Phytosociological attribution of the shrubby vegetation of a Northern Apennines sector. A study on shrubby vegetation, constituted by vegetation mantles and shrub formations, developing in the Regional Natura1 Park of the Sasso Simone and Simo~~celtleor ritory, situated in the Northern Apennines, in the low-montane bioclimatic belt, is presented. Three associations, belonging to the two alliances
... [Show full abstract] Cytision sessilifoliae and Berberidion vulgaris are identified. To the first alliance belongs the Spartio juncei-Cytisetum sessilifolii association diffused, with different variants, on the calcareous formations, while to the second one belong the new Roso arvensis-Prunetum spinosae and Lonicero xylostei-Salicetum apenninae associations, of clay formations.