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Abstract and Figures

ABSTACT The goal of this research was assessing dust load, heavy metal load and heavy metal concentrations in the dust of ambient air of Yerevan. With a view of characterizing geochemical associations in the winter of 2011-2012 a survey of snow cover was done. А dust load level on the major part of the city's territory is low, whereas in separate points sharp peaks are recorded, a daily dust load value averaging to 383 kg/ per day. This agrees with а mean pollution level and a moderate degree of hazard. A total load of heavy metals in dust varies 0.03 to 2.61, averaged 0.37 kg/ per day. Summary mass fraction of heavy metals in dust varies between 0.02 to 2.83 %, averaged 0.20%. The intensity of geochemical anomalies of heavy metals in dust is extremely high. Dominating atmospheric dust pollutants to Yerevan are Mo and Ag. 91-99% out of а summary share of heavy metals in geochemical anomalies of dust falls on Mo and Ag. MAC-exceeding values were recorded for elements of 1 st (Pb, Zn, Cd, As, Hg) and 2 nd (Mo, Cu, Co, Ni) category of hazard.
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National Academy of Sciences of RA
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ՀՀ Գիտությունների Ազգային Ակադեմիա
Национальная Академия наук РА
Электронный журнал
1(20), 2013
A. K. Saghatelyan, L. V. Sahakyan, O. А. Belyaeva, G. H. Tepanosyan, N. R. Maghakyan, M. H. Kafyan
The Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of NAS RA, Environmental Geochemistry Department, 68 Abovian, 0025 Yerevan,
Armenia; Phone: (+374 10) 572924; Fax: (+374 10) 572938; e-mail:
The goal of this research was assessing dust load, heavy metal load and heavy metal concentrations in the dust of ambient air of
Yerevan. With a view of characterizing geochemical associations in the winter of 2011-2012 a survey of snow cover was done. А
dust load level on the major part of the city’s territory is low, whereas in separate points sharp peaks are recorded, a daily dust load
value averaging to 383 kg/ per day. This agrees with а mean pollution level and a moderate degree of hazard. A total load of
heavy metals in dust varies 0.03 to 2.61, averaged 0.37 kg/ per day. Summary mass fraction of heavy metals in dust varies bet-
ween 0.02 to 2.83 %, averaged 0.20%. The intensity of geochemical anomalies of heavy metals in dust is extremely high. Domina-
ting atmospheric dust pollutants to Yerevan are Mo and Ag. 91-99% out of а summary share of heavy metals in geochemical
anomalies of dust falls on Mo and Ag. MAC-exceeding values were recorded for elements of 1st (Pb, Zn, Cd, As, Hg) and 2nd (Mo,
Cu, Co, Ni) category of hazard.
Key words: urban air pollution, dust, heavy metals, environmental geochemistry, geochemical stream
Air basin is a transit environment for diverse pollutants and particularly heavy metals in which they travel and disperse.
Most airborne metals are associated with dust particles [13, 26], transforming thus dust from a pollutant to a pollutant
holding environment. Abundant researches have been done which prove the harmful effect of dust and heavy metals on
human organism. Airborne dust is known to pose an inhalation hazard (IDA) and depending on the size of particles, it
may cause a scope of respiratory diseases (pneumoconiosis, silicosis, asthma and finally lung cancer) and cardio-
vascular, renal, hepatic dysfunctions. Through contact with the skin dust may trigger allergic reactions up to severe skin
eruptions [4, 27]. Depending of doses and ways of exposure, chemical forms as well as of a man’s age, gender, social
status, genetics, diet and many other factors, heavy metals after entering into the human organism may exert neurotoxic,
immunotoxic, nephrotoxic, fetotoxic and teratogenic effects and may also have a direct impact upon behavior of
humans and kids in particular, provoke mental and neural dysfunctions, induce attention deficit syndrome, autism, and
so on. Concluding, one should note that US Environmental Protection Agency and the Agency for Research on Cancer
have labeled heavy metals as carcinogenic (known or possible) elements [5-8, 11, 12, 24].
Air-migration stream is a significant factor in origination of man-made anomalies of heavy metals on urban sites. As
indicated, a high level of dust load in cities in combination with high concentrations of heavy metals is a risk factor to
public health [3, 24, 25]. A dust and heavy metal load issue needs to be investigated in respect to almost all urban sites,
and it is the fact which underpins selection of different research methods. Commonly, airborne dust and metals are
monitored on special stations equipped with automated dust sampling instruments [10]. Automated air sampling
methods are widely accepted nonetheless, they have a number of limitations: the equipment is expensive; maintenance
and running of such stations are labor-intensive and expensive, too. Consequently, the number of such stations is very
limited, making thus unrealistic the arrangement of a regular sampling grid. Monitoring stations are stationary, so they
cannot reflect the dynamics of anomalies under temporal and spatial changes in urban areas. That is why in atmospheric
investigations indirect alternative research methods are often more preferable.
One of alternative methods of airborne dust and metals investigations is surveying snow cover. Due to its good sorption
properties, snow absorbs the major part of dust from the ambient air [13, 17, 18].
So, the goal of this research was assessing dust load, heavy metal load and heavy metal concentrations in the dust of
ambient air of Yerevan through snow cover surveys (2011-2012).
Yerevan – the capital city of Armenia – covers an area of 227 sq. km. The natural landscape of the city’s territory is
mainly semi-desert, arid steppe and steppe. The climate is continental with rather a broad amplitude of temperature
(summer temperature: from +22 to +26oC; winter – from -20 to -30oC), precipitation 300-350 mm. The relief is rather
diverse and is represented by plains, plateaus, foothills, River Hrazdan canyon. A geological composition of the ter-
ritory is dominated by volcanic lavas, tuffs and Quaternary sediments characterized by close-to-clarke1 contents of
heavy metals. A natural geochemical association in Yerevan’s soils is characterized by a weak intensive series: Zn(9,4)
Cu(2,9) – Co(1,8)
2. The soil (mostly brown semi-desert) profile is rich in carbonates, to the lower horizon a presence of
gypsum is common, this evidencing a lack of chemical element washout and creating a good environment for heavy
metals accumulation on soil profiles [20].
Yerevan has long been not only the administrative and industrial center which comprises the impressive amount of
active industrial enterprises and produces some 43% of total industrial output of the country, but also an essential trans-
port junction of the country. Major industrial branches developed in Yerevan are food (adding beverage) production,
jewelry, chemical and metalworking industries. A large share in industrial production falls on processing industries and
particularly on food production, manufacture of finished metal items, press and printing activities, chemical and tobacco
production [9]. The city homes over 34% of total population of Armenia [14].
As result of such density of population, industries and transport a persistent stream of heavy metals has originated with
qualitative and quantitative alternations, which creates a specific man-made geochemical status of the territory of the
city, quite different from natural. So, owing to natural and man-made specificities, the pronounced geochemical anoma-
lies of heavy metals in diverse environmental compartments of Yerevan are of man-made origin [20-22].
Snow was sampled from a defined area, fixed long-term monitoring sites (Fig. 1). The snow was sampled taking pre-
cautions against sample contamination with underlying soils. Total 24 samples were collected which were then placed
in clean plastic containers and transported to the lab [17, 18].
In order to study dust load and chemical composition of dust absorbed by snow, collected samples were melted at a
room temperature. Then the melted water was filtered using standard, weighted, ash free filters. As most methods of
analysis are designated for liquid samples, so filters with dry residue were dissolved in concentrated nitric acid. The
generated liquid was filtered; the volume of filtrate gauged to 100 ml with distilled water and then filtrate was analyzed
for concentrations of eleven elements (Hg, Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Ni, Co, Zn, Cu, Ag and Mo) on AAS PE AAnalist 800 [2].
The dust load (P) was calculated by a formula (1):
P = P0 / S · t (1),
where P0 is the mass of filtered substance, S – a sampling site area, t – a fell snow layer formation time (in the
considered case – 1 day) [17, 18]. The dust load level was assessed with help of a 4-grade scale suggested by N.S.
Kasimov [13].
The load of elements (P element) is a product of P and Ci:
Pelement = Ci · P (2).
Additive sum of Pelement is a total load of heavy metals in dust [13, 18, 17].
To characterize quality and quantity indices of heavy metals anomalies in dust, arranged were ranked geochemical
series of heavy metals contents in soils graded by concentration coefficients (3):
Kc = Ci / Cb
here Ci is the contents of i metal in dust, Cb – its background contents in soils [13, 18, 17].
As an integral characteristic of pollution, the Summary Index of Concentration was calculated, as well (Zc):
where n is number of element with Kc > 1 [13, 18, 17]. This parameter characterizes only the geochemical features with
no regard for the toxicity of elements. So, to provide a sanitary and hygienic assessment, concentrations of heavy metals
in dust were collated with MAC values for soils accepted in Armenia.
KMAC = Ci / CMAC (5),
where Ci is the contents of i metal in dust, CMAC – its Maximum Acceptable Concentration in soils [15, 16].
With a goal to identify heavy metals anomalies in dust, geochemical and sanitary and hygienic series of heavy metals
were calculated and ranked according to Kc and KMAC values [18, 17].
The maps were produced applying GIS technologies through the IDW method (ArcGIS).
1 Clarke number is the average content of a chemical element in lithosphere [17,18, 23].
2 In brackets clarke-exceeding values are given.
According to snow cover survey data, the major part of the territory displays low levels of dust load (less than
250 kg/ per day). However, against the background of a low dust load level, 21% of the studied samples displayed
high dust load (varying 450-800 kg/ per day), those values corresponding to a high level of hazard. And finally
8% of samples displayed a very high dust load level (over 800 kg/ per day), which corresponds to an extremely
high level of hazard (Fig. 2). In the study period, daily dust load averaged 383 kg/¸ this corresponding to a mean
dust load and a medium level of hazard.
Fig. 2. Dust load levels according to snow survey data for Yerevan territory (2011-2012).
Heavy metal total load (HM load) in dust varies from 0.03 to 2.61 and averages to 0.37 kg/ per day (Fig. 3a).
Commonly, the value a total load of heavy metals is directly proportional to that of dust load; the two parameters show
moderate positive correlation (Fig. 3b).
The mass fraction of heavy metals in airborne dust displays two orders of magnitude (Fig. 4a): 0.02-2.83% (on average,
0.20%), however no significant correlation was established of a total load and mass fraction of heavy metals in dust
(Fig. 4b). Unprecedentedly high mass fraction of heavy metals is detected on a sampling point 6 in the vicinities of
two huge operating plants “Makoor Yerkat (Pure Iron)” and “Armenian Molybdenum Production”.
a b
Fig. 3: a) dust load and total load of heavy metals; b) correlation of dust load and total load of heavy metals.
a b
Fig. 4.: a) mass fraction of heavy metals in the atmospheric dust of Yerevan and total load of heavy metals;
b) correlation between mass fraction and total load of heavy metals.
It is noteworthy that on the average 95.3% of mass fraction of heavy metals in dust is made by five elements only,
which include elements of 1st category of hazard – Pb and Zn and 2nd category of hazard – Cu, Mo and Ni (Fig. 5). 4.7%
of the mass fraction of metals falls on Cr, Co, Ag and three toxic elements: Hg, Cd and As.
Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of atmospheric dust are clearly expressed in a geochemical series (Table 1).
As seen from data (Table 1), the main pollutants of airborne dust in the studied period are Mo and Ag, which hold the
first position of series. Mo sources in Yerevan are molybdenum processing plants, whereas major sources of Ag are
jeweler’s workshops. The established geochemical anomalies in the dust of Yerevan are characterized by high intensity,
a summary share of Mo and Ag in the intensity of geochemical anomalies making 90.6-99.8%.
Next positions in the geochemical series are held by Cu and Zn. It should be noted, that in maximal and averaged series
Pb is present, which – despite the fact that the use of ethylated gasoline was banned in 2001 – has been the major
pollutant of atmospheric dust on Yerevan’s territory.
Table 1. Geochemical series of heavy metals in atmospheric dust of Yerevan and
Summary Index of Concentrations (Zc).
Geochemical series [a] Zc
Minimum Mo
Maximum Mo
>> Ag
> Co
– Cu
> Zn
– Ni, As
Average Mo
– Ag
>> Cu
– Zn
– Pb
– Co
[a] in brackets excesses vs. geochemical background are given.
Wholly, for 38% of samples (9 samples) we established low values of Zc < 64, for 25% (6 samples) values of Zc
ranging 64 to 128, corresponding to a mean pollution level, for 13% (3 samples) – Zc values vary between 128 and 256,
this corresponding to a high pollution level, and finally for 25% of samples (6 samples) Zc > 256, which corresponds to
the extremely high level of pollution. As seen from a map of summary heavy metal pollution in dust (Fig. 6) a major
portion of the city is characterized by an extremely high level of summary pollution field. The highest values of Zc are
established for the southern – industrial – part of the city, whereas its central and northern sections display a high to
mean summary level of heavy metal pollution in snow dust.
Fig. 6. A schematic map of summary heavy metal pollution in snow dust.
With a goal of providing a sanitary and hygienic assessment, concentrations of heavy metals in dust were collated with
Maximum Acceptable Concentrations (MAC) for soils established for Armenia [2, 16]. MAC-exceeding values were
recorded for elements of 1st (Pb, Zn, Cd, As, Hg) and 2nd (Mo, Cu, Co, Ni) category of hazard. The sanitary and
hygienic series of heavy metals are visualized in Table 2. Maximal and averaged series are led by Mo. The averaged
and maximal sanitary-hygienic series are characterized by high intensity. Maximal excesses against MAC values for
heavy metal contents in snow dust were detected on the southern part of the city in the surroundings of the two metal
concentrate processing plants “Makoor Yerkat (Pure Iron)” and “Armenian Molybdenum Production”.
Table 2. Sanitary and hygienic series of heavy metals in atmospheric dust of Yerevan and their total intensity.
Sanitary and hygienic series [a] Total intensity
Minimum –
Maximum Mo
> Co
– Cd
– Cu
– Pb
> Zn
– As
– Ni
– Hg
Averaged Mo
– Cd
– Co
– Cu
– Pb
– Zn
[a] in brackets excesses vs. MAC are given
Generalizing the obtain research results, one may conclude that the southern part of the city is characterized by low and
mean levels of dust load and a large mass fraction of heavy metals in dust, whereas in respect to its northern part one
may observe quite a different picture: heavy dust load is accompanied by low values of mass fraction of heavy metals.
Works aimed at identification of sources of dust and those of heavy metal pollution in dust, are in progress.
The performed investigations support the following conclusion.
The major part of Yerevan displays low values of dust load: against such a background sharp peaks are recorded which
correspond to a high and extremely high level of hazard, as the studies advanced, on the average we detected moderate
dust loads all over the city. A total load of heavy metals (HM load) in dust varies from 0.03 to 2.61, averaged
0.37 kg/ per day. The mass fraction of heavy metals in dust varies 0.02 to 2.83%, averaged 0.20%. A major
portion of Yerevan territory exhibits a high intensity of geochemical anomalies of Mo and Ag in dust, this conditioning
an exclusively high level of summary pollution with heavy metals in dust there. MAC-exceeding values were recorded
for elements of 1st (Pb, Zn, Cd, As, Hg) and 2nd (Mo, Cu, Co, Ni) categories of hazard. The southern part of the city is
characterized by low dust loads and a large mass fraction of heavy metals in dust, whereas in the northern part heavy
dust loads are accompanied by low values of mass fraction of heavy metals.
This study was performed within the frame of a research “Investigations of geochemical stream of elements in the
atmosphere of the city of Yerevan” through a grant awarded by a State Committee of Science of the RA Ministry of
Education and Science.
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Reviewer: PhD S. H. Arevshatyan
... Air is an important environment that plays a major role in the transmission of many pollutants whether in gas or particles state, which contributes to their spread and distribution among different environments (Saghatelyan et al., 2013). The air pollutants have a very wide effect. ...
... It is well known that suspended particles contain high concentration of many toxic metals such as cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, zinc (Radulescu et al., 2015), and heavy metals attached to the particles suspended in the air can be enter to the human body through direct inhalation or by ingestion, especially in children or through absorption through the skin, which leads to health damage to humans (Wan et al., 2016). After entering the body, heavy metals may causes various effects such as neurological, renal, hepatic, and immunological toxicity; and congenital malformations; and may directly affect human behavior, especially children; and may cause brain and nervous system dysfunction and leads to attention deficit syndrome (Saghatelyan et al., 2013). ...
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This is an Open Access Journal / article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. All rights reserved. The current study was conducted to estimate heavy metals pollution in the atmospheric total suspended particles (TSP) in Al-Diwaniyah city. To achieve this, seven sites were identified in different directions within the city center. The results showed that the seasonal mean of Pb, Cr, Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations ranged between 0.1-3.19, 0.07-0.33, 0.018-0.059, 0.73-5.25 and 0.74-2.34 μg.m-3 respectively. The findings showed that the annual mean of the lead and cadmium at all sites exceeded the WHO guideline criteria of air pollutants. The results also showed local variation depending on the differences of human activities and seasonal variation according to the metrological variables.
... However, there are also data published later which is close to the values obtained in the past Vilnius or sometimes even higher. For example, in the study by Galitskaya and Rumyantseva (2012), the range of snow-cover E L values in Lefortovo park (Moscow) was 21.0-203, i.e. slightly lower than in Vilnius, while the mean E L in Yerevan was 383 mg m -2 day -1 (Saghatelyan et al. 2013), i.e. 2.1 times exceeded the value in Vilnius. ...
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The research is based on analysis data of Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, Zn (metals) and S in the hair of 47 girls and 63 boys from eight Vilnius kindergartens and the distribution pattern of high metal concentrations and bioavailability in snow-cover dust, also dust samples from vents of characteristic pollution sources. The kindergartens were selected according to topsoil total contamination index and dust-related indices. Significantly higher Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn concentrations in the hair of girls (means are 1.1, 1.9, 1.3, 1.2 times higher) and the differences between hair of genders according to inter-element correlation and clustering were found. Analysis of Spearman correlation coefficients between metal concentrations in hair of each gender and dust metal concentrations or metal loading rates at their residence sites revealed that for Mn, Cu and Zn, they are insignificant, while for Cr, Ni, Pb and V, they are mainly significant positive (except V in female hair). The correlation of the contents of Cr, Ni and V in dust with respective concentrations in hair was more significant for boys (p < 0.001) than for girls. Only a few cases with a significant Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb and Zn increase were revealed in hair of children attending polluted kindergartens in comparison with control. It was concluded that relationship between metal concentrations in hair and dust-related indices is more expressed for children's residence sites than for their kindergarten sites. The gender-based grouping and site-by-site study design are recommended in the studies of reflection of environmental exposure in hair.
... In turn, the quality of green areas largely predetermines that of urban environment and ultimately -the health of urban population [5-7, 11-13, 23]. This is especially true in respect of Yerevan-Armenia's capital, which for several decades has been exposed to high, dramatically increasing levels of different environmental pollutants emphasizing heavy metals [10,16,20,21]. However, recent years have been marked by sharp reduction of Yerevan's green spaces in the result of extensive cut-outs and unregulated site development, expansion of asphalt-and concrete-paved areas, poor fertility of soil, steady deterioration of condition of green plantations and reduction of species diversity of plants [2,8,9]. ...
Conference Paper
Armenia’s capital – Yerevan is characterized by a high, steadily increasing level of traffic- induced and dust load. For many years dominant pollutants of all environmental compartments of the city have been heavy metals. It is known that scientifically grounded urban greening both assures ecological tolerance, longevity and a functional use of green plantations and is the most productive and cost effective method of urban environment quality management. The goal of this research was to identify tree species having high metal uptake potential to include them in the system of Yerevan greening. The studied objects were prevalent park and street tree species. Based on the level and character of environmental pollution condition and ecological tolerance of plants were studied and leaf sampling done. Concentrations of elements in the collected leaf samples were measured through the atomic-absorption method (AAnalyst 800, Perkin Elmer, USA) consistent with ISO- 8288, ISO-5666, ISO-11696 standards. Coefficients of total metal uptake by plants were calculated and data obtained mapped. A database complied as a result of the research underlay selection of ecologically tolerant tree species with good filtration properties and appropriate for urban areas similar to Yerevan which are characterized by high levels of heavy metal pollution.
... В разные годы работы ЦЭНИ охватывали как старые традиционные горнорудные центры страны: Каджаран, Капан, Алаверди [30,32,33,59], так и сравнительно молодые промышленные города -Арарат, Ванадзор [17], Гюмри [23], а также столицу Армении -многофункциональный город Ереван [27,30,36,57,58]. Изучение геохимических особенностей города путем сопряженных почвенных экогеохимических исследований и анализа геохимического потока элементов в атмосфере и поверхностных водотоках продолжается уже более 30 лет. ...
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Обсуждается развитие исследований по экологической геохимии в Армении: от составления моноэлементных геохимических карт до изучения проблем загрязнения среды и возникающего при этом риска для здоровья человека. Рассмотрены основные этапы становления геохимических исследований, решения соответствующих прикладных задач на основе междисциплинарного изучения территории и синтезирующей роли географии. / The article discusses the development of investigations on environmental geochemistry in Armenia: from creation of mono-elemental geochemical maps up to studying the problems of environmental pollution and the resulting risk to human health. The main stages of formation of geochemical studies, decisions of relevant applied problems on the basis of interdisciplinary research of territory, and the synthesizing role of geography are described.
... 3 А). Данные более детальных исследований [5,6] показали, что низкий уровень пылевой нагрузки в этой части города как зимой, так и летом сочетается с высокими содержаниями некоторых металлов в пыли (Mo, Pb, As, Hg, Cd, Ag, Cu, Zn, Ni и др.). ...
Conference Paper
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The article considers the issue of Yerevan air basin pollution with dust. As the research advanced, a level of undifferentiated dust contents and load were determined through instrumental measurement methods and alternative indicators (snow cover, foliage of arborous plants).
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The current study came to clarify the air pollution in different regions in Iraq. This study reviewed most of the Iraqi studies that dealt with the issue of air pollution and found that pollutants released into the atmosphere include gaseous pollutants of various kinds, especially CO, CO 2 , NO x , SO x , O 3 , suspended particles, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals. The study showed that the main sources for release these pollutants into the atmosphere included fossil fuels combustion, industry, energy production, transportation, heating, brick and cement industry, oil industries, transportation, agriculture fires and dust storms in addition to domestic and public generators. The result showed that these pollutants in many regions exceeded the national and international standard criteria.
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This research is focused on the level of heavy metal contents in dust of a near-ground layer of atmosphere. The dust load level was evaluated as medial. Indicated was a quality composition of dominating dust pollutants. The level of summary load of metals was low.
The article gives the literature review on situation of soil pollution in Russia from the official state reports of the Sanitary-Epidemiologic Monitoring Department and original research studies conducted in different regions of the country. The pollutants analyzed in the article include heavy metals detected in industrial areas and pesticides prevalent in the soil of agricultural regions. Contribution of these soil pollutants to the development of different diseases is reviewed. Situation in one of the agricultural regions of Russia is described in dynamics from the year 1985. The role of anomalous geomagnetic field in Kursk region is discussed with consideration of its possible negative effect on health and its potential interaction with soil pollutants.
Hair samples from junior high school students in metropolitan areas of Taichung, Taiwan were tested for a total of 13 elements, Al, Ag, Br, Cl, Cr, Fe, K, La, Mn, Na, Sc, Se, and Zn by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) to establish seasonal variations, gender and environmental exposures. The seasonal variations of hairs in 39 healthy students (18 males and 21 females; age 13.3±0.4years; height, 158.0±4.1cm; weight, 53.4±5.7kg) were collected at 1.5-month intervals for 1year starting from late August, 2008. The concentrations of the above elements varied from 103 to 10−2μgg−1 at different sampling times. A quantified index of agreement (AT) was introduced to help classify the elements. A smaller AT indicated highly consistent quantities of specific metals in the hair while a larger AT indicated increased fluctuation, i.e., less agreement. The different ATs in various hair samples were discussed. The concentrations of these elements are compared with the data in the literature. KeywordsHair–Junior high school students–Elements–Metropolitan areas–Agreement
The rare earth pattern in sedimentary rocks is nearly constant and is considered to represent the relative abundances of these elements in the continental crust. This pattern is derived principally from mixing of basic and acidic igneous rock patterns. Preliminary calculations indicate that approximately equal contributions of basic and acid patterns are required to give the observed rare earth abundance pattern in sedimentary rocks.A table of element abundances in the continental crust, calculated on the basis of a 1:1 mixture of granite and basalt abundances, is presented. Attention is drawn to differences from previous estimates.
The main purpose of this study was to establish the temporal trend in the daily dietary intake of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) by the population of Catalonia, Spain. Concentrations of these elements were determined in samples of a number of food items widely consumed in that country. The dietary intake of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb was then estimated for various age-gender groups of population: children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. In the present study, the dietary intakes of As, inorganic As, Cd, Hg, methylmercury, and Pb were 328.37, 16.22, 19.47, 11.39, 10.25, and 101.47 μg/day, respectively, while in a previous (2006) survey, the dietary intakes of As, inorganic As, Cd, Hg, methylmercury, and Pb were 261.01, 33.17, 9.80, 12.61, 11.35, and 45.13 μg/day, respectively. The estimated intakes of Cd, Hg, and Pb are still notably lower than the respective PTWIs, while that of inorganic As is also lower than its BMDL(01). In summary, the results of this study indicate that, currently, the dietary intakes of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb should not mean additional health risks for the consumers.
Cadmium, arsenic, lead, and mercury have been linked to autism, attention deficit disorder, mental retardation and death of children. Mercury in thimerosal found in many vaccines and flu shots contributes significantly to these problems. Decomposition of the thimerosal can produce more toxic compounds, either methylethylmercury or diethylmercury, in the body. These compounds have a toxicity level similar to dimethylmercury. Within the human body, a mitochondrial disorder may release the more toxic form of mercury internally. Young children and pregnant women must minimize internal exposure to the vaccines and flu shots containing mercury.
As the world's urban population continues to grow, it becomes increasingly imperative to understand the dynamic interactions between human activities and the urban environment. The development of urban environmental geochemistry has yielded a significant volume of scientific information about geochemical phenomena found uniquely in the urban environment, such as the distribution, dispersion, and geochemical characteristics of some toxic and potentially toxic trace metals. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the development of urban environmental geochemistry as a field of scientific study and highlight major transitions during the course of its development from its establishment to the major scientific interests in the field today. An extensive literature review is also conducted of trace metal contamination of the urban terrestrial environment, in particular of urban soils, in which the uniqueness of the urban environment and its influences on trace metal contamination are elaborated. Potential areas of future development in urban environmental geochemistry are identified and discussed.
Industrialization and urbanization are the two major causes of deteriorating air quality. To evaluate the ambient air quality of the Coimbatore city, suspended particulate matter (SPM) was collected at ten stations and analysed for the heavy metals content. The concentrations of seven heavy metals (Zn, Fe, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr and Cd) were estimated. The level of SPM was found to be either at permissible or non-permissible limit depending upon the category of the sampling station. At majority of sampling stations, concentrations of Zn were found to be maximum than other heavy metals. The order of average concentrations of heavy metals in Coimbatore atmospheric air was Zn>Fe>Cu>Pb>Cr>Ni>Cd. The usage of Zn for protective coating on iron, steel etc. by the industries in Coimbatore city could be the major reason for the higher concentration of this heavy metal in this region.
Toxicology of Ambient Particulate Matter / Molecular, clinical and environmental toxicology
  • D Berlo
  • M Hullmann
  • R P F Schins
Berlo D., Hullmann M., Schins R.P.F., 2012. Toxicology of Ambient Particulate Matter / Molecular, clinical and environmental toxicology. Springer, Berlin, v. 101: 165-217.