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  • Priyaanjanya Technology


This study is concerned with While plastic bags have been very widely used, there has been a recent shift to paper bag products because of their cost and the fact that they are environmentally-friendly. “Fashion always changes with standard paper bags”.So demand for paper would go on increasing in times to come. In view of paper industry's strategic role for the society and also for the overall industrial growth it is necessary that the paper industry performs well. Government has completely delicensed the paper industry with effect from17th July, 1997. The paper grocery bag is an American innovation and was designed in 1883. It’s made from kraft paper – the word ‘kraft’ coming from the German language meaning ’strong’. Kraft paperis known for its strength and course texture. It’s strength lends to its reusability.
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... According to Tripathi (2014) paper can only be recycled four to six times, and recycled paper is usually mixed with virgin tree pulp for strength, so recycled paper bags are rarely made from 100 percent recycled materials. On the other hand, a major problem with plastic bags recycling is that many cities refuse to recycle them due to high cost and little economic benefit. ...
... A positive change in attitude of consumers geared towards reusing and properly disposing bags at the appropriate channels, where waste managers with a positive attitude to environmental management will treatment and dispose generated waste. Tripathi (2014) explained that in many parts of the United States, there are recycling centres where people can throw their single-use paper bags for recycling. This greatly saves the environment and can even reduce fires especially in the summer. ...
... An improperly discarded paper bag poses less threat to the environment than plastic bag due to its natural compostable characteristics. In terms of production energy requirement, Tripathi (2014), posited that it takes more than four times as much energy to manufacture a paper bag as it does to manufacture a plastic bag. Tripathi (2014) revealed that the impact of paper bag production on forests is enormous. ...
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Bags are essential items in the day to day activities of man, therefore, their continued use seem undeniably essential and unstoppable for many consumers. At present plastic bags have dominated the bag market against other alternatives. However, the dominant use of plastic bags have been queried as a result of its non-biodegradable nature and its environmental impact. This paper takes a cursory look at plastic bags and some available alternatives in order to highlight their impact on the environment throughout their life cycle. Plastic bags have alternatives in form of paper bags, tote bags, hemp bags, woollen bags, and degradable plastic bags. This paper is based on the concept of best practicable environmental option(s) (BPEO) and waste management hierarchy (WMH). BPEO advocates adopting the option that provides the most benefits and the least damage to the environment, as a whole, at acceptable cost, in the long term as well as the short term. While WMH promotes waste avoidance and reduction principle ahead of recycling and disposal principles. The review discovered that despite the myriad of proffered alternatives, none exist with zero impact on the environment. This paper recommends that all options be extensively juxtaposed from the process of resource extraction to the final waste disposal stage to determine best practicable environmental options. Waste management hierarchy which advocates reduction, reuse and recycling will be pivotal in reducing observed impacts from recommended bag type when employed in waste management planning.
... The study aims to comprehend the broader concept of green products, emphasizing the role of sustainable choices in mitigating environmental harm. Tripathi (2014) addresses concerns regarding the environmental impact of paper bags, acknowledging debates around deforestation. The literature clarifies that while the production of paper products may contribute to tree cutting, the use of paper bags does not necessarily lead to the extinction of more trees. ...
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The whole world is emphasizing the need for recyclable bags because of environmental concerns regarding the use of plastic bags. In India, steps are also being taken to tackle this deadly global menace, to check the excessive use of plastic bags. Two years back when our government banned the use of plastic bags, the demand for eco-friendly bags increased very significantly. Both the paper and cloth bags are recyclable and reusable too. In this context, the current study is an attempt to understand and analyze the attitude and behavior of consumers, more particularly the users of eco-friendly bags. As part of empirical survey research, a structured questionnaire was framed based on the specific objectives of studying the 'preference and practice' of paper-bag uses. Out of 350 contacted respondents, finally, 317 respondents of different categories, submitted their responses. A descriptive statistical analysis has been made as per the research objective.
... However, it's worth noting that traditional paper bags, 63 although widely used, have their limitations. They lack protective qualities, transparency, and can inadvertently absorb 64 moisture, making them less than ideal for flower packaging and storage (Tripathi, 2014). In contrast, materials like 65 polypropylene, plastic mesh, and perforated polyethylene bags offer enhanced transparency, extended shelf life, and reduced 66 damage to flower crops. ...
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The primary challenge for the freshly harvested flowers is their perishable nature, which severely limits their shelf life, typically ranging from 2 to 3 days, depending on prevailing meteorological conditions. The short storage life and poor keeping quality are the principal constraints in marigold marketing. To tackle the twin challenges, the present research was conducted to identify suitable packaging materials for extending the storage life and preserving the quality of loose marigold flowers when stored under both ambient (30 ± 2º C) and cold (5 ± 1º C) environments. Five different packaging materials, namely, muslin cloth, poly propylene woven bag, low density polyethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and shrink-wrap were used. The study was carried out in the Completely Randomized Design (factorial) with two replications. Greatest improvement in shelf life of marigold loose flowers was achieved using shrink-wrap (19.0 days) and HDPE (18.5 days) in cold storage. Marigold loose flowers packed in shrink wrap, either under ambient or cold storage, exhibited the longest shelf life (4.5 and 19.0 days, respectively). Additionally, shrink-wrapped flowers demonstrated superior characteristics such as flower diameter, brightness, moisture content, carotenoid content, membrane stability index, enzyme activity, as well as reduced shrivelling, weight loss, and respiration rate. In the like manner, shrink-wrapped flowers also exhibited the highest levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and guaiacol peroxidase activity. The use of shrink-wrap effectively delayed the senescence of marigold flowers by regulating enzymatic activities, ensuring freshness under both room temperature and cold storage conditions. The present study reports an important outcome that shrink wrap not only improves shelf life considerably but highlights that it maintains the physiological and biochemical properties of marigold for a significant period.
... Since paper bags and recyclable bags are more expensive than plastic bags, they can be a heavier burden on the expenses of the stall owners (National Geographic Society, 2022). Moreover, stall owners received negative feedback from their consumers on the use of paper bags for their goods, especially during the rainy season, since paper bags can easily get wet and are less durable compared to plastic bags (Tripathi, 2014). The result shows an agreement with the study of Serrano et al. (2017) that not using plastic bags and replacing them with alternative packaging, such as paper bags, can be a real problem in Lingayen, Pangasinan, because of the difficulty of packaging heavy goods since they are not durable and that it is more convenient to use plastic bags. ...
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Plastic waste has been one of the pressing problems in Baguio City. Among the largest contributors to waste is the City's Public Market. The study's main objective is to assess the implementation of the Plastic and Styrofoam-free Policy of Baguio City in its public market to draft an action plan for its possible improvement. Specifically, it sought to determine the level of implementation of the Plastic and Styrofoam-free Policy by the technical working group from the City General Services Office; to determine the level of compliance with the Plastic and Styrofoam-free Policy among the registered stall owners in the public market; and to determine significant difference between the level of compliance among the different groups of registered stall owners in the public market according to their Line of business. The findings shall be a basis for preparing and proposing an action plan. The researchers used a quantitative research design, particularly the descriptive survey research method, and a survey questionnaire as a data collection method. The overall results showed that the ordinance must be implemented and complied with. Given this, the ordinance must be amended, allowing the use of biodegradable plastics as primary packaging for fresh and wet goods. Massive information dissemination thereof will heighten the implementation and compliance therewith.
... In general, bags more environmentally friendly than plastic bags (Widiyaningsih, 2009). Another advantage of paperbagsis that they are 100% reusable, recyclable and biodegradable; more environmentally friendly; contains 40% recycled materials; and easily available resources (Tripathi, 2014). The process of making paper bagsis very easy because there is no need to use special tools, just glue and a ruler. ...
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The purpose of this assistance is to increase the economy of Santri Nurul Anwar through the making of custom paper bags. This research uses Asset Based Community (ABCD) that utilized the potential assets of the community, either social, infrastructure, or individual. Four activities in analyzing the research; Preparing, Participatory Programs, Implementing and Evaluating. Mentoring involves multi-stakeholders and involves students and the Board of Directors of the Nurul Anwar Tejosar Islamic Boarding School. The facilitator also held a workshop which is attended by 50 participants for 2 times, namely the economic strategy workshop in the creative economy sector and also the creativity development of santri in making Paper Bags. The finding from this mentoring show that the students can increase their monthly income independently, apart from engaging in the field of da'wah, the students can develop the field of entrepreneurship that can help with independent finance and also soft skills. Keywords: Entrepreneurship Development, Making Paper Bag, Increasing Economic Santri
Freshly harvested marigolds face a principal challenge of limited storability, typically 2–3 days, due to high perishability. In this study, an effort was made to identify optimal packaging material to prolong flower storability while preserving their quality under ambient (30 ± 2 °C) and cold (5 ± 1 °C) storage environments. Researchers tested five packaging materials, viz., muslin cloth, polypropylene woven bag, low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and cryovac® shrink-wrap in a factorial Completely Randomized Design. Shrink-wrap and HDPE are identified as the most effective alternatives against conventional packing material, extending storability to 19.0 and 18.5 days, respectively, in cold storage environment. Shrink-wrapped marigold flowers showed the longest storability of 4.5 days and 19.0 days under ambient and cold storage, respectively. The shrink-wrap also maintained flower diameter, brightness, moisture content, membrane stability index, carotenoid content and antioxidant enzyme activity, while reducing shrivelling, weight loss, and respiration rate. Enzyme activity of superoxide dismutase (0.70 Ug−1 and 0.60 Ug−1), catalase (1.28 Ug−1 and 0.99 Ug−1) and guaiacol peroxidase were highest under ambient and cold storage conditions, respectively at senescence and resulted in consequent delay of senescence. This study underscores the significant impact of shrink-wrap, not only on improving storability but also on preserving the physiological and biochemical attributes of marigold flowers over an extended period.
Despite all known hazards of plastic pollution, it's prevalent and pervasive in India. Polythene bags are major contributors to it. Polythene bag production is easier and cost effective as compared to its eco-friendly alternatives. Paper bags are the closest economical alternative to the polythene bag. This project tries to address several issues that makes paper bag production economically incompetent with polythene bags. Initially the paper bag making process was a manual process, which involves the process of gluing the three sides and cutting the bags one by one, which required a lot time. Then separate machines for feeding, cutting and gluing were invented, which also requires manpower. Now with the help of current day technologies all the three processes feeding, gluing and cutting have been brought under one roof, which requires no manpower. The existing machines in the current day market are based upon PLCs, pneumatic or DPDT switches which can cost around 6-7 lakh rupees and occupy a very large amount of space. This project is made specially to give hands to small scale industries which follow a semi-automatic paper bag making process. This automatic paper bag making machine is also less in weight, which makes it portable. This paper bag making machine will be capable of producing around 720 paper bags an hour. The current number of paper bags that is made per hour is achieved with the help of ESP32 Microcontroller.
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Located in the lowlands, Sisowaras Village, Bumi Ratu Nuban Subdistrict, has many livelihoods as farmers, where the majority of the population grows rice in the fields. Apart from farmers, there are also many other livelihoods such as traders, livestock breeders, builders, educators and government employees. However, there are still many young people in the Sidowaras village who do not have a livelihood and lack of creativity, so the purpose of this service is to empower the community in utilizing waste into plastic flower crafts. The service method uses the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach by involving members of the Sidowaras village community, Bumi Ratu Nuban District. . The results of this service are community empowerment in terms of utilizing waste into flower crafts and Capacity Building in the Creative Economy Sector for the Sidowaras community through the use of waste into plastic flowers which can increase capacity in terms of creativity of the Sidowaras village community in terms of creative industries that can develop creativity in terms of the economy. Keywords: Community Empowerment, Waste Utilization, Plastic Flowers
As a result of excellent nanoparticle dispersion tendencies, polymer based nanocomposites exhibit a significantly enhanced packaging characteristics. Moreover, the feasibility of inclusion of biologically-active additives has shown great potentials of rendering enhanced functional properties to the end product. Hence, polymer nanocomposites exhibiting bio-functional propensities have revealed a broad potential for application as packaging materials in the functional food packaging industry. This is due to accruable improvements in properties such as enhancements in strength and modulus, reduced gas permeability, and increment in resistance to water. Thus, the incumbent paper discusses state of the act recently emerging trends in the preparation and characterization of polymer nanocomposites as eco-benign and biodegradable packaging materials, inaddition to their future market prospects.Emerging novelties in polymer nanocomposites packaging films.
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