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Life Cycle Analysis of Tissue Paper Manufacturing From Virgin Pulp or Recycled Waste Paper


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this work is to compare the environmental impacts of two production processes of tissue paper using virgin pulp (virgin fiber) or waste paper pulp (recycled fiber). This comparison is based on the materials and energy used as well as emissions and waste resulting from the production of tissue paper. Life cycle assessment (LCA), ReCiPe method, was chosen as the analysis tool. The results of the research proved that electricity has the most considerable participation in the overall environmental impacts in both production processes, followed by either virgin pulp or heat. Consequently, these two production processes are the greatest contributors to the following midpoint environmental impact categories: human toxicity, climate change, human health and ecosystems, and fossil depletion. The analysis based on endpoint impact categories proved that the production process based on waste paper is more environmentally friendly than the one based on virgin pulp in all impact categories: human health, ecosystems, resources. This is largely because of its lower material and energy requirements in the entire life cycle. Due to the fact that the tissue paper is the final use of fiber, using recycled waste paper is strongly recommended. The obtained research results are a valuable source of management information for the decision makers at both company and national levels required to improve the environmental performance of tissue paper production.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Management and Production Engineering Review
Volume 6 Number 3 September 2015 pp. 47–54
DOI: 10.1515/mper-2015-0025
Aneta Masternak-Janus, Magdalena Rybaczewska-Błażejowska
Kielce University of Technology, Department of Production Engineering, Poland
Corresponding author:
Magdalena Rybaczewska-Błażejowska
Kielce University of Technology
Department of Production Engineering
Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
phone: (+48) 41 342-42-52
Received: 22 April 2015 Abstract
Accepted: 7 July 2015 The aim of this work is to compare the environmental impacts of two production processes
of tissue paper using virgin pulp (virgin fiber) or waste paper pulp (recycled fiber). This
comparison is based on the materials and energy used as well as emissions and waste resulting
from the production of tissue paper. Life cycle assessment (LCA), ReCiPe method, was
chosen as the analysis tool. The results of the research proved that electricity has the most
considerable participation in the overall environmental impacts in both production processes,
followed by either virgin pulp or heat. Consequently, these two production processes are the
greatest contributors to the following midpoint environmental impact categories: human
toxicity, climate change, human health and ecosystems, and fossil depletion. The analysis
based on endpoint impact categories proved that the production process based on waste
paper is more environmentally friendly than the one based on virgin pulp in all impact
categories: human health, ecosystems, resources. This is largely because of its lower material
and energy requirements in the entire life cycle. Due to the fact that the tissue paper is
the final use of fiber, using recycled waste paper is strongly recommended. The obtained
research results are a valuable source of management information for the decision makers
at both company and national levels required to improve the environmental performance of
tissue paper production.
life cycle assessment (LCA), tissue paper, recycled waste paper, virgin pulp.
Poland produces approximately 425 000 of tissue
paper annually accounting for 13% of total paper
and board production. That makes Poland the 15th
largest tissue paper manufacturer in the world and
6th largest in the European Union, just after Italy,
Germany, France, UK and Spain [1]. The production
of tissue paper covers toilet paper, kitchen tow-
els, tablecloths, napkins and wipes, but toilet paper
dominates the market. There are nearly 300 000 of
toilet paper produce in Poland yearly, 2/3 of which
is domestically consumed [2].
Fibrous material mix is used for the production
of tissue paper in Poland, estimated at 60/40 of re-
cycled waste paper to market virgin pulp [1]. This
production of tissue paper, both of virgin pulp (vir-
gin fiber) and waste paper pulp (recycled fiber) is
associated with significant environmental impacts re-
sulting from the consumption of raw materials and
energy, as well as emissions to air, water and soil.
Considering that the processes of producing paper
from both types of masses are analogous to one an-
other, it is believed that their burdens on the en-
vironment are almost the same [3]. However, the
use of waste paper as the main raw material does
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Management and Production Engineering Review
not require an additional investment of time, en-
ergy and money, and it may also bring econom-
ic and environmental benefits. Almost each type of
used paper can be put into production again, mul-
tiplying the potential profits of entrepreneurs [4].
The production of recycled waste paper reduces the
use of forest timber, helping to conserve natural re-
This paper is divided into two main sections.
The first section outlines the environmental system
analysis method employed in the research, Life cy-
cle assessment (LCA). The second section presents
and discusses the results of LCA for the produc-
tion processes of tissue paper using virgin paper
or waste paper pulp. Only after thorough assess-
ment of the ecological balance of both manufacturing
processes, taking into account input factors (energy,
materials, water) and output factors (air emissions,
sludge, waste), it is possible to answer the question
of which of these processes is more environmentally
The life cycle assessment (LCA) framework is
the most commonly used technique of life cycle
management (LCM) for evaluating the environmen-
tal performance of products and services. Recent-
ly, the European Commission has issued the rec-
ommendations on the use of common methods to
measure and communicate the life cycle environ-
mental performance of products and organizations
(2013/179/UE). The methods are based on LCA
methodology and, thus, cover multi criteria environ-
mental evaluation of goods and services. It is as-
sumed that LCA methods become a part of oblig-
atory regulations in the area of environmental pro-
tection, energy efficiency, green tenders, competitive-
ness and other actions contributing to the develop-
ment of green economy [2]. Consequently, the appli-
cation of LCA methodology in the Pulp and Paper
Industry may help to improve the environmental per-
formance of this sector and its products and, there-
fore, is worldwide applied [5–8].
The study is fully in respect to international stan-
dards ISO 14040 and 14044 and consists of four phas-
es: goal and scope definition, inventory of all in-
puts and outputs related to the production processes
(LCI, life cycle inventory), assessment of the poten-
tial impacts associated with these inputs and out-
puts (LCIA, life cycle impact assessment) and in-
terpretation of the impact assessment results (see
Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Model of life cycle assessment (LCA) [9].
Goal and scope of the analysis
The main aim of this research is to determine the
environmental impacts that arise from manufactur-
ing of tissue paper using virgin pulp or waste pa-
per pulp. In doing so, the research bring several out-
comes. First and foremost, this enables the compar-
ison of the above two production processes, based
upon the same methodology (LCA) and life cycle
impact assessment method (LCIA, ReCiPe method).
As a consequence, it proves that LCA is a valuable
alternative for the modeling of current and future
tissue paper production process that can be incor-
porated into the calculation of eco-efficiency, the im-
plementation of eco-management and audit scheme
(EMAS) and eco-labeling.
The scope of the study directly stems from the
goal and thus covers two alternative tissue paper
production processes. Description of the production
processes refers to the report of “The Best Available
Techniques (BAT), Guidelines for the Pulp and Pa-
per Industry” [3].
Functional unit
The functional unit is a key element of LCA and
provides a reference to which the inputs and outputs
can be related [10]. In this LCA study, the functional
unit of the system is defined as 1 ton of produced tis-
sue paper. A special attention was paid to the func-
tional equivalency of the products since only then
their life cycles (production processes) can be com-
pared [11].
System boundaries and unit processes
The system boundaries determine which unit
processes ought to be included in the LCA study [12].
Generally, LCA is a “cradle-to-grave” approach and
covers the whole product life cycle from the raw ma-
terial extraction through the manufacturing and use
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Management and Production Engineering Review
stage to disposal. However, it can be equally applied
to the selected stages of a product’s or process’s life
cycle [13, 14].
The life cycle of tissue paper manufactured
from virgin pulp includes the following processes:
the wood logging, the pulp and chemicals making
processes, the tissue paper production, and, finally,
the use and disposal of tissue paper. In the presented
study, the system boundaries have been restricted
from the point that the main raw material has been
delivered to the mills manufacturing papers to the
point where the final products are made. The process
flows of tissue paper manufactured from virgin pulp
and the system boundaries that cover the tissue
paper production are illustrated in Fig. 2. The tis-
sue paper production has two basic units: the stock
preparation and the paper making process in the
paper machine. The stock preparation consists of
the following stages: fiber slushing, the removal of
impurities, fiber refining. Finally, the pulp is fed to
a paper machine where it is formed and most its
properties are determined.
Fig. 2. Process flows of tissue paper production from virgin pulp.
Fig. 3. Process flows of tissue paper production from recycled waste paper.
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Management and Production Engineering Review
Regarding the tissue paper manufactured from
the recycled waste paper, the complete life cycle
covers the following processes: the collection and
pre-treatment of waste paper, the tissue paper pro-
duction and the treatment of waste from the produc-
tion processes, the use of tissue paper and, finally,
its disposal. Due to the fact that a numerous of for-
mer studies proved that all the above enumerated
unit processes, despite the production phase, have
minor environmental impacts on the life cycle of tis-
sue paper, they were excluded from the analysis [10,
15, 16]. Figure 3 presents the process flows of tissue
paper production from recycled waste paper and the
system boundaries that cover the tissue paper pro-
duction. The main stages of the recycled waste paper
preparation cover: waste paper storage, repulping of
the dry recovered waste paper, mechanical removal
of impurities (screening, cleaning) and bleaching. Fi-
nally, the pulp is pumped to the storage chests that
serve as a buffer between the stock preparation and
paper machine [3].
Inventory analysis
Life cycle inventory (LCI) covers the collection
and quantification of inputs and outputs for a giv-
en product or process system throughout its life
cycle [17]. Consequently, data collection is carried
out in order to draw up a comprehensive balance of
the energy, materials and chemicals taken from the
environment that enter the system and that leave
the system as emissions to the environment [18,
19]. A summary inventory of environmental flows of
the system of tissue paper production covers: virgin
pulp or waste paper pulp, water, electricity, heat,
resin, starch and dyes (as inputs), and air emis-
sions, water emissions and solid waste (as outputs)
(see Fig. 4). All the data refer to the defined fun-
Fig. 4. The general scheme of inventory analysis of tissue
paper mill.
ctional unit that is 1 ton of tissue paper. The prima-
ry source of data was the report on “The Best Avail-
able Techniques (BAT). Guidelines for the Pulp and
Paper Industry” since the majority of Polish paper
mills producing tissue paper fulfill the environmental
requirements of BAT [3, 4].
Results and discussion
The LCA analysis of the two systems of tis-
sue paper manufacturing was done using the soft-
ware of SimaPro8 and the ReCiPe method. This
LCIA method comprises harmonized category indi-
cators at two levels: eighteen midpoint indicators (in-
cluding climate change, terrestrial acidification, fresh
water eutrophication, photochemical oxidant forma-
tion, particulate matter formation, fossil depletion)
and three endpoint indicators (Resources, Ecosys-
tems, Human Health) [20]. The indicator scores are
a measure of the environmental load of a product or
In this study, the inventory (LCI) results of the
product systems are presented as the process trees
(see Figs. 5 and 6). The thickness of the line repre-
sents the total environmental load of the each process
according to the ReCiPe Endpoint score.
Fig. 5. The process tree for the tissue paper production
from virgin pulp.
Fig. 6. The process tree for the tissue paper production
from recycled waste paper.
In the case of the tissue paper made of virgin
pulp, electricity has the most considerable participa-
tion in the overall environmental impacts, followed
by virgin pulp. In total they cover nearly 80% of all
the negative impacts on the environment that occur
during the process of tissue paper production. The
usage of electricity generates as much as 56.5% of
the impact on the environment, which results from
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Management and Production Engineering Review
the energy consumption characteristic of paper in-
dustry and negative consequences arising from the
processes of electricity production. The generation
of electricity in Poland is almost entirely based on
the solid fossil fuels hard coal and brown coal,
and therefore, it is highly burdensome for the en-
vironment, causing the production of mostly consid-
erable emission of gas pollution and constant side
combustion products. Significant amounts of energy
absorbed in order to maintain the motion of engines
in machines and devices used in the tissue paper
production process, influence degradation and pol-
lution of the natural environment. In particular, the
Through-Air Drying process (TAD) is highly ener-
gy consuming, since during that process it is neces-
sary to warm the huge amounts of air. Furthermore,
making frequent changes of grade and color of tis-
sue paper in the paper machine slightly decrease the
efficiency of raw materials’ usage, energy included.
Degradation of the natural environment in the tis-
sue paper production process also results from the
usage of virgin pulp whose production involves such
significant environmental aspects as: raw materials’
usage, including wood, the usage of chemicals and
energy, emissions to the air, emission of pollution in-
to the wastewater and the creation of the solid waste.
Considering the environmental impact of individual
input factors, it is evident that the electricity dom-
inates some impact categories, for instance human
toxicity, freshwater eutrophication, freshwater and
marine ecotoxicity, while virgin pulp dominates oth-
ers, mostly urban and agricultural land occupation,
terrestrial ecotoxicity (see Fig. 7).
Corresponding the data inventory, four inputs
were identified that have the greatest environmental
load during the tissue paper production from waste
paper. These are electricity, heat, resin and starch
(see Fig. 6). They constitute 92.08% of environmen-
tal impacts of all materials and substances used dur-
ing the manufacturing process of the tissue paper
from waste paper. Out of these four inputs, electrici-
ty consumption accounts for 73.3% and thus has the
largest contribution in the environmental impacts.
Similar trend occurs when the contribution of ener-
gy in the individual impact categories is considered
(see Fig. 8). Consequently, in all categories, despite
ozone depletion, the electricity has the largest share.
In the case of the following impact categories: hu-
man toxicity, freshwater eutrophication, freshwater
and marine ecotoxicity, urban land occupation and
natural land transformation, the share of electricity
exceeds 90%.
Fig. 7. Characterization of the tissue paper production from virgin pulp.
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Management and Production Engineering Review
Fig. 8. Characterization of the tissue paper production from recycled waste paper.
The production of tissue paper from recycled
waste paper requires large quantities of electricity
for driving the machinery (approximately one third
is consumed during thickening and dispersion) and
wastewater treatment. At the same time, a consid-
erable amount of steam is used for heating of wa-
ter, pulp, air and chemicals to the demanded process
temperature and for drying the paper. To meet the
need for electricity and steam, the tissue paper mills
either buy electricity from the public grid and gen-
erate heat internally or apply co-generated heat and
power installations (CHP). The second solution is far
more environmentally friendly, due to its high total
yield, up to 80%.
Both the tissue paper production from virgin
pulp and from recycled waste paper are the greatest
contributors to the following midpoint environmen-
tal impact categories: human toxicity, climate change
human health and ecosystems, and fossil deple-
tion, which constitute 49.85%, 15.85% and 12.65%,
and 12.35% on average, respectively (Table 1). The
achieved results confirmed that paper mills are the
source of considerable water emissions (COD, BOD),
solid waste (discards, sewage sludge) and air emis-
sions (CO2, NOX)associated with the production
of energy by burning fossil fuels. In the case of the
tissue paper made of virgin pulp, harvesting forest
lands to procure the wood for pulping makes an ad-
ditional environmental burden that contribute to the
agricultural land occupation impact category (6.5%).
Table 1
Environmental impact assessment of tissue paper production
in the midpoint impact categories.
Impact categories
from virgin
from waste
Climate change
Human Health 15.4% 16.3%
Human toxicity 47.4% 52.3%
Climate change
Ecosystems 12.3% 13%
Agricultural land
occupation 6.5% 0.3%
Fossil depletion 12.2% 12.5%
Others 6.2% 5.6%
Tissue paper manufacturing from virgin pulp is
more environmentally intensive than from recycle
waste paper in all endpoint impact categories: hu-
man health, ecosystems and resources (see Fig. 9).
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Management and Production Engineering Review
As a result, the overall environmental impact of the
production process of tissue paper from virgin pulp is
larger by 0.4 Pt. Although there are plenty reasons
for such dissimilarities, the major one seems to be
use of raw materials (the wood pulp) and related to
it deforestation, fossil fuel emissions that arise from
the transportation and, finally, use of water, energy
and chemicals during pulp making process.
Fig. 9. Environmental impact assessment of tissue paper
production in the endpoint impact categories.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) of tissue paper man-
ufacturing proved that using recycled waste paper
instead of virgin pulp is beneficial from the envi-
ronmental point of view. Most importantly, it al-
lows reducing the consumption of wood resources
that otherwise will be lost forever, since tissue pa-
per is the last stage of the fibers’ use. To im-
prove the environmental profile of both tissue pa-
per production processes, it is recommended to
implement co-generated heat and power installa-
tions (CHP).
The results presented in this publication were ob-
tained as a result of studies carried out under the
framework of the project “Perspektywy RSI Świę-
tokrzyskie IV etap”, No WND POKL.08.02.02
26 001/12 European Social Fund, Human Cap-
ital Operational Programme, Priority VIII Regional
human resources, Measure 8.2. Knowledge Transfer,
Submeasure 8.2.2 Regional Innovation Strategies.
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... The tissue paper production from virgin materials has two basic units: the stock preparation and the paper making process in the paper machine. The stock preparation consists of the following stages: fibre refining, the removal of impurities, and finally the pulp is fed to a paper machine where it is formed and most of its properties are determined (Masternak-Janus & Rybaczewska-Błażejowska, 2015). In addition, the process of tissue paper manufactured from recycled waste paper is as follows: waste paper storage, repulping of the dry recovered waste paper, mechanical removal of impurities (screening, cleaning) and bleaching. ...
... In addition, the process of tissue paper manufactured from recycled waste paper is as follows: waste paper storage, repulping of the dry recovered waste paper, mechanical removal of impurities (screening, cleaning) and bleaching. Finally, the pulp is pumped to the storage chests that serve as a buffer between the stock preparation and paper machine (Masternak-Janus & Rybaczewska-Błażejowska, 2015;Michniewicz et al., 2005). ...
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The value chain (VC) system is a key way to address important sanitation technological and institutional gaps in production and service delivery and could constitute a natural platform for development actions and also serve as a market systems approach to improve access to safely-managed sanitation. It has been suggested that sanitation could boost local and national economies and global interconnections with a growing recognition that the private sector can play a bigger role in delivering the Sustainable Development Goal for sanitation, and help businesses understand value-added and product opportunities. This book proposes a pathway towards re-thinking the sanitation value chain (SVC) and suggests that it should cover all processes, activities and products of enterprises/actors in the sanitation supply chain that provide value-added services within each stage. Following the Regenerative Sanitation Principles, this book presents a new perspective to the SVC known as the ‘integrated functional sanitation value chain’ (IFSVC) to address operational functions within sanitation systems in combination with sanitation enterprises, operators and external actors that support the growth of the sanitation economy. The underlying premise of this book is that the IFSVC represents a new perspective that would have major social, environmental and economic implications for local, national, regional and global sanitation service delivery. It is hoped that researchers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, government officials and funders will find this book valuable, and be inspired and enabled to carry sanitation work forward in their own spheres of operation. The book gives several examples of encouraging developments, particularly in technical and business model innovation. It is our hope that this book will provide the stimulus for new learning and its application, particularly through cross-disciplinary and cross-sector partnerships that bring together all the skills and capabilities needed to deliver a fully effective IFSVC. ISBN: 9781789061833 (print) ISBN: 9781789061840 (eBook) ISBN: 9781789061857 (ePUB)
... Wellenreuther et al. [34] also concluded that the main hotspot is paper production, although the main causes have not been identified. Furthermore, Masternak-Janus and Rybaczewska-Błażejowska [35] showed that electricity from the national grid is a major hotspot in the production of tissue paper from virgin pulp. Ingwersen et al. [9] reported that pulp production is the largest hotspot. ...
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The environmental performance of tissue paper varies greatly based on factors such as the type of fibre used as the raw material, the production process and the fuels used to meet the energy requirements. One possible strategy to decrease greenhouse gas emissions in tissue production is the integration of pulp and paper mills and their energy systems at the same site. However, the environmental trade-offs associated with this strategy are still unclear. Therefore, this study aimed (i) to assess for the first time the environmental impacts of tissue paper produced at a typical industrial site in Portugal using slush and market pulp as the main raw material, and (ii) to assess the environmental effects of the integration of bioenergy produced in the pulp mill in tissue production. A life cycle assessment was conducted from cradle to gate using real data from the production of eucalyptus wood, eucalyptus pulp and tissue paper. The results showed that energy consumption in tissue paper production is the main hotspot for most impact categories. When bioenergy is used in tissue production, the environmental impacts decrease by up to 20% for categories other than marine eutrophication and mineral resource scarcity. These results are relevant to support decision making concerning sustainable practices not only for the pulp and paper industry but also for the authorities in charge of defining environmental policies, incentives and tax regulations.
... Paper is an indispensable and multifunctional material that we utilize in our daily lives, for instance, in newspapers and packaging. However, the production of paper necessitates the utilization of natural resources like trees, water, and electricity Masternak-Janus & Rybaczewska-Błażejowska, 2015;Ozola et al., 2019;Rahman et al., 2014;Villanueva & Wenzel, 2007). As the demand for paper increases, the risk of natural resource depletion amplifies as well. ...
... There has been a growing emphasis on reusing pre-and post-consumer fibers despite their increasing supply chain and quality limitations [71,106]. According to the 2017-2023 tissue benchmarking study conducted by the Tissue Pack Innovation Lab at NC State University, the offering of products made from recycled fibers in the United States has increased by 6% for kitchen towels and 13% for bath tissue [102]. ...
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Background: The pulp and paper industry (P&PI) is undergoing significant disruption driven by global megatrends that necessitate advanced tools for predicting future behavior and adapting strategies accordingly. Methods: This work utilizes a multi-criteria framework to quantify the effects of digitalization, changes in social behavior, and sustainability as three major megatrends transforming the P&PI industry, with a specific focus on hygiene tissue products. Thus, the research combines a comprehensive literature review, insights from a Delphi study, and topic modeling to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the present and future impacts of these global megatrends. Results: The findings suggest an urgent need to identify alternative raw materials to prevent potential supply chain disruptions. Moreover, due to shifts in social behavior, it becomes critical for businesses to substantiate their sustainability claims with hard data to avoid the risk of a “greenwashing” perception among consumers. Conclusions: This study provides decision support for strategic planning by highlighting actionable insights, quantitative predictions, and trend analysis, alongside the examination of consumer and market trends. It aims to incorporate diverse stakeholder perspectives and criteria into decision-making processes, thereby enriching the strategic planning and sustainability efforts within the P&PI industry.
... ReCiPe 2016 is a wellestablished method for the impacts assessment and one of the most used in the LCA studies of the waste sector (Khoo, 2019;Le Hesran et al., 2020) by virtue of its holistic approach that allows take into account several environmental issues (Fernández-Braña et al., 2020) through the selection of 18 impact categories at midpoint level and three damage categories at endpoint level: human health, ecosystems, and resources (Huijbregts et al., 2017). Both midpoint and endpoint approaches were adopted in the study, according to other previous study on the LCA of several wastes, including paper waste Masternak-Janus and Rybaczewska-Błażejowska, 2015;Mainardis et al., 2021). In fact, midpoint indicator analysis provided detailed information of the environmental impact of the avoided product on different relevant categories, useful in identifying specific hotspots and improvement opportunities, while endpoint indicator analysis allowed a more integrated and consistent comparison of different impact Table 2 Pulper rejects composition for each EOL scenario after the specific pretreatments. ...
... The authors pointed out that impacts associated with electricity consumption from a specific grid could vary significantly in the short and in the long term due to supply mix variation. In general, since electricity and thermal energy demand dominate the Resource use, fossil (or fossil depletion) impact category in wastepaper recycling, their supply mixes have great influence on the results, as stated by many authors (see, e.g., Gemechu et al., 2013;Masternak-Janus and Rybaczewska-Błazejowska, 2015). These findings are reflected in this study in the sensitivity analysis (see • Figure 38), especially in the scenario with lower recycling rate (70%) compared to the Baseline scenario (around 84%). ...
Technical Report
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Ramboll has been appointed by the European Federation of corrugated Board Manufacturers (FEFCO or the Client) as technical consultant for conducting a peer reviewed comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study for B2B transport packaging solutions for the food segment—a recyclable corrugated solution and a reusable plastic crate—in accordance with ISO standards 14040 and 14044. This is conducted as a basis for discussion with authority representatives on the current legal developments within the European Union regarding circular economy and waste prevention.
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Studies were carried out to assess the deposits of selected heavy metals (Pb and Cd) in toilet tissues sold in markets within the Enugu metropolis, Enugu State using standard analytical procedures and instrumentation. The samples underwent digestion and were subsequently analyzed for heavy metals using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Toilet tissue samples A, B, C, and D had mean Pb values of 0.121±0.071, 0.258±0.040, 0.205±0.076, and 0.302±0.014 µg/g respectively. The mean Cd levels in the toilet tissue samples A, B, C, and D were 0.062±0.022, 0.037±0.008, 0.097±0.005, and 0.012±0.002µg/g respectively. The mean values of the investigated heavy metals were statistically significant in the studied toilet tissue samples. The toilet tissue samples, whether of high quality or low quality, poorly packaged or well packaged, had mean values of the studied metals within the recommended threshold limits.
A two‐step process of coagulation/flocculation followed by a simultaneous dual process (photocatalysis + photo‐Fenton) is developed to treat real pulp and paper (P and P) industry wastewater. The rigid stout color wastewater was treated using a sunlight‐responsive and cost‐effective Fe‐TiO2 composite using recirculating photoreactor with a total working volume of 4L. The key point of this study is that the treatment is done in very less time (90 min) and it incorporates the idea of circular economy, as the composite is fabricated out of industrial rejects. The further intensification of the process was done by proper process optimization of both approaches. With an initial concentration of stout color (0.78 AU) and COD (2200 mg/L), the optimized conditions gave a good reduction in % color and % COD i.e. 64.1% and 41.8% (1280 mg/l) after coagulation/flocculation and 89.74% and 53.12% (600 mg/l) after dual respectively. The composite was characterized by using various techniques like FESEM/EDAX, UV‐vis DRS, XRD, etc. to check the catalyst composition, complexes formed between Fe‐TiO2, and the catalyst intactness in both fresh and 50 times recycled composite. A trapping study was also performed using various quenchers to confirm that OH• plays a major role in the present study amongst other radicals produced where 55‐60% drop in color removal was seen. In order to foresee the commercial use of this study, the process' cost was also estimated.
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Municipal solid waste management is a matter experienced by the entire world, mostly encountered in urban areas as a result of population growth and increased income per capita. This issue always posed threats to environmental quality and human health, and continues to be one of the major environmental problems people continues to face. In the last few decades, the systems analysis techniques have been applied to manage the municipal solid waste (MSW) streams through a range of integrative methodologies so as to fulfill the necessity to ensure sustainable development of MSW. The new Waste Directive 2008/98/EC it focuses on the need for choosing appropriate technologies that aim at improving the protection of human health and environment, promoting reuse and recycling, enhancing waste prevention programs via biowaste separate collection. New strategies at European level to promote life cycle thinking in waste management policies were motivated by the scarcity of resources. In this paper Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was applied to analyze and evaluate, from an environmental point of view, different municipal solid waste management (MSWM) scenarios and tissue paper manufacturing processes (two scenarios) based on virgin and recovered fibers.
Conference Paper
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The intention of this article is to present an innovative approach to life cycle assessment (LCA) procedure by integrating it with the GS1 system. Consequently, the key features of both LCA and GS1 system are discussed. Subsequently, a general framework of improving model of LCA use with GS1 System on-line database resources supporting role is presented.
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Goal, Scope and BackgroundThe environmental sustainability is one of the current priorities of the Portuguese pulp and paper industry. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was the methodology chosen to evaluate the sustainability of the printing and writing paper production activity. This paper grade represents about 60% of the total production of paper in Portugal and its production is expected to increase in the near future. The main goal of this study was to assess the potential environmental impacts associated with the entire life cycle of the printing and writing paper produced in Portugal from Eucalyptus globulus pulp and consumed in Germany, in order to identify the processes with the largest environmental impacts. Another goal of this study was to evaluate the effect on the potential environmental impacts of changing the market where the Portuguese printing and writing paper is consumed: German market vs. Portuguese market. MethodsThe main stages considered in this study were: forestry, pulp production, paper production, paper distribution, and paper final disposal. Transports and production of chemicals, fuels and energy in the grid were also included in these stages. Whenever possible and feasible, average or typical data from industry were collected. The remaining data were obtained from the literature and specialised databases. A quantitative impact assessment was performed for five impact categories: global warming over 100 years, acidification, eutrophication, non-renewable resource depletion and photochemical oxidant formation. ResultsIn the German market scenario, the paper production stage was a remarkable hot spot for air emissions (non-renewable CO2, NOx and SO2) and for non-renewable energy consumption, and, consequently, for the impact categories that consider these parameters: global warming, acidification and non-renewable resource depletion. These important environmental impacts are due to the energy requirements in the printing and writing paper production process, which are fulfilled by on-site fuel oil burning and consumption of electricity from the national grid, which is mostly based on the use of fossil fuels. The pulp production stage was identified as the largest contributor to water emissions (COD and AOX) and to eutrophication. Considering that energy consumed by the pulp production processes comes from renewable fuels, this stage was also the most contributing to renewable energy consumption. DiscussionThe paper distribution stage showed an important contribution to NOx emissions, which, however, did not result in a major contribution to acidification or eutrophication. The final disposal stage was the main contributor to the photochemical oxidant formation potential due to CH4 emissions from wastepaper landfilling. On the other hand, paper consumption in Portugal was environmentally more favourable than in Germany for the parameters/impact categories where the paper distribution stage has a significant contribution (non-renewable CO2, NOx, non-renewable energy consumption, acidification, eutrophication and non-renewable resource depletion) due to shorter distances needed to deliver paper to the consumers. For the remaining parameters/impact categories, the increase observed in the final disposal stage in the Portuguese market was preponderant, and resulted from the existence of significant differences in the final disposal alternatives in the analysed markets (recycling dominates in Germany, whereas landfilling dominates in Portugal). ConclusionsThe pulp and paper production stages were found to be of significance for almost all of the inventory parameters as well as for the impact assessment categories. The paper distribution and the final disposal stages were only of importance for some of the inventory parameters and some of the impact categories. The forestry stage played a minor role in the environmental impacts generated during the paper life cycle. The consumption of paper in Portugal led to a decrease in the environmental burdens of the paper distribution stage, but to an increase in the environmental burdens of the final disposal stage, when compared with the consumption of paper in Germany. Recommendations and PerspectivesThis study provides useful information that can assist the pulp and paper industry in the planning of future investments leading to an increase in its sustainability. The results of inventory analysis and impact assessment show the processes that play an important role in each impact category, which allow the industry to improve its environmental performance, making changes not only in the production process itself, but also in the treatment of flue gases and liquid effluents. Besides that concern regarding pollution prevention, other issues with relevance to the context of sustainability, such as the energy consumption, can also be dealt with.
A life cycle assessment was conducted using IMPACT2002+ to estimate the environmental impact of producing printing and writing paper, which is entirely made with wastepaper. To confirm and add credibility to the study, uncertainty analysis was conducted using Taylor series expansion. Printing and writing paper produced from wood pulp was assessed for comparison. Compared with the wood pulp contained scenario, printing and writing paper made from wastepaper represented environmental benefit on non-carcinogens, respiratory inorganics, global warming, and non-renewable energy categories. In both scenarios , the technologies significantly contribute to the potential impacts of non-carcinogens, respiratory inorganics, terrestrial ecotoxicity, global warming, and non-renewable energy. The influence of the technologies on the way other categories affect the environment was negligible. Improved efficiency in electricity consumption, decreased transport distance from raw material buyers to suppliers, and change in the end-life treatment of solid waste from landfill to incineration are the key factors in reducing the overall environmental impact.
Purpose The aim of this work is to compare greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from producing tissue paper from virgin pulp (VP) or recycled waste paper (RWP). In doing so, the study aims to inform decision makers at both company and national levels which are the main causes of emissions and to suggest the actions required to reduce pollution. Methods An attributional life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed in order to estimate and compare the GHG emissions of the two processes. LCA allows us to assess how the choice of raw material for VP and RWP processes influences total GHG emissions of tissue paper production, what are the main drivers behind these emissions and how do the direct materials; energy requirements and transportation contribute to the generation of emissions. The cradle-to-gate approach is carried out. Results and discussion The results show that demands for both thermal energy and electricity are higher for the RWP than for the VP if only the manufacturing stages are considered. However, a different picture emerges when the analysis looks at the entire life cycle of the production. GHG from the VP are about 30 % higher than the RWP, over the life cycle emitting 568 kg CO2 eq more per kilogram of tissue paper. GHG emissions from the wood pulping alone were 559 g CO2 eq per kilogram of tissue paper, three times higher than waste paper collection and transportation. Conclusions In terms of GHG emissions from cradle to gate, the recycled process less intensive than the virgin one for two reasons. First, as shown in the results the total GHG emissions from RWP are lower than those from VP due to relatively lower energy and material requirements. Second is the non-recyclability nature of tissue paper. Because the tissue paper is the last use of fibre, using RWP as an input would be preferable over using VP. The environmental profile of the tissue products both from RWP and VP can be improved if the following conditions are considered by the company. First, the company should consider implementing a cogeneration unit to simultaneously generate both useful heat and electricity. Second, it may consider changing the VP mix, in order to avoid the emissions associated with long distance transpiration effort. Third, there is the option of using sludge as fuel, which would reduce the total fossil fuel requirement.
Pulp and paper industry is facing challenges such as resource scarcity and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The objective of this research is to investigate whether the use of new coatings (micro or nano TiO2) and different pulp types could bring savings in wood, energy, GHG emissions and other environmental impacts in comparison with conventional printing and writing paper. We studied three types of pulp, namely i) unbleached virgin kraft pulp, ii) recovered fiber, and iii) high yield virgin chemithermo-mechanical pulp (CTMP). A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted from cradle to grave.
In this paper, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is applied to Portuguese printing and writing paper in order to compare the environmental impact of the use of two kinds of fuels (heavy fuel oil and natural gas) in the pulp and paper production processes. The results of inventory analysis and impact assessment show that the pulp and paper production processes play an important role in almost all of the analysed parameters, which do not always result in an important contribution to the corresponding impact categories. The substitution of heavy fuel oil by natural gas in the pulp and paper production processes seems to be environmentally positive.