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Abstract and Figures

Indirect optical methods like ellipsometry or scatterometry require an optical model to calculate the response of the system, and to fit the parameters in order to minimize the difference between the calculated and measured values. The most common problem of optical modeling is that the measured structures and materials turn out to be more complex in reality than the simplified optical models used as first attempts to fit the measurement. The complexity of the optical models can be increased by introducing additional parameters, if they (1) are physically relevant, (2) improve the fit quality, (3) don't correlate with other parameters. The sensitivity of the parameters can be determined by mathematical analysis, but the accuracy has to be validated by reference methods. In this work some modeling and verification aspects of ellipsometry and optical scatterometry will be discussed and shown for a range of materials (semiconductors, dielectrics, composite materials), structures (damage and porosity profiles, gratings and other photonic structures, surface roughness) and cross-checking methods (atomic force microscopy, electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, ion beam analysis). The high-sensitivity, high-throughput, in situ or in line capabilities of the optical methods will be demonstrated by different applications.
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Methods for optical modeling and cross-checking in
ellipsometry and scatterometry
P. Petrika,c,d, B. Fodora,b, E. Agocsa,e , P. Kozmaa, J. Nadora,c, N. Kumard, J. Endrese, G.
Juhasza, C. Majora, S. F. Pereirad, T. Lohnera, H. P. Urbachd, B. Bodermanne, M. Frieda,c
aInstitute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Konkoly Thege Rd. 29-33, 1121 Budapest, Hungary
bDoctoral School of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of P´ecs, Ifj´us´ag Str. 6, 7624 P´ecs,
cDoctoral School of Molecular- and Nanotechnologies, Faculty of Information Technology,
University of Pannonia, Egyetem Str. 10, 8200 Veszpr´em, Hungary
dDepartment of Imaging Physics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology,
P. O. Box 5046, 2600GA Delft, The Netherlands
ePhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany
Indirect optical methods like ellipsometry or scatterometry require an optical model to calculate the response of
the system, and to fit the parameters in order to minimize the difference between the calculated and measured
values. The most common problem of optical modeling is that the measured structures and materials turn out to
be more complex in reality than the simplified optical models used as first attempts to fit the measurement. The
complexity of the optical models can be increased by introducing additional parameters, if they (1) are physically
relevant, (2) improve the fit quality, (3) don’t correlate with other parameters. The sensitivity of the parameters
can be determined by mathematical analysis, but the accuracy has to be validated by reference methods. In
this work some modeling and verification aspects of ellipsometry and optical scatterometry will be discussed and
shown for a range of materials (semiconductors, dielectrics, composite materials), structures (damage and poros-
ity profiles, gratings and other photonic structures, surface roughness) and cross-checking methods (atomic force
microscopy, electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, ion beam analysis). The high-sensitivity, high-throughput, in
situ or in line capabilities of the optical methods will be demonstrated by different applications.
Keywords: Ellipsometry, Scatterometry, Cross-checking, Comparative Study, Optical characterization, Thin
Thin film characterization methods are of primary importance in numerous key technologies like microelectron-
ics, photovoltaics or sensorics. Vertical compositions can usually be determined by removing the films (e.g. by
sputtering) during surface-sensitive measurements (such as secondary ion mass spectrometry, sputtered neutral
mass spectrometry, X-ray photoelectron spectrometry, Auger electron spectrometry, glow-discharge optical emis-
sion spectrometry, glow-discharge mass spectrometry, Raman depth profiling), by non-destructive depth-profiling
techniques (such as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, elastic recoil detection analysis, angle-dependent
soft X-ray emission spectroscopy, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, ellipsometry), or by cross sectioning tech-
niques (such as electron microscopy, scanning Auger electron microscopy, time-of-flight secondary ion mass
spectrometry, Raman mapping).1From the perspective of the above list and the features of thin film metrolo-
gies, the advantages of optical techniques like ellipsometry and scatterometry are three-fold. (1) They allow a
quick measurement. Ellipsometry is typically capable of measuring a broad spectrum (200-1700 nm) within
less than one second, whereas the other destructive (layer removal by sputtering) and cross-sectional methods
require minutes or rather hours (e.g. in case of electron microscopy) for measuring in one point. (2) The second
Corresponding author: Peter Petrik,
important feature is the sensitivity, especially in terms of vertical resolution, or geometrical parameters in case
of scatterometry. Also, the lateral scale of characterization can vary from the diffraction limit (down to about
one micron) to even meters. (3) Finally, the speed and sensitivity allows measurements on large surfaces2, 3 and
in situ or in line characterizations during thin film growth,4–6 processing7–14 and manufacturing.15, 16
However, there is also a major challenge: the quantification is made through optical models and numerical
methods, and therefore the interpretation of the results is not straightforward.17–19 Methods like the above
mentioned complementary techniques,1extended by scanning probe methods like atomic force microscopy (AFM)
or scanning tunneling microscopy, are often used for cross-checking and verification. As shown below, these
techniques also have drawbacks, such as different information depths. In this paper we show several results and
point out some challenges, mainly focusing on our own results as examples.
Some of the widely used optical surface and thin film characterization methods are reflectometry,20, 21 ellipsome-
try17–19 (polarimetry in general) and scatterometry.22 All these methods measure the change of electromagnetic
radiation during reflection from or transmission through the investigated sample. The advantage of ellipsometry
over reflectometry is that the input intensity does not have to be known, and the sensitivity is higher due to the
capability of measuring the phase change between reflections polarized parallel and perpendicular to the plane
of incidence. Ellipsometry can be considered as a special kind of interferometry, in which the reference beam is
that of the orthogonal polarization. Scatterometry provides additional information if the sizes of characteristic
surface features or structures are comparable or larger than the wavelength used for the characterization. A new
possibility is the combination of the two methods,23 although ellipsometry has already been used for scattering
or diffracting samples in specular or normal-incidence configurations.24–27 The high speed of optical methods
can also be utilized in large area mapping of thin film properties,2, 3, 28 e.g. photovoltaic29 or display panels.
Currently a 40-point spectroscopic line-scan can be made in 10 s, and the near-future aim is a spectroscopic map
of a 60 cm by 120 cm photovoltaic panel within 1 min.29
An emerging powerful method is Fourier scatterometry, which measures the light scattered from the focus
of a large numerical aperture objective by imaging the Fourier plane.30, 31 Consequently, the major advantage
of the method is that a large range of scattering and azimuth angles (0-64 and 0-360 degrees for reflection and
azimuth angles, respectively, with a numerical aperture of 0.9) can be measured quickly and simultaneously.
A great challenge is currently the quick calculation based on the large number of acquired measurement data.
Improved sensitivity has been demonstrated by utilizing a scanning focused spot,32–38 interferometry39, 40 or
Being indirect methods, optical techniques like reflectometry, scatterometry or ellipsometry require some a pri-
ori information on the investigated structure, which helps to build proper optical models. When investigating
complex samples (e.g. involving special features like the line edge roughness,41 overlayer thickness and bottom
rounding,42 vertical inhomogeneity43 or the parameterization of the dielectric function for spectroscopic mea-
surements44) the number of fit parameters increases, and a reliable fit approaching the global minimum of the
system can only be achieved by sophisticated procedures45 like the maximum likelihood method,46 random global
search,47 simulated annealing or genetic algorithms.48
The sensitivity of the parameters can be checked by uncertainty analysis.23,32, 49 In case of spectroscopy and
characterization of material properties, the parameterization of the dielectric function is a major issue from which
a lot of technologically important material properties can be obtained, like for the case of polycrystalline semi-
conductors.50, 51 Also in scatterometry, using different wavelengths in a broad range can increase the accuracy,
reliability and the number of fit parameters.52
For the modeling of structures, the most widely used approach is to think in terms of stratified systems
composed of layers with plane and parallel boundaries, and to calculate the optical response using the transfer
matrix method53 or (in case of diffracting samples) by the rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA).14, 26, 27, 54, 55
Finite element (FEM)56, 57 and finite difference in time domain (FDTD) methods58–60 are also rapidly emerging.
In terms of materials, there is a wide range of parameterizations depending on the electron structure (mostly
categorized as dielectrics, metals or semiconductors).61, 62 Optical parameter reconstruction requires a lot of
computation, therefore, grid computing (as applied in Ref. 63) or using graphics processing units64, 65 are
becoming more and more important.
Because of their indirect character, the validation of optical methods is of primary importance. It means that
the method has to be traceable to a reference standard.66 Although a reference standard is a stable and highly
reproducible structure,67 it is suitable for validation only when measured and cross-checked with other reference
methods.66 As a primary aim, it is also crucial to achieve accurate optical measurements at the industrial level.68
There are numerous thin film characterization techniques including depth profiling like secondary ion mass
spectrometry, X-ray photoelectron spectrometry, Auger electron spectrometry, glow-discharge optical emission or
mass spectrometry, Raman depth profiling, non-destructive techniques such as Rutherford backscattering spec-
trometry, heavy ion elastic recoil detection, angle-dependent soft X-ray emission spectroscopy, grazing incidence
X-ray diffraction or ellipsometry. Finally, there are the most traditional cross-sectioning techniques like scanning
electron microscopy, scanning Auger electron microscopy, or Raman mapping.1Table 2 of Ref. 1 gives a nice
overview of the main characteristics of a large number of thin film profiling techniques. Most importantly, there
were significant deviations observed between the different methods by measuring on the same structure, which
also pointed out the importance of validation, and the significance of suitable reference and calibration structures
and methods.
The most frequently applied structures used for the validation of scatterometry are two-dimensional gratings
evaluated by RCWA54, 55 or FEM57 using goniometric scatterometry,52,69 Fourier scatterometry30–32 or ellip-
sometry.14, 25–27 Most of these studies use scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and AFM for cross checking.
However, the measurement of side-wall angles and corner roundings are challenging with both methods, for which
only transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can be used as the most reliable reference method.
Measurement of height and side-wall angles are major weaknesses for SEM and AFM, respectively. Even with
TEM, a possible lateral inhomogeneity remains a great problem (also for line edge roughness characterizations31),
since the spot size of the optical measurements are usually much larger than the TEM image area. In Ref. 69,
the deviation between the different SEM approaches was comparable with its deviation from the optical results.
From top view SEM, a critical dimension deviation of approximately 3 nm was claimed with sophisticated signal
analysis for line widths of 100 nm. A typical agreement within several nanometers is obtained between the
scatterometric and electron microscopic results37–39 (with accurate height values measured only by AFM) and
also between different scatterometric approaches (Table 1), slightly depending on the methods for fitting and
modeling,70 e.g. considering a possible unintentional surface overlayer.38, 71
There is a large potential in the optical characterization of other two- or three-dimensional periodic structures
from biological72 or bio-inspired73, 74 to special fiber75 or sensor structures.76, 77 In all these, the measurement on
small areas (like single scales of butterfly wings78) or non-uniform surfaces is an important challenge, as well as the
capability of the proper alignment of the sample surface. Efficient and powerful calculation methods53–55, 57, 60, 79
with sophisticated algorithms45, 46, 48, 63 are also becoming increasingly needed.
The high surface sensitivity of ellipsometry makes it especially suitable for roughness measurements for both
surfaces80 and interfaces81–83 on the nanometer scale. Besides other sophisticated methods like the Rayleigh-
Rice theory,84 the most popular and robust method for surface roughness measurement is the effective medium
approximation (EMA).80, 85–87 Although a good correlation was revealed between the root mean square roughness
measured by AFM and the thickness of the roughness layer measured by ellipsometry using the EMA, some effects
like the window size in AFM have to be taken into account for a proper comparison and quantification (Fig. 1).
Table 1. Best-fit reconstruction of Si gratings using deep ultraviolet (DUV) scatterometry and Fourier scatterometry,
utilizing the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and the non-linear least squares fit. The parameters of the grating
are listed in the first column. [Reprinted from the SPIE Proceedings 9132 (2014) 913208-1, Endres et al., ”Measurement
comparison of goniometric scatterometry and coherent Fourier scatterometry”.]
Figure 1. Root mean square (RMS) roughness measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) correlated with the roughness
determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), for different AFM window sizes.87 [Reprinted from Thin Solid Films
315 (1998) 186, Petrik et al., ”Surface roughness measurement on polysilicon produced by low pressure chemical vapor
deposition using spectroscopic ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy”. Copyright 1998, with permission from Elsevier.]
Figure 2. Damage depth profiles in Si, induced by implantation of Xe+, Ar+and N+
2ions at different energies (see graphs)
measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry (lines) verified by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). The optical
models were based on coupled half-Gaussians97, 98 with equal sublayer thicknesses (Model 1) or sublayer thicknesses
inversely proportional to the slope of the profile (Model 2,92). Reprinted from the Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003)
1987, Petrik et al., ”Ellipsometric characterization of damage profiles using an advanced optical model”.
In case of ultra-thin (several nanometers) layers the interface roughnesses82, 83 and the surface contamination
are crucial questions. It was shown that native oxide covered samples acquire 0.1 to 0.2 nm of organic con-
tamination within two hours stored in closed but nonvacuum conditions. Subsequently, another 0.2 to 0.5 nm
layer is deposited, which is saturated in approximately in one week.88 The thickness in that study was a kind
of ’SiO2-equivalent’ thickness – the accurate analytical measurement of low surface contamination is also very
challenging.89 The above contamination layer is the reason why ellipsometry usually slightly overestimates the
thicknesses of ultra-thin layers when compared with methods measuring in vacuum (see the comprehensive study
involving ion beam, X-ray, electron and optical investigations in Ref. 90).
For optical techniques accessing higher photon energies (e.g. the direct interband transition energies of 3.4
and 4.2 eV in Si), the long range order and minute changes in the crystal lattice can be measured with high
sensitivity. This is the reason why ellipsometry can be applied for the measurement of polycrystalline and ion
implanted semiconductors. Damage profiles can be determined from the optical measurements using multilayer
models with the EMA and the transfer matrix method. Besides TEM, an accurate verification method for
damage profile measurement is the ion beam analysis (when the sample is single-crystalline or the grains of
the polycrystal are not randomly oriented91) irradiated from channeling directions. Fig. 2 demonstrates the
agreement in damage profiles measured by ellipsometry and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS).92
In case of very thin layers, medium energy ion scattering is even more accurate than RBS.93, 94 The combination
of RBS with ellipsometry is also a powerful method for density measurements, because ellipsometry provides an
accurate thickness value, whereas RBS delivers the number of atoms per unit surface.95
In case of near surface cavities in Si, the high sensitivity is ensured by the large optical contrast between
void and Si. In this case, TEM is the most suitable verification method. We have obtained good agreements in
different studies.63,96
Finally, it should be pointed out that the decreased penetration depth at direct interband transition photon
energies is not only a problem, but it can also be utilized for depth scanning, when properly choosing the
wavelength range used for the optical characterization (Fig. 3). By a systematic scan of the wavelength range,
the penetration depth can be varied in a controlled way, which allows a model-independent direct depth scan.
This might open new directions in the optical characterization of vertically non-uniform absorbing films.99
Figure 3. Extinction coefficient (k) and optical penetration depth (OPD) of a polycrystalline silicon layer (see TEM image
on the right-hand side) as a function of the wavelength. The uncertainty of the fitted thickness is also shown as a function
of the cut-off wavelength.
We have shown some aspects of optical modeling and cross-checking in ellipsometry and scatterometry. Proper
quantification and the need for reference samples remain major challenges in the future, not only for optical but
also for most other metrologies.1, 89, 90
Support from ENIAC E450EDL, KMR 12 1 2012 0225, EMRP IND17 joint research project on scatterometry
and from OTKA grant K81842 are greatly acknowledged. The EMRP is jointly funded by the EMRP partici-
pating countries within EURAMET and the European Union.
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... Diffraction-based optical dimensional metrologies such as goniometric or Fourier scatterometry [1][2][3] on periodic structures have been revealed to be powerful methods due to their high accuracy, speed, and non-destructive nature. The starting point of developing traceable metrology is the instrumentation [4] and the evaluation models [5] based on accurate standard samples [6] as well as reference methods for verification [7]. In the development of reference standards, the materials based on silicon or its oxides have been used [6]; however, for a range of applications, such as sensorics, there is a need for the development of the metrology of periodic diffractive plasmonic nanostructures. ...
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Gold gratings were measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry and modeled by the finite element method to investigate the capabilities of optical dimensional metrology for plasmonic diffractive structures. The gratings were prepared by electron beam lithography using parameters determined by finite element simulations for significant variations of the amplitude ratio and phase shift of the polarized reflection coefficients to achieve high sensitivity for both the measurement of the grating dimensions and the sensing capabilities. Sub-nanometer sensitivity was shown to determine the grating dimensions and the thickness of an adsorbed layer to be detected in both traditional reflection and Kretschmann-Raether (KR) configurations. The sensitivity for the refractive index of the ambient was calculated to be 10⁻⁵ at best, which is not significantly better than the sensitivities for plane gold layers in KR configurations. However, in diffraction-based resonant setups, the high sensitivity dips can be shifted to a larger spectral range, which is highly significant in many applications. It was also revealed that 2D models assuming a perfect geometry fit the measured ellipsometry spectra only qualitatively, leaving room for model development in the future.
... The proposed structure is composed of vacuum mixtures, Cr2O3, Si, and Al2O3, but each layer has intrinsic compositions. The optical model is accepted when the unbiased estimator, which is the root means squared error (RMSE) is under 9% [32]. ...
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In this work, we present an extensive investigation of the effect of Al2O3 decoration on the morphological, structural and opto-electronic properties of a porous Si (Sip)/Cr2O3 composite. The Sip layers were prepared by the anodization method. Al2O3 and Cr2O3 thin films were deposited by physical vapour deposition. The morphological and micro-structural properties of Sip/Cr2O3/Al2O3 were studied using the scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. It was found that Al2O3 decoration with different concentration strongly affects the Sip/Cr2O3 microstructure mainly at the level of porosity. Variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry demonstrates a strong correlation between optical constants (n and k) of Sip/Cr2O3/Al2O3 and microstructure properties. Dielectric properties of Sip/Cr2O3/Al2O3 such as electrical conductivity and conduction mechanism were explored using impedance spectroscopy over the temperature interval ranging from 340 to 410°C. A semiconductor to the metallic transition has been observed at high frequency.
... The proposed structure is composed of vacuum mixtures, Cr2O3, Si, and Al2O3, but each layer has intrinsic compositions. The optical model is accepted when the unbiased estimator, which is the root means squared error (RMSE) is under 9% [32]. ...
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In this work, we present an extensive investigation of the effect of Al2O3 decoration on the morphological, structural and opto-electronic properties of a porous Si (Sip)/Cr2O3 composite. The Sip layers were prepared by the anodization method. Al2O3 and Cr2O3 thin films were deposited by physical vapour deposition. The morphological and micro-structural properties of Sip/Cr2O3/Al2O3 were studied using the scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. It was found that Al2O3 decoration with different concentration strongly affects the Sip/Cr2O3 microstructure mainly at the level of porosity. Variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry demonstrates a strong correlation between optical constants (n and k) of Sip/Cr2O3/Al2O3 and microstructure properties. Dielectric properties of Sip/Cr2O3/Al2O3 such as electrical conductivity and conduction mechanism were explored using impedance spectroscopy over the temperature interval ranging from 340 to 410°C. A semiconductor to the metallic transition has been observed at high frequency.
... An Ag diffusion into the bulk In2O3:H can, however, also be excluded. The quantified information on the reduction of Ag 3d intensity is depicted over temperature in Fig. 76 6.2 (c). In addition, taking a closer look at the Ag 3d5/2 spectra [ Fig. 6.2 (a)], a noticeable broadening at a high binding energy of around 369.00 eV occurs upon annealing, together with a small broadening on the low binding energy side. ...
Annealing-induced solid phase crystallization of In₂O₃:H leads to a significantly improved electron mobility, which is confirmed by Hall measurements. Indium hydroxide dehydroxylation occurs in In₂O₃:H during annealing, which is well responsible for the structural transformation and a high electron mobility with a decreased carrier concentration in crystallized In₂O₃:H. A significant decrease in the intensity of occupied gap states is observed in crystallized In₂O₃:H, possibly due to a decrease in carrier concentration. Doped In₂O₃ variants have been found to have a quite deeper allowed transition level below the valence-band edge than undoped In₂O₃, which in particular applies to crystallized In₂O₃:H, but most likely attributed to a change of the crystal structure upon annealing and/or a different O 2p-In 4d coupling near the VBM compared to amorphous In₂O₃:H. To well understand the interface properties of Ag/In₂O₃:H upon annealing, a thin Ag film was grown on the In₂O₃:H substrate and annealed in vacuum up to 300 °C. During annealing, the potential Ag diffusion into the bulk In₂O₃:H and/or a change of an annealing-induced Ag topography (i.e., cluster formation) occurs, with a small Ag oxidation (i.e., Ag₂O and AgO). With Ag deposition, an initial downward band bending of (0.11±0.05) eV was present in In₂O₃:H, attributed to a Schottky contact formed at the Ag/In₂O₃:H interface. Upon annealing, the downward band bending reduces gradually, and the Schottky-barrier height at the Ag/In₂O₃:H interface also decreases. A thickness series of the individual materials on the respective “substrate” (i.e., MnS/Si, GaN/MnS, and ZnO/GaN) was epitaxially grown on Si (100) wafer, and the interfacial chemistry and energy-level alignment at the respective interfaces are examined using photoelectron spectroscopy. At the MnS/Si interface, an interface-induced band bending (IIBB) appears in Si, which of values are found to be (0.15±0.07) and (0.23±0.07) eV for 4 and 15 nm MnS/Si stacks, respectively. The MnS/Si heterointerface shows a type-II (staggered) band lineup with a VBO of (-0.37±0.10) eV and the corresponding CBO of (2.27±0.10) eV. For the GaN/MnS interface, a significant diffusion of Mn into the GaN layer takes place during GaN deposition. In addition, an interface-induced band bending (IIBB) by ~0.30 eV is observed in MnS. The GaN/MnS interface shows a type-II (staggered) band lineup with a VBO of (1.46±0.10) eV and the corresponding CBO of (-1.09±0.10) eV. At the ZnO/GaN interface, a significant N diffusion from GaN into ZsnO takes place, i.e., Zn-N bonds, when ZnO is grown on the GaN layer. Also, an interfacial oxide (GaOx) layer was formed during ZnO deposited on GaN films. The ZnO/GaN heterointerface shows a type-II (staggered) band lineup with a VBO of (2.48±0.10) eV and the corresponding CBO of (-2.50±0.10) eV, respectively.
... The standard deviations for the rotation around the x and y axis are σ x 0.08°and σ y 0.07°, respectively. [11,27]. By measuring the periods directly and simultaneously aligning the sample, we expect to improve the reconstruction part of scatterometry. ...
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Fast characterization of 2D gratings is demonstrated using a Fourier lens optical system and a differential optimization algorithm. It is shown that the grating-specific parameters such as the basis vectors and the angle between them, along with the alignment of the sample, such as the rotation of the sample around the x , y , and z axis, can be deduced from a single measurement. More specifically, the lattice vectors and the angle between them have been measured, while the corrections of the alignment parameters are used to improve the quality of the measurement and, hence, reduce the measurement uncertainty. Alignment-free characterization is demonstrated on a 2D hexagonal grating with a period of 700 nm and a checkerboard grating with a pitch of 3000 nm. The method also can be used for automatic alignment and in-line characterization of gratings.
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In this chapter we make an attempt to give a comprehensive overview on the optical modeling of layer structures that accommodate or are entirely composed of semiconductor nanocrystals. This research field is huge both in terms of the theories of effective dielectric functions and applications. The dielectric function of single-crystalline semiconductors can be determined on high quality reference materials. The accuracy of the reference data depends mostly on the numerical or experimental elimination of the surface effects like oxides, nanoroughness, contamination, etc.
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Bioinspired 1+2D nanoarchitectures inspired by the quasi-ordered structures occurring in photonic nano-architectures of biological origin, like for example butterfly scales, were produced by depositing a layer of SiO2</ sub> nanospheres (156 nm and 292 nm in diameter) on Si wafers, over which a regular multilayer composed from three alternating layers of SiO2 and TiO2 was deposited by physical vapor deposition. Flat multilayers were deposited in the same run on oxidized Si (324 nm SiO2 thickness) for comparison. Different types of disorder (in plane and out of plane) were purposefully allowed in the 1+2D nanoarchitectures. The positions of the specular reflection maxima for the flat multilayer and for the two different bioinspired nanoarchitectures were found to be similar. Additionally to this, the bioinspired nanoarchitectures exhibited angle independent diffuse reflection too, which was absent in the flat multilayer. Different model calculations were made to explain the specular and diffuse optical properties of the samples. Satisfactory agreement was obtained between experimental data and model calculations.
This chapter describes ellipsometric characterization of thin films. The chapter illustrates that the newly activated interest is driven by the demand for rapid, nondestructive analysis of surfaces and thin films—particularly films and surfaces occurring in different device technologies. The fact that ellipsometric measurements can be performed under any ambient conditions is a definite advantage over other surface-science (electron or ion beam) techniques for industrial applications. In ellipsometry, the change in polarization state of a linearly polarized beam of light has to be measured after non-normal reflection from the sample to be studied. The polarization state can be defined by two parameters—for example, the relative phase and relative amplitude of the orthogonal electricfield components of the polarized light wave. The technique of principles of ellipsometry found its first practical use with the development of so-called rotating element ellipsometers and in computers to solve complex equations. These polarimeter-type ellipsometers measure continuously thus, wavelength scanning can be performed.
The development of efficient finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) modeling of spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) data can provide a versatile scheme for advanced quantitative optical characterization of samples of interest in nano-optics and plasmonics. The FDTD method offers attractive advantages due to its simplicity, generality, and natural adaptability to 3D or non-periodic structures as well as complex, for example non-linear, effects. However, FDTD modeling of SE data is challenging due to difficulties when large oblique angles of incidence (AoI), which provide increased SE sensitivity, are used. Recently, we proposed a solution to improve the accuracy of FDTD modeling of SE data at large (> 50°) AoI which was shown to work well in single wavelength calculations. Here, we demonstrate an implementation of this solution in the spectral range from 200 nm to 1400 nm found in modern UV–Vis–NIR SE instruments. The proposed correction is quantified by a spectrally averaged unbiased χ2 error estimator between the FDTD method simulations and the theoretical SE calculations using standard Fresnel's coefficients and matrix transfer algorithm. Using prototypical Au substrates it is shown that the remaining FDTD modeling errors at 70° AoI are equivalent to an uncertainty in the sample's surface roughness of ~ 0.4 nm which is comparable to the FDTD model's z-direction resolution used in this work. These results confirm the power of the FDTD method as a reliable technique to model SE data and the potential use of the FDTD–SE approach as a powerful technique for quantitative optical characterization of complex samples.
Spectroscopic ellipsometric data from 1.5–5.8 eV has been analyzed to determine the in situ optical response of the interface between Si and its thermally grown oxide. Results for <100>, <110>, and <111> sample orientations show an interface of width consisting of atomically mixed Si and O of average stoichiometry . The optical data are not consistent with either microroughness at the interface or an abrupt transition between crystalline Si and or a significant accumulation of amorphous Si at the interface, but rather support a gradual transition region. The thickness and the average λ5461 refractive index of this region are in agreement with the fixed‐wavelength results, and , of Taft and Cordes. The oxide on the <110> surface is shown to have a density about 1.2% less than that of corresponding oxides on <100> and <111> surfaces.