployed. It reaches an EER that equals to 0.87% versus an average EER that
equals to 2.33% for using a single type of features. Table 3 shows that Dynamic Time Wrapping (DTW) can be
used in various systems with acceptable results.
Table 3. Hand gesture verification systems
Matching/Classification Results
(Sae-Bae et al.,
DTW(Manhattan) Single
(Jeon et al., 2012) DTW EER=0.87%
(Koong et al., 2014) the relative
distance of
fingertips, and
area of each
three fingers
Euclidean distance and
For 3
For 4
For 5
(Fong et al., 2013) Correlation
based Feature
SVM 87.5%
neural network
(Sae-Bae et al.,
DTW single
double gestures
(Aslan et al.,
DTW EER = 11.71%
2) Keystroke and Mouse dynamics
The keystroke typing behavior of individuals has a unique rhythm. Studying time periods needed for key press
and between successive presses has been useful for user authentication (Bhatt & Santhanam, 2013). The time
duration required for pressing the key is called hold time while the interval between consecutive keys is called
delay time.
Authentication of keystroke behavior depends on either fixed text or free text. Static authentication uses fixed or Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
predetermined text for human verification. Free text, on the other hand, is involved in continuous authentication
that prevents the attacker from presenting an authorized user in an ongoing session (Syed, Banerjee, & Cukic,
2014; Zhong, Deng, & Jain, 2012). (Syed et al., 2014) have used the variations in typing sequence as distinctive
features in their authentication system. A new distance metric has been suggested and used in (Zhong et al., 2012)
for keystroke based authentication systems. It assists decoupling correlated data, normalizing feature variations,
and suppressing outliers. The system has achieved an equal error rate of 8.4%.
Measuring keystroke behavior can be done without user awareness or cooperation. It also does not need any
special or modified devices to capture the typing characteristics. Various advantages have been offered by the
keystroke behavior for verification purposes. It facilitates a cost effective, user friendly and continuous
verification with a potential for high accuracy (Karnan, Akila, & Krishnaraj, 2011). However, some of the
challenges facing keystroke dynamics authentication have been revealed in (Banerjee & Woodard, 2012). As
with the behavioral biometrics, the typing dynamics can be greatly changed with time, emotional variations,
concentration levels and health conditions. The variability of used languages and keyboard layouts could affect
the reported accuracy results. They can lead to the degradation of the system’s performance when matching
stored template generated from different language or keyboard layout. The mixed usage of physical keyboard
and their virtual counterparts should be also tested, especially with the growing use of smart phones, tablets and
other touch screen devices. The typing on these devices involves either hunt-and-peck or all fingers.
As attacking the computer systems could only be a few clicks away, mouse related events can be used to
authenticate human behavior. Various challenges have been addressed for verifying mouse actions. As pointed
out by (Jorgensen & Yu, 2011), the amount of mouse data and time required for user authentication could affect
the practicality of mouse dynamics especially for continuous verification. (Shen, Cai, Guan, Du, & Maxion,
2013) have consumed 11.8 seconds for fixed mouse operation while achieving error rates of 8.74% and 7.69%
for FAR and FRR respectively. In (X. Chen, Xu, Xu, Yiu, & Shi, 2014; X. Chen, Shi, et al., 2014), Practical
Authentication with Identity Tracking System (PAITS) has been developed. It can check and track the claimed
identity in only 5 seconds with 2.86% for FRR and 4% for FAR thus saving user’s time while preserving high
authentication results as shown in table 4.
Table 4. Keystroke and Mouse dynamics based verification systems
Matching/Classification Results
(X. Chen,
Xu, et al.,
movement range,
direction and
Distribution of
angles between
two successive
Probabilistic neural network (PNN) FRR=2.86%
FAR = 4 %
(Shen et al.,
Back Propagation Neural Network(BPNN) HTER=12.5%
KNN HTER=15.1%
(Zhong et
al., 2012)
the timing
information of the
key down/hold/up
events and time
Nearest Neighbor(new distance metric)+noise
Nearest Neighbor(new distance metric) EER=.087% Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
3) Written signatures
Handwritten signatures have been widely accepted verification method in most financial transactions or official
communications. However, the large number of documents has burdened the manual signature based system,
increasing its time consumption rate. Therefore, automated verification systems that rely on written signatures
have been extensively studied (Sanmorino & Yazid, 2012). Different non-English languages like Chinese,
Japanese, Arabic, and Persian have been included in multiple authentication systems as stated in (Pal,
Blumenstein, & Pal, 2011). The attacks revealed in According to (Ballard, Lopresti, & Monrose, 2006)
handwritten signatures are exposed to attacks at sensor level either synthesized handwriting or human skilled
There are two categories for handwritten signature authentication, offline and online. Offline or static
authentication involves scanning and digitizing the regular signature that resides on a piece of paper. Pushpalatha
et al. have proposed an authentication system that achieved a total success rate of 93.4% (Pushpalatha, Gautam,
Kumar, & others, 2014). In (H. Ahmed, Shukla, & Rai, 2014), an offline system has been developed with paying
attention to time and memory saving issues while maintaining high performance results. It has accomplished an
EER of 7.60% requiring between 1.5 to 4.2 seconds for system training per person.
Online or dynamic authentication captures the behavior related to the signing activity and uses it for identity
confirmation. In (Tian, Qu, Xu, & Wang, 2013), the activity of password writing in 3D space has been captured
using Kinect giving a 100% precision and a 77% recall on average. Malaysian handwritten signatures have been
involved in an online verification reaching FAR of 7.4% and FRR of 6.4% (Iranmanesh et al., 2014).
Handwritten authentication has been integrated into different systems as suggested in (Renuka, Suganya, &
Kumar, 2014) that has proposed character recognition with a behavioral identity check. It has achieved an
accuracy rate of 98%.
Table 5 shows the results associated with various used methods for feature extraction and matching components
in signature based verification.
Table 5. Signature based verification systems
Feature Extraction Matching/Classification Results
(H. Ahmed, Shukla,
& Rai, 2014)
Discrete Radon
Transform (DRT)
Dynamic Time Warping
algorithm (DTW)
EER =7.60%,
(Iranmanesh et al.,
FRR = 6.4%
Gautam, Kumar, &
others, 2014)
Contourlet transform
and Texture features
HMM TSR =93.4%
(Tian, Qu, Xu, &
Wang, 2013)
Positions &
Distance ,Velocity ,
Acceleration ,
Slope angle ,
Path angle ,
Log radius of curvature
DTW Precision = 100%
Recall = 70%
4.2 Voice Features
Voice is one of the old behavioral characteristics that usually apply for person recognition in everyday life
through normal interactions. It has been used to recognize people via direct communication or distant phone
conversations. Voice distictivity, as other behavioral traits, comes from the uniqueness of physiological attributes
like vocal cords, size and shape of the throat and mouth. They do not suffer from major changes over time.
Learned behavioral patterns reflected from the speaking style also contribute in distinguishing or verifying the
speaker (Kataria et al., 2013). They face variability according to various circumstances like age, medical
condition, and emotional state.
Machine based voice authentication or speaker verification can be text-dependent, text-prompted or
text-independent. In text-dependent voice verification, the system is customized to a specific phrase for both
enrollment and verification (Alarifi, Alkurtass, & Al-Salman, 2011). While in text-prompted systems, the user is Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
prompted to pronounce random words offered instantly by the system. However, the free choice of spoken
sentences is allowed in text-independent voice authentication systems (Bellegarda & Silverman, 2014; Z. Wu et
al., 2015).
Chakrabarty et al. have performed EER of 15.66% with an online text-independent verification system
(Chakrabarty, Prasanna, & Das, 2013). The undetermined words have been also involved in voice identification
in (Jose Albin, Nandhitha, & Emalda Roslin, 2014) accomplishing an average sensitivity of 68%. The system in
(Baloul, Cherrier, & Rosenberger, 2012) has attempted to reduce the value of EER to 0.83% and raise the
performance accuracy while retaining the verification time of 2.53 seconds. Then Brunet et al. in (Brunet et al.,
2013) have employed the Android platform in a speaker identification system achieving an EER of 4.52%.
Languages, other than English, have been tested for this authentication method. Marathi voice based system in
(Bansod, Dadhade, Kawathekar, & Kale, 2014) has performed a recognition rate of 88% on database PHASE-II.
A database with various language speakers like Arabic speakers, Mandarin speakers, Russian speakers, and
Spanish speakers is used for cross-lingual authentication in (J. Wang & Johnson, 2013). The system
accomplishes an accuracy of 72.3%. The used algorithms shown in table 6 reveal the extensive use of Mel
Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) as distinctive features across various system configurations.
The user interface attacks related to voice based verification vary according to the used system. In case of text
dependent system, the attacker could record the required sentence in a previously prepared conversational
scenario with the victim either covertly or overtly. In text-independent system, any pronounced phrase would
compromise a threat. While in text-prompted systems, the attacker has to model the user’s utterance
characteristics learned from different phrases spoken by the user (Matyas & Riha, 2010).
Table 6. Voice based verification systems
Feature Extraction Matching/Classification Results
(Chakrabarty et
al., 2013)
Mel Frequency
Coefficients (MFCC)
Gaussian Mixture Model-
Universal Background Model
EER=15.66 %.
(Jose Albin et al.,
Discrete Meyer
Back Propagation Network
sensitivity =68%
(Brunet et al.,
MFCC VQ (vector quantization)
EER = 4.52%
(Bansod et al.,
RR= 85%
Linear Prediction
Coding (LPC)
(J. Wang &
Johnson, 2013)
Residual Phase
Cepstrum Coefficients
GMM-UBM Accuracy=67.7%
Glottal Flow Cepstrum
Coefficients (GLFCC)
MFCC Accuracy =71.2%
(Baloul et al.,
MFCC V Q EER = 0.83%
4.3 Head Based Features
There are plenty of distinctive features that are located on the head either internally as the brain behavior or
externally like the apparent face characteristics and expressions. The next subsections give more details about
those features that are either physiological or behavioral.
4.3.1 Face Based Features
Faces are always used as a means for others to recognize the noticed individual. The position, shape and the
distances between face components as eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips and chin that are distinctive to each human Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
being. Face-based automated authentication system utilizes cameras rather than human eyes to check the
person’s identity. The imaging can take place either covertly or overtly. These systems capture the facial images
in 2D or 3D spaces. Three-dimensional space allows the recognition system to include the attributes of the face
surface modeled by (G. B. Huang, Lee, & Learned-Miller, 2012; Taigman, Yang, Ranzato, & Wolf, 2014). The
system in (Borg, Said, Ben Amor, & Ben Amar, 2011), has reached an EER of 1.6%.
Facial expressions as well as aging represent huge issues in recognition systems. The aging effect on the
verification has been tested in (T. Wu, Turaga, & Chellappa, 2012) where the system has an EER of 23.6%. The
influence of expressions is suppressed by 3D information fusion as suggested by (Belahcene, Chouchane, &
Ouamane, 2014). It has accomplished a Recognition Rate (RR) of 81.30% using CASIA color database. Another
trend for dealing with facial expressions is by invoking them in facial behaviometrics. Talking face video
verification is handled in (Li & Narayanan, 2011). It has achieved an EER of 8.4%. The effect of spontaneous
smile activity has been used in authentication (Zafeiriou & Pantic, 2011). The value of the resultant EER is 2.5%,
which seems to provide a promising approach as shown in table 7.
Table 7. Face based verification systems
Feature Extraction Matching/Classification Results
(Belahcene et al.,
Gabor filter +
Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) +
Enhanced Fisher linear
discriminant Model
support vector machine
RR = 81.30%.
(Zafeiriou &
Pantic, 2011)
Free Form Deformations
PCA EER= 6.3%
LDA EER= 2.5%.
(T. Wu et al., 2012) affine-invariant shape
Proposed method EER=23.6%
Ling’s method EER=24.1%
(G. B. Huang et
al., 2012)
pixels intensity
local convolutional
restricted Boltzmann
machine (LCRBM)
Local Binary Patterns
CRBM 84.85%
(Borg et al., 2011) Iterative closest point (ICP) +
facial curves shape analysis+
beta wavelet approximation
sum fusion
product fusion
(Taigman et al.,
Pixel intensities deep neural net 97.35%
(Li & Narayanan,
discrete cosine
Joint Factor Analysis
(JFA) + GMM-Sparse
1) Eye based features
Eye organ of the face can be used separately to confirm human’s identity. Visible features of the eye gathered
from scanning the iris as well as Inner vessel network pattern behind the retina contribute in the authentication of
the claimed personality.
Iris based features
Iris is the colored region apparent in the eye between the pupil and the sclera on either side. It controls the
amount of light entering inside the organ by resizing the pupil diameter. Iris recording, until recently, requires the
collaboration of the individual. But now a good quality camera and zoom lens can provide a sufficient recording
quality even from mediate distances, allowing the image capturing to be done covertly. Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
The system in (Pillai, Patel, Chellappa, & Ratha, 2013) performs iris based identity confirmation using a
database that includes images with errors either in the acquisition or preprocessing. It achieves a verification rate
of 98.13%. FAR of above 98% has been reached for video based iris verification. Enhancing the performance of
iris based authentication has gained the attention of a lot of researchers as reported in (Bowyer, Hollingsworth, &
Flynn, 2013). Singh has suggested a noise removal method from the acquired iris images as well as
authenticating only specific parts of the iris (Singh, 2014). It leads to 1.67% and 2.50% for FAR and FRR
respectively for masked iris parts versus 0.83% and 5% for non-masked parts. While a new feature extraction
method that uses 1D features has been proposed in (Liu, Liu, & Chen, 2014). The system has attained an overall
performance of 99.35%. Different fusion techniques at decision level have been evaluated for iris based
authentication in (Granger, Khreich, Sabourin, & Gorodnichy, 2012) revealing that the results could be enhanced
when Iterative Boolean Combination technique is employed for fusing the scores based on calculated Euclidean
distances from the vertical and horizontal Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) boundaries.
In (Connell et al., 2013), a method for fake iris detection has been proposed. It uses a structured light projection
method to discover the existence of artificial items hiding the real iris. It has taken advantage of the fact that the
projected stripes appear straight for naked iris or curved for non-transparent contact lens on the cornea. Another
solution for presentation attacks that could be integrated in the system is presented in (Tomeo-Reyes & Chandran,
2013). It has combined different parts from various supplied samples to defeat different obfuscation threats. The
results of applying various types of obfuscation threats like wearing glasses, obstructing eyelid, or deviating gaze
are detailed in table 8. The assistance of fingerprint in the multimodal authentication system has been
investigated to enhance the performance of iris recognition and authentication. In (Bharadi, Pandya, & Nemade,
2014), the iris and fingerprint recognition decisions have been merged achieving total classification accuracy of
79.8%, while the results of FAR that equals to 0% and FRR that equals to 5.71% have been reported in (Conti,
Vitabile, Agnello, & Sorbello, 2013). Continuous iris authentication using an eye tracker has been offered by
(Mock, Hoanca, Weaver, & Milton, 2012) overcoming the issues facing static authentication. It achieves an
accuracy of 92.9%.
Table 8. Iris based verification system
Matching/Classification Results
(Conti et
al., 2013)
Gabor filter+
Log-Gabor for
Core and delta
points for
Hamming Distance
(HD) for fused features
FAR =0%
FRR = 8.33%
(Mock et
al., 2012)
Density values
in the Red
k-nearest neighbors
(KNN) For K=9
Left Eye
Right eye
Accuracy =82.1%
(Bharadi et
al., 2014)
For K=9
Hybrid wavelets
type I
CCR =76.1%
Hybrid wavelets
type II
CCR =79.8%
(Pillai et al.,
Gabor fused
Normalized Hamming
(Liu et al.,
Sobel operator
and 1-D
matching reconstructed
FAR =.01%
2D Gabor
Hamming Distance
With masking FRR=2.5%
FAR =1.67%
FAR =0.83%
yes &
2D Gabor
Hamming Distance
part&multiclass Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
Glasses .75/2.13 .24/0
4.02/8.01 1.07/0.15
7.82/9.4 6.03/6
Retina based features
The human eye in its posterior portion has a thin tissue composed of neural cells called retina. The network of
blood vessels feeding it has a unique pattern for each person. The imaging of the individual’s retina requires a
full cooperation and concentration from the user being identified or authenticated making a covert recording an
impossible process. The overt scanning also raises problems with user satisfaction. But, to the best of our
knowledge, retina based verification faces no attacks regarding user interface. Some diseases could affect the
retinal pattern, but typically the basic structure of the retina remains unchanged throughout the entire life of a
human being.
Retina-based personal identification in (Akram, Tariq, & Khan, 2011) has been tested for images with severe eye
diseases included in STARE database. It has witnessed a slight degradation than the results experienced when
using healthy retinal images contained in DRIVE database. The system accomplishes a recognition rate of 95.06%
for STARE database and 100% for DRIVE database. While in (Qamber, Waheed, & Akram, 2012) an overall
individual recognition rate of 98.87% has been reached using their retinae.
Vessel breakages, short vessels and spurs could cause the formation of false features. According to (Fatima, Syed,
& Akram, 2013), those features are removed using a windowing technique on the skeleton vascular pattern. It
has achieved a reduction factor of 94.74% for raw images and 90.96% for processed images. The effect of
various similarity measures in retinal authentication has been also studied as published in (Jeffers, Davis, &
Horadam, 2012).
The time required for making the verification decision has been observed and measured in multiple retina-based
authentication systems while maintaining high performance results. In (M. I. Ahmed, Awal, & Amin, 2012), the
average time for identity check is 10.25 seconds. This system has worked with images in two color spaces RGB
and YCbCr. RGB color space has accomplished an accuracy of 84.2%, while a result of 89.2% has been reached
for YcbCr color space. Another system in (Condurache, Kotzerke, & Mertins, 2012) has claimed that a result
equals to 94.64% of correct decisions, has been revealed in six seconds only.
From table 9, it seems that wavelets are widely used for feature extraction in retina based verification leading to
adequate accuracy results.
Table 9. Retina based verification systems
Feature Extraction Matching/Classification Results
(Vora, Bharadi,
& Kekre, 2012)
Haar Wavelet Energy
feature vector
Kekre Wavelet Energy
feature vector
(Qamber et al.,
Gabor wavelet +
crossing number method
Mahalanobis distance RR=98.87%
(M. I. Ahmed et
al., 2012)
semi-circular blood
vessel segment
2-D Correlation
RGB color
color space
(Akram et al., Gabor wavelet + STARE DRIVE Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
2011) crossing number method database
(Jeffers et al.,
retina graph seven scoring functions EERs in the range
(Condurache et
al., 2012)
scale-invariant feature
transform (SIFT)
-log-covariance based
point-cloud features
Sparse classification Accuracy =94.64%
4.3.2 Brain Based Features
Electroencephalography (EEG) is used, as part of Brain Computer Interface (BCI), to study the differences in
brain voltage expressing the occurrence of motor or mental activities. The brain responses to certain common
actions are used to verify the claimed identity even for people with various disabilities or to convey secret
messages through the verification process as implied in (Su, Zhou, Feng, & Ma, 2012).
Several researches have investigated the use of brain signals in personal identification and verification systems
for different motivating actions. It does not face any spoofing attacks at the user interface level, as far as we
know. Visual evoked potential and graphical stimulation have been widely used in a variety of forms like
employing face stimulation via either self-face or non-self-face images, as anticipated by Yeom and his
colleagues in (Yeom, Suk, & Lee, 2013a, 2013b). They first have chosen the highly distinctive channels and time
components related to each user. Then they utilize the averaged Event Related Potential (ERP) signals over
multiple trials in order to compute the corresponding features. They have reached a mean accuracy of 86.1%.
While (K. Ravi & Palaniappan, 2005) and (Zúquete, Quintela, & Cunha, 2010) have presented black and white
pictures from Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set to 70 individuals. Ravi has achieved an identification
accuracy of 95.25% using 40 Hz EEG oscillations. While Zúquete et al. have been concerned with reducing the
consumption of electrodes. The performance of two classifiers, K-NN and SVDD, has been compared and their
best attained results for eight electrodes are 95.1% and 98.5% respectively.
(Ashby, Bhatia, Tenore, & Vogelstein, 2011) have utilized mental based actions like baseline measurement, limb
movement, counting, and rotation to authenticate five subjects. It operates low cost EEG headset from Emotiv
Company to collect signals generated from 14 channels, thus increasing the price-based collectability of the
system. They have reached an average accuracy 98.78% using one-versus-all SVM classifier while
discriminating five types of features. On the other hand, Hema and his colleagues (C. R. Hema, Paulraj, & Kaur,
2008) pay special attention to the uniqueness of reading and multiplication mental responses. They have
extracted PSD features from EEG Beta waves and applied them to feed forward neural classifier. The
performance of identifying six subjects has reached an average accuracy of 94.4% to 97.5% for different
activities. PSD features of mental spelling and reading activities have been classified using feed forward neural
networks in (C. Hema & Osman, 2010). The identification system has gained performance accuracy of 78.6%
based on single trial analysis compared to 90.4% for multiple trials averaging.
(Sebastien Marcel & Millán, 2007) have involved the mental generation of words in person authentication. The
first letter, chosen randomly, is the same across all subjects. They have proposed a statistical framework based on
Gaussian Mixture Models and Maximum a Posteriori model adaptation on word generation as well as motor
imagery EEG signal. It has resulted in HTER ranging from 6.6% to 20.5% for motor imagery versus 12.1% to
26.1% for word generation for various number of gaussians in the mixture in a single day.
As shown in table 10, PSD features are extensively employed in brain verification giving acceptable results.
Table 10. Brain based verification systems
Feature Extraction Matching/Classification Results
(Zúquete et
al., 2010)
Energy of differential
signals with the
Parseval’s spectral
power ratio
Support Vector Data
Description (SVDD)
(Ashby et al., Autoregression SVM Accuracy=98.78% Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
2011) (AR) +
power spectral
density (PSD) +
total power in five
frequency bands +
power differences +
linear complexity
(C. R. Hema
et al., 2008)
PSD feed forward neural
Accuracy ranges from 94.4% to
(C. Hema &
Osman, 2010)
PSD feed forward neural
Single trial
Multiple trials
Marcel &
Millán, 2007)
PSD GMM HTER ranges from 6.6% to 26.1%
5. Biometrics Validity Factors
Figure 3. Biometrics Validation Factors
In order for human physical or behavioral traits to be authenticative, several factors should be checked to
determine the effectiveness of a chosen verifying biometric (L. Wang, Geng, & Global, 2010). The validity
factors, as shown in figure 3, can be categorized into general, system-related, and user-related factors. General
factors include the essential characteristics of the authenticating trait like universality, uniqueness, and
permanence. Universality verifies the existence of such trait in every human being, while uniqueness ensures its
distinctiveness per individual. Permanence or constancy validates the time-invariance of the measured biological
phenomena. Circumvention expresses the easiness of spoofing threat. The system-related factors guarantee the
collectability and quantitative aspects along with the estimated system performance. Finally, user-related factors
are concerned with the usability and user acceptance level.
Different features are validated against biometrics validity factors in (Kataria et al., 2013) with acceptance factor
contains both user acceptance and ease of use as shown in table 11. Examples of some user interface threats are
presented in table 12. Figure 4 represents the market share of authentication system for various features as Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
implied by International Biometric Group (IBG) in the interval 2007-2012 (Singla & Kumar, 2013). Although
Fingerprint authentication is vulnerable to user interface attacks, it preserves a huge share in the biometric
authentication market that exceeds the 50% limit for both offline and online fingerprint scanning. They also
forecast that the market for healthcare will witness an extensive use of biometrics reaching $5 billion by 2020 for
both overcoming the fraud issues facing the healthcare system in the US and continually keeping track of the
state of the patient (King, 2015). Thus, it reflects a growing interest in authenticating vital signs like those
provided by the heart or the brain.
Table 11. Biometrics validity factors for various features (Kataria et al., 2013) (H=High, M=Medium, L=Low)
Biometric trait Universality Uniqueness Permanence Collectability Performance Acceptance Circumvention
Finger print M H H M H M M
Palm print M H H M H M M
Hand Geometry M M M H M M M
Palm vein M H H M H M M
Iris H H H M H L L
Retina H H M L H L L
Face H L M H L H H
Voice M L L M L H H
Signature L L L H L H H
Hand gestures L L L M L M H
Mouse and
Table 12. Examples of user interface threats
Spoofing threats Obfuscation threats
Direct mold and Latent fingerprints.
Covert recording
urning, cutting, abrading, removing a portion
of the skin from the fingertip
Artificial fingerprints
Palm print Covert recording
urning, cutting, abrading, removing a portion
of the skin
covert recording
some diseases like arthritis
objects that change the shape of the hand like
Palm vein Covert recording
Iris Covert recording
Glasses, eyelid obstruction, gaze deviation
Retina No known threats
Face Covert recording Changing face expressions, aging
Voice Voice mimic, synthesis, covert recording Aging, emotional state
Signature Handwriting signature mimic, synthesis,
covert recording
Writing behavior change
Hand gestures mimic, synthesis, covert
Behavior change
Modeling human behavior Behavior change
EEG No known threats Behavior change Computer and Information Science Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
Figure 4. market share of different feature based biometric systems (Singla & Kumar, 2013)
6. Conclusion
Automated systems specially the remote ones suffer heavily from the problem of identity alteration. Multiple
kinds of possessions have contributed in verifying the personality of an individual. Owning information, objects,
and biological characteristics have been the discriminating factors in knowledge based, token based, and
biometric based authentication respectively. Having knowledge or objects could be compromised or stolen.
Biometric authentication has gained high success, especially with its permanent belonging to the human being.
Some physiological traits are described to be unique and unchangeable while behavioral characteristics could be
altered with time, emotional, and concentration level, but they mostly follow some common pattern. Biometric
verification systems have a basic structure of four main components named acquisition, preprocessing, feature
extraction, and template matching or classification. There are multiple attacks and vulnerability points
threatening the authentication systems. They can be divided into attacks related to the user interface, attacks on
modules and template database, and attacks on the interconnection between modules. The distinctive features are
found in the hand, the voice and the head. The hand has a plenty of distinguishing attributes aside from its
geometrical characteristics like fingerprints, palm print, and palm vein network. Behaviors generated from hand
activities like gestures, keystrokes, mouse related movements, and written signatures are used to check the
identity of the human being. The head contains features of the face and the brain parts. Face also includes eyes
with their unique iris and retina. Finally, the decision of the used authentication system derived by the deployed
authentication is determined by the needs, resources, priorities, environmental surroundings and the nature of the
candidate users. The market share as well as the forecasted requirements for the next generation of the
authentication systems explains the growing interest in specific distinguishing features especially those
providing human vital signs.
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... Those lock devices while not being used (e.g. after a short idle timeout) and users have to unlock them before usage. While authentication conceptually is divided into knowledge-, biometrics-, and token based-authentication [5], [6], so far approaches for mobile devices mostly utilize either knowledge-or biometrics-based authentication. ...
... Apple TouchID), face, or voice (cf. [5], [20]). While those are easy to use and do not increase the cognitive load, the drawback lies with securing biometrics of users. ...
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As users start carrying multiple mobile devices, we propose a novel, token based mobile device unlocking approach. Mobile devices are conjointly shaken to transfer the authentication state from an unlocked token device to another device to unlock it. A common use case features a wrist watch as token device, which remains unlocked as long as it is strapped to the user's wrist, and a locked mobile phone, which is unlocked if both devices are shaken conjointly. Shaking can be done single-handedly, requires little user attention (users don't have to look at the device for unlocking it), and does not cause additional cognitive load on users. In case attackers gain control over the locked phone, forging shaking is difficult, which impedes malicious unlocks. We evaluate our approach using acceleration records from our 29 people sized ShakeUnlock database and discuss influence of its constituent parts on the system performance. We further present a performance study using an Android implementation and live data, which shows the true negative rate of observational attacks to be in the range of 0.8 - if an attacker manages to gain control over the locked device and shake it in parallel to the device owner shaking the token device.
... Those lock devices while not being used (e.g. after a short idle timeout) and users have to unlock them before usage. While authentication conceptually is divided into knowledge-, biometrics-, and token based-authentication [5], [6], so far approaches for mobile devices mostly utilize either knowledge-or biometrics-based authentication. ...
... Apple TouchID), face, or voice (cf. [5], [20]). While those are easy to use and do not increase the cognitive load, the drawback lies with securing biometrics of users. ...
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The inherent weakness of typical mobile device unlocking approaches (PIN, password, graphic pattern) is that they demand time and attention, leading a majority of end users to disable them, effectively lowering device security. We propose a method for unlocking mobile devices by shaking them together, implicitly passing the unlocked state from one device to another. One obvious use case includes a locked mobile phone and a wrist watch, which remains unlocked as long as strapped to the user's wrist. Shaking both devices together generates a one-time unlocking event for the phone without the user interacting with the screen. We explicitly analyze the usability critical impact of shaking duration with respect to the level of security. Results indicate that unlocking is possible with a true match rate of 0.795 and true non match rate of 0.867 for a shaking duration as short as two seconds.
... There are multiple ways to get this resolved which include information based, token based and biometric based. [3] Information based consists of text passwords but has become unreliable as password can be hacked. Token based rely on authentication through RFID keys, smart cards, etc but they are vulnerable to token theft as even fingerprint and iris scan can be copied nowadays. ...
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User authentication is becoming a significant factor in the field of modern technology. It is a process that permits a device to confirm the recognition of somebody who interfaces with a system asset. In the world of AI, machine learning is currently one of the leading research fields which is looking into practical implementation. In this paper, we propose a method where the user will enter the given password while the leap motion sensor will compare the behavioral data of the user with an existing dataset. Leap motion controller is a sensor which can recognize 3D movement of hands, fingers, and finger-like object with no contact. For our project, we chose to use dynamic time warping and Naive Bayes classifier algorithm. For the experiment, we captured the leap motion data of eight people and stored them in the database for user authentication and another eight people were used as third-party users. Moreover, as the password is being typed into the keyboard, it is important to restrict the intrusion of malicious third-party users. The proposed system demonstrates about 91% accuracy which rises to 93% in the best-case scenario.
... Legitimate users need to unlock the device before usage by authenticating to it. Authentication can be categorized into 3 types: using knowledge, inherence (biometrics), and possession (tokens) [2,124]. The most widely used type of authentication uses knowledge, e.g. by requiring users to enter a secret password or PIN. ...
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Authentication is an integral part of protecting data on modern mobile devices from unauthorized physical access of third parties. However, it faces different challenges to suit users’ needs. On the one hand classic authentication approaches like PIN or password are obtrusive especially on mobile devices. They impose cognitive load on users and their input on mobile devices is cumbersome due to small user interfaces and limited haptic feedback. This is further intensified by mobile devices being used more frequently but for shorter durations than classic computers. On the other hand biometrics can provide for less obtrusive authentication. However, disclosure of biometric data to third parties can have significant impact as they cannot be changed as easily as PINs or passwords. To avert this additional risk, embedded smart cards (SCs) can be used to process and store biometric data. As those are computationally limited this often leads to feature transformations and matching procedures also being limited. In addition, in contrast to users authenticating to mobile devices, devices usually do not authenticate to users. This enables hardware phishing attacks (users unwittingly authenticating to an identically looking but malicious phishing device). This dissertation investigates unobtrusive mobile authentication for diverse situations in which authentication can be required. It thereby focuses on authentication approaches that utilize mobile biometrics and embedded sensors. We investigate generic biometric match-on-card (MOC) authentication that combines offline machine learning with simplification of features and authentication models to enable their usage on SCs. As the approach is generic it can be applied to different biometrics – demonstrated with gait and face biometrics – which can facilitate the transition of further mobile biometrics to using MOC techniques. We further investigate mobile token authentication to transfer the authentication state from an unlocked device (e.g. wristwatch) to a locked one (e.g. phone) by briefly shaking both devices conjointly. As shaking patterns are difficult to forge it is difficult for attackers to perform authentication when they do not have both devices under their control. We also investigate mobile device-to-user authentication as countermeasure to hardware phishing attacks and let devices communicate an authentication secret to users with vibration patterns. We evaluate our approach using publicly available data, which reveals authentication durations around 1-2 s and error rates between 0.2 and 0.02. This indicates both that our approach is feasible and that room remains for further improving unobtrusive mobile authentication, e.g. with additional approaches utilizing biometrics and sensors on mobile devices.
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The use of QR CODE to code to hide vital and confidential information and data ranging from the URL to online database and website, bio-data, name of an individual, password have been recently explored. However, not much research have been done in the area of image concealment in QR Code. In this study an effective SecSign_QRCode for signature hiding was developed. The study deployed the Base64 encoding system to convert the image signature to text format before convert to the QR Code. To incorporate an authentication scheme for a secure and privacy enhanced system the study adopted the hashing algorithm utilizing the SHA 256 algorithm. At the initial stage the user is required to input a password which would be used to generate a hash value. The hash value is thereafter combined and embedded with the Base 64 encoding to generate the SecSign_QRCode. On the other hand, the user is required to tender the password to be used for validation, this is then verified by passing it through the hash function and compared with the initial hash value. To measure the performance of the system the image signature from the resulting SecSign_QRCode the study utilized the image assessment metrics; MSE, PSNR, MAXERR, L2RATIO, CORRCOEFF. Experimental result from this study showed that the proposed system yielded an effective SecSign_QRCode with an average CORRCOEFF of 0.89141.
Due to some camera limitations, it is not practically possible to click all the objects focused in a single scene, while human observer likes to see the clear images with all the fine details present in the scene. Similarly for diagnosis purpose, all the pertinent information is required in a single modality image, but due to high cost instrument limitations, it is not possible in practical, to shot at a single instance, all the pertinent and essential details in a solo modality. Thus, concept of image fusion has an essential role here. With the advancement in the technology and recent applications, image fusion model has become quite beneficial in different areas like military, medical, surveillance as well as defense, etc. Here, we will review different kind of image fusion models with advantages and disadvantages.
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In this paper, we used Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Linear Prediction Coding (LPC) used for features extractions. We applied these two techniques for identification of a person on two databases such as PHASE-I, & PHASE-II and the distance is calculated between training phonemes and testing phonemes by using Euclidian Distance method. For our experiment we used total 1625 phonemes 25 subjects from PHASE-II speaker database. The database consists of phonemes in Varhadi language spoken in Vidharbha region of Maharashtra. Collection of phoneme is done in Akola district. The phoneme for each subject collected five times i.e. may, nav, hay, and the name are trained using 10 iteration, 40 subjects from PHASE-I The phoneme for each subject collected five times i.e. may, nav, hay, and the names are trained using 10 iteration.
As the plethora of approaches to biometrics and their deployment continues to grow, so too does the need to combat the techniques used to subvert the aim of such biometric systems. Presenting the first definitive study of the subject, this Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing reviews the state of the art in covert attacks against biometric systems, and in deriving countermeasures to these attacks. Across a range of common biometrics, including face, iris, fingerprint, speaker and gait, the book describes spoofing methods and examines the vulnerabilities of biometric systems to these attacks. Novel theoretical methods are also introduced to evaluate the various possible countermeasures. Topics and features: • Provides a detailed introduction to the field of biometric anti-spoofing and a thorough review of the associated literature • Examines spoofing attacks against five biometric modalities, namely, fingerprints, face, iris, speaker and gait • Discusses anti-spoofing measures for multi-model biometric systems • Reviews evaluation methodologies, international standards, and legal and ethical issues • Describes current challenges and suggests directions for future research • Presents the latest work from a global selection of experts in the field, including members of the TABULA RASA project This comprehensive text/reference is truly essential reading for all biometric researchers and practitioners in industry and academia. Graduate students of computer science and electronic engineering will also find the book to be a useful supplementary reference for courses on biometrics.
Conference Paper
It is relatively easier for an insider attacker to steal the password of a colleague or use an unattended machine (logged in by other users) within a trusted domain to launch an attack. A simple real-time authentication by password may not work if they have the password. By comparing the stored mouse behavioral profile of the valid user, the system automatically authenticates the user. However, long verification time in existing approaches based on mouse dynamics which mostly last dozens of minutes and probably make masquerader escaped from detection mechanism. In this paper, we proposed a system called PAITS (Practical Authentication with Identity Tracing System) to do re-authentication via comparison of mouse behavior under a short-lived interventional scenario. Mouse movements under the special scenario where the cursor is a bit out of control can capture the user’s unconscious reaction, and then be used for behavioral comparison and detection of malicious masquerader. Our experiments on PAITS demonstrate best result with a FRR of 2.86% and a FAR of 3.23% under probability neural network with 71 features. That is a comparative result against the previous research results, but at the same time significantly shorten the verification time from dozens of minutes to five seconds.
Conference Paper
In a conventional password based authentication system, an adversary can obtain login credentials by performing shoulder surfing. When such attacks are performed by human users with limited cognitive skills and without any recording device then it is referred as weak shoulder surfing attack. Existing methodologies that avoid such weak shoulder surfing attack, comprise of many rounds which may be the cause of fatigue to the general users. In this paper we have proposed a methodology known as Multi Color (MC) method which reduces the number of rounds in a session to half of previously proposed methodologies. Then using the predictive human performance modeling tool we have shown that proposed MC method is immune against weak shoulder surfing attack and also it improves the existing security level.
Iris biometric entails using the patterns on the iris as a biometric for personal authentication. It has additional benefits over contact-based biometrics such as fingerprints and hand geometry. However, iris biometric often suffers from the following three challenges: ability to handle unconstrained acquisition, privacy enhancement without compromising security, and robust matching. This chapter discusses a unified framework based on sparse representations and random projections that can address these issues simultaneously. Furthermore, recognition from iris videos as well as generation of cancelable iris templates for enhancing the privacy and security is also discussed.
Iris biometric entails using the patterns on the iris as a biometric for personal authentication. It has additional benefits over contact-based biometrics such as fingerprints and hand geometry. However, iris biometric often suffers from the following three challenges: ability to handle unconstrained acquisition, privacy enhancement without compromising security, and robust matching. This chapter discusses a unified framework based on sparse representations and random projections that can address these issues simultaneously. Furthermore, recognition from iris videos as well as generation of cancelable iris templates for enhancing the privacy and security is also discussed.
Conference Paper
In real time world password will be compromise by some adversaries is common for different purpose. In ICC 2008 Lei et al. introduced a new user authentication system based on the virtual password system methodology. In virtual password methodology they have used function based on the linear randomization approach, to be secure against identity theft attacks, phishing attacks, keylogging attack and shoulder surfing system. At ICC 2010 Li's given a security attack which compromised the user on the Lei's work. The proposed approach gives modification on Lei's work to prevent the Li's attack with reducing the server overhead. This paper also discussed the problems with current email password recovery system and gives the better approach. © Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2012.
Conference Paper
In this research, we find the palm from the hand image firstly. And then distinguish the fingers using the triangular calculation method. In the palm detection, the color of skin, background subtraction, hand image extraction, edge detection and histogram analysis are used to achieve the goal. In fingers distinguish; we record the tips and valley of the fingers by means of calculating the histogram of the palm image firstly. Next, we find out the original point which is the center of the gravity of the palm using the area that the palm image gets rid of the fingers part. Successively, we draw the original point and center of the cut line of the palm use as the base line, means zero angle line. Meanwhile, we draw another line from tip of finger to the original point called tip line. Finally, we calculate the angle between base line and tip line use as the finger angular. Since the fingers have different angle, so the fingers are easily be distinguished.
Conference Paper
Authentication based on touch-less mid-air gestures would benefit a multitude of ubicomp applications, which are used in clean environments (e.g., medical environments or clean rooms). In order to explore the potential of mid-air gestures for novel authentication approaches, we performed a series of studies and design experiments. First, we collected data from more then 200 users during a three-day science event organised within a shopping mall. This data was used to investigate capabilities of the Leap Motion sensor and to formulate an initial design problem. The design problem, as well as the design of mid-air gestures for authentication purposes, were iterated in subsequent design activities. In a final study with 13 participants, we evaluated two mid-air gestures for authentication purposes in different situations, including different body positions. Our results highlight a need for different mid-air gestures for differing situations and carefully chosen constraints for mid-air gestures.