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Suggestion, belief in the paranormal, proneness to reality testing deficits, and perception of an allegedly haunted building


Abstract and Figures

The present study investigated whether suggestion, level of belief in the paranormal, and proneness to reality testing deficits influenced participants' expectation of haunt-related phenomena. Participants watched a short slideshow outlining the history of a fictitious, abandoned hospital. Suggestion occurred in the final sentence of the presentation narration and stated that the hospital administrative building had either a history of ghostly activity or structural problems. Following the slideshow, to ensure participants attended to the suggestion, they read a transcript of the presentation narration. The experimenter then informed participants that they would see the internal features of the administrative building via a soundless, black and white video tour. On conclusion of the filmed sequence, participants completed measures assessing environmental perceptions and phenomena, haunt-related opinions and feelings, belief in the paranormal (Revised Paranormal Belief Scale), and proneness to reality testing deficits (Inventory of Personality Organization). Within the experimental phase, only level of paranormal belief and proneness to reality testing deficits affected haunt-related ratings; suggestion had no effect. Second phase inquiry, using path analysis, revealed that haunting history (the extent to which participants believed the administrative building had a history of being haunted) mediated the relationship between paranormal belief and expectation of haunt-related phenomena.
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Journal of Parapsychology, 79(1), 87–104
By Neil Dagnall, Kenneth Drinkwater, Andrew Denovan, and Andrew Parker
ABSTRACT: The present study investigated whether suggestion, level of belief in the paranormal, and
proneness to reality testing decits inuenced participants’ expectation of haunt-related phenomena.
Participants watched a short slideshow outlining the history of a ctitious, abandoned hospital. Sugges-
tion occurred in the nal sentence of the presentation narration and stated that the hospital adminis-
trative building had either a history of ghostly activity or structural problems. Following the slideshow,
to ensure participants attended to the suggestion, they read a transcript of the presentation narration.
The experimenter then informed participants that they would see the internal features of the admin-
istrative building via a soundless, black and white video tour. On conclusion of the lmed sequence,
participants completed measures assessing environmental perceptions and phenomena, haunt-related
opinions and feelings, belief in the paranormal (Revised Paranormal Belief Scale), and proneness to re-
ality testing decits (Inventory of Personality Organization). Within the experimental phase, only level
of paranormal belief and proneness to reality testing decits affected haunt-related ratings; suggestion
had no effect. Second phase inquiry, using path analysis, revealed that haunting history (the extent to
which participants believed the administrative building had a history of being haunted) mediated the
relationship between paranormal belief and expectation of haunt-related phenomena.
Keywords: suggestion, paranormal belief, reality testing, haunting
Denitions of ghosts vary over time and across cultures (Houran & Lange, 2001). The term “ghost”
refers traditionally to the notion that spirits of the dead (human and animal) persist after corporeal death and
exert an inuence on the physical world. More precisely, as dened by Laythe and Owen (2012), haunting
experiences denote internally perceived phenomena (e.g., sensations of a presence) or externally witnessed
phenomena (e.g., objects moving), ascribed to spirit activity.
Belief in and experience of ghosts persists within modern society. Indeed, opinion polls report con-
sistently that a substantial proportion of the general population believe in the existence of ghosts (Williams,
Ventola, & Wilson, 2010). Illustratively, a 2005 Gallup survey, incorporating telephone interviews with
1,002 American adults, found that 32% of interviewees believed that ghosts (spirits of dead people) could
return to certain places/situations; 37% considered houses could be haunted (Moore, 2005). These gures
are commensurate with an earlier 2001 Gallup survey (Newport & Strausberg, 2001). MORI polls evidence
similar levels of endorsement in Britain. The 2007 Survey on Beliefs, comprising telephone interviews
with a representative quota sample of 1,005 adults, noted that 38% of interviewees believed in ghosts and
36% claimed to have seen a ghost (MORI, 2007). These gures concur with the 1998 MORI Paranormal
Survey, which found that 40% of respondents believed in ghosts and 37% reported personal experience of
ghosts (MORI, 1998). The prevalence of ghost-related beliefs and relatively frequent reporting of haunting
experiences indicates the socially important nature of haunting phenomena and designates ghosts/hauntings
as an important research area worthy of academic consideration.
Empirical attempts to explain ghost and haunt-related perceptions centre frequently on psycho-
logical factors. One signicant variable is suggestibility. Generally, research has found associations be-
tween suggestibility and belief in the paranormal (Danoiu, 1995) and that experimental manipulation of
The Journal of Parapsychology
verbal suggestion can inuence perception and recall of paranormal phenomena. For example, Wiseman,
Greening, and Smith’s (2003) study of séance phenomena, using self-selected delegates attending a Fortean
Times convention, observed that participants who afrmatively answered the question “Do you believe
that paranormal phenomena sometimes occur during séances?” were more susceptible to verbal sugges-
tion about a séance-consistent phenomenon, movement of a hand-bell, than nonbelievers. Participants also
reported experiencing unusual phenomena often associated with “genuine” séances; about a fth believed
the staged séance contained authentic paranormal phenomena, and a signicantly greater percentage of
believers considered this to be the case.
Similarly, Wiseman and Greening (2005) found that verbal suggestion affected perception of al-
leged paranormal key bending. Participants viewed footage of a performer (professional close-up magi-
cian) and an interviewer sitting at a table containing several objects (keys, pack of cards, cutlery, etc.).
The camera showed a close-up of the performers hands as he selected the key. They then used specious
psychokinetic ability to produce a bend in the stem of the key (sleight of hand produced the distortion).
The performer placed the key back on the table and the videotape footage concluded with a 60-s close-up
of the distorted key. In the suggestion condition, a verbal comment on the soundtrack implied that the key
continued to bend. The no-suggestion condition did not include this “bending” comment. Participants in
the suggestion condition were more likely to report the key continuing to bend. In addition, participants
reporting bending were highly condent that their testimony was reliable and were less likely to report the
fake psychic’s suggestion.
Wilson and French (2008) examined whether suggestion inuenced recall of a psychic reading.
Participants watched a scripted video of a reading followed by a “manipulated” interview in which the sitter
commented upon the accuracy of the reading. In one version, the sitter declared correctly that the psychic
mentioned the name Sheila and that Sheila was their mother’s name. In the other version, the sitter asserted
incorrectly that the psychic stated that their mother’s name was Sheila. Wilson and French (2008) found
believers showed a strong tendency to misremember the manipulated section of the reading, regardless of
whether they received misinformation or not. Nonbelievers tended to remember the reading more accu-
rately if no misinformation was present; however, in the misinformation condition their memories were as
distorted as those of the believers.
Collectively, research shows that verbal suggestion can inuence the perception and recall of sup-
posed paranormal phenomena, especially when the suggestion is consistent with existing paranormal be-
liefs. Pertinently, research indicates that suggestion may play a critical role in the reporting of haunting
phenomena (O’Keefe & Parsons, 2009). For example, Lange and Houran (1997) investigated whether
the suggestion that a location was haunted would be sufcient to induce poltergeist-like perceptions (e.g.,
sensed presence). Participants attending an indoor performance theatre took part via random allocation to
either the suggestion (paranormal activity) or control (renovation) condition. Each group went on a tour
in which they visited ve main theatre areas and completed an experiential questionnaire assessing their
psychological and physiological perceptions. More intense experiences across measures demonstrated that
mere suggestion could stimulate paranormal-type experiences.
Similarly, Terhune and Smith (2006), using a psychomanteum (mirror gazing task), established
that suggestion could induce apparitional experiences. In the suggestion condition, instructions specied
that mirror gazing could result in anomalous sensations (including seeing an apparition); the nonsuggestion
condition advised only about the possibility of experiencing unusual bodily sensations/perceptual distor-
tions. Suggestion inuenced participants’ perceptions; the suggestion condition produced more reports of
visual and auditory apparitions.
Research has shown suggestibility (hypnotic and imaginative) is associated with the induction of
anomalous/unusual experiences (Kumar & Pekala, 2001; O’Connor, Barnier, & Cox, 2008) and the stimu-
lation of hallucinatory experiences (McConkey & Barnier, 2004). A notable example is the White Christmas
paradigm (Barber & Calverey, 1964). The White Christmas test instructs participants to close their eyes and
imagine hearing the famous Bing Crosby White Christmas song. After 30 s, participants rate the intensity of
their imagery. Typically, a signicant percentage of participants report hearing the song clearly. Mintz and
Inuences on Perception of an Allegedly Haunted Building 89
Alpert (1972) reported that the majority of schizophrenic patients (85%) and a nontrivial minority (40%)
of controls reported a clear auditory image during the test (Merckelbach & van de Ven 2001). This nding
illustrates that “normal” people will readily report suggested auditory events (Barber & Calverey, 1964).
Cumulatively, research demonstrates that the presentation of haunt-related suggestions can induce
and heighten haunting-related perceptions (O’Keefe & Parsons, 2009). The relationship between sugges-
tion, paranormal belief, and the reporting of unusual (ghost-related) experiences, however, is not a simple
one and results across studies have been inconsistent. A classic illustration of this is the large-scale study
conducted by Wiseman, Watt, Greening, Stevens, and O’Keefe (2002). They found that the frequency with
which participants reported experiencing unusual phenomena in the past and attributed their experiences
to ghosts varied as a function of level of belief. Believers reported experiencing seven of the eight unusual
phenomena (feelings, sense of presence, sounds, changes in temperature, smells, sights, and tastes). The
only phenomenon not reported more frequently by believers was an unusual sense of dizziness. Believers
were also signicantly more likely to attribute their experiences to ghosts. Similarly, when walking around
Hampton Court Palace, an allegedly haunted location, believers noted more haunt-related experiences and
demonstrated a greater tendency to attribute these experiences to a ghost.
Wiseman et al. (2002) also manipulated suggestion. In the positive suggestion condition, research-
ers told participants that an area was associated with increased reports of unusual phenomena. Contrasting-
ly, in the negative suggestion condition, the researchers stated that the area was not associated with unusual
phenomena. Suggestion had no effect on participants’ expectations of experiencing unusual phenomena
during the experiment or their tendency to attribute unusual phenomena to ghosts. In addition, the belief by
suggestion interaction produced mixed results. When participants visited the allegedly haunted area, more
believers reported unusual experiences in the positive suggestion condition. Generally, however, ndings
proved nonsignicant.
Overall, the results of haunt-related suggestion research are inconclusive and difcult to interpret.
Generally, ndings suggest that believers in the paranormal are particularly susceptible to suggestion and
more easily deceived. However, this assumption is inconsistent with previous critical thinking research,
which has failed to nd consistent differences between believers and nonbelievers (Hergovich & Arendasy,
2005; Moore, Thalbourne, & Storm, 2010). In this context, philosophical bias may affect susceptibility to
suggestion. Believers are prone to wrongly endorsing paranormal phenomena, whilst sceptics are inclined
to deny the existence of paranormal effects. Hence, sceptics would be unlikely to detect genuine effects (if
they exist).
The present study built on the work of Wiseman et al. (2002) in a number of important ways.
First, to avoid problems linked to prior inuence, the location used was ctitious. Real, historical locations
(Hampton Court, Edinburgh Vaults, etc.) are often associated with hauntings and knowledge of this may in-
uence participants’ perceptions (Houran, Wiseman, & Thalbourne, 2002). Secondly, the manipulated sug-
gestion appeared consistently throughout the presentation phase. It occurred on three occasions: the end of
the narrative, within the narrative text, and as part of instructions prior to producing ratings. Contrastingly,
Wiseman et al.’s (2002) use of suggestion was subtle (embedded within a talk about their experiment) and
stated only once. Thirdly, only the haunting condition referred to the notion of haunting. This avoided any
potential confound arising from stating that the location was not haunted. Mention of haunting, regardless
of valence, may inuence expectations, attention, and report rates. Previous work has indicated that atten-
tional mechanisms play an important role in haunting experiences (Houran & Lange, 1996, 2001; Terhune,
Ventola, & Houran, 2007). For this reason, the present study employed a haunted versus control (structure)
Finally, to avoid the possible inuence of external variables (magnetic elds, drafts, etc.) the cur-
rent study took place in a controlled experimental setting. This ensured that participants’ experiences were
similar and prevented the introduction of physical conates (temperature uctuation, lighting variations,
magnetic, electric elds, etc.). Using a controlled, nonhaunted location avoided issues arising from individ-
ual differences in perceptual acuity/sensitivity. There is evidence to suggest that believers in the paranormal
may be more reactive to perceptual stimuli generally, and specically more sensitive to possible paranormal
The Journal of Parapsychology
effects (Houran, Hughes, Thalbourne, & Delin, 2006; Thalbourne, 2010).
A further development was the inclusion of a reality testing measure, the Inventory of Personal-
ity Organization, IPO-RT (Lenzenweger, Clarkin, Kernberg, & Foelsch, 2001). Several studies report an
association between proneness to reality testing decits and unconventional beliefs, particularly belief in
the paranormal and endorsement of urban legends and conspiracies (Drinkwater, Dagnall, & Parker, 2012;
Irwin, 2004), and there have been no reported failures. Reality testing refers to the preference to test crit-
ically the coherent credibility of beliefs (Irwin, 2004). Reality-testing decits bias individuals away from
analytical-rational processing towards intuitive-experiential interpretations of anomalous events. Believers
in this context are dependent upon, or favour, intuitive-experiential processing and consequently appraise
perceptions and experiences less critically (Lindeman, 1998). Accordingly, they are more inclined to report
unusual perceptual sensations (seeing things that do not exist, hearing things when there is no apparent
reason, etc.). Similarly, emotion-based reasoning predicts level of paranormal belief (Irwin, Dagnall, &
Drinkwater, 2012). Thus, believers tend to endorse paranormal occurrences because of their emotional
rather than rational appeal (Sappington, 1990). In this context, the authors anticipated that participants scor-
ing high on proneness to reality testing decits would score higher on haunt-related expectancy measures.
Similar to paranormal belief, the relationship between proneness to reality testing decits and susceptibility
to suggestion was less certain and, hence, worthy of investigation. This was tested in Phase 1 alongside the
paranormal hypotheses.
The study comprised two distinct but related phases. Phase 1, experimental manipulation, examined
the effects of verbal suggestion on paranormal believers (vs. nonbelievers) and perception of the ctitious hos-
pital building. It was hypothesised, consistent with previous research, that believers (vs. nonbelievers) would
expect the building to contain more haunt-related phenomena, and the differences would be greater with sug-
gestion. Given the inconsistent nature of suggestion effects, the latter prediction was tentatively stated.
As outlined above, Phase 1 also addressed the relationship between suggestion and proneness to
reality testing decits. Previous research has found a positive association between belief in the paranormal
and proneness to reality testing decits (Drinkwater et al., 2012; Irwin, 2003, 2004). This relationship
suggests, consistent with belief-in-the-paranormal research, that participants scoring high on proneness to
reality testing decits would be more susceptible to manipulation of suggestion. In the context of the pres-
ent study, the suggestion that the building was haunted was likely to coincide with personal subjective, in-
tuitive-experiential evaluations and existing paranormal-related schemas of haunted locations (antiquated,
deserted, isolated, former hospital, etc.). Thus, we hypothesized that participants scoring high for proneness
to reality testing decits would correspondingly rate the expectation of haunt-related phenomena higher,
and that this effect would be heightened when it was suggested that the location was haunted.
Phase 2 explored relationships between paranormal belief, proneness to reality testing decits, the
degree to which participants believed the building was haunted, and anticipation of haunt-related phenomena.
One hundred eighty participants, recruited via opportunity sampling from undergraduate students
and staff at Manchester Metropolitan University (faculties of Humanities, Languages & Social Sciences
and the Department of Psychology), participated in the study. Mean age 20.89 years (SD = 4.99), range
18–48. The sample was 75% female (M = 20.96, SD = 5.42, 18–48 years) and 25% male (M = 20.71, SD
= 3.48, 18–38 years). Participants responded to general e-mails, noticeboard advertisements, or personal
requests to take part in a psychological study.
Hospital Photographs
A slideshow containing 24 photographs of hospitals was constructed. Pictures were obtained via
an Internet search using the term “disused hospitals.” Selected images were public domain, colour, non-dis-
torted, taken during daytime, and representing a range of internal and external architectural features. Col-
Inuences on Perception of an Allegedly Haunted Building 91
lectively, images appeared to depict a single derelict hospital. Each image was mounted and tted to a
single PowerPoint 2010 slide (4:3 on screen; 25.40 cm x 19.05 cm). Slide presentation was set to 5 s and
the slideshow ran for 2 min in total. A standard narration, read by a male member of staff, accompanied the
slideshow and outlined the building’s (ctitious) history. Recording of the narration was via a tablet and the
initial recording was edited using Audacity software.
Suggestion Manipulation
The suggestion stated that the building had either a history of ghostly activity (haunted manipu-
lation) or structural problems (structure manipulation): “In the years prior to its closure patients, staff and
visitors reported ghostly sightings/structural problems and the building developed a reputation for being
haunted/outdated. The centre of spectral activity/architectural concerns was the Administrative Building.”
To ensure equivalence between conditions, changes were restricted to three statements of the key manipu-
lation phrase. These occurred at the end of the narrative, within the narrative text, and as part of instructions
prior to producing ratings.
Video Tour of Administrative Building
After the slideshow, participants undertook a virtual (video) tour of the Administrative Building.
The video comprised handheld camera footage of a building walkthrough, was in colour, and contained no
sound. Filming was from the rst person perspective and no people appeared in the shoot. The building
was actually a disused location on one of the University campuses. Prior to the video shoot, the internal
features of the building (i.e., doorways, staircase, furniture, room size, and décor) and the photographs of
disused hospitals were carefully matched. This control ensured that participants were unlikely to perceive
a mismatch between the slideshow and the virtual tour. Editing reduced the original recording to 10 min;
coverage featured a range of internal features. Filming started on the ground oor, moved down to the cel-
lar, and then progressed up through the second and third oors. Shooting concluded as the camera started
to move back down the stairs. Recording used a Panasonic HC-V130EB-R Camcorder. Editing was via
CyberLink PowerDirector.
Test Booklet
After watching the slideshow and nishing the virtual tour, participants completed a test booklet
containing the following measures.
Environmental Perceptions and Phenomena Scale (EPPS). The EPPS is an 18-item measure
adapted from previous research on hauntings and contains questions on a range of perceptions and sen-
sations typically associated with hauntings (Laythe & Owen, 2012; Wiseman et al., 2002). Instructions
asked participants to consider how they would feel when visiting and exploring the hospital Administrative
Building late at night: “Within the Administrative Building would you expect to encounter the following
phenomena?” Participants rated the extent to which they expected to encounter the following unusual,
haunt-related phenomena (sensations and perceptions): unexplained voices; feeling of a sensed presence;
eeting visual shadows; heard footsteps; bouts of ringing in the ears; headache/migraine; perception of
being touched; bouts of dizziness; periodic feelings of foreboding; heard bangs/raps; heard music from an
unexplained source; unexplained odours; mist, lights, shadows, or other unexplained visual phenomena;
notice of animals reacting to something that isn’t there; sudden extreme cold or heat; heard or seen unex-
plained movement; and feelings of being watched. In this context, the EPPS provided a measure of the de-
gree to which participants expected to encounter haunt-related phenomena within the Administrative Build-
ing. Participants rated each phenomenon on a Likert scale (0% = “certainly not” to 100% = “certainly”.
History of Haunting (HH). A further question assessed whether participants believed the location
was haunted: “To what extent do you believe that there is a history of paranormal activity (ghostly activity)
at the location observed in the video (the Administrative Building)?” Participants responded on a 7-point
The Journal of Parapsychology
Likert scale (1 = “denitely not” to 7 = “denitely”).
Haunting-Associated Opinions and Feelings (HAOF). A single item assessed general attitudes to
the existence of ghosts: “To what extent do you believe that ghosts exist?” Responses were again assessed
using a 7-point Likert scale (1 = “denitely not” to 7 = “denitely”).
Two items measured the degree of anxiety (“How anxious do you feel when you think about
ghosts?”) and fear evoked by the notion of ghosts (“How fearful of ghosts are you?”). Responses were
recorded on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = “not at all” to 7 = “extremely”).
Revised Paranormal Belief Scale (R-PBS). The R-PBS is a self-report measure containing 26
questions measuring belief in seven facets of paranormal belief: Traditional Religious Belief, Psi Belief,
Witchcraft, Spiritualism, Superstition, Extraordinary Life Forms, and Precognition (Tobacyk, 2004). The
scale is a modied version of Tobacyk and Milford’s (1983) Paranormal Belief Scale. Items are presented
as statements (e.g., “I believe in God” and “Black magic really exists”) measured on a 7-point Likert scale
ranging from 1 (“strongly disagree”) to 7 (“strongly agree”). Prior to analysis, scores were recoded 0–6
to facilitate Rasch scaling (Irwin, 2009). Final potential scores ranged from 0–156, with higher scores re-
ecting greater belief in the paranormal. Rasch scaling produced a 2-factor solution: New Age Philosophy,
NAP, and Traditional Paranormal Belief, TPB (Lange, Irwin, & Houran, 2000). NAP (11 items) assesses
belief in psi, reincarnation, altered states, and astrology, whilst TPB (5 items) measures traditional Western
religious concepts such as the devil and witchcraft (Irwin, 2004). The Rasch scaling procedure (Andrich,
1988) produces scores ranging from 6.85 to 47.72 on NAP, and 11.16 to 43.24 on TPB. Previous research
has established that the R-PBS is psychometrically and conceptually satisfactory (Tobacyk, 2004).
The Inventory of Personality Organization Reality Testing Subscale (IPO-RT). The IPO-RT
(Lenzenweger et al., 2001) assesses proneness to reality testing decits, and the capacities to differentiate
self from non-self and intrapsychic from external stimuli, and to maintain empathy consistent with ordinary
social criteria of reality (Kernberg, 1996). The IPO-RT also measures information-processing style (e.g.,
“I have heard or seen things when there is no apparent reason for it’) without reference to psychotic symp-
tomology. The scale contains 20 items assessed via a 5-point Likert scale (1 = “never true” to 5 = “always
true”). Scores range from 20 to 100 (low scores indicate high reality-testing ability). The IPO-RT is tem-
porally stable with nonclinical populations and is psychometrically established, demonstrating good retest
reliability and construct validity (Lenzenweger et al., 2001).
Subjective Paranormal Experiences Scale (SPES). In addition to the previously outlined mea-
sures, participants completed the SPES, which measures participants’ general paranormal history and as-
sesses incidence of subjective paranormal experiences. The measure was not analysed in the present study
because the number of respondents reporting hauntings was low.
Ethical approval was granted as part of a wider research project examining the relationship between
paranormal beliefs and anomalous experiences. Prior to testing, all participants provided informed consent
and were aware of their right to withdraw from the study at any time.
Participant testing occurred in groups or individually and haunt condition allocation was random
(suggestion manipulation: haunted vs. structure).
Prior to testing, instructions informed participants that the session would involve attending to a
brief slideshow and accompanying audio narrative about an old disused hospital. Participants rst watched
the slideshow containing the hospital photographs and simultaneously listened to the supporting audio nar-
rative. The rst presentation of the suggestion manipulation occurred within the concluding sentence of the
narrative. On conclusion of the presentation, participants read a text version of the narrated commentary
in preparation for the virtual (video) tour of the old Administrative Building. This served to reinforce the
previously narrated suggestion (second presentation of the suggestion manipulation). After allowing suf-
cient reading time, the recording (virtual tour) was played. Following the virtual tour, instructions guided
participants to complete the test booklet containing the study measures. The instructions preceding the test
Inuences on Perception of an Allegedly Haunted Building 93
measures stated the suggestion manipulation a third and nal time.
Participants completed the environmental measures (EPPS and HH) and the HOAF rst to avoid
priming paranormal ideation. To avoid potential order effects the sequence of the remaining measures
(R-PBS and IPO-RT) was counterbalanced. Guidelines instructed participants to complete all questions
and that there was no time limit. At the end of the testing session, testers debriefed the participants, thanked
them for engaging with the research, and provided follow-up details.
Primary Analysis: Reliability and Scale Descriptives
Prior to the main analysis, Cronbach’s alpha (α) assessed the internal reliability of the measures. All
scales proved psychometrically acceptable: The Environmental Perceptions Phenomena scale (EPPS; α =
.93), proneness to reality testing decits measure (IPO-RT; α = .90) and Revised Paranormal Belief Scale,
(R-PBS; α = .89) demonstrated excellent internal reliability. The two R-PBS factors (New Age Philosophy,
NAP; and Traditional Paranormal Belief, TPB) produced alpha coefcients in the good (NAP, α = .83) to
acceptable TPB (α = .70) range (see also George & Mallery, 2003). Scale descriptive statistics appear in
Table 1.
Table 1
Scale Descriptive Statistics (N = 180)
α M SD Range
EPPS .93 43.73 18.09 2.35–82.94
R-PBS .89 51.97 24.01 4.00–116.00
NAP .83 21.60 3.88 6.85–31.41
TPB .70 22.59 4.56 11.16–39.23
IPO-RT .90 42.81 11.91 20.00–83.00
HH NA 4.12 1.84 1.00–7.00
OG NA 4.18 2.04 1.00–7.00
FA NA 3.61 1.86 1.00–7.00
FF NA 3.41 1.92 1.00–7.00
Note. EPPS = Environmental Perceptions Phenomena Scale, R-PBS = Revised Paranormal Belief Scale,
NAP = New Age Philosophy, TPB = Traditional Paranormal Belief, IPO-RT = Proneness to Reality Testing
Decits, HH = History of Haunting, OG = Opinion Ghosts Exist, FA = Feeling Anxiety, FF = Feeling Fear.
EPPS correlated positively with level of paranormal belief and IPO-RT, indicating that expectancy
of haunt-related phenomena increased as a function of level of paranormal belief and reality testing decit.
Paranormal belief (R-PBS, NAP, and TPB) correlated positively with IPO-RT. All observed interscale cor-
relations were in the moderate range (see Table 2).
Experimental Manipulation: Paranormal Belief, Proneness to Reality Testing Decits,
Suggestion, and Haunting-Related Ratings
Consistent with previous research, median splits classied participants as either low or high (be-
low vs. above median) on R-PBS and IPO-RT. This procedure is an established methodological conven-
tion within parapsychological and individual differences research (Wilson & French, 2014; Wiseman &
The Journal of Parapsychology
Greening, 2005) that has recently received disapproval. Ubiquitously cited criticisms of median split often
reference MacCallum, Zhang, Preacher, and Rucker (2002), who outline potential negative analytical con-
sequences arising from dichotomization of continuous variables (i.e., loss of information about individual
variability, ensuing loss of power and effect size, and the undermining of measurement reliability). Accord-
ingly, MacCallum et al. (2002) concluded that dichotomization is rarely defensible because it produces
misleading results.
Table 2
Matrix of Pearson Product Moment Correlations Between Study Variables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. R-PBS .57*
3. NAP .52 .85
4. TPB .44 .81 .65
5. IPO-RT .40 .35 .37 .21
6. HH .66 .59 .52 .49 .20
7. OG .52 .61 .54 .52 .21 .74
8. FA .41 .32 .23 .31 .22 .39 .43
9. FF .33 .29 .17 .29 .19 .33 .39 .84
Note. EPPS = Environmental Perceptions Phenomena Scale, R-PBS = Revised Paranormal Belief Scale,
NAP = New Age Philosophy, TPB = Traditional Paranormal Belief, IPO-RT = Proneness to Reality Testing
Decits, HH = History of Haunting, OG = Ghosts Exist, FA = Feeling Anxiety, FF = Feeling Fear.
*All p < .01.
A recent paper by Iacobucci, Posavac, Kardes, Schneider, and Popovich (2014) challenges and
re-evaluates this view. Iacobucci et al. (2014) conducted an examination of median splits, which revealed
that spurious effects were negligible and limited (usually) to instances where predictor variables correlated
signicantly among themselves, that is, cases of acute multicollinearity. Indeed, even when variables are
nonorthogonal, the robust nature of a 2 by 2 factorial design typically negates extreme distortions (Iaco-
bucci et al., 2014). Finally, it is worth noting that multicollinearity generally does not promote type I errors.
Instead, it reduces effect sizes and increases the likelihood of type II error (Iacobucci et al., 2014).
We assessed the validity of our ndings in two ways. Firstly, following Iacobucci et al.’s (2014)
recommendation, we demonstrated orthogonality by computing correlation coefcients between the me-
dian split variables (belief in the paranormal and proneness to reality testing decits) and the experimental
factor (level of suggestion). The correlations were nonsignicant: R-PBS, r(178) =. 02, p = .37; IPO-RT,
r(178) = .00, p = .50.
As a second validity check, consistent with Wilson and French (2014), we conducted a series of
multiple regressions (not reported), which replicated the pattern of results observed from the ANOVAs re-
ported below (see Tables 3 and 4).
ANOVA analysis was preferred to regression analysis because suggestion was an experimental
manipulation and we were concerned primarily with exploring potential interactions. Separate ANOVAs for
level of paranormal belief (R-PBS) and proneness to reality testing decits (IPO-RT) were justied because
the correlation between these two factors was in the low (see Hinkle, Wiersma, & Jurs, 2003) to moderate
(see Cohen, 1992) range. Thus, effects of level and suggestion on environmental perceptions (EPPS) and
history of haunting (HH) were analyzed via separate 2 (level of paranormal belief/level of reality testing:
high vs. low) x 2 (suggestion: structure vs. haunted) independent ANOVAs.
Inuences on Perception of an Allegedly Haunted Building 95
Paranormal Belief
Means and standard deviations appear in Table 3.
Table 3
Level of Paranormal Belief (R-PBS) as a Function of Haunt-Related Attitudes
(Environmental Perceptions Phenomena Scale, EPPS, and History of Haunting, HH)
Level of Paranormal Belief
Below Median Above Median Overall
Suggestion Type
Structure 35.58 18.21 51.15 16.02 43.28 18.78
Haunted 36.62 16.67 52.63 14.33 44.19 17.48
Overall 36.12 17.35 51.88 15.14
Suggestion Type
Structure 3.53 2.02 5.07 1.32 4.29 1.87
Haunted 3.10 1.73 4.88 1.40 3.95 1.81
Overall 3.31 1.88 4.98 1.36
Environmental Perceptions Phenomena Scale (EPPS). No signicant main effect on EPPS was
found for suggestion (structure, M = 43.28, SD = 18.78 vs. haunted, M = 44.19, SD = 17.48), F(1, 176) =
0.27, p > .05, ηp2 = .002. A signicant main effect was found for level of paranormal belief, F(1, 176) =
41.68, p < .001, ηp2 = .19. Participants scoring above the median on paranormal belief scored higher on the
EPPS (M = 51.88, SD = 15.14) than participants below the median (M = 36.12, SD = 17.35). Higher EPPS
scores indicate a higher expectancy of haunt-related phenomena within the Administrative Building. No
signicant interaction was found between suggestion and level of paranormal belief on EPPS, F(1, 176) =
.01, p > .05, ηp2 = .00.
History of Haunting (HH). No signicant main effect on HH was found for suggestion (structure,
M = 4.29, SD = 1.87 vs. haunted, M = 3.95, SD = 1.81), F(1, 176) = 1.56, p > .05, ηp2 = .009. A signicant
main effect was found for level of paranormal belief, F(1, 176) = 45.53, p < .001, ηp2 = .21. Participants
scoring above the median on paranormal belief scored higher on HH (M = 4.98, SD = 1.36) than participants
below the median (M = 3.31, SD = 1.88). Higher HH scores indicate a higher expectancy of haunt-related
phenomena within the Administrative Building. No signicant interaction was found between suggestion
and level of paranormal belief on HH, F(1, 176) = 0.25, p > .05, ηp2 = .001.
Proneness to Reality Testing Decits
Means and standard deviations appear in Table 4.
Environmental Perceptions Phenomena Scale (EPPS). No signicant main effect on EPPS was
found for suggestion (structure, M = 43.28, SD = 18.78 vs. haunted, M = 44.19, SD = 17.48), F(1, 176) =
0.12, p > .05, ηp2 = .001. A signicant main effect was found for IPO-RT, F(1, 176) = 17.92, p < .001, ηp2
= .092. Participants scoring above the median on IPO-RT scored higher on the EPPS (M = 49.28, SD =
16.98) than participants below the median (M = 38.32, SD = 17.57). Higher EPPS scores indicate a higher
The Journal of Parapsychology
expectancy of haunt-related phenomena within the Administrative Building. No signicant interaction was
found between suggestion and IPO-RT on EPPS, F(1,176) = .05, p > .05, ηp2 = .00.
Table 4
Level of Proneness to Reality Testing Decits (IPO-RT) as a Function of Haunt-Related Attitudes
(Environmental Perceptions Phenomena Scale, EPPS, and History of Haunting, HH)
Level of RT
Below Median Above Median Overall
Suggestion Type
Structural 37.57 18.54 49.12 17.34 43.28 18.78
Haunted 39.05 16.73 49.43 16.82 44.19 7.48
Overall 38.32 17.57 49.28 16.98
Suggestion Type
Structural 3.80 2.04 4.80 1.53 4.29 1.87
Haunted 3.74 1.88 4.16 1.73 3.95 1.81
Overall 3.77 1.95 4.47 1.66
History of Haunting (HH). No signicant main effect on HH was found for suggestion (structure,
M = 4.29, SD = 1.87 vs. haunted, M = 3.95, SD = 1.81), F(1, 176) = 1.69, p > .05, ηp2 = .010. A signicant
main effect was found for IPO-RT, F(1, 176) = 6.86, p = .01, ηp2 = .038. Participants scoring above the
median on IPO-RT scored higher on the HH (M = 4.47, SD = 1.66) than participants below the median (M
= 3.77, SD = 1.95). Higher HH scores indicate a higher expectancy of haunt-related phenomena within the
Administrative Building. No signicant interaction was found between suggestion and IPO-RT on HH, F(1,
176) = 1.15, p > .05, ηp2 = .007.
Haunt Associated Opinions and Feelings (HAOF)
In light of the lack of a suggestion effect and for brevity’s sake, subsequent analysis focused on only
belief in the paranormal and proneness to reality testing decits. A series of independent t tests assessed
differences on the opinion and feeling measures (HAOF), as shown in Table 5.
Participants high (vs. low) on R-PBS scored higher on the opinion (ghosts exist) and feeling mea-
sures (anxious and fearful). Participants high (vs. low) on IPO-RT scored higher on opinion (ghosts exist).
Following application of a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons, the feeling measures (anxious
and fearful) were not signicant. The adjusted alpha level was based upon the notion of family: the smallest
set of meaningful inferences within a set of analyses. There were three planned comparisons within each
independent variable assessing levels of paranormal belief and proneness to reality testing decits; hence,
the corrected alpha was p = .017.
Path Analysis: Paranormal Belief, Reality Testing, and Haunt-Related Phenomena
Within these data, there were no issues with multicollinearity; all correlations were below .9 (see
Table 2 for zero-order correlations). All correlations were signicant and in the expected direction. A path
model examining direct effects (R-PBS on EPPS) and indirect effects (R-PBS on EPPS, mediated by IPO-
RT and HH was constructed.
Inuences on Perception of an Allegedly Haunted Building 97
Table 5
Paranormal Belief and Reality Testing Comparisons (Low vs. High)
on Haunt-Associated Opinions and Feelings (HAOF)
Below Median Above Median
M SD M SD t df p d
Paranormal Belief
Ghosts Exist 3.32 2.00 5.09 1.65 -6.49 175.50 <.001 .97
Anxious 3.17 1.96 4.08 1.64 -3.38 175.80 <.001 .50
Fearful 2.96 1.94 3.90 1.79 -3.39 177.96 <.001 .51
Proneness to Reality Testing Decits
Ghosts Exist 3.81 2.05 4.55 1.96 -2.46 178 .008 .37
Anxious 3.34 1.90 3.89 1.79 -1.99 178 .025 .30
Fearful 3.13 1.98 3.70 1.82 -1.99 178 .024 .30
p <. 05*, p < .01**, p < .001***
Figure 1. The outcome of AMOS 19 path analysis, putative relations between paranormal beliefs subscales
(NAP and TPB), level of paranormal belief (R-PBS), proneness to reality testing decits (IPO-RT), belief
the building was haunted (HH) and haunt-related expectations (EPPS). The effects of extraneous variables
are depicted by the use of “e” to denote error term.
Standardized estimates, covariance, and regression coefcients (R2) appear in Figure 1. Kline
(2005) recommends several criteria for assessing goodness-of-t: chi-square, the comparative t index
The Journal of Parapsychology
(CFI), standardized root mean square residual (SRMR), and root mean square error of approximation (RM-
SEA). These indices indicated very good overall model t; chi-square is nonsignicant, χ2(7, N = 180) =
7.79, p = .35; CFI = .99; SRMR = .02; and RMSEA = .02. Hu and Bentler (1999) examined indices cutoffs
and suggested that type I and type II errors were best minimised via a combination of relative t indexes
(CFI ≥ 0.95 is indicative of good t) and absolute t indices (SRMR, good models < .08; or RMSEA, good
models < .06). Path coefcients were signicant at the p < .05 level. Paranormal belief (R-PBS) had a sig-
nicant effect on proneness to reality testing decits (IPO-RT), the belief the building was haunted (HH),
and haunt-related expectations (EPPS). IPO-RT and HH also signicantly affected EPPS.
Direct and Indirect Effects
To assess whether direct and indirect effects were statistically signicant, a mediation analysis us-
ing the bias-corrected bootstrap 95% condence intervals (CI) procedure (Hayes, 2013) was applied with
5,000 bootstrap samples (ndings are reported in Table 6). This analysis further examined the specic inu-
ence of each proposed mediator; AMOS is unable to examine the unique inuence of two or more mediators
when they are simultaneously included in a path diagram.
Table 6
Mediation Analysis Direct and Indirect Effects
Standardized Bias-Corrected Standardized Bias-Corrected
Direct Effect 95% CI Indirect Effect 95% CI
(DE) ( DE) (IE) (IE)
Haunt-Related Expectations (EPPS)
Paranormal Belief (R-PBS) .18 .48–.66* .37* .28–.47*
Belief Building Haunted (HH) .50 .19–.46* None None
Reality Test Decits (IPO-RT) .24 .07–.31* None None
* p < .001
Signicant direct effects were observed on EPPS, R-PBS, HH, and IPO-RT. Paranormal belief
(R-PBS) had a signicant indirect effect on haunt-related expectations (EPPS). To discern the inuence of
each proposed mediator (HH and RT) on the relationship between R-PBS and EPPS, Preacher and Hayes’
(2008) INDIRECT bootstrapping macro was run. The direct relationship between R-PBS and EPPS was
nonsignicant (b = .12), indicating that belief the building was haunted (HH) and reality testing decit
(IPO-RT) mediated the relationship between R-PBS and EPPS. Further inspection revealed that IPO-RT
was not a signicant mediator between R-PBS and EPPS at the 99% condence level across bias-correct-
ed (99% CI = -.01 to .13) point estimates. HH, however, emerged as signicant, and the indirect effect of
R-PBS and EPPS through HH was signicant at the 99% condence level across bias corrected (99% CI =
.05 to .34) point estimates. The overall model accounts for 53% of the total variance on EPPS.
Prior to replication, signicant effects within the present study require cautious interpretation. The
present paper produced a number of key ndings. Within the experimental phase, expectation of haunt-re-
lated phenomena as measured by the Environmental Perceptions Phenomena Scale and belief the building
was haunted increased as a function of level of paranormal belief and proneness to reality testing decits.
Suggestion, however, had no effect on expectation of haunt-related phenomena. Phase 2 conrmed and
expanded upon these ndings. Path analysis revealed signicant relationships between belief in the paranor-
Inuences on Perception of an Allegedly Haunted Building 99
mal, proneness to reality testing decits, belief the building was haunted, and expectation of haunt-related
phenomena. Further analysis found belief the building was haunted signicantly mediated the relationship
between paranormal belief and haunt-related expectations. Finally, whilst correlating positively with each
other, both belief in the paranormal and proneness to reality testing decits (information processing style)
explained unique variance within haunt-related expectations. The contribution of reality testing decits,
however, in comparison to belief was relatively minor.
The observed association between level of paranormal belief and haunt-related expectations con-
curs with Wiseman et al. (2002), who found a relationship between belief in ghosts, reporting paranormal
experiences, and attributing unusual experiences to a ghost. In the present study, believing in the paranormal
predisposed participants to anticipate haunt-related phenomena within the ctitious Administrative Build-
ing, especially when participants considered the location haunted. This nding is consistent with previous
work on context mediation and psychological haunting research generally (Harte, 2000; Houran & Lange,
1996, 2001; Lange & Houran, 1997). Expectation in the context of real-world locations (disused structures,
historical buildings, battleelds, etc.) may arise from physical characteristics (appearance, age, structure,
etc.) and social characteristics (e.g., history and reputation). Similarly, proneness to reality testing decits,
and an associated preference for intuitive-experiential information processing, predisposed participants to
expect more haunt-related phenomena within the ctitious location. This nding adds to the emergent body
of research revealing associations between proneness to reality testing decits and unconventional beliefs
(Drinkwater et al., 2012; Irwin, 2004).
The observation that suggestion had no inuence in the current study requires careful elucidation.
Previous research has produced mixed results. Generally, research indicates that suggestion affects the per-
ception and recall of paranormal phenomena (French & Wilson, 2006; Wiseman & Greening, 2005; Wise-
man et al., 2002), especially in believers, when the suggestion is consistent with a particular belief. Haunting
ndings, however, are less conclusive. For example, Wiseman et al. (2002) found mixed results. Suggestion
had no effect on perception of unusual phenomena in the current study, nor did it inuence the degree to
which participants attributed unusual events to a ghost. The only prediction to reach signicance was that
believers (vs. disbelievers) in the positive suggestion condition reported more experiences.
Although the present manipulation failed to produce signicant effects, suggestion may still play
a role in priming haunt-related experiences. Indeed, previous work has evidenced that suggestion can in-
uence haunt-related perceptions (cf. Houran & Lange, 1996). Clearly, further work is required to identify
factors effecting susceptibility to haunting experiences. One obvious potential manipulation is cue salience.
The present study used a virtual tour, whilst the signicant effect found by Houran and Lange (1996) oc-
curred within a “real” physical setting. Note that Wiseman et al. (2002) failed to nd compelling effects in a
real-life setting (Hampton Court).
Collectively, haunting research indicates that the effects of suggestion are subtle and less important
than belief in the paranormal. More generally, suggestion may inuence perception and recall of paranormal
events such as spoon bending, fake séances, and psychic readings. Thus, future studies need to explore the
conditions under which suggestion inuences haunt-type perceptions and recollections. The main factors to
consider are whether participants high in haunting belief are more inclined to be affected by haunt-related
suggestions (specic beliefs), environmental manipulation (allegedly haunted vs. manufactured setting),
and past experience (haunting vs. no haunting). This would produce a set of complex variable manipulations
sensitive to potential suggestion effects. Finally, believers gave higher ratings for believing the building was
haunted and ghost existence. In addition, believers produced higher anxiety and fear ratings.
This study has some potential limitations. For example, participants completed general question-
naire measures in a single test session. Whilst the order of measures was counterbalanced, previous stud-
ies found that personality measures administered in this way may be prone to context effects (Council,
1993). Context effects occur when correlations between measures vary as a function of whether scales
were completed in a single testing session (resulting in a high correlation) or in separate/unrelated sessions
(resulting in a lower or no correlation). Context effects arise within single session testing situations because
participants wrongly infer relationships between scales and become inadvertently motivated to provide
consistent responses (Council, Kirsch, & Hafner, 1986). For example, Council (1993) found the typically
The Journal of Parapsychology
cited positive correlation between hypnotisability and absorption only when participants completed both
measures in a single testing session. Whilst context effects are a consideration, likelihood of occurrence
differs according to the characteristics of specic personality measures and research situations. Pertinent
to the present study, Roig, Bridges, Renner, and Jackson (1998), using the Paranormal Belief Scale and the
Irrational Beliefs Inventory, found that whilst correlation coefcients between the measures became weaker
as a function of context controls, there were no statistically signicant effects of context. Similarly, Nadon,
Hoyt, Register, and Kihlstrom (1991) failed to nd evidence that the repeatedly observed correlations be-
tween absorption and hypnosis measures were artifacts of testing context.
Subsequent studies could extend the current study by including a suggestibility measure. Previous
research has found associations between the reporting of anomalous experiences and belief in paranormal
phenomena (Kumar & Pekala, 2001). Thus, individuals scoring high on suggestibility may be more likely to
respond to the verbal suggestion and report higher expectations, especially when the suggestion is consistent
with their beliefs. Suggestion may be less likely to affect participants with low suggestibility regardless of
whether the suggestion is consistent with their belief or not (cf. McGeown et al., 2012).
Further evaluation of haunt-related expectations could examine the distinction between proneness
to anomalous experiences and tendency to draw upon paranormal interpretations. The present study in-
cluded a range of phenomena associated with, but not exclusive to, haunt-related experiences. Participants
imagining entering an unfamiliar environment may anticipate strange sensations and perceptions but not
necessarily attribute them to ghosts. Further work could consider the relative contribution of attentional and
attributional processes and investigate whether believers and nonbelievers differ on both expectations for
unusual and haunt-related phenomena, using, for example, the Survey of Anomalous Experiences (Irwin,
Dagnall, & Drinkwater, 2013).
Analysis of direct and indirect effects demonstrated that the belief the building was haunted me-
diated the relationship between paranormal belief (R-PBS) and expectations of haunt-related phenomena.
The emergent haunting model contributes to the work of Houran and Lange (Houran & Lange, 1996; Lange
& Houran, 1997). They found that context cues and demand characteristics could induce poltergeist-like
perceptions and stimulate paranormal-type experiences. The present study explicates that this is most likely
to occur when belief in the paranormal is high and the location considered haunted, especially when the
individual believes hauntings are genuine. This nding is an important addition to the literature because, as
Laythe and Owen (2012) note, the generally utilised measure of paranormal belief, the R-PBS (Tobacyk,
2004), fails specically to assess specic haunt-related content and hence underestimates the relationship
between belief and perceived ghostly activity. In the present study we used the R-PBS for two reasons. First-
ly, the measure is conceptually and psychometrically satisfactory (Tobacyk, 2004). Secondly, the R-PBS is
the most widely used instrument of paranormal belief (Goulding & Parker, 2001). Our ndings, however,
suggest that specic haunt-related beliefs rather than general belief in the paranormal increases haunt-relat-
ed expectations. Thus, specic beliefs may provide a cognitive framework for structuring haunting-related
events and experiences (Houran et al., 2002). This is consistent with Wiseman et al.’s (2002) nding that
those who believed in ghosts (vs. nonbelievers) reported more unusual experiences as they walked around
Hampton Court Palace. Thus, believers in hauntings, via their beliefs, are inclined to expect haunt-related
phenomena in purportedly haunted locations.
As a brief postscript, we would like to contextualize our conclusions. Whilst our results indicate that
beliefs may give rise to haunting-like perceptions, they do not imply that all haunting/ghost experiences are
explainable via psychological mechanisms. As Broughton (1991) eloquently notes, conventional explana-
tions of hauntings and ghost-related phenomena have yet to provide comprehensive theories that account
for the breadth of encounters reported. The present study adds to the body of research demonstrating that
psychological processes can explain haunting-like phenomena.
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The authors would like to thank the Bial Foundation (Fellowship Programme 39/10) for nancial
support and anonymous referees for providing helpful suggestions.
Manchester Metropolitan University
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Health, Psychology and Social Care
Birley Building, 53 Bonsall Street
Manchester, UK M15 6GX
Abstracts in Other Languages
RÉSUMÉ : La présente étude cherche à savoir si la suggestion, le niveau de croyance au paranormal et une
inclination à tester la réalité de manière défectueuse inuencent les attentes des participants dans le cas de
phénomènes relatifs à la hantise. On présente aux participants un court diaporama sur l’histoire ctive d’un
hôpital abandonné. La suggestion est faite lors de la dernière phrase de la présentation et consiste à afrmer
que l’immeuble administratif de l’hôpital a soit connu des activités de hantise, soit présenté des problèmes
structuraux. Suite au diaporama, pour s’assurer que les participants ont suivi la suggestion, ils lisent une
transcription de la présentation. L’expérimentateur informe ensuite les participants qu’ils vont regarder
l’intérieur du bâtiment administratif grâce à une vidéo touristique sans son et en noir et blanc. A la n de
la séquence vidéo, les participants remplissaient des échelles évaluant les perceptions et les phénomènes
dans l’environnement, les opinions et sensations relatives à la hantise, la croyance au paranormal (Echelle
révisée de croyance au paranormal), et l’inclination à tester la réalité de manière défectueuse (Inventaire
d’organisation de la personnalité). Lors de la phase expérimentale, seuls les niveaux de croyance au para-
normal et l’inclination à tester la réalité de manière défectueuse ont affecté les mesures relatives à la hantise
; la suggestion n’a pas eu d’effet. La seconde phase d’enquête, employant l’analyse des causes, a révélé que
l’histoire de hantise (le degré de conviction des participants dans le fait que l’immeuble administratif avait
véritablement été hanté) médiatisait la relation entre la croyance au paranormal et l’attente des phénomènes
relatifs à la hantise.
The Journal of Parapsychology
Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte, ob eine gegebene Suggestion, die Stärke des Glaubens ans Paranor-
male und die Neigung zu Deziten in der Realitätsüberprüfung die Erwartung von Teilnehmern in Bezug
auf spukähnliche Phänomene beeinussten. Die Teilnehmer wurde eine kurze Diashow präsentiert, in der
die Geschichte eines ktiven, verlassenen Krankenhauses vorgestellt wurde. Die Suggestion wurde im letz-
ten Satz der Erzählung gegeben, in dem behauptet wurde, dass das Verwaltungsgebäude des Krankenhauses
entweder eine Vergangenheit mit Geistererscheinungen oder bauliche Mängel aufwiese. Um sicher zu ge-
hen, dass die Teilnehmer die Suggestion mitbekommen hatten, lasen sie nach der Diashow ein Transkript
der vorgestellten Geschichte. Anschliessend informierte der Versuchsleiter die Teilnehmer, dass sie das In-
nere des Verwaltungsgebäudes mittels einer tonlosen Videotour in Schwarzweiss zu sehen bekämen. Nach
Abschluss der Filmsequenz füllten die Teilnehmer Fragebögen zur Erfassung ihrer jeweiligen Umgebung-
swahrnehmungen und Phänomenen, ihrer Meinungen und Gefühle in Bezug auf Spukhaftes, ihren Glauben
ans Paranormale (Revised Paranormal Belief Scale) und ihrer Neigung zu Deziten in der Realitätsüber-
prüfung (Inventory of Personality Organization) aus. Innerhalb der Experimentalphase beeinussten nur
die Stärke des Glaubens ans Paranormale und die Neigung zu Deziten in der Realitätsüberprüfung die auf
Spuk bezogenen Einschätzungen; die Suggestion selbst blieb wirkungslos. Eine Auswertung in der zweit-
en Phase mittels einer Pfadanalyse ergab, dass die Spukgeschichte (das Ausmaß, zu dem die Teilnehmer
glaubten, dass das Verwaltungsgebäude im Ruf stünde, dass es in ihm spuke) die Beziehung zwischen dem
Glauben ans Paranormale und der Erwartung von auf Spuk bezogenen Phänomenen vermittelte.
RESUMEN: Este estudio investigó si la sugestión, el nivel de creencia en lo paranormal, y la propensión a
décits en la prueba de realidad inuyeron en las expectativas de participantes en fenómenos relacionados
con casas encantadas. Los participantes vieron una breve presentación de diapositivas que resumía la his-
toria cticia de un hospital abandonado. La sugestión ocurrió en la última frase de la narración en donde se
mencionó que el edicio administrativo del hospital tenía una historia de actividad fantasmal o problemas
estructurales. Después de la presentación de diapositivas, para asegurar que los participantes habían presta-
do atención a la sugestión, leyeron una transcripción de la presentación. El experimentador le dijo entonces
a los participantes que iban a ver las características internas del edicio administrativo a través de una visita
guiada en video en blanco y negro y sin sonido. Al concluir el video los participantes contestaron cues-
tionarios para medir percepciones y fenómenos ambientales, opiniones y sentimientos relacionados con las
casas encantadas, creencia en lo paranormal (Revised Paranormal Belief Scale), y propensión a décits en
la prueba de realidad (Inventory of Personality Organization). Dentro de la fase experimental, sólo el nivel
de creencia paranormal y la propensión al décit de prueba de realidad afectaron las puntuaciones relacio-
nadas a la casa encantada; la sugestión no tuvo ningún efecto. Una segunda fase de evaluación, utilizando
análisis de rutas, reveló que la historia sobre la casa encantada (el grado en que los participantes creyeron
que el edicio administrativo tenía una historia de ser casa encantada) medió la relación entre la creencia
paranormal y la expectativa de los fenómenos relacionados con el encantamiento.
... Prevalence rates for haunt-type episodes in the general population are elusive. However, Dagnall et al. (2015) reported hauntings at 14%, whereas other sources give substantially higher estimates specifically for haunts versus poltergeists. To this point, Laythe and Owen (2012) found that 60% of their survey respondents reported some type of haunting experience, and Laythe et al. (2018) similarly reported that 51% of survey participants reported haunt phenomena. ...
... The prevalence and impact of paranormal belief has a long history in social science research (e.g., Houran et al., 2002a;Kumar & Pekala, 2001;Lange & Houran, 2000;Laythe et al., 2018;Laythe & Owen, 2012; for a review, see Irwin, 2009), as well as in laboratory or fieldwork studies in parapsychology (Dagnall et al., 2015;Houran, 2002;Houran et al., 2002b;Irwin, 2015;Wiseman et al., 2002 wealth of studies consistently demonstrates that such beliefs preferentially influence the interpretation of certain events, sometimes even overriding people's natural physiological reactions to otherwise calm and peaceful settings (Escolà-Gascón & Houran, 2021). These social interpretation effects are generally referred to as confirmation bias (Hergovich et al., 2010;Klayman & Ha, 1987;Nickerson, 1998;Palmer et al., 2012) and belief perseverance (Ross & Anderson, 1982;Ross et al., 1975). ...
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The idea of ‘life after death’ transcends philosophy or religion, as science can test predictions from claims by both its advocates and skeptics. This study therefore featured two researchers with opposite views, who jointly gathered hundreds of research studies to evaluate the maximum average percentage effect that seemingly supports (i.e., anomalous effects) or refutes (i.e., known confounds) the survival hypothesis. The mathematical analysis found that known confounds did not account for 39% of survival-related phenomena that appear to attest directly to human consciousness continuing in some form after bodily death. Thus, we concluded that popular skeptical explanations are presently insufficient to explain a sizable portion of the purported evidence in favor of survival. People with documented experiences under conditions that overcome the known confounds thus arguably meet the legal requirements for expert witness testimony. The equation that led to our verdict can also purposefully guide future research, which one day might finally resolve this enduring question scientifically. Keywords: anomalous experience, empiricism, paranormal belief, probability, survival
... Prevalence rates for haunt-type episodes in the general population are elusive. However, Dagnall et al. (2015) reported hauntings at 14%, whereas other sources give substantially higher estimates specifically for haunts versus poltergeists. To this point, Laythe and Owen (2012) found that 60% of their survey respondents reported some type of haunting experience, and Laythe et al. (2018) similarly reported that 51% of survey participants reported haunt phenomena. ...
... The prevalence and impact of paranormal belief has a long history in social science research (e.g., Houran et al., 2002a;Kumar & Pekala, 2001;Lange & Houran, 2000;Laythe et al., 2018;Laythe & Owen, 2012; for a review, see Irwin, 2009), as well as in laboratory or fieldwork studies in parapsychology (Dagnall et al., 2015;Houran, 2002;Houran et al., 2002b;Irwin, 2015;Wiseman et al., 2002). A wealth of studies consistently demonstrates that such beliefs preferentially influence the interpretation of certain events, sometimes even overriding people's natural physiological reactions to otherwise calm and peaceful settings (Escolà-Gascón & Houran, 2021). ...
... This includes the endorsement of alternative, scientifically unsubstantiated (paranormal) beliefs (see Williams and Irwin, 1991;Houran and Williams, 1998;Hart et al., 2013). Moreover, experience and belief can function in an interactive, reciprocal manner so that experiences stimulate interest and belief in the supernatural (van Elk, 2017), and beliefs encourage the search for confirmatory personal paranormal occurrences (Dagnall et al., 2015a;Drinkwater et al., 2020). This dynamic synergy is an inherent feature of Van Leeuwen and van Elk's (2019) Interactive Religious Experience Model (IREM). ...
... Particularly, via a combination of constructionist , cultural (Hufford, 1982;McClenon, 1994), and existential factors (Bennett, 1987) that vary within individuals. Thus, profile differences were consistent with the interpretation that experiences stimulate interest and belief in the supernatural (van Elk, 2017), and that beliefs reciprocally encourage the search for confirmatory personal paranormal occurrences (Dagnall et al., 2015a. Psychologically, this perspective aligns with the concept of worldview, precisely the notion that experiences inform and are comprehended within an overarching cognitive framework that makes the world intellectually coherent and meaningful (Overton, 1991;Miller and West, 1993;Koltko-Rivera, 2004;Dagnall et al., 2015b). ...
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This study examined the degree to which within-individual variations in paranormal experience were related to belief in the paranormal, preferential thinking style, and delusion formation. A sample of 956 non-clinical adults completed measures assessing experience-based paranormal indices (i.e., paranormal experience, paranormal practitioner visiting, and paranormal ability), paranormal belief, belief in science, proneness to reality testing deficits, and emotion-based reasoning. Latent profile analysis (LPA) combined the experience-based indices to produce six underlying groups. Inter-class comparison via multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that both breadth and intensity of experiential factors were associated with higher belief in in the paranormal, increased proneness to reality testing deficits, and greater emotion-based reasoning. Belief in science, however, was less susceptible to experiential variations. Further analysis of reality testing subscales revealed that experiential profiles influenced levels of intrapsychic activity in subtle and intricate ways, especially those indexing Auditory and Visual Hallucinations and Delusional Thinking. Collectively, identification of profiles and inter-class comparisons provided a sophisticated understanding of the relative contribution of experiential factors to differences in paranormal belief, belief in science, proneness to reality testing deficits, and emotion-based reasoning.
... Believers can process/reason at a high evaluative level but employ flawed reasoning in the context of the paranormal. Hence, errors arise because judgements derive from personal (rather than objective) appraisal of evidence (Dagnall et al., 2010a(Dagnall et al., , 2015. Irwin (2003) referred to this flawed decision-making process as reality testing failure. ...
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This study examined variations in positive well-being as a function of paranormal belief and schizotypy. A sample of 2,362 United Kingdom-based respondents completed self-report measures assessing paranormal belief, schizotypy, positive well-being (meaning in life, satisfaction with life, and self-esteem), paranormal experience, and belief in conspiracies. The paranormal belief was most strongly related to the cognitive–perceptual factor of schizotypy. Both paranormal belief and the cognitive–perceptual factor were associated with reporting paranormal experiences and endorsement of conspiracist beliefs. Despite commonality, paranormal belief and schizotypy were differentially related to well-being. Paranormal belief correlated positively with meaning in life (presence and search) and satisfaction with life. Schizotypy correlated negatively with presence, satisfaction with life, and self-esteem and positively with search. Latent profile analysis identified four subgroups: Profile 1, low belief and schizotypy (49% of the sample); Profile 2, low belief and cognitive–perceptual, moderate interpersonal and disorganised (13.6%); Profile 3, high belief, moderate cognitive–perceptual and interpersonal, low disorganised (24.3%); and Profile 4, high belief and schizotypy (13.1%). Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) found that low belief with mixed schizotypy was associated with lower presence, and low belief and schizotypy (vs. high) were related to higher presence. Paranormal belief and schizotypy were associated with greater search, higher scores on paranormal experiential factors, and endorsement of generic conspiracist beliefs. Finally, lower belief and schizotypy were concomitant with higher satisfaction with life and self-esteem. Overall, paranormal belief was related to positive well-being, whereas schizotypy was associated with lower positive wellbeing.
... Particularly, studies reporting strong associations between paranormal belief, schizotypy, deficits in reality testing, and a preference for intuitive thinking (Escolà-Gascón, 2020a,b). Collectively, this body of research in tandem with the current study, suggests that cognitive-perceptual factors interact with belief in complex ways and that these only become apparent when analysis considers the influence of indirect and moderating effects (Dagnall et al., 2015). ...
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Evaluation of prior research suggests that belief in the paranormal is more likely to be associated with negative psychological functioning, when presented alongside cognitive-perceptual factors that askew thinking and insight. The current study examined this notion using a sample of 3,084 participants (1,382 males, 1,693 females, nine non-binary). Respondents completed self-report measures assessing Paranormal Belief, Transliminality, psychopathology-related characteristics (Schizotypy and Manic-Depressive Experience), and well-being (Perceived Stress and Somatic Complaints). Responses were analysed via correlations and moderation. Paranormal Belief correlated positively with Transliminality, psychopathology-related measures, Perceived Stress, and Somatic Complaints. Moderation analyses revealed that Transliminality and psychopathology-related variables (i.e., the Unusual Experiences and Cognitive Disorganisation subscales of schizotypy, and Manic-Depressive Experience) interacted with Paranormal Belief in complex ways and were allied to higher scores on negative well-being outcomes. This indicated that within paranormal believers, Transliminality and specific psychopathology-related variables in combination predicted susceptibility to negative well-being outcomes.
... It also aligned with the notion that paranormal beliefs in non-clinical samples represent non-psychotic delusions (Irwin et al., 2012a,b). In this context, beliefs often arise from reality testing deficits where individuals fail to adequately assess the validity of propositions and the evidence from which they derive (Dagnall et al., 2015;Drinkwater et al., 2020). Thus, beliefs alone reflect thinking style preferences rather than variations in psycholopathology. ...
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This study examined variations in well-being as a function of the interaction between paranormal belief and psychopathology-related constructs. A United Kingdom-based, general sample of 4,402 respondents completed self-report measures assessing paranormal belief, psychopathology (schizotypy, depression, manic experience, and depressive experience), and well-being (perceived stress, somatic complaints, and life satisfaction). Latent profile analysis identified four distinct sub-groups: Profile 1, high Paranormal Belief and Psychopathology (n = 688); Profile 2, high Paranormal Belief and Unusual Experiences; moderate Psychopathology (n = 800); Profile 3, moderate Paranormal Belief and Psychopathology (n = 846); and Profile 4, low Paranormal Belief and Psychopathology (n = 2070). Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) found that sub-groups with higher psychopathology scores (Profiles 1 and 3) reported lower well-being. Higher Paranormal Belief, however, was not necessarily associated with lower psychological adjustment and reduced well-being (Profile 2). These outcomes indicated that belief in the paranormal is not necessarily non-adaptive, and that further research is required to identify the conditions under which belief in the paranormal is maladaptive.
... Additionally, the number of males volunteering was significantly lower than females (approximately 25% were male). Although, this gender imbalance was typically of psychological studies of paranormal constructs (see Irwin et al., 2013;Dagnall et al., 2015;Denovan et al., 2018), there remains the possibility that themes were influenced by gender. ...
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This study investigated personal perceptions (involvements) and comprehensions (interpretations) of self-ascribed paranormal abilities. Twelve participants with supposed supernatural powers took part in semi-structured interviews exploring the origin, phenomenology, and nature of their powers. Interview transcripts were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis (RTA), a qualitative method that identifies patterns within data. Four major themes expressed meanings and representations held by participants: Formative Influences (sub-themes: Gifted Family Members and Anomalous Occurrence), (Inter) Subjective Paranormal Experience (sub-themes: Transcendental/Mystic and Extra-Sensory Perception), Embodied Processes (sub-theme: Control), and Perception of Reality (two sub-themes: Self-Awareness and Fantastic/Surreal Perceptions). Consideration of themes identified an inextricable link between perception, interpretation, and belief in ability. Within narratives, interviewees outlined, contextualised, and established the validity of their powers. They drew upon supporting autobiographical evidence from their life histories and obfuscated and/or discounted conventional explanations. Generally, accounts reflected individual attempts to comprehend and justify the nature and experience of professed abilities. The authors discuss these processes and suggest ways to extend and develop ensuing research.
... Further research should investigate this. Nonetheless, findings supported the notion that experiential paranormal factors and belief are inherently interconnected and reciprocally reinforcing (Dagnall et al., 2015van Elk, 2017). ...
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This study investigated relationships between inter-class variations in paranormal experience and executive functions. A sample of 516 adults completed self-report measures assessing personal encounter-based paranormal occurrences (i.e., Experience, Practitioner Visiting, and Ability), executive functions (i.e., General Executive Function, Working and Everyday Memory, and Decision Making) together with Emotion Regulation and Belief in the Paranormal. Paranormal belief served as a measure of convergent validity for experience-based phenomena. Latent profile analysis (LPA) combined experience-based indices into four classes based on sample subpopulation scores. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) then examined interclass differences. Results revealed that breadth of paranormal experience was associated with higher levels of executive functioning difficulties for General Executive Function, Working Memory, Decision Making, and Belief in the Paranormal. On the Everyday Memory Questionnaire, scores differed on Attention Tracking (focus loss) and Factor 3 (visual reconstruction), but not Retrieval (distinct memory failure). In the case of the Emotion Regulation Scale, class scores varied on Expressive Suppression (control), however, no difference was evident on Cognitive Reappraisal (reframing). Overall, inter-class comparisons identified subtle differences in executive functions related to experience. Since the present study was exploratory, sampled only a limited subset of executive functions, and used subjective, self-report measures, further research is necessary to confirm these outcomes. This should employ objective tests and include a broader range of executive functions.
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By assessing interrelationships among variables within a specified theoretical framework, network analysis (NA) provides nuanced insights into how associations between psychological constructs are related to outcome measures. Noting this, the authors used NA to examine connections between Paranormal Belief, cognitive-perceptual factors (Schizotypy, Transliminality, and Manic-Depressive Experience), and well-being (Life Satisfaction, Meaning in Life, Somatic Complaints, Perceived Stress, Depressive Symptoms). Data derived from a sample of 3,090 participants (mean age = 50.30, standard deviation = 15.20; 46.5% male, 53.1% female) who completed standardised self-report measures capturing the study constructs online. Transliminality, Unusual Experiences (positive schizotypy), and Depressive Experience demonstrated high expected influence centrality. This indicated that these factors were the most strongly connected and influential in the network. Moreover, Transliminality was a connecting variable between Paranormal Belief, positive schizotypy, and psychopathology. Depressive Experience bridged the relationship between Transliminality and well-being. The conceptual implications of these outcomes are discussed with regards to better understanding relationships between Paranormal Belief, cognitive-perceptual factors, and well-being.
Studies on episodic future thinking (the capacity to simulate possible experiences in one's personal future) have ignored future thinking that extends beyond death. We here examined personal afterlife projections in comparison with autobiographical memories and future projections in Thai (Study 1) and American (Study 2) samples. Participants reported all three types of events and rated their characteristics. In both studies, the characteristics of afterlife events were rated lower than those of memories and future events. Participants who believed in the afterlife generally rated afterlife events higher than non-believers and those who were uncertain, although this effect was most pronounced in Study 2. The content of afterlife events followed religious beliefs in the afterlife, and the majority of afterlife events were expected to take place immediately after death. The findings show that afterlife thoughts demonstrate characteristics that are comparable to memories and episodic future thoughts, and are shaped by religious beliefs.
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When persons report a parapsychological experience, they may typically be asserting 2 occurrences: that of an anomalous or seemingly inexplicable event, and their interpretation of this event in paranormal terms. Previous studies identifying correlates of the report of parapsychological experiences may have confounded these 2 factors. The authors describe a new questionnaire which teases apart the 2 factors and report a survey which applied the new measure to the assessment of several potential correlates, namely, schizotypal tendencies, emotion-based reasoning, suspension of reality testing, and executive dysfunction. Data from a convenience sample recruited online supported the potential utility of the questionnaire, although it has yet to be demonstrated that the 2 underlying factors do have different correlates.
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This study investigated the relationship between conspiracist beliefs, reality testing, belief in the paranormal, and related anomalistic beliefs (urban legends). Attitudes toward general conspiracist beliefs and endorsement of specific conspiracy theories correlated with reality testing deficits and belief in the paranormal. High reality testing deficit scores were associated with less critical ratings of conspiracy theories and increased belief in the paranormal. Regression analysis indicated that reality testing and belief in the paranormal predicted attitudes toward general conspiracist beliefs. Partial correlation revealed that reality testing and belief in the paranormal explained similar amounts of variance; both measures were similarly associated with attitudes toward general conspiracist beliefs. Conspiracist beliefs positively correlated with related anomalistic beliefs (urban legends). Correlations were found between attitudes toward general conspiracist beliefs, conspiracy theory endorsement, and individual conspiracy theory ratings; general attitudes were associated with specific theory endorsement, and belief in one conspiracy theory was associated with belief in others. These findings are discussed in the context of recent research.
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This field study assessed whether areas in an alleged haunt and a control site, and active and inactive areas within the haunt site, differed with respect to the presence of contextual variables that might contribute to haunt experiences and exhibited differential incidences of photographic anomalies. Contextual (aesthetic, physical, and structural) variables were measured, and randomized photographic (black-and-white, color, digital, infrared, and Polaroid) data were recorded under blind conditions in fourteen representative areas of the two sites. The haunt site displayed lower ambient temperature and higher humidity levels than the control site, but only suggestive differences were found between the active and inactive areas of the haunt site. Ratings from experimentally-blind photographic consultants indicated that the haunt site exhibited a higher incidence of photographic anomalies than the control site, as did the active areas of the haunt site, relative to the inactive areas. Color prints exhibited a higher incidence of photographic anomalies than all other media types. The results are discussed within the context of contemporary theoretical accounts of hauntings and methodological protocols employed in haunt research.
The current study examines the specific experiences of individuals who have reported haunt phenomena in the context of common paranormal belief measures. One hundred and sixty nine community college students completed online surveys assessing personality traits, cognitive functioning, Tobacyk's (2004) measure of paranormal belief, Gallagher, Kumar, and Pekala's (1994) Anomalous Experiences Inventory, and a measure designed for the current study to assess haunting experiences. Results using Spearman correlations show occasional and small relationships between paranormal belief measures and haunting experiences. Contrary to existing literature, t test findings show analytical and personality measures do not significantly differ between those who have experienced haunting phenomena and those who have not. We conclude that previous research in paranormal belief may not apply to individuals who have experienced haunting phenomena due to paranormal belief measures' lack of content regarding haunting experiences.