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QAcademy of Management Review
2017, Vol. 42, No. 1, 53–79.
Emory University
London Business School
Interest has burgeoned, in recent years, in how social networks influence individual
creativity and innovation. From both the theoretical and empirical points of view, this
increased attention has generated many inconsistencies. In this article we propose that
a conceptualization of the idea journey encompassing phases that the literature has so
far overlooked can help solve existing tensions. We conceptualize four phases of the
journey of an idea, from conception to completion: idea generation, idea elaboration,
idea championing, and idea implementation. We propose that a creator has distinct
primary needs in each phase: cognitive flexibility, support, influence, and shared vision,
respectively. Individual creators successfully move through a phase when the relational
and structural elements of their networks match the distinct needs of the phase. The
relational and structural elements that are beneficial for one phase, however, are det-
rimental for another. We propose that in order to solve this seeming contradiction and
the associated paradoxes, individual creators have to change interpretations and
frames throughout the different phases. This, in turn, allows them to activate different
network characteristics at the appropriate moment and successfully complete the idea
journey from novel concept to a tangible outcome that changes the field.
Although creativity was initially conceived of as
a function of innate personality traits (e.g., Barron
& Harrington, 1981; McCrae, 1987), the notion that
creativity is a social process has increasingly
gained prominence. In contrast to the lone ge-
nius view, theorists suggest that interactions
with others influence various aspects of the crea-
tive process (e.g., Amabile, 1983; Simonton, 1984;
Woodman, Sawyer, & Griffin, 1993). This perspec-
tive is consistent with accounts from notable and
historic creative organizations. For example, ac-
counts of Bell Labs describe how the culture and
physical space influenced collaboration and in-
teraction with other scientists (Gertner, 2012). In the
realm of innovation, creativity’s close cousin, re-
searchers have extensively used a social view
of innovative behavior and a social network ap-
proach (e.g., Burt, 1980; Ebadi & Utterback, 1984;
Hargadon & Sutton, 1997; Obstfeld, 2005; Tsai,
2001). At the same time, social networks have
been increasingly used as a lens through which to
understand the effect of social context on creativity
(e.g., Brass, 1995; Fleming, Mingo, & Chen, 2007;
Perry-Smith & Shalley, 2003; Sosa, 2011). These
trends have resulted in a merging of macro ap-
proaches to innovation with micro approaches to
Greater attention and more research, however,
have revealed inconsistencies. In many cases the
discrepant logic and results may appear less
significant within a single research domain but
become evident as different research streams are
melded. For example, it is widely accepted within
the network literature that structural holes facili-
tate access to novel information and creativity
(Phelps, Heidl, & Wadhwa, 2012); however, em-
pirical support linking structural holes and crea-
tivity is equivocal. Burt (2004) found a positive
association between structural holes and “good
ideas,”but others (e.g., Perry-Smith, 2006; Zhou,
Shin, Brass, Choi, & Zhang, 2009) have found no
association between measures of structural non-
redundancy and creativity. As another example
within the network literature, closure and trust
are widely thought to facilitate cooperation and
knowledge transfer (Morgan & Sørensen, 1999;
We extend our gratitude to associate editor Sherry Thatcher
and three anonymous reviewers for their invaluable feedback
throughout the review process. We thank Kevyn Yong for his
insightful comments on earlier versions of this manuscript. We
also appreciate the feedback we received from organizers and
participants of the symposium “Networks and Innovation: The
Multilevel Journey”at the 2014 Academy of Management an-
nual meeting.
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Morrison, 2002; Reagans & McEvily, 2003). Ac-
cordingly, some studies suggest that bringing
people together is critical for innovative activities
(Hargadon & Bechky, 2006; Lingo & O’Mahony,
2010; Obstfeld, 2005). Yet, at the same time, these
structures have been described as promoting
conformity (Fleming et al., 2007; Uzzi & Spiro,
2005)—the antithesis of creativity (Goncalo &
Duguid, 2012; Woodman et al., 1993). Finally, the
findings are discrepant related to strong versus
weak ties. Are strong ties—rich with trust and
support—best for creativity (e.g., Chua, Morris, &
Mor, 2012; Sosa, 2011), consistent with creativity
theorists’emphasis on positive affect and support
(e.g., Isen, Johnson, Metz, & Robinson, 1985; Isen &
Patrick, 1983; Madjar, Oldham, & Pratt, 2002)? Or
are weak ties—rich with breadth and reach—best
(e.g., Baer, 2010; Perry-Smith, 2006; Zhou et al.,
2009), consistent with network theorists’emphasis
on different information and recombination (e.g.,
Burt, 1992; Granovetter, 1973)?
One important tenet of this body of research has
been implicit assumptions about the phases of the
idea journey—that is, the path followed by a novel
idea from its conception to its successful dis-
semination. Creativity scholars have primarily
underlined the importance of generation, or com-
ing up with a novel and useful idea (e.g., Amabile,
1983). In contrast, innovation scholars have
stressed the importance of the implementation of
the idea and its effects on the field (e.g., Frost &
Egri, 1991; Howell & Higgins, 1990; Maidique, 1980).
In both the creativity literature and innovation
literature, however, scholars have independently
come to recognize that between the start (the
generation of an idea) and the end of the journey
(its implementation), there also are intermediary
phases. Creativity scholars have highlighted that
after an idea is generated, it requires further de-
velopment and validation checks (Campbell, 1960;
Ford, 1996; Harvey, 2014; Staw, 1990). Moreover,
innovation scholars have elucidated the impor-
tance of championing activities prior to the suc-
cessful implementation of an idea (e.g., Frost &
Egri, 1991; Howell & Higgins, 1990; Maidique, 1980).
Despite the importance of these phases for the
idea journey, research taking a social and rela-
tional approach primarily has emphasized either
idea generation or implementation, neglecting
key intermediate phases (i.e., elaboration and
championing), or it has confounded the two by
not clearly specifying either. Some social net-
work researchers have begun to emphasize single
phases other than generation or implementation
(e.g., Lingo & O’Mahony, 2010), whereas other
researchers have considered multiple phases
simultaneously (e.g., Fleming et al., 2007). How-
ever, even these studies do not explain or clarify
where each phase is situated within the broader
idea journey.
An explicit distinction among phases and a
conceptual framework for considering the entire
idea journey are warranted to help resolve in-
consistencies in the literature and to integrate and
reconcile prior research. Their absence makes
it difficult to understand how and when a novel
idea either successfully moves through the en-
tire journey, ultimately changing the field, or gets
“stuck”in any one phase or loop between phases,
therefore potentially being abandoned prema-
turely. For example, some creators might come
up with groundbreaking ideas but never voice
them because of a fear of being seen as different
(Zhou & George, 2001). They either abandon
a promising idea before presenting it to the rele-
vant gatekeepers or strip theidea of its potentially
groundbreaking novelty. Others may get stuck in
championing; they may be geniuses at generation
and elaboration but find themselves unable to
effectively get support from others (e.g., Elsbach &
Kramer, 2003). Thus, without explicitly considering
the journey in its entirety, it is difficult to un-
derstand the social factors that drive success in
each phase and, ultimately, how creators can
succeed through all stages of the idea journey.
In this article we conceptualize four phases of
the journey: generation, elaboration, champion-
ing, and implementation. We articulate the dis-
tinct primary needs of each phase, and by doing
so we reconcile contradictory research about the
role of relationships and social networks in the
complete idea journey process, from creativity to
innovation. While it provides clarity on the social
network drivers, however, our theorizing also re-
veals a series of tensions: the network character-
istics that facilitate one phase undermine the
next. These seeming contradictions suggest a
number of paradoxes that ultimately highlight
why successful movement through all phases
may be a rare and difficult occurrence. Integrating
emerging network activation research (e.g.,
Bridwell-Mitchell & Lant, 2013; Mariotti &
Delbridge, 2012; Smith, Menon, & Thompson,
2012) with sensemaking literature (e.g., Gioia &
Thomas, 1996), we posit that these looming par-
adoxes can be resolved when creators change
54 JanuaryAcademy of Management Review
interpretations and frames and subsequently call
to mind different networks. This activation fluidity,
although difficult in some cases, exposes them to
the need-facilitating network characteristic at the
right moment.
To clarify the network drivers, we first concep-
tualize each phase in the idea journey process.
Integrating literature across a variety of research
domains, we define each phase and articulate the
primary needs associated with each. For sim-
plicity, we assume the creator remains the pri-
mary driver and developer of his or her creative
idea throughout the idea journey.
We conceive of
needs as the primary socially derived ingredients
that facilitate success in each phase. In contrast to
the flow perspective (Borgatti & Halgin, 2011;
Podolny, 2001), our concept of needs emphasizes
the less tangible yet more proximate inputs.
These needs may not flow directly from social ties
yet can be affected by them. For example, Burt
(1998) highlighted the importance of emotional
and cognitive resources that come from “living
among”particular types of ties, rather than more
tangible resources, such as information, that one
may directly receive from a tie. Importantly,
although our emphasis on needs differs from an
emphasis on tangible resources accessible through
ties, our approach is complementary. Needs are the
by-product of resources that are accessed via re-
lationships. See Table 1 for a summary of each
phase and need.
To illustrate each phase, we use the running
example of a screenwriter, thus focusing on a
specific setting. Nevertheless, we believe these
phases generalize to a variety of contexts. See
Table 2 for examples of each phase in other
Idea Generation: Need for Cognitive Flexibility
We define the idea generation phase as the
process of generating a novel and useful idea.
Through an associative variation process, crea-
tors generate many different ideas and then
self-select one (Campbell, 1960; Mednick, 1962;
Simonton, 2003). This phase concludes when the
creator selects a single, novel idea that he or she
deems more promising, useful, or valuable than
others (Amabile, 1983; Woodman et al., 1993). This
differs from brainstorming, in which the goal is to
generate a high number of novel ideas that may
or may not be useful (Paulus & Dzindolet, 1993;
Sutton & Hargadon, 1996). Importantly, the se-
lected idea is merely a vague idea or core concept
to be elaborated upon in future phases. We as-
sume generation initiates within the creator’s
mind (Campbell, 1960) yet is indirectly influenced
by the social context (Cronin & Weingart, 2007;
Mueller & Kamdar, 2011).
As an illustration, consider the case of a
screenwriter. Screenwriters’ideas for new movies
can be inspired by different elements, such as
a book, a real-life event, or an anecdote. For ex-
ample, Wes Anderson, the famous screenwriter
and director, got the initial inspiration for the
story of The Royal Tenenbaums by the chance
purchase of a CD of Maurice Ravel’smusic.
WhilehewaslisteningtoRavel’s“String Quartet
inFMajor,”he started thinking about “an F. Scott
Fitzgerald-type New York story. I pictured it be-
ing set in the 1960s, though. It was probably a bit
like Good Night and Good Luck, something like
that!”(Seitz, 2013: 28). This anecdote underlines
the randomness and unpredictability of the
idea generation process, which is largely uncon-
scious and often serendipitous (Campbell, 1960;
Mednick, 1962; Zhong, Dijksterhuis, & Galinsky,
2008) and can be affected by a variety of environ-
mental stimuli.
While complex, nonredundant knowledge is
generally thought to facilitate the generation of
new ideas (Granovetter, 1973; Taylor & Greve,
2006), creativity theorists suggest that it is not the
accumulation of new knowledge that matters
but, rather, its effect on cognitive structures in
the mind (Amabile, 1983; Dane, 2010). For exam-
ple, additional knowledge may elicit more rigid
In some cases the originator of an idea may be plural, and
attributing the generation of an idea to any one creator might
be difficult (e.g., Harrison & Rouse, 2015). However, some
scholars have argued that the origin of any creative act resides
first within the creator’s mind (Campbell, 1960). While the idea
can later be developed and extended by the collective, in the
words of Nobel Laureate John Steinbeck, “The group never in-
vents anything”(1952: 130). For example, in their study of cre-
ative collectives, Hargadon and Bechky (2006) showed that the
idea for the Reebok Pump originated from a single inventor
and was subsequently elaborated by the collective. Never-
theless, we conceptualize the “creator”as the entity originat-
ing the idea. This may be a single creator, which we reference
for simplicity, but may also be multiple creators, in which case
multiple creators can be considered the focal entity, with
“contacts”being all persons outside of this entity.
2017 55Perry-Smith and Mannucci
cognitive pathways, making it less likely in-
dividuals will connect previously disconnected
elements (Amabile, 1996; Mumford & Gustafson,
1988). These rigid pathways limit the extent to
which one is ready to accept and integrate new
knowledge (Cronin & Weingart, 2007; Mueller &
Kamdar, 2011). At this stage, therefore, the fun-
damental requisite is cognitive flexibility—the
ability to shift schemas and cognitive categories
(Amabile, 1983; Guilford, 1968; Mednick, 1962).
This flexibility involves a flat associative hier-
archy, which enables remote and uncommon as-
sociations between conceptually distant ideas
(De Dreu, Baas, & Nijstad, 2008; Mednick, 1962;
Mumford & Gustafson, 1988; Simonton, 1999, 2003).
With this cognitive structure and organization of
content in the mind, the creator has the capacity to
integrate content from the social environment to
generate novel ideas that depart from existing
practices within the field.
Idea Elaboration: Need for Support
We define the elaboration phase as the process
of systematically evaluating a novel idea’s poten-
tial and further clarifying and developing the idea.
Creativity theorists have recognized the impor-
tance of elaboration for the creative process both
explicitly (Ford, 1996; Mainemelis, 2010; Staw, 1990)
and implicitly (Amabile, 1983, 1988; Torrance, 1988).
The Idea Journey Phases and Needs
Phase Description Need Example
Idea generation The process of generating
different creative ideas
and selecting the most
promising one
Cognitive flexibility The screenwriter
generates different
ideas for new movies,
selecting the one he or
she judges to have the
highest creative
Core concept of the idea
(e.g., idea for a movie)
Idea elaboration The process of
evaluating the novel
idea’s potential and
further clarifying and
developing it
Support The screenwriter starts
working on the idea to
develop a more
detailed summary of
the movie,
a“treatment,”or a first
draft that can be
presented to potential
producers during
a pitch meeting.
More detailed description
of the idea (e.g.,
treatment, first draft)
Idea championing The active promotion of
the novel idea, aimed at
obtaining the green
light for pushing it
forward and,
consequently, the
resources in terms of
money, talent, and
political cover to
implement it
Influence and
The screenwriter tries to
sell the idea for the
movie to studio
executives. He or she
must convince
producers of the novelty
and potential of the
idea. This may happen
during a so-called pitch
Greenlight to develop and
produce the idea (e.g.,
approved final script)
Idea implementation The process of converting
the idea into a tangible
outcome that can
subsequently be
diffused and adopted
Shared vision and
The screenwriter finalizes
the script. The
production and creative
crew work to realize the
movie. Once the movie
is finished, its success
is evaluated by the
extent to which it is
recognized as creative
by peers and critics.
Detailed blueprint or
finished product (e.g.,
See Table 2 for examples from other industries.
56 JanuaryAcademy of Management Review
After a core idea has been generated, creators
refine it by checking for inconsistencies and
making improvements (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997;
Hargadon & Bechky, 2006; Mainemelis, 2010). Im-
portantly, given that a creative idea is unique and
potentially discomfiting, the creator must balance
some uncertainty and risk with traditional as-
sessments of potential; the creator may anticipate
initial resistance to the idea’s merits and may
even pursue elaboration without authorization
(Criscuolo, Salter, & Ter Wal, 2013; Mainemelis,
2010; Staw, 1990).
During this phase, the creator clarifies the initial
idea and makes it ready to share with gatekeepers.
Ideally, the idea moves from a vague concept in the
creator’s mind to a more developed form that is
sharable with others, unless the creator abandons
the idea, at which point the idea journey ceases.
The elaboration phase is a success if the creator
decides to present the idea, which has retained its
novelty, to a wider audience. Consider again the
case of a screenwriter. Once the screenwriter has
generated and selected an idea, he or she will start
to develop a synopsis—a short summary of major
The Idea Journey in Different Settings
Setting Generation Elaboration Championing Implementation
Academic publishing Core idea for the paper,
including research
Development of
extended abstract or
first draft
Submission of the
paper to a journal/
Writing the full paper;
iterating from first
draft to final paper
Receiving the decision
letter and drafting
response to editor
and reviewers
Core idea for the ad, prior
to or during
brainstorming session
Development of the
concept of the ad:
key message, look
and feel,
catchphrase, etc.
Presentation of the
elaborated concept
to the client during
a competition
Realization of the
campaign across
different media:
detailed images for
posters and
magazine ads, fully
produced video ad,
specific images and
viral videos for
online media, etc.
Industrial patenting Core idea for a new
product or process that
can be protected by
a patent
Researching existing
Submission of
application to the
national patents
Realization and
production of the
protected by the
Lab tests and
prototyping to test
the viability and
feasibility of the
Broadway musicals Core idea for the plot,
music, and lyrics of the
Development of
detailed plot and of
sample music
Selling the musical to
a theater and/or
a producer
Finalization of plot,
music, and lyrics
Realization of the
musical, including
final production,
involving others
(director, prop
designers, actors,
While in advertising the origins of an idea may seem to reside with a collective rather than any one individual, we assume the
idea’s origins can often be traced to an individual creator. For example, a creator comesup with an idea and then decides to present
it to others during a brainstorming session. If the idea is selected by the team, the individual becomes the primary driver of the idea
(e.g., creative director) throughout the remainder of the process. In this way the individual creator goes through a “mini”idea
journey in that he or she briefly elaborates on the idea before disclosing it to other brainstorming participants (i.e., elaboration) and
then has to persuade the team of the soundness of the idea so that it is selected for presentation to the client (i.e., championing).
2017 57Perry-Smith and Mannucci
plot points—and/or a treatment—a more detailed
summary of each major scene of a proposed movie.
The screenwriter will elaborate on this until it is
ready to be presented to potential producers dur-
ing pitch meetings.
During the elaboration phase, creators need
support, in two forms, from others. They need
emotional support in order to reduce uncertainty
and to be motivated to push the idea further and
not abandon it (Madjar et al., 2002). Intrinsic mo-
tivation “flourishes in contexts characterized
by a sense of security and relatedness”(Ryan &
Deci,2000: 73), as with those providing emotional
support. Given the uncertainty associated with
novel ideas, people voicing them assume some
risk of potentially negative feedback from those
individuals they share them with (Detert &
Edmonson, 2011; Zhou, 1998, 2003; Zhou & George,
2001). Because of this, creators could decide to
abandon ideas that are very novel if they do not
receive encouragement in the form of emotional
support. This is particularly critical because many
creative projects initially look like bad ideas, only
to reveal their full potential after elaboration
(Catmull & Wallace, 2014; Harvey, 2014).
Creators also need constructive feedback and
suggestions to help them identify ways to im-
prove and expand their ideas (Harrison & Rouse,
2015). To have a positive effect on creativity, feed-
back has to be delivered in an informational way.
Creators who receive feedback that helps them
develop and grow are more likely to perceive it as
constructive and supportive (Zhou, 1998), increas-
ing their intrinsic motivation toward tasks and
their sense of self-determination (Pittman, Davey,
Alafat, Wetherill, & Kramer, 1980; Ryan, 1982). In
contrast, controlling feedback, more critical and
evaluative in nature, can undermine intrinsic
motivation and creativity (Shalley & Perry-Smith,
2001). For example, Chris Bangle, BMW director
of design, stresses the importance of creating
a“fortress”around designers so as to shield them
from “hurtful criticism”prematurely (2001: 7–8).
According to Ed Catmull, CEO of Pixar Animation
Studios, a brand new idea is often an “ugly baby.”
As such, it needs to be evaluated with candor and
honesty, but harsh criticism too early can prevent
the creator from trying to fix and ameliorate
problems or, even worse, from generating future
ideas. Thus, while creators need feedback to help
refine their ideas and solve challenges, it is criti-
cal that the feedback not undermine the ideas’
novelty or result in premature abandonment.
Idea Championing: Need for Social Influence
and Legitimacy
The championing phase is the active promotion
of a novel idea, aimed at obtaining approval to
push the idea forward and, consequently, also
obtaining money, talent, time, or political cover
(Howell & Higgins, 1990; Kanter, 1983, 1988;
Maidique, 1980; Staw, 1990). At this point the
creator begins putting the idea in front of the
field’s“gatekeepers,”articulating a compelling
argument in its favor and underlining the positive
impact it would have on the organization or field
(Howell & Higgins, 1990). Given that highly novel
ideas have a high risk of rejection, these are not
easy tasks. At the end of the championing phase,
the idea either is abandoned or receives the green
light to be further developed and, ultimately,
implemented (Fried & Hisrich, 1994; Frost & Egri,
1991; Markham, 2000; Rothwell et al., 1974). Con-
sider again the example of a screenwriter. During
this phase, the screenwriter tries to sell the idea
to film studio executives. This will happen dur-
ing the so-called pitch meetings, in which the
screenwriter attempts to persuade producers of the
novelty and potential of his or her idea, as well as
of his or her own ability to develop it into a movie
or television series (Elsbach & Kramer, 2003).
To be successful, champions need to possess
influence and legitimacy. Influence is funda-
mental to protecting ideas from encroachment
and criticism, removing obstacles to their accep-
tance, and persuading relevant decision makers
to provide their approval and resources for
implementation (Anand, Gardner, & Morris, 2007;
Anderson & Bateman, 2000; Chakrabarti, 1974;
Chakrabarti & Hauschildt, 1989; Howell & Higgins,
1990; Schon, 1963). Moreover, a creator’s reputation
and perceived legitimacy serve as cues about his
or her performance and ability to implement an
idea (Podolny, 1994). Decision makers are more
likely to approve and support ideas proposed by
creators they perceive as legitimate and compe-
tent (Cattani & Ferriani, 2008; Hargadon, 2005;
Shane & Cable, 2002).
Idea Implementation: Need for Shared Vision
and Understanding
Idea implementation is broken into two sub-
phases: production and impact. While scholars
have either emphasized production (e.g., Ahuja,
2000; Obstfeld, 2005) or impact (e.g., Abrahamson &
58 JanuaryAcademy of Management Review
Rosenkopf, 1993; Klein & Sorra, 1996), both sub-
phases represent important facets of the imple-
mentation of an idea (Van de Ven, 1986; West, 2002).
During the production subphase, the idea is
turned into something tangible—a finished prod-
uct, service, or process. This phase includes chang-
ing the core concept into a “blueprint,”with detailed
steps to follow as the idea is converted into a fin-
ished product. For example, after a screenwriter
obtains the green light to develop his or her script,
the screenwriter will include the specifics that
help the production team convert the script into an
actual movie, like informa tion on shooting angles,
lighting, and settings. At some point the screen-
writer will share the detailed script with the pro-
duction and creative crew that will be put in
charge of the realization of the movie. The crew
can get involved earlier or later in the process, but
the final production of the movie always requires
the active involvement of others with necessary
competencies and skills.
During the impact subphase, the innovation is
accepted, recognized, and used by the field. The
acceptance of ideas is socially shaped, with so-
cial systems making judgments about products’
novelty and whether to incorporate them in the
wider culture (Csikszentmihalyi, 1999; Simonton,
1999). A contribution that departs from existing
practices may be dismissed as crazy, face re-
sistance from field members, and ultimately be
forgotten (Anand et al., 2007; Hargadon & Bechky,
2006), unless it is considered and reused by others.
If an idea changes industry standards and be-
comes a new creative reference point for the field,
the idea has successfully affected the field. For
example, in order to be considered successful,
a screenwriter’s work cannot just be turned into
a movie and distributed; it also needs to be rec-
ognized as creative by peers and critics by re-
ceiving awards and nominations, and other
screenwriters need to “cite”the work or write
similar scripts in terms of content and style. Uzzi
and Spiro (2005) illustrated this with the example
of a Broadway show: high-impact shows include
a particular creative approach that influences the
development of future shows.
The literature on team innovation and creativity
has emphasized the importance of shared vision
for an effective implementation phase. Shared
vision is a common understanding of a valued
outcome that is perceived as a higher-order goal
(Cardinal, 2001; West, 1990; West & Anderson,
1996). During the production subphase, a shared
vision provides several advantages. In partic-
ular, it facilitates high commitment, better infor-
mation sharing, and enhanced helping behaviors
(Hargadon & Bechky, 2006; Lingo & O’Mahony,
2010). Moreover, it increases the sense of owner-
ship, purpose, and responsibility (Cardinal, 2001;
Fleming et al., 2007; Gilson & Shalley, 2004),
resulting in an enhanced motivation to work to-
gether and, ultimately, a more efficient collective
production process. In a meta-analytic study,
ulsheger, Anderson, and Salgado (2009) found
that shared vision is the most important determi-
nant of a group’s ability to produce innovative
outcomes. During the impact subphase, a shared
vision is needed to overcome the potential re-
sistance from field members. Without fully un-
derstanding the idea and buying into its creative
potential, field members may see the idea as
simply a threat to their power, or they might
just discard it as crazy or nonsensical. Shared vi-
sion and understanding helps overcome inter-
pretive problems, creates a common language
that guarantees that the idea is correctly com-
municated to other field members, and ensures its
successful interpretation and acceptance (Carlile,
2004; Carlile & Rebentisch, 2003).
The conceptualization of phases and needs
provides an overarching logic for when and how
contextual characteristics matter for the idea
journey. Given that creativity and innovation are
essentially a social process, we consider the so-
cial drivers of each phase in the form of network
characteristics. Figure 1 depicts key papers in the
literature and the phases on which they explicitly
and implicitly focus.
Delineating phases suggests different degrees
of desirable active involvement of contacts and
purposeful action of creators to facilitate the
respective needs. This can be depicted as a con-
tinuum (see Figure 2) where the influence of the
social context is similarly strong but contacts’
involvement and creators’intentionality vary.
For example, in the generation phase, we have
suggested that others’effect on the birth of a new
idea is serendipitous, which reflects low creator
intentionality. Like other serendipitous networks
(Kilduff & Tsai, 2003), the creator’s interaction with
others is not necessarily premised on fulfilling
a predefined goal, compared to later phases in
2017 59Perry-Smith and Mannucci
which the creator may seek others for more in-
strumental reasons (e.g., high creator intention-
ality). The elaboration phase best illustrates
when contacts’involvement can be low. Here the
need for support suggests that contacts react to
the creator’s idea, but it does not necessarily
require them to work alongside the creator to
directly shape the idea. In the implementation
phase, in contrast, while the originator remains pri-
marily responsible for the idea’s development, the
need for a shared vision requires contacts to form
and progress the idea’s content in a collaborative
Continuum of the Idea Journey
Generation Elaboration Championing Implementation
Contacts’ involvement
Indirect, passive
Direct, active
Examples of Explicit and Implicit Focus on Phases in Current Research
Baer (2010)
Baer (2012)
Burt (2004)
Chua, Morris, & Mor (2012)
Delmestri, Montanari, & Usai (2005)
De Stobbeleir, Ashford, & Buyens
Fleming, Mingo, & Chen (2007)
Hargadon & Sutton (1997)
Lingo & O’Mahony (2010)
Madjar, Oldham, & Pratt (2002)
McFadyen & Cannella (2004)
McFadyen, Semadeni, & Cannella
Mueller & Kamdar (2011)
Obstfeld (2005)
Perry-Smith (2006)
Perry-Smith (2014)
Rodan & Galunic (2004)
Sosa (2011)
Tortoriello & Krackhardt (2010)
Uzzi & Spiro (2005)
Zhou, Shin, Brass, Choi, & Zhang
Zou & Ingram (2013)
Phase the paper implicitly focuses on
Phase the paper explicitly focuses on
60 JanuaryAcademy of Management Review
fashion (e.g., high contact involvement). This
continuum of creator intentionality and contact
involvement undergirds our social network
We focus on both tie strength and structure as
relevant social network characteristics. We de-
fine strong ties as ties with a high level of emo-
tional closeness, given the importance of affect for
creativity (Amabile, Barsade, Mueller, & Staw,
2005; Bledow, Rosing, & Frese, 2013; George &
Zhou, 2002) and its prominence as a key prop-
erty of tie strength (Casciaro & Lobo, 2008;
Marsden & Campbell, 1984; Rost, 2011). Duration
and frequency are also relevant dimensions of tie
strength (Granovetter, 1973); however, given our
articulation of needs, we see them as being sec-
ondary dimensions. We conceptualize structure
as local ego-network structure, or the system of
relationships among a creator’s direct ties. When
two of the creator’s contacts do not share a tie, the
creator is spanning a structural hole (Burt, 1992).
On the contrary, triadic closure exists when
a creator’s direct contacts maintain ties to each
other (Coleman, 1988; Phelps et al., 2012). Al-
though we focus on local structure, our logic ex-
tends to research referencing global structure
(e.g., Cattani & Ferriani, 2008; Ibarra, 1993), or the
pattern of relationships within an entire field or
organization (Scott, 1988), which we reference
where relevant.
Our central premise, elucidated throughout this
section, is that dyadic tie strength is critical for
facilitating the micro needs of the early phases,
while structure is critical for facilitating the more
socially embedded needs of the later phases.
While providing clarity, our logic also will reveal
that as the idea progresses across phases, the
primarily beneficial network characteristics re-
verse. That is, the network features that are
helpful for one phase are not necessarily helpful
in the next phase.
Idea Generation and Elaboration: The Weak
versus Strong Tie Paradox
The standard logic commonly used to predict
the optimal tie strength and structure for novel
ideas can be summarized as follows: tie strength
and structures that provide access to non-
redundant knowledge content facilitate recombi-
nation and, ultimately, creativity (see Perry-Smith
& Mannucci, 2015, and Phelps et al., 2012, for re-
views). Theorists typically suggest that weak ties
provide access to content that differs from what
the creator already knows, because weak ties
tend to be nonredundant connections to different
social circles (Granovetter, 1973, 1983; Ibarra &
Andrews, 1993). In addition, creators whose net-
works are rich in structural holes get access to
more diverse information (Aral & Van Alstyne,
2011; Burt, 1992). As we discussed previously,
however, creators do not necessarily automati-
cally recombine disparate knowledge. To generate
novel ideals, creators need cognitive flexibility in
order to successfully recombine disparate knowl-
edge into new associations (De Dreu et al., 2008;
Mednick, 1962).
While structure may provide access to diverse
knowledge, tie strength affects how creators in-
terpret and process content and, ultimately, the
cognitive organization of content in the mind
(e.g., cognitive flexibility versus rigidity). Crea-
tors desire cognitive and social balance among
their social ties and the knowledge held by those
ties (Phillips, 2003; Phillips & Loyd, 2006; Phillips,
Mannix, Neale, & Gruenfeld, 2004), and they ex-
pect contacts they know well to hold similar per-
spectives and agree with one another. When
emotionally close contacts disagree by providing
nonredundant knowledge content, the disagree-
ment leads to a state of imbalance that hampers
cognitive processes. Moreover, since creators are
motivated to restore balance, the lack of it might
lead them to discard the content received from
strong ties (Phillips et al., 2004). Despite the in-
tuition and self-reports that individuals pay more
attention to information coming from strong,
trustworthy ties (e.g., Levin & Cross, 2004), results
show that the above logic, rather than trust, is
explanatory. In an experimental study, Perry-
Smith (2014) showed that creators receiving
information from strong ties spend less time
integrating it, since the information merely so-
lidifies existing cognitive pathways, resulting in
uncreative solutions. In contrast, receiving dif-
ferent knowledge from weak ties is a cognitively
balanced situation and results in more time spent
considering different options and higher creativ-
ity (Perry-Smith, 2014).
These arguments emphasize number of weak
ties rather than a single weak tie. Several studies
have shown that weak ties facilitate creativity
over and above nonredundant structure (e.g.,
Baer, 2010; Perry-Smith, 2006, 2014; Zhou et al.,
2009), supporting the unique role of tie strength.
Importantly, the measure in each study is closer to
2017 61Perry-Smith and Mannucci
generation than other phases. Although too many
weak ties generally can become detrimental (Zhou
et al., 2009), we expect that during idea generation
specifically, the benefits will outweigh the possible
Our arguments suggest that the structural
features of ties may be less relevant for the gen-
eration phase, although nonredundant structure
may facilitate championing, as we suggest later.
Consistent with this line of thinking, there is
little empirical support for the theorized benefits
of brokerage, despite the almost taken-for-granted
logic relating structural holes and creativity.
For example, several studies (i.e., Rodan &
Galunic, 2004; Zou & Ingram, 2013) found no di-
rect effect between spanning structural holes
and innovativeness, although the researchers
noted moderating effects. The lack of main effect
was explained by suggesting that structural
holes provide “political maneuverability”rather
than diverse knowledge (Rodan & Galunic, 2004),
or that the key to creativity is maximizing differ-
ences, which ties that span structural holes
within organizations do not maximize (Zou &
Ingram, 2013).
Two influential studies may at first glance
appear to contradict the lack of empirical sup-
port (Burt, 2004; Fleming et al., 2007). However, in
both the researchers adopt logics or measures
encompassing other phases. Burt’s (2004) logic
emphasizes the ability of brokers to navigate
complex political environments and diverse con-
stituencies to successfully convince others of the
merits of their ideas (i.e., championing). Fleming
and colleagues (2007) confound different phases
by using measures such as patent subclasses,
which are considered finished products that
have already been elaborated and championed
(Oldham & Cummings, 1996).
Taken together, our arguments and existing
empirical evidence suggest that weak ties rather
than structural holes should be beneficial during
the idea generation phase.
Proposition 1a: The number of weak ties
facilitates idea generation.
Proposition 1b: The number of weak ties
rather than nonredundant structures
(i.e., structural holes) facilitates idea
Although weak ties are expected to facilitate
generation, they do not facilitate elaboration.
Because someone highlighting a novel idea might
be perceived as incompetent (Hofmann, Lei, &
Grant, 2009) or have his or her idea abruptly dis-
missed (Zhou, 1998; Zhou & George, 2001), trust
is theorized to facilitate sharing unique ideas
(Chua et al., 2012; Tortoriello & Krackhardt, 2010).
Via trust, strong ties reduce concerns over opportu-
nistic behavior (Kachra & White, 2008; Krackhardt,
1992; Levin & Cross, 2004; Uzzi & Lancaster, 2003)
and concerns about having the idea criticized or
rejected (McEvily, Perrone, & Zaheer, 2003; Tortoriello,
Reagans, & McEvily, 2012). Trust thus increases
the chances that the creator will decide to dis-
close the idea rather than abandon it; when cre-
ators perceive trust, they are free to present
counternormative perspectives without filtering
or changing them to mee t the anticipated needs of
the contact (Zhang & Zhou, 2014; Zhou & George,
2001). This level of trust helps ensure that the idea
will move beyond the creator’s mind, an impor-
tant first step.
Once the creator shares an idea, strong ties are
more likely to provide the support needed during
the idea elaboration phase. Close relationships
are associated with emotional support (e.g., De
Stobbeleir, Ashford, & Buyens, 2011; Sosa, 2011).
Moreover, the feedback emotionally close con-
tacts provide is likely to be perceived as more
encouraging and informational than overly di-
rective or critical. Emotionally close contacts
serve the important function of validating one
another’s views (Cross & Sproull, 2004; Reis &
Shaver, 1988), and their feedback is perceived as
both constructive and useful and is more easily
accepted (Cross, Borgatti, & Parker, 2001; Sniezek
& Van Swol, 2001). This suggests that people who
are emotionally close are more likely to use an
informational feedback style, not imposing their
point of view and demands and providing sug-
gestions constructively.
The elaboration phase does not require many
ties, as the generation phase does, nor does it re-
quire that strong tie contacts belong to the crea-
tor’s field. Rather than belonging to the same field,
the strong ties must simply connect the creator
with a trusted contact, one with whom the creator
feels safe presenting a rough version of an un-
usual idea. For example, Alfred Hitchcock, the
famous director, used to present all his ideas for
new movies to his wife, Alma Reville, before
pitching them to producers. Ms. Reville played an
indispensable role in the making of her husband’s
movies: “She was his closest confidante, his most
62 JanuaryAcademy of Management Review
trusted ally”(Anderson, 2012: AR16). She provided
him with feedback about the creative potential of
his ideas, pushing him to pursue them even when
he did not seem to believe in them (O’Connell &
Bouzereau, 2004). Thus, the support required for
elaboration comes from one emotionally close tie,
or a tie within the creator’s“inner circle.”
A close look at extant empirical research is
consistent with our rationale. Madjar and
colleagues (2002) show that support from fam-
ily and friends facilitates creativity; they argue
that this is due to the creator’s enhanced motiva-
tion and enthusiasm to pursue a generated idea.
Sosa (2011) suggests that strong ties have a posi-
tive impact on creativity because they increase
support and motivation to share ideas. In another
example, Chua and colleagues (2012) show that
cultural metacognition facilitates creativity via
affect-based trust; they argue that deep knowl-
edge about another is required to make oneself
vulnerable and buffer the anxiety associated with
sharing novel ideas. While some scholars have
found that the number of weak ties with culturally
diverse others facilitates creativity (Per ry-Smith &
Shalley, 2014), this work emphasizes the genera-
tion of ideas rather than the sharing and elabo-
ration of them.
As with generation, we expect strength to be
more important than structure for idea elabora-
tion. Pockets of interconnected and redundant ties
may at first glance appear to provide some of the
same benefits of strong ties for elaboration. These
networks are characterized by greater trust and
support among members (Aral & Van Alstyne,
2011; Chua, Morris, & Ingram, 2010; Coleman, 1988;
Uzzi, 1996). Individuals are more likely to feel
psychologically safe to share ideas within dense
networks, since they promote a sense of shared
ownership and mutual understanding (Fleming
et al., 2007). Moreover, closely tied contacts tend
to develop cooperative norms that generate
social pressure to help each other (Coleman,
1988; Granovetter, 1973, 1985). Dense struc-
tures can also promote conformity (Granovetter,
1973), however, inducing people to eliminate
the most innovative features of their ideas so as
to comply with existing ways of thinking (Janis,
1972; Perry-Smith & Shalley, 2003; Sosa, 2011).
Although motivated to cooperate, these close
ties can inadvertently squash novelty and
uniqueness as creators in dense collectives
move toward similarity of perspectives over
time (Uzzi & Spiro, 2005). In contrast, dyadic
support from one to two strong ties provides
creators the emotional and motivational bene-
fits without the conformity pressures that dense
structures generate.
Proposition 2a: A limited number (i.e.,
one or two) of emotionally charged
strong ties facilitate idea elaboration.
Proposition 2b: Strong ties, rather
than structural closure, facilitate idea
Idea Championing and Implementation: The
Sparseness versus Closure Paradox
Scholars have argued that structural holes
are a relevant source of influence and legiti-
macy. Individuals spanning structural holes
control the flow of information and resources
between disconnected contacts, and they can
use this control to gather support for their ideas
and initiatives (Burt, 1992; Seibert, Kraimer, &
Liden, 2001). In addition, these brokers are thought
to have a vision and translation advantage that
helps them sell good ideas to different audiences
by understanding what resonates and what does
not (Burt, 2004). Accordingly, their ideas are rated
as “good”ones by others in the field. So while
brokerage—occupying network positions that
span structural holes—may not facilitate the
generation of new ideas, this line of reasoning
suggests that brokerage may be critical during
the championing phase.
But can creators directly leverage the ad-
vantages of structural holes? Not necessarily.
For creators to successfully navigate the cham-
pioning phase, field members must have a gen-
erally positive impression of the creators’ability
and efficacy (Gl ¨
uckler & Armbr ¨
uster, 2003). This
is inherently difficult in the case of truly novel
ideas because of the lack of benchmarking
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1988, 1999). Because new ideas
are characterized by high uncertainty and ques-
tionable legitimacy, decision makers use vari-
ous cues to determine whether they will support
the ideas’implementation (Elsbach & Kramer,
2003). Some of those cues may be the charac-
teristics of the creator, whereas others derive
from the structural position of creator’s contacts.
In general, researchers assert that individuals
can “borrow”influence and legitimacy to reduce
the perceived uncertainty by associating with
2017 63Perry-Smith and Mannucci
well-regarded contacts (Anand et al., 2007; Gl ¨
uster, 2003; Hoang & Antoncic, 2003; Stuart,
Hoang, & Hybels, 1999). After all, the perceived at-
tributes of a creator’s contacts are often attributed to
the creator as well (Blau, 1964; Kilduff & Krackhardt,
1994; Uzzi, 1996).
This notion of borrowing, which applies to
structural holes in particular, offers several ad-
vantages for idea champions. When a creator
borrows the structural holes of another, the crea-
tor’s legitimacy stock increases. Moreover, via
borrowing, the creator is not cognitively con-
strained by the established social norms and
paradigms within the field (e.g., Cattani &
Ferriani, 2008) or by the complexities associated
with maintaining structural holes. Several em-
pirical studies support the benefits of borrowing
structural holes when legitimacy is questionable.
For example, Burt (1998) found that for female
managers in male-dominated firms, being a bro-
ker (e.g., spanning structural holes) did not dem-
onstrate the expected positive relationship with
career outcomes generally found in the litera-
ture, but being connected to a broker did. Brands
and Kilduff (2013) found that women in male-
dominated contexts are less likely to be perceived
as brokers than men, and if they are, they expe-
rience social sanctions. Ibarra (1993) found that
centrality is related to innovativeness; her ag-
gregate prominence measure, which is based on
the centrality of a creator’s contacts, is consistent
with the notion of borrowing the centrality of
another. Directly bridging structural holes may
therefore not always be an effective strategy
during the championing phase.
Proposition 3a: Direct andborrowedstruc-
tural holes facilitate idea championing.
Proposition 3b: Borrowed structural
holes, more than direct ones, facilitate
idea championing.
Direct and borrowed structural holes are more
useful than tie strength in the championing
phase. The premise behind the argument that
strong ties are critical for championing is that
friends have more social influence over friends
(Krackhardt, 1992). Strong ties are character-
ized by norms of reciprocity that facilitate the
exchange of favors and mutual support (Kanter,
1983), and individuals connected through strong
ties are motivated to help and support each
other’s initiatives (Granovetter, 1983). This assumes,
however, that the friend is in a position to help
by providing the resources needed in this phase.
We suggest that the structural characteristics
of the contact’snetwork,aswellastheresulting
access to others, are primary. This is what will
determine whether the contact can provide the
needed social resources. Notably, this kind of
borrowed structural hole connection is some-
what similar to a buy-in relationship—that is,
ties to others whose support may increase the
likelihood of idea implementation (Baer, 2012;
Podolny & Baron, 1997)—but our emphasis is on
the structural features of the contact’s ties, rather
than the “importance”ascribed to the tie by the
creator. Inherent in the notion of borrowing is
that the tie between the creator and the contact is
solid enough for the contact to “lend”his or her
structural holes to the creator. This action does
not require the type of emotional depth typical
of strong, emotionally laden ties, however. We
therefore propose that structural borrowing is
the primary mechanism that facilitates idea
Proposition 3c: Borrowed structural holes,
rather than strong ties, facilitate idea
Although structural holes facilitate champion-
ing, they do not facilitate implementation. We
posit that, in the production subphase, closure
(i.e., fewer structural holes) among those involved
in the realization of the idea is most beneficial.
Creators belonging to closed networks are able
to reduce perceived uncertainty by drawing on
others’behavioral cues (Coleman, Katz, & Mentzel,
1966). In addition, closure promotes normative
pressure to work collaboratively toward common
objectives (Lingo & O’Mahony, 2010) and enhances
information sharing (Ahuja, 2000; Granovetter, 1985;
Uzzi & Spiro, 2005), thus helping create a shared
vision about the idea. For example, in the case
of dense structures, if one collaborator is tempted to
go in a direction inconsistent with the creator’sob-
jectives, the presence of ties between the collabo-
rator and other collaborators in the production team
will help bring the wayward contributor “in line”
with the creator’s vision. Admittedly, closure can
become problematic in some cases. For example,
collaborators in highly dense structures may get
stuck and have difficulty considering alternative
approaches (Hargadon & Sutton, 1997; Oh, Chung, &
Labianca, 2004; Uzzi & Spiro, 2005). In the production
phase, however, executing an idea, not generating
64 JanuaryAcademy of Management Review
new ones, is primary. Moreover, research on team
processes (e.g., Aldag & Fuller, 1993; Fuller & Aldag,
1998; Kozlowski & Ilgen, 2006; Park, 1990; Whyte,
1989) has begun to refute the notion that cohesion
only undermines performance. We thus expect
closure and the associated cohesion to generally
benefit production.
We further suggest that closure combined with
reach provides the best structural opportunity for
successful impact. In particular, outside ties—
those crossing a relevant boundary—that are
embedded in dense structures are ideal. In that
scenario the creator and contacts outside of the
production team are connected to one (or more)
common third party (Krackhardt, 1998). The liter-
ature contains many examples of the importance
of outside contacts (e.g., Ancona & Caldwell, 1992;
Oh et al., 2004; Perry-Smith & Shalley, 2014). In
particular, Uzzi and Spiro (2005) and Tortoriello
and Krackhardt (2010) found that outside ties
either embedded in or emanating from dense
structures are associated with successful inno-
vations, presumably because they ensure that the
idea circulates and is effectively understood, ac-
cepted, and used. The outside tie thus allows for
the spread of the idea to different groups, and
dense local structures facilitate the creation of
a shared understanding.
Proposition 4a: Structural closure within
the creator’s ego network facilitates
idea production.
Proposition 4b: Outside ties emanating
from a creator’s dense ego network
structure facilitate idea impact.
As in the championing phase, we expect struc-
ture to be primary in the implementation phase.
In line with empirical results (Tortoriello &
Krackhardt, 2010), we argue that during the im-
pact subphase of implementation, the strength of
outside ties is less important than the character-
istics of the local structure in which they are em-
bedded. Some aspects of strong ties may facilitate
understanding of an idea, since they favor value
recognition (Friedkin, 1980), creation of a common
language (Tortoriello & Krackhardt, 2010), and
development of heuristics and shared meaning
(Uzzi, 1997). There are downsides to maintaining
lots of strong ties outside the team, however. For
example, strong ties can be costly because of the
time, attention, and reciprocity involved (Mueller
& Kamdar, 2011; Perry-Smith & Shalley, 2003). In
addition, too many strong ties outside the team
could undermine internal team dynamics, as
loyalties become divided (Keller, 2001; Nelson,
1989; Oh et al., 2004; Perry-Smith & Shalley, 2014).
Although researchers have argued that strong
ties are necessary for sharing tacit knowledge
(Hansen, 1999), the cohesion and shared vision of
embedded outside contacts are enough to enable
the flow of tacit knowledge within and outside the
group (Tortoriello & Krackhardt, 2010). We suggest
that ties that span team boundaries and are em-
bedded in dense local structures provide the best
combination of reach, vision, and understanding,
without the costs of strong ties.
Proposition 4c: Outside ties embedded in
dense structures, rather than strong out-
side ties, facilitate idea implementation.
Taken together, our propositions and logic
suggest a series of contradictions or paradoxes.
First, creators need weak ties to facilitate cogni-
tive flexibility, but in the elaboration phase, the
lack of support in weak ties will undermine
elaboration by reducing the likelihood that crea-
tors will share ideas in the first place. As a result,
the very tie strength (or lack thereof) that sets
someone up to do well in one phase will set that
individual up to do poorly in the other. Second,
creators need to borrow structural holes to facili-
tate influence and legitimacy, but they also need
closure to facilitate carrying out a shared vision.
Yet those very structural holes are not expected to
facilitate implementation, but the converse (clo-
sure) will. Last, creators need to rely on strength
and not structure in the earlier phases, but they
should rely on structure and not strength in the
later phases.
Because the tension inherent in paradoxes can
often result in reinforcing cycles (Lewis, 2000) in-
stead of a linear progression of ideas through
each phase, we may see three recursive loops in
the process. For example, the tension related to tie
strength may result in a continuous loop between
generation and elaboration: the creator never
feels confident enough to present the idea to ex-
ternal gatekeepers. Consider also the transition
between elaboration and championing. The ten-
sion between strength and structure may result in
an idea cycling between the two phases since
strong ties to emotionally close contacts might
2017 65Perry-Smith and Mannucci
prove useless during championing, when broader
network characteristics are more beneficial than
close contacts. The process may spiral (e.g.,
Lindsley, Brass, & Thomas, 1995), circling back
and forth between two adjacent phases and then
either moving to the next phase or “dying”as the
creator goes back to generation to start over.
Consider the example of Bolt, an animated
movie by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The
movie had already received the green light to
advance to the production phase. When the new
executives of the studio, John Lasseter and Ed
Catmull, noticed problems with the plot, visuals,
and characters, they asked the team to work on
those issues. This started a never-ending, unfruit-
ful loop between movie production and pitches to
Lasseter and Catmull that lasted more than ten
months. Ultimately, Catmull and Lasseter were
forced to restart the project, sending it back to
the elaboration phase. Retrospectively, they
identified the problem as the lack of trust and
cohesion within the production team. According
to Byron Howard, the new director they assigned
to the project, the team was like “a dog that
had been beaten again and again”: everyone
preferred to stay quiet and consider his or her self-
interests rather than voicing problems and trying
to fix them together (Catmull & Wallace, 2014:
259–262). What happened with Bolt is simple: the
network around the core creator—the writer/
director—was sparse, not dense. While this had
been an advantage when it came to convincing
producers to approve the project, it proved detri-
mental when it came to making the movie.
Figure 3 provides a visual depiction of the idea
journey across each phase and the loops likely to
arise because of the inherent tensions. Although
we emphasize the social network drivers of re-
cursive loops, there may be a variety of reasons
loops occur; for instance, the idea at its core may
be a bad one. Nevertheless, the figure represents
the general paths a new idea is likely to take over
time. At an aggregate higher level, movement
across these phases can be linear, but at a more
micro level, the interplay between phases can be
recursive and cyclical.
Network Activation
It may at first appear difficult if not highly un-
likely for a creator to achieve the ambidexterity
required for each competing aim. Individuals
tend to rely on relationships and paths that
worked in the past because of tie inertia
(Dahlander & McFarland, 2013). Creators may
cling to prior approaches (Lewis, 2000) and stay
The Idea Journey
Journey forward
Journey backward
Direct journey
The loops likely to be affected by the strength paradox and the structure paradox are noted with solid lines. The loops affected
by the transition between strength and structure are denoted with dashed lines.
66 JanuaryAcademy of Management Review
within a comfortable and familiar social space
(Ford, 1996). Although the specific ties may
change and vary over time (Soda, Usai, & Zaheer,
2004), network patterns and structures are thought
to generally remain stable (Sasovova, Mehra,
Borgatti, & Schippers, 2010). In addition, like other
paradoxical situations (e.g., Sitkin, See, Miller,
Lawless, & Carton, 2011; Smith & Tushman, 2005),
different elements appear to be in competition
with one another. This is a problem because the
capacity for social ties is somewhat fixed, and
creators only have the capacity for a limited
number of ties (Hansen, 1999; Mariotti & Delbridge,
2012). As a consequence, an idea may not easily
move through the idea journey.
While these contradictions make the idea jour-
ney appear untenable, the fact that social networks
are not only fixed, objective social structures may
suggest otherwise. Individuals generate cogni-
tive representations of networks, or mental maps
of whom they know, who is connected to whom,
and who occupies certain positions (Carley, 1986;
Krackhardt, 1987, 1990). While one line of work
emphasizes accuracy, or the extent to which
cognitive social structures match actual social
structures (e.g., Casciaro, Carley, & Krackhardt,
1999; Kilduff, Crossland, Tsai, & Krackhardt, 2008;
Kilworth & Bernard, 1976), another line of work
suggests that, accuracy aside, cognitive repre-
sentations influence to whom a person ultimately
goes for resources (Krackhardt, 1987). The acti-
vated network, the cognitive subset of the avail-
able network (Bridwell-Mitchell & Lant, 2013;
Smith et al., 2012), is made up of all the ties that
individuals call to mind in a specific situation.
The available set of ties that can be activated in-
cludes latent ties—inactive or dormant relation-
ships (Mariotti & Delbridge, 2012; Starkey, Barnatt,
& Tempest, 2000)—and embryonic ties—ties that
may exist but are very weak—but excludes po-
tential ties (Mariotti & Delbridge, 2012)—possible
ties that do not exist yet.
Importantly, activated networks are continu-
ously reconstructed depending on the situation.
Different contacts are brought to mind at certain
times owing to situational or individual trig-
gers (Carley, 1986; Casciaro, 1998). In this way,
acreator’s social structure can be considered
malleable, consistent with process theory ap-
proaches (e.g., Drazin, Glynn, & Kazanjian, 1999;
Sonenshein, 2014), since cognitive social structures
shift or change depending on how a creator acti-
vates his or her network. This malleability implies
that individuals’ability to satisfy the needs of the
different phases of the idea journey does not so
much depend on the structure of their networks as
it does on the subset of their networks that they
cognitively activate. In addition, if network acti-
vation is dynamic and can change over time, then
the network context that influences behavior also
can change across phases of the idea journey.
But what prompts activation? What influences
the ties and structures creators activate at any
moment in time? The cognitive representation of
a network depends on the frames that are used to
define a situation (Bridwell-Mitchell & Lant, 2013;
Carley, 1986; Smith et al., 2012). In any situation
frames provide a structure of assumptions and
rules that help creators answer the question,
“What is going on here?”(Bartunek, 1984; Goffman,
1974; Snow, Rochford, Worden, & Benford, 1986;
Weick, 1995). Frames can affect activation ex-
plicitly or implicitly. In the first case, creators
consciously activate the portions of the network
they believe have the resources to match their
current needs (Bridwell-Mitchell & Lant, 2013;
Lant, 2005; Nebus, 2006). Or, if this process is im-
plicit, rather than activating networks based on
a purposeful matching of people and resources,
creators can have certain situations invoke psy-
chological states that prompt a particular type of
network activation (Smith et al., 2012).
Extant literature suggests three example frames
that are relevant to network activation and the
idea journey process. The first frame, political
versus strategic, applies to explicit activation.
Creators can frame issues either politically,
emphasizing creators’attitudes and goals and
the negotiation process between them, or stra-
tegically, emphasizing rationality, planning, in-
formation collection, and organizational goals
(Bridwell-Mitchell & Lant, 2013; Gioia & Thomas,
1996). Creators who frame issues strategically
activate contacts they perceive to have broad
expertise and information, whereas creators who
frame issues politically activate contacts they
perceive either as more influential or as more
trustworthy (Bridwell-Mitchell & Lant, 2013). This
distinction suggests that strategic framing is ben-
eficial during idea generation, because it prompts
creators to anchor less on trust and thus activate
distant sections of their network. On the other
hand, framing the problem politically should have
a positive effect during the elaboration phase,
prompting creators to activate strong, emotionally
close ties.
2017 67Perry-Smith and Mannucci
The second frame, threat, is an example of
implicit activation. It is related to perceptions of
harm and ambiguity and their effect on sub-
sequent action (Dutton & Jackson, 1987; Jackson &
Dutton, 1988). Smith and colleagues (2012) found
that a high-threat orientation leads to the activa-
tion of closer ties, whereas a low-threat orienta-
tion leads to the activation of broader, more
expansive networks. Consistent with the asser-
tion that perceived threat hampers creativity by
narrowing a creator’s focus (Amabile & Conti,
1999; Pally, 1955), this logic suggests that a low-
threat orientation is good for generation, since cre-
ators activate expansive networks. A high-threat
frame, however, may be best for elaboration, since
creators who see their idea as potentially risky
will activate ties from their “inner circle.”Im-
portantly, interpretations and frames can vary
across creators facing thesameissue.Forex-
ample, Smith and colleagues (2012) show that
individuals losing their jobs exhibit different
frames and subsequent activation: individ-
uals who frame job loss as a high-threat situa-
tion activate a tighter and narrower subsection
of their network, whereas individuals who
adopt a low-threat frame activate sparser sec-
tions. This variation suggests that, unlike for
elaboration, a low-threat frame may benefit
championing as it facilitates the activation of
sparser ties.
A third frame, locus of control, is also an ex-
ample of implicit activation. It derives from the
literature on social movements and motivation
(e.g., Deci & Ryan, 1980; Rotter, 1966; Snow et al.,
1986). When creators assume that they are driving
and controlling a given event, the creators are
said to be adopting an internal locus of control;
this is opposed to the assumption that overall
performance and control reside outside the
creator—the so-called external locus of control
(e.g., Ferree & Miller, 1985; Klandermans, 1984;
Snow et al., 1986). The locus of control frame is
less about the extent to which creators interact
with others and more about the extent to which
creators believe they ultimately control the
outcome. Creators who frame a situation as in-
ternally controlled prefer to rely on themselves
and tend to view contacts only as providers
of resources (Ng & Feldman, 2011) rather than
as people to directly involve in their activities.
This preference suggests that an internal locus
the early phases of the idea journey, when
structure and collaborative action are less
important than tie strength. In contrast, an ex-
ternal locus of control frame may be positive for
later phases, with collective action being more
effective since it prompts creators to consider
the interconnection among contacts and acti-
vate network ties in terms of structure.
Altogether, these example frames suggest that
in order to activate the appropriate network in
each phase, creators need to continuously switch
frames and reshape existing interpretations and
assumptions across phases. Given the impor-
tance of activating different networks, creators
who cognitively reconfigure their networks by
activating different parts of the networks across
phases may succeed across all phases and suc-
cessfully bring an idea from generation through
Proposition 5: Creators who change
frames across different phases will be
more likely to cognitively reconfigure
and dynamically activate the distinct
need-facilitating part of their networks
required in each phase.
Proposition 6: Creators who cognitively
reconfigure their networks by activat-
ing the need-facilitating part of their
networks in any given phase will gen-
erate ideas that succeed across the en-
tire idea journey, from generation to
The Limitations of Network Activation
While network activation may facilitate the
kind of fluidity in network structures that allows
success, in some circumstances the effectiveness
of activating different networks may be limited.
Activation fluidity—activating different networks
in different phases—may in fact come with criti-
cal social and personal strain. Weak ties in-
tuitively may appear to be a prime source of
problematic social strain, since these ties are
particularly susceptible to decay (Dahlander &
McFarland, 2013; Mariotti & Delbridge, 2012), and
activating weak ties in one phase but not others
might cause the ties to become latent and then
nonexistent. Weak ties require low costs to main-
tain and establish (Granovetter, 1973; Hansen, 1999),
however, and there are minimal expectations of
the level of resources exchanged through them.
Moreover, weak tie churn can actually help
68 JanuaryAcademy of Management Review
during the phase when they are most useful
(generation) by providing a fresh assortment of
new perspectives and information.
In contrast, activation fluidity might engender
problems when the creator pivots from strong ties
or dense structures. In close relationships and
dense social structures, contacts expect loyalty
and reciprocity (Coleman, 1988; Tortoriello &
Krackhardt, 2010). When their expectations are
not met, contacts may view the offending creator
as disloyal—an outgroup member who is not up-
holding his or her end of the implicit social con-
tract (Adler & Adler, 1995; Coleman, 1988; Smith,
2005). This dynamic may lead to a variety of social
sanctions. Evidence from social networks re-
search suggests, in fact, that creators who span
structural holes within cohesive contexts are
sanctioned and excluded from the group (Xiao &
Tsui, 2007).
In the same fashion, creators in dense struc-
tures who are left out by any member of the clique
will find themselves expelled by other members
of the clique as well (e.g., Adler & Adler, 1995). A
creator who activates some people in one phase
and others in another may experience similar
social sanctions, since contacts may expect to be
consistently involved with the idea across all
phases of the idea journey in exchange for their
help and input. For example, if a creator activates
and mobilizes a dense network to implement an
idea and then activates a broader network to ob-
tain extra funds, members of the network may
regard the creator as opportunistic and an out-
sider. If a creator activates a strong tie during the
elaboration phase and then activates a structur-
ally dense network for implementation that ex-
cludes the strong tie, the strongly tied contact may
perceive the creator as inauthentic and utilitar-
ian because of the way the creator strategically
either remembers or forgets the contact. Ulti-
mately, contacts may partially or fully withdraw
from the relationship, either denying the creator
access to the intangible or tangible resources the
network provides or making the relationship de-
cay. As a result, the creator may have to develop
new strong ties to replace those that decay or may
have to exhibit extra effort to repair and maintain
degenerated relationships.
In addition, the creator will likely experience
a host of negative intrapersonal consequences
associated with this social strain. First, the crea-
tor may feel rejected. Rejection emanating from
contacts who provided support and goodwill
may create emotional discomfort, reduced moti-
vation, and decrements in cognitive performance
(Baumeister & Leary, 1995; Baumeister, Twenge,
& Nuss, 2002). Further, membership in a stable
social group provides an important sense of
belonging, and a loss of this sense is a threat
to identity (Adler & Adler, 1995; Baumeister &
Leary, 1995). In addition, the creator may ex-
perience feelings of inauthenticity. More spe-
cifically, acting in ways that are inconsistent
with true preferences can engender negative
consequences for the creator, such as emo-
tional dissonance (e.g., Rafaeli & Sutton, 1987)
and additional threats to identity, resulting in
depression, distress, and burnout (Erickson &
Wharton, 1997; Morris & Feldman, 1996). In gen-
eral, instrumental networking makes people
feel “dirty”and inauthentic (Casciaro, Gino, &
Kouchaki, 2014). In short, if creators no longer
feel a part of their “inner circle,”they may ex-
perience a threat to their identity, negative
feelings of inauthenticity, and a degree of social
isolation that may distract them from their cre-
ative focus.
In summary, the social strain and intrapersonal
consequences of activating different networks
limit the likelihood of activation fluidity in the
first place and the effectiveness of activation if it
occurs. Essentially, maintaining one’s ties and
structure in the network requires one to behave in
ways consistent with the expectations of those
ties and structures (e.g., Dahlander & McFarland,
2013). This is particularly problematic in the case
of strong ties and dense network structures. Net-
work activation fluidity is therefore likely to be
more difficult when transitioning from strong tie
and dense network activation to other types of
Proposition 7: Network activation flu-
idity is likely to be more difficult and
less effective when transitioning from
strong tie and dense network activation
than when transitioning from other
types of ties and structures.
In addition to being limited by the problems
engendered by strong ties and dense structures,
the effectiveness of network activation may also
be limited by the extent to which an idea gets
caught in recursive loops between phases. With
each loop back to a prior phase, the balance be-
tween viability and novelty shifts. A creative idea
possesses a balance between novelty—bringing
2017 69Perry-Smith and Mannucci
something new to the field—and viability—
producing economic advantages for the organi-
zation (Amabile, 1996; West, 2002). Very novel
ideas have a very high risk of rejection (Howell &
Higgins, 1990), and getting stuck in a loop might
prompt the creator to make the idea more
acceptable—more viable—to get it implemented
and diffused. Novelty and viability often di-
verge (Berg, 2014; Mueller, Melwani, & Goncalo,
2012) and emerge from different antecedents
(e.g., Amabile, 1983; Fleming et al., 2007; Morris &
Leung 2010), however. For example, Lee and col-
leagues (Lee, Walsh, & Wang, 2014) found that
team size has an inverted U–shaped relation-
ship with idea novelty but a direct and positive
relationship with usefulness and impact. This
suggests that, with a shift toward viability, the
needs associated with a particular phase may
change. If the needs change from support to ex-
pertise for making the idea more viable, for ex-
ample, the association between strong ties and
elaboration may be weaker. Consequently, the
network elements that were beneficial during the
first iteration might have diminishing benefits in
further iterations.
For instance, if a screenwriter’s pitch to a pro-
ducer does not go well, the screenwriter will
revise the idea before presenting it to another
producer. During this repeat elaboration, re-
ceiving support is still important for giving the
screenwriter confidence to continue with the
novel idea. To move forward, however, the creator
also needs advice from knowledgeable screen-
writers in order to understand what is not working
in the pitch and fix it. As an illustration, consider
the case of Dallas Buyers Club, a movie that won
three Academy Awards and earned three more
nominations in 2014. Craig Borten, the screen-
writer, unsuccessfully first pitched the story in
1992. Initially, he kept elaborating the plot on his
own, getting feedback from family and close
contacts. After receiving several rejections from
different producers, he decided to go to another
screenwriter, Melissa Wallack, to ask for help in
re-elaborating the story. He and Melissa were not
close, but a mutual friend introduced them, and
she could provide expert advice. Borten recalls, “I
was tired. I needed another eye, and she’s an in-
credible writer. She helped elevate everything I’d
started.”Thanks to Wallack’s suggestion, the plot
improved enough to attract the attention of Uni-
versal Pictures, which optioned the film (Shaw,
2013). The pro blem Borte n experienced was
generated by a change in needs during the loop
back from championing to elaboration.
Recursive loops also solidify existing habits,
making activating different networks increas-
ingly difficult. While some creators may actively
reframe and reconstruct their networks, others
get stuck in their interpretation and invoke only
incremental variations within an existing frame
(Argyris, 1993). In some cases failure can be a
significant event that triggers new interpreta-
tions (Weick, 1995) and the activation of a differ-
ent portion of the network. But habitual action
and cognitive entrenchment (Dane, 2010; Ford,
1996) suggest that the longer the creator gets
stuck in one loop, the more difficult it is for the
individual to activate different networks. This
pattern holds despite the fact that changing needs
actually produce greater reactivation demands
on the creator, since changing needs suggest an
increasing number of required frame and activa-
tion changes.
In summary, with each cycle back, work to en-
hance the viability of the core idea is associated
with a shift in needs, different network require-
ments, and, in turn, greater activation demands. If
the loops between the phases last for a long time,
the change in needs grows larger, leading to the
creation of a vicious circle (Masuch, 1985). Thus,
we propose the following.
Proposition 8: The more extensive the
recursive loop between phases, the
lower the success of network activation
Articulating four distinct phases of the idea
journey clarifies a social view of creativity and
innovation. We define each phase—generation,
elaboration, championing, and implementation—
and suggest the unique socially derived needs of
each phase. Among the first two phases, the
generation phase requires cognitive flexibility,
and the elaboration phase requires feedback
and emotional support. Among the latter two
phases, championing requires influence and le-
gitimacy, whereas implementation requires
shared understanding and vision. By first articu-
lating the needs, it is possible to have a better
understanding of the relative importance of net-
work ties and structure in each phase. Currently,
the literature suggests seemingly contradictory
70 JanuaryAcademy of Management Review
results (see Perry-Smith & Mannucci, 2015). More
specifically, we propose that weak ties facilitate
generation, whereas strong ties facilitate elabo-
ration. In the latter two phases, in contrast,
borrowed structural holes facilitate champion-
ing, and a combination of closure and outside
ties facilitates implementation. While providing
clarity, the full picture emerging from our theo-
rizing simultaneously suggests paradoxes, in
which the network elements that are beneficial in
one phase are detrimental in the next. We suggest
that these contradictions can be resolved if the
creator activates different parts of his or her net-
work in different phases, and that this depends on
the creator’s ability to change interpretations and
frames across phases.
We contribute to and extend existing theory in
a number of ways. First, we contribute to general
theory of creativity and innovation by answering
the call for a stronger integration of the creativity
literature and innovation literature (Anderson,
cnik, & Zhou, 2014; George, 2007). In many
cases creativity research and innovation research
draw on separate and parallel bodies of litera-
ture, probably reflecting different disciplinary
origins. Creativity and innovation are closely re-
lated, however, and in some cases the underlying
ideas are interchangeable. Take, for example,
Schumpeter’s theory of recombination. This no-
tion that innovation requires old ideas com-
bined in new ways is very similar to the notions of
broad categorization (Campbell, 1960) and remote
association (Mednick, 1962). Nevertheless, net-
works are the linchpin that has brought the two
bodies of literature together. Our investigation of
the idea journey from generation to acceptance by
the field helps illuminate how the creativity lit-
erature can inform the innovation literature, and
vice versa.
Second, our articulation of intermediate phases
can potentially clarify debates within the crea-
tivity literature and innovation literature beyond
networks. Although speculative, we can envision
how a careful consideration of the idea journey
phases can be helpful. For example, there are
some inconsistencies about the role of positive
versus negative mood in the creativity literature
(Baas, De Dreu, & Nijstad, 2008; Davis, 2009). It may
be, for example, that dual tuning (George & Zhou,
2007)—in which both positive and negative mood
facilitate creativity—is applicable to generation
owing to the divergent thinking and dissatis-
faction with the status quo that each suggests;
however, positive mood alone (e.g., Amabile et al.,
2005) may be more beneficial in the case of elab-
oration, given the need for enhanced confidence.
Another example is the debate about the role of
rewards (Eisenberger & Cameron, 1996; Shalley,
Zhou, & Oldham, 2004). It may be that rewards
negatively affect generation, since a reward may
detract from the cognitive generation process, but
they may be beneficial during the elaboration
phase, when a creator is at risk of abandoning the
idea. A third example emerges from innovation
research on the effects of resource constraints
(Katila & Shane, 2005). On one side, scholars have
proposed that a lack of resources negatively af-
fects innovation (e.g., Ancona & Caldwell, 1992;
Teece, 1986); on the other side, the entrepreneur-
ship literature has shown that resource con-
straints can promote venture generation and
innovation (e.g., Baker & Nelson, 2005). It may be
that resource constraints favor idea generation,
following the logic of “necessity is the mother of
invention,”while abundant resources are needed
to elaborate on the idea and to implement it.
While speculative, our point is to suggest that
future research can apply our phased approach to
other concepts beyond networks.
Third, our theorizing contributes to network
theory. Granovetter’s strength-of-weak-tie theory
(1973), while initially counterintuitive, is now
a classic within the field and is recognized as
one of the most important overarching network
theories (e.g., Borgatti & Halgin, 2011). Yet, at
the same time, tie strength has been relegated
to “stepchild”status relative to structure; theory
and research on networks emphasize the struc-
tural mechanism inherent in Granovetter’s ideas
(Kilduff & Brass, 2010). Naturally, then, attention
has shifted to structure as the more proximate
mechanism. Our theorizing, consistent with
existing empirical work (Baer, 2010; Hansen, 1999;
Zhou et al., 2009), sheds light on the role of strength
separate from structure. We suggest mechanisms
related to emotional support and cognitive readi-
ness that rely on strength separate from structure.
Last, our perspective informs the growing body
of work focused on activated networks (Mariotti &
Delbridge, 2012; Smith et al., 2012). This approach
is situated within the cognitive approach to
networks (e.g., Kilduff et al., 2008; Kilduff &
Krackhardt, 1994). Our logic is that creators can
change the networks they activate if they change
interpretations or frames. This logic suggests that
a dynamic view of networks may be captured
2017 71Perry-Smith and Mannucci
not only by the extent to which creators lose or
gain new ties (e.g., Mariotti & Delbridge, 2012;
Sasovova et al., 2010) but also by the extent to
which creators activate different ties from their
potential network. This is a novel approach to
understanding creativity in the social context.
Although the importance of changing frames for
creative problem solving has been acknowledged
(Mumford, Mobley, Reiter‐Palmon, Uhlman, &
Doares, 1991; Reiter-Palmon, Mumford, O’Connor
Boes, & Runco, 1997), our application to social
networks extends its importance beyond gener-
ating novel solutions.
Our propositions suggest a number of possible
empirical and theory-based avenues for future
research. First, while we suggest that dyadic tie
strength and structure are more beneficial in
certain phases, this does not mean that the non-
primary network characteristic can never be
beneficial. Rather, our proposition is that one is
more beneficial than the other because of the
characteristics of the phase and the associated
need. Future research could identify conditions
under which one element is more or less benefi-
cial than another, and vice versa. Another poten-
tially fruitful and interesting avenue for future
research is the role of cognitive networks. Given
the importance of changing frames, the anteced-
ents of changing frames and how they affect the
choice of activated networks deserve further ex-
ploration. Possible mechanisms worth exploring
include creators’cognitive approaches, as recent
literature seems to suggest (L ¨
uscher & Lewis,
2008), or their expertise. In fact, creators’expertise,
or the extent creators have experienced creative
success, has a variety of interesting additional
implications. For example, the need to borrow
structural holes may be lower for expert creators
than for novices, but the need for weak ties to
generate the next big idea may be more impor-
tant. Finally, future research could measure and
test the mechanisms implied by our theorization
of primary needs. For example, research could
explore whether weak ties foster generation via
cognitive flexibility, as we theorize, or if the pos-
itive effect of closure is due to a shared vision.
In conclusion, this article posits that different
network elements are beneficial at different
points of the idea journey, and that an idea’ssuc-
cessful journey depends on the creator’s changing
frames and activating different networks. In doing
creativity, and innovation, and we offer a useful
framework to solve existing theoretical debates
and guide future research.
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